
第一部分教材教法第一章小学英语课程标准1、英语课程的性质工具性 instrumentality 人文性 humanity2、小学英语课程的基本理念1)注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值2)面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异3)整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习目标渐进性和持续性4)强调学习过程,重视语言学习的渐进性和持续性5)优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力6)丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道3、英语课程的设计思路:共九级,从小学三年级开始,一级为三四年级水平,二级为五六年级的目标要求,九年级结束达到五级,6年级结束达到二级P18九级 6年级2级九年级五级4、英语课程总目标:使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养5、小学英语课程的内容标准:1)语言技能一级语言技能:听做说唱玩演读写视听,二级语言技能:听说读写,玩演视听2)语言知识语音 pronunciation词汇语法 grammar以及用于表达常见话题和功能的语言形式3)情感态度affect 兴趣动机自信意志合作精神4)学习策略P25:认知:为了完成具体的学习任务而财务的步骤和方法调控:学生对学习加以计划、实施、反思、评价和调整的行动和步骤交际:学生为了争取更多的交际机会、维持交际以及提高交际效果而采取的行动资源策略:学生合理并有效利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语的方式和方法5)文化意识cultural understanding▲小学英语教学中,如何渗透策略的培养:反思与监控、根据学习风格调整、注重交流和相互学习、提供必要指导(题)6、教学建议:1)面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础2)注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力3)加强学习策略指导,培养学生的自主学习能力4)培养学生跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力7、小学英语教材编写建议原则:思想性原则、科学性、趣味性、灵活性科学性原则:教材内容的编排要符合学生认知发展水平和语言习得的过程8、教材的特征(英语教材是学生学习和教师教学的重要内容和手段,使英语课程资源的核心部分)1)引发学生的好奇、兴趣和注意力make students feel at ease2)帮助学生建立自信,满足学生的需求meet students’ needs3)可以为学生提供运用目的语进行交际的机会,注重语言运用的真实性(expose students to language in authentic use)4)能够考虑到语言教学的积极影响往往会延迟以及学生之间学习风格learning style和情感态affective factors的差异。
教师招聘高中英语“英文常见陷阱句四”(语法知识) - 英语学科专业基础知识

教师招聘高中英语“英文常见陷阱句四”(语法知识)- 英语学科专业基础知识中小学教师职业道德规范教师招聘考试试题及答案【英文常见陷阱句】同位语从句1.定义:用作同位语的从句叫做同位语从句。
WheredidyougettheideathatIcouldnotcome?你在哪儿听说我不能来?EarlyinthedaycamethenewsthatGermanyhaddeclaredwaronRussi a.德国已对俄国宣战的消息一大早就传来了。
Wehaven’tyetsettledthequestionwherewearegoingtospendoursum mervacation.到哪儿去度暑假,这个问题我们还没有决定。

1. 个人介绍
2. 教学理念
3. 教学资源
4. 教学计划
5. 学生评估
6. 课堂管理
7. 技术应用
8. 班级合作
9. 面对困难
10. 继续专业发展


教师招聘考试中小学英语教材教法题库(含答案)教师招聘考试中小学英语教材教法(一)一.外语教育学是:1.适应社会发展的需要2.适应提高全民族素质的需要3.适应教育改革的需要4.适应学科教育发展的需要早在十七世纪,捷克教育家夸美纽斯和十八世纪末德国教育家赫尔巴特他们的教育理论就奠定了学科教学研究的基础.二.什么是外语教育学?外语教育学是一门新的应用性的边缘教育科学(新的科学,应用性科学,边缘性科学和教育科学)/(教学过程四个阶段:明了,联想,系统,方法.)外语教育学研究的视角是多方面,多层次,多元化的.它不是取代外语教学法和普通教育学,而是教育科学与外语教学相结合而产生的中间层次的科学.具有跨学科的特点.外语教育学主要是研究课程论,学习论,教学论,评价理论,情景和科研理论等几个方面及其应用.什么是外语教育学的研究对象?外语教育学的对象主要是研究外语教育学的现象,规律,原理和方法,揭示外语教学与教育之间的联系,包括外语教学目的的标准化,教学内容的科学化,教学过程的最优化,教学方法的多样化和教学组织形式的合理化以及教师和学生协作化等.三.勃鲁姆弗脱的理论模式中人的理论由三个方面组成:1.社会学.2.语言学.3.心理学.教学课程的理论模式由相互联系的情景,课程和师生三个因素组成.外语教育学的理论模式的核心,是中观的外语教育学的理论与应研究.它包含有辩证统一的六个重要因素:课程论,学习论,教学论,评价理论,科研理论和环境.另一角度看包含课程设计者,学生,教师,评估人员四个因素.四.语言教育(第二语言教育)有三个主要源泉:1.语言描写.2.语言学习论.3.语用论.外语教育学可分三个层次:1.宏观的相关学科作为基础2.中观的外语教育学理论与应用作为体系3.微观的外语教学法和外语教学实践作为源泉外语直接法在课程标准中取得主导地位的原因有三:1.受英美的语言家和外语直接法理论影响2.在我国出现一批直接教学法的外语教学法专家,介绍推广直接法,编写了许多直接教学法的专著和教材3.参加制定课程标准的一些专家本身就是直接法的倡导者五、1.现代外语教学是一个多元化,多维度,多层次的体系2.现代外语教学法指的是研究外语教学的指导思想,性质原理,目的原则,大纲教材,师生,评价和过程的方法.(师生关系,教学方法,方式,评价手段)3.根据哲学原理,现代外语教学法流派可分为:(1)理性主义.(2)经验主义.(3)经验理性主义. 根据教育学原理,可分为:(1)演绎法.(2)归纳法.(3)演绎归纳法.根据心理学原理,可分为:(1)认知规则的理论说.(2)刺激-反应形成习惯说.(3)认知-习惯说(或习惯-认知说)根据语言学原理,可人为:(1)语言是规则的体系.(2)语言是习惯的体系.(3)语言是习惯-规则的体系.培养他们的外语教育能力,就是指导自己的外语教育实践,提高外语教育质量.综合哲学,教育学,心理学语言说的三种类别,现代外语教学法流派可分为三大类:1.理性-规则体系2.经验-习惯体系3.习惯-认知体系外语教育学的缺陷:1.结构模式单一.(单纯操作性的模式:教师-教材-教法,重经验,轻理论.重教,轻学.重方法技巧,轻创造能力)2.理论薄弱.3.研究领域狭窄.2015教师招聘考试中小学英语教材教法(二)【现代外语教学法主要流派】(考核重点)外语教学法有:1.语法翻译法(翻译法,阅读法)2.直接法(改革法,自然法)3.自觉比较法(比较法,翻译比较法)4.听说法(口语法,句型法,军队教学法)5.视听法(情影性,最初叫:整体结构法)6.认知法(认知-符号法,现代的语法翻译法)7.自觉实践法8.功能法(功能-意念法,交际法)9.习得,监控理论的自然法.一.语法翻译法:是用母语翻译教授外语书面语的一种方法.目的在于培养学生通过翻译阅读原著和能过复杂的语法讲解和操练发展学生的智慧.逐词翻译是语法翻译法的教学基础,官能心理学是语法翻译法的心理学基础.教育学的演绎法成了语法翻译法的理解语法的基本方法.语法翻译法的基本特点:1.双重教学目的(培养学生通过翻译阅读原著的能力和磨炼学生智慧)2.翻译是教学的基本手段3.教学以语法为纲4.语法材料的安排是先语法后课文语法翻译法的优点:1.适度的翻译有利于外语教学2.重视通过大量阅读,背诵原著培养阅读能力3.注意利用语法,启发思维,训练智慧语法翻译法的缺点:1.过多利用翻译主要有两个弊病:一是占用大量教学时间,直接影响运用外语进行外语教学的实践机会,二是不利于培养学生不通过翻译为中介直接用外语理解和表达思想的能力.2.过分偏重阅读能力的培养,忽视听说能力的培养.3.重形式语法教学,轻技能训练和运用语言能力的培养.4.语法与课文脱节.二.直接法:通过用外语本身进行会话,交谈和阅读外语,而不用母语,翻译和形式语法,第一批词通过指示实物,图画或演示动作等办法来讲授.(直接法对翻译法进行针锋相对的抨击,提出相对立的主张.) 外语教学应使外语与客观事物直接联系以有声语言口语为基础.模仿为主的心理学为理论基础.类推原则成了直接法模仿操练的语言学的理论基础.帕格:直觉是获得知识的唯一源泉.温特:在语言行为的心理活动中起主导作用的不是思维,而是感觉.直接法的基本特点:1. 排除以母语为中介,外语与客观事物建立直接联系.2. 不学形式语法3. 先用耳听口说,后用眼看手写.外语教学主张有志语言是第一性的,书面语言是第二性的.4. 句子为教学的基本单位.5. 模仿操练形成习惯直接法的优点:1. 重视用外语教学外语和用实物,图画,手势,动作等直观手段进行外语教学.2. 重视语言实践操练和听说读写能力的培养.3. 重视语音,语调和口语的教学4. 重视模仿5. 句子是外语教学的基本单位直接法的缺点:1. 忽视母语的中介作用.母语可以用来讲解一些较抽象的语言知识.2. 忽视语法的监控和指导作用.3. 片面重视口语能力的培养.(忽视在口语基础上加强读写能力的培养)4. 语言材料安排缺乏科学的顺序.(有时一次出现难点太多,过于集中,学生不易掌握)三.自觉对比法: 是指学生通过分析,对比外语与母语的语法结构达到自觉理解语言材料理的一种方法. 它是继承和发展了语法翻译法特点.自觉原则成了自觉对比法的重要的教育学理论基础,生理学家巴甫洛夫的两种信号学说是自觉对比法的另一个心理学理论基础.系统的外语知识在外语教学中起主导作用.母语与外语相互翻译和对比是自觉理解和掌握外语的根本手段,是学生自觉学习外语的基础. 书面语是外语教学的基础,阅读是外语教学的主要的和最重要的手段,视觉感知外语是最可靠的感知,是外语教学的出发点.自觉对比法的特点:1. 依靠母语进行翻译和对比(唯一特殊性原则)2. 语言规则指导语言实践3. 在分析\理解语言知识基础上模仿4. 在书面语基础上进行口语教学5. 由分析到综合(语音一词汇一句子一课文)自觉对比法的优点:1. 重视外语教学的思想教育性2. 重视培养学生的阅读能力3. 重视自觉性原则4. 外语与母语翻译对比,有助于编写出教材,发挥母语的正迁移作用.5. 掌握语法规则有助于掌握外语自觉对比法的缺点:1. 学生难以掌握听,说,读,写能力以进行交际2. 过分重视思想教育,而忽视了外语教学的规律性.3. 过分地强调翻译,对比和讲解语法。

★绝密★《英语教师招聘考试学科专业知识》试卷注意事项:1.本试卷包含第I 卷选择题(第1 ~ 45 题)、第II 卷非选择题(第46 ~ 85 题及书面表达题)两部分。
本次考试时间为100 分钟,卷面总分为120 分。
3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5 毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60 分)一、单项选择(共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分)从A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。
( ) 1. The education of the young is always ________ hot and serious topic.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 2. This year’s Dragon Boat Festival falls ________ the second Wednesday in June.A. inB. onC. atD. for( ) 3. -- Mum, have you seen my mobile i-phone 5?-- The ________ you bought last week? I’m afraid I haven’t seen it.A. oneB. thisC. itD. that( ) 4. Travelers on planes ________ keep their mobile phones on because it is against the law.A. needn’tB. couldn’tC. mustn’tD. won’t( ) 5. -- I can’t find any radix isatidis (板蓝根) in the drug store!-- People are crazy! ________ experts say there is no use eating it to prevent H7N9,some people still don’t believe it.A. AlthoughB. UnlessC. As a resultD. In order to( ) 6. -- What took you so long? -- I got lost. I have no ________ of direction.A. feelingB. abilityC. knowledgeD. sense( ) 7. -- Bayern finally won the 2013 UEFA Champions League Final! -- Wow, ________!A. how excited the news isB. what an exciting newsC. how exciting newsD. what exciting news( ) 8. -- Don’t talk to anybody about the bad news —________ not your sister Kate.A. hardlyB. usuallyC. especiallyD. simply( ) 9. Jack ________ me his dictionary and I have looked up the new words in it.A. borrowedB. keptC. lentD. bought( ) 10. -- We must act now because time is ________. -- Yes. Let’s start.A. coming outB. giving outC. running outD. cutting out( ) 11. -- Why didn’t you stop him going out?-- Sorry, but I ________ a letter and didn’t see him go out.A. writeB. wroteC. was writingD. have written( ) 12. In some cities, something ________ to stop the sale of live poultry(活禽) during the past few weeks.A. will doB. has doneC. will be doneD. has been done( ) 13. A new traffic law ________ to force the drivers to obey traffic rules last year.A. is passedB. passesC. had passedD. was passed( ) 14. -- Are you going to take part in the Speech Competition?-- ________. It’s too good a chance to miss.A. No problemB. Thanks a lotC. Never mindD. That’s for sure( ) 15. -- Could you tell me ________? -- Sure. We will meet at the school gate.A. when we will meet tomorrow morningB. when shall we meet tomorrow morningC. where we will meet tomorrow morningD. where shall we meet tomorrow morning二、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

天津市教师招聘考试 英语学科真题

天津市南开区教师招聘考试英语学科真题一、单项选择题1,-Of the two bugs,which one do you prefer?---bigger one. lt's ---most beautiful one, I think.A. The;aB. The;theC. A;/D. A:the2,The Government will force companies to ____any possible measures to reduce air pollution.A. adjustB. adoptC. adaptD. accept3,The shortage of entry level job is the main reason that more university students are____ business of their own right after graduationA. taking upB. setting upC. picking upD. making up4,News reports say peace talks between the two countries have_____ without reaching any agreement.A. brokenB. brokenC. brokenD. broken down out in up5,Don't be afraid of asking for help_____ it is needed.A. unlessB. sinceC. althoughD. when6,The supermarket____ that the customer should pay for the damage。
A. demandsB. requiresC. requestsD. needs7,Haven't seen you for ages! Where have you been?I went to Yunnan and ---there for one year, teaching as a volunteerA. stayedB. stayC. had stayedD, am staying8,The Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 European paintings,--- from the 13th century to the 19th century.A. rangedB. rangingC. to rangeD. having ranged9, He--- for his hard work over those five years----more than 10,000 yuan a month. But now he feels happy to be a teacher in his hometown.A. is rewardedB. had been rewardedC. has been rewardedD. was rewarded10, The map was ----for the driver so that he could have the destination in mind and can drive ight there without wasting time.A, laid asideC. laid offD. laid downD. laid out11, We have entered into an age____ dreams have the best chance of coming true.A. whichB. whatC. whenD. that12, The musician along with his band members ____ten performances in the last three months.A. givesB, has givenC. have givenD. give13, These fresh vegetables are easy to rot so you___ eat them within two days.A. mightB. shouldC. canD. would14 , ____the pictures on the screen more clearly,they moved to the front row.A. To watchB. WatchingC. WatchedD. Having watched15, Hearing the news,I felt a great load___ off my mind and everything got easier.A. having takenB. tokenC. to be takenD. taking二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-35 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

)( )1、______是教师成长的主要场所。
①追求课堂教学的最大效益②深厚的业务功底③鲜明独特的教学个性④精当的课堂教学评价( )3、名师成长的方式实质上是________.①()个性的形成与发展②共性基础上的独特性③ 心智的丰富与开放④追求崇高感()4、教师的任务就是要不断的发展儿童从学习中得到满足的良好情感,以便从这种情感中产生和形成一种情绪状态——即。
①对幸福的追求②坚定的信念③强烈的自尊心④强烈的学习愿望( )5、“只有书籍,能把辽阔的时间浇灌给你,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号传递给你,能把无数的智慧和美好对比着愚昧和丑陋一起呈现给你。
①王老咪②易中天③陶继新④余秋雨()6、教师形成专业成长意识,获得专业成长的最佳途径是______ ①专业培训②参加优质课评比③校本教研④深化课改()7、激起学生学习热情的动因是_________.①教师的热情②教师渊博的知识③教师对学生的期望④教师对学生的信任()8、学校办学过程中,每一个管理者、每位教师都要始终坚持“三个还给”的理念,即:_______①把自信还给学生②把能力还给学生③把健康还给学生④把时间还给学生()9、关于小学生的家庭作业,下列说法中正确的是_____。

南京市教师招聘考试英语笔试真题A. comingB. comeC. having comeD. will comesociety but by herself, and herself alone.A.dictatedB.to dictateC. dictatingD. having dictatedirresponsible stage of childhood.A. Paul PryB. Simon Legree C Pitt Crawley D. Peter Pan4. Blindly “receiving” information,on the other hand,A. whereB. howC. whenD.whichmore than 8,000 miles,creating an economic zone that extends over one third the circumference ofthe earth.A. spreadB. expandC. traverseD. distribute6. Social psychologists have shown that an effective way of changing many habitual behaviors is tocampuses and lowered energy use in the home.A. perceptionsB. permissionsC. percussionsD. performancesagriculture.No modern agricultural methods are used.A.elementaryB. nativeC. primitiveD. artificialA. drops intoB. plunges intoC. plugs into B. dips intoA.in support ofB. in favor ofC. in memory ofD. in honor of10. —David,how is your baseball these days? Still playing?— :I just don’t seem to find the time these days.A.That’s rightB. No,not muchC.That’s the caseD. Don’t bother二、完形填空The Road Less TravelledNishit Sharma hauls a heavy bag everywhere he goes.Whether he is 11 around the Kerala coastline on a Royal Enfield or hiking mountain passes in the Himalayas,he always 12 a laptop,four or five cameras and a couple of hard drives with him.As a travel blogger,these are the tools of his 13 .They have helped him turn his far-flung adventures into stunning videos, 14 itchy feet everywhere to get out and explore all that India has to 15 .Only two years,Sharma has 16 nearly 100 videos for his Hopping Bug page on YouTube.And,so far,he has visited all but two of the 29 states and seven union territories in India.From the 17 moonscape of Ladakh and the lush cloud forests in Meghalaya to purple mountains in Tamil Nadu,where he documented the rare 18 of the Kurinji flowers—a phenomenon that happens once every 12 years—Sharma has 19 a side of India that many may never have known existed.Not even himself.Then there was the motorcycle tour in Kerala,his first experience as a biker.He vividly 20 driving “through the dynamic terrain of South India”on his motorcycle,exploring tree-lined streets in Pondicherry’s French quarter,being 21 by the beauty of peaceful hill station Munnar.And he 22 recalls the awesome scale of Sikkim and Ladakh,two states that 23 across opposite ends of his favourite region:the Himalayas. “It’s very 24 —mountains that are red in colour,deserts at 13,000 feet,” he says.“It’s just you,your bike and the 25 .”He might be running out of new states to visit,but Sharma knows there is no 26 to his exploration in India, or even his growth as a documentarian of its diverse 27 .He is so passionate about 28 the lesser-seen side of his homeland,and in new and better ways,that he has been known to 29 his laptop and work even on mountaintops.“I started producing travel videos two years ago,and I’ve never stopped,” he says.“The 30 for me is to keep learning.”But for all the sights and sounds Sharma has experienced in India,he credits locals across the country for igniting his spark for travel.11. A. televising B. cruising C. strolling D. parading12. A. lugs B. operates C. inserts D. charges13. A. travel B. survey C. exploration D.trade14. A. relaxing B.inspiring C.massaging D.freeing15. A. obtain B.achieve C.offer D.acquire16. A. launched B. documented C. produced D. polished17.A. blurry B. exotic C.glittering D. silvery18.A .growth B. blooming C. dazzle D.existence19. A. revealed B. investigated C. exploited D. concealed20.A deplores B. involves C. exhibits D. remembers21. A. struck B. sparked C.spoiled D.stuck22.A. fondly B. ironically C. spontaneously D.patiently23. A. locate B. stretch C. scatter D.allocate24. A. obvious B similar C.remote D. vigorous25. A. mountain B. desert C. road D.video26. A. shortcut B.end C. approach D. route27. A. destinations B. interests C. cultures D. species28. A. depicting B. disclosing C. reserving D.sharing29. A. open B. shut C. select D.drop30. A. wish B. experience C. drive D. lesson三、阅读理解ALast week my youngest child’s school held a kindergarten graduation which we couldn’t I ter I learned that awards were given to the five and six-year-olds that day.More than a third of the small class received awards for things like “academic achievement”,“critical thinking” and “citizenship”.In those six-year-old minds, not getting an award correlated with “not being good”, “not being smart” and “not trying hard enough”.Then the realization struck me.My kid—not the receiver of an award—had made us all family awards the evening before.My husband and I were awarded“fist place”, one sibling “second place” and the other “third place”. You can join the dots on which sibling they fight most with.My child was also drawing the same straight line to awards being equated with a person’s value,whether it was him or the teacher giving them out.I felt extremely sad that the awards had impacted my child’s self-worth which I hadn’t noticed.It turns out I’m onto something.I approached Dr Louise Porter,a Brisbane child psychologist,to comment on these observations and whether our kids’ well-being is compromised by awards. “These ‘ceremonies of humiliation’ are awful at any age,but worse in primary school,” she said.“They teach children that those who happen to be academic are ‘better than’ others,which not only harms individuals’ self esteem but also creates a hierarchy within the classroom,within which bullying of the devalued is more possible.”I don’t accept that this is necessary for our very youngest school students.Children this young don’t need to be wise to the ways of the world.In the words of Dr Porter,“Imposing a competitive climate on children is an ethical issue.Very few adults would persist at a game at which they constantly lost;yet we impose losing on somestudents every day of their school lives—and yet expect them to remain engaged and hopeful.”31.Which of the following should be emphasized according to Dr Porter?A.Academic achievement.B. Self esteem.C. Social sophistication.D. Competitive climate.32. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Just let kids be freeB. Just let kids be littleC. Awards make kids stupidD.Awards make kids competitiveBIn what undoubtedly qualifies as one of the sickest burns in modern politics,Denmark’s finance minister, Kristian Jensen,observed last year: “There are two kinds of European nations: there are small nations and there are countries that have not yet realized they are small nations.” Jensen’s not-so-veiled swipe at Britain was more accurate than he knew.In a recent study,people from 35 nations were asked “What contribution do you think the country you are living in has made to world history?”: 0% meant none,100% meant they were responsible for all of it.The average British answer was 55%—a level of self-importance exceeded only by Russia,at 61%. The Swiss came bottom at 11%;the Americans, despite a reputation for national egomania,at a relatively modest 30%.Of course,there’s no way to measure a country’s true “percentage of history-making”,as Jesse Singal put it on the Research Digest blog.But we can be sure that people wildly overestimate their own:added up,the averages from each country came to 1156%.Look around and you might conclude we could do with much less “national narcissism”,as the study labels it, and less of the individual variety,too.But the fact that it’s so universal (let’s face it,even that Swiss percentage is surely far too high) suggests a caveat.While too much narcissism is unhealthy,for nations and individuals alike,a certain degree of inflated self-regard may be natural,even necessary.Wouldn’t it be psychologically crushing to go through life with an absolutely objective understanding of how little you and your country matter today,let alone in the context of history? National narcissism may be a bit like the (admittedly controversial) idea of “depressive realism”,which suggests that depressed people have a more accurate sense of their ability to influence events than the non-depressed.With a genuine idea of your own importance it might be hard to get out of bed in the morning.It was the Austrian-American psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut who first fleshed out the idea of “healthy narcissism”, arguing that babies and toddlers naturally see themselves,and their parents,as the omnipotent centre of the universe.Growing up is a process of gradually coming down to earth: qualifying your godlike illusions with the realization that others have valid needs and demands,while retaining a strong sense of your own worth.On this theory,narcissism becomes a problem only when certain early experiences,like a lack of parental empathy,make you cling to the centre-of-the-universe fantasy into later life.That’s an exhausting way to live, because reality will constantly frustrate your demand that everyone and everything conform to your desires.The unhealthy narcissist’s secret fear is that if he’s not God,he’s nothing.The healthy narcissist knows the middle way:seeing yourself as somewhat more important than perhaps you really are,but not to the extent you can’t get on with others (who exaggerate their own importance,too).You can feel “on top of the world” without imagining you really are.We could all aspire to the kind of pre-eminence encapsulated by that self-effacing Kiwi advertising slogan,“world famous in New Zealand ”。

1. What color is the apple?- A. Red- B. Green- C. Yellow2. Where is the cat?- A. Under the table- B. On the bed- C. In the garden3. How many books are there on the shelf?- A. Two- B. Five- C. Eight4. What does the boy want to be when he grows up?- A. A doctor- B. A teacher- C. A firefighter5. What time does the train leave?- A. 8:30- B. 9:00- C. 10:15第二部分:语法与词汇(30分)请根据句意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择适当的词或词组完成句子。
1. My sister _____ to music every evening.- A. listens- B. is listening- C. listened2. They _____ in the park when it started raining heavily.- A. are playing- B. were playing- C. will play3. Kate _____ to the party if she finishes her homework. - A. goes- B. went- C. will go4. I usually _____ my teeth before going to bed.- A. brush- B. brushed- C. will brush5. Lisa _____ some apples at the supermarket yesterday. - A. buy- B. bought- C. will buy第三部分:阅读理解(40分)请阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的答案。

高中英语教师招聘考试真题库及答案**English Version**In the realm of education, the recruitment of English teachers for high schools holds a pivotal position. The selection process often involves a rigorous examinationthat tests the candidate's proficiency in English language skills, knowledge of educational methodologies, and understanding of the subject matter. To prepare for such an examination, candidates often refer to a comprehensive question bank along with its corresponding answers.**High School English Teacher Recruitment Exam Sample Questions and Answers****Question 1:** *Describe the importance of cultivating a reading habit among high school students.***Answer:** *The cultivation of a reading habit among high school students is paramount as it fosters a love for learning, enhances vocabulary and grammar skills, and broadens cultural perspectives. Regular reading practice also improves comprehension and analytical thinking, essential for academic success.***Question 2:** *Design a lesson plan for teaching the present perfect tense in English.***Answer:** *Lesson Plan for Teaching the PresentPerfect Tense**Objectives:*1. To introduce the concept of the present perfect tense.2. To practice using the present perfect tense in context.*Materials:** Interactive whiteboard or PowerPoint slides with examples and exercises. * Handouts with practice sentences. *Procedure:*1. Begin with a brief introduction to the presentperfect tense, explaining its use and structure. 2. Show examples on the interactive whiteboard or PowerPoint slides.3. Ask students to identify the present perfect tense in given sentences.4. Provide practice sentences and ask students to conjugate the verbs correctly.5. Conduct arole-play activity where students use the present perfecttense in conversation. 6. Conclude with a review of the key points and assign homework to reinforce learning.**Question 3:** *Discuss the challenges faced by English teachers in high schools and suggest strategies to overcome them.***Answer:** *English teachers in high schools often face challenges such as limited class time, diverse student backgrounds, and the pressure to achieve academic results. To overcome these challenges, teachers can adopt strategies like using innovative teaching methods, providing differentiated instruction, and fostering a positive learning environment. Additionally, teachers can collaborate with peers, seek professional development opportunities, and utilize technology to enhance teaching and learning.***Chinese Version**在教育领域,高中英语教师的招聘考试具有举足轻重的地位。

Passage 1
问题:What is the girl's favorite color?
Passage 2
问题:What did Sarah do on Saturday?
答案:She went shopping with her sister.
Passage 1
问题:What is the main idea of the passage?
答案:The importance of recycling. Passage 2
问题:Why did the girl bring an umbrella?
答案:Because it was raining.
1. He __________ dinner when the phone rang. 答案:was having.
2. My sister __________ to Australia last month.

初中英语学科试卷 第 1 页 共 31 页××年××县招聘初中英语教师笔试试题全卷分英语专业知识和英语教育理论与实践两部分,满分100分。
第一部分 英语学科专业知识(80分)一、基础知识运用(共两节;满分20分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
( ) 1. That'll be ________ important meeting, you mustn't miss it.A. a suchB. such anC. such aD. so a ( ) 2. Though he is busy with work, he goes back home to see his parents________.A. all the timeB. in timeC. on timeD. at times( ) 3. ________ that surfing the Internet is helpful.A. It’s trueB. It’s wrongC. That’s trueD. That’s wrong (A. sayB. to sayC. saidD. saying ( ) 5. We can do many things on the Internet, ________, listening to the music.A. and so onB. for instanceC. by exampleD. with instance ( ) 6. He kissed his wife and then ________ goodbye________ her when he left home.A. talked; toB. said; toC. spoke; toD. said; with( ) 7. My grandpa used to ________ water from the village well every morning.A. pullB. collectC. pullingD. collecting( ) 8. — Good news. We will have a ________ holiday.—I’ve heard of it.But it’s coming in ________.A. three days, three days’ timeB. three - days, three days’C. three - day, three daysD. three days, three - day time( ) 9. — Hello! Can I speak to Mr. White?—Sorry, he isn’t here right now. He ________ to the theme park.A. will goB. was goingC. has goneD. has been ( ) 10. —Jack is busy packing luggage.—Yes. He ________ for America on vacation.A. leavesB. leftC. is leavingD. has left第二节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
江西省教师招聘考试《小学英语》考试大纲 - 英语学科专业基础知识

江西省教师招聘考试《小学英语》考试大纲- 英语学科专业基础知识本部分的主要考查内容包括语音及词汇、语法、阅读理解、英美文化、书面表达等。

第一部份客观题I. Vocabulary and Structure (Questions 1 to 20)Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and his wife Cheng Hong set off on their first state visitto Africa May 4, 2021.A. inB. onC. byD. at2. I hate meat. I eat it.A. usuallyB. oftenC. seldomD. always3. --Hello, are you still in Wu Yuan?--Oh, no. We' re back home. We a really good journey.A. will haveB. haveC. hadD. are having4. --At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups.--More chances to students to learn from each other.A. offerB. are offeredC. are offeringD. are having5. If you want to get more information about English teaching and learning, please visit our : companyB. storeC. e-mailD. website6. Blog, a shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experience and hobbies, more and more popular with people of all ages.A. becomesB. becomeC. are becomingD. is becoming7. It is generally accepted that Chinese were the earliest football while the Europeans established the modern rules for football.A. playedB. playingC. to playD. having play8. I'm surprised that Andy is 25. I thought he was , for he seems to be in his thirties.A. oldB. olderC. youngD. younger9. It be Mike. I saw him go to the library just now.A. mustn'tB. can' tC. needn'tD. won' t10. --Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的) school.--A. I'm sorry about thisB. No problemC. Sure, I'd love toD. Never mind11. If only I that was the last chance I could talk to her. I would have said to her“Hi, my dearest morn! I love you."A. had knownB. knowC. have knownD. knew12. --Have you found the information about famous people you can use for the report? --Not yet. I'll search some on the Internet.A. whichB. whomC. whatD. who13. There are two generations. It is not their age, their education that causes misunderstanding.A. likeB. asC. orD. but14. --It's a long time since I saw my sister,-- her this weekend?A. Why not visitB. Why not to visitC. Why not visitingD. Why don't visit15. --Was it not until last week he decided to give up smoking?--No, he began he saw the new film last month.A. when; as soonB. that; immediatelyC. did ; thatD. that ; till16. --Don't be angry with your students when they make mistakes again, will you?--No, I won't. I know that of us are perfect after all.A. noneB. neitherC. eachD. all17. --Why do you collect so many old bikes?--I'll have them and give away to the children who don't have bikes.A. used upB. given upC. fixed upD. set up18. --Could you please tell ?--Go up stairs and turn left.A. what is the teacher's officeB. what the teacher's office isC. where is the teacher's officeD. where the teacher's office is19. All has already been done.A. can be doneB. should be doneC. that can be doneD. what should be done20. Hardly __come into the room the meeting began.A. had they; whenB. they had; whenC. did they; thanD. they did; thenⅡ. Cloze (Questions 21 to 30)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups and old people wishing they were 21 again. Each age has its pleasure and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age 22 him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities(责任)to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is raised, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. What is more, life is always giving new things to the child--things that they have lost their 23 for older people because they are too 24 . But a child has his pains; he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is again and again being told not to do something, or being 25 for what he has wrongly done.When a young man 26 to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to 27 his food, his clothes and his room but has to work if he wants to live 28 . If he spends most of his time playing about in the ways that he used to as a child, he will 29 hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society 30 he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his position in society.21. A. children B. young C. active D. strong22. A. leaves B. hopes C. judges D. gives23. A. power B. senses C. value D. interest24. A. popular B. modern C. familiar D. advanced25. A. punished B. talked C. approved D. destroyed26. A. plans B. starts C. continues D. manages27. A. take the place of B. pay for C. pay off D. think of28. A. comfortablyB. freelyC. peacefullyD. separately29. A. feelB. faceC. goD. meet30. A. sinceB. whenC. whileD. asIII. Reading Comprehension (Questions 31 to 45)Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each is followed by some unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.ANowadays, Korea is influenced by American culture. If you visit Seoul(汉城), you will see a lot of fast food stores in each avenue, places such as KFC, McDonald's, and Burger King. You will also be surprised to see many western style clothes which are different from our traditional clothes such as the Han Bouk. When you go around department stores, you can see many young students waiting in line to buy famous brands such as 96 New York jeans, Guess, Polo, Guest, Channel, and Carriers. It is hard to find clothes which represent(代表)traditional Korean culture. There are only a few stores which sell traditional clothing, and these stores are starting to disap- pear.When you visit middle schools in Korea, you will also find students listening to music on their CD players, mostly rock and roll, including the pop music of singers such as Britney Spears, Christina Aquilera, and Ricky Martin. Moreover, if you ask students to talk about Korean music traditions, they probably will not give you an answer at once.Now, however, there are some voices which are urging us to preserve our own culture. One is an association which insists people eat traditional food such as kimchi. They make web sites to show how traditional Korean foods are beneficial for health, and they advertise on TV regularly about traditional customs.They say that Koreans are losing their identity (特性), and they are also concerned because young people don't even know about the traditional Korean holidays. They suggest that the govern-ment prepare extra programs to teach young students about Korean traditions. Some middle schools have tried to do this, but it isn't working very effectively.31. The passage mainly tells usA. the influence of American culture on South KoreaB. what the capital city Seoul is likeC. the popularity of fast food in South KoreaD. the social customs in South Korea32. From the second paragraph we can see that Guess, Polo, Guest areA. fast food restaurantsB. names of famous storesC. famous brand of clothesD. traditional Korean clothes33. Stores which sell traditional Korean clothesA. have already disappearedB. are hard to find nowC. start to sell foreign clothesD. have moved out of the main streets34. What does the underlined word "preserve" mean in this passage?A. Protect.B. Prevent.C. Pretend.D. Respect.35. What is the main purpose of the association?A. To encourage people to eat traditional food.B. To make people realize their duties.C. To make sure young people live healthily.D. To keep their own way of life and culture alive.BScientists have found a new use for children's imaginations(想象力)--to make stomachaches go away. The BBC reports a new study that shows: "Children can be taught to use their imaginations to deal with stomachaches." This may be very good news for parents who need a quick cure for their sick children.Any mother or father understands the stomach problem is one of the most frequent(时常发生的)things their children complain about. Around twenty percent of children suffer from stomachaches that doctors cannot find a reason for.This new research is especially good for kids with active imaginations. Researchers found that the more creative the child is, the better he or she is at imagining the pain away.The researchers used a relaxing CD with children. A voice guided them through different fantasy (空想) situations. One of these was pretending to be floating on a cloud. Thirty children took part in the tests. Half of them used the "guided imagery" method, and the other half received nor-mal medicines. Researchers found percent of the CD users reported a reduction in pain. This compared to only percent of kids who got normal treatment.Study leader Dr. Miranda Tilburg was very excited about her findings. She believed that it was a very cheap and easy way to stop children's stomachaches. She said it would not work as well with adults.36. The new study may be good news for those whoA. have less imaginationsB. don't know how to relaxC. want to stop their kids' stomachaches in a short timeD. can find why children suffer from stomachaches37. What kind of kids will benefit most from the new research?A. Kids who like listening to music.B. Kids who are good at remembering things.C. The independent (独立的) kids.D. Kids with active imaginations.38. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sometimes, doctors don't know why children suffer from stomachaches.B. Children complain about their learning problems most frequently.C. The more creative the child is, the less likely he or she is to have a stomachache.D. 30 children received normal medicines in the tests.39. From the end of the passage, we know thatA. adults can also use their imaginations to make stomachaches go awayB. Dr. Miranda Tilburg wasn't pleased with her findingsC. the normal cure for stomachaches will not be usedD. a cheap and easy way to stop children's stomachaches has been found40. What is the best title for this passage?A. How to Stop Stomachaches in Public PlacesB. Children Can "Imagine" Their Pain AwayC. Children's Imaginations Are Very ActiveD. How to Develop Children's ImaginationsCReading is the key to success. Apparently every successful person develops a passion for reading. This is because reading is a key element to obtain the information required to understand something. For instance: lawyers have to study and learn every established law on their specific branches. Sometimes the law changes according to people's needs. A good lawyer has to be in-formed with the latest news in the court. A doctor has to be informed of the latest advances in medicine.Reading is very important for all mankind. Everything is relative in this world, especially in reading. Reading can open many doors and it can lead you into a path of success. Studies have confirmed that reading to your unborn child is very good. This way your child will develop a passion for reading later on.How do you develop a passion for reading? There is only one way you can boost your passion for reading. Let me explain this to you. If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you have to be on the bike as many times as possible until you have learned. It works the same way with what you want to boost your reading, take a book and read it all the way through. When you are reading your first book, take another book and do the same. Try to read as much as you can. When going out, grab a magazine, a book, an article or something to read.There is a very important factor behind the reading--reading comprehension. That means you understand the meaning behind the text. Let's assume that you read a document and are supposed to explain the meaning of the document. How would you explain the document if you couldn't capture the message of the author?41. The first two paragraphs mainly talk aboutA. the key to successB. the importance of readingC. what reading comprehension isD. how to develop a passion for reading42. We can define reading comprehension asA. a very important factor behind the readingB. a strong passion for readingC. the latest information in readingD. something that makes people understand what they need43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Reading to an unborn child doesn't make any sense.B. Reading is important only to those working in offices.C. A good lawyer should update his knowledge timely.D. You can develop a passion for reading by reading on bike.44. The author develops the passage mainly byA. presenting opinions and giving examplesB. following the nature time orderC. comparing the opinions of different peopleD. presenting a cause and analyzing its effects45. What do you suppose the paragraph following will talk about?A. Famous people who love reading.B. Ways to improve reading comprehension.C. The importance of reading at school.D. Popular reading websites.第二部份主观题一、书面表达(10分)每一个人都有自己的妄图,尽力坚持终能实现,请依照以下导图以“My Dream”为题,写一篇英语短文。

三、图书目录目录第一部分教材教法第一章小学英语课程基础3核心考点提示3考纲知识导读3一线名师精讲3第一节小学英语课程的性质和基本理念3第二节小学英语课程的设计思路5第三节小学英语课程的目标和内容标准6命题热点集训12第二章小学英语教学方法、教学设计和评价14 核心考点提示14考纲知识导读14一线名师精讲15第一节英语教学方法15第二节小学英语课堂教学设计24第三节小学英语学习评价28命题热点集训31第三章小学英语的教材教法与教案33核心考点提示33考纲知识导读33一线名师精讲33第一节小学英语的教法33第二节小学英语经典教学案例与教学设计展示53 命题热点集训64第二部分专业知识第一章小学英语语言知识71 核心考点提示71考纲知识导读71一线名师精讲72第一节英语语音知识72第二节小学英语语法知识92 第三节小学英语句法知识168 命题热点集训231第二章小学英语语言技能234 核心考点提示234考纲知识导读234一线名师精讲235第一节英语完形填空235第二节英语阅读理解241第三节英语翻译253第四节英语写作264命题热点集训277第三章英美概况280核心考点提示280考纲知识导读280一线名师精讲281第一节文化背景知识281第二节英美文化与汉文化的异同304命题热点集训309第四章英美文学312核心考点提示312考纲知识导读312一线名师精讲312第一节英国文学312第二节美国文学325命题热点集训336四、图书内容节选第二部分专业知识第一章小学英语语言知识第一章小学英语语言知识核心考点提示理解:英语不同音素的辨别;26个字母的发音规则;英语语音的相关知识;句子成分及其重点句型。
xx市公开招聘事业单位工作人员(教师)考试 《小学英语》和参考答案 (4)

本部分共 26小题,共 30分,分为四节。
第一节:字母和单词注音(共 10小题,每小题 0.5分,满分 5分)1. r [ ]2.h [ ]3. j [ ]4. head [ ]5.monkey []6.drive []7.look [] 8.short []9.fifty [] 10.vegetable []第二节:翻译题把下面的句子翻译成英文(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)11.对于英语学习来说,朗读非常重要。
第三节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble, __16__ this reason, the navy always has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and __17__ them.One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call from a bar in the town, __18__ that a big sailor had got drunk and was breaking the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.Officers who ___19___ and punish the sailors who were heavily drunk usually chose ___20___ policeman they could find to go with them. But this particular officer did not do this. Instead, he chose the smallest and weakest looking man he could find to go to the bar with him. Another officer who ___21___ there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard choose __22__ small man. So he said to him, “Why don’t you take a big man with you? Y ou have to fight the sailor who __23__ .”“Y es, you are quite right,” answered the officer of the guard __24__, “That is exactly why I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming towards you, and one is much smaller than the other, which one __25__ you attack?”16. A. In spite of B.Because of C.For D.To17. A. meet with B.deal with C.see D.judge18. A. which said B.and saying C.who said D.it said19. A. would go B.might order C.dared to fight D.had to go20. A. the biggest B.the youngest C.the bravest D.the most experienced21. A. drove B.had come C.would start off D.happened to be22. A. very B.has come C.such a D.too23. A. looks strong B.is drunk C.seems rude D.is dangerous24. A. laugh ughing ughed D.and laughing25. A. would B.will C.do D.can第四节:写作(1小题,满分10分)26.书面表达:兼职已经成为大学生中的普遍现象,作为大学生你如何看待这种现象?请以Part-time job for undergraduates 为题,按照下列要点写一篇100-120个词的英语短文,简要陈述你的基本观点。

小学英语教师专业知识考试题(含答案)第一部分:语言知识1. 英语字母表共有多少个字母?答案:26个字母。
2. 请列出英语元音字母。
答案:a, e, i, o, u。
3. 请列出英语辅音字母。
答案:b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z。
4. 下列单词中哪个是动词?a) book b) cat c) run d) hat答案:c) run。
5. 下列单词中哪个是名词?a) blue b) swim c) happy d) dog 答案:d) dog。
第二部分:教学知识1. 请解释什么是英语的四个基本技能?答案:英语的四个基本技能是听、说、读、写。
2. 请列举几种用于小学英语教学的教具和资源。
3. 在英语教学中,如何促进学生的听力能力?答案:促进学生的听力能力可以通过播放录音、讲解有趣的故事、进行听力游戏等方式来实现。
4. 请列举几种常用的英语教学方法。
5. 英语的语法在教学中有何重要性?答案:英语的语法是学生正确理解和表达英语的基础,它可以帮助学生正确运用词汇和句法结构进行沟通和交流。
第三部分:教育理论1. 请解释什么是学生中心教学法?答案:学生中心教学法是一种以学生为中心的教学模式,注重培养学生的主动参与、自主研究和批判性思维能力。
2. 思维导图是什么?答案:思维导图是将思维过程以图表的形式展现出来,通过标注和连接关键词,帮助学生整理和组织思维。
3. 请解释什么是多元智能理论?答案:多元智能理论是由霍华德·加德纳提出的,认为每个人具有多个智能类型,包括语言智能、逻辑数学智能、空间智能等等。

4.从3年级开设英语课程的学校, 5、6年级应完成级目标;5.《标准》以学生“能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。
( )2.英语学习二级要求学生能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。
( )3.学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。
( )4.语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,情感态度是得体运用语言的保证。
( )5.帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异是基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是之一。
( ) (三)选正题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)下面每题四个备选答案中有一个正确答案,请选出。
1.小学英语教学的重点是______ 。
( )A.组织课堂教学活动 B.培养学生自学英语的能力C.帮助学生模仿 D.培养学生用英语进行交流的能力和兴趣2.小学英语教材要有利于培养学生的学习兴趣与语感,了解英语国家的文化、习俗,学生对异国文化的正确态度。
教材还要培养学生_____ 和做事情的能力,提高他们的思维能力和认识世界的能力。
( )A.学习能力 B.自我管理能力 C.用英语进行交流 D.创新能力3.《英语课程标准》(实验稿)规定小学英语的终点目标是二级。
二级目标在词汇方面要求______ 。
( )A.学多少算多少 B.1000—1200个单词 C.500个左右单词D.学习有关本级话题范围的600—700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语4.小学英语教学要从模仿性的唱歌游戏着手,通过1—2年的语感积累,再通过多种活动训练,培养用英语听、说、读、写进行交流的能力。
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★绝密★《英语教师招聘考试学科专业知识》试卷注意事项:1.本试卷包含第I 卷选择题(第 1 ~ 45 题)、第II 卷非选择题(第46 ~ 85 题及书面表达题)两部分。
本次考试时间为100 分钟,卷面总分为120 分。
3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5 毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60 分)一、单项选择(共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分)从A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。
( ) 1. The education of the young is always ________ hot and serious topic.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 2. This year’s Dragon Boat Festival falls ________ the second Wednesday in June.A. inB. onC. atD. for( ) 3. -- Mum, have you seen my mobile i-phone 5?-- The ________ you bought last week? I ’m afraid I havei n t. ’t seenA. oneB. thisC. itD. that( ) 4. Travelers on planes ________ keep their mobile phones on because it is against thelaw.A. needn ’tB. couldn ’tC. mustn ’tD. won ’ t( ) 5. -- I can’t find any radix isatidis ( 板蓝根) in the drug store!-- People are crazy! ________ experts say there is no use eating it to prevent H7N9,some people still don ’t believe it.A. AlthoughB. UnlessC. As a resultD. In order to( ) 6. -- What took you so long? -- I got lost. I have no ________ of direction.A. feelingB. abilityC. knowledgeD. sense( ) 7. -- Bayern finally won the 2013 UEFA Champions League Final! -- Wow, ________!A. how excited the news isB. what an exciting newsC. how exciting newsD. what exciting news( ) 8. -- Don ’t talk to anybody about the bad news —________ not your sister Kate.A. hardlyB. usuallyC. especiallyD. simply( ) 9. Jack ________ me his dictionary and I have looked up the new words in it.A. borrowedB. keptC. lentD. bought( ) 10. -- We must act now because time is ________. -- Yes. Let ’s start.A. coming outB. giving outC. running outD. cutting out( ) 11. -- Why didn ’t you stop him going out?-- Sorry, but I ________ a letter and didn ’t see him go out.A. writeB. wroteC. was writingD. have written( ) 12. In some cities, something ________ to stop the sale of live poultry( 活禽) during thepast few weeks.A. will doB. has doneC. will be doneD. has been done( ) 13. A new traffic law ________ to force the drivers to obey traffic rules last year.A. is passedB. passesC. had passedD. was passed( ) 14. -- Are you going to take part in the Speech Competition?-- ________. It ’s too good a chance to miss.A. No problemB. Thanks a lotC. Never mindD. That’s for sure( ) 15. -- Could you tell me ________? -- Sure. We will meet at the school gate.A. when we will meet tomorrow morningB. when shall we meet tomorrow morningC. where we will meet tomorrow morningD. where shall we meet tomorrow morning二、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题 1 分,计15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
It was the first day of school. I had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile.She said, “Hi, young man! I ’m Rose. I ’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug? ”I said 16 , “Of course! ”“Why are you in college at 17 an age? ”I asked.She joked, “I ’m here to mee1t8a husband, get married, have children, and then travelaround the world. ”“No, seriously, ask”e d.I“I always 19 of having a college education. Now I ’m getting one! ”she told me.After a year, Rose became popular. She easily made friends wherever she went. She loved todress up and she enjoyed the attention from 20 .At the end of the term we invited Rose to 21 at our party. I ’ll never forget what shetaught 22 .“Wedo not stop playing because we are old; we grow 23 because we stop playing.Here are the 24 of staying young. You have to laugh and find humor every 25 . You’vegot to have a dream. When you 26 your dreams, you die! ”she said.“There is a big 27 between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow old. Thatdoesn ’tatke any talent or ability, sh”e added. “Butto 28 , you have to find the chance inchange. Have no regrets(遗憾). We usually don ’t have regrets for what we d i d2,9rather forthings we did not do. ”Finally we graduated from the college with Rose. One week 30 graduation, she diedpeacefully in her sleep. She taught us by example th at it ’s never too late to be all you can possiblybe.( ) 16. A. slowly B. happily C. heavily D. badly( ) 17. A. so B. this C. such D. that( ) 18. A. rich B. bad C. poor D. short( ) 19. A. hoped B. wished C. wanted D. dreamed( ) 20. A. another B. the other C. the others D. others( ) 21. A. say B. speak C. talk D. discuss( ) 22. A. us B. her C. him D. them( ) 23. A. young B. old C. tall D. thin( ) 24. A. stories B. secrets C. seasons D. surveys( ) 25. A. week B. month C. year D. day( ) 26. A. lose B. have C. keep D. like( ) 27. A. chance B. change C. difference D. problem( ) 28. A. stand up B. grow up C. grow old D. keep healthy( ) 29. A. because B. so C. though D. but( ) 30. A. in B. after C. during D. before三、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题 2 分,计30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。