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杰克伦敦[1] 3

杰克伦敦[1] 3
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《野性的呼唤》中, 巴克经历人类的残暴和无情, 在艰难的自然环 境中完成了从一只无忧无虑的宠物到为生存而战的狼的回归。他 和人的情感也随着情节而起伏, 一开始依赖着主人而生活, 对主人 忠心耿耿, 对人类充满了信任;被偷走后开始遭受人的虐待, 渐渐激 发起心底的野性, 开始对人有了敌意; 在北方拉雪橇遭毒打时被救, 和他的恩人建立了真挚的感情; 可当他的朋友被杀后, 巴克替他报 了仇,与人类的关系也到此结束, 回到原野, 成为一只完完全全的狼。 在这个转变过程中, 可以清楚地发现环境对激发巴克体内的野性起 着重要作用。当他面对人们的棍棒时, 也曾困惑过, 可他很快就意 识到只有通过自己的力量才能获得生存空间。当他被愤怒激起的 野性让他在对方眼中看到了恐惧, 更使他的野性开始升腾。在寒冷 的北方, 为生存而战, 与其他狗进行厮打, 杀死对头史必兹后, 他祖先 留给他的狼的野性更为凸显。这时巴克表现出的人性只在与他所 深爱的主人的情感上, 而这份人性也随着主人的被杀而被埋藏在心 底深处, 他彻底地融入了荒野, 用狼的野性征服了荒野, 成为狼群的 头领。由此可看到, 温和的环境, 使动物的野性被隐藏, 他们对主人 的忠实和爱, 给主人的保护和取悦, 都体现出他们本性中的人性的 一面, 在这一点上甚至超出了某些人类; 而当环境的改变, 生存的欲 望会激发出原始的野性。

《热爱生命》 《海狼》 《白牙》
《铁蹄》 《亚当之前》
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我国对杰克· 伦敦及作品的介绍与翻译、研究工作起步于20世 纪20年代的新文化运动, 30年代达到高潮。《野性的呼唤》 是最先被翻译到中国的杰克· 伦敦的作品之一,作为他的成名作 和代表作在以后80余年的历史中被学者反复的翻译和研究,可 见它的重要性。 毛信德在《美国小说史纲》中认为杰克·伦敦《野性的呼唤》 的写作“显然是一种讽喻和影射的手法,目的在于通过动物世界 中‘人’性的沦丧和野性的复发以及它们之间的勾心斗角与残 酷争夺来揭示当时美国社会的现实本质。布克实际上正是那些 在资本主义社会中被拜金主义毒气吞噬了人的基本理性的受害 者的象征” 。王长荣在《现代美国小说史》中认为“《荒野的 呼唤》的创作,在内容和形式上实现了完美结合。它的主题是爱 的价值和按公平的规则比赛”,“巴克的驯化而服务于人类,以 及最后野性复归,逃回荒野成为狼,其决定条件无非是环境与条 件。这也是自然主义小说真谛所在。达尔文的进化论和自然选 择、适者生存的理论都生动的体现在《荒野的呼唤》的始终。

Jack London英文简介

Jack London英文简介

Jack London英文简介杰克;伦敦,美国现实主义作家,一共写过19部长篇小说,150多篇短篇小说和故事,3部剧本等,下面是给大家整理的Jack London英文简介,供大家参阅!Jack London简介Jack London, formerly known as John Griffith London (January 12, 1876 - November 22, 1916), American realist writer. He has written 19 novels, more than 150 short stories and stories, 3 plays and so on. The main works are: novel collection "wolf's son", novella "wild call", "love life", "white teeth", novel "sea wolf", "iron hoof" and "Martin Eden" and so on.Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, a bankrupt family of farmers. Because of family poverty, since childhood engaged in physical labor. When child labor, loading and unloading workers and sailors, and then wandering around the United States. Rely on labor income was admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, because of poverty was forced to drop out after joining Alaska and other gold rushranks. In the early years of the rough life experience for his later engaged in the creation of a rich source, his creative thinking is more complex, by Marx, Spencer, Nietzsche and other people influence, in his youth works, beating to the capitalism The pulse of social challenges, after the fame gradually into extreme individualism and emptiness, November 22, 1916 taking morphine over death.Jack London人物经历Early experienceJack London was born on January 12, 1876 in California, a bankrupt family of farmers. In childhood he had the taste of poverty and hardship. At the age of eight, in order to make a living, he had to go to a livestock farm as a shepherd. After the age of 10, he began in San Francisco near the city of Auckland when the newsboy, dock workers, sailors sailors, lin factory workers and so on. During this period, Jack London began to read a lot of novels and other books. At the age of 16, he was unemployed, had to wander in the eastern United States and Canada, living in the slums of the metropolis, and was "unemployed loitering" and arrested and imprisoned, a few months later to regain freedom.The poor and the lack of joy in childhood made Jack London mature early. Jack London had to work halfway fromthe age of 10, and whenever possible, he would spend his time reading. At the age of nine, Jack London has been familiar with the Washington Wales wrote the Spanish travel "Al Khan La". He also read some of the novels borrowed from the hired workers, what he caught at what. Jack London 11 years old left the ranch came to Auckland, in the free public library hungry to read the first book can be borrowed. Until 16 years old, he has been working - reading, reading - workmanship. Because the poor Jack London primary school after graduation to work, about 10 years old began to do newsboy and canned workers, in the street fighting in the training of a skill, became a small rogue head. His favorite activity is driving a vessel. At the age of 13, he had been driving the boat through the storm in the San Francisco Bay, others almost hard to believe, but that is the truth. Later, he saved a little money, bought a boat, the original is for fun, and soon after they met the ostrich thieves, they also do not like the cost of doing business. He gathered a group of companions, sailing to steal the San Francisco Bay farmer's oysters, and even burn someone else's boats. He fights alcoholism, laughs and races, and battles on hundreds of miles of sea. Soon he met the Bay Patrol, and vice versa to catch the oyster thieves.At the age of 17 he was on a hunting boat sailor, after North Korea, Japan, to the Bering Sea area to go hunting seals. On the way he passed the cold, storm, the most heavy hard labor training, participated in the hunting of various activities of the seal. Because from childhood in the Gulf to play the boat, he was a boat, in the age of the ship was small but won the praise of the owner and colleagues. But also because of the small beaten, able to participate in the sailors are the most brutal activities, so he paid a lot of friends, listening to many interesting and terrible stories. These are valuable materials of his ocean novels. "Sea Wolf" describes the rich life of the hunting seal ship is a wonderful example. The ocean life was so hard, but he did not forget to read, and when he returned to San Francisco Bay, he had finished the blessing of Lady Flattery and Tolstoy's Anna Card Lenina ".The road to literatureVoyage return to his own experience written as a prose "Japanese Haikou typhoon", participated in the "Voice" magazine writing contest, won the first prize, get twenty dollars (second, three are college students) The Jack London, who had only received primary education, showed his creative talents for the first time, thanks to hisusual hard work - he carefully read the excellent works of the literary masters and developed the habit of taking notes. Perhaps he is encouraged by this, embarked on the road of literature.At this time Jack London has been awakened from the early ignorance. He determined to master the most advanced technology: electrical, then to the Auckland tram company to job. He told the manager that he was willing to eat what he was trying to master. The manager allowed him to work for thirteen hours a day, without a Sunday, and he was tired and alive. Then he knew that there were actually two workers who had gone to work at the top of the day. The two men were $ 40 a month, eighty yuan, and he took thirty dollars a month. And a person who went to work by his top because there are three sons to feed, but can not for life, committed suicide. This is a very profound lesson for Jack London, he angrily threw out the hands of the coal shovel.The hard labor let him know a terrible truth: no matter how strong and strong, ten years, twenty years after there will always be more young and powerful people to take over him, threw him into the garbage heap.In 1904, he joined the unemployed team from SanFrancisco to Washington to petition the east coast. He was on the way for some reason out of the team, they steal the train in the North American wandering, with the car police, flight attendants hide and seek, travel around the country, as a pleasure. He was arrested and sentenced to thirty days of hard labor, witnessed the appalling reality of the American prison. After he was released, he steal the train to the west coast of Canada, and then from the sailor south, back to San Francisco. This special form of travel gave him a wealth of life experience, especially the experience of poor tramps. He understood the truth: the most concerned about the poor are often poor people.He has been interested in reading, even when doing Oyster thieves also read many books on his boat. He began to read a lot. He read the works of Saint Simon, Fourier, and Proudhon, and understood the evil of private property; he even read Marx's "communist manifesto" and understood how communism was going on.In order to study he was 19 years old when he entered the Auckland Middle School, ready to test university, while joining the Socialist Party. He attended the workers' rally, delivered a fierce speech, advocated the destruction of theexisting social order, and had been arrested. When he was studying at Auckland High School, he published the novel "Ogasawara Islands" in the school's newspaper, which lasted two months, so that he was more interested in literature. In 1897, 21-year-old Jack London entered the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), but after the shortage of funds from Berkeley dropped out of school.He had hoped to rely on labor for a living, continue to study, but found that it is almost a fantasy. He worked in a laundry workshop, tired and dead, there is no time and energy to study. In his reading dream on the brink of collapse, Alaska found the news of gold, brought him a new hope. In March 1897, Jack London set foot on the gold rush.He got a little support, and three companions prepared eight thousand pounds of material to prepare for the winter in the Crocker. They had overcome the difficulties before the arrival of the winter, and went through the Yukon River near the Arctic, where he spent the winter.On the way to the Yukon River Valley, London's clever craftsmanship gave a wonderful opportunity to perform. They cut their own wood, made two ships, along the YukonRiver downstream sailing. On the way they met a turbulent river, many people have tried to pass and fail, that the river is unable to cross the day of danger, but Jack London said he was sure to pass. He really and two companions driving a boat in the crowd of cheers in the Enron through the rapids, and then come back to drive the second boat. This caused a lot of dilemma of the attention of the gold rush, they continue to ask Jack to help the ship through the rapids. Jack London asked each boat for twenty-five dollars in remuneration, he at the helm, and partners together with a scattered wooden boat passing through the dangerous area. They made three thousand dollars for this. They could have earned five more, but they had no time, and they had to go downstream before the winter.He read many books in the winter camp of Yukon River, such as Darwin's "origin of species", Spencer's "primary principle", Marx's "capital theory", and Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Brown Ning's poem. These people in the "sea wolf" to see the sea wolf Larsen read, and Fan Weiden, Brewster discussed.Unfortunately, they did not have fresh fruit and vegetables,Jack London had scurvy, had to go home. He and his companions drove a ship, with 19 days to finish the 1900 miles range, came to the Bering Strait, from there to return to California. In this period of time he has sketched out some of the outline of the novel, and later wrote out for their own to win the immortal fame, but also to some of the people and the dog's story widely circulated, which will have "wild call "Rick the dog and some other people. After returning from Yukon, he had a little money and read many books. He read very hard, working 19 hours a day. He read economics, read history and historical writings, read biology, anthropology and philosophy, and read a lot of literary works. In his novel Martin Eden, the hero Martin Eden who saw a very hard study of this extremely hard life.Jack London's father died, in order to bear the family life, he began to odd jobs. When looking for work, Jack London wrote "down the river", but the manuscript to return to the. Waiting for the date of rejection, he wrote a twenty thousand outrageous serial novel, but also to return to the. Although the manuscripts were returned twice, Jack London was still out of time to write, continue to write new themes. Finally, "mainland magazine"published his first novel - "Cheers for the hurry", royalties only to the 5 yuan. Soon, "black cat" magazine and out of 40 yuan to write a novel, so, finally have a turn for the better.Transition journalistIn 1900, Jack London's first novel collection "The Wolves" was published, immediately for him to obtain a great reputation and considerable generous income. At the invitation of the American News Agency, he went to Africa to interview the Boer War, and in London, the news agency changed the way, calling him not. At that time he was in the United States as a sailor to the London slums lived for more than three months, deep into the life there, made a detailed investigation, made first-hand information, returned after the publication of the newspaper "people in the abyss" The This book made him famous among American socialists.In 1904 he accepted the Hearst newspaper hiring, to the Far East interview the news of the Russo-Japanese War. He came to Japan, saw the Japanese government deliberately retreating the intention of national journalists, they quietlywent to Nagasaki, would like to catch a ship to North Korea to the front, but the Japanese police as a Russian spy caught stand up. After the release he took a small motorboat to North Korea's Busan. There is no one hundred people on the motorboat food, can not shelter, only in the cold on the deck to sleep. To Busan he got a canopy boat, hired three non-English-speaking Koreans to help, on their own driving skills into the Yellow Sea, along the coast, in the cold forty degrees and the wind Sailed for six days and six nights, and finally arrived in Incheon. At this time he has been black and blue, feet, fingers and ears are frozen, but he took a break after the start again. This time he was riding a horse, for several weeks of horseback march took him to Pyongyang, it was already all the war correspondent can reach the most northern point. Where he was put into jail for the second time by the Japanese. After he was released from prison, he was only forty miles away from the front, from which there was a story and a lot of photos, completed the other journalists did not complete the task. He was again threatened with another arrest until he was intervened by the President of the United States. In the completion of the task of the interview, Jack repeatedly in the cold driving a canopy without sailing, soharsh life has a very personal experience. "Sea Wolf" has a vivid description of this life.Roaming the worldIn 1906, he decided to build a ship, driving himself around the world. He is expected to travel for seven years, a week around the earth, but he is not a good financial home, shipbuilding almost became a joke. That boat originally planned to spend seven thousand dollars, in fact, let him spend a few million, and a lot of problems. He can not wait, relied on his ability to sail on the departure, but he reluctantly to the ship to Hawaii, they had to start repair, after repair has been very difficult to open to Australia. The ship has been unable to move forward, he had to sell it to three thousand dollars low, the end of this time although the romantic but failed voyage.However, he still created amazing results in that voyage. He had driven the very bad boat from Hawaii to Massachusetts. At that time, the "Pacific Shipping Guide" pointed out that due to the impact of equatorial currents and trade winds, the currents were unusually complicated, and no one had ever traveled, but Jack London had driven a barely repaired ship through his death The Hewas infected with a strange disease on the way. In the "sea wolf" we read the tropical ocean and trade winds for the poetic description of the material, the material is about from here to get.DeathOn Tuesday, November 21, 1916, Jack London plans to go to New York the next day, and plans to take a long walk to see the Chicago tournament, buy some fine cattle, but that night he took excessive morphine death. There was a book on his desk, and he wrote some numbers of dollars. When he was suffering from uremia, but the doctor that the uremia as his death is not convincing. Then there are only two explanations: suicide, or the calculation of the wrong dose. From his daytime arrangements, not like suicide; but then the important dose calculation is also an error is also difficult to accept.Jack London英文简介。

Jack London杰克伦敦简介

Jack London杰克伦敦简介

London had always explored the true meaning of his life. His exploration spirit and his faith of never yielding to any pressure have been praised by many people
Jack London
Presented BY Jasmine
London was part of the radical literary group “The Crowd” in San Francisco and a passionate advocate of unionization(工会), socialism, and the rights of workers. He wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics.
我宁愿是燃烧过后的灰烬也不愿为地上的灰尘! 我宁愿让点点星火猛烈燃烧殆尽也不愿任其干腐. 我宁愿做一闪而过的流星,让每一点碎片都擦出火光,也不愿做死寂的恒星. 人的职责是生活,而不是存在. 我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命. 但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒.
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津津有味读经典—《白牙》阅读赏析W hi t e Fang----Jack London一、作者简介Jack London(1876-1916), was an American author,journalist and social activist(活动家). a pioneer in thecommercial magazine fiction, he was one of the firstfiction writers to achieve worldwide celebrity(名人)and alarge fortune from his fiction alone.He grew up in a family which was in a on fixed joband no fixed housing . He started writing at the age of 24,and died at the age of just 40 years old . Since 1900, hepublished many novels, which t ell us the lower people’s life stories, showing the evils of capiatlist society.Jack London was born in1876 in the family of a bankrupt(破产)farmer in San Francisco. Because of poverty, he worked as a child laborer and sailor, and then wandered(流浪)around the United States. He studied at the university of California, Berkeley, and joined gold seekers in Alaska and other places after he was forced to quit because of poverty. The hard life experience in his early years provided him with a rich source for his later creation. His thought was relatively complex, influenced by Marx, Spencer, Nietzshe and many others. In his works in his youth, he was challenging the capitalist society and gradually fell into extreme individualism(个人主义)and emptiness(空虚)after becoming famous.杰克·伦敦(1876-1916),美国作家、记者和社会活动家。

Jack London 简介

Jack London 简介
Jack London
王轶群 20121001216
(born John Griffith Chaney, January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916), was an American author, journalist, and social activist. • He was a pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone.
• Then only two explanations: suicide, or calculation errors. Arrangements during the day from his point of view, not a suicide; but it is difficult for people to accept the very important medication calculation errors
• He gave his life to create a volume of about 50 works, most famous for "Call of the Wild," "Sea Wolf" and "White Fang," "Martin Eden" and a series of excellent short story "Love of Life", “Old Man Alliance", "Northern The Odyssey, "" Ma Puxi the house, "" Silence of the snow, "and so on.



再读杰克•伦敦二十多年前上大学的时候,曾经读过一本书,是美国作家杰克•伦敦的英文原版小说《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)。


杰克•伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日-1916年11月22日)是美国20世纪著名的现实主义作家。



















Jack London杰克伦敦及其作品介绍

Jack London杰克伦敦及其作品介绍

Central character
• Buck
• A domesticated dog living at a ranch in California as the story opens
• The War of the Classes (1905) • Revolution, and other Essays (1906)
• Short story collections (21) • Novels (23) • Autobiographical memoirs (2) • Non-fiction and essays (23) • Plays (3) • Poetry (45)
Literary position
• American author, journalist, and social activist
• One of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone
• To Build a Fire (1902), best known • Love of life
• Science fiction
• The Unparalleled Invasion describes germ warfare
against China
• Human beings in nature
• Klondike Gold Rush (21)
• the setting for some of his first successful stories

Jack London introduction

Jack London introduction

中文名:杰克·伦敦 外文名:Jack London 别名: 约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦国籍:美国出生地: 旧金山 出生日期: 1876年1月12日 逝世日期: 1916年11月22日 职业: 作家 代表作品: 《野性的呼唤》,《海狼》,《白牙》,《马丁·伊登》简介美国小说家。




































杰克·伦敦——美国现实主义作家杰克·伦敦介绍中文名:杰克·伦敦外文名:Jack London别名:约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦国籍:美国出生地:旧金山出生日期:1876年1月12日逝世日期:1916年11月22日职业:作家毕业院校:加州大学伯克利分校(肄业)代表作品:《野性的呼唤》,《海狼》,《白牙》,《马丁·伊登》,《热爱生命》杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日-1916年11月22日),原名约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),美国现实主义作家。














jack london

jack london

《热爱生命》讲述的是这样一个故事:一个美国西部 热爱生命》讲述的是这样一个故事: 的淘金者在返回的途中被朋友抛弃了, 的淘金者在返回的途中被朋友抛弃了,他独自跋涉在 广袤的荒原上。冬天逼近了,寒风夹着雪花向他袭来, 广袤的荒原上。冬天逼近了,寒风夹着雪花向他袭来, 他已经没有一点食物了,而且他的腿受了伤, 他已经没有一点食物了,而且他的腿受了伤,鞋子破 脚在流血。他只能歪歪斜斜地蹒跚在布满沼泽、 了,脚在流血。他只能歪歪斜斜地蹒跚在布满沼泽、 丘陵、小溪的荒原上,非常艰难地前行着。 丘陵、小溪的荒原上,非常艰难地前行着。就在他的 身体非常虚弱的时候,他遇到了一匹病狼。 身体非常虚弱的时候,他遇到了一匹病狼。他发现这 匹病狼跟在他的身后。舔着他的血迹尾随着他。 匹病狼跟在他的身后。舔着他的血迹尾随着他。就这 样,两个濒临死亡的生灵拖着垂死的躯壳在荒原上互 相猎取对方。为了活着回去、 相猎取对方。为了活着回去、为了战胜这匹令他作呕 的病狼.最终在人与狼的战斗中人获得了胜利, 的病狼.最终在人与狼的战斗中人获得了胜利,他咬 死了狼,喝了狼的血。最终他获救了, 死了狼,喝了狼的血。最终他获救了,使生命放射出 耀眼的光芒。 耀眼的光芒。
这篇小说在艺术上有什么特点? 这篇小说在艺术上有什么特点
故事情节的传奇性与具体细节的逼真性的高度 统一,可以说是这篇小说的最大特色。一方面, 统一,可以说是这篇小说的最大特色。一方面,这 篇小说的整个故事情节都带有传奇色彩。 篇小说的整个故事情节都带有传奇色彩。作者将主 人公安置到一个困苦险恶到极点的生存环境中, 人公安置到一个困苦险恶到极点的生存环境中,让 其经受着一般人难以想象的考验;另一方面, 其经受着一般人难以想象的考验;另一方面,这又 是一篇极为逼真的小说, 是一篇极为逼真的小说,我们在紧张曲折的故事情 节中很难找到人为编造的痕迹, 节中很难找到人为编造的痕迹,作者准确地摹拟了 主人公在特定境遇中的心理感受与意识活动. 主人公在特定境遇中的心理感受与意识活动.非常 逼真地展示了一个疲惫、 逼真地展示了一个疲惫、衰弱的人在荒原上的艰难 求生过程, 真实性” 求生过程,其“真实性”可谓达到了无以复加的程 度。





作家杰克伦敦简介杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日--1916年11月22日),原名为约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),美国著名的现实主义作家,生于旧金山。

















被誉为商业家的先锋 美国现实主义作家杰克·伦敦简介

被誉为商业家的先锋 美国现实主义作家杰克·伦敦简介






















《野性的呼唤》是杰克·伦敦最著名、最受读者欢迎的小说之一,被视为现代文学 中的经典之作。
该作品不仅在文学领域有着重要的地位,还对后来的电影、电视等媒体产生了深 远的影响。同时,它也深刻反映了人类与自然的关系,以及生命的本质和意义等 问题。
目 录
• 简介 • 故事情节 • 人物分析 • 艺术特色 • 作品评价与影响 • 结语
杰克·伦敦(Jack London)是一位美国作家,出生于1876年 ,逝世于1916年。他的一生充满着奋斗与探索,作品涉及多 个领域,包括小说、散文、随笔等。
该作品以其细腻的描绘和深刻的情感,展现了人与自然、文 明与野性的冲突与融合,是杰克·伦敦的代表作之一,对美国 文学产生了深远影响。
作品所揭示的人与自然的关系及社会现实,对当代社会具有 深刻的启示意义,引导人们重新审视人与自然的关系,关爱 自然,珍惜环境。
巴克是一个非常聪明的角色,他 能够利用自己的智慧和狡猾来获 得自己的利益。

捷克伦敦 Jack London

捷克伦敦  Jack London

傑克倫敦Jack London李常生Eddie Lee 12/21/2010 Taipei leechangsheng5555@•傑克·倫敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日-1916年11月22日),美國20世紀著名現實主義作家。







Jack London`s cabinJack London and daughter Joan ca. 1902.•傑克·倫敦1876年1月12日生於美國舊金山的一個破產農民家庭。








• 巴克在雪橇犬队中,逐渐摆脱了人类的束缚,追求生命的自由 • 巴克在回归野性的过程中,展现出了生命的尊严和力量
• 巴克在人类的世界中,学会了文明的生活方式,但内心却充满了对野性的渴望 • 当它回归野性时,它才发现生命的真谛和价值
杰克·伦敦(Jack London,18761916)是美国著名的小说家和社会
他是美国现实主义文学 的代表人物之一
他还是一位积极的社会 活动家
• 出生在美国加州旧金山,童年时 期生活贫困 • 年轻时在罐头厂、牧场、煤矿等 地打工,积累了丰富的生活经验 • 1897年开始文学创作,成为美国 文坛的佼佼者
• 金矿的开发和铁路的修建使得自然环 境遭到了严重的破坏 • 巴克等雪橇犬在这样恶劣的环境中展 现出了顽强的生命力和生存智慧
故事的环境设定在寒冷、荒凉的加拿大 育空地区
• 那里的自然环境十分恶劣,人类和动 物都在艰苦的环境中求生 • 巴克在这样的环境中逐渐蜕变,最终 回归野性
杰克·伦敦是美国文学史上具有重要地位的小说家 他的作品数量众多,其中包括《野性的呼唤》、 《白牙》等经典之作
• 他的作品具有强烈的个性和革新精神, 对美国文学产生了深远的影响 • 他的人道主义思想和关注社会底层人 民的命运使得他的作品具有很高的价值



Jack London英文简介杰克·伦敦,美国现实主义作家,一共写过19部长篇小说,150多篇短篇小说和故事,3部剧本等,下面是店铺给大家整理的Jack London英文简介,供大家参阅!Jack London简介Jack London, formerly known as John Griffith London (January 12, 1876 - November 22, 1916), American realist writer. He has written 19 novels, more than 150 short stories and stories, 3 plays and so on. The main works are: novel collection "wolf's son", novella "wild call", "love life", "white teeth", novel "sea wolf", "iron hoof" and "Martin Eden" and so on.Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, a bankrupt family of farmers. Because of family poverty, since childhood engaged in physical labor. When child labor, loading and unloading workers and sailors, and then wandering around the United States. Rely on labor income was admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, because of poverty was forced to drop out after joining Alaska and other gold rush ranks. In the early years of the rough life experience for his later engaged in the creation of a rich source, his creative thinking is more complex, by Marx, Spencer, Nietzsche and other people influence, in his youth works, beating to the capitalism The pulse of social challenges, after the fame gradually into extreme individualism and emptiness, November 22, 1916 taking morphine over death.Jack London人物经历Early experienceJack London was born on January 12, 1876 in California, a bankrupt family of farmers. In childhood he had the taste ofpoverty and hardship. At the age of eight, in order to make a living, he had to go to a livestock farm as a shepherd. After the age of 10, he began in San Francisco near the city of Auckland when the newsboy, dock workers, sailors sailors, lin factory workers and so on. During this period, Jack London began to read a lot of novels and other books. At the age of 16, he was unemployed, had to wander in the eastern United States and Canada, living in the slums of the metropolis, and was "unemployed loitering" and arrested and imprisoned, a few months later to regain freedom.The poor and the lack of joy in childhood made Jack London mature early. Jack London had to work halfway from the age of 10, and whenever possible, he would spend his time reading. At the age of nine, Jack London has been familiar with the Washington Wales wrote the Spanish travel "Al Khan La". He also read some of the novels borrowed from the hired workers, what he caught at what. Jack London 11 years old left the ranch came to Auckland, in the free public library hungry to read the first book can be borrowed. Until 16 years old, he has been working - reading, reading - workmanship. Because the poor Jack London primary school after graduation to work, about 10 years old began to do newsboy and canned workers, in the street fighting in the training of a skill, became a small rogue head. His favorite activity is driving a vessel. At the age of 13, he had been driving the boat through the storm in the San Francisco Bay, others almost hard to believe, but that is the truth. Later, he saved a little money, bought a boat, the original is for fun, and soon after they met the ostrich thieves, they also do not like the cost of doing business. He gathered a group of companions, sailing to steal the San Francisco Bay farmer's oysters, and even burn someone else'sboats. He fights alcoholism, laughs and races, and battles on hundreds of miles of sea. Soon he met the Bay Patrol, and vice versa to catch the oyster thieves.At the age of 17 he was on a hunting boat sailor, after North Korea, Japan, to the Bering Sea area to go hunting seals. On the way he passed the cold, storm, the most heavy hard labor training, participated in the hunting of various activities of the seal. Because from childhood in the Gulf to play the boat, he was a boat, in the age of the ship was small but won the praise of the owner and colleagues. But also because of the small beaten, able to participate in the sailors are the most brutal activities, so he paid a lot of friends, listening to many interesting and terrible stories. These are valuable materials of his ocean novels. "Sea Wolf" describes the rich life of the hunting seal ship is a wonderful example. The ocean life was so hard, but he did not forget to read, and when he returned to San Francisco Bay, he had finished the blessing of Lady Flattery and T olstoy's Anna Card Lenina ".The road to literatureVoyage return to his own experience written as a prose "Japanese Haikou typhoon", participated in the "Voice" magazine writing contest, won the first prize, get twenty dollars (second, three are college students) The Jack London, who had only received primary education, showed his creative talents for the first time, thanks to his usual hard work - he carefully read the excellent works of the literary masters and developed the habit of taking notes. Perhaps he is encouraged by this, embarked on the road of literature.At this time Jack London has been awakened from the early ignorance. He determined to master the most advancedtechnology: electrical, then to the Auckland tram company to job. He told the manager that he was willing to eat what he was trying to master. The manager allowed him to work for thirteen hours a day, without a Sunday, and he was tired and alive. Then he knew that there were actually two workers who had gone to work at the top of the day. The two men were $ 40 a month, eighty yuan, and he took thirty dollars a month. And a person who went to work by his top because there are three sons to feed, but can not for life, committed suicide. This is a very profound lesson for Jack London, he angrily threw out the hands of the coal shovel.The hard labor let him know a terrible truth: no matter how strong and strong, ten years, twenty years after there will always be more young and powerful people to take over him, threw him into the garbage heap.In 1904, he joined the unemployed team from San Francisco to Washington to petition the east coast. He was on the way for some reason out of the team, they steal the train in the North American wandering, with the car police, flight attendants hide and seek, travel around the country, as a pleasure. He was arrested and sentenced to thirty days of hard labor, witnessed the appalling reality of the American prison. After he was released, he steal the train to the west coast of Canada, and then from the sailor south, back to San Francisco. This special form of travel gave him a wealth of life experience, especially the experience of poor tramps. He understood the truth: the most concerned about the poor are often poor people.He has been interested in reading, even when doing Oyster thieves also read many books on his boat. He began to read a lot. He read the works of Saint Simon, Fourier, and Proudhon, and understood the evil of private property; he even read Marx's"communist manifesto" and understood how communism was going on.In order to study he was 19 years old when he entered the Auckland Middle School, ready to test university, while joining the Socialist Party. He attended the workers' rally, delivered a fierce speech, advocated the destruction of the existing social order, and had been arrested. When he was studying at Auckland High School, he published the novel "Ogasawara Islands" in the school's newspaper, which lasted two months, so that he was more interested in literature. In 1897, 21-year-old Jack London entered the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), but after the shortage of funds from Berkeley dropped out of school.He had hoped to rely on labor for a living, continue to study, but found that it is almost a fantasy. He worked in a laundry workshop, tired and dead, there is no time and energy to study. In his reading dream on the brink of collapse, Alaska found the news of gold, brought him a new hope. In March 1897, Jack London set foot on the gold rush.He got a little support, and three companions prepared eight thousand pounds of material to prepare for the winter in the Crocker. They had overcome the difficulties before the arrival of the winter, and went through the Yukon River near the Arctic, where he spent the winter.On the way to the Yukon River Valley, London's clever craftsmanship gave a wonderful opportunity to perform. They cut their own wood, made two ships, along the Yukon River downstream sailing. On the way they met a turbulent river, many people have tried to pass and fail, that the river is unable to cross the day of danger, but Jack London said he was sure to pass. He really and two companions driving a boat in the crowd of cheersin the Enron through the rapids, and then come back to drive the second boat. This caused a lot of dilemma of the attention of the gold rush, they continue to ask Jack to help the ship through the rapids. Jack London asked each boat for twenty-five dollars in remuneration, he at the helm, and partners together with a scattered wooden boat passing through the dangerous area. They made three thousand dollars for this. They could have earned five more, but they had no time, and they had to go downstream before the winter.He read many books in the winter camp of Yukon River, such as Darwin's "origin of species", Spencer's "primary principle", Marx's "capital theory", and Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Brown Ning's poem. These people in the "sea wolf" to see the sea wolf Larsen read, and Fan Weiden, Brewster discussed.Unfortunately, they did not have fresh fruit and vegetables, Jack London had scurvy, had to go home. He and his companions drove a ship, with 19 days to finish the 1900 miles range, came to the Bering Strait, from there to return to California. In this period of time he has sketched out some of the outline of the novel, and later wrote out for their own to win the immortal fame, but also to some of the people and the dog's story widely circulated, which will have "wild call "Rick the dog and some other people. After returning from Yukon, he had a little money and read many books. He read very hard, working 19 hours a day. He read economics, read history and historical writings, read biology, anthropology and philosophy, and read a lot of literary works. In his novel Martin Eden, the hero Martin Eden who saw a very hard study of this extremely hard life.Jack London's father died, in order to bear the family life, he began to odd jobs. When looking for work, Jack London wrote"down the river", but the manuscript to return to the. Waiting for the date of rejection, he wrote a twenty thousand outrageous serial novel, but also to return to the. Although the manuscripts were returned twice, Jack London was still out of time to write, continue to write new themes. Finally, "mainland magazine" published his first novel - "Cheers for the hurry", royalties only to the 5 yuan. Soon, "black cat" magazine and out of 40 yuan to write a novel, so, finally have a turn for the better.Transition journalistIn 1900, Jack London's first novel collection "The Wolves" was published, immediately for him to obtain a great reputation and considerable generous income. At the invitation of the American News Agency, he went to Africa to interview the Boer War, and in London, the news agency changed the way, calling him not. At that time he was in the United States as a sailor to the London slums lived for more than three months, deep into the life there, made a detailed investigation, made first-hand information, returned after the publication of the newspaper "people in the abyss" The This book made him famous among American socialists.In 1904 he accepted the Hearst newspaper hiring, to the Far East interview the news of the Russo-Japanese War. He came to Japan, saw the Japanese government deliberately retreating the intention of national journalists, they quietly went to Nagasaki, would like to catch a ship to North Korea to the front, but the Japanese police as a Russian spy caught stand up. After the release he took a small motorboat to North Korea's Busan. There is no one hundred people on the motorboat food, can not shelter, only in the cold on the deck to sleep. To Busan he got a canopy boat, hired three non-English-speaking Koreans to help, on theirown driving skills into the Yellow Sea, along the coast, in the cold forty degrees and the wind Sailed for six days and six nights, and finally arrived in Incheon. At this time he has been black and blue, feet, fingers and ears are frozen, but he took a break after the start again. This time he was riding a horse, for several weeks of horseback march took him to Pyongyang, it was already all the war correspondent can reach the most northern point. Where he was put into jail for the second time by the Japanese. After he was released from prison, he was only forty miles away from the front, from which there was a story and a lot of photos, completed the other journalists did not complete the task. He was again threatened with another arrest until he was intervened by the President of the United States. In the completion of the task of the interview, Jack repeatedly in the cold driving a canopy without sailing, so harsh life has a very personal experience. "Sea Wolf" has a vivid description of this life.Roaming the worldIn 1906, he decided to build a ship, driving himself around the world. He is expected to travel for seven years, a week around the earth, but he is not a good financial home, shipbuilding almost became a joke. That boat originally planned to spend seven thousand dollars, in fact, let him spend a few million, and a lot of problems. He can not wait, relied on his ability to sail on the departure, but he reluctantly to the ship to Hawaii, they had to start repair, after repair has been very difficult to open to Australia. The ship has been unable to move forward, he had to sell it to three thousand dollars low, the end of this time although the romantic but failed voyage.However, he still created amazing results in that voyage. He had driven the very bad boat from Hawaii to Massachusetts. Atthat time, the "Pacific Shipping Guide" pointed out that due to the impact of equatorial currents and trade winds, the currents were unusually complicated, and no one had ever traveled, but Jack London had driven a barely repaired ship through his death The He was infected with a strange disease on the way. In the "sea wolf" we read the tropical ocean and trade winds for the poetic description of the material, the material is about from here to get.DeathOn Tuesday, November 21, 1916, Jack London plans to go to New York the next day, and plans to take a long walk to see the Chicago tournament, buy some fine cattle, but that night he took excessive morphine death. There was a book on his desk, and he wrote some numbers of dollars. When he was suffering from uremia, but the doctor that the uremia as his death is not convincing. Then there are only two explanations: suicide, or the calculation of the wrong dose. From his daytime arrangements, not like suicide; but then the important dose calculation is also an error is also difficult to accept.。














Jack London (January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916)[1][2][3] was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was a pioneer in thethen-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone.[4] He is best remembered as the author of Call of the Wild, set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories "To Build a Fire", "An Odyssey of the North", and "Love of Life". He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as "The Pearls of Parlay" and "TheHeathen", and The Sea Wolf, of the San Francisco Bay area. 1913年以后,他因经济上的挫折和家庭纠纷,精神受到严重打击,经常酗酒,1916年11月22日服毒自杀。

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At 25,ran unsuccessfully on the Socialist party, started to steadily produce novels ,nonfiction and short stories.

《The Call of the Wild 》野性的呼唤《 The Sea Wolf 》海狼
A knowledge pursuer
↓ A successful writer
↓ A rancher (大农场主)
Jack with daughters "Becky" (left) and Joan (right)
Bessie Maddern London and daughters, Joan and Becky.
After1910 : “Pacific short story ” The House of Mapuhi 《 马普 希的房子》1911 “ Social problem novel”The Mexican《墨西哥人》1913

London’s Other Major Novels

杰克•伦敦曾说:我就是马丁•伊登, 但马丁•伊登死了,因为他是个个人主义 者;而我活着,因为我是个社会主义者。
Writing style
• He was fascinated by the way violence tested and refined human character. Without much stylistic and formal refinement and subtlety of characterization, London’s fiction has the unusual and intriguing power of ancient myth. Although his work can never be classed rough realism, he will always be remembered as the originator of a new type of writing called rough realism.

The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》1903 The People of the Abyss《深渊中的人们》1903 White Fang《白牙》1906 Love of Life《热爱生命》1906 How I become a Socialist《我怎样成为社会党人》 The War of the Classes《阶级之间的战争》 What Life Means to Me《生命对我意味着什么》 Revolution 《革命》 Under the Deck Awnings《在甲板的天蓬下》 White Wolf 《白狼》
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. 我愿做一颗华丽的流星,愿我的每一颗粒都呈现那动 人的光辉,而不做那沉睡并永远不灭的行星。 The proper function of man is to live, not to

Life and career Major works
The Call of the wild
The Martin Eden

Writing style Notable sayingBiblioteka Life and career

Born out of wedlock(非婚生子) on January 12, 1876 deserted by his father,raised by his mother and stepfather John London Poverty-stricken(为贫穷所困扰的) childhood At 14, graduated from grammar school(英: 文法学校,美:初级中学).
• Jack London was one of the most articulate and militant spokesmen of the working class at the turn of the century. • His rise to popularity in the early 20th century was in a way meteoric. • considered as “Father of American Proletarian Literature”.

At 34,purchased a large tract of land near Glen Ellen in Sonoma County.

At 40,died of uremia (尿毒症).( London committed suicide with morphine. )

Newsboy报童 (at 10) ↓ Oyster pirate 牡蛎海盗(16) ↓ A hard laborer劳动工人 (muscle seller) ↓ A tramp流浪者, beggar (at 18)
• Forceful, and colorful; Subjectivity and enthusiasm • His characterizations were often stiff and his dialogue stereotyped. • Themes: primitive violence, Anglo-Saxon supremacy, biological evolution, class warfare, and mechanistic [mekə'nɪstɪk] determinism
马丁· 伊登个人主义思想的形成
马丁· 伊登原是一名出身卑微,才识浅陋的年轻水手。他在一 个偶然的机会中,救了富家子弟阿瑟,由此结识了露丝一家,并 深深地爱上了这位大学生,把她当成了理想的恋人。为了能挤上 上层社会,和露丝结婚,他弃海从文,发奋读书写作,用文化和 知识来武装自己,想靠当作家来出人头地,赢得露丝。但是事与 愿违,马丁连遭失败,退稿如山。他的这种尝试一次又一次地失 败,生活上也潦倒到了山穷水尽的地步。尽管时常饿得发昏,连 外衣也典当了,他仍不顾一切地读书和写作。他的姐姐、房东和 工人朋友虽然喜欢他和同情他,却不理解他,而那帮上层社会的 绅士淑女,则对他百般嘲笑和揶揄,但他一往直前,坚持自己。 正如杰克· 伦敦本人一样,马丁· 伊登由于出身贫寒和做苦工的经历, 很自然地接受了马克思主义有关阶级和阶级斗争的学说,他对本 阶级的劳苦大众有本能的感情和理解,还有对资产阶级的不学无 术和骄奢淫逸也有发自内心的轻蔑和愤慨;并且相信,只要
Youth is always young and elderly will only grow old. 青年总是年青的,只有老年才会变老。 The only way to get smart is to buy with the youth . 得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。 I would rather be ashes than dust! 我宁愿化作灰烬,也不要做尘埃。
exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. 人的恰当功能是活,而不是生。我不会用延长日子, 把时光浪费,我要利用时间。
The Martin Eden
发表于1909年,前半部带有自传 性,取材于杰克•伦敦本人早年的 经历和后来的成名过程,主要故事 情节则是虚构的。像希腊神话中难 以抗拒的命运一样,《马丁•伊登》 不仅成为杰克•伦敦对往事的追忆, 竟也不幸地成为他未来省会的神秘 预言。
美国文学史发展上,《马丁.伊登》起 着先驱作用,后来不少描写“美国梦”破 灭的作品或多或少地受到它的影响。围绕 这部书引起的争论首先是在主题上,按照 杰克.伦敦的本意,他写这部书的宗旨之一 乃是攻击个人主义,但大多数评论家都认 为他实在为个人主义辩护,而相当多的读 者是把马丁.伊登当作“个人奋斗”的典型 来接受的。其次是语言,有人认为“充满 元气和力量”,也有人认为“粗糙”、 “变化少”。
Jack London and his second wife

Before1900 :To the Man on Trail 《为赶路的人干杯》 The Odyssey of the North 《北方的奥德赛》1899

1900—1910 :“ North Story” The Son of the Wolf 《狼之子》 1900 etc. The Iron Heel《铁蹄》1908 The Sea-wolf《海狼》1904 Marti Eden《马丁 .伊登》1909 Burning Daylight 《天大亮》1910(turning point)

At 18, protest the wretched working conditions sentenced to the Penitentiary (罪犯) 教养所
At 19, enrolled at the University of California kicked out of school for his involvement in the Socialist Labor Party . 《The Iron Heel 》《The War of Classes 》 《Revolution》 At 24,married Elisabeth Maddern and left her and their two daughters