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1.How is the man most probably feeling now?

A. Sad


C. Excited

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a hotel.

B. In a laboratory

C. In a library

3.What does the woman probably do?

A. A driver

B. A doctor

C. A policewoman

4.Why is the man going to Nigeria?

A. To work.

B. To study.

C. To relax

5. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Boss and secretary.

C. Husband and wife




6.What’s the matter with the man?

A. He burnt his finger

B. He cut his finger

C. He burnt his foot

7.Where can the woman find some band--aids?

A. In the bedroom

B. In the dining room.

C. In the bathroom


8.What kind of music does the woman like?

A. Jazz

B. Country music

C. Rock and roll

9.Who is the man’s favorite singer?

A. Carleton Carpenter

B. John Denver

C. Michael Jackson


10.What does the woman think of her life in New York?

A. Just so-so

B. Quite satisfactory(满意)

C. A bit disappointing.

11.What does the woman say about Henry?

A. A bit heavier

B. Much younger

C. More elegant(优雅)

12.Which of the following does the man like?

A. Boiled eggs.

B. Roast duck(烤鸭)

C. Fried eggplants(茄饼)请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13.What does the woman plan to do in the club?

A. Have a swim

B. Play basketball.

C. Lift weights.

14.How far is it to the club from here?

A. Ten-minute bus ride.

B. Ten-minute drive

C. Twenty-minute walk

15.Where does the man probably work?

A. At a high school

B. At a computer center

C. At the Workers Club

16.Where are the two speakers going to meet?

A. In front of the woman’s house.

B. In front of a health club.

C. In front of a cinema.


17.What’s the most serious eating problem for women according to medical records?

A. Eating no vegetables

B. Eating no meat

C. Eating too little.

18.What’ s the reason for the most serious eating problems?

A. Most women pay little attention to their health.

B. The society requires women to be thin.

C. Most women lack of enough exercise.

19.How many women die of the most serious eating problems each year in the United States?

A. Over 50.

B. Over 100.

C. Over 150.

20.What does the speaker mainly tell us?

A. Women should first of all be healthy.

B. Women should enrich(使丰富)their spare time.

C. Women should eat as much as they can.




21. —Have you written down _____ telephone number?

—Sorry. Would you mind repeating it _____second time?

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. a; a

22. A selfish person can’t get others’ help, because he never _____ other people’s problems.

A. asks for

B.cares for

C. cares about

D. hears about

23. What a great part Alice _____ in the project! No wonder she got highly paid.

A. made

B. took

C. played

D. got

24. They argued _____ the experts at the meeting _____ which diet was better for people.

A. with; about

B. about; with

C. to; about

D. with; to

25. My mom told us so _____ a story just now that we were all _____ to tears.

A. moved; moved

B. moving; moving

C. moved; moving

D. moving; moved

26. _____ you are so weak,why not stay at home and rest?

A. Since

B. For

C. Unless

D. After

27. —I hear Tom has passed the exam.

—_____ He didn’t even spend a single hour preparing for it.

A. No problem!

B. I believe so.

C. You must be joking!

D. It’s a crazy idea!

28. I can’t stand _____ a winter holiday doing nothing.

A. to spend

B. to be spent

C. spending

D. spent

29. It’s no use____ time_____ that matter

A. wasting; discussing

B. to waste; to discuss

C. wasting; to discuss

D. to waste; discussing

30. A number of people _____ now out of _____and the number _____ increasing.
