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一. Do还是Does我来选。

1. [Do/Does] _____ he watch TV at ni ght? Yes he does.

2. [Do/Does] _____ you go to school everyday? No, I don ' t.

3. [Do/Does] _____ Jack and Peter like apples?

4. [Do/Does] _____ Ti na go swimmi ng on Sun day?

5. [Do/Does] _____ they play football? Yes, they ___ [do/does].

6. [Do/Does] _____ we have a good teacher? Y es, we ____ [do/does].

7. [Do/Does] ___ they jump rope ? No, they____ [do no t/does no t].

8. [Do/Does] ___ your dog walk in the zoo?

9. [Do/Does] ___ I have a big no se? No, you _____ [do no t/does not].

10. [Do/Does] ___ your cats eat fish? Y es, they ____ .[do/does].

11. [Do/Does] ____ t heir mothers go shopp ing? No, they ____ [do no t/does not].

12. I ___ [do no t/ does not] speak Japa nese. [ Do/Does] ___ y ou speak Japa nese?

二. 请用have或has填空。

1 . I _______ a nice picture.

2. He ________ a good friend.

3. They ________ some kites.

4. ____________ We some flowers.

5. ______________ She a duck.

6. My father __________ a new bike.

7. ___________________ Her mother a vase.

8. Our teacher _________ an English book.

9. Our teachers _________ a basketball.

10. ______________________ Their parents some story books.

11. _____________ Nancy many skirts.

12. David _______ some jackets.

13. My friends ________ a football.

14. What do you _______ ?

15. What does Mike _______ ?


1. Let him ____ (play)basketball.

2. Everyone ____ (k no w)what he really like.

3. Those girls ___ (be)my sister.

4. ___________ T hat girl (call)me every Sunday.

5. ________________ How___(do)she (spell)the word?

6. He _______ TV every evening. (watch)

7. We always _______ to school on foot. (go)

8. Tom, with his classmates, often _____ football after school. (play)

9. Your shoes ______ under the bed. (be)

10. _____ here and _____ by me. (come, stand)

11. His uncle usually ________ to work by bus. (go)

12. I always _____ up at six in the morning.(get)

13. John _______ like his father. (look)

四.否定句:在动词前+doesn't 或don't.

1.She ____ ____ (do)her homework every day.

2. _______ H e __ (live)in ShangHai.

3. _______ H e __ (need)a pair pf shoes.

4. _________ Danny (see)the apple tree?

5.She ____ ____ (come)from America.

6. __________ The girl (look)out of the window and sees many bieds in the sky. 五.请用动词的适当形式填空。

1. ____ the desk ____ (have)four legs?

Yes,it does.
