



HPU监控中时,按下 mon start启动实时监 控,按下mon stop停 止实时监控
监控界面放大缩 小功能
两目标之间 的时间差
两目标之间 的时间差
左键点住此按钮 移动到目标位置 后放开左键,就 能显示目标位置 数据
当需要监控新的开关量或者模拟 量时,需要在点位烂中用鼠标右 击,再选择NewDevice来增加 新的点位,点位地址需要同 MICA中的点位地址相匹配。
在此地址写入点位地址,点 位地址自 动弹出关联信息,反之地址 错误则不会弹出来。
MICA中蓝色 为点位地址
左键双击此方格 内任何点,修改 上下限位值,以 便右侧线条都能 正常显示在图形 上。
鼠标左键按住,把 新增加的驱动拉到 显示窗口后放开鼠 标左键
简介:TRACE是记录MICA程序开关量、 模拟量的实时监控和历史查询软件。
鼠标左键双击 TRACE图标启动 TRACE程序
1,2红色为 HPU1, HPU2数据监 控采集中
按下1下面的 按钮显示,画 面会显示 HPU1目前监 控内容
如发现HPU1或者HPU2 为绿色状态,则说明此 HPU未启动监控,需要 在菜单栏Trace中按下 Start,重新启动此HPU 监控
使用点位数量不 得超过其上限, 否则报错无法工 作。







版本控制用过VSS、TeamSource、CVS和Subversion,项目管理、bug跟踪方面用过Project、CVSTrac 和Trac,当然还有最基本的Excel。















步骤:1,选择截面形式和配置箍筋2,选择截面尺寸,配置纵向钢筋:3,定义材料本构:非约束混凝土材料:约束混凝土纵向钢筋:4,定义纤维尺寸,生成分析截面5,定义加载工况计算弯矩曲率曲线工况计算轴力-弯矩相关曲线工况定义弯矩2-弯矩3相关曲线工况, 6,运行分析,查看分析结果点击,运行所有的分析,分析结果在界面自动出现。

弯矩-曲率曲线轴力-弯矩相关性曲线弯矩2-弯矩3相关性曲线7,提取分析结果点击,然后选择section1,然后选择M-C工况,选择Section Output。






2, Xtract根据ACI规范或软件设计者本意(陆新征老师建议),取圆柱体抗压强度,圆柱体抗压强度为0.79x26.4Mpa=20.856Mpa,这与棱柱体抗压强度20.1Mpa比较接近的,即轴心混凝土轴心抗压强度。



上海全景数字技术有限公司手机软件部——Trace工具使用说明版本 <draft>修订历史记录Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 2 of 10目录1CONNECT 步骤 (4)Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 3 of 10Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司,Page 4 of 101Connect 步骤1.1双击打开 Catcher.exe 如图:1.2在手机IDLE 待机状态,输入“*#3646633#”进入工程模式,然后依次选择菜单“设备->Set UART->TST Config ”,进入SetUART 界面,确认设置当前UART Port 口为“UART 1”,返回IDLE 待机状态,将手机与PC通过AT 线相连;1.3选择上图中菜单“Config->Set DateBase Path …”,会弹出以下对话框:Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司,Page 5 of 101.4 单击上图中“…”按钮,设置DateBase 文件路径,找到并选择对应版本发布是所提供的文档之一:BPLGUInfoCustomSrc 或者BPLGUInfoCustomSrcP 文件,选择并确认OK“OK ” :1.5单击如图“Logging mode”按钮,会弹出警告框,确定即可;Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 6 of 101.6确认后弹出以下界面,单击图中“Connect”按钮,Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 7 of 101.7回弹出以下界面,再单击“Filter”按钮,Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 8 of 101.8会弹出窗口供筛选不同的PS模块,可以选择“ALL On”,按钮,并确认关闭Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 9 of 101.9此时Cather界面即会弹出以下的“Trace Log”Confidential 上海全景数字技术有限公司, Page 10 of 10。



八通道炉温测量仪TTrack用户手册◎ 2007 版 ◎前言 (2)安装TTrack 软件与USB驱动程序 (3)(一)建议PC 配置 (3)(二)软件安装方法 (3)(三)USB驱动程序的安装: (4)TTrack 软件使用 (6)(一)软件介绍 (6)1. 菜单栏 (6)2. 工具栏 (7)3. 界面功能 (9)1)温度曲线 (9)2) 设置面板 (10)主机设置 (10)属性设置 (12)分析设置 (14)热电偶设置 (19)炉区设置 (20)锡膏设置 (21)制程设置 (22)(二)测温仪测温操作步骤 (23)1.端口设置 (23)2.测温通道以及采样间隔设置 (25)3.进行温度测量 (25)4.数据下载 (26)5.数据分析 (26)(三)数据导出 (27)(四)打印报表 (27)附录 (30)技术指标和参数 (30)故障诊断 (30)保 修 卡 (31)前言TTrack 是一个实时测量焊接回流工艺的设备和进行改善优化制程工具。


每一次都得到完美的曲线,这些实时数据是当TTrack 通过工艺流程时并同时记录在其内部的数据。

当TTrack 曲线测量仪通过工艺流程后,内部纪录的数据就自动地无线下载,填补在那些可能由于实时曲线无线传输时发生的中断。

无线下载的特征保证了每一次的曲线测量都是 完整的,不需要停下生产再做第二次曲线测量。

TTrack 软件的特点容易理解,操作简便。


重要事项和安全说明感谢您选用TC-80K 温度分析仪,使用此温度分析仪时,必须遵守这些安全注意事项,以免发生安全事故和损坏仪器。


仪器使用时必须置入隔热箱内,以免高温损 害仪器;⑷请不要在强电磁干扰源附近使用本仪器;⑸检修时,请关掉电源,以防损坏元器件;⑹仪器使用时,应保持平稳,防止掉落;⑺仪器使用后,请及时将仪器放回仪器箱内,以免意外损坏仪器。

TraceParts 标准件库使用说明手册

TraceParts 标准件库使用说明手册

请把PDF 转给贵公司的设计部门或您做机械设计,电气设计的同事或朋友,您的举手之劳将帮他们节省大量的时间和精力对于工程师或者设计人员来说,创建3D 模型是一件费时费力而且乏味的事情,创建一个普通的模型少则十几分钟多则几个小时!为什么不直接去下载模型呢,省时省力又为公司提高了效率TraceParts 零件库的使用方法TraceParts 网页零件库 下载地址 TraceParts 零件库 模型 按分类下载点击播放(请选择原画)>> TraceParts 按分类下载视频详解 TraceParts 零件库 模型 按各国标准或制造商下载 点击播放(请选择原画) >> TraceParts 按各国标准或制造商下载视频详解 TraceParts 零件库是全球最大的3D 零件库(所有零件模型均为免费下载)您可以在TraceParts 下载到机械系统和通用部件紧固件螺栓、螺钉、螺柱 吊环螺栓、有眼螺栓 螺母 垫片、垫圈 锁紧螺母、铆螺母钢丝螺套 隔板、分离器、衬套 铆钉 钢结构紧固件 销、钉子 卡环、扣环 止动环 轴环、套管 夹具 夹紧缸 铰接夹 锁、门闩 叉形接头 衬套 套筒 插头 止动磁铁 铰链,金属圈和其他铰接接头轴承圆柱滑动轴承 法兰面滑动轴承 特殊滑动轴承 止推轴承 径向接触球轴承 向心止推滚珠轴承 滚针轴承 滚柱轴承 组合轴承 凸轮滚子 轴承附件 轴承座外球面轴承 杆端轴承 转盘轴承轴和联轴器轴刚性联轴器挠性联轴器弹性联轴器不规则联轴器万向节联轴器键、键槽和花键可膨胀套管收缩盘摩擦力矩限制器球力矩限制器滚子力矩限制器飞轮逆止器电磁离合器与制动器电气刹车密封圈、密封管O形圈 ü密封堆栈密封波瓣密封复合密封件旋转机械密封旋转轴唇形密封圈径向膨胀密封件引导带编织密封环静态密封圈雨刮密封防护盖密封套、波纹管密封阻尼器和弹簧缓冲垫减震器液压缓冲器压缩弹簧拉伸弹簧扭转弹簧气压弹簧齿轮右边正齿轮螺旋正齿轮右边斜齿轮螺旋斜齿轮齿条齿轮和螺杆带链传动及其部件皮带轮皮带链轮链条附件润滑系统润滑部件,链轮,链条支撑件止动件梁脚支撑件支撑承头板,圆板角固定基准和定位元素圆柱销基准柱塞榫弹簧柱塞线性运动线性运动系统线性致动器螺丝千斤顶滚珠丝杠自动台面直线电机线性导引系统球轴承套传动轴直线导引系统直线球轴承直线滚子轴承滚轮直线引导系统平面引导旋转刚性传动衬套斜交伞齿轮轴斜交伞齿轮间隙减速器同轴减速器平行轴减速齿轮斜齿轮减速器蜗杆传动减速器斜齿轮减速器行星齿轮减速器斜齿轮电机液压系统和通用部件管道部件和管道即时接头,镀镍黄铜即时接头,不锈钢压合接头,黄铜压合接头,不锈钢旋转接头塑料管螺帽,盖子弯头三通变径塑料接头法兰、管接头及接头焊接平法兰镂空平法兰焊接管衬盖板焊接颈法兰焊接颈管衬焊接或有螺纹的高颈法兰普通螺纹椭圆型法兰管衬方形法兰矩形法兰阀门球阀和旋塞阀蝶阀外壳变形阀门针阀压力调节阀止回阀电磁阀控制阀手动阀气动阀电动阀门特殊阀门耦合阀流体动力系统气压缸气动阀气压缸附件控制元件过滤器、密封件和流体污垢处理即时接头, HR polymer 即时接头,镀镍黄铜即时接头,不锈钢压合接头,黄铜压合接头.不锈钢气动功能接头工业用球阀液压缸液压缸附件液压接头液压块气动泵手动泵不规则液压油泵液压保险丝真空技术吸盘吸盘配件真空发生器真空开关蓄电池附件原理图符号制造工程工业自动化系统一般工业自动化系统工业机器人﹑机械手机械电子学工业过程测量和控制支持线性运动角运动夹持钳装配附件型材装配附件手动夹紧切割和挤压平面引导球引导摩擦件冲矩阵定位滑块标准模具弹簧可拆卸滑块气压缸机床系统手动夹紧心轴手轮手柄操作手柄指示器铰链锁闩工业盘式制动器波纹管式密封件、机器保护装置枪钻无屑加工设备成型设备模具底座中心定位元件引导元件弹出元件注入元件弹簧调节元件摩擦元素热流道块快速成型手持工具手持式工具电气工程一般电气工程接线端子断路器电流接触器连接器继电器保护元件电机起动器自动化系统电流源电流互感器功能连接块测量和测试仪器电线和电缆电气设备部件配电箱外壳元件和开关盒电器配件插头、插座、耦合器开关保险丝及其它过电流保护装置保护元件控制和警告其它电器配件开关设备和控制设备电气旋转机械、电机直流电机永久磁铁,不带制动微型电机步进电机无刷异步电机一般电机无刷伺服电机直流电机齿轮马达风力发电机变速电机电动机控制变压器、反应器整流器、转换器、稳压电源机械和电子探测限位开关光电探测器感应探测器磁探测器电容探测器超声波检查流体传感器接近传感器位移传感器扭矩传感器温度传感器湿度传感器稳压器测斜仪电动执行器螺线管原理图符号电子元件一般电子元件热敏电阻继电器电容电子显示设备印刷电路板光电 . 激光设备等电子工业元件连接器设备断路器输入系统二极管开关附件等计量、测量和物理现象普通计量和测量线性尺寸和角度测量力、重力和压力的测量热力学和温度测量测量系统电、磁、电气和磁性测量电和磁的测量新能源、健康保护、安全防护风力发电机组太阳电池板空气质量水质机械安全人机工程学事故和灾害控制消防犯罪预防与控制能量和热传导工程管道和配管燃烧器、锅炉太阳能工程制冷技术信息技术、办公设备一般信息技术(IT技术)自动化控制器分布式I / O模块开放式人机界面平台工业型I / O 工业通讯工业计算机 IT 终端和其他外设软件CAD软件 CAM软件企业资源管理软件(ERP)图像处理技术道路车辆工程造船飞机和航天器工程原料处理设备起重设备起重设备附件连续装卸设备传送带组件货物的包装和调运桶、鼓、罐箱、盒、板条箱通用集装箱包装机械农业食品技术采矿和矿物石油及相关工艺技术管道件和一般管道法兰盖子弯头三通变径盲法兰密封垫圈石油产品和天然气处理设备冶金铝合金板材不锈钢面板型材板件管件铁型材橡胶和塑料产业建筑材料和建筑物基础设施规划和城市规划天花板、地板、楼梯门窗通风和空调系统卫生设施把手铰链锁闩土木工程家用和商用设备、文娱、体育TraceParts 网页零件库支持的建模格式全球最大的零件库( 所有零件模型全部免费下载) Solidworks 全球最大的SolidWorks零件库: TraceParts Pro/E 全球最大的Pro/E 零件库: TraceParts UG 全球最大的UG 零件库: TraceParts CATIA 全球最大的CATIA 零件库: TraceParts AUTOCAD(DWG 13) 全球最大的AUTOCAD(DWG 13)零件库: TraceParts Inventor 全球最大的Inventor零件库: TraceParts Mechanical Desktop 全球最大的Mechanical Desktop零件库: TraceParts DXF 13 全球最大的DXF 13零件库: TraceParts SolidEdge 全球最大的SolidEdge零件库: TraceParts SpaceClaim 全球最大的SpaceClaim零件库: TraceParts Parasolid 全球最大的Parasolid零件库: TraceParts Topsolid 全球最大的Topsolid零件库: TraceParts Google SketchUP 全球最大的Google SketchUP零件库: TraceParts HiCAD 全球最大的HiCAD零件库: TraceParts STEP 全球最大的STEP零件库: TraceParts STL 全球最大的STL零件库: TracePartsT-FLEX 全球最大的T-FLEX零件库: TraceParts TurboCAD 全球最大的TurboCAD零件库: TraceParts3D XML 全球最大的3D XML零件库: TracePartsTraceParts 零件库上的各国标准件(代号)TraceParts 零件库上的各国标准件(名称)GB中国国家标准件ISO国际标准化组织标准件DIN德国标准件BS英国标准件JIS日本标准件NF(AFNOR) 法国标准件UNI意大利标准件ANSI/ASME/ASTM(Inch)美国标准件(含英制和公制)ANSI/ASME/ASTM(Metric)TraceParts零件库的部分知名制造商零件库TraceParts 零件库拥有数百家各国制造商零件库(均为免费下载)仅列举部分3M明尼苏达矿务及制造业公司(美国)ADVANTECH研华(自动化)Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(瑞典)OMRON欧姆龙LEGRAND罗格朗(法国)FAG/SKF/NSK 轴承PHOENIX CONTACT菲尼克斯电气Schneider Electric/Electrical Distribution施耐德电气Siemens Automation and Control西门子(德国)Bosch Rexroth博世力士乐在TraceParts 发布贵公司零件模型的好处-- 全球有数百家知名制造商(如西门子,施耐德,空中客车,米其林等)使用TraceParts 的服务–节省成本:传统的做展会,电视广告,网络广告成本高收效少,无法准确定位用户群,TraceParts 能帮你准确找到您的潜在用户将您的零件模型融入到客户的早期设计中去,调查显示:被下载的3D模型其实体零件有70%的可能出现在客户的采购单中。



TD-SCDMARAN 系统 RNC信令跟踪分析工具操作手册 1信令跟踪分析工具操作手册声明 TD-SCDMARAN 系统 RNC信令跟踪分析工具操作手册声明产品类别:□ TDR2000 ■ TDR3000 □ TDB03C □ TDB09A □ TDB144A □ OMC-R □ 其他产品版本:资料版本:V1.0.1文档编号:DTM4.387.401SM大唐移动通信设备有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与当地的大唐移动办事处联系,也可直接与公司总部客服中心联系。

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巡检仪TRAK-IT使用操作规程燃气泄漏巡检仪TRAK-IT使用操作规程T R A K-I T系列燃气泄漏巡检仪,配给指定的传感器后,可用来探测可燃气体、氧气含量、有毒气体等,每种T R A K-I T系列摸块提供不同的探测性能,所以的气体用内部吸气泵持续采样,能较好的测量易燃气体的百分比浓度,是一种广泛使用较先进的测量仪器。


二、操作规程警告:任何时候打开T R A K-Ⅲ,都应该在远离可燃气体的环境中,以确保仪器彻底清零。


2、如果没有显示或“BAT LOW”出现在屏幕上,则要替换电池。






e.显示“CAL PAST DUE”时,传感器已经超过校准失效,可能需要校准。



g.显示“AUTO ZERO”调零所有传感器。












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Injectable Medication Guideline:Synagis (Palivizumab)Background:Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common disease of childhood and causes acute upper respiratory tract infections in patients of all ages. Most RSV-infected infants experience upper respiratory tract symptoms, and 20% to 30% develop lower respiratory tract infections with their first RSV infection. Certain conditions increase the risk of severe or fatal RSV infection. These include preterm birth; cyanotic or complicated congenital heart disease, especially when the condition causes pulmonary hypertension; chronic lung disease of prematurity, and immunodeficiency disease or therapy causing immunosuppression at any age. In the U.S., more than 125,000 hospitalizations due to RSV infection occur annually. Outbreaks of RSV usually begin in November or December, peak in January or February, and end in March or April.Synagis (palivizumab), a humanized mouse RSV monoclonal antibody, has been shown to reduce the risk of serious RSV disease and to reduce RSV-related hospitalizations in high-risk infants and children. Synagis is administered at a dose of 15mg/kg once every 30 days. Five monthly doses will provide more than 20 weeks of protective serum antibody concentration for most infants. Synagis is administered intramuscularly (IM). Synagis is not effective in the treatment of RSV and it is not approved or recommended for this indication. Synagis is FDA-approved for the prevention of serious lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV in pediatric patients at high risk of RSV disease. Safety and efficacy were established in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), infants with a history of premature birth (≤35 weeks gestation), and children with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease (CHD). Synagis is associated with high cost. Patients receiving Synagis must meet strict approval criteria. Criteria (based on documented RSV risk factors):∙Infants born at 28 weeks gestation or earlier and who are less than 12 months of age as of November 1st. A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.∙Infants born between 29 to 32 weeks gestation and who are less than 6 months of age as of November 1st. A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.∙Infants born between 32 to 35 weeks gestation and who are less than 3 months of age as of November 1st and who have one of the following two risk factors for hospitalization due to RSV: ∙Infant attends child care, defined as a home or facility where care is provided for any number of infants or young toddlers in the child care facility; or∙Infant has school age siblings or school age relatives living in the house∙Infants in this category may receive prophylaxis with Synagis until they reach 3 months of age and should receive a maximum of 3 monthly doses.∙Infants with chronic lung disease (CLD) who are less than 2 years of age as of November 1st who are receiving or have received medical therapy for CLD within the past 6 months (includes supplemental oxygen, nebulizer treatments, bronchodilators, diuretics, or chronic corticosteroid therapy). A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.∙Infants born before 35 weeks gestation who have congenital abnormalities of the airway or neuromuscular disease. A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.∙Infants and children who are less than 2 years of age as of November 1st with hemodynamically significant cyanotic or acyanotic congenital heart disease. Those most likely to benefit are infants and children receiving medication for congestive heart failure (digoxin, diuretic), those with moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension, and those with cyanotic heart disease. A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.∙Infants and children with immune deficiency who may benefit from RSV prophylaxis (severe combined immunodeficiency, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), transplant recipients, or children immunocompromised due to chemotherapy). A maximum of five monthly doses is recommended for patients in this category.Injectable Medication Guideline:Synagis (Palivizumab)CCS Guidelines for the Authorization of Synagis:Infants and children must meet above criteria in addition to meeting the following CCS criteria: ∙Infant or child must have a CCS-eligible condition∙The request for Synagis shall be made by the CCS authorized pediatric subspecialist or the CCS approved Special Care Center; or the request shall be made by a CCS-paneled pediatrician authorized in conjunction with a CCS paneled pediatric subspecialist or CCS approved Special Care Center∙Premature infants who are currently eligible only for diagnostic services through the high-risk infant follow-up program are not eligible for CCS authorization of palivizumabSynagis Dosing:15mg/kg to be administered intramuscularly once a monthNote: Providers may bill for one vial of Synagis even if only part of the vial was given to the recipient and the remainder of the drug was discarded. However, the provider may not bill for the 100 mg vial when the dose required for the recipient is ≤ than 50 mg.Cost (AWP as of December 2011):∙Synagis (palivizumab) 50mg vial (each) = $1,915∙Synagis (palivizumab) 100mg vial (each) = $2,675REFERENCES1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Summaries of Infectious Diseases, Repiratory Syncytial Virus. RedBook 2009.2. Meissner HC and Bocchini JA. Reducing RSV hospitalizations. AAP modifies recommendations foruse of palivizumab in high-risk infants, young children. American Academy of Pediatrics News. July 2009. Volume 30 (7):1-2.3. American Academy of Pediatrics, Subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis.Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis. Pediatrics. 2006;116 (4): 1774-1793.4. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Infectious Diseases and Committee on Fetus andNewborn. Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections: indications for the use of palivizumab and update on the use of RSV-IGIV. Pediatrics. 1998;102(5):1211-16.5. Meissner HC, et al. Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in high risk infants: consensusopinion on the role of immunoprophylaxis with respiratory syncytial virus hyperimmune globulin.Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1996;15(12):1059-68.6. The Impact-RSV Study Group. Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory syncytial virus monoclonalantibody, reduces hospitalization from respiratory syncytial virus infection in high-risk infants.Pediatrics. 1996;97:137-140.7. California Department of Health Care Services. Palivizumab (Synagis). N.L. 04-0509, August 2009.8. Sondheimer HM, Cabalka AK, Feltes TF, Piazza FM, Conner EM, and the Cardiac Synagis StudyGroup. Palivizumab (PV) prevents hospitalization due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in young children with serious congenital heart disease (CHD). Protocol CP048. Presented at the Cardiology Section of American Academy of Pediatrics Conference, Oct.18, 2002. Data on file, MedImmune, Inc.9. Romero JR. Palivizumab prophylaxis of respiratory syncytial virus disease from 1998 to 2002: resultsfrom four years of palivizumab usage. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003;22(2):S46-S54.10. Holman RC, et al. Risk factors for bronchiolitis-associated deaths among infants in the United States.Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003;22(6):483-489.11. Synagis Product Information. MedImmune. March 2009. Gaithersburg, MD.。

GPS Tracker User Manual UT01车载定位器使用说明书

GPS Tracker User Manual  UT01车载定位器使用说明书

UniGuard Technology LimitedGPS/GPRS/GSM Vehicle TrackerUser ManualUT01UniGuard Technology Limited 1System Function IntroductionThis v e h i c l e t r a c k e r h a s c o m b i n e d GPS and GSM(GPRS)functions.Location information will be send by SMS or GPRS.You can enquiry where the vehicle is on Google map and its history.You can control the vehicle the engine remotely by SMS or internet.UniGuard Technology Limited 2Product Description2.1SpecificationGSM module:l Band:850/900/1800/1900MHzl Max RF Output:33.0dBm±2dBml Dynamic Input Range:-15~-102dBmGPS module:l GPS chip set:SiRF Star IIIl Frequency:L1,1575.42MHzl Number of Channel:20Battery:l Voltage:3.7Vl Charge:<4.2VUniGuard Technology Limited l Li-ion:450mAhInput Voltage:DC6~36VOperating Temperature:-45~65℃2.2Features:e Google map,Global free2.Real-time locating/inquiry3.SOS button/Power-cut Alarm4.Listen by telephone5.E-fence/Over-speed Alarmpatible original anti-theft7.Remote control engine3Installation Instructions3.1InterfaceThe One side:The other side1、SIM:Port for SIM card2、PHONE:Connect to Microphone3、MIC:Connect to earphone4、LED1:Power light5、LED2:Status light6、ResetUniGuard Technology Limited 3.2Installation Figure3.3Installation and Test:Please test after installation.If you don’t need some functions,you can disconnect corresponding interface.Please make sure ACC,DC,GND installed correctly.Otherwise,the device cannot work.Please check the device status through signal light after power on:ØLED1is off which indicates there is no power.ØLED2flashes for one second which indicates GSM registers successfully.ØLED2flashes three seconds once which indicates GPS is obtainingUniGuard Technology Limited orientationØLED2is on which indicates work successfully that GSM has registered and GPS has obtained the orientation.ØIf LED2is on0.1second then off0.1second for more than3minutes, please make sure SIM card inserts well.Without SIM card,the device cannot work.4SMS Operation InstructionSMS Format:A******,cmd,param1,param2…1.******is the password,Initial Password is0000002.cmd is the command ID.3.Param is the command parameter.Different cmd use different parameters. All the parameters must use half-angle symbol.Wrong SMS format or wrong password,it will not respond.4.1Location Inquiry(000/100)1.Google Map reply Message format:A******,000e.g.A000000,000Reply:/maps?q=22.54079,113.9392309-10-2017:38:30 Speed:20you can just open the link from your cell to view the map.UniGuard Technology Limited2.Detailed Address Name reply Message format:A******,100e.g.A000000,100Reply:42Xiacheng North Rd,Wujin,Changzhou,Jiangsu,China4.2Change Password(001)Message format:A******,001,New Passworde.g.A000000,001,123456Note:000000is the old password,123456is the new password.Reply:Set Password OK!4.3Real-time return setting(002)Message format:A******,002,XXXXXX=0is for STOP,value of XXX is within[15~64800]seconds.e.g.A000000,002,30Message replied after successful setting:Set time interval(30)OK!Message contains position information will be sent in every30seconds after successful setting.4.4SOS/Listen Telephone Number settingMessage format:A******,003,P,TelNumberP=1is for SOS and listenP=2or3is the second\the third listen number.UniGuard Technology Limited e.g.A000000,003,1,136xxxxxxxxMessage replied after successful setting:Set Telephone OK!Keep pressing SOS button for2seconds.The device will send emergency SMS and dial the number you set as SOS number.Reply:SOS Pos:Longitude E114.04577Latitude N22.3240508-10-20 17:38:30,If you dial with your listen number,it can be connected automatically after the7th ring.Then you can listen the voice in the vehicle.4.5Over-speed Alarm Setting(005)Message format:A******,005,XXXXXX=[000,200](unit:km/h)XXX=00is close the function.e.g.A000000,005,020Message replied after successful setting:Set Over speed(20)KM OK!If the vehicle is over speed you set,it will send alarm SMS to SOS mobile number. 20KM/H Over speed!4.6e-Fence Setting(006)Message format:A******,006,XXXX=[00-50](Unit:100m).When XX=0,e-Fence is OFF.And the maximum limited value of XX is 50*100=5000m. e.g.A000000,006,10Reply:Set Distance(1000)M OK!When user is out of the bound region(e.g.UniGuard Technology Limited 1020m),a prompt message will be sent to the user:1020m is further than 1000m!4.7Cut-off the Vehicle Engine(007)Message format:A******,007,XX=0cut off engine,x=1resume engine,For security,this command will execute when the speed less than20Km/h or the ACC is off.e.g.A000000,007,05GPRS Communication Settings5.1Set APN(APN(Access Point NAME))Message format:A******,012,APNLength of APN is limited within100characters,E.g:A000000,012,cmnet “cmnet”is the APN of China Mobile5.2Set the IP and Port of Gprs_ServerMessage format:A******,010,IP,PORTe.g.A000000,010,,6900121.37.58.10is the IP of GPRS_server,6900is the port of GPRS_Server application(be in communication with GPS Vehicle tracker)UniGuard Technology Limited 5.3Open GPRS functionMessage format:A******,011,X(note:x=1open GPRS,X=0close GPRS)e.g.A000000,011,1GPRS function will be open,and Vehicle tracker will send data to Internet,Users can turn off this function though send SMS:A000000,011,05.4Query the GPRS SettingIf the device can not be see on the internet,you will check the APN/IP/PORT and the GPRS function of SIM card.You can send message to check the GPRS setting.Message format:A******,004The device will send back GPRS setting parameters.You can check whether the parameter sets correctly by it.(1)Device ID(2)APN(China Mobile is CMNET,China Unicom is UNINET)(3)Server IP address(4)Server port(5)GPRS open status(0-off,1-on)(6)GPRS connecting status(0-Internet is bad,1-work well)UniGuard Technology Limited (7)GSM signal value(1~31),if value<10is too weak to work well.6GPS tracking system on website6.1User LoginGoogle Map can support many different languages.It can change language for local language by itself.6.2Vehicle monitoringChoose vehicle in the vehicle list on the left.Then right-click,it will show a menu.Choose the menu Go to Vehicle Current Location.If thereare location record of the choose vehicle,it could skip to the latestvehicle location.If the location is not in the scope of map,the system willset it in middle automatically and show the Remind message box.UniGuard Technology Limited6.3Vehicle real-time tracking1choose vehicleà2map modeà 3.vehicle state,Google map have3 model:map mode,satellitic mode and Hybrid modeMap mode satellites mode:UniGuard Technology Limited 6.4Vehicle history record playbackPlease point run history review page1choose vehicleà2start timeà3inquire timeà4.setup review speed à5start review process you can know that time date,speed,way and distance sum.。

Honda Tractor HTA 附件 Dozer Blade 装配、操作和维护手册说明书

Honda Tractor HTA 附件 Dozer Blade 装配、操作和维护手册说明书

Thank you for purchasing an HTA attachment for your Honda Tractor.This manual covers t he a ssembly, o peration, a nd m aintenance o f the HTA Modelas a reference and may not necessarily depict the actual models listed above. T he information in this publication i s based on the latest product information available at the time o f printing. American Honda Motor Co., Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation.N o part o f this publication may be reproduced without written permission.Pay special attention to the statements preceeded by the following symbols: Indicates that serious injury or death2PAGEGeneral Safety (5) (5)Safety Label Location (5)Assembly and Installation (6)Front BladeAssembly (6)Attaching the Blade t o the Tractor (7)Operating Procedures ......................................................................Controls ............ ....................................................................Grading ................................................................................. (9)Parts (10)GENERAL SAFETYprocedureswho work with you doan o bject o r c ausing i njury.The use o f tire c hains a nd for better traction i s advised w hen this attachment is being used for snow r emoval: u s e only those recommended by American HondaProlonged exposure to loud noise can cause permanent impairment or loss o f hearing. Wear a suitable p rotective device such as an external hearing protector (earmuffs) or ear plugs to protect against loud orStop the tractor's engine whenever you leave the operator's position to make any inspection, adjustment or repair.Before leaving the tractor unattended, always lower the dozer blade, shift the transmission to neutral, set theASSEMBLYAND INSTALLATIONFor safety, this attach -ment should be assembled and &talled byaBLADE ASSEMBLY 1. Insert the female quick hitch into the hitch box, a nd align the pivot and adjustment pin holes. 2. Insert the pivot pin through the hitch box and the quick hitch. Align the hole in the end o f the pivot pin with the holes in the boss on the underside o f the box, and then c a r e f u l l y drive a o f threadprotruding from the nut. NOTE: In order to mount this attachment on a Honda Lawn Tractor or Multipurpose orX 1“ROLLPIN4.5.7.3 657OPERATING PROCEDURES i t is vital t h a t thismanual and the Tractor Owner‘s M a n u a l .stop thetractor engine and remove the i g n i t i o nattempting t o inspect, adjust or this attachment. BEFORE OPERATINGCheck to be s u r e that the attachment i s properly installed on the tractor and thatall nuts, bolts and spring clips are secure. CONTROLS HYDRAULIC LIFT LEVERManual for o perate the tractor at low speeds, and beparticularly ahead p osition, a nd a djust t he skid s hoes so that the blade rests on the ground. 2. Theblade tensionerspring should be adjusted so that the blade follows the contours of the ground. Do not over - tighten the spring. 3. Select a low forward speed for best results. SNOW REMOVAL1. For snow removal, it is generally best to set the blade at an angle. Select a ground speed that allows the snow to curl cleanly off the end of the blade. Low s p e e d s a regenerally b e s t . 2. When clearing snow on a paved surface, s e t the skid shoes to allowapproximately 1/4 o f clearance between the blade and the pavement. On a gravel surface, allow3. It maybeSTORAGE' 1. After each use, check to he sure thatPARTS10PARTS (Continued)ITEM...I.. :Discuss your problem with a member o f dealership management. Often complains can bequickly resolved at that level. If the problem has already been reviewed with the ServiceManager, contact the owner o f the dealership or the General Manager.Georgia 30136(404) 497-6400W e will need the following in order to assist you :- Your name, a ddress and telephone number- Product model and serial number- Date o f purchase- Dealer name a nd address- Nature o f the problemAfter reviewing all the facts involved. y ou will beadvised o f what action can b e taken. Please bearin mind that your problem will likely be resolved at the dealership, using the dealer's facilities, equipment and personnel. so it i s very important that your initial contact be with the dealer.Your purchase o f a Honda product i s greatly appreciated by both your dealer and American Honda Motor Company. W e w ant to assist you in every way possible to assure your satisfactionwith your purchase.For future reference, r ecord your unit's model number, s erial number and。



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多个Milestone 就构成了一个Roadmap。


摩托罗拉 MaraTrac 高级控制头操作说明书

摩托罗拉 MaraTrac 高级控制头操作说明书

Operating InstructionsTo Receive:Turn the control head ON/OFF switch to ON. A tone(s) sounds to indicate the radio condition (see TONE TABLE). The display indicates the receive mode. Adjust the volume with the Vol up/down rocker button. The BUSY indicator lights when the channel has activity.To Transmit:Scroll to the desired mode using the Mode up/down rocker button. Press and hold the PTT button; when the red XMIT indicator comes on, speak into the microphone in a normal voice. If a tone sounds when you press the PTT button, the system is alerting you to a certain condition (see TONE TABLE).TONE TABLETone Cause What To Do1 High-Pitched Beep at Power-Up Radio Passed Self-Test No Action NecessarySeries of High-Pitched Beeps at Power-Up Radio Did NOT PassSelf-TestRadio Requires Service;Notify Service Personnel1 Low-Pitched Beep Tone Invalid Selection Select Another Button 1 High-Pitched Beep "CHIRP" Valid Selection No Action NecessaryLow Constant Tone When Pressing PTT * Transmitting MDC Data Wait for Tone to CompleteBefore TalkingLow Constant Tone UponPressing PTTBlank Transmit Frequency Selected Mode is Receive-OnlyLow Constant Tone While Transmitting Time-Out Timer Has Expired Transmission Terminated;Release PTT* Optional tone dependent on radio programmingTalk-around:Use the Dir ect button for talk-around operation. When the Dir indicator is not lit, the programmed transmit frequency and squelch information are used. By momentarily pressing Dir (indicator lights), talk-around is enabled and the receive frequency and squelch code are used for talk-around transmit frequency information. To turn talk-around off, momentarily press Dir again.Multiple PL Codes:Momentarily press the MPL button to turn on multiple PL feature. The MPL indicator lights and the selected code is momentarily displayed. When MPL is active, the selected code overrides the mode-slaved Tx and Rx squelch codes. To turn MPL off, momentarily press MPL again. To change the selected MPL code, press and hold the MPL button until a "chirp" sounds and the MPL indicator flashes to indicate you are in the MPL "configuration" mode. Use the Mode up/down rocker button to scroll to the desired MPL code. The new displayed MPL code pair becomesOperating Instructionsimmediately active (even before exiting the configuration mode). To exit theconfiguration mode, press either the MPL or the Home button.Monitor VHF/UHF:The system defaults to coded-squelch operation on power-up. To change to carrier squelch, momentarily press the Mon button; a single "chirp" sounds and the Mon indicator lights up. Return to coded-squelch by momentarily pressing Mon again. To un-squelch the radio, press and hold Mon until a second "chirp" sounds. Adjust the volume with the Vol up/down rocker button. Momentarily press Mon again to return to coded squelch operation.Low Band Radio with Adjustable Squelch:The adjustable squelch control feature allows the operator to adjust the squelch threshold, via a squelch control knob located on the control head.• Coded-Squelch OperationThe radio defaults to coded squelch operation upon powering up. To change to adjustable carrier squelch, if Private-Line® (PL) or Digital Private-Line® (DPL) is programmed, momentarily press the Mon button; a single "chirp" sounds and the Mon indicator lights. Return to coded squelch by momentarily pressing Mon again.To un-squelch the radio, press and hold Mon until a second "chirp" sounds. Adjust the volume with the Vol up/down rocker button. Momentarily press Mon again to return to coded squelch operation.• Carrier-Squelch OperationRotate the squelch-control knob to the fully counterclockwise position. When the channel is clear, slowly rotate the squelch-control knob clockwise until the noise stops. This is the threshold squelch setting. The operator may adjust the squelch knob to reduce interference when necessary.Operating InstructionsScan:Press the Scan button to turn scan on; a "chirp" sounds and the Scan indicator lights (solid) indicating the system is scanning. Momentarily press Scan again toOperating Instructionsturn scan off. When on a preset internal scan list or an operator selectable scan list the radio scans for activity. While scanning, if activity on the priority mode isdetected, the Pri indicator flashes. When activity is detected on a non-priority mode, the Non-Pri indicator lights up solid.Scan with talkback:When talkback scan is enabled by programming, after activity has ceased, the radio will suspend scan and stay on the same channel for the duration of receive talkback hang-time. Priority sampling will continue. The Pri ority indicator/BUSY indicator will show priority information. Whenever the PTT button is released and the radio de-keys, scan will be suspended and stay on the same channel for the duration oftransmit talkback hang-time. Priority sampling will continue. If the PTT button is pressed while scan is suspended in hang-time, the radio will key up on the lastmode that had activity. Priority indicators will show priority information. The display will show the channel that had activity. After the talkback hangtime is expired, the radio will resume scan.Edit User's Scan List:Press and hold the Scan button until a "chirp" sounds. The Scan indicator flashes to indicate scan "configuration" mode. Use the Mode up/down rocker button or Rcl (recall) to review the user's scan list. The Pri indicator flashes when the prioritymode has been selected or the Non-Pri indicator lights solid when a non-priority mode has been selected. Use the Sel button to scroll from "not-in-the-list" to "non-priority" to "priority" and back to "not-in-the-list". The effect each Sel button press has on a selected mode's scan list is explained in the following table.If Condition Is: One Sel Press Will: Indicators Change To:Selected Mode NOT in the List Add Mode to the List asNon-PriorityNon-Pri lights (Pri Off)Selected Mode in List as Non-Priority Raise Mode's Status toPriority *Pri flashes (Non-Pri off)Selected Mode in Listas PriorityDelete Mode from List Both lights off* If another mode was previously designated as a priority mode, the previously designated priority mode's status is lowered to non-priority when you exit theconfiguration mode.To exit the configuration mode and simultaneously save the scan list changes, momentarily press the Scan or the Home button.Home Mode:Use the Home button to select the internally programmed Home mode and to exit any configuration mode.Operating InstructionsDimmer Button:Pressing the DIM mer button once dims the display's brightness. Pressing theDIM mer button a second time returns the display back to full brightness.Standard Features Note:PL Channel Scan TM, talk-around, Quik-Call II TM and Stat-Alert TM decode features are shipped from the factory disabled and require field programming. Refer to theMaraTrac Radio Service Software and Radio Signaling Options manuals forprogramming instructions.Stat-Alert TM and Quik-Call II TM Operation Procedures:• Call AlertTMWhen a Call Alert is received, four beeps sound every five seconds and the armed external alarms* will operate. The display flashes "CA". To clear the alarms, take the microphone off-hook or press the Mon button. The display shows the current mode number. If scan was on the display shows the priority mode. To reply to the Call Alert, press the PTT button.• Selective CallWhen a Selective Call is received, the radio will beep twice. The display flashes "SC". A voice message will follow.Wait until the voice message is complete. The display stops flashing and shows the current mode number. Pick up the microphone, press the PTT button and reply to the Selective Call.Telephone Interconnect:Requires DTMF Microphone and DTMF Decoder Kit installedWhen a phone call comes in, telephone-type ringing sounds and the armed external alarms* will operate. The display flashes "PH".To respond, pick up the DTMF microphone and enter the connect code (normally the "*" button), press the PTT button, and speak into the microphone. To listen,release the PTT button. Explain to the land-line caller that they must wait until you release the PTT button (indicated by a soft beep) before they can speak.When the call is complete, enter the disconnect code (normally the "#" button) and hang up the microphone.* External Alarms:When the external alarms option is installed in a VHF or UHF MaraTrac radio, the horn and lights can be activated by pressing the H/L button. To change thisOperating Instructionsconfiguration, press and hold the H/L button until the radio enters the select mode (a single "chirp" will sound). Use the Mode up/down rocker button to change thedesired horn and lights setting. Once the desired setting has been selected, press the Home or H/L button to exit and return to normal operation. When a Call Alert is received, the external alarms will respond with your selected alarm setting.On a low band radio with adjustable squelch, pressing the H/L button activates both the horn and lights; they are not independently selectable.Single Tone TM Encode:Requires Single Tone Kit installed• To Select Single Tone:To select Single Tone, momentarily press the ST button on the control head. The radio sounds one beep and displays the selected tone for two seconds. The red indicator under the ST button will light.• To Send Single Tone:Press the PTT button. The talk inhibit side-tone will be heard if it is programmed to enable. The selected tone will be displayed for the duration of the tone if the display tone on PTT is programmed to enable. Wait for the Single Tone to complete, then speak normally in to the microphone.• To Turn Off Single Tone:To turn off Single Tone, momentarily press the ST button on the control head. The radio will sound one beep and the red indicator light under the ST button will be off. • To Enter Configuration Mode:To enter the configuration mode, press and hold the ST button on the control head until the radio beeps and the red indicator under the ST button flashes. The display will show the selected tone. Use the Mode up/down button to scroll through the available tones.• To Select a Tone and Exit Configuration Mode:Press the ST button, or the Home button, to exit configuration mode and to select the Single Tone currently displayed.NOTEIf Single Tone is selected, and you scroll to a non-Single Tone mode, the STindicator will be off until you reach a mode with Single Tone.。

RF Tracing 402T 应用说明书

RF Tracing 402T 应用说明书

Many newer splitters now fitted to cable TV systems have improved filtering to remove all possible noise. The problem with using 402K with these is that its signal carrier at about 447 kHz is classified as “noise” by these filters and blocked by more than 80 dB compared to earlier splitters.This application note suggests an alternate connection scheme that can increase the level of signal detectable in the cable to which the 402T is connected and, in some cases, those on the other side of the splitter.We cannot change the tracing carrier frequency as this may then interfere with all subscribers connected to that node who aremaking use of the lower channels, usually these days used for cable modem traffic (broadband data).APPLICATION NOTETRACING THROUGH MODERN SPLITTERS WITH 402K BASIC CONNECTION OF 402T AND SPLITTERBASIC CONNECTION OF 402T AND SPLITTER ON GROUND PLANECONNECTION OF 402T AND GROUNDED SPLITTER ON GROUND PLANECONNECTION OF 402T AND SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION ON GROUND PLANEHere the oscillator and splitter are “floating” relative to ground. Current flows from the oscillator to the splitter and returns along the cable. Therefore the two magnetic fields cancel and there is no net field detectable by the probes coil. However, there is some electrostatic field detectable.Here the oscillator and splitter are still “floating” relative to ground – but capacitive coupling to ground is greater. Current flows from the oscillator to the splitter and returns along the cable. Therefore the two magnetic fields cancel and there is no net field detectable by the probes coil. However, there is still some electrostatic field detectable – but noticeably less than the Basic Connection of 402T and Splitter test.Here the oscillator and splitter are grounded by the screen of the coaxial cable and body of the splitter sitting on the ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter and returns along the cable. Therefore the two magnetic fields cancel and there is no net field detectable by the probes coil. But now the coaxial screen is also at ground potential therefore there is also no electrostatic field detectable.However, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection by direct connection still works fine.Here the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is sitting, isolated above the ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable screen and returns via the leakage capacitance to the ground plane. This current is relatively small and difficult to identify with the coil. This is especially true as the electrostatic field radiated from the coaxial cable is as large as possible.Also, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection with the electrostatic probe or direct connection still works fine.Despite the impression that the user’s guide gives it is entirely irrelevant whether the red or black lead is the one that is grounded when connecting like this. The oscillator is floating relative to ground and the two leads are largely balanced with respect to ground (though not perfectly).Splitter body in contact with groundGrounded black leadCONNECTION OF 402T AND GROUNDED SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION ON GROUND PLANEHere the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is sitting, connected to this ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable screen and returns directly through the ground plane.This current is as large as possible and very easy to identify with the coil. But now in this case there is no electrostatic field detectable in the “null” of the magnetic field as everything is grounded.Now, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection with any method, magnetic, electrostatic or direct connection is impossible as no current flows beyond the first ground connection at the first splitter.Splitter body in contact with ground Grounded black lead | tel800.642.2155|******************Renewed Vision. Innovation Forward.Follow us on Social Media @TempoComms 1390 Aspen Way Vista, CA • 92081 02/21Latin America Phone : 1.760.510.0558 | EMEA Phone: +44 (0) 1633 927050©2021 Tempo Communications Inc. • An ISO 9001 CompanyEMEA Office: Tempo Europe Limited Brecon House, William Brown Close, Cwmbran • NP44 3AB, UK CONNECTION OF 402T AND GROUNDED SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION OF CENTRE CONDUCTOR ON GROUND PLANECONNECTION OF 402T AND SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION OF CENTRE CONDUCTOR ON GROUND PLANECONNECTION OF 402T AND GROUNDED SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION OF CENTRE CONDUCTOR ON GROUND PLANECONNECTION OF 402T AND GROUNDED SPLITTER BY DISCRETE CONNECTION OF CENTRE CONDUCTOR ON GROUND PLANEHere the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is sitting, connected to this ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable core and returns through splitter terminating impedance (depends on splitter type) and the ground plane. This current is large enough to generate a magnetic field effect and easy to identify with the coil. But now in this case there is no electrostatic field detectable in the “null” of the magnetic field as everything remains grounded.Now, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection is only possible by direct connection as no significant current flows beyond the grounded splitter.Here the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is floating, isolated from this ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable core and returns through stray capacitance to the ground plane. This current is small and the magnetic field is not easy to identify with the coil. But now in this case there is large electrostatic field detectable as the shield is not grounded and the signal is well coupled from the core to the screen.Also, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection is possible by electrostatic means and direct connection.Here the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is sitting, connected to this ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable core and returns through splitter terminating impedance (depends on splitter type) and the ground plane. This current is large enough to generate a magnetic field effect and easy to identify with the coil. But now in this case there is no electrostatic field detectable in the “null” of the magnetic field as everything remains grounded.Now, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection is only possible if those devices or those beyond that also have a ground connection as then current flows beyond the first grounded splitter. But at each splitter the signal is attenuated.Here the oscillator is grounded by connection to a local ground point and body of the splitter is sitting, connected to this ground plane. So current flows from the oscillator to the splitter through the coaxial cable core and returns through splitter terminating impedance (depends on splitter type) and the ground plane. This current is large enough to generate a strong magnetic field effect and easy to identify with the search coil of the 402R. For detection try placing the coil marking arrows along the route of the coaxial cable being checked - to confirm, rotate by 90 degrees to that the arrows are across the path of the coaxial cable - you should get a distinct null.In this case there is no electrostatic field detectable in the “null” of the magnetic field beyond the first splitter as the screen of the coaxial cable remains grounded.Now, if further cable and splitters are in the system beyond what is shown here then detection is only possible if those devices or those beyond that also have a good ground connection as then current flows beyond the first grounded splitter. But at each splitter the signal is obviously attenuated.Splitter body in contact with ground Splitter body in contact with ground Grounded black leadGrounded black leadGrounded black lead。



1ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OPERATING GUIDE Figure 1: Standard Two Button Key fobELECTRICAL SYSTEM OPERATING GUIDEIf a fully electric system has been installed, take time to familiarise with the button layout on boththe provided key fob and DC motor Controller (DCM). Automatic One Touch OperationTo activate the system:Close - To close the tarp, press button 1 momentarily and the tarp will automatically extend out to the closed position with no need for holding the button.Open - To open the tarp, briefly depress button one in the same fashion to engage the automatic rollup procedure. Emergency StopIf the tarp needs to be stopped at any point during theautomated opening or closing cycle, simply press either the open or close (1 or 2) button and the system will stop immediately. Once stopped, the system can be closed or opened in the same fashion as previously mentioned.Overload ProtectionDue to the high torque output of Roll-Rite R , the system implements an overload protection system. This is important to the user due to its effect on the tarp system if triggered. In the case of excessive load or Resistance on the rolling motion of the system, the DMC is tripped and the system ceases to operate. After a 5 second cool down period, the tarp can be used as normal. It should be noted that this form of cut out is used to fully tension the tarp, both in the fully open and closed positions and should not occur at any other point.CLOSEOPEN2DMC L.E.D. INDICATORSDMC L.E.D. INDICATORSL.E.D. IndicatorsOn start-up of the DMC unit, the unit indicates its pre-programmed amperage cut off tolerances through combinations of flashing L.E.D.’s. The following table displays the amperage tolerances.Table 1: Amperage Limit Indicators of DMCAfter the self-testing procedure, the DMC flashes all three L.E.D.’s in sequence to denote that the unit is fully initialised and ready for operation. The unit will then generate the following contextual indicators as required.Table 2: Power Status IndicatorsIn the case of an overload (cut-out) situation:Table 3: Overload Status IndicatorsAdditionally, temperature is also monitored:In the Case of any issues the following troubleshooting methods can be applied:3DMC TROUBLESHOOTING DMC TROUBLESHOOTINGLow VoltageDMC is being supplied with 8.5 to 11.5 Volts∙Ensure that the correct wire gauge has been used, refer to provided wiring diagram.∙Check that connections are fully contacting, free of corrosion and crimped tightly where required.Under VoltageDMC is being supplied with less than 9.5 Volts∙Check supply voltage.∙Ensure that the correct cable gauge has been used, refer to the provided wiring diagram.∙Check that connections are fully contacting, free of corrosion and crimped tightly where required.OverloadDMC has tripped due to excessive current draw∙It is normal for the unit to overload at the fully open/closed position for 5 seconds.∙If the DMC trips prematurely, inspect the tarping system for damage and ensure that there are no obstructions which inhibit the tarps movement.Input ErrorSwitch wires are being activated simultaneously or incorrectly∙Check manual switch for faults and inspect the cables and terminals.Motor Terminal Connected to Ground∙Ensure cables are connected to the correct terminals on the DMC.∙Check for possible shorts to the body of the vehicle if terminals are correctly wired.Voltage Applied to Motor Terminal∙Ensure cables are connected to the correct terminals on the DMC∙Check that the power is not rerouted directly to the motor with the DMC still integrated into the circuit.No Motor Connected∙Check all connections in the system leading up to and from the motor∙Check the DMC for correct terminal wiringOver temperatureOperating Temperature exceeds 80o C∙Inspect the entire tarp system for damage∙Inspect the complete wiring system for faults。






●TestTrack基本流程图:3使用前操作3.1 客户端安装●客户端位置:253FTP,/Public/Tools/TT2008-ttwininstall.exe●下载后双击安装包进行安装,安装类型选择如下第一项,其余持续点击下一步即可。


3.2 启动配置●安装完成后,通过C:\Program Files\Seapine\TestTrack\TestTrack Client.exe启动客户端。



●两个勾选选项:⏹Always login with…:记录账号密码,下次使用时不必输入。

⏹Use single sign-on:无账号密码登陆,目前未设定此类型账户,登录时不要勾选。

3.3 选择项目●登陆后进入选择项目界面:●此界面中会显示全部此用户有权限的项目。


Always login to this project:勾选后,下次登陆时直接跳过选择项目界面,直接进入此项目。

4基础功能介绍4.1 基础操作4.1.1下单●下单代表新增工作内容。






⏹项目:必须项,Pocket Street。


SAS Tracker Competitor用户手册说明书

SAS Tracker Competitor用户手册说明书

SAS Tracker Competitor User ManualWelcomeFor your and other competitor’s safety, it is important that you are familiar with the use of the WRC tracking unit, herein referred to as “the unit” or “the WRC tracking unit”.The SAS System is designed to increase competition safety by providing safety notifications to inform event management, improve response times and provide accurate and reliable event times.The following document outlines the basic features and functions of the WRC tracking unit. Please note that the WRC Tracking unit must be fitted and connected in all competitor’s car, in accordance with the SAS Fitting Kit Manual – RALLY CAR.Table of Contents1. Powering The Unit On (3)2.Stage Modes (3)2.1. Transport Mode (3)2.2. Stage Mode (4)3.Hazard Alerts (6)4.Red Flag (8)5.Transport Menu (9)5.1. Stage Times (10)5.2.Manual Hazard (11)6.Contact Us (11)1. Powering The Unit OnThe unit is pre-loaded with all of the stage coordinates and is activated when powered on. Please power the unit on early before the event to give it time to run checks.When powered on the unit will display the transport mode, the details of which are specified in the Art.2.1 of this document.The unit does not need to be powered off at any stage during the event as it will go to sleep within a few minutes of inactivity but can be re-woken by either moving the vehicle or pressing any of the four buttons.It is recommended that the unit is not powered off during the event, to ensure the internal battery stays fully charged for emergencies.2. Unit ModesThe unit has two modes:•When not in a competitive stage, the unit will be in transport mode, as described in 2.1.•When in a competitive stage, the unit will go into stage mode, as described in Transport ModeSCREEN 1 –The transport mode displays from the top down the following information: the name of the next point you are travelling to, the time in transit, current time, accumulative and intermediate distances and speed, average speed.The unit has four white physical buttons. Their functions is reported on the screen right above the button’s location.Starting from the far left button to the right, you have the following options:•OPTIONS: Operation described in 5.Transport Menu.•BRIGHT: Increase the screen brightness (Note that the screen must always be clearly readable so full brightness is recommended for daytime).•DIM: Decrease the screen brightness,•RESET: Intermediate trip meter.SCREEN 1. Transport Mode2.2. Stage ModeSCREEN 2 – When the start official assigns each individual competitor a due start time, a countdown will display on the unit as shown in the white field below. Also shown in the white field is the stage number and the due start time.SCREEN 2. Countdown to Stage StartSCREEN 3–Once the start time is reached, the screen will turn green as shown below and the competitor has to proceed into stage.SCREEN 3. Stage StartSCREEN 4– Once the competitor has started the stage, the unit will automatically switch to on stage mode. The unit will start timing and the blue bar will appear on the left hand side of the screen.SCREEN 4. Stage modeSCREEN 5 – If the start is postponed for whatever reason and the start time is cancelled, the unit will display the message “START TIME CANCELLED”. Once it is clear to send cars again the official will re-issue a new start time.SCREEN 5. Start Time Cancelled3.Hazard AlertsThe unit’s primary function is to help alert race control of incidents on the course. The incident is notified to race control with different levels of hazard depending on the severity.SCREEN 6 – If a car stops during a stage, the unit will automatically transmit a HAZARD notification; this can either upgraded to OK or downgraded to SOS by pressing the corresponding button to the text.A timer counts up to 60 seconds as an indication to press the “OK”.SCREEN 6. HAZARD NotificationSCREEN 7– If you select OK after the HAZARD alert, then the following screen will appear, showing that you and the car are OK.SCREEN 7. OK AcknowledgmentSCREEN 8–If the manual SOS button is pressed, it must be confirmed as either a fire or medical SOS by pressing one of the two middle buttons It can also be cancelled if pressed by mistake. If a car is involved in a High G impact, an automatic SOS message will display. If no urgent assistance is required, you can downgrade to OK by selecting the corresponding button.SCREEN 8. Confirm Fire SOS or Medical SOSSCREEN 9 – When the SOS is confirmed, the screen 9 will display. Even once confirmed, the hazard can be changed to OK. Pressing OK will inform race control that the crew are OK and do not need medical assistance.SCREEN 9. SOS Notification4. Red FlagSCREEN 10 –In the case of a serious incident, a stage may be red flagged from Race Control. The red flag will display a full screen warning until it is acknowledged. To acknowledge the flag the far left button must be pressed.SCREEN 10. RED FLAG AcknowledgeSCREEN 11 –Once the red flag has been acknowledged, normal stage functions will display with a warning still at the top of the screen.SCREEN 11. RED FLAG in Stage Mode5. Transport MenuSCREEN 12 –In transport mode, the unit has a menu that can be accessed by pressing the options button.SCREEN 12. Transport ModeSCREEN 13 –The option menu will allow the crew to view stage times “VIEW TIMES” or send a manual hazard/SOS “SEND HAZARD”.SCREEN 13. Transport Mode – View times/Send Hazard5.1. Stage TimesSCREEN 14 –By pressing the “VIEW TIMES” button, provisional transit and competitive stage times will display. You can select times for any of the completed stages with the next and previous buttons.SCREEN 14. Times of completed stagesP a g e | 11 5.2. Manual HazardSCREEN 15 –If manual hazard is sent in transport mode, this can be upgraded or downgraded the same way as a stage hazard. If the hazard is no longer required, it can also be cancelled by pressing either of the two middle buttons “PRESS TO CANCEL”.SCREEN 15. Manual Hazard in Transport Mode6. Contact usForassistance,pleasecontacttheRallySafeSupportTeambyemailing:*****************Please be as descriptive as you can when describing the problem. It would help us is you provide the following information at a minimum:•Name of event.•Vehicle or feature affected.•Stage of incident.•Time of incident.•Any additional details.。

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步骤:1,选择截面形式和配置箍筋2,选择截面尺寸,配置纵向钢筋:3,定义材料本构:非约束混凝土材料:约束混凝土纵向钢筋:4,定义纤维尺寸,生成分析截面5,定义加载工况计算弯矩曲率曲线工况计算轴力-弯矩相关曲线工况定义弯矩2-弯矩3相关曲线工况, 6,运行分析,查看分析结果点击,运行所有的分析,分析结果在界面自动出现。

弯矩-曲率曲线轴力-弯矩相关性曲线弯矩2-弯矩3相关性曲线7,提取分析结果点击,然后选择section1,然后选择M-C工况,选择Section Output。






2, Xtract根据ACI规范或软件设计者本意(陆新征老师建议),取圆柱体抗压强度,圆柱体抗压强度为0.79x26.4Mpa=20.856Mpa,这与棱柱体抗压强度20.1Mpa比较接近的,即轴心混凝土轴心抗压强度。





图3.钢筋材性定义,这里是HPB400图4.C40混凝土本构定义图5:运行图6. 右侧输出菜单图7.输出菜单详解图8,可以到处数据到excel比较,拟合Takeda滞回模型考虑钢筋混凝土开裂的影响,采用三线型骨架曲线,并对卸载刚度作了修改,还进一步规定了内滞回规则,见图1。








柱子的xtract是类似的,不同的是输出的是PMM曲线区别是在loading里面选择PM interaction图10 sap里面定义Column“弯矩—轴力”屈服曲线(PMM曲线)对于柱截面,定义PMM(轴力—弯矩耦合铰)来拟合构件的非线性行为,将xtract 计算结果输入程序中形成PMM屈服面,如图8所示。



xbj文件,拖入到xtract图标):# Project by XTRACT# Created by: 红亮# WARNING: When this read into XTRACT, data consistency checks are NOT performed. If inappropriate# input data is read into the software, unexpected results may ensue. Before modifying this file, it is advised to# save a back up copy. The order of the not important, nor is the spacing. The contain Global# data as described below. Note that if this saved outside XTRACT, the associated output be# automatically deleted when the opened.# Define the global parameters for the by Begin_Global and End_Global# Version, Units and Name are required.Begin_GlobalNAME = beamVER = 3.03UNITS = N-mmHAS_ANALYZED = True# Optional parametersAuthor = 红亮Company = 大学Job_Name = 截面M-φ曲线分析Job_Number = beamTime_Stamp = 2012/7/1 15:33:16End_Global#---------------------------------------# Begin material definition with Begin_Material and end with End_Material Begin_MaterialNAME = Steel1TYPE = Strain Hardening SteelFy = 360.0Fu = 360.0esh = .002esu = .09Es = 200.0E+3End_Material#---------------------------------------Begin_MaterialNAME = C40TYPE = Confined ConcreteFc = 26.80ey = .0015ecu = .0033Fl = 26.80Ec = 32.50E+3# Parameters for the confinement calculators are optionalcompStrength = 20.00End_Material#---------------------------------------# Begin Section Definitions. Between the Begin and End Section commands, the section shapes and# loadings are defined. If this is copied to a stand alone (.sec) file, then the section# materials also need to be defined.# Begin section definition.Begin_SectionBegin_BuilderNAME = Section1# Builder properties - boundary window - if left out, the default is used.Boundary_Bottom = -100.0Boundary_Left = -100.0Boundary_Right = 700.0Boundary_Top = 700.0Min_Triangle_Area = 30.00Max_Number_of_Fibers = 1000# Current drawing window properties - if left out, the default is used.Window_Left = 479.7Window_Bottom = 50.00Window_Height = 600.0End_Builder#---------------------------------------# Section comments or design log - optionalBegin_UserCommentsUser CommentsEnd_UserComments#---------------------------------------# Shapes and meshes - for shapes within shapes, list outermost shape first. Shape boundaries may not cross.# Points are listed in X Y coordinates separated by a comma preceded by the mode of drawing.# The last point in the sequence of any shape must be the same as the first point to close the shape properly.# Repeat shape Start_Shape - End_Shape command group as needed. Before editing the shape definitions, make sure# the data results in reasonable shapes (ie No lines cross, if a shape is embedded in another shape -# confined within unconfined - the outer shape must be defined first). If the mesh size is defined too# small, an error will be thrown. To allow for smaller mesh sizes, modify the Max_Number_of_Fibers# parameter in the section definition.# Section ShapesBegin_ShapeMATERIAL = C40MESH = 20.00COVER = 30.00MATERIAL_CORE = C40Begin_Line0, 0250.0, 0250.0, 500.00, 500.00, 0End_LineEnd_Shape#---------------------------------------# Reinforcing bars. Data is given comma separated in the form X, Y, Area, Prestress, Material.Begin_Rebar50.80, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1127.0, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel1203.2, 457.2, 314.2, 0, Steel150.80, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1127.0, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1203.2, 50.80, 314.2, 0, Steel1203.2, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1127.0, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel150.80, 254.0, 314.2, 0, Steel1End_Rebar#---------------------------------------# Define the loading data, choose Moment Curvature, Capacity Orbit, or PM Interaction for loading type.# Required data not defined here is taken from default values. Begin_LoadingNAME = mfiTYPE = Moment Curvature# Incrementing load parameters - Positive increments in a positive direction.IncMxx = 113.0Use_Best_Fit = True# Include Plastic Hinge length.Calc_Moment_Rot = False# Analysis Parameters.Method = BiSectionN_Steps_Before_Yield = 10N_Steps_After_Yield = 20Multiple_On_First_Yield = 2BS_Tol = 4448BS_Max_Itter = 40Begin_LoadUserCommentsUser CommentsEnd_LoadUserCommentsEnd_Loading#---------------------------------------End_Section#---------------------------------------命令流放在最后(复制到txt里面,另存column。
