文献解读 The Psychological Effect of Weather on Car Purchases
refers to products or services of a very high standard connected with pleasure and comfort, bring the owner esteem, apart from functionalctors of Luxury Consumption
Olga Patosha
Problem Statement
The phenomena of luxury consumption is thoroughly investigated in American and European science, but poorly presented in Russia Results of recent consumer’s research show the luxury consumption increase in Russian market (Maternovsky 2004, BrandStrategy 2007, Yakubaneсs 2010)
Consumption and demonstration of special things connected with personal features (Furnham 2001). Human values characterize personal relationship towards material goods, personal wealth, play an important role and can be predictors of consumer behavior style. The aim of investigation to find out personal features of luxury consumption. Methods: 16 PF by R. Kettel “Terminal values esteem” by I. Senin
1.Introduction1.1 Background of the studyWith the accelerating pace of life, Social competition intensifies, The deterioration of ecological environment, The indifference of the interpersonal relationship, almost every people feel anxiety, worry and fear in daily. The poor feel anxiety for the education, job, interpersonal relationship, house, marriage and others. The wealth also feel anxiety. When they have little money, they are anxiety for earning more money, When they have house, they are anxiety for villa. When they own the car, they will feel anxiety for better car. So the anxiety exist in every corner of our life. Karen Horney’s anxiety theory just can explain this social phenomenon. Karen Horney is one of the leading members of the cultural school of the psychoanalyst. Her theory is orientate to social cultural, her theory explains the cause of the anxiety, she thinks the individual environment and the social culture environment influence the emerge of the anxiety.William Faulkner was a genius in the twentieth American literature as well as a leader of the south American Renaissance, his works was the encyclopedia of the south American, which recorded the south spirit of this historical period forever. The Sound and The FuryThe sound and the fury was published in 1929, which is his first the most creative novel, the first win the world prestige masterpiece, and also his favorite work. The novel conveys the loss and corruption of the south honor and morals by means of monologues of Compson brothers, at the same time, it reflects the of inner world. This study analyze The Sound and the Fury from Karen Horney’s anxiety theory, through analyze the anxiety phenomenon of the novel, the people will have the further understanding of anxiety.1.2 Significance of the studyThe significance of the study is that it aims to arouse people’s more interest in Faulkner’s novel from a new perspective, to enhance people’s further understanding of the sound and the fury and Karen Horney’s anxiety theory, to enhance peopl e to go deeper into the relationship between Faulkner’s work and Karen Horney’s theory., toenlighten people to pay more attention to the harmony of the family relationship. The parents should give the children the warmth and love, make children feel meet and security, so that they can form the healthy personality. At the same time the people should pay more attention to the harmony of interpersonal relationships, correctly deal with the relationship with others, and avoid personal in a quarantined, helpless position, avoid the production of anxiety2. Literature Review2.1 The anxiety theory literature review. In the early days, Freud put anxiety as the key factors of neurosis, he thinks anxiety is a harmful response of the sexual impulse which can not let out , it is transformed from the repressive libido, but depressive is only A concept of expression which associated with the instincts impulse. But the energy of the libido which attached to the concept is uncontrollable, so depressive lead to the concept split with the energy of the libido, but the libido energy must be released, so they transformed into the anxiety. Later Freud found that the instincts can not directly transform into anxiety, because different impulse often produce the same anxiety. So he points out that the anxiety is the result of conflict, and the ego just put it as dangerous or unpleasant signal, thus the defenses are produced, this is the so-called Freud’s “the second anxiety theory”, also known as "anxiety signal theory".Karen Horney is the representative figure psychoanalysis school of social culture, she also put forward her anxiety theory, she thought, western culture exists a typical dilemma which can make people produce basic hostility and basic anxiety. She thought the anxiety is loneliness and helplessness which is a person experience in wealthy hostile world. In Horney’s opinion, the disorders of the interpersonal relationship especially parent-child relationship is the direct reason of the production of the basic anxiety, and cultural environment was the ultimate source.Sullivan is another representative figure of Psychoanalysis social culture school, she expounds the social culture roots of the cause of the anxiety from the interpersonal relationship. In his view, the cause of anxiety is due to social stimulation - a significant people’s condemned threat the individual’s intrinsic value, so interpersonalrelations division is the root cause of anxiety. Later, Sullivan think anxiety is the signals of self-esteem in dangerous,.Jacobson inherited and developed the Freud’s the anxiety signal theory. She thinks anxiety is signal that ego send to internal when dangerous coming. its essence is ego cannot select individual favorite behavior to release the instinct. Her anxiety theory contains four factors: anxiety in stimulation, ego, capacity and cognitive evaluation.2.2 Review of literature on The Sound and the FurySince the publication of the sound and the fury, It has attracted the attention of the traditional literary scholars and theory-based postmodernist critics. Nearly every critical approach has been used to interpret it such as Marxism, New Criticism, Structuralism, Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, Linguistics, Feminism etc. The criticism about the novel is so large that it is hard to summarize them in detail. Then Evelyn Scott wrote an enthusiastic essay called On William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury” (2000) to comment on the novel. He suggests that the novel reached the proportions of the Greek tragedy. James Burnham was the first to discuss the novel’s concern with language in his essay “Trying to Say” (1931). Seriously scholarly and academic writings about the novel emerged after World War II and matured in the fifties. A wealth of commentary articles and books mushroomed. Critics began to focus on the narrative technique, its use of the stream of consciousness, and its Christian symbolism. “William Faulkner Celebrates Easter, 1928” wrote by Powell, is the first essay on Christian symbolism in the novel. 1950s and 1960s saw a great many readings of The Sound and the Fury from the angle of New Criticism. Olga W. Vickery’s “The Sound and the Fury: A Study in Perspective” (1964) in 1954 is perhaps the first really important discussion of the novel’s overall structure, and the interrelatedness of all its component parts. During the 1950s, there are another two important critics of the novel. One is Carvel Collins. The other is Cleanth Brooks. Collins wrote an essay to comment on the novel based on Freud’s theory o f Id, ego and superego and another essay about Faulkner’s use of mythology in the novel. The most useful and influential researches of the novel’s overall design and significance came from Cleanth Brooks’ essays in The Yoknapatawpha Country(1963),he pointe d out universality beneath Faulkner’s special brand of regionalism. Modern criticism of the novel starts in the middle of 1970s and the 1970s produced a substantial amount of psychological criticism of the novel. John T. Irwin published “Doubling and Incest/ Repetition and Revenge: A speculative Reading of Faulkner” (1975) in 1975 to focus on the oedipal struggle between father and son. In the 1980s and 1990s, poststructuralist theory acts as an important part in criticism of the novel. Matthews’ “The Rhetoric of Containment in Faulkner” (1989) is regarded as one of the best poststructuralist readings of the novel. Furthermore, New Essays on The Sound and the Fury (2007), edited by Noel Polk, is also a good poststructuralist criticism.The sound and the fury" is the masterpiece of Faulkner, the researchers of our country pay more attention to it. Since 1980s the research on Faulkner has been on the increase.. The study of The Sound and the Fury can be divided into five parts, Creation goal, theme, characters, artistic characteristics and ways of expression. First, the study of theme and creation goal. Li Wenjun summary the theme of The Sound and the Fury as the collapse of the planta tion family of south American, Caddy’s fallen means the destruction of the i south morality. Xiao Minghan in his essay point out that The sound and the fury" is far from personal tragedy, William Faulkner imagination was largely decided by his strong historical consciousness. TaoJie explore theme of The Sound and the Fury mainly from William Faulkner's original creative motivation and creation goal. Another individual researchers think patience and sacrifice spirit is theme of” the sound and the fury ". Second, the characters. Caddy is the crucial figure of the novel. Xiao Minghan thinks that Caddy is a lovely figure, her absence represents the southern women's status: no body, no independent status, and no own voice, but determined described by other. That is to say she is just a symbol Wu Yueming made a more in-depth analysis of Caddy from the perspective of feminist criticism, he thinks Caddy is the victim of patriarchal society. Idiot Banjy is William Faulkner's original creation. Xiao Minghan thinks Banjy is the reflection of the human nature and is a mirror of the moral. Quentin is a very complicated character.Xiao Minghan thinks that Quentin is the successor and defenders of the southern tradition culture and moral, from Quentin can see the influence of the historical burden for the young. Third, artistic characteristics and ways of expression. On the structure, Xu Wenpei analyzes the structure of the novel from the stream-of-consciousness performance and receptive aesthetics perspective. Gu juan analyzes the novel from music angle. On the technique of expression. Liu Chenfeng study the novel from the method of Variation space-time method and aesthetic value Variation space-time perspective. Liu Jianbo discuss the significance of the archetypal of The Sound and the Fury in his article.3. Research methods.This study will use Karen Horney’s anxiety theory as the theoretical basis, to analyze "the sound and the fury” anxiety phenomenon. This study adopts the text document retrieval and the close reading method. Through the document retrieval and comb, summarizes the existing research results and find shortcomings. In the guidance of the theory make the close reading of the text, highlight the practical characteristics of the critical methods, thus realize practical research purposes.4. The focus of studyThis study mainl y use the Karen Horney’s anxiety theory to analyze the novel, the influence of the individual environment and the culture environment and the characters defensive strategies is the focus of this study.5. Research plan5.1 Content of the studyThis study will use Karen Horney’s anxiety theory as the theoretical basis to analyze the anxiety phenomenon, In this study I will analyze the cause of anxiety, the influence of the individual environment and the culture environment, and then the characters adopt different defensive strategies, at last I describe the Compson release their anxiety through the chance of Caddy’s loss of the virginity.5.2 Structure of the study1.Intruduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 significance of the study2.The theory and literature review2.1 Karen Horney’s theory2.2 Literature review3. The cause of the anxiety3.1 Individual environment3.1.1 Familial environment3.1.2 Communicative situation3.2 Cultural environment3.2.1 The southern women state3.2.2 The conflict between Southern traditional culture and the northern cultural4.The Defensive Strategies against Anxiety4.1 Jason’s Defensive Strategies against Anxiety4.1.1 Interpersonal Defensive Strategies4.1.1.1 The Pursuit of Wealth4.1.1.2 The Pursuit of the manipulation and dominance over others4.1.1.3 Emotional withdraw4.1.2 Intrapsychic Defensive Stategies4.2 Quentin’s Defensive Strategies4.2.1 Interpersonal Defensive Strategies4.2.1.1 Escaping from the society4.2.1.2 Fearing of the change5. The Release of the Anxiety5.1 The compsons5.2 Quentin commit suicide5.3 Jason living in a hatred life6. Conclusion6. Conclusion of the studyThis study analyze the anxiety phenomenon of The Sound and the Fury from Karen Horney’s psychoanalysis perspective, From the study ,the people will get theenlightenment, that is the individual environment and cultural environment influence the individual’s spirit,A harmonious warm family and social environment will be conducive to the dev elopment of the individual’s physical and mental health.7. Study feature and innovationCurrently, the domestic and international research mainly on the theme, creation goal, character analysis, and artistic characteristics, Many researchers study the novel from the psychoanalysis perspective, most of them use the Freud’s psychoanalysis theory, Carl jung's archetypal analysis theory, there are rare researchers use Karen Horney’s theory study this novel. In this study I use Karen Horney’s theory analyze The Sound and the Fury in order to have a further understanding of the anxiety phenomenon in the novel, have a further understanding of Faulkner and Faulkner’s novels.2.3 Review of literature on psychoanalysis of The Sound and the FuryGenerally speaking, critics mainly concentrate on regionalism, mythology, women roles, and the narrative techniques, such as multiple points of view, chronological disorder of this novel. The interpretations in the light of psychoanalytic criticism, especially the structures of the mind, are comparatively few. Some critics have undertaken their investigations within the range of incest. For example, Constance Hill Hall proposed that the theme of incest pervaded much of the work of William Faulkner so that it held great significance for an understanding of Faulkner's works. He argued, "Faulkner conceives of incest as a metaphor for original sin, as the sign or the seal of a Fall. He made an overall analysis of Faulkner's works and Faulkner's opinion of incest. The same topic was also found in Patricia H. Hope's study. Yet, he focused this theme on two novels. He stated that William Faulkner made the brother-sister incest central to two novels, The Sound and the Fury and Absalom,Absalom! He claimed that Quentin Compson looked back toward the `old' order of Southern culture and tried to use his sister in efforts to reinforce their own identities, but he failed. John T. Irwin mainly directed his attention to the incest of Quentin Compson.With reference to Jason Compson, Kathleen Moore stressed, "Jason is a victim of mother-fixation that influences his perceptions of and visual relation to the world. Moore held that, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the women in Jason's life were all mother-surrogates for him. He related to them as deputy figures for his mother, and each of them---Caddy, Quentin, and Lorraine---was a substitute who in some way allowed for the enactment of some aspect of his mother-fixation.Some criticisms involve Lacanian psychoanalysis instead of Freudian psychoanalysis. Nancy Ellen Batty, for instance, turned to the concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis, especially those of desire, the voice and the graze, for a way of discussing individual texts by Faulkner and Toni Morrison. Li Ping concentrated Lacanian theories of narration to explore Faulkner's narrative technique. Li Ping observed that Faulkner "seeks to convey the flow of the unconscious" by using aspects of the Freudian concept of the unconscious and reading Faulkner's stream-of-consciousness narrative in The Sound and the Fury. Liu Jianbo and Liu Daoquan are forerunners of analyzing The Sound and the Fury from the angle of biblical archetypes. Zhu zhenwu analyze the Faulkner from the Psychological aesthetics.This study mainly uses Karen Horney’s neurosis theory to analyze The Sound and the Fury. In this study I will the cause of the anxiety in the novel, the defensive strategies of the characters, and the Compson release their anxiety and depressive through Caddy’s loss of virginity.。
1. Diener, E., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2008). Happiness: Unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth. Wiley.这本书由幸福心理学的先驱之一艾德·迪纳(Ed Diener)和他的儿子罗伯特·比斯瓦斯-迪纳(Robert Biswas-Diener)合著,系统地介绍了幸福的定义、测量工具和影响因素。
2. Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Free Press.马丁·塞利格曼(Martin Seligman)是积极心理学的奠基人之一,这本书扩展了幸福心理学的研究范围,提出了“繁荣”这一概念。
3. Easterlin, R. A. (1974). Does economic growth improve the human lot? Some empirical evidence. In Nations and households in economic growth: Essays in honor of Moses Abramovitz (pp. 89-125). Academic Press.理查德·伊斯特林(Richard Easterlin)在这篇经典论文中提出“伊斯特林低谷回归假说”,众所周知也被称为“伊斯特林悖论”。
大学英语第二版-1-4-部分短文及翻译The Generation Gap at WorkAs offices go, the editorial suites at Time Inc. are pretty laid back. T-shirts are fine. Shave if you like. Slides, sneakers or heels - your choice. Yet there's a limit to what passes for acceptable appearance, and I was sure a recent bunch of college interns had breached it spectacularly with their nose rings, tattoos and low-rise pants. These were bright, ambitious kids. Why the blatant show of disrespect?My younger colleagues wondered too. But they were more amused than aghast, and it occurred to me that there is a widening generation gap when it comes to interpreting casual Fridays. And that's not all: Young folks are putting their stamp on the workplace in ways far more reaching than their wardrobe. And we boomers don't necessarily like it.We're all part of a new-age experiment: four generations working side by side yet often speaking a different language. Think that's an exaggeration? Go ahead. Try to decipher this twentysomething text message: WU CMIW that was CLM or maybe CS. (What's up? Correct me if I'm wrong. That was a career-limiting move or maybe career suicide.)That different history has led to marked differences in how we work. Younger generations are willing to move every two or three years to get the job experience and work-life balance they want. Ask them to come into the office over the weekend and they are apt to resist."Their time off is their time off," says Gary Westerman, a former employment consultant. Yet that doesn't mean they won't get the job done. If they must, they'll work from the beach on their laptop. And they're more apt to come in promptly and eschew the water-cooler chats so popular among boomers. They focus, finish and leave. Boomers need to appreciate these style differences. Look at the results, not the process.Myth No. 3: They disrespect eldersThis gets back to the dress issue. When boomers entered the work force, tattoos and body piercings were for bikers and lowlifes. Yet Gen X and GenY see these expressions (in tastefully modest doses) as normal, even alluring - not a way to thumb their nose at authority.The question of respect goes beyond a dress code. Boomers got ahead by doing what they were told and expect younger workers to similarly fall inline. But with their leverage in the workplace, twenty- and thirtysomethings don't have to take what you say on faith. They want to know why they're being asked to perform a task.This isn't disrespect. They have more options than you did at that age. But if you are clear in what you expect and explain the reasons behind a particular assignment, they'll respond.Myth No. 4: Younger workers prefer to go it alone "Boomers like to call a meeting," says Robert Wendover, managing director for the Center for Generational Studies. "X- ers would rather e-mail or text." But while younger workers are more accepting of technology, corresponding via text message and preferring to communicate online instead of in a meeting hardly qualifies as going it alone.All generations value working with capable colleagues despite age, says Deal of the Center for Creative Leadership. Boomers accustomed to face time may misread young workers' preference for tech time as isolationist(孤立主义者). It's anything but - if you know how to use the tools.So learn them. And then give the kid a chance. Soon you won't even notice the silver stud in her tongue.在工作中的代沟作为办公室,在时代公司的编辑套房都相当悠闲。
金钱观念对个人幸福感和人际关系的影响英语作文范文The Impact of Money Mindset on Personal Happiness and Interpersonal RelationshipsMoney plays a significant role in our lives, affecting not only our financial well-being but also our overall happiness and relationships with others. One's money mindset, or their beliefs and attitudes towards money, can greatly influence their personal satisfaction and social connections. In this essay, we will explore the impact of different money mindsets on an individual's happiness and interpersonal relationships.First and foremost, a healthy money mindset is crucialfor personal happiness. People with a positive money mindset view money as a tool to achieve their goals and enhance theirlives. They focus on financial security, making wisefinancial decisions, and maintaining a balanced approach towards money. Such individuals are often content with what they have and feel grateful for their blessings. Consequently, they experience greater satisfaction with their financial situation and overall life.However, a negative money mindset can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Those who possess a scarcity mentality constantly worry about not having enough money, fostering feelings of fear and insecurity. This perspective can giverise to a constant desire for more, leading to a never-ending pursuit of wealth and material possessions. Unfortunately,this relentless pursuit often leaves individuals feeling unfulfilled and perpetually unsatisfied, as their happinessis dependent on external factors and not internal contentment.Moreover, an individual's money mindset can significantly impact their relationships with others. People with a healthymoney mindset tend to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships. They prioritize shared experiences, empathy, and emotional connections over materialistic displays. Their focus on personal growth and well-being allows them to form genuine connections based on mutual respect and support. Consequently, these relationships are characterized by trust, honesty, and a sense of unity.On the other hand, individuals with a negative money mindset may struggle in their relationships. Constantly striving for more and judging others based on their financial status can create a competitive and divisive atmosphere. This materialistic mindset can lead to jealousy, envy, and an unhealthy sense of comparison among individuals, ultimately damaging social connections. Moreover, the continuous financial stress stemming from a negative money mindset can strain relationships, leading to conflicts and resentment.It is worth noting that the impact of money mindset on happiness and interpersonal relationships is not limited to the extremes of positive and negative mindsets. A balanced money mindset is essential for overall well-being. This balanced perspective acknowledges the importance of money in providing security and meeting basic needs, while also recognizing the limitations of wealth in creating lasting happiness. Such individuals prioritize financial responsibility, but their happiness is not solely dependent on their bank balance.In conclusion, one's money mindset has a profound impact on their personal happiness and interpersonal relationships.A positive money mindset fosters contentment, financial security, and fulfilling connections with others. Conversely, a negative money mindset is associated with unhappiness, materialistic pursuits, and strained relationships. Striving for a balanced money mindset, where financial responsibility is coupled with gratitude and self-awareness, is vital foroverall well-being. By cultivating a healthy money mindset, individuals can enhance their personal satisfaction and promote harmonious relationships in their lives.。
行为金融学英文文献读后感Behavioral finance is a field of study that has gained significant attention in recent years, as it seeks to understand the psychological and emotional factors that influence investment decisions and financial markets. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review and reflection on the key concepts and insights from the existing literature on behavioral finance.The foundations of behavioral finance can be traced back to the work of pioneering researchers such as Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who challenged the traditional assumptions of rational decision-making in economics. Their groundbreaking research on cognitive biases and heuristics demonstrated that individuals often make decisions that deviate from the predictions of classical economic theory.One of the central tenets of behavioral finance is the concept of bounded rationality, which suggests that humans have limited cognitive resources and are prone to making systematic errors in their judgments and decision-making. This is in contrast to the traditional assumption of the "rational economic man," who is believed to have access to complete information and the ability tomake decisions that maximize their utility.Behavioral finance scholars have identified a wide range of cognitive biases that can influence investment decisions. These include the availability bias, where individuals tend to overweight information that is easily accessible; the anchoring bias, where individuals rely too heavily on initial information or a starting point; and the confirmation bias, where individuals tend to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs.Another important concept in behavioral finance is the notion of loss aversion, which suggests that individuals are more sensitive to losses than to gains of the same magnitude. This can lead to suboptimal investment decisions, such as holding on to losing positions for too long or being overly risk-averse in the face of potential gains.The implications of behavioral finance for investment decision-making are significant. Traditional finance models often assume that investors are rational and that financial markets are efficient, but behavioral finance research has shown that this is not always the case. By incorporating psychological and emotional factors into their analysis, investors and financial professionals can better understand the drivers of market behavior and make more informed investment decisions.For example, behavioral finance insights can be used to design more effective investment strategies and products that account for the cognitive biases and emotional tendencies of investors. This can include the use of framing and nudging techniques to help investors make better decisions, as well as the development of investment products that are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different investor groups.Moreover, behavioral finance can also inform the design of financial regulations and policies. By understanding the psychological and emotional factors that can lead to financial crises and market instability, policymakers can develop more effective measures to mitigate these risks and promote financial stability.Overall, the field of behavioral finance has made significant contributions to our understanding of how individuals and markets behave in the real world. By incorporating insights from psychology, cognitive science, and other related disciplines, behavioral finance provides a more nuanced and realistic perspective on financial decision-making and market dynamics. As the field continues to evolve, it is likely that its insights will become increasingly important in shaping the way we think about and approach financial decision-making and market regulation.。
贫穷与富裕英语作文Poverty and Wealth: The Dichotomy of SocietyIn every society, there exists a stark contrast between the lives of the rich and the poor. This essay seeks to explore the implications of this dichotomy and the impact it has on individuals and communities.The Plight of PovertyPoverty is often characterized by a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, education, and healthcare. It is a state of deprivation that can lead to a cycle of hardship, where children born into impoverished families are less likely to receive proper education and are more prone to engage in low-paying jobs, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. The psychological effects of poverty are also profound, leading to a sense of hopelessness and a lack of self-worth.The Privileges of WealthOn the other hand, wealth brings with it a multitude of privileges. The wealthy have the means to afford quality education, healthcare, and a comfortable lifestyle. They can invest in opportunities that further their wealth and status, and they often have the power to influence societal norms and policies. Wealth can also provide a safety net against unforeseen circumstances, reducing the risk of financial instability.The Impact on SocietyThe disparity between the rich and the poor can lead tosocial unrest and inequality. It can widen the gap between different social classes, leading to a lack of empathy and understanding between them. The rich may become detached from the struggles of the poor, while the poor may feel marginalized and overlooked.The Role of Government and NGOsGovernments and non-governmental organizations play a crucial role in addressing the issue of poverty. They can implement policies that aim to reduce income inequality, provide social safety nets, and promote access to education and healthcare. Initiatives such as microfinancing, job creation programs, and educational scholarships can help to uplift individuals from poverty.The Power of Empathy and SolidarityIt is important for society as a whole to recognize the value of empathy and solidarity. Understanding the struggles of the less fortunate can inspire individuals to contribute to charitable causes or volunteer their time and resources to help those in need. This collective effort can help bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.ConclusionThe dichotomy of poverty and wealth is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. It is not only about financial disparity but also about the opportunities and quality of life that wealth can provide. Addressing thisissue requires the concerted efforts of individuals, communities, governments, and international bodies to create a more equitable and just society. Through education, policy reform, and social initiatives, we can work towards a world where the gap between the rich and the poor is narrowed, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.。
Money,often referred to as the lifeblood of society,is a topic that has been the subject of countless debates and discussions.When it comes to writing an essay on the perception of money,there are several aspects to consider.Here are some points to include in your English composition:1.Definition of Money:Start by defining what money is and its role in the economy. Money is a medium of exchange,a unit of account,a store of value,and a standard of deferred payment.2.Historical Perspective:Discuss the evolution of money from barter systems to the use of coins,paper currency,and now digital currencies.This can provide context on how the perception of money has changed over time.3.Money and Society:Explore the social implications of money.How does it influence social status,power dynamics,and social interactions?Discuss the concept of wealth disparity and its effects on society.4.Money and Personal Values:Reflect on how different individuals and cultures view money.Some may see it as a means to an end,while others may view it as a symbol of success or power.Discuss the potential for money to corrupt or to be used for philanthropy.5.The Psychological Aspect:Delve into the psychological effects of money.How does the pursuit of wealth affect mental health and happiness?Discuss the concept of materialism and its impact on personal wellbeing.6.Economic Impact:Analyze the role of money in economic systems.How does it drive growth,create jobs,and influence the standard of living?Also,consider the negative aspects such as inflation,economic inequality,and the potential for financial crises.7.Money and Ethics:Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding money.This can include topics like fair wages,exploitation in the workforce,and the ethics of wealth accumulation.8.The Future of Money:Speculate on the future of money in the context of technological advancements like cryptocurrencies and digital transactions.How might these changes affect the perception and use of money?9.Conclusion:Summarize your thoughts on the importance of having a balanced view of money.Emphasize the need for financial literacy and responsible financial behavior.Remember to support your arguments with relevant examples,quotes,or data to strengthen your essay.Additionally,ensure that your writing is clear,wellorganized,and free of grammatical errors to effectively convey your perspective on the complex relationship between money and society.。
隐形的亿万富翁观后感150英文回答:The Invisible Billionaire is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the hidden lives of billionaires who choose to live a low-key lifestyle away from the public eye. The film sheds light on the paradoxical nature of extreme wealth and the impact it has on individuals and society as a whole.One of the key takeaways from the documentary is the concept of privacy versus visibility. While mostbillionaires are known for their extravagant lifestyles and public presence, there is a small group of individuals who prefer to remain invisible. This raises questions about the motives behind their choice and the implications it has on their personal lives and relationships.For instance, the documentary introduces us to a billionaire who lives in a modest apartment and drives aregular car. Despite his immense wealth, he chooses to live a simple life without the trappings of luxury. This challenges the common perception that wealth equates to a lavish lifestyle and prompts us to question the true meaning of success and happiness.Furthermore, the film explores the impact of extreme wealth on society. It highlights the growing wealth gap and the social and economic inequalities that arise as a result. While some billionaires are actively involved inphilanthropy and contribute to social causes, others choose to keep their wealth to themselves. This raises ethical questions about the responsibility of the wealthy towards society and the role of wealth redistribution in creating a more equitable world.The documentary also delves into the psychological aspect of extreme wealth. It reveals the loneliness and isolation that some billionaires experience, despite their material abundance. The constant fear of being targeted or exploited for their wealth leads them to adopt a reclusive lifestyle. This contradiction between wealth and happinesschallenges the notion that money can buy everything and highlights the importance of human connection and emotional well-being.In conclusion, The Invisible Billionaire offers a fascinating glimpse into the hidden lives of billionaires and the complexities that come with extreme wealth. It raises thought-provoking questions about privacy, social responsibility, and the true meaning of success. The film serves as a reminder that wealth, while providing material comfort, does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment. It encourages us to reevaluate our own definitions of success and the role of wealth in our lives.中文回答:《隐形的亿万富翁》是一部发人深省的纪录片,探讨了选择过着低调生活的亿万富翁们的隐藏生活。
我能听见哪些声音 英语小作文
我能听见哪些声音英语小作文The world around us is filled with a symphony of sounds, each one contributing to the rich tapestry of our sensory experience. As we move through our daily lives, we are constantly bombarded by a multitude of auditory stimuli, from the gentle rustling of leaves to the cacophony of city streets. In this essay, I will explore the diverse range of sounds that I am able to perceive and the ways in which they shape my understanding of the world.One of the most prominent sounds that I am able to hear is the human voice. Whether it's the soothing tones of a loved one, the boisterous laughter of a friend, or the impassioned speech of a public figure, the human voice is a powerful and dynamic means of communication. I find myself captivated by the nuances of vocal expression, the way in which inflection, tone, and rhythm can convey a wealth of emotion and meaning. The voice is a window into the inner workings of the mind, and I am endlessly fascinated by the ways in which people use this remarkable tool to express themselves.In addition to the human voice, I am also acutely aware of thesounds of the natural world. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore, the melodic chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves in the breeze – these are the sounds that transport me to a place of serenity and wonder. I find that immersing myself in the soothing soundscapes of nature can have a profound effect on my emotional and psychological well-being, providing a respite from the often-overwhelming noise of modern life.One sound that I find particularly captivating is the sound of music. Whether it's the soulful strains of a violin, the thunderous roar of a drum, or the ethereal harmonies of a choir, music has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions and to transport me to another time and place. I am endlessly fascinated by the ways in which composers and musicians are able to manipulate sound to create works of breathtaking beauty and complexity. The ability of music to transcend language and culture is a testament to its universal power to connect us to one another and to the deeper currents of the human experience.Of course, not all of the sounds that I am able to hear are pleasant or harmonious. The jarring cacophony of a construction site, the blaring horns of city traffic, the shrill screech of a fire alarm – these are the sounds that can be overwhelming and even distressing. I find that my ability to focus and concentrate can be significantly impaired by the presence of such intrusive and disruptive sounds, and I havedeveloped strategies for managing and mitigating their impact on my daily life.One of the most fascinating aspects of the sounds that I am able to hear is the way in which they can shape our understanding of the world around us. The sound of a car engine, for example, can provide important information about the make and model of the vehicle, as well as its mechanical condition. The sound of a barking dog can alert us to the presence of a potential threat, while the sound of a ringing phone can signal the arrival of an important message or call. In this way, the sounds that we hear can serve as a vital source of information and can play a crucial role in our ability to navigate and make sense of the world.At the same time, I am acutely aware of the ways in which our perception of sound can be influenced by our own biases and preconceptions. The sound of a particular accent or dialect, for example, may evoke certain assumptions or stereotypes about the speaker's background or identity. Similarly, the sound of a particular musical genre or style may be associated with certain cultural or social contexts, and our response to these sounds may be shaped by our own personal experiences and preferences.As I reflect on the diverse range of sounds that I am able to hear, I am struck by the sheer complexity and richness of the auditory worldin which we live. From the delicate whispers of nature to the thunderous roar of modern technology, the sounds that surround us are a constant source of fascination and wonder. And as I continue to navigate this ever-changing soundscape, I am reminded of the profound ways in which our sense of hearing can shape our understanding of the world and our place within it.。
隐形亿万富翁观后感1000字英文回答,The Invisible Billionaire is a thought-provoking film that delves into the complexities of wealth, power, and the human condition. The story follows a young man who unexpectedly inherits a vast fortune from his estranged father, only to discover that the wealth comes with a heavy price. As he navigates the challenges of his newfound wealth, he grapples with issues of identity, morality, and the true meaning of success.The film raises important questions about the impact of extreme wealth on individuals and society as a whole. It explores the psychological and emotional toll of sudden affluence, as well as the ethical dilemmas that arise when one is faced with immense power and privilege. The protagonist's journey forces viewers to confront their own beliefs about money, success, and the pursuit of happiness.One of the most compelling aspects of the film is its exploration of the invisible barriers that separate theultra-wealthy from the rest of the world. Despite his newfound riches, the protagonist struggles to find genuine connections and experiences a profound sense of isolation. This portrayal sheds light on the often overlooked emotional and social challenges faced by the super-rich, challenging viewers to consider the true cost of wealth and privilege.Overall, The Invisible Billionaire offers a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of wealth, power, and the human experience. It serves as a poignant reminder that true fulfillment and happiness cannot be bought, and that the pursuit of wealth often comes at a great personal cost.中文回答,《隐形亿万富翁》是一部发人深省的电影,深入探讨了财富、权力和人性的复杂性。
助人为乐的意义英语作文The Profound Essence of Altruism: A Journey into the Heart of Selfless Giving.Amidst the complexities of human existence, where myriad passions, desires, and aspirations intertwine, one virtue stands out as a beacon of light, illuminating our path towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life: altruism. It is the selfless act of giving, extending a helping hand to others without thought of personal gain or recognition.In its purest form, altruism embodies the essence of human compassion, empathy, and love. It transcends cultural boundaries and unites individuals from all walks of life, inspiring us to connect deeply with our fellow beings and recognize our shared humanity. By embracing altruism, we unlock a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends the pursuit of material wealth or fleeting pleasures.Throughout history, countless individuals have dedicated their lives to the cause of altruism, leaving an enduring legacy of hope, inspiration, and positive change. From Mother Teresa's tireless work with the poor and marginalized in Calcutta to Nelson Mandela's unwavering fight against apartheid in South Africa, these selfless individuals have demonstrated the transformative power of altruism to heal wounds, bridge divides, and create a more just and equitable society.Scientific research has also shed light on the myriad psychological and physiological benefits associated with altruism. Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion not only enhances our mood and promotes a sense of well-being but also reduces stress, strengthens our immune system, and contributes to overall health and longevity.Furthermore, altruism fosters a virtuous cycle of positive emotions and social cohesion. When we give to others, we not only make a tangible impact on their lives but also cultivate feelings of gratitude, joy, and a deepsense of connectedness. These positive emotions spread like ripples through a community, creating a more compassionate and supportive environment for all.However, the pursuit of altruism should not be driven by a desire for recognition or external validation. True altruism is motivated by an intrinsic desire to make a difference, to alleviate suffering, and to contribute to the greater good. It is not about seeking attention or praise but rather about finding fulfillment in the act of giving itself.In a world often characterized by self-interest and individualism, it is more important than ever to embrace the values of altruism and selfless service. By cultivating a compassionate heart and actively seeking opportunities to help others, we can create a ripple effect that has the power to transform lives, communities, and the world at large.Here are some practical ways to incorporate altruism into our daily lives:Volunteer your time: There are countless organizations and charities that rely on volunteers to carry out their mission. From tutoring underprivileged children to serving meals at a homeless shelter, there are endlessopportunities to make a difference.Donate to charitable causes: Even a small donation can help support important organizations working to address social, environmental, or health issues. By giving back, we invest in a better future for all.Practice kindness and compassion in日常interactions: Hold the door open for someone, give up your seat on the bus, or offer a helping hand to a stranger in need. Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on therecipient's day.Advocate for social justice: Raise your voice against injustices and inequalities, and support policies that promote a more just and equitable society. By speaking out for the marginalized, we can create a better world for all.Be a role model for others: Inspire those around youto embrace altruism by setting a positive example. Share your experiences, encourage others to volunteer, and demonstrate the power of selfless giving through your actions.In the tapestry of human existence, altruism is the golden thread that binds us together, creating a vibrantand meaningful world. By embracing the values of selflessness, compassion, and service, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the creation of a more just, equitable, and compassionate society for all.As the great humanitarian Henry David Thoreau once said, "The only way to truly be happy is to live a life in the service of others." Let us all strive to live by thesewords and make altruism a guiding principle in our lives. Together, we can create a world where compassion triumphs over indifference, where empathy dissolves barriers, and where the spirit of giving knows no bounds.。
多元解读经典品百味人生的英语作文英文回答:To comprehend a classic through multipleinterpretations is akin to embarking on a culinary journey that tantalizes the palate with a symphony of flavors. Each interpretation, like a distinct ingredient, adds a unique dimension to the overall experience, enriching the understanding and appreciation of the work.Consider the enigmatic masterpiece "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This novel has captivated generations of readers with its exploration of the American Dream, love, and loss. Through the lens of a historical interpretation, we might examine the novel's reflection of the Roaring Twenties, a time of economic prosperity and social upheaval. We might trace the parallels between Jay Gatsby's relentless pursuit of wealth and the nation's obsession with material possessions.Alternatively, a psychological interpretation could delve into the characters' inner worlds, exploring their motivations, fears, and desires. We might examine Gatsby's complex relationship with Daisy Buchanan, analyzing the psychological dynamics that shape their tragic love story. By delving into the characters' psyches, we gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and the universal themes that resonate across time.Moreover, a feminist interpretation could shed light on the gender roles and power dynamics depicted in the novel. We might examine the limited opportunities for women in society, as exemplified by Daisy's constrained life, and the ways in which Gatsby's wealth and status allow him to exercise a certain degree of control over her. Through a feminist lens, we explore the novel's insights into gender inequality and the struggles faced by women.The richness of a classic lies in its ability to yield multiple interpretations, each offering a distinct perspective on the human experience. By embracing the diversity of these interpretations, we unlock a fuller andmore nuanced understanding of the work. Like a chef who orchestrates a harmonious blend of flavors, the reader becomes a curator of ideas, drawing upon different interpretations to create a tapestry of meaning that transcends any single perspective.中文回答:多元解读经典品百味人生。
数字带来好运看法英语作文$$The Belief in Numbers Bringing Good Luck$$In the vast tapestry of human beliefs and superstitions, the concept of certain numbers bringing good luck standsout as a universal and enduring phenomenon. Across cultures and time periods, people have attributed mystical and auspicious qualities to specific numerals, often incorporating them into their daily lives, rituals, andeven business decisions. This deep-seated belief in the power of numbers to influence one's fortune reflects a fundamental human need for control and a desire to make sense of the often chaotic and unpredictable world.The allure of lucky numbers often begins at a veryearly age, with children hearing stories of lucky talismans and charms from their elders. These stories are passed down through generations, embedding the belief in the minds of the young. As they grow up, these individuals may find themselves unconsciously choosing certain numbers for important occasions, such as weddings, births, or business launches, hoping that these numbers will bring them goodluck and prosperity.In some cultures, specific numbers are held in particularly high regard. For instance, the number eight is widely considered auspicious in Chinese culture, as it is associated with prosperity and wealth. This belief is reflected in the pricing of real estate, where property prices ending in eight often command a higher value. Similarly, in Western cultures, the number seven is often seen as lucky, possibly due to its association with perfection and completeness.The psychological basis for this belief in lucky numbers is multifaceted. On one level, it provides a sense of comfort and reassurance in the face of uncertainty. By attributing good fortune to a particular number,individuals can feel a sense of control over their destinies, even in situations where they have little or no actual control. This psychological comfort can be a powerful motivator, driving people to take risks or make decisions that they might otherwise hesitate to make.Moreover, the belief in lucky numbers can also serve as a social glue, binding communities together through shared beliefs and traditions. In many cultures, certain numbersare associated with specific festivals or celebrations, creating a sense of unity and shared identity among the participants. These shared beliefs can foster a sense of belonging and community, strengthening social bonds and promoting cohesion.However, it is important to recognize that the beliefin lucky numbers is ultimately a superstition, lacking any scientific basis or evidence to support its claims. Numbers are abstract concepts, devoid of any inherent power or ability to influence the physical world. The apparent success or good fortune associated with certain numbers is likely the result of coincidences or the placebo effect, rather than any actual mystical properties of the numbers themselves.Despite this, the belief in lucky numbers remainsfirmly entrenched in many cultures and individuals. This is because, beyond the rational explanation, these beliefs often speak to deeper psychological and emotional needs within us. They provide a sense of meaning and purpose in an often chaotic world, giving us a sense of control and direction even when faced with uncertainty.In conclusion, the belief in numbers bringing good luck is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that reflects both human psychology and cultural traditions. While it lacks scientific support, this belief remains powerful in its ability to shape our thoughts, decisions, and behaviors. Whether we choose to embrace or reject this belief, it remains an intriguing aspect of human nature that continues to fascinate and perplex us.。
rich 英语 作文
Wealth and its implications have always been a topic of interest and debate.When discussing the concept of being rich,its important to consider not only the financial aspect but also the broader implications it has on an individuals life and society as a whole.The Definition of RichRichness can be defined in various ways.Traditionally,it refers to having a large amount of money,assets,or resources.However,some people define richness in terms of nonmaterial wealth,such as time,knowledge,or relationships.The Psychological Impact of WealthBeing rich can have profound psychological effects on an individual.It can lead to increased selfconfidence,a sense of security,and the freedom to pursue personal interests. Conversely,it can also lead to stress,particularly if the individual feels the pressure to maintain or increase their wealth.The Role of Richness in SocietyIn society,the rich often hold significant influence.They can shape economic policies, support charitable causes,and drive social change.However,the concentration of wealth can also lead to social inequality and a widening gap between the rich and the poor.The Responsibility of the RichWith great wealth comes great responsibility.The rich are often expected to contribute to society through philanthropy,ethical business practices,and by setting positive examples for others.They can also use their resources to advocate for social and environmental causes.The Pursuit of RichnessThe pursuit of wealth is a common goal for many people.This can be driven by a desire for financial security,the ability to provide for ones family,or the ambition to achieve a certain lifestyle.However,its important to balance the pursuit of wealth with other aspects of life,such as health,relationships,and personal fulfillment.The Ethics of WealthThe ethics of wealth involve how one acquires,maintains,and uses their riches.Ethical considerations include fair business practices,responsible investment,and the fair distribution of wealth.Its also important to consider the environmental and social impact of wealth accumulation.The Future of WealthAs the world evolves,so too does the concept of wealth.With the rise of digital currencies,the gig economy,and changing societal values,the definition and distribution of wealth are continually shifting.The future may see a greater emphasis on sustainable wealth creation and the equitable distribution of resources.ConclusionBeing rich is a complex and multifaceted concept that extends beyond mere financial means.It encompasses psychological,social,and ethical dimensions that shape an individuals life and influence society.Understanding the implications of wealth and the responsibilities that come with it is crucial for those who find themselves in positions of financial abundance.。
ct =αA t +βW t +μt
将其中的 At 表述为 :
A t = W t- 1 - (αW t- 1 +βA t- 1 ) + A t- 1 = W t- 1 - αW t- 1 + ( 1 - β) A t- 1
Ct- 1 = αW t- 1 +βA t- 1
Ct- 1 - αW t- 1 =βA t- 1
表 1
变 量
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检验类型 含线性趋势项和常数项 含常数项 含线性趋势项和常数项 含常数项 含线性趋势项和常数项 含常数项 含线性趋势项和常数项 含常数项
实物资产包括家用电器 、家具等耐用消费品和住宅 。这类资产由于公开性差 ,数据获取不易 ,一般只
能通过抽样调查取得 ,即使得到了有关实物数据 ,也因其种类繁多 、形态和品质各异及市场价值的变
化 ,难以进行折旧和估价 。因此 ,考虑到数据的可获得性 ,选取住宅资产代表实物资产 。此外 ,我们把
数据时间分为两段 ,主要原因是虽然在 1998 年初 ,党中央 、国务院已经决定在全国范围内停止住房实
金融资产是指城镇居民持有的以货币 、银行存款 、包括各类债券和股票在内的有价证券 、保险储金等
各种形态存在的有形财富 ,它是城镇居民可支配收入在用于消费和固定资产投资后的余额 。考虑到
城镇居民有价证券资产中股票的比重远大于债券的比重 ,股票在居民金融资产中越来越重要的发展 地位 ,而且债券与居民储蓄存款在我国的发展有着一定的相似性 ,所以 ,有价证券选取股票 ③代替 。
关于金钱的英语作文120Money is a crucial aspect of our daily lives serving as a medium of exchange for goods and services. It is an essential tool for economic transactions and plays a significant role in both personal and national economies. Here is a detailed essay on the topic of moneyTitle The Importance of Money in Modern SocietyIntroductionIn the contemporary world money is more than just a physical currency it is a symbol of economic power and personal freedom. It is the lifeblood of commerce and a measure of wealth. This essay will explore the various roles that money plays in our lives from its function as a medium of exchange to its impact on social status and personal aspirations. The Function of MoneyAs a medium of exchange money simplifies the process of buying and selling goods and services. It eliminates the need for barter which can be inefficient and timeconsuming. Money also serves as a unit of account providing a common measure for the value of goods and services. This uniformity allows for easier comparison and evaluation of different products and services.Money as a Store of ValueOne of the key functions of money is its ability to store value over time. People save money with the expectation that it will retain its purchasing power allowing them to defer consumption and plan for future needs. This function is vital for retirement planning emergency funds and longterm investments.Money and Economic GrowthMoney is a catalyst for economic growth. It facilitates investment in industries infrastructure and innovation. When businesses and individuals have access to capital they can expand operations create jobs and contribute to the overall prosperity of a nation. Inequality and the Role of MoneyHowever the distribution of money is not always equitable. Economic disparities can lead to social inequalities where access to resources education and opportunities is unevenly distributed. This can result in a cycle of poverty for those with less financial means.Money and Personal FreedomOn a personal level money can provide freedom. It allows individuals to pursue their interests travel and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Financial independence can also reduce stress and provide a sense of security.The Psychological Aspect of MoneyMoney can also have psychological implications. It can influence selfesteem and social status. People often equate financial success with personal worth which can lead to materialism and a focus on accumulating wealth as a measure of success.ConclusionIn conclusion money is a multifaceted concept that impacts every aspect of modern life. It is essential for economic transactions personal security and social mobility. However it is also important to recognize the potential negative effects of an unequal distribution of wealth and the psychological impact of money on individuals. A balanced approach to money focusing on its utility rather than its accumulation can lead to a more fulfilling and equitable society.。
关于财富效应理论的文章财富效应The Wealth Effect是现代社会发展过程中提出的新理念,指某种财富的累积存量达到一定规模后,必然产生对相关领域的传导效应或者是控制效应。
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由Meghan R. Busse、Devin G. Pope、Jaren C. Pope和Jorge Silva-Risso合作撰写的Quarterly Journal of Economics最新论文“The Psychological Effect of Weather on Car Purchases”实证考察了天气变化对人们购车行为的影响。
当雨雪纷飞之时,人们则更为青睐普通的四轮驱动汽车(4-wheel drive vehicles)。
如何理解本文的实证结论呢?作者认为传统的理性代理人模型对此便无能为力了,而基于心理学研究的projection bias、salience等理论则颇有解释力。