新人教版(2019)高中英语必修一Unit 2 重点单词详解(超级详细)

新人教版高中英语教材必修一Unit 2 Travelling around 1.apply / əˈplaɪ/ vi. &vt.申请;请求vt. 应用; 涂(油漆、乳剂)Application n.[1].申请make an application (for sth)提交申请...fill in an application form 填写申请(表)[2]. 应用;运用;[app] 应用程序:APP is short for application.This is a new invention that will have a wide range of applications in industry.这是一项可在工业上广泛应用的新发明。
[同义词辨析]use, apply, employ,utilize 这些动词均含"使用,应用"之意。
2.sight /saɪt/ n. 景象; 视野; 视力sight 搭配(1)come into sight 进入视线;映入眼帘:As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into sight.(2)catch sight of 看见;发现:Suddenly, I caught sight of my English teacher in the crowd.(3)lose sight of 看不见;忽略;I lost sight of him in the crowd.(4)in sight 看得见,在视线内(5)out of sight 看不见(6)at first sight 一见(就);乍一看:fall in love with sb at first sightAt first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.(7)at the sight of 一看见:Some people will faint at the sight of blood.(8)(谚语)眼不见,心不想out of sight, out of mind3.amaze v. 使惊奇/惊愕be amazed at/by/that.. 对....感到惊奇be amazed to doamazing / əˈmeɪzɪŋ / adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的amazing sightsamazed / əˈmeɪzd / adj. (人感到)惊奇的;惊喜的amazement n. to one's amazement 令某人惊讶的[同义词辨析]surprise, amaze, astonish, stun这些动词均含"使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇"之意。

高一英语必修一词汇讲解Unit 21.more than one kind of English该短语中more than 及数词连用,意思是“超过,多于”,相当于over.【要点】more than one+n. 意为“不止一个”,虽在语义上为复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
More than one house was burnt down in the fire.不止一间房屋在火灾中被烧毁。
More than one person has a good grasp of English in the school.在这所学校里不止一个人精通英语。
more than 还可及名词、形容词、副词、动词、动名词或分词连用,意为“不只是,岂止”等。
Both of them are much more than schoolmates . They are close friends.他们俩远不止是同学,更是知心朋友。
【辨析】no more than 及not more thane up 走近;上来;提出;露出地面,发芽The sun has come up. 太阳升起来了。
The seeds haven’t come up yet. 种子还没有发芽。
The question hasn’t come up yet. 问题尚未被提出。
He came up to me and said sorry.他走近我并道了歉。
【要点】come up 作“提出”讲时,由被提出的物作主语,无被动形式;而come up with 指人提出问题等,用人作主语。
come up 作“发生,出现”讲时,多用于事物作主语;以人作主语表示“出现,到场”,常用turn up.3.a number of 许多,大量的,谓语动词为复数the number of ……的数量,谓语动词为单数Quite a number of young people believe that money is a passport to happiness.相当多的年轻人认为金钱是幸福的保证。

重视连接,做好过渡高一新学期伊始,以下是网我整理的高一英语学习文章,盼望能够帮到你!人教版高一英语必修一Unit2学问梳理、重点词汇解析及单元自测Unit2一、学问点1. go to the pictures去看电影(美);go to the movies 去看电影(英)2. list the countries that use English as an official language 列举把英语用作官方语言的国家3. the road to 通向之路4. at the end of在末端,在终点,by the end最终(=finally)5. because of 因为(留意和because 的区分)Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.因为污染紧要,很多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。
An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much.争论是不行幸免的,因为他们彼此特殊厌恶。
6. native English speakers 以英语作为母语的人7. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导一个让步状语从句,后面既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,但是even if/even though,引导的从句中不用将来时。
如:Even though/if it rains tomorrow, we will leave for Beijing.8. come up 走上前来,走近,发生,出现come up with 追上,赶上,提出9. Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.事实上,当不同文化相互沟通渗透时,全部的语言都会有所开展、有所变更。
新人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 重点单词详解(超级详细)

新人教版高中英语教材必修一Unit 2 Travelling around 1.apply / əˈplaɪ/ vi. &vt.申请;请求vt. 应用; 涂(油漆、乳剂)Application n.[1].申请make an application (for sth)提交申请...fill in an application form 填写申请(表)[2]. 应用;运用;[app] 应用程序:APP is short for application.This is a new invention that will have a wide range of applications in industry.这是一项可在工业上广泛应用的新发明。
[同义词辨析]use, apply, employ,utilize 这些动词均含"使用,应用"之意。
2.sight /saɪt/ n. 景象; 视野; 视力sight 搭配(1)come into sight 进入视线;映入眼帘:As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into sight.(2)catch sight of 看见;发现:Suddenly, I caught sight of my English teacher in the crowd.(3)lose sight of 看不见;忽略;I lost sight of him in the crowd.(4)in sight 看得见,在视线内(5)out of sight 看不见(6)at first sight 一见(就);乍一看:fall in love with sb at first sightAt first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.(7)at the sight of 一看见:Some people will faint at the sight of blood.(8)(谚语)眼不见,心不想out of sight, out of mind3.amaze v. 使惊奇/惊愕be amazed at/by/that.. 对....感到惊奇be amazed to doamazing / əˈmeɪzɪŋ / adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的amazing sightsamazed / əˈmeɪzd / adj. (人感到)惊奇的;惊喜的amazement n. to one's amazement 令某人惊讶的[同义词辨析]surprise, amaze, astonish, stun这些动词均含"使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇"之意。

必修一Unit2 必背单词和词块一、背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词——会认就行1.castle n.城堡;堡垒2.visa n. 签证3.emperor n.皇帝4.site n. 地点;位置;现场5.accommodation n. 住处;停留处;膳宿6.architecture n. 建筑设计;建筑学7.architect n. 建筑设计师8.package n. 包裹;包装盒vt. 将……包装好9.c ivilization n. 文明;文明世界10.hike vi.徒步旅行vt.去……远足n. 远足;徒步旅行11.credit n. 借款;信用;称赞;学分12.statue n.雕塑;雕像(二)背重点单词——写对才行1.rent vt. 租用;出租vi.租用;租金为n. 租金2.pack vi.&vt. 收拾(行李)vt. 包装n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包3.source n.来源;出处4.narrow adj.狭窄的vi.&vt.(使)变窄5.flat adj.平坦的;扁平的n. 公寓;单元房6.official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的n.官员;要员7.type n. 类型;种类vi.&vt. 打字8.unique adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的9.path n.小路;路线;道路10.destination n. 目的地;终点11.contact vt.联络;联系n. 联系;接触12.soldier n.士兵;军人13.transport n. 交通运输系统vt.运输;运送14.request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求15.view n.视野;景色;看法16.sight n.景象;视野;视力17.comment n.议论;评论vi.&vt. 发表意见;评论(三)背拓展单词——用准才行1.apply vi.&vt.申请;请求vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)→applicant n.申请人→ application n.申请书;申请2.amaze vt.使吃惊;使惊讶→ amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→ amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→ amazement n.惊奇;惊诧3.arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理→ arrangement n.安排;筹备4.extreme adj.极度的→ extremely adv.极其;非常5.power n.能力;力量;权力→ powerful adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→ powerless adj.无权的;无影响力的6.r ecognize vt.辨别出;承认;认可→ recognition n.承认;认出7.admire vt.钦佩;赞赏→ admiration n.羡慕;钦佩→ admirable adj.令人羡慕的;令人钦佩的8.detail n.细节;详情;细微之处→detailed adj.详细的;细致的;精细的[语境活用]1.I don't agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles. Besides, her devotion to work is so admirable that almost everyone has great admiration for her. (admire)2.“What amazing skyscrapers!” The amazed boy from the countryside criedin amazement, which amazed the people around. (amaze)3.Our department will be in charge of arranging the conference. Would you please give us some suggestions on the arrangement for it? (arrange)4.I could hardly recognize the town once recognized to a remote and poor place. Actually, it has changed beyond recognition since I was last here. (recognize)5.All the applicants can apply in person or by email and at the same time should hand in their applications before May 6th. (apply)(四)背高频单词——先“记牢”再“用活”,不背绝对不行2.arrangement n.安排;筹备3.recognize vt. 辨别出;承认;认可5.view n.视野;景色;看法;观点vt.观看;看待6.sight n.景象;视野;视力7.comment n.议论;评论vi.&vt.发表意见;评论(五)背短语词块——表达出彩,需多积词块才行单元短语再认再现1.apply for申请2.get around 四处走动(旅行);传播;流传3.take control of 控制;接管4.look through 浏览5.in the history of 在……的历史上6.be made of 由……制成7.other than 除……以外8.make up 构成;形成9.check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记10.check out 结账离开(旅馆等) 11.be made up of 由……组成12.for this reason 由于这个原因重点短语拓展用活1.take control of 控制;接管二、背佳句与佳作(一)背写作佳句——多“输入”才能巧“输出”1.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.(强调句型)正因为如此,西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。

人教版高一英语必修一Unit2词汇解释名词篇——我包揽主宾的n.君喊你的名字你敢应吗?= ̄ω ̄=1.subway 地下人行道地铁=metro=underground2.elevator 可以按去几楼的电梯(美)=lift(英)扶手电梯escalator3.petrol 汽油(英)=gasoline(美)形近词pistol手枪4.gas 气体liquid液体solid固体形近词gu ts (常用复数)勇气,胆量→He doesn't have the guts to quit a well-paid job.5.voyage 航海之行voyage指乘船/飞机去某地,故译作“航海/航空”journey从A到B的远途陆路旅行,抽象也表示人生旅程(life journey)trip指有特殊目的或定期的旅行,不限长短。
tour指那种各个景点打卡,最后会返回出发地的周游/短途巡游travel泛指去到某地,也特指国与国之间旅行6.apartment (美)公寓/单位7.AD 公元(放在年份后) BC公元前8.Danish (n.) 丹麦语(adj.) 丹麦/丹麦人(单复数同形)/丹麦语的9.vocabulary 词汇/词汇量/词表10.Shakespeare 莎士比亚11.spelling 拼写/拼法词源(v.) spell12.identity身份(n.) identification 鉴定/辨认/确定/身份证明ID=identification=identity card身份证(v.) identi f y(adj.)identical完全同样的=totally the same13.Singapore 新加坡(n.) Singapore an (复数加s)14.Malaysia 马来西亚(n.) Malaysian (复数加s)age用法/用量,词语习用法→a book on modern English usage→water usage词源(n./v.) useuse作n.时是“使用/用处”的意思→the use of nuclear weapon→no use to me对我无用处mand-1(n.) command er指挥官a) 控制under/at sb’s command受某人控制→The team is under/at my command.at sb’s command运用自如→a pianist with the keys at his commandin command of sth.→He felt fully in command of the situation. 他觉得完全控制了场面。

2019版人教版新高一必修一单词知识点讲解unit2TravellingaroundBOOK1 UNIT 2 Traveling around1.castle/?kɑ:sl/n.城堡;堡垒2.apply/??pla?/vi.&vt.申请;请求apply to sb for sth 向某人申请得到某物apply to sth 使用于apply one’s mind /oneself to 致力于;专心于apply to do sth 申请做某事vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)apply A to B 把A运用到B上;把A涂到B上3.apply for申请application 申请;申请书;适用applicant n. 申请人4.visa/?vi:z?/n.签证5.rent/rent/vt.租用;出租vi.租用;租金为n.租金6.pack/p?k/vi.&vt.收拾(行李)vt.包装pack up 装箱打包;收拾行李be packed with 挤满a pack of things 一盒东西 a pack of people 一群人n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包7.amazing/??me?z??/adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的8.amazed/??me?zd/adj.惊奇的;惊喜的be amazed at/by 对……大为吃惊be amazed to do 对做……感到惊讶amazement n. 惊奇to one’s amazement 令某人吃惊的是in amazement 惊讶地;吃惊地9.arrangement/??re?nd?m?nt/n.安排;筹备make an arrangement for 为……做安排arrange vt. 安排;筹备;整理arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事arrange(for sb.)to do sth. 安排某人做某事10.extremely/?k?stri:mli/adv.极其;非常11.source/s?:s/n.来源;出处12.narrow/?n?r??/adj.狭窄的vi.&vt.(使)变窄narrowly adv. 勉强地;差点have a narrow escape 九死一生have a narrow view有狭隘的观点13.flat/fl?t/adj.平坦的;扁平的n.公寓;单元房14.powerful/?pa??fl/adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的15.empire/?empa??(r)/n.帝国16.emperor/?emp?r?(r)/n.皇帝17.site/sa?t/n.地点;位置;现场18.take control of控制;接管lose control of … 失去对……的控制out of control 不受控制;失去控制under control 在控制中;得到成功控制under the control of 在……控制下keep sth. under control 使……处于控制之下19.official/?'f??l/adj.官方的;正式的;公务的n.官员;要员20.recognise/?rek?gna?z/vt.辨别出;承认;认可recognise one’s voice 辨别出某人的声音recognise sb as/to be 认为某人是……b e recognised as/to be 被认为是……recognise that 承认……It is recognised that ……人们公认……recognition n. 认出,识别beyond recognition 无法辨认21.type/ta?p/n.类型;种类vi.&vt.打字22.flight/fla?t/n.空中航行;航班;航程23.accommodation/??k?m??de??n/n.住处;停留处;膳宿24.unique/ju?ni:k/adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的 unique to25.path/pɑ:θ/n.小路;路线;道路26.destination/?dest??ne??n/n.目的地;终点27.other than除……以外;并非,不同于rather than 而不是28.admire/?d?ma??(r)/vt.钦佩;赞赏admire sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而羡慕、钦佩某人没有admire sb sth 的用法admiration n. 钦佩;赞美express admiration for sb/sth 对某人、某事表示钦佩/赞美with/in admiration 羡慕地;钦佩地29.architecture/?ɑ:k?tekt??(r)/n.建筑设计;建筑学30.architect/?ɑ:k?tekt/n.建筑设计师31.brochure/?br(r)n.资料(或广告)手册32.package/?p?k?d?/n.包裹;包装盒vt.将……包装好33.package tour包价旅游34.contact/?k?nt?kt/vt.联络;联系n.联系;接触make contact wi th…=get in/into contact with 与……取得联系lose contact with 与……失去联系keep in contact with与……保持联系be in/out of contact with与……有/没有联系35.civilisation/?s?v?la??ze??n/n.(NAmE-ization)文明;闻名世界36.make up构成;形成;编造;化妆make up for 弥补be made up of…由……构成37.soldier/?s??ld??(r)/n.士兵;军人38.transport/?tr?nsp?:t/n.(NAmE usually transportation) 交通运输系统vt.运输;运送39.hike/ha?k/vi.徒步旅行vt.去…远足n.远足;徒步旅行40.economy/??k?n?mi/n.经济;节约41.economic/?i:k??n?m?k/adj.经济(上)的;经济学的42.credit/?kred?t/n.借款;信用;称赞;学分43.credit card信用卡44.detail/?di:te?l/n.细节;详情;细微之处in detail 详细地get into details 详述;逐一说明detailed adj. 详细的45.check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记46.check out结账离开(旅馆等)pay by check 用支票支付47.request/r??kwest/n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求at one’s request=at the request of sb应某人的要求make a request for sth./that 请求……;要求……vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求request sb to do sth. request that sb (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事It is requested that…(should) do sth. 据要求48.view/vju:/n.视野;景色;看法in one’s view/opinion 在某人看来come into view 进入视野;被看见have/get a good view of 好好欣赏/观看in view of 鉴于;考虑到out of view 看不见;在视野之外view …as… 把……看作……49.sight/sa?t/n.景象;视野;视力catch sight of 看见;瞥见lose sight of 看不见lose one’s sight 失明come into sight 进入视野at first sight 乍一看;初看时at the sight of 一看见out of sight 看不见in/within sight 在视线内看得见50.statue/?st?t?u:/n.雕塑;雕像51.BCE/?bi:si:?i:/(=before the Common Era)公元前52.tomb/tu:m/n.坟墓53.unearth/?n??:θ/vt.挖掘;发掘/doc/3610665695.html,ment/?k?ment /n.议论;评论No comment!无可奉告!make a comment on/about sth 对……加以评论vi.&vt.发表意见;评论 comment on sth 对……发表评论55. It is/was…that…强调句型56. as 引导状语从句as “当……的时候,随着”,引导时间状语从句as “由于,因为”,引导原因状语从句as “正如,依照”,引导方式状语从句as “尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。

高一英语必修一unit2知识1重点词汇、短语1. because of 因为、由于2. come up 走近、上来、提出3. actually 实际上、事实上4. base 以…为基础,根基5. at present 目前6. make use of 利用7. such as 例如8. command 命令、指令、掌握9. request 请求、要求10. play a part/role in 扮演一个角色11. recognize 辨认出、承认、公认12. straight 直接、挺直、笔直的13. be different from 与…不同be the same as 和…一样14. one another 相互,彼此(=each other)15. at the end of 在…结束时16. because of 因为(后接名词或名词性短语)because 因为(后接句子)17. be based on 根据,依据18. at present 目前;当今19. especially 特别,尤其specially 专门地20. make use of 利用…make the best of 充分利用…21. a large number of 大量的,很多(作主语时,谓语动词用复数)the number of …的数量(作主语时,谓语动词用单数)22. in fact = actually= as a matter of fact 事实上23. make lists of… 列清单24. included 包括(前面接包括的对象)including包括(后面接包括的对象)25. command sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事command + that 从句(从句用should+V原)26. request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事request + that 从句(从句用should+V原)高一英语必修一unit2知识2重点句型1. World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(定语从句)世界英语来自那些以英语为第一或第二语言的国家,英语在这些国家起重要作用,或是因为外国的统治,或是因为其作为国际语言的特殊地位。
必修一Unit 2讲义

Unit 2 Heroes知识点梳理重点词汇1.calm(1)adj. 镇静的,沉着的;平静的;风平浪静的(2)v. 〔使〕平静〔下来〕;〔使〕镇静【拓展】calm (...) down 〔使···〕平静下来keep/remain calm 保持镇静2.generous adj. 大方的,大方的,宽厚的;[反] mean adj. 吝啬的,小气的【拓展】be generous to sb. 对某人宽容be generous with sth. 〔用钱等〕大方be generous in doing sth. 乐于做某事be generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是大方大方的3.violent adj. 暴力的;强烈的,猛烈的;暴躁的【拓展】violently adv. 暴力地;强烈地violence n. 暴力,暴力行为4.character n. 品质;性格;人物,角色;字体【拓展】in character 符合某人的性格;〔与···〕风格一样〔with sth.〕out of character 不符合某人的性格build (up) one’s character 磨炼意志a major/leading character 主角Chinese characters 汉字5.atmosphere n. 大气,空气;气氛【拓展】acdemic atmosphere 学业风气,学习气氛working atmosphere 工作坏境clear the atmosphere 去除〔误会、猜疑或紧张〕气氛6.let out 发出〔叫声等〕,放出;释放;泄露【拓展】let in 让···进来;允许···进入let alnoe 更不用说let down 把···放下来;使···绝望lons of 数百万【误区警示】①hundered, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score等词用来指详细明确的数目时,不用复数形式;假设这些词用来指非详细的数目,即只表示一个大致的概念时,要用复数形式,在这种情况下,要在hundreds, thousands等之后加上介词of。
人教版必修一 unit 2 单词讲解

• This story is based on facts.这个故事是有事实 根据的。 Teaching is an art based on science. 教学是以科 学为基础的一门艺术。 • At the base of the hill 在山脚下 • On the base of 以。。。为基础 • 8. at preasent= at the present time • Present n. 礼物 现在 目前;a. 在场的 ,目前 的;v. 赠送,介绍 • 1)be present at 出席 • 2)present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. 把 某物送给某人
• Unit 2 Book 1 • Ⅰ.词汇 • 1. Subway n.(美国)地铁=underground , 英国常用作地下人行道 v. 乘地铁 • Subway station 地铁站 • 2. Official a. 官方的,公务的,正式的, special 特殊的 social 社会的 • 3. Voyage n. 航行,航海 • 1)Journey 指长距离的陆地上旅行有时候 也指短距离,一般都是有预定地点的旅行
• 5)a native of 当地人/产于……的动/植物 • 6.come up 1)走近;2)(植物)长出地面; 发芽 3)(太阳)升起;4)出现 , 出席,参加,到场, • 5)被提及,被提出讨论,被谈到; • 6)(尤指意想不到地)发生, • 拓展:come up with想出;提出 • come about发生 come across偶遇;偶然发现 come to苏醒;总计;达到;谈到 • come al. & vt. 请求,要求 • 1)request sth. of/from sb.向某人请求某物 2)request sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事 • 3)request that sb. (should) do sth.请求… 4)It’s requested that sb. should do…据要 求… • 5)at one’s request 应某人之请求=at the request of sb.应某人之请求 • 6)make a request for sth.请求,要求…… • He came to me and requested a photo.他来 找我要了一张照片。 •
人教版高中英语必修一Unit2 单词讲解 .ppt

(2)---What are you mailing, Linda?
---A textbook____a new method of teaching physics.
I want my friend to take a look at it.
A.is based on
B.based on
C.basing on
8. at present = at the moment present (adj.) present (n.) 礼物 = gift
现在的,目前的,可作前置定语 出席的,在场的,可作后置定语
the present situation / the people present be present at the meeting presence n.在场,出席 I was surprised by the presence of so many people at the meeting.
4. native
adj. 本土的, 本国的, 土生的 (+to)
The giant panda is native to China.
The giant panda is a native of China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。
n. 本地人, 本国人 Are you a native here, or just a visitor? 你是本地人, 或者只是游客?
3. nearly 和 almost 几乎
nearly: 强调时间、空间、数量上接近
1)常用在not, very, pretty之后 That’s not nearly so serious as you think.
2)用在具体数字之前 The husand is nearly twice as old as his wife.

2) for example一般只列举几类人或事物 中的‘‘一个”,其位置可在句首、句 中或句末,经常用逗号分开。如:
Mr Wang is good at several foreign languages,for example,English. 王先生精通好几门外语,比如英语。
Hale Waihona Puke 【经典例题】 Many famous singers, _____ Wang Fei and SHE, have acted in films.
1.because of 因为;由于 2.come up 走近;上来;提出 3. at present 现在;目前 4. make use of 利用;使用 5. such as 例如……;像这种的
1. official adj. 官方的,正式的 official language official news n. 政府官员
3. because of后边加名词或动名词短语 because是连词, 所以后边跟句子 He came to work late because he got
up late. He came to work late because of
getting up late.
4. native adj. 本土的,本国的,土生的 (+to)
• A. came about
B. came across
• C. came up
D. come on
• 2. ---How did it ___ that you made such a silly mistake?
• ---I myself haven’t figured it out yet.
The giant panda is native to China. The giant panda is a native of China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。

many people at the meeting. 这么多人出席会议使我感到吃惊。
All the people ________ at the party were his supporters.(2002北京)
B. thankful
C. interested D. important
Unit2 English Around
the World
1. official adj.官方的;正式的; 公务的 n. 行政官员→ office n.办公室 → officer n.公务员,军官
2. voyage n.航行;航海 3. native adj.本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人(可数) 4. actually adv.实际上;事实上 → actual adj.
come across 偶然遇到,发现,被理解 come about 发生 come true 实现 come back 回来, 恢复记忆 come on 催促, 快速运动;得了吧 come out 出现,出版,开花 come in 进来 come over 从一地到另一地
• 1. His car ____ the terrible traffic jam, so he had to call off his appointment with his doctor.
• A. bring about
B. come about
• C. come across
D. come on
6 .base
(1) n.__基__础_;__基_地__;__根_基______
Eg: Our company’s base is in beijing. (2) vt. _建__于__…_之__上_;__以_…__为_基__础___
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高一英语必修一词汇讲解Unit 21.more than one kind of English该短语中more than 与数词连用,意思是“超过,多于”,相当于over.【要点】more than one+n. 意为“不止一个”,虽在语义上为复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
More than one house was burnt down in the fire.不止一间房屋在火灾中被烧毁。
More than one person has a good grasp of English in the school.在这所学校里不止一个人精通英语。
more than 还可与名词、形容词、副词、动词、动名词或分词连用,意为“不只是,岂止”等。
Both of them are much more than schoolmates . They are close friends.他们俩远不止是同学,更是知心朋友。
e up 走近;上来;提出;露出地面,发芽The sun has come up. 太阳升起来了。
The seeds haven’t come up yet. 种子还没有发芽。
The question hasn’t come up yet. 问题尚未被提出。
He came up to me and said sorry.他走近我并道了歉。
【要点】come up 作“提出”讲时,由被提出的物作主语,无被动形式;而come up with 指人提出问题等,用人作主语。
come up 作“发生,出现”讲时,多用于事物作主语;以人作主语表示“出现,到场”,常用turn up.【词组拓展】3.a number of 许多,大量的,谓语动词为复数the number of ……的数量,谓语动词为单数Quite a number of young people believe that money is a passport to happiness.相当多的年轻人认为金钱是幸福的保证。
The number of graduates has increased over these years.近年来毕业生的数量大幅上升。
4.present adj.现在的,当前的(常作前置定语);出席的,到场的(常作后置定语);n.礼物;现在v.赠送;介绍;呈递;授予He doesn’t know how to deal with the present situation.他不知道怎样应对当前的局势。
The people present at the meeting are advanced workers. 出席会议的人都是先进工作者。
John was presented with his award at the ceremony.在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖赏。
【常见词组】be present at the meeting 出席会议be present to 出现在……be present to mind 放在心上,记忆犹新at present 目前,现在把某物赠送给某人:make a present of sth. to sb. make sb. a present of sth.present sth. to sb. present sb. with sth.5.close to 靠近,接近【辨析】close 与closelyclose和closely均可用作副词,close可用作形容词,但close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,强调“距离”的概念;而closely则用来修饰动词或过去分词,强调抽象的“紧密地”含义。
Someone followed close behind me. 有人紧跟着我。
This problem is closely connected with that one. 这个问题与那个问题有密切的联系。
It’s raining hard;however, I think we should go out. 雨下得很大,不过我想我们还是应该出去。
【拓展】however 也可作“无论如何,不管怎样”讲,引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how, 后接形容词或副词。
We’ll have to finish it ,however / no matter how long it takes. 不管要花多长时间,我们都必须把它做完。
7.at the end of(1)在……的末梢,到……的尽头,表场所At the end of the road you’ll find the factory easily.在这条路的尽头,你会很容易找到那家工厂。
(2)在……结束时,在……末,表时间I came across an old friend at the end of last month. 上个月底,我偶然遇到了一位老朋友。
8.make use of 利用,使用,与take advantage of 同义You must make good use of any opportunity to practice English. 你必须好好利用一切机会练习英语。
【use常用词组】make use of 利用,使用come into use 投入使用in use 正在用,通用use up 用完,耗尽9.expect (理所当然地)期望;预料,预期;认为【常用搭配用法及句型】expect sb. to do sth. 期望(预料)某人做某事expect sth. 预料某事(乞求某物)expect to do sth. 想要(打算)做某事expect+ that 从句,预料(认为)……I expect so. 我想是这样的。
I expect not. 或I don’t expect so. 我想不是这样的。
10.request n. & vt.请求,要求【搭配归纳】at the request of sb. = at sb.’s request 应某人的要求He went to Jinan at the request of his manager. 他应经理的要求去了济南。
request sb. to do = request + that 从句(should+动词原形)要求某人做某事(should 可以省略)She requested that we (should) go home right now. 她要求我们现在就回家。
request sth. from sb. 向某人索要某物Liming requested a computer from his parents. 李铭像父母索要一台电脑。
make a request for sth. 要求某物;需要某物They have made q request for international aid. 他们已经要求国际紧急援助。
make a request that ... 要求,需要……At the meeting , the manager made a request that we get to the company before 7:45 tomorrow morning. 在会上,经理要求我们明天早上7:45 之前到公司。
mand n. & vt. 命令,指令;掌握【要点】command 可用作可数名词,意为“命令,指令,指挥部”,如:give a command 下命令。
【拓展】have (a) good command of 精通……at one’s command 随心所欲be in command of 统帅……be under one’s command 由……指挥command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事command + that 从句,命令某事,从句用虚拟语气,谓语部分用“should+动词原形,should 可省略。
12.believe it or not 信不信由你,常用作插入语。
类似的插入语还有:to tell you the truth 跟你说实话generally speaking 一般来说judging from 根据……判断that is to say 也就是说what’s more 而且what’s worse 更糟糕的是13.no such thing 没有这样的事such与no, all, most, some, any, many, much, a few, few , a little 等词连用时,such 应置于这些词之后。
There are many such books on sale in the bookstore. 书店里有很多这样的书在出售。
There is no such person here. 这儿没有这样一个人。
14.recognize 辨认出;承认;公认;赏识,表彰【常用搭配】recognize one’s voice 辨别出某人的声音be recognized as 被承认/认为是……recognize sb. to be 承认/认为某人是……recognize that 承认……Lisa, I didn’t recognize you!You have your hair cut! 丽萨,我没认出你来!你剪头发了!The policeman recognized him to be a pickpocket. 警察认出他是个小偷。
I recognized that I had made a mistake. 我认识到自己犯了一个错误。
The government recognized his excellent service by giving him a medal.政府为他颁发勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。
15.the same ...as... 跟……一样,与be different from 意思相反。
Your opinion is the same as mine. 你的观点和我的一样。
不能说:Your opinion is the same as I/me.注意以下搭配的不同含义:the same... as 表示同类事物Could you buy me the book as you read yesterday? 你能给我买一本和你昨天看的一样的书吗?the same ...that 表示同一事物,也可用the same... asShe is the same girl as / that came yesterday. 昨天来的就是这个女孩。