
As much as I enjoyed the service, I was not about to deposit a questionnaire that somebody else had completed into a ballot box. However, many people would return such a questionnaire without thinking twice.
ReadTeixnt g A A-3
It is admirable for an organization to want to measure customer satisfaction. However, to do so correctly, the entire measurement process must be properly designed and implemented from start to finish. Proper questionnaire design is just the first step in the process. Equally as important is establishing a process of gathering data which will obtain a representative sample of customers, and which keeps bias to a minimum. This is where many organizations fail. This is where this particular restaurant failed.
ReaTedxt ing A A-4

Listening 1-Task 1 4. Language Summary
Listening 1-Task 2 1. Warming-up
Discuss with your partner and list some factors that you will consider in choosing an express company when mailing a parcel.
New Words &
Listening 1-Task 1
5. vessel n. 船;容器 They overloaded the vessel. 他们使那条船超载。 6. airfreight n. 货物空运 Airfreight Department 空运部 7. retail n. 零售 The retail price of the dress is 60 dollars. 这衣服的零售价是60元。 8. tranship v. 将(货物)转载他船或列车;换船 I want to have goods transhipped from Shantou to Osaka via Hong Kong. 我想要把货物从汕头经香港转运到大坂。
Unit 6 Transportation
Watching12Supplementary Material
Further Listening, Fun Time 1, Fun Time 2 Further Watching 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
True Bill said “if that’s true, we really need to find some other partners”.
新航标英语Unit 6-PPT

新 航 标 职 业 英 语
综 合 英 语 1
Unit 6
LowCarbon life
Text B Background Vocational English
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
Carbon Footprint
综 合 英 语 1
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). A carbon footprint is usually calculated for the time period of a year.
新 航 标 职 业 英 语
综 合 英 语 1
Low-Carbon Life
Carbon Footprint
外研社 新职业英语 IT英语 课件Unit6

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Reading A
Basic基本 Computer Maintenance维护 Everyone Should Do
Para.1 Computers tend to go wrong出现问题 over time随着时间的 增加. Some simple maintenance every 2 to 4 weeks takes only 10 to 30 minutes but can keep your computer running smoothly顺畅运行. With
Have you noticed all the icons小图标 in the lower right corner of your screen? Those are a few programs程序 your computer loads载入 during startup启动. And those are only parts of them. If you’re wondering why you have to wait a minute等很久 to use your computer after startup, it is because all of those items are loading after Windows has started. They also use up占用 memory内存 even when you are not using them. Removal of the startup items启动项 takes a bit more knowledge or research, but you can do it!
this guide, and some software you can download from the Internet, you will see a great improvement显著改善. This is very basic and something 基本方法 all computer users should do.

Google An yonewho h as ev er us ed th e Int ernet hasseenGoogl e, an d man y peo ple w ouldjust“goog le it”wh en th ey tr y tofindinfor matio n abo ut so methi ng on theInter net.As t he wo rld’s most popu lar I ntern et se archengin e, Go ogleis on e ofthe g reate stex ample s ofonlin e suc cessIt a ll be gan i n Jan uary1996as aresea rch p rojec t atStanf ord U niver sityby Ph.D. s tuden t Lar ry Pa ge. Tryin g tofinda bet ter w ay fo r web user s tosearc h for rele vantpages, Pag e hadan i dea t hat t his c ouldbe ac hieve d byexami ningthe r elati onshi ps be tween webpages.He thou ght t hat w eb pa ges w hichhad t he mo st li nks t o the m fro m oth er we b pag es mu st be themostpopul ar. T he te chniq ue ap peare d tobe su ccess ful.Pageand h is pa rtner Serg ey Br in se t uptheir comp any o n Sep tembe r 7,1998and r egist eredthe g ooglthe f ollow ing w eek.Thesearc h eng ine q uickl y gre w inpopul arity andin 2000 Go oglebeganto s ell a dvert ising on t heirwebsi te. After a fe w yea rs of grow th fu eledby ea ger i nvest ors,Googl e wen t pub lic.ManyGoogl e emp loyee s bec ame i nstan t mil liona ires.Goog le ha s rec ently acqu iredYouTu be.co m whi ch is theInter net’s larg est v ideos harin g web siteand c ontin ues t o add newfeatu res every dayinclu dingtoolbars, emai l, an d adv ertis ing.Of co urse, with grow th an d suc cessthere also come s com petit ion.Micr osoft hasrecen tly t riedto ac quire Yaho o inorder to c ompet e wit h Goo gle i n theInte rnetsearc h eng ine a rea.G oogle hasrecen tly a cquir ed Yo uTube.com whic h isthe I ntern et’slarge st vi deosh aring webs ite a nd co ntinu es to addnew f eatur es ev ery d ay in cludi ng to ol ba rs, e mail, andadver tisin g. Of cour se, withgrowt h and succ ess t herealsocomes comp etiti on. M icros oft h as re centl y tri ed to acqu ire Y ahooin or der t o com petewithGoogl e inthe I ntern et se archengin e are a.To day,Googl e own s You Tube, Blog ger a nd ot her h ot we bsite s and hasbecom e thelead er in term s ofad-ba sed r evenu e onthe w eb. The b rainchild of t wo st udent s has beco me abilli on-do llarcompa ny an d one of t he be st-kn own t radem arksin th e wor ld. Googl e’s h istor y ser ves a s a p erfec t mod el an d ins pirat ion f or In terne t ent repre neurstoda yUni t 1 R eadin g A 谷歌上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。

Unit 1 Workplace
If you work at a trendy coffee shop or retail store, store, chances are that the dress code would be casual clothing. clothing. 法规, 章程
Unit 1 Workplace
This is where you can run into trouble if you are not careful. careful. 因此一不小心就可能出问题。 因此一不小心就可能出问题。
Unit 1 Workplace
Text Reading A A- 4
1. Dressing in the latest fashion trends may give you the reputation of being efficient. efficient. 2. There are many more pros of relying on workplace fashion trends than there are cons. cons. 3. If you work in a retail store as a manager, dressing in uniform may hamper your efforts to work and be productive. productive. 4. Many people are always given compliments by wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces. pieces. 5. Other people’s opinions are important when we choose workplace clothing. clothing.

新职业英语基础篇unit61. 简介本文档是关于新职业英语基础篇中的第六单元的学习笔记。
2. 商务会议的组织和准备在商务会议之前,组织者需要进行一系列的准备工作,包括制定议程、邀请与会者和确定会议地点等。
在这个过程中,下面的英语表达将会非常有用:•Agenda: 议程•Invite: 邀请•Venue: 地点除了以上常用的词汇外,还有一些与会议相关的动词表达,例如:•Organize: 组织•Schedule: 安排•Confirm: 确认3. 商务会议的开始和结束商务会议往往以开场白开始,由主持人致辞,表示欢迎和介绍议程。
下面是一些常用的开场白表达:•Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s meeting: 女士们、先生们,欢迎参加今天的会议。
•I’d like to start by welcoming our special guest:首先,我要欢迎我们的特别嘉宾。
以下是一些常用的结束语表达:•Thank you for your fruitful discussions: 感谢大家进行了富有成果的讨论。
•I’d like to thank everyone for their valuable contributions: 我要感谢大家的宝贵贡献。
4. 商务会议的讨论和决策在商务会议中,参与者往往需要表达观点、提出建议以及做出决策。
下面是一些常用的表达方式:•I’d like to add something to that point: 我想在这一点上补充一些内容。
•I suggest that we consider alternative solutions: 我建议我们考虑其他解决方案。
•Let’s take a vote on this proposal: 让我们就这个提议进行投票。
新职业英语1 Unit 6 Teaching Plan

English for Careers 1Unit 6 TransportationUnit Focusbe characterized by lie in compare favorably with bulkyin relation to what matters the most advantageous delivery economical volume maintenance give way to the key to...Teaching proceduresThis unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly.Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary.Hour 1:Course introduction 45 minutesWarming-upTask 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss can identify some world-famous express companies.Steps:• Ss read Warming-up Task 1.• Go through logos 1-4 with Ss.• Get Ss to match the logos with their company names.• Give the key.Key: A–4 B–1 C–3 D–2Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can identify some typical shipping labels.Steps:• Ss read Warming-up Task 2.• Get Ss to do the task individually before they discuss their answers with others.• Ask some Ss to present their work.• Give the key.Suggested Answers:You should(Picture 1) isolate it elsewhere.(Picture 2) not stack it with other stuff.(Picture 3) not use hooks to lift it up.(Picture 4) place it with this side up.(Picture 5) handle with care.(Picture 6) keep it dry.New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..Steps:• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.Notes: For a class with higher English proficiency, the teacher may follow the following steps:• Ss preview the new words and expressions.• Ss read the new words and expressions.• Ss dictate several important new words and expressions.Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc..Steps:• Ss know something about Reading A.• Ss discuss the following two questions:1.How many modes of transport do you know? List five major modes of transportfor goods.2.Which transportation should be used when the goods are medicines?• Comment briefly on their work.Hours 2-3:Reading A 45 minutes Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1be characterized by: to have the character or qualities ofe.g. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details.Paragraph 2lie in: (of ideas, qualities, problems, etc.) to exist or be founde.g. The problem lies in deciding when to expand the business.compare favorably with: to be better in nature or quality in relation to anothere.g. She was pleased that her work compared favorably with her sister’s.Paragraph 3bulky: a. large and difficult to move or carrye.g. Bulky items will be collected separately.in relation to: connected with or compared with somethinge.g. Women’s earnings are still low in relation to men’s.what matters the most: what is the most importante.g. What matters the most is the way you look at your life.Paragraph 4advantageous: a. good or useful in a particular situatione.g. A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.delivery: n. the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to a particular person or placee.g. Please pay for goods on delivery.Paragraph 5economical: a. not spending more money than necessarye.g. A small car is more economical to run.He was economical in all areas of his life.c.f. economic: a. of or relating to the production, development and management ofmaterial wealth, as of a country, household or business enterprise; of or relating to an economyvolume: n. the amount of something; the amount of space that an object takese.g. The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years.The volume of the container measures 10,000 cubic meters.maintenance: n. the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly; the act of making a state or situation continuee.g. The school pays a lot of money every year for heating and the maintenance of thebuildings.All countries are responsible for the maintenance of international peace. Paragraph 6give way to: to be replaced bye.g. Excitement gave way to fear as she stepped on the stage.spare part: a new part that one buys to replace an old or broken part of a machine, etc.the key to...: the vital, crucial element that makes one able to understand or achieve somethinge.g. Working well as a team is the key to success.Task 1 5 minutes Objective:Ss can find some specific information in the passage.Steps:• Ss do Task 1.• Ask Ss to work individually.• Check the answers.Suggested Answers:Task 2 5 minutes Objective:Ss can understand the passage.Steps:•Ss do Task 2.• Ask Ss to work individually.• Check the answers.Suggested Answers:1. E2. E3. A, E4. D5. A6. B7.B 7. A, CLanguage lab 45 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Objective:Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressions from Reading A.Steps:• Ss read Task 1.• Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task.• Check the answers.KeyKey: 1. F 2. H 3. E 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. J 8. B 9. I 10. G Task 2 10 minutesObjective:Ss can use the words and expressions from Reading A.Steps:• Ss do Task 2.• Ask Ss to work individually.• Check the answers.Answers1. namely2. delivery3. give way to4. transport5. volume6. lies in7. advantageous8. maintenance9. bulky 10. economicalTask 3 10 minutes Objective:Ss can express ideas in writing using the two models outlined for Task 3. Steps:• Read the models to Ss with an explanation if needed.• Ss work in pairs.• Check the answers.Key:Model 11. The cost of production is what we are thinking about right now.2. Lack of water is not what causes the problem.3. To accept the price is what he meant by saying “OK”.Model 21. Sally has to finish the task in one day, which is very difficult for her.2. John was late for the meeting again, which is very bad for a group leader.3. They grew up in that village, which is something they can never change.Task 4 10 minutes Objective: Ss can express ideas in the words or expressions in the brackets. Steps:• Ss do Task 4.• Ask Ss to work individually.• Check the answers.Key:1. For some people, happiness simply lies in health and love.2. To finish this report, we need more specific information instead of general descriptions.3. Her writing is characterized by simple words and clear ideas.4. Their products compare favora bly with others’ in both quality and price.5. Of all the five steps, the third one is optional.Task 5 10 minutes Objective:Ss can use the vocabulary in Reading A for translation.Steps:• Ss work individually or in pairs and translate the sentences.• Ask two Ss to write their translations on the board.• Comment briefly on their work with emphasis on the structures of their sentences. Key:1. This aircraft company began to deal with freight this year.2. My problems are almost nothing in comparison with yours.3. The door looks too wide in relation to its height.4. Another company has offered more advantageous terms than yours.5. The countryside gradually gave way to various buildings as the city grew.6. Our hotel provides free breakfast for every guest.7. The charge for the use of the public telephone is one yuan per time.8. The two parties agreed to sign the contract.Hours 4-5:Listening 45 minutes Task 1 5 minutes Objective:Ss can answer the questions.Script:W: Hello, Customer Service Department. How can I help you?M: Hello, I’m trying to find out if my order has been shipped.W: OK. Could I have your order number, please?M: Yes, it’s 9807.W: Thank you. Wait a minute. Yes, your order was shipped on the eighteenth.M: OK. Thanks.W: You’re welcome. Bye.M: Bye.Key: 1. 9807 2. On the eighteenthTask 2 10 minutes Objective:Ss can accurately write down the missing information.Script & Key:M: Could you deliver our goods by train?W: Why? According to our contract we should deliver them by truck.M: We hope we can receive the goods as soon as possible. It’s faster by train.W: Don’t worry. We’ll have no trouble meeting your delivery date. And if a customer requests a carrier other than truck, he must bear the additional charges.M: Well, in that case, we don’t insist on changing the mode of transport if you promise to deliver the goods on time.W: All right. Thank you.Task 3 10 minutes Objective: Ss can understand the conversation and choose the best answer.Script:W: Well, Mr. Blare, let’s come to the next point—delivery date. What’s your time limit?M: By the middle of March.W: I see. But I have to point out that our factories have a lot of orders in hand. The best we can do is the last week in March.M: You see, Mrs. Wilson, it’s essential for us to have it before the 25th. April is the selling season for this product in our market. If we miss the season, then we won’t make any profit.W: What about making March 19th the shipment date?M: Why the 19th?W: That’s the last ship scheduled to sail for your port in March, and your order can reach you before the 25th. But we’ll do our best to push it as early as possible. M: OK, let’s make it the 19th. We must insist absolutely on March 19th as the last possible date. But the earlier, the better.W: Fair enough.M: All right, then.Q1: What are the two speakers talking about?Q2: Why does the man have to have the products before April?Q3: When will the products probably be shipped?Key: 1. A 2. D 3. BTask 4 10 minutes Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information.Script:W: Morning, Mr. Murphy. This is Julia. I’m phoning to inform you that the ship carrying your imports reached Shenzhen Port this morning and has startedunloading in the afternoon.M: Ah, good news. Would you tell me when we can expect the goods to arrive at our warehouse?W: Yes, there are three containers in all. The trucks should arrive late Wednesday or early Thursday. It depends on traffic and weather. When will you acceptdeliveries?M: We can start unloading the trucks at as early as 8:00 a.m. and as late as 4:00 p.m. W: If our trucks arrive late in the afternoon on Friday, can you unload them on Saturday?M: I’m afraid not. You might have to wait till next Monday. Er… I’ll talk with our warehouse manager about this and come back to you tomorrow. What do you think?W: Fine. I’ll be expecting your call. Till then, bye.M: Bye.Key:1. this morning2. three3. late Wednesday4. warehouse managerTask 5 10 minutes Objective:Ss can find specific information from listening to a passage related to the theme.Script & Key:Getting your products to your customers on time, in good condition and at a reasonable cost, is very important. As for the means of shipping your products, that decision should be made on the basis of your business needs and budget.Four main means of transport are used internationally. Road transport is the most popular choice for shipping goods within a country. Prices are different according to whether the shipment is a full-truck load or a less-than-full-truck load. The railway is another important means of transport within a country, particularly where roads are in poor condition. Air transport is the most expensive choice. However, it has the advantages of speed, reduced insurance and storage costs. Water transport is used mainly for heavy goods. It is the slowest but least expensive mode of transport.Besides means of transport, you will also need to pay attention to product packaging and insurance. Packaging protects your goods from shipping damage. It is strongly recommended that you insure your products. Insurance protects you against financial loss when products are stolen, damaged, delayed or accidentally lost.Speaking 45 minutes Task 6 45 minutes Objective:Ss are able to practice posting letters and parcels with the usefulexpressions.Steps:• Ss read Task 6.• Ss work in pairs to practice posting letters and parcels.• Ss complete the chart.Key: (Omitted)Hours 6-7:Reading B 45 minutes New words 5 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.Steps:• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.Fast reading 20 minutes Objective:Ss can comprehend Reading B.Steps:• Ss read the passage.• Provide help if needed.Task 1 10 minutes Objective:Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage.Steps:• Ss read the passage.• Ss complete the task.• Ss compare their work with others.• Select Ss to present their work.Key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TTask 2 10 minutes Objective:Ss can comprehend the information of the text.Steps:• Ss read the passage.• Ss complete the task.• Ss compare their work with others.• Select Ss to present their work.Writing 45 minutes Task 1 20 minutes Objective:Ss can get familiar with the style of letter of complaint.Steps:• Ss do the task individually.• Ss compare with each other’s answers.• Provide help if needed.• Present the answers.Key:Task 2 25 minutes Objective:Ss can get familiar with the style of letter of complaint.Steps:• Ss do the task individually.•Ss compare with each other’s answers.• Provide help if needed.• Present the answers.Key:Dear Sirs,I am writing to inform you that the shirt you sent me is in a wrong size.I ordered a shirt (order No. 890560) in size 39 from your company online three weeks ago. But yesterday when I got the shirt, I found it was in size 40. Obviously, the size doesn’t fit me at all.I’d be grateful if you could send me the right-sized shirt as soon as possible and refund my postage after I send the wrong-sized shirt back to your company.I really appreciate your help.Yours faithfullyLi HongHour 8:。

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Unit 6 Quality
欧洲合格认证。大部分来自欧洲经济区( EEA)
的产品,都需要印上欧洲合格认证CE标志 ,代
新职业英语 Unit 6 Quality
Unit 6
Conten ts
Unit 6 Quality
Reading A
3amp; Speaking
Language Lab
Unit 6 Quality
ReadTexit An-2 g A
2 The Qingdao Refrigerator Plant was close to failure when Mr. Zhang was sent in at the end of 1984. Production at the time was at a low ebb, and there was no money to pay the staff. Mr. Zhang borrowed some cash, and set about seeing what could be done to save the company. Pretty soon, Mr. Zhang was confronted with complaints from refrigerator buyers. In response, he gathered the workers in a yard outside the plant, and smashed 76 substandard fridges to pieces in front of them with the hammer. A quality quest to revive the plant started from that symbolic hammer attack. And it worked!
新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 6课件

Unit 6 Transportation
Conte nts
Reading A
Reading B
4 Listening & Speaking
Language Lab
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 6 Transportation
W a
Task 1 Match the following express company logos with1 their
A. Express Mail Service B. United Parcel Service C. Federal Express D. China Railway Express
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 6 Transportation
ReaTedxt ing A A-5
Pipelines carry liquids, gases, or solid/liquid mixtures over great distances. They can be laid on land or under water. In comparison with other carriers, they offer an economical way to transport crude oil and natural gas, especially when the volume is large. But the cost of construction and maintenance requires a large amount of investment.

职业综合英语 1
第2 版
Unit 1
Conte nts
Reading A
Reading B
4 Listening & Speaking
ReadTAe-1xitng A
1 Anyone (who has ever used the Internet定
语从句—上过互联网的人) has seen Google, and many people would just “google it谷歌一下” when they try to find information about something on the Internet许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息. As the world’s most popular Internet search engine 作为全世界最有名的互联网搜索引擎, Google is one of the greatest examples 最好范例之一of online success网络业界功成名就.
ReaTAe-4dxt ing A
4 Google has acquired收购 ( which is the Internet’s largest video-sharing website视频共享网站--定语从句) and continues to add new features功能 every day including tool bars工具栏, email, and advertising. Of course, with growth成长 and success成功 there also comes competition带来了竞争. Microsoft has tried to acquire Yahoo in order to compete with Google in the Internet search engine area.
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Reading A
Para.2 Remove programs you forget or no longer use Over time, A . And sometimes you will find a toolbar or other item that you forget is there. Why waste the space? Go to the “Add/Remove programs” of your control panel, and uninstall anything you no longer use. Downloading software from the Internet may help you with removing programs.
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Reading A
Basic Computer Maintenance Everyone Should Do
Para.1 Computers tend to go wrong over time. Some simple maintenance every 2 to 4 weeks takes only 10 to 30 minutes but can keep your computer running smoothly. With this guide, and some software you can download from the Internet, you will see a great improvement. This is very basic and something all computer users should do.
Para.5 Remove unneeded startup items Have you noticed all the icons in the lower right corner of your screen? Those are a few programs your computer loads during startup. And those are only parts of them. If you’re wondering why you have to wait a minute to use your computer after startup, it is because all of those items are loading after Windows has started. They also use up memory even when you are not using them. Removal of the startup items takes a bit more knowledge or research, but you can do it!
Para.3 Cleaning your hard drive of unneeded files __B__. The hard drive has more moving parts than any other in a computer and when your computer is running, it uses many files on the hard drive, but not always cleans up after using them. Because of this, you should clean your computer’s hard drive regularly.
Warming-up2ຫໍສະໝຸດ Reading A3
Reading B
8 Vocabulary and Structure
Task 1 Work in pairs and decide which pictures show the
How to deal with complaints?
❖ Apologize ❖ Keep calm ❖ Be sympathetic ❖ Be polite and patient ❖ Ask about the problem ❖ Explain what you’re going to do to help
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Reading A
Task 1 Before reading the passage, see how much
you know about computer maintenance by answering the following questions.
1. What kind of computer problems usually troubles you? 2. What method(s) would you take to solve computer
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Reading A
Para.4 Remove invalid registry entries Registry may get large and can contain many invalid references. _C_. So if you are not an expert on this matter, use related software to clean out old, invalid entries.
correct way of after-sales service.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
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Task 2 Work in groups of four and discuss the question.