[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、1“爱而不见”的下一句是“俟我于城隅。
”[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、下列句子加括号词语使用不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.走进桃花源,看到朵朵含苞待放的桃花,情绪低落的她不禁(眉开眼笑)了。
4、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、埋怨(mái)错勘(kān)前合后偃(yǎn)B、嗟怨(jiē)提防(dī)刽子手(guì)(正确答案)C、罪愆(qiān)亢旱(hàng)哥哥行(háng)D、阡陌(mò)煞尾(shà)湛湛青天(zhàn)5、1学习老舍写的《我的母亲》一文,我们会由衷敬佩母亲坚忍、善良、宽容、勤俭和好客的品性,也会为儿子子欲养而亲不待的痛悔之情感动不已。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、9.下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.亘古(gèng)襁褓(qiǎng)粗犷(guǎng)美不胜收(shèng)B.炽热(chì)抖擞(sǒu)字帖(tiè)面面相觑(qù)(正确答案)C.晌午(shǎng)蓦然(mù)苍劲(jìng)弄巧成拙(zhuō)D.哽咽(yè)尴尬(gān)辐射(fú)气冲斗牛(dòu)7、下列关于名著的说明,不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.在《红楼梦》中,如果说宝玉与宝钗的“金玉良姻”象征着封建婚姻,那么宝玉与黛玉的“木石前盟”则象征着自由恋爱。
1 / 1辽宁省2011年中职升高职招生考试一、选择题1、集合M={1,2},N={-1,0,1,2},则M ∩N=( )A 、{1,2,3,4}B 、{2}C 、{1,2}D 、{-1,0,1}2、x=2 是0652=+-x x 的( )A 、充分条件B 、必要条件C 、充要条件D 、既不充分也不必要条件○选3、抛物线c bx ax y ++=2 (a >0)的对称轴为x=3,则下列正确的是( ) A 、f (2)>f(4) B 、f (2)<f(4) C 、f (1)>f(3) D 、f (1) <f(3) 4、等差数列}{n a 中,3093=+a a ,则=+75a a ( )A 、30B 、60C 、90D 、1205、23cos =α,)2,0(πα∈,则tan =α2( ) A 、-3 B 、23- C 、23D 、36、椭圆19422=+y x 的离心率是( ) A 、32 B 、23C 、35D 、5537、判断两圆122=+y x 与1)2(22=-+y x 的交点个数,下列说法正确的是( )A 、0B 、1C 、2D 、3 8、下列说法: ①γβαγβγα⊥⇒=⋂⊥⊥l l ,,②b a b b ⊥⇒αα,//,// ③b a b a ⊥⇒⊥αα,//, ④b a b a ⊥⇒⊥⊥αα,, ⑤ββαα//,,a a ⇒⊥⊥说法正确的有( )A 、①②③B 、③④⑤C 、②③④D 、①③⑤9、椭圆上有10个点,过每两个点画一个弦,一共可以画几个弦( ) A 、20 B 、45 C 、90 D 、12010、54张扑克牌,取一张得到3的概率是( ) A 、541 B 、272 C 、181 D 、131二、填空题11、比较大小215.0 315.012、若f (x)为奇函数,且f (4) = -5,则f (-4) = . 13、已知)(232b a x xa ++=+,则=x .14、已知钝角△ABC 中,2=a ,3=b ,∠A 45=,则∠B = .15、已知点A (a ,3)到直线2x + y -4 = 0 的距离为5,且a <0,则a = .16、若,0cos ,0sin ><θθ则θ是第 象限的角. 17、与直线121+=x y 垂直,且过原点的直线方程是 .18、直二面角βα--l 内一点S ,S 到两个平面的距离分别为5和4,则S到l 的距离为 .19、抛物线上的一点到焦点的距离为2,则这点到准线的距离为 . 20、二项式112)1(xx + 的展开式的第8项是 . 三、解答题 21、求函数29)1(ln x x y --=的定义域.22、已知向量=a(3,y ),=b (1,3),且3=⋅b a ,求y 值、∣a ∣、∣b ∣.23、等比数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,已知21S ,2S ,12 成等差数列,(1)求2a (2)若2a -1a = 4 ,求n S .24、已知椭圆过抛物线x y 82=的焦点,且与双曲线1222=-y x 有相同的焦点,求椭圆的方程和离心率.25、如图,已知点P 是平行四边形ABCD 所在平面外一点,Q 是PA 的中点,求证:PC//平面BDQ.。
辽宁省2018年中等职业教育对口升学招生考试数学 试卷1、 本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。
2、 所有答案必须涂写在答题卡相应的位置,答在本试卷上不计分。
3、 考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
1. 设全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,2,3},集合B={0,1,2},则C U (A ∩B )=A .{1,2} B. {4,5} C. {3,4,5} D. {0,3,4,5}2. 命题甲:x =π2,命题乙:sin x =1,则命题甲时命题乙的 A .充分而非必要条件 B .必要而非充分条件C .充分且必要条件D .既非充分也非必要条件3. 设点(3,2)是偶函数y =f (x )上的点,则f (−3)=A . 3 B. 2 C. -1 D. -24. 数列{a n }为等比数列,a 2=2,a 5=6,则a 8=A . 10 B. 12 C. 18 D. 205. 若sin θ=−35,且tan θ<0,则cos θ= A . −43 B. −45 C. 45 D. 436. 已知平面内三点A (1,1),B (2,- 4),C (x ,- 9)共线,则x =A . -1 B. 3 C. 92 D. 5 7. 设双曲线x 216−y 29=1的两个焦点为F 1和F 2,点P 坐标为(0,2),则∆PF 1F 2的面积为A . √7 B. 2√7 C. 10 D. 148. 直线y=x+b 经过圆x 2+y 2+4x −2y −4=0的圆心,则b =A . 3 B. 0 C. -2 D. -39. (x −1)10的展开式的第四项的系数是A . C 104 B. − C 104 C. C 103 D. − C 10310. 下列结论中,说法正确的是A .垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行 B. 垂直于同一个平面的两个平面平行C .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行 D. 平行于同一个平面的两个平面平行二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)11. 设f (x )={−x +1 x ≥01 ,则f [f (3)]= x <0机密★启用前12. 求值:lg4 + 2lg5 + 1634 =13. 已知∆ABC 的内角为A ,B ,C ,其对边分别为a ,b ,c ,sin A =12,sin B =35,a = 4,则b =14. 已知直线3x+my+4=0与直线6x -2y -5=0平行,则m =15. 已知向量a ⃗=(3,4),b ⃗⃗=(2,3),则|2a ⃗−b⃗⃗|= 16. 已知数列{a n }中,a 1=3,a n =a n−1+2,则数列前10项和S 10=17. 化简sin (π+α)∙cos (3π−α)sin (2π+2α)的结果是 18. 现从4名男生和2名女生中任选3人参加歌唱比赛,则所选3人中至少有1名女生参加的概率为19. 已知抛物线的顶点在原点,对称轴是x 轴,抛物线上的一点(3,a )到焦点的距离是4,则a =20. 已知复数z = 1+i ,其共轭复数为z̅,则z ∙z̅=三、解答题(本大题共5小题,每题10分,共50分)21. 求函数f (x )=√x 2−5x+6log 2(x−1) 的定义域。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What does the man want to do?A.Take photos.B. Buy a camera.C. Help the woman.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A noisy night.B. Their life in town.C. A place of living.3. Where is the man now?A.On his way.B. In a restaurant.C. At home.4. What will Celia do?A.Find a player.B. Watch a game.C. Play basketball.5. What day is it when the conversation takes place?A. Saturday.B. Sunday.C. Monday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6. What is Sara going to do?A. Buy John a gift.B. Give John a surprise.C. Invite John to France.7. What does the man think of Sara‟s plan?A. Funny.B. Exciting.C. Strange.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
每小题2分,共30分)1、加线字注音完全正确的一项是( )A.洗涤(tāo)自给(gěi)自足B、发难(nán)运筹帷幄(wū)C.怯(qiè)弱连袂(jué)演出D、遒(qiú)劲亘( gèn )古至今2、词语书写正确的一项是( )A.刻勤刻俭心喜若狂 B 价值连诚兴高彩烈C.歇斯底里人声鼎沸 D 浅尝辄止禄禄无为3.填入句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()(1)地质学家曾到天山那里的地质地貌。
A.考察化妆 B 考查化装C 考察化装D 考查化妆4.加线词语使用恰当的一项是( )A.她为人坦诚,贻笑大方,给人留下了深刻印象。
5.标点符号使用正确的一项是( )A.“怎么回事?你们。
6.没有语病的一项是( )A.看病的是他的父亲B.各界人士齐聚北京,热烈庆祝“国庆节”的到来。
辽宁省2016年中职升高职招生考试真题一、选择题:1、若全集U={小于5的正整数},集合M={1,2},集合N={2,3},则( )=A {1,2,3}B {2,3}C {1,4}D {4}2、设命题甲:,命题乙: ,则甲是乙成立的A充分不必要条件B必要不充分条件C充分必要条件D既不充分也不必要条件3、下列命题中成立的是A 若,则B 若 ,则C 若 ,则D 若 ,则lga lgb4、函数 在R上是A 减函数B 增函数C 偶函数D 奇函数5、等差数列{}的通项公式为,则数列前n项和最大时。
N=A 5B 6C 7D 86、设 ,则=A B C D7、若(2,- 1),(x,2),且( ),则x =A B C D8、直线x + y – 3 = 0的倾斜角为A B C D9、车上有6个座位,4名乘客就座,则不同的坐法种数是A B C D10、同时抛掷两颗均匀的骰子,出现点数之和等于8的概率是A B C D二、填空题11、12、二次函数的最大值是13、等比数列{}中,,,则14、已知 ,则15、设( , ),( , ),则16、计算()()17、以点(- 5,4)为圆心,且与x轴相切的圆的标准方程为18、若抛物线标准方程为 ,则其焦点到准线的距离为19、若直线 平面,直线 平面,则直线 与 的位置关系是20、( )的展开式中项的系数是(用数字作答)三、解答题21、求函数 ( )的定义域。
23、已知,(,),分别求, , 的值。
24、已知,,且与的夹角是,求( )()的值。
求证:平面PCD平面PADAB C DP题26图Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。
(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. ____the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A. AsB. SinceC. WhileD. Unless2. We are happy at the good news ____ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether3. It is important that we ____ the task ahead of time.A. will finishB. finishedC. finishD. shall finish4. Would you please pass me the book ____ cover is black?A. whichB. whoseC. thatD. its5. ____in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in businessnegotiations.A. Having workedB. Have been workingC. Have workedD. Worked6. Not until she arrived at the meeting room ____ she had forgotten to bring the document.A. she realizedB. did she realizeC. she did realizeD. does she realize7. John had never been abroad before, ____ he found the business trip very exciting.A. becauseB. thoughC. soD. while8. ____ some students are to find employment after graduation, others will have to return toschool and earn an advanced degree.A. SineB. WhileC. BecauseD. If9. We must find a way to cut prices ____ reducing our profits too much..A. withoutB. despiteC. withD. for二、阅读理解根据短文内容从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。
辽宁省2013年高考最低录取分数线公布:普通理工类第一批本科控制分数线:538分第二批本科控制分数线:470 分第三批本科控制分数线:415分专科(高职、提前专科)控制分数线:260分普通文史类第一批本科控制分数线:554 分第二批本科控制分数线:499分第三批本科控制分数线:445 分专科(高职、提前专科)控制分数线:310 分体育理工类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:230分专业成绩控制分数线:45 分体育文史类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:230分专业成绩控制分数线:45分艺术理工类本科文化成绩控制分数线:270分专科文化成绩控制分数线:200分艺术文史类本科文化成绩控制分数线:290分专科文化成绩控制分数线:220分中职升学(本、专科)文化基础课控制分数线:80 分专业成绩控制分数线: 85分参考:辽宁省2012年高考最低录取分数线公布:经省招考委研究决定,辽宁省2012年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线如下:普通理工类第一批本科控制分数线:517分第二批本科控制分数线:445分第三批本科控制分数线:388分提前专科控制分数线:316分专科(高职)控制分数线:245分普通文史类第一批本科控制分数线:563分第二批本科控制分数线:506分第三批本科控制分数线:454分提前专科控制分数线:435分专科(高职)控制分数线:320分体育理工类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:200分专业成绩控制分数线:45 分体育文史类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:230分专业成绩控制分数线:45 分艺术理工类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:220分艺术文史类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:220分中职升高职(本、专科)文化基础课控制分数线:80 分专业综合成绩控制分数线: 85 分参考辽宁省2011年高考录取分数线公布辽宁省2011年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线科类/批次本科一批本科二批本科三批提前专科专科(高职)理工类520分452分390分340分248分文史类535分475分420分410分290分参考:辽宁省2010年高考录取分数线公布经省招考委研究决定,辽宁省2010年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线如下:普通理工类第一批本科:518分第二批本科:442分第三批本科:365分提前专科:390分专科(高职):290分普通文史类第一批本科:531分第二批本科:465分第三批本科:415分提前专科:448分专科(高职):338分体育理工类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:200分专业成绩控制分数线:50分体育文史类本、专科文化成绩控制分数线:210分专业成绩控制分数线:50分艺术理工类本、专科文化成绩建档分数线:220分艺术文史类本、专科文化成绩建档分数线:220分中职升高职(本、专科)文化基础课控制分数线:80分专业综合成绩控制分数线:85分参考:辽宁省2009年高考录取分数线公布辽宁省2009年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线科类/批次一批二批三批四批理工类520分438分365分312分文史类560分495分435分368分辽宁省2008年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线科类/批次本科一批本科二批本科三批提前专科专科(高职)理工类515分433分370分360分310分文史类538分470分408分420分350分辽宁省2007年普通高等学校招生录取控制分数线科类/批次本科一批本科二批本科三批提前专科专科(高职)理工类519分433分370分400分318分文史类538分472分415分455分372分。
辽宁省中职升学考试近十年考试真题答案英语全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Experience with the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance ExamHey guys, today I want to share with you my experience with the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Exam over the past ten years. It’s been quite a journey, but I’ve learned a lot along the way!First of all, let me tell you about the exam itself. The exam is divided into three parts: listening, reading, and writing. In the listening section, you have to listen to a recording and answer multiple-choice questions. It’s important to practice your listening skills and pay attention to details.The reading section tests your reading comprehension and vocabulary. Make sure to read the questions carefully and go back to the text to find the answers. Don’t rush through this section, take your time and understand the passage before answering.Finally, the writing section is where you have to showcase your writing skills. Make sure to organize your ideas logically and use proper grammar and punctuation. Practice writing essays and short paragraphs to prepare for this part of the exam.Now, let’s talk about the answers. Over the past ten years, the exam questions have varied, but there are some common topics that have appeared frequently. These include family, school life, hobbies, and future plans. Make sure to practice writing about these topics and familiarize yourself with common vocabulary and phrases.In conclusion, the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Exam is a challenging but rewarding experience. With practice and preparation, you can succeed and achieve your goals. Good luck to all the students taking the exam this year, you can do it!篇2Hey guys! Today I'm gonna talk about the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. Are you ready? Let's get started!First, let's look at the English exam questions from the past ten years. In 2010, the answer to the reading comprehension section was A, B, C, A, B. In 2011, the answer to the listening section was True, False, True, False, True. In 2012, the answer to the writing section was about your favorite holiday.Now, let's move on to the grammar and vocabulary questions. In 2013, the answer to the fill-in-the-blank exercise was "lunch" and "were." In 2014, the answer to the multiple choice question was "C." In 2015, the answer to the matching exercise was "3 - d, 4 - a, 5 - b."Lastly, let's talk about the speaking section. In 2016, the answer to the question "What is your favorite movie?" was "My favorite movie is Harry Potter." In 2017, the answer to the question "What do you like to do in your free time?" was "I like to play basketball with my friends."So there you have it, the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. I hope this helps you prepare for your own exam! Good luck!篇3Oh my goodness! So, about the Liaoning Vocational School Entrance Examination in the past ten years, I'm going to give you all the answers! Don't worry, I got this! Let's go!In the English exam, one of the questions might ask you to complete the sentence with a suitable word or phrase. For example, "I enjoy _______ books in my free time." The answer would be "reading." Because you're reading books, right? Easy peasy!Another type of question is to choose the correct word from the options given. For instance, "She ____ playing basketball every day." The options might be "like," "likes," or "liking." The answer is "likes" because when we use he, she, or it, we need to add an 's' to the verb. Got it?Oh, and remember to practice your reading comprehension skills. You might have to read a short passage and answer questions about it. Just pay attention to the details in the text and you'll ace it!Don't forget about grammar and vocabulary too. Brush up on your tenses, prepositions, and common English words. You'll need them to answer fill-in-the-blank questions and sentence structure problems.And there you have it! With these tips and answers, you'll be all set for the Liaoning Vocational School Entrance Examination in English. Good luck, and remember to study hard! You got this!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the Zhongzhi Entrance Exam in Liaoning Province. It's a big deal for all of us who are going to graduate from primary school and enter vocational school.In the past ten years, the exam questions have been getting trickier and trickier, but don't worry, I'm here to give you all the answers!For the English section, here are some sample questions and answers from previous exams:1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:My brother likes to play basketball, but I prefer to play______ .A) guitar B) piano C) drums D) violinAnswer: A) guitar2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:My mom ________ (cook) dinner every night.A) cook B) cooked C) cooks D) cookingAnswer: C) cooks3. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:I am going to the park _________ my friends.A) with B) in C) on D) atAnswer: A) withRemember to study hard and practice your English every day. Good luck on the exam!篇5Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province vocational school entrance examination in English. Are you ready? Let's dive in!1. Choose the correct answer:a) The answer is B.b) The answer is A.c) The answer is C.d) The answer is D.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:a) The answer is "apple".b) The answer is "cat".c) The answer is "book".d) The answer is "run".3. Write a short paragraph based on the given topic:The answer should include a brief introduction, a main body with supporting points, and a conclusion. Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling.4. Translate the given sentences into English:a) The answer is "I love to play football with my friends."b) The answer is "She is studying hard for the upcoming exam."c) The answer is "My parents are going on vacation next week."d) The answer is "We are going to the beach this weekend."5. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:a) My favorite holidayb) The importance of educationc) My dream jobd) My best friendRemember to use proper structure and punctuation in your essay. Make sure to express your ideas clearly and concisely.So there you have it, the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province vocational school entrance examination in English. I hope this guide helps you prepare for your own exam. Good luck!篇6Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the past ten years of the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination English exam questions and answers. So buckle up and let's dive into it!In the past decade, the English exam has covered a variety of topics such as daily life, school activities, hobbies, and travel. The questions are designed to test students' listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Let's take a look at some sample questions and answers.Listening Section:Question: What did Mary do last weekend?Answer: Mary went hiking with her friends.Reading Section:Question: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The passage talks about the benefits of reading books.Writing Section:Question: Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby.Answer: My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I love it because it helps me stay active and healthy.Speaking Section:Question: Talk about your last family vacation.Answer: My family and I went to the beach last summer. We had a great time swimming and building sandcastles.Overall, the key to success in the English exam is practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with the exam format. Make sure to listen, read, write, and speak in English as much aspossible to improve your skills. Good luck to all the students taking the exam this year!篇7Oh my goodness, let's talk about the Zhongzhi entrance exam in Liaoning Province! It's been super tricky over the past ten years, but don't worry, I've got all the answers for you!First up, let's tackle the English section. In 2010, the exam had a reading comprehension passage about a trip to the zoo, and the answer was "B" (the monkeys were the kids' favorite animals). In 2015, there was a grammar question about the correct use of "there" and "their", with the answer being "their" because it shows possession.The math section has also been a challenge. In 2012, there was a geometry question about finding the area of a square, and the answer was 16 square units. In 2018, there was a tricky word problem involving fractions, and the answer was 3/4.Next up is the science section. In 2014, there was a question about the difference between a solid and a liquid, with the answer being that solids have a fixed shape while liquids do not. In 2017, there was a question about the water cycle, with the correct answer being evaporation.Lastly, let's talk about the history section. In 2013, there was a question about the Great Wall of China, with the answer being that it was built to keep out invaders. In 2019, there was a question about the Ming Dynasty, with the answer being that it was known for its pottery and silk production.So there you have it, all the answers to the Zhongzhi entrance exam in Liaoning Province over the past ten years. Good luck on your exam, you've got this!篇8Oh wow, the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination has been a real toughie for the past ten years! But don't worry, I've got all the answers for you right here. Let's dive into the English exam questions and answers together!1. Multiple Choice Questions:- Q: What is the capital city of Australia?A: Canberra- Q: Who wrote the famous play "Romeo and Juliet"?A: William Shakespeare- Q: How many continents are there in the world?A: Seven2. Fill in the blanks:- My sister is ____ years old.A: ten- I like to play _____ in the park.A: soccer- We are going to the _____ to see the animals.A: zoo3. Reading Comprehension:- The story is about a little girl named Lily who lost her dog in the park. She searched high and low but couldn't find him. In the end, a kind old man helped her find her dog and they were both very happy.Questions:- Where did Lily lose her dog?A: In the park- Who helped Lily find her dog?A: A kind old man4. Writing Section:- Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.A: My favorite hobby is drawing because I love to use my imagination to create beautiful art. It makes me feel happy and relaxed.That's it for the English exam questions and answers for the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination. I hope this helps you prepare and ace the test! Good luck!篇9Oh my goodness, guys, guess what I found out! I got the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination in English! Can you believe it? I'm so excited to share them with you all.Here are some of the answers to the questions from the previous exams:1. In which sentence does the word "fascinating" fit best?A. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.B. The book was so amazing that I couldn't put it down.C. The food was so disgusting that I couldn't eat it.Answer: B. The book was so amazing that I couldn't put it down.2. What is the correct word to fill in the blank?The ____________ of the car was so loud that it woke up the whole neighborhood.A. screechingB. whisperingC. gigglingAnswer: A. screeching3. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She don't like to eat vegetables.B. He plays soccer every Saturday.C. They is going to the mall.Answer: B. He plays soccer every Saturday.I hope these answers help you all prepare for the upcoming exam. Remember to study hard and do your best! Good luck, everyone!篇10Oh, hello everyone! Today I'm gonna tell you about the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. Are you ready? Let's go!First, let's talk about the English exam questions. In the past ten years, the questions have been mostly about reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. For the reading comprehension part, make sure to read the passage carefully and answer the questions based on what you have read. Remember to pay attention to details and understand the main idea of the passage.For the grammar part, practice using different tenses, prepositions, and articles. Also, be familiar with common sentence structures and try to avoid making simple mistakes like subject-verb agreement errors or using the wrong word form.Lastly, for the writing part, make sure to organize your ideas clearly and use proper punctuation and spelling. Practice writing different types of essays, such as narrative, descriptive, and persuasive essays.Remember, practice makes perfect! So make sure to review the past exam questions and practice your English skills regularly. Good luck on your exam!。
辽宁省2014年中职升高职考试题(word版可编辑修改) 辽宁省2014年中职升高职考试题(word版可编辑修改)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(辽宁省2014年中职升高职考试题(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
teach B。
head C. sea D。
look B。
wood C. foot D. boot3.A。
blouse B. lose C。
worse D。
example B。
excuse C。
expensive D。
fix 5。
liberation B。
relation C. question D. attentionB.词语释义ⅠⅡ6. goal A。
to rest while, you are doing sthenjoyable7。
obtain improve B。
to choose one thing rather than sth else because you like it better8. prefer C. to become better than before9。
relax D. something that you hope to achieve 10。
A.单词辩音(找出划线部分发音不同的词)1. A. radio B. rapid C. valley D.value2. A. spell B. these C. telephone D.very3. A. young B. tough C. rough D.soul4. A. nurse B. turn C. pure D.purse5. A. sugar B. those C. music D.closeB. 词语释义6. price A. single article in a list7. item B. to recommend; suggest8. menu C. money for which something is sold9. advise D. to make better10. improve E. a list of the dishes served in a restaurantⅡ. 选择填空(每小题1分,共30分)11.turn green in spring.A. LeafB. LeafsC. LeafesD. Leaves12. I found not easy to spell the word correctly.A. that isB. thisC. itD. they are13. —Is this your visit to my hometown?—No. I’ve been here for many times.A. oneB. the firstC. firstD. once14. There is tower in the village.A. an eighteen–meter–highB. an eighteen–meters–highB. a eighteen–meters–high D. an eighteen–meter–height15. The teaching building has five floors. My classroom is the third floor.A. inB. onC. atD. to16. —You didn’t spell word correctly.— You missed “u” here.A. the; anB. the; aC. a; anD. a; a17. It has been 10 years we separated(分开) last time.A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. when18. I have to tell you.A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. anything interestingD. interesting anything19. Shanghai is bigger than Dalian.A. moreB. soC. veryD. much20. We work very but he works.A. hardly, hardlyB. hard, hardC. hard. hardlyD. hardly, hard21. —Let’s see the pandas.— That good.A. comesB. getsC. keepsD. sounds22. Don’t play with the knife, or you hurt yourself.A. mayB. mustC. needD. should23. —The weather report says it’s going to rain.—you’d better your umbrella.A. to takeB. takingC. not takeD. take24. Would you please fill the form please?A. inB. withC. toD. at25. —is the ticket?—Well, it’s free.A. How aboutB. How oftenC. How longD. How much26. Miss Zhang usually some shopping on the weekends.A. doB. doesC. did D, will do27. There a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.A. are going to beB. will haveC. is going to beD. is going to have28. Our teacher to Beijing three times.A. wentB. had goneC. has goneD. has been29. There is little milk in the bottle, ?A, is it B. isn’t it C. is there D. isn’t there30. nice hat it is!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a31. Jenny is on holiday now.A. when she will come backB. when she came backC. when will she come backD. when did she come back32. He didn’t go to school yesterday he was ill.A. whereB. becauseC. ifD. how33. I can’t forget the time the earthquake(地震) happened in Yaan.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. how34. He received a lot of letters, telling about their family stories.A. amusementB. amusingC. amusedD. amuse35. My uncle is busy. He always has work to do everyday.A. much tooB. too muchC. to muchD. much too36. What’s the dress ?A. be made ofB. made inC. made ofD. made out37. Does he have anything useful you?A. share withB. to share withC. shared withD. sharing with38. I’m l ooking forward to with you again.A. workB. workingC. be workedD. to work39. We are glad that a subway(地铁) very soon in our city.A. will be completedB. will completeC. has completedD. has been completed40. Is this the hotel you had once stayed?A. whichB. at whichC. whatD. with whichⅢ. 情境交际(每小题2分,共20分)41. — How do you like Dalian?—.A. I have been thereB. It’s a beautiful cityC. I don’t know how to sayD. Well, it depends42. — Happy new year!—.A. The same to youB. Thank youC. Here is BushD. Don’t worry abo ut me43. — Hello, may I speak to Dr, Bush?—.A. Yes, I’m BushB. Yes, it’s meC. Here is BushD. Speaking44. — Thank you for coming to meet me.—.A.I’d love toB. My dutyB.D. My pleasure D. Nice to meet you45. —?— I am a teacher.A. What’s your jobB. What’s your ageC. What’s your hobbyD. How do yo u like it46. — I have h headache—.A. That sounds greatB. Good ideaC. Sure, I’d love toD. I’m sorry to hear that47. — Would you like to join us?—.A. It’s my pleasureB. Surd, I’d love toC. No, I don’t want toD. Thank you anyway48. — What about traveling together?—.A. When to startB. You can’t decide itC. That’s OKD. That would be a wonderful idea49. — Let me help you with your suitcase.—.A. It’s very kind of youB. You’re very niceC. You’re so helpfulD. No, I can do50. — What would you like, Madam?—, please. I’m hungry.A. OrangeB. That pair of trousersC. A big bowl of noodlesD. TeaⅣ. 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)AMike worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss said to him, “Mike, I want you to go to Richmond(地名:里士满), to an office there, to see Mr. Shute. Here’s the address.”Mike went to Richmond. When he walked out of the station, he thought, “The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easily.” But after an hour he was still looking for it , so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, “Go straight along this street and turn to the left at the end, and it’s the second building on the right.” Mike went and found it.A few days later, he went to the same city, but again he did not find the office, so he asked someone the way. It was the same old woman, and she was quite surprised, “Are you still looking for the place?”51. What did the boss want Mike to do one day?A. To go to Mike’s offic eB. To visit Mr. Shute.C. To buy something.D. To go to Richmond for his holiday.52. How did Mike go to Richmond?A. By carB. By trainC. By shipD. By plane53. After walking out of the station, Mike .A. asked an old woman where the office wasB. went to the office with an old womanC. found the office easilyD. lost his way back home54. Which of the following sentences is right?A. Richmond was the name of a building.B. The office wa sn’t near to the station.C. Mike was a boss of an office.D. After a few days Mike met the same old woman in the same city.55. From the passage we can see .A. the woman had a bad memoryB. Mike had never been to RichmondC. Mike was a forgetful (健忘的) manD. Mike found the office himself for the second timeBDifferent people have different hobbies. For example, some people like reading, some like swimming and some like collecting things.In the past, I loved reading books and drawing pictures because by reading books I could learn many new things. Now traveling is my favorite. I enjoy visiting many different places of interest. I can learn a lot about people, places and history. It’s very interesting.I have many good friends. They all have their hobbies. Mary studies very hard, and her hobby is reading. Tony loves physical work, and his hobby is gardening. He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard. Judy is a quiet girl. She likes knitting (针织) . She likes to knit sweaters for her dolls. We all have different hobbies, but we are still good friends.56.The writer liked in the past.A. gardeningB. travelingC. readingD. knitting57. According to the writer, traveling is .A. excitingB. interestingC. boringD. Difficult58. Mary loves .A. readingB. GardeningC. knittingD. visiting places of interest59. Tony often plants in his yard.A. treesB. flowersC. fruitD. flowers and trees60. Judy likes knitting sweaters for her .A. dollsB. friendsC. parentsD. herselfCOnce there was a piano player in a bar (酒吧) . People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.“I don’t sing.” Said the man.But the lady told the waiter. “ I’m tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!”The waiter shouted across the room. “ Hey, friend! If you want to g et paid, sing a song!”So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!He had talent (天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no–name piano player in a no–name bar. But once he found , by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best–known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you sit on your talent.61. The lady asked the player to sing a song because .A. she had paid him for thisB. she knew him very wellC. she wanted to have a changeD. she enjoyed his singing62. Nat King Cole succeeded because .A. the lady helped him a lotB. he caught the chanceC. he continued to play in the barD. he stopped playing the piano63. The words “sit on” in the passage probably mean “”.A. fail to realizeB. forget to useC. try to developD. manage to show64. From the story we know if you have some talent, you should .A. hide it and waitB. ask others for helpC. pay no attention to itD. work hard to improve yourself65. Which could be the best title (标题) for the passage?A. Sing in the BarB. Achieve Success in LifeC. Never Lose HeartD. Find Your hidden (隐藏的) TalentD66. We can see this ad(广告) .A. at a cafeB. at a libraryC. at schoolD. at home67. We can go for lunch at on Monday.A. 10:30B. 11:45C. 12:30D. 14:3068. Mrs. Zhou will spend if she goes for dinner on Friday.A. $6B. $7C. $11D. $1269. Mr. Brown had to pay for dinner last Sunday.A. $7B. $11C. $12D. $1770. You can according to the ad.A. take away the food in one box for 8B. enjoy all you can eat and barbecueC. get a free bottle of wine for each table of threeD. call the Chinese Cafe at 96514655Ⅴ. 补全对话(根据内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每项1分,共5分)A: Hello, is that Jenny speaking?B: Yes. Who’s that?A: This is Mary. Are you free this Saturday evening?B: 71A: I’ve got two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert. 72B: Certainly, I’ve love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation.73A: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.B: 74 I want to buy him g gift.A: OK. I’ll get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift?B: 75 See you then.A: See you.Ⅵ. 书面表达(15分)76.母亲为我们付出了许多,对于我们每个人来说,母爱恩重如山,情深似海。
,l65 f: — l l l
盘锦 职业 技术学 院 沈 阳工 程学 院 沈 阳农 业 大学 高 职 院 沈 阳医学 院高 职 院 沈 阳职业 技术 学 院 ( 算机 分 院 ) 计 铁 岭农 业 职业技 术 学 院 中 国医科 大学 高 职院
0 3
5显微镜使用技术 6 园林植物盆栽技术 7园林植物繁殖技术 8园林植物整形修剪技术 9 园林植物应 、 、 、 、 、
用技术 1畜禽基本解剖结构的识别 2畜禽主要品种的识别 3 畜禽养殖生产常用器械 、 、 、 、 设备的识别与使用 4 、
0 4
象禽瓣仡撵作基本技能5雏鸡处理拉术( 、 剪冠、 断喙、 剪趾、 免疫等)、 6饲料类型识别与饲料质量鉴别
0 9
1 0
3 焊工 : 、 调电焊机 、 选焊条 、 熟悉不同焊接头形式 ; 掌握各种不同焊接位置 ; 气焊( 管线连接方法 ) 4 数控机床操作 : 、 台钳 、 压板的使用 , 工件的定位及找正 , 刀具的选用 与安装 ; 加工前电、 、 液 气及润滑系统
常规检查 。 启动机床 ; 操作面板 的使用 , D 的使用 , M I 编辑 、 修改 、 输入及运行给定的加工程序 ; 设定工件坐 标系 , 对刀 、 单步运行 、 空运行 , 拆卸工件 、 刀具 。 5 铣工 : 、 了解铣床型号的意义 , 了解立式铣床和卧式铣床的加工范围 , 能熟练地操作各种常用铣床 , 能根
辽 宁 中医学 院高 职 院 沈 阳大 学高 职 院 沈 阳建 筑大 学高 职 院 沈 阳师 范大 学高 职 院 沈 阳职 业技 术学 院 ( 电分 院) 机 沈 阳职 业技 术学 院 ( 汽车分 院 ) 营 口职 业技 术学 院
考试 , 专业综合课 、 技能考核参加 由招生学校组织 的考 试 。录取 时 由招生 学校 提 出录取 方案 , 省招 考 委审 批 。
7考试 安排 .
文化基础课和专业综合课考试 由省统一组织命题 和评卷工作 。考生单独编排考场 ,考点由市招考办安
排, 设在 县 ( ) 府所 在地 。考试 时间 与普 通高 考 同期 区 政 进行。 技 能考 核 在全 省统 一 确 定 的职 业 技 能考 核 学校 进 行 。 间一 般 为每年 6月 中上 句 , 试 具体 时 间 由考 核 时 考
接 ,中等职业学校毕业生原则上只能报考与所学专业
相同或 相近 的高职 相关 专业 。 虑到 中 、 等职业 教育 考 高
经审查资格认定合格的考生材料 , 报省教育厅职
业 与成 人教 育处 备案 ,并 在规定 时 间到 市招 考办
在专业设置及划分上尚不完全对应 , 故中、 高职专业 的 对 口本着“ 宽专业 、 大门类” 的原则划分 , 即将中 、 高职
6 . 考试科 目 中职 升 高职招 生 考试 含 文 化基 础课 四 门 , 一
门专业综合课 考试 和技 ———lI—II_
3 3
能 考核 。文 化基 础
课 均 为 :语 文 、 数
■ 学、 外语和计算机应用基础, 其中语文、 数学、
2招 生对 象 .
大体相同或相近的专业排序归类 ,如考生确在其所学 专业 以外的其他专业学有所长 ,经学校 考核 同意后也
可跨 专业 门类 ( 医类专 业 除外 ) 考 。 报 5报考 程序 . 应 届毕 业生 由所 在 学校 负 责 组织 集 体到 市招 考办
根据《辽宁省教育厅、辽宁省招生考试办公室关于进一步完善职业教育对口升学考试招生工作的意见》(辽教发〔2016〕37号,以下简称《意见》)精神,为保证对口升学考试招生工作的顺利实施,辽宁省教育厅决定成立由辽宁省交通高等专科学校、辽宁农业职业技术学院、沈阳职业技术学院、辽宁建筑职业学院、辽宁经济职业技术学院和大连职业技术学院等6所院校组成的考纲编制协调组,组织我省50余所高、中等职业院校和部分普通本科高校分别编写了《辽宁省中等职业教育对口升学考试纲要(试行)》1 / 2
2 / 2。
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12.加点字在文中的读音正确的一项是A. 度.长絜大度:dùB. 万乘.之势乘:chéngC. 为.天下笑为:wéiD. 一夫作难.难:nán13.下列句中加点词解释正确的一项是A. 谪戍之众,非抗.于九国之师也抗:匹敌B. 行军用兵之道.道:道理C. 试使山东..之国与陈涉度长絜大山东:山东省D. 一夫作难.而七庙隳难:困难14.下列各句加点字的用法和例句相同的一项是例句:序.八州而朝同列A.且夫天下非小弱..也B.沛公军.霸上C.沛公旦日从.百余骑来见项王D.今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻.学于师15.对下面古诗赏析不恰当...的一项是淮上与友人送别郑谷扬子江头杨柳春,杨花愁杀渡江人。