独资企业、合伙制企业、公司制企业公司经营的主要目标是____________________ 。
(第11章)中短期国库券的利率外部融资具有____________融资和 ____________融资两种方式。
(第18)选择题现代公司融资管理是以( )最大化为标志的。
3.公司价值= +。
2.资产负债表平衡等式为:= +。
4.根据利润表,息税前收益= --。
5.经营现金流量= +-。
6.现金流量恒等式为:来自资产的现金流量= +。
8.流向债权人的现金流量= -新的借款。
9.流向股东的现金流量= -新筹集的净权益。
10.根据杜邦恒等式,权益报酬率= ××。
12.内部增长率=(资产收益率×提存率)/(1- ×)。
13.可持续增长率=(权益收益率×提存率)/(1- ×)。
要求:(1)如果股票A的贝他系数为 l.5,其预计的报酬率为12%,用资本资产定价模型判断投资该股票是否可行;(2)如果B股票的预期报酬率为13%,其贝他系数为多少?4.ABC公司和甲企业流通在外普通股分别为3000万股和600万股;现有净利分别为6000万元和900万元,市盈率分别为15和10。
要求:计算股票交换比率和ABC 公司需增发的普通股股数。
例题6:某汽车公司的市值有2000万人民币,明年的自由现金流 预测有85万人民币,证券分析师预测,在之后的5年中,自由现 金流将以每年7.5%的速度增长。 (1)假设7.5%的增长率预期将一直持续下去,投资公司的股票, 投资者期望的收益率是多少? (2)该汽车公司一般情况下的账面股权收益率ROE约为12%, 50%的盈利用于再投资,其余50%的盈利作为自由现金流。假设 公司长期保持目前的ROE和再投资比率不变,股权成本又变为多 少?
例题10:已知一家纺织厂上市公司的以下信息: 请计算该公司的公司资本成本。不考虑税收。
估计项目的贝塔为1.5,市场收益率rm为16%,无风险利率rf为 7%,请问: (1)估计资本机会成本和项目的净现值? (2)每年的确定性等值现金流是多少?
例题1:阅读以下文字:“公司通常购买(a)资产。这些资产既包 括有形资产,例如(b),也包括无形资产,例如(c)。为了购买 这些资产,公司出售(d)资产,例如(e)。关于 购买何种资产 的决策通常被称为(f)或(g)决策。关于如何筹集资金的决策通 常被称为(h)决策。”
请将以下术语填在合适的位置: 融资、实物、债券、投资、高管专用飞机、金融、资本预算、商标
例题4:假设一张面值为100元,息票利率为5%的6年期债券,年 化复利收益率为3%,假设1年后,债券的收益率仍为3%。那么 在这一年中债券投资者的收益率是多少?
假设1年后收益率降为2%,在这一年中债券投资者的收益率 又为多少?
例题5:回顾久期的计算,请计算面值为1000元,息票利率为3%, 到期收益率为4%的三年期债券的久期(列表)和修正久期。
例题9:判断正误: (1)投资者喜欢分散化公司,因为他们的风险小; (2)如果股票完全正相关,分散化将不能降低风险; (3)投资很多资产的分散化完全消除风险; (4)只有资产不相关时,分散化才有用; (5)标准差低的股票对资产组合风险的贡献比标准差高的股票小; (6)一只股票对充分分散化的资产组合的风险的贡献,取决于其 市场风险; (7)贝塔等于2.0的充分分散化的资产组合的风险是市场组合的两 倍; (8)贝塔等于2.0的没有分散化的资产组合的风险,小于市场组合 的风险的两倍。
『正确答案』 10天付款方案,得折扣300元(=10000×3%),用资9700元,借款80天,利息258.67元[=9700×12%×(80/360)],净收益41.33元(=300-258.67);30天付款方案,得折扣250元(=10000×2.5%),用资9750元,借款60天,利息195元[=9750×12%×(60/360)],净收益55元(=250-195); 50天付款方案,得折扣180元(=10000×1.8%),用资9820元,借款40天,利息130.93元[=9820×12%×(40/360)],净收益49.O7元(=180-130.93)。
公司金融试题及答案 Lele was written in 2021公司金融试题及答案《公司金融》综合练习已知:(P/A,10%,5)=3.7908,(P/A,6%,10)=7.3601,(P/A,12%,6)=4.1114, (P/A,12%,10)=5.6502,(P/S,10%,2)=0.8264,(P/F,6%,10)=0.5584, (P/F,12%,6)=0.5066 (P/A,12%,6)=4.1114,(P/A,12%,10)=5.6502 一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。
本类题共 30 个小题,每小题 2 分) 1. 反映债务与债权人之间的关系是() A、企业与政府之间的关系 B、企业与债权人之间的财务关系 C、企业与债务人之间的财务关系 D、企业与职工之间的财务关系 2. 根据简化资产负债表模型,公司在金融市场上的价值等于:() A、有形固定资产加上无形固定资产 B、销售收入减去销货成本 C、现金流入量减去现金流出量 D、负债的价值加上权益的价值 3. 公司短期资产和负债的管理称为() A、营运资本管理 B、代理成本分析 C、资本结构管理 D、资本预算管理 4. 反映股东财富最大化目标实现程度的指标是() A、销售收入 B、市盈率 C、每股市价 D、净资产收益率 5. 企业财务管理的目标与企业的社会责任之间的关系是() A、两者相互矛盾 B、两者没有联系 C、两者既矛盾又统一D、两者完全一致 6. 财务管理的目标是使()最大化。
A、公司的净利润 C、公司的资源值 B、每股收益 D、现有股票的价 7. 下列陈述正确的是()。
A、合伙制企业和公司制企业都有双重征税的问题 B、独资企业和合伙制企业在纳税问题上属于同一类型 C、合伙者企业是三种企业组织形式忠最为复杂的一种 D、各种企业组织形式都只有有限的寿命期 8. 公司制这种企业组织形式最主要的缺点是() A、有限责任B、双重征税 C、所有权与经营权相分离 D、股份易于转让 9. 违约风险的大小与债务人信用等级的高低() A、成反比 B、成正比 C、无关D、不确定 10. 反映企业在一段时期内的经营结果的报表被称为()A、损益表 B、资产负债表 C、现金流量表 D、税务报表 11. 将损益表和资产负债表与时间序列某一时点的价值进行比较的报表称为()。
( √)[3]在利率和计息期相同的条件下,复利现值系数与复利终值系数互为倒数。
( √)[5]每股营业现金流量指标可以反映出企业最大的分派股利能力。
(√ )[6]在企业的净利润与现金流量不够稳定时,采用剩余政策对企业和股东都是有利的。
( ×)[11]企业持有现金越多,对企业就越有利。
( ×)[14]进行有效的证券投资组合,可以减少证券投资风险。
( ×)[15]特种决策预算最能体现决策的结果。
( √)二、单项选择题(12小题,共24分)[1]某企业循环贷款限额为1000万,承诺费为0.5%,该企业年度内使用量700万,则应向银行支付承诺费为A、1.5万元;B、3.5万元;C、5.0万元;D、6.5万元[2]某建筑公司每年需要材料200吨,每吨年度储备成本为20元,平均每次进货费用为125元,单位订价为20元,则每年最佳采购次数为()次。
400.864+=10)1(0001)1(%)251(%80001tr r +++-´´0001028.5100964100964=´+´0001028.5=解析: 资本来源 税前成本 税后成本比例 负 债 15.15% 15.15%(1-34%)= 10% 37.5% 权 益20% 20% 62.5% 加权平均成本=10%×=10%×37.5% + 20%×37.5% + 20%×62.5% = 16.25% 62.5% = 16.25% 4.某公司有着如下的最优资本结构:某公司有着如下的最优资本结构:债务债务 25% 优先股优先股15%普通股普通股 50% 留存收益留存收益 10% 总资本总资本100%(1)优先股:公司可以以100美元每股的价格向公众出售优先股,美元每股的价格向公众出售优先股,红利为红利为11美元。
(4)长期国债的收益率为11%11%,市场上平均风险,市场上平均风险,市场上平均风险 股票的预期收益率为14%14%。
2.2.2.公司的公司的WACC 为多少?5.Scott 公司正考虑购买一台有五年使用寿命、价值500000美元的计算机。
复习题一、单选题1、资金时间价值普通()A涉及风险和物价变动因素B不涉及风险和物价变动因素C涉及风险因素但不涉及物价变动因素D涉及物价变动因素但不涉及风险因素2、若但愿在3年后获得5⑻元,利率为10%,则单利状况下现在应存入银行()A 384.6B 650C 375.7D 665.53、一定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项称为()A永续年金 B预付年金C普通年金D递延年金4、下列项目中,不属于投资项目的现金流出量的是()A固定资产投资B营运成本C垫支流动资金D固定资产折旧5、递延年金的特点是()A没有现值B没有终值C没有第一期的收入或支付额D上述说法都对6、投资的风险与投资的收益之间是()关系A正向变化B反向变化C有时成正向,有时成反向D没有7、证券组合风险的大小不仅与单个证券的风险有关,并且与各个证券收益间的()关系A协方差B原则差C系数D原则离差率8、债券筹资的特点之一是(D)A资金成本高B财务风险小C筹资数额无限D可运用财务杠杆9、下列有关优先股的说法对的的是()A优先股是一种含有双重性质的证券,它虽属自有资金,但却兼有债券性质。
10、下列筹资方式按普通状况而言,公司所承当的财务风险由大到小排列为()A筹资租赁、发行股票、发行债券B筹资租赁、发行债券、发行股票C发行债券、筹资租赁、发行股票D发行债券、发行股票、筹资租赁11、某债券面值15⑻元,期限为3年,票面利率为10%,单利计息,市场利率为8%,到期一次还本付息,其发行时的理论价格为()A 360B 3600C 1547.6D 547.613、某公司发行面值为1⑻元,利率为10%的债券,因当时的市场利率为12%,折价发行,价格为88.70元,则该债券的期限为()A B C D 9年14、某股票投资人欲对甲股票现在的价值进行评定,已知该股票过去的实际酬劳是12%,投资人预期的将来的酬劳率是15%,那么,他对现在股票价值进行评定时所使用的酬劳率应当是()A 15%B 12%C 3%D 27%15、净现值、现值指数和内部收益率指标之间存在一定的变动关系。
A. 考虑料资金时间价值因素B. 考虑了风险价值因素C. 反映了创造利润与投入资本之间的关系D. 能够避免企业的短期行为2.传统公司金融理论的成熟阶段(1929~1950年)——,主要以(C)为中心。
A. 筹资B. 投资C. 内部控制D. 计算机金融决策分析E. 创新3.财务管理的目标是使(D)最大化。
A. 公司的净利润B. 每股收益C. 公司的资源D. 现有股票的价值4.企业财务管理的目标与企业的社会责任之间的关系是(C)。
A. 两者相互矛盾B. 两者没有联系C. 两者既矛盾又统一D. 两者完全一致5.根据简化资产负债表模型,公司在金融市场上的价值等于(D)。
A. 有形固定资产加上无形固定资产B. 销售收入减去销货成本C. 现金流入量减去现金流出量D. 负债的价值加上权益的价值6.公司短期资产和负债的管理称为(A)。
A. 营运资本管理B. 代理成本分析C. 资本结构管理D. 资本预算管理7.公司制这种企业组织形式最主要的缺点是(B)。
A. 有限责任B. 双重征税C. 所有权与经营权相分离D. 股份易于转让8. 违约风险的大小与债务人信用等级的高低(A)。
A. 成反比B. 成正比C. 无关D. 不确定9.反映企业在一段时期内的经营结果的报表被称为(A)。
A. 损益表B. 资产负债表C. 现金流量表D. 税务报表10. 下列陈述正确的是(B)。
A. 合伙制企业和公司制企业都有双重征税的问题B. 独资企业和合伙制企业在纳税问题上属于同一类型C. 合伙者企业是三种企业组织形式中最为复杂的一种D. 各种企业组织形式都只有有限的寿命期11.反映股东财富最大化目标实现程度的指标是(C)。
A. 销售收入B. 市盈率C. 每股市价D. 净资产收益率12.资金时间价值通常(B)A. 包括风险和物价变动因素B. 不包括风险和物价变动因素C. 包括风险因素但不包括物价变动因素D. 包括物价变动因素但不包括风险因素13.以下说法正确的是(C)A. 计算偿债基金系数,可根据年金现值系数求倒数B. 普通年金现值系数加1等于同期、同利率的预付年金现值系数C. 在终值一定的情况下,贴现率越低、计算期越少,则复利现值越大D. 在计算期和现值一定的情况下,贴现率越低,复利终值越大14.若希望在3年后取得500元,利率为10%,则单利情况下现在应存入银行(A)A. 384.6B. 650C. 375.7D. 665.515.在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1、系数减1所得到的结果,在数值上等于(D)A. 普通年金现值系数B. 先付年金现值系数C. 普通年金终值系数D. 先付年金终值系数16.一定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项称为(B)A. 永续年金B. 先付年金C. 普通年金D. 递延年金17.递延年金的特点是(C)A. 没有现值B. 没有终值C. 没有第一期的收入或支付额D. 上述说法都对18.给定一项资产(或投资)的期望收益率和标准差,我们可以合理的预期其实际收益在“期望值加减一个标准差”区间内的概率为(B)A. 32.66%B. 68.26%C. 95.18%D. 99.68%19.投资组合的期望收益率是投资组合中单个资产期望收益率的加权平均。
那么在单一利息条件下,应该存入银行的一系列款项()A 384.6 B 650 C 375.7D 665.54和在一定时期内每个时期开始时的相等的收入和支付被称为()永久年金B预付年金C普通年金D延期年金5。
实际利率为()A3% B6.09% C6% D 6.6%6。
它在数字上等于()a普通年金现值系数b预付年金现值系数c普通年金终值系数d预付年金终值系数7,代表10%的利率和5年期()a复利现值系数b复利终值系数c年金现值系数d年金终值系数8,其中: 不属于投资项目的现金流出有:(a)固定资产投资(b)经营成本(c)预付营运资金(d)固定资产折旧(9),投资项目年经营收入500万元,年经营成本300万元,年折旧费10万元,所得税税率33%。
那么该投资计划的年度经营现金流为()万元,A127.3 BXXXX年金,其特征是()a无现值,b无终值,C无一期收入或支付,d以上所有报表均为3,选择题1、计算资本时间价值的四个因素包括()A资本时间价值b资本未来价值c资本现值d单位时间价值率e时间周期2,以下观点是正确的()a正常情况下,资本时间价值是在不存在风险或通货膨胀的情况下社会的平均利润率b没有经营风险的企业不存在财务风险;另一方面,没有财务风险的企业也没有经营风险。
公司⾦融学练习题练习题货币时间价值⼀、单选1.下列各项年⾦中,只有现值没有终值的是()A.普通年⾦B.即付年⾦C.永续年⾦D.先付年⾦2.企业发⾏债券,在名义利率相同情况下,对其最不利的复利计息期是()A.1年B.半年C.1季D.1⽉3.⼀定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项时()A.即付年⾦B.永续年⾦C.递延年⾦D.普通年⾦4.普通年⾦终值系数基础上,期数加1,系数减1所得的结果,数值上等于()A.普通年⾦现值系数B.即付年⾦现值系数C. 普通年⾦终值系数D.即付年⾦终值系数Vn=A*FVIFA i,,n+1-A=A*(FVIFA i,n+1-1)5.距今若⼲期后发⽣的每期期末收款或付款的年⾦称为()A.后付年⾦B.先付年⾦C.递延年⾦D.永续年⾦6.某公司从本年度起每年年末存⼊银⾏⼀笔固定⾦额的款项,若按复利制⽤最简便算法计算第n年末可以从银⾏取出的本利和,则应选⽤的时间价值系数是( )。
A.复利终值系数B.复利现值系数C.普通年⾦终值系数D.普通年⾦现值系数7.某⼈年初存⼊银⾏1000元,假设银⾏按每年10%的复利计息,每年末取出200元,则最后⼀次能够⾜额200元的提款时间是( )A.5年B.8年末C.7年D.9年末⼆、多选1.下列表述中,正确的有()A.复利终值系数和复利现值系数互为倒B.普通年⾦终值系数和普通年⾦现值系数互为倒数C.普通年⾦终值系数和偿债基⾦系数互为倒2.年⾦按每次⾸付款发⽣时点的不同可分为()A.普通年⾦B.即付年⾦C.永续年⾦D.先付年⾦3计算普通年⾦现值系数所必需的资料()A.年⾦B.终值C.期数D.利率4..影响债券发⾏价格的因素有( )A.资⾦供求关系B.市场利率C.票⾯利率D.债券期限5.在下列各项中,可以直接或间接利⽤普通年⾦终值系数(知道年⾦)计算出确切结果的项⽬有( )A.偿债基⾦B.即付年⾦终值C.永续年⾦现值D.永续年⾦终值6.债券的基本要素( )A.债券的⾯值B.债券的期限C.债券的利率D.债券的价格7.影响资⾦时间价值⼤⼩的因素主要有( )A.资⾦额B.利率和期限C.计息⽅式D.风险8.股票的价值形式( )A.票⾯价值B.账⾯价值C.清算价值D.市场价值9.下列表述正确的是( )A.当利率⼤于零,计息期⼀定的情况下,年⾦现值系数⼀定都⼤于1B.当利率⼤于零,计息期⼀定的情况下,年⾦终值系数⼀定都⼤于1C.当利率⼤于零,计息期⼀定的情况下,复利终值系数⼀定都⼤于1D.当利率⼤于零,计息期⼀定的情况下,复利现值系数⼀定都⼩于1三、判断1.名义利率指⼀年内多次复利时给出的年利率,它等于每期利率与年内复利次数的乘积2.年⾦是指每隔⼀年、⾦额相等的⼀系列现⾦流⼊或流出量()3.在终值和计息期⼀定的情况下,贴现率越低,则复利现值越⾼()4.现值和利率⼀定,计息期数越少则复利终值越⼤()5.未来经济利益流⼊量的现值决定股票价值。
1Which one of following is the rate at which a stock's price is expected to appreciate?A、current yieldB、total returnC、dividend yieldD、capital gains yieldE、coupon rate正确答案:D2Which one of the following functions should be the responsibility of the controller rather than the treasurer?A、daily cash depositB、income tax returnsC、equipment purchase analysisD、customer credit approvalE、payment to a vendor正确答案:B3Which one of the following best describes the concept of erosion?A、expenses that have already been incurred and cannot be recoveredB、change in net working capital related to implementing a new projectC、the cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing cash flowsD、the alternative that is forfeited when a fixed asset is utilized by a projectE、the differences in a firm's cash flows with and without a particular project正确答案:C4Which one of the following statements correctly states a relationship?A、Time and future values are inversely related, all else held constant.B、Interest rates and time are positively related, all else held constant.C、An increase in the discount rate increases the present value, given positive rates.D、An increase in time increases the future value given a zero rate of interest.E、Time and present value are inversely related, all else held constant.正确答案:E5Which one of the following best illustrates erosion as it relates to a hot dog stand located on the beach?A、providing both ketchup and mustard for its customer's useB、repairing the roof of the hot dog stand because of water damageC、selling fewer hot dogs because hamburgers were added to the menuD、offering French fries but not onion ringsE、losing sales due to bad weather正确答案:C6By definition, which one of the following must equal zero at the accounting break-even point?A、net present valueB、internal rate of returnC、contribution marginD、net incomeE、operating cash flow正确答案:D7Which of the following should be included in the analysis of a new product? I. money already spent for research and development of the new product II. reduction in sales for a current product once the new product is introduced III. increase in accounts receivable needed to finance sales of the new product IV. market value of a machine owned by the firm which will be used to produce the new product.A、I and III onlyB、II and IV onlyC、I, II, and III onlyD、II, III, and IV onlyE、I, II, III, and IV正确答案:D8Spencer Tools would like to offer a special product to its best customers. However, the firm wants to limit its maximum potential loss on this product to the firm's initial investment in the project. The fixed costs are estimated at $21,000, the depreciation expense is $11,000, and the contribution margin per unit is $12.50. What is the minimum number of units the firm should pre-sell to ensure its potential loss does not exceed the desired level?A、1,220 unitsB、1,680 unitsC、2,215 unitsD、2,560 unitsE、2,750 units正确答案:B9The specified date on which the principal amount of a bond is payable is referred to as which one of the following?A、coupon dateB、yield dateC、maturityD、dirty dateE、clean date正确答案:C10What is the effective annual rate if a bank charges you 8.25 percent compounded quarterly?A、8.32 percentB、8.38 percentC、8.42 percentD、8.51 percentE、8.61 percent正确答案:D11Miller Brothers Hardware paid an annual dividend of $0.95 per share last month. Today, the company announced that future dividends will be increasing by 2.6 percent annually. If you require a 13 percent rate of return, how much are you willing to pay to purchase one share of this stock today?A、$9.23B、$9.37C、$9.67D、$9.72E、$9.88正确答案:B12The current dividend yield on Clayton's Metals common stock is 3.2 percent. The company just paid a $1.48 annual dividend and announced plans to pay $1.54 next year. The dividend growth rate is expected to remain constant at the current level. What is the required rate of return on this stock?A、7.25 percentB、7.82 percentC、8.08 percentD、8.39 percentE、8.75 percent正确答案:A13Which one of the following is an example of a sunk cost?A、$1,500 of lost sales because an item was out of stockB、$1,200 paid to repair a machine last yearC、$20,000 project that must be forfeited if another project is acceptedD、$4,500 reduction in current shoe sales if a store commences selling sandalsE、$1,800 increase in comic book sales if a store commences selling puzzles正确答案:B14Which term relates to the cash flow which results from a firm's ongoing, normal business activities?A、operating cash flowB、capital spendingC、net working capitalD、cash flow from assetsE、cash flow to creditors正确答案:A15Textile Mills borrows money at a rate of 13.5 percent. This interest rate is referred to as the:A、compound rate.B、current yield.C、cost of debt.D、capital gains yield.E、cost of capital.正确答案:C16A firm's overall cost of equity is:A、is generally less that the firm's WACC given a leveraged firm.B、unaffected by changes in the market risk premium.C、highly dependent upon the growth rate and risk level of the firm.D、generally less than the firm's aftertax cost of debt.E、inversely related to changes in the firm's tax rate.正确答案:C17If a firm accepts Project A it will not be feasible to also accept Project B because bothprojects would require the simultaneous and exclusive use of the same piece of machinery. These projects are considered to be:A、independent.B、interdependent.C、mutually exclusive.D、economically scaled.E、operationally distinct.正确答案:C18Which one of the following accurately defines a perpetuity?A、a limited number of equal payments paid in even time incrementsB、payments of equal amounts that are paid irregularly but indefinitelyC、varying amounts that are paid at even intervals foreverD、unending equal payments paid at equal time intervalsE、unending equal payments paid at either equal or unequal time intervals正确答案:D19The cost of preferred stock:A、is equal to the dividend yield.B、is equal to the yield to maturity.C、is highly dependent on the dividend growth rate.D、is independent of the stock's price.E、decreases when tax rates increase.正确答案:A20Southern Tours is considering acquiring Holiday Vacations. Management believes Holiday Vacations can generate cash flows of $187,000, $220,000, and $245,000 over the next three years, respectively. After that time, they feel the business will be worthless. Southern Tours has determined that a 13.5 percent rate of return is applicable to this potential acquisition. What is Southern Tours willing to pay today to acquire Holiday Vacations?A、$503,098B、$538,615C、$545,920D、$601,226E、$638,407正确答案:A21The percentage of the next dollar you earn that must be paid in taxes is referred to as the _____ tax rate.A、meanB、residualC、totalD、averageE、marginal正确答案:E22All of the following are related to a proposed project. Which of these should be included in the cash flow at time zero? I. purchase of $1,400 of parts inventory needed to support the project II. loan of $125,000 used to finance the project III. depreciation tax shield of $1,100 IV.$6,500 of equipment needed to commence the project.A、I and II onlyB、I and IV onlyC、II and IV onlyD、I, II, and IV onlyE、I, II, III, and IV正确答案:B23Interest earned on both the initial principal and the interest reinvested from prior periods is called:A、free interest.B、dual interest.C、simple interest.D、interest on interest.E、compound interest.正确答案:E24The cash flow related to interest payments less any net new borrowing is called the:A、operating cash flow.B、capital spending cash flow.C、net working capital.D、cash flow from assets.E、cash flow to creditors.正确答案:E25Which one of the following is classified as an intangible fixed asset?A、accounts receivableB、production equipmentC、buildingD、trademarkE、inventory正确答案:D26The equivalent annual cost method is useful in determining:A、which one of two machines to purchase if the machines are mutually exclusive, have differing lives, and are a one-time purchase.B、the tax shield benefits of depreciation given the purchase of new assets for a project.C、the operating cash flows of a cost-cutting project.D、which one of two investments to accept when the investments have different required rates of return.E、which one of two machines should be purchased when the machines are mutually exclusive, have different machine lives, and will be replaced once they are worn out.正确答案:E27An analysis of the change in a project's NPV when a single variable is changed is called _____ analysis.A、forecastingB、scenarioC、sensitivityD、simulationE、break-even正确答案:C28The common stock of Textile Mills pays an annual dividend of $1.65 a share. The company has promised to maintain a constant dividend even though economic times are tough. How much are you willing to pay for one share of this stock if you want to earn a 12 percent annual return?A、$13.75B、$14.01C、$14.56D、$14.79E、$15.23正确答案:A29Noncash items refer to:A、accrued expensesB、inventory items purchased using creditC、the ownership of intangible assets such as patentsD、expenses which do not directly affect cash flowsE、sales which are made using store credit正确答案:D30Which one of the following is an agency cost?A、accepting an investment opportunity that will add value to the firmB、increasing the quarterly dividendC、investing in a new project that creates firm valueD、hiring outside accountants to audit the company's financial statementsE、closing a division of the firm that is operating at a loss正确答案:D31Phil can afford $200 a month for 5 years for a car loan. If the interest rate is 7.5 percent, how much can he afford to borrow to purchase a car?A、$8,750.00B、$9,348.03C、$9,981.06D、$10,266.67E、$10,400.00正确答案:C32The internal rate of return is defined as the:A、maximum rate of return a firm expects to earn on a project.B、rate of return a project will generate if the project in financed solely with internal funds.C、discount rate that equates the net cash inflows of a project to zero.D、discount rate which causes the net present value of a project to equal zero.E、discount rate that causes the profitability index for a project to equal zero.正确答案:D33Which one of the following represents the most liquid asset?A、$100 account receivable that is discounted and collected for $96 todayB、$100 of inventory which is sold today on credit for $103C、$100 of inventory which is discounted and sold for $97 cash todayD、$100 of inventory that is sold today for $100 cashE、$100 accounts receivable that will be collected in full next week正确答案:D34Which one of the following states that a firm's cost of equity capital is directly and proportionally related to the firm's capital structure?A、Capital Asset Pricing ModelB、M & M Proposition IC、M & M Proposition IID、Law of One PriceE、Efficient Markets Hypothesis正确答案:C35Which one of the following states that the value of a firm is unrelated to the firm's capital structure?A、Capital Asset Pricing ModelB、M & M Proposition IC、M & M Proposition IID、Law of One PriceE、Efficient Markets Hypothesis正确答案:B36You are the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. The insurance company informs you that you have two options for receiving the insurance proceeds. You can receive a lump sum of $200,000 today or receive payments of $1,400 a month for 20 years. You can earn 6 percent on your money. Which option should you take and why?A、You should accept the payments because they are worth $209,414 to you today.B、You should accept the payments because they are worth $247,800 to you today.C、You should accept the payments because they are worth $336,000 to you today.D、You should accept the $200,000 because the payments are only worth $189,311 to you today.E、You should accept the $200,000 because the payments are only worth $195,413 to you today.正确答案:E37Winston Co. has a dividend-paying stock with a total return for the year of -6.5 percent. Which one of the following must be true?A、The dividend must be constant.B、The stock has a negative capital gains yield.C、The dividend yield must be zero.D、The required rate of return for this stock increased over the year.E、The firm is experiencing supernormal growth.正确答案:B38The common stock of Auto Deliveries sells for $28.16 a share. The stock is expected to pay $1.35 per share next year when the annual dividend is distributed. The firm has established a pattern of increasing its dividends by 3 percent annually and expects to continue doing so.What is the market rate of return on this stock?A、7.42 percentB、7.79 percentC、19.67 percentD、20.14 percentE、20.86 percent正确答案:B39Terry is calculating the present value of a bonus he will receive next year. The process he is using is called:A、growth analysis.B、discounting.C、accumulating.D、compounding.E、reducing.正确答案:B40You are considering a project that you believe is quite risky. To reduce any potentially harmful results from accepting this project, you could:A、lower the degree of operating leverage.B、lower the contribution margin per unit.C、increase the initial cash outlay.D、increase the fixed costs per unit while lowering the contribution margin per unit.E、lower the operating cash flow of the project.正确答案:A41Steve just computed the present value of a $10,000 bonus he will receive in the future. The interest rate he used in this process is referred to as which one of the following?A、current yieldB、effective rateC、compound rateD、simple rateE、discount rate正确答案:E42The pre-tax cost of debt:A、is based on the current yield to maturity of the firm's outstanding bonds.B、is equal to the coupon rate on the latest bonds issued by a firm.C、is equivalent to the average current yield on all of a firm's outstanding bonds.D、is based on the original yield to maturity on the latest bonds issued by a firm.E、has to be estimated as it cannot be directly observed in the market.正确答案:A43Andy deposited $3,000 this morning into an account that pays 5 percent interest, compounded annually. Barb also deposited $3,000 this morning into an account that pays 5 percent interest, compounded annually. Andy will withdraw his interest earnings and spend it as soon as possible. Barb will reinvest her interest earnings into her account. Given this, which one of the following statements is true?A、Barb will earn more interest the first year than Andy will.B、Andy will earn more interest in year three than Barb will.C、Barb will earn interest on interest.D、After five years, Andy and Barb will both have earned the same amount of interest.E、Andy will earn compound interest.正确答案:C44The Buck Store is considering a project that will require additional inventory of $216,000 and will increase accounts payable by $181,000. Accounts receivable are currently $525,000 and are expected to increase by 9 percent if this project is accepted. What is the project's initial cash flow for net working capital?A、-82250B、-12250C、12250D、36250E、44250正确答案:A45The operating cash flow of a cost cutting project:A、is equal to the depreciation tax shield.B、is equal to zero because there is no incremental sales.C、can only be analyzed by projecting the sales and costs for a firm's entire operations.D、includes any changes that occur in the current accounts.E、can be positive even though there are no sales.正确答案:E46The annual annuity stream of payments that has the same present value as a project's costs is referred to as which one of the following?A、yearly incremental costsB、sunk costsC、opportunity costsD、erosion costE、equivalent annual cost正确答案:E47M & M Proposition I with no tax supports the argument that:A、business risk determines the return on assets.B、the cost of equity rises as leverage rises.C、the debt-equity ratio of a firm is completely irrelevant.D、a firm should borrow money to the point where the tax benefit from debt is equal to the cost of the increased probability of financial distress.E、homemade leverage is irrelevant.正确答案:C48At 8 percent interest, how long would it take to quadruple your money?A、16.55 yearsB、16.64 yearsC、17.09 yearsD、18.01 yearsE、18.56 year正确答案:D49The process of determining the present value of future cash flows in order to know their worth today is called which one of the following?A、compound interest valuationB、interest on interest computationC、discounted cash flow valuationD、present value interest factoringE、complex factoring正确答案:C50Green Roof Inns is preparing a bond offering with a 6 percent, semiannual coupon and a face value of $1,000. The bonds will be repaid in 10 years and will be sold at par. Given this, which one of the following statements is correct?A、The bonds will become discount bonds if the market rate of interest declines.B、The bonds will pay 10 interest payments of $60 each.C、The bonds will sell at a premium if the market rate is 5.5 percent.D、The bonds will initially sell for $1,030 each.E、The final payment will be in the amount of $1,060.正确答案:C11【单选题】Which one of the following terms is defined as the management of a firm's long-term investments?A、working capital managementB、financial allocationC、agency cost analysisD、capital budgetingE、capital structure正确答案:D2【单选题】Which one of the following terms is defined as the mixture of a firm's debt and equity financing?A、working capital managementB、cash managementC、cost analysisD、capital budgetingE、capital structure正确答案:E3【单选题】Which one of the following is defined as a firm's short-term assets and its short-term liabilities?A、working capitalB、debtC、investment capitalD、net capitalE、capital structure正确答案:A4【单选题】Which of the following questions are addressed by financial managers?I. How should a product be marketed?II. Should customers be given 30 or 45 days to pay for their credit purchasesIII.Should the firm borrow more money?IV. Should the firm acquire new equipment?A、I, II, III, and IVB、I and IV onlyC、II and III onlyD、II, III, and IV onlyE、I, II, and III only正确答案:D5【单选题】Which one of the following functions should be the responsibility of the controller rather than the treasurer?A、daily cash depositB、income tax returnsC、equipment purchase analysisD、customer credit approvalE、payment to a vendor正确答案:B6【单选题】The controller of a corporation generally reports directly to the:A、board of directors.B、chairman of the board.C、chief executive officer.D、president.E、vice president of finance.正确答案:E7【单选题】Which one of the following correctly defines the upward chain of command in a typical corporate organizational structure?A、The vice president of finance reports to the chairman of the board.B、The chief executive officer reports to president.C、The controller reports to the president.D、The treasurer reports to the vice president of finance.E、The chief operations officer reports to the vice president of production.正确答案:D8【单选题】Which one of the following is a capital budgeting decision?A、determining how many shares of stock to issueB、deciding whether or not to purchase a new machine for the production lineC、deciding how to refinance a debt issue that is maturingD、determining how much inventory to keep on handE、determining how much money should be kept in the checking account正确答案:B9【单选题】Which one of the following is a capital structure decision?A、determining which one of two projects to acceptB、determining how to allocate investment funds to multiple projectsC、determining the amount of funds needed to finance customer purchases of a new productD、determining how much debt should be assumed to fund a projectE、determining how much inventory will be needed to support a project正确答案:D10【单选题】The decision to issue additional shares of stock is an example of which one of the following?A、working capital managementB、net working capital decisionC、capital budgetingD、controller's dutiesE、capital structure decision正确答案:E1【单选题】Which one of the following business types is best suited to raising large amounts of capital?A、sole proprietorshipB、limited liability companyC、corporationD、general partnershipE、limited partnership正确答案:C2【单选题】A business created as a distinct legal entity and treated as a legal "person" is called a:A、sole proprietorship.B、general partnership.C、limited partnership.D、unlimited liability company.E、corporation.正确答案:E3【单选题】A business partner whose potential financial loss in the partnership will not exceed his or her investment in that partnership is called a:A、generally partner.B、sole proprietor.C、limited partner.D、corporate shareholder.E、zero partner.正确答案:C4【单选题】A business formed by two or more individuals who each have unlimited liability for all of the firm's business debts is called a:A、corporation.B、sole proprietorship.C、general partnership.D、limited partnership.E、limited liability company.正确答案:C5【单选题】A business owned by a solitary individual who has unlimited liability for its debt is called a:A、corporation.B、sole proprietorship.C、general partnership.D、limited partnership.E、limited liability company.正确答案:B1【单选题】Which one of the following best states the primary goal of financial management?A、maximize current dividends per shareB、maximize the current value per shareC、minimize operational costs while maximizing firm efficiencyD、maintain steady growth while increasing current profits正确答案:B1【单选题】Which one of the following is an agency cost?A、accepting an investment opportunity that will add value to the firmB、increasing the quarterly dividendC、investing in a new project that creates firm valueD、hiring outside accountants to audit the company's financial statementsE、closing a division of the firm that is operating at a loss正确答案:D2【单选题】Which one of the following is least likely to be an agency problem?A、increasing the size of a firmB、concentrating on maximizing current profitsC、closing a division with net lossesD、increasing the market value of the firm's sharesE、obtaining a patent for a new product正确答案:D3【单选题】Which one of the following terms is defined as a conflict of interest between the corporate shareholders and the corporate managers?A、articles of incorporationB、corporate breakdownC、agency problemD、bylawsE、legal liability正确答案:C21【单选题】Which one of the following is the financial statement that shows the accounting value of a firm's equity as of a particular date?A、income statementB、creditor's statementC、balance sheetD、statement of cash flowsE、dividend statement正确答案:C2【单选题】Net working capital is defined as:A、total liabilities minus shareholders' equityB、current liabilities minus shareholders' equityC、fixed assets minus long-term liabilitiesD、total assets minus total liabilitiesE、current assets minus current liabilities正确答案:E3【单选题】The common set of standards and procedures by which audited financial statements are prepared is known as the:A、matching principleB、cash flow identityC、Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesD、Financial Accounting Reporting PrinciplesE、Standard Accounting Value Guidelines正确答案:C4【单选题】Which one of the following is classified as an intangible fixed asset?A、accounts receivableB、production equipmentC、buildingD、trademarkE、inventory正确答案:D5【单选题】Which of the following are current assets?I.patentII.inventoryIII.accounts payableIV. cashA、I and III onlyB、II and IV onlyC、I, II, and IV onlyD、I, II and IV onlyE、II, III, and IV only正确答案:B6【单选题】Which one of the following is included in a firm's market value but yet is excluded from the firm's accounting value?A、real estate investmentB、good reputation of the companyC、equipment owned by the firmD、money due from a customerE、an item held by the firm for future sale正确答案:B7【单选题】Which of the following are included in current liabilities?I,note payable to a supplier in eight monthsII, amount due from a customer next monthIII,account payable to a supplier that is due next weekIV, loan payable to the bank in fourteen monthsA、I and III onlyB、II and III onlyC、I, II, and III onlyD、I, III, and IV onlyE、I, II, III, and IV正确答案:A8【单选题】Which one of the following will increase the value of a firm's net working capital?A、using cash to pay a supplierB、depreciating an assetC、collecting an accounts receivableD、purchasing inventory on creditE、selling inventory at a profit正确答案:E9【单选题】Which one of the following accounts is the most liquid?A、inventoryB、buildingC、accounts receivableD、equipmentE、land正确答案:C10【单选题】Which one of the following represents the most liquid asset?A、$100 account receivable that is discounted and collected for $96 todayB、$100 of inventory which is sold today on credit for $103C、$100 of inventory which is discounted and sold for $97 cash todayD、$100 of inventory that is sold today for $100 cashE、$100 accounts receivable that will be collected in full next week正确答案:D1【单选题】Shareholders' equity:A、increases in value anytime total assets increasesB、is equal to total assets plus total liabilitiesC、decreases whenever new shares of stock are issuedD、includes long-term debt, preferred stock, and common stockE、represents the residual value of a firm正确答案:E2【单选题】The higher the degree of financial leverage employed by a firm, the:A、higher the probability that the firm will encounter financial distressB、lower the amount of debt incurredC、less debt a firm has per dollar of total assetsD、higher the number of outstanding shares of stockE、lower the balance in accounts payable正确答案:A3【单选题】The book value of a firm is:A、equivalent to the firm's market value provided that the firm has some fixed assetsB、based on historical costC、generally greater than the market value when fixed assets are includedD、more of a financial than an accounting valuationE、adjusted to the market value whenever the market value exceeds the stated book value 正确答案:B4【单选题】Which of the following is (are) included in the market value of a firm but are excluded from the firm's book value?I.value of management skillsII .value of a copyrightIII. value of the firm's reputationIv.alue of employee's experienceA、I onlyB、II onlyC、III and IV onlyD、I, II, and III onlyE、I, III, and IV only正确答案:E5【单选题】You recently purchased a grocery store、At the time of the purchase, the store's market value equaled its book value、The purchase included the building, the fixtures, and the inventory、Which one of the following is most apt to cause the market value of this store to be lower than the book value?A、a sudden and unexpected increase in inflationB、the replacement of old inventory items with more desirable productsC、improvements to the surrounding area by other store ownersD、construction of a new restricted access highway located between the store and the surrounding residential areasE、addition of a stop light at the main entrance to the store's parking lot正确答案:D6【单选题】A firm has $520 in inventory, $1,860 in fixed assets, $190 in accounts receivables, $210 in accounts payable, and $70 in cash、What is the amount of the current assets?A、$710B、$780C、$990D、$2,430E、$2,640正确答案:B7【单选题】A firm has common stock of $6,200, paid-in surplus of $9,100, total liabilities of $8,400, current assets of $5,900, and fixed assets of $21,200,What is the amount of the shareholders' equity?A、$6,900B、$15,300C、$18,700D、$23,700。
《公司金融》各章习题库(含)答案第一章导论 (2)第二章财务报表分析与财务计划 (3)第三章货币时间价值与净现值 (5)第四章资本预算方法 (9)第五章投资组合理论 (15)第六章资本结构 (17)第七章负债企业的估值方法 (23)第八章权益融资 (25)第九章债务融资与租赁 (27)第十章股利与股利政策 (29)第十一章期权与公司金融 (32)第十二章营运资本管理与短期融资 (36)第一章导论1.参考教材表1-1。
2.治理即公司治理(corporate governance),它解决了企业与股东、债权人等利益相关者之间及其相互之间的利益关系。
资产= 负债+ 所有者权益2.我国的利润表采用“多步式”格式,分为营业收入、营业利润、利润总额、净利润、每股收益、其他综合收益和综合收益总额等七个盈利项目。
答:甲设备1-5年的现金净流入:(100-60)×10000 = 400000乙设备1—5年的现金净流入:(100—60)×9000 = 360000第五年残值:4000NPV甲=[(100-60)×10000]×A5,10%-1000000=400000×3。
678万 >0,可以更换新机。
3题:某公司有A 、B 两个投资项目,其未来的预期报酬率及发生的概率如表所示。
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(1)25.机会成本是攸关成本,应计入营运现 金流量。 (2)26.公司债是一种由普通股与特别股混合 而成的证券。 (1)27.利率与股价基本上呈现反向关系,但 并非100% 。
( 2 ) 28.若股票报酬率的标准偏差愈小,其 预期报酬率也愈低。 ( 2 ) 29.当不同的评估方法产生互相冲突的 结果时,应以投资报酬率的高低作为决策的依 据。 ( 1 ) 30.评估价值的程序中,折现率的高低 是由风险决定。
()12. 「资本预算」所要估计的是何种金额? (A) 税后净利 (B)利息及税前存益 (C)现金流量总额 (D)现金流量增额 (E)销售金额增额 ()13. 下列何者资金成本最低? A.以负债融资 B.以特别股融资 C.以保留盈余融资 D.以股票融资 ()14. 对公司而言,发行下列何种证券之破产风险 最低? A.附认股权公司债 B.可转换公司债 C.短 期债券 D.股票
( )31、假设资本利得税低于一般所得税,股利税 率差异理论者认为投资人对于股利越多的股利? A.愿付的股票价格越低,故其权益资金成本也越低 B.愿付的股票价格越低,故其权益资金成本也越高 C.愿付的股票价格越高,故其权益资金成本也越低 D.愿付的股票价格越高,故其权益资金成本也越高
三、简答题(每题5分,共20分请将答案填在答题纸上否 则答案无效)
四、计算题(每题10分,共30分,请将答案填在 答题纸上,否则答案无效)
1、深圳航空公司为因应赴日旅客大幅增加,打算扩充陆日航线,但 由于新飞机的打造需时一年,故评估以租用的方式应急,目前考虑两 种方案:
8.企业以举债方式筹措资金有何优缺点? 9.在何种时机下可使用公司的加权平均资金成本作 为 投 资案的资金成本? 10.何谓股利政策? 11.资本结构是指哪个比率? 12.一般融资顺位为何? 13.何谓「代理人问题(Agency Problem)」? 14.解释股利相关名词之意义:(1).「除权」(2.)「贴权」
( )18.资本结构的权衡理论中,包括下列何者? (A)税盾效果;(B)破产成本; (C)市场信号;(D)代理成本 ( )19、债券之价值决定于面额、利率与折现率 三个因素,其中折现率系指 (A)市场利率 (B)票面利率 (C) 国库券之利率(D) 无风险利率。
( )20、股市的投资风险来自整个市场,包括经济、政 治、环境的改变,此类风险称为 (A) 技术风险 (B) 非技术风险 (C) 系统风险 (D) 非系统风险。 ( )21.在不考虑所得税下,估算新投资方案现金流量时, 下列何者不用列入考虑? (A)对已进行投资方案之现金流量影响; (B)处分机器账面损失;(C)使用闲置土地厂房之价值; (D)投资方案之融资利息
().3 下列何者是公司的短期财务规划? (A)资本预 算 (B)股利政策 (C)股票上市柜 (D)资本结构 (E) 营运资金管理 ().4 下列有关计算加权平均资金成本节叙述,何者 是错误的? A.必须考虑举债的税盾效果 B.所使用的权重,应参 考各资金来源的市场价值,而非账面价值资金成本 C.以最适的资本结构,充当计算权重 D.以目前的资 本结构,充当计算权重
(A) 两者皆考虑了货币时间价值。
(B) 若折现率为正,就同一个投资案而言,「还本期间」的时间较短。 (C) 「折现还本期间」的计算较「还本期间」容易。
(D) 「折现还本期间」可表现投资案的规模、「还本期间」则否。
(E) 「还本期间」与「折现还本期间」愈长愈好。
()7. 「资本预」所要估计的是何种金额? (A)税后 净利 (B)利息及税前存益 (C)现金流量总额 (D)现金流 量增额 (E)销售金额增额 ()8. 下列何者可提高投资案的「净现值」? (A)机会 成本升高 (B)沉没成本变小 (C)借款利率升高 (D)工程 延误,期数拉长 (E)期初净营运资金减少 ()9. 「资本配额(Capital Rationing)」可以避免何 种问题? (A)专业不足 (B)顾客满意度低 (C)过度投资 (D)侵蚀本业 (E)产品季节性
3.为何追求利润极大化不适合作为财务管理的目标? 4.资金的机会成本是取决于资金的来源还是资金的用 途? 5.何谓增量税后营运现金流量?
6.解释 MM 「资本结构无关理论」。
( )28、下列有关「净现值投资决策准则」之叙述,何者 为正确的? (A)在该准则下,若一项投资计划之净现值大于零,则接受 此投资计划 (B)在该准则下,若一项投资计划之内部报酬率大于资金成本, 则接受此计划 (C)投资计划之净现位大于零,表示企业执行此计划将增加 其股东权益的价值 (D)投资计划之净现值等于零,表示企业仅赚到等于资金成 本之投资报酬率 (E)投资计划之净现值小于零,表示企业执行此计划将发生损 失
( 1 ) 18. 公司宣布提高投资人的股息,此决策 有助于提高公司的股价。 ( 1 ) 19. 边际贡献等于营业收入减变动成本, 又等于营业利润加固定成本,收入乘以贡献毛 益率。 ( 2 ) 20. 以普通股融资犹如印股票换钞票,不 须还本付息,所以资金成本很低。
( 2 )21 . 增加发行普通股,每股盈余(EPS) 会增加。 ( 1 )22 . 沉没成本是无关成本,不应计入营运 现金流量。 (2 )23.所谓股利政策,指的是公司每年发放 股票的多寡。 ( 1 )24 .公司宣布提高投资人的股息,此决策 有助于提高公司的股价。
()15. 若股价已完全反应所有相关讯息,则此市场 为: A.完全市场 B.完美市场 C.强式效率市场 D.弱式效率市场 ()16. 厚重公司宣布发放每股1元之现金股利,假 设除息交易日前每股收盘价格为20元,则除息参考价 为? A. 18 元 B. 19 元 C. 20 元 D. 21 元 ()17. 抱有一鸟在手,胜过数鸟在丛的心态的股东, 一般是希望公司现在发放的现金股利? A.越多越好 B.越少越好 C.不介意股利多或少 D.以上皆非
( )10、「资本预算」所要估计的是何种金额? (A) 税后净利 (B) 利息及税前纯益 (C) 现金流量总额 (D) 现金流量增额 (E) 销售金额增额。 ( )11、下列何者是「一鸟在手 (The Bird in the Hand)」 的股利论述? (A) 公司应保留足够的资金在手上,尽量少发股利 (B) 股利会降低公司价值,故应保留现金在手 (C) 投资人偏好现金,发放现金股利可降低资本成本 (D) 公司应发放股票股利,以便增加股本 (E) 法人偏好现金,故应尽力发放现金股利。
( 1)4.公司宣布提高投资人的股息,此决策有助 于提高公司的股价。
(2)5.财务管理的目标是追求最大的利润。 (2)6.损益表是表达一家企业在特定时点的 财务状况。 (1)7.在计算营运现金流量时,利息是费用 之一,应予以扣除。
( 2 )8.以普通股融资犹如印股票换钞票, 不须还本付息,所以资金成本很低。 ( 1 )9.代理问题的产生,是因为股东无 法凡事亲力亲为,亲自经营企业而来。 ( 2 )10.损益表是表达一家企业在特定 时点的财务状况。
( ) 22、加权平均资金成本是? A.公司债的票面利息 B.董事会设定的最低投资报 酬率 C.以资本结构比例为权数所计算各种融资来源成 本的加权平均 D.公司资产的平均取得成本 ( )23、下列筹资方式中,资本成本最低的是:
A.发行债券 B.留存收益
C.发行股 票 D.长期借款由于借款的利息可以在所得税前列支
机会成本(opportunity cost) 是指企业为从事某项经营活动而放弃另一项经营活动的机会,或利用 一定资源获得某种收入时所放弃的另一种收入。
( )5.甲公司有一块闲置空地,目前是作为临时收费停车场,公司 正评估多种可能投资计划,如盖国宅、商业大楼、停车塔等。进行相 关之资本预算时,此目前之停车收入,应是一种: (A) 机会成本;(B) 攸关成本; (C) 沉没成本 ( )、6下列有关「还本期间」与「折现还本期间」的叙述中,何者 为正确?
( )24、依据Modigliani & Miller(MM)的理论,一个 公司的资本结构对公司价值没有影响乃因? A.债权有税盾 B.代理成本的存在 C.破产成本的存在 D.在MM假设环境下,投资者的套利行为会促使有二个现金 流量相同的公司,尽管其资本结构不同,市场价值为相同 ( )25、下列哪些是「内部报酬率(IRR)」可能会产生 的问题? (A.)多重解;(B.)错失最有利的投资案;(C.)未考虑货币 时间价值
一、判断题 (请判断对的答案写(○)错的答案写(╳)填入答题 纸括号内) 每小题1 分,共10分,请将答案填在答题纸上,否则 答案无效)
( 2 )1.根据CAPM,若贝他值为负,则预期报酬率 将较 无风险报酬率低。书上是组合的要求收益率 ( 2)2.当不同的评估方法产生互相冲突的结果时, 应以投 资报酬率的高低作为决策的依据。 ( 2 )3.企业若有闲置现金,可以投资于股票当作有 价证券。
(2)11.在净现值两平点时,投资项目的报酬率等 于零。 (2)12.所谓股利政策,指的是公司每年发放股票 的多寡。 (2)13.企业若有闲置现金,可以投资于股票当作 有价证券。 (1)14.若某股票的预期报酬率位于证券市场线的 上方,代表该股票的价值被低估。
( 1 )15.沉没成本是无关成本,不应计 入营运现金流量。 ( 1 )16.利率与股价基本上呈现反向关 系,但并非100% 。 ( 2 )17.融资顺位理论最优先使用之资 金为公司债。亦即保留 盈余,其次为举债,最后才考虑使用发行新股的方式
( )26、下列有关「还本期间」与「折现还本期间」的叙述中,何 者为正确?
(A) 两者皆考虑了货币时间价值。
(B) 若折现率为正,就同一个投资案而言,「还本期间」的时间较短。 (C) 「折现还本期间」的计算较「还本期间」容易。