

Lecture 7_opening para_topic 2.ppt

Lecture 7_opening para_topic 2.ppt
Lecture Seven
Beginning sentences in opening paragraphs
Related topic 2: Problem and phenomenon
School of Foreign Studies
Beginning sentence 1
Recently the rise … has drawn public attention Recently the rise … has caused wide concern Recently the rise … has arisen as controversial/as noteworthy.

the rise in phenomenon/problem/question of… has aroused popular/grave/world-wide attention has aroused general/considerable/international concern has arisen/loomed up/cropped up as controversial/as noteworthy/more distinctly for settlement.

2016/7/10 School of Foreign Studies 2
Beginning sentence 2

the issue of …has been in the limelight.
Recently the issue (problem/question) of … has been in the limelight has been brought into focus has been brought to public attention has posed among the general public.

Lecture 07 最小值原理

Lecture 07 最小值原理

H (xf , λf ,u f ) = 0
若能知道λ (0)的值,就能根据协态方程解得最优控制
λ (t ) = exp(− AT t )λ0 , u * = − sgn( BT exp(− AT t )λ0 )
如果λ T b j ≠ 0, 可以确定最优控制 u * = − sgn(λ T b j ); j 如果λ T b j = 0, 则不能确定u *。 j 如果λ T b j = 0只在t的离散点上成立,则在这些点上u *作边界 j 值的切换; 如果λ T b j = 0在某一段时间间隔成立,这时无法确定u *j的值
5.1 最小值原理
系统运动方程 & x = f ( x, u, t ) 式中:x ∈ Rn − 状态变量;u ∈ Rm − 控制变量;t ∈[t0 , t f ] − 时间变量。 给定系统的初始时刻和初始状态 x(t0 ) = x0 系统的终端时刻和状态满足r个约束方程 n( x(t f ), t f ) = 0 控制变量满足若干不等式约束 g (u, t ) ≤ 0 最优控制问题的性能指标为 J = θ ( x(t f ), t f ) + ∫ φ ( x, u, t )dt
关于判别线性定常系统最优控制问题的正规性和奇异性, 有以下定理。 & 定理7-1 对于线性定常系统x=Ax+Bu 快速最优控制奇异的充要条件是,m个矩阵 Uj = [b j Ab j A2b j K An −1b j ], j = 1, 2,K , m 中,至少有一个是奇异的。 定理7-2 定理7-3ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้对于线性定常系统,快速最优控制正规的充要条件是: 对于正规快速最优控制问题,其最优控制律u*的每一个 m个矩阵Uj全部是非奇异的。
(1)快速最优控制的正规与奇异问题 定义7-1 若所有函数λ T b j 在时间间隔[0,tf ]上只存在有限个零点,则 对应的快速最优控制问题成为正规的。 定义7-2 如果对所有j=1,2, ,m,至少存在一个λ T b j函数在某一段时间 K 间隔[t1 ,t2 ]∈[0,tf ]上的取值为零,则对应的快速最优控制问题是奇异 的,并称时间间隔[t1 ,t2 ]为奇异段。 对于正规快速最优控制问题,完全能确定最优控制律u* ,即每个控制分量 u*均在边界值之间切换,且切换点就是λ T b j =0的时刻。这种控制方式成为 j “乒乒控制”。 对于奇异快速最优控制问题,在奇异段[t1 ,t2 ]上不能确定最优控制律,但 不表明最优控制u*不存在。因为在奇异段u*上,H函数与对应的u*无关,u* j j 可以取任意容许值,仍能满足最小值原理。此时快速最优控制不再具有 “乒乒控制”形式

lecture 7---NOESY

lecture 7---NOESY

H 3C S
NO 2 H 3C S
7 .9 8
H 3C S
NO 2 H 3C S
8 - 7, 12 7 - 18, 18' 3 - 5, 10 5 - 11, 16, 18'
9 - 10, 17, 17'
10 - 16 11 - 18, 16, 14, 18' 18 - 13, 18' 16 - 14, 17 13 - 14, 17, 17' 13' - 17, 17' 17 - 17'
当两个核AX在空间上很接近时,可以通过偶极--偶 极作用相互影响。选择A的频率照射,会影响X的能级 分布,从而改变其信号强度。
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
ba X2 A1 单量子数驰豫W1不产生NOE效应。 A2 ab X1 双量子数驰豫W2和零量子数驰豫W0 W2
TOCSY (solid lines) and NOESY (dotted lines)
2.0 mM Lysozyme NOESY
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
NOE实验对环境变化非常敏感,为了得到高质量的谱图, 有如下建议
PBu3 PiBu3 -32.5 ppm -45.3 ppm
7.9 ppm
63 ppm
I=1/2 Natural abundance Reference compound 100% 85% H3PO4 in H2O = 0 ppm 6.67 × 10-3 37.7



• 实验结果表明,在全部报告法实验中,被 试看到的或能记住的字母确实要比被被试 报告出来的多。
• Sperling(1960)证实了感觉记忆的存在, 这样两种记忆说得以发展,出现了多存贮 模型,或说信息三级加工模型。
• 1、sperling(1960)改变声音信号延迟的 时距p76 • 2、Erikson&Collins(1967)点模式实验 p77
• 3、动物实验——老鼠电休克
2、自由回忆实验(Free recall )
• Murdock(1962)让被试听一个由30个词构成的 词表,每次呈现一个词,每次1秒,然后进行自由 回忆,根据结果得到一条系列位置曲线。

• 系列位置曲线(the serial position curve)。 • 系列位置曲线可以分为3 个部分: – 近因效应(recenty effect) – 首因效应(primary effect) – 渐进线(asymptote)
Cognitive Psychology Memory
• • • • • 我们的记忆是怎么发生的? 记忆的不同阶段分别是什么,有什么作用? 哪些因素影响我们成功创建新的记忆? 记忆的遗忘是如何发生的? 记忆为什么会说谎?
• • • • • 两种记忆说 多贮存说 全部报告法和部分报告法 系列位置效应 感觉记忆
• 1、 两种记忆说的基本内容是什么?
• 2、 你认为应如何解释系列位置效应? • 3、 感觉记忆有什么特性(特点)?
• 4、 多存贮模型的基本思想是什么?

Lecture7 嵌期权债券

Lecture7 嵌期权债券

因此, 可赎回债券的价格=不可赎回债券的价格― 赎回期权的价格。 在任意给定的收益率水平下,不可赎回债 券与可赎回债券之间的价格差就是嵌入式 期权的价格。 同样, 可回售债券的价格=不可赎回债券的价格+ 回售期权的价格。
7.3 定价模型

当存在嵌入式期权时,需要计算该期权的价 格,而期权的价格与利率的波动性密切相关, 因而, 当存在嵌入式期权时,就必须考虑利率的 波动性。 常用的利率模型是根据短期利率如何随时 间变化而建立的无套利模型。
r1H : 从现在起 1年后较低的 1年期远期利率 ; r1L : 从现在起 1年后较高的 1年期远期利率 ; r1H r1L e 2
Value of Two-Period Option-Free Bond: C = 8 and F =100
Buu 108
.5[97.297 8].5[98.630 8] 110 . B0 96.330 B0

第一种债券相当于拥有一只20年期不可赎回债券, 且债券持有人给债券发行人一项赎回期权,使发行 人拥有5年后可以104元的价格赎回15年的现金流权 利。 第二种债券相当于拥有一支10年期不可赎回债券, 且债券持有人出售给债券发行人一项赎回期权,使 发行人拥有以100元的价格赎回合约中规定的现金流, 或债券被赎回时所有剩余现金流的权利。 因此,债券持有人购买可赎回债券相当于进行了两 笔独立的交易:以某个价格从债券发行人那里购买 了不可赎回债券,同时,又向债券发行人出售了一 项赎回期权。
Lecture 7 嵌期权债券
7.1 债券嵌期权概述

常见的债权嵌期权主要有: 赎回权、回售权、 转股权、提前偿付权、本息截留权、利率 上下限选择权等。 期权的嵌入可能影响债券现金流的大小、 方向及时间。利率上下限选择权则将影响 债券适用的利率。



• The monetary or fiscal policy may be expansionary or
contractionary, as judged from the effect on the short-run equilibrium output level
It follows that monetary policy has no impact on either the interest rate or the level of income, i.e. the monetary policy becomes powerless. Possibility of a liquidity trap is mentioned by John Maynard Keynes. That possibility had some times become real in some countries.
Monetary Policy
• The monetary policy is specifically the government’s
policy regarding the money supply.
The policy may be seen alternatively as to achieve a target interest rate (recall from IS-LM model how interest rate is affected by the money supply)
– At the prevailing interest rate and level of income, people are holding more money than they want – Portfolio holders attempt to reduce their money holdings by buying other assets → changes asset prices and yields – The change in money supply changes interest rates 2. A change in interest rates affects aggregate demand, e.g.

lecture 7 布里渊区.ppt

lecture 7 布里渊区.ppt

a 2
A,B原子的散射因子分别为 f A 和 f B
(1) 给出θ方向(θ是衍射光束与原子线之间的夹角)衍射加
f A f B 情况。
2. 用波长为λ 的X射线,照射晶格常数为a 的金刚石结构晶体, 问要得到衍射面指数为(220)的衍射斑点,对应的布拉格 角应是多少?
第一布里渊区种典型 对称点的坐标为:
: 2 (0, 0, 0)
H : 2 (1, 0, 0)
N : 2 (1 , 1 , 0)
a 22
P : 2 (1 , 1 , 1)
a 222
图2.7 体心立方正格子的第一布里渊区
(5)面心立方结构晶体点阵的布里渊区 取面心立方的原胞基矢为:
布里渊散射条件和布里渊区(Brillouin zone)
1、布里渊散射条件(Brillouin’s diffraction condition )
r k
r G
r G
2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
图2.4 倒空间的二维格子
O 点是到空间的原点,考虑连接原点和任意一个倒格点的倒格 矢。作垂直平分线(三维情形将是垂直平分面),如果入射波 矢满足(2.3.2)式,将(2.3.2)式两边同除以4,散射条件 则可写成
r a1
r ai

Lecture 7

Lecture 7
• Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme. --Paradise Lost, Book I, l 16

• I may assert eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to men. • --Paradise Lost, Book I, l 18

Bending to look on me, I started back, It started back, but pleas'd I soon returnd, Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answering looks Of sympathie and love; there I had fixt Mine eyes till now, and pin'd with vain desire, Had not a voice thus warnd me, What thou seest, What there thou seest fair Creature is thy self, With thee it came and goes: but follow me, And I will bring thee where no shadow staies Thy coming, and thy soft imbraces, hee Whose image thou art, him thou shalt enjoy Inseparablie thine, to him shalt beare Multitudes like thy self, and thence be call'd Mother of human Race

lecture 7 how to cite

lecture 7 how to cite
Widdowson (1979),"there is a good deal of argument in favour of extending the concept of competence to cover the ability to use language to communicative effect" (p. 5).
According to one researcher, "there is a good deal of argument in favour of extending the concept of competence to cover the ability to use language to communicative effect" (Widdowson, 1979, p. 5).
(In all cases at end of essay)
References Widdowson, H. G. Explorations in applied linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.1979.
The first one is Brown's point of view with no indication about your point of view. The second one is Brown's point of view, which you agree with, and the third is your point of view, which is supported by Brown.


通常,一台光驱由主体主架、光盘托架系 统、激光头组件(也称光驱机芯)和控制 板四大部分组成。
发射激光束A—>打在前方的棱镜上B—>径折射后 到达棱镜C—>径折射及聚焦透镜D,使激光束会聚 后,打在光盘上。 经光盘反射回来的激光束,通过聚焦透镜打C棱镜, 折射到B前方棱镜上—>折射回激光接收器内。 当束姿态发生变化时,打在光盘上的光束为椭圆 点,正常情况,打在光盘上的光束为圆点。
正确安装好光驱 光驱是否正确连接到主板上 要长时间打开CD—ROM的仓门,避免大量灰尘进入光驱 CD—ROM不用时,里面不要放光盘(有光盘电机转,加速电机老化) 每次关机把光盘拿出来。(开机光盘停在激光头很近的地方,突然电 机一转,光盘会刮伤光头) 用VCD清洁光盘来清洁光驱 使用正版光盘:盗版制造工艺差 不要在电脑上看碟片:轻微划伤VCD可放,在读取过程中突然失去信 号VCD伺服机构会自动跳过(所谓纠错VCD能跳过能力)。而光驱是数 据机,要求数据完整突然失去信号,激光头会不断寻找读不出的部分, 直到寻到为止,若30秒仍找不到,CPU会给出寻找失效,光驱停止 读好盘时完全正常,说明, 机械动作平稳,机械聚焦部分没什么大问 题。 检修:
用相机擦镜纸加小量无水酒精,清擦聚焦透镜、 棱镜和折射棱镜上的灰尘 调激光发射限流电阻——微调电位器 调聚焦透镜姿态
激光头是最怕灰尘的,很多光驱长期使用后,识盘率下降 就是因为尘土过多,所以平时不要把托架留在外面。 不用光驱时,尽量不要把光盘留在驱动器内,因为光驱要 保持“一定的随机访问速度”,盘片在其内会保持一定的 转速,这样就加快了电机老化。 在关机时,如果光盘留在离激光头很近的地方,那当电机 转起来后很容易划伤光头。 散热问题也是非常重要的,一定要注意电脑的通风条件及 环境温度的高低, 机箱的摆放一定要保证光驱保持在水平位置,否则光驱高 速运行时,光盘可能会对激光头产生致命的碰撞而损坏

Lecture 7 Market failure and market failure

Lecture 7 Market failure and market failure
2007-Fall ZhangYan-GDUF 19
《谢尔曼法》第一条规定:任何限制州际 谢尔曼法》第一条规定: 或对外贸易或商业的合同、 或对外贸易或商业的合同、以托拉斯或其 他形式进行的联合或共谋,均为非法。 他形式进行的联合或共谋,均为非法。任 何人签订上述契约或从事上述联合或共谋, 何人签订上述契约或从事上述联合或共谋, 是严重犯罪。第二条规定:任何人, 是严重犯罪。第二条规定:任何人,如果 垄断或意图垄断或与他人联合或共谋垄断 州际或对外贸易或商业,均视为犯有重罪。 州际或对外贸易或商业,均视为犯有重罪。 第一条是对限制贸易宣布为非法, 第一条是对限制贸易宣布为非法,第 二条是阻止垄断意图。 二条是阻止垄断意图。
2007-Fall ZhangYan-GDUF 4
市场支配力( Power) 市场支配力(Market Power)
不完全竞争市场会市场支配力(Market 不完全竞争市场会市场支配力( Power), Power),市场支配力指可以影响市场价格 ),市场支配力指可以影响市场价格 的能力。 的能力。 由于市场价格和产量偏离了供求平衡的市 场价格和产量, 场价格和产量,所以市场支配力会导致无 效的配置。 效的配置。
标准石油公司---1911 标准石油公司---1911 1911年 1911年5月15日,美国联邦最高法院裁定标准石油 15日 违法垄断,将其支解为大约37家新公司 家新公司。 违法垄断,将其支解为大约37家新公司。
2007-Fall ZhangYan-GDUF 21
在1898年至1902年间,共有1800个公司在 1898年至 年至1902年间 共有1800个公司在 年间, 并购中消失,市场集中程度没有因为《 并购中消失,市场集中程度没有因为《谢 尔曼法》的颁布和宣示收到影响, 尔曼法》的颁布和宣示收到影响,而是继 续扩大。 续扩大。 Why???? Why????



Outbound Logistics:
Activities required to get the finished product to customer Includes warehousing, order fulfilment,etc.

How the goods are sent along the supply chain now they are finished eg: To wholesalers, retailers or final consumer by post; lorry; air, etc.

Includes structures and routines that sustain an organisation’s culture Includes MIS; mechanisms for planning & control (eg: accounting dept)
Porter (1985):
Firm Infrastructure:
Systems of planning, finance, quality control, information management, legal affairs, etc., crucial to effectiveness of Primary Activities
“The value chain describes the activities within and around an organisation which together create a product or service” (JSW,2005,PG136)



The situation satisfies her ,after deciding when to reject Robbin. “She slept, therefore, very soundly that evening…and was more than ordinary happy.”
Becky Sharp
Snob ,immoral ,money-grabbing Determination, intelligence, hard work, talent She appreciates and enjoys the comfort and simplicity of the Sedley household,for”wanderer as she was by force and inclination, there were moments when rest was pleasant to her.”
“My object is not to make a perfect character or anything like it. Don’t you see how odious behind whom all there lies a dark moral I hope.”
Reveal the truth
2. The History of Pendennis 《彭 登尼斯》 登尼斯》 3. The Newcomes 《纽克姆一家》 纽克姆一家》
4. The History of Henry Esmond《亨利 •埃斯蒙德》 埃斯蒙德》 埃斯蒙德 5. The Virginians 弗吉尼亚人》 《弗吉尼亚人》 historical novels
Promote caring



Anaphoric Specific Reference 后照应特指
The word anaphoric means “pointing backward”. When what is referred to occurs in a previous context, the definite article the has to point backward for its meaning.
Cataphoric Specific Reference 前照应特指
The word cataphoric means “pointing forward”. When the referential meaning of the definite article the is determined by what follows the article and the head, the article has to point forward for its own interpretation.
the + adjectives or adjectival participles:
The sick have been cured, the lost have been found, and the dead have been revived. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. The true, the good and the beautiful would not exist without the false, the evil and the ugly. The oppressed and the exploited wanted to free themselves from the oppgular count noun :

Lecture 7

Lecture 7

sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to make fun of somebody
12. Hyperbole
What is a Hyperbole ?
“How unselfish you are!” said Ellen as Mary took the biggest piece of cake.
Two forms of Irony
Innuendo(影射): a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout way; Sarcasm(挖苦): a strong form of irony, attacking in a bitter manner, to ridicule and wound the feelings of the subject attacked.
Exercise of sarcasm
Congratulations! Susie told me you were pregnant. Oh yes, I forgot you were the English grammar expert.
You shouldn't use prepositions at the end of sentences.
What is an Irony?
Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant.
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IO- + ClTS = {IOClH-}
d[IO# ] [I # ][OCl# ] = k' = k''[I # ][HOCl] dt [OH # ]
OCl- + H2O
HOCl + OHHOI + ClH2O + IOIO- + ClSlow (rds)
I- + HOCl OH- + HOl IO- + OCl-
Rate decreases with [H+] !
H: Similar to A: Again Preq of the form (but now X- is low [ ] reactive species): All of these ideas can also HX = X- + H+ I: Similar to B: has [HX] and [X-] in separate rds
10. A sum of n terms in the denominator indicates a succession of n steps with the first n-1 reversible Non integral order REQUIRES intermediates
Rate law
You have collected and plotted the data and have the rate law: Now what?
rate = k[A]x [B]y + ......
Some “rules” for interpreting rate laws (i.e. converting the rate ! law to a mechanism) If it is of simple form (x = 1 or 2) you are essentially done:
Some rate law interpretation “rules” Chapter 6 of Espenson and selected papers
1a. The rate law usually gives the composition of the transition state. (Especially for preequilibrium cases; Exception: for chain mechanisms) Tl3+ + Hg22+
5. The first intermediate after the TS (of the rds) contains no atoms not present in the TS (but can contain less)
6. Alternative mechanisms that lead to the same formulation of the TS are not kinetically distinguishable
Cl2 + H2C2O4 Observed rate law " = Cl2 + H2O H2C2O4 !
2 CO2 + 2 Cl- + 2 H+
d[CO2 ] [Cl ][H C O ] = k' 2 + 2 2 2 4 dt [H ] [Cl# ]
TS = {ClC2O4-}
HOCl + Cl- + H+ H+ + HC2O4TS = {(H2O)ClC2O4-}
4. Inverse orders are due to rapid preequilibria (usually the reagent of
inverse order complexes the reactive species). The species in the denominator are produced before the rds.
k1[H + ] K + [H + ]
k 2K + k1[H + ] K + [H + ]
both forms reactive (separate rds; k1 for HX and k2 for X-), protonated more reactive. Collapses to A, B, C in various limits! A: K>> [H+], only HX reactive kobs = k1[H+]/K B: K>> [H+], both reactive kobs = k1[H+]/K + k2 C: K≈ [H+], only HX reactive kobs = k1[H+]/(K &[H + ][Cl" ] [Cl2 ]
" [H + ][HC2O4 ] [H 2C2O4 ]
d[CO2 ] " = k[HOCl][HC2O4 ] dt
[HOCl] = K1 [Cl2 ] [H + ][Cl" ]
K a1 = !
" [HC2O4 ] =
K a1[H 2C2O4 ] ! + [H ]
kobs = k a [H + ] + kb [H + ]2 kobs = k + k a [H + ] + kb [H + ]2
OMG Study something simpler!
H kobs = k1 /[H + ]
kobs = k1 + k 2 /[H + ]
Also: Read 6.5 and 6.6 of Espenson for different version of same information be extended to other types of rapid preequilibria: See section 6.7 for examples
9. Mechanisms that have all species at equilibrium prior to the rds cannot be catalyzed or inhibited. (TS is at equilibrium with the all the reactants: can’t catalyze such a reaction)
2. The number of positive terms in the rate law is the number of independent, parallel pathways to product. (microscopic reversibility). Negative terms represent the reverse reaction. 3 I - + H 2 O2 + 2 H + I3- + 2 H2O
" = k1[I # ][H 2O2 ] + k2 [I # ][H 2O2 ][H + ]
Reaction occurs by 2 separate pathways
TS1 is {H2O2I-} and TS2 is {H3O2I}
3. A reaction order greater than 3 means the mechanism has one or more rapid preequilibria (and intermediates) before the rds Elementary steps are either unimolecular or bimolecular
8. The sum of all the mechanistic steps must add up to the net reaction (If a reactant stoichiometry coefficient is larger than the order of that reactant, a fast reaction that uses that reactant occurs after the rds) I- + OCl"=
Cl2 + H2C2O4 Observed rate law " = Cl2 Cl+ + Cl-
2 CO2 + 2 Cl- + 2 H+
d[CO2 ] [Cl ][H C O ] = k' 2 + 2 2 2 4 dt [H ] [Cl# ]
TS = {ClC2O4-}
K1 = K a1K a 2 =
Tl+ + 2 Hg2+ TS is {TlHg3+}
2+ [Tl 3+ ][Hg2 ] [Hg 2+ ]
1b. Remember: If you didn’t vary the concentration of something that actually mattered (the solvent, oxygen, ! water in the solvent, etc.) AND IT DIDN’T CHANGE! then its concentration is included in the rate constant.