4.MIT教材《Introduction to Statistical Physics》评介研究



The state of a System at Equilibrium: -Defined by the collection of all macroscopic properties that are described by State variables (p, n, T, V, …)

− ������������= ������������
2th Law:
Define Entropy: - Puts restrictions on useful conversion of q to w - Follows from observation of a directionality to natural or spontaneous processes - Provides a set of principles for - determining the direction of spontaneous change - determining equilibrium state of system
3th Law:
It’s impossible to decrease the temperature of any system to T=0K in a finite number of steps.
These laws are Universally Valid, they cannot be circumvented.
-For a one-component System, all that is required is “n” and 2 variables. All other properties then follow.



INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE:1.IntroductionStephen AnsolabehereDepartment of Political ScienceMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyFall,20031.IntroductionStatistical tools are essential for social scientists.Basic concepts of statistics,especially randomness and averaging,provide the foundations for measuring concepts,designing stud-ies,estimating quantities of interest,and testing theories and conjectures.People are not always good statisticians.It is hard to maintain discipline in observing the world.W e often learn from what is convenient-a violation of random sampling.We often do not calculate averages well.To learn these concepts with the depth associated with a graduate education-where you will have the facility to use these concepts in your own research and possibly contribute to the development of statistical models that others may use-requires some mathematics.We will use,repeatedly,three sorts of functions-polynomials(especially quadratics),exponentials, and logarithms.We will also use summation,as that is necessary for the calculation of averages,and summation comes in two forms-discrete and continuous(or integration).We will use di®erencing and di®erentiation(the continuous version of di®erencing).Finally,we will use probability a special branch of mathematics designed to study uncertainty.This course is designed to be a self-contained introduction not only to the concepts but also to the tools of statistics for social sciences.At the beginning of this course I will review the basic mathematical tools used in statistics.As a result we will study calculus and probability theory.Much of the basic mathematics that social scientists use in statistical analyses and in formal modeling comes from the calculus,especially limits,derivatives,and integrals.Probability provides a theory of uncertainty,and is thus the essential tool of statistics.1.Two core ideas in statistics.A.AveragingStatistics involves studying the frequencies of events and behaviors.W e assume that every event has its own likelihood of occurence,such as the likelihoodof the birth of a boy or girl.The long-run average is a measure of that frequency.One important law of statistics is the Law of Large Numbers.If we observe the repetition of a certain trial or experiment or event,such as birth,the long-run frequency with which one outcome or another happens,such as a boy or a girl is born,is extremely close to the true frequency of that outcome.A second important law of statistics is the Central Limit Theorem,which states that the frequency of possible outcomes of a sum of variables follows a bell-shaped(or normal)curve.We will make both of these laws more precise later in the course.B.RandomnessProbability is the study of randomness and chance.The systematic study of probability emerged as an important mathematical subject of study in the18th Century.In the late 18th and19th Centuries the application of probability spread beyond games of chance to the study of physical and social behavior.And in the20th Century researchers realized that one could use randomness to increase the e±ciency with which we learn.That is perhaps the most surprising and counter intuitive aspect of statistics{randomness is useful.Two core applications of this idea are(1)random sample surveys and(2)randomized experiments.1.Random Sample Surveys:How can we learn about100million people with just1000?Random sample surveys are the most widely used tool for measuring quantities of interest in all of the social sciences.Nearly all government data are collected using random sample surveys-including measures of the economic and social conditions of the nation,ranging from crime to in°ation to income and poverty to public health.Random sample surveys are staples of political organizations and academics interested in understanding national opinion about important public policies and public o±cials.How do random sample surveys work?A relatively small group of people are chosen at random and interviewed.The average answer to a particular question in a random sample istaken to represent or measure the average answer to that question in the entire population from which the sample is taken.How many people are to be interviewed and what they are to be asked is a matter of choice for the social scientist.But,the power of the random sample survey is that random choice of individuals gives the researcher leverage-allowing for great economy in the study of populations.2.Randomized ExperimentsPeople have conducted controlled experiments for centuries,especially using physical ob-jects.Controls involving creating conditions in which all other factors are held constant. Even with the best controlled experiments,it is possible to leave some potentially important factor uncontrolled.Such uncontrolled factors might create spurious relations or mask im-portant e®ects.Perhaps the most profound contribution of probability theory to scienti¯c study of social and physical behavior is the notion that random assignment of individuals to di®erent experimental conditions(such as receiving a drug or receiving a placebo)can reduce or even eliminate the threat of spurious e®ects.2.Fundamentals of Research MethodsA.Measurement and Estimation1.Concepts and Variables{the constructs or behavior we wish to understand.A good example is\inequality."Exercise:De¯ne inequality.2.Measures{the mathematical representation of the concept.For example,the income distribution in a society might be used to measure inequality.Exercise:devise a measure of the total amount of income inequality in a country.3.Measurement Theory{what requirements do we impose on our measurement device.(i)accuracy(with enough observations we would arrive at the correct answer),(ii) precision(low noise),(iii)reliability(can replicate).B.Model Building1.E®ects and Behavioral RelationshipsSocial scientists freqently want to measure the e®ect of one factor on another.There are many such examples.What is the e®ect of police on crime?What is the e®ect of additional military force on the probability of winning a battle or war?How does class size a®ect educational performance?How do electoral rules,such as single member districts,translate votes into legislative seats?In each case,there is one factor whose levels or values we would like to vary,such as the number of police,in order to observe changes in a second factors,such as the crime rate. The¯rst factor we call an independent variable,and the second factor,a dependent variable.2.AccountingWe seek to make a complete accounting of behavior.In this respect we value models in which a set of variables has high explanatory power.W e also demand parsimony:simpler is better.Example.Housing sales prices can be predicted very well as a function of list prices.In a normal market sales prices are92percent of list prices,and the¯t is extremely good.3.Equilibrium ConceptsMany ideas and conjectures about how social relations produce outcomes:maximizing behavior,dynamic adjustment,e±cient markets,or natural selection.The forces that cre-ate social outcomes make it di±cult to give causal interpretations to observed e®ects or relationships.C.InferenceA fundamental methodological problem is knowing when you should go with one argu-ment or idea or a competing argument or idea.When we measure phenomena,we often thenuse the measurements to draw inferences about di®erent ideas.Are data consistent with an argument or idea?What conclusions can we draw about theories from data?In the end, then,statistics involves a bit of decision theory.Predictions of a theory or conjectures about the world are called hypotheses.When specifying hypotheses it is important to be clear about all of the possible values.In a court of criminal law,hypotheses are questions of guilt or innocence.In medicine,hypotheses are about the condition of the patient,such as whether a cancer is benign or malignant or whether a woman is pregnant or not.In the scienti¯c method generally,the question is whether an conjecture is true or not.Unfortuantely,we never observe the truth.We use data to make decisions about hy-potheses.The evidence brought to a trial are data.A series of test are data.An academic study generates data.The problem of inference is how to use data to make decisions about hypotheses.Ultimately,that will depend on the value we place on di®erent sorts of outcomes from our decisions.However,we can formulate the problem we face quite simply.We want to make the correct decision,and we can make a correct decision one of two ways.First,we may decide,using the data,that the hypothesis is true and the state of the world is such that it is true.Second,we may decide,using the data,that the hypothesis is not true and the state of the world is such that the hypothesis is not true.W e may also make errors two ways.W e may decide that the hypothesis is true when it is in fact false or we may decided that the hypothesis is false when it is infact true.One a central objective of researchers is to avoid either of the two sorts of errors.Sta-tistical design is fundamentally about how to minimize the chances of making a mistaken judgment.。

MIT 教授为博一新生讲授的Stata编程专题英文版---lecture5

MIT 教授为博一新生讲授的Stata编程专题英文版---lecture5

• Lots of “if” and “in” commands could slow things down
• Create “1% sample” to develop and test code (to prevent unanticipated crashes after code has been running for hours)
Precision issues in Mata
Large data sets in Stata
• Computer architecture overview
– CPU: executes instructions – RAM (also called the “memory”): stores frequentlyaccessed data – DISK (“hard drive”): stores not-as-frequently used data
Precision issues in Mata
Precision issues in Mata
Mata r = c = 0 A = (1e10, 2e10 \ 2e-10, 3e-10) A rank(A) luinv(A, 1e-15) _equilrc(A, r, c) A r c rank(A) luinv(A) c’:*luinv(A):*r’ end
• This lecture is part wrap-up lecture, part “tips and tricks” • Focus is on dealing with large data sets and on numerical precision • Numerical precision



国外通信类经典书籍1、《Linear Systems and Signals》——thi这本书个人觉得很不错,是一本线性系统和信号的入门好书。














2、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume I: Estimation Theory》——Steven M. Kay3、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume II: Detection Theory》——Steven M. Kay这两本书是Kay的成名作。

我只读过第一卷,因为图书馆只有第一卷:p这两本书比Van Trees的书成书要晚,所以内容比较新。



introduction to mathematical statistics

introduction to mathematical statistics
which is 1 − (5/6)18 − 18(1/6)(5/6)17 − 153(1/6)2(5/6)16 = 0.60.
Chapter 3
The number of missile hits on the plane is binomial with n = 6 and p = 0.2. The probability that the plane will crash is the probability that k ≥ 2. This event is the complement of the event that k = 0 or 1, so the probability is
Probabilities for the second system are binomial with n = 100 and p = 0.02. The probability that k ≥ 1 is 1 − (0.98)100 = 1 − 0.133 = 0.867
System 2 is superior from a bulb replacement perspective.
∑ service =
3 =0
⎜ ⎝
⎞⎟(0.05)k ⎠
= 0.599 + 0.315 + 0.075 + 0.010 = 0.999
Probabilities for the first system are binomial with n = 50 and p = 0.05. The probability that k ≥ 1 is 1 − (0.95)50 = 1 − 0.077 = 0.923.


x→ 0
− sin x − cos x = lim . x→0 2x 2
All together, the calculation looks like: lim cos x − 1 x2 = = = = − sin x 2x − cos x lim x→0 2 − cos 0 2 1 − . 2
Repeating L’Hˆ opital’s Rule
This example illustrates the superiority of Version 1 of l’Hˆ opital’s rule; it works even if g � (a) = 0. In this case, f (x) = cos x − 1, g (x) = x2 , and a = 0. We’re trying to find: cos x − 1 . x→ 0 x2 lim We can easily verify that f (a) = g (a) = 0. We apply l’Hˆ opital’s rule: lim cos x − 1 − sin x = lim . x→0 x2 2x
Introduction to L’Hˆ opital’s Rule
In this final unit we tie up some loose ends related to calculus and limits. Our first topic is L’Hˆ opital’s rule, which is useful for understanding multiplication and division by infinity. L’Hˆ opital’s rule is also known as L’Hospital’s rule; the circumflex accent indicates that the letter S has been omitted, so the two spellings are equivalent. The two spellings are pronounced identically, with a long O and silent S. L’Hˆ opital’s rule is used to calculate limits of expressions like: x ln x xe−x ln x x as x → 0+ , as x → ∞, as x → ∞.

T.W. ANDERSON (1971). The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Series in Probability and Ma

T.W. ANDERSON (1971). The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Series in Probability and Ma

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理论物理电子书理论物理-电子书0000理论物理基础彭桓武Simons B. Concepts in theoretical physics (Cambridge lecture notes, 2002)(T)(273s)Principles of Modern Physics-N E I L A S H B Y-S T A N L E Y C . M I L L E R-University of ColoradoFUNDAMENTALS OF physics-J. Richard Christman0-mathematical physics李代数李超代数及在物理学中的应用孙洪洲群论.及其在粒子物理学中的应用,.高崇寿.1992群论及其在固体物理中的应用【徐婉棠,喀兴林】群论及其在物理中的应用(马中骐)群论习题精解+(马中骐)群论与量子力学物理系群论讲义物理学中的群论(上册).陶瑞宝物理学中的群论基础 A W 约什Geometry_Topology_and Physics-NakaharaGeometry+and+Physics+(Jürgen Jost)Lee J.M. Differential and physical geometry (draft)(721s)数学物理中的微分几何与拓扑学_汪容.浙大版.1998Differential Geometry, Analysis and Physics 。

Jeffrey M. Lee微分几何学及其在物理学中的应用物理学家用微分几何-侯伯宇-侯伯元物理中的张量孙志铭Arnold vol1,2A Guided Tour Of Mathematical Physics (By Roel Snieder, Department Of Geophysics, Utrecht UniversAbramovitz M., Stegun I.A. (eds.) Handbook of mathematical functions (10ed., NBS, 1972)(T)(1037s)Academic Press, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics -- Vol. 1, Functional AnCourant, Hilbert - Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol. 1 ENG (578p)Introduction+to+Applied+Mathematics-GilbertStrangIntroduction+to+Mathematical+Physics+(Laurie+Cosse y)Math_method_for_Phy_Ken Riley, Michael Hobson and Stephen Bence Cambridge, 1997Szekeres, Peter - A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics - Groups, Hilbert Spaces and Differenti数学物理方法梁昆淼数学物理方法(R.+柯朗、D.+希尔伯特)数学物理方法吴崇试数学物理学中的微分形式数学物理中的几何方法(B·F·舒茨)特殊函数概论王竹溪物理学中的非线性方程刘式适物理学中的数学方法(李政道)1-Classical Mechanics and Fluid MechanicsClassical Mechanics - Goldstein古典力学(戈德斯坦)Hand, Finch Analytical Mechanics (Cup, 1998)(T)(590S)Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics-Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom with Meinhard E. Mayer -MIT Press经典力学张启仁2-Statistical And Thermal Physics理论物理学基础教程丛书统计物理学(苏汝铿)量子统计力学 by 张先蔚量子统计物理学(北京大学物理系)统计物理现代教程(上、下册)(雷克)统计物理中的蒙特卡罗模拟方法(含有热力学,难度适中)Reif. Fundamentals of Statistical And Thermal PhysicsBratteli O , Robinson D W Vol 1 Operator Algebras And Quantum Statistical Mechanics (2Ed , SpringHuang K. Statistical mechanics (2ed., Wiley, 1987)(T)(506s)Reichl L.E. A modern course in statistical physics (2ed, Wiley, 1998)(T)(840s)3-Electrodynamics赵凯华-电磁学上宇宙电动力学_阿尔芬引力论和宇宙论:广义相对论的原理和应用-温伯格相对论物理宇宙学讲义俞允强天体物理学【李宗伟、肖兴华】+时空的大尺度结构(原版)- 霍金简明天文学手册-刘步林广义相对论引论广义相对论dirac广义相对论(刘辽)大众天文学【法】弗拉马利翁Jackson J.D. Classical electrodynamics (3ed., Wiley,1999)(ISBN 047130932X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(833s).d(研究生程度的必读教材)JACKSON经典电动力学(上册)(经典之作)J.A.Wheeler E.F.Taylor Spacetime_PhysicsHerbert Neff - Introductory ElectromagneticsElectromagnetics (Rothwell & Cloud, 2001 CRC Press)Electricity+and+Magnetism-MITcourseCohen-Tannoudji Introduction to quantum electrodynamicsBuch_John Wiley. Sons_An Introduction to Modern Cosmology4-Optics(光学经典,全面、很厚,很难)光学原理上册、下册(m.玻恩 e.沃耳夫)Bass M , Et Al (Eds) Osa Handbook Of Optics, Vol 1 (Mgh, 1995)(1606s)Goodman - Geometrical Optics--p1628 - cambridgeWiley,.Modern.Nonlinear.Optics.Part.I.Advances.in. Chemical.Physics.Volume.119.(2001),.2Ed5-Quantum MechanicsClassical and Quantum ChaosCohen-Tannoudji Quantum Mechanics, Vol 1Galindo A., Pascual P. Quantum mechanics I (Springer,1990)(ISBN 0387514066)(T) (431s)量子系统中的几何相位-A.Bohm等Jack_Simons_-_Quantum MechanicsJohn_Norbury_-_Quantum_Mechanics_for_Undergraduate sMathematics+of+Quantum+Computation-Goong.ChenModern Quantum Mechanics And Solutions For The Exercices (J J Sakurai)Nuclear And Particle Physics-NielsWaletPhillips.-.Introduction.to.quantum.mechanics.(2003 )(T)(284s)Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications-Tarun.BiswasShankar-Principles Of Quantum Mechanics 2nd EditionThe Basic Tools Of Quantum MechanicsThe+Physics+of+Phase+Transitions-P. Papon J. Leblond P.H.E. MeijerLecture Notes in Physics-Time+in+Quantum++Mechanics+1J.G. Muga.R. Sala Mayato?I.L. Egusquiza (Eds.)Zaarur E. Schaum's Outline of Quantum Mechanics.. Including Hundreds of Solved Problems (Schaum,1喀兴林-高等量子力学席夫量子力学-繁体中文版量子力学(Messiah)Vol1量子力学(卷I).曾谨言量子力学“天龙八部”-张永德量子力学+(苏汝铿)量子力学Fermi量子力学讲义(张永德)量子力学原理(狄拉克)量子论的物理原理量子论与原子结构-吴大遒量子物理学导论(MIT)物理学引论Vol4-A.P.French By Tsungp Lee量子物理-赵凯华高等量子力学-张永德6-Field theory量子场论-温伯格1,2,3An Introduction to Quantum FieldTheory(Peskin,Schroeder)(full and revised)Banks,Modern+Quantum+Field+Theory--A+Concise+Intro ductionField.theory,.Roman.S..(2ed.,.Springer,.2005)Giachetta,Advanced+Classical+Field+Theory经典场论Kleinert H. Quantum field theory and particle physicsItep-PARTICLE-PHYSICS-and-field-theory场论I-M.A.ShifmanQuantum Field Theory R ClarksonQuantum+Field+Theory+(M.Srednicki) Quantum+Field+Theory-David McMahon Sundaresan. Handbook of particle physics (CRC, 2001)(T)(439 Tong-Quantum Field Theory Zinn-Justin. Quantum field theory and critical phenomena (1ed., 1989)(K)(150dpi)(T)(924s) 北大2005量子场论讲义(赵光达)量子场论-清华王青讲义规范场论(胡瑶光)粒子和场【卢里着,董明德等译】量子场论(上)【依捷克森,祖柏尔着,杜东生等译】量子场论A.Zee量子场论F.Mandl-G.Shaw量子场论LEWIS-H.RYDER实时统计场论-徐宏华统计物理学中的量子场论方法-Abrikosov微分几何-统一场论超弦理论导论Elias-Kiritsis张秋光《场论》上册朱洪元+量子场论On Wittens 3-manifold Invariants-Kevin WalkerLectures on Topological Quantum Field Theory-J. M. F. Labastidaa-Carlos LozanobGEOMETRY OF 2D TOPOLOGICAL FIELD THEORIES-Boris DUBROVIN-SISSA, TriesteDunne(1999)-Aspects of Chern-Simons Theorylabastida(1998)-Chern-Simons Gauge Theory-- Ten Years After7-Solid state physics(非常好的书)固体物理学(黄昆)固体物理导论C.KittelMechanics Of Solids-Bela I. Sandor-University of Wisconsin-MadisonKleinert H. Gauge fields in condensed matter physics part1(T)(252s)Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David N - Solid State PhysicsAltland & Simons - Concepts Of Theoretical Solid State Physics。



3 倍这一过程。E21 的第二行使矩阵 A 的行向量进行前述的线性组合,而其它两行
为了保持与原矩阵相同,采用同阶单位阵 I 的行向量。左乘的这个矩阵为“初等矩
阵”(Elementary Matrix),因此记做 E。我以为是消元矩阵,所以记做 E 呢。因
为所乘行向量的倍数-3 出现在 E 矩阵的第二行第一列,因此将之标注为 21。完成
回代 Back-Substitution
做方程的高斯消元时,需要对等式右侧的 b 做同样的乘法和加减法。手工计算 时比较有效率的方法是应用“增广矩阵”(augmented matrix),将 b 插入矩阵 A
之后形成最后一列,在消元过程中带着 b 一起操作。(Matlab 是算完系数矩阵再处
理 b 的。)
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
第 03 讲 矩阵的乘法和逆矩阵 Multiplication & inverse matrices
矩阵乘法 Matrix multiplication
我们通过四种方法讨论如何使矩阵 A 与 B 相乘得到矩阵 C。其中 A 为 mn(m
行 n 列)矩阵,而 B 为 np 矩阵,则 C 为 mp 矩阵,记 cij 为矩阵 C 中第 i 行第 j
1 2 3 6
方程组列图像为 x 2
5 z 2 4
6 3 1 2
如果改变等号右侧的 b 的数值,那么对于行图像而言三个平面都改变了,而对
那么问题来了,是否对于所有的 b,方程 Ax=b 都有解? 从列图像上看,问题转化为“列向量的线性组合是否覆盖整个三维空间?” 反例:若三个向量在同一平面内——比如“列 3”恰好等于“列 1”加“列 2”, 而若 b 不在该平面内,则三个列向量无论怎么组合也得不到平面外的向量 b。此时 矩阵 A 为奇异阵或称不可逆矩阵。在矩阵 A 不可逆条件下,不是所有的 b 都能令 方程 Ax=b 有解。 对 n 维情形则是,n 个列向量如果相互独立——“线性无关”,则方程组有解。 否则这 n 个列向量起不到 n 个的作用,其线性组合无法充满 n 维空间,方程组未必 有解。 从行图像的角度来看,三元方程组是否有解意味着什么?当方程所代表的三个 平面相交于一点时方程有唯一解;三个平面中至少两个平行则方程无解;平面的两 两交线互相平行方程也无解;三个平面交于一条直线则方程有无穷多解。 都是示意图,来看看 GS 和 Lay 的作图差异有多大吧……



好,现在终于到了与Econ,Finance 关系最紧密的概率统计部分。


1概率:Basic Probability Theory这个很重要,虽然不是基于Measure-Theory的,但是是你明白概率是什么东西的基础。

国内数学系本科一学期的概率论的内容基本跟这边Undergraduate的Honors Course for Probability差不多,但问题是很多学校的老师不怎么认真在讲的时候。




这门课的主要教材是名家Durrett的《The essentials of Probability 》,我想很多人都知道他的另外一本Graduate Probability教材《Probability:Theory and Examples》,现在美国这边的学校几乎都用这本书作为Math PHD Probability课的教材。

顺便说一句,Durrett是超级牛人钟开莱(中国人,虽然是美国公民)的学生,好像我记得他在一本书里管钟开莱叫做Academic Godfather,真是牛到无极限啊。



Statistical methods play a critical role in most types of psychological research. For example, suppose you wanted to known whether a glass of warm milk at bedtime will help insomniacs(” š ‡ ö) get to sleep faster. In this case, you don’t expect the warm milk to knock out(¦\Z) any of the subjects, or even to help every one of them.
‘§¶¡: %nÚOÆ Ç‘ “: dÍ, ù“
þ‘žm: (Ïo3-5! þ‘/:: C403 áµ Barry H.Cohen Explaining Psychological Statistics, 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008.
Lecture 1: Introduction to psychological statistics
Lecture 1: Introduction to psychological statistics
%nÚOÆ(Statistics Methods for Psychology)
What is(are) statistics?
What is statistics? or What are statistics? Statistics are observations organized into numerical form. (Ú Oêâ) Statistics refers to a branch of mathematics that is concerned with methods for understanding and summarizing collections of numbers. (ÚOÆ) There is a third meaning for the term statistics, which distinguishes a statistic from a parameter. (ÚOþ)






1. 线性代数(Linear Algebra):我想国内的大学生都会学过这门课程,但是,未必每一位老师都能贯彻它的精要。

这门学科对于Learning 是必备的基础,对它的透彻掌握是必不可少的。

我在科大一年级的时候就学习了这门课,后来到了香港后,又重新把线性代数读了一遍,所读的是Introduction to Linear Algebra (3rd Ed.) by Gilbert Strang.这本书是MIT的线性代数课使用的教材,也是被很多其它大学选用的经典教材。


我个人觉得,学习线性代数,最重要的不是去熟练矩阵运算和解方程的方法——这些在实际工作中MATLAB可以代劳,关键的是要深入理解几个基础而又重要的概念:子空间(Subspace),正交(Orthogonality),特征值和特征向量(Eigenvalues and eigenvectors),和线性变换(Linear transform)。




Strang 的这本书在这方面是做得很好的。


书的作者长期在MIT讲授线性代数课(18.06),课程的video在MIT 的Open courseware网站上有提供。



























报名GRE sub物理考试,大约在每年11月,要提前很久报名。



MIT 教授为博一新生讲授的Stata编程专题英文版---lecture3

MIT 教授为博一新生讲授的Stata编程专题英文版---lecture3

– Stata knows how to choose a good “h” and in general it gets it right
• Stata updates its parameter guess using the numerical derivatives as follows (i.e. it takes a “Newton” step):
From “lf” to “d0”, “d1”, and “d2”
• In some (rare) cases you will want to code the gradient (and possibly) the Hessian by hand. If there are simple analytic formulas for these and/or you need more speed and/or the numerical derivatives are not working out very well, this can be a good thing to do.
clear set obs 1000 set seed 12345 gen x = invnormal(uniform()) gen y = (0.5 + 0.5*x > invnormal(uniform())) ml model lf myprobit_lf (y = x) ml maximize probit y x
What’s going on in the background?
• We just wrote a 3 (or 5) line program. What does Stata do with it? • When we call “ml maximize” it does the following steps:



作者: HOWE
68 教材名称: Introduction to Random Signals & Applied Kalman Filtering 3/E (With Matlab Exercise & Solutions )



1、Speech and Language Processinga) 作者: Daniel Jurafsky / James H. Martinb) 副标题: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognitionc) ISBN: 9780130950697d) 定价: USD 97.00e) 出版社: Prentice Hallf) 装帧: Paperbackg) 第一版出版年: 2000-01-26;第二版出版年:2006h) 相关网站:/~martin/slp.htmli) 英文简介:This book takes an empirical approach to language processing, based on applying statistical and other machine-learning algorithms to large corpora.Methodology boxes are included in each chapter. Each chapter is built around one or more worked examples to demonstrate the main idea of the chapter. Covers the fundamental algorithms of various fields, whether originally proposed for spoken or written language to demonstrate how the same algorithm can be used for speech recognition and word-sense disambiguation. Emphasis on web and other practical applications. Emphasis on scientific evaluation. Useful as a reference for professionals in any of the areas of speech and language processing.j) 中文译名:自然语言处理综论k) 译者: 冯志伟/ 孙乐m) 页数: 588 页n) 出版社: 电子工业出版社o) 定价: 78.0p) 装帧: 平装q) 出版年: 2005r) 中文简介:本书是一本全面系统地讲述计算机自然语言处理的优秀教材。







我的导师最初希望我去做的题目,是对appearance 和motion建立一个unified的model。

这个题目在当今Computer Vision中百花齐放的世界中并没有任何特别的地方。

事实上,使用各种Graphical Model把各种东西联合在一起framework,在近年的论文中并不少见。

我不否认现在广泛流行的Graphical Model是对复杂现象建模的有力工具,但是,我认为它不是panacea(万应灵药),并不能取代对于所研究的问题的深入的钻研。


事实上,开始的时候,我也是和Vision中很多人一样,想着去做一个Graphical Model——我的导师指出,这样的做法只是重复一些标准的流程,并没有很大的价值。






mit phdeconomics 专业phd英文书单

mit phdeconomics 专业phd英文书单

mit phdeconomics 专业phd英文书单Here is an English essay with over 1000 words on the topic "MIT PhD in Economics Reading List":The MIT PhD in Economics program is one of the most prestigious and rigorous doctoral programs in the field of economics. As part of their studies, students are expected to engage with a vast and diverse body of literature spanning economic theory, empirical methods, and applied research. To provide a solid foundation for their academic training, the program curates a comprehensive reading list that covers the core areas of the discipline. This reading list serves as a guiding framework for incoming PhD students, ensuring they develop a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and ongoing debates within the field of economics.The reading list for the MIT PhD in Economics program is divided into several core areas, each of which reflects the program's emphasis on a well-rounded education. The first section focuses on microeconomic theory, which forms the bedrock of economic analysis. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with seminal works such as "Microeconomic Theory" by Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael Whinston, and Jerry Green, which provides acomprehensive and rigorous treatment of consumer theory, producer theory, and general equilibrium analysis. Additionally, students are encouraged to delve into more specialized areas of microeconomic theory, such as game theory, contract theory, and information economics, through the works of scholars like John Nash, Oliver Hart, and Joseph Stiglitz.The second major component of the reading list is macroeconomic theory, which examines the behavior of the economy as a whole. Students are expected to engage with classic texts like "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960" by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, which provides a comprehensive historical analysis of the role of monetary policy in economic fluctuations. Furthermore, students explore more contemporary macroeconomic theories, such as those developed by Robert Lucas, Edward Prescott, and Finn Kydland, which have significantly influenced our understanding of business cycles, economic growth, and the effects of policy interventions.In addition to the foundational theories of micro- and macroeconomics, the MIT PhD in Economics reading list also emphasizes the importance of empirical methods and applied research. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with seminal works in econometrics, such as "Econometric Analysis" by William Greene, which provides a thorough overview of statisticaltechniques for the analysis of economic data. Furthermore, students are encouraged to engage with cutting-edge empirical studies in various subfields of economics, such as labor economics, public finance, and development economics, to gain a deep understanding of the practical application of economic principles.One of the unique aspects of the MIT PhD in Economics reading list is its emphasis on the historical and institutional context of economic thought. Students are expected to delve into works that explore the evolution of economic ideas and the social, political, and cultural factors that have shaped the discipline over time. This includes readings from prominent economic historians like Robert Fogel, Douglass North, and Daron Acemoglu, who have shed light on the complex interplay between economic forces and broader societal changes.Moreover, the reading list recognizes the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of economics, with students expected to engage with relevant literature from fields such as psychology, sociology, and political science. This exposure to diverse perspectives is intended to broaden students' understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of human behavior and decision-making, which are at the heart of economic analysis.As students progress through the MIT PhD in Economics program,they are expected to develop a deep and nuanced understanding of the core areas of the discipline, as well as the ability to critically engage with the latest research and debates in the field. The reading list serves as a gateway to this intellectual journey, providing a solid foundation upon which students can build their own research agendas and contribute to the ongoing advancement of economic knowledge.It is important to note that the reading list is not a static document, but rather a living, evolving resource that is regularly updated to reflect the changing landscape of economic research and the emerging areas of inquiry within the discipline. This ensures that the MIT PhD in Economics program remains at the forefront of the field, equipping students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to tackle the complex economic challenges of the 21st century.In conclusion, the MIT PhD in Economics reading list is a comprehensive and rigorous collection of works that form the core of the program's academic curriculum. By engaging with this extensive body of literature, students develop a deep understanding of economic theory, empirical methods, and applied research, positioning them to make significant contributions to the field and advance the frontiers of economic knowledge. The reading list serves as a testament to the program's commitment to excellence ineconomic education and research, and its enduring influence on the global landscape of the discipline.。

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MIT教材《Introduction to Statistical Physics》评介研究张立彬(南开大学外国教材中心)杨硕(南开大学物理科学学院)1 出版情况和作者简介《Introduction to Statistical Physics》(《统计物理简介》)是美国麻省理工学院物理系课程编号为8.08的课程“Statistical PhysicsⅡ”使用的教材。

本书于2001年由Taylor & Francis出版社第一次出版,全书共288页,作者是麻省理工学院的Kerson Huang。

Kerson Huang在MIT于1953年获得物理学博士学位,随后他在普林斯顿大学做博士后工作,1957年回到MIT任教直到1999年退休。


2 创作背景和主要内容这本书是作者在麻省理工学院给高年级的大学本科生上的一学期制的统计物理的讲义,基于作者在MIT的教学经验,它着重介绍经典和量子物理中的热力学。












3 本书的特点本书注重的是物理的理解。






4 本书的学术价值统计物理是有关大量物质的行为特性的一门学科,它研究的范围可以从沸腾的水到金属中的超导体。



《Introduction to Statistical Physics》这本书能够快速有效的引导读者了解物理世界的统计观点,它的目的是引导读者用钻研的眼光学习物理世界里的统计观点,它帮助读者用统计的方法推导出热力学中物质的现象。


5 本书对我国编写统计物理教材的启示首先,从语言上,本书以一种教授的口吻在叙述所学的内容,仿佛一位作者亲自传授课程,带着读者思考、学习,给读者身临其境的感觉。




章节目录前言xiii1. 宏观观点1 1.1 热力学11.2 热力学变量2 1.3 热力学极限3 1.4 热力学变换41.5 经典理想气体7 1.6 热力学第一定理8 1.7 磁学系统9习题102. 热与熵132.1 热方程132.2 理想气体的应用142.3 卡诺循环162.4 热力学第二定理182.5 绝对温度192.6 温度作为积分因子212.7 熵232.8 理想气体的熵242.9 热力学极限25习题263. 应用热力学303.1 能量方程303.2 可测量系数313.3 熵和损失323.4 温熵图353.5 平衡条件363.6 自由能363.7 吉布斯函数383.8 麦克斯韦关系383.9 化学势39习题404. 相变454.1 一级相变454.2 相平衡条件474.3 克拉贝隆方程484.4 范德瓦尔斯状态方程49 4.5 维里展开514.6 临界点524.7 麦克斯韦解释534.8 温标54习题565. 统计方法605.1 原子观点605.2 相空间625.3 分布函数645.4 各态历经假说655.5 统计系综655.6 正则系综665.7 最概然分布685.8 拉格朗日乘子69习题716. 麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布74 6.1 参数的确定746.2 理想气体压强756.3 能量均分76 6.4 速度分布776.5 熵796.6 热力学的推导806.7 统计波动816.8 玻尔兹曼因子836.9 时间箭头83习题857. 输运现象897.1 无碰撞和流体力学状态89 7.2 麦克斯韦妖917.3 无粘性流体力学917.4 声波937.5 扩散947.6 热传导967.7 粘度977.8 斯托克斯方程98习题998. 量子统计1028.1 热波长1028.2 全同粒子1048.3 状态数1058.4 自旋1078.5 微正则系综1088.6 费米统计1098.7 玻色统计1108.8 参数的确定1118.9 压力1128.10 熵1138.11 自由能1148.12 状态方程1148.13 经典极限115习题1179. 费米气体1199.1 费米能量1199.2 基态1209.3 费米温度1219.4 低温性质1229.5 质点和孔洞1249.6 固体里的电子1259.7 半导体127习题12910. 玻色气体13210.1 光子13210.2 玻色增强13410.3 声子13610.4 德拜比热13710.5 电子比热13910.6 粒子数守恒140习题14111. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚14411.1 宏观状态14411.2 凝聚14611.3 状态方程14811.4 比热14911.5 相的形成15011.6 液氮152习题15412. 正则系综15712.1 微正则系综15712.2 经典正则系综15712.3 分布函数16012.4 与热力学的联系16012.5 能量涨落16112.6 自由能的最小化16212.7 经典理想气体16412.8 量子系综16512.9 量子分布函数16712.10 表示法的选择168习题16813. 巨正则系综17313.1 粒子储存17313.2 巨分布函数17313.3 波动系数17413.4 与热力学的联系17513.5 临界涨落17713.6 巨正则系综里的量子气体178 13.7 占有数涨落18013.8 光子涨落18113.9 电子对的生成182习题18414. 有序参数18814.1 平衡破缺18814.2 伊辛旋转模型18914.3 Ginsburg-Landau理论193 14.4 平均场理论19614.5 临界范例19714.6 涨落-耗散理论19914.7 相关长度200 14.8 普适性201习题20215. 超流体20515.1 压缩波方程20515.2 平均场理论20615.3 Gross-Pitaevsky方程208 15.4 量子相的连续性21015.5 超流体淹没21115.6 超导体21315.7 Meissner效应21415.8 量子磁通量21415.9 Josephson连接21615.10 SQUID 220习题22216. 噪声22616.1 热涨落22616.2 Nyquist噪音22716.3 布朗运动22916.4 爱因斯坦理论23116.5 扩散23316.6 爱因斯坦关系23416.7 分子现实23616.8 涨落和耗散237习题23817. 随机过程24017.1 随机和概率24017.2 二项式分布24117.3 泊松分布24317.4 高斯分布24417.5 中心极限理论24517.6 散射噪声247习题24918. 时间系分析25218.1 爱因斯坦路径25218.2 功率谱图和合作关系方程254 18.3 信号和噪声25618.4 跃迁概率25818.5 Markov过程26018.6 Fokker-Planck方程26118.7 Langevin方程26218.8 布朗运动回顾26418.9 蒙特卡洛方法26618.10 伊辛模型的近似268习题270附录:数学引用274 注解281参考文献282索引284【作者简介】张立彬(1964—),男,河北石家庄人,教育部南开大学外国教材中心副教授,现主要从事信息文化、信息技术与物理学外国教材研究;杨硕(1990-),男,河北秦皇岛人,南开大学物理科学学院。















