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1.动词形式: 现在完成时由助动词have (has) + 动词过去分词构成,即have/has done。


1)表示过去某时所发生的动作或事情对现在的影响。动作已经完成,但从结果看,又着眼于现在。而常和以下表示不确定时间的状语连用:yet(用于否定句), already(用于肯定句), before, recently, lately, ever, never, just, 等等。现在完成时不能和表示具体的过去时间的状语(如yesterday, last year, in 1999等)连用,与具体的时间连用,用一般过去时。

e.g. Phillip has lost all his money. (菲利浦失去了他所的钱。)

1. I_______from my parents recently. (hear from) (最近我没有收到父母的来信。)

2.Joan _______ reading my essay yet. (finish) (琼还没读完我的论文。)

3.______ you _______your supper yet? (have) (你吃过晚饭了吗?

4. I _______________such a moving film. (我从来没看过这么有趣的电影。)

2)表是重复的动作,通常与once, twice, many times,等等连用.

e.g. Some villagers say that they have seen UFOs many times.

3)表示动作或状态开始于过去某一时间,持续到现在,并且有延续下去的趋势。常和表示一段时间的状语连用:since, for, for a long time, up till now, up to now, so far, for the past (last) few years, these days (months, years)等。

e.g. Bogart has worked here for about five years. (布加特已在这儿工作五年了。)

5. Up till now, Grace ___________ no news from her parents. (迄今为止,格雷丝尚未收到父母的消息。(receive)

6. Nancy___________ for four years. (away)(兰西已经离开四年了。)


(1) It is the first time(day …)… that+(现在完成时)

(2) It is the best … that…(现在完成时)

7.It is the first time I_________ here. (be) (我是第一次来这儿。)

8. It is the best film I______________. (see) (这是我看过的最好的一部电影。)

9. It was the best film that I _________________. (see)

注:1)表示“到哪里去过”要用have (has) been to,表示“去什么地方了,尚未回来”用have(has) gone to。

I have been to Paris several times. (我去过巴黎好几次。) (人已回来了)

Mary has gone to New York. (玛丽到纽约去了。) (玛丽人在去纽约的路上或在纽约)

2)瞬间动词用于完成时态时不能跟表示一段时间的状语。例如,我们要表达“他的祖父去世好几年了。”不能说:His grandfather has died for several years.(×)而应该说:His grandfather has bee dead for several years. (√) 或者:His grandfather died several years ago. (√) 或者:It is/ has been several years since his grandfather died. (√)

再如,我们不能用He has joined the army for three years.来表达“他参军三年了。”而应说:

He has been in the army for three years.或者:He has been a soldier for three years.或者:He joined the army three years ago.也可以说It is/ has been three years since he joined the army.



现在完成进行时由have (has) + been + 现在分词构成,即have/has been doing。



Grace has been waiting for me for half an hour. (格雷丝已经等我半小时了。) (动作尚在继续) 10.The satellite __________________ back signals as well as photographs ever since. (自那时起卫星一直不断地向地球发回信号和照片。) (动作尚在继续)

11.Aaron ________________English ever since graduation. (teach) (毕业以后,艾伦一直在教英语。) (还在教)


12. I _____________ good-bye to my colleagues these days. (say) (这些天我一直在向我的同事们告别。)

13. My parents ________________me to work hard since I went to school. (tell) (自从我上学之后,我的父母亲不停地告诫我要好好学习。)


I have had this camera for five years.



I have thought it over. (我已经仔细考虑过这件事了。)

I have been thinking it over. (我一直在反复考虑这件事。)


I have been waiting for you for two hours. (我已经等你两小时了。) (有责备的口气)

I have waited for you two hours. (我已经等你两个小时了。) (说明一个客观事实)


1.动词形式: 过去完成时由had + 过去分词构成,即had done



e.g. I had worked as a worker for five years before I became a teacher. (在我成为教师之前,我已经当了五年的工人。)

14. By the end of last year, I ________________ 5,000 English words. (learn) (到去年年底,我已学会了5,000个英文单词。)

2)动词的过去完成时可以用于表示一个本来打算做而没有做的事,常用的动词有:intend, hope, want, mean, suppose, expect, think等。(也是包含过去的过去的含义)

e.g. I had intended to meet you at the airport, but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave. (我本来要到机场去接你的,可在我出门时有人来看我。)

3)在有hardly…when, no sooner…than等副词的句中,也使用过去完成时,表示“刚刚…就”,“一…就”。

Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain. (我刚刚到家,天就开始下起雨来了。)

No sooner had they left the building than a bomb exploded. (他们刚刚离开那栋建筑,一颗炸弹就爆炸了。)

4)过去完成时还用于下面句型中It was the first time that…(过去完成时)。

e.g. It was the first Hollywood film I had ever seen in America. (那是我在美国观看的第一部好莱坞电影。)

15. It was the first time that I ____________ such a beautiful place. (see) (那是我第一次见到这么美的地方。)

