





文献出处:Oliveira P G M D. Corporate Performance Management[J]. Ssrn Electronic Journal, 2009, 7(3):págs. 23-31.


Corporate Performance Management

Pedro Oliveira


Two of the most important duties of a chief executive officer are (1) to formulate strategy and (2) to manage his company’s performance. In this article we examine the second of these tasks and discuss how corporate performance should be modeled and managed. We begin by considering the environment in which a company operates, which includes, besides outside stakeholders, the industry it belongs and the market it supplies, and then proceed to explain how the functioning of a company can be understood by an examination of its business, operational and performance management models. Next we describe the structure recommended by the authors for a corporate planning, control and evaluation system, the most important part of a corporate performance management system. The core component of the planning system is the corporate performance evaluation model, the structure of which is mapped into the planning system’s database, simulation models




出处:Kipchumba T B, Yano K L. Perceived Usefulness of the 360-Degrees Appraisal Tool and Its Usage in Performance in Nakuru, Kenya[J]. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics & Management Sciences, 2014, 5.


Perceived Usefulness of the 360-Degrees Appraisal Tool and Its Usage in Performance in Nakuru, Kenya

Kipchumba, Tarus Benjamin; Yano, Kuto Luka


The study examined the perceived usefulness of the 360 degrees appraisal tool and the extent of its usage in performance in Municipal Council of Nakuru, Kenya. A survey research design was applied because it was an intensive descriptive and holistic analysis of Municipal Council of Nakuru as a single entity. The study targeted employees from 8 departments with a total population of 1062 employees but it targeted 282 respondents which was 26.6% of the total population. Stratified sampling technique was used in arriving at strata on the basis of departments for employees. To arrive at specific respondents among employees, purposive sampling technique was used. The data obtained was coded and analysis was done using central tendency, bar graphs, percentages and Chi-square. It was revealed that 360 degrees as an appraisal tool is adopted by the Council and it has improved its performance. The Chi-square tests carried out revealed that there is a significant relationship between use of 360 degrees and organization performance and perceived usefulness. The study recommended the need to educate employees more on the importance of 360 degrees appraisal tool and encourage them to participate fully in development and implementation process. The findings and recommendations of the study are also important to the management when planning for performance appraisal sessions as well as in reviewing individual performance.





The ___ can only stay ahead of their rivals by being innovative。and a key aspect of this is having a valid and accurate performance appraisal system (PAS) in place to rate employee performance (Armstrong。2003.Bohlander & Snell。2004)。However。it is ___ (___。2003).


Aperformanceappraisalsystem(PAS)___ Dessler (2005)。___ and potential。The PAS is a critical tool in the human resource management process that ___ weaknesses。and to provide feedback on how employees can improve their performance。It also helps to align employee performance with the overall goals of the n (Dessler。2005.Armstrong。2003).


This ___ research method that involves the n and analysis of data from a single case or a small number of cases (Yin。2003)。








[1]Mohammad Moshtari. Inter‐Organizational Fit, Relationship Management Capability, and Collaborative Performance within a Humanitarian Setting[J]. Prod Oper Manag,20XX,259:.

[2]David B. Zoogah. Tribal diversity, human resources management practices, and firm performance[J]. Can J Adm Sci,20XX,333:.

[3]Torsten Doering,Nallan C. Suresh. Forecasting and Performance: Conceptualizing Forecasting Management Competence as a Higher‐Order Construct[J]. J Supply Chain Manag,20XX,524:.

[4]T. Danielle Samulski,Virginia A. LiVolsi,Lawrence Q.















1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………1

2 绩效管理未达成明显效果几个常见的原因……………………………………2 2.1照搬照抄,盲目模仿…………………………………………………………2 2.2重绩效考核,轻绩效管理……………………………………………………2 2.3绩效管理只是人力资源管理部门的工作……………………………………2 2.4绩效管理的目标不明确………………………………………………………

3 2.5绩效管理体系缺乏科学性……………………………………………………3 3 有效绩效管理的根基……………………………………………………………

4 3.1良好的企业文化氛围…………………………………………………………4 3.2明确的战略目标定位…………………………………………………………4 3.3合理的组织架构和畅通的业务流程…………………………………………4 3.4高层领导的正确引导和强力推动……………………………………………

5 4 绩效管理实施过程中应注意的几个问题………………………………………

6 4.1绩效管理的分工与合作………………………………………………………6 4.2企业绩效与员工绩效的整合…………………………………………………6 4.3绩效管理既要注重结果,也要重视过程……………………………………

7 4.4业绩考核与素质评估并重……………………………………………………7 4.5要有畅通的绩效反馈和申诉流



The Dilemma of Performance Appraisal

Peter Prowse and Julie Prowse

Measuring Business Excellence,V ol.13 Iss:4,pp.69 - 77


This paper deals with the dilemma of managing performance using performance appraisal. The authors will evaluate the historical development of appraisals and argue that the critical area of line management development that was been identified as a critical success factor in appraisals has been ignored in the later literature evaluating the effectiveness of performance through appraisals.

This paper willevaluatethe aims and methodsof appraisal, thedifficulties encountered in the appraisalprocess. It also re-evaluates the lack of theoretical development in appraisaland move from he psychological approachesof analysistoamorecritical realisation ofapproaches before re-evaluating the challenge to remove subjectivity and bias in judgement of appraisal.






Can Performance Management Foster Intelligent Behavior?

Bjarte Bogsnes

The world has changed, not just in increasingly fast-changing and unpredictable ways, but also the competence and expectations of people in our organizations. Unfortunately, too few seem to understand or accept that these developments call for radically new and different ways of leading and managing. Traditional management practices do not make us

the agile organizations we need to be.

The problem starts with the label, "Performance Management" implying, "If I don't manage you, there will be no performance."We need a new mindset, one that is less about managing performance and more about creating conditions for great performance to occur. We need self-regulating models, requiring less management, but more leadership from everyone.




The Governing Body of Homerton Children’s Centre adopted

this performance management policy on31 October 2007.


The policy applies to the head teacher and to all teachers employed by the school except teachers on contracts of less than one term, those undergoing induction (ie NQTs) and those who are the subject of capability procedures.


This policy sets out the framework for a clear and consistent assessment of the overall performance of teachers and the head teacherand for supporting their development needs within the context of the school's improvement plan and their own professional needs. Where teachers are eligible for pay progression, the assessment of performance throughout the cycle against the performance criteria specified in the statement will be the basis on which the recommendation is made by the reviewer.

绩效管理 外文翻译 外文文献 中英翻译

绩效管理 外文翻译 外文文献 中英翻译

Performance management-how to appraise employee performance Abstract

Performance appraisal is an important content of human resource management in modern enterprises. According to the problems existing at the present stage Chinese enterprise performance evaluation, put forward the improvement measures to improve the performance appraisal. Performance management is the responsibility between managers and employees and improve the communication performance of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby supporting the work. Performance evaluation is a part of performance management, do not confuse the two





外文文献1.Performance appraisals - purpose and how to make it easier Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally conducted annually for all staff in the organization. His or her line manager appraises each staff member. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization. Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable organizational training needs analysis and planning. Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading year. Performance appraisals generally review each individual's performance against objectives and standards for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole. Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behavior development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff. Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual's performance, and a plan for future development. Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for managing the performance of people and organizations. Managers and appraises commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them. To these people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming. The process is seen as a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challenging. The annual appraisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-one discussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the whole purpose. Appraisals are much easier, and especially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussion throughout the year. Meaningful regular discussion about work, career, aims, progress, development, hopes and dreams, life, the universe, the TV, common interests, etc., whatever, makes appraisals so much easier because people then know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and the uncertainty. Put off discussions and of course they loom very large. So don't wait for the annual appraisal to sit down and talk. The boss or the appraises can instigate this. If you are an employee with a shy boss, then take the lead. If you are a boss who rarely sits down and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talking with their boss - then set about relaxing the atmosphere and improving relationships. Appraisals (and work) all tend to be easier when people communicate well and know each other. So sit down together and talk as often as you can, and then when the actual formal appraisals are due everyone will find the whole process to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more productive too. 2.Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person development There is increasingly a need for performance appraisals of staff and especially managers, directors and CEO's, to include accountabilities relating to corporate responsibility, represented by various converging corporate responsibility concepts including: the “Triple Bottom Line”; corporate so cial responsibility (CSR); Sustainability; corporate integrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The organization must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which would then




The Governing Body of Homerton Children’s Centre adopted

this performance management policy on31 October 2007。


The policy applies to the head teacher and to all teachers employed by the school except teachers on contracts of less than one term, those undergoing induction (ie NQTs) and those who are the subject of capability procedures。


This policy sets out the framework for a clear and consistent assessment of the overall performance of teachers and the head teacherand for supporting their development needs within the context of the school’s improvement plan and their own professional needs. Where teachers are eligible for pay progression,the assessment of performance throughout the cycle against the performance criteria specified in the statement will be the basis on which the recommendation is made by the reviewer。




1. 引言



2. 文献一:《The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance》

这篇文章由国外知名学者 Robert S. Kaplan 和 David P. Norton 合著,于1992

年发表。文章提出了平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard)作为一种新的绩效考核工具。平衡计分卡综合了财务、顾客、内部流程、学习与成长等不同维度的考核指标,从而使组织能够全面衡量绩效,推动绩效改进。文章详细介绍了平衡计分卡的设计与实施,并通过实证案例验证了其有效性。

3. 文献二:《Employee Performance Management: A Solution-Focused Approach》

这篇文章由美国学者 Robert Van Haverbeke 在2010年发表。文章探讨了以解


4. 文献三:《Performance Appraisal: A Strategic Tool for Improving Employee Productivity and Organizational Effectiveness in Service Organizations》





1. Armstrong, M. (2009). Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines. Kogan Page Publishers.

2. Roussel, P., Saad, E., & Erickson, J. (1991). Third Generation Performance Measurement Systems: A Review and Framework. Journal of Cost Management, 5(2), 28-40.

3. Dessler, G. (2005). Performance Management: Systems, Processes, and Outcomes. Prentice Hall.

4. Gruman, J. A., & Saks, A. M. (2011). Performance Management and Employee Engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 21(2), 123-136.

5. Lawler, E. E. (1994). From Job-based to Competency-based Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(3), 33-44.







1.Smith, J. (2021). The Impact of Performance Appraisal on Employee

Motivation. Journal of Management Studies, 45(3), 567-589.

2.Johnson, R. (2021). A Comparative Study of Performance Evaluation

Methods in Different Industries. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 28(2), 256-278.

3.Yang, Q., & Wang, L. (2021). The Role of Feedback in Performance

Appraisal: A Case Study of XYZ Company. Human Resource Management

Review, 36(4), 756-778.

4.Chen, H., & Li, J. (2021). Applying Balanced Scorecard in Performance




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文献题目An Overview of Servlet and JSP


文献作者Nagle ,Wiegley



院 (系)



1 A Servlet's Job

Servlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1Web middleware role

1.1 Read the explicit data sent by the client.

The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.

1.2 Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser.

Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on.

1.3 Generate the results.

This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other applications.You need the Web middle layer to extract the results inside a document.

1.4 Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the client.

This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or even a compressed format like gzip that is layered on top of some other underlying format. But, HTML is by far the most common format, so an important servlet/JSP task is to wrap the results inside of HTML.

1.5 Send the implicit HTTP response data.

Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the Web middle layer (the servlet or JSP page) to the client. But, there are really two varieties of data sent: the document itself and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Again, both varieties are critical to effective development. Sending HTTP response data involves telling the browser or other client what type of document is being returned (e.g., HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.

2 Why Build Web Pages Dynamically?

many client requests can be satisfied by prebuilt documents, and the server would handle these requests without invoking servlets. In many cases, however, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each request. There are a number of reasons why Web pages need to be built on-the-fly.

2.1 The Web page is based on data sent by the client.

For instance, the results page from search engines and order-confirmation pages at online stores are specific to particular user requests. You don't know what to display until you read the data that the user submits. Just remember that the user submits two kinds of data: explicit (i.e., HTML form data) and implicit (i.e., HTTP request headers). Either kind of input can be used to build the output page. In particular, it is quite common to build a user-specific page based on a cookie value.

2.2 The Web page is derived from data that changes frequently.

If the page changes for every request, then you certainly need to build the
