The Blanket
Floyd Dell
Petey hadn’t really believed that Dad would be doing it—sending Granddad away. “Away” was what they were calling it. Not until now could he believe it of Dad.
But here was the blanket that Dad had that day bought for him, and in the morning he’d be going away. And this was the last evening they’d be having together. Dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. He’d not be back till late, and they could sit up and talk.
It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high over the gully. When they’d washed up the supper dishes they went out on the shanty porch, the old man and the bit of a boy, taking their chairs. “I’ll get me fiddle,” said the old man, “and play ye some of the old tunes.” But instead of the fiddle he brought out the blanket. It was a big, double blanket, red, with black cross stripes.
We had the sky, up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made, or only just happened —Jim allowed they was made, but I allowed they happened; I judged it would have took too long to make so many. Jim said the moon could a laid them; well, that looked kind of reasonable, so I didn’t say nothing against it, because I’ve seen a frog lay most as many, so of course it could be done. We used to watch the stars that fell too, and see them streak down. Jim allowed they’d got spoiled and was hove out of the nest.
An ever-growing number of people have their view of the sky obstructed by the light pollution of our cities. Some go years without once gawking at the moon or the stars. It’s an apt metaphor of our whole human situation. There’s a haunting line by Kabir, the mysterious fifteenth-century Indian poet, a kind of mystical Mother Goose: “They squander their birth in isms.” He’s thinking of the few major religious traditions of his day, but the idea applies even more poignantly to our collection of religions, political affiliations, spiritualities, identities fabricated by marketers, and even theories constructed in philosophy departments. The glow of these beliefs, at their best, can guide us through life. But they often amount to a kind of light pollution. The feeling of possessing knowledge can be the worst enemy of the truth. Beliefs and theories, and the identities associated with them, are as indispensable and fascinating as politics, but they are, from the perspective of true philosophy, at worst impediments and at best starting and stopping points of a much larger journey, which involves going off into the darkness once in a while and taking a good long look at what shines above us.
The Concep t of Intell igenc e in Cross-cultur al Perspe ctive s
[1] One of the positi ve outcom es from so much resear ch on the relati onshi p betwee n cultur e and intell igenc e is an expand ed view of what intell igenc e may be, and how it may be concep tuall y relate d to cultur e. This issueis intric ately intert wined with cross-cultur al resear ch on intell igenc e becaus e one of the possib le confou nding factor s in previo us studie s that docume ntedcultur al differ ences has been cultur al differ ences in the very concep t and meanin g of intell igenc e.
[2] Resear chers in this area have discov eredthat many langua ges have no word that corres ponds to our idea of intell igenc e. The closes t Mandar in equiva lent, for instan ce, is a Chines e charac ter that means“good brainand talent ed”. Chines e people oftenassoci ate this concep t with traits such as imitat ion, effort, and social respon sibil ity. Such traits do not consti tuteimport ant elemen ts of the concep t of intell igenc e for most Americ ans.
Delights in Growing Old
六十整岁望七十岁如攀高山。不料七十岁居然过了。又想八十岁是难于上青天,可望不可即了。岂知八十岁又过了。老汉今年八十二矣。这是照传统算法,务虚不务实。现在不是提倡尊重传统吗 ?
At the age of sixty I longed for a life span of seventy, a goal as difficult as a summit to be reached. Who would expect that I had reached it? Then I dreamed of living to be eighty, a target in sight but as inaccessible as Heaven. Out of my anticipation, I had hit it. As a matter of fact, I am now an old man of eighty-two. Such longevity is a grant bestowed by Nature; though nominal and not real, yet it conforms to our tradition. Is it not advocated to pay respect to nowadays?
老年多半能悟道。孔子说“天下有道”。老子说“道可道”。《圣经》说“太初有道”。佛教说“邪魔外道”。我老了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理 : 老年是广阔天地,是可以大有作为的。
Aesthetic Education and National Progress
[1] The diminution of emphasis on the arts and the humanities and the corresponding increased emphasis on business and STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) has resulted in a normative conception of national progress that excludes aesthetic education. In this essay, I argue that aesthetic educators should challenge the normative understanding of national progress. (In the humanities, aesthetic educators typically are educators of English, foreign languages and literature, philosophy, art history and film studies.) To this end, I call attention to the writings of the French philosopher Germaine de Staël (1766-1817) because in the adaptation of her notion of progress lies possible hope for the future of the humanities and the arts.
Beauty (excerpt)
Judging from the scientists I know, including Eva and Ruth, and those I’ve read about, you can’t pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty. “I don’t know if it’s the same beauty you see in the sunset,” a friend tells me, “but it feels the same.” This friend is a physicist, who has spent a long career deciphering what must be happening in the interior of stars. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time Dirac’s equations describing quantum mechanics, or those of Einstein describing relativity. “They’re so beautiful,” he says,” you can see immediately they have to be true. Or at least on the way toward trut h.” I ask him what makes a theory beautiful, and he replies, “Simplicity, symmetry, elegance, and power.”
沪江英语第一届翻译大赛初赛已经结束,感谢各位翻译学习者的关注和参与。大赛的初赛原文选自英国文豪莎士比亚的著名的十四行诗Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day (《能否把你比作夏日璀璨》)一段赏析片段。本次的初赛译文由口译名师韩刚老师提供,供大家参考!
This is definitely the most quoted line in all of English literature, so much so that you’ve probably see n it as a parody more often that you’ve seen i t written out straight —for example, ―Shall I compare thee to a bale of hay.‖ It’s one of the few poems that is just so cliché that, if a guy recited it to his girlfriend on a date, even the most love-sick of recipients would roll their eyes in disgust.
But when Shakespeare’s talking about ―love,‖ he’s not talking about romantic love or feminine beauty–the first 126 sonnets in Shakespeare’s work are generally understood to be addressed towards a man, and many of the surrounding pieces are actually encouraging procreation. Shakespeare isn’t wooing a beautiful woman; he’s telling a wealthy young ponz exactly what he
1.(2017•宿迁)There is a knife(刀)and some pens on Wang Jun's desk.【解答】答案:knife.
根据There is a﹣﹣(刀)and some pens on Wang Jun's desk,可知王俊的书桌上有一把小刀和一些钢笔.这里a+可数名词单数,knife,名词,小刀.故填knife.2.(2017•宿迁)Drivers should drive more slowly on rainy(有雨的)days.【解答】答案:rainy.
根据Drivers should drive more slowly on﹣﹣(有雨的)days.可知雨天司机应该开得慢些.这里修饰名词days应该用形容词形式,rainy,形容词,有雨的.故填rainy.3.(2017•宿迁)Audrey Hepburn is a born(天生的)actress.She is world famous.【解答】答案:born.
根据Audrey Hepburn is a﹣﹣(天生的)actress.She is world famous,可知奥黛丽•赫本是个天生的演员,她世界闻名.这里修饰名词actress,应该用形容词形式,born,形容词,天生的.故填born.
4.(2017•宿迁)Most people in China couldn't afford(买得起)cars twenty years ago.【解答】答案:afford.
第22届韩素音翻译大赛 英译汉 参考译文
• 一、 小说的翻译 (一) 英语小说的文体特征 小说所具有的较具普遍性的风格特点: • 1) 语言的形象性 • 在情节描写中,作家崇尚具体形象,力避抽象演绎。与这一特点相伴的 词语特征是: (1) 准确。 (2) 多限定词、修饰词。这也是为了使 描述准确和具体。如D·H·劳伦斯的The Odour of Chrysanthemums 的开 头一句:The small locomotive engine, Number 4, came clanking, stumbling down from Selston with seven full wagons.(四号小火车 的车头拖着七节装满货物的车厢,从赛尔斯顿方向跌跌撞撞地开了过来 ,一路上发出叮叮咣咣的声响。) • 2) 人物语言的个性化 • 如马克· 吐温的The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn • "Hello, Jim, have I been asleep? Why didn't you stir me up?""Goodness gracious, is dat you, Huck? En you ain' dead-you ain' drownded-you's back agin? It's too good for true, honey, it is too good for true. Lemme look at you, chile ,lemme feel o'you…“(哈克与黑奴吉姆的对话 )
韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛 | 译文评析(下) 原创: 中国译协 中国翻译协会 2017-01-10
The Posteverything Generation
I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasécollege-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one.
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The Concept of Intelligence in Cross-cultural Perspectives
[1] One of the positive outcomes from so much research on the relationship between culture and intelligence is an expanded view of what intelligence may be, and how it may be conceptually related to culture. This issue is intricately intertwined with cross-cultural research on intelligence because one of the possible confounding factors in previous studies that documented cultural differences has been cultural differences in the very concept and meaning of intelligence.
[2] Researchers in this area have discovered that many languages have no word that corresponds to our idea of intelligence. The closest Mandarin equivalent, for instance, is a Chinese character that means “good brain and talented”. Chinese people often associate this concept with traits such as imitation, effort, and social responsibility. Such traits do not constitute important elements of the concept of intelligence for most Americans.
[3] African cultures provide a number of examples. The Baganda of East Africa use the word obugezi to refer to a combination of mental and social skills that make a person steady, cautious, and friendly. The Djerma-Songhai in West Africa use the term akkal, which has an even broader meaning – a combination of intelligence, know-how, and social skills. Still another society, the Baoule, uses the term n’glouele, which describes children who are not only mentally alert but also willing to volunteer their services without being asked.
[4] Because of the enormous differences in the ways cultures define intelligence, it is difficult to make valid comparisons from one society to another. That is, different cultures value different traits (their definition of “intelligence”) and have divergent views concerning which traits are useful in predicting future important behaviors (also culturally defined). People in different cultures not only disagree about what constitutes intelligence but also about the proper way to demonstrate those abilities. In mainstream North American society, individuals are typically rewarded for displaying knowledge and skills. This same behavior may be considered improper, arrogant, or rude in societies that stress personal relationships, cooperation, and modesty.
[5] These differences are important to cross-cultural studies of intelligence because successful performance on a task of intelligence may require behavior that is considered immodest and arrogant in Culture A (and therefore only reluctantly displayed by members of Culture A)but desirable in Culture B (and therefore readily displayed by members of Culture B). Clearly, such different attitudes toward the same behavior could lead researchers to draw inaccurate conclusions about differences in intelligence between Culture A and Culture B.
[6] Another reason it is difficult to compare intelligence cross-culturally is that tests of intelligence often rely on knowledge that is specific to a particular culture; investigators based in that culture may not even know what to test for in a different culture. For example, one U.S. intelligence test contains the following question: “How does a violin resemble a piano?” Clearly, this question assumes prior knowledge about violins and pianos –quite a reasonable expectation for middle-class Americans, but not for people from cultures that use different musical instruments.
[7] Our expanding knowledge about cultural differences in the concept of intelligence has had important ramifications for our theoretical understanding of intelligence in mainstream American psychology as well. Although traditional thinking and reasoning abilities have dominated views of intelligence in the past, in recent years psychologists have begun to turn their attention to other possible aspects of intelligence. Until very recently, for example, creativity was not considered a part of intelligence; now, however, psychologists are increasingly considering this important human ability as a type of intelligence. Other aspects of intelligence are also coming to the forefront. A psychologist has suggested that there are really seven different types of intelligence: logical mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. According to this scheme, not only do the core components of each of these seven types of intelligence differ, but so do some sample end-states (such as mathematician versus dancer). His theory of