体育对口单招数学卷(答案) (7)
![体育对口单招数学卷(答案) (7)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2cac3bff85254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f31681.png)
5、如图所示,在平行四边形 OABC 中,点 A(1,-2),C(3,1),则向量 OB 的坐标是( )
第 9 题图 GD26 A.(4,-1) B.(4,1) C.(1,-4)D.(1,4) 6、过点 P(1,2)与圆 x2 y2 5 相切的直线方程是( ) A. x 2y 3 0 B. x 2y 5 0 C. x 2y 5 0 D. x 2y 5 0 7、如图在正方体 ABCD‐A′B′C′D′中,下列结论错误的是( )
3、求经过点 C(2,-3),且平行于过 M(1,2 )和 N(-1,-5)两点的直线的直线方程。 4、求过直线 3x 2 y 1 0 与 2x 3y 5 0 的交点,且与直线 l : 6x 2 y 5 0 垂直的直线方程.
参考答案: 一、选择题: 1-5 题答案:CADDA 6-10 题答案:BCACD 11-15 题答案:CDCCB 二、填空题: 1.答案:0.1 2.答案: a||a 或 a a
函数 y f (x) 的图象如右图,当 x , y 0 ; x , y 0 ,
1 4
1 4
所以 f (x) 的增区间为 (, 1) , (4, ) ,减区间为 (1, 4) ;
3 2x x2 a
( x)
2( x 2
a) (x2
2x(3 a)2
f (1)
0 ,即
8 2a (a 1)2
体育单招-高考模拟试卷3一.选择题(共10小题,满分60分,每小题6分)1.(6分)集合M={x|x2﹣2x﹣3<0},N={x|x>a},若M⊆N,则实数a的取值范围是()A.[3,+∞)B.(3,+∞)C.(﹣∞,﹣1]D.(﹣∞,﹣1)2.(6分)已知||=1,||=2,向量与的夹角为60°,则|+|=()A.B.C.1 D.23.(6分)若直线mx+2y+m=0与直线3mx+(m﹣1)y+7=0平行,则m的值为()A.7 B.0或7 C.0 D.44.(6分)已知tanα=3,则等于()A.B.C.D.25.(6分)已知函数f(x)是定义在R上的增函数,若f(a2﹣a)>f(2a2﹣4a),则实数a 的取值范围是()A.(﹣∞,0)B.(0,3)C.(3,+∞)D.(﹣∞,0)∪(3,+∞)6.(6分)在(x﹣2)6的展开式中,x3的系数是()A.160 B.﹣160 C.120 D.﹣1207.(6分)等比数列{a n},满足a n>0,2a1+a2=a3,则公比q=()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.48.(6分)四个大学生分到两个单位,每个单位至少分一个的分配方案有()A.10种B.14种C.20种D.24种9.(6分)圆锥的底面半径为a,侧面展开图是半圆面,那么此圆锥的侧面积是()A.2πa2B.4πa2C.πa2D.3πa210.(6分)已知log a<log b,则下列不等式一定成立的是()A.B.C.ln(a﹣b)>0 D.3a﹣b>1二.填空题(共6小题,满分36分,每小题6分)11.(6分)函数f(x)=x2,(x<﹣2)的反函数是.12.(6分)已知正四棱锥的底面边长是2,侧棱长是,则该正四棱锥的体积为.13.(6分)在等差数列{a n}中,a n>0,a7=a4+4,S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,S19=.14.(6分)某学校有两个食堂,甲、乙、丙三名学生各自随机选择其中的一个食堂用餐,则他们在同一个食堂用餐的概率为.15.(6分)已知直线4x﹣y+4=0与抛物线y=ax2相切,则a=.16.(6分)已知圆x2+y2+2x﹣2y﹣6=0截直线x+y+a=0所得弦的长度为4,则实数a的值是.三.解答题(共3小题,满分54分,每小题18分)17.(18分)已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+),(A>0,ω>0)的最小正周期为T=6π,且f(2π)=2.(Ⅰ)求f(x)的表达式;(Ⅱ)若g(x)=f(x)+2,求g(x)的单调区间及最大值.18.(18分)已知双曲线Γ:(a>0,b>0),直线l:x+y﹣2=0,F1,F2为双曲线Γ的两个焦点,l与双曲线Γ的一条渐近线平行且过其中一个焦点.(1)求双曲线Γ的方程;(2)设Γ与l的交点为P,求∠F1PF2的角平分线所在直线的方程.19.(18分)如图,在三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,C1C⊥底面ABC,CC1=AB=AC=BC=4,D为线段AC的中点.(Ⅰ)求证:直线AB1∥平面BC1D;(Ⅱ)求证:平面BC1D⊥平面A1ACC1;(Ⅲ)求三棱锥D﹣C1CB的体积.体育单招-高考模拟训练3参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共10小题,满分60分,每小题6分)1.(6分)(2017•山西一模)集合M={x|x2﹣2x﹣3<0},N={x|x>a},若M⊆N,则实数a 的取值范围是()A.[3,+∞)B.(3,+∞)C.(﹣∞,﹣1]D.(﹣∞,﹣1)【解答】解:∵集合M={x|x2﹣2x﹣3<0}=(﹣1,3)N={x|x>a},若N={x|x>a},则﹣1≥a即a≤﹣1即实数a的取值范围是(﹣∞,﹣1]故选C2.(6分)(2017•吉林三模)已知||=1,||=2,向量与的夹角为60°,则|+|=()A.B.C.1 D.2【解答】解:∵已知||=1,||=2,向量与的夹角为60°,∴=1×2×cos60°=1,∴|+|===,故选:B.3.(6分)(2017•揭阳一模)若直线mx+2y+m=0与直线3mx+(m﹣1)y+7=0平行,则m的值为()A.7 B.0或7 C.0 D.4【解答】解:∵直线mx+2y+m=0与直线3mx+(m﹣1)y+7=0平行,∴m(m﹣1)=3m×2,∴m=0或7,经检验都符合题意.故选:B.4.(6分)(2017•广西模拟)已知tanα=3,则等于()A.B.C.D.2【解答】解:∵tanα=3,∴===.故选:B.5.(6分)(2017春•五华区校级月考)已知函数f(x)是定义在R上的增函数,若f(a2﹣a)>f(2a2﹣4a),则实数a的取值范围是()A.(﹣∞,0)B.(0,3)C.(3,+∞)D.(﹣∞,0)∪(3,+∞)【解答】解:因为f(x)为R上的增函数,所以f(a2﹣a)>f(2a2﹣4a),等价于a2﹣a>2a2﹣4a,解得0<a<3,故选B.6.(6分)(2014•海淀区校级模拟)在(x﹣2)6的展开式中,x3的系数是()A.160 B.﹣160 C.120 D.﹣120【解答】解:在(x﹣2)6的展开式中,通项公式为T r+1=•x6﹣r•(﹣2)r,令6﹣r=3,可得r=3,故x3的系数是(﹣2)3•=﹣160,故选B.7.(6分)(2014春•苍南县校级期末)等比数列{a n},满足a n>0,2a1+a2=a3,则公比q=()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4【解答】解:∵等比数列{a n},满足a n>0,2a1+a2=a3,∴2a1+a1q=a1q2,∴q2﹣q﹣2=0,解得q=2,或q=﹣1(舍)故选:B.8.(6分)(2017•永州二模)四个大学生分到两个单位,每个单位至少分一个的分配方案有()A.10种 B.14种 C.20种 D.24种【解答】解:根据题意,假设2个单位为甲单位和乙单位,分3种情况讨论:①、甲单位1人而乙单位3人,在4人中任选1个安排在甲单位,剩余3人安排在甲乙单位即可,有C41=4种安排方法;②、甲乙单位各2人,在4人中任选2个安排在甲单位,剩余2人安排在甲乙单位即可,有C42=6种安排方法;③、甲单位3人而乙单位1人,在4人中任选3个安排在甲单位,剩余1人安排在甲乙单位即可,有C43=4种安排方法;则一共有4+6+4=14种分配方案;故选:B.9.(6分)(2017•江西二模)圆锥的底面半径为a,侧面展开图是半圆面,那么此圆锥的侧面积是()A.2πa2B.4πa2C.πa2D.3πa2【解答】解:若圆锥的侧面展开图是半圆,则圆锥的母线长为底面半径的2倍∵圆锥的底面半径为a,故圆锥的母线长为2a,故圆锥的侧面积S=πrl=2πa2.故选A.10.(6分)(2016•沈阳校级四模)已知log a<log b,则下列不等式一定成立的是()A. B.C.ln(a﹣b)>0 D.3a﹣b>1【解答】解:y=是单调减函数,,可得a>b>0,∴3a﹣b>1.故选:D.二.填空题(共6小题,满分36分,每小题6分)11.(6分)(2017•上海模拟)函数f(x)=x2,(x<﹣2)的反函数是.【解答】解:函数f(x)=x2,(x<﹣2),则y>4.可得x=,所以函数的反函数为:.故答案为:.12.(6分)(2017•江苏一模)已知正四棱锥的底面边长是2,侧棱长是,则该正四棱锥的体积为.【解答】解:如图,正四棱锥P﹣ABCD中,AB=2,PA=,设正四棱锥的高为PO,连结AO,则AO=AC=.在直角三角形POA中,PO===1.所以VP﹣ABCD=•SABCD•PO=×4×1=.故答案为:.13.(6分)(2017•濮阳二模)在等差数列{a n}中,a n>0,a7=a4+4,S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,S19=152.【解答】解:∵等差数列{a n}中,a n>0,a7=a4+4,∴,解得a1+9d=a10=8,S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,则S19=(a1+a19)=19a10=152.故答案为:152.14.(6分)(2017•南通模拟)某学校有两个食堂,甲、乙、丙三名学生各自随机选择其中的一个食堂用餐,则他们在同一个食堂用餐的概率为.【解答】解:甲、乙、丙三名学生选择每一个食堂的概率均为,则他们同时选中A食堂的概率为:=;他们同时选中B食堂的概率也为:=;故们在同一个食堂用餐的概率P=+=故答案为:15.(6分)(2015•马鞍山二模)已知直线4x﹣y+4=0与抛物线y=ax2相切,则a=﹣1.【解答】解:直线4x﹣y+4=0与抛物线y=ax2联立,消去y可得:ax2﹣4x﹣4=0,a≠0,因为直线4x﹣y+4=0与抛物线y=ax2相切,所以△=16+16a=0,解得a=﹣1.故答案为:﹣1.16.(6分)(2017•天津一模)已知圆x2+y2+2x﹣2y﹣6=0截直线x+y+a=0所得弦的长度为4,则实数a的值是±2.【解答】解:圆x2+y2+2x﹣2y﹣6=0标准方程(x+1)2+(y﹣1)2=8,则圆心(﹣1,1),半径为2,圆心(﹣1,1)到直线x+y+a=0的距离d==|a|,∵圆(x+1)2+(y﹣1)2=8截直线x+y+a=0所得弦长为4,∴2=4,解得a=±2,故答案为:a=±2.三.解答题(共3小题,满分54分,每小题18分)17.(18分)(2017•河北区一模)已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+),(A>0,ω>0)的最小正周期为T=6π,且f(2π)=2.(Ⅰ)求f(x)的表达式;(Ⅱ)若g(x)=f(x)+2,求g(x)的单调区间及最大值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+),∵最小正周期为T=6π,即,可得:ω=.∴f(x)=Asin(x+),又∵f(2π)=2,A>0、∴2=Asin(×2π+),故得A=4.∴f(x)的表达式为:f(x)=4sin(x+).(Ⅱ)∵g(x)=f(x)+2,∴g(x)=4sin(x+)+2由﹣x+≤,k∈Z可得:6kπ﹣2π≤x≤π+6kπ∴g(x)的单调增区间为[6kπ﹣2π,π+6kπ],k∈Z由x+≤,k∈Z可得:6kπ+π≤x≤4π+6kπ∴g(x)的单调减区间为[π+6kπ,4π+6kπ],k∈Z.∵sin(x+)的最大值为1.∴g(x)=4+2=6,故得g(x)的最大值为6.18.(18分)(2017•上海模拟)已知双曲线Γ:(a>0,b>0),直线l:x+y﹣2=0,F1,F2为双曲线Γ的两个焦点,l与双曲线Γ的一条渐近线平行且过其中一个焦点.(1)求双曲线Γ的方程;(2)设Γ与l的交点为P,求∠F1PF2的角平分线所在直线的方程.【解答】解:(1)依题意,双曲线的渐近线方程为y=±x,焦点坐标为F1(﹣2,0),F2(2,0),∴双曲线方程为x2﹣y2=2;(2),显然∠F1PF2的角平分线所在直线斜率k存在,且k>0,,,于是.∴为所求.19.(18分)(2017•历下区校级三模)如图,在三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,C1C⊥底面ABC,CC1=AB=AC=BC=4,D为线段AC的中点.(Ⅰ)求证:直线AB1∥平面BC1D;(Ⅱ)求证:平面BC1D⊥平面A1ACC1;(Ⅲ)求三棱锥D﹣C1CB的体积.【解答】证明:(Ⅰ)连结B1C交BC1于点M,连结DM,∵D为AC中点,M为B1C中点,∴DM∥AB1,又∵AB1⊄平面BC1D,DM⊂平面BC1D,∴AB1∥平面BC1D.(Ⅱ)∵CC1⊥底面ABC,BD⊂底面ABC,∴CC1⊥BD.∵AB=BC,D为AC中点,∴BD⊥AC.又∵AC⊂A1ACC1,CC1⊂平面A1ACC1,AC∩CC1=C,∴BD⊥平面A1ACC1,∵BD⊂平面C1DB,∴平面BC1D⊥平面A1ACC1.(Ⅲ)∵CD=,BC=4,BD⊥AC,∴BD==2.∵CC1⊥底面ABC,∴CC1为三棱锥C1﹣DBC的高,所以=.。
体育对口单招数学卷(答案) (8)
![体育对口单招数学卷(答案) (8)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37eee37f76232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe3e4.png)
A.eb<a B.ea<b C.0<a<eb D.0<b<ea
8.有 6 个相同的球,分别标有数字 1,2,3,4,5,6,从中有放回的随机取两次,每次取 1 个球,甲表示
事件“第一次取出的球的数字是 1”,乙表示事件“第二次取出的球的数字是 2”,丙表示事件
“两次取出的球的数字之和是 8”,丁表示事件“两次取出的球的数字之和是 7”,则( )
B、 (1,4)
C、 (,1) (4,) D、 (,4)
17、不等式 7 x(5 x) 0 的解集是( )
A、 - 7,5
B、 (,7) (5,)
C、 (,7] [5,) D、 7,5
Байду номын сангаас18、若 ab<0,则( )
A、a>0,b>0 B、a<0,b>0 C、a>0,b<0 或 a<0,b>0 D、a>0,b>0 或 a<0,b<0
2.某种电热水器的水箱盛满水是 200 升,加热到一定温度可浴用.浴用时,已知每分钟放水
34 升,在放水的同时注水,t 分钟注水 2t2 升,当水箱内水量达到最小值时,放水自动停止.现
假定每人洗浴用水 65 升,则该热水器一次至多可供(
(A)3 人洗澡 (B)4 人洗澡 (C)5 人洗澡 (D)6 人洗澡
b 2
(1)选择二次函数,设 y ax 2 bx c ,得 4a 2b c 41 ,解得 c 49
∴ y 关于 x 的函数关系式是 y x2 2x 49 .
注意到点(0,49)不可能在任何反比例函数图象上,所以 y 不是 x 的反比例函数;点(-4, 41),(-2,49),(2,41)不在同一直线上,所以 y 不是 x 的一次函数. (2)由(1),得 y x 2 2x 49 ,∴ y x 12 50 , ∵ a 1 0 ,∴当 x 1 时, y 有最大值为 50.
体育单招数学试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列哪个选项不是整数?A. 0B. 1C. 3.5D. 2答案:C2. 若a > 0且b < 0,下列哪个不等式是正确的?A. a + b > 0B. a - b > 0C. a * b > 0D. a / b > 0答案:B3. 已知x² - 5x + 6 = 0,求x的值。
A. 2B. 3C. 1, 2D. 2, 3答案:D4. 圆的半径为5,求圆的面积。
A. 25πC. 75πD. 100π答案:B5. 函数f(x) = 2x - 3,当x = 2时,f(x)的值为多少?A. -1B. 1C. 3D. 5答案:B6. 一个直角三角形的两条直角边分别为3和4,求斜边的长度。
A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:A7. 一个数的平方根是4,这个数是多少?A. 16B. -16C. 8D. -8答案:A8. 已知一个数列的前三项为1, 4, 7,求第四项。
B. 11C. 12D. 13答案:B9. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别为2, 3, 4,求其体积。
A. 24B. 36C. 48D. 52答案:A10. 一个正六边形的内角是多少度?A. 120°B. 135°C. 150°D. 180°答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 一个数的绝对值是其本身的数是______或______。
答案:正数;02. 一个数的相反数是其本身的数是______。
答案:03. 一个数的倒数是其本身的数是______。
答案:±14. 若a和b互为倒数,则ab=______。
答案:15. 一个数的平方等于9,这个数可以是______或______。
答案:3;-36. 一个数的立方等于-27,这个数是______。
答案:-37. 一个数的平方根是2,这个数是______。
2007—2019年单招单选真题---WennyI. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)2007年真题1. -----Would you mind mailing this letter for me? ------________.A. It doesn't matterB. Not at allC. Yes, pleaseD. No, thank you2. He's in hospital recovering _________an operation.A. inB. forC. fromD. by3. No matter how wonderful a trip is, it's always good ________back home.A. getB. at gettingC. for gettingD. to get4. You don't have to pay for your flights. ------- they_____ in the price of your holiday.A. are includedB. have includedC. includeD. will include5. I managed to make myself understood with _________ help of ________phrase book.A. /...aB. a...theC. the...aD. /…/6. _________worries me is the way he keeps changing his mind.A. ItB. WhatC. ThatD. this7. ----Who are you calling? -----Bill. The phone ________,but there's no answer.A. ringsB. has rungC. will ringD. is ringing8. Look at the man in the picture. His face is one of the ugliest I________.A. have ever seenB. seeC. had ever seenD. saw9. She remembered the day _________Paula had first walked into her office.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when10. Just a minute. I'll have Hudson __________you to your room.A. showingB. showC. to showD. showed11. I can't start my car. There __________be something wrong with the engine.A. canB. willC. mustD. has to12. Don't get your plan _________; stay with us today.A. ChangeB. changingC. to changeD. changed13. ________ parents, we feel that more should be done to help the school.A. AboutB. AsC. ForD. To14. We can't afford to let the situation get worse. We must take _______ to put it night.A. directionsB. stepsC. sidesD. decisions15. The results of the research may _________ useful for scientists in medicine.A. expectB. keepC. proveD. believe16. __________ over a hundred people had gathered outside the building.A. Before longB. No longerC. Long beforeD. Any longer17. The discovery of gold ___________thousands of people to California in 1849!A. carriedB. broughtC. employedD. sent18. I need a change. Doing the same thing every day can really __________me________.A. get….downB. get…..backC. get…..offD. get….. through19. I need to know more about the job ________I decide whether to apply for it.A. soB. unlessC. orD. before20. I don't know what you should do about that problem. Do _________ seems best to you.A. whicheverB. wheneverC. whateverD. however2008年真题1. The bike is not Mary's. ________ is red.A. HersB. HerC. HisD. He2. I didn't say anything _________I didn't want to hurt her feeling.A. untilB. althoughC. beforeD. because3. The man I was talking to on ________bus was________ friend of mine.A. / ....theB. a….theC. the….aD. / ...a4. Let me open the bottle. Can you _________me the opener?A. passB. helpC. borrowD. tell5. -----What do you think of the composition? ----Anyone can easily ________ that it was poorly written.A. guess B: tell C. look D. speak6. The little girl would feel _________if you left her________.A. lonely. .. lonelyB. alone. .. lonelyC. lonely...aloneD. alone...alone7. I should buy the house because it is near a beautiful park. ________ it’s not far from my parents’ home.A. As a resultB. In the endC. What’s moreD. As usual8. I haven’t heard from my brother for a long time. What ________ to him?A. happenedB. to happenC. was happenedD. happening9. Why don't you call the travel service? They will provide you with ________ about the area.A. time B information C. report D. notice10. The students won’t leave the classroom unless their teacher _________ them to.A. allowedB. will allowC. has allowedD. allows11. She had ________ any time to do sopping after work.A. hardlyB. indeedC. nearlyD. especially12. I suggest you_________ carefully before coming to a decision.A. thoughtB. will thinkC. would thinkD. think13. Do you think there's any hope _______things will get better?A. whichB. whatC. thatD. when14. ---- Is there any news about the experiment? -------Not yet. But I _______ for the worst.A. preparingB. preparedC. am preparedD. had prepared15. ---- Have you got a camera? -----No. In fact should buy _________.A. itB. oneC. someD. that16. _________with our small flat. Bill's house seems like a palace.A. Be comparedB. To compareC. ComparingD. compared17. Come on, Jack. Help yourself to________ you want.A. anywhereB. whateverC. wheneverD. anybody18. She then went on to Chicago, _______ late Wednesday night.A. arrivedB. to arriveC. having arrived B. arriving19. Last year, sales of computers increased ________ 23%.A. byB. forC. withD. to20. ----I'm going to England tomorrow. ----Don't forget to write to me. Let's________.A. hurry upB. keep in touchC. take a restD. keep a record2009年真题1. I'm not sure ___________I will need, so give me some more copies.A. how longB. how soonC. how manyD. how often2. ----Where are the students from? ------The one _______a white skirt is from China.A. inB. withC. onD. of3. ---I can't believe everyone knows that Howard has been fired. ---Well, you know what they say: bad news fast.A. has travelledB. travelsC. travelledD. will travel4. Barbara wouldn't wash the dishes last Sunday_________ it was Alison's turn.A. ifB. tillC. whetherD. because5. While shopping in the market, Susan found her purse___________.A. stolenB. to stealC. stealD. having stolen6. Is this the factory_________ you worked in ten years ago?A. whereB. thatC. whenD. what7. By this time next year be ___________ from this college.A. has graduatedB. will be graduatingC. will have graduatedD. is graduating8. ----Hello, is James there? ----Yes,_________.A. speakingB. there isC.OKD. I do9. I know you are really busy. __________could you just take a quick look at my writing, please?A. ForB. OrC. SoD. But10. This is the third international __________that they've played in a week.A. seasonB. teamC. placeD. match11. The children at the camp are going to hang their food in a tree at night, because there ________be bears around.A. shouldB. mayC. needD. must12. ________ the maths exercises, Tom went out to play football with his classmates.A. Having finishedB. To have finishedC. FinishingD. To finish13. Since he arrived in New York City, Peter________ five jobs.A. has changedB. changedC. will changeD. changes14. The camera is too expensive for me. I don't think I can _________it.A. costB. payC. affordD. spend15. The Chinese New Year is _________excellent time to be with your family and have_______ fun.A. /; theB. an; anC. the; aD. an; the16. Good evening. It's a great pleasure for me _________ here.A. have spokenB. having spokenC. be speakingD. to speak17. George prefers pop music ___________county music.A. againstB. asC. overD. to18. ----Pass me the salt, please. -----___________.A. Here you areB. Not at allC. Thank you very muchD. Go ahead19. During the storm, the electricity ______in the whole area.A. turned overB. went offC. carried outD. put down20. The new TV tower is higher than ___________ building in the city.A. otherB. the otherC. all otherD. any other2010年真题1. In those days, everybody in the village __________ to church every Sunday.A. wentB. has goneC. goD. will go2. -----Don't forget to lock the door! ---------_________.A. No, I'm notB. Yes, I haveC. No, I won't.D. Yes, I' m sure3. The next meeting will take place_________ Tuesday morning.A. atB. byC. inD. on4. I ran into Ted yesterday. I _________ him since graduation.A. hadn't seenB. don't seeC. won't seeD. didn't see5. Jane went away__________ I could say goodbye to her.A. whenB. beforeC. untilD. that6. You should have your car_________ as soon as possible.A. to fixB. fixedC. fixD. fixing7. You will be shown around the city: museums, sports centers and some other places, ___other visitors seldom go.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when8. -----Is she going to send the book back? -----. ________ not. I think she will keep itA. NaturallyB. ReallyC. ProbablyD. Necessarily9. The news spread quickly _________soon everybody knew what had happened.A. forB. butC. orD. and10. ________the truth, we are not willing to cut down on workers in order to cut costs.A. TellB. TellingC. To tellD. To have told11. I kept telling you about it, but you __________listen.A. couldn'tB. shouldn'tC. needn'tD. wouldn't12. I was at the office all weekend _________care of important business.A. takenB. to takeC. takingD. take13. I thought the film was pretty good, but my brother didn't think _________.A. yesB. tooC. reallyD. so14. The police questioned all the students, but________ of them had seen the thief.A. noneB. neitherC. eitherD. any15. _________ everybody knows, the farming industry is in serious difficulties.A. WhatB. ThatC.AsD. Which16. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't __________.A. get upB. get throughC. get offD. get along17. ----- Could I your name, please? -----Yes. It's Jenkins. Sandra Jenkins.A. giveB. haveC. callD. say18. I think we've discussed everything we need to. ____ what time is it?A. Through the wayB. In the wayC. On the wayD. By the way19. By the time the guests come, I expect to________ all the food.A. have preparedB. prepareC. preparingD. prepared20. I can't find my glasses. I must have________ them on the bus.A. keptB. leftC. savedD. seen2011年真题1. ---Could you carry this box of books for me? ---_____but 1 have a pain in my back.A. That's easyB. I'd like toC. I'll help youD. No problem2. Jennie is kind of person you_______ love or hate.A. bothB. eitherC. allD. only3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_______ be used to cut wood with.A. mustB. shouldC. couldD. need4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_________A. arrivedB. will arriveC.is arrivingD. arrives5.___________he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful business-man.A. UnlessB. Even thoughC.As ifD. until6. Steve works very hard because he has a family ________A.to supportB. supportingC. supportD. supported7. Frank was very disappointed because he _______ the chance to win the game.A. Will loseB. loseC. has lostD. had lost8. My watch stopped, had I was late _________ school this morning.A.toB. forC.atD.in9. She must have missed the train, ________she would be there by now.A. meanwhileB. otherwiseC. sometimesD. therefore10._______The Emperor’s New Clothes, we all found it quite interesting.A. To readB. ReadingC. Having readD. Read11. You can stay here _______ you keep quiet.A.as well asB.as soon asC.as much asD.as long as12. Bob, it’s time for bed _______the TV, please.A. Turn inB. Turn offC. Turn upD. Turn over13. I finished my exams yesterday______ I won’t be able to know the results until August.A. butB.soC. forD. or14. How nice to see you again! You should have told me you__________ .A. were comingB. are comingC. have comeD. came15. I knew ________ about the accident except what I read in the newspaper.A. SomethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing16. ---Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the railway station?---Sorry_________.A.I am new here B.I’d love to C.I won’t do it D.I don't know you17. We had been away for such a long time_________ I had forgotten her name.A.before B which C.that D.becausel 8.We talk about the day’s events over the dinner table.Sometimes__________ about politics.A. argued B.arguing C.to argue D.argue19. This small city_________12 schools since 1990s.A.builds B.has built C.would build D.built20. That’s the man_______ house has been newly painted.A.what B.which C.that D.whose2012年真题1、—I need someone to help out at the study center. —OK,I ______ .A. mayB. mustC. willD. should2、The fish taste good,I mean it’s _______ .A. availableB. deliciousC. warmD. cheap3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf .A. becauseB. andC. soD. but4、This is the third prize she________ this year.A. winsB. wonC. is winningD. has won5、—Could you drop some books off at the library for me?— _________.A. go aheadB. with pleasureC. I doD. thank you6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat.A. the otherB. the others C .others D. another7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room.A .take B. took C. taken D. to take8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day?A .when B. what C. where D. that9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mind moving aside?A.by the way B. on the way C. in the way D. off the way10、I have not heard from my brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ?A. happensB. happenedC. has happenedD. had happened11、She ________ comes.—I mean she did not, does not, or will not come at any time.A. neverB. sometimes C .seldom D. often12、—Is your camera like Bill's or Ann's? —No, but it's almost the same as________.A. theirsB. yoursC. mineD. Hers13、Peter found a note on the door, ______ him to go to the teacher's office immediately.A. tellB. toldC. tellingD. to tell14、—Mr Smith ,can I use ________ department's car?—Sure, if you can find _______ key. It has been missing for three days.A. the;不填B. 不填;the C .the;the D. the;a15、Modern technology has _______ great change in our life.A. brought upB. brought outC. brought backD. brought about16、Mary saw a boy steal out of the door. But he had disappeared ______she could stop him.A. asB. whileC. untilD. before17、Would you be ______to turn down the radio?A. so kind asB. as kind asC. so kindD. too kind18、If anyone_______ when I am away, just tell him that I'll be back before five o'clock.A. calledB. callsC. will callD. has called19、In this city, the prices of vegetables are ______than those of meat.A. higherB. highest C .the highest D. high20、Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week,______ with four years ago.A. comparesB. comparedC. comparingD. to compare2013年真题1. If you _____ hard, you may get a good job.A. studyB. studiedC. will studyD. have studied2. She is a _____ writer known by millions of people in the country.A. particularB. familiarC. popularD. similar3. Would you mind telling me what you were doing _____Friday, March 13?A. duringB. onC. atD. in4. You did well in the math exam; you _____ have done a good job of preparing for it.A. willB. shouldC. wouldD. must5. Even in winter days, Jane likes to have the window ______.A. to openB. openingC. opensD. open6. A successful man is one who had a chance and _____it.A. putB. gaveC. tookD. brought7.When the heavy storm started, John and his family _____ the area.A. had leftB. leaveC. have leftD. will leave8. Mary has got herself into a situation ________ she can turn to nobody for help.A. whyB. whereC. whileD. which9. At the telephone table he paused, _____ whether to ring the police station.A. wonderingB. to wonderC. wonderedD. wonder10. This is the only shirt we have now. If you don’t want to take____, you may come and have a look roundtomorrow.A. anotherB. anyC. itD. one11. Nearly all of _____ young people interviewed believed that hard work was _____ key to success.A.不填; theB. 不填; aC. a; 不填D. the; the12. He was about to unlock the door _____ he found someone had broken it.A. sinceB. afterC. whenD. until13. —Could you take care of my dog while I’m out of town?— __________.A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. No problemD. You’re welcome14. Michael used to look hurt and surprised when ______ in the classroom.A. scoldingB. scoldedC. being to scoldD. to be scolded15. Luckily, I had seen the play before, _____ I knew what it was about.A. evenB. justC. forD. so16.While Helen _____ out the forms, she found that her passport was missing.A. was fillingB. would fillC. had filledD. filled17.The information you need _____ in the handbook.A. containB. containsC. containedD. is contained18. He has such a big dog ______no one dares to go near his house.A. whichB. thatC. asD. so19. — Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? — Thank you. ______.A. It couldn’t be betterB. Of course you canC. I’d love toD. My pleasure20. The meeting has been _____ until Friday morning.A. put awayB. put offC. put onD. put up2014年真题1. If Penny does the washing, her sister__________ the table.A. has clearedB. clearedC. is clearingD. will clear2. The air was filled with the ___________of flowers.A. colorB. smellC. senseD. sight3. They had two daughter; one a baby, a girl of 12.A. otherB. the otherC. one otherD. another4. We had hardly left our school________ it began to rain.A. sinceB. whileC. afterD. when5.“It's warm in here, said Michael, ________off his jacket.A. takingB. to takeC. takenD. took6. If he had really been here, I __________have seen him.A. willB. shallC. shouldD. can7. Mr. White treated the girl ____________his own daughterA. withB. forC. asD. of8. ----How_____ do you visit your parent? ----Twice a year.A. muchB. longC. oftenD. many9. The food is surely________. It tastes very good and I enjoy eating it.A. expensiveB. enoughC. strongD. delicious10. When we were young, we ______to stay out after 11 o'clock.A. hadn't allowedB. didn't allowC. weren't allowedD. wouldn't allow11. __________ in the rain, he was wet to the skin.A. CaughtB. CatchingC. Having caughtD. To be caught12. Gone with the wind is a great movie, ________ it is a bit too long.A. andB. butC. forD. so13. Her father was an artist who sometimes________ as a tour guide.A. worksB. workedC. has workedD. must work14. Don't_________ more responsibilities than you can manage.A. turnB. bringC. workD. take15. This is a simple and inexpensive process. __________, there are dangers.A. HoweverB. BesidesC. ThereforeD. Thus16. Education is________ lifelong experience that starts long before_________ start of school.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; aD. a; the17. We stayed up all night, talking about_________ had happened in the last few months.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. why18. School days are said_________ the happiest days in one's lifetime.A. beingB. to beC. have beenD. are19. I_______ in Shanghai for over a year, so I have a big advantage.A. have livedB. will liveC. am livingD. live20. ---- May I get you something to drink?A. If you likeB. Well, as you wishC. Yes, I'm fineD. Yes, water, please2015年真题1. This computer isn't working as it ___________.A. should B .will C .must D. can2. By the time you get this letter, I _________the country.A. will leaveB. will have leftC. would leaveD. am leaving3 We won’ t be late because there is often ________traffic early in the morning.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few4. I wish Peter_____ act nicer. He's rude to the workers.A .can B. will C. may D. would5. I’d rather have a quiet cup of coffee at home than _______in the noisy office.A. to sitB. sitC. sittingD. sat6. When people talk about the cities of the UK, the first________ comes into mind is London.A .which B. what C. that D. when7. If you make a promise, you should _________it.A. have B .know C. keep D. take8. I had warned them, but no one ________took my messages.A .willingly B. directly C. luckily D. seriously9. The names of the winners of the game___________ tomorrow.A .will announce B. have announced C. will be announced D. have been announced10. The company has set up a free telephone number_______ people can call with any questions about its products.A.so thatB. even ifC.as ifD.in case11. He ________that his plan would be hard to carry out.A. permitsB. adoptsC. acceptsD. admits.12. The guests_______ to wear formal evening dresses, but John insisted on wearing jeans.A .expected B. were expected C. were expecting D. had expected13. Despite serious illness, the patient is fighting bravely_________ his life.A. inB. forC. againstD. with14. ---- What’s that terrible noise? ------The neighbors_________ for a patty.A. prepare B .have prepared C. are preparing D. will prepare15. The green watch is $ 199 and the red one is $ 195.There’s not much_______ in price.A. opinionB. changeC. decisionD. difference16. Be careful, _________when the floor is still wet.A. possiblyB. extremelyC. certainlyD. especially17. The small house is really not_________ for a large family.A. suitableB. beautifulC. modern D .narrow18. I clearly remember________ her at a party five weeks ago.A. to meetB. has metC. meetingD. meet19. -----Is there anything wrong with your stomach? -----_________.A. Nothing seriousB. Be carefulC. Don't mindD. Keep clam20. ----How often do you visit your grandparents? -----________. Usually once a week.A. Of course notB. Well, it dependsC. Certainly, we doD. Go ahead2016年真题1. Jackie is ill_________ he can’t go travelling with us next week.A. becauseB. butC.soD. yet2. I had to interrupt meal ___________the phone.A. answerB.to answerC. answeringD. answered3. The paint on the outside walls __________badly by the weather.A.is damagingB. damagedC. has been damagedD. has damaged4. My teacher says that this article is worth__________.A. readingB.to readC. readD.to be read5. I don't mind ___________ someone else organize the school picnic.A. haveB. havingC.to haveD. being had6. -----Look at that poster! There's going to be a final concert of the season tomorrow.------Let's ___________some tickets!A. takeB. showC. checkD. get7. I met the neighbor ___________had called the police when we had a party at home last week.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. whose8. Children find it a difficult to sit__________ for very long.A. tiredB. freeC. comfortableD. still9. ----Will it be ok if I give you the book tomorrow? ------Sure, ____________.A. whoeverB. howeverC. whateverD. whenever10. -----Who helped you___________ after the big party the other night? -----Bob did.A. save upB. look upC. clean upD. put up11. Schools in cities tend to be better equipped, _______those in the country are relatively poor,A. whileB. ifC. thenD. unless12. I’m not very good at English, but I can make myself_____________.A. understandB. understoodC.to understandD.to be understand13. He said his car had broken down, but it was only an___________ for not coming here to see me.A. expressionB. adviceC. excuseD. information14. In recent years much more emphasis has been put __________developing students' productive kills.A. overB. nonstopC. onD. onto15. Let me see the map, ___________we'll be driving round here.A. thereforeB. orC. otherwiseD. forever16. The ________ weight of my baby at birth was 3.24kg.A. naturalB. roughC. basicD. exact17. Everybody liked her. They ____________ her for her beauty.A. admiredB. believedC. realizedD. recognized18. I wish I ____________ten years younger.A. canB. wereC. willD. would19. -----Daniel, ________, but your TV is going too loud. ----Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I'll turn it down right now.A.I hate to say thisB.I need your helpC.I beg your pardonD. I'm really angry with it20. -----There is still an hour to go, shall we sit somewhere and have a drink?A. Wait a minuteB. Good ideaC. That's rightD. Let's have a try2017年真题1. This is an expensive _________very useful book,A. butB. soC. andD. or2. I’m sure if you talk to your boss about the matter he__________.A. is understandingB. will understandC. has understoodD. understood3. The book is about Columbus' voyages, ___________ his landings in America.A. includesB. to includeC. includingD. included4. It took us seven hours____________ home in the snowstorm.A. driveB. droveC. drivingD. to drive5. The speaker, ________for his splendid speeches, was warmly received by the students.A. being knownB. knownC. having knownD. knowing6. Have you ever been to the city_________ they visited a year ago?A. whenB. whereC. thatD. what7. She didn't tell me whether James was still __________ at the time.A. livelyB. livingC. aliveD. live8. I have always neglected____________ harder at school.A. studyingB. studyC. to studyD. having studied9. ----We have to talk about the details. -----Yes. I couldn't agree____________.A. muchB. anyC. moreD. all10. You'd better ___________ the word in a dictionary.A. look upB. look forC. look afterD. look out11. Anna eats at home every day. She ___________ goes to a restaurant.A. seldomB. probablyC. usuallyD. already12. Oil was flowing into the river when a pipeline__________.。
体育单招考试数学卷(答案) (1)
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单独考试招生文化考试数学卷(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)一、选择题:(本题共10小题,每小题6分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.圆221:40C xy x +-=与圆222:610160Cx y x y ++++=的公切线有( )(A )1条 (B )2条 (C )3条 (D )4条 2.已知圆22670xy x +--=与抛物线22(0)ypx p =>的准线相切,则p 为( )(A )1 (B )2 (C )3 (D )43.在空间四边形ABCD 各边上分别取E 、F 、G 、H 四点,如果EF 和GH 能相交于点P ,那么( )(A )点P 必在直线AC 上 (B )点P 必在直线BD 上 (C )点P 必在平面ABC 内 (D )点P 必在平面上ABC 外4.用1,3,5,7,9五个数字中的三个替换直线方程Ax+By+C =0中的A 、B 、C ,若A 、B 、C 的值互不相同,则不同的直线共有( )(A )25条 (B )60条 (C )80条 (D )181条 5、若集合}25|{<<-=x x A ,}33|{<<-=x x B ,则=B A ( ) A.}23|{<<-x x B.}25|{<<-x x C.}33|{<<-x xD.}35|{<<-x x6.已知0>>b a ,全集=I R ,集合}2|{ba xb x M +<<=,}|{a x ab x N <<=,=P {x b x <|≤ab},则P 与NM ,的关系为 ( )(A ))(N C M p I = (B )N M C p I )(= (C )N M P = (D )N M P = 7.函数x x f a log )(= 满足2)9(=f ,则)2log (91--f 的值是 ( )(A )2 (B )2(C )22 (D )2log 38. 函数的图象如图所示,则最大、最小值分别为 ( )A. B.C. D.9. 设,,,其中为自然对数的底数,则,,的大小关系是( )A. B. C. D.10. 设,,,都为正数,且不等于,函数,,,在同一坐标系中的图象如图所示,则,,,的大小顺序是( )A. B.C. D.二、填空题:(共30分.)1.函数y=3-2cos(x-)的最大值为__,此时x=_______.2.函数f(x)=3cos(2x+)的最小正周期为___.3.函数f(x)=sin2x的图像可以由g(x)=sin 2x-号)的图像向左平移___个单位得到.4. 在中,,,,则______.5. 若向量,的夹角为,则——————随机抽取 100名年龄在 ,,, 年龄段的市民进行问卷调查,由此得到样本的频率分布直方图如图所示,从不小于 岁的人中按年龄段分层抽样的方法随机抽取 8人,则在 年龄段抽取的人数为_____.三、解答题:(本题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)1.为加快新冠肺炎检测效率,某检测机构采取“k 合1检测法”,即将k 个人的拭子样本合并检测,若为阴性,则可确定所有样本都是阴性的,若为阳性,则还需要对本组的每个人再做检测.现有100人,已知其中2人感染病毒.(1)①若采用“10合1检测法”,且两名患者在同一组,求总检测次数; ②已知10人分成一组,分10组,两名感染患者在同一组的概率为111,定义随机变量X为总检测次数,求检测次数X 的分布列和数学期望()E X ;(2)若采用“5合1检测法”,检测次数Y 的期望为()E Y ,试比较()E X 和()E Y 的大小.(直接写出结果)2.求经过两点(10)A -,、(32)B ,,且圆心在y 轴上的圆的方程. 3设c b a ,,分别是ABC ∆的三个内角A 、B 、C 所对的边,S 是ABC ∆的面积,已知4,5,3a b S ===(1)求角C ; (2)求c 边的长度.参考答案:一、选择题答案: 参考答案1-5题:DBABA 参考答案6-10题:ACCDC 二、填空题答案: 1.答案:5;(k ∈Z)解析: 2.答案:π 解析: 3.答案: 解析:由的图像向左平移0.25个单位,可得函数 的图像。
体育对口单招数学试卷(包含答案) (7)
![体育对口单招数学试卷(包含答案) (7)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b28c7b2d0640be1e650e52ea551810a6f524c8ec.png)
若为假命题,则实数的取值范围为( )A 、B 、C 、D 、2.已知平面平面,=c ,直线直线c a ,不垂直,且c b a ..交于同一点,则“c b ⊥”是“a b ⊥”的( )A. 既不充分也不必要条件B. 充分不必要条件C. 必要不充分条件D. 充要条件3. 函数)10()(≠>-⋅-=a a a x a a x y x且的图像可以是( )A B C D4.设函数3)(x x f =,若20πθ≤≤时,0)1()cos (>-+m f m f θ恒成立,则实数的取值范围为( )A .)1,0(B .)0,(-∞C .1,(-∞)D .)21,(-∞ 5、设集合A ={0,2,a},B ={1,a2},若A ∪B ={0,1,2,5,25},则a 的值为( )A .6B .8C .2D .56.若tan θ=-2,则sin θ(1+sin2θ)sin θ+cos θ =( ) A.−65B.−25C.25 D.65 01,:≤+∈∃m R m p 01,:2>++∈∀mx x R x q q p ∧2≥m 2-≤m 22≥-≤m m 或22≤≤-m ⊥αββα ,α⊂a ,β⊂b7.若过点(a,b)可以作曲线y=ex 的两条切线,则( )A.eb<aB.ea<bC.0<a<ebD.0<b<ea8.有6个相同的球,分别标有数字1,2,3,4,5,6,从中有放回的随机取两次,每次取1个球,甲表示事件“第一次取出的球的数字是1”,乙表示事件“第二次取出的球的数字是2”,丙表示事件“两次取出的球的数字之和是8”,丁表示事件“两次取出的球的数字之和是7”,则( )A.甲与丙相互独立B.甲与丁相互独立C.乙与丙相互独立D.丙与丁相互独立9.设a ≥0,b ≥0,且1222=+b a ,则21b a +的最大值为( )(A )43 (B )42 (C )423 (D )2310.已知点A (3cos α,3sin α),B (2cos β,2sin β),则||AB 的最大值是 ( )(A )5 (B )3 (C )2 (D )111. 已知平行四边形ABCD ,则向量AB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ +BC ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =( )A. BD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗B. DB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗C. AC ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗D. CA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗12. 下列函数以π为周期的是( )A.y =sin (x −π8)B. y =2cos xC. y =sin xD. y =sin 2x13. 本学期学校共开设了20门不同的选修课,学生从中任选2门,则不同选法的总数是()A. 400B. 380C. 190D. 4014. 已知直线的倾斜角为60°,则此直线的斜率为( )A. −√33B. −√3C. √3D. √3315. 若sin α>0且tan α<0,则角α终边所在象限是( )A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C. 第三象限D.第四象限16、 不等式0412>-+x x 的解集是( )A 、RB 、 (1,4)C 、 ),4()1,(+∞-∞D 、 )4,(-∞17、不等式()0)5(7≥-+x x 的解集是( )A 、 ()7,5-B 、 ),5()7,(+∞--∞C 、 ),5[]7,(+∞--∞D 、 []57,- 18、若ab<0,则( )A 、a>0,b>0B 、a<0,b>0C 、a>0,b<0或 a<0,b>0D 、a>0,b>0或 a<0,b<019、下列命题中,正确的是( )A 、a>-aB 、a a <2C 、b a b a >>那么如果,D 、22,0,c b c a c b a >≠>则如果 20、在等差数列{}n a 中,3,21=-=d a ,则=7a ( )A 、16B 、17C 、18D 、19二、填空题:(本题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分.)1.记Sn 为等比数列{an}的前n 项和.若214613a a a ==,,则S5=____________.2.甲、乙两队进行篮球决赛,采取七场四胜制(当一队赢得四场胜利时,该队获胜,决赛结束).根据前期比赛成绩,甲队的主客场安排依次为“主主客客主客主”.设甲队主场取胜的概率为0.6,客场取胜的概率为0.5,且各场比赛结果相互独立,则甲队以4∶1获胜的概率是____________.3.已知双曲线C :22221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>>的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F1的直线与C 的两条渐近线分别交于A ,B 两点.若1F A AB =,120F B F B ⋅=,则C 的离心率为____________. 4.{}{},13),(,3),(=+==-=y x y x B y x y x A那么=B A _____;5、042=-x 是x+2=0的 ____条件.三、解答题:(本题共4小题,每小题10分,共40分)1、计算:sin π2−lg 1000+0.25−12÷√325−3!+√(−5)2. 2、求过点),(24-,且与直线033=+-y x 平行的直线方程。
1.下列说法正确的个数是()①任何一条直线都有唯一的倾斜角;②倾斜角为30的直线有且仅有一条;③若直线的斜率为tan θ,则倾斜角为θ;④如果两直线平行,则它们的斜率相等(A )0个(B )1个(C )2个(D )3个2.若直线x =1的倾斜角为α,则α=()0A .0Bπ4Cπ2D 不存在3.直线l 1:2x +3y +1=0与直线l 2:3x +2y -4=0的位置关系是()(A )平行(B )垂直(C )相交但不垂直(D )以上情况都不对4..直线l 1:x +ay +6=0与l 2:(a -2)x +3y +2a =0平行,则a 的值等于(A ).-1或3()(B ).1或3(C ).-3(D ).-15.正三棱锥的底面边长为2,体积为3,则正三棱锥的高是()A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 66.已知直线经过点A(0,4)和点B (1,2),则直线AB 的斜率为()A.3B.-2C. 2D.不存在7.直线l 1:ax +(1-a )y =3,l 2:(a -1)x +(2a +3)y =2互相垂直,则a 的值为()3A.-3B.1C.0或2D.1或-3-8.如图1,直线l 1、l 2、l 3的斜率分别为k 1、k 2、k 3,则必有(A ).k 1<k 3<k2(B ).k 3<k 1<k 2(C ).k 1<k 2<k3(D )k 3<k 2<k19.过(x 1,y 1)和(x 2,y 2)两点的直线的方程是()A. B.y-y1x-x1=y2-y1x2-x1 y-y1x-x1=y2-y1x1-x2C.(y2-y1)(x-x1)-(x2-x1)(y-y1)=0D.(x2-x1)(x-x1)-(y2-y1)(y-y1)=010.直线5x-2y-10=0在x轴上的截距为a,在y轴上的截距为b,则()A.a=2,b=5;B.a=2,b=-5;C.a=-2,b=5;D.a=-2,b=-5.二.填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题5分,共35分,把答案填在题中横线上。
体育对口单招数学卷(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)一、选择题:(本题共10小题,每小题6分,共60分)1.函数()f x =的单调递增区间为()A.[0,1] B.1(,]2-∞ C.1[,1]2D.1[0,]22.已知方程1||+=ax x 有一负根且无正根,则实数的取值范围是()A.1->a B.1=a C.1≥a D.1≤a 3.命题“存在0x ∈R,02x 0”的否定是()A.不存在0x ∈R,02x >0B.存在0x ∈R,02x 0C.对任意的x ∈R,2x 0D.对任意的x ∈R,2x >04.若不等式4)2(2)2(2<-+-x a x a 的解集为,则实数的取值范围是()A )2,2(-B ]2,2(-C ),2()2,(+∞--∞D )2,(-∞5.已知函数()cos cos 2f x x x =-,试判断该函数的奇偶性及最大值()A.奇函数,最大值为2B.偶函数,最大值为2C.奇函数,最大值为98D.偶函数,最大值为986.对24小时内降水在平地上的积水厚度()mm 进行如下定义:0~1010~2525~5050~100小雨中雨大雨暴雨小明用一个圆锥形容器接了24小时的雨水,则这一天的雨水属于哪个等级()A.小雨B.中雨C.大雨D.暴雨7.若tan 2α=,则2sin cos sin 2cos αααα-+的值为()A.0B.34C.1D.548.函数14(cos 22--=πx y 是()A.最小正周期为的奇函数B.最小正周期为的偶函数C.最小正周期为2π的奇函数D.最小正周期为2π的偶函数9.如果函数p x nx y ++=21的图象关于点A (1,2)对称,那么()(A)=p -2,=n 4(B)=p 2,=n -4(C)=p -2,=n -4(D)=p 2,=n 410.已知}{n a 的前n 项和142+-=n nS n ,则||||||1021a a a +++ 的值为()(A)67(B)65(C)61(D)56二、填空题:(共30分.)1、f(x)=+3x-4的零点是____________.2、y=+x 在点A(1,2)处的切线方程是_____.3、等比数列{n a }的公比0q >,已知2a =1,216n n n a a a +++=,则{n a }的前4项和4S =______。
(满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
一、选择题:(本题共 20 小题,共 60 分)
)( x
5 6
将 y sin x(x R) 的图象上所有的点( )
A.向左平移 3 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的 2 倍,纵坐标不变
y cos(2x )
y sin(2x )
C、 y sin 2x cos 2x
D、 y sin x cos x
二、填空题:(共 30 分)
1.若 1.3.x 成等比数列,则实数 x=_______. 2.已知 y f (x) 是定义在 R 上的奇函数,当 x (0 , ) 时, f (x) 2x 2 ,则方程 f (x) 0 的解集
是____________________; 3.已知 f (x) lg(x2 8x 7) 在 (m , m 1) 上是增函数,则 m 的取值范围是________________; 4.已知函数 f (x) sin x 5x ,x (1,1) ,如果 f (1 a) f (1 a2 ) 0 ,则 a 的取值范围是____________;
7.已知 z=2-i,则( z(z + i) =( ) A. 6-2i
B. 4-2i
C. 6+2i
D. 4+2i
8.已知圆锥的底面半径为 2 ,其侧面展开图为一个半圆,则该圆锥的母线长为( ) A.2
2007年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试数 学一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分。
1、已知集合}1|2||{<-=x x M ,}02|{2<-=x x x N ,则=N M ( ) A 、}20|{<<x x B 、}30|{<<x x C 、}21|{<<x x D 、}31|{<<x x2、已知α是第四象限的角,且23)sin(-=-απ,则=+)cos(απ ( ) A 、21- B 、21 C 、22- D 、223、三个球的表面积之比为1:2:4,它们的体积依次为1V ,2V ,3V ,则 ( ) A 、124V V = B 、1322V V = C 、234V V = D 、2322V V =4、已知点A (-2,0),C (2,0). ABC ∆的三个内角C B A ∠∠∠,,的对边分别为c b a ,,,且c b a ,,成等差数列,则点B 一定在一条曲线上,此曲线是 ( ) A 、圆 B 、椭圆 C 、双曲线 D 、抛物线5、数列}{n a 的通项公式为nn a n ++=11,如果}{n a 的前n 项和等于3,那么=n( ) A 、8 B 、9 C 、15 D 、16 6、一个两头密封的圆柱形水桶装了一些水,当水桶水平横放时,桶内的水浸了水桶横截面周长的41. 当水桶直立时,水的高度与桶的高度的比值是 ( )A 、41B 、4πC 、π141-D 、π2141-7、已知函数)1(-=x f y 是偶函数,则函数)2(x f y =图象的对称轴是 ( ) A 、1=x B 、1-=x C 、21=x D 、21-=x 8、ABC ∆中A ∠,B ∠和C ∠的对边分别是a ,b 和c ,满足ba cA C 3233cos cos +-=,则C ∠的大小为 ( )A 、3π B 、6π C 、32π D 、65π9、已知0>ω,)2,2(ππϕ-∈. 如果函数)sin(ϕω+=x y 的最小正周期是π,且其图象关于直线12π=x 对称,则取到函数最小值的自变量是 ( )A 、Z k k x ∈+-=,125ππB 、Z k k x ∈+-=,65ππC 、Z k k x ∈+=,61ππD 、Z k k x ∈+=,121ππ10、某班分成8个小组,每小组5人. 现要从班中选出4人参加4项不同的比赛. 且要求每组至多选1人参加,则不同的选拔方法共有 ( )A 、444854A C (种)B 、154448C A C (种) C 、444845A C (种) D 、444405A C (种) 二、填空题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分。
1. 在一场足球比赛中,甲队和乙队比赛。
2. 已知一个三角形的两边长分别为12 cm和16 cm,夹角为45度。
3. 甲、乙两名游泳选手进行100米自由泳比赛,甲选手在比赛开始5秒钟后出发,乙选手在比赛开始10秒钟后出发。
4. 一只足球队在连续4个赛季中取得的比赛胜率分别为0.6、0.7、0.5和0.8。
5. 甲、乙两名运动员进行跳远比赛。
选择题:在一次体育训练中,教练记录了运动员跑步的距离(单位:米)和时间(单位:秒),要计算平均速度(单位:米/秒),以下哪个公式是正确的?A. 平均速度= 总时间/ 总距离B. 平均速度= 总距离/ 总时间(正确答案)C. 平均速度= 总距离+ 总时间D. 平均速度= 总时间-总距离某个体育场馆的座位呈矩形排列,共有12排,每排有20个座位。
如果全部坐满,共有多少人?A. 240B. 220(正确答案)C. 202D. 180运动员在训练中需要完成一定数量的俯卧撑,如果第一天完成了30个,第二天完成了第一天数量的1.5倍,那么第二天完成了多少个俯卧撑?A. 15B. 30C. 45(正确答案)D. 60在一场体育比赛中,某队在前半场得分是后半场得分的2倍。
如果该队全场得分是60分,那么前半场得了多少分?A. 10B. 20(正确答案)C. 30D. 40运动员在训练中需要跑步,如果一圈跑道是400米,那么他跑5圈是多少米?A. 1600(正确答案)B. 2000C. 2400D. 2800在体育单招的数学考试中,如果一道题目的分值是5分,那么3道这样的题目一共是多少分?A. 10B. 15(正确答案)C. 20D. 25某个体育班的男生人数是女生人数的2倍,如果女生有15人,那么男生有多少人?A. 5B. 15C. 30(正确答案)D. 45在一次体育测试中,运动员的得分是90分,这个得分是满分的90%。
那么这次测试的满分是多少分?A. 80B. 90C. 100(正确答案)D. 110在体育单招的数学考试中,如果一场考试的时间是2小时,那么这场考试有多少分钟?A. 60B. 90C. 120(正确答案)D. 180。
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已知点A(-2,0),C(2,0) . ABC 的三个内角
A, B, C 的对边分别为a,b,c ,
且a,b,c 成等差数歹0,则点B 一定在一条曲线上,此曲线是
1 ,,如果(a n )的前n 项和等丁 3,那么n
n 1 . n
D 、16
6、一个两头密封的圆柱形水桶装了一些水,当水桶水平■横放时,桶内的水浸了 水桶横截面周长的1.当水桶直立时,水的高度与桶的高度的比值是
1、已知集合 M (x||x 2| 1) , N (x|x 2 2x 0),则 M N
A 、 (x|0 x 2)
B 、(x | 0 x 3)
C 、(x|1
x 2)
D 、(x|1 x 3)
2、 已知 是第四象限的角,且sin(
) —,贝U
A 、
C 、
D 、
3、 三个球的表面积之比为1:2:4, 它们的体积依次为V i, V 2,
A 、 V 2 4V i
B 、V 3 2 2V 1
C 、
V 3 4V 2 D 、V 3 2 2V 2
4、 A 、圆
B 、椭圆
C 、双曲线
D 、抛物线
5、数列(a n )的通项公式为a n C 、15
(芬,5).如果函数y sin ( x )的最小正周期是 ,且其
10、某班分成8个小组,每小组5人.现要从班中选出4人参加4项不同的比赛. 且要求每组至多选1人参加,则不同的选拔方法共有 B 、C ;A 4C ;(种)
D 、5C :°A :(种)
11、 已知向量a (5, 4) , b ( 3,2),则与2a 3bft 直的单位向量是 5 6
12、 二棱锥 D ABC 中,棱长 AB BC CA DA DC a , BD 一 a ,则二 面角D AC B 的大小为 .
A 、
1 1
1 1
4 2
7、 已知函数 A 、
C 、x
D 、 8、 ABC 中 A,
B 和
C 的对边分别是a, b 和c ,
cos A
3a 2.3b'
A 、
C 的大小为 9、
图象关丁直线 一对称,则取到函数最小值的自变量是
A 、 x
C 、 x 5
12 1
,k Z B 、 x ,k Z
D 、x
k ,k Z 6 —k ,k Z 12
A 、45C ;A 4 (种) C 、54C ;A :
1 B
、 C
、 D 、
13、已知(方,成,函数y sin(x ) cos(x )(x R)为偶函数,贝U _
2 i
14、已知1 a 1,不等式x2-一x 1 0的解集是.
15、已知集合M (x | sin x cosx,0 x ) , N (x | sin 2x cos2x,0 x ),
贝U M N .(用区问表小)
,, x2
16、函数y -—的最大值是.
x 16
17、(1 2*&)6的展开式中所有有理项系数之和等丁 .(用数字作答)
18、已知点Q(3,0),点P在圆x2 y2 1上运动,动点M满足PM — MQ ,
则M的轨迹是一个圆,其半径等丁. 1
19、已知函数f(x) -(e e )(x R),贝U f (x)的反函数f (x) .
3 21、已知{b n}是一个等比数歹0, b 0 ,公比q 0 ,且有a n log2 b n - n .
(1) 证明{a n}是等差数列,并求它的首项和公差;
(2) 右b2 1 , b4 —,求{a n}得刖n项和S n.当n取何值时S n取大?取大值等
22、已知ABC A' B'C'为正三棱柱,D是BC中点.
(1) 证明A'B|| 平面ADC';
(2) 若AA' AB,求A'B与平面AA'C'C所成角的大小;
(3)若AB a,当A'A等丁何值时A'B AC' ?证明你的结论.
(1) 求甲抽到田赛题目,且乙抽到径赛题目的概率;
(2) 求甲、乙两人至少有1人抽到田赛题目的概率;
(3) 求甲、乙两人同时抽到田赛题目或同时抽到径赛题目的概率.
2 2
24、双曲线与与1(a 0,b 0)的中心为O ,右焦点为F ,右准线和两条渐近a b
线分别交丁点M#n M2.
(1) 证明O,M I,M2和F四个点同在一个圆上;
(2) 如果|OM i| |M i F|,求双曲线的离心率;
(3) 如果M1FM2 — , |OF| 4,求双曲线的方程.