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《分析化学》投稿指南 最新版【2013】

《分析化学》投稿指南  最新版【2013】

Author’s Guid e to Analytical Chemistry(Revised July 2013)Contents (click on the topic)Scope | Manuscript Types - Research Manuscripts - Features, Perspectives, and Reviews|Editorial Policies - Submissions - Peer Review - Professional Ethics - Just Accepted Manuscripts - Patent Activities and Intellectual Property Issues | Manuscript Format - Word-processing details - Research Article Format - Figures and tables - Supporting Information | Nomenclature | Proofs | Additions and Corrections | Reprints and E-prints | ACS AuthorChoiceAnalytical Chemistry publishes a range of manuscripts. Research manuscripts include Comments, Letters, Technical Notes, and Articles. In addition, we publish Features, Perspectives, and Reviews. More details on these manuscript types can be found below.ScopeThe journal is devoted to the dissemination of original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science and need not directly address existing or potential analytical methodology. Articles may be entirely theoretical with regard to analysis, or they may report experimental results. They may contribute to any phase of analytical operations, including sampling, chemical reactions, separations, instrumentation, measurements, and data processing. Papers dealing with known analytical methods should offer a significant, original application of the method, a noteworthy improvement, or results on an important analyte.Manuscript TypesCommon to allManuscripts must be submitted electronically via the ACS Paragon Plus Environment. Instructions and an overview of the submission process are available(/login) and optional electronic manuscript templates are available in several word processing versions (/page/ancham/submission/authors.html).Submitted work must not be previously published or under review elsewhere, including publicly accessible preprint sites. Features and Reviews should only contain material that already has been peer reviewed as a part of a prior publication.Analytical Chemistry publishes papers without page or color charges to authors.A properly completed and signed Journal Publishing Agreement must be submitted for each manuscript. ACS Paragon Plus provides an electronic version of the Agreement that will be available on the My Authoring Activity tab of the Corresponding Author's Home page once the1manuscript has been assigned to an Editor. A PDF version of the Agreement is also available, but Authors are strongly encouraged to use the electronic Journal Publishing Agreement. If the PDF version is used, all pages of the signed PDF Agreement must be submitted. If the Corresponding Author cannot or should not complete either the electronic or PDF version for any reason, another Author should complete and sign the PDF version of the form. Forms and complete instructions are available at /page/copyright/journals/index.html.Author List. During manuscript submission, the submitting author must provide contact information (full name, email address, institutional affiliation and mailing address) for all of the co-authors. Because all of the author names are automatically imported into the electronic Journal Publishing Agreement, the names must be entered into ACS Paragon Plus in the same sequence as they appear on the first page of the manuscript. (Note that co-authors are not required to register in ACS Paragon Plus.) The author who submits the manuscript for publication accepts the responsibility of notifying all co-authors that the manuscript is being submitted. Deletion of an author after the manuscript has been submitted requires a confirming letter to the Editor-in-Chief from the author whose name is being deleted. For more information on ethical responsibilities of authors, see the Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research.Research ManuscriptsResearch manuscripts include Comments, Letters, Technical Notes, and Articles.Correspondence to the Editor should be addressed to: Jonathan V. Sweedler, Editor, Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry 63-5, University of Illinois, Urbana IL 61801 (217-244-7866; fax 202-513-8699 or 217-265-6290; eic@).In calculating the length limits discussed with each manuscript type, assume 1000words/page, counting single-column figures as 250 words and double-column as 500 words. If a submission exceeds the length guidelines, it will be returned to the authors to be shortened or modified to fit another manuscript category (see Articles section below for exceptions). Although it may be appropriate that some experimental detail be included in the Supporting Information (see Supporting Information section below), it is not acceptable to place important details of the experiments there in order to circumvent the length guidelines.Articles. The maximum length of Articles is eight journal pages. Rarely, a longer submission may be justified. If so, a convincing justification for the extra length must be made by the authors in their cover letter. The Editor will normally require condensation of longer papers but will consider the justification details provided by the authors.Technical Notes. A Technical Note is a short description of a novel apparatus or technique. Authors must show ingenuity in describing the advantages of the new apparatus or technique over those already available. Technical Notes are three to five pages in length.Letters. A Letter is a brief disclosure of significant new analytical concepts or applications and will be considered on an accelerated schedule. Letters have a maximum length of four journal pages.Comments. A Comment presents important comments on the work of others already published in Analytical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry will not accept comments concerning research2published elsewhere. The authors of the work being discussed will ordinarily be allowed a chance to reply. Comments have a maximum length of three journal pages.Features, Perspectives, and ReviewsFeatures. Feature articles are written for the generalist and are intended to broaden readers’ professional interests and keep them aware of the role of analytical chemistry in the scientific arena. They are not comprehensive reviews, but rather a tutorial perspective on a field. These are generally submitted by researchers in response to invitations, but unsolicited Features are considered.Authors are welcome to e-mail an outline of a proposed article to the ACS Washington, D.C. office (analytical@). Further instructions will be provided upon acceptance of a proposal.Perspectives. Perspectives point out the authors’ vision of the character and importance of a new direction in analytical chemistry, analyze research reports that provide the foundation for the new direction, and discuss the nature of the opportunities perceived. They can also be articles in which authors synthesize research results with ideas and needs for additional work, as indicated by the results. Perspectives are neither reports of original research nor reviews with the traditional objective of summarizing progress in a field. They are aimed at specialists and experts in the field, and the level of writing reflects the sophistication of the author’s understanding of the topic. They are not intended to be accounts or analyses of an individual’s personal research. The manuscript must be balanced, fair, and accurate in treating contemporary literature. Perspectives are typically six pages and have a maximum length of eight pages.Perspectives can be submitted without invitation although many will be invited. The Editor encourages a preliminary contact by prospective authors for unsolicited submissions(eic@). Perspectives are reviewed by experts in the field; authors are encouraged to suggest expert reviewers. Editorial decisions will be based on technical quality, significance, and demonstration of a new direction in analytical chemistry.Reviews. Reviews are invited, and details will be provided to authors when the invitation is accepted. (However, on occasion, suggested topics for Reviews will be considered; topic proposals must be emailed in advance to eic@.)Editorial PoliciesSubmissionsTo submit manuscripts electronically, see the instructions at /login. Authors must submit the following material as separate files: Manuscript File (as a single .doc or .docx file with figures and tables and captions); cover letter; Supporting Information for Publication, if necessary; and additional materials for review, if needed (submit as Supporting Information for Review Only). A Manuscript PDF File is optional. If uploaded, this file will be used as the PDF proof during the peer review process and as the Just Accepted version. Authors will view the PDF version of their manuscript prior to formal submission to the Editor. Authors should review the journal’s instructions for preparing manuscripts (below) before submitting a manuscript. Close attention to all of the required details will expedite the review and reduce the time to publication.3Cover Letter. A letter must accompany the submission, and it should contain the following elements: the name of the corresponding author and that person’s complete contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, and email); the name(s) of any other author(s); the full manuscript title; a statement of why the paper is appropriate for Analytical Chemistry; and a description of any Supporting Information for Publication and/or for Review Only Material. Additionally, authors should note any length issues, whether the manuscript was discussed with an Editor before submission, and other issues important for the review process.Authors are required to suggest four or more potential reviewers, including email addresses. Suggested reviewers may not be at the same institutes as any of the manuscript authors and will be used at the discretion of the Editors. An author may request that a certain person not be used as a reviewer. The request will generally be honored by the Editor, unless the Editor feels this individual’s opinion, in conjunction with the opinions of other reviewers, is vital in the evaluation of the particular manuscript.Related Work by Authors. Related work under consideration for publication in any medium must be cited in the manuscript and the Editor informed at the time of submission. When related work by any of the authors is not available because it is “in press” (accepted), submitted, or in preparation, a copy of each related paper should be uploaded as “Supporting Information for Review Only” at the time of submission. If a cited reference has already appeared on the Web but not in print, use the DOI for citation. The full journal citation should be completed during manuscript revision or page proof correction, if possible.Peer ReviewSubmitted manuscripts should not be published or under consideration elsewhere and may be examined using software to detect duplication of already published material.Reject without external review. The Editors identify submissions that in their expert opinions would not fare well during the review process; these manuscripts are rejected without further review. Oftentimes, more than one Editor will be consulted during this process. This shortens the time to decision and ensures a manageable workload for reviewers. Examples of manuscripts that would not be peer reviewed include the following: the paper is a routine extension or minor technical improvement of research already published; the science lies outside the scope of Analytical Chemistry; the science does not meet Analytical Chemistry standards; insufficient data are provided to properly substantiate the claims and conclusions made; closely related work has already been published and few, if any, new insights are provided; the work is narrowly focused and not of broad, general appeal to the readership of Analytical Chemistry; the manuscript is a resubmission of a paper that has been previously declined, without the addition of adequate new science and/or without notification in the cover letter of previous submission; or the manuscript deals with known analytical methods and does not offer a significant, original application of the method, a noteworthy improvement, or results on an important analyte.The editorial decision. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript on the basis of originality, technical quality, clarity of presentation, and importance to the field. The Editors evaluate the reviewers’ arguments in the context of the scope and aims of the journal and make the final decision on each manuscript. The possible decisions include: accept; revise to address the concerns of the reviewers before the editors make a final decision; reject but consider a resubmission if4significant additional work is completed; or decline on the grounds of major technical or interpretational flaws, insufficient advance, or lack of novelty and interest.In cases when reviewers make different or conflicting recommendations, the Editors may request additional information from the reviewers, consult other experts, and/or ask the authors to clarify sections in question. Some manuscripts that are declined may be considered upon resubmission if significant additional work is completed, but authors are required to let the Editor know that the work is being resubmitted for reconsideration.Reviewers may be asked to review subsequent versions of the manuscript, especially if new data have been added to the paper, to evaluate whether the authors have addressed the scientific concerns. In such cases, blind copies of all reviewers’ comments are normally sent to the reviewers. The Editors will expedite any additional rounds of reviews to ensure timely publication.Any appeals should be addressed to the Editor who handled the manuscript and should include a concise statement of the specific reason for appeal.The Editors strongly disapprove of any attempts by authors to determine the identity of reviewers or to confront potential reviewers. The editorial policy of this journal is neither to confirm nor to deny any speculation about the identities of our reviewers. Authors whose manuscripts are published in Analytical Chemistry are expected to review manuscripts submitted by other researchers from time to time. Information for Reviewers is published separately online. Professional EthicsAll parties—editors, reviewers, and authors—are expected to adhere to the standards embodied in the American Chemical Society’s Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research. Those guidelines are available on the Web submission site (). Authors are reminded of their obligation to obtain the consent of all coauthors before submitting a paper for publication. If any change in authorship is necessary after a paper has been submitted, the corresponding author must provide a signed letter to the Editor confirming that all of the original coauthors have been notified and have agreed to the change.In publishing only original research, ACS is committed to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. ACS Publications uses CrossCheck's iThenticate software to screen submitted manuscripts for similarity to published material. Note that your manuscript may be screened during the submission process. Further information about plagiarism can be found in Part B of the Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research.Just Accepted ManuscriptsAfter a manuscript is peer reviewed and accepted, authors have the option of having their work posted as a Just Accepted manuscript. These are posted on the ACS Publications website prior to technical editing, formatting for publication, and author proofing, and this usually occurs within 30 minutes to 24 hours of acceptance by the editorial office. To ensure rapid delivery of the accepted manuscript to the Web, authors must adhere carefully to all requirements in the journal’s Author Guidelines. For further information, please refer to the Just Accepted FAQ, at . Patent Activities and Intellectual Property IssuesAuthors are responsible for ensuring that all patent activities and intellectual property issues are satisfactorily resolved prior to first publication (Just Accepted, ASAP, or in issue).The actual5date on which an accepted paper is published on the Web is recorded on the Web version of the manuscript and on the first page of the PDF version.Acceptance and publication will not be delayed for pending or unresolved issues of this nature.Manuscript FormatWord-processing detailsManuscripts prepared with accepted software packages will be used for production. Documents prepared with other word-processing programs will be handled on an experimental basis with the understanding that the use of these files in production cannot be guaranteed. For a list of currently acceptable word-processing packages, please refer to the guidelines presented at .Research Article FormatTitle. Use specific and informative titles with a high keyword content. Avoid acronyms and subtitles. Either the title or the abstract must contain the name(s) of the central measurement methodology (or methodologies) used in the paper.Authorship. Give authors’ full names, the complete mailing address of the place where the work was done, and the current addresses of the authors, if different, as a footnote. Indicate the corresponding author by an asterisk and provide an e-mail address and fax number for that person.Abstract. Abstracts (80–250 words) are required for Articles, Letters, and Technical Notes and should describe briefly and clearly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and the major conclusions. Remember that the abstract will be the most widely read portion of the paper and will be used by abstracting services. An abstract graphic will appear with abstract text.Text. Consult the publication for the general writing style. Write for the specialist (except for Features, which should be written for the scientific generalist). It is not necessary to include information and details or techniques that should be common knowledge to those in the field.General organization. Indicate the breakdown among and within sections with center heads and side heads. Keep all information pertinent to a particular section and avoid repetition.Introduction. The Introduction should state the purpose of the investigation and must include appropriate citations of relevant, precedent work but should not include an extensive review of marginally related literature. If the manuscript describes a new method, indicate why it is preferable to older methods. If the manuscript describes an improved analysis of a substance, the competing methods must be referenced and compared. Absence of appropriate literature references can be grounds for rejection of the paper.Experimental Section. Use complete sentences (i.e., do not use outline form). Be consistent in voice and tense. For apparatus, list only devices of a specialized nature. List and describe preparation of special reagents only. Do not list those normally found in the laboratory and preparations described in standard handbooks and texts. Because procedures are intended as instructions to permit work to be repeated by others, give adequate details of critical steps.6Published procedures should be cited but not described, except where the presentation involves substantial modifications. While an experimental section is required to be in the main article, detailed procedures may be presented in the Supporting Information.Safety considerations. Within the experimental section (and not in the Supporting Information section), describe all safety considerations, including any procedures that are hazardous, any reagents that are toxic, and any procedures requiring special precautions, in enough detail so that workers in the laboratory repeating the experiments can take appropriate safety measures. Procedures and references for the neutralization, deactivation, and ultimate disposal of unusual byproducts should be included.Results and discussion. The results may be presented in tables or figures; however, many simple findings can be presented directly in the text with no need for tables or figures. The discussion should be concise and deal with the interpretation of the results.Conclusions. Use the conclusion section only for interpretation and not to summarize information already presented in the text or abstract.References. References to notes/comments and to the permanent literature should be numbered in one consecutive series by order of mention in the text. Reference numbers in the text must be superscripted. The accuracy and completeness of the references are the authors’ responsibility. Use Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index abbreviations for journal names and provide publication year, volume, and page number (inclusive pagination is recommended). Chemical Abstracts reference information for foreign publications that are not readily available should also be supplied.List submitted articles as “in press” only if formally accepted for publication and give the volume number and year, if known. Otherwise, use “submitted to” or “unpublished work” with the name of the place where the work was done and the date. Include name, affiliation, and date for “personal communications”. For work published online (ASAP, Just Accepted) and work submitted for publication (e.g., submitted; in press), the DOI should be furnished in addition to the standard bibliographic information.Examples of the reference format:(1) Ho, M.; Pemberton, J. E. Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 4915–4920.(2) Bard, A. J.; Faulker, L. R. Electrochemical Methods, 2nd ed.; Wiley: New York,2001.(3) Francesconi, K. A.; Kuehnelt, D. In Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic;Frankenberger, W. T., Jr., Ed.; Marcel Dekker:New York, 2002; pp 51–94.(4) Pratt, D. A.; van der Donk, W. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, DOI:10.1021/ja047915o.Acknowledgments. Authors may acknowledge technical assistance, gifts, the source of special materials, financial support, meeting presentation information, and the auspices under which work was done, including permission to publish. If the article is dedicated to another scholar, a brief statement, such as “This article is dedicated to [name]”, can be included.7Statements about author contributions to the work or equal contributions of work should be included as a separate statement.Conflict of Interest Disclosure. A statement describing any financial conflicts of interest or lack thereof is published with each manuscript. During the submission process, the corresponding author must provide this statement on behalf of all authors of the manuscript. The statement should describe all potential sources of bias, including affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships, that may constitute conflicts of interest (please see the ACS Ethical Guidelines). The statement will be published in the final article. If no conflict of interest is declared, the following statement will be published in the article: “The authors declare no competing financial interest.”Figures and tablesTo facilitate the publication process, please submit manuscript graphics using the following guidelines:The preferred submission procedure is to embed graphic files in a Word document. It may help to print the manuscript on a laser printer to ensure all artwork is clear and legible.Additional acceptable file formats are TIFF, PDF, EPS (vector artwork), or CDX(ChemDraw file). If submitting individual graphic files in addition to them being embedded in a Word document, ensure the files are named based on graphic function (i.e. Scheme 1, Figure 2, Chart 3), not the scientific name. Labeling of all figure parts should be present and the parts should be assembled into a single graphic.•EPS files: Ensure that all fonts are converted to outlines or embedded in the graphic file. The document settings should be in RGB mode. NOTE:WhileEPS files are accepted, the vector-based graphics will be rasterized forproduction. Please see below for TIFF file production resolutions.TIFF files (either embedded in a Word doc or submitted as individual files) should have the following resolution requirements:•Black and White line art: 1200 dpi•Grayscale art (a monochromatic image containing shades of gray): 600 dpi•Color art (RGB color mode): 300 dpi•The RGB and resolution requirements are essential for producing high-quality graphics within the published manuscript. Graphics submitted in CMYK or atlower resolutions may be used, however, the colors may not be consistent andgraphics of poor quality may not be able to be improved.•Most graphic programs provide an option for changing the resolution when you are saving the image. Best practice is to save the graphic file at the finalresolution and size using the program used to create the graphic.8Graphics should be sized at the final production size when possible. Single column graphics are preferred and can be sized up to 240 points wide (3.33 in.). Double column graphics must be sized between 300 and 504 points (4.167 in. and 7 in.). All graphics have a maximum depth of 660 points (9.167 in.) including the caption (please allow 12 pts for each line of caption text).•Consistently sizing letters and labels in graphics throughout your manuscript will help ensure consistent graphic presentation for publication.Do not use figures or tables that duplicate each other or material already in the text. Calibration plots will not normally be published; give the information in a table or in the text. Do not include tables or figures that have already been published without clear citation and copyright acknowledgement. If the use of a large number of figures is desired to illustrate a phenomenon, the figures should be in Supporting Information. Straight-line figures are usually not needed; the information they convey can be described sufficiently (and in less space) in the text.The quality of the submitted electronic files determines the final quality of the published illustrations. Diagrams, graphs, charts, and other artwork should be created with dark text and lines on white or other light backgrounds. In general, bar graphs waste space and are discouraged. If artwork will need to be reduced, choose a lettering size large enough to be legible after the figure is reduced. Avoid using complex textures and shading; these do not reproduce well. To show a pattern, use a simple crosshatch design.If any figures have appeared previously or are adapted from other publications, please indicate this in the manuscript and submission letter and obtain permission to reproduce the figure (/page/copyright/permissions_otherpub.html). Photographs should be full-size, in high-resolution files. If possible, please size the photographs so that they are single- or double-column width, to avoid the need for reduction.For more information, please visit /page/4authors/submission/index.html. Table of Contents (TOC)/Abstract (ABS) Graphic. A TOC graphic is required for all manuscript types except Comments and Additions and Corrections. The TOC and ABS graphic are the same image and sized the same; its width is 8.47 cm (3.33 inches or 240 points) and height is 4.76 cm (1.875 inches or 135 points). This graphic is used for multiple purposes, including the document abstract graphic and other situations where a representative graphic is required. This graphic should give the reader a quick visual representation of the essence of the paper without providing specific details. The best images for these uses are simple, relatively free of text and technical characters, and make use of color for visual impact. Provide the TOC graphic as the last page of the submitted manuscript, labeled as “for TOC only”.Supporting InformationIn the interest of more concise and readable articles, authors should publish certain types of material in an appendix called Supporting Information (SI). This material can include additional examples of experimental and theoretical figures that are similar in form to figures in the article, novel algorithms, extensive tabular data (e.g., numerical values for the data in important figures in the manuscript and databases in comparative or theoretical studies of detailed kinetics or proteomics data), extensive figures connected with computational modeling, analytical and9。

英国皇家化学会 投稿指南

英国皇家化学会 投稿指南


作为享有盛誉的学术组织,英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)致力于推动化学科学的发展和传播。





三、投稿要求1. 文章标题应简明扼要,能准确概括研究内容。

2. 摘要应包含研究目的、方法、结果和结论等要点,并不超过250个词。

3. 引言部分应明确研究背景和意义,提出研究问题,并简要介绍相关文献。

4. 实验方法应详细描述实验设计、实验步骤和所用的仪器设备等,以便其他研究者能够重复实验。

5. 结果与讨论部分应客观呈现实验结果,并结合相关理论进行分析和讨论。

6. 结论部分应准确总结研究的主要发现,并指出进一步研究的方向或意义。

7. 引用文献时应按照英国皇家化学会的要求格式进行,确保准确无误。

8. 附录部分可包含一些详细数据、图表、图谱等,以辅助读者更好地理解研究内容。

四、投稿流程1. 投稿前,作者需要注册英国皇家化学会的账号,并登录投稿系统。

2. 在投稿系统中填写相关信息,包括文章标题、作者列表、摘要、关键词等。

3. 根据系统要求上传文章的电子文件,通常接受的格式包括PDF和Word文档。

4. 提交后,系统会自动生成一个投稿号,作者可通过该号码查询投稿状态。

5. 投稿会经过同行评审过程,通常会有两位或更多的审稿人对文章进行评审。

6. 审稿周期一般为几个月,期间作者可通过系统查询文章的审稿状态。

7. 审稿意见有时会要求作者进行修改,作者需根据审稿人的意见进行修订,并重新提交。

8. 文章最终被接受后,作者可根据编辑部的要求提交终稿,并支付相应的出版费用。




2,美国化学学会的在线投稿系统已经从2006年开始升级,将由原来的ACS Paragon系统升级到ACS Paragon Plus系统。

详情见:/paragonplus/splash/index.html3,目前,只有《Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation》在使用ACS Paragon Plus 系统,其它期刊仍使用ACS Paragon系统,地址为:https:///paragon/index.jsp第二步:使用在线投稿系统1,注册一个帐号,以后所有的操作,此在线投稿系统都会给你的邮箱地址发送一封确认信。




5,如果你上传的稿件和cover letter 是word格式,投稿系统会自动将它转换为pdf格式。



第三步:等待编辑部的处理1,投稿结束后,系统会发送确认信到你的邮箱,并给你的稿件编号,比如《INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH》期刊的编号是iexxxxxxx,前2位表示期刊,后7位为文章编号。





5,另外,编辑部还会要求你填写一份copyright form并传真给指定的编辑。







正文内容:1. 标题和摘要1.1 标题:投稿时,标题应简明扼要地概括研究内容,具有吸引力和准确性。


1.2 摘要:摘要是文章的简要概述,应包含研究目的、方法、结果和结论。


2. 引言和背景2.1 引言:引言部分应介绍研究的背景和意义,明确研究目的,并简要介绍相关文献。


2.2 背景:背景部分应提供相关领域的基础知识和前人研究成果,以帮助读者更好地理解研究问题的来源和重要性。


3. 实验方法和材料3.1 实验方法:在这一部分,详细描述实验的步骤和操作流程,以确保实验可重复性。



3.2 材料:列出所使用的实验材料的名称、供应商和规格。


4. 结果和讨论4.1 结果:在这一部分,展示实验结果的数据、图表和图像。



4.2 讨论:在讨论部分,对实验结果进行解释和分析。



5. 结论和展望5.1 结论:在结论部分,简明扼要地总结研究的主要发现和结果。

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南
《危险材料杂志》(Journal of Hazardous Materials)是一本国际性的学术期刊,主要关注危险材料的研究、管理、处理和评估。






4.文章长度限制:原创研究论文一般不超过8000 字,综述文章一般不超过10000 字。



2.选择“Submit New Manuscript”选项,按照提示填写相关信息。






3.本刊审稿周期一般为3-5 个月,具体时间视稿件数量和审稿进度而定。



journal of the american chemical society投稿经验

journal of the american chemical society投稿经验

journal of the american chemical society投稿经验以下是关于投稿到Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)的一些建议和经验:1. 在撰写论文时,确保研究问题的重要性和原创性。


2. 确保论文的实验结果和数据准确无误。


3. 在撰写论文过程中,遵循JACS的作者指南和投稿要求。



4. 选择合适的期刊部分进行投稿。



5. 在撰写论文时,精确描述研究方法和实验细节。


6. 在撰写论文的同时,也要重视论文的英语语法和格式。


7. 在撰写论文之前,尽可能多地阅读JACS上已发表的文章。


8. 在撰写推荐信时,选择有着一定知名度和影响力的学者或研究者。






分析化学SCI论文投稿指南,教你选最合适的杂志!1. 分析化学类Anal. Chem. IF 5.646 ACS米果化学会的分析化学杂志,分析化学的No.1,对于做药分的同志,如果你的文章的创新非常大,比如说提出了一种新的分析方法或分析手段,比之以前的分析方法有了明显的进步,具有很重大的意义;或者说你的应用体系非常的具有新意,可以考虑投AC。

The Analyst IF 3.198 RSC英国皇家化学会的分析家杂志,文章质量非常不错,对文章的新意要求也是比较高的,要求在方法学或者体系有明显的创新,然后才有被接受的可能。


Anal Chim Acta IF 2.894Talanta IF 2.81 Elsevier的两个分析化学杂志,对新意要求不是那么严格,一般来说,只要有一定的新意,能说出比以前的方法的进步之处,实验数据充实,文章条理清晰,都能被接受。




Anal Biochem IF 2.948Anal Bioanal Chem IF 2.591 看杂志名字就能看出来,要求体系和生物相关,当然,药代药理研究的都可以投稿的。


其中Anal Biochem今年来IF一直上升,看好!J PHARMACEUT BIOMED IF 2.032 米果医药学会的药物和生物医学分析杂志,影响因子虽然不高,但是文章质量不错。

创新要求不高,但是要求实验作的够漂亮^^Anal Sci IF 1.589 日本分析化学杂志,较容易接受。

Anal Lett IF 0.986 分析快报,只要文章通顺数据合理,较容易接受。

journal of materials chemistry b 分区

journal of materials chemistry b 分区

journal of materials chemistry b 分区(原创版)目录1.介绍 Journal of Materials Chemistry B2.Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的分区情况3.Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的影响因子4.Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的投稿指南正文一、介绍 Journal of Materials Chemistry BJournal of Materials Chemistry B 是英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)旗下的一本知名学术期刊,主要关注材料化学领域的研究进展。


二、Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的分区情况根据我国学术期刊分区标准,Journal of Materials Chemistry B 属于化学类一区(A 档)期刊。


三、Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的影响因子根据近年来的数据,Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)一直保持在较高的水平。

2020 年的影响因子为6.607,2021 年为 7.267,2022 年为 8.067。


四、Journal of Materials Chemistry B 的投稿指南对于有意向向 Journal of Materials Chemistry B 投稿的作者,以下是一些建议和指南:1.投稿前,请仔细阅读期刊的官方网站,了解期刊的投稿要求、审稿流程和版权政策等信息。

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板《Journal of Biological Chemistry》是美国生物化学和分子生物学学会出版的期刊,以下是该期刊投稿的模板:1. Title: 使用简短而精确的标题来概括研究的主要内容。

2. Authors: 列出所有作者的姓名,按照贡献大小排序。


3. Affiliations: 提供每个作者的单位信息,包括机构名称、地址和邮编。

4. Abstract: 用一段话总结研究的背景、目的、方法、主要结果和结论。

5. Introduction: 介绍研究的背景和意义,提出研究问题和假设。

6. Results: 详细描述研究的结果,包括数据、图表和图片等。


7. Discussion: 对研究结果进行分析和解释,与已有的相关研究进行比较和讨论。

8. Conclusions: 总结研究的主要结论,并提出研究的局限性和未来的研究方向。

9. Acknowledgments: 感谢对研究提供帮助的人员和机构。

10. References: 列出引用的所有文献,按照引用的先后顺序编号。

11. Tables and Figures: 提供所有表格和图表的标题和说明,确保清晰度和准确性。

12. Supplementary Materials: 如果有补充材料,如实验方法、数据分析等,可以在这里提供。

13. Cover Letter: 一封写给编辑的信,简要介绍研究的内容和意义,说明为什么该研究适合在《Journal of Biological Chemistry》上发表。

请注意,以上是《Journal of Biological Chemistry》投稿的一般模板,具体要求可能会因不同的研究领域和文章类型而有所不同。


analytical chemistry acta投稿经验

analytical chemistry acta投稿经验

analytical chemistry acta投稿经验标题:Analytical Chemistry Acta投稿经验引言概述:Analytical Chemistry Acta是一本国际知名的分析化学期刊,对于分析化学领域的学者和研究人员来说,投稿到这个期刊是一项重要的任务。

本文将从五个大点出发,详细阐述Analytical Chemistry Acta投稿的经验和注意事项。

正文内容:1. 选择合适的研究主题1.1 了解期刊的研究范围:在投稿之前,仔细研究Analytical Chemistry Acta的官方网站或最近几期的论文,了解期刊的研究范围和重点领域。

1.2 确定研究创新点:确保研究主题在分析化学领域具有独特性和创新性,能够吸引读者和编辑的兴趣。

2. 撰写高质量的论文2.1 结构合理:论文应包括引言、实验方法、结果与讨论、结论和参考文献等部分,结构清晰明了。

2.2 数据准确:确保实验数据的准确性和可重复性,使用适当的统计方法进行数据分析。

2.3 图表清晰:图表应具有良好的可读性,标注清晰,图表标题和图例应准确描述实验结果。

2.4 文字流畅:文章应使用准确、简练的语言,避免冗长和模糊的表达,确保文章的可读性。

2.5 参考文献规范:参考文献应按照期刊要求的格式进行标注和排版,确保引用的准确性和完整性。

3. 提交前的准备工作3.1 格式要求:确保论文的格式符合期刊的要求,包括字体、字号、行距等。

3.2 语言修饰:对于非英语母语的作者,建议请母语为英语的同行进行语言修饰,确保文章的语法和表达准确无误。

3.3 附加材料:根据期刊要求,准备好所有需要提交的附加材料,如实验数据、图表原始文件等。

4. 投稿过程中的注意事项4.1 尊重期刊要求:仔细阅读期刊的投稿指南和要求,确保投稿过程中的每一步都按照要求进行。

4.2 选择合适的编辑:在投稿时,可以根据自己的研究领域和兴趣选择合适的编辑,提高论文的被接受几率。

ccs chemistry审稿流程

ccs chemistry审稿流程

ccs chemistry审稿流程CCS Chemistry审稿流程CCS Chemistry(以下简称CCS)是一家知名的化学期刊,拥有严格的审稿流程,以确保发表的文章质量和学术可靠性。

本文将介绍CCS Chemistry的审稿流程,以帮助作者了解投稿后的整个过程。

1. 投稿作者在准备好自己的研究成果后,可以通过CCS Chemistry的官方网站进行投稿。



2. 编辑初审投稿后,CCS Chemistry的编辑团队将对文章进行初步审查。



3. 同行评审通过编辑初审的文章将进入同行评审阶段。

CCS Chemistry采用双盲评审制度,即评审专家不知道作者的身份,同时作者也不知道评审专家的身份。


通常情况下,CCS Chemistry会邀请两位或以上的评审专家进行评审。

4. 作者回复与修改在收到评审意见后,作者需要根据评审意见进行修改,并撰写回复信。



5. 决策与通知编辑团队将根据评审意见、作者的回复以及自身的判断,做出是否接受或拒绝文章的决策。



6. 出版一旦文章被接受,编辑团队将安排文章的出版事宜。

文章将进行最后的编辑和排版,并在CCS Chemistry的期刊上正式发表。




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A【所属学科】色谱分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】3.359【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description【投稿方式】email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months23【期刊名称】Journal of chromatograohy B【所属学科】色谱分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】2.176【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description【投稿方式】email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months24【期刊名称】Analytical chemistry【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】5.450【期刊主页】/journals/ancham/index.html【投稿方式】在线投稿/email【出版商】ACS【审稿周期】unknown25【期刊名称】electrophoresis【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】3.743【期刊主页】http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2027/ 【投稿方式】在线投稿/email【出版商】wiley interscience【审稿周期】2 months26【期刊名称】Journal of chromatography A【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】3.359【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description【投稿方式】在线投稿/email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3 months27【期刊名称】JOURNAL OF SEPARA TION SCIENCE【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.927【期刊主页】http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2259/ 【投稿方式】在线投稿/email【出版商】wiley interscience【审稿周期】2-3 months28【期刊名称】Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.509【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description【投稿方式】在线投稿/email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】1-2 month29【期刊名称】Phytochemical Analysis【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.385【期刊主页】/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-PCA.html 【投稿方式】主页上无在线投稿【出版商】wiley interscience【审稿周期】2=3 months30【期刊名称】Electrochemistry Communications【所属学科】Electrochemistry【级别】SCI、EI【影响因子】2.926【期刊主页】/sci ... daa82c9a2b982514b77【投稿方式】在线投稿【出版商】ELSEVIER【审稿周期】1 month31【期刊名称】Electrochimica Acta【所属学科】Electrochemistry【级别】SCI、EI【影响因子】2.341【期刊主页】/sci ... abf8e59c12785940620【投稿方式】在线投稿【出版商】ELSEVIER【审稿周期】1 month32【期刊名称】Journal of The Electrochemical Society【所属学科】Electrochemical science and technology【级别】SCI、EI【影响因子】2.356【期刊主页】/JES【投稿方式】在线投稿【出版商】ECS【审稿周期】1-3 months33【期刊名称】Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters【所属学科】Electrochemical science and technology【级别】SCI、EI【影响因子】2.271【期刊主页】/ESL【投稿方式】在线投稿【出版商】ECS【审稿周期】1-3 months34【期刊名称】Organic Letters【所属学科】有机化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】4.19【期刊主页】/journals/orlef7/index.html【投稿方式】在线投稿【出版商】ACS【审稿周期】1 month35 【期刊名称】Organic Letters(影响因子: 4.195), Journal of the American Chemical Society(影响因子: 6.903)【所属学科】chemistry【级别】SCI【期刊主页】/about.html【投稿方式】on-line submittion,/paragonplus/splash/index.html or https:///paragon/index.jsp 【出版商】American chemistry Society36【期刊名称】Analytic Chimic Acta【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI、EI【期刊主页】/ACA【投稿方式】email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months37【期刊名称】Molecules【所属学科】化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】0.676【期刊主页】/molecules/【投稿方式】在线投稿/email/邮寄【出版商】MDPI【审稿周期】3-6 months38【期刊名称】Catalysis Communications【所属学科】化学&催化【级别】SCI【IF】=1.89【期刊主页】/catcom/【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months39【期刊名称】Applied Catalysis B: Environmental【所属学科】化学&催化&环境科学【级别】SCI【IF】=4.042【期刊主页】/apcatb/【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months40【期刊名称】Journal of Catalysis【所属学科】化学&催化【级别】SCI【IF】=4.063【期刊主页】/jcat/【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months41【期刊名称】Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 【所属学科】化学&催化【级别】SCI【IF】=2.316【期刊主页】/molcaa/【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months42【期刊名称】analytical biochemistry【所属学科】分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】2.370【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description 【投稿方式】email【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】未知43【期刊名称】analyst【所属学科】分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】2.783【期刊主页】/Publishing/Journals/an/index.asp 【投稿方式】email【出版商】皇家化学会【审稿周期】未知44【期刊名称】analytical sciences【所属学科】分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.051【期刊主页】http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/cgi-bin/jsac/analsci/toc/【投稿方式】email【出版商】日本分析化学会【审稿周期】未知45【期刊名称】analytical letters【所属学科】分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】0.915【期刊主页】/newjour/a/msg03705.html【投稿方式】email【Publisher】Marcel Dekker, Inc.【审稿周期】未知46【期刊名称】Analytical Communications【所属学科】分析【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.628【期刊主页】/Publishing/Journals/an/index.asp【投稿方式】email【出版商】皇家化学会【审稿周期】未知47【期刊名称】Macromolecules【所属学科】高分子【级别】SCI, 3.898【期刊主页】/macromolecules/【投稿方式】online submision【出版商】ACS【审稿周期】3-6 months48【期刊名称】Talanta【所属学科】分析化学【级别】SCI、EI,2.532(2004 年)【期刊主页】/tal/【投稿方式】submission on line【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months49【期刊名称】ADV ANCES IN CA TALYSIS【所属学科】化学【级别】SCI,EI【影响因子】9.750【期刊主页】/science/bookseries/03600564 【国际刊号】ISSN: 0360-0564【投稿方式】online【出版商】ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC【审稿周期】3~6 months50【期刊名称】CA TALYSIS LETTERS【所属学科】化学&材料【级别】SCI,EI【影响因子】1.904【期刊主页】/east/hom ... 40109-70-35504020-0 【国际刊号】ISSN: 1011-372X【出版商】SPRINGER【审稿周期】3~6 months51【期刊名称】European Polymer Journal【所属学科】化学【影响因子】1.419【期刊主页】 ... mp;journal=00143057【投稿方式】online submision【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months52【期刊名称】Polymer degradation and stability【所属学科】化学【级别】SCI【影响因子】1.685【期刊主页】 ... mp;journal=01413910【投稿方式】online submision【出版商】elsevier【审稿周期】3-6 months53【期刊名称】Green Chemistry【所属学科】化学【级别】SCI Impact Factor:3.5【期刊主页】【投稿方式】email【出版商】RSC【审稿周期】3months54【期刊名称】Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics【所属学科】化学主要高分子类【级别】SCI, 1.39【期刊主页】/cgi-bin/jhome/36698【投稿方式】online submision【出版商】Wiley【审稿周期】2 months55【期刊名称】Journal of Applied Polymer Science【所属学科】化学主要高分子类【级别】SCI, 1.3【期刊主页】/cgi-bin/jhome/30035【投稿方式】online submision【出版商】Wiley【审稿周期】2 months56【期刊名称】EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL【简介】This journal publishes results bearing on the physics and chemistry of natural and synthetic macronuclear substances and also reviews articles covering advances in polymer technology.【所属学科】Chemistry ; Physics ; Materials Science【级别】SCI,EI【影响因子】0.720【期刊主页】/wps/find ... ription#description【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】Elsevier【审稿周期】in a month57【期刊名称】Carbohydrate Research【简介】The journal includes normal length research papers, perspectives, notes, rapid communications and book reviews together with notices of meetings concerned w ith carbohydrates.【所属学科】Chemistry【级别】SCI,EI【影响因子】1.43【期刊主页】/Jour ... 829&Precis=DESC【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】Elsevier【审稿周期】2 month58【期刊名称】Carbohydrate Polymers【简介】Carbohydrate Polymers covers the study and exploitation of the industrial applications of carbohydrate polymers in areas such as food, textiles, paper, wood, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, oil field applications and industrial chemistry.【所属学科】Chemistry【级别】SCI,EI【影响因子】1.71【期刊主页】/Jour ... 871&Precis=DESC【投稿方式】online submission【出版商】Elsevier【审稿周期】2 month59【期刊名称】Journal of Physical Chemistry B【所属学科】化学,物理,材料类【级别】SCI【影响因子】3.834 (2004); 3.679 (2003); 3.611 (2002)【期刊主页】/journals/jpcbfk/index.html【投稿方式】on-line submittion【审稿周期】审稿期限是21 天,超过 1 个月编辑会给通讯联系人发信说明情况。

chemistry-an asian journal投稿经验

chemistry-an asian journal投稿经验

chemistry-an asian journal投稿经验《Chemistry-An Asian Journal》是一本国际性的化学期刊,旨在发表高质量的化学研究论文。















总之,在向《Chemistry-An Asian Journal》投稿时,作者需要注意以上几点经验,以提高稿件的录用率。


journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

journal of hazardous materials投稿指南

《Journal of Hazardous Materials》是一本专注于危险材料研究的国际知名学术期刊,涵盖环境科学、工程、化学等多个领域。


如果您计划向该期刊投稿,以下是一些详细的投稿指南:1. 文章类型:期刊主要接受全长研究论文、评论文章和观点文章。


2. 创新性声明:在提交论文时,需要提供一个最多100字的创新性声明,解释为什么该研究应该发表在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》。


3. 研究领域:论文应涉及危险材料的研究,包括但不限于化学、环境科学、工程等领域。


4. 格式要求:论文应遵循期刊的格式要求,包括关键词、行号、图表、表格等。


5. 投稿过程:通过期刊的在线投稿系统进行投稿。


6. 审稿过程:投稿后,您的论文将经过同行评审。


7. 修订论文:根据审稿意见进行相应的修订。


8. 接受与发表:经过审稿和修订后,如果您的论文被接受,将会收到出版通知。


总之,在向《Journal of Hazardous Materials》投稿前,请确保您的论文符合期刊的主题范围和格式要求。



journal of geochemical exploration投稿流程

journal of geochemical exploration投稿流程

journal of geochemical exploration投稿流程《地球化学勘探学报》(Journal of Geochemical Exploration)是一本涉及地球化学和勘探领域的学术期刊。




















journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》的投稿指南如下:一、投稿须知《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》是一本专注于材料化学领域的顶级期刊,我们热烈欢迎全球的研究人员投稿。

为了确保您的稿件能够得到公正、有效的评审,我们建议您遵循以下投稿指南:1. 稿件格式:请按照我们的在线投稿系统提供的指南准备您的稿件,并确保所有相关信息,如标题、作者信息、单位信息、材料类型、化学性质等都已正确填写。

2. 原创性:为了保护读者和编辑的利益,所有原创、未公开发表或已发表的稿件都应提交给我们。


3. 实验方法和数据:详细描述您的实验方法和结果,以便读者能够理解和评估您的研究。


4. 图表:请提供高质量的图表和照片,以便读者更好地理解您的研究。

二、审稿流程我们的审稿过程是透明和公正的,您可以通过以下信息了解大致的审稿周期:1. 双盲审稿:我们的审稿过程遵循双盲审稿制度,即审稿人不会知道您的个人信息,也不会让您知道审稿人的身份。

2. 评审时间:一般来说,初审需要约一到两个月,最终决定需要约一到三个月。


3. 反馈提供:如果您的稿件被接受,我们会向您提供详细的评审反馈,包括需要修改的地方和修改的时间限制。

三、版权协议我们使用CC BY open access版权协议发布您的稿件,这意味着您的稿件可以被公众免费获取,同时允许任何用户进行下载、复制、分发和打印,前提是保持原始版权的声明不变。

以上就是《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》的投稿指南,如果您有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息,可以通过我们的官方网站联系编辑部工作人员。

nature chemistry投稿经验

nature chemistry投稿经验

nature chemistry投稿经验以Nature Chemistry投稿经验为标题,本文将介绍如何成功投稿到Nature Chemistry期刊。

Nature Chemistry是一本顶级的化学领域国际学术期刊,投稿到该期刊需要一定的经验和技巧。

以下是一些建议和经验分享,希望能对即将投稿或有意投稿到Nature Chemistry的研究人员有所帮助。

投稿前要仔细阅读Nature Chemistry的投稿指南。




Nature Chemistry期刊对原创性和创新性有很高的要求,因此您的研究主题应具有独特性和前瞻性。



Nature Chemistry期刊对论文的质量要求很高,因此您需要认真准备和撰写您的论文。





Nature Chemistry鼓励多中心、多学科的合作研究,因此选择合适的合作者对于论文的成功发表非常重要。







Nature Chemistry是一个非常高水平的期刊,审稿过程可能会比较漫长。




化学类英文期刊投稿指南Title: Guidelines for Submission to Chemical JournalsIntroduction:1. Selecting the Right Journal:Choosing the appropriate journal for your manuscript is crucial. Consider the scope, impact factor, readership, and target audience of potential journals. Read previouspublications to ensure your research aligns with the journal's focus.2. Preparation of Manuscript:Ensure your manuscript adheres to the journal's specific guidelines for authors, including formatting, word count, and style. Provide a clear, concise, and logical presentation of your research. Review the journal's website for detailed instructions and templates.3. Title and Abstract:4. Authorship and Affiliation:Provide the names, affiliations, and contact information of all authors. Follow the journal's specific rules for authorship, ensuring all contributors meet the criteria. Acknowledge the contribution of individuals who have not met the full criteria for authorship in the acknowledgments section.5. Ethical Considerations:Adhere to the ethical guidelines of responsible research conduct, including obtaining appropriate permissions, citing relevant sources, and avoiding plagiarism. Clearly state any conflicts of interest and funding sources associated with the research. Obtain informed consent for studies involving human participants or animal experimentation.6. Figures and Tables:Ensure the figures and tables included in your manuscript are clear, well-labeled, and easy to understand. Follow the journal's guidelines for quality and format and ensure they are directly relevant to the research presented. Include captions that adequately describe the content and context of each figure or table.7. References:8. Cover Letter:9. Review Process:10. Publication Fees:Some journals charge publication fees upon acceptance. Understand and plan for these fees in advance. If required, explore potential sources of funding to cover these costs.Conclusion:。

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9【期刊名称】European Journal of Organic Chemistry
15【期刊名称】Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
【级别】SCI IF=3.45
【审稿周期】1-2 months
