model closing option


element-ui select的默认值

element-ui select的默认值

我理解你要求,我将按照你的要求撰写一篇关于“element-ui select的默认值”的文章。

一、element-ui select的默认值在使用element-ui时,我们经常会遇到select组件的使用。



1. 使用v-model我们可以使用v-model指令来绑定select的值。


例如:```html<template><el-select v-model="value" placeholder="请选择"><el-optionv-for="item in options":key="item.value":label="bel":value="item.value"></el-option></el-select></template><script>export default {data() {return {value: 'option1',options: [{value: 'option1',label: '选项1'},{value: 'option2',label: '选项2'}]};}};</script>```在上面的例子中,我们通过设置value的初始值为'option1'来指定默认选中的选项。

2. 使用默认值另外,element-ui的select组件还提供了默认值的设置。



usevmodel用法usevmodel用法什么是usevmodel?usevmodel是Vue 3的内置指令,用于双向绑定表单输入元素的值与数据。


使用vmodel的基本语法使用vmodel非常简单,只需要在表单输入元素上添加v-model 指令,并绑定一个数据变量。

例如,我们可以在一个文本输入框上使用vmodel指令:<input v-model="message" type="text">这里的message是我们绑定的数据变量,它将与输入框的值进行双向绑定。


vmodel的用法示例下面是一些常见的用法示例,展示了如何在不同类型的表单输入元素上使用vmodel指令:•文本输入框<input v-model="message" type="text">这个示例绑定了一个名为message的数据变量,并将其与文本输入框的值进行双向绑定。

•多行文本框<textarea v-model="description"></textarea>类似于文本输入框,我们可以通过vmodel指令将多行文本框的值与一个数据变量进行双向绑定。

•复选框<input v-model="isChecked" type="checkbox">这个示例绑定了一个名为isChecked的数据变量,并将其与复选框的选中状态进行双向绑定。


•下拉菜单<select v-model="selectedOption"><option value="option1">选项1</option><option value="option2">选项2</option><option value="option3">选项3</option></select>这个示例使用vmodel指令将下拉菜单的选中值与一个数据变量进行双向绑定。




通常来说,二项期权定价模型(binomal option price model , BOPM )的基本假设是在每一时期股价的变动方向只有两个,即上升或者下降。

BOPM 的定价根据是在期权在第一次买进时,能建立起一个零风险套头交易,或者者说能够使用一个证券组合来模拟期权的价值,该证券组合在没有套利机会时应等于买权的价格;反之,假如存在套利机会,投资者则能够买两种产品种价格便宜者,卖出价格较高者,从而获得无风险收益,当然这种套利机会只会在极短的时间里存在。



一、对股票价格与期权价格变化的描述假设股票当期(t =0)的价格S 为100元,时期末(t =1)的价格有两种可能:若上升,则为120元,记做uS ;若下降,则为90元,记做dS 。


相对应地来看,期权价格则分别记做0C 、up C 、down C ,则在t =1时,up C 、down C 分别等于max (120-110,0)、max (90-110,0),即10元与0。

如今的状态能够用下图描述:uS =120 股价上升时S =100dS =90 股价下降时up C =10 max (120-110,0)0C =?down C =0 max (90-110,0)二、构建投资组合求解买权(一)构建投资组合在上图中,唯一需要求解的是0C 。

为求解0C ,也即给t =0时的买权定价,能够证明0C 的价格能够通过建立期权与有关资产的零风险套利交易来得到,具体来说,就是考虑一个包含股票与无风险债券在内的投资组合,该组合在市场上不存在无风险套利机会时等于买权的价格,因此能够用来模拟买权的价格。

Wowmodelviewer 简单教程

Wowmodelviewer 简单教程

[原创][新手起步] Wowmodelviewer 简单教程首先声明,本人使用wmv有一段时间了,但是基本只是用来观察模型然后导入war3地图用,所以很多功能我也很少用到至于“以及如何应用到视频软件中,及用fraps采集wowmodelview显示的素材。

” 本人完全不知道注意:WOWMODELVIEWER对国服客户端兼容性很差(个人以为是合携过的模型问题),经常出现卡死现象,貌似目前也没有支持国服3.05版本的WMV。

其他语种客户端只测试过德语、美服和台服版本,基本没有出现过问题————————————————————————————————————————————————WOWMODELVIEWER 0.603下载地址:/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Itemid=1 此网页不属于NGA网站,NGA不保证其安全性继续访问取消不再提示我[/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Ite mid=1]点击直接下载:[/]该版本支持最新WLK 3.08(只测试过台服) ————————————————————————————————————————————————任意路径解压后如下图直接双击WoWModelViewer.exe启动第一次启动速度会很慢(以后还是会很慢)一般程序会自动找到你的WOW安装路径,如果没有的话可自行在程序左上方Options-settings内设置需要添加的MPQ文件列表如下(台服):其他语种客户端一般将Data文件下全部MPQ文件ADD即可点击ADD添加REMOVE删除clear全清然后关闭窗口重启就OK————————————————————————————————————————————————主界面如下:先看这里这里是主要的模型选择区Character是玩家角色,包括所有使用玩家模型的NPCCreature乃怪物,一般和玩家模型不同的都在这里Environments是天气效果基本没什么用Interface 很多杂物比如任务的感叹号问号。



债券估价模型公式1. 简单贴现模型(Discounted Cash Flow Model,DCF)简单贴现模型是最基本的债券估价模型之一、该模型的公式为:公允价值=Σ(现金流量/(1+r)^n)其中,现金流量表示债券的每期利息和本金支付;r表示市场利率;n表示现金流量发生的期数。

2. 到期收益率模型(Yield to Maturity Model,YTM)到期收益率模型是基于债券的到期收益率计算债券公允价值的模型。


3. 收益率曲线模型(Yield Curve Model)收益率曲线模型是基于一组已知债券收益率构建的债券估价模型。


4. 温特模型(Wintner Model)温特模型是基于债券的到期期限和对应收益率的关系构建的债券估价模型。

该模型的公式为:公允价值= Σ (现金流量/ (1 + r)^n)+ Par Value / (1 + r)^n其中,r表示债券的到期收益率。

5. 期权定价模型(Option Pricing Model)期权定价模型是一种复杂的债券估价模型,考虑了债券附带的相关期权,如可赎回期权、可转换期权等。









1.资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model,简称CAPM)CAPM是金融学中最基础的模型之一,它描述了资本市场中不同资产的预期回报与风险之间的关系。


2.有效市场假说(Efficient Market Hypothesis,简称EMH)EMH是金融学中的另一个重要理论,认为市场是高效的,即市场上的股票价格已经反映了所有可获得的信息。


3.期权定价模型(Option Pricing Model)期权定价模型是描述期权价格的数学模型,其中最著名的是布莱克-斯科尔斯模型(Black-Scholes Model)。


4.现金流量贴现模型(Discounted Cash Flow Model,简称DCF)DCF模型是企业估值中常用的一种方法,它基于现金流量的时间价值,将未来的现金流量贴现到现在,计算出企业的内在价值。


5.均衡模型(Equilibrium Model)均衡模型是描述金融市场中供求关系的模型,其中最著名的是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)和一般均衡模型(General Equilibrium Model)。


vue 下拉框取消值的方法

vue 下拉框取消值的方法

vue 下拉框取消值的方法Vue中下拉框取消值的方法可以通过以下多种方式实现:1.绑定v-model实现双向绑定在Vue中,可以通过v-model指令实现双向数据绑定,可以在下拉框的选项中设置一个默认值,通过v-model绑定到一个Vue实例的数据属性,当用户选择其他选项时,该数据属性的值会自动更新。

```html<template><div><select v-model="selectedOption"><option value="">请选择</option><option value="option1">选项1</option><option value="option2">选项2</option><option value="option3">选项3</option></select></div></template><script>export default {data() {return {selectedOption: ""};}};</script>```2.监听change事件实现取消值Vue中可以通过监听下拉框的change事件,在事件处理函数中修改Vue实例的数据属性,将其置为一个空值或其他默认值。

```html<template><div><select @change="handleChange"><option value="">请选择</option><option value="option1">选项1</option><option value="option2">选项2</option><option value="option3">选项3</option></select></div></template><script>export default {methods: {handleChange(event) {this.selectedOption =; }},data() {return {selectedOption: ""};}};</script>```3.自定义一个取消值的选项在下拉框的选项中添加一个特殊选项,比如“取消”或“清空”,用户可以选择该选项来取消当前的选择。

A closed-form GARCH option valuation model

A closed-form GARCH option valuation model

The authors gratefully acknowledge the participants of the workshop at the Atlanta Fed for helpful comments. The views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System. Any remaining errors are the authors’ responsibility. Please address questions regarding content to Steven L. Heston, John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1133, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899, 314/935-6329, 314/935-6359 (fax), heston@ or Saikat Nandi, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 104 Marietta Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2713, 404/614-7094, 404/521-8810 (fax), saikat.u.nandi@. Questions regarding subscriptions to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta working paper series should be addressed to the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 104 Marietta Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2713, 404/521-8020. The full text of this paper may be downloaded (in PDF format) from the Atlanta Fed=s World-Wide Web site at /publica/work_papers/.



CFA公式汇总CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)考试是全球金融投资领域的一项专业资格认证考试,由CFA协会主办。



1. 股票估值模型(Dividend Discount Model)股票价格=下一年预期股息/(期望回报率-增长率)其中,期望回报率一般使用CAPM模型来计算,增长率一般使用历史平均增长率。

2. 市盈率(Price-to-Earnings Ratio)市盈率=股票价格/每股收益市盈率衡量了投资者愿意为每一单位收益支付多少。

3. 市净率(Price-to-Book Ratio)市净率=股票价格/每股净资产市净率衡量了投资者愿意为每一单位净资产支付多少。

4. 资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model,CAPM)期望回报率=无风险利率+系统风险溢价xβ其中无风险利率是指没有风险的投资所能获得的回报率;系统风险溢价是指投资者愿意为承担额外风险所支付的额外回报率;β是投资资产的风险系数,衡量了该资产相对于市场整体的波动性。

5. 有效前沿(Efficient Frontier)有效前沿是指在给定风险水平下,投资组合具有最大期望回报率的集合。

6. 夏普比率(Sharpe Ratio)夏普比率=(投资组合回报率-无风险利率)/投资组合标准差夏普比率衡量了每承受一单位总风险所获得的超额回报率。

7. 贝塔系数(Beta)贝塔系数衡量了投资资产相对于整个市场的波动性。


8. 法国期权定价模型(Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model)看涨期权价格=当前股票价格xN(d1)-行权价格xe^(-rxt)xN(d2)看跌期权价格=行权价格xe^(-rxt)xN(-d2)-当前股票价格xN(-d1)其中,N(是标准正态分布函数,d1和d2分别计算如下:d1 = (ln(S/K) + (r + (σ^2/2)) x t) / (σ x √t)d2=d1-σx√t其中S是标的资产当前价格;K是期权的行权价格;r是无风险利率;σ是标的资产的波动率;t是期权的剩余期限。





以下是一个简单的示例:1. 首先,在HTML模板中创建一个select元素,并使用`v-model`指令将其值绑定到一个名为`selectedValue`的变量上:```html<template><div><select v-model="selectedValue"><option value="option1">选项1</option><option value="option2">选项2</option><option value="option3">选项3</option></select></div></template>```2. 然后,在Vue实例的`methods`对象中定义一个方法,用于处理select值变化的事件:```javascript<script>export default {data() {return {selectedValue: ''};},methods: {handleSelectChange() {console.log('选中的值已改变,当前值为:', this.selectedValue);}}};</script>```3. 最后,在Vue实例的`mounted`生命周期钩子中,为select元素添加`@change`事件监听器,并将`handleSelectChange`方法作为回调函数:```javascript<script>export default {data() {return {selectedValue: ''};},methods: {handleSelectChange() {console.log('选中的值已改变,当前值为:', this.selectedValue);}},mounted() {this.$refs.selectElement.addEventListener('change', this.handleSelectChange);},beforeDestroy() {this.$refs.selectElement.removeEventListener('change', this.handleSelectChange);}};</script>```注意:在这个示例中,我们使用了`this.$refs.selectElement`来引用select元素。





需求分析根据任务描述,我们需要实现以下功能: 1. 添加特斯拉汽车信息:包括车型、颜色、价格等。

2. 删除特斯拉汽车信息:根据车型或者其他属性删除对应的汽车信息。

3. 修改特斯拉汽车信息:根据车型或者其他属性修改对应的汽车信息。

4. 查询特斯拉汽车信息:根据车型或者其他属性查询对应的汽车信息。


每个汽车对象包含以下属性: - 车型(model) - 颜色(color) - 价格(price)功能设计添加特斯拉汽车信息在添加特斯拉汽车信息时,我们需要用户输入相关的参数,然后创建一个新的汽车对象,并将其添加到列表中。

def add_car():model = input("请输入特斯拉汽车型号:")color = input("请输入特斯拉汽车颜色:")price = float(input("请输入特斯拉汽车价格:"))# 创建新的Car对象car = Car(model, color, price)# 将汽车对象添加到列表中cars.append(car)删除特斯拉汽车信息在删除特斯拉汽车信息时,我们需要用户输入相关的参数,然后遍历列表,找到匹配的汽车对象,并将其从列表中删除。

def delete_car():model = input("请输入要删除的特斯拉汽车型号:")for car in cars:if car.model == model:cars.remove(car)print("已成功删除特斯拉汽车:", car.model)returnprint("未找到对应的特斯拉汽车。



BS模型及违约距模型公式BS模型是迄今为止应用较广且较为成熟的股票定价模型之一,其全名为Black-Scholes-Merton模型,是由费雪-布莱克、默顿-斯科尔斯共同独立发现并推导的,能够用来计算欧式期权(European Option)的理论价格。



BS模型将期权定价问题转化为一个偏微分方程求解问题,该方程即为著名的Black-Scholes方程,表达式如下:$\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 S^2 \frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial S^2} + rS\frac{\partial V}{\partial S} + \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}- rV = 0$其中,V为期权的价格。


违约距模型(Distance-to-Default Model)是一种衡量公司违约风险的模型,用于评估公司违约可能性和违约损失的大小。





该模型首次由Robert Merton于1974年提出,主要基于了股票价格和债券价格之间的关系。




产品专用英语单词第一篇:产品专用英语单词常用专用英语单词1.材质wood木头marble大理石glass玻璃ceramic陶瓷poly / resin 树脂wicker藤 steel铁acrylic亚克力plastic塑料,塑胶 crystal水晶metal金属leather皮faux leather 仿皮2.灯的类型table lamp台灯buffet lamp巴费灯pendant单吊mini lamp迷你灯chandelier吊灯(多吊)wall lamp壁灯floor lamp地灯up-light/torchier朝天灯3.颜色silver银色ivory象牙白amber琥珀色orange桔色purple紫色pink粉红色green绿色brown棕色black黑色red红色gold金色hand-painting手绘 gray灰色dark深色blue 蓝色white白色finish颜色chrome铬pb仿金antique brass古铜色light浅色antique pewter类似银色的一种颜色plating电镀brushed steel沙镍=satin nicklecrackle裂纹antique pewter4.灯的配件cord电线neck脖子finial粒头break碟盘bulb灯泡base底座crystal prisms水晶吊坠tube管子font中肚foot脚loader加重块aluminum socket铝壳灯头phenolic socket电木灯头on-off switch单段开/关=翘板开关=推卡开关reeded tube梅花管3 way socket三段灯头line switch线上开关 touch switch触摸开关turn knob switch旋扭开关foot switch脚踏开关dimmer switch微调开关harp灯罩支架saddle牛角spider/washer三叉/四叉5.灯罩square正方形rectangle长方形round圆形oval椭圆形hexagon六边形octangle八边形triangle三角形abnormity异形drum shade桶形hardback shade平贴罩(硬背罩)silk look仿丝fabric布料trim边gallery宽边cut-corner切角bell shade宫廷罩=softback shadefeather羽毛pleat 折景piping 侧条eyelash须边washer/spider实心介子mushroom乱景faux leather仿毛皮leather皮scallop波浪UNO乌龙圈tassel流苏bead珠子6.运输包装assembly instruction说明书price sticker价格标duty税UPC bar code条形码label标签hangtag 吊牌Check支票cash现金accessory 附属物bulk pack 散装Drop-test 试摔wrap包裹vessel船Freight运费sailing date开船日closing date结关日container货柜polyfoam保利隆Product description产品描述brown box 黄盒white box 白盒display box 展示盒cubic feet 立方英尺 Cuft 材积closing 结关by sea 海运By air 空运customs clearance 清关factory model NO.本厂编号Pass 合格inspect 验货color box 彩盒prepay 预付Specification 规格forwarder 船务公司代理master carton 外箱factory name 工厂名称第二篇:床上用品专用英语单词本文由提供床上用品专用英语单词床上用品:Bedding;bedclothes 绝对地道,这是报关员考试教材上的翻译被子 Quilt;Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)被壳 Comforter Shell传统式枕套:Pillow Sham开口式枕套: Pillow Case靠垫 Cushion帷幔 Valance窗帘 Curtain闺枕 Boudoir Pillow圆抱枕 Neck Roll被单 Bed Sheet, 床单sheet=bedsheet=flat Sheet包被单 Sheet床单 Flat Sheet床罩 Fitted Sheet;Bed Cover ,BED SPREAD 床罩,也叫Fitted Sheet,床裙 Bed Spread;Bed Skirt(BEDSPREAD有时也做床裙) 枕巾 Pillow Towel桌布 Tablecloth盖毯 Throw毛毯 Woolen Blanket毛巾毯 T owel Blanket睡袋 Sleeping bag;Fleabag 本文由提供本文由提供FITTED COVER 床笠THROW, QUILT, COMFORTER, DUVET 之间的区别是什么? Duvet 和Comforter在英语中都是被子的意思,前者多用于英国,后者多用于美国。

ant-design-vue3.0 useform用法

ant-design-vue3.0 useform用法

ant-design-vue3.0 useform用法ant-design-vue3.0是一个基于Vue3的开源UI组件库,提供了许多实用的组件,其中包括一个名为useForm的表单组件。




二、使用useForm组件useForm组件的使用非常简单,只需要在Vue组件中引入useForm 组件,并在需要使用表单的地方使用useForm包裹表单元素即可。

以下是一个简单的示例:```html<template><div><v-form ref="form" :model="formModel" :rules="rules" @submit="handleSubmit"><v-text-field v-model=""placeholder="Name"></v-text-field><v-select v-model="formModel.age"placeholder="Age"><v-option value="1">Option 1</v-option><v-option value="2">Option 2</v-option></v-select><v-btn type="primary"@click="submitForm">Submit</v-btn></v-form></div></template><script>import { ref, defineComponent } from 'vue';import { useForm } from 'ant-design-vue';export default defineComponent({setup() {const formModel = ref({name: '',age: '',});const rules = ref([{ required: true, message: 'Please input your name', trigger: 'blur' }]);const { getFieldDecorator } = useForm();const submitForm = () => {console.log(formModel.value); // 输出表单数据// 在这里可以进行表单提交操作,例如调用API或触发其他操作};return { formModel, rules, submitForm, getFieldDecorator };},});</script>```在上述示例中,我们使用了useForm组件来创建一个表单,并使用getFieldDecorator方法为表单元素添加了验证规则。

vue 单选 多选 填空 判断 问答

vue 单选 多选 填空 判断 问答

题目:Vue 组件开发中常用的问题及解决方法一、Vue 组件开发中常见的单选问题及解决方法1. 问题:在 Vue 组件开发中,如何实现单选功能?解决方法:可以利用 Vue 的 v-model 指令和计算属性来实现单选功能。

给每个单选项绑定一个值,并使用 v-model 指令将选中的值绑定到一个变量上。


举例代码如下:```<template><div><input type="radio" id="option1" value="option1" v-model="selectedOption"><label for="option1">Option 1</label><input type="radio" id="option2" value="option2" v-model="selectedOption"><label for="option2">Option 2</label></div></template><script>export default {data() {return {selectedOption: ''};},puted: {isOption1Selected() {return this.selectedOption === 'option1'; },isOption2Selected() {return this.selectedOption === 'option2'; }}}</script>```二、Vue 组件开发中常见的多选问题及解决方法2. 问题:在 Vue 组件开发中,如何实现多选功能?解决方法:通过使用 v-model 和数组来实现多选功能。

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
Dimensional Modeling Workflow................................................................................................................. 1 Analyzing Your Requirements and Source Data.................................................................................... 1 Preprocessing Your ...................................................................................................................... 2 Building a Prototype............................................................................................................................... 4 Refining Your Model............................................................................................................................... 5 Diagnose and Resolve Any Design Problems........................................................................................ 6

a-form vue3 用法

a-form vue3 用法

a-form vue3 用法Vue3中,表单组件的使用十分重要,a-form是axios官方提供的一个非常优秀的表单组件。






下面是一个使用a-form创建基本表单的例子:```html<template><a-form:model="formModel"@submit="submitForm"><a-inputv-model="ername"label="用户名"></a-input><a-selectv-model="formModel.age"label="年龄"><templatev-for="optioninformModel.options"><a-option:value="option.value">{{bel}}</option> </template></a-select><a-buttontype="primary"label="提交"></a-button></a-form></template>```在上面的例子中,我们使用了a-input和a-select来创建输入框和下拉选择框,并将它们的值绑定到了formModel对象中。

v-model 条件语句

v-model 条件语句

v-model 条件语句v-model 条件语句是在 Vue.js 中常用的语法,用于实现双向数据绑定。

通过使用 v-model 指令,可以将表单元素的值与 Vue 实例的数据进行绑定,实现数据的自动同步。

在实际开发中,我们经常需要根据一些条件来决定是否使用 v-model 来绑定数据,下面是一些常见的使用情景和条件语句的示例:1. 条件判断:根据某个条件是否成立来决定是否使用 v-model。

例如,当用户选择了某个选项时,才允许输入相关信息:```html<div v-if="selectedOption === 'A'"><input v-model="inputData" type="text"></div>```2. 多条件判断:根据多个条件的组合来决定是否使用 v-model。

例如,当用户选择了某个选项并且满足其他条件时,才允许输入相关信息:```html<div v-if="selectedOption === 'A' && condition"><input v-model="inputData" type="text"></div>```3. 条件判断与默认值:根据条件判断是否使用 v-model,并为未使用 v-model 的情况设置默认值。

例如,当用户选择了某个选项时,显示输入框,并设置默认值为0:```html<div v-if="selectedOption === 'A'"><input v-model="inputData" type="text" :value="0"></div>```4. 条件判断与动态属性:根据条件判断是否使用 v-model,并根据条件动态设置属性。







例如,在输入元素中,可以使用v-model指令将输入值与Vue实例中的数据属性绑定在一起:```html<input type="text" v-model="username">```上述代码中,v-model指令将输入元素的值与Vue实例中的“username”属性建立了双向数据绑定。





例如,对于复选框可以使用以下代码:```html<input type="checkbox" v-model="checkedItems">```上述代码中,v-model指令将复选框的状态与Vue实例中的“checkedItems”数组建立了双向数据绑定。


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2Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated) (For Opinion Letter of Borrower’s Counsel RelatingPrimarily to Unsecured Bank Credit Agreement)Business Law Sectionof thePennsylvania Bar Association51IntroductionThe Model Closing Opinion Letter that follows is intended to be used as an exemplar for Pennsylvania lawyers in drafting or reviewing an Opinion Letter.1Section 95 of the Restatement (Third) of the Law Governing Law-yers (the Restatement) affirms the importance of “customary practice” in the preparation and interpretation of third-party legal opinions. See also the ABA Legal Opinion Principles, ¶IB. The Reporter’s Note to comment b. to section 95 of the Restate-ment indicates that one looks to treatises and state bar reports on opinions for sources of customary practice. The Legal Opinion Committee concurs, and has placed heavy reliance, as more fully described throughout this Model Opinion Letter, upon a number of bar association reports reflecting customary practice as fol-lowed by Pennsylvania lawyers.In addition to the Bar Association reports referred to above, Glazer contains detailed and comprehensive analyses of all aspects of third-party legal opinions, including descriptions of cus-tomary practice among knowledgeable lawyers who regularly give and regularly receive (on behalf of their clients) third-party legal opinions.As is the case with the TriBar Opinion Committee,2the mission of the Steering Committee has been to attempt to describe custom-ary practice among knowledgeable Pennsylvania lawyers and to provide guidance as to how to proceed in those areas where custom remains unclear.1.The Model Closing Opinion Letter stands on its own and does not incor-porate the Accord. The Accord was published as part of the Third-Party Legal Opinion Report by the Section of Business Law of the American Bar Association, in 47 Bus. Law. 167 (1991) (the ABA Opinion Report).Except as an educational tool and for the Guidelines, which now stand alone, the Accord has not been widely accepted.2.TriBar Report, “Conclusion,” 53 Bus. Law. at 666.532 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)Matters Dealt with in the Model Opinion LetterThe Model Opinion Letter is an opinion letter of Borrower’s coun-sel relating to an unsecured bank credit agreement, but much of the introductory language and the qualifications and assumptions are usable in closing opinions in a number of other types of trans-actions. The Model Opinion Letter is annotated to describe what the Committee believes is customary practice in giving and receiv-ing third-party legal Opinions.The Model Opinion Letter should be read in conjunction with appli-cable commentary in the Pennsylvania Third-Party Legal Opinion Report. The Committee believes that the Model Opinion Letter and its annotations accurately describe customary practice in third-party legal Opinions by knowledgeable Pennsylvania lawyers.It is assumed that the Opinion Giver, a Pennsylvania lawyer or firm of lawyers, will not feel competent to express substantive opinions on matters of New York law. Many Pennsylvania lawyers or firms feel sufficiently competent to be able to express an opinion on Delaware corporate, limited liability company or partnership law, usually limited to (i) matters of organizational status (due incorporation or organization, valid existence, good standing, and the like) and authorization of transaction documents, and (ii) an Opinion as to whether the transaction documents violate the Dela-ware General Corporation Law or the specific Delaware statute regarding limited liability companies or partnerships, as applica-ble. It is therefore assumed in the Model Opinion Letter that the Opinion Giver is competent to give an Opinion on such matters under the laws of Delaware.33.See TriBar, Third-Party Closing Opinions: Limited Liability Companies,61 Bus. Law. 679 (2006), for a description of customary practice in givingopinions on Delaware limited liability companies. As is the case when opining on Delaware corporations under the Delaware General Corpora-tion Law, a reference to the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act means that the Opinion Preparer has reviewed the statute, any applica-ble constitutional provisions, and cases interpreting the statute.54Definitions Used in the Notes to the Model Opinion LetterDefinitions Used in the Notes to the Model Opinion LetterIn addition to the terms defined in the opening paragraph of the Model Opinion Letter (“Company,” “Credit Agreement,” “Note,” and “Loan Documents”), the following terms, in accordance with customary practice, are used in the Opinions and in the notes thereto with the following meanings:“Transaction Documents” means the contract setting forth the principal terms of the Transaction, and other contracts ancillary thereto addressed by the Opinion.“Court Orders” means court and administrative orders, writs, judgments and decrees that name the client and are specifically directed to it or its property.“Law” includes statutes, rules and regulations, as well as the deci-sions of judicial and administrative bodies, at the state and federal (but not the local) level that are customarily understood to be cov-ered by the Opinion given and that are reasonably available to lawyers generally or actually known to them. “Local Law” is that of counties, towns, municipalities and special political subdivi-sions (whether created or enabled through legislative action at the Federal, state or regional level).“Opining Jurisdiction” is a jurisdiction whose applicable law is addressed in the Opinion Letter. Thus, in the Model Opinion Let-ter the term refers collectively to the United States and the Com-monwealth of Pennsylvania and, in certain matters of corporate law, to Delaware.“Opinion” means a third-party legal opinion, i.e., one provided by counsel of one of the parties to one or more of the other parties to a business transaction. An “Opinion Letter” is the letter setting forth one or more Opinions. A straightforward Opinion Letter is likely to cover at least three separate Opinions, as follows:A “Remedies Opinion” (often referred to as an“Enforceability Opinion”) in the customary form isan Opinion that a specified Transaction Document“is legal, valid and binding, and enforceableagainst the Company”—with or without thephrase that customarily follows, “in accordancewith its terms.”552 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)56A “No Breach or Default Opinion” (sometimes referred to as a “No Conflict Opinion”) is an Opin-ion that execution and delivery of the Transaction Documents by the Company do not, and perfor-mance by the Company of its agreements in the Transaction Documents will not, (A) breach or result in a default under an Other Agreement, or (B) breach or otherwise violate a Court Order. Fre-quently the Opinion will also cover violation of the Company’s Charter and Bylaws.A “No Violation of Law Opinion” is an Opinion that execution and delivery by the Company of the Transaction Documents do not and performance by the Company of the Transaction Documents will not violate an existing Law.“Other Agreements” means contracts other than the Transaction Documents.“Other Counsel” means counsel providing a legal opinion pertain-ing to particular matters concerning the client, the Transaction Documents or the Transaction (i) directly to the Opinion Recipient or (ii) to the Opinion Giver in support of an Opinion provided by the Opinion Giver.“Public Authority Documents” includes all certificates issued by any government official, office or agency concerning a person’s property or status.The terms “Opinion Giver” and “Opinion Recipient,” whose mean-ings are clear enough, are also used. The term “Opinion Prepar-ers” refers to lawyers in a law firm (the Opinion Giver) who take on the responsibility to prepare an Opinion Letter.CONTENTSCaption Page Date, addressee(s), identification of clientand transaction60 Purpose of Opinion Letter; Definitions61 Opinion Paragraphs63 IA and IB. Incorporation, Existence and Good Standing63 IC. Qualification in Principal Foreign State662. Corporate Power673. Authorization, Execution and Delivery684. Remedies Opinion (Notes)68 4A. Remedies Opinion Where Pennsylvania LawIs Chosen As the Governing Law77 4B. Remedies Opinion Where New York LawIs Chosen As the Governing Law785. Governmental Approvals and Filings Opinion836. No Breach or Default Opinion837. No Violation of Law Opinion858. Margin Regulation Opinion879. Investment Company Opinion8810. Confirmation As to Legal Proceedings88 Basis for Opinion: Qualifications, Limitations, etc.90 Section A. Scope of Inquiry; Documents Examined90 Section B. Reliance on Information Provided byOthers and on Assumptions92(C) Opining Jurisdiction97(D) Other Counsel99(E) Additional Assumptions and Qualifications102 (E)(1) Pennsylvania Qualification As to Usury102 (E)(2) Qualification As to Right of Set-off102 (E)(3) Exclusion of Certain Laws from Opinions103(E)(4) Other Assumptions and Qualifications103(F) Definition of “Fraudulent Transfer Laws”103(G) Definition of “T o Our Knowledge”104(H) Implications from Opinion; Assumptions andQualifications; Updating104 (I) Restrictions on Use of Opinion Letter104572 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)Optional Paragraphs10711. Securities Laws Registration107(E)(5) Arbitration Provision107 (E)(6) Assumptions As to Authenticity, etc.107 (E)(7) Assumptions As to Other Parties108 (E)(8) Presumption of Regularity and Continuity108Model Closing Opinion Letter Index109Text of Model Opinion Letter Basic ProvisionsWithout Annotations115 58Annotated Text of Model Closing Opinion Letter(Opinion Text in Bold-Face)Introductory Note. Several of the ABA Guidelines should be emphasized before the Opinion Preparer commences to draft the Opinion Letter:Early in the negotiation of the transaction docu-ments, counsel for the opinion recipient shouldspecify the opinions the opinion recipient wishes toreceive. The opinion giver should respond promptlywith any concerns or proposed exceptions, provid-ing, to the extent practicable, the form of its pro-posed opinions. Both sides should work in good faithto agree on a final form of opinion letter. Discussionof opinion issues while the transaction documentsare being prepared can produce constructive adjust-ments in the documents and the transaction struc-ture and help to avoid delays in closing the transac-tion. Should a problem be identified that mightprevent delivery of an opinion in the form discussed,the opinion giver should promptly alert counsel forthe opinion recipient. (Guideline 2.1).In addition, Guideline 3.1 sets forth a “golden rule,” to the effect that an Opinion should not be requested that the Opinion Recipi-ent’s counsel would not give if it were the Opinion Giver and had the requisite expertise. Moreover, as pointed out in Guideline 1.2, the “opinions included in a closing opinion should be limited to reasonably specific and determinable matters that involve the exercise of professional judgment by the opinion giver. The benefit of an opinion to the recipient should warrant the time and expense required to prepare it.”4* * * * * * * * * *4.See the California Remedies Report, which is a thoughtful report on thecost/benefit analysis involved in opinion giving. State Bar of California Business Law Section, Report on Third-party Remedies Opinions (Sep-tember 2004).592 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)60[Date of Closing]Note: The Opinion Letter should be dated the closing date (gener-ally the date the money passes). The Opinion Giver generally has no duty to update for changes in the Law or fact that occur after the date of the Opinion Letter; 5 however, the Opinion Letter should take into account facts and circumstances that will necessarily arise in the future, and address any required future performance based on the relevant facts and law that exist on the date of the Opinion Letter. Thus if future obligatory action requires the future discretionary approval of a governmental authority, that fact should be disclosed in the Opinion Letter.To the parties identified in Schedule A hereto:Ladies and Gentlemen:We have acted as Counsel for [Name of BORROWER] (the “Company”), a Pennsylvania [Delaware] corporation, in connec-tion with (i) [the preparation, execution and delivery of] the Revolving Credit and Term Loan Agreement dated [date] (the “Credit Agreement”) among the Company, the Banks parties thereto and [name of AGENT] as Agent for the Banks [, and (ii) the initial borrowing(s) made thereunder evidenced by the Revolving Credit Notes dated [date] (the “Notes”) of the Com-pany in favor of the Banks]. (The Credit Agreement and the Notes are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Loan Documents.”) Note:An Opinion Letter should set forth the Opinion Giver’s rela-tionship with the client (identifying the client as such) and its role in the Transaction. The Comment to Rule 2.3 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct states that in connection with a third-party legal opinion,“. .. it is essential to identify the person by whom the lawyer is retained. This should be made clear not only to the person un-der examination, but also to others to whom the results are to be made available.”5.See ABA Principles, par. IV. Where performance of the Transaction willtake place over a period of time (e.g., supply contracts) or in stages with serial closings (e.g., loan takedowns or conversions of shares), the Opin-ion Giver usually provides the Opinion Letter only at the outset, and the Opinion Giver addresses the required future performance based on the relevant facts and law that exist on the date of the Opinion Letter.Purpose of Opinion Letter; Definitions61One purpose of the first sentence is to make clear that the Opinion Recipient is not the client of the Opinion Giver and is not entitled to rely on the Opinion Giver as if it were. It is generally accepted that the Opinion Recipient may not rely on the Opinion Giver for any le-gal or other analysis beyond that set forth in the Opinion Letter, such as the broader guidance and counsel that the Opinion Giver might provide to its client.In its consideration of legal issue coverage (as well as other Opin-ion issues), the Opinion Recipient will normally be assisted by its own legal counsel, who will be responsible, for example, for advis-ing the Opinion Recipient on the adequacy of the Opinion Letter, the acceptability of exceptions and limitations, and the meaning of particular Opinion clauses. The first sentence of the Opinion Letter makes clear that no quasi-attorney/client relationship between the Opinion Giver and the Opinion Recipient is intended.Purpose of Opinion Letter; DefinitionsWe are delivering this opinion letter to you [at the request of the Company] pursuant to [Section ___ of] the Credit Agreement. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Credit Agreement.Note as to Purpose; Consent of Client. As provided in Opinion paragraph (I)(4) (page 106, below), the Opinion Letter should limit reliance upon the Opinion to the purpose contemplated by the Transaction Documents, and the sentence in the Model Opinion to the effect that the Opinion Letter is provided pursuant to a particu-lar section of one of the Transaction Documents is intended to clar-ify the Opinion’s purpose. The bracketed words, “at the request of the Company,” are not necessary if the Opinion is given pursuant to a provision in a Transaction Document; otherwise, it may be desir-able to use the bracketed words and make sure the client is given a copy of the Opinion Letter with advice that it is understood to be given at the request of the client and that the client waives Counsel’s duty of confidentiality to the extent required to give the Opinion.Rule 2.3 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct provides:(a) A lawyer may provide an evaluation of a matter affecting a client for the use of someone other than the client if the lawyer reasonably believes that making the evaluation is compatible with other aspects of the lawyer’s relationship with the client.2 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)62(b) When the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the evaluation is likely to affect the client’s interest materially and adversely, the lawyer shall not provide the evaluation un-less the client gives informed consent.(c) Except as disclosure is authorized in connection with a re-port of an evaluation, information relating to the evaluation is otherwise protected by Rule 1.6.Comment [5] to Pennsylvania R.P.C. 2.3 indicates when the lawyer providing the evaluation may disclose confidential information and when consent of the client must be expressly obtained.[5] Information relating to an evaluation is protected byRule 1.6. In many situations, providing an evaluation to a third party poses no significant risk to the client; thus, the law-yer may be impliedly authorized to disclose information to carry out the representation. See Rule 1.6(a). Where, however, it is reasonably likely that providing the evaluation will affect the client’s interests materially and adversely, the lawyer must first obtain the client’s consent after the client has been ade-quately informed concerning the important possible effects on the client’s interests. See Rule 1.6(a) and Rule 1.0(e) (Informed Consent).OPINION PARAGRAPHSNote:The Opinion Giver may choose to move the paragraphs on the “Basis for Opinion—Qualifications, Limitations” (Sections A and B, pp. 90–92, below) and the paragraph on the Opining Jurisdiction (paragraph (C), p. 97, below) to precede the Opinion Paragraphs.On the basis of and subject to the assumptions, qualifica-tions, exceptions and limitations set forth below, we express the following opinions:1.Incorporation, Existence and Good StandingA.Assumption: Borrower is a PennsylvaniaCorporation1A. The Company is a Pennsylvania [business] corporation [duly incorporated] [duly organized] and presently subsisting 6 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.B.Assumption: Borrower is a Delaware Corporation1B. The Company is a corporation [duly incorporated] [duly organized], validly existing [and in good standing] under the Gen-eral Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.Note:(a)The Opinion in paragraph 1A or 1B may have four components: 7(1)Duly Incorporated:Although the word “duly” is not aprecise term of art, it conveys the notion not only that the mini-mum filings and other action, if any, necessary at the time the entity was formed were taken, but also that the documents that were filed and other action taken conformed in all material re-spects to the applicable statutory requirements as to form and6.The Opinion that a corporation is “validly existing” requires the sameanalysis as the Opinion that it is “presently existing” and to give both Opinions is technically redundant. The TriBar Report states that “sub-sisting” and “existing” are understood to be synonymous (§ 6.1.3 n.113).See Pa.Op.Report Part I, ¶¶1C.1, 1C.5.7.This portion of the analysis is based upon the Pa.Op.Report Part I. Seealso the TriBar Report §§ 6.1 through Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)64content of filings and as to other action in effect at the time of filing.8 See Pa.Op.Report Part I, Section 1A.When the corporate record is incomplete, the Opinion Giver may be able to rely upon the Presumption of Regularity and Continuity: TriBar Report § 6.1.1; ABA Guidelines ¶3.3. (See optional paragraph (E)(8), p. 108, below.)(2)Duly Organized.The concept “duly organized” includes the idea that the corporation was “duly incorporated” and that it thereafter adopted bylaws, elected directors, and authorized the initial issuance of stock, if organized on a stock basis. These determinations will require that the Opinion Preparers exam-ine the corporation’s records, including minute books. See Pa.Op.Report Part I, Section 1B.(3)Existence as a Corporation; “Status” Opinion.To state that the corporation is validly 9 existing (or subsisting)10 con-firms that corporate existence has begun and that the corpora-tion has not been dissolved, ceased to exist, or undergone any organic change that would affect its ability or authority to con-summate a transaction. See Pa.Op.Report Part I, Section 1C.In credit transactions, the short Opinion as to corporate exist-ence should address the concerns of the Opinion Recipient, and is preferred as being precise and cost-efficient. In certain other8.If the review to determine compliance in all material respects with stat-utory requirements reveals a discrepancy, it may not be possible to give the Opinion regarding due incorporation. See Glazer §§ 6.2 and 6.3. The Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988 (B.C.L.) § 1302 pro-vides that a natural person must be “of full age” (defined in § 1103 to mean 18 years) to be an incorporator. In reliance upon the unstated assumption that natural persons have the required legal capacity (see item 1 of the note to Assumption (B)(4), page 96, below; TriBar Report § 2.3(a)), the Legal Opinion Committee believes that under customary practice in Pennsylvania, absent Actual Knowledge, it is not necessary in giving the Opinion to ascertain the ages of the incorporators.9.The TriBar Report states in section 6.1.3 note 113 that, as a matter ofcustomary usage, the omission of the word “validly” is understood not to change the meaning of the Opinion.10.As noted in footnote 6, above, “existing” and “subsisting” are deemed tobe synonymous.Opinion Paragraphs65transactions, such as acquisitions and investments, Opinion Recipients may properly request the “duly incorporated” or “duly organized” Opinions.(4) Good Standing. It is not clear what an Opinion as to“good standing” adds to an Opinion that a corporation is val-idly existing—in part because what “good standing” means varies from state to state (TriBar Report § 6.1.4). While the TriBar Report discusses the meaning of good standing Opin-ions in section 6.1.4, it states that such Opinions “usually add little of value analytically,” and its illustrative opinion letters do not include an Opinion as to good standing. The same is true of the Model Opinion language in the Pa.Op.Report Part I, Section 1.The TriBar Report in section 6.1.4 states that the term “good standing” “is understood as a matter of customary usage to cover the matters addressed by the certificates of government officials that lawyers in the jurisdiction in question customar-ily obtain to support the opinion.” The Pennsylvania Opinion Report states that the phrase “presently subsisting” as used in Pennsylvania is “somewhat analogous” to the term “good standing” used in other states, and that a Pennsylvania Opin-ion Giver will customarily state that a Pennsylvania corpora-tion is “presently subsisting” rather than “in good standing.” Pa.Op.Report Part I, ¶1C.5.If the corporation’s charter would be subject to revocation for failure by the corporation to keep its state filings current, the TriBar Report (§ 6.1.4) indicates that a good standing Opinion would be inappropriate. The Pennsylvania Opinion Report, however, takes the position that a “validly existing” opinion for a Pennsylvania corporation may be given if the Department of State issues a “presently subsisting” certificate notwithstand-ing that facts exist that would enable the state to bring an ac-tion to revoke the charter (Pa.Op.Report Part I, ¶¶1C.3, 1C.5, 1C.8). The Legal Opinion Committee believes that the better practice would be for the Opinion Giver to call attention to any known facts that would enable the state to bring an action to revoke the charter.2 Model Closing Opinion Letter (Annotated)66(b) Opinions relating to incorporation, organization, existence, and good standing do not cover licenses, registrations, or other gov-ernmental or third-party approvals that might be required prior to commencement of a particular type of business but that were not a condition to incorporation. If such matters are to be covered in an Opinion Letter, they should be covered by a separate Opinion on the applicability of and compliance with those licensing requirements.C.Qualification in Principal Foreign State1C. The Company is duly qualified as a foreign corporation and is in good standing in the (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)[if Borrower is a Delaware corporation] (State of ___) [if Borrower is a Pennsylvania corporation].Note: (a) ABA Guideline 4.1 states that this Opinion should normally not be requested on a cost-justified basis because it in-volves extensive factual inquiry and a review of the law of jurisdic-tions where the Opinion Giver would not reasonably be expected to have expertise. See also TriBar Report § 6.1.6. The Opinion Giver may have an experienced corporate service company obtain the cer-tificates customarily obtained by it in the particular states involved based upon a factual certificate from the client, and then, if an Opinion is required, rely on those certificates without further in-quiry. Id. The Pennsylvania Opinion Report does not deal with an Opinion as to qualification in a foreign state.(b) Sometimes the Opinion that the Company is qualified in all states where necessary was limited to states where the failure to be qualified would not have a “material adverse affect.” However, an Opinion as to “material adverse effect” is based in large part on a financial judgment, and ABA Guideline 1.4 states that an Opinion requiring interpretation of financial statements should not be re-quested; in addition, ABA Guideline 3.2 discourages the use of the “materiality” concept in an Opinion Letter, unless objectively de-fined. ABA Guideline 4.1 indicates that qualification and good standing certificates (and tax certificates where available) from public officials, without a legal Opinion, should be sufficient. The TriBar Report, section 6.1.6, is in accord.(c) At most, the Legal Opinion Committee believes that any Opin-ion on foreign qualification should be limited to named states (fol-lowing the format of Opinion paragraph 1C), based on the Public Authority Documents referred to in note (a) thereto.Opinion Paragraphs67(d) As to “good standing” in addition to “qualification,” see TriBar Report § 6.1.6:“Like the opinion on the Company’s good standing in its state of incorporation, good standing in this context customarily is understood to have whatever meaning is ascribed to it in the certificates on which the opinion preparers are relying.”If a tax certificate is obtained that shows any tax delinquency, a “clean” opinion as to good standing can still be given. However, if the delinquency would give the state the power to revoke corporate qualification, the Opinion Giver may want to call attention to that fact.2.Corporate Power2. The Company has the corporate power [and authority] to execute, deliver and perform [all of its obligations under] each of the Loan Documents.Note: (a) A Corporate Power Opinion relating to the Transac-tion Documents means that the Company has the power to take the specified actions under its charter and bylaws and applicable cor-poration law. TriBar Report § 6.3. The phrases “corporate power” and “corporate power and authority” are understood to have the same meaning. The phrase “full power” has no generally accepted meaning and its use should be avoided. Id., § 6.3 n.138. In consid-ering the Corporate Power Opinion, the Opinion Giver should con-sider the matters set forth in Part I, Section 2 of the Pa.Op.Report.(b) An Opinion is sometimes requested as to the client’s corporate power “to carry on its business as it is now being conducted”—i.e., that the nature of its business is not ultra vires. Such an Opinion is not included in the illustrative opinion letters in the TriBar Report, nor discussed in the text of that Report. The Pennsylvania Opinion Report, however, contemplates the giving of such an Opinion (see Pa.Op.Report Part I, Opinion ¶3), and recommends in para-graph 3.5 obtaining a certificate from an official of the corporation describing the corporation’s business, or defining the corporation’s business through reference to descriptions in public documents such as SEC Form 10-K.。
