Soft X-Ray Sources at the Centers of the Elliptical Galaxies NGC 4472 and NGC 4649
§3.2 X-Ray Tube
I. 球管的发展 II. 球管功能及构成 III. 球管特性 IV. 球管新技术 V. 球管的高压发生器
§3.2 X-Ray Tube
I. 球管的发展 – 固定阳极(stationary anode)X线管(I、II 代CT、牙科CT等) – 旋转阳极(rotating anode)X线管(全身CT )
• Provide the heat current of filament 灯丝加热 电流
• Time Control 控制X线曝光时间
IV.2 Generator form 发生器形状
• In the past, the high-voltage generator was a bulky piece of equipment located in a corner of the x-ray room 过去高压发生器是大体积的 设备,安置在X线室的一角。
Components of a CT scanner CT扫描仪组成
§3.1 Components of a CT scanner
探测器 DAS
计算机 监视器
Components of a CT scanner CT扫描仪组成
kVp mA time rectification constant
•Heat dissipation means how fast a tube’s anode cools down 散热率表示阳极冷却时间
2023年托福阅读TPO20(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:FossilPreservation整理TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO20(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Fossil Preservation。
托福阅读原文【1】When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are. Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high. However, the chances of escaping complete destruction are vastly improved if the organism happens to have a mineralized skeleton and dies in a place where it can be quickly buried by sediment. Both of these conditions are often found on the ocean floors, where shelled invertebrates (organisms without spines) flourish and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles. Although most fossils are found in marine sedimentary rocks, they also are found in terrestrial deposits left by streams and lakes. On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash.【2】The term fossil often implies petrifaction, literally a transformation into stone. After the death of an organism, the soft tissue is ordinarily consumed by scavengers and bacteria. The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time. Indeed, unaltered shells of marine invertebrates are knownfrom deposits over 100 million years old. In many marine creatures, however, the skeleton is composed of a mineral variety of calcium carbonate called aragonite. Although aragonite has the same composition as the more familiar mineral known as calcite, it has a different crystal form, is relatively unstable, and in time changes to the more stable calcite.【3】Many other processes may alter the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation. Water containing dissolved silica, calcium carbonate, or iron may circulate through the enclosing sediment and be deposited in cavities such as marrow cavities and canals in bone once occupied by blood vessels and nerves. In such cases, the original composition of the bone or shell remains, but the fossil is made harder and more durable. This addition of a chemically precipitated substance into pore spaces is termed permineralization.【4】Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition. This process is termed replacement because solutions have dissolved the original material and replaced it with an equal volume of the new substance. Replacement can be a marvelously precise process, so that details of shell ornamentation, tree rings in wood, and delicate structures in bone are accurately preserved.【5】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette.【6】Although it is certainly true that the possession of hard parts enhances the prospect of preservation, organisms having soft tissues andorgans are also occasionally preserved. Insects and even small invertebrates have been found preserved in the hardened resins of conifers and certain other trees. X-ray examination of thin slabs of rock sometimes reveals the ghostly outlines of tentacles, digestive tracts, and visual organs of a variety of marine creatures. Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps.【7】The probability that actual remains of soft tissue will be preserved is improved if the organism dies in an environment of rapid deposition and oxygen deprivation. Under such conditions, the destructive effects of bacteria are diminished. The Middle Eocene Messel Shale (from about 48 million years ago) of Germany accumulated in such an environment. The shale was deposited in an oxygen-deficient lake where lethal gases sometimes bubbled up and killed animals. Their remains accumulated on the floor of the lake and were then covered by clay and silt. Among the superbly preserved Messel fossils are insects with iridescent exoskeletons (hard outer coverings), frogs with skin and blood vessels intact, and even entire small mammals with preserved fur and soft tissue.托福阅读试题1.The word agencies in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning tobinations.B.problems.C.forces.D.changes.2.In paragraph 1, what is the authors purpose in providing examples of how organisms are destroyed?A.To emphasize how surprising it is that so many fossils exist.B.To introduce a new geologic theory of fossil preservation.C.To explain why the fossil record until now has remained incomplete.D.To compare how fossils form on land and in water.3.The word terrestrial in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning tond.B.protected.C.alternative.D.similar.4.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 2)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.When snail or clam shells are left behind, they must be empty in order to remain durable and resist dissolution.B.Although snail and clam shells are durable and resist dissolving, over time they slowly begin to change.C.Although the soft parts of snails or clams dissolve quickly, their hard shells resist dissolution for a long time.D.Empty snail or clam shells that are strong enough not to dissolve may stay in their original state for a long time.5.Why does the author mention aragonite in the passage (paragraph 2)?A.To emphasize that some fossils remain unaltered for millions of years.B.To contrast fossil formation in organisms with soft tissue and in organisms with hard shells.C.To explain that some marine organisms must undergo chemical changes in order to fossilize.D.To explain why fossil shells are more likely to survive than are fossil skeletons.6.The word enhance in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.control.B.limit.bine.D.increase.7.Which of the following best explains the process of permineralization mentioned in paragraph 3?A.Water containing calcium carbonate circulates through a shell and deposits sediment.B.Liquid containing chemicals hardens an already existing fossil structure.C.Water passes through sediment surrounding a fossil and removes its chemical content.D.A chemical substance enters a fossil and changes its shape.8.The word precise in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning toplex.B.quick.C.exact.D.reliable.9.Paragraph 5 suggests which of the following about the carbonization process?A.It is completed soon after an organism dies.B.It does not occur in hard-shell organisms.C.It sometimes allows soft-tissued organisms to be preserved with all their parts.D.It is a more precise process of preservation than is replacement.10.The word prospect in the passage (paragraph 6) is closest in meaning topletion.B.variety.C.possibility.D.speed.11.According to paragraph 7, how do environments containing oxygen affect fossil preservation?A.They increase the probability that soft-tissued organisms will become fossils.B.They lead to more bacteria production.C.They slow the rate at which clay and silt are deposited.D.They reduce the chance that animal remains will be preserved.12.According to paragraph 7,all of the following assist in fossil preservation EXCEPTA.the presence of calcite in an organisms skeleton.B.the presence of large open areas along an ocean floor.C.the deposition of a fossil in sticky substances such as sap or tar.D.the rapid burial of an organism under layers of silt.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to insert the sentence in the passage. But the evidence of past organic life is not limited to petrifaction. ■【A】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. ■【B】Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. ■【C】The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette.■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideasin the passage. This question is worth 2 points. The remains of ancient life are amazingly well preserved in the form of fossils.A.Environmental characteristics like those present on ocean floors increase the likelihood that plant and animal fossils will occur.B.Fossils are more likely to be preserved in shale deposits than in deposits of clay and silt.C.The shells of organisms can be preserved by processes of chemical precipitation or mineral exchange.D.Freezing enables the soft parts of organisms to survive longer than the hard parts.paratively few fossils are found in the terrestrial deposits of streams and lakes.F.Thin films of carbon may remain as an indication of soft tissue or actual tissue may be preserved if exposure to bacteria is limited.托福(阅读答案)1.agency代理,中介,作用,所以答案是force,选C。
phoenix|x-raySystem + Services GmbH quality|assurance version 3.2中文操作手冊规格变动不预先通知图文仅供参考ContentsThe quality|assurance program (5)Installation (5)How to start the quality|assurance program (5)Window Layout ................. (6)The Menu (7)Program (7)Image (7)Edit (7)Setup (8)Info (8)Controls at the upper windows margin (9)Program Load (9)Program Run (9)Image Load (9)Image Save as (9)Print Image (9)Single View (9)Quad view (9)Restore (9)Invert (9)Zoom (9)Text (9)Control at the right window margin (10)F2 Live (10)Crosshair (10)Annotations (10)Shading correction (10)F3 Integrate (10)F4 Grab (10)Contrast Auto (10)Contrast Manual (10)Contrast Equalize (11)Sharpen Weak (11)Sharpen Strong (11)Sharpen Relief (11)Smooth Weak (11)Smooth Strong (11)Wire Sweep (11)Measurement (11)ML-Modul (11)VC-Modul ................................................................................................................... .11 BGA-Modul ................................................................................................................. .11 Controls at the bottom window margin (12)X-ray control (X-ray) (12)Axis-control (CNC) (12)Various Commands (13)Special mouse functions (13)shift image (13)Activate context menu (13)Adjust the size of an image / view (13)Move to clicked position/Zoom area (13)Key board commands (13)Moving the manipulator with the cursor keys (13)Additional print data-Dialog (14)Manual Contrast Adjustment Dialog (15)Digitizer Setup (16)Annotations (17)Types of annotations (17)Add annotation (17)Move annotation (17)Resize annotation (17)Change annotation (18)General (18)Text (18)Lines (18)Recetangle, Ellipse, Arrows (18)Apply annotations to the image (18)Delete all annotations (19)Save annotations (19)Wire Sweep (20)How to operate Wire Sweep (20)Wire Sweep Setup (21)Measurement (22)Conducing a Measurement (22)2 Point Measurement ......,,.. (23)3 Point Measurement (23)CNC-Measurement (23)Measurement Setup (24)Measurement Adjustment (25)Pixel size configuration (25)Load Position Setup (26)Quality assurance Setup (27)ML-Module (28)Performing a ML measurement (29)Measure the distance of two points (29)Measure the distance of two parallel lines (29)Pad measurement and residual ring test (29)Measurement pad offset and residual ring width (30)Adjust pad measuring (30)Adjust (30)The result list (31)Delete and copy results (31)VC-Module (32)Run Voiding Calculation (33)Load VC-Setup (33)Save VC-Setup (33)Save VC-Setup as ................................................................................................................ .33 VC-Setup (33)VC Diagnose (33)Perform Voiding Calculation .................................................................................................. .34 VC-Module Setup .. (35)Pass/Fail Tab (35)Calculation Tab (36)BGA Module (38)Run BGA Check (39)Load BGA-Setup (39)Save BGA-Setup (39)Save BGA-Setup as (39)BGA-Setup (39)BGA Diagnose (39)Running the BGA Analysis (40)BGA Module Setup (41)Pass/Fail Tab (41)Calculation Tab (43)Setup missing balls (45)Teachmode tab (46)Inspection Program (47)Inspection Program Configuration/Modification (48)Program Execution (50)The Inspection Report (51)The INI-File XTS.INI (52)The INI-File CNC.INI (54)The INI-File XRAY.INI (55)The quality|assurance programPhoenix|x-ray 的quality|assurance程序是一项整合CNC和X-Ray控制以提升影像质量的软件,并能符合于生产线,质量保证与实验室中的X-Ray 检查需求.所有的程序结构是依据直觉与容易操作而设计的.程序的功能不仅容易并且能快速显示出X-Ray影像的记录.重要的特征也会特别强调出来.样品可藉由程控来移动和检查,步骤完成迅速,可以储存在程序中, 也可以依需要经常的自动重复.用这种方法,小的、中的、大的样品皆可有效地、容易地检查,这种简易且依觉的检查软件就算对小型样板也一样能支持程序检查.安装如果先前安装的Matrox Image Products 程序仍然存在,则INI档案中的quality|assurance必须储存,而“Matrox ImageProducts” 就必须移除.将安装磁盘“quality|assurance set up”放入CD-ROM中,如果设定无法自动启动“Window Explorer”, 选择D 槽: (假定 D 槽是你的CD-ROM 槽), 请点选“Setup.bat”两次.安装程序包括 3 个步骤:1.Falcon2.Matrox: 有VC或BGA模式,即MIL6.x 和MILLite3.quality|assurance在每个步骤之后,点选window 控制台(黑色背景)并按任何键,当所有的安装步骤完成,请关闭程序并重新启动计算机(开始关闭重新启动计算机)如何启动quality|assurance程序请注意:在启动quality|assurance程序之前,系统的门必须是关闭的,否则连接到X-Ray,CNC系统装置无法被设立.在此状况,先关闭系统的门然后选择function Setup 启动机器或重新启动程序.产生X-Ray幅射,首先X-Ray必须先暖机,在冷机状态下,可经由打开X-Ray开关完成.X-Ray控制系统自动暖机须视机器停机的时间而定,程序需花费15分钟到2小时.在使用控制前,CNC必须先试机完成复归动作,为了在设定检验程序时找到正确位置,在复归时驱动轴必须找到原点的位置.若使用操作杆,操作可以不经试机即可移动CNC位置.当启动程序(系统门关闭),如果需要时你会被告知是否CNC现在需要完成试机和是否X-Ray必须暖机.Window LayoutPhoenix | x-ray 的程序quality|assurance一般都显示在影像文件名称旁的抬头列中. 在抬头列的下方为功能选择单的位置,可点选进入“Program”, “File”, “Edit”和“Info” . 在此选择单下方为“Program files”,” image files”, “display” 和“image zoom” 的按钮组.影像撷取与影像处理的按钮一同在右边的边缘. 在窗口的下方提供实时信息的状态列您可找到X-ray 和CNC控制.在窗口的中央为影像显示的区域,有1到4个影像可供显示,在下方实时信息状态列可显示目前Live影像的区域数.影像用绿色外框强调并且所有的功能只有在此影像可作用.例如,如果您撷取一个影像, 此影像会出现在此活动窗口中,或者,如果您完成一项反差对比,这些只会在此活动窗口有作用. 而此窗口的活动可由移动鼠标的光标或按鼠标的左/右键来控制.红色外框的影像表示此影像为实况影像, 换言之,X-ray 影像显示中(F2 live).在下方实时信息状态列, 对X-ray功能来说,幅射可以启动或关闭,而X-ray控制的电流状态也可以读取.同样Tube的电压数(kV)和电流数(uA)也可以被读取与调整.在下方实时信息状态列, 对CNC功能来说, 可以停止CNC轴的移动,可以读取CNC实时状态, 轴的位置可以读取与控制,操作者也可以移动下载/不下载的位置.下方的状态列提供各种功能的一些协助. 此状态列的左边,依据影像的调整和灰阶指示器,会显示X-ray 和CNC的错误状态. 在右边如果鼠标光标落在一个影像的上面,此影像的调整和相关灰阶值会显示出来. 活动窗口的号码由“View n”提供, n= 1..4. 您也可以读取电流图素的尺寸, 单位,倍率和设定标的物的厚度.功能选择清单在抬头列下方, 窗口的上方有一个功能选择清单提供一般使用的功能.大部份的功能都能由使用这些功能进入.ProgramNew 开启一个新的,空白的程序.Load 由硬盘或磁盘中下载一个程序.Save 储存一个修改过的程序在硬盘或磁盘中.此功能只有在程序修改过之后才可以执行.Save as… 更换新文件名储存程序在硬盘或磁盘中.可用于复制程序时.Edit 编辑“Edit Program”对话来更改程序的调整(请见检查程序结构/修改)Run 执行程序, 启动连续检查(请见程序执行)Reports 能将所有的检验报告记录列在窗口中. 用鼠标右键点选一项记录,拥有open, print, delete等功能context 窗体即会开启Exit 离开程序ImageLoad 由硬盘或磁盘片中下载影像到活动窗口中(绿色外框)Save as…. 储存活动窗口的影像(外框为绿色的)Print 打印所有在显示区的影像(不限为活动窗口的影像)打印与其它有关打印调整的选项都在print-setup的对话盒中1..4 这里是四个最后被下载或储存的影像的文件名.选择其中一个文件名其相关影像会被下载到活动窗口中.Save as Shading Correction image储存实时影像来作明暗修正(请见Shading correction明暗修正)EditCopy 对活动影像作黏贴指令, 黏贴指令会将此窗口影像复制目前时活动窗口中.Paste contentof View n 用copy的指令来复制影像到实时活动窗口中.SetupPrint Setuup启动print-setup的对话盒进入打印机调整打印影像,例如,打印机中每页尺寸,编排,相片,美化Digitizer Setup调整测试板x-ray影像结构的数字化.(请见Digitizer Setup)Wire Sweep 调整wire sweep的最大值(请见wire sweep) Measurement 打开此对话框来调整量测值(请见Measurement Setup)Initialize system确认系统的CNC和X-ray控制连结.如果必要的话,使用者可能会被告知,真空管的暖机与CNC的试机是否应该启动. Load position 用来定义下载的位置.在最后一组程序完成后或当“To load postion”功能被启动,此系统会自动回复到定义下载的位置.BGA Module 调整BGA模式的设定(请见BGA Module设定) quality assurance 调整程序设定(请见quality assurance Setup) InfoAbout quality|assurance显示关于程序的信息Test image 1-3 显示影像来测试监示器和/或打印机上方窗口工具列移动鼠标光标到这些按钮上并按下鼠标左键来完成相对应的功能点选.Program Load由硬盘或磁盘中下载程序Program Run程序执行,启动连续检验(请见Program Execution).Image Load由硬盘或磁盘中下载影像.由此档案选择盒中您可以选择您所要的档案来下载.Image Save As…储存活动窗口(绿色外框)的影像到硬盘或磁盘中.由此挡案选择盒中您可以进入您所要的影像檔名.Print Image打印所有显示区中的影像(不限活动影像).打印与其它有关打印调整的选项都在print-setup 的对话盒中.Single View启动Single View模式.被启动的影像会刚刚好显示在整个显示区中.Quadview启动Quadview模式.所有4个影像会显示Zoom ½ 倍率下.Restore恢复显示.窗口的布置(位置,尺寸)会重新设定到原来的状态下.Invert倒转活动窗口的替代图像.只有影像的替代图像会倒转而并非影像本身.这表示,如果影像是被储存的,此储存影像将不会被倒转.Zoom显示影像的倍率减少与增加分为1/2倍,1倍和2倍Text在影像中加入批注(见Annotations)窗口右方工具列移动鼠标光标到这些按钮上并按下鼠标左键来完成相对应的功能点选或直接按功能键(F2..F4)注意所有的功能只能在活动窗口(绿色外框)中作用.Image:F2 Live显示出实况影像于活动窗口中.可从屏幕中看到移动的样品,此时X-ray影像会不断的出现Crosshair如果选择,crosshair会显示于实况影像上.Annotations如果选择,批注即会出现否则会隐藏.Shading correction对实况影像或已撷取影像完成明暗修正.如果选择单一影像,明暗修正可经由关闭开启完成.明暗修正可排除经由影像系统所造成的灰阶失真.ShadingMode=0(请见INI-File XTS.INI)正常来说此影像是没有标的物的而使用一半x-ray电力(一半电流)和ShadingMode=1(灰阶值将近255)即所谓的明亮影像来作明暗修正.(请见menu Image)F3 Integration完成影像整合.16个影像(系统允许值)会被记录并加总.结果也会分割为16个.此种方式所完成的影像杂质最低.F4 Shapshot在此,由比对到整合只有一个影像会被储存.(Snapshot).完成无杂质缩版.Contrast:Contrast Auto提高自动比对.灰阶影像会自动扩散,进入影像的灰阶值也能以线性方式显示(0..255=黑..白)当实时影像连续自动比对到适当的影像.按Auto键两下将自动提高比对功能关闭Contrast Manual当Auto被定义为自动扩散.Contrast Manual就表示灰阶值范围能以手动方式扩散由0..255 (请见Manual Contrast 调整对话框)Contrast Equalize完成所谓的灰阶值均等.灰阶值的影像为自动扩散,如此每个灰阶值即为相同频动.对于难以比对的影像来说这是非常有用的操作方式.显示为实时影像时,灰阶均等会连续的比对到影像上.按Equalize两下鼠标将均等灰阶值比对功能关闭Sharpen :Sharpen Weak增加影像清析度. 灰阶值的差异度(敏锐度)会被标明.Sharpen Strong与Sharpen Weak功能比较,此影像的清析度效果较强.Sharpen Relief这是一个用左上方光源模拟照明所得的模拟3D的结果. 平面分配128度的灰阶值(中度灰阶),增加灰阶值会显示较明亮画面反之则暗一些. 此功能就算是一个很小的灰阶值也能显示出差异.Smooth:Smooth Weak减少杂质的影像. 如果影像呈现出相当高的杂质,可用此功能来减少杂质. 需注意的是影像的清析度同样会被减弱. 为避免此情况,撷取时应用F3 Integration 来代替F4 Snapshot.Smooth Strong相对于Smooth Weak, 此功能会使杂质与影像清析度一同增强.Wire Sweep完成Wire Sweep量测.(请如何操作Wire Sweep)Measurement完成量测(请参考Measurement)ML-Modul此为选配项目(请参考ML-Module)VC-Modul此为选配项目(请参考VC-Module)BGA-Modul此为选配项目(请参考BGA Module)窗口底部的控制列在窗口底部为X-ray 控制(X-ray)和axis控制(CNC)功能对X-ray功能来说,幅射产生可经由按钮启动与关闭而X-ray控制的电流状态可被读取.而Tube的电压值(kV)与电流数(uA)也可以读取与调整.要调整此数值,OPERATE按钮必需转到“Remote”.对CNC功能来说,可以停止CNC轴的移动,可以读取CNC实时状态, 轴的位置可以读取与控制.操作者也可以移动到下载/非下载的位置.X-ray-control(X-ray):X-Ray On启动x-ray.X-Ray Off关闭x-raynot connected x-ray控制的电流状态未连接.130kV高电压值,点选此钮可调整电压值到其它电压值.300uA实时电流值,点选此钮可调整电流值到其它电流值.Axis-control (CNC):CNC Stop停止所有CNC轴改用操作杆操作.Position reached CNC 实时状态,到达所设定的位置X+160.000X轴的实时位置. 点选此钮可调整X轴到其它位置.关闭x-ray并移动到下载/非下载位置.各种指令:特殊鼠标功能:活动影像/窗口在此影像/窗口,按下鼠标(鼠标的左键或右键)来启动它. 此影像/窗口将会有绿色的外框启动单一画面和四格画面用鼠标的左键按画面两下,来启动单一画面或四格画面移动影像在画面上按下鼠标左键不动,shift key会出现在画面上,移动鼠标光标,影像即可移动到您想要位置.启动context menu在画面上按一下鼠标右键不动,即出现所谓的“对话清单”, 这是一个常用的功能可以直接点选所需功能.调整影像/窗口尺寸移动鼠标光标到影像的外框上或四格画面的中央交叉点上,按下压住鼠标左键,即可自由设定影像尺寸.移动到点选位置/屏幕放缩区在实时影像上(非批注)按下鼠标,此画面会移动到屏幕中央,正常来说,你也必须要按住“Ctrl”键(请见INI-File XTS.INI). 如果你设定一个矩形,此影像可依照矩形的尺寸放缩.(有可能X-ray头真空管会碰撞零件!!)键盘指令:Key 指令简短描述Alt+L Load 下载影像Alt+A Save as… 储存影像到Alt+P Print 打印影像Alt+Q Quad 点择单一画面或四格画面Alt+R Restore 恢复窗口布置Alt+/ Zoom ½ 尺寸减半Alt+1 Zoom 1 正常尺寸Alt+2 Zoom 2 两倍尺寸Alt+S Setup 启动设定F2 Live 启动实时影像F3 Integrate 撷取整合影像F4 Grab 撷取非整合影像, 快照Space Overlay on/off overlay 开启关闭用上下左右键来移动操纵器按住Ctrl 或Shift 键并同时按下上下左右键的任一键,操纵器会以小单位移动.Shift + 操纵器正常会移动一小单位10um X-bzw, Y-RichtungCtril + 操纵器正常会移动一小单位250um X-bzw, Y-Richtung单位宽度可在cnc.ini档案中调整(INI-FileCNC.INI)附加打印数据对话框如要打印一个影像或一个显示区域, 以下附加数据可以一并印出.Inspector 检验者名称Production Line 生产线叙述Part.-No. 组件号码Job 工作描述Comments 附加测试描述字段Cancel 取消对话框,不需打印Print without data 打印影像不含附加信息Print 打印影像包含附加信息在页首打印信息手动比对调整对话框手动比对调整允许手动设定灰阶值的范围,其分布的范围0 .. 255.长条图(灰阶值的数量…灰阶值呈现在影像中的数值频率)的显示和灰阶值0…255的分布可由两个滚轴来设定. 如果鼠标光标移动滑过长条图, 灰阶值(Grey)和其总数(Count)会显示在右边.如果影像是实时的,长条图会定期的更新, 所以更换标的物或撷取参数(kV, uA, Gain,…) 会即刻反映出来.滚轴“low”决定较低的灰阶值而滚轴“high”其较高灰阶值0…255分布由. 较低灰阶值用红色代表,较高灰阶值在长条图中用绿线表示.如果滚轴的值, low=31, high=228, 此影像灰阶值会显示0..31为0而值228..255为255,中间值会成比例的分布在0到255的直线上.如果高数值低于低数值,表示其影像为反白的,所有灰阶值低于高的会显示为255而灰阶值高于低的会显示0.中间值会成比例的分布在0到255的直线上.Default 重置系统隐含值,low=0, high=255, 即没有提高反差比对.OK 接受提高反差比对并离开对话框Cancel 取消设定并离开对话框数字化设定此对话框能调整撷取卡结构的设定.(撷取器, 数字器)来连接X-Ray的影像系统.“Contrast” 和“Brightness” 控制摄影机模拟讯号的数字化.这是与反差对比的数字影像不同的.(例: Contrast Manual)Contrast应该要调整对于一个完全过度曝光的(饱和的)影像会造成所有的画素灰阶值为255, 用尽可能的低阶值来调整.Brightness应该要调整对于一个全黑(X-Ray 关闭)影像会造成所有的画素灰阶值为0,用尽可能的高明亮值来调整.可能的明亮值由0=黑到255=白可能的对比值由0=黑到511=白这些都只是表示值.实际上的设定要依赖未来的因素来设定VGA显示器的明亮度与反差对比的设定和个人对于影像的敏感度.Video Input能由连接摄影机的影像撷取卡来调整.根据标准是用input 1,S-VHS录像机是用Input S.如果系统是装配在OVHM modul, 您不能更动video input.Synclevel能经由调整影像撷取卡来要求video 讯号的质量, 例如: 由录像机或光盘片. Synclevel标准设定值为125mV.完成了所有的设定之后, 请按下Done的键来离开对话框.批注选择在窗口上方边缘的控制键,对话框会在右边跳出.在此您可以键入您所要的批注.批注会重迭在影像上,因此影像本身不会遭受破坏,除非您将批注贴入影像上.(请见列批注于图表上).由此批注可以依照不同形式更改,因此称为可变动批注.批注的型态Text (正文) 多面的正文内容,尺寸,形态和颜色,透明Line (线条) 任何尺寸,颜色和线条宽度Rectangle, Ellipse (矩形, 椭圆) 任何尺寸,形状,颜色和线条宽度Arrows (箭头)任何尺寸的箭头向着四个不同的45度角附加批注选择批注窗口的控制键可加入批注.此批注窗口会预设显示在影像左上角.提示: 加上正文批注并按住Ctrl-key, 现行的日期与时间即可加注.移动批注在批注上按住鼠标左键, 用鼠标来拖曳批注.重订批注的尺寸如果以个批注的尺寸可以重订,即控制点(小绿色矩形)会显示在矩形批注的周围.用鼠标左键按住控制点来改变尺寸.用角落的控制点来重订尺寸,其放缩比例是一定的.按住Ctrl-Key, 重订的尺寸是对称的.更改批注只要批注没有被贴在影像,即可依以下方式更改:按下鼠标右键或在批注上点两下即可看到一个内文窗口.依此状态表您可选择不同功能来更改批注.一般此功能可能适用在所有批注形式:To front将批注带到前景,如此就不能由其它批注所覆盖To back将批注带到背景,原来被覆盖的批注变得显而易见且可选择.Delete删除所选择的批注TextChange text显示一个对话框可以用来进入或改变批注矩形背景将会被调整到新的批注,如此新的批注就可显示出来Font调整字体,形态和尺寸.在增加字体尺寸之后,选择“change text” 来调整矩形背景Color改变批注的颜色Background color如果不是透明,可以改变批注背景的颜色.Transparent无背景下显示批注,只有影像.To front, To Back, Delete 请见以上.LinesColor改变线条颜色Line width改变线条宽度从1(细) to 9(粗)Line ends改变线条尾端Rectangle, Ellipse, ArrowsColor改变笔的颜色Line width改变线条宽度从1(细) to 9(粗)Ellipse (椭圆形)Rectangle (矩形)Arrow to right top(向右上方箭头)Arrow to let top(向左上方箭头)Arrow to left bottom(向左下方箭头)Arrow to right bottom(向右下方箭头)Set to default size(初始设定尺寸)选择一个形状,如果批注的尺寸改变,可重设这个尺寸在影像中贴上批注选择一个贴上的控制键,所有可更动的批注将可贴在影像中.执行此指令,影像的颜色会消失, 并由相对的灰色来代替.因此小心选择适当的颜色.你可得到一个黑色和白色的批注在影像上.正常来说,可更改的批注在贴到影像上之后将会被删除.如果需要,您可改变此动作一但黑白的批注已贴入图形后, 之后的修改就变得不可能且困难.(例: 更改日期…)删除所的批注选择waste basket(垃圾桶), 所有可更改的批注在您选择yes之后都将会被删除.储存批注储存一个含有批注的影像(批注不是贴在影像上的), 批注会依相同路径与文件名但不同的附加档名“.ano”储存.下载此影像文件附加文件名“.ano”的档案自然存在,可更改的批注同样也会被载入.Wire Sweep此为选备项目.如何操作Wire Sweep?Wire sweep 的功能是用来鉴定金线的弯度.由此可测出金线最弯曲点到两端直线垂直距离,对金线两端距离的百分比.如果选择此功能,鼠标光标会由x 标志的取代.请依序按下鼠标在线的两个末端, x 标志将会在线的两末端点上做上记号而且出现连接线.移动鼠标拉一条连接线到金线最弯的位置上,按鼠标左键.在此过程中, wire sweep的值会一直显示在右边wire sweep 状态表中. 如果wire sweep 的值是在标准下(请参考wire sweep 设定), 其显示值为绿色否则颜色会变成红色. 如此便可马上了解被测线的弯度是许可的或不许可…完成量测之后,一个对话框会显示Wire-Sweep 的值并分类出“Fail” 或“OK”.之后再量测下一条线.如果所有的线都已被量测完成请点选Wire Sweep 状态框或按下ESC键来离开Wire Sweep 的功能.Wire Sweep Setup此对话框可设定Wire Sweep 最大的有效值.如果线的Wire-Sweep值超过所设的标准值,此线会被判定为FAIL而Wire-Sweep-标准值的颜色会由绿色变成红色.量测Conducting a Measurement以上影像显示3点残留环宽量测. 量测结果是37um可由邻近的“measure”键中看见.此量测功能提供被测对象的距离和分离信息. 可选择三种量测方式: 二点,三点和CNC量测.二点量测, 其名称所示,决定两个使用者定义点的距离. 三点量测, 首先使用者需先在影像中设定两个点来定义出一条线. 第二条并行线会显示出来给使用者定位在量测点上, 此种量测方式在量测直径和残留环状时特别有用. 两种量测方式是分别将点或线的像素尺寸累积决定出真实的尺寸.因此,要紧的是像素尺寸正确的校正.对于没有CNC系统的使用者来说必须测定像素的尺寸.而对于有CNC系统的,参数会自动设定. CNC量测模式使用轴的位置会对应到像素尺寸,如此使用者被提供一个十字线来协助在屏幕中央定位需求点. 使用以上任何一种量测方式,仅要按下“Measure”键和选择所需求的量测方式即可.注意: 对于没有CNC 系统来说像素尺寸必须由使用者在指定的倍率来自行计算注意: 如果系统加装CNC, 最重要的是确定系统对影像接收器使用正确的Zoom倍率.两点量测点选右边所显示的符号. 当鼠标光标显示在影像中, 鼠标光标会转变成十字线. 点选两个点来量测, 这两个点会由一条线连接起来.在选择第二个点的位置时,两点间的距离会实时的出现在“Measure”键旁边的窗口中.三点量测点选右边所显示的符号. 当鼠标光标显示在影像中, 鼠标光标会转变成十字线. 现在设定两个点作为量测线.设定第一条线之后,再选择移到第二条并行线到量测点上.在定位好第二条线位置时, 两条线的间距会显示在“Measure”键旁边的窗口中.在用鼠标左键来确认第二条线的位置之后,一个对话框会显示出两条线径的距离. 量测单位可由“Setup Measurement”对话框中选择.在此后可以进行下一个量测或选择其它量测方式.如果不再需要量测,即可点选“Measure”键或按下“Escape” 键即可.CNC-量测如果系统软件有安装CNC, 就可选择此种量测功能. 要确认轴的绝对位置,回授机构是必需的.用鼠标左键来点选“Measure”. 然后点选右边所显示的符号. 一个实时影像和十字标志会显示出来,现在使用操纵杆移动到第一个位置并用鼠标左键确认,然后用同样方式移动到第二个位置并再用鼠标确认.用鼠标左键来确认线的位置后,一个对话框会显示出距离来.量测单位可由“Setup Measurement”对话框中选择.在设定第二条线位置时, 两条线的间距会显示在“Measure”键旁边的窗口中.如果不再需要量测,即可点选“Measure”键或按下“Escape” 键即可.量测设定以下设定需由管理层级的操作者来设定如果系统加装CNC, 此对话框是用来告诉软件系统,在量测方式中将要使用到的机器重要尺寸.如果系统未加装CNC, 以上信息除单位之外将不需理会.注意: 无论是否选择英吋单位,系统单位始终设定为mm.Unit定义量测单位.在量测标的物的厚度与像素尺寸时,也会被用来使用.Focus-II-Distance这个值是表示X-Ray管的焦点和影像接收器实际影像接收面的距离.而焦点和X-Ray 管出口的距离是依X-Ray 管而定. 130kV的值是18mm.影像接收器的铝盖板和接收面的距离是8mm.Focus-Object-Distance这个值是表示焦点和检验桌之间的距离.而焦点和X-Ray管出口的距离是依真空管而定. 130kV的值是18mm. 影像接收器的铝盖板和接收面的距离是8mm.Optional Factor 0/1 X/Y这个值是x/y 像素在影像接收器放说缩比例0到1尺寸的实际尺寸.这个值是依照摄影机像素尺寸(Pcam), 测量物(f), 影像接收器缩小比例(Mbv)来计算的:计算方式如下:Ox=Pxcam/f*/Mbv(y analog).经由不断测试,实际值将会被精确的订定.注意: 对于没有CNC 系统的,尤其重要的是光学对位的调校正确.。
i ( k Z , j +1 − k Z , j ) Zj
+ R j ~j , j +1e r
i ( k Z , j +1 + k Z , j ) Z j
R1 (θ ) = ?
~ =r e rj, j+1 j, j+1
~ =t e tj, j+1 j, j+1
−2kZ , j kZ , j+1σ 2 j
θ c ≈ 2δ
对于Si 对于 δ=7.6×10-6; × αc=0.223o β=1.75 × 10-7
λ λ re ρ e ; β = µ δ= 2π 4π
θi x= θc
β y= δ
2 p+/− = (x2 −1)2 + y2 ±(x2 −1)
2 ( 2 x − p+ ) 2 + p − R(θ ) = 2 ( 2 x + p+ ) 2 + p −
θ c ≈ 2δ
For S-polarised X-rays:
r (s) = t
ki , z − kt , z ki , z + kt , z 2k i , z ki , z + kt , z
n 2 ki , z − kt , z n ki , z + kt , z
Xj =
Rj Tj
− 2 ik z , j Z j
r j , j +1 + X j +1e
2 ik Z , j +1Z j 2 ik Z , j +1Z j
X-ray microscopy
X射线显微术蒋诗平(Email: spjiang@)中国科学技术大学Topics1.Soft x-ray microscopy2.Hard x-ray microscopy中国科学技术大学1. Outline of soft x-ray microscopy(Contrast, properties, and types ).2.Applications of soft x-ray microscopy中国科学技术大学软X射线显微术大多数的工作是利用光电吸收。
teNNµ−=N 0和N分别是入出射光子数,t为光子穿透深度,µ是吸收系数。
Contrasts of SXM中国科学技术大学中国科学技术大学The linear coefficients of x-ray absorption and electron scatterPenetration distances in water and protein forelectrons and x-raysFor x-rays,the 1/e attenuation lengths 1/µwere obtained using the data of Henke et al.中国科学技术大学Properties of SXM1.相对于光镜,分辨率更高;相对于电镜,样品较厚且无需脱水和染色等处理。
2. 可以利用元素对X射线吸收差异进行样品内微区元素分析。
中国科学技术大学The compare of X-ray and optical micrographsSample: whole,wet,culturedChinese hamster ovarianfibroblastImaging:optical phasecontrast,STXM中国科学技术大学Dry and wet chromosomes of the bean vicia faba中国科学技术大学中国科学技术大学Characteristics of soft x-rays1.X 射线的折射率是一个非常接近并小于1的数。
X Ray
X-ray technology uses electromagnetic radiation to make images. The image is recorded on a film, called a radiograph. The parts of your body appear light or dark due to the different rates that your tissues absorb the X-rays. Calcium in bones absorbs X-rays the most, so bones look white on the radiograph. Fat and other soft tissues absorb less, and look gray. Air absorbs least, so lungs look black.
x线光子在穿透人体时与人体的生物分子(如 核酸、蛋白质等)发生碰撞,会使原子的外 层电子脱离从而发生电离,生物分子的性 质会因此而改变,细胞的功能及代谢亦遭 到破坏,造成人体自血球减少,出现皮疹, 影响消化功能、呕吐等症状。
The risks of medical X-rays include
X射线在检查区曝光率约为160毫西弗特/小 时,距此2米处则为80微西弗特(1西弗特 1000微西弗特)/小时,约为中心点1/2000, 此时的致癌几率约为百万分之一;而在距 中心点6米外的辐射为1.5微西弗特/小时, 约为中心点的5百万分之一,致癌几率更是 微乎其微.
The radiation dose of some common medical X-ray exams compared to the radiation people are exposed to from natural sources in the environment. For example, the radiation exposure from one chest X-ray equals the amount of radiation a person is exposed to from their natural surroundings in 10 days.
富血小板纤维蛋白复合牙齿煅烧颗粒修复骨缺损王得利;徐文秀;林娜;王海艳;石屹;于学刚;栗巧玲;周洋;栾海蓉【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2018(022)002【摘要】背景:牙齿煅烧颗粒可作为骨性支架为骨组织的生长提供空间支持,而且在骨再生过程中够提供钙和磷等成分;富血小板血浆具有促进软、硬组织再生的作用,两者单独应用均有不足.目的:探讨富血小板纤维蛋白复合牙齿煅烧颗粒修复颅骨缺损的效果.方法:取新西兰大白兔9只,在大耳白兔颅骨中缝两侧各制备标准一致的骨缺损,选择左侧植入兔自体富血小板纤维蛋白膜与人牙齿煅烧颗粒混合物,作为实验组;右侧植入兔自体富血小板纤维蛋白膜,作为对照组.植入后4,6,8周分别取颅骨标本,进行软X射线摄片、苏木精-伊红及改良Gomori染色观察.结果与结论:①软X 射线检查:实验组植入后6,8周的骨小梁面积大于对照组(P < 0.05或P < 0.01);②苏木精-伊红染色:随着植入时间的延长,两组骨缺损处新形成骨结构纤维成分逐渐减少,骨结构趋向于有序的层状排列,钙化程度增高,但与对照组比较,实验组新骨成熟度更高,骨小梁排列更规则,成骨细胞也更多;③改良Gomori染色:随着植入时间的延长,两组骨缺损处新生骨逐渐成熟,实验组骨成熟度高于对照组;④结果表明:富血小板纤维蛋白结合牙齿煅烧颗粒具有更明显的促进骨缺损修复作用.%BACKGROUND: The tooth ash can be used as a scaffold for bone tissue growth and provide calcium and phosphorus components during bone regeneration. Platelet-rich plasma can promote the soft and hard tissue regeneration. However, either of them has its shortcomings.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of platelet-rich plasma combined with tooth ash in repairingskull bone defects. METHODS: Nine healthy rabbits were selected to make bone defects on both sides of the skull. Rabbit platelet-rich plasma combined with tooth ash was implanted into the skull defect on the left side as experimental group, while rabbit platelet-rich plasma was implanted into the skull defect on the right side as control group. Skull samples were taken out at 4, 6, 8 weeks after implantation for soft X-ray detection, hematoxylin-eosin staining and modified Gomori staining. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Soft X-ray: The trabecular bone area of the experimental group was larger than that of the control group at 6 and 8 weeks after implantation (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). (2) Hematoxylin-eosin staining: With the duration of implantation, newly formed fibers with bone structure gradually reduced at the defect sites in both groups, and there was a orderly layered arrangement in the bone structure and increased calcification. Compared with the control group, relatively higher new bone maturity, better bone trabecular arrangement and more osteoblasts were observed in the experimental group. (3) Modified Gomori staining: With the prolongation of implantation time, the new bone became mature gradually in the two groups, and the bone maturity in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group. To conclude, platelet-rich fibrin combined with tooth ash is better to promote bone defect repair.【总页数】6页(P204-209)【作者】王得利;徐文秀;林娜;王海艳;石屹;于学刚;栗巧玲;周洋;栾海蓉【作者单位】黑龙江省牡丹江医学院,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011;黑龙江省牡丹江红旗医院口腔科,黑龙江省牡丹江市157011;黑龙江省牡丹江医学院,黑龙江省牡丹江市 157011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318【相关文献】1.Choukroun富血小板纤维蛋白复合自体微小颗粒骨修复兔颅骨缺损 [J], 王得利;孔祥盼;栾海蓉;芦山;商维荣2.牛煅烧骨颗粒复合抗生素骨形态发生蛋白和骨水泥修复兔感染性骨缺损 [J], 张殿忠;范清宇;周勇;赵廷宝;王育才;文艳华3.富血小板纤维蛋白联合天然煅烧骨对颅骨缺损修复作用研究 [J], 陈铁楼;任正波;张新海;许兵;徐东升;王世峰;秦卫民;刘进;王海彗;王晓熙4.富血小板纤维蛋白复合牙齿煅烧颗粒修复骨缺损 [J], 王得利;徐文秀;林娜;王海艳;石屹;于学刚;栗巧玲;周洋;栾海蓉;;;;;;;;;5.牙齿煅烧颗粒结合富血小板纤维蛋白修复骨缺损的实验研究 [J], 郭津源;仲维剑;柴松岭;梁欣;马国武因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
射线II级基础理论试卷RT Level II General Examination姓名: 答卷时间: 地点:Name Time Location得分: 评卷人: 时间:Marks Examiner Date1. X射线管中,轰击靶的电子运动速度取决于:( C )A) 阴极材料的原子序数B) 灯丝材料的原子序数C) 阴极和阳极之间的电位差D) 整流电路的电流The velocity of electrons striking the target in an X-ray tube is a function of:A) the atomic number of the cathode materialB) the atomic number of the filament materialC) the voltage difference between the cathode and anodeD) the current flow in the rectifier circuit2. 哪种源发出的射线其穿透力最大?( C )A) 钴60 B) 220kVpX射线管C) 15MeV回旋加速器D) 铱192发射的电子Of the following, the source providing the most penetrating radiation is:A) cobalt-60 B) 220kVp X-ray tubeC) 15MeV X-ray betatron D) electrons from iridium-1923. 铱192源适用的厚度极限约为:( B )A) 2英寸钢或当量厚度B) 4英寸钢或当量厚度C) 15/2英寸钢或当量厚度D) 11英寸钢或当量厚度An iridium-192 gamma-ray source has an approximate practical thickness limit of:A) 2 inches of steel or its equivalent B) 4 inches of steel or its equivalentC) 15/2 inches of steel or its equivalent D) 11 inches of steel or its equivalent4. 单色X射线束:( D )A) 是用来产生高对比度射线照片的窄射线束B) 也叫做多频X射线束C) 是只含有标识射线的X射线束D) 是由单一波长射线组成的X射线束 A monochromatic X-ray beam:A) is a narrow beam used to produce high contrast radiographs.B) is also referred to as a heterogeneous X-ray beam.C) is a beam containing only characteristic X-radiation.D) is a beam consisting of a single wavelength.5. 钴60源的半衰期为5.3年。
X-Ray tube components球管构成
X-Ray tube components球管构成
X-ray tube functions球管功能
Higher kVp – faster electron produced X-ray release in all directions eee2 1
• Tube maintains a vacuum真空状态. • Tube window
– A segment of glass that is thinner than the rest of the glass envelope. – Contributes to inherent filtration.
The Filament function灯丝功能
• When current (mA) is applied to the coil of wire electron are ejected高mA施加在线圈上,发射 电子 • The outer-shell electrons of the filament atom are “boiled off”.灯丝外壳电子溢出; – This is known as thermionic emission
复习: 1、固定球管有哪几部分组成?最大缺点是什么? 2、CT的DAS有哪些部分组成?
Protective Housing X射线管防护
• X-rays that escape through the protective housing are leakage radiation;穿过防护层的辐射为漏 射线 • Provides mechanical support for the tube and protects from rough handling;球管的支撑 • Some tube housings contain a cooling fan to aircool the tube;球管有冷气扇用于空气冷却球管
sCMOS相机丨鑫图光电软X射线相机Dhyana XF95
-50°C@20°C深度制冷鑫图Dhyana XF95 产品介绍Dhyana XF95(简称:XF95)新一代软X射线背照式sCMOS相机,不仅具有超高灵敏度,大面阵、高速、高动态等性能优势,还特别针对高能射线应用特点进行了全新性能升级和技术改造:①采用新一代无抗反射镀膜背照式sCMOS芯片,在对应80eV-1000eV光子能量范围内量子效率大幅提升,整体超过了90%,部分波段达到了近乎100%的超高水平,具有更专业的软X射线、极紫外成像性能和抗辐射损伤能力。
参考:[1]Harada, Tetsuo , et al. "High-exposure-durability, high-quantum-efficiency (>90%) backside-illuminated soft-X-ray CMOS sensor." Applied Physics Express 13.1(2020):016502 (4pp).[2]Desjardins, K. , et al. "Characterization of a back-illuminated CMOS camera for soft x-ray coherent scattering." PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION ‒ SRI2018 2019.[3]Backside-illuminated scientific CMOS detector for soft X-ray resonant scattering and ptychography[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2020.结构尺寸* 备注:① QE值来源芯片出厂报告,详细性能评估请参考专业论文;② 真空密封度数据来源第三方专业测评机构;③ 相机其他光电参数评估严格执行EMVA1288测试标准。
X19A & X18B (XAS) and X14A & X18A (XRD) at National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS)
Ionization Detectors
XAS setup
Monochromatic X-rays
Reference metal foil
H(311) H(121)
Two phase reaction
No significant solid solution
Existence of solid solution
Appearance of Intermediate
T(311) T(121)
(311) (121)
Oxygen release
Oxygen release
When x= 0.5 (50% of SOC) in LixMO2
Li0.5M(3.5+)O2 (layered, R-3m) Li0.5M(3.5+)1.0O2 (disordered spinel, Fd3m) ; no oxygen loss Li0.5M(3.5+)1.0O2 (disordered spinel, Fd3m) Li0.5M(2.5+)1.0O1.5 (rock salt, Fm3m) + 0.25 O2 ; oxygen release!!
In situ XRD of C-LiFe1/4Mn1/4Co1/4Ni1/4PO4 during first charge
Comparison with pure C-LiFePO4
Kidney StonesWhat are kidney stones?Kidney stones are gravel-like collections of chemicals that may appear in any area of the urinary system, from the kidney to the bladder. They may be small or large. You may have just one stone or many. Your kidneys filter your blood and excrete waste products and excess water as urine. They are located on either side of your spine, just above your waist. Kidney stones are most common in middle-aged people and are 3 times more common in men than in women. They tend to recur.How does this occur?There are several types of urinary stones, but most stones are calcium stones. They occur when there is too much calcium in the urine. If your kidneys don't work properly or if too much calcium is absorbed from your stomach and intestines, you may have excess calcium in your urine. Some calcium stones are caused by too much of a chemical called oxalate that is found in many foods including spinach, rhubarb, leafy vegetables, coffee, chocolate, and tomatoes. Oxalate binds easily with calcium to form a stone. Also, the risk of forming calcium stones increases if you have certain medical conditions such as an overactive parathyroid (a gland in that neck that regulates calcium in the body) or inflammatory bowel disease.A second type of kidney stone occurs because you have too much uric acid in your urine. Uric acid stones might result if you become dehydrated, for example, during strenuous exercise on a hot day or during an illness. Uric acid stones are common in people who have gout, a disease that causes high uric acid levels in the blood.A third type, struvite stones, are also called infection stones because they form in urine that is infected with bacteria.Finally, a rare type of kidney stone is a cystine stone. It occurs if you have the genetic disease called cystinuria. This disease results from a birth defect that causes the kidney to allow too much cystine into the urine. This type of stone formation is almost always diagnosed during childhood.What are the symptoms?The symptoms of kidney stones are:•severe, crampy pain in your back or abdomen (the most common symptom)•nausea and vomiting (sometimes).Sometimes the presence of kidney stones causes a urinary tract infection. If you have a urinary tract infection, your symptoms may include fever, chills, sweats, and pain when you urinate. Kidney stones and urinary tract infection can cause blood to be in the urine. Usually the blood is seen only with a microscope, but occasionally it is more obvious. Some people have no symptoms until they pass gravel-like stones in their urine. Others never have any symptoms, and their stones are found during testing for other problems.How is it diagnosed?Your health care provider will ask about your symptoms and examine you. Samples of your urine and blood will be tested. Sometimes the pattern of pain over time is helpful in the diagnosis. The pain may move from the upper to the lower abdomen over a few hours. As the stone moves lower, the pain may be felt in the genitals, especially the testicles in men and the labia in women.You may have one or more of these tests:•x-ray of your abdomen•ultrasound scan•CT scan (computerized x-rays)•intravenous pyelogram (IVP), which is a special type of x-ray done after a dye is injected into one of your veins.How is it treated?Treatment depends on the size and location of the stone(s), whether one or more stones are blocking urine flow out of the kidney, and whether there are signs of infection. You may be treated at home by drinking lots of liquids and taking pain medication. Kidney stones usually pass on their own. Your health care provider may ask you to strain all urine until the stone is passed. This allows the type of stone to be identified with lab tests.You may need be in the hospital if:•You are vomiting too much to drink liquids.•You have signs of urinary infection or a kidney abnormality.•You need surgery to remove a large stone.If you have a stone in the lower urinary tract that requires surgery, it may be removed, under anesthesia, through a cystoscope. This instrument is a slim, lighted, flexible, fiber-optic telescope, which is passed through the urethral opening into the urinary tract. Tiny tools can be passed through the cystoscope to trap and remove the stone.If you have a stone that is too high in your urinary tract or very large, you may need to have surgery to remove it. Some medical centers are using a kind of cystoscope called a ureteroscope, inserted via the bladder, to remove these stones. At a few medical centers, ultrasound machines are available to break up stones with shock waves (a technique called lithotripsy). The smaller fragments can then be passed in the urine.How long will the effects last?Usually you have pain off and on for several hours up to 1 or 2 days. However, a stone may take days or even weeks to pass. Sometimes weekly x-rays will be taken to track the progress of the stone as it moves down the urinary tract. If a stone has not passed after a month or so, it may need to be surgically removed.How can I take care of myself?Follow your health care provider's instructions.•Make sure you drink enough liquids.•Watch for signs of kidney infection, such as fever, chills, sweats, and worsening back or abdominal pain.•Take the pain medicine prescribed by your health care provider.•Contact your health care provider if any problems or questions arise or if you are feeling worse instead of better.What can be done to help prevent kidney stones?Follow your health care provider's recommended treatment for any health problems that may be causing kidney stones. Drink plenty of water daily. The goal should be to urinate at least 2 liters every day. Make sure you avoid getting dehydrated. Follow any changes in your diet recommended by your health care provider after the stone has been tested in the lab.Published by McKesson Health Solutions LLC. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Developed by McKesson Health Solutions LLC. Copyright © 2003 McKesson Health Solutions LLC. Copyright © Clinical Reference Systems 2004 Adult Health Advisor Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Special Instructions:。
软 X 射线荧光吸收谱学
Soft X-ray Fluorescence absorption spectrum
Soft X-ray Fluorescence
Soft X-ray Fluorescence measurement system
Incident photon energy: ~2keV
nXRF is the fluorescence yield.
D is the incident X-ray dose applied to the sample;
Γ is the conversion factor between
the generated dose in X-rays and the number of photons absorbed per volume; c is the sample concentration; V is the voxel volume;
J. Synchrotron Rad. (2011). 18, 944
Fluorescence (PFY) and Electron (TEY) mode for XAS
FY detection is not a mainstream technique in the soft X-ray region because
Soft X-ray Fluorescence system in BL08U
X-ray Fluorescence
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF): Emission of characteristic secondary X
很全面的资料-中子星与黑洞 Neutron Stars and Black Holes
The Schwarzschild Radius
=> There is a limiting radius where the escape velocity reaches the speed of light, c:
Black Holes
Just like white dwarfs (Chandrasekhar limit: 1.4 Msun), there is a mass limit for neutron stars:
Neutron stars can not exist with masses > 3 Msun
We know of no mechanism to halt the collapse of a compact object with > 3 Msun. It will collapse into a single point – a singularity:
=> A Black Hole!
Escape Velocity
Pulsars / Neutron Stars
Neutron star surface has a temperature of ~ 1 million K.
Cas A in X-rays
Wien’s displacement law,
lmax = 3,000,000 nm / T[K] gives a maximum wavelength of lmax = 3 nm, which corresponds to X-rays.
和家人出行方式的作文英语,六年级上册篇1A Fun Family Road TripLast summer, my family went on a big road trip and it was the best! Mom, Dad, my little brother Jacob, and I all piled into our blue minivan and hit the road. We were going to drive all the way from our home in Ohio to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. That's like a whole 26 hour drive! I was a little nervous about being stuck in the car that long with Jacob, because you know how annoying little brothers can be. But it ended up being a really fun family adventure.On the first day, we only drove for about 6 hours to get to St. Louis, Missouri. That wasn't too bad. Jacob and I played some car games in the backseat like I Spy, the License Plate Game, and 20 Questions. We also watched a movie on the iPad and listened to music. When we stopped for the night, we went to the City Museum which is this crazy fun place made out of recyled stuff. There were these awesome spiral slides you could go down and lots of tunnels to crawl through. Even Mom and Dad had a blast!The next day was a really long driving day - 12 hours in the car! I'm not gonna lie, some parts were pretty boring. But wemade sure to stop a few times to stretch our legs. In Oklahoma City, we stopped at a Route 66 museum all about the famous highway, which was interesting. I tried to sleep a lot in the backseat too. That night we stayed in Amarillo, Texas and went to this really cool outdoor play area called the Amarillo Vriparker. It had these big metal funnel slides and climbing structures shaped like trees. We burned off a lot of energy there after sitting in the car all day.On day three, we only had about 6 more hours of driving to get all the way to the Grand Canyon. But man, let me tell you, those last few hours felt like forever when you're excited to get somewhere! We sang a lot of silly road trip songs to pass the time. When we finally arrived at the Grand Canyon, the first glimpse of it was just breathtaking. We stayed at a hotel right on the rim and I'll never forget walking out on the balcony for the first time and seeing that enormous view. The next few days we hiked along the rim, took a tour down into the canyon a little ways, and just explored. It was all so beautiful and different from my usual surroundings back home in Ohio's flat lands.After a few days at the Grand Canyon, we didn't want to drive straight back home yet. On the way back east, we stopped at Petrified Forest National Park which had all these coolscattered colorful rocks and pieces of petrified wood. We also drove through New Mexico and stopped in Santa Fe where we wandered around the plaza and bought some turquoise jewelery made by Native American artists. I got a cool bolo tie!The very last night before heading home, we camped in Oklahoma somewhere. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the campfire and Mom and Dad let Jacob and I stay up really late just gazing at the millions of stars you could see out there. The night sky looked quite magical.When we finally pulled back into our driveway in Ohio, I was definitely glad to be home and sleeping in my own bed again. But I'll never forget all the awesome memories from that 2-week road trip adventure with my family. From the annoying backseat sibling fights, to the random roadside attractions, to the true natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, it was all an experience I'll cherish forever. A couple years from now, Jacob and I will probably be too cool to go on long family road trips anymore. So I'm really glad we got to have that special bonding time as a family before we get too old and want to stay home all summer. It just proves you don't need to get on a plane and go somewhere exotic to have an amazing trip - you can make great memories even just driving across the country together as afamily. Now every time I see a open highway or canyon landscape, it'll make me smile remembering our awesome family road trip out west!篇2Here's an essay about traveling with family, written in a sixth-grade style, around 2000 words long:Traveling with My FamilyYay, it's summer vacation! Do you know what that means? No more school and lots of time for fun! My favorite thing to do during the summer is to go on trips with my family. We always have the most amazing adventures together!Last year, we went on a road trip to the mountains. We packed our car with snacks, games, and all our luggage. I was so excited when we hit the road! Even though the drive took forever, we made it lots of fun. We played classics like "I Spy" and sang along to our favorite songs at the top of our lungs. Good thing the windows were rolled up - we're not the best singers!When we arrived at our cabin in the woods, I was amazed. It was like a real-life fairy tale house made of logs with a huge fireplace. We went on awesome hikes, built campfires, androasted marshmallows. One day, we went fishing at a nearby lake. Although I didn't catch any fish, I got to see a family of ducks swimming by. It was so peaceful just sitting there with my parents and little brother.Another summer, we decided to be tourists in our own city. We visited all the famous landmarks and went to museums we'd never been to before. I loved learning about the rich history of where we live. Who knew there was so much cool stuff right under our noses? We also tried lots of different restaurants and foods from all over the world. My favorite was the delicious handmade pasta at the Italian place. Yum!One year, we drove to the beach for a week of fun in the sun. We stayed at a really cool beach house just steps away from the ocean. Every morning, I'd run outside to put my feet in the warm sand and watch the beautiful sunrise over the sparkling blue waves. During the day, we'd ride the rollercoasters and Ferris wheel at the amusement park on the boardwalk. The best part was the soft-serve ice cream we'd get for dessert! At night, we'd have bonfires and roast s'mores under the star-filled sky.No matter where we go, my favorite part is just spending quality time together as a family. We always find a way to have fun and make amazing memories. My parents make boringthings entertaining, like passing time at the airport by seeing who can make the silliest face. They're the best travel buddies ever!I can't wait for our next family adventure. My dad has been talking about taking a train trip across the country. How cool would it be to watch the amazing scenery whiz by from the windows? We could bring games, books, and plenty of snacks to munch on during the long ride. I'm sure we'll find lots of neat places to stop and explore along the way too. Road trips, flights, trains, or even just camping in our backyard - getting away with my family is always a guaranteed good time! Where will we end up next? I can't wait to find out!篇3Here's a 2000 word essay in the style of a 6th grader, on the topic "Ways of Traveling with Family":Traveling with My FamilyHi there! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about the different ways my family and I like to travel. We don't always get to go on big vacations, but even little trips can be super fun and exciting!The way we travel the most is by car. My dad has this big van that can fit my whole family – me, my parents, my little brother Tommy, and even our dog Rufus! Whenever we need to go somewhere that's not too far away, we'll all pile into the van. I'll bring games and toys to play with in the backseat so I don't get bored.My favorite car trips are when we drive up to the mountains for a camping trip. We load up the van with our tent, sleeping bags, camp stove, and all our camping gear. I love hiking in the woods, toasting marshmallows over the campfire, and sleeping under the stars. One time, we even saw a family of deer right next to our campsite!Another way we travel is by train. Taking the train is really exciting because it feels like you're going on a big adventure. We've taken the train to go visit my aunt and uncle who live a few states away. I get a kick out of watching the scenery go by through the window – forests, rivers, farms, and cute little towns. Sometimes the train even goes right through cities and I can see all the tall buildings!On the train, there's a dining car where you can get meals, which I think is really neat. I always get a kick out of the train attendant coming through the aisles with the food cart. Mybrother Tommy loves pressing the call button to get service brought right to our seats. Mom and dad appreciate not having to drive for hours while we munch on snacks and chicken nuggets.My absolute favorite way to travel is by airplane! There's something so thrilling about soaring through the clouds and looking down at the tiny houses and cars below. The first time we went on a plane was to visit my grandparents in Florida for summer vacation. I'll never forget the amazing view of the beach and ocean as we came in for landing!I get a real kick out of all the rules and procedures you have to follow at the airport too. Having to go through security, putting our bags on the X-ray conveyor belt, showing our boarding passes - it feels like being a spy on a mission! Then there's the excitement of finding our gate, lining up to board, and walking through that tunnel corridor onto the actual plane. It's all just so cool.Once we're on the plane, I love getting my own TV screen and picking what movies or games to watch. The meals might not be fancy restaurant quality, but I still think it's awesome getting served food and drinks by the flight attendants whilecruising at 30,000 feet! Airplane rides make me feel like a jetsetter.Let me know if you'd like to hear more about any other modes of transportation my family uses. I could probably go on and on about the thrills of travel! Whether it's a short car ride or a long-haul flight, I try to appreciate the journey as much as the destination. Exploring new places with my loving family is always an adventure I cherish. Getting there is half the fun!。
关于天文的英语句子The Enigma of the Cosmos: A Journey Through the Depths of Space.As we gaze up at the night sky, our minds are drawn to the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds. The night sky, with its countless stars and constellations, has fascinated humans for centuries, sparking curiosity and wonder. Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and phenomena, has been a crucial part of human civilization, helping us understand our place in the universe.From the ancient astronomers who used simple devices like the astrolabe to track the movements of the stars to the modern-day telescopes that allow us to peer into the farthest reaches of space, the journey of astronomy has been remarkable. Each discovery, each breakthrough, has added a new layer to our understanding of the universe.One of the most fascinating aspects of astronomy is thediversity of celestial objects it encompasses. From planets and moons to galaxies and quasars, each type of object presents its own set of challenges and mysteries. The study of planets, for instance, has revealed much about their composition, atmosphere, and potential for harboring life. The discovery of exoplanets, planets orbiting stars other than our Sun, has further expanded our understanding of planetary systems and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.Galaxies, on the other hand, are vast collections of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity. Studying galaxies allows us to understand the structure and evolution of the universe. The identification of dark matter and dark energy, which account for a significant portion of the universe's mass and energy, has been a crucial milestone in our understanding of galactic and cosmic evolution.Quasars, extremely luminous and energetic objects at the centers of some galaxies, are another fascinating aspect of astronomy. Their intense brightness and energyoutput challenge our understanding of physics and Astrophysics. Studying quasars can provide insights intothe extreme conditions that exist in the cores of galaxies and the mechanisms that power them.In addition to the study of individual objects, astronomy also involves the exploration of larger-scale phenomena like supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and black holes. These phenomena, though rare and transient, offer unique insights into the extreme physics that govern the universe. The detection of gravitational waves, a predicted but long-sought-after phenomenon, has opened a new window into the universe, allowing us to study its most violentand energetic events.The future of astronomy is exciting and filled with promise. With the advent of new telescopes and technologies, we are poised to make even more groundbreaking discoveries. The James Webb Space Telescope, successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, is expected to revolutionize our understanding of the early universe and the formation of stars and galaxies. The Square Kilometre Array, a radiotelescope under construction in Australia and South Africa, will allow us to peer deeper into the cosmos and study the properties of dark matter and dark energy in unprecedented detail.As we continue to explore the universe, it is important to remember that each discovery and breakthrough is a testament to the curiosity and perseverance of human beings. Astronomy, more than just a science, is a journey of discovery and understanding that has the potential to transform our view of the world and our place in it. As we gaze up at the night sky, let us remember that themysteries of the universe are still vast and unending, waiting to be uncovered by the next generation of astronomers.。
使用曲面微通道板和感应电荷位置灵敏阳极的软 X 射线-极紫外光子计数成像探测器研究
使用曲面微通道板和感应电荷位置灵敏阳极的软 X 射线-极紫外光子计数成像探测器研究尼启良【期刊名称】《中国光学》【年(卷),期】2015(000)005【摘要】本项目对我国空间探测的极紫外( EUV)波段大视场相机所需求的球面光子计数成像探测器的关键技术进行了研究。
首先,建立了光阴极材料次级电子产出模型,利用该模型计算了软X射线-EUV波段常用的光电阴极材料—碱卤化物的次级电子产出,分析了微通道板( MCP)的次级电子产出。
其次,建立了球面实芯微通道板的制备装置,利用高温热成型方法制备出曲率半径为150 mm球面MCP,利用光刻技术制备出有效直径为48 mm的楔条形感应电荷位置灵敏阳极,在此基础上集成了一套使用球面MCP和感应电荷位置灵敏阳极的两维光子计数成像探测器。
%The research on key techniques of wide field extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) spherical micro-channel plate( MCP) photon-counting imaging detector which will be used in space probe in China have been done. Firstly, the secondary electron yield model of photocathode material was built, and the secondary yield ofalka-li halide and MCP in soft X-ray and EUV band were calculated using the model.The measurement equipment of MCP′s quantum detection efficiency also was set up.The calculated fomula of MCP′s quantum efficiency was introduced, and MCP′s quantum efficiency vs.wavelength and incidence angle in soft X-ray and EUV re-gion weremeasured.secondly, the instrument of solid core spherical MCP fabrication was established, a set of spherical MCP with 150 mm radius were made using the instrument.The 48 mm induced charge wedge and strip anode in effective diameter was made by the use of traditional UV lithography, and the photon-counting imaging detector was integrated based on the anode and spherical MCP stack in Z configuration.Thirdly, the position readout electronics including analog frent-end and digital processing circuit and the software with im-age distortion rectification and real-time collection were developed.Finally, the measurement instrument of spherical MCP detector's spatial resolution and image linearity was built, and the specifications of the detector were measured using the instrument, showing that all technical specificaions of the detector satisfy the design requirements.【总页数】26页(P847-872)【作者】尼启良【作者单位】中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP394.1;TH691.9【相关文献】1.使用感应电荷位敏阳极的极紫外单光子计数成像系统 [J], 尼启良;何玲平;刘世界;董宁宁;陈波2.极紫外波段微通道板光子计数探测器 [J], 卜绍芳;尼启良;何玲平;张宏吉;刘世界3.极紫外位置灵敏阳极光子计数成像探测器研究 [J], 尼启良;刘世界;陈波4.基于Vernier阳极微通道板光子计数探测器分割噪声 [J], 邢妍;陈波;金方圆;王海峰;张宏吉;何玲平5.微通道板光子计数成像探测器预处理实验研究 [J], 尼启良;卜绍芳;刘世界;何玲平;张宏吉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Simulating Soft Shadows with Graphics Hardware
Simulating Soft Shadowswith Graphics HardwarePaul S.Heckbert and Michael HerfJanuary15,1997CMU-CS-97-104School of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh,PA15213email:ph@,herf+@World Wide Web:/phThis paper was written in April1996.An abbreviated version appeared in[Michael Herf and Paul S.Heckbert,Fast Soft Shadows,Visual Proceedings,SIGGRAPH96,Aug.1996,p.145].AbstractThis paper describes an algorithm for simulating soft shadows at interactive rates using graphics hardware.On current graphics workstations,the technique can calculate the soft shadows cast by moving,complex objects onto multiple planar surfaces in about a second.In a static,diffuse scene,these high quality shadows can then be displayed at30Hz,independent of the number and size of the light sources.For a diffuse scene,the method precomputes a radiance texture that captures the shadows and other brightness variations on each polygon.The texture for each polygon is computed by creating registered projections of the scene onto the polygon from multiple sample points on each light source,and averaging the resulting hard shadow images to compute a soft shadow image. After this precomputation,soft shadows in a static scene can be displayed in real-time with simple texture mapping of the radiance textures.All pixel operations employed by the algorithm are supported in hardware by existing graphics workstations. The technique can be generalized for the simulation of shadows on specular surfaces.This work was supported by NSF Young Investigator award CCR-9357763.The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies,either expressed or implied,of NSF or the ernment.Keywords:penumbra,texture mapping,graphics workstation, interaction,real-time,SGI Reality Engine.1IntroductionShadows are both an important visual cue for the perception of spatial relationships and an essential component of realistic images. Shadows differ according to the type of light source causing them: point light sources yield hard shadows,while linear and area(also known as extended)light sources generally yield soft shadows with an umbra(fully shadowed region)and penumbra(partially shad-owed region).The real world contains mostly soft shadows due to thefinite size of sky light,the sun,and light bulbs,yet most computer graphics rendering software simulates only hard shadows,if it simulates shadows at all.Excessive sharpness of shadow edges is often a telltale sign that a picture is computer generated.Shadows are even less commonly simulated with hardware ren-dering.Current graphics workstations,such as Silicon Graphics (SGI)and Hewlett Packard(HP)machines,provide z-buffer hard-ware that supports real-time rendering of fairly complex scenes. Such machines are wonderful tools for computer aided design and visualization.Shadows are seldom simulated on such machines, however,because existing algorithms are not general enough,or they require too much time or memory.The shadow algorithms most suitable for interaction on graphics workstations have a cost per frame proportional to the number of point light sources.While such algorithms are practical for one or two light sources,they are impractical for a large number of sources or the approximation of extended sources.We present here a new algorithm that computes the soft shad-ows due to extended light sources.The algorithm exploits graphics hardware for fast projective(perspective)transformation,clipping, scan conversion,texture mapping,visibility testing,and image av-eraging.The hardware is used both to compute the shading on the surfaces and to display it,using texture mapping.For diffuse scenes,the shading is computed in a preprocessing step whose cost is proportional to the number of light source samples,but while the scene is static,it can be redisplayed in time independent of the num-ber of light sources.The method is also useful for simulating the hard shadows due to a large number of point sources.The memory requirements of the algorithm are also independent of the number of light source samples.1.1The IdeaFor diffuse scenes,our method works by precomputing,for each polygon in the scene,a radiance texture[12,14]that records the color(outgoing radiance)at each point in the polygon.In a diffuse scene,the radiance at each surface point is view independent,so it can be precomputed and re-used until the scene geometry changes. This radiance texture is analogous to the mesh of radiosity values computed in a radiosity algorithm.Unlike a radiosity algorithm, however,our algorithm can compute this texture almost entirely in hardware.The key idea is to use graphics hardware to determine visibility and calculate shading,that is,to determine which portions of a surface are occluded with respect to a given extended light source, and how brightly they are lit.In order to simulate extended light sources,we approximate them with a number of light sample points, and we do visibility tests between a given surface point and each light sample.To keep as many operations in hardware as possible, however,we do not use a hemicube[7]to determine visibility. Instead,to compute the shadows for a single polygon,we render the scene into a scratch buffer,with all polygons except the one being shaded appropriately blackened,using a special projective projection from the point of view of each light sample.These views are registered so that corresponding pixels map to identical points on the polygon.When the resulting hard shadow images are averaged, a soft shadow image results(figure1).This image is then used directly as a texture on the polygon in order to simulate shadows correctly.The textures so computed are used for real-time display until the scene geometry changes.In the remainder of the paper,we summarize previous shadow algorithms,we present our method for diffuse scenes in more detail, we discuss generalizations to scenes with specular and general re-flectance,we present our implementation and results,and we offer some concluding remarks.2Previous Work2.1Shadow AlgorithmsWoo et al.surveyed a number of shadow algorithms[19].Here we summarize soft shadows methods and methods that run at inter-active rates.Shadow algorithms can be divided into three categories: those that compute everything on thefly,those that precompute just visibility,and those that precompute shading.Computation on the Fly.Simple ray tracing computes everything on thefly.Shadows are computed on a point-by-point basis by tracing rays between the surface point and a point on each light source to check for occluders.Soft shadows can be simulated by tracing rays to a number of points distributed across the light source [8].The shadow volume approach is another method for computing shadows on thefly.With this method,one constructs imaginary surfaces that bound the shadowed volume of space with respect to each point light source.Determining if a point is in shadow then reduces to point-in-volume testing.Brotman and Badler used an extended z-buffer algorithm with linked lists at each pixel to support soft shadows using this approach[4].The shadow volume method has also been used in two hardware implementations.Fuchs et ed the pixel processors of the Pixel Planes machine to simulate hard shadows in real-time[10]. Heidmann used the stencil buffer in advanced SGI machines[13]. With Heidmann’s algorithm,the scene must be rendered through the stencil created from each light source,so the cost per frame is proportional to the number of light sources times the number of polygons.On1991hardware,soft shadows in a fairly simple scene required several seconds with his algorithm.His method appears to be one of the algorithms best suited to interactive use on widely available graphics hardware.We would prefer,however,an algorithm whose cost is sublinear in the number of light sources.A simple,brute force approach,good for casting shadows of objects onto a plane,is tofind the projective transformation that projects objects from a point light onto a plane,and to use it to draw each squashed,blackened object on top of the plane[3],[15, p.401].This algorithm effectively multiplies the number of objects in the scene by the number of light sources times the number of receiver polygons onto which shadows are being cast,however, so it is typically practical only for very small numbers of light sources and receivers.Another problem with this method is that occluders behind the receiver will cast erroneous shadows,unless extra clipping is done.Precomputation of Visibility.Instead of computing visibility on thefly,one can precompute visibility from the point of view of each light source.The z-buffer shadow algorithm uses two(or more)passes of z-buffer rendering,first from the light sources,and then from the eye[18].The z-buffers from the light views are used in thefinalFigure 1:Hard shadow images from 22grid of sample points on lightsource.Figure 2:Left:scene with square light source (foreground),triangular occluder (center),and rectangular receiver (background),with shadows on receiver.Center:Approximate soft shadows resulting from 22grid of sample points;the average of the four hard shadow images in Figure 1.Right:Correct soft shadow image (generated with 1616sampling).This image is used as the texture on the receiver at left.pass to determine if a given 3-D point is illuminated with respect to each light source.The transformation of points from one coordinate system to another can be accelerated using texture mapping hard-ware [17].This latter method,by Segal et al.,achieves real-time rates,and is the other leading method for interactive shadows.Soft shadows can be generated on a graphics workstation by rendering the scene multiple times,using different points on the extended light source,averaging the resulting images using accumulation buffer hardware [11].A variation of the shadow volume approach is to intersect these volumes with surfaces in the scene to precompute the umbra and penumbra regions on each surface [16].During the final rendering pass,illumination integrals are evaluated at a sparse sampling of pixels.Precomputation of Shading.Precomputation can be taken fur-ther,computing not just visibility but also shading.This is most relevant to diffuse scenes,since their shading is view-independent.Some of these methods compute visibility continuously,while oth-ers compute it discretely.Several researchers have explored continuous visibility methods for soft shadow computation and radiosity mesh generation.With this approach,surfaces are subdivided into fully lit,penumbra,and umbra regions by splitting along lines or curves where visibility changes.In Chin and Feiner’s soft shadow method,polygons are split using BSP trees,and these sub-polygons are then pre-shaded [6].They achieved rendering times of under a minute for simple scenes.Drettakis and Fiume used more sophisticated computational geometry techniques to precompute their subdivision,and reported rendering times of several seconds [9].Most radiosity methods discretize each surface into a mesh of elements and then use discrete methods such as ray tracing or hemicubes to compute visibility.The hemicube method computes visibility from a light source point to an entire hemisphere by pro-jecting the scene onto a half-cube [7].Much of this computation can be done in hardware.Radiosity meshes typically do not resolve shadows well,however.Typical artifacts are Mach bands along the mesh element boundaries and excessively blurry shadows.Most radiosity methods are not fast enough to support interactive changes to the geometry,however.Chen’s incremental radiosity method is an exception [5].Our own method can be categorized next to hemicube radiosity methods,since it also precomputes visibility discretely.Its tech-nique for computing visibility also has parallels to the method of flattening objects to a plane.2.2Graphics HardwareCurrent graphics hardware,such as the Silicon Graphics Reality Engine [1],can projective-transform,clip,shade,scan convert,and texture tens of thousands of polygons in real-time (in 1/30sec.).We would like to exploit the speed of this hardware to simulate soft shadows.Typically,such hardware supports arbitrary 44homogeneous transformations of planar polygons,clipping to any truncated pyra-midal frustum (right or oblique),and scan conversion with z-buffering or overwriting.On SGI machines,Phong shading (once per pixel)is not possible,but faceted shading (once per polygon)and Gouraud shading (once per vertex)are supported.Phong shadingcan be simulated by splitting polygons into small pieces on input.A common,general form for hardware-supported illumination is dif-fuse reflection from multiple point spotlight sources,with a texture mapped reflectance function and attenuation:cos cos2where,as shown in Figure3,is a3-D point on a reflective surface,and isa point on a light source,is polar angle(angle from normal)at,is the angle at,is the distance between and,,,and are functions of and,is outgoing radiance at point for color channel,due to either emission or reflection,a is ambient radiance,is reflectance,is a Boolean visibility function that equals1if point is visible from point,else0,cos+max cos0,for backface testing,andthe integral is over all points on all light sources,with respect to,which is an infinitesimal area on a light source.The inputs to the problem are the geometry,the reflectance, and emitted radiance on all light sources,the ambient radi-ance a,and the output is the reflected radiance function.Figure3:Geometry for direct illumination.The radiance at point on the receiver is being calculated by summing the contributions from a set of point light sources at on light.3.1Approximating Extended Light SourcesAlthough such integrals can be solved in closed form for planar surfaces with no occlusion(1),the complexity of the visibility function makes these integrals intractable in the general case.We can compute approximations to the integral,however,by replacing each extended light source by a set of point light sources:1where is a3-D Dirac delta function,is sample point on light source,and is the area associated with this sample point. Typically,each sample on a light source has equal area:, where is the area of light source.With this approximation,the radiance of a reflective surface point can be computed by summing the contributions over all sample points on all light sources:a1cos+cos+2(2)Each term in the inner summation can be regarded as a hard shadow image resulting from a point light source at,where is a function of screen.That summand consists of the product of three factors.Thefirst one,which is an area times the reflectance of the receiving polygon, can be calculated in software.The second factor is the cosine of the angle on the receiver,times the cosine of the angle on the lightb+e x Figure4:Pyramid with parallelogram base.Faces of pyramid are marked with their plane equations.source,times the radiance of the light source,divided by2.This can be computed in hardware by rendering the receiver polygon with a single spotlight at turned on,using a spotlight exponent of1and quadratic attenuation.On machines that do not support Phong shading,we will have tofinely subdivide the polygon.The third factor is visibility between a point on a light source and each point on the receiver.Visibility can be computed by projecting all polygons between light source point and the receiver onto the receiver.We want to simulate soft shadows as quickly as possible.To take full advantage of the hardware,we can precompute the shading for each polygon using the formula above,and then display views of the scene from moving viewpoints using real-time texture mapping and z-buffering.To compute soft shadow textures,we need to generate a number of hard shadow images and then average them.If these hard shadow images are not registered(they would not be,using hemi-cubes), then it would be necessary to resample them so that corresponding pixels in each hard shadow image map to the same surface point in 3-D.This would be very slow.A faster alternative is to choose the transformation for each projection so that the hard shadow images are perfectly registered with each other.For planar receiver surfaces,this is easily accomplished by ex-ploiting the capabilities of projective transformations.If wefit a parallelogram around the receiver surface of interest,and then con-struct a pyramid with this as its base and the light point as its apex, there is a44homogeneous transformation that will map such a pyramid into an axis-aligned box,as described shortly.The hard shadow image due to sample point on light is created by loading this special transformation matrix and rendering the receiver polygon.The polygon is illuminated by the ambient light plus a single point light source at,using Phong shading or a good approximation to it.The visibility function is then computed by rendering the remainder of the scene with all surfaces shaded as if they were the receiver illuminated by ambient light:r ar g ag b ab.This is most quickly done with z-buffering off,and clipping to a pyramid with the receiver polygon as its base. Drawing each polygon with an unsorted painter’s algorithm suffices here because all polygons are the same color,and after clipping, the only polygon fragments remaining will lie between the light source and the receiver,so they all cast shadows on the receiver. To compute the weighted average of the hard shadow images so created,we use the accumulation buffer.3.3Projective Transformation of a Pyramid to a BoxWe want a projective(perspective)transformation that maps a pyramid with parallelogram base into a rectangular parallelepiped. The pyramid lies in object space,with coordinates o o o.It has apex and its parallelogram base has one vertex at and edge vectors x and y(bold lower case denotes a3-D point or vector). The parallelepiped lies in what we will call unit screen space,with coordinates u u u.Viewed from the apex,the left and right sides of the pyramid map to the parallel planes u0and u1, the bottom and top map to u0and u1,and the base plane anda plane parallel to it through the apex map to u1and u, respectively.Seefigure4.A44homogeneous matrix effecting this transformation can be derived from these conditions.It will have the form:0001020310111213000130313233and the homogeneous transformation and homogeneous division to transform object space to unit screen space are:1ooo1anduuu1The third row of matrix takes this simple form because a constant uvalue is desired on the base plane.The homogeneous screen coordinates,,and are each affine functions of o,o,and o (that is,linear plus translation).The constraints above specify the value of each of the three coordinates at four points in space–just enough to uniquely determine the twelve unknowns in.The coordinate,for example,has value1at the points, x,and y,and value0at.Therefore,the vector w y xis normal to any plane of constant,thusfixing thefirst three elements of the last row of the matrix within a scale factor: 303132w w.Setting to0at and1at constrains33w w and w1w w,where w.Thefirst two rows of can be derived similarly(seefigure4).The result is:x xx x xy x xz x xy yx y yy y yz y y0001w wx w wy w wz w wwherex w yy x ww y xandx1x xy1y yw1w w Blinn[3]uses a related projective transformation for the genera-tion of shadows on a plane,but his is a projection(it collapses3-D to2-D),while ours is3-D to3-D.We use the third dimension for clipping.3.4Using the TransformationTo use this transformation in our shadow algorithm,wefirstfit a parallelogram around the receiver polygon.If the receiver is a rectangle or other parallelogram,thefit is exact;if the receiver is a triangle,then wefit the triangle into the lower left triangle of the parallelogram;and for more general polygons with four or more sides,a simple2-D bounding box in the plane of the polygon can be used.It is possible to go further with projective transformations, mapping arbitrary planar quadrilaterals into squares(using the ho-mogeneous texture transformation matrix of OpenGL,for example). We assume for simplicity,however,that the transformation between texture space(the screen space in these light source projections)and object space is affine,and so we restrict ourselves to parallelograms.3.5Soft Shadow Algorithm for Diffuse ScenesTo precompute soft shadow radiance textures:turn off z-bufferingfor each receiver polygonchoose resolution for receiver’s texture (x y pixels)clear accumulator image of x y pixels to black create temporary image of x y pixels for each light sourcefirst backface test:if is entirely behind or is entirely behind ,then skip to next for each sample point on light sourcesecond backface test:if x li is behind then skip to next compute transformation matrix M ,where a x li ,and the base parallelogram fits tightly aroundset current transformation matrix to scale x y 1M set clipping planes to u near 1and u far big draw with illumination from x li only,as described in equation (2),into temp image for each other object in scenedraw object with ambient color into temp image add temp image into accumulator image with weight save accumulator image as texture for polygonA hard shadow image is computed in each iteration of the loop.These are averaged together to compute a soft shadow image,which is used as a radiance texture.Note that objects casting shadows need not be polygonal;any object that can be quickly scan converted will work well.To display a static scene from moving viewpoints,simply:turn on z-bufferingfor each object in sceneif object receives shadows,draw it textured but without illumination else draw object with illumination3.6Backface TestingThe cases where cos +cos +0can be optimized using backface testing.To test if polygon is behind polygon ,compute the signed distances from the plane of polygon to each of the vertices of (signed positive on the front of and negative on the back).If they are all positive,then is entirely in front of ,if they are all nonpositive,is entirely in back,otherwise,part of is in front of and part is in back.To test if the apex of the pyramid is behind the receiver that defines the base plane,simply test if w w 0.The above checks will ensure that cos0at every point on the receiver,but there is still the possibility that cos 0on portions of the receiver (i.e.that the receiver is only partially illuminated by the light source).This final case should be handled at the polygon level or pixel level when shading the receiver in the algorithm above.Phong shading,or a good approximation to it,is needed here.3.7Sampling Extended Light SourcesThe set of samples used on each light source greatly influences the speed and quality of the results.Too few samples,or a poorly chosen sample distribution,result in penumbras that appear stepped,not continuous.If too many samples are used,however,the simulation runs too slowly.If a uniform grid of sample points is used,the stepping is much more pronounced in some cases.For example,if a uniform grid ofsamples is used on a parallelogram light source,an occluderedge coplanar with one of the light source edges will causebig steps,while an occluder edge in general position will cause 2small steps.Stochastic sampling [8]with the same number of samples yields smoother penumbra than a uniform grid,because the steps no longer coincide.We use a jittered uniform grid because it gives good results and is very easy to compute.Using a fixed number of samples on each light source is ineffi-cient.Fine sampling of a light source is most important when the light source subtends a large solid angle from the point of view of the receiver,since that is when the penumbra is widest and stepping artifacts would be most visible.A good approach is to choose the light source sample resolution such that the solid angle subtended by the light source area associated with each sample is below a user-specified threshold.The algorithm can easily handle diffuse (non-directional)light sources whose outgoing radiance varies with position,such as stained glass windows.For such light sources,importance sam-pling might be preferable:concentration of samples in the regions of the light source with highest radiance.3.8Texture ResolutionThe resolution of the shadow texture should be roughly equal to the resolution at which it will be viewed (one texture pixel mapping to one screen pixel);lower resolution results in visible artifacts such as blocky shadows,and higher resolution is wasteful of time and memory.In the absence of information about probable views,a reasonable technique is to set the number of pixels on a polygon’s texture,in each dimension,proportional to its size in world space us-ing a “desired pixel size”parameter.With this scheme,the required texture memory,in pixels,will be the total world space surface area of all polygons in the scene divided by the square of the desired pixel size.Texture memory for triangles can be further optimized by packing the textures for two triangles into one rectangular texture block.If there are too many polygons in the scene,or the desired pixel size is too small,the texture memory could be exceeded,causing paging of texture memory and slow performance.Radiance textures can be antialiased by supersampling:gener-ating the hard and initial soft shadow images at several times the desired resolution,and then filtering and downsampling the images before creating textures.Textured surfaces should be rendered with good texture filtering.Some polygons will contain penumbral regions with respect to a light source,and will require high texture resolution,but others will be either totally shadowed (umbral)or totally illuminated by each light source,and will have very smooth radiance functions.Sometimes these functions will be so smooth that they can be ad-equately approximated by a single Gouraud shaded polygon.This optimization saves significant texture memory and speeds display.This idea can be carried further,replacing the textured planar polygon with a mesh of coplanar Gouraud shaded triangles.For complex shadow patterns and radiance functions,however,textures may render faster than the corresponding Gouraud approximation,depending on the relative speed of texture mapping and Gouraud-shaded triangle drawing,and the number of triangles required to achieve a good approximation.3.9ComplexityWe now analyze the expected complexity of our algorithm (worstcase costs are not likely to be observed in practice,so we do not discuss them here).Although more sophisticated schemes are pos-sible,we will assume for the purposes of analysis that the same setFigure5:Shadows are computed on plane and projected onto thereceiving object at right.of light samples are used for shadowing all polygons.Suppose wehave a scene with surfaces(polygons),a total of lightsource samples,a total of radiance texture pixels,and the outputimages are rendered with pixels.We assume the depth complexityof the scene(the average number of surfaces intersecting a ray)isbounded,and that and are roughly linearly related.The averagenumber of texture pixels per polygon is.With our technique,preprocessing renders the scene times.A painter’s algorithm rendering of polygons into an image ofpixels takes time for scenes of bounded depth complexity. The total preprocessing time is thus2,and the required texture memory is.Display requires only z-buffered texturemapping of polygons to an image of pixels,for a time costof.The memory for the z-buffer and output image is .Our display algorithm is very fast for complex scenes.Its cost isindependent of the number of light source samples used,and alsoindependent of the number of texture pixels(assuming no texturepaging).For scenes of low or moderate complexity,our preprocessingalgorithm is fast because all of its pixel operations can be done inhardware.For very complex scenes,our preprocessing algorithmbecomes impractical because it is quadratic in,however.In suchcases,performance can be improved by calculating shadows only ona small number of surfaces in the scene(e.g.floor,walls,and otherlarge,important surfaces),thereby reducing the cost to t, where t is the number of textured polygons.In an interactive setting,a progressive refinement of images canbe used,in which hard shadows on a small number of polygons(precomputation with1,t small)are rendered while the useris moving objects with the mouse,a full solution(precomputationwith large,t large)is computed when they complete a movement,and then top speed rendering(display with texture mapping)is usedas the viewer moves through the scene.More fundamentally,the quadratic cost can be reduced usingmore intelligent data structures.Because the angle of view of mostof the shadow projection pyramids is narrow,only a small fractionof the polygons in a scene shadow a given polygon,on average.Using spatial data structures,entire objects can be culled with a fewquick tests[2],obviating transformation and clipping of most ofthe scene,speeding the rendering of each hard shadow image from to,where3or so.An alternative optimization,which would make the algorithmmore practical for the generation of shadows on complex curved ormany-faceted objects,is to approximate a receiving object with aplane,compute shadows on this plane,and then project the shadowsonto the object(figure5).This has the advantage of replacingmany renderings with a single rendering,but its disadvantage is thatself-shadowing of concave objects is not simulated.3.10Comparison to Other AlgorithmsWe can compare the complexity of our algorithm to other algo-rithms capable of simulating soft shadows at near-interactive rates. The main alternatives are the stencil buffer technique by Heidmann, the z-buffer method by Segal et al.,and hardware hemicube-based radiosity algorithms.The stencil buffer technique renders the scene once for each light source,so its cost per frame is,making it difficult to support soft shadows in real-time.With the z-buffer shadow algorithm,the preprocessing time is acceptable,but the memory cost and display time cost are.This makes the algorithm awkward for many point light sources or extended light sources with many samples(large).When soft shadows are desired,our approach appears to yield faster walkthroughs than either of these two methods,because our display process is so fast.Among current radiosity algorithms,progressive radiosity using hardware hemicubes is probably the fastest method for complex scenes.With progressive radiosity,very high resolution hemicubes and many elements are needed to get good shadows,however.While progressive radiosity may be a better approach for shadow genera-tion in very complex scenes(very large),it appears slower than our technique for scenes of moderate complexity because every pixel-level operation in our algorithm can be done in hardware,but this is not the case with hemicubes,since the process of summing differential form factors while reading out of the hemicube must be done in software[7].4Scenes with General ReflectanceShadows on specular surfaces,or surfaces with more general reflectance,can be simulated with a generalization of the diffuse algorithm,but not without added time and memory costs.Shadows from a single point light source are easily simulated by placing just the visibility function in texture memory, creating a Boolean shadow texture,and computing the remaining local illumination factors at vertices only.This method costs t for precomputation,and for display.Shadows from multiple point light sources can also be simulated. After precomputing a shadow texture for each polygon when illu-minated with each light source,the total illumination due to light sources can be calculated by rendering the scene times with each of these sets of shadow textures,compositing thefinal image using blending or with the accumulation buffer.The cost of this method is one-bit texture pixels and display time.Generalizing this method to extended light sources in the case of general reflectance is more difficult,as the computation involves the integration of light from polygonal light sources weighted by the bidirectional reflectance distribution functions(BRDFs).Specular BRDF’s are spiky,so careful integration is required or the highlights will betray the point sampling of the light sources.We believe, however,that with careful light sampling and numerical integration of the BRDF’s,soft shadows on surfaces with general reflectance could be displayed with memory and time.5ImplementationWe implemented our diffuse algorithm using the OpenGL sub-routine library,running with the IRIX5.3operating system on an SGI Crimson with100MHz MIPS R4000processor and Reality Engine graphics.This machine has hardware for texture mapping and an accumulation buffer with24bits per channel.The implementation is fairly simple,since OpenGL supports loading of arbitrary44matrices,and we intentionally cast our。
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Quantum-confinement effects in germanium nanocrystals
Ge L3 XANES spectra of Ge bulk and nanocrystals
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0306618v 1 30 J u n 2003ASTRONOMY LETTERS,2003,vol.29,no.5,p.298–303SOFT X-RAY SOURCES AT THE CENTERS OF THE ELLIPTICAL GALAXIESNGC 4472AND NGC 4649©2008 D.A.Soldatenkov *1,A.A.Vikhlinin 1,2and M.N.Pavlinsky 11SpaceResearch Institute,Moscow,Russia2Harvard-SmithsonianCenter for AstrophysicsAnalysis of recent Chanrda observations of the elliptical galaxies NGC 4472and NGC 4649has revealed faint soft X-ray sources at their centers.The sources are located to within 1′′of the optical centers of the galaxies.They are most likely associated with the central supermassive black holes.Interest in these and several other similar objects stems from the unusually low luminosity of the supermassive black holes embedded in dense interstellar medium.Our Chandra sources have very soft spectra.They are detectable only below ∼0.6keV and have luminosities in the 0.2-2.5keV energy band of ∼6×1037erg s −1and ∼1.7×1038erg s −1in NGC 4649and NGC 4472,respectively.Keywords:elliptical galaxies —NGC 4472—NGC 4649—supermassive black holes —X-ray radiation —Chandra telescope.INTRODUCTIONSupermassive black holes with masses ∼108−1010M ⊙are suspected at the centers of many galaxies on the basis of the stellar dynamics in central galactic regions (see,e.g.Magorrian et al.1998;Gebhardt et al.2000;Kormendy and Richstone 1995).Being embedded in a dense medium,these objects must actively accrete the surrounding material,re-sulting in a considerable luminosity of the central galactic regions.Quasars,blazars,and radio galaxies are different manifestations of the activity of the central supermassive black holes.The dilemma known for several years is that,despite the predicted high accretion rates on the supermassive black holes,the luminosities of the nuclei of many galaxies are many orders of magnitude lower than those predicted by standard disk accretion models.For instance,in the ellipti-cal galaxies NGC 4472and NGC 4649discussed below,op-tical observations indicate the existence of black holes with masses ∼3×109M ⊙∼4×109M ⊙respectively (Magorrian et al.1998).The luminosity of the nuclei of these galaxies calculated using the formula of Bondi (1952)with a 10%efficiency of energy release of the total accreted mass and with the parameters of the interstellar medium derived be-low is ∼5×1044erg s −1for NGC 4472and ∼7×1044erg s −1for NGC 4649.Actually,however,the luminosities of the nuclei of these galaxies are much lower (Loewenstein et al.2001).X-ray observations of NGC4472and NGC4649with ROSAT (Irwin and Sarazin 1996;Trinchieri et al.1997)and their optical observations with the Hubble Space Telescope found no evidence of activity of the central source.Radio observations (Condon et al 1991;Wrobel 1991)provide the/cal/Links/Acis/acis/Cal299−40′′−20′′20′′40′′−40′′−20′′020′′40′′∆δ∆α−40′′−20′′20′′40′′−40′′−20′′20′′40′′∆δ∆αFig.1.Detector images of the galaxies NGC4472(left)and NGC4649(right)in the range 0.2–0.6keV .The image pixel size is 1′′.The images are centered on the location of the optical peaks.particle-induced background with a duration of ∼7000s for NGC 4472and ∼8000s for NGC 4649.Since we are pri-marily interested in a small region in the central,bright part of the galaxies,we opted to keep the data from the flaring periods.At low energies,the detector angular resolution degrades from 0.5′′to ∼1′′.Since one pixel on the ACIS S3de-tector corresponds to 0.5′′faint soft X-ray sources are most noticeable when the image is blocked into 1′′pixels.The subsequent analysis was carried out on such images.The X-ray emission from elliptical galaxies is mainly due to the thermal radiation from hot gas,with a smaller contri-bution from LMXBs.In the galaxies NGC 4472and NGC 4649,the extended emission is symmetric relative to the galactic center (Fig.1)and no obvious manifestations of the galactic nuclear activity are observed,with the exception of a small displacement of the gas centroid in NGC 4472to the north from the optical center of the galaxy.Our subsequent analysis is performed in the energy ranges 0.2–0.6,0.6–1.2,1.2–2.5and 2.5–10keV .These energy bands approximately bracket the different emission mech-anisms in the interstellar gas.In the first and third bands,bremsstrahlung and free—bound transitions mainly con-tribute to the gas radiation.In the second range,bound—bound transitions on ions of heavy elements mainly con-tribute to the spectrum.The bulk of the interstellar gas ra-diation at a temperature T ∼1keV is in the 0.6–1.2keV band.In the fourth range,2.5–10keV ,there is virtually no interstellar gas radiation.Inspection of the images reveal faint,soft (detectable only in the 0.2–0.6keV band)X-ray sources near the centers ofboth galaxies (Fig.1-2).Their angular sizes are consistent with the Chandra PSF at these energies,∼1′′.In the 0.6–1.2and 1.2–2.5keV energy bands,the compact emission from the center is undetectable and the surface brightness pro-files are well described by the β-model (Cavaliere &Fusco-Femiano 1976):I (r )=I 03001036103710381.2–2.5keV1036103710381.2–2.5keV103610371038L ,e r g /s /a r c s e c 2.0.6–1.2keV103610371038L ,e r g /s /a r c s e c 2.0.6–1.2keV110102103610371038R ,arcsec.0.2–0.6keV110102103610371038R ,arcsec.0.2–0.6keVFig.2.Surface brightness profiles for the galaxies NGC 4472(left)and NGC 4649(right)in the energy ranges 0.2–0.6,0.6–1.2and 1.2–2.5keV .source locations shows the validity of the X-ray aspect so-lution to within 1′′.Our central X-ray sources coincide with the optical galaxy centroids to the same accuracy.This is the clearest indication for association of the detected sources with the galaxy nuclei.THE SOURCE LUMINOSITIESThe observed flux from the central sources themselves islow.In the 0.2–0.6keV band,22−6+7events were detected forthe NGC 4472source and 11−5+6events for NGC 4649(68%confidence interval estimated following Gehrels 1986).In both cases,the statistical significance of the detection is greater than 3σ.In the 0.6–2.5keV band,the flux is sta-tistically significant at a 3σlevel only for NGC4472and is29−11+12photons.In the 2.5–10keV band the total flux fromthe entire central 1′′region in the galaxies is only a few pho-tons.A low flux from the sources does not allow an accuratejudgment about their spectra to be made.Therefore,we used the power-law model to convert observed counts to the source luminosities.The results are presented in Table 1;in our calculations,the distance to the two galaxies was as-sumed to be 15.3Mpc (Faber et al.1997).If the ratio of the 0.6–2.5and 0.2–0.6-keV fluxes is described by an effec-tive power-law slope,then we obtain the following photon indices:2.5±0.4for NGC 4472and >2.2for NGC 4649.Figure 3shows the power-law models with the derived pa-rameters of the photon index and,for comparison,the source radio luminosities at a frequency of 4.3×1010Hz and the upper limits on the optical flux at 5.45×1014Hz taken fromASTRONOMY LETTERSvol.29no.520033013840l o g [νL ν,e r g /s ]log[ν,Hz]3840l 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