
酒店常用英语一、名词解释1、front desk 前台2、house room 客房3、operator 总机,话务员4、business centre 商务中心5、assistant manager 大堂副理6、reception 接待7、morning call 叫醒服务8、VIP=very important person 贵宾9、laundry service 洗衣服务10、single room 单间double room 双人间triple 三人间suite 套间deluxe room 豪华间vacant room 空房11、upstairs上楼12、second第二13、elevator电梯14、basement地下室15、corridor走廊尽头16、advice忠告17、customer service centre 房务中心18、shopping centre购物中心19、toilet卫生间20、towel毛巾21、restaurant餐厅22、bredkfast/lunch/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐23、steak 牛排24、tea 茶25、bread 面包26、soap 香皂27、cup 杯子28、vegetable 蔬菜二、问候语1、Good morning(afternoon、evening)madam/sir早上(下午、晚上)好,女士/先生2、Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎入住我们大厦。
3、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.祝您在我们酒店入住愉快。
4、Thank you for your advice(information/help).谢谢您的忠告(信息/帮助)。
5、You are welcome./Not at all. 不用谢。
6、It’s my pleasure. 很高兴为您服务。
7、I’m sorry./Excuse me. 对不起,抱歉。

英语培训一、基本礼貌接待英语1、称呼语:先生sir 夫人(女士)madam / ma’am 小姐miss女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen2、欢迎光临我们酒店!Welcome to our hotel.3、祝您在我们酒店过得愉快。
Please enjoy your stay in our hotel.Have a nice stay. / Enjoy your stay with us.4、愿您如同在家一样舒适。
Wish you feel at home.5、早上好/下午好/晚上好。
Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening.6、很高兴(再次)见到您。
Glad to meet you (again). / Nice to see you (again).It’s good to see you (again)7、您来这儿我们很高兴。
Glad to have you here.8、祝您玩得愉快。
Please have a good time. / Please enjoy yourself.9、祝您生日快乐。
Happy birthday to you!10、圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!11、新年快乐!Happy New Year!12、新春快乐!Happy Spring Festival!13、祝贺!Congratulations!14、致以良好的祝愿!Best wishes / regards to you.15、请这边走。
This way, please.16、您先请。
After you, please. / Please you first.17、请便。
Go a head, please.18、请跟我来。
Follow me, please. / Come with me, please.19、您慢走。

PART ONE 第一部分所有酒店员工用Basic English- Greeting 基础常用英语- 问候:1.Good morning, Sir/Ma’am! 早上好!先生/太太2.Good afternoon, Sir/Ma’am! 下午好!先生/太太3.Good evening, Sir/Ma’am! 晚上好!先生/太太4. Good night, Sir/Ma’am! 晚安!先生/太太5. How do you do! 您好6.Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到您!7.Welcome to our hotel, sir! 先生,欢迎您到我们酒店来!8.Hello! Long time no see, Mr. Liu ! 您好!好久不见!9.Hello! How are you, Mr. Danny? 您好!您好吗,丹尼先生?10. Hello, how are you? 您好吗?11.Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢!您好吗?Basic English1- Farewell 基础常用英语- 道别:12.Good bye! 再见!13.Have a nice day! 祝您过得愉快!14.Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
15.I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人刚入店时)16.I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人在饭店逗留期间)17.I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
(客人离店时)18.Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临。

度假酒店新入职员工培训--简单酒店英语用语English Trainning For The Front OfficeFront Office Reception 前堂接待处Reservation 订房部Information 问询处PR and Department 公关销售部Business Centre 商务中心1、Greeting and Modes of Adress 问候及招呼Good morning /afternoon /evening .Sir /Madam.How do you do?How are you ?Nice / glad to meet you .2、Welcomes 欢迎语Welcome here .Welcome to our hotel .Welcome to stay in our hotel .3、Offering help 提供帮助May I help you ?What can I do for you ?Can I do anything for you ?Is there anything I can do for you ?4、Thanks 感谢Thank you .Thanks a lot .Thanks for your help.It’s very kind of you .5、Answer 应答语You’re welcome.It’s all right .Don’t mention it .It’s my pleasure to do. /My pleasure.Glad to have been of help .6、Apologies , Regrets 道歉及遗憾I’m sorry .Excuse me .Oh , pardon me .Sorry to keep you waiting .I’m afraid I have taken up too much of your time .It doesn’t matter.7、Good wishes 祝愿语Good luck to you .Have a good time .Take care .Have a good trip.Best wishes.Happy landing .Hope you’ll have a pleasure trip home .8、Parting expression 告别Thank you for coming.See you later .So long .Welcome next time.I hope to see you again .简单英语会话1、问客人是否有预定Have you made the reservation yet ?Have you got a reservation ?Yes , I have already .No , I haven’t .2、向客人介绍房间类型What kind of room would you like, sir /madam?Our hotel has a total 210 rooms ,composing of single rooms ,double rooms ,triple suites, deluxe doule rooms , deluxe small suites , deluxe suites ,administrative suites in japanese , American,Victoriaand European styles .3、问客人订几间房How many peaple do you have ,please ?How many peaple are there in your party ?How many rooms would you like?4、检查是否有余房Please wait a moment .Let me have a check .I have to check if there’s a room available .I’ll have to check the computer records .5、填写登记表May I know your name ?Would you mind filling in the registration form ?Would you please fill in this memo ?6、请客人出示有关证件Would you please show me your ID card ?Would you please shou me your passport ?7、询问客人离店时间Please tell me when you are checking room ?How long will you be staying ?For which dates ?How long do you intend to stay?8、向客人报房价What’s the room rate /the price /the daily rate for a single room ?It’s 200RMB for a single room .The room rate for a single room is 200RMB.9、客人询问折扣及应答Is there a special rate for a group reservation ?Can I have a discount ?Any discount for a single room ?What discount do you offer for a single room ?There is a ----per cent discount .I’ll give you a ---% discount .We offer ----% discount for a single room .10、向客人介绍房间设备设施room facilities : air-condition , color TV , telephones , carpet ,bathroom , sauna , living room , hot-water supply .Our rooms are equipped with air-condition , TV , telephone……,and other up-to –date facilities .English Training for cashier1.Word List 单词表cashier 收银员cash 现金deposit 押金receipt 收据bill 帐单equivalent 相等invoice 发票memo 便笺sign a bill 签单credit card 信用卡check out 结帐exchange rate 兑换率mis-check 算帐出错traveller’s check旅行支票Master card 万事达卡foreign currency 外币Visa card 东美卡be equivalent to 相当与Great card 长城卡peony card 牡丹卡Dragon card 龙卡US dollars 美元HongKong dollars 港币Pound sterlings 英镑RMB 人民币2、Useful Sentences 常用句型我可以帮你什么忙吗?May I help you ?您打算什么时候结帐?When would you like to check out ?请问您用哪种方式付款?How do you wish to settle your bill ?What kind of checks have you got ?您用银行卡吗?Have you got a bank card ?请您填写这张表格并出示您的护照,好吗?Would you please fill in this memo and show me your passort?请您交一些押金好吗?Would you please pay some deposit?请您稍等一下,我给您开张收据。

)Catalogue(目录(Everyday-use English) 日常用语第一章)greeting问候语(第一节)saying hello打招呼(第二节)introduction介绍(第三节感谢(第四节)appreciation)apologizing致歉(第五节)showing the way引路(第六节(saying goodbye) 道别第七节)making& answering a call打、接电话(第八节)refusing in a polite way谢绝(第九节)dirty words英语脏话(第十节)euphemism委婉用语(第十一节)English on specific occasions部门英语(第二章)Reservation预订处(第一节)The Front Office(总台第二节)Kurhas Center(水疗第三节客房第四节)Housekeeping()Cashier’s(收银第五节)useful vocabulary有用词汇(第三章酒店各部 (name of each department)(posts & titles) 职务头衔(buildings and architectures) 酒店建筑(place for recreation and leisure) 娱乐休闲场所娱乐休闲保健健身项目(entertainment, leisure, health-care and sports)(furniture and fittings in guest room) 客房常见物品(fittings in bath room) 浴室常见物品(things left by guests) 客人可能遗留的物品Everyday-use English 日常用语第一章 Greeting 问候语第一节1.日常问候Morning/Good morning. 早上好Good afternoon. 下午好Good evening. 晚上好晚安 Good night.(Wish you) Have a nice dream. 做个美梦(Wish you) Have a sound sleep. 睡个好觉2.节日祝福Traditional Western Holidays传统的西方节日Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! 生日快乐 Wish you a happy birthday!Happy new year! 新年快乐情人节快乐Happy valentine’s day!Easter 复活节)三月出现满月后的第一个星期天在每年的三月底或四月初,() 五月的第三个星期天Happy mother’s day! ( 母亲节快乐) 六月的第四个星期天( Happy father’s day! 父亲节快乐Happy Independence Day! 独立日快乐)美国(() 日4每年7月Happy Halloween ( 万圣节快乐)月31日10宗教节日,每年Happy Thanks-giving day! 感恩节快乐) 每年11月的第四个星期四(圣诞快乐(每年的12月25日)Merry Christmas.Traditional Chinese holidays 传统的中国节日Women’s Day妇女节 Spring Festival 春节Youth Day 青年节 Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节Labor’s Day 劳动节Children’s Day 儿童节 Mid-autumn Day 中秋节 Dragon-boat Day 端午节 National Day 国庆节You 一定不要说,问候外国人的时候: 注意“您累了tired.(very are外国人会认为这是,加之思维方式的差异,。

Computer Department C&D
Part 3.数字
数字 1 2 3 4 5 6
英文 One Two Three Four Five Six
中文 一 二 三 四 五 六
英文 First /1st Second /2nd Third /3rd Fourth / 4th Fifth /5th Sixth /6th
September (Sep.) 九月
October (Oct.) 十月
November (Nov.) 十一月
December (Dec.) 十二月
三、Times 时间
hour 小时 minute 分钟
second 秒钟
quarter 刻钟 o’clock 点钟
It’s four past eight (eight four). 8:04
It’s fifteen to nine (a quarter to nine). 8:45
It’s half past sever (seven thirty). 7:30
It’s five to eight (sever fifty). 7:55
四、Seasons 季节 spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天
One thousand一千
One million一百萬
One billion 十亿
一、The days of the week 星期 Sunday (Sun.) 星期日 Monday (Mon.) 星期一 Tuesday (Tues.) 星期二 Wednesday (wed.) 星期三 Thursday (Thurs.) 星期四 Friday (Fri.) 星期五 Saturday (Sat.) 星期六

目录(Catalogue)第一章日常用语(Everyday-use English)第一节问候语(greeting)第二节打招呼(saying hello)第三节介绍(introduction)第四节感谢(appreciation)第五节致歉(apologizing)第六节引路(showing the way)第七节道别(saying goodbye)第八节打、接电话(making& answering a call)第九节谢绝(refusing in a polite way)第十节英语脏话(dirty words)第十一节委婉用语(euphemism)第二章部门英语(English on specific occasions)第一节预订处(Reservation)第二节总台(The Front Office)第三节水疗(Kurhas Center)第四节客房(Housekeeping)第五节收银(Cashier’s)第三章有用词汇(useful vocabulary)酒店各部(name of each department)职务头衔(posts & titles)酒店建筑(buildings and architectures)娱乐休闲场所(place for recreation and leisure)娱乐休闲保健健身项目(entertainment, leisure, health-care and sports) 客房常见物品(furniture and fittings in guest room)浴室常见物品(fittings in bath room)客人可能遗留的物品(things left by guests)第一章日常用语Everyday-use English第一节问候语Greeting1.日常问候早上好Morning/Good morning.下午好Good afternoon.晚上好Good evening.晚安Good night.做个美梦(Wish you) Have a nice dream.睡个好觉(Wish you) Have a sound sleep.2.节日祝福传统的西方节日Traditional Western Holidays生日快乐Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!Wish you a happy birthday!新年快乐Happy new year!情人节快乐Happy valentine’s day!复活节Easter(在每年的三月底或四月初,三月出现满月后的第一个星期天)母亲节快乐Happy mother’s day! (五月的第三个星期天)父亲节快乐Happy father’s day! (六月的第四个星期天)(美国)独立日快乐Happy Independence Day! (每年7月4日)万圣节快乐Happy Halloween (宗教节日,每年10月31日)感恩节快乐Happy Thanks-giving day!(每年11月的第四个星期四)圣诞快乐Merry Christmas.(每年的12月25日)传统的中国节日Traditional Chinese holidays春节Spring Festival 妇女节Women’s Day清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 青年节Youth Day劳动节Labor’s Day 儿童节Children’s Day端午节Dragon-boat Day 中秋节Mid-autumn Day国庆节National Day注意: 问候外国人的时候,一定不要说You are very tired.(“您累了吧”)。

northwestpresidential suite 总统套deluxe suite 豪华套single room 单间executive suite 商务套standard(double)room 标准间junior suite 普通套assistant manager 大堂副理handicapped room 残疾人用房cashier 收银员receptionist 接待员operator (总机)话务员telephone switchboard电话总机extension 分机bellman 行李员bowling 保龄球housekeeping department客务部gymnasium 健身房room/housekeeper/floor attendant 客房服务员restaurant 餐厅the front desk/office 前台lobby 大堂bell 门铃hall closet/wardro 衣橱,壁橱peep hole 窥视孔please make up room 请打扫房间make up 整理hanger 衣架spare pillow 备用枕头breakfast menu 早餐单bathrobe 浴袍closet rods 衣柜挂杆clothes brush 衣刷flash light 手电筒laundry bag 洗衣袋safety box 保险柜shoe horn 鞋把blanket 毛毯mini-bar 迷你吧ice-bucket 冰桶ice-clip 冰夹glass 玻璃杯refrigerator 电冰箱mineral water 矿泉水soft drink 软饮料free mineral water 免费矿泉水drink (beverage)饮料cup 茶杯mend 缝补mineral water with compliment免费矿泉水lobby bar 大堂吧business floor bar 商务酒吧trade mark/shop 商场business center 商务中心reservation center 预定中心morning call 叫醒服务meal voucher 就餐券laundry 水洗floor 楼层laundry 洗衣、洗衣房laundry service 洗衣服务dry-clean 干洗pressing 烫衣regular service 普通服务4-hour service 快洗服务cleaning list/form 洗衣单settee 背椅furniture 家具express service 快洗服务air-conditioning 空调PA(public area)公共区域sitting-room 客厅cushion 靠垫chaise 躺椅couch 双人沙发chain lock 防盗扣do not disturb 请勿打搅coaster杯垫plug 插头socket 插座kettle 水壶drawer 抽屉baggage (luggage) rack行李柜,行李架shopping bag 礼品袋good night card 晚安卡television cabinet 电视柜program card 节目单TV remote control 遥控器desk 桌子mirror 镜子table lamp 台灯telephone 电话机south east南东北西computer line 电脑线bed table 床头柜face towel 面巾tips 小费chair 椅子alarm clock 闹钟hair dryer 吹风机emery board 指甲锉service directory 服务指南yellow page 黄页bath tub 浴缸sanitary bag 女宾袋ashtray 烟灰缸night light 夜灯shower head 淋浴头shower cap 浴帽matches 火柴trash can 垃圾桶closet 马桶elevator lift 电梯envelope 信封bed pad 床垫tap 水龙头fruitplate 果盘writing paper 信纸bed sheet 床单wash basin 面盆fruit knife (fork)水果刀(叉) fax paper 传真纸bed skirting 床裙towel rack 毛巾架ice cubes 冰块post card 明信片pillow case 枕头套marble table 大理石台面room card 房卡sewing kit 针线包smokedetector 烟感器hanger 衣架、挂钩passport 护照map 地图carpet/rug vacuum cleaner wall telephone 面包机deposit 押金ballpoint pen 圆珠笔吸尘器bidet 净身器charge 收费pencil 铅笔wall lamp 壁灯flower vase 花瓶price 价格window 窗户ceiling lamp 吊灯tissue paper dispenser Poker 扑克curtain 窗帘ground lamp 落地灯面巾纸盒night-club 夜总会slipper 拖鞋bathroom 浴室shower curtain 浴帘massage 按摩、桑拿shoe shine clothe 擦鞋布fluorescent lamp 日光灯tissue/toilet paper 卫生纸boiling water 开水memo/note pad 便签serving tray 托盘bath gel 沐浴液newspaper 报纸bed 床scale 体称razor shaver 剃须刀corridor 走道shampoo 洗发液hand towel 小方巾comb 梳子trolley 手推车quilt 被子wash room 洗手间tooth brush 牙刷Monday 周一pillow 枕头shower 淋浴tooth past 牙膏Tuesday 周二shoe basket 鞋篮bath towel 澡巾soap 肥皂Wednesday 周三toilet 洗手间ground towel 地巾cotton swab 棉签Thursday 周四Friday 周五Maintain 维修drink 饮料icebox/refrigeratory 冰箱Saturday 周六Safety 保险柜food 食品electric torch 手电筒Sunday 周日Cigarette 香烟bedsheet 床单bed 床January 一月Nailhole 指甲剪quilt cover 被套dish 盘子February 二月Forfex 剪刀bath robe 浴衣scoop 勺子March 三月Socket 插座towel 毛巾boud 碗April 四月Blower 吹风机pillowcase 枕套knife 小刀May 五月Charger 充电器curtain 窗帘fixing 调料June 六月Keep secrecy 保密ashtray 烟灰缸sugar 糖July 七月Remote control 遥控器glass 杯子salt 盐August 八月Massage 按摩tea-cap 盖杯shoeshine 鞋油September 九月Entertainment 娱乐tea-box 茶叶盒toecap 鞋刷October 十月elevator 电梯clothes-rack 衣架insect 虫November 十一月tea 茶叶the senice clamps 服务夹glue water 胶水December 十二月water bottle 水壶noise 菜谱calculator 计算器Fine 晴for free 免费close stool 马桶rule 尺子Overcast 阴safe-conduct 安全通道broken electricity 断电stapler 订书机Snow 雪reticle 网线window 窗户inkpad 印泥Rain 雨iron 熨斗make water 漏水mouse 鼠标Cloudy 多云ironing board 熨衣板lock 锁do not disturb 勿扰FO 前台map 地图chair 椅子make up room 打扫房间Cashier 收银hot water 热水light 灯extra bed 加床Guest 客人fruit 水果bathtub 浴缸no need service 不需要服务Telephoto 电话shoeshine 擦皮鞋ice 冰lost and found 遗留物品plug 插销二、客房服务常用短语:morning call service 叫醒服务room service 客房用餐服务dial outside call / internal call 拨打外线电话DDD(domestic distant dial)国内长途certainly 固然可以IDD(international distant dial ) 国际长途public phone 公共电话Room/floor attendant楼层服务员good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好toilet needs 卫生用品check-out room 退房turn-down service 夜床服务by the way 顺便问一下door knob menu客房内的门把菜单don’t worry 别耽心please wait a moment 稍等I’m afraid not很抱歉、恐怕不行OCC(occupied) 住客房C/O(check out ) 走客房V(vacant)空房VD(vacant dirty )脏房OOO(out of order )维修房DND(do not disturb)勿扰房VIP(very important person)贵宾LSG(long staying guess)长住房Make up the room 打扫房间go ahead 您请说after you 您先请put …through to 往….转电话sign the bill 签单sign your name 签名Have a nice trip 旅途愉快good luck 好运see you late/tomorrow再见、明天见It’s very kind of you!您真是太客气了!How do you do? 您好! (初次见面,回答同样用该句)welcome to our hotel欢迎光临!good bye 再见You are welcome / not at all / It’ s mypleasure 不用谢!thank you very much 非常感谢I’m sorry 很抱歉Excuse me 打搅一下!go upstairs/downstairs上楼/下楼This way please 这面请turn right/left 向右/左转go straight on 直走extra bed 加床how are you?fine .thank you!andyou?您好吗?很好!谢谢!您呢??price list 房价表general manager 总经理deputy general manager副总经理general manager’s assistant总经理助理sales department 销售部executive office 总经理办公室front office 前台部food and beverage department餐饮部personal department人力资源部shopping arcade 商场financial department 财务部security department 安全部purchasing department 采购部engineering department 工程部G: guest 客人R: room attendant 楼层服务员1. showing the guests to the room 为客人带路R: Good morning, sir and madam. Welcome to International peace hotel!G: Good morning. Are you a room attendant?R: Yes, I can. What can I do for you?G: Yes. Where is room 2708,please.R: It’s along here. I can show you to your room.(after a while).Here it is.(The room attendant knocks at the floor first. opens it. and precedes the guests into the room and turns on the lights).This way ,please.G: Thank you very much.R: It’s my pleasure! And wish you have a nice trip in HeFei!2. Making up the room.Dialogue one:(The room attendant knock at the door. Then the door opened)R: Good morning! May I clean your room now?G: Well, Thank you! Please come back about 20 minutes.R: Sorry to disturb you. I will come back later. Have a nice day.Dialogue Two:R: Good morning, madam. May I come through, please?G: Good morning! It’s almost 11 o’clock. and my room hasn’t been made up it.R: I’m sorry, madam. I’ll be there as room as I finish this one.G: How along will it take? R: About 10 minutes.Dialogue Three:R: Good morning, sir and madam. May I do the turn-down service for you new?G: Oh, thank you! Would you tidy up a bit in the room? It’s quite a mess now.R: Yes, It’ll just be finished in a few minutes!(After a while)R: It’s growing, dark. Would you like me to draw the curtains and turn on the lights for you!G: Why not! That would be comfortable!R: And three are today’s newspaper, You can read it at anytime you want!G: Oh. Thank you so much!R: I’m always at your service! Good night!3. Laundry service.洗衣服务Dialogue one:G: Good afternoon! I want to have some laundry.R: Yes, sir. just leave it in the laundry bag and sign your name and room number on the laundry list. G: What can I get it back?R: Tonight at 6:00pm.by regular service./Since it is already 3:00pm.you can get them back before 12:00 at tomorrow noon. by regular service.G: Can it be more quickly?R: Express service is avail aide. You can get it back with 4 hours. but it ’s 50% more than the regular service.G: OK, I’ll choose the express service!Dialogue two:R: Excuse me, Sir and Madam. Your clothes are ready. Will you see if they are all right?G: Very good. G: Air conditioner is not cool/heat enough.R: Here you are. R: Well, Let me see! Oh, I’m sorry sir. We’ll contact with engineer department to send some one are G: Oh, How nice! Your hotel’s laundry service is excellent. up to cheek if for you.R: Thank you !That’s just what we should do. Dialogue three4. Repairing G: There is no water in the shower head. Can you call someone to fix it for me.Dialogue R: We’ll call the engineer immediately. I’m sorry for any inconvenience.G: Excuse me! 5. Room serviceR: Yes? G: What would like to take our lunch in our room. Could you bring it here?G: Ah, I’m afraid tore is something wrong with the TV.I can’t turn it on. R: Yes .Of course. Our hotel provides very good room service, sir.R: Well, There is a switch on the beddable, Did you turn on it? G: Very nice. When should me order our lunch?G: Yes, I’ve done is.R: At any time you want. You may dial “2619”to call the room service section directly to order R :I’m sorry. May I have a look at it? breakfast, lunch or dinner.(Trying to fix it, but in rain) G: By the way. What should we do with the plates when we finish eating?R: I’ll send for an electrician to have it repaired. Please wait just a few minutes. R: You can call me to clean it up, or just leave them outside you room.(She leaves the room. Five minutes later. There is a knock on the door). G: Oh, I see. Thank you.R: Housekeeping, May I come in? 6. Miscellaneous servicesG: Yes. Dialogue oneR: Good evening! We are going to check your TV set. R: Good morning. Dear Madam!(Electncian finishes the repairing) G: Good morning. Will you de me a favor?R :Dear sir, everything is OK now, Is there anything dse I can do for you? R: Sure.G: No, Thanks very much! G: I’d like to have some glasses?R: It’s my pleasure .And with you have a sweet evening! R: How many would you like?Dialogue two G: Three.R: Good evening! What’s the matter sir? R: Yes, we’ll send them up right away.Dialogue twoG: The air in the room is stale. Can you do something about it?R: Do you mind if we spray air freshener?/ Do you mind me open the windows for a little whule. G: No go ahead!R: Thank you very much for you understanding!Dialogue threeG: Will you do me a favor? Miss?R: Certainly sir.G: This is my first visit to HeFei. I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.R: Yes, sir. At what time do you want me to call your up?G: At 6:00 sharp tomorrow morning. please.R: What kind of call would you like. By phone or by knocking at the door?G: By phone. I don’t want to elistrub my neighbors.R: That’s very kind of you sir. Well, I’ll tell the operator to call you up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. G: Thanks!R: My pleasure, sir! Sleep well and have pleasant dreams.Dialogue FourR: Good morning. What can I do for you?G: Yes. I’d like to check out my room. But I want to have the breakfast first!R: Well, Is that any luggage in your room?G: Yes, a lot of luggage.R: I see. I’ll contact the bell service center to get you luggage there. And after you finish your breakfast. You can come to the Front desk to check out your room and get back your luggage directly!G: Wonderful! Thank you!R: You are welcome!Dialogue fiveG: I left my key in the room. Would you open the door for me?R: Sorry, Due to the security reasons. I can not open the door for you. Please contact the front desk. Dialogue sixR: Housekeeping. May I come in?G: Yes, What’s the matter?R: Your smoke detector is flashing, sir. Is the anything burning in your room!G: No, I’ve been smoking a cigar. That’s all.R: May I check your room sir!G: Sure, go ahead.(Checks the room)R: Thanks, sir. I’m sorry to have disturbed you.G: Oh. That’s all right.R: The detector is very sensitive. So if you smoke nest time, Please open the window.G: Oh, That’s all right.R: The detector is very sensitive. So if you smoke nest time. Please open the window.G: Thank you for your suggestion.R:I hope you can stay here happily. And anytime you need half. Just call me! See you!G: Thanks. Bye-bye.新增加部份:1.开门G: I ’m the guest from 1817.And I left key in the room/My key isn ’t available. Would you open thedoor for me?R: I’m sorry. Let me past you call. Thonght to the front desk. Then after they check the identity with you. I’ll call the attendant open the door for you. OK?2.G: When can I take my breakfast?R: You can have your breakfast on the second floor from 6:30am to 9:30am.3.G: I want to have two pokers?R: The pokey is at the price of 10 yuan a box in cash. Including 54 sheets. The ototle price is 10 yuan. Is that OK?4.G: I have to check out my room. And my room number is 1314.R: Well. Please go the front office on the first floor with you luggage. I ’ll call the room attendant to cheek out your room.G: Hello. May I have two more cans of cola? My room number is 1211.R: Of course. I ’ll call the altendant send it to you. Please sign your name and room number on the winelist.6.G: I’m the guest lived in room 2705 two ays before. And I cheeked my room yesterday. I want to ask whether the attendant have found a neck lace in my room.R: Please wait a moment. Lat me check it. Novo your necklace is kept in service center. You can get it back in three months with you indontity card.或者:R: I’m sorry. We haven’t taken any nate about it. Please leave your phone number. After we seek the room again. We’ll contact with you.7.G: I want to get my clothes back.R: Well. What time did you have the laundry?G: At1 .(先生)普通对熟悉的男士的尊称,后面加之姓氏,例如:Mr zhang 张先生。

以下是一些常见的酒店专业英语外语示例:1. 酒店服务:- Front desk(前台)- Check-in(办理入住手续)- Check-out(办理退房手续)- Room service(客房服务)- Housekeeping(客房清洁服务)- Concierge(礼宾服务)- Bellhop(行李员)- Porter(搬运工)2. 酒店设施与房间类型:- Single room(单人间)- Double room(双人间)- Suite(套房)- Twin room(双床间)- Executive floor(行政楼层)- Gym(健身房)- Spa(水疗中心)- Pool(游泳池)3. 餐饮服务:- Restaurant(餐厅)- Buffet(自助餐)- A la carte(点菜)- Menu(菜单)- Waiter/waitress(服务员)- Chef(厨师)- Bar(酒吧)- Room service(客房送餐服务)4. 会议与活动:- Conference room(会议室)- Banquet hall(宴会厅)- Event planning(活动策划)- Audiovisual equipment(音视频设备)- Catering(餐饮服务)- Delegate(代表)- Keynote speaker(主讲人)5. 预订与取消:- Reservation(预订)- Availability(可用性)- Occupancy rate(入住率)- No-show(未到)- Cancellation(取消)- Confirmation number(确认号码)- Deposit(押金)这些只是酒店专业英语外语的一部分,实际上酒店行业中的专业术语和表达方式非常丰富。

酒店英语词汇大全(二)一、服务质量1.1 好评度量词•Positive feedback rate:积极反馈率•Customer satisfaction rate:客户满意度•Net promoter score:净推荐值•Repeat guest rate:复购率•Returning visitor rate:回访率•Referral rate:介绍率1.2 增值服务•Turn-down service:晚间整理服务•Wake-up service:叫醒服务•Complimentary breakfast:免费早餐•Express check-in/out:快速办理入/退房手续•Business center:商务服务中心1.3 前台服务•Welcome drink:欢迎饮料•Room upgrade:升级房型•Late check-out:延迟退房•Early check-in:提早入住•Guest information directory:客房信息指南•Concierge service:礼宾服务二、客房设施2.1 客房类型•Single room:单人房•Double room:双人房•Twin room:双床房•Suite:套房•Connecting room:相邻房2.2 设施用品•Bedding:床品•Towel:毛巾•Bathrobe:浴衣•Slipper:拖鞋•Hanger:衣架•Umbrella:伞2.3 客房设施•Air conditioner:空调•Television:电视•Refrigerator:冰箱•Safe:保险箱•Wifi:无线网络•Private bathroom:独立卫浴三、餐饮服务3.1 餐饮场所•Café:咖啡厅•Buffet:自助餐厅•Restaurant:餐厅•Bar:酒吧•Lounge:休息厅3.2 菜肴饮品•Appetizer:开胃菜•Main course:主菜•Dessert:甜点•Cocktail:鸡尾酒•Beer:啤酒•Wine:葡萄酒3.3 用餐方式•Room service:送餐服务• A la carte:点菜•Set menu:套餐•Takeaway:外卖•Delivery:配送•Catering service:餐饮服务四、会议活动4.1 会议设施•Conference room:会议室•Audio/Visual equipment:音/视设备•Microphone:麦克风•Projector:投影仪•Whiteboard:白板•Podium:讲台4.2 会议服务•Event planning:活动策划•Catering:餐饮服务•Translation service:翻译服务•Registration desk:报名台•Business meeting:商务会议•Seminar:研讨会五、其他服务5.1 健身娱乐•Fitness center:健身中心•Swimming pool:游泳池•Spa:水疗服务•Massage:按摩服务•Golf course:高尔夫球场•Karaoke:卡拉OK5.2 交通服务•Airport shuttle:机场班车•Car rental:租车服务•Valet parking:代客泊车•Limousine service:豪华轿车服务•Bicycle rental:自行车租赁•Electric vehicle charging:电动车充电5.3 旅游咨询•Tourist information desk:旅游信息台•Ticket booking service:机票预订服务•Tour guide:旅游导游•Travel package:旅游套餐•Destination information:目的地信息•Local attraction:本地景点以上就是酒店英语词汇大全的第二部分内容,酒店服务领域还有很多的专业术语和常用词汇需要掌握。

以下内容由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!01预订 reservations1、Good evening, XX Hotel, Reception, how may I help you? / What can Ido for you?晚上好,XX酒店,总台,需要帮忙吗?2、What kind of room would you like to book?您要什么样的房间呢?3、We have single rooms ,double rooms, business, deluxe suites and a presidential suite.我们有单⼈房、双⼈房、商务套房、豪华套房和总统套房。
4、What kind of room do you want? And for when?您想订什么房间?什么时候要?5、Forwhat dates, please?什么⽇期的?6、Wait a moment, please. Let me check the recent reservations.请稍等⼀下,让我查⼀下最近的订房情况。
7、Just amoment, please. Let me check and see if there is a room available?请稍等,我查⼀下是否有空房?8、Yes, we do have a single room for tomorrow.我们明天有单⼈房。
9、I′m sorry, but we′refully booked for single rooms. Would you like to have a double room?很抱歉,单⼈房全部预订出去了。
双⼈房可以吗?10、I′m sorry, but the hotel is full on that date.很抱歉,但那天,酒店客满。

酒店业常用英语一、前台接待英语1. Hello, welcome to our hotel. 你好,欢迎来到我们的酒店。
2. How many people are there in your group? 您的团队有多少人?3. Would you like to make a reservation? 您想预订房间吗?4. We have a double room available for you. 我们有一间双人房可供您使用。
5. Here is your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。
6. Do you need any assistance with your luggage? 您需要帮忙搬运行李吗?7. Please let us know if you need anything else. 如果您需要其他任何东西,请告诉我们。
二、客房服务英语1. Good morning, is there anything else you need? 早上好,您还需要其他东西吗?2. Would you like a wake-up call? 您想要叫醒服务吗?3. Your breakfast has been delivered to your room. 您的早餐已经送到您的房间。
4. Please let us know if there is anything wrong with your room. 如果您的房间有任何问题,请告诉我们。
5. We will send someone to clean your room in a few minutes. 我们会在几分钟内派人去打扫您的房间。
三、餐饮服务英语1. Do you have a reservation for dinner? 您有预订晚餐吗?2. Would you like to be seated in the main dining room or the private room? 您想在主餐厅还是包间就餐?3. Here is the menu. 您看菜单。

酒店行业英文专业术语1. Accommodation - 住宿,提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。
2. Adjoining Room –相邻房间3.Advanced Deposit –订金,客人为了预定房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。
4. Amenities - 设施5.Cancellation - 客人取消订房6. Banquet - 宴会7.Advance Payment - 预付金/押金,按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式。
8. Bed and breakfast (B&B) - 早餐及住宿9. Bellboy - 行李员10. Booking - 预订11. Buffet - 自助餐12. Check-in - 办理入住手续13. Check-out - 办理退房手续14. Complimentary - 提供给某个客人的不需要收费的房间15. Concierge - 礼宾员16. Conference room - 会议室17. Customer service - 客户服务18. Deluxe - 高级豪华19. Double room - 双人间20. Doorman - 酒店门童21. Executive suite - 行政套房22. Front desk - 前台23. Full board - 全包24. Housekeeping - 客房服务25. Guest - 客人26. Gym - 健身房27. Hospitality - 款待28. Hostel - 青年旅社29. Hotelier - 酒店业者30. Housekeeper - 客房服务员31. In-room dining - 客房送餐32. Key card - 门卡33. Laundry - 洗衣房34. Linen - 床品35. Lobby - 大堂36. Mini-bar - 迷你酒吧37. Maid - 女仆38. Meeting room - 会议室39. No-show - 未到者40. Occupancy - 入住率41. Online booking - 网上预订42. Package - 套餐43. Porter - 行李搬运工44. Rate - 房价45. Receptionist - 前台接待员46. Reservation - 预订47. Restaurant - 餐厅48. Room service - 客房服务49. Suite - 套房50. Tip - 小费51. Valet parking - 代客泊车52. All-inclusive - 一切包括53. Arrivals - 到达/到店54. Average Room Rate - 平均房价55. Attractions - 景点56. Boutique hotel - 精品酒店57. Business center - 商务中心58. Concierge desk - 礼宾台59. Departures - 离开60. Destination - 目的地61. Front office - 前台办公室62. Full-service hotel - 全服务酒店63. Group booking - 团队预订64. Hospitality industry - 酒店业65. Housekeeping supervisor - 客房部主管66. Inn - 小旅馆67. Late check-out - 延迟退房68. Lounge - 休息室69. Loyalty program - 忠诚度计划70. Luxury hotel - 豪华酒店71. Meeting planner - 会议策划者72. Motel - 汽车旅馆73. Night audit - 夜审74. Occupancy rate - 入住率75. Online travel agency (OTA) - 网络旅行社76. Overbooking - 超售77. Pillow menu - 枕头菜单78. Reception - 接待处79. Resort - 度假村80. Revenue management - 收益管理81. Room rate - 房价82. Sales manager - 销售经理83. Self-catering - 自助式84. Single room - 单人间85. Spa - 水疗中心86. Staff - 员工87. Standard room - 标准间88. Staycation - 居家度假89. Turndown service - 晚间整理服务90. Upsell - 升级销售91. Vacation rental - 度假租赁92. Wi-Fi - 无线上网93. Butler - 男管家94. Conference center - 会议中心95. Reservation agent - 预订代理人96. Front-of-house - 前台部门97. Revenue per available room (RevPAR) - 每间可用客房收入98. Housekeeping cart - 打扫房间的推车99. Room occupancy - 房间占用率100. Reservations manager - 预订经理101. Concierge services - 门房服务102. Housekeeping department - 客房部门103. Room inventory - 房型库存104. Room service attendant - 客房服务员105. Guest satisfaction - 客人满意度106. Hospitality management - 酒店管理。

问候客人1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。
2.Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。
3.Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。
4.Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。
How are you?你好吗?Fine,thank you,and you?很好,谢谢,您呢?Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。
5.How do you do?您好?How do you do!您好!6.Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们饭店。
7.May you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝您住店期间愉快。
8.Hope you had a good trip. 希望您旅途愉快。
9.Hope you have a good journey. 祝您旅途愉快。
10.It’s nice to meet you,sir. 见到您很高兴,先生。
11.Pleasant to meet you,sir. My name is……见到您很高兴,先生。
我叫×××12.Welcome you back,sir. 欢迎您回来,先生。
13.Nice to see you again,madam. 很高兴又见到您,夫人。
14.Goodbye,thank you for coming. Please come again. 再见,感谢您光临,希望您再次光临。
15.Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。
16.Have a good evening. 祝您度过一个愉快的夜晚。
17.Have a good weekend. 祝您周末愉快。
18.Good night and have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。
19.Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,祝您做个好梦。

酒店英语Hotel Englishcoin 硬币voucher 证件price list 价目表sign (动)签字tip 小费luggage office 行李房… per thousand 千分之… spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期note 纸币luggage rack 行李架switch 开关identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序luggage label 行李标签cash (动)兑换bank draft 汇票procedure fee 手续费special line 专线hold the line 别挂电话can't put somebody through 接不通receiver 听筒replace the phone 挂上电话Line, please. 请接外线The line is busy (engaged) 占线send a telegram (cable) 发电报long distance 长途电话telephone directory 电话簿can't hear somebody 听不见can't get through 打不通ordinary mail 平信switchboard 交换台central exchange 电话总局The connection is bad. 听不清registered fee 挂号邮资postcard 明信片escalator 自动楼梯bookshelf 书架ground floor (英)底,层,一楼cabinet 橱柜Venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘wastebasket 废纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼folding screen 屏风hanger 挂钩plug 插头wall plate 壁上挂盘Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯drawer 抽屉second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼spring 弹簧cushion 靠垫,垫子socket 插座,插口sitting room 起居室voltage 电压carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶transformer 变压器main entrance 大门entrance hall 门厅staircase, stairs, stairway 楼梯balustrade, banister 楼梯栏杆corridor 过道verandah 外廊lobby 走廊newsstand 售报处lounge 休息厅dining-room, dining hall 餐厅men's room 男盥洗室ladies' room 女盥洗室cloak-room 存衣处basement 地下室cellar 地窖broom closet 杂物室room key 房间钥匙suite 一套房间sitting-room, living-room 起居室sofa, settee 长沙发easy chair 安乐椅armchair 扶手椅wicker chair 藤椅folding chair 叠椅swivel chair 转椅rocking chair 摇椅stool 凳子bench 条凳tea table 茶几desk 书桌bookcase 书橱bookshelf 书架wardrobe 衣柜built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱chest of drawers 五斗橱screen 屏风hat rack 帽架rug 小地毯carpet 大地毯mattress 褥子quilt 被blanket 毯子sheet 床单bedspread 床罩cotton terry blanket 毛巾被pillow 枕头pillowcase 枕套mat 席cushion 垫子bathroom 浴室bath tub 浴盆shower bath, shower 淋浴cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头dressingtable 梳妆台mirror 镜子washbasin 洗脸盆towel 毛巾toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸bath towel 浴巾bathrobe 浴衣towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架sponge 海绵thermometer 温度计balcony 阳台sash window 上下开关窗shutters 百叶窗transom, transom window 气窗lace curtain 挑花窗帘windowsill 窗台air-conditioned 有空调设备的radiator 暖气片central heating 暖气ashtray 烟灰碟smoking set 烟具electric fan 电扇chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯fluorescent lamp 日光灯desk lamp 台灯bedside lamp 床头灯floor lamp 落地灯wall lamp 壁灯lampshade 灯罩bulb holder 灯头bulb 灯泡screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡socket 插座plug 插头electric iron 电熨斗peg, hook 衣钩clothes-hanger 衣架door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫attendant 服务员desk clerk 值班服务员waiter (餐厅)服务员waitress (餐厅)女服务员rent 租金bill 账单receipt 收据Lobby entrance 门厅进口Hall大堂Corridor走廊Inquiry desk问讯处Lavatory;toilet洗手间Ball-room舞厅Barbershop理发室Beauty parlour 美容室Foreign exchange service外币况换处Billiard-room弹子房Bowling alley保龄球场Receptionist接待人员Weather forecast天气预报Mellow醇香Hong Kong Dollar; HK$Pound sterling;£(stg)French france; F.FJapanese YenAustralian dollarCanadian dollarRailway station火车站Airport机场Luggage行李Highway公路Minibus面包车Rush hours拥挤时间Peak hours高峰时间Single trip单程Round trip往返Have a (high)fever发(高)烧Have a cough咳嗽Have no appetite没胃口Have a headache头痛Have a sore throat喉咙痛Have a heart attack心脏病发作Take one’s temperature量体温Stay in bed在床休息Take medicine服药Have an injection打针Take an x-ray照一张片子Make a blood test验血Light清淡的Flu流感Gastric illness胃病Pain in the chest胸痛Chief doctor主治医生Dentist牙科医生Physician内科医生Surgeon外科医生Slippers拖鞋Bath curtain浴帘Bath-tub浴缸Toilet soap浴皂Towel毛巾Tooth-paste牙膏Tooth-brush牙刷Shampoo洗发水Comb梳子Presidential suite总套Sitting room客厅Manager’s office理经室Lounge休息室外Nightclub夜总会Clinic医疗室Skimpy味淡的Room charge(rate)房费Registration form登记表dressing table梳妆台wardrobe衣柜bedside cupboard床头柜tea table; side table茶几thermos flask热水瓶stool凳子sofa沙发baggage stand行李架bookshelf书架clothes hanger衣架television setcushion靠垫laundry bag洗衣袋sheet床单feather quilt鸭绒被mat席子mosquito net蚊帐ashtray烟灰缸carpet地毯blanket毛毯pillow枕头bedside rug床前小地毯pyjamas睡衣teapot茶壶toilet paper卫生纸crisp酥脆的tap水龙头sponge海绵socket插座telephone directory电话号码本elevator (or lift)电梯service desk服务台service direction服务指南writing paper信纸envelope信封sewing kit针线包central heating暖气vacuum cleaner吸尘器tea canister茶叶罐fruit tray果盘mirror镜子vase花瓶spittoon痰盂ceiling lamp吊灯wall lamp壁灯balcony阳台Recreation center康乐中心Gymnasium健身房Swimming pool游泳池Sauna桑拿浴Video games游戏机Discotheque的士高Tennis court网球场Tantalizing诱人的butter黄油snack bar快餐部jam果酱quick lunch counter快餐台盐salt糖sugar小吃部、食堂cafeteria牛肉beef食堂dining room牛排beef steak午餐会luncheon party小牛肉veal咖啡馆cafe牛肚fripe茶馆teahouse羊肉mutton菜单menu猪肉pork回民菜馆moslem猪排pork chop面包bread猪肘子pork shoulder米饭rice火腿ham炒饭fried rice咸肉bacon馒头steamed bun; steamed bread 香肠sausage面条noodles鸡肉chicken汉堡包hamburger烤鸭roast duck三明治、夹肉面包sandwich鹅goose奶酪cheese海味seafood蛋糕cake大虾prawn奶油蛋糕cream cake鱼fish布丁pudding鲤鱼carp沙丁鱼sardine蛋egg炒鸡蛋scrambled egg什锦小吃assorted appetizers沙拉salad衣帽间cloak room水果沙拉fruit salad意大利面条spaghetti汤soup清汤clear soup肉汤broth罗宋汤russian soup洗衣房laundry西红柿汤tomato soup洗衣袋laundry bag苹果apple洗衣液shampoo梨pear橘子orange搬运行李工porter蜜橘mandarin orange香蕉banana购物中心shopping center 西瓜water melon商店store桃peach理发(女) hair-dressing咖啡coffee理发(男) hair cut葡萄grape无奶咖啡black coffee路road茶tea街street加奶咖啡white coffee大道avenue红茶black tea小巷lane牛奶milk斑马线zebra绿茶green tea人行道side walk矿泉水mineral water此路不通no thorough fare 橘子水orangeade公共汽车bus果汁fruit juice公共车站bus stop电车tram冰激凌ice cream 电车站tram stop啤酒beer生啤draught beer地铁subway, tube葡萄酒、甜酒wine火车rail, railway香槟champagne火车站railway station烈酒liquor,spirits售票处ticket office, booking office胡椒pepper单(双)程票single (return)ticket 辣椒chilli 候车室waiting room站台票platform ticket寄包裹处parcel service餐车dining car汇款处remittance counter邮局post office邮票stamp邮箱mail box信件letter电话telephonePlatform站台Make out the bill结帐Itinerary旅程安排Historical sites历史遗迹Splendid scene壮丽景观Sight景色Catch弄清Noisy 吵闹lend sb. Ears注意听Turn back回去Tour观光The main gate正门Waltz华尔兹Oblige赏光Don voyage一路顺风Happy landing顺利到达Have a wonderful journey旅途愉快Keep in touch保持联系Drop sb line写信Once in a while有空Someday有朝一日Consideration关怀备致Quick-fry爆炒Shower淋浴Corridor走廊Luggage行李Be located on位于……Be far from离……远It’s just near在……附近Calm oneself冷静点Menu菜单Chef主厨Dozen一打Size型号Medium-sized中号A size larger大一些型号的Drive车程Safety belt安全带Fasten系Shampoo洗发香波Shave off one’s beard刮胡子Trim削发Out short理短Wear one’s parting分发Hair set头发定型Cold-wave冷烫Ordinary perm热烫Cut理发Appendix 2Japan日本Hong Kong香港Macao澳门Singapore新加坡Thailand泰国Malaysia马来西亚Philippines菲律宾Korea韩国Indonesia印度尼西亚India印度Australia澳大利亚New Zealand新西兰Belgium比利时Turkey土耳其France法国Germany德国Italy意大利Russia俄罗斯Britain (UK)英国Spain西班牙Sweden瑞典Switzerland瑞士Netherlands (Holland)荷兰Norway挪威Canada加拿大U.S.A.美国Burma缅甸Mexico墨西哥Sri lanka斯里兰卡Poland波兰Iran伊朗Morocco莫洛哥Romania罗马尼亚Brazil巴西Israel以色列Lebanon黎巴嫩Greece希腊Afghanistan阿富汗Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚Vietnam越南Zaire扎伊尔Zambia赞比亚Libya利比亚Angolan安哥拉Albania阿尔巴尼亚Czech捷克Bangladesh孟加拉Algeria阿尔及利亚Kuwaiti科威特Portugal葡萄牙Chile智利Guatemala危地马拉Egypt埃及Ireland爱尔兰Finland芬兰Venezuela委内瑞拉Iraq伊拉克Denmark丹麦Argentina阿根廷South Africa南非Pakistan巴基斯坦Palestine巴勒斯坦Nigeria尼日利亚Namibia纳米比亚Jordan约旦Cambodia柬埔寨Cameroon喀麦隆Colombia哥伦比亚Uruguay乌拉圭Togo从哥Haiti海地Guinea几内亚Laos老挝Congo刚果Cuba古巴Ghana加纳Ugandan乌干达Syria叙利亚Somalia索马里Saudi Arabia沙特Panama巴拿马Tanzania坦桑尼亚Peruvian秘鲁Sudan苏丹pouring cup 口杯toilet mirror 梳妆镜music stool 琴凳electric kettle 电热水壶floor lamp 落地灯TV turntable 电视机转盘armchair 圈椅Toilet Paper Carton厕纸盒door key 门钥匙door chain 防盗链bathroom cabinet 卫生间镜箱lobby carpet 走廊地毯woollen carpet 纯毛提花毯synthetic fibre carpet化纤地毯Wardrobe 衣橱Shoes shine 鞋油Cloth Brush 衣刷Adjust handler 调节器Stirrer 搅拌棒Ventilator 通风口Key insert 钥匙缝Outlet 电源插座Closet 壁橱Transformer 变压器Adaptor 插座Ceiling 凳子Lamp shade 灯罩Waste bin 垃圾桶Scissors 剪刀Slipper 拖鞋Shoes horn 鞋拔Hanger 衣架Pajama 睡衣Hair drier 吹风机Scent, Perfume 香水Shaver, Razor 剃须刀,剃刀Cotton Swob 棉花棒Bath foam 沐浴液Facial tissue 面巾纸Napkin 餐巾纸Scale 秤Blade 刀片Detergent 洗衣粉Lotion 润肤露Faush 水箱Plug 橡皮塞Spray 喷头Faucet tap 水龙头Shower cap 浴帽Sponger 海绵刷Toothpaste 牙膏Sanitary 卫生袋Towel rail 毛巾架Floor towel 脚巾Body towel 浴巾Soap dish 皂缸Bath mat 垫巾Bath tub 浴缸Monitor 监控器Distilled water 蒸馏水Mineral water 矿泉水Tariff 价目表Toilet bowl 马桶detector 烟雾报警器Leaking 漏水Bed side table 床头柜Head board 床头板Bed cover 床罩Blanket 羊毛毯Mattress 床垫Foundation 床垫架Feather quilt 鸭绒被Rug 小地毯Spring 弹簧床Fabric sofa 布沙发Desk lamp 台灯Floor lamp 落地灯Carpet 地毯Remote control 遥控器Freezer 冰箱Door latch 门闩Knob 门把手Fire escapes 逃生图Peep hole 猫眼Dressing table 梳妆台Stationery 文具Cushion 椅垫Screen 屏风Hot water flask 热水瓶Comb 梳子tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜hanger 挂钩plug 插头wall_plate 壁上挂盘tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶transformer 变压器卫生桶(室内用的装垃圾的小塑料桶)health barrels (indoor use with a small plastic garbage barrels)衣架rack厕纸盒toilet paper boxes 座便器vanities 吹风机hair dryer日用品盒daily necessities boxCentrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市区中心,紧靠公园,免费停车。

酒店常用外语500句1. 预订酒店和房间1.Do you have any avlable rooms?你们有空房吗?2.What is the rate for a single/double room? 单人间/双人间的房价是多少?3.How much is the room per night?每晚的房费是多少?4.Can I book a room for tomorrow night?我可以预订明天晚上的房间吗?5.I would like to book a room for two nights. 我想要预订两晚的房间。
2. 登记入住1.I have a reservation. My name is [Your name]. 我预订了房间。
2.Can I see your passport/ID, please?请出示你的护照/身份证。
3.How long will you be staying?你打算住多久?4.Here is your room key.这是你的房卡。
5.The elevator is on the left/right.电梯在左边/右边。
3. 房间设施1.Does the room have a private bathroom?房间里有私人浴室吗?2.Is there r conditioning in the room?房间里有空调吗?3.Can I have a room with a view?可以给我一个朝向景观的房间吗?4.Is there a minibar in the room?房间里有迷你吧吗?5.Can I have extra pillows/blankets?我可以要求额外的枕头/毛毯吗?4. 服务需求1.Could you please send someone to fix the TV? 请派人来修理电视好吗?2.Can I get some more towels, please?可以再给我一些毛巾吗?3.I need an iron and ironing board.我需要一个熨斗和熨衣板。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 自己要做什么事时,就使用
May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名
May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开?
May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗?
May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么?
2. 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~
Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗?
Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗?
Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗?
3. 酒店英语职业培训还包括在询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~
Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?
Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗?
Would you mind sitting here?请问您介意坐在这里吗
4. 在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ~ 或Would you like me to do ~?
Shall I draw the curtains?请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗?
Shall I make the reservation for you?请问要我为您安排预约吗?