





baseball棒球术语投手的技术统计:01. W Wins 胜利02. L Losses 失败03. ERA Earned Run Average 防御率04. G Games Played 出场次数05. GS Games Started 先发次数06. CG Complete Games 完投数07. SHO Shutouts 完封数08. SV Saves 救援成功数09. SVO Save Opportunities 救援机会数10. IP Innings Pitched 投球回数11. H Hits 被安打12. R Runs 失分13. ER Earned Runs 自责点14. HR Home Runs 被本塁打数15. HBP Hit batsmen 与死球(与触身球)16. BB Bases on Balls 与四坏球17. SO Strikeouts 三振数18. WPCT Winning Percantage 胜率19. TB Total Bases 被塁打数20. BK Balks 投手犯规21. WP Wild Pitches 暴投22. IBB Intentional Walks 敬远23. SB Stolen Bases 许盗塁数24. CS Caught Stealing 刺盗塁25. PK Pick-offs 牵制出局数26. GO Ground Outs 地滚球出局数27. AO Air [Fly] Outs 高飞出局数28. GO/AO Ground Outs / Air Outs Ratio 地滚出局高飞出局比29. WHIP (Walks + Hits ) / innings Pitched (与四坏球+被安打数)÷投球回数30. SLG Slugging Percentage Allowed 被长打率31. OBA On-base Against 被出塁率32. AVG Opponents Batting Average 被打率33. PA Plate Appearances 打席数34. NP Number of Pitches Thrown 投球数35. P/IP Pitches per Innings Pitched 1局平均投球数36. HLD Hold 中继成功数37. GF Games Finished 成为比赛结束时的最终上场投手数38. K/BB Strikeout/Walk Ratio 三振四球比39. BB/9 Walks per Nine Innings 与四坏球率(9局与四坏球数)40. K/9 Strikeouts per Nine Innings 夺三振率(9局夺三振数)41. H9 Hits per Nine Innings 9局被打数击球员的技术统计:01. G Games Played 上场数02. AB At Bat 打席数03. R Runs Scored 得分04. H Hits 安打数05. 2B Double 二塁打06. 3B Triple 三塁打07. HR HomeRuns 本塁打数08. RBI Runs Batted In 打点09. TB Total Bases 塁打数(HR:4、3B:3、2B:2、安打:1 )10. BB Base on balls 四坏球11. SO Strikeouts 三振数12. SB Stolen Base 盗塁数13. CS Caught Stealing 盗塁死14. OBP On-base Percentage 出塁率15. SLG Slugging Percentage 长打率16. AVG Batting Average 打率17. SF Sacrifice Flies 牺牲高飞18. SH Sacrifice Hits 牺牲打19. HBP Hit by Pitch 死球数20. IBB Intentional Walks 敬远四球数21. GDP Ground into Double Plays 双杀打数22. TPA Total Plate Appearances 总打席数(打席数+四死球+牺牲打)23. NP Number of Pitches 投球数(打击时投手的投球数)24. XBH Extra Base Hits 长打数25. SB% Stolen Base Percentage 盗塁成功率26. GO Ground Outs 地滚球出局数27. AO Fly Outs 高飞球出局书28. GO/AO Ground Outs/Fly Outs 地滚球高飞球出局比29. OPS On-base Plus Slugging Percentage 出塁率+长打率。





1. "On deck" - 指待进攻球员,一般是下一个击球手或者接下来
2. "Benchwarmer" - 指没有出场机会的后备球员
3. "Can of corn" - 指打高飞球时非常容易接的球,通常会被外
4. "Chin music" - 指投手在对方击手头部投球的情况
5. "Homerun" - 指全垒打,也就是一次打完四个垒
6. "Strikeout" - 指三振出局,即投手投出三次好球让击打方打
7. "Error" - 指守备失误,导致对方球员得分或者得到更好的位

8. "Squeeze play" - 指协调球,通常指击手用非常短的打法送




Baseball Basics: LingoA fan's guide to commonly-used terms and phrases.ace -- A team's best starting pitcher.alley-- The section of the outfield between the outfielders. Also "gap."around the horn-- A double play going from third base to second to first. backdoor slider -- A pitch that appears to be out of the strike zone, but then breaks back over the plate.bag -- A base.bang-bang play -- A play in which the baserunner hits the bag a split-second before the ball arrives or vice versa.basket catch -- When a fielder catches a ball with his glove near belt level. brushback -- A pitch that nearly hits a batter.bush -- Also "bush league." An amateur play or behavior.can of corn -- An easy catch by a fielder.caught looking -- When a batter is called out on strikes.cellar -- Last place. Also "basement."cheese -- Also "good cheese." Refers to a good fastball.chin music -- A pitch that is high and inside.circus catch -- An outstanding catch by a fielder.closer -- A team's relief pitcher who finishes the game.cutter -- A cut fastball (one with a late break to it).cycle -- When a batter hits a single, double, triple and home run in the same game.dinger -- A home run.dish -- Home plate.fungo -- A ball hit to a fielder during practice. It's usually hit by a coach using a "fungo bat," which is longer and thinner than a normal bat.gap -- See "alley." A ball hit here is a "gapper."heat -- A good fastball. Also "heater."high and tight -- Referring to a pitch that's up in the strike zone and inside on a hitter. Also known as "up and in."hill -- Pitcher's mound.homer -- A home run. Other terms include: blast, dinger, dong, four-bagger, four-base knock, moon shot, tape-measure blast and tater.hot corner -- Third base.in the hole -- The batter after the on-deck hitter.jam -- When a hitter gets a pitch near his hands, he is "jammed." Also when a pitcher gets himself in trouble, he is in a "jam."leather -- Refers to how good a player plays defensively or handles the glove. Ex: "He flashed some leather on that play."nail down -- As in "nail down a victory." Refers to a relief pitcher finishing off the game.on the screws -- When a batter hits the ball hard. Also "on the button." pepper -- Pepper is a common pre-game exercise where one player bunts brisk grounders and line drives to a group of fielders who are standing about 20 feet away. The fielders try to throw it back as quickly as possible. The batter hits the return throw.pick -- A good defensive play by an infielder on a ground ball. Also a shortened version of "pick-off."punchout -- A strikeout.ribbie -- Another way of saying RBI. Also "ribeye."rope -- A hard line drive hit by a batter. Also "frozen rope."rubber game -- The deciding game of a series.run-down -- When a baserunner gets caught between bases by the fielders. seeing-eye single -- A soft ground ball that finds its way between infielders for a base hit.set-up man -- A relief pitcher who usually enters the game in the 7th or 8th inning.shoestring catch -- A running catch made just above the fielder's shoe-tops. southpaw -- A left-handed pitcher.sweet spot -- The part of the bat just a few inches from the barrel.table setter -- Batter whose job is to get on base for other hitters to drive him in. Usually a leadoff or No. 2 hitter.tape-measure blast -- An extremely long home run.tater -- A home run.Texas Leaguer -- A bloop hit that drops between an infielder and outfielder. touch 'em all -- Hitting a home run (touching all the bases).twin killing -- A double play.utility player -- A player who fills in at many positions.wheelhouse -- A hitter's power zone. Usually a pitch waist-high and over the heart of the plate.wheels -- A ballplayer's legs.whiff -- Strikeout.Baseball Basics: AbbreviationsHitting”? 2B - Doubles”? 3B - Triples”? AB - At Bats”? AB/GIDP - At-Bats per Grounded Into Double Play”? AB/HR - At-Bats per Home Run”? AB/RBI - At-Bats per Runs Batted In”? AO - Fly Outs”? AVG - Batting Average”? BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)”? CS - Caught Stealing”? G - Games Played”? GIDP - Ground into Double Plays”? GO - Ground Outs”? GO/AO - Ground Outs/Fly Outs”? GSH - Grand Slam Home Runs”? H - Hits”? HBP - Hit by Pitch”? HR - Home Runs”? IBB - Intentional Walks”? LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations ”? LOB - Left On Base”? NP - Number of Pitches”? OBP - On-base Percentage”? OPS - On-base Plus Slugging Percentage ”? PA/SO - Plate Appearances per Strikeout ”? R - Runs Scored”? RBI - Runs Batted In”? SAC - Sacrifice Bunts”? SB% - Stolen Base Percentage”? SB - Stolen Bases”? SF - Sacrifice Flies”? SLG - Slugging Percentage”? SO - Strikeouts”? TB - Total Bases”? TP - Triple Play”? TPA - Total Plate Appearances”? XBH - Extra Base HitsFielding”? A - Assists”? CS - Caught Stealing”? DER - Defensive Efficiency Rating”? DP - Double Plays”? E - Errors”? FPCT - Fielding Percentage”? G - Games Played”? INN - Innings Played”? OFA - Outfield Assists”? PB - Passed Balls”? PO - Putouts”? RF - Range Factor”? SB - Stolen Bases (allowed)”? TC - Total Chances”? TP - Triple PlaysPitching”? AO - Fly Outs”? APP - Appearances”? AVG - Opponents Batting Average ”? BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)”? BB/9 - Walks per Nine Innings”? BF - Batters Faced”? BK - Balks”? BS - Blown Save”? CG - Complete Games”? CGL - Complete Game Losses”? CS - Caught Stealing”? ER - Earned Runs”? ERA - Earned Run Average”? G - Games Played”? GF - Games Finished”? GIDP - Grounded Into Double Plays ”? GO - Ground Outs”? GO/AO - Ground Outs/ Fly Outs Ratio ”? GS - Games Started”? GSH - Grand Slams”? H - Hits”? H/9 - Hits per Nine Innings”? HB - Hit Batsmen”? HLD - Hold”? HR - Home Runs”? I/GS - Innings Per Games Started ”? IBB - Intentional Walks”? IP - Innings Pitched”? IRA - Inherited Runs Allowed”? K/9 - Strikeouts per Nine Innings”? K/BB - Strikeout/Walk Ratio”? L - Losses”? LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations ”? LOB - Left on Base”? MB/9 - Baserunners per 9 Innings ”? NP - Number of Pitches Thrown”? OBA - On-base Against”? PA - Plate Appearances”? P/GS - Pitches per Start”? P/IP - Pitches per Innings Pitched”? PK - Pick-offs”? R - Runs”? RW - Relief Wins”? SB - Stolen Bases”? SHO - Shutouts”? SLG - Slugging Percentage Allowed”? SO - Strikeouts”? SV - Saves”? SVO - Save Opportunities”? TB - Total Bases”? TP - Triple Plays”? UR - Unearned Runs”? W - Wins”? WHIP - Walks Hits/Innings Pitched”? WP - Wild Pitches”? WPCT - Winning Percentage”? XBA - Extra Base Hits AllowedBaseball Basics: Stats 101Batting Average (AVG): Divide the number of base hits by the total number of at bats.Earned Run Average (ERA): Multiply the total number of earned runs by nine, and divide the results by the total innings pitched. Cliff Lee has allowed 67 runs in 220 innings.Multiply 67 by 9: 67x9=603. Divide 603 by 220 (his innings pitched):603/220=2.74 -- which is his ERA.W-L percentage: Divide the number of games won by the total number of decisions. Roy Halliday has a 16-3 record, Divide his win total(16) by his total number of decisions: (19):16/19=0.842Slugging Percentage (SLG): Divide the total number of bases of all base hits by the total number of times at bat. Jason Bay has 282 total bases and 440at-bats. Divide 282 by 440 to get his slugging percentage: 282/440=.641On-Base Percentage (OBP): Divide the total number of hits plus Bases on Balls plus hits by Pitch BY at Bats plus Bases on Balls plus hit by Pitch plus Sacrifice Flies. In Derek Jeter's 434 at-bats, he has 152 hits, 59 walks, has been hit by 9 pitches, and he's hit 6 sacrifice flies. So here's the formula to determine his OBP: (152 59 9)/(434 59 9 6)=220/508=.433Fielding Average: Divide the total number of putouts and assists by the total number of putouts, assists and errors. Chris Davis has 218 putouts and 290 assists, while committing only 2 errors. So his fielding percentage is: (218 290)/(218 290 2)=508/510=.996Magic Numbers: Determine the number of games yet to be played, add one, then subtract the number of games ahead in the loss column of the standingsfrom the closest opponent. Seattle is 7 games ahead, with 50 games remaining. So here's Seattle's magic number: Games remaining (50) 1=51. 51-7=44.The Mariners' magic number to clinch is 44.。



以下是为⼤家整理的关于《关于棒球和垒球的英语词汇》⽂章,供⼤家学习参考!⼩编推荐:| | | | |baseball 棒球base on balls 四球安全上垒baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场bat 球棒batting order 击球次序batting, hitting 击球base running 跑垒softball 垒球softball field, softball ground 垒球场infield, diamond 内场outfield 外场fair territory 界内地区foul territory 界外地区base line 垒间线base 垒bag 垒垫, 垒包home base 本垒first base ⼀垒second base ⼆垒third base 三垒home plate 本垒板pitcher's plate 投⼿板pitcher's mound (棒球)投⼿⼟墩pitcher's circle (垒球)投⼿圈batter's box 击球员区bench 队员席glove ⼿套, 分指⼿套mask 护⾯helmet 护帽pitcher 投⼿catcher 接⼿fielder 守场员baseman 守垒员infielder 内场⼿first baseman ⼀垒⼿second baseman ⼆垒⼿third baseman 三垒⼿shortstop 游击⼿outfielder 外场⼿batter, hitter 击球员base-runner 跑垒员batter-runner 击跑员designated hitter (DH) 指名击球员coacher 跑垒指导员manager 总教练plate umpire 司球裁判员base umpire 司垒裁判员inning 局次visiting team 先攻队home team 后攻队offensive team 攻队defensive team 守队pitching 投⼿投球throwing 传球catching 接球fielding 防守stealing 偷垒sliding 滑垒strike zone 好球区fair ball 界内球foul ball 界外球illegal pitch 不合法投球illegally batted ball 不合法击球bunt 触击球foul tip 擦棒球bunting 触击swing 挥击ground ball, grounder 地滚球liner, line drive 平直球fly ball 腾空球hit, safety hit 安全打one base hit ⼀垒打two base hit ⼆垒打three base hit 三垒打home run, homer 本垒打sacrifice hit 牺牲打sacrifice bunt 牺牲触击sacrifice fly 牺牲腾空球squeeze bunt 抢分触击run and hit, hit and run 击跑配合战术safe 安全上垒struck-out 三击出局run, score 得分put-out 接杀out, down, away 出局。



1 (adjudged)判定2 (appeal)申诉3 (balk)投手犯规4 (ball)坏球5 (base)垒位6 (base coach)跑垒指导员7 (base on balls)四坏球上垒8 (batter)击球员9 (batter runner)击跑员10 (batter's box)击球区11 (battery)投接搭档12 (bench or dugout)队员席13 (bunt)触击球14 (called game)中止比赛15 (catch)接住16 (catcher)接手17 (catcher's box)接手区18 (club)俱乐部19 (coach)教练员20 (dead ball)死球21 (defense of defensive)守队或守队队员22 (double header)连赛两场23 (double play)双杀24 (force double play)双封杀25 (reverse force double play)封触双杀26 (dougout)队员席27 (fair ball)界内球28 (fair territory)界内地区29 (fielder)守场员30 (fielder's choice)守场员选杀31 (fly ball)高飞球32 (force play)封杀33 (forfeited game)弃权比赛34 (foul ball)界外球35 (foul territory)界外地区36 (foul tip)擦棒被接球37 (ground ball)地滚球38 (home team)主队或后攻队39 (illegal or illegally)不合法40 (illegal pitch)不合法投球41 (infielder)内场手42 (infield fly)内场高飞球43 (in flight)飞行状态44 (in jeopardy)出局危险45 (inning)局46 (interference)妨碍行为47 (league)联盟(协会)48 (legal or legally)合法49 (line driver)平直球50 (live ball)活球51 (manager)经理(总教练)52 (obstruction)阻挡53 (offense or offensive)攻队或攻队队员54 (official scorer)正式记录员55 (out)出局56 (outfielder)外场手57 (overslide of oversliding)滑出垒位58 (penalty)罚则59 (the person of a player or an umpire)运动员或裁判员的身体60 (pitch)投球61 (pitcher)投手62 (the pitcher's pivot foot)投手的轴心脚63 (play)比赛开始或继续比赛64 (protest)提出抗议65 (quick return pitch)急投66 (regulation game)正式比赛67 (retouch)再踏垒68 (run or score)得分69 (run down)夹杀70 (runner)跑垒员71 (safe)安全72 (set position)侧身投球73 (squeeze play)抢分触击74 (strike)好球(击)75 (strike zone)好球区76 (suspended game)改期续赛77 (tag)触及(触杀)78 (throw)传球79 (tie game)平局比赛80 (time)暂停81 (touch)碰触82 (triple play)三杀83 (wild pitch)暴投84 (wind-up position)正面投球。





那么,你知道棒球的英语怎么写吗?棒球[bàng qiú]棒球的英文释义:baseball 英 [ ˈbeɪsbɔ:l ] 美 [ ˈbesˌbɔl ]horsehide 英['hɔ:shaɪd]美['hɔ:sˌhaɪd]inning 英[ˈɪnɪŋ]美[ˈɪnɪŋ]棒球的英文例句:我们打棒球如何?Suppose we play baseball.他上个月加入棒球队,现在他每天都在打棒球。

He joined the school basketball team last year.星期二的棒球赛是今年最重要的棒球赛。

The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.棒球投手一直抱怨弹性好的棒球。

The pitchers keep complaining about the rabbitabll.我们在给学院的棒球队加油。

We're rooting for the college baseball team.我们家乡的棒球队夺得州际棒球冠军的头衔。

Our hometown baseball team captured the state baseball championship title.他们小时候打过棒球。

They played baseball when they were children.他们正在公园里打棒球。

They are playing baseball in the garden.那里的人们非常喜欢棒球。

People there like baseball very much.1. He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field. 他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。



1. Batter - 攻击者,指击球员
2. Pitcher - 投手,负责投球的球员
3. Catcher - 接球员,负责接住投手投出的球
4. Outfielder - 外野手,站在外场守备的球员
5. Infielder - 内野手,站在内场守备的球员
6. Home run - 本垒打,击球员将球击出界外并跑完所有垒
7. Base - 垒,击球员跑动的目标
8. Run - 得分,击球员跑完所有垒后的成绩
9. Strikeout - 三振出局,击球员三次未能成功击球而出局
10. Double play - 双杀,守备方在一次击球中成功送出两个出局的动作
11. Fly ball - 高飞球,击球后球在空中飞行的球
12. Ground ball - 地滚球,击球后球沿着地面滚动的球
13. Foul ball - 犯规球,击球后球落在界外线外的球
14. Inning - 回合,棒球比赛中,每队轮流攻守的机会
15. Steal - 盗垒,击球员在不被发现的情况下跑到下一个垒
16. Double - 二垒打,击球员将球击出界外并跑到二垒
17. Triple - 三垒打,击球员将球击出界外并跑到三垒
18. Base on balls - 四振,投手投出四个不好的球导致击球员走垒
19. Sacrifice bunt - 牺牲触击,击球员为了让跑者能够进入下一个垒而自己出局
20. Curveball - 曲线球,一种投球技巧,球以曲线轨迹飞向击球员。






1. Baseball棒球的英语名称是“baseball”。



2. Pitcher在棒球比赛中,投手扮演着极其重要的角色。



3. Batter打击手在棒球比赛中负责面对投手的球,并尽力击打出来。


4. Home Run在棒球中,击球手打出的最佳结果就是“home run”。


这个词组的英文表达方式是“home run”,其中“home”指的是得分的最终目标,而“run”则代表运动员跑完全垒的动作。

5. Infield棒球场地分为内场和外场。



6. Outfield棒球场地中,除了内场之外的区域称为外场。



7. Inning棒球比赛分为9局(9 innings)。



8. Strike当击球手没有击球、击球界定线之前被投手击中球,这就被称为“strike”。



9. Ball当投手投出的球不被击球手触击到,或触击之后落地有异常的弧度或落在投手板之外的位置时,就被称为“ball”。



棒球的英语怎么说1800字Baseball is a popular sport around the world, and it has been played in various countries for many years. The origin of baseball is not clear, but it is widely believed to have originated in the United States during the mid-19th century. Today, the sport is enjoyed by millions of people, with professional leagues in many countries. Here are some key terms and phrases related to baseball:1. Baseball - 棒球Baseball is a game played with a bat, ball and gloves. It is usually played on a field with four bases and a home plate.2. Pitcher - 投手The pitcher is the player who throws the ball to the batter.3. Batter - 打者The batter is the player who tries to hit the ball thrown by the pitcher.4. Home plate - 守垒Home plate is where the batter stands and where the runs are scored.5. Infield - 内野The infield is the area of the playing field enclosed by the four bases.6. Outfield - 外野The outfield is the area of the playing field beyond the infield.7. Strike - 三振A strike is a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or a pitch that crosses over the plate that the batter does not swing at.8. Ball - 好球A ball is a pitch that is outside the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter.9. Hit - 安打A hit is when the batter makes contact with the ball and it goes into play.10. Home run - 全垒打A home run is a hit that allows the batter to circle around all the bases and reach home plate.11. Run - 分A run is scored when a player crosses home plate.12. Double - 二垒安打A double is a hit that allows the batter to reach second base.13. Triple - 三垒安打A triple is a hit that allows the batter to reach third base.14. Walk - 保送A walk is when the pitcher throws four balls, allowing the batter to reach first base.15. Strikeout - 三振出局A strikeout is when the batter gets three strikes and is out.16. Foul - 犯规球A foul is a ball that is hit outside the boundaries of the field.17. Infield fly rule - 内野飞球规则The infield fly rule is a rule that prevents the defense from purposely dropping a pop-up in order to get a double play.18. Tag - 触垒出局Tagging is when a fielder touches the runner with the ball or glove to get him out.19. Force out - 强迫出局A force out is when a fielder touches the base with the ball before the runner can reach it, forcing the runner to be out.20. Double play - 双杀A double play occurs when the defense gets two outs on a single play.21. Triple play - 三杀A triple play occurs when the defense gets three outs on a single play.22. Coaching - 教练组Coaching involves the instruction and guidance of players by coaches.23. Inning - 局An inning is a period of play in which each team gets a turn to bat and play defense.24. Pitch count - 投手球数Pitch count is the number of pitches a pitcher has thrown during a game.25. Bullpen - 投手练球区The bullpen is the area where the pitchers warm up before entering the game.26. Umpire - 裁判An umpire is an official who enforces the rules of the game.27. Plate umpire - 观察员The plate umpire stands behind the catcher and calls balls and strikes.28. Base umpire - 边裁判The base umpire is positioned near the bases and is responsible for making calls on plays at their assigned base.29. Replay - 视频重播A replay is a video review of a play to determine if the call was correct.30. World Series - 世界棒球经典赛The World Series is the championship series of Major League Baseball in North America, played between the American League champion and National League champion.These are just some of the key terms and phrases used in baseball. With this knowledge, you can follow along with games and have a better understanding of the rules and gameplay.。



英文棒球术语術語/ 英文/ 中文解釋A/assists/助殺AB/at bats/打數AL/American League /美國聯盟1B/first baseman/一壘手 / 一壘安打2B/second baseman/二壘手 / 二壘安打3B /third baseman/三壘手 / 三壘安打B/balls/壞球數BA/batting average/打擊率BB/bases on balls/四壞球BF/batters faced/投球人次BFS/batters faced per start/投手過勞指數BK/Balks/投手犯規數BS /blown saves /救援失敗C/catcher/ 捕手CF/center fielder/中外野手CG/complete games/完投場次CS/ caught stealing/盜壘失敗DH/designated hitter/指定打擊DL/disabled list/受傷名單DP /double plays/雙殺E/errors/失誤ER/earned runs/投手責任失分ERA/ earned run average/投手防禦率FA/ free agents/自由球員FB/fly balls hit against pitcher/投手被擊出飛球FPCT/fielding percentage /守備率G/games/出賽次數GF/grounders to flies ratio/滾地球對飛球之比率GB/games behind ; groundballs/球隊勝差 ; 投手被擊出滾地球GDP/times grounded into double plays/擊出雙殺打的次數GM/general manager/球隊總教練GS/ games started /投手先發場次H/hits ; holds/安打 / 投手被安打 ; 中繼成功HBP/hit by pitch/觸身球HP/times hit by pitch/觸身球次數HR /home runs/全壘打 ; 投手被全壘打IBB/intentional bases on balls/故意四壞球IF/infielder/ 內野手IP/innings pitched/投球局數IR/inherited runners//救援投手上場時已在壘上的跑者INT/Interference/妨礙IS/ inherited runners who scored/救援投手讓 IR 得分的數量K /killed 三振 / 打擊手被三振L/loses/敗投 / 敗場LF/left fielder/左外野手LOB/ left on bases /殘壘數MLB/Major League Baseball/美國職棒大聯盟MVP/ most valuable player/最有價值球員NL/ National League/ 國家聯盟OB/妨礙跑壘OBP/on base percentage/上壘率 / 投手被上壘率OF/ outfielder /外野手PA/plate appearances/打席PO/put outs/使出局數PPO/pitcher pickoffs/投手牽制成功數PSS/ probability of a successful steal/盜壘成功率R/runs//得分 / 投手失分RBI/runs batted in/ 打者打點 / 投手被打點RF/right fielder/右外野手ROY/Rookie Of the Year/年度新人王RPA/ run production average/攻分率SB/stolen bases/盜壘成功 / 投手被盜壘數SF/sacrifice flies/高飛犧牲打數 / 投手被高飛犧牲打數SH/sacrifice hits/犧牲觸擊 / 投手被犧牲觸擊數SHO/shoutouts/投手完封場數SLG/slugging percentage/長打率 / 投手被長打率SO/strike outs/三振 / 打擊手被三振SP/save points/救援點SS/shortstop/游擊手SV/saves/救援成功SVOP/ save opportunities /救援成功率TA/total average/ 攻擊率TB/total bases/壘打數TBF/total batters faced/投球人次TC/ total chances/守備機會W/wins ; walks/勝投 / 勝場 ; 保送 / 打擊手被保送WP/wild pitches/暴投WS /World Series/美國大聯盟冠軍賽(世界大賽)名詞解釋Umpire = 裁判Head Coach = 總教練Line Up = 先發陣容Rosters = 球隊陣容Head Coach = 總教練Pitching Coach = 投手教練Bating Coach = 打擊教練Rotatino = 先發投手輪替序SP/ Starting Pitcher = 先發投手RP/ Relief Pitcher = 中繼投手CP/ Closer (Closer Pitcher) = 救援投手INF/ Infielder = 內野手OF/ Outfielder = 外野手Bench Player = 替補選手Utility Player = 非先發選手C/ Catcher = 捕手1B/ First Baseman = 一壘手2B/ Second Baseman = 二壘手3B/ Third Baseman = 三壘手SS/ Short Stop = 游擊手LF/ Left Fielder = 左外野手CF/ Center Fielder = 中外野手RF/ Right Fielder = 右外野手DH/ Designated Hitter = 指定打者PH/ Pinch Hitter = 代打PR/ Pinch Runner = 代跑Switch Hitter = 左右開弓打者Lefty (美俚語) = 左投手Lead Off Man (美俚語) = 一棒打者Slugger (美俚語) = 指長打力很強的打者Clean Up Batter (美俚語) = 指具有高打點能力的打者Batting Up = 站上打擊區統計篇打擊及防守部分:AB/ At Bat = 上場打擊次數SO(打者統計)/K(投手統計)/ Strike Out = 三振H/ Hit = 安打數DB/ Double/ 2 Base Hit = 二壘安打TB/ Tripple/ 3 Base Hit = 三壘安打HR/ HomeRun = 全壘打R/ Run = 得分RBI/ Runner Batted In = 打點G/ Game/ GP/ Game Played = 出賽場數SH/ Sacrifice Hi = 犧牲打SF/ Sacrifice Fly = 高飛犧牲打FO/ Fly Out = 飛球GO/ Ground Out = 滾地球SB/ Steal Base = 盜壘DPB/ Double Play Bat = 雙殺打SLG/ Sluggling Percentage= 長打率AVG/ Batting Average = 打擊率OBP/ On Base Percentage = 上壘率GWH/ Game Wining Hit = 勝利打點E/ Error = 失誤DP/ Double Play = 雙殺TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺A/ Assist = 助殺FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊Back to Back Homerun = 連續兩棒擊出全壘打Grand Slam = 滿壘全壘打Solo Homerun/ Solo Shot (美俚語) = 陽春全壘打3 Run Blast (美俚語) = 三分全壘打Go Ahead Run = 超前分Go Ahead Homerun = 超前分全壘打Tied Run = 追平分Scoring Pisition = 得點圈Runner = 跑者Ground Rule Double = 場外二壘打Infield Hit = 內野安打Line Drive = 平飛打Infield Fly = 內野高飛球Base Hit = 一壘安打Off the Wall = 擊中全壘打強的球Bunt = 觸擊短打Squeeze Play = 以犧牲短打來使三壘跑者回本壘得分Hit and Run = 打帶跑Short Hop = 很近防守員的低彈跳球Charge = 趨前防守Diving Catch = 飛撲防守Frozen Hit (美俚語) = 指非常強勁的穿越安打Hit to Another Zip Code (美俚語) = 指場外全壘打Fair = 界內Foul = 界外投手部分:ERA/ Earned Run Average = 投手防禦率IP/ Inning Pitched = 投球局數CG/ Complete Game = 完投SHO/ Shout Out = 完封GS/ Game Started = 先發場數DB/ Dead Ball/ HIP/ Hit by Pitch = 死球BB/ Base Balled/ Walk/ = 四壞球B/ Bulk = 投手犯規R/ Run = 失分ER/ Earned Run = 自責分SV/ Save = 救援成功H/ 被安打(如此項統計數字在投手)W/ Win = 勝場L/ Lose = 敗場Wild Pitch = 暴投Perfect Game = 完全比賽Heater (美俚語) = 指快速直球Off Speed (美俚語) = 指慢速球Breaking Ball (美俚語) = 指變化球Chin Music (美俚語) = 指非常近打者頸部以上的球Pitch Out = 牽制出局。




以下是店铺为大家整理的关于棒球的英文短语,欢迎阅读!关于棒球的英文短语精选:1. 棒球得分 run; score;2. 棒球防守 fielding;3. 棒球封杀 force out;4. 棒球滑垒 sliding;5. 棒球攻队 offensive team;6. 棒球垒垫 bag;7. 棒球内场 infield; diamond;8. 棒球内场手 infielder;9. 棒球跑垒 base running;10. 棒球跑垒员 base-runner;关于棒球的英文短语大全:1. 棒球棒 bat;2. 棒球本垒 home base;3. 棒球本垒板 home plate;4. 棒球本垒打 home run; homer;5. 棒球边线 foul line;6. 棒球不合法击球 illegally batted ball;7. 棒球不合法投球 illegal pitch;8. 棒球侧身投球法 set up position;9. 棒球场 baseball field;10. 棒球出局 out; down; away;11. 棒球传球 throwing;12. 棒球触击 swing;13. 棒球触杀 touch out;14. 棒球三击不中出局 strikeout;15. 棒球三杀 triple play; triple kill;16. 棒球守场员 fielder;17. 棒球守队 defensive team;18. 棒球守垒员 baseman;19. 棒球手套 mitt; mit;20. 棒球双杀 double play; double kill;21. 棒球四球安全上垒 base on balls;22. 棒球投手 pitcher;23. 棒球投手投球 pitching;24. 棒球偷垒 stealing;25. 棒球外场 outfield;26. 棒球外场手 outfielder;27. 棒球先攻队 visiting team;28. 棒球游击手 shortstop;29. 棒球右外野手 right fielder;30. 棒球运动 baseball;31. 棒球正面投球法 wind-up position;32. 棒球中坚手 centre fielder;33. 棒球左外野手 left fielder34. 棒球后攻队 home team;35. 棒球挥击 bunting;36. 棒球击球 batting; hitting;37. 棒球击球员 batter; hitter;38. 棒球击球区 batter's box;39. 棒球击球准备区 on deck circle;40. 棒球夹杀 run down;41. 棒球接球 catching;42. 棒球接杀 put-out;43. 棒球接手 catcher;44. 棒球接手区 catcher's box;45. 棒球界内球 fair ball;46. 棒球界外球 foul ball;。






“安打(Base hit)”是指当球手用棒把球击中之后,把至少一个垒跑过去,而不是被守备手抓住的击球。





守备可以是守备的投球(pitching)、内野衔接(infielder connecting)、外野抛掷(outfielder heave)等等。




关键时刻(clutch moment)是指球员在比赛结果关键的时候,能够在此短暂的时间里,表现出最佳的能力,得到良好的结果。






クリーンアップトリオ clean up trio 扫垒安打3人小组(能用安打把跑垒员全部送回本垒的击球员,一般指第三、四、五号击球员)
クリーンヒット clean hit 漂亮的一击,跑垒员全部回本垒
クローズドスタンス closed stance 击球员两脚小开立姿势
クロスプレー close play 比分接近的比赛
スクイズ squeeze 强迫战术
スクイズバンド squeeze bunt 抢分牺牲打
スクリューボール screw ball 内曲旋转球
スコアブック score book 记录本、记分册、比赛成绩册
スコアボード score board 记录板、记分牌、得分揭示板
スコアラ scorer 记录员、记分员
バッター交替 换击球员
バッター・ボックス batter box 撃球区
バッティング batting 击球,击球动作
バッテリー battery 投接手(投手与接手的总称)
バット bat 球棒
バンド 触撃球
バントヒット bunt hit 触击球,轻击球
ビーンボール bean ball 投手故意投向击球员头部的球
サスペンデッドゲーム suspended game 保留比赛(暂停后继续比赛)
左翼手 さよくしゅ 左外野手
さよなら勝ち さよならがち 最后一局守队得分决定胜负
三振 さんしん 三撃不中
三塁手 さんるいしゅ 三垒手
三塁打 さんるいだ 三垒打
シートノック seat knock 防守练习
スライディング 滑垒
スラッガー slugger 强击手,长打击球员,高水平的击球员



2016初中英语单词分类大全:体育运动—棒球baseball 棒球baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场softball 垒球softball field, softball ground 垒球场infield, diamond 内场outfield 外场fair territory 界内地区foul territory 界外地区foul line 边线base line 垒间线base 垒bag 垒垫,垒包home base 本垒first base 一垒second base 二垒third base 三垒home plate 本垒板pitcher’s plate 投手板pitcher’s mound 投手土墩pitcher’s circle 投手圈batter’s box 击球员区on deck circle 击球员预备区catcher’s box 接手区coacher’s box跑垒指导员区bench, dug-out 队员席bull-pen 候补投手练习区glove 手套,分指手套milt 合指手套bat 球棒mask 护面chest protector 护胸leg protector 护腿supporter 护裆helmet 护帽baseball player 棒球运动员softball player 垒球运动员pitcher 投手catcher 接手fielder 守场员baseman 守垒员infielder 内场手first baseman 一垒手second baseman 二垒手third baseman 三垒手shortstop 游击手outfielder 外场手batter, hitter 击球员base-runner 跑垒员batter-runner 击跑员relief pitcher 候援投手designated hitter 指名击球员coacher 跑垒指导员manager 总教练plate umpire 司球裁判员base umpire 司垒裁判员inning 局次visiting team 先攻队home team 后攻队offensive team 攻队defensive team 守队pitching 投手投球windup position 正面投球法set up position 侧身投球法。



Baseball,Softball棒球,垒球Baseball,Softball 棒球,垒球Essential Terms 常用术语aboard在垒上ace棒球队中最好的投手advance进垒advance on throwing随球进垒aerial腾空球all-out三人出局anchor the right foot固定右脚assist助杀assists助杀次数at bat上场击球bag垒垫backhand反手接球back up策应者,后援ball and strike indicator球击计算器ball count投球计数balk投手犯规base垒base hit安全打bases jammed满垒base line垒线baseman守垒员base on balls四坏球自由上垒base path跑垒道base- runner跑垒员base-running跑垒base stealing偷垒base umpire司垒裁判员bat球棒bat bag球棒袋bat boy替运动员捡棒和带棒的小童batsmanship击球技术batter out击球员出局batter's box击球员区batter's line击球员区线batter's record击球员的成绩batter up击球员就位batting average击球率batting center 击球练习场batting eye击球员眼力batting order击球员上场顺序batting tee击球座batsman击球员belly button dries腰腹部练习bender曲线球bird dog地方球探bleacher露天看台bull-pen squad候补队员bushier新手cage活动的档网,棒球练习馆catch接球catcher接手catcher's box接手区center fielder中外场员。



Baseball Basics: LingoA fan's guide to commonly-used terms and phrases.ace -- A team's best starting pitcher.alley-- The section of the outfield between the outfielders. Also "gap."around the horn-- A double play going from third base to second to first. backdoor slider -- A pitch that appears to be out of the strike zone, but then breaks back over the plate.bag -- A base.bang-bang play -- A play in which the baserunner hits the bag a split-second before the ball arrives or vice versa.basket catch -- When a fielder catches a ball with his glove near belt level. brushback -- A pitch that nearly hits a batter.bush -- Also "bush league." An amateur play or behavior.can of corn -- An easy catch by a fielder.caught looking -- When a batter is called out on strikes.cellar -- Last place. Also "basement."cheese -- Also "good cheese." Refers to a good fastball.chin music -- A pitch that is high and inside.circus catch -- An outstanding catch by a fielder.closer -- A team's relief pitcher who finishes the game.cutter -- A cut fastball (one with a late break to it).cycle -- When a batter hits a single, double, triple and home run in the same game.dinger -- A home run.dish -- Home plate.fungo -- A ball hit to a fielder during practice. It's usually hit by a coach using a "fungo bat," which is longer and thinner than a normal bat.gap -- See "alley." A ball hit here is a "gapper."heat -- A good fastball. Also "heater."high and tight -- Referring to a pitch that's up in the strike zone and inside on a hitter. Also known as "up and in."hill -- Pitcher's mound.homer -- A home run. Other terms include: blast, dinger, dong, four-bagger, four-base knock, moon shot, tape-measure blast and tater.hot corner -- Third base.in the hole -- The batter after the on-deck hitter.jam -- When a hitter gets a pitch near his hands, he is "jammed." Also when a pitcher gets himself in trouble, he is in a "jam."leather -- Refers to how good a player plays defensively or handles the glove. Ex: "He flashed some leather on that play."nail down -- As in "nail down a victory." Refers to a relief pitcher finishing off the game.on the screws -- When a batter hits the ball hard. Also "on the button." pepper -- Pepper is a common pre-game exercise where one player bunts brisk grounders and line drives to a group of fielders who are standing about 20 feet away. The fielders try to throw it back as quickly as possible. The batter hits the return throw.pick -- A good defensive play by an infielder on a ground ball. Also a shortened version of "pick-off."punchout -- A strikeout.ribbie -- Another way of saying RBI. Also "ribeye."rope -- A hard line drive hit by a batter. Also "frozen rope."rubber game -- The deciding game of a series.run-down -- When a baserunner gets caught between bases by the fielders. seeing-eye single -- A soft ground ball that finds its way between infielders for a base hit.set-up man -- A relief pitcher who usually enters the game in the 7th or 8th inning.shoestring catch -- A running catch made just above the fielder's shoe-tops. southpaw -- A left-handed pitcher.sweet spot -- The part of the bat just a few inches from the barrel.table setter -- Batter whose job is to get on base for other hitters to drive him in. Usually a leadoff or No. 2 hitter.tape-measure blast -- An extremely long home run.tater -- A home run.Texas Leaguer -- A bloop hit that drops between an infielder and outfielder. touch 'em all -- Hitting a home run (touching all the bases).twin killing -- A double play.utility player -- A player who fills in at many positions.wheelhouse -- A hitter's power zone. Usually a pitch waist-high and over the heart of the plate.wheels -- A ballplayer's legs.whiff -- Strikeout.Baseball Basics: AbbreviationsHitting”? 2B - Doubles”? 3B - Triples”? AB - At Bats”? AB/GIDP - At-Bats per Grounded Into Double Play”? AB/HR - At-Bats per Home Run”? AB/RBI - At-Bats per Runs Batted In”? AO - Fly Outs”? AVG - Batting Average”? BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)”? CS - Caught Stealing”? G - Games Played”? GIDP - Ground into Double Plays”? GO - Ground Outs”? GO/AO - Ground Outs/Fly Outs”? GSH - Grand Slam Home Runs”? H - Hits”? HBP - Hit by Pitch”? HR - Home Runs”? IBB - Intentional Walks”? LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations ”? LOB - Left On Base”? NP - Number of Pitches”? OBP - On-base Percentage”? OPS - On-base Plus Slugging Percentage ”? PA/SO - Plate Appearances per Strikeout ”? R - Runs Scored”? RBI - Runs Batted In”? SAC - Sacrifice Bunts”? SB% - Stolen Base Percentage”? SB - Stolen Bases”? SF - Sacrifice Flies”? SLG - Slugging Percentage”? SO - Strikeouts”? TB - Total Bases”? TP - Triple Play”? TPA - Total Plate Appearances”? XBH - Extra Base HitsFielding”? A - Assists”? CS - Caught Stealing”? DER - Defensive Efficiency Rating”? DP - Double Plays”? E - Errors”? FPCT - Fielding Percentage”? G - Games Played”? INN - Innings Played”? OFA - Outfield Assists”? PB - Passed Balls”? PO - Putouts”? RF - Range Factor”? SB - Stolen Bases (allowed)”? TC - Total Chances”? TP - Triple PlaysPitching”? AO - Fly Outs”? APP - Appearances”? AVG - Opponents Batting Average ”? BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)”? BB/9 - Walks per Nine Innings”? BF - Batters Faced”? BK - Balks”? BS - Blown Save”? CG - Complete Games”? CGL - Complete Game Losses”? CS - Caught Stealing”? ER - Earned Runs”? ERA - Earned Run Average”? G - Games Played”? GF - Games Finished”? GIDP - Grounded Into Double Plays ”? GO - Ground Outs”? GO/AO - Ground Outs/ Fly Outs Ratio ”? GS - Games Started”? GSH - Grand Slams”? H - Hits”? H/9 - Hits per Nine Innings”? HB - Hit Batsmen”? HLD - Hold”? HR - Home Runs”? I/GS - Innings Per Games Started ”? IBB - Intentional Walks”? IP - Innings Pitched”? IRA - Inherited Runs Allowed”? K/9 - Strikeouts per Nine Innings”? K/BB - Strikeout/Walk Ratio”? L - Losses”? LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations ”? LOB - Left on Base”? MB/9 - Baserunners per 9 Innings ”? NP - Number of Pitches Thrown”? OBA - On-base Against”? PA - Plate Appearances”? P/GS - Pitches per Start”? P/IP - Pitches per Innings Pitched”? PK - Pick-offs”? R - Runs”? RW - Relief Wins”? SB - Stolen Bases”? SHO - Shutouts”? SLG - Slugging Percentage Allowed”? SO - Strikeouts”? SV - Saves”? SVO - Save Opportunities”? TB - Total Bases”? TP - Triple Plays”? UR - Unearned Runs”? W - Wins”? WHIP - Walks Hits/Innings Pitched”? WP - Wild Pitches”? WPCT - Winning Percentage”? XBA - Extra Base Hits AllowedBaseball Basics: Stats 101Batting Average (AVG): Divide the number of base hits by the total number of at bats.Earned Run Average (ERA): Multiply the total number of earned runs by nine, and divide the results by the total innings pitched. Cliff Lee has allowed 67 runs in 220 innings.Multiply 67 by 9: 67x9=603. Divide 603 by 220 (his innings pitched):603/220=2.74 -- which is his ERA.W-L percentage: Divide the number of games won by the total number of decisions. Roy Halliday has a 16-3 record, Divide his win total(16) by his total number of decisions: (19):16/19=0.842Slugging Percentage (SLG): Divide the total number of bases of all base hits by the total number of times at bat. Jason Bay has 282 total bases and 440at-bats. Divide 282 by 440 to get his slugging percentage: 282/440=.641On-Base Percentage (OBP): Divide the total number of hits plus Bases on Balls plus hits by Pitch BY at Bats plus Bases on Balls plus hit by Pitch plus Sacrifice Flies. In Derek Jeter's 434 at-bats, he has 152 hits, 59 walks, has been hit by 9 pitches, and he's hit 6 sacrifice flies. So here's the formula to determine his OBP: (152 59 9)/(434 59 9 6)=220/508=.433Fielding Average: Divide the total number of putouts and assists by the total number of putouts, assists and errors. Chris Davis has 218 putouts and 290 assists, while committing only 2 errors. So his fielding percentage is: (218 290)/(218 290 2)=508/510=.996Magic Numbers: Determine the number of games yet to be played, add one, then subtract the number of games ahead in the loss column of the standingsfrom the closest opponent. Seattle is 7 games ahead, with 50 games remaining. So here's Seattle's magic number: Games remaining (50) 1=51. 51-7=44.The Mariners' magic number to clinch is 44.。




baseball常用的词汇搭配举例:play baseball(打棒球);baseball pitch(棒球投掷);baseball player(棒球运动员);baseball team(棒球队)。

一、读音英 ['beɪsbɔːl],美 ['beɪsbɔːl]二、释义n. (名词)1.棒球,垒球2.棒球运动三、短语搭配baseball player棒球运动员;棒球选手;棒球运带动;棒球运发动baseball park棒球场;棒球乐园Baseball rules棒球规则baseball leather棒球革;皮革类英语;棒球用皮Baseball Philippines菲律宾棒球联盟baseball pass快攻时;单手肩上;长传;正手传球baseball glove棒球手套;棒球运动手套图片;棒球分指手套Slugger Baseball棒球打星星;棒球训练营;棒球Baseball Boys野球孩子;棒球少年四、双语例句1.A Protective Covering For The Face In Such Sports As Baseball Or Football Or Hockey.在棒球、橄榄球、曲棍球等运动项目中保护脸部的面具。

2.The Minor Leagues Of A Sport, Especially Baseball.小棒球联盟一项体育运动的小型俱乐部联合会,尤指棒球。

3.A Good Swinger Of Baseball Bats.善于挥动棒球球棒的人。

4.Then why do you not like baseball?那你为什么不喜爱棒球?5.Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。


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[教學] 棒球的英文用語。

1 投手Pitcher / P2 捕手Catcher / C3 一壘手First-Base Man / 1B4 二壘手Second-Base Man / 2B5 三壘手Third-Base Man / 3B6 游擊手Shortstop/ SS7 左外野Left-Fielder / LF8 中外野Center-Fielder / CF9 右外野Right-Fielder / RF[color=Red]棒球術語代碼:[/color]術語/ 英文/ 中文解釋A/assists/助殺AB/at bats/打數AL/American League /美國聯盟1B/first baseman/一壘手/ 一壘安打2B/second baseman/二壘手/ 二壘安打3B /third baseman/三壘手/ 三壘安打B/balls/壞球數BA/batting average/打擊率BB/bases on balls/四壞球BF/batters faced/投球人次BFS/batters faced per start/投手過勞指數BK/Balks/投手犯規數BS /blown saves /救援失敗C/catcher/ 捕手CF/center fielder/中外野手CG/complete games/完投場次CS/ caught stealing/盜壘失敗DH/designated hitter/指定打擊DL/disabled list/受傷名單DP /double plays/雙殺E/errors/失誤ER/earned runs/投手責任失分ERA/ earned run average/投手防禦率FA/ free agents/自由球員FB/fly balls hit against pitcher/投手被擊出飛球FPCT/fielding percentage /守備率G/games/出賽次數GF/grounders to flies ratio/滾地球對飛球之比率GB/games behind ; groundballs/球隊勝差; 投手被擊出滾地球GDP/times grounded into double plays/擊出雙殺打的次數GM/general manager/球隊總教練GS/ games started /投手先發場次H/hits ; holds/安打/ 投手被安打; 中繼成功HBP/hit by pitch/觸身球HP/times hit by pitch/觸身球次數HR /home runs/全壘打; 投手被全壘打IBB/intentional bases on balls/故意四壞球IF/infielder/ 內野手IP/innings pitched/投球局數IR/inherited runners//救援投手上場時已在壘上的跑者INT/Interference/妨礙IS/ inherited runners who scored/救援投手讓IR 得分的數量K /killed 三振/ 打擊手被三振L/loses/敗投/ 敗場LF/left fielder/左外野手LOB/ left on bases /殘壘數MLB/Major League Baseball/美國職棒大聯盟MVP/ most valuable player/最有價值球員NL/ National League/ 國家聯盟OB/妨礙跑壘OBP/on base percentage/上壘率/ 投手被上壘率OF/ outfielder /外野手PA/plate appearances/打席PO/put outs/使出局數PPO/pitcher pickoffs/投手牽制成功數PSS/ probability of a successful steal/盜壘成功率R/runs//得分/ 投手失分RBI/runs batted in/ 打者打點/ 投手被打點RF/right fielder/右外野手ROY/Rookie Of the Year/年度新人王RPA/ run production average/攻分率SB/stolen bases/盜壘成功/ 投手被盜壘數SF/sacrifice flies/高飛犧牲打數/ 投手被高飛犧牲打數SH/sacrifice hits/犧牲觸擊/ 投手被犧牲觸擊數SHO/shoutouts/投手完封場數SLG/slugging percentage/長打率/ 投手被長打率SO/strike outs/三振/ 打擊手被三振SP/save points/救援點SS/shortstop/游擊手SV/saves/救援成功SVOP/ save opportunities /救援成功率TA/total average/ 攻擊率TB/total bases/壘打數TBF/total batters faced/投球人次TC/ total chances/守備機會W/wins ; walks/勝投/ 勝場; 保送/ 打擊手被保送WP/wild pitches/暴投WS /World Series/美國大聯盟冠軍賽(世界大賽) [color=Red]MLB 名詞解釋:[/color]Umpire = 裁判Head Coach = 總教練Line Up = 先發陣容Rosters = 球隊陣容Head Coach = 總教練Pitching Coach = 投手教練Bating Coach = 打擊教練Rotatino = 先發投手輪替序SP/ Starting Pitcher = 先發投手RP/ Relief Pitcher = 中繼投手CP/ Closer (Closer Pitcher) = 救援投手INF/ Infielder = 內野手OF/ Outfielder = 外野手Bench Player = 替補選手Utility Player = 非先發選手C/ Catcher = 捕手1B/ First Baseman = 一壘手2B/ Second Baseman = 二壘手3B/ Third Baseman = 三壘手SS/ Short Stop = 游擊手LF/ Left Fielder = 左外野手CF/ Center Fielder = 中外野手RF/ Right Fielder = 右外野手DH/ Designated Hitter = 指定打者PH/ Pinch Hitter = 代打PR/ Pinch Runner = 代跑Switch Hitter = 左右開弓打者Lefty (美俚語) = 左投手Lead Off Man (美俚語) = 一棒打者Slugger (美俚語) = 指長打力很強的打者Clean Up Batter (美俚語) = 指具有高打點能力的打者Batting Up = 站上打擊區Cy Young Award = 年度最佳投手Rolaids Relief Award = 年度最佳後援投手[color=Red]統計篇:[/color]打擊及防守部分:AB/ At Bat = 上場打擊次數H/ Hit = 安打數DB/ Double/ 2 Base Hit = 二壘安打TB/ Tripple/ 3 Base Hit = 三壘安打HR/ HomeRun = 全壘打R/ Run = 得分RBI/ Runner Batted In = 打點G/ Game/ GP/ Game Played = 出賽場數SH/ Sacrifice Hi = 犧牲打SF/ Sacrifice Fly = 高飛犧牲打FO/ Fly Out = 飛球GO/ Ground Out = 滾地球SB/ Steal Base = 盜壘DPB/ Double Play Bat = 雙殺打SLG/ Sluggling Percentage= 長打率AVG/ Batting Average = 打擊率OBP/ On Base Percentage = 上壘率GWH/ Game Wining Hit = 勝利打點E/ Error = 失誤DP/ Double Play = 雙殺TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺A/ Assist = 助殺FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊Back to Back Homerun = 連續兩棒擊出全壘打Grand Slam = 滿壘全壘打Solo Homerun/ Solo Shot (美俚語) = 陽春全壘打3 Run Blast (美俚語) = 三分全壘打Go Ahead Run = 超前分Go Ahead Homerun = 超前分全壘打Tied Run = 追平分Scoring Pisition = 得點圈Runner = 跑者Ground Rule Double = 場外二壘打Infield Hit = 內野安打Line Drive = 平飛打Infield Fly = 內野高飛球Base Hit = 一壘安打Off the Wall = 擊中全壘打強的球DP/ Double Play = 雙殺TP/ Tripple Play = 三殺CS/ Caught Stealing = 阻殺A/ Assist = 助殺FLD/ Fielding Percentage = 守備率Hit a Cycle: 完全打擊Bunt = 觸擊短打Squeeze Play = 以犧牲短打來使三壘跑者回本壘得分Hit and Run = 打帶跑Short Hop = 很近防守員的低彈跳球Charge = 趨前防守Diving Catch = 飛撲防守Frozen Hit (美俚語) = 指非常強勁的穿越安打Hit to Another Zip Code (美俚語) = 指場外全壘打Fair = 界內Foul = 界外[color=Red]投手部分:[/color]ERA/ Earned Run Average = 投手防禦率IP/ Inning Pitched = 投球局數CG/ Complete Game = 完投SHO/ Shout Out = 完封GS/ Game Started = 先發場數DB/ Dead Ball/ HIP/ Hit by Pitch = 死球BB/ Base Balled/ Walk/ = 四壞球B/ Bulk = 投手犯規R/ Run = 失分ER/ Earned Run = 自責分SV/ Save = 救援成功H/ 被安打(如此項統計數字在投手)W/ Win = 勝場L/ Lose = 敗場Wild Pitch = 暴投Perfect Game = 完全比賽Heater (美俚語) = 指快速直球Off Speed (美俚語) = 指慢速球Breaking Ball (美俚語) = 指變化球Chin Music (美俚語) = 指非常近打者頸部以上的球Pitch Out = 牽制出局。
