



【摘要】本文介绍了应用电动汽车仿真软件PSAT 5.1对日本丰田公司的混合动力轿车Prius的仿真技术,它包括分析PSAT采用前向仿真方法对Prius的建模过程,Prius轿车的动力系统结构和仿真参数.最后给出了仿真结果,并进行了具体分析.该文能为企业设计混合动力轿车提供参考.
1.电动汽车的仿真软件及其应用 [J], 仇建华;张珍;陈刚
2.电动汽车仿真软件PSAT [J], 张翔;赵韩;钱立军;张炳力
3.电动汽车仿真软件ADVISOR的应用 [J], 张翔;赵韩;钱立军;张炳力
4.电动汽车仿真软件PSAT [J], 张翔;赵韩;钱立军;张炳力
5.纯电动汽车电动机性能仿真软件设计 [J], 范例;田晓雪



A 版新能源汽车Prius 混合动力系统分析李建如 (上汽股份汽有限公司技术中心)孙 芳 (哈尔滨工业大学)【摘要】 介绍P ri us 混合动力系统的结构,按照传统工况对车辆进行了试验,并由此对混合动力系统的控制策略进行了分析。

【主题词】 混合动力 汽车 分析尽管我国汽车零部件产业总体水平有了很大提高,但仍然严重滞后于整车发展,尚未摆脱弱、小、散的局面。




(玉 争)收稿日期:2007-03-131 Prius 简介第一代Pri u s 于1997年12月在日本上市,2000年进行小改款后面向北美和欧洲销售,2003年9月推出了第2代车型。

表1给出了两代Prius 的主要参数。


与第1代相比,第2代Pri u s 增加了电动空调、一键式起动等功能。

本文的主要研究对象为2001款Pri u s ,但未考虑空调工作状态对控制策略的影响,也未考虑电机和电池的工作效率。

2 P ri us 混合动力系统结构Pri u s 采用混联式的机械结构,包括2个电机,即MG1和MG2,MG1主要用于调速,MG2主要作为驱动电机,2个电机均可以作为发电机和电动机。



















混合动力电动汽车的动力系统设计与仿真一、本文概述随着全球对环境保护和能源可持续发展的日益关注,混合动力电动汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV)作为一种能够有效降低燃油消耗、减少尾气排放并提升能源利用效率的交通工具,受到了广泛的关注和研究。











二、混合动力电动汽车概述混合动力电动汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicles, HEVs)是一种结合了传统内燃机车辆和纯电动车辆优点的汽车类型。






超轻度混合动力传动系统建模和仿真惠金芹;郭家田;张伯俊【摘要】分析超轻度混合动力汽车及其传动系统,采用键合图理论,建立了超轻度混合动力汽车高速纯无级调速工况下的整车传动系统键合图模型,列出高速挡传动系统的状态方程.建立整车控制仿真模型,制定高速挡控制策略并进行了仿真分析.%The paper analyzes the super-mild hybrid electric vehicle and its transmission system, and by the bond graph theory, the whole machine bond graph model of the super-mild hybrid electric vehicle under the high-speed pure stepless speed regulating condition is established, with the state equation for high-speed transmission system formed. The simulation model for whole vehicle control is established, and high-speed block control strategy is formulated, with simulation analysis as well in the paper.【期刊名称】《起重运输机械》【年(卷),期】2012(000)010【总页数】4页(P16-19)【关键词】混合动力汽车;传动系统;键合图;仿真【作者】惠金芹;郭家田;张伯俊【作者单位】山东科技职业学院汽车与工程系,潍坊261053;山东科技职业学院汽车与工程系,潍坊261053;天津职业技术师范大学汽车与交通学院,天津300222【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U463.20 引言超轻度混合动力汽车通过采用新的传动方式和匹配控制策略[1],所需电机功率小,传动效率及能量回收率高,可降低节能减排所需的成本,结构布局如图1所示。

















驾驶意图识别模型是在MATLAB/Simulink 环境下建立的,驾驶意图识别仿真模型如图2所示,运用MATLAB 中模糊逻辑工具箱建立驱动意图识别模块、制动意图识别模块,分别对驱动意图、制动意图进行识别,最后输出识别结果[3]。


MATLAB 模糊工具箱如图3所示,它包括了输入变量编辑窗口(input1)、模糊规则编辑窗口以及输出变量编辑窗口(output1),通过菜单选项(edit )可以增加或减少输入输出编辑窗口。




图1驾驶意图识别过程图2驾驶意图识别仿真模型图3MATLAB 模糊工具箱踏板开度隶属度函数如图5所示。










r o值上 下 波 动 。波动 频 率 决 定 于汽 车 动 力 学
/( — — 4 0:
2 :
( s )
(4 1)
系 统 的结 构参 数 ,也 是表 征 汽车 操 纵稳 定 性 的一 个重 要 参数 。
4 进 入 稳态 所经 历 的时 间
z +4 ( s+ ( +Ⅳ ) Z s _ )
N BC + 2 s
2 2
3 E S 力学方程和车辆横摆 角速度对转 P动 向盘转 角的传递 函数
3 1 E S动 力学方 程 . P
R +N 古 2 +
j2 s N 36 LN 6 2y d N 十 N t l

N k 2 s ̄ k{ 3 a + . O +y ed+ K
中图 分 类 号 :U 6 .4 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 17 .8 1 0 20 .7 .4 43 4 6 24 0 ( 1 )10 00 2
随 着汽 车 工业 的发展 ,人们 对现 代 汽车 提 出 了更高 的要求 。不仅 要 求有 良好 的动力 性 、安 全
性 ,对 其 经济 性 、操 纵稳 定 性和 舒 适性 也逐 渐 重
7 0
机 电技 术
21 年 2 02 月
基 于 P D控制 的混合动 力客车循环 球式 E S建模 与仿 真 I P
丁 志 刚 宋 洪烈
( 建工程学院机 电及 自动化工程系 ,福建 福州 3 00 ) 福 5 18 摘 要:建立 了混合动 力客车用循环球式 电动 助力转 向系统( P ) E S主要模块 的数学模型 ,并在 此基 础之上 ,结合汽
( 2 + + 2 警
2  ̄ 3 s () N N K S +Ⅳ2 3 Ⅳ : O( Ⅳ3 k ) 十


( b) 第三代 PRIUS 传动系统结构 1 发动机 ; 2 扭转减振器 ; 3 MG 1 ; 4 动力分离装置 ; 5 MG 2 ; 6 传动链 ; 7 中 间齿轮 ; 8 主减速器齿轮 ; 9 驱动桥 ; 10 MG 2 减速齿轮 图2 PRIUS 传动系统结构
位 kg/ s。 2. 2 动力分离装置 行星齿轮机构作为动力分离装置, 是混联混合动力 汽车传动系统的重要部件。它包括 3 个元件: 太阳轮 ( Sun gear) 、 行星架( Carrier) 和齿圈 ( Ring gear) , 如图 4 所 示。元件之间通过轮齿啮合连接在一起, 假设太阳轮啮 合半径 S , 齿圈啮合半径 R, 齿圈旋转角速度 r 、 太阳轮 旋转角速度 s , 行星架旋转角速度 c, 行星轮自转角速 度
Abstract It is basic and essential work to establish the system model for the development , simulation and opti mizat ion of powertrain and energy management of the hybrid electric vehicle. The powertrain architecture is analyzed for understanding the basic principle and difference among hybrid powertrin system of the three generat ions of Toyota/ PRIUS. The powertain, power split mechanism, motor/ generator and traction battery model are constructed. Model of kinematics, dynamics and conservation law of the Toyota/ PRIUS hybrid electric vechical powertrain system are con structed based on a uniform powertrain archit ecture. Key words Hybrid electric vehicle Modeling Powertrain system Planetary gear ( Toyota Hybrid System) 采用 了由动力分离装置将并联 式混合系统和串联式混合系统组合在一起的混联式结 构, 具有较好的燃油效率和行驶性能。该系统由发动 机、 蓄电池、 发电机、 电动机、 动力分离装置、 动力控制 单元组成, 如图 1 所示。动力分离装置采用行星齿轮 机构 , 可以将发动机的动力分成两部分 , 一部分用来直 接驱动车轮, 另一部分用来发电, 给电动机供应电力和 给蓄电池充电。 第一代和第二代 PRIUS 的传动系统采用的是四轴 结构, 如图 2a 所示。发动机、 扭转减振器、 动力分离装 置、 电动/ 发电机 MG 1 和电动 / 发电机 MG 2 布置在第 1 轴上 , 第 1、 2 轴之间通过传动链连接, 第 2、 3 轴之间为 中间齿轮 , 第 3、 第 4 轴之间为主减速器齿轮。动力分 离装置采用了行星齿轮机构, 发动机与行星架相连 , 电 动/ 发电机 MG 1 与太阳轮相连 , 电动/ 发电 机 MG 2 与 齿圈相连。动力分离装置按照一定的控制策略将发动 机的动力分配给 MG 1 和 MG 2, MG 2 通过传动链、 中间 齿轮 和主 减速 器 齿轮 减 速之 后 驱动 车 轮。 第三 代 PRIUS 的传动系统采用了三轴结构, 如图 2b 所示。为



2004093HEV 驱动系统的键合图建模和仿真计算3高海鸥 王仲范 邓亚东(武汉理工大学汽车工程学院,武汉 430070) [摘要] 在深入研究某种混合动力汽车(HEV )驱动系统及其各单元动态特性的相互关系的基础上,运用键合图原理对该系统进行数学建模,并应用Matlab/Simulink 进行仿真计算和研究。

研究表明,所建模型较准确地反映HEV 的动态特性,并发现由于多动力耦合中弹性与柔性耦合影响导致的载荷与运动波动,并证明调整阻尼可有效减小波动。

叙词:混合动力汽车,驱动系统,键合图,建模,仿真Modeling and Simulation for Drive System of HybridElectric Vehicle Based on Bond GraphG ao H aiou ,W ang Zhongfan &Deng YadongSchool of A utomotive Engi neeri ng ,W uhan U niversity of Technology ,W uhan 430070 [Abstract] Based on the principle of bond graph ,a model for the drive system of hybrid electric vehicle(HEV )is set up and a simulation is carried out using Matlab/simulink 1The results show that the bond graph based model can accurately reflect the dynamic characteristics of HEV 1It is also discovered that there are some fluctuations in load and movement ,which however can effectively be reduced by adding an absorber 1K eyw ords :HEV,Drive system ,Bond graph ,Modeling ,Simulation3教育部课题“混合动力电动汽车计算机模拟及设计软件开发”(重点02175)资助。



2 IntroductionFor this project, we examined the transmission described in Patent No. 6837816 for use in a hybrid Toyota Prius. Specifically, we looked at modifying the number of gear teeth, the shift sequence, and the shift time in order to optimize the time to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph using the transmission shown in Figure 2.1.Figure 2.1: Diagram of TransmissionThe transmission is driven by an internal combustion engine (20) and an electric motor (30) with shaft 50 as the output. There are two planetary gear trains and four clutches (61, 62, 63, and 64). We are given sixteen different operating modes, which involve various clutch configurations. Table 2.1 shows all of the possible operational modes.3 Problem StatementThe project objective was to optimize the time required for a Toyota Prius to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph using the transmission described.There are three parameters used for the optimization: the number of teeth of each gear, the shift sequence, and the shift timing.Table 3.1 lists the pertinent parameters as assigned by the Rose-Hulman Mechanical Engineering Department for this project.In order for the transmission to fit the size of the Prius, constraints were imposed on the number of gear teeth to limit the sizes of the gears. The number of teeth on the ring gear was no more than 150 teeth. As a minimum, the number of teeth on either the planet gear or the sun gear was no less than 14 teeth. Using the guidelines for gear train design, the ratios of gear teeth were no greater than 10:1.For the purpose of this project, we made a few additional assumptions. For simplicity, we assumed the clutching changes to be instantaneous. We also assumed that the car wheels were rolling without slip.4 Design CalculationsIn order to analyze the problem, we created a free-body diagram of the Toyota Prius. We made the assumption that the car could be treated as a point mass. The free-body diagram is shown in Figure 4.1.Figure 4.1: Free-Body Diagram of CarFrom this diagram, we applied conservation of linear momentum, that is∑=y F dtdP, in the y-direction to obtain: W N -=0(1)where N is the normal force in lbf and W is the weight in lbf . When simplified, the equation becomesW N =. (2)We also applied conservation of linear momentum, that is ∑=x F dtdP, in the x-direction to obtain:roll Drag Drive carf F F dtdv m--= (3)where Drive F is the driving force of the car in lbf , Drag F is the drag force in lbf , and roll f is the rolling resistance force in lbf . For this project, we assumed that the drag force could be modeled as follows:S v c F car d Drag 221ρ=(4)where d c is the unitless drag coefficient, ρis the density in 3ft slugs, car v is the velocity insft, and S is the projected cross-sectional area in 2ft . We modeled the rolling resistance with the following equation:W C f r roll =(5)where r C is the unitless coefficient of rolling resistance and W is the weight of the car in lbf . This assumes that the vehicle is rolling without slip.To find the driving force, we created a free-body diagram of the wheel. The free-body diagram of the wheel is shown in Figure 4.2.Figure 4.2: Free-Body Diagram of Car WheelWe then applied conservation of angular momentum, that isαI M center =∑, to the system above to getαI T r F Drive wheel Drive =-(6)where Drive F is the driving force in lbf , wheel r is the radius of the car wheel in ft , and Drive T is the drive torque in lbf ft ⋅. In this case, we assumed that αI was negligible since the mass of the wheel is significantly less than the mass of the entire car. Thus, we simplified the equation toDrive wheel Drive T r F =.(7)Further simplification leads to the equationwheelDriveDrive r T F =. (8)The driving torque is governed by the torque of the motor and the gear reductions according to the following equation:final m otor m otor engine engine D rive GR GR T GR T T )(+=(9)where engine GR is the gear reduction of the engine, motor GR is the gear reduction of the motor, and final GR is the final gear reduction. Substituting equation (9) into equation (8) we getwheelfinalmotor motor engine engine Drive r GR GR T GR T F )(+=. (10)In order to find out T , we applied conservation of energy and simplified to get:.engine engine motor motor out outengineengine motor motor out out out engine engine motor motor outout in in outin GR T GR T T T T T T T T T T P P +=+==+=∑=ωωωωωωωω(11)Using all of these equations, we derived a single equation for the motion of the car:W C S v c r GR GR T GR T dt dv mr car d wheel final engine engine motor motor car --+=221)(ρ. (12)In order to limit the possible clutch configurations, we chose to analyze the first four modes only. Motor-only, Power 1, Power 2, and Power 3 are the modes where the torque of the motor is added to the torque of the engine. For other modes, the transmission acts as a generator or braking mechanism or remains stationary. These modes do not provide optimal acceleration capabilities, so we chose to neglect them.For the four modes we analyzed, we calculated the planetary gear ratios using the tables shown in Appendix A. The resulting ratios are shown in Table 4.1.5 Final DesignThe equations derived in the calculations section were modeled using MATLAB and Simulink (see Appendix B) in order to numerically evaluate the performance of the transmission. This enabled us to vary each of the inputs to test different states and configurations of the transmission. By graphically examining each output, we were able to arrive at certain conclusions based on the resulting outcome. This method of guess and check in fact helped us realize certain fundamental properties of the engine, which we may not have otherwise observed. For instance when Power Mode 2 was engaged, it was observed that for whatever shift period it was engaged for, we were getting less performance than with Power Mode 3. This led us to try using a gear shift sequence that actually omitted Power Mode 2 from the sequence. In the end, we were able to get desirable results for our 0 to 60 mph time.After analyzing many different configurations, we arrived at one particular setup, which seemed to be our best option. Although there was no way to test every possible combination by the methods weused, the configuration below seemed to be best we could achieve based on our judgments.6 ResultsBy implementing the values in Table 5.1 in the Simulink model, the optimal 0 to 60 mph time was 8.18 seconds. A graphical representation for the performance of our car during this acceleration period can be seen in Figure 6.1. Table 6.1 lists the initial and final velocities of the car for each clutch sequence.7 Conclusions & RecommendationsOur result of an 8.18 second 0 to 60 mph is an improvement from the current transmission model used in the Toyota Prius. There are a few reasons that our time differs from the current model. Our estimate for the rolling resistance was lenient and assumed the car rolled without slip. In actuality, there would be some slip causing a different approximation for the rolling resistance. Another reason our value differs is that we treated the shift time as instantaneous. To get a better model of the actual car, we should have added the times to shift between clutch configurations. We also assumed the car could be treated as a point mass. The model could be improved by redoing the conservation of linear momentum calculations for a rear wheel drive car. The model could also be improved by incorporating conservation of angular momentum. Despite all of these apparent shortcomings, we believe this transmission design is a reliable and worthwhile representation of the actual hybrid transmission.8 ReferencesTsai, Lung-Wen.; Schultz, Gregory A., Motor Integrated Parallel Hybrid Transmission. US 6,837,816. (4 January 2005).Tsai, L., Schultz, G. and Higuchi, N., “A Novel Parallel Hybrid Transmission,” Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2000.Appendix A: Planetary Gear AnalysisMode No. 1: Motor OnlyRatio: ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=2012021N N out inωω, where m otor in ωω= and 0=engine ωMode No. 2: Power 1 Ratio:⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=2012021N N out inωω, where engine m otor in ωωω==Mode No. 3: Power 2Ratio: ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=201202,1N N out motor in ωωRatio:102101201102202101102101,11N N N N N N N N outenginein +⋅⋅++=ωωMode No. 4: Power 3 Ratio:1=outinωω, where engine m otor in ωωω==Appendix B: Simulink Models Motor Only ModePower 1 ModePower 2 ModePower 3 ModeAppendix C: Matlab Code%************************************************************************* *%Program Description:%The following program calculates the time it takes for a car to accelerate%from 0 to 60 MPH. The program also outputs the initial and final%velocities during each operational mode for the transmission.%%Input: N_101 - number of teeth on sun gear 101% N_102 - number of teeth on ring gear 102% N_103 - number of teeth on planet gear 103% N_201 - number of teeth on sun gear 201% N_202 - number of teeth on ring gear 202% N_203 - number of teeth on planet gear 203% t_final_mo - length of time spent in motor-only mode [s]% t_final_p1 - length of time spent in power 1 mode [s]% t_final_p2 - length of time spent in power 2 mode [s]% t_final_p3 - length of time spent in power 3 mode [s]%%Output: zeroSixtyTime - time for car to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph [s]% velocity_final_mo - velocity at end of motor only interval [mph]% velocity_final_p1 - velocity at end of power 1 interval [mph]% velocity_final_p2 - velocity at end of power 2 interval [mph]% velocity_final_p3 - velocity at end of power 3 interval [mph]%%************************************************************************* *%number of teeth on each gear in the transmission (varied inputs)N_101=65;N_102=125;N_103=(N_102-N_101)/2;N_201=122;N_202=150;N_203=(N_202-N_201)/2;%************************************************************************* *%MOTOR ONLY MODEt_initial_mo=0;t_final_mo=0.3; %length of time in motor-only mode (varied input)v_0_mo=0; %velocity at start of motor only mode [mph]%runs Simulink model for motor only modesim('motor_only',[t_initial_mo,t_final_mo])t_mo=time;velocity_mo=velocity_out;%plots the motor only mode over prescribed length of time%figure(1)%plot(t_mo,velocity_mo)%grid%xlabel('Time [s]')%ylabel('Car velocity in MPH')%title('Motor Only Mode')%velocity at beginning of interval [mph]velocity_initial_mo=velocity_mo(1)%velocity at end of interval [mph]velocity_final_mo=velocity_mo((t_final_mo-t_initial_mo)*100+1)%************************************************************************* *%************************************************************************* *%POWER ONE MODEt_initial_p1=0;t_final_p1=2.72; %length of time in power 1 mode (varied input)v_0_p1=velocity_final_mo*5280/3600; %velocity at start of power 1 mode [mph]%runs Simulink model for power 1 modesim('power_one',[t_initial_p1,t_final_p1])t_p1=time;velocity_p1=velocity_out;%plots the power 1 mode over prescribed length of time%figure(2)%plot(t_p1,velocity_p1)%grid%xlabel('Time [s]')%ylabel('Car velocity in MPH')%title('Power One Mode')%velocity at beginning of interval [mph]velocity_initial_p1=velocity_p1(1)%velocity at end of interval [mph]velocity_final_p1=velocity_p1((t_final_p1-t_initial_p1)*100+1)%************************************************************************* *%************************************************************************* *%%POWER TWO MODEt_initial_p2=0;t_final_p2=0; %length of time in power 2 mode (varied input)v_0_p2=velocity_final_p1*5280/3600; %velocity at start of power 2 mode [mph]%runs Simulink model for power 2 modesim('power_two',[t_initial_p2,t_final_p2])t_p2=time;velocity_p2=velocity_out;%plots the power 2 mode over prescribed length of time%figure(3)%plot(t_p2,velocity_p2)%grid%xlabel('Time [s]')%ylabel('Car velocity in MPH')%title('Power Two Mode')%velocity at beginning of interval [mph]velocity_initial_p2=velocity_p2(1)%velocity at end of interval [mph]velocity_final_p2=velocity_p2((t_final_p2-t_initial_p2)*100+1)%************************************************************************* *%************************************************************************* *%POWER THREE MODEt_initial_p3=0;t_final_p3=6; %length of time in power 3 mode (varied input)v_0_p3=velocity_final_p2*5280/3600; %velocity at start of power 3 mode [mph]%runs Simulink model for power 3 modesim('power_three',[t_initial_p3,t_final_p3])t_p3=time;velocity_p3=velocity_out;%plots the power 3 mode over prescribed length of time%figure(4)%plot(t_p3,velocity_p3)%grid%xlabel('Time [s]')%ylabel('Car velocity in MPH')%title('Power Three Mode')%velocity at beginning of interval [mph]velocity_initial_p3=velocity_p3(1)%velocity at end of interval [mph]velocity_final_p3=velocity_p3((t_final_p3-t_initial_p3)*100+1)%************************************************************************* *runTime = [(t_mo+t_initial_mo)' (t_p1+t_final_mo)' (t_p2+t_final_mo+t_final_p1)' (t_p3+t_final_mo+t_final_p1+t_final_p2)'];runSpeed = [velocity_mo', velocity_p1', velocity_p2', velocity_p3'];%plots velocity of vehicle over total time interval (whole clutch sequence)figure(5)plot(runTime,runSpeed)gridxlabel('Time [s]')ylabel('Car velocity in MPH')title('0-60 MPH')%calculates time to reach 60 mphi = 1;while runSpeed(i) < 60i = i+1;endzeroSixtyTime = runTime(i)%outputsfprintf('\n')fprintf('\n')fprintf('\n')fprintf('N_101 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_101)fprintf('N_102 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_102)fprintf('N_103 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_103)fprintf('N_201 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_201)fprintf('N_202 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_202)fprintf('N_203 = %3.0f teeth\n',N_203)fprintf('\n')fprintf('Motor Only Time: %3.2f sec\n',t_final_mo)fprintf('Power 1 Time: %3.2f sec\n',t_final_p1)fprintf('Power 2 Time: %3.2f sec\n',t_final_p2)fprintf('0-60 Time: %3.2f sec\n',zeroSixtyTime)fprintf('\n')fprintf('Motor Only Final Velocity: %3.2f MPH\n',velocity_final_mo) fprintf('Power 1 Final Velocity: %3.2f MPH\n',velocity_final_p1) fprintf('Power 2 Final Velocity: %3.2f MPH\n',velocity_final_p2) fprintf('Power 3 Final Velocity: %3.2f MPH\n',velocity_final_p3)。



48 km/h 为 1.5 kW, 80 km/h 为 6.4 kW, 125 km/h 为
20.2 kW。
2.1.3 轮胎力学模型
SimDriveline 中 的 轮 胎 模 型 分 别 采 用 的 是 著 名
的 “Magic Formula” 轮胎模型。 轮胎纵向动力为
Fx = Fz〔Dsin{Carctan[B·x-
Q - it
it + i* + Aexp -B·it , (13)
其 中 , Vb 为 电 池 电 压 , E0 为 电 池 恒 定 电 压 , R 为 内阻, i 为电流, K 为极化电阻极化常数, Q 为电
池 容 量 , K Q 为 极 化 电 阻 , K Q it 为 极 化
00 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 转速 /r·min-1
图 3 电动机效率检索表
d dt
1 Ld
vd -
R Ld
id +
Lq Ld
d dt
iq =
1 Lq
vq -
R Lq
iq -
Lq Lq
pωrid -
λpωr Lq

Q - it
Q - it
电 压 , i* 滤 波 后 电 流 , A 为 指 数 区 振 幅 , exp (t)
乙 为指数区电压, it= idt 为电池实际充电量。
3 结论 混合动力汽车零部件的合理匹配对提高发动机
经济性和排放性能具有重要的作用。 通过上述分 析, 笔者对混合动力车进行了纽约城市行驶工况仿 真测试(见图 4), 采用车载排放测试系统, 模拟了 汽车在城市道路中行驶并频繁启停的工作状况, 并



1.混合动力汽车驱动系统仿真 [J], 倪定洲;乔毅;孙再信
2.混合动力汽车快速控制原型系统仿真平台开发 [J], 高建平;葛坚;赵金宝;乔宏冰;郗建国;
3.混合动力汽车快速控制原型系统仿真平台开发 [J], 高建平;葛坚;赵金宝;乔宏冰;郗建国
4.混合动力汽车用镍氢动力电池组的液冷系统仿真与试验研究 [J], 翟力学;储爱华;张彤
5.基于ADVISOR的混合动力汽车动力系统仿真分析 [J], 旷水章;王虎;周阁成因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



新能源汽车基于Matlab/Si m ulink环境四轮驱动混合动力汽车建模与仿真马竞展 左曙光 何志生 (同济大学)【摘要】 介绍了电动汽车的建模和仿真技术,应用Matlab/Si m ulink软件建立了四轮驱动混合动力汽车的仿真模型,基于标准道路行驶循环分析了整车经济性能和排放性能。

【主题词】 电动汽车 混合动力 仿真模型1 前言能源危机和环境污染是当前汽车工业面临的两大主要压力。






2 混合动力车的建模仿真技术混合动力电动汽车仿真的研究是伴随着19世纪60年代几种样车的发展而出现的。



最著名最先进的混合动力汽车软件是美国国家可回收能源实验室开发的ADV I S OR,它基Mat2 lab/Si m ulink的可视化模块示意图编程环境,具有很大的灵活性,可以对任何类型的混合动力电动汽车或内燃机汽车进行建模。





基于Simulink的燃料电池汽车混合动力电驱动系统仿真∗黎永键;赵祚喜;高俊文【摘要】The paper first was analyzed the configuration of the fuel cell vehicle ( FCV) hybrid electric drive system and built the dynamic mathematical model of electric drive systemincluding four modulars:fuel cell system, power battery, electric motor and DC/DC converter. The least squares method was used to estimate the model, and the estimation results under typical working conditions were showed the model accuracy. The power parameters of main components were designed and control strategies in different situations were presented according to the design purpose. Then a forward looking simulation model for electric drive system was designed based on the Simulink software platform. Simulation results confirm that the simulation model is powerful, economical and stable, which can lay a foundation for the further research of the whole FCV.%首先分析了燃料电池汽车混合动力电驱动系统基本结构并给出了等效电路,建立了电驱动系统的动态数学模型,主要包括:燃料电池系统、动力蓄电池、电动机和DC/DC转换器四个模块。

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第26卷 第1期2004年1月武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY V o l.26 No.1 Jan.2004PRIU S 混合动力汽车驱动系统键合图建模仿真高海鸥,王仲范,邓亚东(武汉理工大学汽车工程学院,武汉430070)摘 要: 在深入研究丰田公司出产的PRI U S 混合动力汽车驱动系统及其各单元的动态关系的基础上,运用键合图原理对该系统进行数学建模,并应用M atlab /Simulink 进行仿真计算和研究。

研究表明,所建模型可以较准确地反映P RIU S 的动态特性,并通过发现解决多动力耦合中弹性与柔性耦合影响导致的车速波动,证明使用键合图建模的优越性。

关键词: PRI U S; 混合动力汽车; 驱动系统; 键合图; 仿真; 波动中图分类号: V 469.72文献标识码: A 文章编号:1671-4431(2004)01-0063-03收稿日期:2003-09-25.基金项目:教育部课题(02175).作者简介:高海鸥(1978-),男,硕士生.E -mail :gh o 1978@sina .co m随着石油资源的日益匮乏,寻找新能源、新技术的要求日益迫切。


使用电动汽车(electric v ehicle 简称EV )可实现无污染,并可利用水电等其它非石油资源,因此,这无疑是解决问题的最有效途径。





在深入分析了PRIU S 混合动力汽车驱动系统的基础上,用键合图方法建立系统动态模型,并进行仿真分析。

1 PRIUS 混合动力电动汽车驱动模式日本丰田公司开发的PRIUS 是世界上第一种大批量生产的混合动力汽车。

驱动模式如图1所示[2],它采用四缸发动机(4500r /min ,52kW )和2台永磁同步电动机(1040~5600r /min ,33kW )共同驱动。

3个图1 PRI U S 混合动力电动汽车驱动系统简图动力源通过行星齿轮系统连接起来构成多能源的耦合驱动。



2 驱动系统键合图模型根据键合图原理[3],首先建立各个子系统的键合图模型,然后再耦合成系统模型。

图2 动力源键合图模型 图3 行星齿轮机构键合图模型2.1 子系统键合图模型1)动力源 此系统主要是研究驱动系统的键合图模型,其中包括3个动力源:发动机、电动机、发电机。

对每个动力源简化为一个势源S e1作为系统的能量输入,用惯性元件I 1表示动力源的旋转惯量,忽略动力源的力矩损失,得到动力源的键合图模型,如图2所示。

2)行星齿轮机构[4] 行星齿轮机构3个输入彼此通过传动比在齿圈啮合位置达到共势耦合,并考虑行星齿轮机构的柔度和惯量。


图中TF 1表示由太阳轮到内齿圈的传动比(行星架不动);TF 2表示由行星架到内齿圈的传动比(太阳轮不动);行星齿轮机构的惯性I 1;太阳轮的柔度C 1;内齿圈的柔度C 2。

3)主减速器和差速器 在研究主减速器和差速器时,应充分考虑到旋转部分的惯量、弹性、阻尼和速比变换等,在这里键合图模型从略。

4)车轮 弹性车轮是十分复杂的部件,采用键合图原理可以建立描述弹性车轮和地面相互作用关系的动态模型。

I 和C 元件表示车轮的惯性和柔度,R 元件表示地面作用车轮的阻尼损失。



5)车身 在车辆行驶时,车辆自重、空气阻力和爬坡阻力等作用于车身。


建立模型,惯性元件I 表示车的平移质量惯性,阻性元件R 表示车辆所受到空气阻力和爬坡阻力。



2.2 整车驱动系统的键合图模型根据各个系统功率流的相互关系,将各子系统连接起来得到整车的驱动系统键合图模型,由于本系统的传动方式灵活多样,所以在建模中分别由4种工况表示,在动态特性仿真时,通过设定一些特定变量来控制工况的交替变换。








图4 3种动力源同时驱动PRI U S 混合动力电动汽车的键合图模型在图4中各元件分别表示:T f 为单侧车轮滚动阻力矩;F w 为混合动力车的空气阻力;F i 为混合动力车的爬坡阻力;C 4为太阳轮的柔度;C 17为内齿圈的柔度;C 21为差速器的柔度;C 30,C 31为半轴的柔度;C 40,C 41为轮胎的柔度;I 2为发电机的转动惯量;I 8为发动机的转动惯量;I 10为行星齿轮机构的转动惯量;I 14为电动机的转动惯量;I 18为减速器的转动惯量;I 26,I 27为半轴的转动惯量;I 34,I 35为轮胎的转动惯量;I 46为车身质量。

64 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报 2004年1月3 仿真模型根据键合图理论列出状态方程,并利用Ma tlab /Simulink 仿真软件建立仿真模型。




由此可见,运用键合图理论可以较精确的对PRIUS 的驱动过程进行动态建模。

在Adv iso r 平台上和运用键合图理论同时仿真0.5s 的加速过程,比较结果如图6所示。

从图6可以看出运用Adv iso r 的仿真结果曲线十分平滑,但是运用键合图理论的仿真结果却存在震荡,这是由于PRIUS 是多能源耦合,由于耦合处弹性的影响,使得最终结果出现了波动情况。

由此可见,使用键合图理论可以更精确的反映PRIU S 驱动过程中的细微之处,并且按照理论,出现这种情况,在设计中就应该相应的更改部件尺寸,或者加上一个阻尼减震器,这些更改在依据键合图理论的模型中是很容易做到的,所得仿真结果见图7。

图5 仿真结果 图6 同Adv iso r 仿真结果比较 图7 加阻尼减震器后仿真结果比较4 结 论a.PRIUS 由于使用多种能源,驱动系统是一个相当复杂的系统,使用键合图理论,可以十分形象而真实的表达PRIUS 的多种驱动方式。

经过实践证明,PRIU S 的键合图模型和仿真方法是有效的,可以用于动态特性分析和控制系统设计。


参考文献[1] 潘亚东.键合图概论——一种系统动力学方法[M ].重庆:重庆大学出版社,1990.[2] Shuji N aga nno ,Kunio M o risa wa ,Hideakl M a tsul ,et al .Hybrid D riv e Sy stem W herein Planetar y Gea r M echa nism isDiaposed Radially Inwa rdly o f Stato r Coil of M o to r /Genera tor [P ].U S Pate nt N umber 6155364.2000-05-28.[3] 卡诺普D C,罗森堡R C.系统动力学——应用键合图方法[M ].胡大,邓延光译.北京:机械工业出版社,1985.[4] Ta ehy un Shim.Intr oduction to Physical Sy stem M odeling U sing Bo nd Gr aphs [R ].Dearbo rn :Univ ersity of M ichig an-Dea rbo rn ,2000.Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Drive System on the ToyotaPRIUS Based on Bond GraphGAO Hai -ou ,W AN G Zhong -fan ,D EN G Ya -dong(Sch oo l o f Auto mo tiv e Engineering ,W U T ,Wuhan 430070,China )Abstract : Based o n the applicatio n of bond gr aph in th e hy brid driv e system o n the To yo ta P RIU S is discussed in detail .To solv e the ma thema tic model of the hybrid driv e sy stem,the M atla b /S imulink is used.T he simula tio n r esult show ed that using the bo nd g raph co uld r eflect the dy na mic char acteristic in effect.And the adv antag e of simula tio n o n bond g ra ph is testified by so lving the fluctuatio n of the r esult effectually.Key words : P RIU S; hy brid; driv e sy stem; bond g r aph; modeling and simulation; fluctua tio n 65第26卷 第1期 高海鸥,等:PR IU S 混合动力汽车驱动系统键合图建模仿真 。
