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1、Smartphones in China
中国的智能手机市场Taking a bite out of Apple分苹果一杯羹
Xiaomi, often described as China’s answer to Apple,is actually quite different 有中国的苹果之称的小米实际上跟苹果很不一样。
IT FEELS more like a rock concert than a press conference as the casually dre ssed chiefexecutive takes to a darkened stage to unveil his firm’s sleek new s martphone to an adoringcrowd. Yet this was not the launch of the new iPhone by Apple on September 10th, but of theMi-3 handset by Xiaomi, a Chinese fir m, in Beijing on September 5th. With its emphasis onsnazzy design, glitzy lau nches and the cult-like fervour it inspires in its users, no wonder Xiaomiis ofte n compared to its giant American rival, both by admirers and by critics who c all it acopycat. Xiaomi’s boss, Lei Jun (pictured), even wears jeans and a blac k shirt, Steve Jobs-style.Is Xiaomi really China’s answer to Apple?
Xiaomi sold 7.2m handsets last year, in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, earnin g revenues of12.6 billion yuan ($2.1 billion). Apple sold 125m smartphones gl obally, earning about $80 billionof its $157 billion sales. But since it was foun ded in 2010, Xiaomi has grown fast. A recentfunding round valued it at $10 bi llion, more than Microsoft just paid for Nokia’s handset unit.That made Xiaomi one of the 15 most heavily venture-backed mobile start-ups ever, saysRajee v Chand of Rutberg, an investment bank. In the second quarter of 2013 Xiao mi’s marketshare in China was 5%, says Canalys, a research firm—more than Apple’s (4.8%) for the firsttime.
投资银行Rutberg的Rajeev Chand 表示这使得小米成为全球目前为止最值钱的15个手机公司之一。
Yet “we have never compared ourselves to Apple—we are more like Amazon,” says Lin Bin,Xiaomi’s co-founder, who once worked for the Chinese arms of Microsoft and Google. Applesells its iPhone 5 for around $860 in China and ha
s the industry’s highest margins. Xiaomioffers its handsets at or near cost: th e Mi-3, its new flagship, costs 2,000 yuan ($330). Xiaomisells direct to custo mers online, rather than via network operators or retail stores, which alsokee ps prices down. Crucially, its business depends on selling services to its users, just asAmazon provides its Kindle readers at low prices and makes its money on the sale of e-books.The idea is to make a profit from customers as they u se the handset, rather than from the saleof the hardware, says Mr Lin.
Xiaomi’s services revenues were 20m yuan in August, up from 10m yuan in A pril. It is a classicinternet business model: build an audience then monetise it later, as Google and Facebook did,notes Mr Lin. Selling games, custom wallpa pers and virtual gifts may not sound very lucrative,but China’s internet giants have found a huge market for virtual goods: the biggest, Tencent,sold $5 billi on-worth of them last year.
Another big difference is their openness to user feedback. Apple takes an alm ost Stalinistapproach to its handsets, limiting user customisation in favour of a “we know best” designphilosophy. Xiaomi is more guided by its users, relea sing a new version of its MIUI software(based on Google’s Android operating s ystem) every week in response to their suggestions. Insome cases Xiaomi ask s users to vote via weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, on whetherpartic ular features should be included or how they should work—a form of democra cy itsAmerican rival would never countenance.
Apple’s launch this week of the iPhone 5C, a colourful, slightly cheaper versio n of the iPhoneaimed at consumers in China and other developing countries,
marks a shift in its strategy as itfaces competition from Xiaomi and many oth er Chinese firms. Apple’s handsets have sold well indeveloped countries, but t hose markets are maturing. Global sales of smartphones are growingby 50% a year, notes Canalys, but by 108% a year in China, which now accounts for overone-third of global sales.
这周苹果发布了iPhone 5c,一款彩色版稍便宜的iPhone,这款设备旨在吸引中国和其他发展中国家的消费者,标志着在诸如小米和其他中国公司的竞争下战略的转变。
For the first time, Apple held an official launch event in Beijing this week, indi cating its growinginterest in this market. Yet there was widespread surprise at the high price of the 5C, which willcost $733 in China, limiting its appeal amo ng less wealthy buyers. A rumoured deal with ChinaMobile to distribute the iP hone 5C and subsidise its cost has so far failed to materialise.
(Applealso unveiled the iPhone 5S, its new high-end smartphone, which featu res a fingerprint readerfor improved security.)
传言与中国移动的交易销售iPhone 5c以及补贴方案至今都没有实现。
(苹果也发布了iPhone 5s,最新的高端机型,具备指纹识别器,提高了安全性。
Xiaomi the money
As Apple looks to tap the rapid growth of the Chinese market, Xiaomi is headi ng the other way.It recently hired Hugo Barra, a Google executive responsible for product development forAndroid, to develop new products for internation al markets.
最近小米聘请了谷歌安卓产品开发主管Hugo Barra为国际市场开发新产品。
Yet Xiaomi and other Chinese firms sell so many games, apps and add-ons in large partbecause the Chinese government requires handsets to run a neuter ed version of the Androidoperating system, without Google’s app store, mail s ervice, maps and other features. Thathelps Xiaomi sell its own replacement se rvices, an advantage it will lose once it steps outsideChina. How scared shoul d Apple be, really, of a rival that has yet to prove that its businessmodel will work at home, let alone abroad?
2、The burden on students学生的压力
Must not try harder不能更努力了
The education ministry tries to ban homework
Sep 7th 2013
| BEIJING |From the printeditionPURGES may be what political junkies aretalk ing about, but for Chinese families the big issuerecently has been homework. Children across thecountry have returned to their classrooms this weekjust as the education ministry has put forward plans to decrease the amount of hom eworkpupils must do each day.
The ministry’s proposed guidelines, issued on August 22nd, would ban written homework forany child up to the age of 12, and ban exams for children up to the age of nine. It also said thatprimary schools should organise more extra-curricular activities, such as visits to museums andplaces of cultural interest, and “cultivate pupils’ hands-on capabilities through handicrafts orfarm work”.教育部在8月22日发布了拟定规定,规定禁止向12岁以下的儿童布置任何书面作业,禁止9岁以下儿童参加考试。
Amid intense competition for university places and jobs, Chinese schoolchildre n spend hours onhomework each night. Pressure from an early age is the cau se of constant hand-wringing in thepress. Yet the very notion of lightening the burden has met opposition from the people whocomplain most: parents. Last spring Beijing attempted its own homework restrictions, butworkloads crept back up as insistent parents worried about their children falling behind.
The new proposals have drawn tens of thousands of comments on Weibo, Chi na’s version ofTwitter, with older children saying they heard similar ideas of r eform when they were at schoolten years ago, but nothing changed. On his m
icroblog Wang Xiaodong, co-author of a bookcalled “Unhappy China”, suggest ed that the ministry stop micro-managing every element ofbasic education an d leave the work to teachers and students. But that idea might lead to moreh omework, if current patterns hold. The biggest contribution education officials could make,wrote Mr Wang, was “to give themselves a six-month holiday”.
The real problem is the underlying system. As one microblogger wrote:
“If the employmentenvironment remains the same, if the gaokao [entrance e xam] is not cancelled, if the topuniversities still enroll only the students with t he highest score, it is impossible to reduce pupils’burdens”. All those worries are compounded by corruption, inequity and disparity inteacher-training and c ompensation. Few believe such deep structural problems can becountered sim ply by a call for less homework.