GRE issue提纲—文化、艺术、历史











例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Trulyprofound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with theirtime and theirsociety。











学习类1(1). "We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。


2)相反,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上获取新视野,从而找到解决问题的方法eg 与此同时,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上发现自身的不足eg3)历史告诉我们,无论是对个人还是社会,主要是通过不同意见的争论来获取进步,向前发展的。


.2(4). "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域之外的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域就很难获得巨大的发展。

Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group闭门造车,旁观者清Topic:同意,知识领域的重大进展依赖于各学科的知识和经验,甚至能创造出一个新的学科。

GRE Issue-Culture

GRE Issue-Culture

文化:求同存异(是否学习外来文化、异国文化)outline:1、文化差异对待:了解不同文化;认识自身文化,使看问题更加深入和全面,有助于了解自己的文化;a.学会从不同角度看待问题,不是简单的对错好坏;b.加深理解,了解文化源头,取其精华去其糟粕;c.增进人与人之间的交流(战争的发生都是由于不同文化的抵触而引起的)Comparison with a different culture helps us to identify what is different from our own culture thereby helping us to understand more about both cultures. Other cultures enable us to view our own culture from more aspects.Only through realizing the distinctions between different cultures can one really respect and understand others.2、只了解一种文化造成短视没有远见,盲目自大,不能够看到文化的不合理性(古代中国清朝闭关所过、不与外界交流造成民族危机)3、不同文化之间不会完全不同,项目联系模仿、融合Certainly, as was said by a famous musician, music knows no borders; every culture is correlative and there are common points among them.跨文化交流:intercultural competence is the ability of successful communication with people of other culturesgeographical, ethnical, moral, ethical, religious, political and historical cultural differences.传统文化与现代文化Tradition and modernization1、传统文化的精华与糟粕2、现代文化的优势与劣势3、两者结合Tradition refers to beliefs, values, customs, ways of life, crafts, etc., which are handed down from generation to generation in a society.Much traditional wisdomis still relevant and can inspire us to search for solutions to present problems.Modernization refers to the process of urbanization, industrialization and democratization, or in a large sense, westernization.The correct way to modernize a culture is to transform or reform its tradition rather than to uproot its tradition.。



将244 道题分为11 类,分别是传媒,国际,教育,科技,历史,社会,文化,行为,学习,艺术和政治,每个类别的题目数如下:传媒:6--------1国际:5--------1教育:35科技:21-------30历史:8---------30社会:47-------1文化:11--------30行为:62------31学习:21-------30艺术:10-------2+ (交流,例子)政治:18--------30对于一些比较笼统的分类,我们会在讨论写作提纲和例子时,给出更具体的细分,如竞争和合作,过去和现在,个人和整体,权威,学科关系等。


教育类1(5). "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排。

国家统一和地区单独安排课程Topic: except core course others be determined by different parts1)地方教育的好处:对地方政府,学校:更有动力;对学生,家长:选择面更广,培养个性对大学招生:喜欢多样性,不喜欢一个墨子,选专业不至于盲目+proverb P185/2)若没有地方教育,有不利方面:兴趣难以培养language survey,,贫富差异存在有代沟computer class3)过分强调地方也不好,国家的好处是:标准统一,容易确保质量,增加民族凝聚力4)则中方案时核心是国家,其余是地方,这样既保证了基本质量,又体现了多元------------------------------2(32). "A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts."不管在校园外不同领域之间薪水的差异有多大,学校对于所有学科老师的待遇应该是一视同仁的。









例如Issue里的这样一道真题:Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。











GRE Issue艺术类提纲

GRE Issue艺术类提纲

GRE Issue艺术类提纲文化素材(转载)1、\views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.\我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习。

A. Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledge islimited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us.B. It will be quite different if we communicate with people whose views contradict to ours.C. Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to ourself-assertion is impaired caused by other’s challenge.2.\youth.\了解当代文化最有效的途径是分析它在形成初期的发展趋势。

A. We always regard youth as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh andimmature, they are also shrewd, full of passion and vitality.B. Actually, studying the trends of a country's youth, may help to understand its contemporaryculture, since that youth is the pioneer of a country, in this sense, they mirrors the development of the country.C. Since youth is only a fraction of the society, studying them and their culture just provide usone perspective of the whole culture.D. In my view, compare with the youth, those conventions and traditions constitute thefoundation of the contemporary culture.3.\them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.\许多世界上鲜为人知的语言由于越来越少的人使用而逐渐消失。



二十六次Issue13/46/70/102/112 (Old4+94) 教育(3)46. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, des cribe specific circumstance s in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.1every subject does not exist independently对学好本学科有说明,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。

研究经济学的适当学习数学知识有利于对经济学的更深理解,如philosophy is the foundation of all subject达芬奇Da Vinci即是科学家也是艺术家,他对人体解剖anatomy的深入了解,才使得他的油画十分优美,传神。

Since various disciplineswere interrelated, the study of courses outside the students’ own field may benefit the study oftheir own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的发展2 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In today’s technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society.首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。



GRE英语作文分类题库—ISSUE简介在GRE考试中,Issue是指议题写作,与Argument类似都是GRE Analytical Writing的一部分,需要候选人对给出的话题进行阐述和分析。



Issue题库社会科学Politic and Government1. A government should invest funds in the arts to ensure that it canflourish and be available to all people.2.Some people claim that political decision-making process indemocracies is too slow to response to climate changes. Do you agree ordisagree?3.The government should provide healthcare to all citizens regardlessof their ability to pay for it.Education4.The purpose of college or university education is to help students tosucceed in future career. Do you agree or disagree?5.The function of education is to teach one to think intensively andcritically. Do you agree or disagree?6.Some people believe that the most important goal of education is tohelp people to learn to be happy on their own. Do you agree or disagree?Culture7.The most important way to preserve ancient historical sites is to makethem available to the public, to have them constantly used and thus alive.8.Museums and art galleries should focus on the works of art that arerepresentative of the cultural history of their own country rather than theworks of art that are from different parts of the world.9.It is important for people to celebrate the ceremonies and festivals oftheir own culture rather than those of other cultures.艺术Music and Film10.Artistic disciplines, such as music, theater, and film, are valuable onlywhen they contribute to the larger society.11.The purpose of music is to make us feel good. Do you agree ordisagree?12.The best way to appreciate music is simply to listen to it.Literature and Writing13. A person should never make an important decision alone.14.The best way to learn about life is through personal experience.15.Argue for and/or against the use of digital devices in literary analysis.哲学Morality and Ethics16.Morality depends on the individual.17.The ultimate goal of human beings is not happiness, but knowledge.18.To be an ethical person, one must take into consideration the contextof the situation.Knowledge and Reasoning19.Innovation should always be welcomed, even if it is leading towardsunethical practices.cation is more than simply acquiring knowledge; it is aboutlearning to think for oneself.21.The ultimate goal of philosophical inquiry is not knowledge, but action.总结以上便是我们为大家提供的GRE英语写作的Issue题库,这些话题涵盖了众多领域,如政治、文化、教育、艺术和哲学等。



文化类1(6). "The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the t rends of its youth."了解当代文化最有效的途径就是去分析当代年轻人的潮流。





In order to understand contemporary culture, It’s better to consider the youth idea combined with the other people's idea. Just take only one part of the population's opinion is insufficiently, and the youth is not a critical factor in the contemporary culture trend. The most important factor in deciding the current culture is the media1)年轻人的潮流是多变的,那只代表了一种时尚,是文化最前沿的东西,而不是文化的全部。

年轻人的特点就是喜欢新奇的事物,最新的folk music film 都是他们的最爱;同是他们的兴趣也是多变的,每一季的时装发布会之后,他们所追随的东西就发生了变化,这种多边性决定了这不是文化的全部和主流,因为文化是一个相对稳定的东西;当然年轻人的这种潮流为文化注入了新鲜与活力。


when it comes to the classics and other stable form of human mind, such as philosophy, classic art, it is primarily through the analysis of the old form we achieve our goal.3)Form my point of view,最有效的途径是了解一个社会的媒体。



行为类1(12). "People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."人们的态度更多的是由临时的情况或者环境所决定,而非人们自身的特点。

.心理问题之冲动和可预测------------------------------2(18). "Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."只有通过排除异议和对照其他的观点来捍卫一个理念,人们才能真正的发现该理念的价值所在。

------------------------------3(21). "Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."改革几乎从来都不是由那些关心自己声誉和社会地位的人发起的。




1======================Issue 51======================【题目】”Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.‖【翻译】只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义。

【题纲】Position: There is no doubt that education should pay more attention on the needs and interests ofstudents, but it is possible for education to satisfy every student.1、从教育的目的上讨论,兴趣对教育的重要性;对个人,爱因斯坦有句至理名言:―兴趣是最好的老师‖;对社会,教育的目的就是为社会培养各种人才,如果不注重学生兴趣,那么他们到社会不可能尽其所能。





另一方面,学生没有足够的判断力来决定自己该学什么,比如数学,有些学生不喜欢学,但是能够去掉吗?过分强调学生兴趣势必会造成教学的紊乱,而且学生的兴趣不同阶段可能发生改变;4、总结2=================Issue 144=================【题目】"It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value."【翻译】是艺术家而不是批评家,给了社会一些永久的价值。

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第七类文化6. "The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth."了解当代文明最有效的途径就是去分析当代年轻人的潮流。

It is more or less true to say that contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.1.We live in an age when old people are marginalized in society.2.What we call mass culture produced by the mass media is, as a matter of fact, a reflection of thetrends among the youth.3.There is urgent need for the younger generation and the older generation to fill the gap betweenthem and to build a more balanced contemporary culture.文明潮流和年轻人潮流的关系。

------------------------------10. "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."政府必须要确保主要城市发展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以保存和发展。

Disagree1.Subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of government.2.Secondly, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a necessary role of government. Philanthropy isalive and well today, and so government need not intervene to ensure that our cultural traditions are preserved and promoted.3.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that large cities serve as theprimary breeding ground and sanctuaries for a nation’s cultural traditions.城市和国家的关系之文化传统------------------49. "Imaginative works such as novels, plays, films, fairy tales, and legends present a more accurate and meaningful picture of human experience than do factual accounts. Because the creators of fiction shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance."想象作品,比如小说、戏剧、电影、神话和传奇要比真实的叙事作品更能精确而有意义的展现人类的经历。


1.Admittedly, most fictional works rely on historical settings for plot, thematic, and characterdevelopment.2.Only imaginative works can bring an historical period alive—by way of creative tools such asimaginary point of view.3.Only imaginative works can provide meaning to historical events—through the use of devicessuch as symbolism and metaphor.4.Examples of important films underscore the point that creative accounts of the humanexperience hold more lasting significance than bare factual accounts.想象作品------------------------------63. "To truly understand your own culture--no matter how you define it--requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own."为了真正理解你自己的文化----无论你如何地定义它----都至少需要了解另外一种文化,并且该文化与你自己的文化是截然不同的。

Agree1.Staying within one culture makes one take for granted everything that the culture provides.2.Knowledge of another different culture provides one with an opportunity to compare alternativeways of life and make choices.3.In an age of globalization, one should learn to tolerate cultural differences.旁观者清------------------------------147. "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."传统和现代化是水火不容的。


I agree that in certain cases the two are mutually exclusive. For the most part, however, modernization does not reject tradition; in fact, in many cases the former can and does embrace the latter.A.In the first place, oftentimes so-called “modernization”is actually an extension or new iterationof tradition, or a variation on it. This is especially true in language and in law.B.In other areas modernization departs from tradition in some respects, while embracing it inothers.C.Admittedly, in certain instances, tradition must yield entirely to the utilitarian needs of modernlife. This is true especially when it comes to architectural artifacts.------------------------------172. "Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time."重要的真理一开始都是令人难以容忍的,或者至少是令人不快的,而且都是在反对当时的权威思想。

It is customary fate of new truth to begin as heresies.1.Copernicus’heliocentric theory in the 16th century was a direct attack upon the acceptedwisdom of the time, a geocentric view of the universe postulated by Aristotle and Ptolemy.2.When Darwin first declared that the wide variety of animal species was due to a process ofdevelopment over many millennia, he challenged the traditional Christian belief and outraged the religious fundamentalists.3.In former socialist countries, it took a long and painful time for people to give up the old idea ofstate-owned economy and to accept the idea of market economy.------------------------------173. "Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways."1.The notion that so-called “originality” is actually variation or synthesis of existing ideasfinds its greatest support in linguistics and in law.2.Even in the arts—where one might think that true originality must surely reside—socalled “new” ideas almost always embrace, apply, or synthesize what came earlier.3.When it comes to the natural sciences, however, some new ideas are truly original whileothers put established ideas together in new ways.4.However, in other instances great advances in science are made by putting togethercurrent theories or other ideas in new ways.创新并不意味着一定要想一些人们从未想过的东西;它意味着用新方法来重组老观点。
