1.2 行列式的性质(《线性代数》闫厉 著)
1 1
0 2
2 1 0
2 1
1 0
0 1 1
1 1 0
2 1
2 1
1 1
r1 r2
0 1
2 1
r3 r1
r4 2r1
1 1
0 1
0 1
2 1
2 2
1 1 0 2
0 1 1 2
x n 1 a
D x n 1 a
x n 1 a
x ( n 1)a 1
x ( n 1)a
x ( n 1)a ( x a )n1 .
把这两行互换,有D D ,故 D 0 .
性质3 行列式的某一行(列)中所有的元素都乘以同一个
4R基础学习手册 (原文部分) 我特意今天重讲4R,我就是想给大家发出一个基本信号,这个信号就是如果我以后再一次问你4R的问题是,如果你做为锡恩公司的管理顾问不能回答这些问题,我请总经理和HR实施你们的权力:立即解聘!而且我们未来还要在劳动合同里边增加一个内容,所有入职的管理顾问,都必须能够随时回答这几个关于4R基本的问题,如果不能回答,就立即解聘,而且公司不承担任何责任。
——锡恩公司姜汝祥 北京锡恩公司咨询事业部 2006年11月2日 第一部分:4R是什么? ........................................................ 5 4R的定义——4R是一个组织做事最最基本的管理体系 .......................... 5 4R让中国的企业像世界上优秀的公司一样保证不死 ........................ 5 4R是借鉴于世界优秀公司的一套内部运营管理系统 ........................ 5 4R管理组织团队,工艺流程管理生产设备系统,两者相结合才能创造出社会文明 ..................................................................... 6 4R让任何一家公司里边所有的人像蚂蚁一样对做一件事情有一个共同的出发点,从而制造出人类的奇迹 ................................................. 6 4R是一套组织系统,组织的制度执行力系统 .................................. 7 4R是一套改造我们自己、提升我们自己的系统 ............................ 8 4R系统的核心在这R1、R2, 而对于公司的管理者重心在R3、R4 ............ 9 4R是从事前、事中、事后来控制事件结果的一个流程 ..................... 10 R1:结果定义——用外包思维、结果思维建立组织做事的共同出发点 ............ 11 R1做的就是大家对于一件事情的认同,共同的出发点 ..................... 11 如果是两家公司如何做?——外包思维帮助理解R1结果定义 ............... 11 结果是出发点,以终为使,结果决定你的行为方式,你的选择 .............. 12 客户是衡量工作结果价值的唯一标准 .................................... 13 结果必须是可以量化的,可交换的 ...................................... 13 客户决定产品或者服务的价值 .......................................... 13 R1是管理的入口,R1的伟大之处在于一致,在于简单,在于认真 ........... 13 R2责任承诺:建立人与事之间的一对一责任 ................................. 14 R2让每个人从旁观者进入到参与者状态,进入责任状态 ................... 15 R2让大家都做参与者,而不是旁观者、评价者 ........................... 15 R2就是想方设法的把责任往当事人身上放 ............................... 16 100%责任 ............................................................ 16 R2把责任的重心下移,把权力重心下移,把责任和结果的收益对应起来 ..... 16 R2把所有的人变成当事人,建立人与事的一对一责任 ..................... 17 一对一的责任:没有一对一的责任,就是没有责任 ........................ 18 R1R2是个人管理系统,是自我管理系统 ................................. 18 R3监督检查:通过检查跟踪结果和责任,并及时纠偏和改进 ................... 19 R3就是做检查,管理者最重要的责任就是检查 ........................... 19 R3的前提是“我不相信”,通过检查制止人恶的一面 ...................... 19 R4即时激励:塑造公司“提倡什么、反对什么”的企业文化 ................... 20 R4实际就是一套文化系统,通过习惯塑造文化 ........................... 20 R4的要点是要及时、要重复 ........................................... 20 R1R2是个人管理系统,R3R4是公司管控系统 ............................. 21 搭建结果管理平台(结果PICTURE)的意义和搭建原则 ........................ 23 从工具层面看4R运营结构 ................................................. 21 R1R2的应用:个人系统——结果承诺 ................................... 21 R3的应用:纠偏系统——节点控制表 ................................... 22 结果平台对接结果承诺表和节点控制表 .................................. 22 结果平台——建立每件事情的PICTURE .................................. 22 R4的应用——红黑榜 ................................................. 22 第二部分:博士讲4R项目方法论 ............................................... 24 1、战略是因果逻辑,执行是果因逻辑 ....................................... 24 2、定了的就要坚决执行! ................................................. 24 3、执行定义的是底线结果 ................................................. 25 4、4R体系中“果”放在很高的位置上 ...................................... 25 5、4R如何与业务紧密结合 ................................................ 25 周计划、日结果、质询会 .............................................. 26 做个人成功故事的目的 ................................................ 27 做个人战略的目的 .................................................... 27 做结果思维的目的 .................................................... 27 做客户价值的目的 .................................................... 28 第三部分:执行哲学 .......................................................... 29 事前:决心第一、成败第二 ............................................ 29 事中:速度第一、完美第二 ............................................ 29 事后:结果第一、理由第二 ............................................ 30 0.1>0——差的结果也比没有结果强 ..................................... 30 结果提前、自我退后 .................................................. 31 锁定目标,专注重复 .................................................. 31 第四部分:项目运作底线结果与项目质询要点 .................................... 33 4R项目各模块价值底线结果和行为底线 ..................................... 33 项目第三方检查控制节点表: .............................................. 35 第五部分:附录 .............................................................. 37 中国企业需要做4R的原因——4R带给我们的是民族的执行启蒙 ................ 37 中国面临从小农经济到工业时代的巨大转变 .............................. 37 内陆国家和海洋国家对比的特性造成了我们千百年来农业经济时代的现实 .... 37 能人模式和4R模式是解决管理问题的两种模式,前者更快,但是后者更稳 ... 39 管理问题的起源来源于把简单的问题复杂化 .............................. 39 管理是因为执行过程中有无数的不可预见因素发生 ........................ 40 第一部分:4R是什么? 4R的定义——4R是一个组织做事最最基本的管理体系 4R就是一个组织做事时最最简单的管理系统,我们一帮人到一起来,我们就是一个组织,这个组织想要做一件事情,就需要最最基本的一套系统来管理,4R就是这么一个简单的系统。
第 1 讲醍醐灌顶!你对PPT的理解过时了1.1如果⼀⽣只选⼀次技能,请选PPT1.2震惊!PPT究竟有多么逆天!1.3幻灯⽚的本质与需求1.4你的PPT为什么丑?如何提升PPT审美?1.5PPT基础设置与界⾯认知1.6PPT快速⼊门1.1如果⼀⽣只选⼀次技能,请选PPT(5分钟)课程核⼼:这节课主要是建⽴好的PPT概念,PPT不重要,重要的是展⽰PPT的场合①PPT常⽤五⼤场景:演讲分享、答辩总结、商业竞标、新年计划、年终总结②PPT常需五⼤技能:演说、⼼理、设计、沟通、逻辑1.2震惊!PPT究竟有多么逆天!(10分钟)课程核⼼:这节课主要是宏观上介绍PPT功能①最亲民的设计⼯具②最简单的视频动画制作⼯具③最简单的绘图⼯具④赚钱⼯具,授课⽼师⼤四PPT年收⼊30万1.3幻灯⽚的本质与需求(6分钟)课程核⼼:PPT的存在是为了帮助谁,演说的轴⼼是谁,主讲⼈or观众①PPT是帮助/辅助主讲⼈表达,演说的轴⼼是观众。
栏⽬:海报、视觉系统、画册、平⾯、演⽰每天欣赏⼗分钟1.5PPT基础设置与界⾯认知(10分钟)课程核⼼:PPT基础功能①版本:推荐office365、office2013、office2016不推荐WPS,office2010,office2007,功能缺失20%左右最新office2019,测试版不稳定②界⾯:PPT界⾯分为:功能区窗⼝状态控制按钮快速访问⼯具栏幻灯⽚预览窗格幻灯⽚编辑窗格任务窗格状态栏A.界⾯顶部:选项卡、库常⽤按钮放置在功能栏底部⽅便操作(添加到快速访问⼯具栏)提供效率B.界⾯中部:左边预览窗格:拖动边界改变预览⼤⼩,右键新建幻灯⽚中部编辑窗格:中间展⽰区域叫做舞台,外侧灰⾊位置也可放素材,但是播放不会被显⽰右部设置形状格式:右键幻灯⽚空⽩处,选择设置形状格式出现右上⾓⼩三⾓形移动C.界⾯底部:备注:补充ppt上展⽰不下的内容和要点,以免忘记PPT浏览模式:普通模式,阅读模式,幻灯⽚浏览,幻灯⽚放映模式幻灯⽚缩放级别:Ctrl键+⿏标滚轮③PPT初始化设置:A.撤销次数(错误修改):默认最多30次、⽂件——选项——PowerPoint编辑选项——⾼级——最多可取消操作次数改为150B.⾃动保存(意外防险):⽂件——选项——PowerPoint选项——保存勾选'保存⾃动恢复信息时间间隔'以及'如果我没保存就关闭,请保留上次⾃动回复的版本'C.幻灯⽚⽐例调整:设计——右侧幻灯⽚⼤⼩——⾃定义幻灯⽚⼤⼩——选择⾃⼰要⽤的各种菜单1.6 PPT快速⼊门(4分钟)课程核⼼:如何建⽴⼀个PPT①四步快速⼊门:第⼀步:打开PPT第⼆步:插⼊图⽚第三步:插⼊⽂字第四步:点击放映②双击打开——点击当前ppt页⾯敲击回车键点击插⼊——选择图或者直接桌⾯拖拽选着插⼊——⽂字框点击播放第⼀章节偏向于总述,⼀部分建⽴⼀个好的PPT概念,⼀部分说明⼀个PPT最好的初始设置和各部分功能。
收稿日期:2022-12-06ꎮ基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52064037㊁51704166)ꎻ江西省自然科学基金项目(20202BAB204030)ꎮ作者简介:李建龙(1988 )ꎬ男ꎬ副教授ꎬ博士ꎬ研究方向为大气污染控制ꎮE ̄mail:jlli@ncu.edu.cnꎮ李建龙ꎬ赵艺ꎬ孙泽文ꎬ等.环形缝隙喷嘴改进导流内锥式除尘滤筒脉冲喷吹性能的数值模拟[J].南昌大学学报(工科版)ꎬ2023ꎬ45(1):9-15.LIJLꎬZHAOYꎬSUNZWꎬetal.Numericalsimulationofimprovedpulsejetperformancebyannularslitnozzleforthefiltercartridgewithaninnerconedeflector[J].JournalofNanchangUniversity(Engineering&Technology)ꎬ2023ꎬ45(1):9-15.环形缝隙喷嘴改进导流内锥式除尘滤筒脉冲喷吹性能的数值模拟李建龙ꎬ赵艺ꎬ孙泽文ꎬ吴庆ꎬ钟乙琪ꎬ吴泉泉ꎬ马志飞ꎬ吴代赦(南昌大学资源与环境学院ꎬ江西南昌330031)㊀㊀摘要:为提高除尘滤筒脉冲喷吹性能ꎬ研究了环形缝隙喷嘴对导流内锥式除尘滤筒清灰性能的改进作用ꎬ采用CFD数值模型对喷吹性能进行模拟ꎬ考察了除尘滤筒内部流场特征ꎬ研究了喷吹距离㊁文丘里管增设对喷吹效果的影响ꎮ结果表明:相比于普通喷嘴ꎬ使用环缝喷嘴后滤筒上部的负压几乎消失ꎬ滤筒内压力增大ꎬ喷吹强度提升ꎻ喷吹强度随着喷吹距离的增大呈先增后降的趋势ꎬ且喷吹均匀性逐渐改善ꎬ环缝喷嘴在喷吹距离为400mm时ꎬ滤筒的清灰性能最佳ꎬ喷吹强度提升了44%ꎻ在滤筒上方开口处增设文丘里管可以使滤筒内压力峰值得到较大的提升ꎬ随着文丘里管安装高度升高ꎬ滤筒内的喷吹强度先升高再缓慢降低ꎬ变异系数呈先增后降的趋势ꎬ文丘里管安装高度为-30mm时对喷吹强度提升最大(29%)ꎮ关键词:环形缝隙喷嘴ꎻ导流内锥式除尘滤筒ꎻCFD数值模拟ꎻ喷吹距离ꎻ文丘里管中图分类号:X701.2㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1006-0456(2023)01-0009-07NumericalsimulationofimprovedpulsejetperformancebyannularslitnozzleforthefiltercartridgewithaninnerconedeflectorLIJianlongꎬZHAOYiꎬSUNZewenꎬWUQingꎬZHONGYiqiꎬWUQuanquanꎬMAZhifeiꎬWUDaishe(SchoolofResourcesandEnvironmentꎬNanchangUniversityꎬNanchang330031ꎬChina)Abstract:Inordertoimprovethepulsejetperformanceofthedustremovalfiltercartridgeꎬtheeffectofthean ̄nularslitnozzleonthefiltercleaningperformanceofthedustremovalfiltercartridgewithaninnerconedeflectorintheguideflowwasstudied.TheCFDnumericalmodelwasusedtosimulatethepulsejetperformanceꎬtheinternalflowfieldcharacteristicsofthedustremovalfiltercartridgewasinvestigatedꎬandtheeffectsoftheinjectiondistanceandVenturitubeadditionontheinjectioneffectwerestudied.Theresultsshowedthatꎬcomparedwiththeordinarynozzleꎬthenegativepressureintheupperpartofthefiltercartridgealmostdisappearedafterusingtheannularslitnozzleꎬthepressureinthefiltercartridgeincreasedꎬandthepulsejetintensityincreased.Thepulsejetintensityin ̄creasedfirstandthendecreasedwiththeincreasingofthesprayingdistanceꎬandthesprayinguniformitygraduallyimprovedꎬandthecleaningperformanceofthefiltercartridgewasthebestwhenthejetdistancewas400mmꎬandthejetintensityincreasedby44%.WiththeincreasingoftheinstallationheightoftheVenturitubeꎬthejetintensityinthefiltercartridgefirstincreasedandthenslowlydecreasedꎬandthecoefficientofvariationshowedatrendoffirstincreasingandthendecreasingꎬandtheinstallationheightoftheVenturitubewas-30mmwhenthejetintensityincreasedthemost(29%).第45卷第1期2023年3月㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀南昌大学学报(工科版)JournalofNanchangUniversity(Engineering&Technology)Vol.45No.1Mar.2023㊀KeyWords:annularslitnozzleꎻfiltercartridgewithinnerconedeflectorꎻCFDnumericalsimulationꎻjetdis ̄tanceꎻVenturitube㊀㊀近年来城市化和工业化的迅猛推进ꎬ带动着能源消耗的增加[1-2]ꎬ煤炭㊁矿山㊁水泥㊁电力等行业生产过程中产生大量的粉尘颗粒物[3]ꎬ导致空气中颗粒物污染尤为严重ꎬ高质量浓度的PM2.5会产生雾霾ꎬ影响环境质量和空气能见度ꎬ干扰交通运输㊁生产作业ꎬ危害人类身心健康[4-6]ꎮ在当前除尘领域中ꎬ滤筒除尘器因其除尘率高㊁过滤面积大㊁价格低和占地面积小等优点ꎬ广泛应用于各行业[7]ꎮ滤筒清灰作为除尘器运行中的关键一环ꎬ直接影响设备的除尘效率和稳定性[8]ꎮ目前ꎬ除尘行业使用的清灰技术主要为脉冲喷吹清灰[9]ꎬ但此种清灰技术存在滤筒上部压力小导致清灰效果差的问题[10-11]ꎮ为改善滤筒的脉冲喷吹清灰性能ꎬ国内外学者对此开展诸多研究ꎮShim等[12]研究发现使用普通喷嘴对滤筒进行脉冲喷吹时容易出现清灰不均匀㊁不彻底和滤筒尘饼残留等问题ꎮ张硕等[13]通过对单拉瓦尔喷嘴和双拉瓦尔喷嘴脉冲喷吹气体动力学特性的对比模拟ꎬ发现双拉瓦尔喷嘴脉冲喷吹可使滤筒顶端的脉冲峰值压力增加182%ꎬ有效解决滤筒顶端清灰难的问题ꎮ郗元等[14]提出在喷嘴上加装锥形散射器ꎬ采用计算流体力学数值方法对除尘器清灰过程的流场进行模拟ꎬ研究发现加装锥形散射器后ꎬ滤筒上中下侧壁的正压峰值呈现出随喷吹距离增加先提升后降低的变化趋势ꎬ在喷吹距离为200mm时ꎬ喷吹强度提升13%ꎮ薛峰等[15]对比研究了普通直角喷嘴㊁上部开口散射器㊁诱导喷嘴条件下滤筒清灰效果ꎬ结果表明在喷吹压力为0.4MPa时ꎬ上部开口散射器可有效提升清灰强度㊁延长清灰周期ꎬ平均清灰间隔相比使用普通直角喷嘴和诱导喷嘴分别延长了48%㊁23%ꎮLi等[16]在滤筒顶部和底部安装了2个喷嘴ꎬ进行对撞脉冲喷吹清灰ꎬ实验发现脉冲喷射强度比仅顶部安装喷嘴提高了156%ꎮ在滤筒结构优化方面ꎬ李建龙等[9]提出了导流内锥式除尘滤筒ꎬ即在普通圆筒形滤筒内增设锥形过滤面ꎬ增加了单位空间的过滤面积ꎬ并且通过内锥的导流作用ꎬ提高了滤筒内压力分布的均匀性ꎮ该研究对导流内锥式除尘滤筒进行了脉冲喷吹数值模拟ꎬ发现滤筒内喷吹压力的蓄积效果更好ꎬ清灰不足的区域更小ꎮ另外ꎬ文丘里管经常被用于改善滤筒清灰性能的研究中ꎬ安装文丘里管可延缓滤筒气体出流ꎬ提升气流在滤筒内的蓄积时间ꎮ张情等[17]通过实验对比了加装文丘里管前后滤筒内脉冲喷吹清灰性能ꎬ研究发现在喷吹压力0.6MPa时ꎬ加装文丘里管ꎬ滤筒上中下测点的压力峰值分别提高了63%㊁72%㊁40%ꎮLiu等[18]采用典型文丘里管和新型文丘里管对过滤袋进行实验ꎬ实验证明新型文丘里管改变了袋口附近的清洗压力分布ꎬ有效延长了清洗周期ꎬ降低了能耗ꎮ本研究选择导流内锥式除尘滤筒作为研究对象ꎬ探究环形缝隙喷嘴(以下简称环缝喷嘴)改进滤筒脉冲喷吹清灰效果ꎬ通过构建CFD数值模型研究了滤筒内脉冲喷吹流场ꎬ考察了喷嘴的喷吹距离及文丘里管的增设对喷吹性能的影响ꎬ研究结果对于除尘滤筒的设计与优化具有重要意义ꎮ1㊀试验方法1.1㊀实验系统与模型构建模拟以脉冲喷吹滤筒除尘器实验系统为原型ꎬ实验系统主要结构见已报道文献[11]ꎬ其中原除尘器内安装为普通滤筒(滤筒长度660mmꎬ直径240mmꎬ滤料厚度0.6mm)ꎬ现将普通滤筒更改为导流内锥式除尘滤筒(内锥高度760mm㊁底部开口直径200mm)ꎬ如图1(a)所示ꎮ滤筒上方设置有普通喷嘴ꎬ喷嘴直径为25mmꎮ现设计了环缝喷嘴(内环直径92.00mm㊁外环直径95.34mmꎬ如图1(b)所示)对喷吹性能进行改进ꎮ普通喷嘴和环缝喷嘴喷吹出口的截面积相同ꎬ均为490.6mm2ꎮ(a)导流内锥式除尘滤筒(b)环缝喷嘴图1㊀导流内锥式除尘滤筒与环缝喷嘴实物图Fig.1㊀Physicaldiagramoftheinnerconedustfiltercartridgeandtheannularslitnozzleintheguideflow01 南昌大学学报(工科版)2023年㊀在数值模拟中ꎬ由于滤筒除尘器为中心轴对称结构ꎬ为节省计算量ꎬ将其简化为二维模型ꎬ简化后的模型如图2所示ꎬ二维模型绕对称轴旋转360ʎ即为全尺寸滤筒除尘器ꎮ文丘里管图2㊀数值模拟几何模型Fig.2㊀Geometryofthenumericalsimulation1.2㊀模拟的边界条件本次研究采用AnsysFluent软件进行数值模拟ꎬ模拟边界条件如下:喷嘴设置为压力入口ꎬ除尘器的顶面和底面分别设置为压力出口ꎬ滤筒滤料层设置为多孔介质区ꎬ经课题组相关实验测试与计算[11]ꎬ所用滤筒黏性损失系数1/α为2.0ˑ1011m-2ꎮ模拟使用的流体假设为理想气体ꎬ认为流体可压缩㊁非稳态㊁等温㊁湍流ꎬ选择Realizablek-ε湍流模型和压力-速度耦合算法ꎬ并且不考虑粉尘的运移及滤筒形变对模拟的影响ꎮ1.3㊀研究方案1)选取初始气包压力0.5MPa㊁脉冲宽度0.15s对应的喷嘴出口压力作为模拟的入口边界ꎬ入口压力的设置参考已有文献[19]ꎬ在喷吹距离400mm条件下对比使用普通喷嘴和环缝喷嘴时滤筒内喷吹压力的时空分布ꎮ2)在滤筒内壁设置压力测点P1~P5用于监测滤筒内喷吹压力的变化ꎬ各测点离滤筒顶部距离分别为110㊁220㊁330㊁440㊁550mmꎮ考察200~700mm的喷吹距离对喷吹压力的影响ꎬ对比普通喷嘴和环缝喷嘴条件下的喷吹强度与变异系数ꎬ确定最佳喷吹距离ꎮ喷吹强度是指滤筒内各测点压力峰值的平均值ꎬ变异系数是指各测点压力峰值标准差与平均值比值ꎬ变异系数越小ꎬ说明滤筒内压力分布均匀性越好[11]ꎮ3)在环缝喷嘴最佳喷吹距离条件下ꎬ对比增设文丘里管(高120mm㊁上部开口直径136mm㊁下部开口直径210mm㊁中间喉部直径110mmꎬ安装位置如图2所示)前后滤筒内喷吹压力ꎬ考察文丘里管安装高度h为-120~60mm时对喷吹压力的影响ꎮ其中ꎬ安装高度h为文丘里管底部距滤筒顶部的距离ꎬ文丘里管与滤筒间用挡板连接ꎮ1.4㊀网格独立性与实验验证为验证网格的独立性ꎬ选取普通喷嘴在喷吹距离l为300mm条件下对网格进行加密ꎬ加密前后的网格节点总数分别为31322和46977个ꎮ在喷吹压力为0.5MPa㊁脉冲宽度为0.15s条件下ꎬ对比了加密前后滤筒中间测点的压力P变化ꎬ如图3所示ꎮ可以发现网格加密前后的压力变化曲线几乎重合ꎬ认为网格已达到网格独立性要求ꎬ选择加密前网格的划分策略ꎮ为了验证模型的准确性ꎬ对比了模拟与实验结果ꎬ如图3(a)所示ꎮ模拟压力与实验值变化趋势基本吻合ꎬ但相比于模拟值的压力变化曲线ꎬ实验值波动较剧烈ꎬ主要是因为喷吹过程中滤筒的震动ꎬ引起压力传感器的震动ꎬ从而导致数据的波动ꎮ总体认为ꎬ模拟的结果符合实际分析要求ꎮ模拟值1(网格加密前)模拟值2(网格加密后)实验值12001000800600400200P/Pa0.实验与模拟数据对比普通喷嘴内锥(b)网格加密前(c)网格加密后图3㊀网格独立性与实验验证Fig.3㊀Gridindependenceandexperimentalvalidation11第1期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀李建龙等:环形缝隙喷嘴改进导流内锥式除尘滤筒脉冲喷吹性能的数值模拟2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀喷吹压力的时空分布图4和图5分别为在喷吹距离l为400mmꎬ气包压力为0.5MPaꎬ脉冲宽度为0.15s条件下ꎬ采用普通喷嘴和环缝喷嘴时静压力云图和流线图ꎮ(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(a)t=0.01sꎻ(b)t=0.02sꎻ(c)t=0.03sꎻ(d)t=0.06sꎻ(e)t=0.10sꎻ(f)t=0.12sꎮ图4㊀普通喷嘴条件下除尘器内静压力云图和流线Fig.4㊀Staticpressureclouddiagramandstreamlineofdustcollectorundernormalnozzleconditions(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(a)t=0.01sꎻ(b)t=0.02sꎻ(c)t=0.03sꎻ(d)t=0.06sꎻ(e)t=0.10sꎻ(f)t=0.12sꎮ图5㊀环缝喷嘴条件下除尘器内静压力云图和流线Fig.5㊀Staticpressureclouddiagramandstreamlineofdustcollectorunderannularslitnozzleconditions在普通喷嘴条件下ꎬ气流从喷嘴喷出后ꎬ产生卷吸作用ꎬ诱导周围气体进入滤筒ꎬ静压在滤筒自下而上蓄积ꎬ到t=0.03s时基本达到稳定ꎬ滤筒中下部的静压明显大于上部ꎮ主要是因为气流进入滤筒后ꎬ撞击滤筒底部后发生蓄积反弹ꎮ滤筒上部出现负压ꎬ容易造成滤筒上部清灰不足ꎬ其主要原因为喷吹气流在未充分膨胀的情况下高速进入滤筒ꎬ在滤筒上部依然存在较大的气流卷吸作用ꎮ在环缝喷嘴条件下ꎬ气流从喷嘴喷出后会卷吸中心气流ꎬ形成负压ꎬ负压使得环形喷吹气流向中心聚拢ꎬ同时通过环缝喷嘴中心卷吸上方气流ꎮ在t=0.02s时刻ꎬ喷嘴下方产生一个较大范围的负压区域ꎬ主要是因为在相同喷嘴断面积条件下ꎬ环缝喷嘴边缘较长ꎬ喷吹气流与周围空气接触面显著增大ꎬ气流卷吸作用进一步增强ꎮ从喷吹气流随空间的变化特征中可以发现ꎬ滤筒内部几乎不存在负压ꎬ主要是因为环形喷吹气流携带大量气体进入滤筒ꎮ与普通喷嘴相比ꎬ使用环缝喷嘴可以提升滤筒内部的喷吹压力ꎬ缓解滤筒上部清灰不足ꎬ增加滤筒内较高喷吹压力持续时间ꎬ清灰性能更佳ꎮ2.2㊀喷吹距离对清灰性能的影响为探究喷嘴在不同喷吹距离下的脉冲喷吹清灰性能ꎬ对比了喷吹距离l为200~700mm时滤筒内各测点压力峰值Pkꎬ如图6所示ꎮ12001000800600400200P k /P a600500400300200700l/mm(a)普通喷嘴12001000800600400200P k /P a600500400300200700l/mm(b)环缝喷嘴图6㊀测点压力峰值随喷吹距离的变化Fig.6㊀Peakpressureofthemeasurementpointchangeswiththespraydistance使用普通喷嘴条件下ꎬ在喷吹距离l为200~500mm范围内ꎬ随着喷吹距离的增加ꎬP1㊁P2测点压力峰值呈现增大趋势ꎬP3测点压力峰值呈现先减小后增大的趋势ꎬP4㊁P5测点压力峰值呈现减小趋势ꎬ即增加喷吹距离可以显著提升滤筒上部喷吹压力ꎬ但会略微减小滤筒下部喷吹压力ꎮ主要是因为在喷吹距离较小时ꎬP1㊁P2测点在喷吹气流的卷吸区ꎬ喷吹气流膨胀效果较差ꎬP4㊁P5在喷吹气流的扩21 南昌大学学报(工科版)2023年㊀散区ꎬ喷吹气流膨胀充分且存在气流的蓄积反弹作用ꎬ而P3同时受此两区域影响ꎮ增加喷吹距离使得喷吹气流的卷吸区与扩散区上移ꎮ当喷吹距离超出500mm后ꎬ喷吹气流的扩散区逐渐上移到滤筒外部ꎬ因此各测点的喷吹压力都下降ꎮ使用环缝喷嘴条件下ꎬ在喷吹距离l为200~400mm时ꎬ随着喷吹距离的增加ꎬP1㊁P2㊁P3测点压力峰值呈现增大趋势ꎬP4㊁P5压力峰值呈现减小趋势ꎮ当喷吹距离超过400mm后ꎬ除了P3先增大后减小外ꎬ其余测点压力均下降ꎮ造成这些现象的原因与上述普通喷嘴条件下类似ꎬ均与喷吹气流的卷吸与扩散位置相关ꎮ对比2种喷嘴可以发现ꎬ使用环缝喷嘴的滤筒内压力峰值都大于普通喷嘴ꎬ尤其增大了滤筒上部的喷吹压力ꎬ主要是环缝喷嘴具有更强的卷吸作用ꎮ1000800600400200P /P a600500400300200700PCV0. Vl/mm(a)普通喷嘴1000800600400200P /P a600500400300200700P CV0. Vl/mm(b)环缝喷嘴图7㊀喷吹强度与变异系数随喷吹距离的变化Fig.7㊀Changeofsprayintensityandcoefficientofvariationwithspraydistance图7为普通喷嘴与环缝喷嘴在不同喷吹距离l下的喷吹强度P与变异系数CV变化ꎮ使用普通喷嘴条件下ꎬ喷吹强度随着喷吹距离的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势ꎬ且喷吹均匀性逐渐改善ꎬ在喷吹距离l为500mm时ꎬ其喷吹强度达到最大值ꎬ为709Paꎬ对应的变异系数为0.04ꎮ使用环缝喷嘴条件下ꎬ喷吹强度呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势ꎬ并且其喷吹均匀性得到一定程度的改善ꎬ在喷吹距离l为400mm时滤筒清灰性能最佳ꎬ对应的喷吹强度为935Pa㊁变异系数为0.05ꎬ喷吹强度较普通喷嘴提升了44%ꎮ由此可见ꎬ使用环缝喷嘴可以增加滤筒内喷吹强度ꎬ并且在更小的喷吹距离下实现其喷吹强度最大值ꎬ这主要是由于环缝喷嘴使喷吹气流进入滤筒时已实现更充分的扩散ꎮ在喷吹距离较小(200~400mm)时对均匀性的改善显著ꎬ有利于解决滤筒上部清灰不足ꎬ下部清灰过度的情况ꎮ2.3㊀文丘里管的增设对清灰性能的影响图8为环缝喷嘴在最佳喷吹距离400mm㊁文丘里管安装高度0mm条件下的静压力云图和流线图ꎮ滤筒内部压力先整体升高ꎬ在t=0.02s时刻ꎬ在文丘里管外侧产生一个较大范围的负压区域ꎬ主要是因为气流通过文丘里管ꎬ由粗变细ꎬ气体流速加快ꎬ导致气体在文丘里管外侧形成一个负压区ꎬ从而加强了气流的卷吸作用ꎮ(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(a)t=0.01sꎻ(b)t=0.02sꎻ(c)t=0.03sꎻ(d)t=0.06sꎻ(e)t=0.10sꎻ(f)t=0.12sꎮ图8㊀增设文丘里管条件下除尘器内静压力云图和流线Fig.8㊀StaticpressureclouddiagramandstreamlineofdustcollectorundertheconditionofaddingVenturitube图9为增设文丘里管前后各测点喷吹压力峰值1400120010008006004002000P k /P aP4P3P2P1P5增设文丘里管前增设文丘里管后图9㊀增设文丘里管后喷吹压力对比Fig.9㊀ComparisonofinjectionpressureafteraddingVenturitube31 第1期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀李建龙等:环形缝隙喷嘴改进导流内锥式除尘滤筒脉冲喷吹性能的数值模拟Pk对比ꎮ增设文丘里管后ꎬ各测点的喷吹压力均得到较大的提升ꎮ因为文丘里管可以汇聚卷吸周围空气ꎬ更均匀地混合喷吹与卷吸的气流ꎬ提升滤筒内部的喷吹压力ꎬ进一步加强了滤筒清灰性能ꎮ进一步考察了文丘里管在不同安装高度h(-120~60mm)时各测点压力峰值Pk变化ꎬ如图10所示ꎮ文丘里管安装高度h在-120~-60mm时ꎬ随着文丘里管安装高度升高ꎬP1~P5测点压力均呈现升高趋势ꎬ文丘里管安装高度h在-60~60mm时ꎬ随着文丘里管安装高度升高ꎬP1~P2测点喷吹压力下降ꎬP3~P5测点喷吹压力变化较小ꎮ观察图10(b)可以发现ꎬ随着文丘里管安装高度升高ꎬ滤筒内部的喷吹强度先升高再缓慢降低ꎬ变异系数呈现先增大后减小的趋势ꎮ14001300120011001000900800P k /P a300-30-60-90-12060P1P2P3P4P5h/mm(a)测点压力峰值14001300120011001000900P /P a300-30-60-90-12060P CV0. Vh/mm(b)喷吹强度和变异系数变化图10㊀文丘里管安装高度对喷吹性能影响Fig.10㊀InstallationheightoftheVenturitubehasaneffectontheinjectionperformance造成这种现象主要是因为ꎬ文丘里管安装高度较低时ꎬ文丘里管与滤筒的内锥阻碍了喷吹气流进入滤筒内部ꎬ导致滤筒内部气流量减少ꎮ因此ꎬ文丘里管安装高度h在-30~60mm时ꎬ可以得到较好的喷吹强度及均匀性ꎬ在安装高度为-30mmꎬ喷吹强度最大ꎬ提升了29%ꎮ环缝喷嘴和文丘里管改善滤筒喷吹性能的原理如图11所示ꎬ可见文丘里管有汇聚气流㊁均匀混合喷吹气流与卷吸气流的效果ꎬ并且进一步加强了气流的卷吸作用ꎬ环缝喷嘴和文丘里管组合可优化滤筒清灰性能ꎮ文丘里管图11㊀环缝喷嘴和文丘里管改善喷吹性能的原理Fig.11㊀PrincipleofcircumferentialnozzlesandVenturitubestoimprovesprayperformance41 南昌大学学报(工科版)2023年㊀3 结论㊀㊀1)环缝喷嘴显著提升了喷吹气流与周围空气的接触面ꎬ增强了气流卷吸作用ꎻ相较于普通喷嘴ꎬ使用环缝喷嘴条件下滤筒上部的负压几乎消失ꎬ滤筒内部的喷吹压力明显提升ꎬ较高喷吹压力持续时间延长ꎬ脉冲清灰性能更佳ꎮ2)普通喷嘴和环缝喷嘴条件下ꎬ喷吹强度均随着喷吹距离呈先增后降的趋势ꎬ其中环缝喷嘴对应的喷吹强度更大ꎬ且在较小喷吹距离(200~400mm)时喷吹均匀性的改善显著ꎬ主要是因为环缝喷嘴喷吹气流与周围空气接触面更大ꎬ具有更强的卷吸作用ꎻ在喷吹距离l为400mm时ꎬ对滤筒的清灰性能改善最佳ꎬ喷吹强度提升了44%ꎮ3)文丘里管的增设可汇聚并均匀混合卷吸空气ꎬ进一步加强气流的卷吸作用ꎬ环缝喷嘴和文丘里管组合可提高滤筒内的喷吹压力ꎻ文丘里管安装高度在-30mm时对喷吹强度提升最大ꎬ为29%ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀刘媛ꎬ张蕾ꎬ陈娱ꎬ等.2003 2016年中国PM2.5质量浓度时空格局演变及影响因素解析[J/OL].地理科学ꎬ2023:1-11(2023-01-20)[2023-02-03].https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/22.1124.P.20230118.1914.006.ht ̄ml.[2]LIANGCSꎬDUANFKꎬHEKBꎬetal.Reviewonrecentprogressinobservationsꎬsourceidentificationsandcoun ̄termeasuresofPM2.5[J].EnvironmentInternationalꎬ2016ꎬ86:150-170.[3]庄学安.小保当矿井粉尘高效治理技术探讨[J].煤炭技术ꎬ2022ꎬ41(2):149-152.[4]ZHANGSGꎬLUWGꎬWEIZQꎬetal.Airpollutionandcardiacarrhythmias:fromepidemiologicalandclinicalevi ̄dencestocellularelectrophysiologicalmechanisms[J].FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicineꎬ2021ꎬ8:736151[5]李德文ꎬ赵政ꎬ郭胜均ꎬ等. 十三五 煤矿粉尘职业危害防治技术及发展方向[J].矿业安全与环保ꎬ2022ꎬ49(4):51-58.[6]罗敏ꎬ李建龙ꎬ吴代赦ꎬ等.滤膜泄漏对颗粒物过滤性能影响的实验[J].南昌大学学报(理科版)ꎬ2020ꎬ44(1):70-75.[7]杨燕霞ꎬ张明星ꎬ秦文茜ꎬ等.脉冲喷吹内置锥形滤筒的清灰性能[J].中国粉体技术ꎬ2019ꎬ25(1):76-80. 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LABORATORY PRIMATENEWSLETTERVol. 48, No. 3Ju ly 2009JUDITH E. SCHRIER, EDITORJAMES S. HARPER, GORDON J. HANKINSON AND LARRY HULSEBOS, ASSOCIATE EDITORS MORRIS L. POVAR AND JASON MACHAN, CONSULTING EDITORSELVA MATHIESEN, ASSISTANT EDITORALLAN M. SCHRIER, FOUNDING EDITOR, 1962-1987Published Quarterly by the Schrier Research LaboratoryPsychology Department, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandISSN 0023-6861POLICY STATEMENTThe Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1) provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to specific research problems, and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be welcome.The Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing research with nonhuman primates. Back issues may be purchased for $10.00 each. We are no longer printing paper issues, except those we will send to subscribers who have paid in advance. We will not accept future subscriptions, unless subscribers are willing to pay $100/year. (Please make checks payable to the Brown University Psychology Department.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive a notice when a new issue is put on the Website by sending the message subscribe LPN-WARN your-own-name to listserv@.(Send the message subscribe LPN-PDF to receive PDF files by e-mail; or the message subscribe LPN-L to receive the nongraphic contents of each issue.) Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at </primate>. Persons who have absolutely no access to the Web, or to the electronic mailing, may ask to have paper copies sent to them.The publication lag is typically no longer than the three months between issues and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints will not be supplied under any circumstances, but authors may reproduce their own articles in any quantity.PREPARATION OF ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. – Articles, notes, and announcements may be submitted by mail, e-mail, or computer disk, but a printed copy of manuscripts of any length or complexity should also be sent by regular mail.. Articles in the References section should be referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith & Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled out completely in the References section. Latin names of primates should be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the Latin names used will be those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd Ed. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder (Eds.). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. For an introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates, by N. Rowe, Pogonias Press, 1996.All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02912 [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]e-mail address: primate@Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at/primateACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Newsletter is supported by Brown University.Cover photograph of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta),taken at the San Diego Zoo by Paul Wilde, 1997Copyright © 2009 by Brown UniversityThe Effects of Exposure to an Expanded Environmental Enrichment Program onSelect Individual Behaviors in BaboonsAmy K. Goodwin, Susan A. James, Kelly E. Lane, Michael C. McDermott, Rebecca L. Rodgerson, and Nancy A. Ator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of BehavioralBiologyIn our laboratory, we had often discussed our desire to create an area in which our singly housed, adult male ba-boons could be released to exercise. The opportunity to do so arose when an environmental enrichment grant from the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University provided funding for such a project. Thus, the goals of the present study were to cre-ate an area large enough for baboons to safely engage in species-specific behavior (i.e., free movement, explora-tory behavior, foraging) and to learn whether exposure to this environment would be correlated with changes in target behaviors considered indicators of psychological well-being.MethodsSubjects: Six adult male baboons (Papio anubis; Primate Imports, New York, NY, or Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX) served as sub-jects in the present study. The six baboons (BB, DC, SY, CY, DE and SC) had been in the laboratory for at least three years and had been subjects in behavioral pharma-cology studies. During the present study, the behavioral pharmacology studies in which they participated included acute exposure to psychoactive compounds. Subjects were individually housed in stainless steel primate cages equipped with a bench running along one cage wall. The home cages, which provided 10 square feet of floor space (46.5 cubic feet total space), also served as the experi-mental chambers, so the behavioral pharmacology ex-periments took place in the home cage. Such experiments typically involve the use of one or more levers, stimulus lights, tones, and food pellet delivery. The baboons had visual and auditory access to other baboons.The baboons had continuous access to tap water from a spout at the front of their cages and received a daily ration of Lab Diet (®PMI Nutrition International) or Pri-mate diet (®Harlan Teklad) biscuits, one or two pieces of Amy K. Goodwin, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Behav-ioral Biology Research Center, 5510 Nathan Shock Dr., Suite 3000, Baltimore, MD 21224 [410-550-2781; fax: 410-550-2780; e-mail: Goodwin@].The establishment of the enrichment room was made possi-ble through an Animal Welfare Enhancement Award made by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The authors would also like to thank Dan Rodgerson for the technical expertise he lent to the project, and Robert J. Adams, DVM, for helpful comments during the protocol review process and manuscript preparation.fresh fruits or vegetables daily, and children’s chewable multivitamins. Daily feeding occurred in late morning (never prior to time spent in the enrichment room). The enrichment program already established in the colony, which included human interaction, access to three or more toys (forage boxes, puzzle feeders, mirrors, Kong® toys, wood logs), and music continued without change during the present study.The overhead lights in the housing room were on for 13 h/day (6:00-19:00 h) and off for the remaining 11 h/day. Natural light also illuminated the room.Routine physical examinations (under ketamine hy-drochloride anesthesia) occurred every two weeks or ap-proximately once per month, depending on the study in which each subject was serving.All protocols were approved by the Johns Hopkins University Animal Care and Use Committee. Animal care and use and facility maintenance followed the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) and the U. S. Animal Welfare Regulations. Johns Hopkins University is accredited by the Association for Assess-ment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care Inter-national.Room Construction: It was vital that the time and effort required to create the enrichment room space be manage-able and that the expense stay below the $6000 received for the project from the Animal Welfare Enhancement Award. Ultimately, by using resources already available to us, we were able to manage the time and effort required without affecting the normal daily functioning in the labo-ratory.The space designated for the enrichment room had been constructed as an animal housing room (i.e., wall and floor surfaces met Guide standards; air was vented externally), and all environmental aspects (e.g., tempera-ture and humidity) were controllable by laboratory per-sonnel. The space was not needed for housing animals when the project began. The room has 145.8 square feet of floor space (663.5 cubic feet of total space), a fully functional sink, and a steel railing on three walls.A door had to be constructed such that baboons would be able to be safely transferred in and out of the room using the shuttle system described below. In order to accomplish this without permanently altering the room, a door measuring 83.25” by 47.25” was made of aluminumsheets in a frame of 3” x 1.25” 6061 architectural alumi-num, and installed in the existing door frame in front of the existing door (see Figure 1). A sub-frame containing a portion of the front wall of an old baboon cage was mounted in the center of the new aluminum door and welded to the larger door frame such that the shuttle cage could be connected to the embedded guillotine-style door. Once the shuttle is attached, the guillotine-style doors on the shuttle cage and the new “cage front” door are opened and the baboon is able to pass from the shuttle into the room. The cage front door is shut behind the baboon. When a baboon is not in the room, the aluminum door functions as any door would, allowing personnel into theroom so that it may be cleaned between baboons.Figure 1: The door constructed to safely transfer baboons in and out of the enrichment room.A painted wooden structure was also manufactured to block baboon access to the sink and its pipes (see Figure 2).The structure is hinged at the front, allowing easy ac-cess to the sink by personnel; fasteners prevent the baboon from opening the lid to the sink. Electrical outlets were covered with metal plates that were screwed in over them. Experimental Design and Procedures: The psychologi-cal well-being of nonhuman primates must be based on individual needs, thus a single-subject design was used in which each subject served as his own experimental control (Sidman, 1960). A subject’s target behavior was meas-ured before the intervention (i.e., exposure to enrichment room) and then measurements in the home cage continued as baboons were periodically exposed to the enrichment room. Prior to any enrichment room exposure, the fre-quency of the target behavior in the home cage was re-corded using a time-sampling procedure (Martin & Pear, 1992) in which 2-minute observations were conducted every hour for 8 hours (i.e., every hour from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at least three days a week, over at least three weeks (i.e., a minimum of 72 two-minute observations). After subjects began spending time in the enrichment room, the home cage observations occurred once per week on a day when the baboon was not scheduled to be in the enrich-ment room (e.g., eight 2-minute observations on Fridays). Figure 2: A baboon in the enrichment room. The wooden structure on the left is the painted and hinged structure used to block baboon access to a sink located in the enrichment room. Shown in the picture are various types of plastic zoo balls, plas-tic tires, tree branches, mirrors, plastic chains, and cardboard for shredding. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds, etc.) are placed throughoutthe room to encourage foraging behavior.The frequency of behaviors was recorded by the ob-server marking a behavioral checklist that included the following behaviors: pacing, rocking, bouncing, circling, self-biting, self-grooming, sleeping, huddled posture, masturbating, aggressive behaviors, playing with toy, lip-smacking, grunting, eating, and drinking. Similar behav-iors have been defined previously in our lab as a part of assessments to examine acute and chronic drug effects (Ator et al., 2000; Goodwin et al., 2005; Goodwin et al., 2006).Three baboons (BB, DC, and SY) were identified as exhibiting behaviors in their home cages for which a de-crease in the frequency may indicate improvement in psy-chological well-being. For baboon BB, the behaviors were pacing and circling in his home cage. For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture, operationally defined assitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli (e.g., our saying his name or offering food treats), was identified as such a behavior. In addition, baboon SY was identified as engaging in excessive grooming. For all three baboons, manipulating items/toys provided in the home cage was identified as a behavior for which increases in frequency may signal improve-ments in psychological well-being and was also recorded.Periodic cage washes (e.g., every two weeks) require baboons to be transferred out of their home cages and into a temporary cage via a “shuttle”. After the shuttle is at-tached to the front of a baboon’s home cage, the guillo-tine style doors on the cage front and shuttle front are lifted and the baboon is able to enter the shuttle. The doors are then shut, and the baboon is transferred to a temporary cage while his home cage is washed. The same procedures are used to transfer the baboons back to their home cages. Although most baboons readily par-ticipate in this procedure, some baboons consistently re-quire coaxing to enter the shuttle. Typically, veterinary technicians attempt to coax baboons into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, and when this fails, the back wall of the home cage is cranked forward so baboons have no choice but to enter the shuttle. In these extreme situations, ba-boons may experience some level of stress associated with the cage wall being cranked forward.Three baboons (CY, DE, and SC) from the colony were identified as consistently required coaxing and/or cranking of the back wall in their home cage in order to transfer them in the shuttle for routine cage washes. De-creasing the time taken for these baboons to enter the shuttle was presumed to lower the stress levels experi-enced by these baboons when they require such transfer.Exposure to the enrichment room began after pre-intervention data had been collected. Between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. (i.e., prior to daily feedings), individual baboons were transported from their home cages to the enrichment room in the shuttle 2-3 times per week. Two dependent variables were used to measure the effectiveness of expo-sure to the enrichment room:1.Target Behaviors: For baboons BB, DC, and SY, the frequency of the behavior(s) identified for each baboon as described above (i.e., circling/pacing, huddled posture, excessive grooming, and handling toys) were systemati-cally recorded by a trained observer before any subject entered the room (i.e., in the weeks prior to entering the enrichment room the first time) using checklists described above.2.Shuttle Behavior: For baboons CY, DE and SC, the latency to enter the shuttle for transportation was re-corded in multiple instances before any exposure to the enrichment room; recording continued after exposure to the enrichment began. The maximum latency to enter the shuttle voluntarily was defined as five minutes, after which time the back wall was cranked forward to leave the baboon with no choice but to enter the shuttle.Each baboon spent 30 minutes in the enrichment room where he had access to numerous objects and toys manu-factured or otherwise suggested for nonhuman primates, including tires, various types of plastic balls, trees, mir-rors, wood pieces, knotted ropes, plastic chains, etc. (see Figure 2; Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ; Desert Plastics, Al-buquerque, NM; Otto Environmental, Milwaukee, WI; Primate Products Inc., Woodside, CA; and Steiner Enter-prises, Lafayette, IN). The same objects were kept in the room, but were cleaned and arranged differently between baboon visits. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds) were placed throughout the room for each baboon to encourage forag-ing behavior. The objects manipulated and duration spent in the enrichment room were recorded for each baboon.After 30 minutes, the shuttle was pushed up against the guillotine door to the room and the doors on the shut-tle and the cage door were raised for transportation to the home cage. Baboons typically returned readily to the shuttle. If a baboon did not do so, a technician placed a piece of fruit in the shuttle to coax the baboon into it. As noted above, daily feeding (i.e., primate biscuits and fresh produce) was restricted to post-enrichment room partici-pation, to increase the likelihood that baboons resisting entering the shuttle might be coaxed with the fruit.Data Analysis: Data are presented for individual ba-boons. As subjects were also participants in on-going behavioral pharmacology studies, only data collected on days when no drugs were administered were included in this data analysis. As described above, a time-sampling procedure was used to assess the frequency of a specific behavior in the home cage for any given day Martin & Pear,1992).Thus, the total number of episodes across the eight 2-min.observations (one each hour for eight con-secutive hours)that occurred in one 24-hr period was av-eraged across days for the periods before and after en-richment room exposure. In addition, the 2-min. observa-tions were combined within each day by adding the fre-quency of occurrences of any given behavior and then dividing the total frequency by the number of total min-utes spent observing in order to express a rate. In this way, the rate for each day served as an independent ob-servation for comparing frequencies before and during exposure to the enrichment room using Student’s t-test (one-tailed).For the individual latencies to enter the transport shuttle, logarithmic transformation of individual latencies were analyzed using Student’s t-test (one-tailed). Changes in the mean frequency of a specific behavior, or the mean latency to enter the shuttle, were deemed statis-tically significant at the 0.05 level or better for individual baboons after exposure to the enrichment room.The data are also presented in graph form as (1) the mean (±SD) frequency of each measure for each baboon prior to any exposure in the enrichment room (PRE) and (2) the frequency of that measure following each expo-sure to the room. In this way, patterns of change over time as a result of repeated exposure to the enrichment room may be detected.ResultsFor baboon BB, repetitive pacing/circling in the home cage was identified as the target behavior prior to the start of this study. Using the time-sampling procedure de-scribed above, the mean (±SD) frequency of pac-ing/circling episodes in the home cage prior to any visits to the enrichment room was 2.19 (±1.39) (see Figure 3). After exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) number of pacing/circling episodes significantly de-creased to 0.643 (±0.63) (t=3.948; p=0.0002).Figure 3: The mean frequency of pacing/circling episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB. Data here, and in Figures 4, 5, and 6, are the mean (±SD) frequency ob-tained using a time-sampling procedure before exposure to the enrichment room (PRE), and the frequency observed following exposure to the enrichment room.For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture was identified as a target behavior for which a decrease fol-lowing exposure to the enrichment room may indicate an improvement in psychological well-being (see Figure 4). As noted previously, the “huddled” posture is defined as sitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli. For baboon DC, the mean (±SD) frequency of the “huddled” posture prior to exposure to the enrich-ment room was 5.25 (±1.29). The mean frequency after exposure decreased to 4.21 (±1.31), a statistically signifi-cant decrease (t=2.02; p=0.03; see Figure 4). For baboon SY, the frequency of “huddled” posture observed in the home cage also decreased after exposure to the enrich-ment room. Prior to the first exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) frequency of a “huddled” posture for SY was 1.88 (±1.37). This was significantly de-creased to 0.71 (±0.83) (t=2.92; p=0.003).Figure 4: The mean frequency of “huddled” posture per two-minute interval in the home cages of baboons DC and SY.Excessive grooming was also identified as a target behavior for baboon SY for which a decrease in the fre-quency may signal an improvement in his psychological well-being (see Figure 5). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes prior to exposure to the enrichment room was 3.77 (±1.45). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes after exposure decreased to 2.36 (±0.74), a statistically significant decrease (t=3.34;p=0.0008).Figure 5: The mean frequency of grooming episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon SY.Figure 6: The mean frequency of episodes of “playing with toys” per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB.Behaviors for which an increase in frequency might signal improved psychological well-being were also char-acterized. For baboon BB, there was a significant in-crease in the frequency of “playing with toys” in his home cage after exposure to the enrichment room (t=4.48; p<0.0001). As shown in Figure 6, the frequency since exposure to the enrichment room generally increased. Prior to enrichment room exposure, the mean (±SD) fre-quency of baboon BB “playing with toys” in the home cage was 2.27 (±1.91). After the first exposure, the mean (±SD) frequency was 4.9 (±1.54).Figure 7: The mean (±SD) latency (min.) to enter the shuttle from the home cages of baboons DE and CY before (PRE) ex-posure to the enrichment room and after exposure. The maxi-mum latency was five min., after which the back wall of the home cage was cranked forward.Some of SY’s and DC’s behaviors in the home cage that may signal improvement in psychological well-being when increased (i.e., playing with toys, lip smacking, and grunting) were not significantly changed (data not shown) after exposure to the enrichment room.The latency to enter the shuttle for transportation from the home cage to the enrichment room was studied in three baboons (DE, CY, SC) known to require coaxing, and often cranking the back wall of the home cage, to get them into the shuttle. As shown in Figure 7, baboon DE required a mean (±SD) latency of 3.45 (±1.82) minutes to enter the shuttle prior to any exposure in the enrichment room. After the first exposure, the mean latency to enter the shuttle significantly decreased (t=7.4; p<0.0001). For baboon CY, the mean (±SD) latency to enter the shuttle prior to exposure was 0.53 ± 0.57 minutes, a significant decrease after exposure (t=2.1; p=0.023).Despite coaxing with fruit, one baboon (SC) failed to return to the shuttle after entering the enrichment room. Fortunately, the baboon was one who readily pressed his thigh up against the bars for ketamine injections in the home cage and also did so in the enrichment room. While ketamine is routinely used in lab settings for its sedative effects, it is a drug with potential for abuse, and studies have illustrated that nonhuman primates will self-administer ketamine (Lukas et al., 1984; Moreton et al., 1977). Thus, since intramuscular ketamine clearly served as a reinforcer for this baboon, the veterinary technician was able to sedate the animal with ketamine in order to remove him from the room. When this also needed to be done at the end of his second visit to the room, this ba-boon was dropped from the study.DiscussionThe objective of the present study was to improve the quality of life for baboons in our lab through exposure to an expanded environmental enrichment program. We could not simply assume, however, that exposure to the enrichment room would result in an improvement in the psychological well-being of our subjects. Thus, we iden-tified three baboons with maladaptive behaviors in their home cages and compared the frequency of these behav-iors prior to enrichment room exposure to the frequency of the same behaviors after exposure, and found signifi-cant decreases in their frequency.In addition, we found that two baboons would more readily enter the transport shuttle after exposure to the enrichment room. That is, the stress resulting from crank-ing the back wall forward and “forcing” baboons out of the cage and into the shuttle for transport no longer oc-curs for these baboons, since they now readily enter the shuttle. This is important because baboons must be trans-ported out of their home cages for regular cage washes.Thus, our data support the idea that exposure to the enrichment room improved the psychological well-being of the baboons. In addition, while only one of the ba-boons showed an increase in the use of toys in his home cage, it is possible the baboons experienced significant increases in their psychological well-being that were un-detected by our outcome measures. Moreover, by docu-menting the smaller objects manipulated (e.g., Kong® toys, balls made of different materials, plastic chains, mirrors) while the baboons were in the enrichment room, we also were able to identify individual toy preferences for individual baboons. This has resulted in more effec-tive enrichment being provided in the home cages.Another goal was simply to increase the amount of activity in which the baboons were able to engage. Tech-nicians consistently noted in the records that baboons spend a majority of time in the enrichment room moving around and “exploring.”A discussion of promoting the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates in laboratories would not be complete without mentioning possible causes of abnormal cage behaviors. While it is not possible to know why one baboon engages in maladaptive behaviors when others do not, one theory with an abundance of evidence asserts that removing an infant from his mother’s care too soon can result in the formation of abnormal cage behaviors later in life (Altmann, 2001; Bellanca & Crockett, 2002). Neither information about the age at which a baboon was removed from his mother’s care, nor descriptions of early life experiences, are routinely provided with nonhuman primates upon arrival at research facilities. For example, while the actual age of baboon BB is not known, he was a wild-caught baboon who weighed a mere 8.2 kg and was lacking his canine teeth upon arrival, leaving no doubt he arrived as a juvenile. Moreover, when he arrived at quar-antine (and for a period of time after arriving in our facil-ity), BB was housed with a second male baboon that was bigger and dominated BB. Thus, the cage behaviors ex-hibited by BB later in life may have been shaped as a consequence of being taken from his mother too soon and/or being caged with a dominant older male early in life. While many factors certainly influence the formation of maladaptive behaviors, housing and rearing conditions, early life experience, and colony procedures clearly play a role. Indeed, a retrospective analysis in a colony of rhesus macaques concluded that factors influencing the development of stereotypic and self-injurious behaviors in rhesus macaques included intrinsic factors (i.e., males exhibit more maladaptive behaviors than did females), rearing conditions, housing conditions, colony manage-ment practices, and research protocols (Lutz et al., 2003). Regardless of the cause of abnormal cage behaviors, it is important to examine how environmental enrichment may be useful for decreasing these behaviors.Since we ended our data collection, the enrichment room has been available for all baboons in our colony, and we have encountered baboons that do not readily return to the shuttle for transportation back to their home cages. Specifically, we have had three instances, other than the one reported above, when baboons would not readily exit the enrichment room. In these instances, the technicians tried to coax the baboon into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, but found it required considerable time before the baboons would exit. That is, after a period of 1-4 hours baboons eventually returned to the shuttle, and those baboons are not currently visiting the enrichment room. Other methods for encouraging return to the shut-tle, however, are being tried. For example, we have found that turning off the room light was successful with one baboon. Based on our experience during and after the present study, 30-45 minutes seems to be the ideal amount of time in the room after which the majority of baboons will readily exit the room without incident.It is our hope that other laboratories will use an en-richment room for caged nonhuman primates and will find it a valuable tool for increasing their psychological well-being. Facilities that house very large numbers of nonhuman primates may find it difficult to expend the time, space, and money to offer such enrichment to all animals. While it would be wonderful to give all the animals in a lab access to an enrichment room, it would not be as expensive to at least provide it to those animals who need it most. Indeed, our data support the notion that the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates exhibiting maladaptive behaviors can improve by expo-sure to an enrichment room.It should be noted, however, that some unique vari-ables may have contributed to our success. The veteri-nary technicians in the Division of Behavioral Biology are responsible for the daily care of the same animals, and the baboons serve as subjects in behavioral experiments for a number of years (i.e., studies are not terminal). Thus, the baboons are extremely familiar with their vet-erinary technicians. In addition, the baboons have a his-tory of shuttling for cage washes and so the act of moving from their home cages to the enrichment room was famil-iar to them. Nonetheless, exposing baboons with target behaviors indicative of poor psychological well-being to the enrichment room resulted in an apparent improvement in psychological well-being. The ease of replication of the enrichment room in other nonhuman primate colonies is contingent on the availability of space, time, and some financial support.In conclusion, participation in the expanded enrich-ment program enhanced the standard enrichment provided in the home cages, and also appeared to improve the psy-chological well-being of individual baboons with identi-fied maladaptive behaviors in our research program. We。
2023年中级经济师 人力 三色笔记
2023年中级经济师考试备考笔记1. 关于2023年中级经济师考试2023年中级经济师考试是对经济学专业知识和技能进行全面考察的一次重要测试。
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4.Finding the Cisco IOS Image(只有boot system command作为命令不在第六步中,而位于第2.5步):5.ROMMON=ROM monitor。
6.查看启动配置:show startup-config。
7.Configuration Register Values:8.Router Startup Flowchart:9.常用show命令:Show version;Show flash;10.Overview of Router Modes:11.查看当前模式下的权限级别:Show privilege。
2023年中级经济师 金融专业三色笔记
2023年中级经济师金融专业三色笔记2023年中级经济师金融专业三色笔记【引子】1. 从过去的笔记经验来看,良好的笔记对于统考中级经济师金融专业的学习至关重要。
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【个人观点和理解】5. 我个人认为,三色笔记不仅对2023年中级经济师金融专业的考试备考有很大帮助,而且在学习其他知识领域时也同样适用。
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2023中级经济师考试经济基础新版三色笔记摘要:1.2023 年中级经济师考试经济基础概述2.三色笔记的概念与作用3.新版三色笔记的主要内容4.如何有效利用新版三色笔记备考正文:【2023 年中级经济师考试经济基础概述】2023 年中级经济师考试经济基础是广大考生在备考过程中需要重点关注的内容。
【新版三色笔记的主要内容】新版三色笔记根据2023 年中级经济师考试经济基础的考试大纲,系统地梳理了各个知识点,并将其分为三个层次。
23年中级经济师人力资源三色笔记23年中级经济师人力资源三色笔记第一篇:看趋势三色笔记一、人力资源管理的背景和趋势1. 人力资源管理的背景20世纪70年代以来,全球化和信息化的浪潮席卷全球,国际贸易和跨国公司的兴起,以及人力资源管理理念的不断发展推动了人力资源管理的兴盛。
2. 人力资源管理的趋势a. 全球化趋势经济全球化的加剧使得组织不再局限于本国人才市场,而是面临全球范围内的人才竞争。
b. 技术化趋势随着信息技术的不断发展,人力资源管理也进入了数字化时代。
c. 多元化趋势多元化是现代组织面临的一个重要挑战。
二、人力资源管理的核心要素1. 人力资源规划人力资源规划是人力资源管理的基础工作,也是实现组织战略目标的关键。
2. 招聘和选拔招聘和选拔是组织获取人才的重要方式。
左玉辉第二版环境学经典笔记2018版(精品笔记 同类院校真题答案 习题集 课件课本)
Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 2554–2562Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olPreparation and properties of oxidized starch with high degree of oxidationYu-Rong Zhang,Xiu-Li Wang ∗,Guo-Ming Zhao,Yu-Zhong Wang ∗Center for Degradable and Flame-Retardant Polymeric Materials,College of Chemistry,National Engineering Laboratory of Eco-Friendly Polymeric Materials,State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 5August 2011Received in revised form 9November 2011Accepted 9November 2011Available online 22 November 2011Keywords:Oxidized starch Carbonyl content Degree of oxidation Hydrogen peroxidea b s t r a c tA highly efficient method for preparing oxidized starches with a high degree of oxidation (DO)was devel-oped,using CuSO 4and H 2O 2respectively as a catalyst and an oxidant.The effect of different parameters including starch origin,oxidant content,temperature,catalyst content,and reaction time on the DO was investigated systematically.In the present study,only 0.5%of catalyst was added,and the reaction time could be reduced to 1h,while in the previous study the reaction time of 72h was necessary to achieve almost the same DO without a catalyst.The structures and properties of oxidized starches were char-acterized by FT-IR,DSC,TGA,XRD,and transmittance light testing.The oxidation reduced the intrinsic viscosity and thermal stability of the oxidized starches,and could change the crystalline structures into amorphous states when the DO reached 56.3%.When temperature and/or DO increased,the transmittance of suspended solution of oxidized starch increased correspondingly.© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.1.IntroductionStarch has been widely used in industry for a long time,due to its low cost,biodegradability,and renewability (Fishman,Coffin,Konstance,&Onwulata,2000;Le Corre,Bras,&Dufresne,2010).It is composed of amylose,a linear polymer of ␣-(1-4)glucose units,and amylopectin,a branched polymer of linear ␣-(1-4)glucose units polymer with periodic branches of ␣-(1-6)linkages (Serrero et al.,2010).The hydroxyl groups of starch are easily subjected to various types of reactions,such as oxidation,esterfication,ether-ification,etc.(Zdanowicz,Schmidt,&Spychaj,2010;Zhang et al.,2007).In particular,the oxidation of starch has been extensively investigated.Oxidation,as a chemical way of starch modification,is com-monly used to obtain modified starches with low viscosity at high solid concentrations.The oxidized starch has been reported to have excellent film-forming properties (Kuakpetoon &Wang,2001),and its use can improve the strength and printability of paper.In addition,the oxidized starch has also been widely used in indus-tries such as textile,laundry finishing,etc.(Kuakpetoon &Wang,2001).Hydroxyl groups,primarily at C-2,C-3,and C-6positions,are transformed to carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups by oxida-tion (Kuakpetoon &Wang,2006;Kurakake,Akiyama,Hagiwara,&Komaki,2009).Therefore,the number of these carboxyl and car-bonyl groups of oxidized starch indicates the level of oxidation.∗Corresponding authors.Tel.:+862885410259;fax:+862885410259.E-mail addresses:xiuliwang1@ (X.-L.Wang),yzwang@ (Y.-Z.Wang).Currently hypochlorite oxidation is the most common method for production of oxidized starches on an industrial scale.The oxidation reaction is usually performed in a mild to moderate alkaline solution in order to favor the yield of carboxyl groups.In commercial conversions,usually sodium or calcium hypochlo-rite are used as the oxidizing agents (Kuakpetoon &Wang,2008;Wang &Wang,2003).Permanganate (Silva et al.,2008;Takizawa,Silva,Konkel,&Demiate,2004),persulfate and periodate (Zhang et al.,2007)are also investigated as oxidizing agents in the labora-tory.Different oxidation procedures directly affect the molecular structure and properties of oxidized starch.Although those oxi-dations are chemically efficient,they lead to the formation of large amounts of inorganic wastes such as chlorinated products (Sorokin,Kachkarova-Sorokina,Donze,Pinel,&Gallezot,2004).With envi-ronmental concern in a priority,the oxidant hydrogen peroxide,has drawn researchers’great interest because of its low cost and green water decomposition product.Generally,an accessible and inexpensive transition metal catalyst is added so as to speed up the reaction.Although oxidized starch prepared by hydrogen peroxide has already been investigated (El-Sheikh,Ramadan,&El-Shafie,2009;Parovuori,Hamunen,Forssell,Autio,&Poutanen,1995;Wing &Willett,1997;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,&Wang,2009;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,Chen,&Wang,2009),most researchers focus on the prepa-ration of oxidized starch with a low DO,usually below 10%.Dialdehyde starch prepared by sodium periodate has been studied by our group before (Zhang et al.,2010,2007).However,the cost of oxidant is very high and the decomposed reaction products would pollute the environment.We have also prepared oxidized starch with a high DO using hydrogen peroxide,but the reaction time was0144-8617/$–see front matter © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.11.036Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 2554–25622555too long(Wang,Zhang,Zhang,&Wang,2007;Zhang,Zhang,Wang, &Wang,2009;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,Chen,et al.,2009).For exam-ple,when oxidized starch with DO51.2%was prepared at a2:1ratio of oxidant to starch(molar ratio based on the glucose unit in starch molecules)at35◦C,the reaction time was72h.In this study,Cu(II)ion was added as a catalyst,which had been used to accelerate the reaction before(Achremowicz,Gumul,Bala-Piasek,Tomasik,&Haberko,2000;Parovuori,Hamunen,Forssell, Autio,&Poutanen,1995).The effect of the reaction conditions, including starch origin,oxidant content,temperature,catalyst con-tent,and reaction time on DO was well discussed.The thermal transition behavior,thermal stability,XRD,and transmittance of oxidized starch were also investigated.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsCorn starch,pea starch and sweet potato starch containing 11–13%of moisture were obtained from Langfang Starch Company (Technical Grade,Langfang,Heibei,China).Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2,30%)and CuSO4·5H2O(analytical grade99.5%)were pur-chased from KeLong and Chengdu Chemical Reagent Factory respectively(China).2.2.OxidationThe oxidation procedure was modified according to the method of Wang et al.(2007),Zhang,Zhang,Wang,and Wang(2009)and Zhang,Zhang,Wang,Chen,et al.(2009).Starch slurry was pre-pared by adding10g starch and100ml distilled water into a250ml three-neck round bottomflask equipped with a mechanical stirring and heating device.The mixture was heated to80◦C with modest stirring to gelatinize the starch about0.5h.After that,the temper-ature was decreased to reaction temperatures ranging from15to 60◦C.The CuSO4·5H2O was dissolved in distilled water before being added to the starch.The CuSO4solution wasfirst added to the starch slurry,followed by the addition of H2O2in half an hour.Molar con-tents of CuSO4and H2O2were both based on the glucose unit of starch molecules.When the reaction was completed,the oxidized starch was precipitated in a large amount of ethanol and then sep-arated by centrifuging(Bragd,Besemer,&van Bekkum,2000).The product was dried for24h at50◦C in the vacuum oven and then at 80◦C for24h.Finally it was milled into powder.2.3.Determining degree of oxidationThe degree of oxidation was expressed as the number of total carboxyl and carbonyl groups per100glucose units.In most stud-ies on oxidized starch(Kuakpetoon&Wang,2001;Wing&Willett, 1997),the contents of carbonyl groups,and carboxyl groups were determined separately by two different analytical methods.The content of carboxyl groups was determined by titrating a sam-ple solution with a standard NaOH solution,while the carbonyl group content was determined by reacting carbonyl groups with hydroxylamine reagent and then back-titrating with an HCl solu-tion.A simpler method was developed to determine the total degree of oxidation of oxidized starch according to the literature (Kuakpetoon&Wang,2001;Wing&Willett,1997)with some mod-ifications.A dry sample(0.1g)was slurried in distilled water(50ml)and then10ml of0.1M NaOH was added.After that,the slurry was heated to a boil to make it completely soluble.The cooled solu-tion was adjusted to a pH value of lower than7.0with10ml of 0.15M HCl aqueous solution.Because of the water evaporation in the process of heating,some water was added to keep the solution content the same as before heating.Then,the solution was heated to boil again for1min and the mixture was rapidly back-titrated with0.10M NaOH to the phenolphthalein end-point.A blank test was performed with nature starch.All samples were tested three times.DO=C NaOH V NaOH−C HCl V HClm/162×100%(1) DO S=DO T−DO B(2) where C NaOH and C HCl represented the concentrations of NaOH and HCl solutions,respectively;V NaOH and V HCl were the volumes of used NaOH and HCl solutions;m was the weight of dry or oxi-dized starch;DO S represented the DO of the samples,and DO B represented the DO of the blank sample.2.4.Intrinsic viscosity measurementIntrinsic viscosity was measured with a Ubbelohde capillary vis-cometer with a capillary diameter of0.58mm at25±0.1◦C.The mixture of83vol%dimethyl sulfoxide and17vol%water was used as a solvent.10mg of dried sample was dissolved in the25ml sol-vent.From theflowing time of the polymer solution(t)and the solvent(t0),the relative viscosity(Ár=t/t0)was obtained.Specific viscosity was calculated from the formulaÁsp=(t−t0)/t0.Intrin-sic viscosity could be obtained by one point method according to the following equation(Abdel-Azim,Atta,Farahat,&Boutros,1998; Solomon&Ciuta,1962).Á=2(Ásp r)Cwhere C represented the concentration of polymer solution(g/ml);Árepresented the intrinsic viscosity.2.5.Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)spectroscopyFTIR spectra of the native starch and the oxidized starches with different DO were recorded on a Fourier transform infrared spec-trometer(Nicolet6700,Thermo Scientific,MA,USA)in a range of wave numbers from4000to400cm−1.The samples were kept in a vacuum oven at60◦C for72h to remove the absorbed water before the test.The resolution was4cm−1and the scan number32.2.6.Thermogravimetric testing(TG)Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)of samples(4–5mg)was carried out by using a NETZSCH thermal analyzer(TG209F1, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH,Selb/Bavaria,Germany)under nitro-gen atmosphere at a heating rate of10◦C/min after the samples were kept in a vacuum oven at60◦C for48h.The range of scanning temperature was from40to500◦C.2.7.Differential scanning calorimetry testing(DSC)Thermal properties of the samples were studied by using dif-ferential scanning calorimetry(Q200,TA,New Castle,USA)under nitrogen purge.The samples(4–5mg)were heated from room tem-perature to120◦C within10min to eliminate any residual water, and then cooled to20◦C at10◦C/min.After that the samples were heated up to200◦C at the same heating rate.An empty capsule was used as a reference.2.8.Wide angle X-ray scattering(WAXS)Powder X-ray patterns of oxidized and native cornstarches were obtained using an X-ray diffractometer(X’Pert Pro,Philips,Almelo,2556Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 2554–2562Netherlands).The2Ârange was10–40◦.Ni-filtered Cu K␣radiation was used as the X-ray source.2.9.Transmittance of oxidized starch suspensionTransmittance was determined by a UV-vis spectrophotometer (UV-240,Japanese Shimadzu Corporation,Kyoto,Japanese)accord-ing to the method of Chang,Park,Shin,Suh,and Kim(2008).The suspension containing0.2%(w/v)starch(dry weight basis)was kept in separate water baths at60◦C,70◦C,and80◦C respectively for 20min each,and then those suspensions were stored at4◦C for 1d,followed by the transmittance tests of625nm.3.Result and discussionThe starch granule has a highly organized structure and unique thermal properties and functionalities that have permitted its wide uses in food products and industrial applications,but native starch granules cannot disperse in cold water.Therefore,before being modified,they generally are subjected to a gelatinization process that breaks down the inter-and intramolecular bonds of starch molecules in the presence of water and heat,allowing the hydrogen bonding sites to engage more water,which would make the modifi-cation easier(Ratnayake&Jackson,2008,chap.5).In this paper,all oxidized starches were prepared after gelatinization.The effects of starch origin,oxidant content,temperature,catalyst content,and reaction time on the DO were thoroughly investigated.3.1.Effect of different starch origins on the degree of oxidationDifferent starch origins have different granular sizes,shapes, and molecular structures which can affect how hydrogen perox-ide oxidizes starch(Kuakpetoon&Wang,2001).In this study,we chose cornstarch,pea starch,and sweet potato starch,which have different amylose contents in order to study the effect of starch origins on the reactions.From Fig.1a,it can be clearly seen that the cornstarch has the highest DO,up to40.5%,while the DO of pea and sweet potato starch is21.1%and34.5%respectively,which indicates that pea starch is not easier to be oxidized than corn-starch and sweet potato starch.Among three kinds of starch origins, pea starch processes the highest content of amylose(29%)as com-pared to cornstarch(23%)and sweet potato starch(23.7%)(Noda et al.,2009;Orford,Ring,Carroll,Miles,&Morris,1987),which resulted in the lower DO.In the work of Kuakpetoon and Wang (2008),they also came to the same conclusion that amylopectin was more prone to oxidation than amylose,but the reasons were different.In their work,starch was in an intact granular state during oxidation.The oxidation was more likely to occur near the branch-ing points of amylopectin chains because these branching points were located in the amorphous lamellae,where an easier access could be provided for the oxidizing agent to react with the starch. However,in the current work,the starch has already been gela-tinized.The accessibility of hydroxyl groups on starch molecules by the oxidizing agent is not limited by the ordered structure in the granule anymore.Although the total number of free OH-groups was the same for a branched and a linear molecule at a given DP, more amylopectin content was benefit for oxidation.This was due to the fact that the branched chains would lead to increase the space distance between the amylopectin and amylopectin/amylose chains compared with that of amylose and amylose chains,which will make it more facile for hydrogen peroxide to enter and oxide the hydroxyl groups of starch.With the increase of amylopectin content,the oxidative efficiency is enhanced correspondingly. Therefore,to get a higher DO,cornstarch is used in subsequent experiments.3.2.Effect of molar content of catalyst on the degree of oxidationMetal ions are often used in the oxidation of starch by hydro-gen peroxide to increase the content of functional groups in the modified starch in the same period of time(Parovuori et al.,1995). Fig.1b shows the effect of varied catalyst contents on the DO.We found that CuSO4could act as a catalyst and increased the effi-ciency of oxidation significantly.It is shown that when the CuSO4 content is lower than0.5%(molar content based on glucose units of starch),the DO increases dramatically.When only0.02%catalyst is added,the DO increases rapidly from5.9%to33.5%,five times higher than that of oxidized starch without catalyst.The result confirms that CuSO4is an effective catalyst for the oxidative sys-tem.In the reaction,Cu2+can help to form hydroxyl radicals,which could oxidize hydroxyl groups in glucose units to carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups.Meanwhile,hydrogen peroxide inevitably decom-poses to the oxygen and water(Parovuori et al.,1995).When0.1%of catalyst is added,the DO significantly increases from5.9%to40.5%. However,when its content increases from0.1%to0.5%,the increase of DO inconspicuously rises,only from40.5%to48.7%.Compared to our previous studies(Wang et al.,2007;Zhang,Zhang,Wang, &Wang,2009;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,Chen,et al.,2009),when oxi-dized starch with a DO of51.2%was prepared under the following conditions:the reaction temperature and time were35◦C and72h, respectively,and the ratio of oxidant content to starch(molar ratio based on glucose unit in starch molecules)was2:1.In the present study,if only0.5%of catalyst was added the reaction time could sharply be reduced to1h.While the catalyst content is from0.7%to 1%,the DO reaches a plateau at46.9%.The results can be explained as follows:when the catalyst is excessive,there will be no sufficient oxidant to be catalyzed and the redundant catalyst cannot show its catalytic performance.However,oxidized starch has good complex properties and heavy metals can be retained by carboxyl functions in the modified starch.The high metal content in modified starch will cause undesirable coloration,which prevents its use where brightness and/or low metal content are required.A low concen-tration of Cu2+(say0.02%)has had an obvious catalyst effect,and can produce a white product.Therefore,0.02%of Cu2+is chosen asa proper dosage.3.3.Effect of reaction temperature on the degree of oxidationFig.1c displays the effect of reaction temperature on the DO.When reaction temperature increases from15to55◦C,DO increases from25.4%to53.8%,but when reaction temperature con-tinues to increase from55to60◦C,DO drops to48.3%,which is the combined result of several factors.For example,an increase of temperature would result in the enhanced activity of hydrogen peroxide as well as the swelling of the starch gels.However,when temperature is higher than55◦C it causes the decomposition of oxidant,resulting in the drop of DO.3.4.Effect of reaction time on the degree of oxidationAs shown in Fig.1d,the DO increases with the increase of the reaction time.A significant increase in DO appears in the reaction time ranging from5to60min,corresponding to22.1–40.5%,while from60to660min the DO increases only from40.5%to51.8%.At the beginning,the oxidant concentration is higher and the oxidation is easier.As the reaction was conducted,the oxidant was consumed, resulting in decreasing reaction efficiency.Therefore60min is the optimal reaction time.Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 2554–25622557Fig.1.Effect of different reaction parameters on DO.3.5.Effect of the content of oxidant on reactionThe reaction mechanism of starch oxidized by hydrogen per-oxide is very complex and has been reported to be a radical chain reaction(see Scheme1).In the presence of metal catalyst,hydro-gen peroxide is rapidly decomposed,forming hydroxyl radical (HO•).This highly reactive free radical oxidizes the glucose unit by subtracting hydrogen from a C–H group on the sugar ring, forming a radical(R•CHOH)that further reacts with metal ion or hydrogen peroxide yielding a carbonyl groups(Sangseethong, Termvejsayanon,&Sriroth,2010a).Fig.1e shows effect of oxidant content on the DO of the starches.When oxidant increases from 0.5to10(molar content based on glucose unit in starch molecules), the DO increases from19.5%to56.3%accordantly.The DO increases2558Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 2554–2562Scheme 1.Proposed oxidative mechanism when hydrogen peroxide and transition metal ion (TMI)were used as oxidant and catalyst respectively.more rapidly from 19.5%to 40.5%when the molar content of the hydrogen peroxide is below 1.5.However,while the oxidant con-tent increases from 1.5to 10,DO increases only from 40.5%to 56.3%.Those results can be explained as follows:at constant cat-alyst content,when the oxidant content increases from 0.5to 1.5,the amount of catalyst is enough.However,while its content is kept on increasing,catalyst cannot be sufficient to react with hydrogen peroxide forming hydroxyl radical (HO •),which leads to the lower reaction efficiency.At the same time,hydrogen peroxide is prone to decompose at high concentration.The results indicate that 1.5of oxidant (molar content based on glucose unit)is an appropriate content.3.6.Effect of degree of oxidation on the intrinsic viscosity of oxidized starchThe intrinsic viscosity of oxidized starches was measured by one point method,in which only one concentration is needed to be determined.If the concentration of the solution is low enough,intermolecular interaction between polymers can be neglected (Abdel-Azim et al.,1998;Solomon &Ciuta,1962).The depolymer-ized extent of starch during oxidation depends on the content of catalyst and oxidant,reaction time,and temperature.Fig.1b–e all show that when DO increases the intrinsic viscosity decreases.Those results are in agreement with earlier reports (Saˇınchez-Rivera,Garcıˇıa-Suaˇırez,Velaˇızquez del Valle,Gutierrez-Meraz,&Bello-Peˇırez,2005;Wang et al.,2007;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,&Wang,2009).The decrease in viscosity is caused by the partial cleavage of the glucosidic linkages during the extensive oxidation,resulting in a decrease in molecular weight of starch molecules (Kuakpetoon &Wang,2001).When starch is oxidized by hydro-gen peroxide,not only hydroxyl groups are oxidized to carbonyl and carboxyl groups,but also carbohydrate chains are cleaved.The reduction rate of viscosity is faster at the beginning and slower later when catalyst content (at 0.1%molar content),reactiontimeFig.2.IR curves of the native starch and the oxidized starches with different DO.Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 2554–25622559Fig.3.Thermogravimetric and DTG curves of the native starch and the oxidized starches with different DO.(at60min),or oxidant content(at1.5molar content)increased respectively.The reason is that hydrogen peroxide rapidly depoly-merized amylopectin at the beginning of the reaction,which is proved by the observation of a rapid decrease in viscosity(Whistler &Schweiger,1959).Observed from Fig.1c,when temperature rises from15to60◦C,the reduction rate of viscosity is almost the same with the increase ratio of DO.It can be proposed that the amount of hydroxyl groups at C1and/or C2react with hydrogen peroxide is in a certain ratio to the amount of those at C3.This ratio is almost kept constant when temperature increased from 15to60◦C.But when catalyst content(lower than0.1%molar content),reaction time(shorter than60min),or oxidant content (lower than1.5molar content)increased,the hydrogen peroxide preferentially oxidizes hydroxyl groups at C2and/or C3of glu-cose units to carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups.The presence of oxidation at C2or C3will weaken the bond at the C1position accompanied by the opening monomeric rings and depolymeriza-tion of starch chains via-elimination(Sangseethong et al.,2010a). This also gives a hint there why DO increased faster in the begin-ning of the reaction.When the catalyst content(higher than0.1%), reaction time(longer than60min)or oxidant content(higher than1.5molar content)continued to increase,hydrogen perox-ide mainly oxidized the hydroxyl groups at C1of anhydroglucose units,which made the reduction rate of viscosity more modest. 3.7.Infrared spectroscopyOxidation leads to the change of hydroxyl groups into carbonyl and carboxyl groups in the starch molecules.The introduction of carbonyl groups could be confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy.The FTIR spectra of native and oxidized starches with different degrees of oxidation are shown in Fig.2.The spectra a–c show that native and oxidized starches have similar profiles.In the fundamental region,the absorption peaks at3426.7cm−1and2927.7cm−1are from the–OH and–CH2stretching vibration of the glucose unit.The absorption at1642.7cm−1is a typical band residing in the spectra of starch and its derivative,which is attributed to an H2O bending vibration(Luo,Huang,Fu,Zhang,&Yu,2009;Wang et al.,2007); numbers of hydroxyl groups in starch molecules lead to the absorp-tion of pared with native starch(a),a new absorption band at1735.6cm−1can be seen in spectrum b(DO=40.5%)and c(DO=56.3%),and it is assigned to the C O stretching vibration (Hui,Qi-he,Ming-liang,Qiong,&Guo-qing,2009;Kweon,Choi, Kim,&Lim,2001;Para,2004).Moreover,with an increasing DO,we observed the enhanced absorption at1735.6cm−1in curve(c), which suggested that more carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups were formed.The results indicate that native starch was successfully oxi-dized by hydrogen peroxide,and hydroxyl groups were changed to carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups.3.8.Thermal stability of oxidized starchTGA tests were performed for native and oxidized starches with different DO s;as shown in Fig.3,the weight loss and the degrada-tion of products are monitored as a function of temperature.T5%, the temperature corresponding to5%weight loss,was obtained from Fig.3a and listed in Table1.T max,which is the temperature at the maximum rate of weight loss,is determined from derivative thermogravimetry(DTG)curves.DTG curves of native and oxidized starches varied with DO s are shown in Fig.3b and the values of T max are listed in pared with T5%of native starch at275.9◦C, T5%of the oxidized starches dramatically decrease to as low as 210.2◦C.However,T5%of the oxidized starches do not vary signif-icantly with the DO although it increases from5.9%to56.3%.T max decreased from317.2to294.7◦C with the increase of pared with native starch,there is a reduction in thermal stability with the increase of the DO of the samples.The reason might be that the oxidation leads to the depolymerization of molecular chains,which causes the molecular weight decrease with the increase of DO.So the thermal stability was decreased when the DO ually the thermal processing temperature can be lower than210◦C(T5% of oxidized starch)and this indicates that the obtained oxidized starch can be thermally processed into products.3.9.Thermal transition behavior of oxidized starchWhen starch is used as a thermoplastic,plasticizers such as glycerol and water are usually added due to its the lack ofTable1Thermogravimetric parameters of the native starch and the oxidized starches with different DO.T5%(◦C)T max(◦C) Native starch275.9317.2 Oxidized starch5.9%210.9314.5 Oxidized starch19.5%211.0310.1 Oxidized starch40.5%210.2305.6 Oxidized starch56.3%217.7294.72560Y.-R.Zhang et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 2554–2562Fig.4.DSC curves of the native starch and the oxidized starches with different DO.thermoplasticity.If the glass transition temperature can be found for the obtained oxidized starch,this indicate that it has some thermoplasticity and can be used alone as a material without the addition of a plasticizer.When hydroxyl groups are changed to car-bonyl groups,the hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups and carbonyl groups are not as strong as that between hydroxyl groups.So when the carbonyl content is high enough,a glass tran-sition is expected.We determined the glass transition of the native and oxidized starches with different DO s from the DSC measure-ment.As depicted in Fig.4,no glass transition is found in the oxidized starches from 20to 200◦C,although the DO increases from 5.9%to 56.3%,just like native starch.Even though the oxidation changes the hydroxyl groups to carbonyl groups,which weakens the hydrogen bonds between molecules,there are so many intra-and intermolecular hydrogen bonds in starch which restrain the movement of molecules leading to no glass transition in the oxi-dized starch.So oxidized starch is not thermoplastic,which means that its thermoplastic processing can only be accomplished by adding plasticizers,just as we studied before (Zhang,Zhang,Wang,&Wang,2009;Zhang,Zhang,Wang,Chen,et al.,2009).3.10.X-ray diffraction of oxidized starchThe crystal type of starch is divided into A,B and C.Native starch commonly exists in a granular structure with about 15–45%crys-tallinity,which belongs to type A (Ma,Jian,Chang,&Yu,2008).The X-ray diffractograms of the two oxidized,gelatinized starch,and native corn starches are depicted in Fig.5.The native corn starch has sharp peaks in curve 1at 15.3◦,17.2◦,18.1◦,and 23.3◦,which represents the typical pattern of type A corn starch (Ma et al.,2008).Although the crystal structure of gelatinized starch was completely destroyed when it was in gel,the retrogradation would happen when it was dried because most of the hydrogen bonds between starch molecules were restored.We tested the crystallinity of gela-tinized starch before (Zhang,Zhang,Wang,&Wang,2009).The intensity of peaks of gelatinized starch at 15.3◦,17.2◦,18.1◦,and 23.3◦are much lower than those of the native starch,which means that the gelatinization lower the degree of crystallinity,as shown in Fig.5(curve 2).However,when the starch is oxidized,the crys-talline structure is changed.The carboxyl and/or carbonyl groups play an important role in stabilizing the linear amylose molecules and minimizing retrogradation.For oxidized starch with a DO of 40.5%(O S 40.5%),as described in Fig.5(curve 3),the intense peaks appeared at 2Âvalues of 17.1◦and 20.0◦,respectively.However,the other peaks disappear,meaning that the original crystalstructureFig.5.Wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns of native cornstarch and the oxidized starches.of the native starch is subjected to a great change:a portion of origi-nal crystalline structure is destroyed during the reaction and a new crystal structure is formed.No peak is found from the diffraction pattern when the DO reaches 56.3%and the peaks of native starch completely disappear,exhibiting an amorphous phase.However,our results are different from those reported by Carolina,Wang,and Luis (2008).They found that there were no XRD pattern changes for the oxidized starches with different oxi-dation levels.The main reason might be that the starch granules did not destroy through gelatinization and the reactions mainly hap-pen in the amorphous lamellae.In our study,starch was gelatinized before reaction to free all the hydroxyl groups in the amylose and amylopectin chain.When starch is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide,the molecular chain depolymerizes with the increase of oxidation and the type of crystal structure is changed (Li &Vasanthan,2003).The DO of oxidized starch they prepared is too low and the oxida-tion did not penetrate into the starch granular to change the crystal structure.It is very interesting to find that oxidized starch with low and high DO has different impacts on the type and degree of crystallization.3.11.Transmittance of oxidized starch suspensionTransmittance of the suspension of the oxidized starch with different DO s and native cornstarch are shown in Table 2.The trans-mittance increases greatly as the degree of oxidation and/or heating temperature increases.Native starch does not increase its trans-mittance very significantly,only from 2.44%to 3.22%,when the temperature increases from 60to 80◦C.However,as the tempera-ture increases from 60to 70◦C,the transmittance of the oxidized starch with DO s of 5.9%and 40.5%markedly increases,from 12.68%to 35.20%and from 28.98%to 61.87%,respectively.When the tem-perature continues to increase,the increase of transmittance isTable 2Transmittances of suspensions of the oxidized starches and the native starch respec-tively in different temperature.60◦C70◦C80◦CNative starch2.44±0.0593.00±0.055 3.22±0.067Oxidized starch 5.9%12.68±0.44935.20±2.18341.40±1.734Oxidized starch 40.5%28.98±3.69361.87±2.45375.04±0.622Oxidized starch 56.3%69.80±2.74070.22±1.57275.57±0.622。
中国临床保健杂志 2023年6月第26卷第3期 ChinJClinHealthc,June2023,Vol.26,No.3·临床研究·logistic回归模型在甲状腺良恶性结节超声诊断中的价值闫晓玉,张清,韩鑫,李静怡,汪德锋,于阿丽安徽省太和县人民医院(皖南医学院附属太和医院)超声医学科,阜阳236600[摘要] 目的 应用logistic回归模型筛选出能够鉴别甲状腺结节良恶性的声像图特征并建立回归模型,评估回归模型在甲状腺良恶性鉴别中的诊断价值。
方法 回顾性分析175例经手术病理证实的甲状腺良恶性结节的临床资料和常规超声特征,应用单因素及多因素二元logistic回归分析评价临床一般资料、常规超声特征在鉴别甲状腺良恶性结节中的价值。
结果 2组患者的性别、年龄、肿块内部回声均匀性、血液供应程度、血液供应模式及有无合并弥漫性甲状腺病变比较,差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);结节的直径、内部回声、回声水平、边界、边缘、内部微钙化情况、纵横比、后方有无声衰减、甲状腺外包膜有无侵犯组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);logistic多因素回归分析显示:微钙化对甲状腺结节的鉴别有统计学意义(OR=3.280,95%CI:1.031~10.435,P<0.05);结节纵横比对甲状腺结节的鉴别有统计学意义(OR=3.653,95%CI:1.013~13.174,P<0.05);结节边缘对甲状腺结节的鉴别有统计学意义(OR=5.731,95%CI:1.995~16.460,P<0.01)。
结论 甲状腺良恶性结节具有一定的超声特征性,logistic回归模型有较高的诊断价值。
[关键词] 甲状腺结节;甲状腺肿瘤;Logistic模型;超声检查;诊断技术,心血管DOI:10.3969/J.issn.1672 6790.2023.03.020ThevalueoflogisticregressionmodelinultrasounddiagnosisofbenignandmalignantthyroidnodulesYanXiaoyu,ZhangQing,HanXin,LiJingyi,WangDefeng,YuAliDepartmentofUltrasound,TaiheCountyPeople′sHospital,Fuyang236600,China[Abstract] Objective Tousethelogisticregressionmodeltoscreenoutthesonographicfeaturesthatcandistinguishthebenignandmalignantthyroidnodulesandestablisharegressionmodeltoevaluatethediagnosticvalueoftheregressionmodelinthedifferentiationofbenignandmalignantthyroidnodules.Methods Theclinicaldataandconventionalultrasoundfeaturesof175casesofbenignandmalignantthyroidnodulesconfirmedbysurgeryandpathologywereretrospectivelyanalyzed.Thevalueofclinicalgeneraldataandconventionalultrasoundfeaturesindifferentiatingbenignandmalignantthyroidnoduleswasevaluatedbysinglefactorandmultiplefactorbinarylogisticregressionanalysis.Results Therewasnosignificantdifferencebetweenthetwogroupsingender,age,internalechouniformity,bloodsupplydegree,bloodsupplypattern,andpresenceorabsenceofdiffusethyroiddisease(P>0.05);thediameter,internalecho,echolevel,boundary,edge,internalmicrocalcification,aspectratio,silentattenuationattheback,andinvasionoftheoutercapsuleofthethyroidglandweresignificantlydifferentbetweenthetwogroups(P<0.05);logisticmultivariateregressionanalysisshowedthatmicrocalcificationhadstatisticalsignificanceinthedifferentiationofthyroidnodules(OR=3.280,95%CI:1.031-10.435,P<0.05);theaspectratioofthyroidnoduleswasstatisticallysignificant(OR=3.653,95%CI:1.013-13.174,P<0.05);theedgeofthenodulehadstatisticalsignificanceinthedifferentiationofthyroidnodules(OR=5.731,95%CI:1.995-16.460,P<0.01).TheROCcurvewasdrawnaccordingtothesurgicalpathologicalresultsandtheprobabilityofpredictingthyroidmalignancybyregressionmodel.TheresultsshowedthattheareaundertheROCcurvewas0.895(95%CI:0.845-0.944).Conclusions Thebenignandmalignantthyroidnoduleshavecertainultrasoniccharacteristics,andthelogisticregressionmodelhashighdiagnosticvalue.[Keywords] Thyroidnodule;Thyroidneoplasms;Logisticmodels;Ultrasonography;Diagnostictechniques,cardiovascular作者简介:闫晓玉,主治医师,Email:404797414@qq.comCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved. 超声检查是甲状腺结节首选且重要的检查方法[1]。
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1.回顾:园区网三层架构接入层access:连接pc的交换机汇聚层distribution:做策略的稍微高端的交换机核心层core:园区网最高端的交换机交换区块技术:接入:划分vlan划分广播域,生成树vtp 端口安全汇聚:部署vlan vtp 中继生成树起SVI(实现vlan间通信)静态路由rip eigrp ospf(实现汇聚层跟核心层传递路由协议)部署ACL做访问控制NP要求:1.知道路由协议的特性什么的场景该使用什么样的特性2.精确的路由操控路由选择协议:静态动态路由选择协议数据层面:生产流量在被转发的层面控制层面:路由的传递方向路由条目(元素:目的网段前缀、掩码、下一跳、出站接口、度量值、管理距离)加表原则:先比较管理距离(管理距离最小加入路由表)管理距离一样再比较路由条目度量值(度量值小的加表)metric值一样多条加表管理距离取值范围0-255 值越小代表获悉路由越可靠度量值(metric值)描述一条路由的开销度量值越小开销越小静态路由:①路由控制在距离矢量型路由中使用静态路由实现路由传递的过滤Rip协议配置R1(config)#router ripR1(config-router)#version 2R1(config-router)#no auto-summaryR1(config-router)#network route e0/0协议配置:R1(config)#router ospf 110R1(config-router)#router-id area 0R1(config-router)#network area 0R2(config)#router ospf 110R2(config-router)#router-id area 0R2(config-router)#network area 0R2(config-router)#network area 0R1(config)#inter loopback 0R1(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point②静态路由不会永久存在发包接口(出站接口)down掉条目就丢失使用permanent参数接口down路由条目不会丢失当使用clear ip route *也会消失R2(config)#no ip route e0/0 run | section routeR2(config)#ip route e0/0 permanentpermanent永久生效R2(config)#do show ip route③静态路由第三个用途:使用静态路由的管理距离实现备份链路的冗余备份修改管理距离当IGP路由存在的时候不会出现在路由表中主链路能用的时候使用主链路down的时候使用ISDN低速链路R2(config)#no ip route e0/0 permanentR2(config)#ip route e0/0 121 红色121为管理距离R2#show ip route entry for via "ospf 110", distance 110, metric 11, type intra area Last update from on Ethernet0/0, 00:01:03 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks:*, from, 00:01:03 ago, via Ethernet0/0 Route metric is 11, traffic share count is 1命令小总结:show run | section routeshow ip route ip route *ARP表存活时间为4个小时修改ARP表项的更新时间R1(config)#inter e0/0R1(config-if)#arp timeout 10配置:R1:interface Ethernet0/0ip address timeout 10ip route Ethernet0/0 route Ethernet0/0 route Ethernet0/0 route Ethernet0/0 route Ethernet0/0 Ethernet0/0ip address Ethernet0/1ip address route Ethernet0/3 route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 Ethernet0/0ip address Ethernet0/1ip address route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 route Ethernet0/1 Loopback0ip address Loopback1ip address Loopback2ip address Loopback3ip address Ethernet0/3ip address timeout 10ip route Ethernet0/3 route Ethernet0/3☆★关闭接口的arp代理功能非对称路由的实现静态路由的精确选路R1(config-if)#inter lo 0R1(config-if)#ip add ip route Ethernet0/3 ip route Ethernet0/3去往1.1.1.0网段先写主路由R4(config)#ip route e0/3再写一条递归路由R4(config)#ip route e0/3然后R1 R4清除arp表项R1(config-if)#inter e0/0R1(config-if)#shutdownR1#clear arp-cache打开R2上关闭的接口R2(config)#inter ran e0/0 -1R2(config-if-range)#no shu再开启R1 R4关闭的接口R2(config)#inter e0/0R2(config-if)#no ip proxy-arpR3(config)#inter e0/1R3(config-if)#no ip proxy-arpR2 R3要加一条去往1.1.1.0/24的路由R1#ping source repeat 10查看arp表R1#show arpProtocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet - 00.0100 ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet 0 00.0300 ARPA Ethernet0/0Internet 0 00.0400(R3 e0/0)ARPA Ethernet0/0R4#show arpProtocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet 30 00.0310(R2 e0/1) ARPA Ethernet0/3Internet - 00.0630 ARPA Ethernet0/3 2.rip协议rip更新报文只能容纳25条路由条目建议运行在小型网络广播域不多更新的机制:触发更新周期性更新(30秒)rip有几类报文:请求更新rip的度量值就是跳数IGP 内部网关协议为园区网服务EGP 连接两个园区网之间的路由协议IGP:ClassFull(有类别) vs ClassLess(无类别)RIPv1 RIPv2 EIGRP OSPF IS-ISDistanceVector(距离矢量)vs LinkState(链路状态)按核心算法区分RIPv1 RIPv2 OSPF IS-ISEIGRP(ADV)EGP:(BGPv4)路由失效计时器180秒rip收到一条路由条目放到路由表中多长时间没有更新置为possibly down抑制计时器180秒(防环)不连续的子网flush-timer刷新计时器240秒路由条目多久会被删除做完一个IGP协议后可以使用R1#show ip protocols 查看协议修改rip协议的计时器的周期R1(config)#router ripR1(config-router)#timers basic 25 150 150 200查看一下show ip protocolsrip的13个高级特性:手动汇总(基于接口的汇总基于进程的汇总)ripv2只支持链路级别的汇总(链路级别)手工汇总是在控制层面的发送路由条目的出接口上部署在R2上创建四个环回网段172.16.8.0/24172.16.9.0/24172.16.10.0/24172.16.11.0/24R2(config)#router ripR2(config-router)#network 宣告主类网络号R2(config)#inter f0/1R2(config-if)#ip summary-address rip汇总路由消失的条件:属于该汇总路由下的所有明细路由都down掉手工汇总:路由条目是连续的总的个数为2 的倍数度量值172.16.8.0/24 8172.16.9.0/24 4172.16.10.0/24 2172.16.11.0/24 6取度量值最小的自动汇总比手工汇总优先级高建议关闭自动汇总自动汇总的路由是主类网络号路由重分发:来自一个协议所获悉的路由通过另外一种路由获悉方式通告给其他路由器,这里介绍4种情况1.边界路由器只有一条链路连接运营商R2(config)#ip route e0/0 ripR2(config-router)#redistribute static2.只关注出站接口,不指下一跳R2(config)#no ip route f0/0 ripR2(config-router)#no redistribute staticR2(config)#ip route fastEthernet 0/0R2(config)#router ripR2(config-router)#network把本机上所有拥有IP地址的接口宣告进rip进程当本机上拥有一条只关注出站接口的全零的静态路由时依然会宣告进rip域)3.在边缘路由器上使用全局配置模式指定外网接口所属的主类网络号R2(config)#no ip route fastEthernet 0/0R2(config)#ip default-network ripR2(config-router)#default-information originate当使用模拟器没有出现实验结果时把rip no掉重做默认rip v2发送组播更新手动指定rip发送单播更新R3(config)#router ripR3(config-router)#neighbor首先定义ACL抓路由R3(config)#access-list 10 permit ripR3(config-router)#offset-list 10 out 2 fastEthernet 0/0 10 是访问控制列表 2 度量值R1(config-router)#offset-list 0 in 20表示所有路由条目不指定接口表示所有接口3.EIGRP协议分类:1.范围IGP协议rip最大支持15跳eigrp最大支持100跳(允许100三层设备互联)2.按核心算法高级距离矢量型协议ADV如何判断是距离矢量还是链路状态协议依据:传递路由条目就是距离矢量;传递链路状态通告就是链路状态协议3.无类协议发送路由更新携带掩码信息支持VLSM(可变长子网掩码) CIDR(无类别域间路由)rip使用的组播地址224.0.0.9 eigrp使用的组播地址224.0.0.10eigrp的三张表邻居表:EIGRP度量值:带宽延迟可靠度负载eigrp进程号90区分本地多个eigrp进程建立邻接关系既支持宣告主类网络号又支持精确宣告但是在asa防火墙上做eigrp精确宣告使用正码255.255.255.255反码的0表示绝对匹配1代表任意R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#no auto-summaryR1(config-router)#eigrp router-id查看协议show ip protocolseigrp协议的show命令R1# show ip eigrp interfacesR1#show ip eigrp neighbors 查看邻居表R2#show ip eigrp neighbors detailRID router id 手工创建RIDR3(config)#router eigrp 90R3(config-router)#eigrp router-id计算度量值R1#show inter s1/1Serial1/1 is up, line protocol is upHardware is M4TInternet address is 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit/sec, DLY 20000 usec,R2#show inter f0/1FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is upHardware is i82543 (Livengood), address is ca02.0b6c.0006 (bia ca02.0b6c.0006) Internet address is 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit/sec, DLY 100 usec,1544Kbit/s 2000+100=2100((107/1544)+2100)*256=度量值EIGRP计算路由的metric使用的带宽如何提取提取控制层面路由条目流向所有入接口的带宽取最小值延迟如何提取提取控制层面路由条目流向的入接口的延迟的总和4.EIGRP协议下放一条缺省路由4种方法类似于rip协议1.单链路连接运营商路由重分发R1(config)#ip route f0/0 R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#redistribute static2.R1(config)#ip route f0/0R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#network default-network route f0/0R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#network路由聚合在接口f0/1上配置R1(config)#interface f0/1R1(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 90 ip route中如果有Gateway of last resort is to network 配置了网关EIGRP高级特性:1 汇总:手工汇总精确宣告使用反码在R1上创建四个环回口192.168.8.0/24192.168.9.0/24192.168.10.0/24192.168.11.0/24R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#network f0/1R1(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 90如何受到DEX路由条目no掉宣告的路由R1(config-router)#redistribute connected修改手工汇总的管理距离leak-map放行一些汇总路由内的一些明细路由R1(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 100 ?<1-255> Administrative distanceleak-map Allow dynamic prefixes based on the leak-mapR1(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 100 leak-map TEST leak-map TEST调用route-map 调用ACLR1(config)#route-map TEST permit 10 创建route-mapR1config)#access-list 10 permit抓取路由条目192.168.8.0创建完ACL再在route-map中匹配R1(config)#route-map TEST permit 10R1(config-route-map)#match ip address 10实验结果:既有汇总路由又有明细路由D [90/158720] via, 00:11:26, FastEthernet0/0D EX [170/158720] via, 00:03:29, FastEthernet0/0D EX [170/158720] via, 00:03:29, FastEthernet0/02.负载均衡等价负载均衡非等价负载均衡两个条件1.次优路由的AD一定小于最优路由的FD2. 次优路由的FD一定小于最优路由的FD*V值(variance)查看路由的拓扑表:R1#show ip eigrp topology查看所有:R1#show ip eigrp topology all-linksP, 1 successors, FD is 409600, serno 7FD大/ AD 小via (409600/128256), FastEthernet0/0 最优路由via (2323456/409600), Serial1/1 次优路由R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config-router)#variance 10R2的f0/1的延迟是1000 usec 10-6R2(config-if)#delay ? 默认修改是10-5方<1-16777215> Throughput delay (tens of microseconds)R2(config-if)#delay 90使用命令修改eigrp使用接口带宽的百分比EIGRP DUAL算法所有情况的描述:末节路由器stubR3(config-router)#eigrp stub ?connected Do advertise connected routesleak-map Allow dynamic prefixes based on the leak-mapreceive-only Set IP-EIGRP as receive only neighborredistributed Do advertise redistributed routesstatic Do advertise static routessummary Do advertise summary routesreceive-only 该路由器作为末节路由器不发送任何路由条目给任何其他的邻居,可以接收其他路由器发送的路由条目leak-map 可以让哪些路由条目通过connected 只发直连summary 只发汇总不发明细置为末节路由器的条件:最边缘的路由器。