ADP RMA 3163 金海舟 陳志豪 3162 許鵬 黃小玲
6122 Jack Tang Yippee Yang 3164
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處長:莊榮銓 盧小佩
CC:5400 2596 Kenneth Cheng 2748
linda Dong 3122 Jeffrey Zhao 2762 Mathewliang 3975 Kitten wang ADP IPQC 5402 馬釗謨 Doris Wu Saha wang Seaman Hu 5119 Phoebe Zhou 5402
杨蓉 闭小华 DG3DCC
Jack Long Mchen iqmsubcon
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Motorcontroller Dokumentation说明书
Motorcontroller de ................................................Beachten Sie folgende Hinweise und die englischsprachi-gen Informationen auf der Rückseite.Hinweis ..................................................Technische Daten zum Produkt können in anderen Do-kumenten abweichende Werte aufweisen.Für die UL-zertifizierten Produkte gelten stets vorrangig die abwei-chenden Technischen Daten des vorliegenden Doku-ments.Eine allgemeine Anwenderdokumentation ist für diese Produkte verfügbar.Die UL-Zertifizierung bezieht sich üblicherweise auf das Produkt als Komponente und nicht auf dessen Installation oder die Benutzung des Produktes in einer Maschine/An-lage.•Berücksichtigen Sie bei Installation und Betrieb dieses Produktes alle dafür geltenden Sicherheitsanforderun-gen,Gesetze,Regelungen,Codes,Normen und Stan-dards,beispielsweise National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Kanada),Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen Bundesbehörde OSHA.Motor controlleren ...............................................Note the following instructions and the English informa-tion on the reverse side of this document.Note ......................................................Technical specifications on the product may show dif-ferent values in other documents.In the case of UL-certified products,the differing technical specifications in this documentation always apply first.A general user documentation is available for these pro-ducts.The UL-certification usually refers to the product as a component and not to its installation or to the use of the product in a machine/system.•When installing and operating this product,take into account all applicable safety requirements,legislation,regulations and standards,for example the National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Ca-nada),the regulations of the US American Federal Au-thority OSHA.Controlador del motores ........................................Observe las siguientes instrucciones y la información en Inglés en la parte posterior.Importante ..............................................Las especificaciones técnicas del producto pueden mostrar valores diferentes en otros documentos.Para los productos con certificación UL siempre son válidas prioritariamente las especificaciones técnicas diferen-tes indicadas en el presente documento.Para estos productos existe documentación general para el usuario.La certificación UL se aplica usualmente al producto como componente y no a su instalación o a la utilización del producto en una máquina o sistema.•Cuando se instala y se hace funcionar el producto,tener en cuenta los requerimientos de seguridad aplicables,legislación,normas y estándares,por ejemplo la Nat-ional Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Canadá),las normas de la US American Federal Autho-rity OSHA.Contrôleur de moteur fr ..........................................Tenir compte des remarques suivantes et des informa-tions en anglais figurant au dos.Nota......................................................Les caractéristiques du produit peuvent varier d’un document àl’autre.Les caractéristiques techniques divergentes du présent document s’appliquent tou-jours en prioritépour les produits certifiés UL.Une notice d'utilisation générale est disponible pour ces produits.La certification UL concerne habituellement le produit en tant que composant et non son installation ou l’utilisation du produit dans une machine /installation.•Lors de l’installation et du fonctionnement de ce pro-duit,respecter toutes les consignes de sécurité,lois,réglementations,codes,normes et références,comme par exemple National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Canada ),directives de l’autoritéfédé-rale des Etats-Unis OSHA.Controllore motore it .............................................Osservare le note seguenti e le informazioni in inglese riportate a tergo.Nota......................................................In altri documenti,le specifiche tecniche relative al prodotto possono presentare valori diversi rispetto al presente documento.Per i prodotti certificati UL sono validi soprattutto i dati tecnici differenti riportati nel presente documento.Per questi prodotti èdisponibile una documentazione utente generale.In genere la certificazione UL si riferisce al prodotto come componente e non all’installazione o all’impiego in una macchina/impianto.•Per l’installazione e l’esercizio di questo prodotto te-nere presente i requisiti di sicurezza,leggi,regolamenti,codici,norme e standard,ad esempio il National Electri-cal Code (USA),il Canadian Electrical Code (Canada),le prescrizioni dell’AutoritàFederale Statunitense OSHA.马达控制器zh.....................................................请注意下列提示和背面的英文信息。
2010年107届广交会买家_浴室产品COMPANY MANE STATE PROCUREMENT COMPANY MAN CONTACT GROU PHONE FAX ADDRESS ZIP EMAILTHYNOE PTE L新加坡浴室用品THYNOE PTE L MR PAUL S T 0065 62685670065 62652056 SIXTH LOK 628104 thynoe@paciTHISA西班牙浴室用品THISA LuisGil Prat0034 91 448 0034 91 448 Alonso Cano, 23, E 28010, MadridThetford San加拿大浴室用品Thetford San MR.BRAD HARB001 905 671 001 905 67102710 Slough L4T 1G3 THETFORD@NETRIAS KARYAM印度尼西亚浴室用品TRIAS KARYAM WILLY WINART0062 21 64570062 21 6457JL.RE.MARTAD14430 TRIASKMJ@.ID THERMASOL ST美国浴室用品THERMASOL ST SUE SERENO001 805 520 001 805 579 2255 UNION PL, SIMI VA support@theTHEBES CO.埃及浴室用品THEBES CO.MAGDY SAMIR0020 2 792170020 2 59055198 EL TAHRI11511 THEBESGROUPCO@ The Magical 以色列浴室用品The Magical Avner Huta00972 4 840000972 4 8490271 Hahistadrut Avenue, 27000, KiTHE WATER WE南非浴室用品THE WATER WE GARETH JONES0027 31 79260027 31 7926P.O.BOX 18543600 GARETH@DAYTONA.CO.ZA The Universa香港浴室用品The Universa Mr On-Wah Ho00852 23322800852 278228Unit A & D, 22/F, Nath universa@hkTHE TREND GR加拿大浴室用品THE TREND GR BERNIE ROCHO001 905 880 001 905 880 P.O. BOX 158, PALGRAVE, ON L0N 1PTHE TEXPERTS印度浴室用品THE TEXPERTS YATISH PANDE0091 22 28540091 22 2854104, B-03, S400101 TEXPERTS@ THE SHER SYS英国浴室用品THE SHER SYS H. SHER ESQ.0044 207 4990044 207 62930, NEW BOND STREET//GB-LONDON WTHE SHAPES C美国浴室用品THE SHAPES C POSS001 847 9567001 847 9567W-2 1500 Mid IL 60007-6690THE MERCH-A-美国浴室用品THE MERCH-A-TOMMY C. L. 001 407 8571001 407 85611725, CENTRA FL 32837THE KUWAITI 科威特浴室用品THE KUWAITI MR. ISSAM00965 242 6500965 242 65P.O. BOX 22901,SAFAT 13090THE KITCHEN 英国浴室用品THE KITCHEN COLIN MAYNAR0044 1243 840044 1243 84Unit 7B, Durban Road I kitsinksaleTG CAPITAL C泰国浴室用品TG CAPITAL C WANNA ATHIWO0066 2 682360066 2 68236576/28-29 SA10120 TG_CAPITAL@ TRIUMPH INTE新加坡浴室用品TRIUMPH INTE MR TJOA TJOE0065 62580010065 625993137 JALAN PEM577177TRISHALA INT印度浴室用品TRISHALA INT RAJEEV KUMAR0091 40 55610091 40 2460# 280,ADARSH500463 RAJEEVSMHYD@ TRUCCO TESSI意大利浴室用品TRUCCO TESSI Bernardino A0039 0172 370039 0172 37Via Torino 187, I 1203 trucco@trucTriton-Belco德国浴室用品Triton-Belco AG0049 40 29 10049 40 29 1Alter Teichweg 15-25, triton@tritTRISHUL GROU印度浴室用品TRISHUL GROU KEWAL SEHGAL0091 11 54110091 11 5436G-2,VIKAS APARTMENTS,3 TRISHUL@DELTreu Elektro德国浴室用品Treu Elektrogrosshande0049 821 4 10049 821 4 1Stuttgarter Strasse 10 info@treu-eTRGOMEN塞尔维亚和黑浴室用品TRGOMEN00381 36 37200381 36 37236000 KRALJEVO-KOVANLU TRGOMEN@TROTREND A INTE泰国浴室用品TREND A INTERNATIONAL 0066 2 570180066 2 5781417/699 SENAN10230 TRENDAI@ Transo AB瑞典浴室用品Transo AB0046 40 30 30046 40 98 0Tessins v 2, SE 21758, info@transoTradex Inter丹麦浴室用品Tradex Inter CARISTIAN NA0045 98 31 30045 98 31 3Landholmsvej 12,9280 S chm@cm-induTRADERS CENT台湾省浴室用品TRADERS CENT BENSON SHEN00886 2 295800886 2 2958RM.2B,5TH FL220 STYD@ TRADE INDEX 孟加拉国浴室用品TRADE INDEX AFTAB AHMED00880 2 956400880 2 95591ST.FL.DEEN 1000 INDEX@BDCOMTommy Hilfig加拿大浴室用品Tommy Hilfiger Canada 001 514 278 001 514 278 7077 avenue H3N 1X7Tolico a/s丹麦浴室用品Tolico a/sJOHN0045 45 42 50045 45 42 5Kongevejen 40, DK 2840 mail@tolicoTOLCO CORPOR美国浴室用品TOLCO CORPOR W.E. SPENGLE001 419 2411001 419 24131920. LINWOO OH 43624TODINI ITALC意大利浴室用品TODINI ITALC Rosa Monteli0039 06 78040039 06 7899Via Crivellucci 31, I italceramic TLANSTLOY CO俄罗斯联邦浴室用品TLANSTLOY CORP. (A COM007 095 2622007 095 2622MOSCOW, SADO107217 HOG@TLANSTLOU.RUTILES HOME巴基斯坦浴室用品TILES HOMEM.NISAR NIZA0092 21 43140092 21 26381/6-A,BLOCK 75400 TILESHOME@HTICOS INTERN阿拉伯联合酋浴室用品TICOS INTERN ILYAS AYUB D00971 6 743600971 6 7436P.O.BOX:2191,AJMAN TICOS@.AE Tiger Nederl荷兰浴室用品Tiger Nederland BV0031 40 28090031 40 2849PO box 11, 5660 AA Gel info@tiger.TICO, Snc意大利浴室用品TICO, Snc Massimo Malp0039 049 7100039 049 711Via delle Industrie 27 INFO@TICO-ITibbett & Br英国浴室用品Tibbett & Britten Grou0044 20 83270044 20 8327Centennial Park, Elstr info@tandb.Thyzo荷兰浴室用品Thyzo M.W. Boers0031 20 67020031 20 6703Balthasar Floriszstraat 8, NL 107THYNOE PTE L新加坡浴室用品THYNOE PTE L MR PAUL S T 0065 62685670065 62652056 SIXTH LOK 628104 thynoe@paciTHISA西班牙浴室用品THISA LuisGil Prat0034 91 448 0034 91 448 Alonso Cano, 23, E 28010, MadridTHEBES CO.埃及浴室用品THEBES CO.MAGDY SAMIR0020 2 792170020 2 59055198 EL TAHRI11511 THEBESGROUPCO@ Thetford San加拿大浴室用品Thetford San MR.BRAD HARB001 905 671 001 905 67102710 Slough L4T 1G3 THETFORD@NE THERMASOL ST美国浴室用品THERMASOL ST SUE SERENO001 805 520 001 805 579 2255 UNION PL, SIMI VA support@theTHE WATER WE南非浴室用品THE WATER WE GARETH JONES0027 31 79260027 31 7926P.O.BOX 18543600 GARETH@DAYTONA.CO.ZA The Universa香港浴室用品The Universa Mr On-Wah Ho00852 23322800852 278228Unit A & D, 22/F, Nath universa@hkTHE TREND GR加拿大浴室用品THE TREND GR BERNIE ROCHO001 905 880 001 905 880 P.O. BOX 158, PALGRAVE, ON L0N 1PTHE TEXPERTS印度浴室用品THE TEXPERTS YATISH PANDE0091 22 28540091 22 2854104, B-03, S400101 TEXPERTS@ THE SHER SYS英国浴室用品THE SHER SYS H. SHER ESQ.0044 207 4990044 207 62930, NEW BOND STREET//GB-LONDON WTHE SHAPES C美国浴室用品THE SHAPES C POSS001 847 9567001 847 9567W-2 1500 Mid IL 60007-6690THE MERCH-A-美国浴室用品THE MERCH-A-TOMMY C. L. 001 407 8571001 407 85611725, CENTRA FL 32837THE KUWAITI 科威特浴室用品THE KUWAITI MR. ISSAM00965 242 6500965 242 65P.O. BOX 22901,SAFAT 13090THE BUSINESS新加坡浴室用品THE BUSINESS TONY TAN0065 6339 390065 6440 085 COLEMAN ST., #B 1-13,EXCELSIORTHE BRIDGE C孟加拉国浴室用品THE BRIDGE C MOHD.SHAFIQU00880 2 712100880 2 9567DEEN SUPER M1000 SHAFIQUAL@ The Magical 以色列浴室用品The Magical Avner Huta00972 4 840000972 4 8490271 Hahistadrut Avenue, 27000, KiTHE KITCHEN 英国浴室用品THE KITCHEN COLIN MAYNAR0044 1243 840044 1243 84Unit 7B, Durban Road I kitsinksaleTHE BODY SHO法国浴室用品THE BODY SHO MME VAYSSE N0033 153******** 15305514 RUE HALEVY, 75009, P INFO@THE-BOTHE BODY SHO加拿大浴室用品THE BODY SHO REREPA GRAVE001 613 8291001 613 829 Bayshore Sho M3B 1S9 HelpDesk@ThTHE BATHROOM新加坡浴室用品THE BATHROOM DANIEL KOE0065 63550050065 6355065545-B BALEST329866 DANIEL@BATHTHE BATHROOM泰国浴室用品THE BATHROOM CHERASAK CHA0066 2 277 90066 2 277 6239 RATCHADAPISEK RD., ABMIN@BATHRTHAI WELLTEX泰国浴室用品THAI WELLTEX VIROJ LORUAN0066 2 278120066 2 271321383/18-19 P10400 VIROJ@WELLTTG CAPITAL C泰国浴室用品TG CAPITAL C WANNA ATHIWO0066 2 682360066 2 68236576/28-29 SA10120 TG_CAPITAL@ Technoflex A香港浴室用品Technoflex A Mr Benedict 00852 27989100852 275118Unit 470, 4/F, Sino Industrial PlTARIQ A.AL-K沙特阿拉伯浴室用品TARIQ A.AL-K TARIQ ABDULL00966 1 409000966 1 4090P.O.BOX:864711622TANNING TREN英国浴室用品TANNING TREN DENNIS ABBS0044 20 85940044 20 85918-10 NORTH STREET,BARKING, ESSEXTechnische I荷兰浴室用品Technische I Mr. J. v.d. 0031 413 2620031 413 261Industrielaan 5 A, NL 5405 AA, UTECHNIQUE ET法国浴室用品TECHNIQUE ET M BARREAU JA0033 23833330033 238332322 RUE DE LA LIBERATIO isabelle@teTEC HARSEIM 智利浴室用品TEC HARSEIM ALFONSO DE I0056 2 641310056 2 64103CAUPOLICAN 2301 RENCA, RENCA, SANTAYMOR INDUS加拿大浴室用品TAYMOR INDUS DENNIS PALME001 604 5409001 604 54021655 DERWENT V3H 6K8 BUILDERS@TATAT SENG SAF新加坡浴室用品TAT SENG SAF MR NG SERK L0065 68613430065 6862160NO 34 TECH P638100 tsppe@singnTANIT ITALIA意大利浴室用品TANIT ITALIA CHARBEL SFEI0039 0521 770039 0521 77VIA TAVERNA,10 43100 PARMATAK ARABIAN 埃及浴室用品TAK ARABIAN AMR HASSAN0020 2 415030020 2 415035,MOHAMED ANIS ST.,HEL OTAK_CO@HOTTamsale Oy芬兰浴室用品Tamsale Oy00358 3 2 1400358 3 3124Papink 21, FI 33200, TampereTampereen La芬兰浴室用品Tampereen La TOUKO RAUMA00358 3 2 7100358 3 2 71Tanink 4, FI 33400, Ta touko.raumaTALLERES CAZ西班牙浴室用品TALLERES CAZ FELIX PRIETO0034 91 895 0034 91 895 AV. YESEROS, 30-32/N.5,E-28340 VATAIWAN CMC C台湾省浴室用品TAIWAN CMC C GEORGE00886 2 256300886 2 2581NO.7-1,LANE 127,SEC.2, CMC@TAI PENG GAR新加坡浴室用品TAI PENG GAR MR YEO THYE 0065 62931520065 629718416 KALLANG P339156 ENQUIRY@INTTAB, SpA意大利浴室用品TAB, SpA Daniele Bino0039 0575 640039 0575 64Via di Sinalunga 60, I info@tabitaTAI YOUNG GI台湾省浴室用品TAI YOUNG GI KEN C.H. WAN00886 2 227700886 2 2276NO.9 ALLEY 6 LANE 314 YONGGIFT@MST?RUSSIAN-CH俄罗斯联邦浴室用品T?RUSSIAN-CHINESE LTD 007 3452 251007 3452 251TYUMEN, STR.625000T.T. & A. HO马来西亚浴室用品T.T. & A. HO TAN TONG TEC0060 3 7876 0060 3 7876 31-A, 1/FL., JALAN SS 2/64,47300T.S. UNIFORM美国浴室用品T.S. UNIFORM石先生001 21239828001 21239828265 WEST 37TH STREET, lokm@broadvT.P., Srl意大利浴室用品T.P., Srl Francesco Fr0039 0522 910039 0522 91Via Augera 11 A/B, I 4 infotp@tpsrT. Mulder-Ro荷兰浴室用品T. Mulder-Ro Mr. W.J. Jer0031 10 41300031 10 4115Veilingweg 18, NL 3034 INFO@TMULDET J LAWFORD 美国浴室用品T J LAWFORD INC001 212-685-001 212-889-180 Madison Ave., Ste. 1802, NewSZS MOSCOW C俄罗斯联邦浴室用品SZS MOSCOW C MU YING YU007 095 4397007 095 439719-A,NAROFOM119619 MKONEEV@SZS.RUSyberg VVS A挪威浴室用品Syberg VVS A/S0047 22 09 30047 22 09 3Hans Nielsen Hauges ga syberg.vvs@SURYAM DEVEL印度浴室用品SURYAM DEVEL ANIL BACHANI0091 22 64390091 22 64341,147 BELFER400050 ANILBOMBAY@ SYBARIS美国浴室用品SYBARIS KENNETH C.KN001 847 6373001 847 63732430 E.RAND IL 60004-587 KNUDSONKEN@Svedbergs Oy芬兰浴室用品Svedbergs Oy SPESAN VLONU00358 9 58 400358 9 58 4Juvan Teollisuusk 26, FI 02920,SUPPLY OILFI菲律宾浴室用品SUPPLY OILFI LOUIS PAUL H0063 2 818 60063 2 818 7M.C.P.O. BOX 2126,MAKATI, METRO MSUNGJOO CORP韩国浴室用品SUNGJOO CORP SONGBOM CHEY0082 2 220300082 2 22030187-9 PANG-I-DONG,SONG ACUSMANN@UNSUNERGY SYST加拿大浴室用品SUNERGY SYST Michael Kerf001 403 6373001 403 6373Box 70 Cremo T0M 0R0 sunergy@ Sundstroms J瑞典浴室用品Sundstroms Jarnhandel0046 21 15 00046 21 15 0Vasag 20, SE 72215, Va city@sundst SUPKUINGVAL 泰国浴室用品SUPKUINGVAL PATHNEEWAN W0066 2 300320066 2 71944BANGKOK YUI_PATH@ SUPERTEX IND澳大利亚浴室用品SUPERTEX IND ANDREW KALDO0061 2 9790 0061 2 9709 105-117 Wattle St Punc DTANOS@SUPEOLIVER-WULFSUPER-G:(HK)香港浴室用品SUPER-G:(HK)OLIVER WULFE00852 23162500852 236736九龙尖沙咀诺士佛台10 号Sunwind Gyll挪威浴室用品Sunwind Gyll NILLS VOLLE 0047 67 17 10047 67 17 1Pb.64,1309 Rud postmann@suSUNNY AGE LI香港浴室用品SUNNY AGE LI LEWIS CHAN00852 25755400852 28345810/F.,HYDE CENTRE,223 SUNNYAGE@KASunny (Ho's)香港浴室用品Sunny (Ho's)Mr Man-Sun H00852 23891300852 234300Room 1112, Vanta Indus sunnytd@netSUN-SUN INT'美国浴室用品SUN-SUN INT'JASON LEE001 305 4638001 305 46388565 N.W. 2933122 ZOJEINFO@SUNNY WOOD P美国浴室用品SUNNY WOOD P Mr. ALAIN TS001 562 9266001 562 926012724 MOORE 90703 ATSWCA@ SUDIMAT法国浴室用品SUDIMAT M DIDIER LAR0033 56359870033 563724211 RUE JEAN FOUCAULT, ZONE INDUSTSuccess Hope香港浴室用品Success Hope Mr James Wu00852 29790100852 250806Unit 2803, 28/F, Jupit jwu1103@ctiSUN TX印度浴室用品SUN TX AYUSHMAN AGA0091 22 56930091 22 569855,JUHU SUPR400049 AYUSHMAN1@SUN SUN INDU美国浴室用品SUN SUN INDU KARL CHANG001 201 9352001 201 9351333 FIRST ST N.J.07072SUN ACTIVE E台湾省浴室用品SUN ACTIVE E陈文忠00886 2 279100886 2 2792#94-2,SEC 6,MIN CHUNG SWARDS@MS46SUN ACTIVE E台湾省浴室用品SUN ACTIVE E CHIU SHU FEN00886 2 279300886 2 27942F,NO.94 SEC.6 MIN CHU SUN.CO@MSA.SUN CASTLE T台湾省浴室用品SUN CASTLE T ANTONIO HSIE00886 2 226200886 2 22747F.,NO.191,SEC.2,CHUNG LINDA800@MS SUMINISTROS 西班牙浴室用品SUMINISTROS EDUARDO SANC0034 91 690 0034 91 690 C/.GENERAL LACY, 17,E-28045 MADRISuministros 西班牙浴室用品Suministros Laguardia 0034 91 468 0034 91 530 Embajadores, 135, E 28045, MadriSUMBEAM INT'香港浴室用品SUMBEAM INT'JOE00852 24230000852 248929BLK.A.14/F.,FLAT F,MAR FETHREAD@NESphinx Bathr比利时浴室用品Sphinx Bathr Mr. Hugo Aer0032 2 725 50032 2 725 5Tollaan 77, B 1932, Si info@sphinxSolheim Gjer挪威浴室用品Solheim Gjerdenett A.S0047 55 29 90047 55 20 0Kanalveien 6, NO 5068, solheim.gjeSolartone Ja日本浴室用品Solartone Ja NUMAOTAKASHI0081 3 3495 0081 3 3495 19-6, Shimomeguro 2-ch solar@solar STABLISSEMEN法国浴室用品STABLISSEMEN M VIDAL CHAR0033 56223310033 562233019 ZA LA PICHE, 31600, etsvidal@clST SOBKO AND俄罗斯联邦浴室用品ST SOBKO AND CO007 095 6882007 095 6882MOSCOW, GYLI129090 INFO@SOBKO.St Michel In新西兰浴室用品St Michel In Mark Little0064 9 837 40064 9 837 435 Keeling Road Hender shona@stmicST. JAMES IN英国浴室用品ST. JAMES IN ROBIN MERRIC0044 20 84470044 20 8882123, CHASE SIDE, SOUTHGATE,LONDONST FUTURE IN香港浴室用品ST FUTURE IN MARY YU00852 27121800852 271273FLAT A,11/F,SHUN FAI B HONGKONG@STSRNUNEC荷兰浴室用品SRNUNEC LRMALS0031 10 26240031 10 4625Stuttgartstraat 36, NL INFO@SRNUNESPMC LOSSIGN法国浴室用品SPMC LOSSIGN M FOUREST FR0033 16979800033 164487331 RUE DE PARIS, BP 73, 91165, CSpraychem Lt英国浴室用品Spraychem Lt Diane W. Wya0044 121 3290044 1209 3120 Reddyicap Trading E info@spraycSPLENDOR WAT香港浴室用品SPLENDOR WATER FITTING00852 23312500852 233139ROOM 901-905 & 907,BLO SPLENDOR@CTSPLASH FAUCE印度浴室用品SPLASH FAUCE MR. AKSHAY S0091 11 46470091 11 4603T-1459/1,STR110003 SPLASH@VSNLSpirito Ital加拿大浴室用品Spirito Ital MISS LINDA001 905 5657001 905 56576915 Dixie R L5T 2G2SOUTH PACIFI澳大利亚浴室用品SOUTH PACIFI NICK0061 8 8276 0061 8 8374 84 Daws Rd Edwardstown SA 5039SOSACA SA法国浴室用品SOSACA SA M MASPERO ER0033 49810600033 4981060QUARTIER MAUFACHE,RN 555,83920,LASOURCE MEDIC加拿大浴室用品SOURCE MEDICAL CORPORA001 905 5023001 416 2135175 Britanni L4Z 4B9 CEBEHINI@SOSOUPINTO FAB葡萄牙浴室用品SOUPINTO FAB JOAO FILOMEN00351 21 47800351 21 478RUA PROJECTADA,LOTE 1- SOUPINTOLDASOTUCOR CANA加拿大浴室用品SOTUCOR CANA SOUHAIL MRAB001 514 7684001 514 3620570 PLACE DE H3E 1G7 SOTUCOR@ SOTRANIE法国浴室用品SOTRANIE M COLOMBA JO0033 56156540033 56156545 PLACE JEAN CHAUBET, SOTRANIE@WASOTEX FRANCE法国浴室用品SOTEX FRANCE M BOUZGUENDA0033 14832500033 148689623 RUE EUGENE POTTIER, SSA SNOWBERRY EN台湾省浴室用品SNOWBERRY EN PHILIP DUAN00886 6 312600886 6 330983,PEI YUAN STREET,TAI SNOWBERRY@SSOMEMO法国浴室用品SOMEMO M AZAM DIDIE0033 46776320033 4673794101 RUE DES FRERES PIQUES, 34490,SONEX METAL 巴基斯坦浴室用品SONEX METAL SAJID BUTT0092 431 2840092 431 284S.I.E.#2,GUJRANWALA SONEX@GJR.PSONA INDUSTR印度浴室用品SONA INDUSTR MR.K.C.GUPTA0091 11 25840091 11 25741449/201,DUR110093 SONAIND@.IN SOLODEC法国浴室用品SOLODEC M PAVAN RENE0033 56170160033 56170829 RUE GUSTAVE EIFFEL, 31140, AUCASOHO INC.加拿大浴室用品SOHO INC.YVES CHELLY001 514 7454001 514 7456164,BENJAMIN H4N 1H8 YCHELLY@HOTSOFT TEX CO叙利亚浴室用品SOFT TEX CO M r. AHMAD RA00963 21 36300963 21 331P.O.BOX:2303,ALEPPO SOFTEX@MAIL.SY,AGHASOFTEX@H Sodirep-Text比利时浴室用品Sodirep-Text Marc Hostyn0032 2 520 90032 2 522 6Rue Bara 129, B 1070, aute.hautecSOFOCLES KYP塞浦路斯浴室用品SOFOCLES KYP Mr. GEORGE K00357 22 42700357 22 312106 ATHALASSA AVENUE,S sofocleskypSODIM法国浴室用品SODIM M RISPAUD MA0033 3 803630033 3 8036321250, PAGNY LE CHATEA SODIM.INDUSSOC DE TISSA法国浴室用品SOC DE TISSA M DUMAS YVES0033 47771240033 477704583 RUE CHAMUSSY, 42153 tis.beaulieSN SELLERIE 法国浴室用品SN SELLERIE MME BARON0033 25187400033 2518740104 RUE GEORGES CLEMEN SELLERIEVENSmooth Inves香港浴室用品Smooth Inves Mr See-Lun C00852 23919100852 239197G/F, 16 Tai Nan Street office@smooSMAA CORPORA加拿大浴室用品SMAA CORPORA ASGHAR ALI001 416 3357001 416 3359140 MILNER A M1S3R3 SMAACORP@ SLIPSTOP (EU英国浴室用品SLIPSTOP (EU Mr Brodahl0044 1530 810044 1530 819 The Courtyard, Whitw slipstop@slSkydda i Sve瑞典浴室用品Skydda i Sverige AB0046 321 67 0046 321 67 523 85 ULRICEHAMN skydda@skydSjoelie & Bi挪威浴室用品Sjoelie & Bi GARLV AUNG0047 22632900047 2263299Haslevangen 45 B, NO 0579, OsloSITTING BULL意大利浴室用品SITTING BULL, Impresa 0039 0883 560039 0883 56Via Don R. Lotti 18/20 sittingbullSiroflex Sca丹麦浴室用品Siroflex Scandinavia0045 86 92 80045 86 92 6ostergaardsvej 253, DK hnorby@postSkauan A/S挪威浴室用品Skauan A/S0047 67 10 30047 67 10 3Arnstein Arnebergsvei info@boomedSKANSKA BYGG瑞典浴室用品SKANSKA BYGG ANDERS NILSS0046 042 25 0046 042 20 KANONGATAN 13,S-254 67 HELSINGBORSkanebeslag 瑞典浴室用品Skanebeslag AB0046 40 43 00046 40 43 0Santessons vag 24, 232 office@skanSinex Teknis挪威浴室用品Sinex Tekniske0047 51 82 70047 51 82 7Hillevaegsveien 24, NO sinex@ahuseSino Link (T香港浴室用品Sino Link (T Mr Kenneth C00852 25532200852 255397Unit 17, 11/F, Tower B fpower@netvSINGH TRADER印度浴室用品SINGH TRADER MR.JATINDER 0091 11 51320091 11 5130C-101,FATEH NAGAR,NEW CONTACT@SINSINAR KENCAN印度尼西亚浴室用品SINAR KENCAN MR.HARTONO0062 21 56680062 21 5645TUBAGUS ANGKE NO 36-36 LIONG-62@CESINAR DUNIA 印度尼西亚浴室用品SINAR DUNIA Mr. SANTO SE0062 21 42400062 21 4251JLN.BUNGUR B14350 SANTO_SKX@SIMON'S HARD美国浴室用品SIMON'S HARD WALTER RESS001 212 532 001 212 7253421, THIRD AVENUE, NEW wress@simonSimon de Haa荷兰浴室用品Simon de Haa MR.KNUL0031 38 42210031 38 4213Hoekerweg 7, 8042 PH, showroom@siSIM SIANG CH新加坡浴室用品SIM SIANG CH WILFRED PUA0065 62666630065 654228721 CHANGI SO486630 WILFRED@ SILVER TOWN 香港浴室用品SILVER TOWN NICOLE PUN00852 24267300852 242673BLK A 8/F.,ON FAT IND. NICOLEPUN2KSILVER FALCO科威特浴室用品SILVER FALCO MR.ALI HASAN00965 26606200965 266063TUNIS STR P.32091 YAFA_LANA@Sika Footwea丹麦浴室用品Sika Footwea Henrik Schmi0045 97 21 10045 97 21 2Teglvaenget 57, DK 740 sika@sika-fSigntec Limi香港浴室用品Signtec Limi Miss Wendy W00852 28736400852 287326Flat G, 6/F, Block 1, signtec@tdcSIGNET澳大利亚浴室用品SIGNET GEORGE ANDRE0061 3 9542 0061 3 9542 1408 Centre Rd Clayton VIC 3168SIGNATURE AC加拿大浴室用品SIGNATURE AC Ms. LINDA MC001 604 9400001 604 94014329 RIVER R V4K 1R9 INFO@SIGNATSIGFREDO DIS西班牙浴室用品SIGFREDO DISENO MOBILI0034 91 730 0034 91 738 C/.SANGENJO, 10,E-28034 MADRIDSIDNEG SARL摩洛哥浴室用品SIDNEG SARL A BDEL-ILAH I00212 22 25200212 22 2524,RUE MURELLO ANGLE BD SIDNEG@MENASIDEPIN LIMI台湾省浴室用品SIDEPIN LIMI陈姜如00886 2 239600886 2 2357ROOM 1006,NO.88,SEC 2, SIDEPIN@MS3Siddhi Tradi尼泊尔浴室用品Siddhi Tradi Mr. Manojsid00977 1 260200977 1 2600Ka-1-108, Tripureshwor kayo@loc.coSIDDHA SANIT印度浴室用品SIDDHA SANIT SANJEEU JAIN0091 11 21140091 11 212760,DILSHAD G110095 CAXTONBATH@SHYAM LAL AG印度浴室用品SHYAM LAL AG RAKESH AGGAR0091 11 32570091 11 32623683-84,CHAW110006 SLAS@ SHREE GARUDA印度浴室用品SHREE GARUDA S. P. SHARMA0091 11 23230091951,GALI NAI110006SHOWERLUX UK英国浴室用品SHOWERLUX UK MR.Bowler0044 2476 630044 2476 30Sibree Road, Coventry, West MidlSHOWER POWER澳大利亚浴室用品SHOWER POWER PETER CLAPPI0061 3 954000061 3 9540053 HOWLEYS R3136 SHWRPWR@.AU SHOWY INTERN新加坡浴室用品SHOWY INTERN SIMON H.C. L0065 63656630065 6368828NO.35 SUNGEI729057 SIMON@SHOWYSHOREBLUE LT英国浴室用品SHOREBLUE LT TIM DAVIS0044 8451 300044 8451 303 GRAY STREET//NORTHAMPTON NN1 3SHINY EMBROI澳大利亚浴室用品SHINY EMBROI GUO CHUN0061 3 941510061 3 94999489-491 VICTORIA ST.Shires Irela爱尔兰浴室用品Shires Irela Mr. Brendan 00353 1 404700353 1 4047Tallaght, Dublin 24SHIRES BATHR英国浴室用品SHIRES BATHR Mr Norman Lo0044 1274 520044 1274 52Beckside Road, Bradfor marketing@sSHINMEI AUTO日本浴室用品SHINMEI AUTO KOJI KAWABUC0081 78 96140081 78 96141338-4 NAKAT651-2257 kawabuchi-k@sannet.ne.jp Shinko Boeki日本浴室用品Shinko Boeki NOZAWA0081 3 3463 0081 3 3463 3-14, Udagawacho, Shib e-mail@nhl-Shing Hing C香港浴室用品Shing Hing C Mr Chak-Hung00852 26982300852 269278Unit 3, 12/F, Block E, Wah Lok InSheikh Bros 香港浴室用品Sheikh Bros Mr Don Mclan00852 23112200852 2311255/F, Suite B, Astoria sbc@sbcltdh SHARTONG CO.马来西亚浴室用品SHARTONG CO.YANG YONG KA0060 7 388500060 7 38852NO.34,JALAN 81750 PSYANG@PD.JARING.MY Sharoni Cera以色列浴室用品Sharoni Cera Aharon Dayan00972 3 546600972 3 5466Dizengoff Street, Exhib. Premisse SHANKAR PIPE印度浴室用品SHANKAR PIPE MISS SUNITA 0091 11 22050091 11 220521-B,NEW GOB110051 INFO@SHANKA SHAHRAN CHOO伊朗浴室用品SHAHRAN CHOO MR.STEPHEN0098 111 3230098 111 326NO.1 GOL AVE.SHARIATI INFO@SHAHRA SEKAIFUJI CO日本浴室用品SEKAIFUJI CO TAMEJIRO TAK0081 898 6420081 898 6441-5-34, NAKA794 8501SENI MEX法国浴室用品SENI MEX M BARON Alai0033 55719140033 55719141 RUE LUCIEN FAURE, QUAI ARMAND L SELDICO LTD俄罗斯联邦浴室用品SELDICO LTD007 095 2326007 095 2326MOSCOW, NEMA123181SEMI CO., LT韩国浴室用品SEMI CO., LT HUI-SANG LEE0082 31 76870082 31 7687(464-808)JANG JI-DONG, GOSEMI@KORESELECO ENTER马来西亚浴室用品SELECO ENTER LOW KOK LEON0060 6 954160060 6 9547116,JALAN SAKEH SATU,84 SONICEW@PD. SECURELINE美国浴室用品SECURELINEMR. LARRY001 562 422 001 562 428 P.O. BOX 7262, LONG BEACH, CA 908SEE CIMAROST法国浴室用品SEE CIMAROST M CIMAROSTI 0033 56197050033 561906118 AVENUE DE SAINT CIZ CIMAROSTI.C SEAPORT TRAD香港浴室用品SEAPORT TRAD JUDY CHEN00852 27785800852 2776271108,11/F,WU SANG HOUS SEAPORT@NET SCORPION WOR泰国浴室用品SCORPION WOR ALEX RADULOV0066 2 182160066 2 39226603 BAMRUNGMUENG ROAD, ALEX676@ADSScoble (Plum英国浴室用品Scoble (Plum Mrs Pauline 0044 20 86760044 20 8676Anerley station Road,O sales@scoblScientific G英国浴室用品Scientific G Robert C. St0044 161 6210044 161 627163 Higginshaw Lane, R sales@scigl SCHULTE-DUSC德国浴室用品SCHULTE-DUSC HARTWIG ROLF0049 2933 900049 2933 77LOCKWEG 81 59846 SUNDE H.ROLFES@SC Schrauwen NV比利时浴室用品Schrauwen NV Chris Van De0032 3 645 20032 3 645 9Kapelsesteenweg 80, B INFO@SCHRAUSchoefs Bvba比利时浴室用品Schoefs Bvba Stefan Peter0032 12 23 30032 12 26 3Bilzersteenweg 441 Bus schoefsbvba SCHMITT NEY 法国浴室用品SCHMITT NEY M DELCOURT J0033 14515540033 145155432 QUAI MARCEL BOYER, SCHMITTN@CLSchmidt Trad丹麦浴室用品Schmidt Trad Bjarke Kenti0045 45 81 80045 45 82 1Toftebakken 7, DK 3460 jst@jst-as.Schmidt Impo德国浴室用品Schmidt Impo Rolf Deichma0049 201 45 0049 201 450Zeunerstrasse 6, DE 45 EINKAUF@HERSchindele Gm德国浴室用品Schindele Gm MR.DEGEL0049 7033 5 0049 7033 53Hauptstrasse 52-62, DE 71263, Wei Schiesser In比利时浴室用品Schiesser In Alfons Borre0032 2 263 00032 2 263 0Nijverheidslaan 2, B 1 schiesser.b SCANASIA TRA泰国浴室用品SCANASIA TRA JUHA AALTONE0066 38 37730066 38 377329/13 M.9 SU20260 JUHA.AALTONSCAM S.A.S. 意大利浴室用品SCAM S.A.S. MR.ALBERTO C0039 02 90830039 02 9083VIA BEZZERA,I-20088 INFO@SCAM-SSAYNA TRANSF西班牙浴室用品SAYNA TRANSF OLYMPE TOURB0034 96 55640034 96 5565POL.IND LOS 03430 ONIC(A SAYMA@SAYMA SAVONNERIES 比利时浴室用品SAVONNERIES M.BOURNONILC0032 24 26 40032 24 25 5RUE 27 E. TOLLENAERE,B savonneries SATUDAN ENTE加纳浴室用品SATUDAN ENTE HAUSATU A.MO00233 21 67000233P.O.BOX GP 915932 ACCRASARL IDROCEN法国浴室用品SARL IDROCEN M ANTONIO CU0033 47654410033 476544170 RUE CHAMP RONAN,38400,SAINT MA SARMAT W.L.L巴林浴室用品SARMAT W.L.L BRIAN PEREIR00973 27305200973 275864PO BOX 11524 MANAMA SARMAT@.BH SARL SAMCO M法国浴室用品SARL SAMCO M M HAY JAMES0033 54957000033 5494374242 AVENUE DU 8 MAI 19 JAMES.HAY@VSARL INTERIE法国浴室用品SARL INTERIE M ENGEL ANDY0033 38756050033 38756979 RUE DE LA FERME SAIN interieur-dSARL GALERIE法国浴室用品SARL GALERIE M PIUBELLO L0033 56220880033 5617621ROUTE NATIONALE 20, LI galeries.duSara Lee Per澳大利亚浴室用品Sara Lee Per Bill Quinn0061 2 9577 0061 2 9150 159 Kingsgrove Rd, 2208, KingsgroSara Lee Bra瑞典浴室用品Sara Lee Bra Anders Nilss0046 8 742 00046 8 742 6Radiov 30-32, SE 13548, TyresoSanwa Pty Lt澳大利亚浴室用品Sanwa Pty Lt BEN ARCHIBAL0061 2 9362 0061 2 9362 SUITE 201,2ND FLOOR,10 sanwa@sanwaSANTOS DIAZ 西班牙浴室用品SANTOS DIAZ URIZAR0034 947 48 0034 947 48 PENTASA 2, NAVE No17,E-09007 BURGSENI MEX法国浴室用品SENI MEX M BARON Alai0033 55719140033 55719141 RUE LUCIEN FAURE, QUAI ARMAND LSEE CIMAROST法国浴室用品SEE CIMAROST M CIMAROSTI 0033 56197050033 561906118 AVENUE DE SAINT CIZ CIMAROSTI.C SCHULTE-DUSC德国浴室用品SCHULTE-DUSC HARTWIG ROLF0049 2933 900049 2933 77LOCKWEG 81 59846 SUNDE H.ROLFES@SCSEMI CO., LT韩国浴室用品SEMI CO., LT HUI-SANG LEE0082 31 76870082 31 7687(464-808)JANG JI-DONG, GOSEMI@KORESELECO ENTER马来西亚浴室用品SELECO ENTER LOW KOK LEON0060 6 954160060 6 9547116,JALAN SAKEH SATU,84 SONICEW@PD.SELDICO LTD俄罗斯联邦浴室用品SELDICO LTD007 095 2326007 095 2326MOSCOW, NEMA123181SEKAIFUJI CO日本浴室用品SEKAIFUJI CO TAMEJIRO TAK0081 898 6420081 898 6441-5-34, NAKA794 8501SECURELINE美国浴室用品SECURELINEMR. LARRY001 562 422 001 562 428 P.O. BOX 7262, LONG BEACH, CA 908SEAPORT TRAD香港浴室用品SEAPORT TRAD JUDY CHEN00852 27785800852 2776271108,11/F,WU SANG HOUS SEAPORT@NETScoble (Plum英国浴室用品Scoble (Plum Mrs Pauline 0044 20 86760044 20 8676Anerley station Road,O sales@scoblSCORPION WOR泰国浴室用品SCORPION WOR ALEX RADULOV0066 2 182160066 2 39226603 BAMRUNGMUENG ROAD, ALEX676@ADSScientific G英国浴室用品Scientific G Robert C. St0044 161 6210044 161 627163 Higginshaw Lane, R sales@sciglSchrauwen NV比利时浴室用品Schrauwen NV Chris Van De0032 3 645 20032 3 645 9Kapelsesteenweg 80, B INFO@SCHRAUSchoefs Bvba比利时浴室用品Schoefs Bvba Stefan Peter0032 12 23 30032 12 26 3Bilzersteenweg 441 Bus schoefsbvbaSCHMITT NEY 法国浴室用品SCHMITT NEY M DELCOURT J0033 14515540033 145155432 QUAI MARCEL BOYER, SCHMITTN@CLSchmidt Trad丹麦浴室用品Schmidt Trad Bjarke Kenti0045 45 81 80045 45 82 1Toftebakken 7, DK 3460 jst@jst-as.Schmidt Impo德国浴室用品Schmidt Impo Rolf Deichma0049 201 45 0049 201 450Zeunerstrasse 6, DE 45 EINKAUF@HERSchindele Gm德国浴室用品Schindele Gm MR.DEGEL0049 7033 5 0049 7033 53Hauptstrasse 52-62, DE 71263, WeiSchiesser In比利时浴室用品Schiesser In Alfons Borre0032 2 263 00032 2 263 0Nijverheidslaan 2, B 1 schiesser.bSCAM S.A.S. 意大利浴室用品SCAM S.A.S. MR.ALBERTO C0039 02 90830039 02 9083VIA BEZZERA,I-20088 INFO@SCAM-SSCANASIA TRA泰国浴室用品SCANASIA TRA JUHA AALTONE0066 38 37730066 38 377329/13 M.9 SU20260 JUHA.AALTONSAYNA TRANSF西班牙浴室用品SAYNA TRANSF OLYMPE TOURB0034 96 55640034 96 5565POL.IND LOS 03430 ONIC(A SAYMA@SAYMA SAVONNERIES 比利时浴室用品SAVONNERIES M.BOURNONILC0032 24 26 40032 24 25 5RUE 27 E. TOLLENAERE,B savonneriesSATUDAN ENTE加纳浴室用品SATUDAN ENTE HAUSATU A.MO00233 21 67000233P.O.BOX GP 915932 ACCRASARL INTERIE法国浴室用品SARL INTERIE M ENGEL ANDY0033 38756050033 38756979 RUE DE LA FERME SAIN interieur-dSARL IDROCEN法国浴室用品SARL IDROCEN M ANTONIO CU0033 47654410033 476544170 RUE CHAMP RONAN,38400,SAINT MASANTOS DIAZ 西班牙浴室用品SANTOS DIAZ URIZAR0034 947 48 0034 947 48 PENTASA 2, NAVE No17,E-09007 BURGSARMAT W.L.L巴林浴室用品SARMAT W.L.L BRIAN PEREIR00973 27305200973 275864PO BOX 11524 MANAMA SARMAT@.BHSARL SAMCO M法国浴室用品SARL SAMCO M M HAY JAMES0033 54957000033 5494374242 AVENUE DU 8 MAI 19 JAMES.HAY@VSARL GALERIE法国浴室用品SARL GALERIE M PIUBELLO L0033 56220880033 5617621ROUTE NATIONALE 20, LI galeries.duSara Lee Per澳大利亚浴室用品Sara Lee Per Bill Quinn0061 2 9577 0061 2 9150 159 Kingsgrove Rd, 2208, KingsgroSara Lee Bra瑞典浴室用品Sara Lee Bra Anders Nilss0046 8 742 00046 8 742 6Radiov 30-32, SE 13548, TyresoSanwa Pty Lt澳大利亚浴室用品Sanwa Pty Lt BEN ARCHIBAL0061 2 9362 0061 2 9362 SUITE 201,2ND FLOOR,10 sanwa@sanwaSANSEI SINGA新加坡浴室用品SANSEI SINGA PETER PUAH0065 6292 830065 6292 45316 JALAN BE208972 EMAIL@SANSESANPAR EXPOR英国浴室用品SANPAR EXPOR SANJIV SHAH0044 208 8630044 208 863THE PAVILION, ROSSLYN whitecrost@SANOFI BEAUT西班牙浴室用品SANOFI BEAUTE S.A.0034 938 46 0034 938 49 AVE. SANT JULIA 44, BAJOS,E-08400Sanmedi bv荷兰浴室用品Sanmedi bv0031 251 3160031 251 314Populierenlaan 59, 191 mail@sanmedSANMAX Sanit荷兰浴室用品SANMAX Sanitair0031 26 36350031 26 3622Conradweg 6, NL 6827 BZ, ArnhemSANJEEV TRAD印度浴室用品SANJEEV TRAD MR SANJEEV J0091 11 22755237B-94,SHA SHI110091SANITON CERA新加坡浴室用品SANITON CERA MR LUI TAH Y0065 67533620065 675507854 WOODLANDS757826 saniton@.s SANITO埃及浴室用品SANITO ARCH.AMR H.F0020 2 636920020 2 632054 IBN AL-SIRRAFY STR., AHAZEMSANITSANITEX TRAD阿拉伯联合酋浴室用品SANITEX TRAD AJAY BHATIA00971 4 265200971 4 2652P.O. BOX 35364 DUBAI SANITEX1@EMSANITEC S.A.希腊浴室用品SANITEC S.A.EVAG.SOPASOU0030 2310 570030 2310 57IONIAS STR,O570 13 SANITEC@SANSanitair Van比利时浴室用品Sanitair Van Mr. Frans Go0032 3 773 40032 3 773 2Aven Ackers 9 - Industriezone, BSanitair Gro荷兰浴室用品Sanitair Gro GEHEUER0031 10 48320031 10 4794Stolwijkstraat 41, NL 3079 DN, RoSanitair & C荷兰浴室用品Sanitair & C J.JAN0031 342 4040031 342 492Marchandweg 45, NL 377 info@jdebeeSani-Perfect比利时浴室用品Sani-Perfect Mr. Jan Desp0032 56 35 30032 56 35 8Meensesteenweg 183, B info@sanipeSaninova BV荷兰浴室用品Saninova BV K LOPPERS0031 186 6020031 186 603Boonsweg 81, NL 3274 L INFO@SANINOSanidep SA比利时浴室用品Sanidep SA0032 69 21 40032 69 21 2Rue de Maire 15, B 7503, FroyenneSanicenter N比利时浴室用品Sanicenter NV0032 59 80 80032 59 80 4Archimedesstraat 5, B 8400, Ooste SANGTONGHOUS泰国浴室用品SANGTONGHOUS PRACHUM SOVI0066 2 320440066 2 3204416 SOI ONNUC10250Sango Intern日本浴室用品Sango Intern NAKAMURA0081 3 3443 0081 3 3443 2-6, Shirogane 4-chome sangoint@aoSandvold Roe挪威浴室用品Sandvold Roe SANDVOLD HAU0047 52 70 20047 52 70 2Kirkegaten 183, NO 550 hr@sandvoldSANCOR美国浴室用品SANCOR BILL SANDERS001 901 3883001 901 38862099 THOMAS TN 38134SAN TECH OVE印度浴室用品SAN TECH OVERSEAS0091 11 25840091278/B,CHAUHA1100032SAMSOMA INVE美国浴室用品SAMSOMA INVESTEMENTS A001 321 948 001 407 888 13603 TETHERLINE TRL.O amr53@hotmaSam McLernon爱尔兰浴室用品Sam McLernon Mr. Torren G00353 1 450400353 1 4569Naas Road, Dublin 22Sam Hing Sca香港浴室用品Sam Hing Sca Mr Victor Le00852 23931100852 278930Room 402, Fuk Hong Ind sales@samhiSAM CERAM阿尔及利亚浴室用品SAM CERAM Miss. MEZHOU00213 21 21000213 21 219ROOTE N'E 2416000 SAMCERAM@YAHOO.FR SALES INTERN墨西哥浴室用品SALES INTERN ING.RUBEN ES0052 656 6130052 656 611AV.LOPEZ MAT32310 SIGA0@INFOSSAHAIR FRISU德国浴室用品SAHAIR FRISUR U. KOSME0049 3464 570049 3464 57HUTTENPLATZ 2,D-06526 SANGERHAUSESAKAI MEDICA日本浴室用品SAKAI MEDICA Yoshihiko Ya0081 3 381170081 3 3814215-9, Hongo 3-chome, B sasagawa@saSAIFUR RAHMA孟加拉国浴室用品SAIFUR RAHMA Mr. MD.SAIFU00880 2 911800880 2 912732,33,GREEN 1205 INNA@ SAGNE法国浴室用品SAGNE M BOISHUS Er0033 55671230033 556712520 A FRIMONT OUEST, BP sagne@sagneSaga Yhtiot芬兰浴室用品Saga Yhtiot00358 2 445600358 2 4456Juhana Herttuan puistok 23, FI 20SAFR HALABI叙利亚浴室用品SAFR HALABI I SAM SAFAR A00963 11 22200963 11 888KING FAISAL STR.(P.O.B ISAMSAFR@SCSADECOR ITAL意大利浴室用品SADECOR ITAL Massimiliano0039 0732 230039 0732 23Via S. Cristoforo 36, OLAITALIA@OSABBIA ROSA,意大利浴室用品SABBIA ROSA,Antonio Iaco0039 0883 560039 0883 56Via N. Cicco, I 70031, sabbiarosa@SAAN STORES 加拿大浴室用品SAAN STORES MR.SAM GURAL001 204 4745001 204 47841370 Sony Pl R3C 3C3SA SEM ANGLE法国浴室用品SA SEM ANGLE M RECH MICHE0033 56577190033 5656741RUE DE LA PRADE, ZONE INDUSTRIELLSA FERRAND C法国浴室用品SA FERRAND C MME FERRAND 0033 46847150033 468476830 AVENUE DOCTEUR HENR INFO@CARRELS.S. South P以色列浴室用品S.S. South P Gabriel Sing00972 8 675100972 8 67504 Hamasger Street, 78582, AshkeloS.P. INDUSTR印度浴室用品S.P. INDUSTR SURINDER KUM0091 11 23870091 11 2058627/4,SHANKA110032S.M.S.DISTRI加拿大浴室用品S.M.S.DISTRI STEWART MacK001 403 2532001 403 25276157, IRTH S AB T21H IG2SMSDIST1@TES. MART D-I-泰国浴室用品S. MART D-I-SARINDHORN T0066 2 322 20066 2 320 0101/7 SRINAKARINTR ROAD,BANGKOK 1S.E.R.N. Vac以色列浴室用品S.E.R.N. Vac Rafael Nagar00972 8 924900972 8 9257M.P. Modiin, Ind. Zone Nave Zuf,S.D. Product英国浴室用品S.D. Product Colin G. Mil0044 1623 650044 1623 42The Broadway Great Cen sales@sdproS.C.EUROMAT 波兰浴室用品S.C.EUROMAT MARIUSZ JEDR0048 77 45450048 77 454245-061 OPOLE,UL. 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IECEx 03-3 Facility Audit Report Form(安排安装和初始检查)说明
ExMC/760/CDJuly 2012 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION (IEC) SYSTEM FOR THE CERTIFICATION TO STANDARDS RELATING TO EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERESIECEx 60079-14 FAR (New)TITLE: Facility Audit Report Form (FAR) – Installation and Initial Inspection (IECEx 03-3 Installation and Initial InspectionScheme)Circulated to: IECEx MC MembersIntroductionFurther to the Report from WG10 at the Split 2011 ExMC meeting, refer item 11.2 of the ExMC Split confirmed minutes ExMC/723A/RM, WG10 has progressed with its work to integrate additional Ex related Services beyond Ex Repair.Refer to Document ExMC/746/Inf for the background and explanation of the newproposed IECEx 03 series Document Structure.This draft document is the proposed new Facility Audit Report (FAR) for the IECEx 03-3 Scheme (Certified Service Facility Scheme Part 3 – Installation and Initial Inspection) for use by ExCBs to record assessments and audits of Service Facilities providing Ex Installation Services according to IEC 60079-14. This document also contains the proposed Non Conformance Report Form (NCR).This document has been prepared by WG10 and is presented for consideration at the ExMC Calgary 2012 meeting.IECEx SecretariatAddress:IECEx SecretariatStandards Australia Building286 Sussex StreetSydney NSW 2000AustraliaTel: +61 2 8206 6940Fax: +61 2 8206 6272Email:*********************Internet: IECEx 03 - 3 Audit Report No: xx/yyy/FARzz.zzzz/zzExCB Internal File Reference No.:Applicant:…………Service facility (SF) location covered by this assessment:…………Percentage of business related to Ex equipment (Optional Additional information):<list the % of the total business that relates to installation and initial inspection of Ex equipment>No. of employees:A total of … employees on site, … involved in installation and initial inspection of Ex equipment. Responsible person(s):<list the Responsible Persons, according to IEC 60079-14, that have been assessed. This list must be reviewed each surveillance audit>Operatives:<list the Operatives, according to IEC 60079-14, that have been assessed. This list must be reviewed each surveillance audit>Scope of installation and initial inspection work of the SF, including any limitations:<specify type of installation and protection, e.g. intrinsically safe circuits, dusts, fuel dispensers etc, and any limitations,Audit criteria: (state which edition of IEC 60079-14 is used for the assessment)- IEC 60079-14 Edition 4.0,- IEC 60079-14 Edition 5.0014-3- ODType of audit:[ ] – initial assessment/reassessment of a SF with a verified certified QS[ ] – initial assessment/reassessment of a SF without a certified QS[ ] – surveillance of a SF with a certified QS[ ] – surveillance of a SF without a certified QS[ ] – special assessment visit, e.g. due to relocation or major changes at the Service FacilityLead Assessor: …(name)Lead Assessor: …(signature)1SUMMARY REPORTReference Documents:(include quality manual and other documents or procedures referenced during the audit)Summary of observations:(State the most important results of the compliance/surveillance audit)Nonconformities:(as detailed in the attached Nonconformity (NCR) Report(s), when applicableLead Assessor’s recommendations:[ ] – FAR issued, indicating full compliance with IECEx Scheme Requirements, recommending that IECEx Facility Certification be issued/maintained[ ] – FAR issued, indicating general compliance with IECEx Scheme Requirements, even if minor non conformances are raised, recommending that IECEx Facility Certification be issued/maintained following receipt of satisfactory documentary evidence supporting effective corrective action. Corrective action to be verified at next surveillance visit[ ] – FAR issued, indicating non-compliance with IECEx Scheme Requirements, due to major non-conformances being raised, recommending that IECEx Facility Certification be issued only after a satisfactory follow-up visit. Services cannot be claimed as being covered by IECEx Certification until a follow up visit is conducted (must be within 2 calendar months of assessment).Accepted by IECEx 03-3 ExCB:ExCB:Date:Ex Certification ManagerDATA2 AUDITQS Registration: ISO 9001 Registrar(Certification Body):Certificate No.:Expiration Date:SF does not hold a current ISO 9001 certficateSurveillance audits are carried out xx time(s) a year. The last audit was carried out on xx xxxx 20xx. The audit report, including any nonconformities raised during the audit and corresponding corrective actions, has been evaluated during the audit.Where applicable, the following documents are retained on the Applicant’s file by the ExCB:– A copy of the ISO 9001 certificate– A copy of the last ISO 9001 audit report– A copy of the organization diagramComposition of audit team:Xxxx xxxxxxxx, Lead AssessorDate(s) of the audit:mmmm dd, yyyyNumber of man-days on-site:… man-daysInterviewed representatives of the Service Facility (auditees):Name PositionWhere necessary other staff assisted during the assessment.3 ASSESSOR’S REPORT3.1 Assessment to OD 014-3(The requirements of each of the following Clauses are detailed in OD 014-3)Clause Subject SF reference document Audit findings NCRNo.No requirements N/A3.1 Documentationrequirements3.1.1 General3.1.2. Records3.2 ManagementresponsibilityManagementrepresentative?3.3 ResourcemanagementStaff competence?Review of RecordsshowingCompetencies ofPersons working onspecific sites?realization3.4 ProductNo requirements N/A3.5 Measurement,analysis andimprovement3.5.1 Planningsatisfaction3.5.2 Customeraudit3.5.3 Internaland3.5.4 Monitoringmeasurement ofprocessesand3.5.5 Monitoringmeasurement ofproductof3.5.6 Controlnonconformingproduct3.5.7 Analysis of data3.5.8 Improvementaction3.5.9 Correctiveaction3.5.10 Preventive8.6 RecordsLegibilityTraceableRetrievalMin 10 year retentionClause Subject SF reference document Audit findings NCRNo.8.7 ConditionsforinstallationcompletionInitial inspectionrecords3.2 Assessment to IEC 60079-14 – General requirements (Edition 4)NOTE: For Assessment to IEC 60079-14 Edition 5.0 use Section 3.3.(The requirements of each of the following Clauses are detailed in IEC 60079-14 Edition 4.0 2007-12)Clause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.4 General4.1 General requirements4.2 Documentation4.3 Assurance ofconformity ofequipment4.4 Qualifications ofpersonnel5 Selection of equipment (excluding cables and conduits) 5.1 Informationrequirements5.2 Zones5.3 Relationship betweenEquipment protectionlevels (EPLs) andzones5.4 Selection ofequipment accordingto EPLs5.5 Selection according toequipment grouping5.6 Selection according tothe ignitiontemperature of thegas, vapour or dustand ambienttemperature5.7 Selection of radiatingequipment for dust5.8 Selection of ultrasonicequipment for dust5.9 External influences5.10 Light metals asconstruction materials5.11 Transportable,Portable and Personalequipment5.12 Selection of rotatingelectrical machines5.13 Luminaires5.14 Plugs and socketoutlets for dust6 Protection from dangerous (incendive) sparking6.1 Danger from live parts6.2 Danger from exposedand extraneousconductive parts6.3 Potential equalizationClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.6.4 Static electricity6.5 Lightning protection6.6 Electromagneticradiation6.7 Cathodically protectedmetallic parts6.8 Ignition by opticalradiation7 Electrical protection7.1 General7.2 Rotating electricalmachines7.3 Transformers7.4 Resistance heatingdevices8 Emergency switch-off and electrical isolation8.1 Emergency switch-off8.2 Electrical isolation9 Wiring systems9.1 General9.2 Aluminium conductors9.3 Cables9.4 Conduit systems9.5 Cable and conduitsystems9.6 Installationrequirements10 Additional requirements for type of protection 'd' –Flameproof enclosures(the following Section ofthis table maybe removed if Ex d is not within the scope of application)10.1 General10.2Solid obstacles10.3Protection offlameproof joints10.4Cable entry systems10.5Conduit systems10.6Motors11 Additional requirements for type of protection ‘e’ –Increased safety (the following Section of thistable maybe removed if Ex e is not within the scope of application)11.1 Degree of ingressprotection ofenclosures (IEC60034-5 and IEC60529)11.2 Wiring systems11.3 Cage induction motors11.4 Luminaires12 Additional requirements for types of protection 'i' –Intrinsic safety (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex i is not within the scope of application)12.1 Introductory remark12.2 Installations to meetthe requirements ofEPL ‘Gb’ or ‘Gc’12.3 Installations to meetthe requirements ofEPL 'Ga'12.4 Special applications13 Additional requirements for pressurized enclosures(the following Section of this table maybe removed ifEx p is not within the scope of application)13.1 Type of protection 'p'13.2 MotorsClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.13.3 Type of protection 'pD'13.4 Rooms for explosivegas atmosphere14 Additional requirements for type of protection 'n'(the following Section of this table maybe removed if Ex nis not within the scope of application)14.1 General14.2 Degree of ingressprotection ofenclosures (IEC60034-5 and IEC60529)14.3 Wiring systems14.4 Motors..14.5 Luminaires15 Additional requirements for type of protection 'o'–Oil immersion(the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex o is not within the scope of application)Record offindings16 Additional requirements for type of protection 'q' –Powder filling (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex q is not within the scope of application)Record offindings17 Additional requirements for type of protection 'm' –Encapsulation (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex m is not within the scope of application)Record offindings18 Additional requirements for type of protection 'tD' –Protection by enclosure (the following Sectionof this table maybe removed if tD is not within the scope of application)18.1 Practices A and B18.2Practice A18.3Practice B18.4Motors supplied atvarying frequency andvoltagesAnnexes That are Normative (an integral part of the Standard) are recorded below.Annex A Verification of intrinsically safe circuits with more than oneassociated apparatus with linear current/voltage characteristicsA.1 GeneralA.2 Intrinsicsafetywithlevel of protection ‘ib’A.3 Intrinsicsafetywithlevel of protection ‘ic’Annex E Potential stator winding discharge risk assessment –Ignition riskfactorsRecord offindingsAnnex F Knowledge, skills and competencies of 'Responsible Persons','Operatives' and 'Designers'F.1 ScopeF.2 Knowledge and skillsF.2.1 Responsible personsF.2.2 OperativesF.2.3 DesignersF.3 CompetenciesF.3.1 GeneralF.3.2 Responsible personsF.3.3 OperativesF.3.4 DesignersF.4 AssessmentAnnex H Frictional sparking risks with light metals and their alloysClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.H.1 GeneralH.2 Rigidly mountedequipmentH.3 Portable andtransportableequipmentH.4 FansOTHER REMARKS OR NOTES ARISING FROM THE ASSESSMENT (IF ANY):3.3 ASSESSMENT ACCORDING TO IEC 6007-14 Edition 5.0 2012 – XX (Based on CDV Draft)NOTE: For Assessment to IEC 60079-14 Edition 4.0 use Section 3.2 above.(The requirements of each of the following Clauses are detailed in IEC 60079-14 Edition 5.0 2012-XX)Clause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.4 General4.1 General requirements4.2 Documentation4.3 Initial inspection4.4 Assurance ofconformity ofequipment4.5 Qualifications ofpersonnel5 Selection of equipment (excluding cables and conduits) 5.1 Informationrequirements5.2 Zones5.3 Relationship betweenEquipment protectionlevels (EPLs) andzones5.4 Selection ofequipment accordingto EPLs5.5 Selection according toequipment grouping5.6 Selection according tothe ignitiontemperature of thegas, vapour or dustand ambienttemperature5.7 Selection of radiatingequipment5.8 Selection of ultrasonicequipment5.9 Selection to coverExternal influences5.10 Selection ofTransportable,Portable and Personalequipment5.11 Rotating electricalmachines5.12 Luminaires5.13 Plugs and socketoutlets for dust5.14 Cells and Batteries5.15 Radio FrequencyIdentification RFIDTags5.16 Gas DetectionEquipment6 Protection from dangerous (incendive) sparking6.1 Light metals asconstruction materials6.2 Danger from live parts6.3 Danger from exposedand extraneousconductive parts6.4 Potential equalizationClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.6.5 Static electricity6.6 Lightning protection6.7 Electromagneticradiation6.8 Cathodically protectedmetallic parts6.9 Ignition by opticalradiation7 Electrical protectionRecord offindings8 Switch-off and electrical isolation8.1 General 8.2 Switch-off8.3 Electrical isolation9 Wiring systems9.1 General9.2 Aluminium conductors9.3 Cables9.4 Conduit systems9.5 Cable and conduitsystems9.6 Installationrequirements10 Cable entry systems and blanking elements 10.1 General10.2Selection of cableglands10.3Connections of cablesto equipment10.4Additionalrequirements forentries other than Ex”d”, Ex ”t” or Ex ”nR”10.5Unused openings10.6Additionalrequirements for typeof protection “d” –Flameproof enclosures10.7 Additionalrequirements for typeof protection “t” –Protection byenclosure10.8 Additionalrequirements for typeof protection “nR” –Restricted breathingenclosure11 Rotating electrical machines11.1 General11.2 Type of protection “d”– Flameproofenclosures11.3 Type of protection “e”– Increased safety11.4 Type of protection “p”and “pD” –PressurizedenclosuresClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.11.5 Type of protection “t” –Protection byenclosures supplied atvarying frequency andvoltage11.6 Type of protection “nA”– Non-sparking12 LuminairesRecord offindings13 Electric heating systems13.1 General13.2 Temperaturemonitoring13.3 Limiting temperature13.4 Safety device13.5 Electrical trace heatingsystems14 Additional requirements for type of protection 'd' –Flameproof enclosures(the following Section ofthis table maybe removed if Ex d is not within the scope of application)14.1 General14.2Solid obstacles14.3Protection offlameproof joints14.4Conduit systems15 Additional requirements for type of protection ‘e’ –Increased safety (the following Section of thistable maybe removed if Ex e is not within the scope of application)15.1 General15.2 Maximum dissipatedpower of terminal boxenclosures15.3 Conductorterminations15.4 Maximum number ofconductors in relationto the cross-sectionand the permissiblecontinuous current16 Additional requirements for types of protection 'i' –Intrinsic safety (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex i is not within the scope of application)16.1 Introductory remark16.2 Installations to meetthe requirements ofEPL ‘Gb’ or ‘Gc’ and‘Db’ or ‘Dc’16.3 Installations to meetthe requirements ofEPL 'Ga' or ‘Da’16.4 Simple apparatus16.5 Terminal Boxes16.6 Special applications17 Additional requirements for pressurized enclosures(the following Section of this table maybe removed ifEx p is not within the scope of application)17.1 General17.2 Type of protection 'p'17.3 Type of protection 'pD'17.4 Rooms for explosivegas atmosphere18 Additional requirements for type of protection 'n'(the following Section of this table maybe removed if Ex nis not within the scope of application)18.1 GeneralClause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.18.2 Combinations ofterminals andconductors for generalconnection andjunction boxes19 Additional requirements for type of protection 'o'–Oil immersion (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex o is not within the scope of application)19.1 General19.2 External connections20 Additional requirements for type of protection 'q' –Powder filling (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex q is not within the scope of application)Record offindings21 Additional requirements for type of protection 'm' –Encapsulation (the following Section of this tablemaybe removed if Ex m is not within the scope of application)Record offindings22 Additional requirements for type of protection 'op’–Optical radiation (the following Section of thistable maybe removed if op is not within the scope of application)Record offindings23 Additional requirements for type of protection 't' –Protection by enclosure (the following Sectionof this table maybe removed if tD is not within the scope of application)Record offindingsAnnexes That are Normative (an integral part of the Standard) are recorded below.Annex A Knowledge, skills and competencies of 'Responsible Persons','Operatives/technicians' and 'Designers'A.1 ScopeA.2 Knowledge and skillsA.2.1 Responsible personsA.2.2 Operatives/techniciansA.2.3 DesignersA.3 CompetenciesA.3.1 GeneralA.3.2 Responsible personsA.3.3 Operatives/techniciansA.3.4 DesignersA.4 AssessmentAnnex C Initial Inspection Equipment specific Inspection schedulesRecord offindingsAnnex G Potential stator winding discharge risk assessment –Ignition riskfactorsRecord offindingsAnnex H Verification of intrinsically safe circuits with more than one associated apparatus with linear current/voltage characteristicsH.1 ScopeH.2 Intrinsic safety with levelof protection “ib”H.3 Intrinsic safety with levelof protection “ic”Annex K Additional requirements for type of protection “op”–Optical radiationK.1 GeneralK.2 Inherently safe opticalradiation “op is”K.3 Protected opticalradiation “op pr”Clause Subject Service FacilityReference Document Audit Findings NCRNo.K.4 Optical radiationinterlocked with opticalbreakage “op sh”OTHER REMARKS OR NOTES ARISING FROM THE ASSESSMENT (IF ANY):IECEx 03 – 3 Typical Non Conformity Report (NCR) IECEx FAR No: xxxxDate(s) of assessment: xxxxNon Conformity Number: mm/yyyy/xx(Month/Year/No. issued)Requirement reference:(e.g. IEC 60079-14 / OD 014-3 clause …)Response time by Auditee:Non Conformance (objective finding and statement of non-conformance):ExCB Auditor: Service Facility representative:Response of Service Facility1) Proposed Corrective Action + TimeframeInclude a statement describing actual corrective actionExCB Auditor: Service Facility representative: 2) Corrections and Corrective actions:Include a statement describing actual corrective/preventative action implemented3) Verification of Corrective and Preventive Action by ExCB:ExCB Auditor: Service Facility representative:。
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Detlef 49-02382-70@x-m-e.Germany North-Rhine 38de901404786Ban Mai Ms. Ban Mai49-01522-72http://www.banmaivn@ho Germany Niedersachs 39ifn2004ifn Vertrie Mr. Frank N49-2644-808-ipg@ifn-gro Germany-40greekmax Aristarchus Mr. Stavros0030-6932-8@arista Greece Attiki41gr100875945UNI AKIL GR Mr. george 30-21044102-无收获Greece Athens42apanagiotop AFOI ANAST.Mr. Andreas30-210-5753@micron Greece-43hk110808679LENSEN GROU Ms. ECHO ZH852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-44hk107341579shiv Market Mr. SINGH .852-*******@bandlc Hong Kong-45lehenghk Le Heng Int Ms. Ellen W852-852-267http://www.无收获Hong Kong-46hkfreshsour FRESH SOURC Mr. G. Chow852-2116-83http://www.无收获Hong Kong-47monarchintl Monarch Int Mr. Anand N852---23684http://www.francis@sta Hong Kong-48shingshunSHING SHUN Ms. PAMELA 852---25557http://www.marketing@s Hong Kong-49bandlcorpB&L CORPORA Mr. Jacky M00-852-2721@bandlc Hong Kong-Ms. Emily T852-2503-16http://www.palace@pala Hong Kong-50altradasia A LTRAD ASIA51rainbow3288CENTURY STA Ms. Noretta852-*******-frankfan@la Hong Kong-52amrex AMREX ELECT Mr. Sow-kee00-852-2314http://www.service@fir Hong Kong-53hopingelect Hoping Elec Mr. David L852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-54hk900601515Sunflower L Ms. Bernie 852-2-54449@swisse Hong Kong-55hk105187503Windex Inte Mr. Kate Lu852-28-6108-service@fir Hong Kong-56hk104689883Wonboat Ind Ms. Rebecca852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-57kitchenaven Force Manne Mr. Tommy H852-*******-sales@airmo Hong Kong-58hannssam Hanns Manuf Mr. Sam Lau852-*******http://www.sam@hanns.c Hong Kong-59printqualit Nppc Group Mr. Andy Ye852-0-31147http://www.无收获Hong Kong-60xanz2001Giles Enter Mr. Blaine 852-6017-36-service@fir Hong Kong-61ipowertdcI-power Hea Mr. Morris 852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-62hk100673188Hitstuffs L Mr. James C852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-63hk100980985S M I Co Lt Ms. Ida Li852-0-54964http://chin stc@super.n Hong Kong-Ms. Eileen 852-*******http://www.pv@linuo.co Hong Kong-64pioneertdc I power Grou65hk101203056Giles Enter Ms. Chloe C852-852-255-gilesgroup@Hong Kong-Ms. Chris Y852-*******http://kiny iris@kinyat Hong Kong-66newway1234N EWWAY ELEC67hk108766833Stone Sanit Mr. Stone t852-*******-yhdstone@yh Hong Kong-68hk100504373Hanns Manuf Mr. Sam Lau852-852-921http://www.sam@hanns.c Hong Kong-Mr. Frank L852-2539 58-info@hyatt-Hong Kong-69radicallab F ree-radica70hk107779606Mega World Mr. Chan Wa852-*******-mega1@mptma Hong Kong-71dhun L&C Housewa Ms. May Uba0086-10-650http://www.无收获China (Main Beijing 72onyxequipA C Trade L Mr. Robert +852-8121 0@ccherb Hong Kong-73hk100438545Elegant San Ms. sophy l852-*******-无收获Hong Kong-74hk102063332Gainful (HK Ms. Katheri852-0-39459-sales@hkwsi Hong Kong-75cynosure Cynosure Sa Ms. Sweety 86-768-6878http://www.howard@cyno China (Main Guangdong 76clindustria CL INDUSTRI Ms. Cherry 00-852-2670@clprod Hong Kong-77creativecon CREATIVE CO Ms. Shazia 852-2-77364-cihk89@yaho Hong Kong-Mr. Jackie 852-852-215http://www.enquiry@dgt Hong Kong-78oleviashow D RAGON GOLD79kajecochina KAJECO (CHI Mr. Suren C00-852-2522http://www.无收获Hong Kong-80rkinthk R. 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INTER Mr. Ramani 852---23655@phulha Hong Kong-81ywdns DNS TRADE C Mr. Garry D86-579-8517http://www.无收获China (Main Zhejiang 82euroeast EURO-EAST E Mr. Raj Bho852---23692http://www.sales@euroe Hong Kong-83profitcharm PROFIT CHAR Mr. Joe Min852-2753 62@dragon Hong Kong-84hkdowellltd DOWELL SCIE Mr. Xuedong852-00-3078-无收获Hong Kong-85electroplus Synix HK Lt Mr. Jacky C852-*******http://www.jacky@synix Hong Kong-86hk100356229OASIS SOURC Mr. Eyvind 852-*******http://www.ps@oasis-so Hong Kong-87hk102256752Mega World Mr. Isaac C852-852-270-info@megawo Hong Kong-88hk111939124EPRO ELECTR Mr. William852-*******http://www.eproexport@Hong Kong-89hk109990891Fl-Pk Mr. Jonson 852-*******-john.chan@a Hong Kong-90hk100896280Asiatech Ho Mr. Barry W852-*******-ahlhkltd@ne Hong Kong-91hk103729915KONSTAR IND Mr. KONSTAR852-0-27988http://www.marketing@k Hong Kong-92ranaechanGiles Enter Ms. Pinky A852-*******-jess_hui@sa Hong Kong-93hk116725549Choi Fung M Mr. Peter W852-*******@choifu Hong Kong-Mr. Louis c852-*******-bruce@bgspo Hong Kong-94bamboochar G oten Bambo95hondarayaHondaraya E Mr. Alvin L852-*******@hondar Hong Kong-Ms. Andy Wa852-3077-99-无收获Hong Kong-96weiyaowang T winsea Int97hk114124265Multi Prosp Mr. Sham St852-*******-mdept@mpphk Hong Kong-98alankan Set Win Gro Mr. Alan Ka852-*******@setwin Hong Kong-99hk106626136C-Tech Mr. DJ Zhan852-*******-wangksh@gma Hong Kong-100hk118179730Flying Worl Ms. Mannie 852-*******@flying Hong Kong-101hannsmfg Hanns Manuf Mr. Sam Lau852-921-668-kamto@catil Hong Kong-102maggiefr FILL RICH T Ms. Lau Mag852-852-233-hf@foodhf.c Hong Kong-103hk117321882ausewell el Ms. auswell852-*******-sales@aimin Hong Kong-104hk110957873Round Squar Mr. Andy La852-*******@Hong Kong-105ronaldyimPoking Indu Mr. Ronald 852-2326 01-无收获Hong Kong-Ms. Angel X86-755-8394http://www.sunraise@vi China (Main Guangdong 106szsunraise S UNRAISE CO107b-c B&C BUSSAN Ms. Polly C86-769-8786http://www.chunkuen@ch Hong Kong-Ms. susan s0086-593-29http://www.无收获China (Main Fujian108combogroup F LOPOWER IN109abound ABOUND INDU Mr. Hung Sz852-2614-19-cf@chapfung Hong Kong-110forun FORUN INTER Mr. Daniel 86-020-2899-toocle@nets China (Main Guangdong 111nayab NAYAB MANUF Mr. Naseer 85-2-364986http://www.无收获China (Main Guangdong 112miraclegrou MIRACLE GRO Ms. Cindy M00-852-3119-cindy@mirac Hong Kong-113sagarightSAGARIGHT L Ms. Elsa Fu852-2411-06http://saga sagaltd@net Hong Kong-114supremefact SUPREME FAC Mr. Chi Chu00-852-3105http://www.supreme@sdc Hong Kong-115fumgm PRO-ADV. CO Mr. Peter C852-852-254http://www.sales@adv-f Hong Kong-116hk100583393Junguo Inte Ms. Mannie 852-*******@flying Hong Kong-117hk107905405YPT Interna Mr. Jacky S852-*******http://www.ypt@techwin Hong Kong-118hk101750694Euro Suisse Ms. Tammy W00-852-2905http://www.service@fir Hong Kong-119yikico Yiki Compan Mr. Patrick852-*******-info@yiki.c Hong Kong-120hk100802553Chakwal Aut Mr. Sunny K852-0-92331-无收获Hong Kong-121hk100801256Meet Applia Mr. Prashan852-*******-support@ame Hong Kong-122hk109401505EBM Industr Mr. Johson 852-*******-kkhuang2002Hong Kong-123hk105424994Eastern Pla Mr. Ken Lee852-2872 14-无收获Hong Kong-124hk104541392Keentoop In Mr. Serein 852-2-14280http://www.cihk89@yaho Hong Kong-125orbitronics Orbitronics Mr. Dinesh 852-*******http://orbi purchase@or Hong Kong-126hkdoll Royalex Int Ms. AMY -852-*******-royalex@roy Hong Kong-127hk118722596Multiconcep Ms. Cathy W852-*******-annwong@mga Hong Kong-128joviechanOn Lap Home Ms. Jovie C852-2489 88-admin@auslo Hong Kong-129jicon JICON INDUS Mr. Chetan 91-22-28510http://www.无收获India Maharashtra 130oswalapplia OSWAL INDUS Mr. Vinod J91-11-27454@oswala India Delhi131in109092378SWASTIK APP Mr. Mitin J91-022-2579-无收获India Maharashtra 132in104487280BUVICO SPRA Mr. Vidhyak91-044-2382http://www.buvico@yaho India Tamil Nadu 133in113120396PRAYAG POLY Mr. Nitin A91-11-23583http://www.无收获India Delhi134in100976171TAPASYA ENG Mr. Sunil N91-22-25801http://www.sales@tapas India Maharashtra 135britsoap BRIT SOAP M Ms. Radhick91-022-6510http://www.britsoap@gm India Maharashtra 136gamzen GAMZEN PLAS Mr. Ashraf 91-22-23724http://www.abbas@gamze India Maharashtra 137premindcorp PREM INDUST Mr. Amrik S0091-183-50http://www.sales@premi India Punjab138priyaintern PRIYA INTER Mr. Babu La91-141-2331-at_jpr@yaho India Rajasthan 139kamalimpexi KAMAL IMPOR Mr. Raj Var91-253-2375http://www.sales@lotus India Maharashtra 140in107088373COSMOS CONS Mr. Mehul J91-020-2612http://www.无收获India Maharashtra141in104848650PM INDUSTRI Mr. Pravin 91-020-2769-无收获India Maharashtra 142in102575501MODERN ENGI Mr. Nayeem 91-022-2920@materi India Maharashtra 143in104939295KLEENAIR SY Ms. Neena P91-020-2544http://www.sales@kleen India Maharashtra 144in109799055ACCURATE SC Mr. Arvind 91-250-6452@asilab India Maharashtra 145in108757073Safari Cons Ms. Shama B91-2642-245http://safa contactus@s India Gujarat146in103582207FOUNDMATIC Mr. Jeganna91-44-24961http://www.foundmatic@India Tamil Nadu 147in100270376Priya Enter Mr. Amber B91-591-2435-yyounes@mhg India Uttar Prade 148in102050458REVA ENGINE Mr. B.K. 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R. ENTER Mr. Rizwan 91-22-25007http://www.amratvel@vs India Maharashtra 163shreejiindi SHREEJI INT Mr. Brij Ma91-22-28181@shreej India MaharashtraMr. VIJAY D91-145-2642http://kgne kgn_in_expo India Rajasthan 164kgnexports K GN EXPORTS165fourbrother FOUR BROTHE Mr. Amirtha91-44-42163http://www.fourbrother India Tamil Nadu 166in104731874PROPACK TEC Mr. Chintan91-22-25002@propac India Maharashtra 167in105038015LIDER SANIT Ms. Madhu P91-172-5053http://www.corporate@l India Chandigarh 168in102979647ATR ACOUSTI Mr. Ravi Si91-011-2739http://www.camusaquari India Delhi169mustafa84MACOMA HARD Mr. Mustafa91-22-29672http://www.macoma@vsnl India Maharashtra 170in100976452TRACK MANUF Mr. Pradeep91-11-23070http://www.fieo@nda.vs India Delhi171in105431385KDR INDUSTR Mr. Ram Bih91-22-25964http://www.kdrindustri India Maharashtra 172in101331958SHIVA KITCH Mr. Ashok S91-33-22319@shivaa India West Bengal 173in104540152ASSOCIATED Mr. Jatin A91-11-23521http://www.asew@bol.ne India Delhi174squarepharm SQUARE PHAR Mr. Chandra91-22-2847 http://www.sales@squar India Maharashtra 175in101460109S.S. PHARMA Mr. m.s.raj91-22-28783-ss_pharma@i India Maharashtra 176in104531931TECHNO INST Mr. Amritpa91-097-1761-无收获India Delhi177in105258241SIM SIM TRA Ms. Palak S91-22-40589http://www.sales@remil India Maharashtra 178sharadenter SHARAD ENTE Mr. Sharad 91-291-2785http://www.devkripa@si India Rajasthan 179is110016513PRECIKOT PH Mr. Pranav 91-250-6459http://www.sales@preci India Maharashtra 180in100241776SHREE ENGIN Mr. Vinod K91-422-2669http://www.bipin.naik6India Tamil Nadu 181dheeraje H.L. SCIENT Mr. YOGESH 91-171-2643-dheerajhl@g India Haryana182amaind Industrial Mr. Iqbal H91-712-2768http://www.amagroup_ng India Maharashtra 183in105334725Agrawal Int Mr. jagmoha91-2717-241http://agra info@manish India Gujarat184in117246866Aryaman Int Mr. YAGNESH91-261-2233@aryama India Gujarat185in109407252British Eng Mr. Harpree91-172-4614http://www.corporate@l India Chandigarh 186monitaindco Monita Indu Mr. Chandru91-022-2411http://www.sales@monit India Maharashtra 187in100861805Pan Fuel Te Mr. jeetu p91-0891-325http://www.irwantheman India Andhra Prad188in104147278Bright Ente Mr. ujjwal 91-22-29672http://www.macoma@vsnl India Maharashtra 189in118669121J F Industr Mr. Jude Ar91-22-25231http://www.abdul_rafee India Maharashtra 190in118220824rico home a Mr. rakesh 91-22-24102http://www.sales@rico.India Maharashtra 191in100812864Global Impe Mr. A. Den91-422-4372-blockmachin India Tamil Nadu 192in105040747KUMAR EQUIP Mr. Rajesh 91-11-25334http://www.service@kum India Delhi193in102732102E M G Indus Mr. Mohana 91-0422-262http://www.sales@e-m-i India Tamil Nadu 194hganda AGP GAS CON Mr. harshva91-11-41486@agp.co India Delhi195aravindarao Kamaljeeth Mr. Dr. Ara91-824-2217http://www.kamaljeeth@India Karnataka 196in100531372SURYODAY EN Mr. panchal91-079-2562http://www.grievances@India Gujarat197alkainterna Alka Intern Mr. Ratan K91-542-2588-hagency@gma India Uttar Prade 198jfbangalore J. F. Indus Mr. J.F.IND91-0-994570http://www.无收获India Maharashtra 199in901553502Lokpal Indu Mr. Navneet91-120-3065-info@lokpal India Uttar Prade 200hydrill2006HYDRILL EQU Mr. KANDASA91-422-2573http://hydr hydrill@air India Tamil Nadu 201in104276412JVP Equipme Mr. Jagades91-422-2331http://jvpe无收获India Tamil Nadu 202in100264969Chamunda Ph Mr. Eng.Bha91-79-25842@chamun India Gujarat203in102014947ESSGEE Expo Mr. Ganga S91-22-25901http://www.sales@sgexp India Maharashtra 204technova1Technova Th Mr. Devang 091-2528-22-devang_drd@India Maharashtra 205in103578232ELECTROMAX Mr. Robin G91-171-2540@electr India Haryana206in104519501Access Indi Mr. Access 91-171-4009-rajeev_laul India Haryana207in103234263Softel Mach Mr. Sameer 91-2836-329http://www.softel@wiln India Gujarat208in107740637Connect App Mr. VAIBHAV91-22-65211@connec India Maharashtra 209in109432700Leema Indus Mr. sunny g0091-0171-2@lumixi India Haryana210shykusum Shyam Kusum Mr. Shyam S91-512-2581-plastindia@India Uttar Prade 211sundeeptann Dhyani Engi Mr. sundeep91-022-2778-ksint@citec India Maharashtra 212in100282759Rhishikesh Mr. Travis 91-253-2383http://cons feedback@co India Maharashtra 213in101681737Daybreak Te Mr. Uday Sa91-22-28241@daybre India Maharashtra 214in107764467Accurate En Mr. Sir or 91-91-2362-http://www.industriali India-215in107206029Vijay Surgi Mr. Vijay P91-79-22200-vsew2002@gm India GujaratMr. Mahesh 91-281-6592http://www.无收获India Gujarat216bmdexports B md Exports217in100348482KERRON phar Mr. ankit b91-02355-68-zs@jiefu.co India Maharashtra 218in100280414Atom Machin Mr. Bhavik 91-278-2439-atom.servic India Gujarat219in100281885Analytic In Mr. Vikas J91-989-6044http://www.analyticins India Haryana220in100266162Amrit Elect Mr. Kamalde91-92105212-you@yahoo.c India Delhi221in100978243VANDANA HOM Mr. Mukesh 91-98100198-services@pc India Delhi222in101618147bhavana tra Mr. dharmis91-022-2501http://www.dharmishmeh India Maharashtra 223in112987912Bajaj Appli Mr. Balaji 91-44-26746-gladinterna India Tamil Nadu 224in107765719Swati Appli Mr. Sir or 91-171-2654http://www.purnima_ent India Haryana225in100739485Aston Marke Mr. Mayur P91-972-5009-s.j.bonnaud India Gujarat226in101195704RV ENTERPRI Mr. Abhinav91-92516141-abhi.chhapa India Rajasthan 227in101002045Atico House Mr. Kunal C91-903-4949-info@aticol India Haryana228in105924097Ambica Sale Mr. Sir or 91-91 22 28@ambica India-229clalapplian c lal assoc Mr. Rakesh 91-11-32101-swastik2@et India Haryana230in105318524MAYFAIR INT Mr. Girish 91-22-23521http://www.marvel@marv India MaharashtraMr. Rajesh 91-2822-240@romili India Gujarat231romilimpex R OMIL IMPEX232in102925451BHALARIA ME Mr. Vijay B91-022-2819http://www.exports@bha India Maharashtra 233mayurexport MAYUR EXPOR Mr. Namit B91-291-2742http://www.admin@mayur India Rajasthan 234protonengin PROTON ENGI Mr. Hiren P91-79-29292@proton India GujaratMr. Chaitan91-171-6535http://www.maximus@nsi India Haryana235racexports R A C EXPOR236jansonsandc JANSONS & C Mr. Adnan T91-591-2490http://www.jansons@san India Uttar Prade 237kamaal786KAMAAL SOUV Mr. Mustuja91-591-2493-himadri1@vs India Uttar Prade 238psaw84POPULAR SCI Mr. S.P. Ve91-171-2600http://www.psawindia@s India Haryana239psdaima P.S. DAIMA Mr. Sushil 91-11-25254http://www.sushil.daim India Delhi240hennamanufa S M HEENA I Mr. Ompraka91-2960-223http://www.smhenna2004India Rajasthan 241in103536253SWAGATH URE Mr. Sudhans91-40-27123@swagat India Andhra Prad 242in108005241DIVYANSH ED Mr. A Kumar91-171-3245http://www.aruman786@y India Haryana243pavanmg UMA PLASTOW Mr. Pavan M91-20-27454http://www.pmg@umaplas India Maharashtra 244in101315973G.M. CREATI Mr. Rajeev 91-562-4001http://marb info@marble India Uttar Prade 245in104528396GUJARAT FAB Mr. Vinod K91-079-2583@netser India Gujarat246in103582555LAXMI EN-FA Mr. Suresh 91-79-25890xmienfab@India Gujarat247shardakanti SHARDA CORP Mr. Kantila91-22-22425http://www.khm@sharda.India Maharashtra 248in110629456STAR TRACE Mr. Maheswa91-44-26418http://star无收获India Tamil Nadu 249lovsonindus LOVSON INDU Mr. Keyur N91-22-22065http://www.lovson@bom5India Maharashtra 250in100698763DIVINE INTE Mr. Nitin B91-11-23519http://www.webnetintl@India Delhi251roslanemedi ROSLANE MED Mr. Jeetend91-171-2698http://www.roslanemedi India Haryana252jaicomet ACE PROCESS Mr. Vipul J91-22-40214http://www.aceeqpt@yah India Maharashtra 253sukhsa SUKHSA EXPO Mr. Radhey 91-141-2352@sukhsa India Rajasthan 254in105623749ZYMO COSMET Mr. Tarak P91-2764-268@zymo.i India Gujarat255in102855707SHIVA PRODU Mr. Vijay D91-22-28763http://www.contact@shi India Maharashtra 256in102502157FANS BRO ER Mr. Vidyadh91-022-2845http://www.response@fa India Maharashtra 257in102378260KOOJAN HYDR Mr. Rama Ra91-40-23091http://www.koojanhydra India Andhra Prad 258balajiwetgr Sri Balaji Mr. RAMESH 91-40-27543http://www.rameshr1974India Andhra Prad 259in110285353MAG Househo Mr. Anubha 91-11-41579-swastik2@et India Delhi260in104284327Essgee Expo Mr. Ganga S91-22-25901http://www.sales@sgexp India MaharashtraMr. Alkesh 91-281-2223-janakflora@India Gujarat261sunnymixer v enus home262apexhomeapp Apex Home A Ms. Kinjal 91-22-25774http://www.ric1@vsnl.n India Maharashtra 263plumberindi AQUA PLUMBI Mr. Devendr91-565-2530-plumberindi India Uttar Prade 264in118294074Ducon Proje Mr. Rohit G91-22-21730@duconp India Maharashtra 265in105025709Switech Ind Mr. Rajinde91-11-47063@switec India Delhi266in104889941Inalsa Mr. Khushee91-120-4016http://www.ial@inalsa.India Uttar Prade 267rajesh21Span Mark-n Mr. Rajesh 91-22-26853http://www.maggiindia@India Maharashtra 268shumseximShums Exim M r. shabbir91-79-30613-shabbirshum India Gujarat269dennexports Denn Export Mr. vinod a91-11-23221@dennex India Delhi270stanleyexpo Stanley San Mr. Rajan M91-94170-04-无收获India Punjab271hovertexpor Hovert Expo Mr. Patel B91-79-28543-hipltd@ad1.India Gujarat272in105934231HANS RAJ MA Mr. Amit Ma91-91 181 2-无收获India-273in101170915Kitten Ente Mr. Madhav 91-22-27649@kitten India Maharashtra 274in100485033Chhaya Ente Mr. Nitin P91-022-2847@chhaya India Maharashtra 275sumitsethia elin electr Mr. sumit s91-832-2783-elintdm@ndf India Goa276in107271276Saranag Soa Mr. Dr.B.A.91-474-9847-无收获India Kerala277in100918982bhagyashree Mr. lokesh 91-022-2566-bhagyashree India Maharashtra 278in100444255CLARION HOM Mr. ashwani00-91-98101-etacom@iam.India Delhi279in105929021Finebearing Mr. Sir or 91-91 422 2-finebearing India Tamil Nadu 280in100352812Commander W Mr. Ajeet 91-022-2847http://www.mumbai@comm India-281allianceimp Alliance Im Mr. Rizwan 91-22-23414-autoallianc India Maharashtra282in117600102MECH TECH M Mr. rakesh 91-265-3934-jitendransh India Gujarat283in102681590INDUSTRIAL Mr. Rajput 91-079-2563-无收获India Gujarat284glassagenci Glass Agenc Mr. Anil Ch91-171-2633http://www.glass@sanch India Haryana285in100392499Globe Hydra Mr. Manoj P91-120-2606http://glob globe_hydra India Uttar Prade 286in117554984Rising Impe Mr. Taher K91-98203617-info@rising India Maharashtra 287in101138978Beauty Tric Ms. Rahamat91-0251-230-无收获India Maharashtra 288in108518514Venkateswar Mr. Muthiah91-044-2620http://www.online@cons India Tamil Nadu 289ravishjeeSita Group Mr. R KUMAR91-562-4003http://www.ceo@leonard India Uttar Prade 290atul1963M/S. Jalar Mr. ATUL SH91-44-26422-domains@ind India Tamil NaduMr. RAJESH 91-22-26853-rajesh21@vs India Maharashtra 291maggiindia S WARAJ INDU292jayesh75Satyam Elec Mr. Gaurang91-2822-231-md@aalulu.c India GujaratMr. Vishal 91-8738-236-520315@gmai India Andhra Prad 293sirsilkltd A apeeshipbr294in104573212Glad Intern Mr. Rajagop91-044-9094-无收获India Tamil Nadu 295in100681615a3g technol Mr. Arun ku91-120-4117-oulindz@gma India Delhi296in115961471Surendera A Mr. surende91-011-2352-camusaquari India Delhi297in108869037Razzaq A.Me Mr. Razzaq 91-278-2521-beamamb@gma India Gujarat298in107454011Shree Hydra Mr. Pradeep91-422-2403-hari.eng07@India Tamil Nadu 299in104804506ABSHA MACHI Mr. Shareef91-44-22382http://www.shareef@abs India Tamil Nadu 300in108166802Boss Electr Mr. jitendr91-022-2872http://www.sales@bossp India Maharashtra 301in100801103SOUTHERN IN Mr. shivana91-988-6176-无收获India Karnataka 302in102901159Sanghvi Met Mr. Gunvant044-2536986-sanghvimeta India Tamil Nadu 303in102963753MARVEL HOME Mr. NILESH 91-281-2228HTTP://WWW.rachealhart India Gujarat304in103872401vijay ranin Mr. vijay r91-281-2452-无收获India Gujarat305sajidsaifi0ASIAN MOULD Mr. sajid s91-0171-254http://www.无收获India Haryana306in103817686NAVIE TEKNO Mr. Nataraj91-422-2241-navietek@na India Tamil Nadu 307binitmishra Mishra Trad Mr. Binit M91-11-26521-everpower@s India Delhi308in100164196OM INTERNAT Mr. MADHAVA91-0-938281-surat@omint India Tamil Nadu 309in100626892prabha trad Mr. venkate91-98412800-sales@spotb India Tamil Nadu 310maildeepakg Allied Synd Mr. Deepak 91-080-4153-allylive@al India Karnataka 311in105704661Maharaja Wh Mr. Sunil B91-011-9868http://maha contact@mah India Delhi312id115994774chic decor Mr. Semar W62-21-30143-无收获Indonesia-313id107554394Harapan Tek Mr. Harapan62-021-6905-无收获IndonesiaJakarta Ray 314monwilm PT. Passima Ms. Monawil62-81-70708-dedicahyadi IndonesiaJakarta Ray 315id100701352MAJU SELARA Mr. SULAIMA62-21-98849http://www.flower@gyrm IndonesiaBanten316id901844702Clean n Hea Mr. Mikael 62-22-61356-无收获IndonesiaPropinsi Ja 317id111004610PT. Daya En Mr. supiyan62-061-8361-dis@diswebp IndonesiaPropinsi Su 318id110096940CV. Mesin A Mr. Johanne62-251-7543http://www.karyamitrau IndonesiaPropinsi Ja 319ir107654368karasanatMr. alireza98-21-88843@karasa Iran (Islam Iran320mehrzadeghb Segal Azar M r. Mehrzad98-411-5537http://sega info@segala Iran (Islam-321pc19Parsazma Mr. Usef Ja98-021-8740http://www.a@,Iran (Islam Tehran322ir101040040Lider-Hydra Mr. PASHA H98-919-1623-aytekinevci Iran (Islam Asia323ie102013643Letterkenny Mr. Martin 353-86-8200http://www.service@fir Ireland Donegal324il106204329SILMET Ms. Ronit T972-3-53314@silmet Israel Israel325dario4UNITEX SRL M s. Mary Yr39-0434-718http://www.mail.unitex Italy Pordenone ( 326it101179677L.MAGISTRO Mr. Gianfra39-015-5133-g.chinellat Italy Novara327carlandrea2Uniteco S.r Mr. carlo l39-011-7710http://www.sales@uniro Italy Italy328it100334168ONDA DESIGN Mr. Stefano39-030-8726-info@bm-ber Italy BS329davide16Snaxpand Mr. Davide 39-444-2394-info@maks-a Italy veneto330carlobot BELLAITALIA Mr. Carlo B39-438-2500@bella-Italy TV331it105735669MA-FRA S.P.Ms. Sabrina39-02-35699@mafra.Italy Milan332it118727839Savioli Lel Ms. Brunell0039-0541-6http://bone无收获Italy Rimini333ceruttigiov cerutti gio Mr. Salvato39-0322-836-info@frison Italy ItalyMs. DANIELA39-0362-239-sasoap@saso Italy Italy334sasmariani S AS MARIANI335colomboandr AC Soap Mac Mr. Andrea 39-338-5263@acsoap Italy Italy336it104981965SIAN GESTMs. ANNA PA39-333-8755http://www.无收获Italy Italy337mfsnc MF SNC Mr. gabriel39-0445-560-jeremy@jere Italy Vicenza, It 338jp100262900Tomosada Ke Mr. Norihik81-66784-65http://www.无收获Japan Osaka339excavatorM'S CO.Mr. Hiromit81-52-77861@ms-ken Japan Aichi340jp118248212NIKKO SEIKI Mr. daisuke81-748-3775http://www.无收获Japan Shiga341kanazawayok KANAZAWA YO Mr. Tomo Ur81-76-23945http://www.无收获Japan Ishikawa 342jp901277791SUZUKA ENGI Mr. Tatsuo 81-59-34647@suzuka Japan Mie343sshjapan S.S.H. JAPA Mr. Sajeev 81-3-5491-0http://www.无收获Japan Tokyo344wadakenzoDATACORP IN Mr. Kenzo W81-6-639973-datacorp@ju Japan Osaka345jp107492193NISSAN DIES Mr. H. OKAZ81-3-668487http://www.无收获Japan Tokyo346jp106794048G-TRADING C Mr. Tadashi81-3-686062http://www.marvinglove Japan Tokyo347jp117178567Kinki Truck Ms. Yumi Na81-78-30476http://www.global@kink Japan Hyogo348jp105977535OSAKA CHEMI Mr. Sir or 81-81 6 631-service@shy Japan-349yasukichija YASUKICHI C Mr. Takuya 81-584-7192http://www.yasukichi@y Japan Gifu350jp101988238GLOBAL STAR Mr. Dushant81-3-6868-3http://www.sales@gs-li Japan2-11-2 Taka 351dretec DRETEC CO.,Mr. Norihit81-48-96155http://www.无收获Japan Saitama352jp112680517SUEMATSU BR Mr. Kyoji S81-6-630328http://www.suematsu1@g Japan Osaka353jp101348089GLOBAL ACQU Mr. Ranil L0081-4-4567http://www.无收获Japan Kanagawa 354jp109605753TK-TRADING M r. Miho Ka81-42-73562-sales@tktra Japan Tokyo355mehervanset IMPERIAL TR Mr. Bhugwan81-078-3278http://www.无收获Japan-356jp108267306USHIKU SANK Ms. Sakiko 81-29-87205http://www.无收获Japan Ibaraki357jp116015389OMAR TRADIN Ms. Tamami 81-480-2937http://www.无收获Japan SaitamaMr. mukai m81-0729-655http://www.无收获Japan Osaka358mukaitrade M ukai Tradi359jp100005601DAICHI CO.,Mr. Koichi 81-45-62809http://daic info@daichi Japan Kanagawa 360jo104151628FUTURE BEAC Mr. DAWUD A962-6-53498http://www.dawud@futur Jordan Amman361jo100868869MH Group Mr. Mutaz A962-6-53315http://www.mhgroup@cyb Jordan Amman362lv100203307CitaKo Mr. Igor Fr371-6-71677@citako Latvia Latvia363alfaprim BAUMAR Mr. Elmars 371-6-73702http://www.office@baum Latvia Riga364lb100476593OFFICE INVE Mr. ALI DIK961-70- 604-tours@conco Lebanon Beirut365lb117598569BIMATIC - A Mr. Khaled 961-1-65577http://www.emalkoun62@Lebanon-366lb100097423Nour Compan Mr. Hassan 961-3-20135-info@nourel Lebanon Beirut367lt104520408BT group Mr. BT grou370-650-775-kibnmflor@j LithuaniaLithuaniaMr. Eddy Fo60-03-32411http://www.enquiry@khi Malaysia Selangor 368lathasocka K hind Mistr369my105899774EIK SENG MA Mr. Chris O60-04-33263http://www.vinson_ooi@Malaysia Penang370my900613354name; weifa Mr. micky m60-102-9149-无收获Malaysia Block D 4 B 371my109186147Ample Asia Mr. Ample A60-4-507872-sales@ent.c Malaysia Penang372my106205076BESTONE ELE Mr. Sir or 60-603-8943http://www.无收获Malaysia-373awteh DYKAS INDUS Ms. Aiwee T60-3-312264http://www.enquiry@dki Malaysia Selangor 374nlscientifi NL SCIENTIF Mr. Chua BP60-3-329011http://WWW.sales@nl-te Malaysia Selangor 375mariusk LINK INTERN Mr. Ross Ma603-77-2769http://www.betty@linki Malaysia-。
VX-1700 HF SSB移动无线电说明书
VX-1700HOJA DE ESPECIFICACIONES – AMÉRICA L ATINA Comunicaciones de largo alcanceEl radio VX-1700 multiuso está diseñado para operar como radio móvil o como estación base para comunicaciones móviles fijas de largo alcance. Los modos de operación incluyen LSB/USB (J3E y J2B), AM (A3E) y CW (A1A), convirtiendo al radio VX-1700 en la solución ideal para una amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Popular para el uso por parte de ciudades y gobiernos locales para apoyar la gestión de seguridad pública y respuesta a situaciones de desastre.Amplia capacidad de canalesEl radio VX-1700 puede almacenar hasta 200 canales dispuestos en cinco grupos con la flexibilidad necesaria para tener cualquier número de canales por grupo. Cada canal puede ser programado con una descripción alfanumérica de 6 caracteres para una gestión de llamadas rápida y fácil. Opción de establecimiento automático de enlaces (ALE) Con la opción ALE-1 instalada, el radio VX-1700 selecciona automática- mente el canal que tenga el mejor análisis de calidad de enlace (LQA) entre los canales programados.Opciones flexibles de llamadasIncluye 6 modos de llamada integrados para apoyar varios tipos de comunicaciones:L lamada selectiva (SELCALL): efectúe llamadas a un individuo o grupo usando el número de ID asignado para cada transceptor de llamada privadaL lamada de verificación de señal (Beacon Request Call): verifique la calidad de la señal entre transceptores antes de efectuar una llamada selectiva para cerciorarse de que la misma sea viableL lamada telefónica (TELCALL): efectúe una llamada a través del servicio de interconexión telefónica para expandir el contacto con individuos por teléfonoL lamada de mensajería: envíe mensajes de texto (hasta 64 caracteres) a otro transceptor para expandir las opciones de comunicaciónL lamada de solicitud de posición: monitoree la información de posición de otro transceptor cuando use una unidad móvilL lamada de envío de posición: transmita la información de posición a otro transceptor para notificar a otros usuarios su ubicación actual Operación de vigilancia doblePermite operar el radio VX-1700 en un canal mientras se vigila periódicamente el canal designado en la memoria para cerciorarse de que no se pierda ninguna llamada. Es ideal para situaciones de coordinación de emergencias cuando es imprescindible que una llamada llegue al despachador.VX-1700La diferencia Vertex Standard Nuestro principal objetivo es alcanzar un máximo nivel de satisfacción del cliente ofreciendo productos y servicios que excedan sus expectativas. Los radios Vertex Standard son diseñados para durar y son fabricados con total precisión para ofrecer el máximo valor posible y un desempeño óptimo proporcionando una conexión sin riesgos.Otras funciones4 teclas programables Silenciador de ruido Semi-interrupción CWFunción de tono lateral CWFunciones de Bloqueo de Canal Ocupado (BCLO), Bloqueo de Tono Ocupado (BTLO) y Limitador deTiempo de Transmisión (TOT) Operación activada por voz (VOX)AccesoriosMH-31A8J: Micrófono manual dinámico MD-12A8J: Micrófono de escritorioMD-100A8X: Micrófono de escritorio para control de canalesFP-1030A: Fuente de alimentación externa MLS-100: Parlante externo, 12 WMLS-200: Parlante externo a prueba de agua, 12 W ALE-1: Unidad de establecimiento automático de enlaces FC-30: Sintonizador de antena(líneas coaxiales 1,8 MHz - 30 MHz)FC-40: Sintonizador de antena (antenas alámbricas y de estilo látigo)YA-30: Antena HF de amplio alcance de 23,4 m (dipolo) YA-31: Antena HF de amplio alcance de 15 m (dipolo o cable) Y A-007FG: Antena móvei HF de alta frecuencia multibanda (7 MHz a 30 MHz requiere FC-40) M MB-89: Soporte móvil de un solo toqueLas especificaciones están sujetas a cambios sin aviso previo ni obligación. Diseño e ingeniería japonesa. Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Vertex Standard es marca comercial de Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Todas las demás marcas comerciales pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios. © 2014 Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. LSS1700_ES_05/2014Especificaciones generalesRango de frecuencia RX TX30 kHz – 30.0000 MHz 1.600 – 30.0000 MHzCantidad de canales 200Tipo de emisiónA1A(CW); J3E(LSB/USB); A3E(AM); J2B (USB/LSB)Requisitos de alimentaciónDC 13.8 V ±15%, Conexión a tierra negativaPasos del sintetizador de frecuencias 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz Estabilidad de frecuencia ± 1 ppm (-10º C a +55º Típica)Consumo de corrienteEn espera: 25 mA; RX, sin señal: 1.0 A; RX: 1.5 ATX: 24 A (salida de 125 W)Rango de temperatura de operación -10º C a +55º C Impedancia de antena 50 Ohms Dimensiones (Al x An x P)99 x 241 x 285 mmPeso (aprox.)4,3 kgEspecificaciones de receptorFrecuencia intermedia 1ra: 45.274 MHz, 2da: 24 kHzSensibilidad(A1A/J2B/J3E/A3E: S/N 10 dB) 0.5 – 1.6 MHz: 1.41 μV (A1A/J2B/J3E); 8 μV (A3E) 1.6 – 30 MHz: 0.16 μV (A1A/J2B/J3E); 1 μV (A3E)Sensibilidad del silenciador (A1A/J2B/J3E)0.5 – 1.6 MHz: 2.5 μV 1.6 – 30 MHz: 2 μV Rechazo de imagen y frecuencia intermedia (IF)Superior a 80 dBSelectividad A1A(W), J2B(W), J3E: > 2.2 kHz a -6 dB; < 4.5 kHz a -60 dB A1A(N), J2B(N): > 500 Hz a -6 dB; < 2.0 kHz a - 60 dBA3E: > 6 kHz a - 6 dB; < 20 kHz a -60 dBSalida de audio 2.2 W en 8 Ohms a 10% THD Impedancia de audio 4 – 16 Ohms (8 Ohms nominales)Radiación conducidaMenos de 4000 μWEspecificaciones de transmisorPotencia de salida 125 W (A1A, J2B, J3E a 1.6000 – 3.9999 MHz)*100 W (A1A, J2B, J3E a 4.0000 – 30.000 MHz)Portadora AM de 31 W (A3E a 1.6000 – 3.9999 MHz)Portadora AM de 25 W (A3E a 4.0000 – 30.000 MHz)Ciclo de trabajo RX: TX = 4 min.: 1 min.ModulaciónJ3E: modulador tipo PSN A3E: Nivel bajo (etapa temprana)Radiación de espurias Superior a 56 dB (armónicos) Supresión de portadora J3E Superior a 50 dB por debajo de salida pico Supresión de banda lateral indeseada Superior a 60 dB por debajo de salida picoEmisiones espurias: 56 dBRespuesta de audio (J3E)No más de -6 dB desde 400 Hz – 2500 HzAncho de banda ocupado A1A: menos de 0.5 kHz; J3E: menos de 3.0 kHz; A3E: menos de 6.0 kHzImpedancia del micrófono200 – 10 k Ohms, (600 Ohms Nominal)*100 W al usar FC-30。
DISCUS L 产品说明书
DISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-181. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SU BSTANCE/MIXTU REAND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGProduct identifierTrade name . . . . . . . . . . . . .: DI SCUS® LEPA Registration No. . . . . .: 59807-18Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstUse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: I nsecticideRestrictions on use . . . . . .: See product label forrestrictions .Company information . . . .: OHP, Inc .PO Box 746Bluffton, SC 29910-0746(800) 659-6745Emergency telephone numberTRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY(24 hours a day) call . . . .: Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300MEDICAL EMERGENCY (24 hours a day) and ProductInformation call . . . . . . . .: 1-800-356-4647SDS Information orRequest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ohp .com2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONClassification in accordance with regulationHCS 29CFR §1910.1200This material is not hazardous under the criteria ofthe Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard29CFR 1910 .1200 .Other hazards . . . . . . . . . . .: No particular hazards known .3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSHazardousComponent Concentration Name CAS-No. % by weight Imidacloprid 138261-41-3 2.94Cyfluthrin 68359-37-5 0.7Glycerine 56-81-5 12.04. FIRST AID MEASURESDescription of first aid measuresGeneral advice . . . . . . . . . .: When possible, have the product container or label with you when calling apoison control center or doctor or going for treatment .Inhalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Move to fresh air . I f person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then giveartificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth ifpossible . Call a physician or poison control centerimmediately .Skin contact . . . . . . . . . . . .: Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately . Wash off immedi-ately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes . Calla physician or poison control center immediately .Eye contact . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes .Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5minutes, then continue rinsing eye . Call a physicianor poison control center immediately .Ingestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Call a physician or poison control center immediately . Rinse out mouth and givewater in small sips to drink . DO NOT induce vomit-ing unless directed to do so by a physician or poisoncontrol center . Never give anything by mouth to anunconscious person . Do not leave victim unattended .Most important symptoms and effects, both acute anddelayedSymptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . .: To date no symptoms are known .Indication of any immediate medical attention andspecial treatment neededTreatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Appropriate supportive and symptomatic treatment as indicated by the pa-tient’s condition is recommended . There is no spe-cific antidote .5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing mediaSuitable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide .Unsuitable . . . . . . . . . . . . .: High volume water jetSpecial hazards arising from thesubstance or mixture . . . .: Dangerous gases areevolved in the event of a fire .DISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-18Advice for firefightersSpecial protective equipment forfire-fighters . . . . . . . . . . . .: Firefighters should wearNIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatusand full protective clothing .Further information . . . . . .: Keep out of smoke . Fight fire from upwind position . Cool closed containers ex-posed to fire with water spray . Do not allow run-offfrom fire fighting to enter drains or water courses .Flash point . . . . . . . . . . . . .: > 93 °CAutoignition temperature .: no data availableLower explosion limit . . . .: no data availableUpper explosion limit . . . .: no data availableExplosivity . . . . . . . . . . . . .: not applicable6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment andemergency proceduresPrecautions . . . . . . . . . . . .: Remove all sources of ignition . I solate hazard area . Keep unauthorizedpeople away . Avoid contact with spilled product orcontaminated surfaces .Methods and materials for containment and cleaningupMethods for cleaning up . .: Soak up with inert absor-bent material (e .g . sand, silica gel, acid binder, uni-versal binder, sawdust) . Collect and transfer theproduct into a properly labelled and tightly closedcontainer . Clean contaminated floors and objectsthoroughly, observing environmental regulations .Additional advice . . . . . . . .: Use personal protective equipment . Do not allow to enter soil, waterways orwaste water canal .Reference toother sections . . . . . . . . .: Information regarding safehandling, see section 7 .I nformation regarding personal protective equip-ment, see section 8 .nformation regarding waste disposal, see section13 .7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingAdvice on safehandling . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Use only in area providedwith appropriate exhaust ventilation . Handle andopen container in a manner as to prevent spillage .Hygiene measures . . . . . . . .: Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eat-ing, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, using thetoilet or applying cosmetics .Remove Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) im-mediately after handling this product . Before remov-ing gloves clean them with soap and water . Removesoiled clothing immediately and clean thoroughly be-fore using again . Wash thoroughly and put on cleanclothing .Conditions for safe storage, including any incompat-ibilitiesRequirements for storageareas and containers . . . .: Store in a cool, dry placeand in such a manner as to prevent cross contami-nation with other crop protection products, fertilizers,food, and feed . Store in original container and out ofthe reach of children, preferably in a locked storagearea .8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONALPROTECTIONControl parameters continuedComponents CAS-No.Controlparameters Update Basis Imidacloprid138261-41-350ug/m3(ST ESL)07 2011TX ESLImidacloprid138261-41-35ug/m3(AN ESL)07 2011TX ESLImidacloprid138261-41-30.7 mg/m3(TWA)OES BCS*Cyfluthrin(Particulate.)68359-37-55ug/m3(AN ESL)02 2013TX ESLCyfluthrin(Particulate.)68359-37-550ug/m3(ST ESL)02 2013TX ESLCyfluthrin68359-37-50.01 mg/m3(TWA)OES BCS*Glycerine(Respirable fraction.)56-81-5 5 mg/m3(PEL)02 2006OSHA Z1Glycerine(Total dust.)56-81-515 mg/m3(PEL)02 2006OSHA Z1Glycerine(Total dust.)56-81-510 mg/m3(TWA)1989OSHA Z1AGlycerine(Respirable fraction.)56-81-5 5 mg/m3(TWA)1989OSHA Z1AGlycerine(Total dust and mist.)56-81-510 mg/m3(TWA)06 2008TN OELDISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-18 Control parameters continuedComponents CAS-No.Controlparameters Update BasisGlycerine (Respirable fraction and dust or fume.)56-81-5 5 mg/m3(TWA)06 2008TN OELGlycerine (Vapor.)56-81-51000ug/m3(ST ESL)02 2013TX ESLGlycerine (Particulate.)56-81-550ug/m3(ST ESL)02 2013TX ESLGlycerine (Vapor.)56-81-5100ug/m3(AN ESL)02 2013TX ESLGlycerine (Particulate.)56-81-55ug/m3(AN ESL)02 2013TX ESL* OES BCS: Internal Bayer CropScience “Occupational Exposure Standard”Exposure controlsPersonal protectiveequipment . . . . . . . . . . . . .: In normal use and han-dling conditions please refer to the label and/or leaf-let . In all other cases the following recommendationswould apply .Respiratory protection . . .: When respirators arerequired, select NIOSH approved equipment basedon actual or potential airborne concentrations andin accordance with the appropriate regulatory stan-dards and/or industry recommendations .Hand protection . . . . . . . . .: Chemical resistant nitrilerubber glovesEye protection . . . . . . . . . .: Safety glasses withside-shieldsSkin and bodyprotection . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Wear long-sleeved shirtand long pants and shoes plus socks .General protectivemeasures . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Follow manufacturer’sinstructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE . If no suchinstructions for washables, use detergent and warm/tepid water .Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry .9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance . . . . . . . . . . . . .: tanPhysical State . . . . . . . . . . .: liquidOdor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: weakOdour Threshold . . . . . . . . .: no data availablepH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: no data availableVapor Pressure . . . . . . . . . .: no data availableVapor Density (Air = 1) . . . .: no data availableDensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ca . 1 .05 g/cm³ at 20 °CEvapouration rate . . . . . . . .: no data availableBoiling Point . . . . . . . . . . . .: no data availableMelting / Freezing Point . . .: no data availableWater solubility . . . . . . . . . .: dispersibleMinimum Ignition Energy . .: not applicableDecompositiontemperature . . . . . . . . . . . .: not applicablePartition coefficient:n-octanol/water . . . . . . . . .: no data availableViscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 350 - 600 mPa .s at 20 °CVelocity gradient 0 .5 /s Flash point . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: > 93 °CAutoignition temperature . .: no data availableLower explosion limit . . . . .: no data availableUpper explosion limit . . . . .: no data availableExplosivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: not applicable10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivityThermal decomposition . .: not applicableChemical stability . . . . . . .: Stable under normal conditions .Possibility of hazardousreactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: No dangerous reactionknown under conditions of normal use .Conditions to avoid . . . . . .: no data availableIncompatible materials . . .: Strong oxidizing agents, BasesHazardous decompositionproducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: No decompositionproducts expected under normal conditions of use .DISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-1811. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONExposure routes . . . . . . . . .: Eye contact, Skin Absorp-tion, Inhalation, Ingestion Immediate EffectsEye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Moderate eye irritation .Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Harmful if absorbedthrough skin .Ingestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Harmful if swallowed .Inhalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Harmful if inhaled .Information on toxicological effectsAcute oral toxicity . . . . . . .: LD50 (male rat)> 5,000 mg/kgLD50 (female rat)> 5,100 mg/kgAcute inhalation toxicity . .: LC50 (male/femalecombined rat) > 2 .23 mg/lExposure time: 4 hDetermined in the form of liquid aerosol .(actual)LC50 (male/femalecombined rat) > 8 .92 mg/lExposure time: 1 hDetermined in the form of liquid aerosol .Extrapolated from the 4 hr LC50 .(actual)Acute dermal toxicity . . . .: LD50 (male/femalecombined rat)> 5,030 mg/kgSkin irritation . . . . . . . . . . .: No skin irritation (rabbit)Eye irritation . . . . . . . . . . . .: Mild eye irritation . (rabbit)Sensitisation . . . . . . . . . . .: Non-sensitizing .(guinea pig)Assessment repeated dose toxicityImidacloprid did not cause specific target organ tox-icity in experimental animal studies .The toxic effects of Cyfluthrin are related to transienthyperactivity typical for pyrethroid neurotoxicity .Assessment mutagenicityImidacloprid was not mutagenic or genotoxic basedon the overall weight of evidence in a battery of invitro and in vivo tests .Cyfluthrin was not mutagenic or genotoxic in a bat-tery of in vitro and in vivo tests .Assessment carcinogenicityImidacloprid was not carcinogenic in lifetime feedingstudies in rats and mice .Cyfluthrin was not carcinogenic in lifetime feedingstudies in rats and mice .ACGIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: None .NTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: None .IARC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: None .OSHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: None .Assessment toxicity to reproductionI midacloprid caused reproduction toxicity in a two-generation study in rats only at dose levels also toxicto the parent animals . The reproduction toxicity seenwith Imidacloprid is related to parental toxicity .Cyfluthrin caused reproduction toxicity in a two-gen-eration study in rats only at dose levels also toxic tothe parent animals . The reproduction toxicity seenwith Cyfluthrin is related to parental toxicity .Assessment developmental toxicityI midacloprid caused developmental toxicity only atdose levels toxic to the dams . The developmental ef-fects seen with Imidacloprid are related to maternaltoxicity .Cyfluthrin caused developmental toxicity only at doselevels toxic to the dams . The developmental effectsseen with Cyfluthrin are related to maternal toxicity .Further informationAcute toxicity studies have been bridged from a simi-lar formulation(s) .The non-acute information pertains to the activeingredient(s) .12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicity to fish . . . . . . . . . . .: LC50 (Oncorhynchusmykiss (rainbow trout))0 .00047 mg/lExposure time: 96 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredientcyfluthrin .LC50 (Oncorhynchusmykiss (rainbow trout))211 mg/lExposure time: 96 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredientimidacloprid .Toxicity to aquaticinvertebrates . . . . . . . . . . .: EC50 (Daphnia magna(Water flea)) 0 .00016 mg/lExposure time: 48 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredientcyfluthrin .EC50 (Daphnia magna(Water flea)) 85 mg/lExposure time: 48 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredientimidacloprid .DISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-18LC50 (Chironomusriparius (non-bitingmidge)) 0 .0552 mg/lExposure time: 24 h The value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid .Toxicity to aquatic plants . .: IC50 (Desmodesmussubspicatus) > 10 mg/lGrowth rate;Exposure time: 72 h The value mentioned relates to the active ingredient cyfluthrin .EC50 (Desmodesmussubspicatus) > 10 mg/lGrowth rate;Exposure time: 72 h The value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid .Biodegradability . . . . . . . . .: Cyfluthrin: not rapidly biodegradableImidacloprid: not rapidly biodegradableKoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Cyfluthrin: Koc: 64300Imidacloprid: Koc: 225 Bioaccumulation . . . . . . . . .: Cyfluthrin:Bioconcentration factor(BCF) 506; Does not bioaccumulate .I midacloprid:Does not bioaccumulate . Mobility in soil . . . . . . . . . . .: Cyfluthrin: Immobile in soilI midacloprid:Moderately mobile in soils Environmentalprecautions . . . . . . . . . . . .: Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark .Do not contaminate surface or ground water by cleaning equipment or disposal of wastes, including equipment wash water .Do not apply when weather conditions favor runoff or drift .Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent sites .Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to bloom-ing crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area .Apply this product as specified on the label .13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste treatment methodsProduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Pesticide, spray mixture or rinse water that cannot be used according to labelinstructions may be disposed of on site or at an ap-proved waste disposal facility .Contaminated packaging . .: Do not re-use emptycontainers .Triple rinse containers .Rinsed packaging may be acceptable for landfill,otherwise incineration will be required in accordancewith local regulations .If burned, stay out of smoke .RCRA Information . . . . . . . .: Characterization andproper disposal of this material as a special or haz-ardous waste is dependent upon Federal, State andlocal laws and are the user’s responsibility . RCRAclassification may apply .14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION49CFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Not dangerous goods /not hazardous material IMDGUN number . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 3082Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 9Packaging group . . . . . . . .: I I IMarine pollutant . . . . . . . . .: YESProper shipping name . . . .: ENVI RONMENTALLYHAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N .O .S .(CYFLUTHRIN, IMIDACLOPRID SOLUTION) IATAUN number . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 3082Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 9Packaging group . . . . . . . .: I I IEnvironm.Hazardous Mark . . . . . . . .: YESProper shipping name . . . .: ENVI RONMENTALLYHAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N .O .S .(CYFLUTHRIN, IMIDACLOPRID SOLUTION )This transportation information is not intended toconvey all specific regulatory information relating tothis product . I t does not address regulatory varia-tions due to package size or special transportationrequirements .Freight Classification . . . . .: INSECTICIDES ORFUNGICIDES, N .O .I ., OTHER THAN POISONDISCUS® LEPA Registration Number: 59807-1815. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEPA Registration No. . . . . .: 59807-18US Federal RegulationsTSCA listGlycerine 56-81-5US. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt D)None.SARA Title III - Section 302 - Notification and Informa-tionNone.SARA Title III - Section 313 - Toxic Chemical ReleaseReportingCyfluthrin 68359-37-5 25,000 lbs US States Regulatory ReportingCA Prop65This product does not contain any substances knownto the State of California to cause cancer .This product does not contain any substances knownto the State of California to cause reproductive harm .US State Right-To-Know IngredientsCyfluthrin 68359-37-5 NJ, RIGlycerine 56-81-5 MNCanadian RegulationsCanadian Domestic Substance ListGlycerine 56-81-5EnvironmentalCERCLANone.Clean Water Section 307 Priority PollutantsNone.Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant Lev-elsNone.International RegulationsEuropean Inventory of Existing Commercial Sub-stances (EINECS)Glycerine 56-81-5OHP982420 03/17 (03/12/15)EPA/FIFRA InformationThis chemical is a pesticide product registered bythe Environmental Protection Agency and is subjectto certain labeling requirements under federal pes-ticide law . These requirements differ from the clas-sification criteria and hazard information requiredfor safety data sheets, and for workplace labels ofnon-pesticide chemicals . Following is the hazard in-formation required on the pesticide label:Signal word . . . . . . . . . . . .: Caution!Hazard statements . . . . . . .: Moderate eye irritation .Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed throughthe skin .Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing .Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist .Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling .Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use .16. OTHER INFORMATIONNFPA 704 (National Fire Protection Association):Health - 1 Flammability - 1 Instability - 0 Others - noneHMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System, based on the Third Edition Ratings Guide)Health - 1 Flammability - 1 Physical Hazard - 0 PPE -0 = minimal hazard, 1 = slight hazard, 2 = moderate haz-ard, 3 = severe hazard, 4 = extreme hazardReason for Revision . . . . . .: Revised according to the current OSHA Hazard Communication Standard(29CFR1910 .1200)Revision Date . . . . . . . . . . . .: 03/29/2017This information is provided in good faith but without express or implied warranty . The customer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with label instructions .Discus is a registered trademark of OHP, Inc .。
LG 简单无线遥控器说明书
OWNER’S &INSTALLATION MANUALSIMPLE WIRED REMOTE CONTROLLERPlease read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.P/NO : MFL62862002www Models : PQRCVCL0QPQRCVCL0QWENGLISH ITALIANO ESPAÑOL FRANCAIS DEUTSCH PORTUGUESEêìëëäàâ üáõän Safety Precautions (3)n Part Description (4)Simple Wired Remote Controller (4)n Installation Instruction........................................................5~6 Group control. (7)Installer setting – How to enter installer setting mode (8)Installer setting – Test Run Mode (9)Installer setting – Setting Address of Central Control (10)Installer setting – E.S.P (11)Installer setting – Thermistor (12)Installer setting – Ceiling Height Selection (13)Installer setting – Static Pressure Setting (14)Installer setting – Remote Controller Master/Slave Setup (15)Installer setting – Celsius/Fahrenheit (16)n Owners instruction (17)Standard Operation – Cooling Mode (17)Standard Operation – Heating Mode (18)Standard Operation – Auto Operation Mode (19)Standard Operation – Dehumidification Mode (20)Standard Operation – Fan Mode (21)Function Setting – Fan Speed Selection (22)Function Setting – Room temperature check (23)Function Setting – Child Lock (24)Function Setting – Auto Swing (25)Function Setting – Vane Angle Control (26)Different mode drive (27)Checkups before reporting breakdown (28)2Wired Remote ControllerSafety PrecautionOwnerʼs & Installation Manual 3or explosion or injury.or explosion or injury.Do not place flammable stuffs close to the product.• It will cause fire.Do not allow water to run into the product.• It will cause electric shock or breakdown.Do not give the shock to theproduct.• It will cause breakdown when giving the shock to the product.Safety Precaution• The installation requires expert skills, and it should be installed by the service center or other shops specialized in the installation and recognized by our company.• For all the problems arising after installation by someone who has no relevant qualifications, our company will not provide free service.• The following safety cautions are provided to prevent unexpected dangers or losses.Request to the service center or installation specialty store when the product becomes wet.• It will cause fire or electric shock.Do not give the shock using sharp and pointed objects.• It will cause breakdown by damaging parts.deformation.malfunction.electric shock.4Wired Remote ControllerPart DescriptionPart DescriptionAccessoryEach function will be shown on the display panel for three seconds or so when the power is applied at first.1. Operation Display Panel2. Temperature Control Button3. Fan Speed Button4. On/Off Button5. Operation Mode select ButtonInstallation instruction 1. Please fix tightly using provided screw after placing remote controller setup boardon the place where you like to setup.- Please set it up not to bend because poor setup could take place if setup board bends.Please set up remote controller board fit to the reclamation box if there is a reclamation box.2. Can set up Wired remote controller cable into three directions.- Setup direction: the surface of wall reclamation, upper, right- If setting up remote controller cable into upper and right side, please set up after removing remote controller cable guide groove.h Remove guide groove with long nose.①Reclamation to the surface of the wall②Upper part guide groove③Right part guide grooveInstallation instruction<Wire guide grooves>Ownerʼs & Installation Manual 5Installation instruction6Wired Remote ControllerWall SideWallSideWall Side<Connecting order><Separating order>5. Please fix remote controller upper part into the setup board attached to the surface of the wall, as the picture below, and then, connect with setup board by pressing lower part.- Please connect not to make a gap at the remote controller and setup boardʼs upper and lower, right and left part.When separating remote controller from setup board, as the picture below, afterremote controller is separated.- There are two separating holes. Please individually separate one at a time.- Please be careful not to damage the inside components when separating.3. Please connect indoor unit and remote controller using connection cable.4. Please use extension cable if the distance between wired remote controller andindoor unit is more than 10m.IndoorUnit sideOwnerʼs & Installation Manual 7Installation instruction1. When installing more than 2units of air conditioner to one wired remote controller, please connect as the right figure. • If it is not event communication indoor unit, set the unit as slave.• Check for event communication through the product manual.2. When installing more than 2 wired remote controllers to one airconditioner, please connect as the right picture.• When installing more than 2 units of wired remote controller to one air conditioner, set one wired remote controller as master and the others all as slaves, as shown in the right picture.• You cannot control the group as shown in the right for some products.• Refer to the product manual for more detail.When controlling multiple indoor units with event communication function with one remote controller, you must change the master/slave setting from the indoor unit.Indoor units, the master/slave configuration of the product after completion of indoor unit power ʻOFFʼ and then ʻONʼ the power after 1 minutes elapsed sign up.- For ceiling type cassette and duct product group, change the switch setting of the indoor PCB.- For wall-mount type and stand type product, change the master/slave setting with the wireless remote controller. (Refer to wireless remote controller manual for detail)h When installing 2 remote controllers to one indoor unit with event communication function, set the master/slave of the remote controller. (Refer to remote controller master/slave selection)When controlling the group, some functions excluding basic operation setting, fan level Min/Mid/Max, remote controller lock setting and time setting may be limited.<When simultaneously connecting 2 sets of wired remote controller>• When controlling in groups, set the master/slaver of the remote controller. Refer to Installer setting section on how to set master/slave for more detail.#3 switch OFF: Master (Factory default setting)#3 switch ON: SlaveInstallation instruction<Installer Setting Code Table>1) General air-conditioner productSome contents may not be displayed depending on the product function 8Wired Remote ControllerOwnerʼs & Installation Manual 9Installation instructionAfter installing the product, you must run a Test Run mode. For details related to this operation, refer to the product manual.•What is the test run mode??- This means the operation of the product under the cooling, strong wind, and Comp on state without performing room temperature control in order to confirm the installed state during the product installation.10Wired Remote ControllerInstallation instruction* In the case when the lock is set up at the central controller, ʻHLʼ will be indicated on the display window of the wired remote controller and the indoor unit will not be controlled by the remote controller.It's the function to use for connecting central control.Please refer to central controller manual for the details• If you connect the indoor unit to the central controller, you should set the network address of the indoor unit so that the central controller could recognize it.• The center-control address is composed of the group number and the indoor-unit number.Note : The remote controller displays 'HL' if central controller has locked the remote controller .Installation instruction This is the function that decides the strength of the wind for each wind level and because thisfunction is to make the installation easier.• If you set ESP incorrectly, the air conditioner may malfunction.• This setting must be carried out by a certificated-technician.• Precaution shall be taken not to alter the E.S.P value corresponded to each air flow section.• E.S.P value can be varied according to the products.• In the case of going to the next air flow rate stage by pressing the fan-speed button during the setup of the E.S.P value, the E.S.P value of previous air flow rate will be maintained by remembering the E.S.P value prior to the shift.Installation instructionThis is the function to select the temperature sensor to judge the room temperature.• As the characteristic of the ʻ2THʼ function can be different in accordance with the products, refer to the product instruction manual for its detail.Installation instruction This function is to adjust FAN Airflow rate according to ceiling height (For ceiling type product)<Ceiling Height Selection Table>Ceiling Height Level Description01Low Decrease the indoor airflow rate 1 step from standard level02Standard Set the indoor airflow rate as standard level03High Increase indoor airflow rate 1 step from standard level04Very high Increase indoor airflow rate 2 steps from standard level•Ceiling height setting is available only for some products.•Ceiling height of ʻVery highʼ function may not exist depending on the indoor unit.•Refer to the product manual for more details.Installation instructionThis function is applied to only duct type. Setting this in other cases will cause malfunction.Pressure selectionFunctionZone state ESP standard value01V-H Variable High 02F-H Fixed High 03V-L Variable Low 04F-L Fixed Low <Static Pressure Setting Table>Installation instructionIt is a function for settings in group control, or 2-remote controller control.Remote controller FunctionMaster Indoor unit operates based on master remote controller at group control. (Master is set when delivering from the warehouse.)Slave Setup all remote controllers except one master remote controller to slave at group control•When controlling in groups, basic operation settings, airflow strength weak/medium/strong, lock setting of the remote controller, time settings, and other functions may be restricted.h Refer to the 'group control' part for detailsInstallation instructionThis function is used for switching the display between Celsius and Fahrenheit. (Optimized only for U.S.A)• Whenever press temp up(s), down(t) button in Fahrenheit mode, the temperature will increase/drop 2 degrees.Owner's instruction Owner's instructionIt cools the room by comfortable and clean wind.Owner's instructionIt supplies warm wind to the indoorWhat is the three-minute delay function?It will take time for the product to blow warm air. The delay is to protect the compressor. The room will be heated with warm air after three minutes when the compressor begins operation.n The cooling-only model will not do heating function.Owner's instructionOwner's instructionIt removes humidity while air-cooling weakly.•In rainy season or high humidity climate, it is possible to operate simultaneously dehumidifier and cooling mode to remove humidity effectively.•The menu item of wind powerfulness might not be partially selected according to the product.Owner's instruction It blows the air as it is in the indoor, not the cold wind.•Ventilation drive does not release cool wind but general fan•Because it releases the wind that has no temperature difference from the room, it functions to circulate the inside air.•The menu item of wind powerfulness might not be partially selected according to the product.Ownerʼs & Installation Manual 21Owner's instructionIt blows the air as it is in the indoor, not the cold wind.22Wired Remote ControllerOwner's instruction* As the temperature distribution of the remote controller Installation space is not uniform, slight difference can be Generated between the actually felt temperature and the room temperature indication of the remote controller.Ownerʼs & Installation Manual 23Owner's instructionIt is the function to use preventing children or others from careless using.24Wired Remote ControllerOwner's instruction This function is to adjust angle at which airflow is blow out.Ownerʼs & Installation Manual 25Owner's instructionThis function is to adjust angle at which airflow is blow out.* Vane number and the angle of wind can be selected differently in accordance with the products.26Wired Remote ControllerOwnerʼs & Installation Manual 27Different mode drive is a phenomenon taking place when indoor units' drive mode is different in the case that a few indoor units are set up at one AHU.(Different mode drive doesn't show up at cooling exclusive model.)Owner's instruction • If the product is not compatible with the different mode operation, LCD will be displayed ʻCH07ʼ.• If ʻCH07ʼ is displayed, please change the mode.• Different mode operation is not error.Owner's instructionPlease first check the items below for product's defects before consulting to service center.28Wired Remote Controller。
Aspen 2 Safety Data Sheet说明书
Aspen 2The safety data sheet is in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/830 of 28 May 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)Date issued10.03.20161.1. Product identifierProduct name Aspen 2Synonyms Aspen 2 Full Range Technology, Aspen 2t1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use of the substance/preparation Fuel for petrol engines.Relevant identified uses SU1 Agriculture, forestry, fisheryPC13 FuelsPROC16 Using material as fuel sources, limited exposure to unburnedproduct to be expected Industrial or non-industrial setting;YesThe chemical can be used by thegeneral public1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetDistributorCompany name Anglo American Oil Company LtdOffice address58 Holton RoadPostal address Holton Heath Trading ParkPostcode BH16 6LTCity PooleCountry United KingdomTel+44 1929 551557Fax+44 1929 551567E-mailWebsite ManufacturerCompany name Lantmännen Aspen ABPostal address Iberovägen 2Postcode SE-438 54City HindåsCountry SwedenTel+46 (0)301-23 00 00E-mailWebsite http://www.aspen.se/United_KingdomContact person Pontus Kristensson, +46 (0)708-23 50 201.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency telephone National Poisons Information Centre:01-80925662.1. Classification of substance or mixtureClassification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP/GHS]Flam. Liq. 1 Asp. tox 1Skin Irrit. 2 STOT SE3 Aquatic Chronic 4 H224H304H315H336H4132.2. Label elementsSignal word DangerHazard statements H224 Extremely flammable liquid and vapour. H304 May be fatal if swallowedand enters airways. H315 Causes skin irritation. H336 May cause drowsinessor dizziness. H413 May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life. Precautionary statements P102 Keep out of reach of children. P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/openflames/hot surfaces. No smoking. P260 Do not breathedust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P262 Do not get in eyes, on skin, or onclothing. P301 + P310 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISONCENTER/ doctor/ . P331 Do NOT induce vomiting. P501 Dispose ofcontents/container according to local regulations.Child-protection YesTactile warnings Yes2.3. Other hazardsHealth effect In high concentrations, vapours and aerosol mists have a narcotic effect andmay cause headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea.3.2. MixturesSubstance Identification Classification Contents Naphtha (petroleum), full-rangealkylate, butane-contg.CAS no.: 68527-27-5EC no.: 271-267-0Registration number: 01-2119471477-29-XXXXFlam. Liq. 1; H224;Asp. tox 1; H304;Skin Irrit. 2; H315;STOT SE3; H336;Aquatic Chronic 2; H411;85 - 95 %Naphtha (petroleum), isomerization CAS no.: 64741-70-4EC no.: 265-073-5Index no.: 649-277-00-5Registration number: 01-2119480399-24-XXXXFlam. Liq. 1; H224Asp. tox 1; H304Skin Irrit. 2; H315STOT SE3; H336Aquatic Chronic 2; H4115 - 15 %Fully synthetic two stroke oil= 2 % Remarks, substance Benzene level lower than 0,1 %.The classification of the components is not supported by test results on themixture.The two stroke oil is not classified as dangerous for the health or theenvironment.4.1. Description of first aid measuresGeneral Fire and explosion: Leave the zone of danger immediately and evacuateunnecessary personnel. Bring injured persons out of the zone of dangerimmediately. Beware of danger of shock in seemingly not-injured persons. Inhalation Fresh air and rest.Skin contact Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin with soap andwater.Eye contact Immediately rinse with water for several minutes. Make sure to remove anycontact lenses from the eyes before rinsing.Ingestion DO NOT induce vomiting if swallowed chemical is dissolved in petroleum-based material. Danger of aspiration and development of chemical pneumonia.Get medical attention.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedInformation for health personnel Treat Symptomatically.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Medical monitoring for delayedeffectsNo recommendation given.Specific details on antidotes Not applicable.5.1. Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media Extinguish with foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder. Do not use water jet asan extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureFire and explosion hazards Highly flammable liquid and vapour.5.3. Advice for firefightersFire fighting procedures Containers close to fire should be removed immediately or cooled with water.Avoid water in straight hose stream; will scatter and spread fire. Be aware ofrisk of fire re-starting, and risk of explosion.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Personal protection measures Do not smoke, use open fire or other sources of ignition. Ventilate well. Incase of inadequate ventilation, use respiratory protection. Take precautionarymeasures against static discharges.6.2. Environmental precautionsEnvironmental precautionary measures Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Contain spillages with sand, earth or any suitable adsorbent material. Contact local authorities in case of spillage to drain/aquatic environment.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upCleaning method Remove sources of ignition. Beware of the explosion danger. Absorb invermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Cover large spillageswith foam.6.4. Reference to other sectionsOther instructions None.7.1. Precautions for safe handlingHandling Flammable/combustible - Keep away from oxidisers, heat and flames. Takeprecautionary measures against static discharges.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage Store in tightly closed original container in a well-ventilated place. Store attemperature below 50°C. Flammable liquid storage.Special risks and properties Protect electric equipment against sparking in case of risk of explosion. Other Information Large amounts and storages should be stored in accordance with nationalregulation on storage of flammable liquids.Conditions To Avoid Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame.Conditions for safe storageAdvice on storage compatability Keep flammable liquids away from flammable gas and highly flammablegoods. Flammability class: 17.3. Specific end use(s)Specific use(s)The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section Control parametersOEL Sweden. Alkylate petrol.Other Information about thresholdlimit valuesDNEL / PNECMethod of testing ContentsDNEL Group: WorkerExposure route: InhalationExposure frequency: Long term (repeated)Critical Component: 68527-27-5Type of effect: Local effectValue: 840 mg/m3/8hDNEL Group: WorkerExposure route: InhalationExposure frequency: Short term (acute)Critical Component: 68527-27-5Type of effect: Systemic effectValue: 1300 mg/m3/15 minExposure guidelines Country of origin: SwedenLimit value type: OEL, 8h, 900 mg/m3Source: AFS 2011:188.2. Exposure controlsRecommended monitoringEnvironmental Exposure Controls: VOC.proceduresPrecautionary measures to prevent exposureTechnical measures to preventProvide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation.exposureRespiratory protectionRespiratory protection No specific recommendation made, but respiratory protection may still berequired under exceptional circumstances when excessive air contaminationexists.Recommended type of equipment Chemical respirator with organic vapour cartridge.Reference to relevant standard A.All handling to take place in well-ventilated area.Additional respiratory protectionmeasuresHand protectionHand protection For prolonged or repeated skin contact use suitable protective gloves. Suitable gloves type Neoprene, nitrile, polyethylene or PVC.Eye / face protectionEye protection Wear approved chemical safety goggles where eye exposure is reasonablyprobable.Hygiene / EnvironmentalSpecific hygiene measures Promptly remove non-impervious clothing that becomes wet.DO NOT SMOKE IN WORK AREA!9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state Clear liquid.Colour Tan.Odour Kerosene.Comments, pH (as supplied)Not applicable.Comments, pH (aqueous solution)Not applicable.Comments, Melting point / meltingNot applicable.rangeBoiling point / boiling range Value: 35-205 °CMethod of testing: EN ISO 3405Flash point Value: < 0 °CEvaporation rate Value: > 1000Method of testing: BuAc=1001 vol-%Lower explosion limit with unit ofmeasurement8 vol-%Upper explosion limit with units ofmeasurementVapour pressure Value: 55-65 kPaMethod of testing: EN 13016-1Test temperature: = 38 °CVapour density Value: > 1Reference gas: AirSpecific gravity Value: 690-720 kg/m3Method of testing: EN ISO 12185Solubility description Very soluble in: Hydrocarbons.Solubility in water1-6 mg/l at 1-10 % concentration.Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water Value: 4,3-4,8Spontaneous combustability Value: > 300 °CViscosity Value: < 1 mm2/sTest temperature: = 40 °C9.2. Other informationPhysical hazardsFlammable liquids Yes.Conductivity Value: < 0,1 uS/cmMethod of testing: EN 15938Test temperature: = 20 °CGas group IIA.10.1. ReactivityReactivity There are no known reactivity hazards associated with this product.10.2. Chemical stabilityStability Stable under normal temperature conditions and recommended use.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions10.4. Conditions to avoidConditions to avoid Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid Strong oxidising substances.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsHazardous decomposition products Thermal decomposition or combustion may liberate carbon oxides and othertoxic gases or vapours.11.1. Information on toxicological effectsToxicological Information:LD50 oral Value: > 5000 mg/kg bwAnimal test species: RatTest reference: OECD TG 401Comments: Data for CAS 68527-27-5.LD50 dermal Value: > 2000 mg/kg bwAnimal test species: RabbitTest reference: OECD TG 402Comments: Data for CAS 68527-27-5.LD50 dermal Value: > 5610 mg/m3 airAnimal test species: RatTest reference: OECD 403Comments: Data for CAS 68527-27-5.Toxicological data for substancesOther information regarding health hazardsGeneral Risk of chemical pneumonia after aspiration. Prolonged or repeated contactleads to drying of skin. Solvent vapours are hazardous and may causenausea, sickness and headaches.Potential acute effectsInhalation In high concentrations, vapours are narcotic and may cause headache,fatigue, dizziness and nausea.Skin contact Product has a defatting effect on skin.Eye contact Not Irritating.Ingestion Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.Irritation Causes skin irritation.Delayed effects / repeated exposureSensitisation None.Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or ReprotoxicCarcinogenicity No known chronic or acute health risks.Mutagenicity No known chronic or acute health risks.Teratogenic properties No known chronic or acute health risks.Reproductive toxicity No known chronic or acute health risks.Symptoms of ExposureSymptoms of overexposure Mild intoxication (incl. fatigue, lassitude, irritability, headache, nausea).12.1. ToxicityAcute aquatic, fish Value: > 100 mg/lMethod of testing: OECD TG no. 203 (2004)Fish, species: Danio rerioDuration: 96hTest reference: Test report 046/13.Acute aquatic, fish, Comments LL50. Data for mixture.Acute aquatic, algae Value: > 100 mg/lMethod of testing: OECD TG no. 202Algae, species: Raphidoceles subcapitataDuration: 72hTest reference: Test report 182/06.Acute aquatic, algae, Comments EL50. Data for mixture.Acute aquatic, Daphnia Value: > 1000 mg/lMethod of testing: OECD Tg no. 201Daphnia, species: Daphnia MagnaDuration: 48hTest reference: Test report 31/04.Acute aquatic, Daphnia, Comments EL50. Data for mixture.12.2. Persistence and degradabilityComments COD Not known.Comments, BOD Not known.Persistence and degradability Volatile substances are degraded in the atmosphere within a few days. Theproduct is degraded completely by photochemical oxidation. The product hasnot proven to be degradable under anaerobic conditions.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialBioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulation is unlikely to be significant because of the low water solubilityof this product.Bioconcentration factor (BCF)Value: 4,3-4,8Method of testing: Log KowComments, BCF Calculated value for mixture.12.4. Mobility in soilMobility The product contains volatile organic compounds (VOC) which will evaporateeasily from all surfaces. The product is insoluble in water and will spread onthe water surface.12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT assessment results Not Classified as PBT/vPvB by current EU criteria.12.6. Other adverse effectsOther adverse effects / Remarks WATER HAZARD CLASSIFICATION : 2 (WGK).13.1. Waste treatment methodsSpecify the appropriate methods of disposal Make sure containers are empty before discarding (explosion risk). Vent to atmosphere.Relevant waste regulation SFS 2011:927Product classified as hazardouswasteYesPackaging classified as hazardouswasteNoEWC waste code EWC: 130702 petrolEWC: 150102 plasticpackagingEWC: 150104 metallicpackaging14.1. UN numberADR / RID / ADN1203RID1203IMDG1203ICAO/IATA120314.2. UN proper shipping nameADR PETROLRID PETROLIMDG PETROLICAO/IATA PETROL14.3. Transport hazard class(es)ADR / RID / ADN3RID3IMDG3ICAO/IATA314.4. Packing groupADR IIRID IIIMDG IIICAO/IATA II14.5. Environmental hazardsIMDG Marine pollutant No14.6. Special precautions for userRID Other applicable information(D/E)IMDG Additional information-18 C, c.c.EmS F-E, S-E14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code ADR / RID - Other informationADR additional information(D/E)Hazard no.3315.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixtureReferences (laws/regulations)Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisationand Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European ChemicalsAgency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation(EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well asCouncil Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC,93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, including amendments.Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC.15.2. Chemical safety assessmentNoChemical safety assessmentperformedSupplier's notes The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is reliableprovided that the product is used under the prescribed conditions and inaccordance with the application specified on the packaging and/or in thetechnical guidance literature. Any other use of the product which involvesusing the product in combination with any other product or any other processis the responsibility of the user.Classification according to ; H224;Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP/GHS]; H304; ; H315; ; H336; ; H413;List of relevant H-phrases (Section 2 and 3).H413 May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life. H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.H315 Causes skin irritation.H224 Extremely flammable liquid and vapour.H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Important data sources used to construct the safety data sheet Test report 31/04. Aspen 4T, Daphnia magna immobilisation test. Toxicon AB (2004).Test report 182/06. Toxicity testing of Aspen 4T, Algae growth inhibition test. Toxicon AB (2007).Test report 07-25. Evaluation of the aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds 182/06 (Aspen 4T). AnoxKaldnes AB (2007).Examination essay. Diffusion of alkylate petrol during discharge in the environment. Gunilla Henriksson, Annalena Tåmt (2004).Test report 046/13. Aspen 4. Fish, acute toxicity test. Toxicon AB (2013). Kemiska Ämnen. Prevent AB (2013).Information which has been added,deleted or revisedChange to Sections: 1, 12. Replaces 13.01.2016. Version1URL for technical data http://www.aspen.seResponsible for safety data sheet Lantmännen Aspen ABPrepared by Lantmännen Aspen AB。
6V PSU Hub 2 Hub 2 Plus 用户手册说明书
Manual de usuario de 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2PlusPublicado el February 7, 20226V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus es una unidad de alimentación, que conecta los paneles de control Hub 2 y Hub 2 Plus a fuentes de CC de 6 y 12 voltios.Instalación6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus debe ser instalado solamente por un electricista cali cado.Antes de instalar la unidad de alimentación, asegúrese de, que el dispositivo está desconectado de la red eléctrica.Al instalar el 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus, siga las normas generales de seguridad eléctrica, así como los requisitos de las leyes reglamentarias de la seguridad eléctrica. ¡Nunca desmonte el dispositivo mientras esté bajo tensión!Proceso de instalación:Cómo calcular el tiempo de funcionamiento de Hub 2 o Hub 2 Plus con la batería portátil al conectarlos con el módulo de alimentación 6V PSU Comprar 6V PSUCuál es la diferencia entre el módulo de alimentación 6V PSU y 12V PSU1. Retire los tornillos y quite el dispositivo del panel de montaje SmartBracket desplazándolo hacia abajo con fuerza.2. Apague el dispositivo pulsando el botón de encendido durante 2 segundos.3. Desconecte los cables de alimentación y de Ethernet.Espere 5 minutos hasta que los capacitores se descarguen.4. Retire cuatro tornillos de la tapa posterior y quítela.5. Retire los tornillos que sujetan las placas a la carcasa del dispositivo.sin desconectarlas. Hay un conector entre las placas, no lo rompa.7. Desconecte la unidad de alimentación (placa más pequeña) de la placa base.8. Conecte 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus a la placa base utilizando el conector de ocho pines entre ellas. No deforme ni doble las antenas mientras reemplaza la placa: esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento del dispositivo.Tenga en cuenta: los contactos de la placa deben estar enchufados en la lainferior del conector (más cerca de la placa). Cuando se conectan correctamente,las placas están en el mismo nivel.9. Vuelva a montar las placas y la carcasa del dispositivo que ajustan lostornillos.Compruebe que la batería y sus cables no estén agarrados. Cuando se instalancorrectamente, las placas se sostienen de manera rme sin tambalearse. Sostengalas placas junto con la tapa trasera y gire el dispositivo. La ranura de la tarjeta SIM,la entrada de alimentación y la de Ethernet deben coincidir correctamente y encajaren los enchufes correspondientes, y el botón de encendido no debe estar atascado.Cambie la información sobre el voltaje de entrada en la carcasa del dispositivo paraevitar conexiones de corriente incorrectas en el futuro. Utilice la etiqueta adjuntacon las instrucciones.10. Conecte la alimentación (y el cable de Ethernet) a los enchufes adecuados.11. Encienda la alimentación de 6 V.No conecte el cable de alimentación con una tensión que supere el voltaje deentrada permitido.12. Encienda el dispositivo pulsando el botón de encendido durante 2segundos.13. Cierre y je el panel de montaje SmartBracket.Encienda el dispositivo, espere hasta que se cargue y compruebe el estado de alimentación externa en la app Ajax. Si no hay corriente y está utilizando un adaptador de terminal, compruebe la polaridad de los cables conectados. Si no hay corriente incluso después de volver a conectarse, póngase en contacto con el Servicio de soporte.Recomendamos utilizar baterías alcalinas de zinc-aire para un funcionamientoautónomo a largo plazo. Antes de conectar una batería de este tipo, asegúrese de quese han quitado todas las etiquetas adhesivas y de que las válvulas que tapan el accesoal aire estén abiertas. Si es posible, permita que la batería tenga acceso al aire duranteun máximo de 2 horas. Esto iniciará una reacción química en el interior y asegurará elcorrecto funcionamiento.MantenimientoEl dispositivo no necesita mantenimiento técnico.Especi caciones técnicasCompatibilidad Hub 2 y Hub 2 PlusVoltaje de entrada4,2-16 V CCVoltaje de salida4,8 V CC ± 5%Voltaje de encendido4,2 V CC ± 2,5%Voltaje de apagado3-3,4 V (dependiendo de la carga)Corriente de entrada máx.2,2 A a 4,2 V, 0,5 A a 16 VCorriente de salida máx.1,5 ARango de temperaturas de operación De -10ºC a +40ºCHumedad de funcionamiento Hasta 75%Conexión a la red eléctrica Tomacorriente: 6.5 × 2 mm Enchufe: 5.5 × 2,1 mmDimensiones98 × 70 × 17 mm Peso26 gVida útil10 añosContenidoGarantíaLos productos de AJAX SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING Limited Liability Company tienen una garantía de 2 años tras la compra.Si el dispositivo no funciona correctamente, comuníquese primero con elServicio de soporte. ¡En el 50% de los casos, los problemas técnicos se pueden resolver de forma remota!Soporte técnico: Cumplimiento de estándares1. 6V PSU Hub 2/Hub 2 Plus2. Adaptador terminal3. Guía rápida Obligaciones de la garantía Contrato de usuario ********************。
CommScope 6-port 4600MHz 65°高功率天线说明书
6-port sector antenna, 6x 1710–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, RET compatibleProvides a future-ready antenna solution with flexibility to reassign antenna, for example GSM1800 service to 2.6GHz LTE at a later dateExcellent solution for site sharing and maximizing capacityEmploys state-of-the-art ultra wideband technology providing excellent RF performance in allbandsThis series of single ultra wideband antennas features the new, innovative AccuRET® AISGcompatible actuator fitted to the antenna’s backside reducing the overall wind loadOBSOLETEThis product was discontinued on: March 27, 2020Replaced By:6P-6M-A36-port sector antenna, 6x 1695–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, 3x RETV3-65A-R3V3-65A-R36-port sector antenna, 6x 1695–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, 3x RET with tilt scalesGeneral SpecificationsAntenna Type SectorBand Single bandColor Light Gray (RAL 7035)Grounding Type RF connector inner conductor and body grounded to reflector andmounting bracketPerformance Note Outdoor usageRadome Material Fiberglass, UV resistantRadiator Material Low loss circuit boardRF Connector Interface7-16 DIN FemaleRF Connector Location BottomRF Connector Quantity, high band6RF Connector Quantity, total6Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) InformationModel with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator MMM65A-3X2Dimensions14Page ofWidth504 mm | 19.843 inDepth118 mm | 4.646 inLength1390 mm | 54.724 inNet Weight, without mounting kit19.6 kg | 43.211 lbElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmOperating Frequency Band1710 – 2690 MHzPolarization±45°Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–21802300–25002500–2690 Gain, dBi17.617.71818.118.5 Beamwidth, Horizontal,degrees64.964.86562.362.5Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 6.7 6.36 5.25Beam Tilt, degrees0–100–100–100–100–10 USLS (First Lobe), dB1414141718Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°,dB2425262927Isolation, Cross Polarization,dB3030303030 Isolation, Inter-band, dB2830303030VSWR | Return loss, dB 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-153-153-153-153-153Input Power per Port,maximum, watts350350350350350 Electrical Specifications, BASTAFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–21802300–25002500–2690 Gain by all Beam Tilts,average, dBi17.117.317.71818Gain by all Beam TiltsTolerance, dB±0.3±0.4±0.6±0.3±0.4Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi 0 ° | 17.05 ° | 17.210 ° | 17.10 ° | 17.35 ° | 17.410 ° | 17.20 ° | 17.75 ° | 17.810 ° | 17.50 ° | 17.85 ° | 18.110 ° | 18.00 ° | 18.05 ° | 18.110 ° | 17.7Beamwidth, Horizontal ±4.0±3.1±3.8±3.5±5.1Page of24Page of 34Tolerance, degrees Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees±0.3±0.3±0.5±0.2±0.2USLS, beampeak to 20° above beampeak, dB1515161920Front-to-Back Total Power at 180° ± 30°, dB 23.123.724.324.523.3CPR at Boresight, dB 1617161819CPR at Sector, dB141211810Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, frontal 715.0 N @ 150 km/h (160.7 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, lateral 77.0 N @ 150 km/h (17.3 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, rear 908.0 N @ 150 km/h (204.1 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Speed, maximum241 km/h (150 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed 637 mm | 25.079 in Depth, packed 277 mm | 10.906 in Length, packed 1614 mm | 63.543 in Weight, gross31.5 kg | 69.446 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCECompliant with the relevant CE product directivesISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHS Compliant UK-ROHSCompliantIncluded ProductsBSAMNT-3–Wide Profile Antenna Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Kit contains one scissor top bracket set and one bottom bracket set.* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performance44Page of。
公司名电子邮箱联系电话传 真联系地址联系人来自国家采购产品类别网 址03-2145101103-2145401120-1, JALAN NYONYA, PUDU,5马 来 西 亚.编织品supermerits@msSUPERMERITS SD巴 拉 圭.编织品 595-61-500322595-61-500529A VDA SAN BLAS NO.811.CIUDAAMERICANA S.A a sa@哥 斯达黎 加.编织品50622752185062274865APTO. 749-2010, ZAPOTE,COSnancy@lanling.LANLLING S. A.(604)6080787(604)6082890260E.PENDER STRON加 拿 大.编织品tinlandhousewaTINKEE COOKWAR加 拿 大.编织品VLINX INC rcao@0216235145302162351467#2300-1066 WEST HASTINGS,V(852)28934307(852)28934377N O.4217, 3RD FLOOR, PERSIA马 来 西 亚.编织品mngt@benline.cPERKAPALAN DAI60985967066098596746K-9625 TAMAN CHUKAI UTAMA2马 来 西 亚.编织品elitag@pd.jariELITE TAG M &Jl. Asia-Afrika 37, INDONE印 度尼西 亚.编织品062-22-4231195062-22-4239894DIAMOND HOUSE e tj78@yahoo.co摩 洛 哥.编织品MILIM kaida@.21261172933212228506048.RUE ABOU FIRASS ALHAMADA加 拿 大.编织品001-613-729-491903-1140 FISHER AVENUE, O001-613-763-88SOFTTRADE CONSmingli99@hotma61359123616135912361100 Varley Lane, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品SINICA DISTRIBsinica@sympati西 班 牙.编织品34-93-475030534-93-4750336C/. HUELVA 18,08940 CORNELFAR EAST S,L.w ai2003es@yaho马 来 西 亚.编织品603-33718687603-33738733NO. 24A, JALAN BAGOR,TAMANFK INDUSTRIALfkind@po.jarin印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械62-21-600978862-21-6492916J l. Tamansari Raya 56BE, IPT BUANACAKRAarthadi@centri印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械JALAN VETERAN 73, TEGAL,IN0062-283-35634PT LOGAM ADHI c hrsanthy@yaho0062-283-35557加 拿 大.车辆及工程机械418-683-2318418-683-0349850 FERNAND-DUFOUR, VANIERESF INC.carlg@gripo.co印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械6221-65115726221-6510089JL GAYA MOTOR BARAT NO. 2,PT ASTRA KOMPOferdinand.hard墨 西 哥.车辆及工程机械w .mx jignacio@ek.co525553126203525553125839AV SAN LUIS TLATILCO 48-A,EK AMBIENTAL Sh ttp://www.chi新 西 兰.车辆及工程机械info@motorgrou(64)95763988(64)95763008P O BOX 251-171PAKURANGA,CHINA MOTORCYC42204204220425ELFEHA BULDING KHARTOUM ,苏 丹.车辆及工程机械KAFCOM@HOTMAILKAF INTERNATIO摩 洛 哥.车辆及工程机械0021222260642002122226064358 RUE MUSTAPHA MANFALOUTIw ww.yanada.fr.yanada2003@hotYANADA MOTORCY加 拿 大.车辆及工程机械w ww.eurocan-ch info@eurocan-c416464278890581332995962 GREENSBORO DR.,MISSISEUROCAN-CHINAT印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械6261732313462617879232JL. SUTRISNO GG.DNO. 124 MDJADI JAYA djadijaya@asia014448112245014448112245NEREO RODRIGUEZ BARRAGAN40墨 西 哥.车辆及工程机械migordis2000@yPEREGRINOS IMPRAHMAT ANHAR印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械P.T. DEWI SRI c hel_7676@yaho6234136630562341362765JL. BROMO 7A-9603-33452355603-3345235125 LEBUH PULAU PINANG NBC马 来 西 亚.车辆及工程机械mcacc@.mMC ACCESSORIES摩 洛 哥.车辆及工程机械00212223684880021222368489235 BD YAVOUB EL MANSOURCAalanfale@menarS I V AL ANFAL墨 西 哥.车辆及工程机械524448112245524448112245NEREO RODRIGUEZ BARRAGAN 4PEREGRINOS IMPmigordis2000@y(444)811-22-45墨 西 哥.车辆及工程机械NEREO RODRIGUEZ BARRAGAN40(444)811-22-45migordis2000@yPEREGRINO''S Iw ww.vivamas.co35188783508151JL TANAH ABANG II / 119, J印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械PT VIVAMAS ADIinfo@vivamas.c新 西 兰.车辆及工程机械KEYANG GROUPp.dixon@xtra.c64-3-341091264-3-3416985280 ANNEX ROAD, CHRISTCHUR524448241220524448241201135, Eje 130, MEXICO墨 西 哥.车辆及工程机械GRUPO INDUSTRIugarcia@invers00349374790000034937290722B ARCELONA, SPAIN西 班 牙.车辆及工程机械luo@coroes.e.tGRUPO COROES SVictor Sosa哥 伦 比 亚.车辆及工程机械57437815155743780077Calle 57Sur NrSurtiminas S.Asurtiminas@epm西 班 牙.车辆及工程机械w ww.disflex.co00349377217680034937721752C OMERC 4 TE DE SERTexport@disflexINDUSTRIAL DISw .380675048483380444889429KIEV,UKRAINE乌 克 兰.车辆及工程机械info@UKRAINIAN-CHIN厄 瓜 多 尔.车辆及工程机械BAGANT bagant@andinan593-2-2420740593-2-2421535C ALLE ALFONSO MONCAYOS/N-印 度尼西 亚.车辆及工程机械62-751-3305662-751-31775Jl. M. Yamin no. 121, INDOKURNIA MOTORleony@pdg.visi42591454259092GERMAN CARRASCO 2165CHACRA秘 鲁.车辆及工程机械realsa@corperuREALSA SAC COR加 拿 大.抽纱.pl (519)644-1235(519)432-7190829 AVON DRIVE, BELMONT,ONINTEGART INC.i ntegart@skyne30 AV MOULAY SLIMANE TANGE摩 洛 哥.抽纱0021203932438900212039936034BOULMANI MOHAMbaba5@caramailKOMPLEKS DUTA HARAPAN INDA印 度尼西 亚.抽纱00-62-21-66246wira-ww@centri00-62-21-66246P.T. WIRA WIDY马 来 西 亚.抽纱603-89418925603-89418923NO.55,JLN PBS14/3,TMN PERIlewislew@hotmaPROMPTEK COMPU加 拿 大.抽纱 905-947-9272905-947-9257784 CABOTO TRAIL,MARKHAM,OCANEXCEL@HOTMACANEXCEL ENTER摩 洛 哥.抽纱00212222496280021222249625B P 15 760 CASA PRINCIPALCAFOREST COMMUNItabirik@karama00349143537610034915773629S ERRANO, 153, SPAIN西 班 牙.抽纱 TELEPRESENT, Scristina.vallsSOLUCIONES TRI哥 斯达黎 加.抽纱506-286-39-16506-286-08-56B ARRIO EL CARMEN DE PASO Apalacecollecti智 利.抽纱PRONOBEL S.Ajallende@prono56-2-385839656-2-6467701ALBERTO PEPPER 1784, RENCA3491577169334915757732HERMOSILLA, 34西 班 牙.抽纱MUSGO musgo@musgo.co醴陵春天外贸论坛 112DD2222@ede.ee111112222111222222mexico, MEXICO墨 西 哥.编织品6042615239604262215225,ARMENIAN ST.,10300 PENA马 来 西 亚.编织品nonekengfatt25@hotKENG FATT SDN00161359123610016135912361100 Varley Lane, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品SINICA DISTRIBsinica@sympati34284211AV.MASCARENHAS DE MORAIS,9巴 西.编织品55-81-34284211GRILLO carlosguedes@b1-819-77598091-819-7759809K ENT 381,OTTAWA,ONTARIO,CA加 拿 大.编织品lillian_fly@hoADORING TIME I603-51215128603-5121512642, JALAN TITIR 33/25, SEK马 来 西 亚.编织品.m bpower@.BLUE POWER SDN(21)5306448(21)5306458JL. LETJEN S. PARMAN KAV.印 度尼西 亚.编织品buniadi@kligroPT KAYU LAPIS加 拿 大.编织品1-604-231-5802230-11938 BRIDGEPORT RD,R1-604-231-5863XINGAO HOLDINGLIANGD1963@YAH加 拿 大.编织品VLINX INC rcao@60460182626046018269#2300-1066 WEST HASTINGS,V00349664691700034965757428C TRA.NAL.332, KM.191,APART西 班 牙.编织品 szhsrm2@terra.HERSIGRIM,S.L.加 拿 大.编织品001-905-270-601702-2170 SHEROBEE RDMISSICCIT.CANADA Ccit@sympatico001-905-270-16西 班 牙.编织品913526798913363011C/LUXEMBURGO4,PORTAL1,3C,SCHINA CHIC soloyuhao@hotm智 利.编织品 00562-233670000562-2336700B ENJAMIN 2935 OFICINA 302,vchen@pacifictPACIFIC TRADIN加 拿 大.编织品604-734-4895604-734-4850#103 8410 ONTARIO STREET,VBROCARS INTERNpatti@brocars.阿 根 廷.编织品.ar542202-428000542202-428000T.VALLE 4730-G.CATAN-BUENOHEIPON COMPANYprocesos@heipo3496290108834922900501AVENIDA DE VALENCIA 3,PALO西 班 牙.编织品marcos@ marcos@plastikPLASTIKEN S.L.092782398092782398#138A RANGITOTO RD.PAPATOE新 西 兰.编织品traders@slingsJ & S TRADE416-6613999416-66139994327 STEELES AVE. W. NORTH加 拿 大.编织品hardwood@on.aiHARDWOOD COMPO智 利.编织品www.pacifictradingcorp.c 562-2336700562-2336700BENJAMIN 2935 OFICINA 302,vchen@pacifictPACIFIC TRADIN2148107726734487Wisma Cosway Kuala Lumpur马 来 西 亚.编织品csfto@hotmail.COSWAY (M) SDN00349377217680034937721752C OMERC 4 TE DE SERT西 班 牙.编织品 export@disflexINDUSTRIAL DIS加 拿 大.编织品416-3573330416-661-322063 HENRY WELSH DRIVE.TORONCANADA KUN-PENcanada_kunpeng西 班 牙.编织品0034-915720336CALLE GENERAL MARGALLO , 40034-915796113IBEROCHINA@TELIBERO CHINA IN智 利.编织品www.cemsa.clCEM S.A.vchaparro@cems56-2-870509156-2-8705090LOGRONO 3871ESTACION CENTR加 拿 大.编织品1-604-86894261-604-5278951506-210 11TH STREET,NEW WEcriskconsultinCRISK INTERNAT西 班 牙.编织品MARIA CONCA FECON-FER. (CONCconfer@ctv.es+34962202250+34962208083POL IND EL CAR巴 西.编织品862168764011862168764007AV. NACOES UNIDAS,20882 SAM.CASSAB COMERjosebaldo@mcas哥 斯达黎 加.编织品506-2939292506-2392610P.O.BOX 42-3006, COSTA RICCOBICONDORS.A.jacobo@cobicon加 拿 大.编织品1-604-31228981-604-8792189P.O.BOX 77027, 1238 KINGSWMAPLE FAMILY Emaplefamilyca@西 班 牙.编织品00349135298060034913515353A VDA DE EUROPA 34-B-1 IZDAMOTOINSA S. A.alvaro@motoins1-51468522021-51468522721901 TRANS CANADA, DORVAL,加 拿 大.编织品buying@hunglowKARMIN INDUSTR100-535 W.10TH AVE.,VANCOU加 拿 大.编织品001-604-675980001-604-675980GREEN GRASSESjrs@xue-long.c巴 拿 马.编织品(507)441-6166(507)441-6629P. O. BOX 3262,COLON FREEVANIDADES ZONAvanidades@cwp.马 来 西 亚.编织品60-84-31111360-84-342917NO.34, MARKET ROAD, P.O.BOFREEDOM DIGITAsiueing@hotmai西 班 牙.编织品 034942319192034942319193POLIGONO DE RAOS PARCELA 1TENEX EUROPE Seurope@tenexgrSTR.NOWOSKAYA.00380482186863toly乌 克 兰.编织品UKRAINE KENGO00380503365156toly86@hotmail3491658649534916586496AVDA. ORENSE NO 1,SBAJO B西 班 牙.编织品ningbojudy@nbiI.D.R PORINOXkehanlu@hotmai00151378590015137859Toronto, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品STARTSHARP TRA西 班 牙.编织品003432050864003433721955PASAJE DE SENILLOSA11BARCEPAN EUROPA INTcostaxia_b@hot印 度尼西 亚.编织品62-24-866336662-25-8663900G UNUNG KELIR ST.NO 9,SEMARPT ARGOKELIR Hmarketing@argoA. Alsina 1290 - 9th Fl. B阿 根 廷.编织品54-11-43847519itcsa@itc-ar.c54-11-43845630INTERNATIONAL6221-72060776221-7245323GEDUNG PANIN PUSAT, 7TH FL印 度尼西 亚.编织品PT. DANLIRIShandiman@rad.n加 拿 大.编织品604-771-9458604-534-3136#32 4740-221ST LANGLEY,CANmurphyw@attgloIES INCORPORAT巴 拉 圭.编织品CASA SAFT IMPCAMILO RECALDE NO.520CIUDA00595-61-50986zy_k@00595-61-51007西 班 牙.编织品ALALAMP, S.L.a lalamp@alalam961510565961513679C/REY D. JAIME I, 26 BAJO,哥 斯达黎 加.编织品no(506)366-8787(506)290-6092C entral America, COSTA RICdistulara@racsDISTRIBUIDORA哥 伦 比 亚.编织品CORBETA S.A.mlondono@corbe57431176005743129288CRA. 43 A # 8-71,APARTADO5400 ARMAND FRAPPIER, ST-H001-450-656720加 拿 大.编织品www.adco.ca001-514-382018ADCO ningvanille@ya9058837765905883776710 HILLHOLM BLVD, RICHMOND加 拿 大.编织品TT81815@hotmaiHIGHTECH CENTU马 来 西 亚.编织品607-3876120607-3876120NO 31,JALAN CENDERAI 6,TAMTAWIN ENTERPRItawin@streamyx0038048728079300380487355650Odessa, UKRAINE乌 克 兰.编织品WOWA9002002@yaUKRAINE BELISIQTA. AGUSTA CALLEMONSENSOL委 内 瑞 拉.编织品clamsur@yahoo.212-341346758-212-3411629REPRESENTACION(514)276-3338(514)272-278977 Fairmount West, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品ETERNAL TRADINeternal@sprint905-882-1683905-882-1683Toronto, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品pikchoi@yahoo.YUE WAH FURNISOdessa Ukrraine , UKRAINE乌 克 兰.编织品00380487280793WOWA9002002@ya00380487355650UKRAINE BELISI西 班 牙.编织品 34-95292927334-952906255CENTRO COMERCIAL Y DEPORTIALAMI INTERIORinfo@tiaradesi00537-204258500537-2041021L a Habana,Cuba古 巴.编织品ecomochn@hotmaLA OFICINA COM新 西 兰.编织品00649522052900649522085019 Bracken Ave Epsom, NEWVELOCE INVESTMglenc@ccs.co.n加 拿 大.编织品1-604-291-20312857 DOUGLAS ROAD, BURNABY1-604-291-2000hutchingsco@teTHE HUTCHINGS加 拿 大.编织品www.hearttoheartflowersg 604-435-5699604-435-556934-3701 THURSTON ST. BURNAjenny@hearttohHEART-TO-HEARTOdessa, UKRAINE乌 克 兰.编织品00380487280793UKRAINE BELISI00380487355650WOWA9002002@yaAV. JOSE A. P. DE RIVERA 3+34 942 701457西 班 牙.编织品 IBERASIA-TRADITel.: +34 942ibat-spain@ibe249183472208249183471636P.O. BOX 760,KHARTOUM 1111苏 丹.编织品elbarbary.hs@uHAFEZ ELSAYED604-2286981604-228698213-15,TRANG ROAD,10150,PEN马 来 西 亚.编织品vingan@pd.jariMANFRED WHYE S加 拿 大.编织品403-731-9188403-731-9188205 CITADEL HILLS CIR.NW CGA YI TRADINGconnieguo@hotm7 ROCK FERNWAY,TORONTO,ONT加 拿 大.编织品001-416-750889001-416-750886ZHENGXIN@ROGERTJ GIFT BASICS巴 西.编织品6096-89616096-3356Rua Xavantes, 719 sala 434MEGAFONE LTDA p roconsultbr@y墨 西 哥.编织品0052-33-362973AV. ALCALDE 432,COL.CENTRO0052-33-384862imporwu2002@yaIMPORTADORA WU智 利.编织品0216380596702163805968Suite 603, No 757 Guang FuTOPSUN IMP&EXPwuying@chinaal新 西 兰.编织品00642125526160064447241771/44 RANDWICK CRES,MOERA,LNEW ZEALAND WOWoodenz@163.co马 来 西 亚.编织品.m 603-51215128603-5121512642, JLN TITIR 33/25, SEKSYbpower@.BLUE POWER SDNJL. KEADILAN II / 12A,JAKA印 度尼西 亚.编织品006221-5607540PT. VICTORIANA006221-5666738yasin-a@centri加 拿 大.编织品905-760-7560905-760-75612104 HWY#7 WEST UNIT 25 COGREAT SALE FURWenma@sympaticPOL. EZIAGO, PARCELA 12,200034-943-55645西 班 牙.编织品0034-943-55020FLIP SUPPLIES,business@flips加 拿 大.编织品416-492-7085416-492-7085115-205 L'AMOREAUX DR.TOROsxbli@hotmail.TOTAL INFORMAT加 拿 大.编织品9053631025905363105520 FALCONER DRIVE,MISSISSAEASTON COURT Mbill@eastoncouCr. 62 #3-33 Pampalinda, C哥 伦 比 亚.编织品57-092-513317157-092-5133171O. A. T. R. Iosalter046@telXALLAS S/N CEE - LA CORUNA西 班 牙.编织品0034-981708869largonzalo@yah0034-981708802SUMINISTROS LA603-31662218603-316623087A,JALAN SELAT SELATAN 5A,马 来 西 亚.编织品innoteam@po.jaINNOVATIVE TEA1604-20708821604-68829388-2900 SMITH ST ,RICHMOND,加 拿 大.编织品ytcc01@hotmailYUAN TONG CHIN醴陵春天外贸论坛 加 拿 大.编织品647-296-1800647-296-180052 SUNBIRD CRESCENT,TORONTEARTH mega_wholesaleAV. CARLOS GOMES 1200/502,55-51-30295921巴 西.编织品.br 55-51-30295923E-QUALITY tiago.vaz@equa006496277021006496277021170 WHITNEY ST.BLOCKHOUSE新 西 兰.编织品watsonhxchen@hTRIMURTI IMPEX马 来 西 亚.编织品603-92745020603-92742314B1-2005 VILLA PANDAN,JALANIL HWA (M) SDNilhwa@.m加 拿 大.编织品 grdnl@shaw.ca604-526-1011604-608-98981823 EDINBURGH ST.,NEW WESPROPHET MERCHA哥 斯达黎 加.编织品(506)366-8787(506)290-6092C entral America, COSTA RICDISTRIBUIDORAdistulara@racs哥 伦 比 亚.编织品57163751425716375142CALLE 118 A NO. 11 A 62 ,mcastro09@comcMARIO ENRIQUE60455796996045579507#1-31107, Peardonville Rao加 拿 大.编织品cathy@mtnprop.MOUNTAIN PROPE2/37 FRANKMOORE AVE JOHNSO新 西 兰.编织品0064-4-9765687huangweiguo197NAC TRADING LT0064-4-9765686UNIVERSAL PORT西 班 牙.编织品universalmediterranea.co 3497777905634977779120AVDA. PERE MOLAS,KM.2 4348alicia.lorente哥 斯达黎 加.编织品50623709315062382445CALLE 2, AVENIDA 6,HEREDIAarosabal@racsaALVARO ROSABALC/TORENO 10 POL IND COBO C西 班 牙.编织品0034-9164209180034-916422154OCA DEL CIELOgrupo_densen@t哥 伦 比 亚.编织品IETC LTDA IETC@571-4304280571-4300951TRANSVERSAL 93 NO.62-70 I西 班 牙.编织品932801029932801029AV. DIAGONAL N. 650 5-1,08DECORACIONES Bnarda@minorisa巴 拿 马.编织品(507)-229-2900(507)-2291959V ia Transistmica, Bethaniaraulendara@raeRAENCO INTERNAKlang, Kuala Lumper, Malay马 来 西 亚.编织品0060-3-33632190060-3-3363219FORLANDS IMPORbunnyhua@tm.ne墨 西 哥.编织品(52-55)5208-40TOLEDO NO.4 COL.JUAREZ 066(52-55)5208-40htrading@prodiHONG TRADING H(507)441-6202(507)441-6127P.O.BOX 4282, COLON FREE Z巴 拿 马.编织品 afisa@afisa.coAFISA ZONA LIBCARRETERA DE VALENCIA, KM.西 班 牙.编织品0034-9656330070034-965637013inma@almacenesALMACENES MARH加 拿 大.编织品905-201-7894905-201-510182 SUMMERLEA STREET.MARKHAPHILIO PAT TRAphiliopat@roge603-31662218603-316623087A, JALAN SELAT SELATAN 5A马 来 西 亚.编织品innoteam@po.jaINNOVATIVE TEA9058837765905883776710 HILLHOLM BLVD, RICHMOND加 拿 大.编织品TT81815@hotmaiHIGHTECH CENTU加 拿 大.编织品www.themarimac1 514 376 08018275 BLVD. ST MICHEL,MONTRMARIMAC ad_balaa@ya1 514 725 7600墨 西 哥.编织品www.importadoramexicana.523332886355523767655328NINOS HEROES 56 B,CHAPALA,jduran@importaIMPORTADORA ME16 & 18, JALAN TTC2, TAMAN马 来 西 亚.编织品00-60-6-337569TONG BEE (IMPO00-60-6-337562tongbee32@hotm乌 拉 圭.编织品Arenal Grande 2451, URUGUAAVINAL S.A avi2000@adinet005982-2090675005982-2090070prodeseg.admin57-1-420700057-1-2907536Cra 66 No.6-24, COLOMBIA哥 伦 比 亚.编织品 PRODESEG INDUS加 拿 大.编织品www.grandchef.ca15143745343151437453444591 BOUL. METROPOLITAIN Einfo@grandchefDISTRIBUTION G西 班 牙.编织品www.aramis.es00349023377770034935921141B OSC TANCAT, 6 ,08290 CERDmanel@aramis.eARAMIS DECOR S42846274284627JR ANDAHUAYLAS 954 TD. 128秘 鲁.编织品marcelinoray@hCODICENTRO S.A3493418707734934188985C/GOMIS 54 ,08023 BARCELOM西 班 牙.编织品WWW.STILLBORNS.ES JUAN@STILLBORNSTILLBORNS,S.L6048809539604437953924, 5895 BARKER AVE.BURNAB加 拿 大.编织品chsclx@yahoo.cMEILAND ENTERP危 地 马 拉.编织品www.pisosexclu502-6044647502-685302115 ave A 14-66 zona 10, apCORESA/PISOS Erecinosjo@empa乌 克 兰.编织品www.rosewood.kiev.ua28 VIDRADNY AVE.,KIEV, 031(38)044-455420(38)044-455420ROSEWOOD rosewood@i.kie33-580 LAFORET ST.WINDSOR,加 拿 大.编织品001-519-256-45001-519-562265CANADIAN SEE ERachel_see_ee@603-21422951603-2148512846, JALAN BRUNEI UTARA,KUA马 来 西 亚.编织品tcwj@.myPSE MARKETING00649836003500649836007518 CATHERINE ST,AUCKLAND,N新 西 兰.编织品qiqinz9@hotmaiSJX IMP & EXP西 班 牙.编织品INDUSTRIAS MOVmova@astro.es3496226112434962261189P.I. MOINSA, 46640-MOGENTE马 来 西 亚.编织品604-3332354-3, JALAN KEMUNING,12300 BUweixin_enterprWEI XIN ENTERP加 拿 大.编织品416-471-9693416-754-31742 PENMARRIC PLACE,SCARBORO2 SENSES INC.t wosenses@yaho7806044662780472228815615-64 Street, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品hwong88@telus.753062 ALBERTA加 拿 大.编织品514363-522054363-94308208 JEAN BRILLON, LASALLETRENDEX HOME Dailish@trendex10175 AVE.HOTEL DE VILLE,M加 拿 大.编织品1-514-328-71651-514-321-0080JEAN H. HENLEandrew@jhenle.006-03-6275398马 来 西 亚.编织品26&28,JALAN GANGSA SD 5/3G006-03-6275693guang-mao@163.YAU TAI HONG T(905)670-2790(905)670-31391280 COURTNEYPARK DRIVE,MI加 拿 大.编织品 FIRECO INC.lchau@canhomeg加 拿 大.编织品905542123090554207012550 ARGENTIA ROAD ,SUITEA&S GROUP asgroup_aacana加 拿 大.编织品1265 KAMATO ROAD, MISSISSA1-905-624-1609WATERDALE INC.warren@waterda1-905-624-260000346391206440034936567900C/E 10 POLIGONO INDUSTRIA,西 班 牙.编织品BIN2001ES@HOTMEUROPLASTIC-IM1905-762-899422 MARSNOW DRIVE, THORNHIL加 拿 大.编织品www.beautyequipmentsuppl marisel@beauty1-416-728-2199MARISEL GROUP西 班 牙.编织品UNTOKE, S.L.untoke@yahoo.e3491604472434916044724C/ CARRION, 12 - 28670 - V加 拿 大.编织品416822134841652667329 ROXANNE CRES SCARBOROUGHVPOWER stt01022003@ya印 度尼西 亚.编织品 02165191880216517864JL.DANAU SUNTER UTARA KOMPPT. ARITA PRIMdjonson@aritav(507)315-1298(507)315-1297P anama, Panama City, PANAM巴 拿 马.编织品N/Aunipak@cableonVENTAS GENERAL马 来 西 亚.编织品006085431291006085433500NO.1291, JLN.MELAYU, MCLD,cpbookshop@po.CENTRE POINT B墨 西 哥.编织品529988876315529988876297Mz. 2, Av Labna y Av. XcarPERLA DE ASIAperladeasia@di加 拿 大.编织品MILAD BALAA mbalaa@hotmail151458358441450688705661, 69E AVENUE, LAVAL,QUEBIDLE FANCIEScontact@idlefa加 拿 大.编织品 705-322-0114705-322-327829-A QUEEN ST W.,ELMVALE,918829290918809198BOLSA STREET 2-4 28012, MA西 班 牙.编织品 GESCOM S.A.gescom@gescome马 来 西 亚.编织品603-90758293603-9074214413B JALAN KIJANG SATU,TMNMRB2B SDN BHD s ales@mrb2b.co加 拿 大.编织品 (403)287-1900(403)287-94754636 1ST STEET SE CALGARY,renehajas@teusREID''S AUCTIO西 班 牙.编织品619.851.861972.33.16.20VIOLETA 5 BLANES 17300 GIRPANDA PLANETaaalbert3@hotm西 班 牙.编织品YU PENG. SL jimmy579@sohu.00349520670750034952067074C/ESTEBAN SALAZAR CHAPELA加 拿 大.编织品#34-2600 BEAVERBROOK CRESC1(604)688-8015PACIFIC GLOBALkevin@pacific-1(604)688-8003570925133171570925133171Cr. 62 #3-33 Pampalinda, C哥 伦 比 亚.编织品osalter046@telO. A. T. R. EL00349161591110034916069397A VD. INDUSTRIA 30. HUMANES西 班 牙.编织品 abadia@abadiatABADIA TRADE S编织品法属玻利尼西亚HIRIA OTTINOhiria.ottino@t689-561852689-561852BP 1173 MOOREA,TAHITI 987200349776674590034977667459A LT URGELL 79, SPAIN西 班 牙.编织品decornatura@woEL RACO DELS S西 班 牙.编织品3496278010034962780129EDETANIA 16,46160 LLIRIA (MADU IMPORT EXmimex@mimex.es危 地 马 拉.编织品502-3323066502-3617589Ruta 6, 3-19 zona 4, GUATEimisa@terra.coIMPORTADORA DE加 拿 大.编织品905-4759588905-4759077391 STEELCASE ROAD WEST, UJPONG CANADA Ijponginc@sprin哥 伦 比 亚.编织品571-6298045571-6298048Diagonal 109 No. 19-83, COBED BATH & BARnormbbb@elsitiKrotova Str., 20, UKRAINE乌 克 兰.编织品380-562-38-98-AFINA LTD.olenat@olvia.c380-562-38-98-AV. ALCALDE 432,COL.CENTRO墨 西 哥.编织品0052-33-3629730052-33-384862imporwu2002@yaIMPORTADORA WU15146852202151468522721901 TRANS CANADA DORVALQU加 拿 大.编织品buying@hunglowKARMIN INDUSTR加 拿 大.编织品604-677-3892604-677-0388SUITE 305 - SOUTH TOWER,58darson@shaw.caDARSON INSTRUM加 拿 大.编织品1-416-33596251-416-3359260500 CORONATION DRIVE, UNITJAGREEN ENTERPjagreenter@yahSm 35 Mz. 2 Lt 6 Av. labna墨 西 哥.编织品.mx(52)9988874896hkc@prodigy.ne(52)9988876315GROUP HONG KON2-11022 BELLEVILLE ,MONTRE加 拿 大.编织品001-514-323-58001-514-702336ityinternationITY INTERNATIO001-416-733-77加 拿 大.编织品29 ROCKLAND DRIVETORONTO ,001-416-720-13FULL-LINK TRADchenweichao@ya马 来 西 亚.编织品603-42977108603-4297810835-AD PERSIARAN MPAJ,JALANhomesmithy@yahVERSATILE HOME乌 克 兰.编织品(+38)0562 324-SQ. AKADEMIKA STARODUBOVA,LEBED & CO lebed_co@euron(+38)0562 324-40376224564037629237101 CAVE AVE. BOX 987, BAN加 拿 大.编织品bitp@BANFF INDIAN T00603310113330060331011418S TAR CRUISES TERMINAL, P.O马 来 西 亚.编织品.my bychang@starcrSTAR CRUISES S603-89613836603-89613852LOT.5211, BATU 12, JALAN B马 来 西 亚.编织品timing@streamyTIMINGVEHICLE141666770751416667986567 BLUE FOREST DRIVE,TORON加 拿 大.编织品metrosarsales@METROSAR SALESYoram Weinreic加 拿 大.编织品1905326845219053268455333 ConfederatCCT Global weinreichy@sym0064447241770064456973787 BLACKBRIDGE ROAD,WADESTO新 西 兰.编织品SPORTWORK LTD s portworkltd@y加 拿 大.编织品604-451-8718604-677-55433239 E 45TH AVE,VANCOUVER,SABA MARKETINGbrenda@sabamarPTE. J. E. URIBURU 720 PIS阿 根 廷.编织品.ar54-11-4952-39254-11-5236-524DADNT S. A.dtsarg@speedy.哥 伦 比 亚.编织品www.alfagres.c ALFAGRES S.A.j wu@.c57-1-339060057-1-2884737AVENIDA CARACAS #35-55,BOG西 班 牙.编织品DECORATRES,SL i mport@decora334-96228036034-962276563P.O.BOX 150,46800 XATIVA,S印 度尼西 亚.编织品0711-3122610711-311194Jl R. Sukamto No 2337, INDPT. ARINDO PRIerwin_apl@indo加 拿 大.编织品141666770751416667986567 BLUE FOREST DRIVE, TOROMETROSAR SALESmetrosarsales@40376044604037604460106 FALCON ST. BOX 987 BAN加 拿 大.编织品sales@paintedaPANTED ARROW J212222535952122225359532 RUEABOU SOUFIANE ATTOUR摩 洛 哥.编织品interbags2004@INTER BAGS &QU06-286426806-286426717-19,JALAN TKL 1,TAMAN KO马 来 西 亚.编织品myctk@pd.jarinLIN HEN TRADIN加 拿 大.编织品514422077751442299901975 55TH AVENUE, DORVAL,Cgerardb@sequoiSEQUOIA FLOORI新 西 兰.编织品www.globalimportexport.c 64927801886492780148P.O.BOX 27784, MT ROSKILL,peter@globalimGLOBAL IMPORTS西 班 牙.编织品 3493454400034934548638VILLARROEL,149 08036 BARCEESTRATOS, ESTRveronica@estra醴陵春天外贸论坛 阿 根 廷.编织品.arSARMIENTO 2295 (1044) CAPI99 CENTAVOS suppliers@99ce0054114954580000541149545700西 班 牙.编织品34-91-851378234-91-8513806P OL. IND. P-29, C/ GRANITOpurchasing@marMARCO POLO EUR马 来 西 亚.编织品603627201916036272019128 JLN BURUNG TAKUWIH,TMNLIAN HUP INTERsinfk@hotmail.LIAN HUP INTER马 来 西 亚.编织品603627201916036272019128 JLN BURUNG TAKUWIH,TMNsinfk@hotmail.加 拿 大.编织品1-51468522021-51468522721901 TRANS CANADA, DORVAL,KARMIN INDUSTRbuying@hunglow委 内 瑞 拉.编织品(58-212)239-11P.O.BOX 70460,CARACAS 1070(58-212)238-64alkeri@savake.FERRETOTAL C.A加 拿 大.编织品(905)417-9866(905)417-98602943 MAJOR MACKENZIE DRIVEjenniferheu@hoJENNIFER''S FLINDEPENDENCIA 2045SAN FRAN阿 根 廷.编织品--54-3564-4243PROMETEO ARGEN54-3564-424314gaston@promete西 班 牙.编织品 00349386483260034938649785J OIERS 17 PALAU DE PLEGAMAsantiago@cabanCABANAS JUNCOPOLIGON EMPRESARIAL CORNEL0034-93-475-13西 班 牙.编织品mapripsa@ 0034-93-475-22MAPRIPSA mapripsa@mapri212224723012122247230124 RUE AL KHOUZAMECASABLAN摩 洛 哥.编织品nonewlook@menaraNEW LOOK S.A.R厄 瓜 多 尔.编织品5937284002059372841790MUNOZ VERNAZA 10,13 CUENCTELEBROKER lgarcianeira@y巴 西.编织品551140241804551140224680ROD.CASTELO BRANCO, KM 72,RIBEIRO E PANAribpav@印 度尼西 亚.编织品08166229776012909JL. PAGARSIH 70 B,BANDUNGVALBURY ASSETStrashcan@flashArribe駉s 3676Javier Dery阿 根 廷.编织品.ar ww54-11-4702-459ventas@sirofle54-11-4703-430AQUAFLEX ARGEN加 拿 大.编织品www.skywide.ca1507-725 DON MILLS RDTOR.O1-905-415-8762SKYWIDE ENTERPkenskywidetor@1-647-889-3183SC401, KM9, NO 9700- BAIRR巴 西.编织品0055-48-2351580055-47-997758elhwaan@hotmaiEGITAPE IMP. E加 拿 大.编织品(604)765-6282(604)922-67825491 KEITH RD,WEST VANCOUVplam@intermillINTER-MILLENNIFELIX LUHRS C智 利.编织品Colloky. clCOLLOKY LTDAfelilu@colloky56-2-462600056-2-4625100Agusto Matte 1摩 洛 哥.编织品21222253595212225359532 RUE ABOU SOUFIANE ATTOUfeliz007@carmaINTER BAGS &QU416987774164732134271003-2 REAN DR.TORONTO, ON加 拿 大.编织品rkk@RKK ENTERPRISE00349348029000034934802910N ARCIS MONTURIOL,31 P.I.0西 班 牙.编织品 pap@industriasINDUSTRIAS PER6221-62938216221-6017570JL. HAYAM WURUK 98 A, INDO印 度尼西 亚.编织品wid15@centrin.PT CROWN PORCE墨 西 哥.编织品.mx 019988876315019988874896MZ. 2 LTE. 6 SM. 35 ENTREGRUPO HONG KONhkc@prodigy.ne加 拿 大.编织品416-445-8130416-445-0706250 FERRAND DRIVE SUITE 10WSP INTERNATIOghyde@wspinterLeonardo T. Mo巴 西.编织品 553188493775553133786672R. SILVIO OLIVhomesourceind@HOMESOURCE INDISRAEL NOVOA墨 西 哥.编织品.mx525555282501525555282870PLUTON #16-3 Cinovoa@ngpb.coSPROUT NETWORK加 拿 大.编织品15144814848151448148486495 SOMELED AVE,MONTREAL,INSIDER TRADINbuying@hunglow1265 KAMATO ROAD, MISSISSA1-905-624-1609加 拿 大.编织品 1-905-624-2600WATERDALE INC.warren@waterda74413067465430cra 13 # 22- 10 L7, COLOMB哥 伦 比 亚.编织品fashiondistrict1@hotmail alegaros@hotmaFASHION DISTRI9058121916905812527520-6810 KITIMAT ROAD,CANAD加 拿 大.编织品summitscreen@lPOMASKEY CANAD加 拿 大.编织品905282070890528207095574 TOMKEN ROAD,MISSISSAUkomme@rogers.cKOMME INTERNAT8620-342563788620-34256373V ANCOUVER BC, CANADA加 拿 大.编织品SUPERGLORY668@SUPERGLRORY TR马 来 西 亚.编织品604-2286981604-228698213-15,TRANG ROAD,10150,PENMANFRED WHYE Svingan@streamy151458358441450688705661, 69E AVENUE, LAVAL, QUE加 拿 大.编织品milad_balaa@yaMILAD BALAA EL52-686-5679077墨 西 哥.编织品CASADELCARPINTERO.AV PABLO RIVERA 1174, MEXI52-686-565-405LA CASA DEL CACAMPOSADAN@HOT西 班 牙.编织品3490245035034902198642POL.IND.ETXEZARRETA,9 PARCchina@kitmar.cKITMAR ENGINEE编织品法属玻利尼西亚AGRITECH g.yau@agritech68954456068943390920 REMPARTS STREET PAPEETE法属玻利尼西亚编织品(689)839999(689)419115IMMEUBLE LECAILL, FARE-UTETOP MICRO pcdiffusion@ma印 度尼西 亚.编织品622145852406622145852405JL. BUKIT GADINGRAYA BLOKPT. EGA PAINT l ogisticfc@yah加 拿 大.编织品4365 EDINBURGH COURT,KELOW1-250-764-5486CEDAR BROOK cbguangzhou@ce1-250-764-5405新 西 兰.编织品006495241460006495241479228 ORAKEI ROAD, BOX 28042JACOBSEN CREATheather.hickey加 拿 大.编织品MILABATECH milad_balaa@ya4506887056514583584461, 69E AVE Laval, QC , CA6222-60129096222-6012909JL. PAGARSIH 70 B,BANDUNG,印 度尼西 亚.编织品trashcan@flashAPOLLO ASSETS加 拿 大.编织品1-905-415-87621507-725 DON MILLS RDTOR.O1-647-889-3183kenskywidetor@CANSCO WHOLESA印 度尼西 亚.编织品 LAWSTUDIO eric@e-lawstud6221580199662215801996JL. KEDOYA RAYA B-29,JAKARRICARDO GONZAL墨 西 哥.编织品525510560310525510560311LLANURA 1 - PRNOVALTUM RGONZALEZ@NOVA加 拿 大.编织品(604)765-6282(604)922-67825491 KEITH ROAD,WEST VANCOplam@intermillINTER-MILLENNI西 班 牙.编织品CSL985848925@terr0034615827882985732001CANGAS DE ONIS (ASTURIAS)加 拿 大.编织品(519)745-3825(519)745-3825140 ABERDEEN ST.,KITCHENERHannah@golden.JAMES STREET P。
W ARNING: Amber lens versions not to be used as a visual public mode alarm notification appliance.NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.BEFORE INSTALLINGPlease read the System Sensor Audible Visible Application Reference Guide, which provides detailed information on notification devices, wiring and spe-cial applications. Copies of this manual are available from System Sensor. NFPA 72 and NEMA guidelines should be observed.I mportant: The notification appliance used must be tested and maintained following NFPA 72 requirements.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe L-Series Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe with Speaker Expander Plates for emergency communications use a single device plate to perform the functions of two to three devices on a back box. This combination of multiple devices on a single plate and back box lowers the overall cost of the installation and improves aesthetics by requiring fewer devices on the wall.The expander plate provides fast and easy installation: Mount the expander plate to a junction box and connect its field wiring to the terminals. Attach the mounting plate of a strobe or speaker strobe device and connect its field wiring. Then, hinge and attach the strobe or speaker strobe device with a captured mounting screw to complete the installation. This product is compa-rable to existing L-Series mounting plate installations.Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe with Speaker Expander Plates are designed to be used in 12 or 24 volt, DC or FWR (full wave rectified) systems. Clear lens ver-sion is listed to UL 1971 Listed and CAN/ULC S526-07 (Signaling Device for Hearing Impaired) for Public Mode Evacuation Signaling. Amber lens strobes are UL1638 Listed (Visual Signaling Appliances) for Private Mode General Utility Signaling. All L-Series products are suitable for use in synchronized systems. The System Sensor MDL3 module may be used to provide synchro-nization.The Dual Strobe and Dual Strobe wi th Speaker Expander Plates are designed for use in wall applications.LOOP DESIGN AND WIRINGThe system designer must make sure that the total current drawn by the de-vices on the loop does not exceed the current capability of the panel supply, and that the last device on the circuit is operated within its rated voltage. The current draw information for making these calculations can be found in the tables within this manual. For convenience and accuracy, use the voltage drop calculator on the System Sensor website (). See Figures 1-4 for wiring diagrams and shorting spring information.When calculating the voltage available to the last device, it is necessary to consider the voltage drop due to the resistance of the wire. The thicker the wire, the smaller the voltage drop. Wire resistance tables can be obtained from electrical handbooks. Note that if Class A wiring is installed, the wire length may be up to twice as long as it would be for circuits that are not fault tolerant.CANDELA SELECTIONThe product will be set at 15 candela from the factory. T o change the candela first remove the lower appliance from the expander plate by loosening the screw at the bottom of the appliance.Adjust the slide switch on the rear of the product to position the desired can-dela setting in the small window on the front of the unit. All products meet the light output profiles specified in the appropriate UL Standards. For amber lensed strobes used for full profile measurement, listed candela ratings must be reduced in accordance with T able 2. Use Table 1 to determine the current draw for each candela setting.NOTE: L-Series products set at 15 and 30 candela work on either 12V or 24V power supplies. The products are not listed for 12V operating voltages when set to any other candela settings.INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDual Strobe andDual Strobe with SpeakerExpander Plates for Emergency CommunicationsFor use with the following models:SEP-SPWL, SEP-SPSWL-P – Strobe Expander Plate models and SPSEP-BBSWL Back Box Skirt model are compatible with SWL, SWL-P, SPSWL, SPSW-P, P2WL.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSSEP-SPSWL: Universal Expander Plate, Amber Lens, White, ALERT SEP-SPSWL-P: Universal Expander Plate, White, PlainSPSEP-BBSWL: Universal Expander Plate Back Box Skirt, WhiteOperating T emperature:Standard Products 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)Humidity Range:Standard Products 10 to 93% Non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate: 1 flash per secondNominal Voltage:Regulated 12VDC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWROperating Voltage Range (includes fire alarm panels with built in sync):8 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 16 to 33V (24V nominal)Operating Voltage with MDL3 Sync Module:8.5 to 17.5V (12V nominal) or 16.5 to 33V (24V nominal)Input terminal wire gauge:12 to 18 A WGNOTE : Strobes will operate at 12V nominal for 15 & 30 candela settings only. Switching between ranges is automatic.DIMENSIONS FOR PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIESSEP-SPSWL (-P)SPSEP-BBSWLLength Width Depth Length Width Depth 13.05" (331.5 mm)5.39" (136.9 mm)2.41" (61.2 mm)13.75" (349.3 mm)6.10" (154.9 mm)2.5" (63.5 mm)MOUNTING BOX OPTIONSSEP-SPSWL, SEP-SPSWL-P: 4" x 4" x 21/8" or deeper SPSEP-BBSWL: 4" x 4" x 21/8"3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174800/736-7672, FAX: 630/377-6495I56-6569-000FIGURE 4. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): ATTACHING A HORN STROBE AS THE UPPER DEVICEINPUT FROM FACP OR PRIOR STROBE (-)(+)OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL(-)(+) A0564-00FIGURE 5. SHORTING SPRING ON HORN STROBE MOUNTING PLATE, STANDARD CANDELA, WHITEA0560-00NOTE: A shorting spring is provided between terminals 2 and 3 of the mount-ing plate to enable wiring checks after the system has been wired, but prior to installation of the final product. This spring will automatically disengage when the product is installed, to enable supervision of the final system.TABLE 1. STROBE CURRENT DRAW (mA) FOR SEP-SPWL (-P), SEP-SPSWL (-P)Candela Switch Setting 8-17.5 V olts 16-33 V olts DC DC FWR 15884360NOTE: Products set at 15 and 30 candela automatically work on ei-ther 12V or 24V power supplies. The products are not listed for 12V DC operation when set to any other candela settings.30143638375-10713695-121155110-148179135-172209185-222257TABLE 2: CANDELA DERATING FOR SEP-SPWL AND SEP-SPSWL AMBER LENS STROBE Cd Switch SettingPrivate ModeEmergency Warning15151230302475756095957511011085135135105185185145IMPORTANT: For more information on current draw, light output and sound output data, reference Speaker Strobe installation manuals I56-0002 and I56-0003 and Strobe only installation manual I56-5845 and I56-5847.FIGURE 1. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): CONNECTING THE UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE'S LOWER STROBE OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL INPUT FROM POWER SUPPLY FOR STROBE OR PRIOR STROBE(+)(-)(+)(-)A0562-00FIGURE 2. WIRING SEP-SPWL(-P): ATTACHING A SPEAKER STROBE AS THE UPPER DEVICEINPUT FROM FACP OR PRIOR STROBE INPUT FROM AMPLIFIEROR PRIOR SPEAKER (-)(+)(-)(+)OUTPUT TO NEXT STROBE OR EOL OUTPUT TO NEXT SPEAKER OR EOL(-)(+)(-)(+)A0563-00NOTE: Loop resistance on a single NAC should not exceed 120 ohms for 24 volt and 30 ohms for 12 volt systems.FIGURE 3. SHORTING SPRING ON SPEAKER STROBE MOUNTING PLATE, STANDARD CANDELA,WHITEShorting SpringA0559-00NOTE: Shorting springs are provided between terminals 2 and 3 and terminals 5 and 6 of the mounting plate to enable wiring checks after the system has been wired, but prior to installation of the final product. These springs will automatically disengage when the product is installed, to enable supervision of the final system.MOUNTING THE UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE AND SECOND DEVICE Junction Box Compatibility: The expander plate and back box skirt are com-patible with a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box.1a. F or flush mount appl i cat i ons: Attach the expander plate to a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box using the two screws provided with the expander plate.–Speaker Strobe as upper device: Figure 6.–Strobe as upper device: Figure 8.1b. F or surface-mount appli cati ons wi th a back box ski rt: Snap the ex-pander plate onto the skirt, and then attach the entire assembly to a 4" x 4" x 21/8" junction box using the two screws provided with the expander plate.–Speaker Strobe as upper device: Figure 7.–Strobe as upper device: Figure 9.2. C onnect the lower strobe's field wiring to the expander plate terminals.(See Figure 1.)3. A ttach the device mounting plate with the four screws provided with theexpander plate.4. C onnect the upper device's field wiring to the device mounting plateterminals. (See Figure 4.)5. A ttach upper device:a. H ook tabs at the top of the product housing into the grooves on devicemounting plate.b. S wing the device down into position to engage the terminals on thedevice with the terminals on the device mounting plate.c. M ake sure that the tabs on the back of the product housing fully en-gage with the device mounting plate.d. S ecure the device by tightening the single mounting screw in the frontof the device housing. For tamper resistance, the standard captivemounting screw may be replaced with the enclosed T orx screw. (Seeinstallation manual for upper device.)to flex.FIGURE 6. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH SPEAKER STROBE FORFLUSH MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0568-00 Note: SEP-SPSWL expander plate shown.FIGURE 7. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH SPEAKER STROBE SURFACE MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0565-00Note: SEP-SPSWL expander plate shown.Only mount on a wall and in the orientation shown.System Sensor ® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.FIGURE 8. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH HORN STROBE FORFLUSH MOUNT APPLICATIONS A0567-00Note: SEP-SPWL expander plate shown.FIGURE 9. UNIVERSAL EXPANDER PLATE WITH HORN STROBE FORSURFACE MOUNT APPLICATIONSA0566-00Note: SEP-SPWL expander plate shown.Only mount on a wall and in the orientation shown.The horn and/or strobe will not work without power. The horn/strobe gets its power from the fire/security panel monitoring the alarm system. If power is cut off for any rea-son, the horn/strobe will not provide the desired audio or visual warning.The horn may not be heard. The loudness of the horn meets (or exceeds) current Underwriters Laboratories’ standards. However, the horn may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recently used drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The horn may not be heard if it is placed on a different floor from the person in hazard or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as traffic, air conditioners, machinery or music appliances that may prevent alert persons from hearing the alarm. The horn may not be heard by persons who are hearing impaired.NOTE: Strobes must be powered continuously for horn operation.The signal strobe may not be seen. The electronic visual warning signal uses an ex-tremely reliable xenon flash tube. It flashes at least once every second. The strobe must not be installed in direct sunlight or areas of high light intensity (over 60 foot candles) where the visual flash might be disregarded or not seen. The strobe may not be seen by the visually impaired.The signal strobe may cause seizures. Individuals who have positive photoic response to visual stimuli with seizures, such as persons with epilepsy, should avoid prolonged exposure to environments in which strobe signals, including this strobe, are activated.The signal strobe cannot operate from coded power supplies. Coded power supplies produce interrupted power. The strobe must have an uninterrupted source of power in or-der to operate correctly. System Sensor recommends that the horn and signal strobe always be used in combination so that the risks from any of the above limitations are minimized.THREE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYSystem Sensor warrants its enclosed product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for this product. No agent, representative, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company’s obligation of this Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any part of the product which is found to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor’s toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units postage prepaid to: Honeywell, 12220 Rojas Drive, Suite 700, El Paso TX 79936, USA for US returns and 6581 Kitimat Road, Unit 6 Mississauga, ON L5N 3T5 forCanadian returns. Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequen-tial or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company’s negligence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-ages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.FCC STATEMENTL-series Strobes and Horn/Strobes have been tested and found to comply with the lim-its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equip-ment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operationof this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. This ClassB digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm SystemsTHE LIMITATIONS OF STROBE AND SPEAKER STROBE EXPANDER PLATE。
80006752SEA Copyright © Briggs & Stratton CorporationMilwaukee, WI, USA. All rights reserved.Revision: B BRIGGS & STRA TTON is a registeredtrademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation.5781011121415183版权所有©Briggs &Stratton Corporation,Milwaukee,WI,USA.保留所有权利。
generator 产品说明书
Ratings at 0.8 power factor.Please refer to the output ratings technical data section f or specificgenerator set outputs per voltage.Ratings in accordance with ISO 8528, ISO 3046, IEC 60034,BS5000 and NEMA MG-1.22.Generator set pictured may include optional accessories.Prime RatingThese ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at variable load) in lieu of commercially purchased power. There is no limitation to the annual hours of operation and this model can supply 10% overload power for 1 hour in 12 hours.Standby RatingThese ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at variable load) in the event of a utility power failure. No overload is permitted on these ratings. The alternator on this model is peak continuous rat ed (as defined in ISO 8528-3).Standard Reference ConditionsNote: Standard reference conditions 25°C (77°F) Air Inlet Temp, 100m (328 ft) A.S.L. 30% relative humidity.F uel consumption data at full load with diesel fuel with specific g ravity of 0.85 and conforming to BS2869: 1998, Class A2.FG W ilson off er a range of optional features to allow you to tailor our generator sets to meet your power needs. Options available include:•Upgrade to CE Cer tification• A wide range of Sound Attenuated Enclosures• A variety of generator set control and synchronising panels •Additional alarms and shutdowns •A selection of exhaust silencer noise levelsFor further information on all of the standard and optional features accompanying this product please contact your local Dealer or visit:#DEALER_LOGOP22-6(Skid)#FGWILSON_GENSET_IMAGEDesigned to operate in ambient conditions up to 50°C (122°F).Contact your local FG Wilson Dealer for pow er ratings at specific sit e conditions.Alternator Physical Data1* dependant on voltage code selectedAlternator Operating Data2250Alternator Performance Data 60 Hz*Based on 30% voltage dip at 0.6 power factor.** With optional independant excitation system (PMG / AUX winding)220/110#FGWILSON_GENSET_IMAGE#DEALER_LOGODocumentationOperation and maintenance manual including circuit wiring diagrams.Generator Set StandardsThe equipment meets the following standards: BS5000, ISO 8528, ISO 3046, IEC 60034, NEMA MG-1.22.Warranty6.8 – 750 kVA electric power generation products in prime applications the warranty period is 12 months from date of start-up, unlimited hours (8760). For standby applications the warranty period is 24 months from date of start-up, limited to 500 hours per year.730 – 2500 kVA electric power generation products in prime applications the warranty period is 12 months from date of start-up, unlimited hours (8760 hours) or 24 months from date of start-up, limited to 6000 hours. For standby applications the warranty period is 36 months from date of start-up, limited to 500 hours per year.FG Wilson manufactures product in the following locations:Northern Ireland • Brazil • China • IndiaWith headquarters in Northern Ireland, FG Wilson operates through a Global Dealer Network.To contact your local Sales O ffic e please visit the FG Wilson website at .FG Wilson is a trading name of Caterpillar (NI) Limited.In line with our policy of continuous product development, we reserve the right to change specification without notice.2019-08-14P22-6(Skid)Dealer Contact Details。
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Are Interstitial Cells of Cajal Involved in Mechanical Stress-Induced Gene Expression and Impairment of Smooth Muscle Contractility in Bowel Obstruction?Chester C. Wu1, You-Min Lin1, Jerry Gao2, John H. Winston1, Leo K. Cheng2,3, Xuan-Zheng Shi1*1 Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, United States of America,2 Auckland Bioengineering Institute, the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand,3 Depertment of Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States of AmericaIntroductionBowel obstruction, acute or chronic, is a significant health challenge. It may be caused by a physical blockade of the lumen (mechanical obstruction), or present as lumen dilation without an organic obstruction (functional obstruction) [1-3]. Functional bowel obstruction occurs in several gastrointestinal conditions, including achalasia, hypertrophied pyloric stenosis (gastric outlet obstruction), intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Hirschsprung’s disease, and idiopathic megacolon [3,4]. Motility dysfunction is a major pathological feature in obstructive bowel disorders (OBD) [2-4], and is responsible for symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, and constipation [2-4].We found in a rat model of partial colon obstruction that lumen distention proximal to obstruction markedly induces expression of mechanosensitive genes such as that encoding cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) [5-8] selectively in smooth muscle cells (SMC). Mechanical stress-induced COX-2,through derived prostaglandins (PGs) particularly PGE2, plays a critical role in the suppression of smooth muscle contractility in obstruction [5,6].Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are specialized cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract, and are primarily distributed in the myenteric plexus (ICC-MY), intramuscular layer (ICC-IM), deep muscularis plexus (ICC-DM), and the submucosa plexus (ICC-SM) [9,10]. In the colon, the maintypes of ICC are ICC-MY, ICC-IM, and ICC-AM [9]. ICC-MY and ICC-SM have been proposed as the pacemakers of slow wave activity in gut smooth muscle, and ICC-IM and ICC-DM to mediate neurotransmission to SMC [9,10]. ICC have been also postulated as mechanoreceptors in the gut [11]. However, the exact roles of ICC in gastrointestinal physiology and pathophysiology remain controversial [12,13]. Nevertheless, studies have found that ICC number is reduced, and ICC network is disrupted in almost all OBD such as achalasia, gastric outlet obstruction, pseudo-obstruction, megacolon and severe constipation [14-18]. Some of the investigators propose that the decrease of ICC numbers and impairment of ICC networks may be responsible for the symptoms related to motility dysfunction in the disorders [15,18]. However, it remains unknown whether the ICC alterations are the cause for motility dysfunction or a result of mechanical stress in lumen dilation, a common feature in OBD.The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that mechanical stress disrupts the ICC network in the colon and induces mechanotranscription of COX-2 in colonic smooth muscle irrespective of the presence of ICC. Our studies found that expression of COX-2 gene was profoundly induced to similar extents in wild type and ICC deficient W/W v mice. However, partial colon obstruction in wild-type mice leads to time-dependent disruption of ICC in the colon. Inhibition of COX-2 improved smooth muscle contractility in obstruction in both wild type and W/W v mice.Materials and MethodsEthics statementThe Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Texas Medical Branch approved all procedures performed on the animals.Animals and induction of partial colon obstructionFive- to seven-week old male W/W v mice (ICC deficient WBB6F1/J-Kit W/Kit W-v/J, Stock number 100410) and littermate wild-type controls (WBB6F1/J(+/+)) weighing 20-28 g were obtained from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, Maine). Mice were housed under conditions of constant temperature (23 ± 2°C) and humidity (55 ± 10%) with standard rodent chow and water ad libitum and a 12-h light/dark cycle.Partial colon obstruction in mice was surgically induced as previously described [5,8]. Mice were anesthetized with 2% isoflurane inhalation. A midline laparotomy incision (~1.5 cm in length) was made and the distal colon was exposed. A 2 mm wide by 10 mm long medical-grade silicon band was implanted around the distal colon, approximately 2 cm from the anus [5], in wild-type and ICC deficient (W/W v) mice. Sham mice were also anesthetized and received surgery but the silicon band was removed immediately after being implanted. Following each procedure, antibiotics ampicillin (75 mg/kg I.M.) and analgesic buprenex (0.05 mg/kg SC) were administered. Obstruction was maintained for 1, 3 or 7 days.Administration of COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 in vivoIn some experiments, mice were administered daily withvehicle (200 μL of 20% DMSO) or COX-2 inhibitor, NS398 (10 mg/kg in 200 μL of 20% DMSO). In these experiments, mice received vehicle or NS398 (I.P.) immediately before the surgical operation. After the initial injection, vehicle or NS398 was administered every 24 hours until the day of euthanization. Mice were weighed daily and the amount of NS398 administered was adjusted accordingly.Tissue preparationMice were euthanized with CO2inhalation, and the colon wasisolated and cleansed in Kreb’s buffer (2.5 mM CaCl2.2H2O, 5.5mM KCl, 1.2 mM MgCl2.6H2O, 15.4 mM NaHCO3, 1.5 mMNaH2PO4, 120.3 mM NaCl, 11.5 mM glucose). A 2 cm long segment of colon 2 cm proximal to the obstruction band was isolated, cut open, and pinned down in Kreb’s buffer in a petri dish with Sylgard base. In some animals, the distal segment to the obstruction band was also taken as self controls. The colonic muscularis externae layer was separated from the mucosa and submucosa layer, and taken for histological study, molecular measurements, and contractility determination.Immunofluorescence staining and quantitative analysis of c-Kit positive ICCFor tissue histology, a sheet of 1cm x 1cm colonic muscularis externae tissue was pinned flat and fixed with 100% acetone at room temperature for 30 min. After washing twice with water, the tissue was gently shaken in 1x PBS overnight at 4°C. The tissue was incubated with 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS with 1% BSA for two hours at room temperature with gentle shaking and then washed twice with PBS plus 1% BSA for 20 minutes. To visualize the ICC, a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor characteristic of the ICC, CD117 (c-Kit), was localized using ACK2 monoclonal antibody from eBioscience (San Diego, CA). Tissue was incubated for 48-72 hours at 4°C with gentle shaking in ACK2 antibody (1:20 in PBS, 1% BSA). The tissue specimen was washed six times for seven minutes each in PBS plus 1% BSA at room temperature on a shaker. Alexa fluor 568 goat anti-rat IgG H+L (2 mg/mL Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) was used as the secondary antibody (1:250 in PBS, 1% BSA). After incubation for two hours at room temperature, the tissue specimens were washed five times and mounted on slides with Fluorsave for fluorescence imaging by an Olympus BX51 microscope powered by DP Controller imaging system. To ensure consistency, all slides in this project were prepared by a single lab member and all images were captured and viewed by another member. Structural properties of the ICC networks were quantitatively analyzed with the sources of the images blind to the data analyzer by an independent group at a different institute using numerical metrics for quantifying ICC network structure as described previously [19]. Unbiased thresholding algorithms were used to segment the images and determine the volume of the Kit-positive structures, thereby minimizing any human influence in the process. From the segmented images, we calculated the following characteristics of the ICC networks: density (the proportion of ICC present), thickness (the width of the cell bodies and processes), holesize (the radius of non-ICC spaces within the ICC network), and connectivity (the connectivity of the ICC network).RNA extraction and real-time quantitative PCRRNA samples were extracted from colonic muscular externa tissue samples using the Qiagen RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), as described previously [5-8]. SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) was used for reverse-transcription. The Applied Biosystems ABI Prism 7000 Sequence Detection System (Foster City, CA) was used for real-time PCR. The primers for mice COX-2 and 18s rRNA were obtained from Applied Biosystems. Duplicate cycle threshold (CT) values for the target gene COX-2 were analyzed, and 18S rRNA was used as the endogenous reference.Protein extraction and Western BlotFor protein extraction, the muscularis externae tissue was homogenized on ice in lysis buffer supplemented with protease inhibitors (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). The lysis buffer consists of (in mmol/l) 20 Tris·HCl, pH 7.5, 150 NaCl, 1 EDTA, 1 ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid, 2.5 sodium pyrophosphate, 1 β-glycerolphosphate, 1 Na3VO4,and 1% Triton X-100, and 1 μg/ml leupeptin.The proteins were resolved by standard Western blotting asdescribed previously [5-8,20]. Equal quantities (20 μg) of total protein were loaded and run on premade 8–16% Tris-glycine SDS-PAGE (Invitrogen). They were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Invitrogen) for incubation with primary and secondary antibodies. Primary antibody to COX-2 (1:1,000) was obtained from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI) [5,8]. IRDye 800-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (Rockland, Gilbertsville, PA) and Alexa Fluor 680 goat anti-rabbit IgG (Invitrogen) were used as secondary antibodies. β-Actin (1:5,000, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was used as loading control. The detection and analysis were done by Odyssey Infrared Imaging System (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE).Determination of colonic circular muscle contractility Colonic smooth muscle strips (2 × 8 mm) were mounted along the circular muscle orientation in individual muscle baths (Radnoti Glass, Monrovia, CA, USA) filled with 10 mL carbogenated Krebs solution at 37 °C. The contractile activity was recorded as previously described [5-8,20] with Grass isometric force transducers and amplifiers connected to Biopac data-acquisition system (Biopac Systems, Goleta, CA, USA). The muscle strips were first equilibrated in the muscle bath at 1 g tension for 60 min at 37 °C. The smooth muscle contractility was tested by obtaining concentration–response curves to acetylcholine (ACh, 10−6–10−2M) with 15 to 20 min interval between each concentration. The contractile response, expressed as area under curve (AUC) was quantified as the increase in AUCs during 4 min after addition of ACh over the baseline AUCs during 4 min before the addition of ACh. The AUC of each individual strip (g s mm−2) was normalized by its cross-section area (CSA). The CSA was determined using the following equation: CSA (mm2) = wet tissue weight (mg)/[tissue length (mm) × 1.05 (muscle density in mg mm−3)].Statistical analysisEach data point (Mean + SEM) consists of at least three independent experiments with different animals. Student t-test was applied to compare the difference of two samples between sham and obstruction or wild-type vs. W/W v mice. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsObstruction leads to time-dependent alterations of c-kit positive ICCPartial bowel obstruction led to a marked dilation of the colon segment oral to obstruction. The outer circumference of the colon segment 3 cm proximal to the obstruction band increased to 18.2±0.2 mm in obstruction compared to 9.1±0.1 mm in sham on day 3 (p < 0.01, n=4). We determined the effect of lumen dilation on the ICC network (ICC-MY) in the mouse model of partial colon obstruction. Presented in Figure 1 are representative immunofluorescence images for c-Kit, a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor found in ICC, in the colon segment 2 to 4 cm proximal to the obstruction band in wild type mice. The ICC network, including cell bodies and their projections, were well organized in the ICC-MY population in the sham operated mice (Figure 1A). The integrity of the ICC network remained generally intact in obstruction at 1 day (Figure 1B), and individual cell bodies and projections were still visible. The ICC structure was minimally disrupted at 3 days of obstruction (Figure 1C). By day 7 of obstruction (Figure 1D), the ICC network was markedly altered with a drastic reduction of c-Kit positive ICC in the obstructed colon compared to that in sham control.Quantitative analysis of the c-kit staining [19] found that the density of c-kit positive ICC was significantly decreased in obstruction, though the thickness was not changed (Figure 2 A and B). The hole size (area without ICC structure) was significantly greater, and the overall ICC connectivity was markedly attenuated in obstruction on day 7 (Figure 2 C and Figure 2D).Previous studies have demonstrated that ICC-MY disappeared in the distal colon in W/W v mice [21]. Our studies with immunofluorescence staining for c-Kit also showed almost complete absence of c-kit positive ICC-MY in the distal colon of W/W v mice (Figure 3). We thus did not further stain for ICC in obstruction in W/W v mice.Obstruction induces COX-2 mRNA and protein expression in the wild-type and W/W v miceWe determined the expression of COX-2 mRNA and protein in the wild-type mice in obstruction on day 1, 3, and 7. In the obstructed mice, the level of COX-2 mRNA expression was dramatically increased in the oral segment compared to that in each respective sham controls at all the time-points studied (day 1, 3, and 7) (Figure 4A). After 24 hours of colon obstruction, COX-2 gene expression increased 5.0 + 0.7-fold compared to sham (p < 0.01, N = 6 in sham and 5 in obstruction). Induction of COX-2 gene expression peaked at 3 days of obstruction, reaching a 20.3 + 5.6-fold change (P < 0.01, n = 4 for both sham and obstruction). On day 7 ofobstruction, COX-2 mRNA expression was still significantly increased in tissue from obstructed mice than in sham (5.9 +1.0-fold. p < 0.01, n = 6). Obstruction did not change the expression of COX-2 protein and mRNA in the muscularis externae of colonic segment aboral to obstruction band (Figure 4B).We found that partial colon obstruction also led to a dramatic induction of COX-2 gene expression in the ICC deficient W/W v mice in the colonic muscularis externae (Figure 5). The COX-2mRNA level increased from 4.4 + 1.3 in W/W v control mice (N =6) to 32.0 + 4.6 in W/W v obstruction mice (3 day, N = 4). This represents a 7.2 + 1.0-fold change (p < 0.01). When compared to wild-type sham controls, this was a 28.8 + 4.1-fold change (p < 0.01). Interestingly, the COX-2 mRNA level in the control W/W v mice was 4.0 + 1.1-fold higher than that in wild-type control mice (p < 0.05, p = 6 in each group).Western blot detected a marked induction of COX-2 protein in obstruction in colonic muscularis externae in both wild-type and W/W v mice (Figure 5).Obstruction decreases colonic circular muscle contractility in both wild-type and W/W v miceMuscle bath was carried out to determine colonic circular smooth muscle contractility in wild-type and W/W v mice treated with sham operation and obstruction. As shown in Figure 6, the colonic circular muscle contractility to ACh was significantly impaired in obstruction in all the test time points (day1, day 3,and day 7, N = 3 or 4 animals) in the wild-type mice.Interestingly, the colonic circular muscle contractility was impaired in the W/W v control mice compared to the wild type controls (Figure 7), especially to the higher concentrations of ACh. However, partial colon obstruction led tofurtherFigure 1. Time-dependent changes of ICC network (ICC-MY) in partial colon obstruction in mice (day 1 to day 7). ICC is labeled with immunofluorescence staining of c-Kit, a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor that is characteristic of the ICC.Representative images in A-D were captured ICC-MY staining in the colon segment proximal to obstruction band in wild-type mice with sham operation (A) and obstruction (OB) for 1 (B), 3 (C), and 7 days (D). Note that there is a significant reduction in the expression of c-Kit staining ICC by day 7 of obstruction. Images shown are representatives of three independent experiments.Calibration bars = 100 µm.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g001suppression of colonic smooth muscle contractility in the W/W v mice (Figure 7. N = 5).Effects of COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 in obstruction in wild-type and W/W v miceIn another series of experiments, 10 wild-type mice (5 control and 5 obstruction) and 10 W/W v mice (4 control and 6obstruction) were given daily injections of COX-2 inhibitor NS398 (10 mg/kg, I.P.). Obstruction was maintained for 3 days.We found that in both wild-type and W/W v mice, NS398prevented the decrease of circular muscle contractility observed in obstruction (Figure 8). Interestingly, NS398treatment increased the muscle contractility of W/W v control mice to nearly the same level as in that of wild type controls (Figure 8).DiscussionSince interstitial cell of Cajal was postulated as a pacemaker cell in the gut in the early 1990s, many have attempted to study the possible pathophysiological roles of this cell [12]. ICC alteration was reported in many gastrointestinal conditions such as achalasia [14], gastroparesis [18], gastric outlet obstruction (hypertrophied pyloric stenosis) [15], chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction [16], megacolon [17], and slow-transit constipation [17,22]. However, it has long been a debate whether alteration of the ICC is a cause, or a secondary effect of the disorders [12,13]. Interestingly, almost all these above mentioned conditions are associated with mechanical stress in the gut wall [5,7,8]. The loss of ICC and alteration of ICC network occurred only in the dilated segment, while the neighboring un-dilated segment showed normal distribution of ICC [23]. This was also true in animal models of bowelobstruction, as ICC was altered only in the dilated segment oralFigure 2. Quantitative measurements of ICC network structure in sham and obstruction (day 1 to day 7). The ICC density (A), thickness (B), hole size (C) and the ICC connectivity (D) were compared between sham control (Ctr) and obstruction (OB) on day 1, day 3, and day 7. N = 3 for each group. * p < 0.05 vs sham ctr.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g002to obstruction, but not in the un-dilated distal segment [24]. Our study found that mechanical dilation led to a marked reduction of ICC density and a disruption of the ICC network in a time-dependent manner. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that the density of c-kit positive ICC was drastically decreased, and the ICC network severely disrupted by 7 days of obstruction.These data thus suggest that alteration of ICC in obstructive conditions is caused by mechanical stress, and a loss of ICC is less likely the primary pathogenic cause for OBD. This may also speak for the fact that ICC alteration has been reported non-discriminatingly in almost all types of OBD.As shown in the results and in the previous studies [5],obstruction led to marked lumen dilation in the proximal segment starting a few hours after the introduction of obstruction band. One may argue that the quantitative metric value changes of ICC network (decreased density, increased hole size, and damaged connectivity) may be simply due to a passive effect of mechanical stretch, rather than a patho-physiological alteration. However, the destructive changes of ICC network did not occur on day 1 or day 3 when lumen distension was apparently present. Furthermore, the thickness of the ICC network was not significantly changed in all the tested time points (up to 7 days). These data indicate that these time-dependent changes of ICC network are not a passive effect of mechanical stretch, but a true patho-physiological alteration induced by lumen distention.Motility dysfunction is well documented in patients with OBD [2-4]. In animal studies in rats and mice [5,7,25], gut smooth muscle contractility was significantly suppressed in obstruction.Our previous studies demonstrated that mechanical stress in obstruction induced gene expression of COX-2, and this mechano-transcription process plays a critical role in the impairment of smooth muscle contractility [5,6,8]. We found that stretch-induced expression of COX-2 in bowel obstruction is a smooth muscle specific phenomenon.Immunohistochemical studies [5] showed that up-regulation of COX-2 expression occurs in the smooth muscle cells only, not in the mucosa layer, or submucosa, or myenteric plexus where the ICCs are located. These data suggest that smooth muscle cells are highly mechanosensitive in conditions such as bowel obstruction, and serve as a critical player in mechano-transcription in the gut. As some earlier studies suggested that ICC might be mechanoreceptors in the gut [11], we determined if c-kit positive ICC are required in the process of mechano-transcription in the colon by comparing the expression of COX-2 gene in obstruction in wild-type and in ICC deficient mice. Our data suggest that ICC are not required in obstruction-induced mechanotranscription of COX-2 in the colon. As in the wild-type mice, lumen dilation in bowel obstruction markedly induced expression of COX-2 mRNA in W/W v mice. Compared to the wild-type sham control mice,obstruction for 3 days led to a 20-fold increase of COX-2mRNA in the colonic muscularis externae in the wild-type mice,and a 29-fold increase in the ICC deficient W/W v mice.Our study also offers several lines of evidence suggesting that c-kit positive ICC may not be involved in obstruction-induced impairment of smooth muscle contractility. First of all,impaired smooth muscle contractility was observed in obstruction in the wild-type mice as early as 1 day after the introduction of an obstruction band, when the ICC network was histologically normal. Secondly, obstruction led to suppression of smooth muscle contractility also in the ICC deficient mice.Furthermore, we found that induction of COX-2 geneexpression is mainly accounted for the suppression of smoothFigure 3. Immunofluorescence staining of ICC in W/W v mice compared to wild-type mice. Note that W/W v mice lack c-Kit staining ICC-MY (B) in the colon, compared to that of wild-type mice (A). Images shown are representatives of three independent experiments. Calibration bars = 100 µm.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g003muscle contractility in obstruction. Expression of COX-2 gene was up-regulated in obstruction in wild-type mice, and in the W/Wv mice. Inhibition of COX-2 activity with NS-398significantly improved smooth muscle contractile function in obstruction in both the wild-type and ICC deficient mice.It is noteworthy that the COX-2 gene expression level is significantly higher and muscle contractility is less responsive in the colonic muscularis in W/Wv control mice compared to wild-type control mice. Inhibition of COX-2 activity with NS398normalized the muscle contractility of W/W v control mice,suggesting an important role of COX-2, rather than deficiency of ICC, in the impairment of colonic contractility in W/W v mice.The reason for the increased COX-2 expression in W/W v mice is not clear at the time. However, an increased expression of COX-2 in the gastric tissue has also been reported in the W/W v mice (Winston, Chen, Shi, Sarna. unpublished observation). As a matter of fact, other proinflammatory molecules such as iNOS are also increased in the gastric tissue in W/W v mice.This may suggest that a general proinflammatory responseisFigure 4. COX-2 gene expression in partial colon obstruction in wild-type mice. (A) Colonic muscularis externae was isolated from the segment proximal to obstruction in mice with sham and obstruction for different days. The COX-2 mRNA levels were measured by real-time qPCR. Note that the COX-2 mRNA expression increased in obstruction (OB) at all time points. * p < 0.05 vs.sham controls of the group. No significant difference was found among the OB groups in different days. N = 4 to 6 for each group.(B) Expression of COX-2 protein and mRNA in the segments oral and aboral to obstruction on day 3. Note that obstruction leads to a marked increase of COX-2 expression in the segment oral to obstruction, but not in the segment aboral to obstruction. * p < 0.05vs. oral in sham controls. N = 4 to 6 for each group.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g004present in the gastrointestinal tract in the c-kit gene deficient animals.In summary, our study evaluated the role of ICC in obstructed colon in mice. We demonstrated that the ICC network is altered as a result of obstruction in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the c-kit positive ICC are notrequired in mechanical stress-induced gene expression of COX-2, and do not appear to be involved in the impairment of smooth muscle contractility in partial colon obstruction in mice.Instead, our data suggest that stretch-induced COX-2 is theprimary culprit for the impaired contractility in obstruction.Figure 5. Expression of COX-2 protein (A) and mRNA (B) in wild-type and W/W v mice in obstruction on day 3. Note that obstruction (OB) leads to a significant increase of COX-2 gene expression in both wild-type (WT) and W/Wv mice. Interestingly,there is significantly greater COX-2 gene expression in the W/W v control mice than in wild-type control mice. N = 4 to 6. *p < 0.001between WT Ctr vs. WT OB; **p < 0.001 between W/W v Ctr vs. W/W v OB; #p < 0.05 between WT Ctr and W/W v Ctr. There is no significant difference between WT OB and W/W v OB (p>0.05).doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g005Figure 6.Colonic circular muscle contractility in wild-type mice in obstruction. The colonic circular muscle contractility to ACh was significantly reduced in mice with obstruction (OB) for 1 day (A, N =3), 3 days (B), and 7 days (C), compared to sham controls (Ctr). N = 3 to 5. *p < 0.05 compared to respective controls.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g006Figure 7.Colonic circular muscle contractility in sham operated wild-type and W/W v mice (A), and the effect of obstruction (3 day) in the W/W v mice (B). Note that the colonic circular muscle contractility was less in the sham W/W v mice than in the wild-type sham controls. Obstruction further suppressed muscle contractility in the W/W v mice. N = 3 to 5. *p < 0.05 vs. wild-type controls. P < 0.05 vs. W/W v sham control.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g007Figure 8.Effect of NS398 administration on colonic circular muscle contractility in obstruction (3 days) in wild-type (A) and W/W v mice (B). Note that daily administration of 10 mg/kg NS398, i.p., prevented the suppression of colonic circular muscle contractility induced by obstruction in both wild-type and W/W v mice. N = 4 or 5.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076222.g008AcknowledgementsThe authors wanted to thank Dr. Sushil K. Sarna for beneficial discussion and critical review of the paper.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: XZS. Performed the experiments: CCW YML JHW XZS. Analyzed the data: JG LKC CCW XZS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JG LKC. Wrote the manuscript: CCW XZS.References1.Welch JP (1990) General considerations and mortality. In: JP Welch.Bowel obstruction. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. . pp. 59-95.2.Jordan GL Jr (1980) The acute abdomen. 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