1.选择类经典句:leave sb. the choice of … or … 要么……,要么……Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。
The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。
2.使动类经典句:be the instrument of sth. 引来某事物的人或事The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。
The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。
3.回忆类经典句:it was the memories of 追溯到……Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. 追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。
翻译考试英语口译初级句子一、常见句型1. My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.我的工资仅够维持生计。
keep body and soul together 仅能维持生活,勉强度日,勉强地生活下去,糊口e.g. I hate my job, but I have to keep body and soul together somehow. 我讨厌我的工作,但不管怎么样我得挣钱糊口。
2. Count your blessings.你知足吧。
3. Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well-done?您的牛排要三分熟,五分熟,还是全熟?>>西餐英语——牛排几分熟<<4. Steer clear of trouble.少管闲事。
steer clear of 躲避,避开,绕开,避免e.g. Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesn't seem safe. 那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。
5. You better hew to the line.你最好守规矩。
hew to the line 服从纪律,循规蹈矩e.g. We should hew to the Party's line. 我们应该坚持党的路线。
6. What’s cuter than that?你嘴巴真甜。
7. The rarer it is, the more it is worth.物以稀为贵。
8. You brought it up.是你先提这件事的。
bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下e.g. Please bring up this point at the next meeting. 请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。
高级口译笔记——谚语口译(Interpreting Proverbs)高级口译笔记——谚语口译(Interpreting Proverbs)② 二、形似意合的谚语1. A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。
2. All roads lead to Rome./ All rivers run into the sea.殊途同归。
3. As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,和豆得豆。
4. A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。
5. A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影儿斜。
6. A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追。
7. Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡儆猴。
8 Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
9. Diamond cut diamond.强中更有强中手。
10. Do one thing under cover of another.明修栈道,暗度陈仓。
11. Dogs bite in every country.天下乌鸦一般黑。
12. Every potter praises his pot.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。
13. Fine feathers make fine birds.佛要金装,人要衣装。
14. Gifts blind the eyes.拿了手短,吃了嘴软。
15. Good wine needs no bush.酒香不怕巷子深。
16. Have a card up one’s sleeve.胸有成竹。
17. He cries wine and sells vinegar.挂羊头,卖狗肉。
英语口译常用词汇和句子—和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题Peace and development remain the theme of the world.—经济全球化趋势深入发展Economic globalization is going to greater depth.—以信息科技、生物科技为主要标志的现代科技进步日新月异At an amazing speed, modern science and technology have been making continuous progress that is marked by the advancement of information technology and bio-technology.—国际产业转移和生产要素流动加快International industrial transfer as well as the flow of production factors has accelerated.—世界发展不平衡问题日益突出The global problem of uneven development is increasingly salient.—南北差距进一步拉大The gap between the North and South is further widening.—金融风暴时有发生Financial turbulences surface from time to time.—贸易壁垒和保护主义有新的表现Trade barriers and protectionism appear with new manifestations.—我们必须加强国际合作,共同把握机遇,携手应对挑战,推动世界经济平衡有序发展We must strengthen international cooperation to seize opportunities and meet challenges together so as to promote balanced and orderly development of the world economy.—充分利用经济全球化带来的有利条件和机遇,促进世界不同发展模式在竞争比较中取长补短、在求同存异中共同发展Make full use of the favorable conditions and precious opportunities brought about by economic globalization to promote complementarity among competing development models and common development in the spirit of seeking common ground while putting aside differences.—不断为世界经济发展注入新的活力,使世界经济充满活力地向前发展Inject new vitality to the world economy so that it will move forward with full dynamism.—营造公平、稳定、高效的金融环境Create a fair, stable, and efficient financial environment.—营造充足、安全、经济、清洁的能源环境Forge an environment for adequate supply and safe, economical and clean use of energy.—营造公开、公正、合理、非歧视的贸易环境Establish an open, fair, reasonable and non-discriminative trading environment.—在互利互惠、取长补短中实现共赢Achieve a win-win result through securing mutual benefits and reciprocity and drawing on one another’s successful experiences.—中国将积极落实这些措施China will make vigorous efforts to ensure the delivery of its commitments.—成员国人口占世界总人口的2/3,国内生产总值占世界国内生产总值的90%以上,对外贸易额占世界贸易额的80%Measured by population size, they account for two thirds of the world total; by GDP, over 90 percent, and by foreign trade, 80 percent.—应该在平等互利、求同存异、灵活务实的基础上开展对话Engage in flexible and pragmatic dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, seeking common ground while shelving differences.—改革开放27年来Since its reform and opening-up 27 years ago—中国社会主义市场经济体制已经初步建立,全方位对外开放格局已经基本形成China has put in place an initial system of socialist market economy and a basic structure of all-dimensional openness.—人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越Chinese people now have a comfortable life, a historic breakthrough from a period of having only their basic needs met.—中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多、底子薄,发展不平衡,资源环境压力突出,人民生活水平还不高China remains the biggest developing country in the world that features huge population, weak economic basis, uneven development, and heavy environmental pressure and the people’s living standards are still not so high.—中国的现代化建设还有很长的路要走,还需要进行长期的艰苦奋斗Modernization in China remains a long and uphill journey that will entail many years of work.—中国已经确定了全面建设小康社会的发展目标China has set the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.—使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民社会更加殷实We will be able to further develop the economy, improve democracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster greater social harmony and upgrade the texture of life for thepeople.—坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局Continue to pursue economic and social development under the guideline of scientific development.—坚持扩大内需的方针Adhere to the policy of expanding domestic demand.—坚持走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路Adhere to blaze a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of advantages in human resources.—加快调整经济结构Accelerate economic restructuring.—转变经济增长方式Accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic growth.—提高自主创新能力Enhance our own innovative ability.—不断深化改革开放Make further progress in reform and openness.—促进城乡区域协调发展Facilitate a balanced development between rural and urban areas and among different regions.—加强和谐社会建设Concentrate on building a harmonious society.—切实把经济社会发展转入以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的轨道Bring our economic and social development to the track of sustainable development that is people-centered, all-dimensional and balanced.—顺应人民的愿望和时代的潮流as a response to the wishes of the people and the trend of our times—共同促进世界经济平衡有序发展Promote balanced and orderly world economic development.—共同努力建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界Shape a harmonious world featuring enduring peace and common prosperity.— 20世纪,人类创造的物质文明和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代In the 20th century, mankind created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.—令人遗憾的是,人类在这100年中也经历了前所未有的苦难,特别是遭受了两次世界大战的浩劫Regrettably, it was also in these 100 years that humanity experienced unprecedented hardships, particularly the havoc of the two world wars.—世界的历史从来是由世界人民创造和书写的It is always the people of the world that make and write world history.—正义总会战胜邪恶,光明总会战胜黑暗,进步总会战胜落后Justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness.—人类必然会不断地克服艰难险阻,向着美好的未来开拓前进Mankind will undoubtedly keep overcoming difficulties and obstacles, blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future.—各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的文化背景、社会制度和价值观念,延续着不同的社会方式People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.—不应让这种多样性成为阻碍各国人民携手共进的隔阂,更不应人为地从中挑起对立和冲突They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict.—时光流逝不可逆转The lapse of time is irreversible.—逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.—知难而进Move ahead in defiance of difficulties.—顺应时代的要求和世界发展的潮流Meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development.—世界各国经济互利合作、相互依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美好的前景The development among countries will usher in an even better future for global economic growth.—中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴the long-standing and profound richness of the Chinese civilization—中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程the grand course of historical development that the Chinese nation has followed with a dauntless and dashing spirit —19世纪中叶以后,由于列强的野蛮侵略和封建统治的腐败无能,中华民族陷入了丧权辱国、民不聊生的悲惨境地From the mid-19th century on, China was reduced to diremisery as the country suffered one humiliating defeat after another and the people languished in poverty and starvation as a result of brutal foreign aggressions and corrupt and incompetent feudal rulers.—内忧外患a fate of agony and woe arising from domestic disturbances and foreign aggressions—新中国建立以来,特别是1978年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来Since 1949, when the New China was proclaimed, and particularly since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program pioneered by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978.—中国的综合国力显著增强,人民生活不断改善The overall national strength of China has increased remarkably and the life of its people improved steadily.— 13亿中国人民正万众一心地在中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进The 1.3 billion Chinese people are marching of one mind and with a pioneering spirit on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.—中国已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标China has set the goal of its endeavor for the first 20 years of this century.—紧紧抓住重要战略机遇期Firmly seize the important strategic opportunities of the time.—全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会for the benefits of over 1 billion Chinese people—不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求Keep meeting their growing material and cultural needs—坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向Stick to the orientation of carrying out the reform for a socialist market economy.—进一步推动制度创新Step up institutional innovation.—激发全社会的创造活力Intensify reforms aimed at motivating creative vitality of the whole society.—增强经济社会发展的内在动力Increase the inherent dynamics for economic and social development.—着力大力发展循环经济Vigorously develop the cyclic economy.—建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会Build a resource-effective and environment-friendly society.—走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路Blaze a trail of development characterized by higher productivity, comfortable life for the people and sustainable eco-system.—继续稳步开放市场Keep opening up its market.—创新引进外资的形式Find new ways of using foreign capital.—完善有关鼓励和保护外商投资的法律法规Improve legislations and regulations for encouraging and protecting foreign investors.—改革涉外经济管理体制Revamp foreign economic management.—更高水平的小康社会a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard—重申我们对恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则的承诺Renew our commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.—表达维护世界和平、促进共同发展的决心Express our determination to safeguard world peace and promote common development—联合国的成立,是人类为和平与发展而长期努力的结果The UN was founded as a result of humanity’s persistent efforts to seek peace and development.—体现了世界各国人民彼此以善邻之道和睦相处的崇高精神Embody the lofty spirit of people across the world to live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.—承载了国际社会共同促进经济社会发展的美好理想Carry the ideal of the international community to jointly promote economic and social development.— 60年的实践表明1)…, as its 60 years of history has shown, …2) the past 60 years have shown tha t…—一件具有划时代意义的大事an epoch-making event—人类和平进步事业的一座重要里程碑an important milestone in humanity’s cause of peace and progress人类社会沧桑巨变,国际舞台风云变幻(名词)Amid stupendous changes around the world and vicissitudes in the international arena—联合国经历种种考验,走过了不平凡的历程The UN has gone through all kinds of tests and traversed an extraordinary course.—地区动荡不断Regional turmoil continues.—局部冲突时有发生Local conflict takes place from time to time.—普遍诉求universal pursuit—尊重国家主权和领土完整Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.—尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利Respect for individual countries’ right to independently choose their own social systems and paths of development.—世界发展还很不平衡The benefit of development spread rather unevenly in the world.—贫穷和饥饿仍在不少国家肆虐Poverty and hunger ravage not a few countries.—新的世纪为人类社会发展展现了光明前景The 21st century has opened up a bright prospect for the development of humanity.—局部战争和冲突时起时伏Local wars and conflicts keep cropping up.—地区热点问题错综复杂The hotspot issues in some regions remain complicated and thorny.—南北差距进一步拉大The wealth gap between the North and the South continues to widen.—国际恐怖势力、民族分裂势力、极端宗教势力在一些地区还相当活跃International terrorists, ethnic separatists and religious extremists in some parts of the world remain rampant.—环境污染、毒品走私、跨国犯罪、眼中传染性疾病等跨国性问题日益突出Many cross-boundary problems such as environmental pollution, drug trafficking, transnational crimes and deadly communicable diseases have become more salient.。
1.This is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children.
2.Minors can eat at restaurants that serve beer and wine, but they are not allowed to enter pubs, taverns, cocktail lounges or bars.
You may be asked to show some ID that proves your age before you go into a bar.
4.But the name of a restaurant won’t necessarily tell you much about the kind of place it is or the food it serves.
5.Like most fast food restaurants and cafeterias, many restaurants don’t serve alcoholic beverages.
口译常用句一. 称呼女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends各位嘉宾Distinguished guests尊敬的来宾Honored Guests各位同事Dear colleagues同志们Comrades青年朋友们Young friends(中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen(美国)同胞们My fellow citizens(港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduatesMembers of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community 亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps各位团长Heads of Delegations各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing主席先生/总统先生Mr. President总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister总统女士Madame President尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo国王和王后陛下Your Majesties各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi 尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao尊敬的内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿Honorable Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte尊敬的阿姆鲁·穆萨秘书长Your Excellency Secretary General Amr Moussa尊敬的刘立军处长Division Director Liu Lijun尊敬的耶鲁大学校长理查德·莱文先生Dear Mr. Richard Levin, President of Yale University,尊敬的(剑桥大学)理查德校长Vice Chancellor Alison Richard二. 高兴出席活动1. 自我介绍大家好!我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。
Absolutely not! 2. 你跟我一起去吗?你跟我一起去吗? Could you go with me? 3. 你能肯定吗?你能肯定吗? Are you sure? 4. 尽快。
ASAP. 5. 相信我。
Give me some credit. 6. 买下来!买下来! Have it! 7. 明天打电话给我。
Call me tomorrow. 8. 请您说得慢些好吗?请您说得慢些好吗? Could you speak slowly? 9. 跟我来。
Follow me. 10. 恭喜恭喜。
Congratulations! 11. 把它做对。
Do it right! 12. 你是当真的吗?Do you mean it ? 13. 你经常见到他吗?Do you see him often? 14. 你明白了吗?Do you see it? = Do you understand? 15. 你要吗?Do you want it? 16. 你想要些什么?Do you want something? 17. 不要做。
Don’t do it . exaggerate. Don’t exaggerate. 18. 不要夸张。
Don’t19. 不要告诉我。
Don’t tell me that. 20. 帮我一下。
Give me a hand . 21. 一直往前走。
Go right ahead. 22. 祝旅途愉快。
Have a good trip. 23. 祝你一天过得愉快。
Have a nice day. 24. 你做完了吗?Have you finished? 25. 他没空。
He doesn’t have time. 26. 他现在已经在路上了。
He is on his way. 27. 你好吗?你好吗? How are you doing? 28. 你要呆多久?How long are you staying ? 29. 我对她着迷了。
口译常用220个句子001.I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。
002.You're going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。
003.It's just the matter of the schedule, that is,if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。
004.I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
005.If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。
006.Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判?007.So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗?008.We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。
009.We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。
010.That'll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。
(1)英译汉:1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。
2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。
3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives.西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。
4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions.此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。
口译员必背的10个经典句型1、选择类经典句leave somebody the choice of ... or ...要么…,要么…Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。
The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。
2、使动类经典句be the instrument of sth引来某事物的人或事If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings.能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。
3、回忆类经典句it was the memory / memories of追溯到…Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development.日韩两国发展的转折点或许可以追溯到1964年东京奥运会及1988年汉城奥运会。
It was the memory of 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb, from which originated the term of "Zero Ground".“零地带”这个术语的形成可以追溯到1945年广岛和长崎遭受原子弹攻击。
口译中需要强记住的句子!Give the floor to 请…发言It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸…Relevant issues 相关问题Updated research result 最新的调查结果Attach the importance to 对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies 领先技术Minister Counselor 公使Natural heritage 自然遗产Shared concern 共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉express sincere gratitude to 对…表示衷心的感谢Let's welcome...to give a speech 请…讲话bilateral conference 双边会议propose the warmest applause to 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎sponsor 主办单位the Award Ceremony 颁奖仪式greeting speech 贺词observe the grand opening of 隆重举行Let's invite sb to present the award 请…颁奖achieve complete ceremony 取得圆满成功global celebration ceremony 全球庆典declare the closing of 宣布…结束Please rise for the national anthem. 请全体起立,奏国歌Collective stewardship 集体管理Competitive job market 充满竞争的就业市场Financial institutions 金融机构Forward-looking 进取Gross National Product 国民生产总值Meet the challenges 迎接挑战Public authorities 公共机构Regulatory mechanism 法规机制The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) 联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民Well-serviced formal city 服务齐全的高尚城市place sth as the priority 把…列为重要内容never neglect the work 不放松工作water conservation 节约用水extend our sincere congratulations on 对…表示衷心祝贺model city of water conservation 节约用水先进城市attain the results expected 使…取得预期效果confer honorable awards on 授予…光荣称号strive for 为…而奋斗a city of severe water shortage 严重缺水城市units concerned 有关单位compared with ,there is still some way to go 与…比有差距wish a complete success 预祝…圆满成功broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure 开源与节流并重seaport for foreign trade 对外贸易港口merrily gather 欢聚一堂vigorous economic region 活跃的经济带solid foundation 基础雄厚may you have a most pleasant impression 留下最美好的印象the grand occasion 盛世wish a pleasant stay 祝愿在停留愉快comprehensive commercial seaport 综合性商港spring is very much in the air 春意盎然forest coverage 森林覆盖率global warming 全球变暖principal element 主要因素toxic emission 废气排放ignite the sparks of understanding 迸发出心灵的火花build the bridge for cooperation 建立合作桥梁substantial in content 内容翔实major province of energy 能源大省tight in schedule 日程紧凑call upon 号召conservation benefits 节水的好处industrial reuse and recycling 工业中水利用pollution fines 污染罚款urban water conservation 城市节水water saving fixtures 节水装置regional economic 地区经济diversification in port operation 港口经营多元化perform our duties and fulfill our obligations 责任和义务a well-known regional event of the industry 地区行业盛会initiating ports 发起港break free 冲破藩篱civil society 民间团体ethnic lines 种族genuine partnership 真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到open dialogues 畅所欲言the bounding of planning economy 计划经济的束缚pressing issues 紧迫问题vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development 科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路unprecedented inflated 空前膨胀curb the trend of steep rise 控制增长势头face severe challenges 面临严峻挑战acutely aware 清醒地看到ecological deterioration 生态恶化strengthen the awareness 提高意识respect each other 相互尊重seek the common ground while putting aside difference 求同存异enjoy equality and mutual benefits 平等互利complement each other's advantages 优势互补learn each other's experience 借鉴经验expand the cooperation 拓展合作stand from the present 立足当前look forward to the future 着眼未来take the opportunity of this seminar 以此会议为契机lag behind 滞后the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow 转轨建制过程缓慢draw lessons from the past 总结经验教训community development oriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners 当之无愧的获奖者ethnic minorities 少数民族gainful employment 有报酬的gender issues 性别问题handicraft works 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层in-depth knowledge 深入了解the handicapped 残疾人seek the best instead of the largest 不求最大,但求最好industrial structure 产业结构the unified design between the city and the countryside 城乡一体化short-term conduct 短期行为real estate development 房地产开发help and support the poor 扶贫帮困public lawn 公共绿地public utilities 公用事业convention center 会展中心infrastructure scale 基建规模consciousness for the best 精品意识model human settlements 精品住宅区enterprise revenue 企业效益civil bus ride 文明乘车Hope Project 希望工程口语中总用但是想不起来用英语怎么说的话low key 低调I've been back and forth.我犹豫不定。
口译必备句型1. leave sb the choice of ... or ... 要么…,要么… (选择类经典句)Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。
The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。
2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事(使动类经典句)The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。
The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。
If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings.3. it was the memory / memories of 追溯到… (回忆类经典句)Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development.追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。
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Harvard is the world-famous institution of higher education, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation.中美两国相隔遥远,经济水平和文化背景差异很大。
China and the United States are far apart geographically and they differ greatly in the level of economic development and a cultural background.中国文明,以其顽强的凝聚力和隽永的魅力,历经沧桑而完整地延续了下来。
Chinese civilization, thanks to is strong cohesive power and inexhaustible(取之不尽的) appeal(感染力), has survived many vicissitudes vi’sisitju:d 兴衰intact 完整无缺的.强调仁爱,强调群体,强调和而不同,强调天下为公。
They lay stress on the importance of kindness and love in human relations, on the interests of the community, on seeking harmony whithout uniform and on the idea that the world is for all.“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国情操,“民为邦本”,“民贵君轻”的民本思想,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的待人之道,吃苦耐劳,勤俭持家,尊师重教的传统美德,世代相传。
“Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country”, the populist ideas that “people are the foundation of the country” and that “people are more important than the monarch”; the code of conduct of “don’t do to others what you don’t want others do to you”; and the traditional virtues taught from generation to generation: long suffering and hard working, diligence努力and frugality 节俭in household management, and respecting teachers and veluing education. All these have played a great role in binding and regulating the family, the country and the society.改革开放不仅是中国经济建设的一项基本国策,也是中国当代文化建设的基本方针。
To reform and open up to the outside world is the basic national policy随着中国综合国力的增强和国际地位的提高,中国在国际舞台上越来越令人瞩目,外界了解With the improvement of its comprehensive strength and its inernational status, China is now increasingly remarkable in the international arena. Meanwhile, there is an increasingly keen desire from the outside world to learn about China.中国的愿望也日益强烈和迫切。
The communication of different cultures can help remove the misunderstanding between nations and improve the political and economic relationship among countries.文化关系在中法两国的关系中发挥着更为独特的作用,直接受到两国领导人的关注,成为两国关系的重要特征。
The cultural tie plays a unique role in the Sino-French relation, so it is a direct concern of the leaders of both countries and a hallmark of their relation.我们心悦诚服地赞赏其他国家,民族的先进文化,并以博大的胸怀博采众长。
We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly.全国共有电视频道一千多个,有线申请户已超过一亿。
There are more than one thousand television channels and more than one hundred million cable subscribers from all over the world.作为旅游城市,上海因其商业活动和美丽景致吸引国内外游客。
A tourist city, Shanghai attracts travellers from both home and abroad because of the commercail activities and scenic beauty.圆明园是皇家的避暑胜地,在清朝五代皇帝监督之下,苦心营造,不断扩建而成。
Y uanmingyuan was an imperial summer resort painstakingly built and repeatedly expanded under personal supervision of five emperors of the Qing Dynasty.昔日的美景和辉煌一去不复返,一代名园最终沦为一片废墟。
Its former beauty and glory no more, the entire garden lay in clusters群of ruins and debrits瓦砾堆在静寂和沉默中,它目睹了西方列强的暴行和清朝统治着的腐朽无能,同时告诫着中国人民永远不要忘记这场悲剧。
In hushed安静的silence, it bore承担着witness to the atrocities 残暴of the Western powers and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing rulers, and admonished告诫the Chinese people never to forget the tragedy.历经数十载艰苦的工作,如今半个圆明园已种上郁郁葱葱的小树林,长有成千上万棵树木。
Decades of painstaking认真的work has returned half of the garden into green groves小树林teeming with多产hundreds of thousands of trees.他既带有中国的传统舞蹈特色,又吸纳了欧洲古典芭蕾的精华。
It’s a combination of traditional Chinese dance and the cream of classical European ballet.中国文化年是迄今为止中国与外国开展的最大规模的文化交流活动。
The Chinese Culture Year marks the largest-ever cultural-exchange activity jointly hosted by China and a foreign country.你不仅可以领略古老中国文化的恒久魅力,又可感受到当代中国文化的创造活力。
Y ou can get a certain sense of the enduring charm of China’s ancient cultural achievements and its creative vigor活力of modern time.自此,中国有了文字记载的历史。
China’s recorded history thus began.历史长河在这块古老的土地上,遗存了极为丰富的名胜古迹,恢弘的古代建筑群,浩如烟海的古文物。
As the civilization developed, beautiful scenic spots and historical sites were created, many of them still existed in this ancient land. They include magnificent ancient architectural complexes amd a great number of historical relics.各国之间的竞争,说到底,是人才的竞争,是民族创造能力的竞争。
The competition among nations, in the final analysis, boils down to 归结为competition of their human talents and the abilities to innovate.为了增进东亚地区各奥委会在体育和文化上的交流,地区代表于1991年9月15日举行之东亚各国奥委会第一届理事会上首次提出举办东亚运动会的建议。
To create more opptunities for great sports and cultural exchanges between the National Olympic Committees in the East Asian region, the idea of the East Asian Games was offic ially proposed at the 1st Assembly of the East Asian National Olympic Committees on 15 September 1991.1996年3月,在关东举行的第11届东亚运动会总会会议中,澳门成功取得第四届东亚运动会的主办权。