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virtue n.美德;优点;长处;

day care (托儿所)日托;

level gaze 目光逼人的凝视;

ski trip 滑雪之旅;

figure out 理解;解决;

be supposed to 应该;被期望;

bombard vt.炮轰;大量提问;

bombard someone with questions 连珠炮似地向某人提出问题

custom n.风俗;习惯;routine n. 惯例;常规;例行公事;

upset a.不安的;v.推翻;打破;

alternate v.交替;轮换;alternative n.选择;替换;alternative =choice=option 选择;

alter=change=vary=revise 改变

looke into=investigate 调查

overlook=neglect=ignore 忽视

negligible n.不重要的;微不足道的;

be bound to 一定

obvious=evident 明显的

assign v.分配;resign v.辞职;

deliver good service 提供好的服务

concern v.涉及n.关心;担忧;

deteriorate v.使恶化

central government(中央政府)=Beijing=Hu and Wen

resemble=similar=comparable 相似的

consent n.同意;赞成;consensus n.共识;content n.满意;

conceal =hide v.隐藏;隐瞒;

hamper=hinder v.阻碍

inquiry n.调查;询问

insight n.洞察力

assure v.保证(assure sb of sth);ensure v.确保;

insurance n.保险;insurance money 保护费

include v.包括; exclude v.排除;conclude v.下结论;exclusive a.独家的;conclusive evidence 结论性的证据

allowance n.津贴;补助;零用钱;grant n.拨款(financial support);aid n.救援物资;捐助款项;amount n.金额;总数;

adaptable a.可适应的;可改编的;be liable to 很可能

offence n.冒犯;小错误;offend vt.冒犯;侮辱;vi.犯规;

revolution n.变革(彻底推翻)reform n.改革(表面文章)

transformation n.转化;转变(深层次地;根本地)

identification n.确认;correction n.改错;修正;alteration n.改动

proficiency n.进步;熟练;proficient a.精通的;efficient a.高效的

sufficient a.足够的;deficient a. 不足的;

acquire vt.获得;得到;养成;

concretely adv.具体地;abstractly adv.抽象地;

specific a.具体的;general a.整体的

infamous =notorious a.臭名昭著的;

authority n.权威;authorities n. 当局;government authorities 政府当局;

testify v.作证;witness n.证人;v.目击;看见;

in place of=replace=substitute 替换

on account of 由于;on behalf of 代表

obligation n.义务;责任;感恩;obedience n. 服从

objection=opposition 反对

deduce v.推论;推断;detach .拆卸;拆开;分开;derive v.源于;

urgent=pressing 紧迫的;

violent a. 暴力的;粗暴的;

critical a. 关键的;批评的;危急的;

compel v.强迫;使不得不;

compensate v.赔偿;

prolong v.延长;拖延;

enlarge v.扩大;增大;

lose contact with sb 和某人失去联系

see to 照料;照理;负责;

see through 看穿;识破;做到底;

see into 把(人)带进;调查;了解;遇见;

see about 查询;处理;考虑;

enthusiastically 热心地;狂热地; sincerely 真诚地;真心实意地

deliberately 故意地;蓄意地;

equivalent a. 相等的;相当的;

likely a.可能的;有希望的;预料的;

alike a. 相似的;同样的;

uniform a统一的;n. 校服;制服;

position vacancy 职位空缺

rarity n. 稀有;罕见;珍品;

in case of 假设;万一;

for the sake of 为了

hardly populated 几乎没有人住的

severe =serious=grave a. 严重的

grave mistake 严重的错误;gravity n.重力;

turn up 出现;调大;

turn down拒绝;调小;

turn out 生产;结果是;

turn in 上交;归还;上床睡觉;

rate=speed 速度

dpress v.使萧条;descend v.下降;decrease v.减少;降低;depart v.离开;出发;离职;

guilt n.内疚;负罪感;feel guilt=suffer guilt

humble a.谦虚的;卑下的;

awkward a.尴尬的;难看的;不舒适的;

humiliate v.羞辱;使丧失尊严;

retain v.留住;保住;

remain v.留下;仍;
