


不论是何种级别的卖场,都必须有让顾客舒心的购物环境。贝恩 公司在缅因州自由港的最大零售店拥有10.9万平方英尺的营业面积, 每年都吸引350多万人前来购物和参观。可见这个零售店的环境一定 很好,深受顾客们的喜欢。商场在硬件方面投入较多,购物环境确实 得到了改善,就会增强顾客购物的舒适感与视觉效果,对吸引顾客进 店,增加收益大有好处。
组员:杨昆 冯乾 嘉熲煚 曹胜兰
商品质量是顾客关心的主要因素之一。顾客消费的目的就是要买到 一个自己满意的产品,如果产品的质量很差,不能满足其需求,就会 影响顾客对公司的评价。另一方面,如果顾客对公司的产品质量一直 很认可,顾客到商场购物时心理上也会对质量放心。顾客认同商品质 量,自然对商场本身也就会潜意识的满意。
在上述几个需求中,我认为“产品保证”是最主要的,也是贝恩公 司所必须满足的。顾客到贝恩公司消费,买到自己需要的商品,在诸多 要素中,最在意的就是产品的质量与使用后到底是否满意。有了“产品 保证”,顾客可以放心购买,如果对产品不满意,可以通过不同的渠道 申请退还物,直到自己满意为止。
正确及时的产品信息提供 为了获得更大的利润,商店要及时将自己的产品的信息发放到 客户。贝恩公司这一点做的很好,公司每年都会邮寄1.5亿份产 品目录,在官网上也会有每期的产品宣传册和最新产品的视频 介绍,产品介绍全面到位。




答曰:从海外情况看,欧美 3G运行很差,日韩比较理想,原因在于欧美的手机应用多为语音,日韩则大部分是数据应用,从彩铃彩信在中国的火热来看,中国消费者更相似于日韩,整体来看是 promising的,但是关键点在于找到适合于中国的 killer application,而中国移动近期的作为(二维码的推广一类的)则是前期的尝试。

二、是认为 Blog能不能赚钱,能否有成功的商业模式答曰:目前看来 Blog赚钱大概是两种方式,在线广告和电子商务(后一个模式是在 Gobi时候亲自看到的,所以非常清楚,偷笑一个)。

在线广告涉及到 blogger和 BSP的分成问题(比如徐静蕾和新浪),以及广告主对这一媒体渠道的兴趣不浓,基本没戏。



三、是IKEA应该进入哪些除了北京,上海广州深圳外的城市答曰:IKEA考虑进入二线城市首先应该看市场容量和发展前景,如在二线城市中哪些有着蓬勃发展的房地产和购房需求,下一步则是看当地消费者群体与 IKEA的目标消费群体吻合程度。

(这个地方取了个巧,知道不能直接说要进入哪些哪些城市,更好的是给出筛选的.标准,就好像 MCK的笔试最后一个case,筛选进入的国家一样;此处后来觉得还应该加入考虑竞争情况,构 3C的framework)三个问题结束,HR提示该我问问题了,我之前没想过会接到 buddycall,脑中一片空白,于是厚着脸皮问:How do you evaluate this pre-talk?HR答曰:主要是看英语和logic, structure我说:怪不得三个问题看起来像三个 mini case(果然是咨询的面试,什么都要 structure,建议后来者可以用一些简单的 framework,当然十分钟三个问题,每个问题就是几句话的事情,基本上只要摆出来第一第二第三点,听起来就很有 structure了)。

2013贝恩杯咨询案例大赛 初赛试题

2013贝恩杯咨询案例大赛 初赛试题

The World of Opportunities for Yonghui: A Rising Star in China’s Grocery Retail MarketApril 26, 2013This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentThe Assignment• Your team has been invited by the management of Yonghui to participate in a preliminary discussion on the company’s strategy in the next 5 years. The quality of your proposal and presentation will largely determine whether you can get into real discussions on a potential 3-month consulting project • To propose Yonghui’s strategy in the next 5 years, your team will need to tell a story, supported by data and analyses, that addresses the following questions:-How will the China grocery retail market evolve in the next 5 years? -Given this market, how should Yonghui think about growth and expansion? -What will be the biggest opportunities and challenges for Yonghui?• This proposal will be due by the end of May 5th, and you may be asked to present these materials to a small group of senior management in the following week • To ensure that your presentation hits the most important points, you have agreed with your team to produce a maximum of 15 slides (not including agenda pages or additional data analyses in backup materials) • To help you quickly get up-to-speed, Yonghui management has kindly shared some reference materials. Though these materials seem to be outdated, the management trusts your team will be able to gather updated and additional data from publicly available sources, such as annual reports, analysis reports, etc. • Good luck!This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentHKG2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)2Reference Materials• China grocery retail market trends identified by Bain & Company • Yonghui story and CEO interview reported by China Business NewsThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentHKG2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)3China grocery retail market has witnessed six major trends in the past decade1 2 3Rapid market growth• Market growing fast with modern trade outgrow traditional • Main drivers are urbanization and income increase4Varied consumer behavior• Consumers generally concerned about freshness, price, safety and health • But specific preferences/ behavior differed by regions and city tiers5Major regional differences• Different regions have significant socio-economic distinctions • City tiers also contribute varied market realities6Fierce competition• All world leading MNC retailers are in China • Chinese retailers are all aggressively expanding beyond home baseHypermarkets taking share• New store openings concentrate on hypermarkets • But some cities also reach saturation of hypermarkets, e.g. SH & BJMulti-format store coverage• MNC hyper players entering community store/ CVS, e.g. Tesco Express • Local players entering hyper/ general merchandising storeHKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent41Strong grocery retail market growth, modern grocery retail outgrowing traditionalNote: Modern grocery retail includes Hypermarket, Supermarket and CVS (Convenience Stores) Source: Planet Retail; Bain analysis; Lit-research; Annual reports; Access Asia; Euromonitor; Statistical Yearbook of China Chain StoresThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)52Chinese consumers have specific concerns towards grocery consumptionPURSUIT OF FRESHNESS • Chinese consumers seek fresh foods to use in their cooking • Largely shop for fresh foods at wet markets on a daily basis • Mixed attitudes towards packaged fresh food as they like to pick up the products themselves PRICE SENSITIVITY • Price more important than brands or services“Brand loyalty is much lower than in the West. A price cut or good instore promotion can often sway shoppers.” Financial TimesFOOD SAFETY AND HEALTH PRODUCTS • Food safety is a major concern, especially after2008 melamine scandal• Thorough price comparison before purchase, no matter how small • Promotion seekers (e.g. coupons)• Increasing awareness on food processes (e.g. cold chain) and provenance- Largest modern retailers trusted for meat and deli products traceability• In health categories, Chinese consumers believe the higher the price the better qualitySource: Planet Retail; Lit searchThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)63China is not one market: significant socio-economic differences across regionsNorthwest # of provinces 5 246 19% 97 2,539 North/ Northeast # of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$) 10 1,907 18% Heilongjiang 454 4,199 JilinLiaoning Gansu Inner Mongolia Beijing Tianjin HebeiChina Overall • # of provinces: 31 • 2009 GDP: US$5.0T • 04-09 GDP growth: 17% • Population:1.31B • GDP/capita: $3,783 • Regions could differ widely onClimate Cultural tradition Dialect Consumer behavior Minority nation mix Logistics infrastructure - Etc.GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$)XinjiangEast 6 1,392 16% 288 4,834 (US$ B) growth (04-09) (US$)QinghaiNingxia# of provincesShanxiShaanxi HenanGDP Shandong GDP JiangsuTibetPopulation (M)Anhui GDP/capita Shanghai Zhejiang Jiangxi Fujian TaiwanSichuan ChongqingHubei HunanSouthwest # of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$) 5 409 17% 196 2,087YunnanGuizhou Guangxi GuangdongSoutheast 5 994 18% 273 3,6217# of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$)HKGHainanNote: All data is for 2009, GDP is measured at current price level. China region allocation is based on empirical evidence. Different sources may have different allocation; exchange rate is 6.83 Source: CEIC, National Bureau of StatisticsThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)3Different market realities across city tiersTier 1 cities (4) • Highest average household income and large urban population • Economy and political centers • • • • Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou Shenzhen Selecting criteria Tier 2 cities (33) • 2 Municipality cities • 26 Provincial capitals • Other 5 wealthiest cities • • • • • • • Tianjin Chongqing Foshan, Guangdong Qingdao, Shandong Ningbo, Zhejiang Wuxi, Jiangsu Shantou, Guangdong Tier 3 cities (~310) • All other prefecturelevel cities Tier 4/5 cities (~2K) • County cities • CountiesShare of retail sales (est.)Example cities• • • • • •Baoding, Hebei Anshan, Liaoning Nantong, Jiangsu Siping, Jilin Yantai, Shandong Mianyang, Sichuan• Jiaozhou, Shandong • Jimo, Shandong • Changhai Xian, Liaoning • Benxi, Liaoning • Longjiang, Heilongjiang • Raohe, Heilongjiang • Tonghua, Liaoning • Zunhua, Hebei36%64%HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)Source: Lit search; NielsenThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent84Foreign and local players have different strengths/ strategy focusesFOREIGN PLAYERS • National footprint • Largely focused on hypermarket format • Attractive commercial model leveraging operating know-how • Formerly benefitted from privileged treatment by local authorities-Low rent -Forbearance vs. regulation infringementLOCAL PLAYERS • Regional footprint • Largely focused on supermarket format • Knowledge of local market • Strong relationship with local authoritiesSource: Lit searchThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)95In China, hypermarket is taking share from supermarketSource: Lit-research; Annual reports; Access Asia; Euromonitor; Statistical Yearbook of China Chain Stores; Bain analysisThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)10Domestic players are moving towards HM format, while MNCs began to try formats beyond HMWHILE DOMESTIC PLAYERS ARE MOVING TOWARDS HM FORMAT…… MNCS BEGAN TO TRY FORMATSBEYOND HM6Reference Materials•China grocery retail market trends identified byBain & Company•Yonghui story and CEO interview reported byChina Business News永辉超市:生不要碰,熟不要放•下午3点钟,还是上班族的办公时间。



【海外人才招聘会】贝恩刚刚出的笔试真题你看了吗?前几天Bain已经发出了笔试邀请,做完的部分同学表示已经不能再爱了,毕竟这种数一数二的咨询公司真不是那么好进的!介于大家对咨询公司笔试了解的程度还不够深,小编特来科普:麦肯锡的笔试叫做McKinsey Problem Solving Test包括3个案例,每个案例10题左右,总共30题左右。

整套题是ETS出品,一个Case的阅读量大概是1/3 A4纸,然后每道题目都会根据Case来出10道左右的问题,涉及若干计算、估计、数据图表分析、图表、判断等题目。

案例(真题):Case 1:有一个公司要推广糖尿病药物,让大麦调查中国糖尿病治疗市场,市场调查涉及到不同城市的医生对治疗费用的看法等等。

Case 2:一个小国家想要在交通工具技术上领先于其他国家,让大麦调查交通工具的技术,交通能源技术等等;Case 3:美国某个出版集团的故事...;贝恩笔试环节和McKinsey PST类似,总共包括3个案例,25个问题以及一个描述性问题,需要一个小时内完成,顺便说一下贝恩是在2015年才有开始笔试环节的。

案例(真题):1. Do you have any leadership experience?2. Provide one example of achieving tough goal in a team.3. What's your strengths/weaknesses?The descriptive question needs to be written within 100 to 150 words.注意:大麦和红B笔试都不让带计算机的。

上述类笔试题主要考察你的数据分析能力和business sense,这不是靠临时抱佛脚能准备出的,需要平时的积累:1)阅读casebook,比较好的有Wetfeet-Ace the case (5本),Fuqua casebook和HBS casebook。



Bain Case 2•Office Vending Services Inc.SituationOffice Vending Services Inc. is a global leader in vending machines services for smalland large businesses.They provide a full service to their clients. This includes installing machines at client site, refills and repair.They collect revenues only from snack sales and choose the variety of products they sell in their vending machines themselves.ComplicationOver the past few years, their profits have dropped significantly and the CEO is unable to figure out why.The CEO asks Bain to identify the root causes of the problem and proposeactionable solutions.Question 1 of 11You would start to tackle this problem by looking at which factors:Industry trends 5-year market value evolution Fixed and variable costsRevenues and costs Competitors' actionsBain's answerUsing an External/Internal framework will help us determine whether our client's profitability problem is industry-wide or unique to them. If it is internal, we will look at our client's revenues and costs to isolate the problem.If it is external, we will need to investigate the cause of the industry decline (consumer trends, substitutes, etc.).It is more straight-forward to look into external factors first (Is the market and overall profit pool growing? Have there been new recent entrants to the market?). Therefore, looking at industry trends would be our likely first step.Question 2 of 11To identify if the declining profitability is an internal issue of our client or if it is an industry trend, John, the partner on your case, asks you to contact our information department, called Bain IS (Information Services).They propose several reports that might be of help. The client does not want to spend more than $3000 for this analysis.Please select the report you want to purchase.Industry Report #1 Industry Report #2 Customer Insights Analyst Report Bain's answerYour objective is to identify the driver that really matters. You need to know about the market:•Have total market sales and the overall profit pool gone up or down in recent years?•How have different competitors' profitability evolved over the past decade—is everyone facing pricing pressure and/or increased costs?The analyst report includes all this information.Question 3 of 11Based on info purchased by IS, let's look at the market profit trend for snack sales from vending machines.What would be your first conclusions based on this information?Bain's answerThe profit trend of the vending machines sales is positive (5%) for the overall market. Therefore, the problem of Office Vending Services' profitability is internal.Question 4 of 11What would the next step be to find the root cause of our client's internal profitability problem?Bain's answerA basic revenue and cost framework enables us to cover all factors impacting profitability and quickly identify the drivers that matter. We need to look both at revenues and costs and the component parts of each.Question 5 of 11At this stage, the Bain team would likely start to form its "answer-first" hypothesis to guide its analysis and help drive to a recommendation in the most efficient manner possible.You and your colleague Sarah, a consultant on the team, head to a team room to write your ideas on a white board based on your early insights that you will then share with the team manager.How would you suggest laying out a hypothesis at this point?Bain's answerA potential hypothesis at this point might be:Office Vending Services' decline in profitability has been caused by internal factors due to stagnated revenue growth that hasn't stayed in line with rising fixed and variable costs.Remember, an early hypothesis is simply a tool to help guide our analysis, not a final answer. It will be revised and fine-tuned as we learn more information.Question 6 of 11Given our profitability framework and initial hypothesis, what would be your next steps to investigate further and what questions would you like answered?A selection of possible questions is given below. Which of these are most relevant at this stage?Has the client launched new products recently? How have competitors' profits evolved?Have our client's individual snack prices changed recently? Has the volume of our snacksales declined? Has our client invested heavily in new equipment recently or had an increasein overhead? Did the cost of goods sold increase? Did our client reduce his marketing spend?Bain's answerAsking the right questions upfront will allow the team to quickly determine which of the four potential drivers is responsible for our client's decline in profitability.We have laid out what we consider to be the most critical questions at this stage under each of the four drivers of profitability. The interviewers responses are below.Your questioning has identified "quantity" to be the key driver of declining profitability. We can now update our hypothesis to show that a reduction in snack sales volume from vending machines is driving the decline in revenues.The team gets together to discuss this early insight. Suzanne, the team manager, states:"Since the industry's profit pool is growing and gross margins are constant, we can conclude that the overall vending machine market is growing. This means that our client must be losing share to their competitors. Our next step is to figure out why."Question 7 of 11With quantity identified as the key driver of profit decline, the client agrees to pay for temporary staff to perform market research. Based on their findings, Sarah, a consultant on your team, created the attached slide. Now we need to understand how our client compares to the competition on delivering on the customers' most valued needs.Given the market research presented in this slide, why do you think our client's volumes are dropping?Client's volumes are dropping because of (you can select more than one):Overall market decline Products offered are not meeting customers' needs Client isnot offering sufficient snack variety Customers finding substitutes in other markets (café,convenience store, newsagent, etc.) Vending Services Inc. prices are too high Customers are tempted by competitors' modern machinesBain's answerThrough our structured investigation, we have quickly established drivers of the client's falling profitability (see image).Conclusions from the market research show:•Products offered are not meeting customer needs (i.e., too few low-fat options)•Although their individual and average prices have not changed over time internally, our client's snack prices are perceived as much higher than competitorsQuestion 8 of 11In order to solve the problem and make an actionable recommendation, we need to understand the drivers of each identified problem.How would you answer the following?•Why do you think the client is underperforming on price?•What are the immediate next steps or analysis needed to identify the source of the pricing problem?Bain's answerTwo factors are most likely to be forcing Office Vending Services to maintain their higher prices:•Greater product variety (adds complexity to their operations and doesn't allow them to reach full purchasing scale from suppliers)•Modern machines are likely to have higher leasing costsThese two factors put our client at a cost disadvantage to the competition.The next step is to understand how our cost structures compare to those of our competitors in order to fully assess our competitive performance.Question 9 of 11A comparison of our cost structure to that of our competition confirms that our client is unable to compete on price due to structurally higher costs.Although the client's costs have not increased recently, those of their competitors are lower. Suzanne asks you to investigate how to reduce costs to allow Office Vending Services Inc. to price their snacks more competitively.Ben, an associate consultant on the team, puts together a data request to the client to get more internal information. The client returns the following exhibits.Read them carefully to extract all of the necessary information.One of the ways to reduce Office Vending Services' costs is to reduce its product complexity. Based on the exhibits, would you stop distributing any products? If so, which ones?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I would recommend not dropping any existing productsBain's answerBased on the information in Exhibit 1, one way to maximize sales force efficiency would be to:Keep products that currently make up ~80% of our client's total profit marginWe also want to be sure the remaining products will have enough low-fat options, as this is valued by customers.Following these guidelines, products 2,7, and 8 could be excludedQuestion 10 of 11Suppose you stop selling products 2, 7 and 8.You decide to reallocate the volume (12,000 units) to either vendor 1, or vendor 4, or a new vendor 9 who have proposed the following:Vendor/Product 120% discount on historical volumes and 25% discount on incremental volumes of their productVendor/Product 420% discount on all volumes of product 4 and will subsidize part of the client's admin staff (equivalent to 1 FTE) in charge of the product orders processingVendor/Product 9A new vendor has a fat-free product with COGS of $2. While there is no product discount, their modern procurement system will allow our client to reduce its admin staff by 2 FTE. Remember from Exhibit 2, each product eliminated creates a 7% reduction in salary and benefit costs.X CLOSEFor simplicity, you can calculate this additional administrative savings for Vendors 4 & 9 off the original SG&A baseline costs, not the post-complexity reduction SG&A costsWhat option do you choose?What is that option's monthly impact on COGS and SG&A?Your answer:I would reallocate the volume to:Vendor 1 Vendor 4 New vendor 9This option would result in:Bain's answerLet's analyze each vendor's proposition:Exhibit 1 told us that our monthly cost of goods sold (COGS) is $126,500. In eliminating products 2, 7 and 8, we must reallocate their 12,000 units to Vendors 1, 4 or new Vendor 9Like all case interviews—there is no one "right answer" in how you draw conclusions from the analytics and make recommendations to the client. We want to hear your thought process and logic. Here are some of our thoughts about each option:Question 11 of 11Through our investigations we have discovered the root cause of Office Vending Services Inc.'s falling profitability. However, we now need to make actionable recommendations to help them reverse their performance trend.What actions do you advise your client to undertake to increase their profits?Bain's answerKey RecommendationsTo reverse the trend in falling profitability, there are several key steps we would recommend the client to do (note:all of these options were not fully analyzed in this practice case):Reduce the number of product varieties sold, Consider keeping only those which account for 80% of gross margin dollars.This will reduce complexity, decrease COGS and SG&A costs and will allow you to negotiate discounts with remaining vendors.Stock more low-fat options within the reduced inventory, This will increase number of snacks sold and improve profitability.Deprioritize leasing newer, more expensive machines, Customers don't care and older machines are cheaperAllocate cost savings to reduce prices, This will attract more customers, increase snack sales and drive profitsInvestigate a competitor acquisition, Client could benefit from cost synergies (e.g., SG&A) and economies of scale (e.g., COGS).。



贝恩杯咨询案例大赛获奖作品贝恩杯咨询案例大赛获奖作品为题,列举如下10个案例:1. 咨询案例一:汽车制造行业在汽车制造行业中,一家公司面临着市场竞争激烈、成本压力大的问题。


2. 咨询案例二:零售业一家零售企业在市场竞争中逐渐失去竞争力,销售额和利润不断下滑。


3. 咨询案例三:金融行业一家银行在数字化转型过程中遇到了一系列挑战,包括技术应用、组织变革等方面。


4. 咨询案例四:能源行业一家能源公司在市场环境变化中面临着业务重组和盈利压力的问题。


5. 咨询案例五:医疗行业一家医疗机构在医疗服务质量和效率方面存在一定的问题。


6. 咨询案例六:酒店业一家酒店集团在市场扩张过程中遇到了品牌定位和运营管理方面的困境。


7. 咨询案例七:电子通信行业一家电子通信公司在市场竞争中面临着技术创新和产品升级的压力。


8. 咨询案例八:农业行业一家农业企业在市场营销和供应链管理方面存在一定的问题。




Profit pools provide a means to evaluate the competitive dynamics of an industry.
• The varying concentrations of profit along the value chain (known as the shape of the profit pool) reflect the competitive dynamics of a business - profit concentrations result from the actions and interactions of companies and customers - profit pools form in areas where barriers to competition exist - profit pools exist in areas that have been overlooked by competitors
• Every market has an uneven distribution of profit between product categories, customer groups, geographic regions and/or distribution channels
• Profit pools are not stagnant - as power shifts among the players in an industry (competitors, suppliers, and customers), the structure of the profit pool changes




































❖ 阿里巴巴集团未来有整体上市计划??
❖ 基于我国社会文化背景,民族企业创始人多数倾向于绝对控 制自己创设的公司。即使企业已经上市成为公众公司,他们仍然 在情感上将其视为自己的企业。因此创始人更加看重企业未来的 长远利益。
❖ 作为战略投资者的VC或者PE(私募投资者Private Equity ) 往往是欧美投资机构,他们基于西方思维,尊重商业契约,追求 投资的最大回报率。所以逐利性让投资者更重视资金的退出和短 期利益。
来审视,我们当然支持创始人对企业享有绝对控 制权(非控股权)。
❖ 基于我国文化社会背景下,企 业未来的归属权是对创始人的 最大慰藉,同时我们需要更多 像马云、宗庆后、柳传志等这 样优秀的民族企业家,来撑起 民族经济的脊梁;
❖ 民族品牌是一个国家的标签、 民族智慧的象征,任何一个成 员都很难从心里接受她改名易 主。
年份 IPO企业数 有风投注资 占比数
1996年,娃哈哈集团与金加投 资有限公司(由达能亚洲与香港百富勤在 新加坡成立,达能为控股股东) 共同组 建五家合资公司。
观念,财务管理活动应从传统的被动支持,向主动的价值创造转 变,让财务支持下的企业决策更为科学有效。
※ 建立百年民族企业
一个百年企业,需要职业管理团队的运营,而引进战略 投资者,显然能够弱化大股东对企业的独断专权,提升企业 董事会的独立性,利于职业经理人的进入,防止公众公司家 族化等等众多优势。

bain 咨询笔试题

bain 咨询笔试题

1. 案例分析题:

作为Bain 公司的顾问,您需要回答以下问题:
* 您认为客户面临的主要挑战是什么?
* 您建议客户采取哪些措施来提高品牌知名度和销售额?
* 请提供具体的实施方案和预期成果。

2. 逻辑推理题:

* 如果圆圈内的数字是奇数,则圆圈外的数字是偶数;
* 如果圆圈内的数字是偶数,则圆圈外的数字是奇数。

3. 数学题:







nd next steps (1/3)
Welcome to the 2015 Bain case competition! Your team has been invited by the Strategy Director of ApparelCo. to participate in a pre-discussion on ApparelCo.’s ecommerce strategy in China for the next
Source: iResearch; Analysys International; Bain analysis
For apparel, women clothes and low-medium priced apparel items are most popular online categories
Possible customer journey
Integrated online and offline platform has made new customer journey possible for shopping
Source: Bain Experience
Apparel ecommerce channel has experienced different development stages; 4 major models exist in current stage
China has become the No. 2 in global digital retail market …
China is expected to overtake U.S. to be no. 1 in 2013
Lower price is stated as the single most important reason that drives consumers to shop online…


– Easy returns at over 400 stores nationwide – Professional advice from entertainment associates
5Recommendation Consider alternatives
• Target new customers with trials and promotions
• Cross channel promotions
– Virtual coupons in direct mailer – Long-term coupon plan to build repeat purchases – Friends & family programs
• Integrate offline assets
• Metrics
– Revenue
• +10% in 1997 • +2% in 1998 • - 10% in 1999 • compared to 50+% market growth
• Cost Performance – Structure: How does this overall cost structure compare to the cost structure within each channel?
• 60% COGS
• 10% distribution
• SG&A up 5% over last 2 years
Revenue Analysis
• Decline in prices
– Lack of differentiation
• Easy product returns to mall stores • Cross promotions to create loyalty effect


















●认定事实:1、重点中学读高二的儿子;2、成绩在班级里属于中等偏上;●考不上什么大学?要考什么大学?●目标过高即调整目标;●过于关注对考试不利;●听取丈夫和孩子的意见,调整关系;期待性焦虑●是指担心即将发生的事件会出现最坏的结局,时刻等待不幸的到来所表现的消极心态;●表现:1、紧张不安,担忧害怕;2、降低或失去兴趣和希望;3、睡眠障碍;4、躯体化反应;期待性焦虑●易发情景:1、面临经常遭受失败的活动时;2、害怕失败的重大活动前;●矫治:● 1、增强自信心;● 2、避免压力过强;● 3、期望值不要过高。






第三个case是一个健康保健领域的公司,以前进入过低端市场但失败了,最近觉得这个市场很好想再进入,因此寻求贝恩帮助,问了9个问题,我记得有:公司寻求贝恩的目的是什么?贝恩为了帮助公司需要了解什么信息?给出不同size企业的一些财务数据,large size企业的ROA,medium size企业的ROE?不同国家的人均健康护理投入和健康指标,问那个国家最有效?那些因素可以帮助判断低端市场未来发展前景是好的?如果贝恩决定建议公司进入该市场,研究步骤是什么?公司在健康护理领域的两个产品的价格和其他公司产品的价格,问和平均水平相比如何?等等。







如何制定有效的市场进入策略?答案详解:1. 市场调研:首先,进行深入的市场调研,了解目标市场的文化、消费习惯、法律法规等。

2. SWOT分析:识别公司的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats)。

3. 竞争分析:分析竞争对手的市场占有率、产品特点、价格策略等。

4. 定位策略:根据调研结果,确定公司产品的市场定位,如高端市场或大众市场。

5. 进入模式选择:选择适合的进入模式,如合资、独资、代理或特许经营。

6. 风险评估:评估进入新市场可能面临的风险,并制定相应的风险管理计划。



答案详解:1. 快速响应:立即公开承认问题,并表示将采取措施解决。

2. 问题调查:组织专业团队对问题原因进行深入调查。

3. 沟通策略:制定有效的沟通策略,与消费者、媒体和股东保持透明沟通。

4. 补救措施:根据调查结果,采取补救措施,如产品召回、退款或补偿。

5. 改进措施:根据问题原因,改进生产流程或管理措施,防止问题再次发生。

6. 重建信任:通过持续的改进和积极的沟通,重建消费者和市场的信任。


答案详解:1. 员工调查:通过问卷调查或面谈,了解员工离职的主要原因。

2. 薪酬福利:审查并优化薪酬福利体系,确保与市场水平相匹配。

3. 职业发展:提供职业发展机会和培训计划,帮助员工实现个人成长。

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•Personal Care Co.Client, Private Equity Co. (PEC), is looking to acquire Personal Care Co.Personal Care Co. offers a diversified product line of health & beauty products intoseveral market segments.PEC would like to sell the acquisition in 2-3 years for a profit.The new management team PEC would put in place is unsure where to focus PersonalCare Co.'s growth efforts and, therefore, which segments to target with new productlaunches.PEC is asking Bain to provide guidance to help them decide to purchase this firm or not.They also expect Bain to tell them where to focus their efforts.Question 1 of 7How would you go about breaking this problem down?Think of a high-level structure you could use to guide your thought process.Be sure to cover all the main areas that need to be considered in order to be able to fully answer the 2 key questions.What would be the key elements of the analysis framework?Competitive environment Personal Care growth projection Market attractivenessCompany attractiveness Legal and regulation environment Potential synergy with other companies owned by PEC•Question 1 of 7Your answer1. Competitive environmentBain's answerIn this situation we might look to use a standard private equity due diligence framework covering market attractiveness, company attractiveness, and competitive environment. Given the fund's objectives, we should also keep in mind the feasibility of a profitable exit in 2-3 years' time.Note: Private equity cases are typically much shorter than standard corporate cases. Teams need to be able to quickly assess the situation at a high level and then focus on the issues that have the greatest effect on the overall answer.•Question 2 of 7Let's start by considering how attractive the overall market is.The local information services department (Bain IS) has provided you with the high level market structure.Which segments look to be the most attractive?Please choose one or more options below.Foot Oral Hair Face SkinBain's answerFace and Skin are attractive as they are the biggest segments in the market.Hair is also an attractive option as it presents the highest growth rate.Focusing quickly on the most important items helps prioritize tasks and use your time in the most efficient way possible.•Question 3a of 7With the help of Information Services, you have been researching recent deal activity in the market and have compiled a slide showing profit multiples paid for acquisitions of various businesses which operate in each of the market segments.Which segment generates the highest profit multiples?Foot Oral Hair Face SkinPlease reflect on why this matters to our private equity client in considering an acquisition. Bain's answerThe hair segment has been generating the highest profit multiples, even when controlling for market dominance (signified by a high relative market share).Understanding the profit multiples of recent transactions is important for two main reasons:•First, it allows the PE firm to make an assessment of a fair market price•Second, it shows the impact on exit value that improvements in profitability might have.In this case, improvements the PE firm can make to an acquisition's profits from the hair segment might command the greatest premium at exit.Question 3b of 7Coming back to the chart you compiled, do you see any other information or insight that you can derive from it?Please propose other relevant insights based on the chart.Bain's answerComparing multiples and relative market shares, we can conclude that a higher relative market share is correlated to a higher profit multiple.It means that the market values leadership positions and is ready to pay for it (in terms of multiples).A secondary insight could be that oral segment activity is limited. Possible reasons for this could be a) the market is already consolidated, or b) no economies of scale exist in the segment that would inspire consolidation.Question 3c of 7The partner on your case wants you to give the client a quick update on your analysis and findings to date. Your partner asks you to draft a short email for the client (3 bullet points) with the summary of our findings so far.Bain's answer•The personal care market is dominated by the Skin, Face, and Hair segments•There is a strong correlation between market dominance and profit multiples paid•The Hair segment generates higher multiples than the other segments, even when controlling for market dominance•Which are the most critical elements we need to understand to assess how attractive the company is?Please select two.Overall profitability Profitability by segment Segment market share and RMSTop executive biographies Total G&A costs Customer size and profitability Bain's answerThe most critical assessment of Personal Care Co's performance is:•Profitability by segment•Segment Market Share and RMSUnderstanding these key facts by market segment is critical to:•Determine the core segments for the business and concentrate the investment decision on the attractiveness and competitive position of these segments•Understand whether there are underperforming segments which might be sold or focused on for improvement"Personal Care Co. is profitable in every segment."- Head of Sales, Personal Care Co.•We still need to better understand the competitive environment.The partner would like to know what key data or analysis we need to assess the competitive environment. She thinks you should not spend more than two days to collect required data.Remember, deadlines can be short on private equity cases so we need to focus on gathering the crucial data necessary to get us the majority of the way to a robust answer.Which data is the most critical?Profitability per competitor (1d) Competitive threats (1d) Capital cost of marketentry (5h) Personal Care's cost base (1.5d) Competitor sales by country (1.5d)Competitor sales by segment (2.0d) R&D budget of each competitor (1d)Bain's answerEssential data is sales for each major competitor in our key segments (Skin, Face, and Hair).•This enables us to map market share by segment and shows if the market in each segment is concentrated or fragmentedOther areas we may want to look into if we had more time:•Barriers to entry or exit in the market (includes capital cost of entry)•Competitive threats (including profile of key competitors and potential entrants) Question 5b of 7What are your key takeaways from this competitive information?Bain's answerPersonal Care Co. has a reasonable competitive position in Skin but is a very small player in Face and Hair.Hair is a highly fragmented category with no clear market leader.•Suggests lower barriers to entry and regional/private label competitionOur two largest competitors have top share position across the three categories.•Suggests some degree of cost and customer sharing across the three lines of business (we don't appear to have taken full advantage of this)Given the number of industry competitors across the lines of business, it is likely that strategic buyers would be available if PEC wanted to sell PCC in 2-3 years time.Question 6 of 7Given all the data and information you have seen, can you make a recommendation to Private Equity Co.?Should PEC pursue Personal Care Co opportunity?Where should Personal Care Co. focus its efforts?•Remember to think about all of the insights on the market, the company and the competitive environment•Think about how these impact our 2 key questions•How would you support your answer with the key facts you have learned?Strategy is about choices. Please check only one recommendation to Private Equity Co.Do not pursue PCC opportunity—the markets it plays in are not sufficiently attractiveDo not pursue PCC opportunity—it does not have sufficient upside potential Pursueopportunity at a fair price and leave as it is Pursue opportunity at a fair price and focus onthe Skin segment Pursue opportunity at a fair price and focus on the Hair segmentBain's answerPREFERRED SOLUTIONAcquire and Focus on Hair: High-risk, high-reward solution. Growth rates and multiples are significant. Current market position is low and therefore upside potential exists. Share gain in this fragmented segment seems achievable with increased focus as it does not have to come at the expense of large competitors. Cost/customer sharing is likely with our other product lines so we should have a structural advantage here vs. smaller, focused players. Given the multiples realized in this segment, growth here has the highest potential reward at exit for PEC.ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONAcquire and Focus on Skin: Can be considered as a more conservative solution. While growth opportunities probably exist, focus here would also need to be on operating efficiencies and maximizing free cash flow from a more mature line of business.Question 7 of 7Given your findings so far, Private Equity Co. has decided to make a bid for Personal Care Co. with the intention of growing the Hair Care business.Before evaluating opportunities and expected profit in the Hair Care business in particular, your team has already evaluated the value of other business units.Your workstream is to evaluate the profit potential of the Hair Care business independent of the other lines of business.Private Equity Co. is planning to pay an 8.0x profit multiple for the business today. Assuming they can grow in the Hair segment to an RMS of 0.6 in 3 years time, what returns could they expect to make on sale at this point (Hair Care only)?Bain's answerWork through the data you have been given to calculate the implied price today and on sale in year 3. PEC could expect to make ~5 times returns on the hair care business.Common sense assumptions need to be made to enable you to arrive at a final sales price:•Conservative estimate taken for likely exit multiple, range is 15-20x•Hair care segment continues to grow at historical CAGR of 7%•Leader retains market share in year 3•Hair care profit margins remain constant。
