



主要表现有: 当士兵到铁匠铺修理 损坏的手铐,他的反应是: “ 乔 用 他的目光扫了一下,便说干这种活 儿一定要把风炉生起来,而且一个 小时不够,非得两个小时才行。” 随后便换上他工作的衣服进行工作。 书中是这样描写的: “乔已把他的 上衣和背心脱掉,解下领带,系上 了皮围裙,走进他的铁匠铺。”可 以看出乔对待事情踏实的态度而且 很务实的精神。
,通过本书的阅读,感觉乔这一人物形象是最真实的。他或 许是他所处时代平凡的一员。他受到当时社会环境的制约, 没有受到良好的教育,会对阶级低位比自己高的人唯唯诺 诺。但是他身上表现出的那些优秀的品质:善良,富有同 情心,踏实且务实,对待朋友的真诚等,却对现代仍然适 用。我们可能没有一个远大的前程,但我们却有追求幸福 的权利。当我们也拥有和乔一样的品质时,我相信我们的 身边不会缺乏幸福,也会有更多的机会,或许能找到属于 自已的远大前程。
对于乔表现对社会阶级地位表现出唯唯诺诺,我感觉这个乔所处的时代背 景有很大的关系。狄更斯在写这本小书时,当时正值欧洲大陆经历了1848 年的大革命,英国社会矛盾日趋尖锐,其中表现出最突出的就是阶级的矛 盾,乔这样一个老实巴交的人面对自己阶级地位高的人时唯唯诺诺的画面 就是这种矛盾的一个缩影。
在文中曾这样描写到: “乔在家中的地位和影响是不大的,如果有客人在 场,他的地位和影响就更加弱小。 ”这是从匹普的视角进行描写,看见在 小匹普心里,乔的这种缺乏自信的表现是显而易见的。



her depressed in the heart became excited, so she let Pip kiss her.
Miss Havisham
like a devil Don't let yourself go out and see the sun
and let the other people in the dark
See everything as black and white.
She looks sloppy, but the heart kind and helpful and
with Pip.
Because of love, she changed herself. She
became a pleasant ,wholesome and sweettempered girl.
She looks beautiful, but she is very proud and insulting.
knowledge and patience
Pleasant and sweet-tempered.
It can be said that Biddy was Pip’s first teacher. When Biddy came to Joy’s home and taken good care of Pip’s sister she was fall in love
The first part of characters analysis
is a hapless people
a child of nature



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D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman89 从美狄亚和伊阿宋的故事探究希腊悲剧的复仇情节90 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究91 中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响92 《乞力马扎罗山上的雪》中的生与死93 跨文化商务活动中的交际与礼仪94 从文化差异的角度看《红楼梦》颜色词的英译95 埃德加•爱伦•坡短篇小说的幽默性———以《同木乃伊的对话》为例96 英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析97 谈呼啸山庄的复仇主题98 A Study of Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and English Proverbs99 剖析希腊神话中的爱情观100 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩101 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究102 功能对等理论视角下英语言语幽默的翻译—以《老友记》为例103 从冲突到融合——从文化的角度看《喜福会》104 法律英语词汇特点及其翻译105 礼貌,商务信函的灵魂—礼貌原则及其在商务信函中的应用106 浅议我国民营企业薪酬管理107 论《大卫•科波菲尔》中人物个性与时代背景的关系108 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通109 《麦琪的礼物》的叙事技巧分析110 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究111 A Study on Error Correction in JEFC Classroom112 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题113 从《理智与情感》中看人格与性格对婚姻选择的影响114 性别与语言风格115 从《女勇士》中的女性形象看文化差异116 Tradition and Beyond—Reading The Diviners as a Bildungsroman117 词块理论在英语专业学生写作中的应用118 礼貌原则在口译中的应用119 中西节日的对比研究120 英汉语篇中的省略衔接手段对比及其翻译方法——以《雪》译文为例121 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素122 从艾米莉•狄金森与李清照的诗歌看女性文化差异123 春节与圣诞节的对比研究124 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿•考菲尔德的成长经历125 中西幽默异同探析126 论《暮光之城•暮色》中英译汉的词类转译127 论文化对国际市场营销的重要性--以迪斯尼乐园为例128 从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦与道德观129 紫色中女人意识的觉醒130 功能对等视角下英汉颜色词的对比与翻译131 从文化角度看林语堂的《吾国与吾民》132 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊133 Family Values in Desperate Housewives134 走出精神的困境:论托尼.莫里森小说《爵士乐》中维奥莱特的自我救赎135 跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析136 An Analysis of The Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Existentialism 137 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names 138 论《简爱》对《灰姑娘》的继承与颠覆139 Study on the Basic Principles of Legal English Translation140 英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究——以《荷塘月色》英译本为例141 从东西方文化差异视角看动物词汇的翻译142 论英汉植物词语的文化附加义143 On Stylistic Features of Obama’s Victory Speech144 中英数字习语的翻译145 论英语小说中俚语的汉译146 Analysis of the Character Satan in Paradise Lost147 家乐福定价策略研究148 A New Woman’s Journey in To the Lighthouse149 中美文化视阈中的商务谈判风格150 被忽略的人群--詹姆斯乔伊斯《都柏林人》女性角色分析151 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系152 《觉醒》女主人公-艾德娜追求自我的过程153 从文化视角看《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的无辜154 《红字》中对自由的求索155 跨文化交际策略在国际商务谈判中的应用156 浅析《麦田守望者》主人公霍尔顿157 清代以来中西文化交流对中国婚俗的影响158 从《认真的重要性》中的布雷克耐尔夫人看维多利亚时代贵族女性特点159 广告英语翻译中的归化和异化策略160 从生态学角度解读《白鲸》161 幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译162 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义163 荒诞与抵抗——《局外人》中莫尔索的荒诞表现之原因分析164 论查尔斯•狄更斯《双城记》中的人道主义思想165 英语语音学习中的母语负迁移现象研究166 裘德悲剧成因的分析167 An Analysis of Hemingway' Religious Complex in The Old Man and the Sea 168 对英汉基本颜色词翻译的跨文化研究169 从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》170 诸神形象折射中西方价值观不同171 初中学生听力理解障碍简析及应对策略172 汽车广告英语的语言特点及其翻译173 从《嘉莉妹妹》分析西奥多•莱塞对人性欲望的理解174 论华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观175 澳大利亚文学中的丛林文化—以亨利•劳森《赶牲畜人的妻子》为例176 透过好莱坞校园电影解析美国青少年的特点177 从归化和异化的角度看张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》的翻译178 对大学课程中“旅游英语”的教材分析179 硬汉形象-浅析厄内斯特•海明威《杀人者》180 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析181 从养老模式看中美文化异同182 盖茨比的悲剧成因分析183 论《小妇人》的叙事技巧184 The Art and Achievement of Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation185 浅谈奥斯卡·王尔德的喜剧《认真的重要性》中“谎言”的运用对其情节、语言和人物塑造的作用186 从《爱玛》中的言语反讽看乔拉的反讽理论187 英语外贸信函的特点及翻译188 浅析英语谚语的文化内涵及其汉译189 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China190 《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析191 On the Progressive Awakening of Feminine Consciousness in The Hours192 论《爱玛》中女性的婚姻观193 高中学生英语课堂口语交际活动的错误分析194 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略195 英语形容词的翻译196 On the Effects of Reading Aloud in English Learning in Senior High School197 从《绝望主妇》看美国人的婚姻观198 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译199 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究200 《远大前程》中乔的人道主义精神。



浅析《远大前程》中主人公的性格与命运前言:查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)(1812年一1870年),是19世纪最著名的英国小说家之一。













































但 的确是没有 反抗 的。这是一 种如何 的悲哀 ,社 会是 如此 ,而 依然是那样 的温和 ,这善 良,是 毫无疑 问的。对一个 时代 的抨
助 、麻 木 ,更 重 要 的是 ,无 知 。 如 果 说 孤 独 和 麻 木 、无 力 和 贫 穷 还可 以拯 救的话 ,那无知 在当时社会 中则就像绝 症一样 ,无药 可医。对于贵族 的压榨和剥削 ,狄更 斯是悲愤 、是恼怒 、是 不屈 服 ,但 是 对 于 被 压 迫 阶层 的 无 知 ,狄 更 斯 则 是 无 力 的 ,是 悲 哀
的波普还处在幼时 ,不明 白什么大道理 ,只知道 听从 姐姐 ,虽然 暗 、直指整个社会 ,力 图用 作 品的力量 ,用波普 的遭遇 ,唤 醒人
内心 中有时也 会有恐惧 ,也 会有怨 恨 ,但 却从未对 姐姐产 生过 们。在调查 中笔者 了解到 ,为创作《远 大前程》作者 曾多次亲身 太 大 的敌 意 。而 波 普 的 姐 夫 ,也 是 一 个 怯 懦 的 男 人 ,和 波 普 一 体验 底 层 生 活 ,在 穷 困 潦 倒 和 无 计 可 施 中 感 受 社 会 真 实 的 压
二 、波 普 善 良 朴 实 的一 面 波普 的善 良,是集 中体 现在他 童年时期 的 ,尤 其是 他与 杀
姐姐似乎成为了当时社会统治阶级 的一个 代名词 ,而波普与姐 人 犯 见 面 的那 一 段 描 写 ,更 是 凸 显 了 波 普 的 善 良。 在 相 遇 时 ,
夫 ,则成为 了被 压迫 的代 表 。当时 的社会 就 像波 普 的姐 姐一 杀人犯 以各种 方式 吓 唬小波 普 ,让小 波普 帮他 打 开身上 的枷
[文章 编号]1671—5918(2015)02—0179—02






















• 《远大前程》原题名Great Expectations, 意思是指一大笔遗产,中国把它译成“远 大前程”。这个译名给读者一种印象,即 作品的主人公是有远大前程的。而事实上 ,这个“远大前程”是带讽刺意义的。
• 《远大前程》提出的核心问题是人们应当 以什么样的价值观武装自己,尤其是在青 年的成长过程中。
• 从这些细致精心的描写中可以看出,阴暗的墓地,潮湿的沼泽,正是蛇出 没的地方。在创世神话中,蛇引诱亚当与夏娃吃了罪恶的果子,因此被 上帝惩罚,变成只能爬行的与女人为敌的动物。因此蛇本身象征罪恶。 马格维契在这样的环境中出现,正是蛇的化身,罪恶的代表。接下来他 胁迫皮普去偷锉子与食物,与蛇引诱亚当夏娃犯下原罪如出一辙。马格 维契既然是邪恶的化身,那么帮助邪恶之人的皮普自然也不能够逃脱命 运之神的审判。马格维契的女儿埃斯黛拉,罪犯之女,同样也会受到命 运之神的裁决。
人性的救赎 ——《远大前程》赏析
07中文系汉语言文学基地班 吴云良 2007050707
•后来匹普得知,一个恩人要把他接到伦敦去受教育,使 他能成为一个有“远大前程”的人,一个有社会地位、 有教养的人。此人目前不愿暴露自己身份,但匹普却认 定那人必是郝薇香小姐。他没想到这位小姐叫他去是为 了让埃斯黛拉练习使男人心碎的本领,反而以为郝薇香 小姐暗地同情他,给他机会成为绅士好娶埃斯黛拉为妻 。他高高兴兴去伦敦,学会了当一个游手好闲、挥金如 土的绅士。他的虚荣心得到极大膨胀,更加看不起童年 时期对他百般爱护的乔。直到后来,他的恩人暴露了身 份,匹普才知道此人不是什么贵族而是自己小时候无可 奈何帮助过的犯人马格维契。马格维契被流放到澳大利 亚后,为报答匹普便省吃俭用,把余款转交给匹普以便 使他成为一个“有身份、有教养的人。”匹普知道真相 后心情十分矛盾。他原以为自己的恩人是高尚的贵族, 万万没有料到却是自己最看不起、最反感的人——一个 下流的惯犯。他的“远大前程”成了极大的讽刺。他拿 着一个被通辑犯人的钱怎么能当上有地位、有教养的人 呢?而他拿着这样一个人的钱还竟然对乔摆起架子!



The Analysis of Main Characters Pip, the protagonist of Great Expectation, is an orphan and he lives a humble existence with his hot-tempered sister and her strong but gentle husband, a blacksmith named Joe Gargery. In such a living condition, we can easily imagine that how poor life little Pip lives. Besides, he can’t be a healthy boy both in mind ad in body. From this book, we can infer that there are three most important periods which affect Pip’s characters apparently in his life. First period: he is a boy and then he becomes apprenticed to Joe when he grows up. Second period: he is sent to accept the gentlemen education and what he does there. Third period: his benefactor appears and his great expectation is shattered. It is in those three periods that his characters change greatly. I would like to analyze them one period by one period. In the first period, he has kind of good qualities, such as endurance, sympathy, and ambition. For his endurance, there are some good examples. Finishing reading he the whole book, we can clearly know that Pip is a poor orphan. And nobody cares his feelings except Joe, therefore, he adapts himself to others’ blame and obey their order as if these are his duties. For example, when he is threatened by Magwitch, a prisoner, and he is forced to get some food and a file from his sister’s house, no doubt, he does it as what the prisoner demands and keeps it a secret after that. Perhaps, he guess that if he tells it to his sister and Joe, they will not believe in him and they will not be able to protect him from being hurt by that horrible man. Another example, when he is brought to Miss Havisham’s splendid house, seeing the gloomy and big house, and Miss Havisham’s pale faces, even more, Estella’s laughing and indifference, he faces these bravely. And after he comes back, he pretends to have a good time them when his sister asked him. Still does he visit them once a week on Saturday without an exception. In addition, he helps Magwitch, he gets more food as much as possible for him although he is unwilling to steal food and that file. At the end of the story, after he knows the truth that Miss Havisham always takes advantage of him to revenge what she suffers those years by a man named Compeyson, he doesn’t abandon her. On the contrary, he visits herlike before out of sympathy. What’s more, he has a great ambition of being a gentleman. After he meets Estella, and from then on, he becomes eager to acquire more knowledge. From the book, we know he leans from a kind-hearted girl Betty in order to have more chances to get access to her. Although he fails to win her love, he never forgets this ambition. In the second period, and it is a period of great changes of his life. At this time, he is an adult, and really some great changes occurs on him. He is no longer the one like before. To some extent, he becomes in disciplined and selfish in such a fine condition, which he himself is not aware of. He begins to use money casually and generously, which leads to his great debts beyond his ability to pay back, while he can’t help using that up quickly. His character is his selfishness. After he reaches London, he starts a new lifestyle, and he can’t wait to become one member of the upper class. And because of this, he soon forgets his sister, Joe and other ralatives ad friends. Especially, when Joe writes a letter and tells him that he will come to visit him, but Pip rejects with a good excuse, which hurts Joe a lot. Despite this bad character, he also has a good one, and that is his loyalty and kindness to his best friend. As we know, during this luxurious life in London, he meets a young man who is his playmate Herbert. Then he develop friendship with him, and he always helps him with money and other things as long as he can. In the last period, that is his repentance after knowing his wrong doing before. He thanks for Magwitch for his kindness and makes every effort to help him escape. Later, when Magwitch is sentenced to death, he doesn’t abandon him, oppositely, he takes good care of him during that hard time, until Magwitch passed away. What he does properly shows us that he doesn’t totally lose his way. Recovering from his illness, he begins his new career with his friend Hebert though his great expectation is shattered. In a way, such an action indicates that he own a strong will in his inner side, which can’t be defeated easily. During the process of his growth, this is the very character I appreciate. As the story itself shows that he is an orphan brought up by his sister, maybe it is just a dream for him and his family. However, he doesn’t bend to the fate, and finally he becomes a real gentleman as Magwicth hopes. For a man, that kind of pursuit is a big challenge. Iwonder if you pay attention to his pursuit of love when you read this story. In my point of view, he really loves Estella. Although she laughs at and makes jokes on him, even regardless of his proposal she marries another man upon whom he looks down for his poor quality, and he never stop his pursuit of her—his true love.After finishing reading this story, we can definitely make a conclusion that Estella is a role full of irony. Although she is adopted by a rich woman Miss Havisham, and she acquires the best lady education, she can’t change the fact that she belongs to the lowest class for her father’s sake. Also what education she gets serves as a tool to break men’s hearts as Miss Havisham planed. Even as a child, she looks down upon others who seems to be poor and ignorant, because she thinks that she is brought up by Miss Havisham, so she is superior to them. Therefore, others should bend to her as if they are her tool if she is not happy or she feels lonely. However, as far as I am concerned, actually she is the poorest one. Even though she lives a rather rich life, she doesn’t understand that Miss Havisham considers her as her tool to break men’s hearts. Naturally, in that kind of gloomy environment, gradually she becomes cold, indifference, and arrogant. For example, she is cold to Pip all the time. I can’t say that she doesn’t understand Pip’s love, but as it is, she still can’t accept him because of her arrogance and coldness. For her, maybe she thinks that love should be based on fine wealth and high social status. And she would not like to marry to a man without these two. Another example, when Miss Havisham refuses her requirement of marring to a rich man, she doesn’t care about what Miss Havisham’s feelings and quarrels with her and leaves her resolutely. This example shows us her indifference to people, especially the one who once brought her up. However, she is not a total tool as Miss Havisham hopes. Especially, after she suffers a lot during her unlucky marriage. As she tells Pip in the end of this story, “ now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope- into a better shape. ” from these words, we can infer that she changes a lot and becomes more mature and wilder than before. Perhaps experiences is the best lecture than we have ever had before.Joe is the very person that I really like. He is a blacksmith in a small village, however, he has more good qualities than those who have high social status. Such as Miss Havisham, and Jaggers who is Miss Havisham’s lawyer. Joe is king-hearted, generous, loyal, and honest. At the very beginning of this story, we find that he is the only person who cares Pip so much. I just can’t imagine if there is no Joe, how miserable life poor Pip will suffer. As we get, his wife is a hot-tempered woman, and she is the host of this family. Whatever she does to him, Joe never lose his temper and never scold her. After she lose her ability to live after that accident, he looks after her patiently without any complains. In the world, we know, he is the only person that is willing to do anything for Pip. Even though Pip hurts him again and again, he forgets him and still cares him like before. These kinds of good qualities also have an effect o Pip during the process of his growth. Another character of his I also like very much, and that is his sense of satisfaction. Although his wife is hot-tempered and not beautiful at all in Pip’s word, Joe always tells Pip that his wife is very beautiful and diligent. Another example, as a blacksmith, he doesn’t feel shameful as Pip thinks, and he never intend to change his job, and he remains this kind of lifestyle. And these examples indicate that he is satisfied with his wife, his job, and this kid of satisfaction seems to bring him what he wants. Other people may not as happy as he is although they have enough wealth.I don’t intend to refer to his commitment when he was young, for “no one is perfect”. The most important thing is that he knows how to make up. When he is caught by policemen and deports at the very beginning of the story, he tries to make money as much as possible to requite Pip for his favor. It is he that left all his money to Pip ad makes him a gentleman. From this, we clearly understand Magwitch more, except his commitment, he is grateful to those who have helped him when he is in trouble. As a prisoner, he is different from the others because he has a great goal. and he plans to make a real gentleman different from Compeyson, who is a so-called gentleman. In order to prove that he himself is better than Compeyson, he makes Pip a gentleman no matter how hard life he will face. Fortunately, he realizes his dream.。





































同时,乔总是保护者匹普,在 小说中这样描写到:她(匹普 的姐姐)试探的结果便是把我 拎起来扔向乔——我常常这样 成了他们两人之间的飞箭—— 而乔则高高兴兴地接住了我, 把我放在火炉旁边,伸出一条 巨大的腿,悄悄地保护着我。
1) 心肠善良
主要表现有:当他得知他妻子的肉饼被那名逃犯偷去时,他的表现是:“上 天作证,你可以随意吃——只要是我的,不必客气。”乔回答说,及时地想 到了他的夫人,“我们不知道你干了什么,但是我们不能看着你饿死,你这 可怜不幸的同胞。皮普,是不是这样?”这表现出乔有着一颗善良的心。
对于乔表现对社会阶级地位表现出唯唯诺诺,我感觉这个乔所处的时代背 景有很大的关系。狄更斯在写这本小书时,当时正值欧洲大陆经历了 1848 年的大革命,英国社会矛盾日趋尖锐,其中表现出最突出的就是阶级的矛 盾,乔这样一个老实巴交的人面对自己阶级地位高的人时唯唯诺诺的画面 就是这种矛盾的一个缩影。
通过本书的阅读,感觉乔这一人物形象是最真实的。他或 许是他所处时代平凡的一员。他受到当时社会环境的制约, 没有受到良好的教育,会对阶级低位比自己高的人唯唯诺 诺。但是他身上表现出的那些优秀的品质:善良,富有同 情心,踏实且务实,对待朋友的真诚等,却对现代仍然适 用。我们可能没有一个远大的前程,但我们却有追求幸福 的权利。当我们也拥有和乔一样的品质时,我相信我们的 身边不会缺乏幸福,也会有更多的机会,或许能找到属于 自已的远大前程。
[1].宋青. 《远大前程》主人公性格与命运浅析. 长城. 2013
[2].赵欢. 论《远大前程》中乔的母性形象.《读 与 写 杂 志》第 8 卷 第 2 期
[3].狄更斯. 远大前程[M].上海译文出版社,1979.10.1.
例如,乔满心欢喜地从乡下赶到伦敦看望许久不见的皮普, 但乔对于皮普冷 淡的“礼貌”简直手足无措,他很难堪,因为找不到“一处合适的地方放他 的帽子”。乔甚至称匹普为“先生”,这也表明了他害怕与阶级比自己高 的人。























一位有钱的贵妇 ,因成婚 那天被丈夫所抛弃,决心永不 走出她那破碎的心。性情狂躁、 残酷,收养艾斯黛拉来报复所 有的男人 。皮普便是其中一 个。 小说结束时,郝薇香小姐 意识到她深深伤害了善良的皮 普。她不仅没有实现个人的复 仇,恰恰相反,却造成了自己 和别人更大的痛苦。于是幡然 悔悟。
从一个天真的孩子 高傲势利的绅士
<1> 皮普的性格变化可以说在很大程上取决 于环境的影响 1.从小在乡里长大的皮普能当上像乔一样的铁 匠就很了不起了。(乡下朴实的环境塑造了皮 普诚实、善良的性格)
2.当他第一次到访萨提斯庄园时,自认为受过 良好的教育,儒雅高贵的艾丝黛拉十分鄙视匹 普,不屑于与他这样的乡里人交往,这时匹普 对自己的生活有了那么一些不切实际的妄想和 期待以后,这些优良的品质便被那些不良的品 行所取代。(富丽堂皇的沙堤斯庄园的环境开 始动摇了皮普最初的梦想,他开始想成为艾斯 黛拉一样有学问的人)
三岁时被郝薇香小姐收养, 并被培养成折磨男人、让所有 男人心碎的工具 。 冷酷,傲慢,控制欲极强。 怪癖,又反复无常。 在最后经历过痛苦的婚姻经 历后终于懂得了人应该相信自 己的内心感情 。 她的经历告诉我们,人的幸 福与社会地位是无关的。
乔· 加杰里
淳朴善良又憨厚的铁匠,虽身 处社会的底层,却是踏实而务 实。心胸开阔,对幻想破灭后 的皮普仍是热心帮助。



The Analysis of Main Characters Pip, the protagonist of Great Expectation, is an orphan and he lives a humble existence with his hot-tempered sister and her strong but gentle husband, a blacksmith named Joe Gargery. In such a living condition, we can easily imagine that how poor life little Pip lives. Besides, he can’t be a healthy boy both in mind ad in body. From this book, we can infer that there are three most important periods which affect Pip’s characters apparently in his life. First period: he is a boy and then he becomes apprenticed to Joe when he grows up. Second period: he is sent to accept the gentlemen education and what he does there. Third period: his benefactor appears and his great expectation is shattered. It is in those three periods that his characters change greatly. I would like to analyze them one period by one period. In the first period, he has kind of good qualities, such as endurance, sympathy, and ambition. For his endurance, there are some good examples. Finishing reading he the whole book, we can clearly know that Pip is a poor orphan. And nobody cares his feelings except Joe, therefore, he adapts himself to others’ blame and obey their order as if these are his duties. For example, when he is threatened by Magwitch, a prisoner, and he is forced to get some food and a file from his sister’s house, no doubt, he does it as what the prisoner demands and keeps it a secret after that. Perhaps, he guess that if he tells it to his sister and Joe, they will not believe in him and they will not be able to protect him from being hurt by that horrible man. Another example, when he is brought to Miss Havisham’s splendid house, seeing the gloomy and big house, and Miss Havisham’s pale faces, even more, Estella’s laughing and indifference, he faces these bravely. And after he comes back, he pretends to have a good time them when his sister asked him. Still does he visit them once a week on Saturday without an exception. In addition, he helps Magwitch, he gets more food as much as possible for him although he is unwilling to steal food and that file. At the end of the story, after he knows the truth that Miss Havisham always takes advantage of him to revenge what she suffers those years by a man named Compeyson, he doesn’t abandon her. On the contrary, he visits herlike before out of sympathy. What’s more, he has a great ambition of being a gentleman. After he meets Estella, and from then on, he becomes eager to acquire more knowledge. From the book, we know he leans from a kind-hearted girl Betty in order to have more chances to get access to her. Although he fails to win her love, he never forgets this ambition. In the second period, and it is a period of great changes of his life. At this time, he is an adult, and really some great changes occurs on him. He is no longer the one like before. To some extent, he becomes in disciplined and selfish in such a fine condition, which he himself is not aware of. He begins to use money casually and generously, which leads to his great debts beyond his ability to pay back, while he can’t help using that up quickly. His character is his selfishness. After he reaches London, he starts a new lifestyle, and he can’t wait to become one member of the upper class. And because of this, he soon forgets his sister, Joe and other ralatives ad friends. Especially, when Joe writes a letter and tells him that he will come to visit him, but Pip rejects with a good excuse, which hurts Joe a lot. Despite this bad character, he also has a good one, and that is his loyalty and kindness to his best friend. As we know, during this luxurious life in London, he meets a young man who is his playmate Herbert. Then he develop friendship with him, and he always helps him with money and other things as long as he can. In the last period, that is his repentance after knowing his wrong doing before. He thanks for Magwitch for his kindness and makes every effort to help him escape. Later, when Magwitch is sentenced to death, he doesn’t abandon him, oppositely, he takes good care of him during that hard time, until Magwitch passed away. What he does properly shows us that he doesn’t totally lose his way. Recovering from his illness, he begins his new career with his friend Hebert though his great expectation is shattered. In a way, such an action indicates that he own a strong will in his inner side, which can’t be defeated easily. During the process of his growth, this is the very character I appreciate. As the story itself shows that he is an orphan brought up by his sister, maybe it is just a dream for him and his family. However, he doesn’t bend to the fate, and finally he becomes a real gentleman as Magwicth hopes. For a man, that kind of pursuit is a big challenge. Iwonder if you pay attention to his pursuit of love when you read this story. In my point of view, he really loves Estella. Although she laughs at and makes jokes on him, even regardless of his proposal she marries another man upon whom he looks down for his poor quality, and he never stop his pursuit of her—his true love.After finishing reading this story, we can definitely make a conclusion that Estella is a role full of irony. Although she is adopted by a rich woman Miss Havisham, and she acquires the best lady education, she can’t change the fact that she belongs to the lowest class for her father’s sake. Also what education she gets serves as a tool to break men’s hearts as Miss Havisham planed. Even as a child, she looks down upon others who seems to be poor and ignorant, because she thinks that she is brought up by Miss Havisham, so she is superior to them. Therefore, others should bend to her as if they are her tool if she is not happy or she feels lonely. However, as far as I am concerned, actually she is the poorest one. Even though she lives a rather rich life, she doesn’t understand that Miss Havisham considers her as her tool to break men’s hearts. Naturally, in that kind of gloomy environment, gradually she becomes cold, indifference, and arrogant. For example, she is cold to Pip all the time. I can’t say that she doesn’t understand Pip’s love, but as it is, she still can’t accept him because of her arrogance and coldness. For her, maybe she thinks that love should be based on fine wealth and high social status. And she would not like to marry to a man without these two. Another example, when Miss Havisham refuses her requirement of marring to a rich man, she doesn’t care about what Miss Havisham’s feelings and quarrels with her and leaves her resolutely. This example shows us her indifference to people, especially the one who once brought her up. However, she is not a total tool as Miss Havisham hopes. Especially, after she suffers a lot during her unlucky marriage. As she tells Pip in the end of this story, “ now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope- into a better shape. ” from these words, we can infer that she changes a lot and becomes more mature and wilder than before. Perhaps experiences is the best lecture than we have ever had before.Joe is the very person that I really like. He is a blacksmith in a small village, however, he has more good qualities than those who have high social status. Such as Miss Havisham, and Jaggers who is Miss Havisham’s lawyer. Joe is king-hearted, generous, loyal, and honest. At the very beginning of this story, we find that he is the only person who cares Pip so much. I just can’t imagine if there is no Joe, how miserable life poor Pip will suffer. As we get, his wife is a hot-tempered woman, and she is the host of this family. Whatever she does to him, Joe never lose his temper and never scold her. After she lose her ability to live after that accident, he looks after her patiently without any complains. In the world, we know, he is the only person that is willing to do anything for Pip. Even though Pip hurts him again and again, he forgets him and still cares him like before. These kinds of good qualities also have an effect o Pip during the process of his growth. Another character of his I also like very much, and that is his sense of satisfaction. Although his wife is hot-tempered and not beautiful at all in Pip’s word, Joe always tells Pip that his wife is very beautiful and diligent. Another example, as a blacksmith, he doesn’t feel shameful as Pip thinks, and he never intend to change his job, and he remains this kind of lifestyle. And these examples indicate that he is satisfied with his wife, his job, and this kid of satisfaction seems to bring him what he wants. Other people may not as happy as he is although they have enough wealth.I don’t intend to refer to his commitment when he was young, for “no one is perfect”. The most important thing is that he knows how to make up. When he is caught by policemen and deports at the very beginning of the story, he tries to make money as much as possible to requite Pip for his favor. It is he that left all his money to Pip ad makes him a gentleman. From this, we clearly understand Magwitch more, except his commitment, he is grateful to those who have helped him when he is in trouble. As a prisoner, he is different from the others because he has a great goal. and he plans to make a real gentleman different from Compeyson, who is a so-called gentleman. In order to prove that he himself is better than Compeyson, he makes Pip a gentleman no matter how hard life he will face. Fortunately, he realizes his dream.。






















2011年9月内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)Sept .2011第37卷 第5期 Journal of Inner M ongolia U niversity for N ationalities (So cial Sciences ) V ol .37N o .5狄更斯小说《远大前程》人物性格探析温海涤1,张 琦2(1.长春师范学院传媒学院,吉林长春130032;2.长春大学旅游学院,吉林长春130000) 〔摘 要〕许多人都说,匹普在小伦敦时,由一位天真少年变成一个高傲、势利、自私的人,最后他“转了一个圈”,又回到了以前的生活。




〔关键词〕《远大前程》;人物性格;匹普;乔〔中图分类号〕I042 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1671-0215(2011)05-0044-03 如我们所见,人物及其性格是狄更斯小说的中心,对人物及性格的深爱是狄更斯创作的源泉。






























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