大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国P4The commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined economically and have trading arrangements. The commonwealth has no special powers. There are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth.英联邦是一个自由联合体,由曾是英国殖民地而现已独立的国家构成,成员国之间实行经济合作,有一定的贸易协议。
P12The English are Anglo-Saxons, but the Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts.英格兰人是盎格鲁——撒克逊人,而苏格兰人、威尔士人和爱尔兰人却都是凯尔特人;P17凯尔特人Celts----首先入侵The Celts, a taller and fairer race than the people who had come before, began to arrive about 700BC and kept coming until the arrival of the Romans. They may originally have come from eastern and central Europe, now France, Belgium and southern Germany. They came to Britain in three main waves.凯尔特人比先前抵达的种族更高、更漂亮,他们于公元前700年开始迁入,并于此后不断迁居到此岛,直至罗马人入侵;他们最初来自东欧和中欧,现在法国、比利时和德国南部一带。
英语国家概况英美对比英国(The United Kingdom)和美国(The United States)是两个以英语为官方语言的国家,因此有许多共同之处。
英语国家概况中文版-Chapter 24 Economy
英语国家概况A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIESPart One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland第一部分大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国第一章国土与人民Chapter 1 Land and PeopleⅠ.英国的不同名称及其区域1. Different Names for Britain and its Parts人们说到英国时常常使用不同的名称:不列颠、大不列颠、英格兰、不列颠群岛、联合王国等。
这些名称一样吗?还是有所区别? When people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, Great Britain, England, the British Isles, the United Kingdom or the U.K. Do they mean the same thing? Or are they different?严格地讲,不列颠诸岛、大不列颠和英格兰都是地理名称。
1949 年始爱尔兰独立,首都是都柏林。
Strictly speaking, the British Isles,Great Britain and England are all geographical names. They are not the official name of the country. The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain andIreland. Great Britain is the larger of these two islands. It forms the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland—the northern part of Ireland. So the official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. This is one country on the British Isles and its capital is London. There is another country called the Republic of Ireland or Eire on the British Isles. It takes up the remainder of Ireland—the southern part of Ireland. It has been an independent republic since 1949 and its capital is Dublin.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
第三十章澳大利亚经济 Chapter 30 The EconomyⅠ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following:1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。
A Compar ativ e Studyon Economybetwee n Chinaand the UK As we all know, econom y is the founda tionof a countr y, withou t whicha countr y and its people defini telywouldnot be able to surviv e or develo p forwar d. Nowada ys, althou gh China’seconom y is develo pingat the highes t speedin the world, whichleadsChinato become one of the larges t econom ic entiti es, Chinastillremain s a develo pingcountr y and also many proble ms caused by oversp eed econom ic develo pingpour in the societ y. As a result, I want to look into the econom y of the UK to find out someth ing useful and the experi encethat is suitab le for us to learnfrom and thus to improv e our patter n of econom ic develo pment.Firstof all, we need to know the reason why Chinaand the UK develo p quitediffer ent econom ic patter ns. The differ ent geogra phica l enviro nment betwee n them can explai n that. The UK is an island countr y, whichlies betwee n the NorthAtlant ic Oceanand the NorthSea, leadin g to the format ion of the Cultur e of Ocean, whichadvoca tes advent ure, explor ation and creati vity. Beside s, the UK has a long and windin g coastl ine whichis suitab le for ports.And result ing from all this, the commer ce, especi allythe floati ng trade,has been develo pingrapidl y sincethe ancien t time and has become the backbo ne of the countr y’seconom y. Howeve r, casesare quitediffer ent in the land of China. Locate d in the bigges t contin ent in the world, Chinahas an absolu te advant age of land area. And this inborn geogra phica l advant age is just rightto cultiv ate the Cultur e of Agricu lture, whichis much more conser vativ e and perhap s more negati ve or passiv e compar ed with the Cultur e of Oceanthe UK holds. And underits influe nce, Chines e ancest ors beganfarmin g and plough ing in theirown land or others and they tended to pursue a cozy life with more and larger land instea d of travel lingout to make a fortun e by taking advent ure or doingbusine ss.Second, in orderto make it convin cing, I have search ed for some data and inform ation that can be listed as follow s. As an import ant commer ce entity, huge econom ic powerand the centre of financ e, UK has the 6th larges t econom ic system and it is one of the riches t countr ies with the highes t living standa rd. Amongall the 3 econom ic sector s, the tertia ry indust ry has the larges t propor tionof GDP. Servic es in UK playsan import ant role: Bankin g, financ e, shippi ng, insura nce as well as busine ss servic es standin the leadin g positi on of the world. And the capita l, London, is one of the top centre s of financ e, shippi ng and servic es. For exampl e, the Rolls-Roycemotorcar, MarthaDepart mentStore, HSBC and many otherbrands have been knownto everyhouseh old across the world.What’smore,the educat ion of UK also playsa leadin g role in the world. The Oxford Univer sityand the Cambri dge Univer sityis the most import ant educat ional hingeexcept for the USA. And the knowle dge econom y system has attrac ted many useful and talent ed people as well as wealth for the UK. Last but not the least, the touris m in UK is also of greatimport ance, attrac tingover 27,000,000 visito rs and rankin g NO.6 in the world,contri butin g to UK’seconom y prospe rity.As far as China is concer ned, the condit ion is quite different. Although the propor tionof agriculture is fallin g to below10%, the primary sector of Chinastill takes on a compar atively high percen tage. And compared with the UK, China’s secondary sector holds the highes t percentage of all the economy sectors. And the label, ‘made in China’, is so familiar to the people from different countr ies in the world. In a way, it showsthe high yields and low price of China’s manufa cturing resulting from cheaplabour and materi al. This type of well-knownis quitediffer ent from that of the UK and it means that our nation still d epend s more on the ‘high-pay low-gain’indust ry rather than the knowle dge economy. But luckily, our governmentand relevant ministrieshave already takenaction s to develo p the tertia ry indust ry, and thus the servic es are rising under positive policies.。
英国经济总结(英语国家概况)A written report on the group discussion about the economyof the UK and the USAGroup 4 of Class 6 reporter: 魏碧纯Chairman: 彭秀怡Secretary: 魏碧纯Group members on the UK: 潘小曼李华艳Group members on the USA: 李霖馨邱康兰Our group has found some information about the economy of the UK and the USA and their performance in the first and second industrial revolutions to come up with our conclusion in the following.The decline of economic status of the UK is a relative decline when compared with the USA. According to the textbook, …By the 1880s the British economy was dominant in the world, producing one third of the world?s manufactured goods, half its coal and iron, half its cotton. The amount of British shipping was greater than that in the rest of the world put to gether.? Britain became the powerful leader in the First Industrial R evolution. …But even by 1900 this was no longer the case, the UK having been overtaken by both the US and Germany; and certainly from 1945 until the present, the story of the UK economy is usually thought of as one of decline, because in the Second Industrial Revolution, the USA has shown its great power in industry. And according to the textbook, the development of the industry in the USA can be separated in the following 5 parts. …One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. A seconddevelopment was the “American system” of mass production which originated in th e firearms industry about 1800. A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks. A fourth development was the emergency of new forms of business organization, notably the bank and the corporation, which facilitated the growth of industry. Finally, the construction of railroads beginning in the 1830s marked the start of a new era for the US.? But in our group?s opinion, the story of the UK economy is thought of as one of decline is understandable but rather misleading, as it has in fact been a period of steady economic growth and rapidly increasing living standards. Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies.Although the U.S. economy been more than the United Kingdom fromthe second industrial revolution until now, the UK is in a period of steady economic growth and rapidly increasing living standards and remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies. Thus, we believe that the decline of economic status of the UK is a relative decline compared with the USA.。
Part OneThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国第一章国土与人民Chapter 1 Land and PeopleⅠ英国的不同名称及其区域 1。
Different Names for Britain and its Parts人们说到英国时常常使用不同的名称,不列颠,大不列颠,英格兰,不列颠群岛,联合王国。
这些名称一样吗?还是有所区别?When people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, Great Britain, England, the British Isles, the United Kingdom or the U.K。
Do they mean the same thing ? Or are they different?严格地讲,不列颠诸岛、大不列颠和英格兰都是地理名称。
Strictly speaking, the British Isles, Great Britain and England are all geographical names。
Th ey are not the official name of the country. The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland。
英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。
1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
英语国家概况(汉英对照)Isles consist of two large islands and several hundred small islands。
The two large XXX larger and is the home of England。
XXX is also part of the United Kingdom and is locatedin the northern part of XXX。
the official name of the country isthe United Kingdom of Great XXX。
due to its length。
people often refer to it as Britain。
the United Kingdom。
or simply the UK。
The UK is a country located on the island of Great Britain。
with its capital in London。
Another country。
the Republic of Ireland or simply Ireland。
is also located on the island of Ireland。
It occupies the rest of the island。
in the south。
It gained independence in 1949 and its capital is Dublin.Ⅱ.英国的地理和气候2.Geography and Climate of the UK英国位于欧洲西北部,是一个由四个国家组成的岛国。
Brief Introduction of the Economy of UK
the 5th largest in the world in terms of market exchange rates the 6th largest by purchasing power parity (购买力平价法) the 2nd largest economy in Europe after Germany its GDP per capita in 2007 was the 22nd highest in the world. it is also a member of the G8, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the European Union.
Margaret Thatcher 玛格丽特· 撒切尔
1979-90 Conservative
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (born 13 October 1925) was Prime Minister of United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is the only woman to have held either post.
Summit of G8 八国集团峰会
The hallmark of the G8 is an annual economic and political summit meeting of the heads of government with international officials.
Part ThreeChapter 23 Canada‟s geography and history加拿大的地理特点:Canada’s geography features:1) 座落于美国的北部,仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国;lies to the north of the US; the world‟s second largest country after Russia.2.地形十分复杂:东部山区沿海省份沿劳伦斯湾和大西洋形成不规则的海岸;西部,太平洋沿岸地区被南北走向的山脉分离,其中包括落基山脉;中部是一个大平原;it has an extremely varied topography:the east part is mountainous maritime provinces have an irregular coastline on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic;The west part,the Pacific border is separated from the rest of the country by mountain ranges from north to south including the Rockies; the central part is a vast plain.3.气候不甚宜人,大部分地区冬季既漫长又寒冷,积雪深厚;所以,大多数人都居住在南部边境地区the climate is unfavorable, much of Canada has long and cold winters with deep snow. So,a major part of the population lives along the southern border.4.最高峰是落根峰,主要的两大河流是马更些河与圣劳伦斯河。
英语国家概况 英文
1. 英国:作为英语的诞生地,英国是最重要的英语国家之一。
2. 美国:作为全球最强大的经济体之一,美国是世界上最多样化和多元化的国家之一。
3. 加拿大:加拿大是第二个最大的英语国家,英语是该国的一种官方语言,与法语并列。
4. 澳大利亚:澳大利亚是一个位于南半球的国家,也是一个英语国家。
5. 新西兰:新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,英语是该国的主要语言。
6. 南非:英语是南非的官方语言之一,这个国家拥有多种语言和文化。
第三十章澳大利亚经济 Chapter 30 The EconomyⅠ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following: 1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖。
英语国家概况经济篇一.自然资源英国:Compare with many other countries,Britain has comsiderable reserves of coal.Today British coal mining is called a "sick" industry.Natural gas and oil was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under the North Sea.Britain was the first nation to build a large iron and steel industry.Rich deposits of iron ore were found in central England.As with the coal industry,Britain's steel industry is declining.美国:Fertile soil is one of the most important natural resouces in the United States. America's forest resources are among the world's largest.Another natural resource that contributes to the welfare of the country is water.America is the leaders in production of Coal,iron ore,cpper,oil,sulfur,lead and zine.But short for tin,manganese,and nikel.爱尔兰:Ireland is now the largest producer of lead and zinc concentrates in Europe.While Ireland lacks sizeable oil deposits,it has a valuable energy source in the peat,or turt,bogs that cover extensive areas of the country.加拿大:Water is one of the most important natural resources in Canada.Almost half of the land area of Canada is covered by forests. Canada ranks third,in the production of lumber and other forest products in the world.The largest producer of newsprint in the world.Canada is a primary world producer of nickle,zine and asbestoes,and comes second in potash,third in gold and fourth in copper.Canada is a major world supplier of uranium.Experts believe that the cold fields of Canada may be among the largest in the world.A great deposit of petroleum was discovered south of Edmonton in Alberta. About two thurds of Canada's petroleum and about four fifths of its natural gas come from Alberta.澳大利亚:Australia is one of the world's biggest producers of minerals and metals.It has major deposits of bauxite,mineral sands,diamonds,and black and brown coal,and large reserves of ores containing gold,lead,zinc,iron,copper,nikel,manganese and uranium. It is the world largest exporter of coal,and a major exporter of uranium.新西兰:There is an increasingly large share of energy comes from local resources:natural gas,crude oil,hydroelectricity and geothermal steam. Coal is of growing importance.Solar energy,vegetable oils and ethylalcohol from fermentation make small contributions.二.农业英国:The Britain were pioneers in modern agriculture and were among the first to bring science and machinery to farming.The new farming has been called "agribusiness".There are mainly six farming types in Britain.They are arable farning,dairy fariming,stock farming,mixed farming,hill farming and market gardening.Because of the cool climate,apples,pears and plums grwo very well in Britain.The North Sea has very good fishing grounds.美国:Yet the United States grows nearly one fourth of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world.It ranks first,second,or third in the production and export of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, oranges, meat,milk, apples,oats,cotton,tobaoo, peanuts,and edible vegetable oil.(具体的在什么地方种什么东西可以参照书上P289-291)爱尔兰:Agriculture generates anestimated 11% of the Ireland GNP,employs 17% of the labour force and produces 25% of total exports.The most signigicant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community.加拿大:The land used for agriculture makes up only 7% in Canada. Canada farms specialize in producing wheat,food crops for animals dairy products,and fruit.Fishing and mining are quite important.The Canada Prairie is the centre of a rich wheat belt.Eastern Canada is noted for a variety of farm products.Dairying is in the lowlands of Quebec and Ontario.Fruits are grown in Western Nova Scotia.澳大利亚:Today,agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry.Australia is one of the world's leading producers of food and natural fibres.Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool,the second largest exporter of meat,the third largest exporter of wheat and a major international supplier of sugar,dairy products,fruits,cotton and rice.Australia's agriculture importance has declined in recent years.新西兰:Vineyards produce international award-winning red and white wines.三.制造业,工业英国:The textile is one of Britain's oldest.Textiles were on of the country's most vauluable exports.Britain became a world leader in shipbuilding during the middle of the 19th century.The two main centres for shipbuilding were on the River Tyne near Newcastle,England and on the Clyde near Glasgow in Scotland.The Britain motor industry now dominated by four firms(Ford,the RoverGroup,GM-Vauxhall,and Peugeot)There are three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth. Scotland has Europe's largest collection of foreign-owned chip factories.Over 90% of the companies are from the U.S.A.,Japan,the Netherlands and germany.美国:The untied States ranks first,second,third or fourth in the world in the production of crude steel,passenger cars,commercial vehicles,chemicals,radio sets,television sets,and other manufacturing goods.Manufacturing accounts for about one quarter of theGDP,about one quarter of the national income,and over one fifth of the work force.The industrial regions are the Midwest(the nations's leading centre of heavy industry) round the Great Lakes,the Middle Atlantic states,the South,and the Pacific Coast.爱尔兰:Since the 1961s,manufactuing has become the mainstay of the Irish economy.Of industrial employment,66% are employed in manufacting.加拿大:Manufacturing is the mst important economic activity in Canada.Food processing is the leading industry. The manufacture of transportation equipment ranks second. The production of paper and paper related products ranks third. metal products are also important.澳大利亚:The mining industry in Australia has faced new problems in recent years.Australia's service sector is the fastest-growing sector of industry.It has been growing in importance in recent years.新西兰:There are two steel comanies:New Zealand Steel which uses iron sands from the west coast of North Island,and Pacific Steel which reuses scrap iron.New Zealand is a world leader in the CNA(compressed natural gas) industry.Garments,fabrics and carpets are exported.The fishing industry has expanded greatly and is now the 4th largest export earner.四.对外贸易英国:Britain is the fifth largest trading country in the world.Napoleon called it a "nation of shopkeepers".Britain's foreign trade is mainly with other developed countries.which accounts for 79% of exports and 85% of imports.About half with EC.Traditionally,Britain has had a deficit on visible trade and a surplus on invisible trade.美国:Currenty U.S. exports are about 15% of the world's total.The Unites States imports about 13% of all world imports.Canada is the largest single source og goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Outside of North America,Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%,Asia provides about 18%,with smaller percentages from LatinAmerica,Africa,and Australia.爱尔兰:Successive Irish governments have adopted a consistent and postive approoach toward attracting overseas investment.The new foreign firms now account for over 70% of manufactured exports.Ireland is new an industrial exporter.Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total wxports.加拿大:A total about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American.澳大利亚:Australia is a middle-level trading nation.The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products.Australia's trade relations with China have been developing rapidly in recent years. China accouts for about 3% of Australian total exports.新西兰:Trade is New Zealand's linelihood.Foreign investment is increasing and financial markets are active.Western Europe and particularly Britain have traditionally been New Zealand's major export market.The main imports are industrial raw materials,capital equipment and consumer goods.New Zealand is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton as well as dairy products.五.当今面临的问题英国:Britain is the oldest industrial country in the world.The term "Britain disease" is noew often used to characterise Britain's economic decline.The Evolution of the Britain Economy since the War:1.Steady development in the 50s and 60s.2.Economic recession in the 70s.3.Economic recovery in the 80s.这里有一部分是撒切尔的宏,微观措施比较重要(P91-92)美国:The Untied States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector. So the economy system of the United States is principally privately owned.But today,many of American people still live under the poverty line.Unemployment,inflation,finacial deficit,and trade deficit are the troubles that always face the United States.爱尔兰:The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports. That's why Ireland has a chronic negative balance of trade.Continuing dependence on imported oil is one of the reasons for the high import bill.加拿大:In the past few years however,Canada's unemployment rate has been high.But what is worth nothing is that the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker has decreased as compared with the United States or with its ten trading partners.While Canada has one of the world's highest standards of living,not all regions of the country have enjoyed the same degree of prosperity.Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help those slow grownth regions.澳大利亚:Problems of Australia economy:1.Over-reliance on commodityexports.2.Failure to share in the expansion of international trade.3.The decline of manufaturing industries and the effects of tariffs.Country Party system HousesBritain The conservative Party, The House of Commons The Labour Party The House of LorbsThe U.S. The Democrats, The Senate,The Republic The House of RepresentativesIreland Fianna Fail, The Senate,Fine Gael The House of RepresentativesAustralia The Labour Party, The Senate,the Liberal and National Party The House of RepresentativesNew Zealand The National Party,The Labour Party The House of RepresentativesCanada The Liberal Party, The Senate,the Progressive Conservative Party The House of Representatives(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
1. 英语国家概述英语国家是指以英语作为官方语言或重要语言的国家。
2. 英国英国是英语的发源地和最重要的英语国家之一。
3. 美国美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,拥有丰富的资源和多元文化。
4. 加拿大加拿大是世界上第二大国家,拥有广袤的土地和丰富的自然资源。
5. 澳大利亚澳大利亚位于南半球,是世界上最大的岛屿国家。
6. 新西兰新西兰位于太平洋地区,是一个自然环境优美的国家。
7. 爱尔兰爱尔兰位于欧洲西部,是一个英语国家,英语是该国的官方语言。
8. 其他英语国家除了以上国家,英语也是印度、菲律宾、南非等许多国家和地区的官方语言或教育语言。
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A Comparative Study on Economy
between China and the UK As we all know, economy is the foundation of a country, without which a country and its people definitely would not be able to survive or develop forward. Nowadays, although China’s economy is developing at the highest speed in the world, which leads China to become one of the largest economic entities, China still remains a developing country and also many problems caused by overspeed economic developing pour in the society. As a result, I want to look into the economy of the UK to find out something useful and the experience that is suitable for us to learn from and thus to improve our pattern of economic development.
First of all, we need to know the reason why China and the UK develop quite different economic patterns. The different geographical environment between them can explain that. The UK is an island country, which lies between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, leading to the formation of the Culture of Ocean, which advocates adventure, exploration and creativity. Besides, the UK has a long and winding coastline which is suitable for ports. And resulting from all this, the commerce, especially the floating trade, has been developing rapidly since
the ancient time and has become the ba ckbone of the country’s economy. However, cases are quite different in the land of China. Located in the biggest continent in the world, China has an absolute advantage of land area. And this inborn geographical advantage is just right to cultivate the Culture of Agriculture, which is much more conservative and perhaps more negative or passive compared with the Culture of Ocean the UK holds. And under its influence, Chinese ancestors began farming and ploughing in their own land or others and they tended to pursue a cozy life with more and larger land instead of travelling out to make a fortune by taking adventure or doing business.
Second, in order to make it convincing, I have searched for some data and information that can be listed as follows. As an important commerce entity, huge economic power and the centre of finance, UK has the 6th largest economic system and it is one of the richest countries with the highest living standard. Among all the 3 economic sectors, the tertiary industry has the largest proportion of GDP. Services in UK plays an important role: Banking, finance, shipping, insurance as well as business services stand in the leading position of the world. And the capital, London, is one of the top centres of finance, shipping and services. For example, the Rolls-Royce motor car, Martha
Department Store, HSBC and many other brands have been known to e very household across the world. What’s more, the education of UK also plays a leading role in the world. The Oxford University and the Cambridge University is the most important educational hinge except for the USA. And the knowledge economy system has attracted many useful and talented people as well as wealth for the UK. Last but not the least, the tourism in UK is also of great importance, attracting over 27,000,000 visitors and ranking NO.6 in the world, contributing to UK’s economy prosperity.
As far as China is concerned, the condition is quite different. Although the proportion of agriculture is falling to below 10%, the primary sector of China still takes on a comparatively high percentage. And compared with the UK, China’s secondary sector holds the highest percentage of all the economy sectors. And the label, ‘made in China’, is so familiar to the people from different countries in the world. In a way, it shows the high yields and low price of China’s manufacturing resulting from cheap labour and material. This type of well-known is quite different from that of the UK and it means that our nation still depends more on the ‘high-pay low-gain’industry rather than the knowledge economy. But luckily, our government and
relevant ministries have already taken actions to develop the tertiary industry, and thus the services are rising under positive policies.。