
例如:Our company has the best personnel in the industry.重音落在单词的末尾。
"I'm requesting a day of annual leave for personal reasons."重音容落在单词的开头。
如果你不仔细,你就可能说成"personal meeting"而不是"personnel meeting."Executive"executive"是公司的管理人员。
如果你正在向访客或是客户介绍你公司的高层executives, 那就要注意单词的发音喽!如果你将重音落在"u"上,那么"executive"马上就听起来象"execute" - 将某人杀死或判死刑。
Present? Presentate? Presentation?当你作presentation时present信息。
许多人-就算是一些英语的本土人士- 认为"presentate"是"presentation."的动词形式。
不要犯同样的错误!I look forward to hearing from you.这个短语通常用于商务信件中。
但是学习英语者常写成:I look forward to hear from you. 这不正确并且让英语本土人士听起来有些滑稽。
五个可能“踩雷”的职场英语:别随便说“I will try”和“actually”

五个可能“踩雷”的职场英文:别随便说“I will try”和“actually”你想进外商公司吗?不论你在找实习、找工作,或著正值菜鸟员工,除了基本英文力,还必须熟知职场潜规则。
” I will try. “, ” Actually… “, ” You guys ” 别乱说!别小看这些用字的杀伤力,用错可能误触老板、同事地雷。
这篇教你避开这些地雷英文,赶快看下去吧!1. actually 事实上、老实说这个字已经被列入老外用字黑名单,虽然我们常在写作时用“actually”强调你对事件确实地掌握,但它被过度滥用在口语对话中,动不动就一句“Actually, I…”,容易给人一种卖弄聪明的反效果。
Should I print out the meeting agenda beforehand?我需要事先影印开会议程吗?Actually, you can simply bring your laptop to the meeting. (X)其实,开会时你只需带着笔电就好。
Sure, you can print it out in advance, but bringing a laptop with you isfine as well. (O)当然,你可以事先印出来,或者直接带笔电去开会也可以。
2. I think…我认为、我觉得…当老板问你意见时,适当且明确地表达你的想法非常重要,用“I think” 表达看法并没有错,但是在某些协商场合,用I think可能会让人感觉平淡无味、力道不足,在谈判沟通时容易站不住脚。
I think our product might be your best choice. (X)我认为我们的产品应该是你最佳的选择。
I believe / I am confident that our product will best meet your needs.(O)我相信/ 我有信心我们的产品会最符合你的需求。

英语面试翻译:细数简历中最易犯的3大错误英语面试翻译:细数简历中最易犯的3大错误In a typical week I spend on average 10% of my time screening resumes, interviewing or reviewing interview notes and offers for candidates we want to join the team. Talent management is a core pillar of our company strategy and one of my most important responsibilities. I have reviewed thousands of resumes over my career and built a system to categorize them into yes, no and the dreaded maybe buckets. The resumes that go into either the yes or the no piles are usually very easy to identify. But I often think about the maybes. These resumes get saved as a backup but in reality, never get a chance to be in the field of play.在我比较典型的一个工作周里,我平均要花10%的时间筛选简历、面试、回顾面试笔记以及为那些我们团队需要的人才提供offer。

职场英语:求职中容易犯的25个禁忌下面是店铺整理的求职中容易犯的25个禁忌,欢迎大家阅读!You know the friend who constantly dates the wrong kind of person? The one who's endlessly frustrated that he or she is going to die alone because all the good ones are taken?After enough venting sessions, you realize something your friend doesn't: He or she is the common thread tying together all of these -- let's just say it together -- losers. Someone needs to speak up and say, "You're doing this to yourself."You'll find this same pattern can be true in a job hunt. Granted, we're in tough times and plenty of reasons out of your control can keep you from getting hired. But that's just one more reason to do everything within your power to be the best job seeker you can.With that in mind, look over these 25 ways you might be unknowingly sabotaging your job search:你有这样的朋友吗,他(她)不断地约会,却总是碰到错的人;他(她)为将孤独终老而倍感沮丧,因为不错的男女都已经找到了另一半。

下面是小编为您收集整理的求职者常犯的面试错误,欢迎阅读!1. Overusing the word "Like"1. 过度使用“像”这个字眼Even though we all have problems with inserting the word into our everyday speech, peppering our every other word with "like" has implications millennials may not even be aware of. It can make us appear like we're second guessing ourselves, not confident in what we're saying, or even of a lower intelligence level than we really are.即使我们日常说话的时候都难以运用这个词,但是如果每一句话里都加上“像”就会给别人一些暗示了,千禧一代并不一定能意识到这件事。
2. Forgetting to put your phone on silent2. 忘记把手机调为静音状态If your phone constantly pings and makes other noises during your interview, the person you're talking to will not be impressed. For a generation that always has a phone in hand, not taking a couple seconds to make sure it won't disturb the interview is a sure sign of carelessness.如果在面试过程中你的手机常常发出声响或者制造别的噪音,面试官可不会对你留下什么好的印象。
求职英语:7个错毁了你的面试 连自己都不知道

Congratulations! You have finally landed a job interview with one of the top companies on your target list.That's exciting, now don't screw it up.恭喜你!你终于能够得到一家理想的公司的面试机会了,实在是太激动了,但不要毁了这次机会!Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that interview mistakes are just for the inexperienced, early-in-career job candidates.别天真地认为面试中的犯错误只是职场菜鸟的通病。
We know that first impressions count, so how about making your first impression stand out on your next job interview?我们都知道留下第一印象很重要,那么怎样才能给自己的留下深刻第一印象,脱颖而出呢?1) Giving long-winded, rambling answers1)回答啰嗦乏味。
This is one area I warn my clients about over and over again. Listen carefully to the question, focus on about 3 key points in your answer and then stop talking. Avoid getting nervous just because there is silence or little response from the interviewer(s).这也是笔者一次又一次提醒面试者的要点。

接下来了关于职场错误,欢送您阅读!Top 10 Reasons For Not Getting the Job After an Interview面试过后仍然没有获得职位,是什么原因?这里也有10个。
Sometimes, interviews go wrong. You could make an interview mistake that can cost you a job offer. Even when you interviewed well there could be other candidates who did a better job or were more qualified. Here are some of the reasons why you may not get a job offer.有时候,面试也会出现问题。
1.Were you dressed appropriately?First impressions mean a lot, and if you weren't dressed in appropriate interview attire it could cost you the job before you even get into the interview room.留下第一印象意义非凡,如果你没有穿戴适宜的面试着装,很有可能就会付出了工作时机的沉重代价,即使你已经得到了面试的时机。

What you do before the interview can pay off enormously or end up hurting you.面试前做什么能让你取得宏大成功或者最终伤害你。
Getting a job interview can feel like a great aomplishment in this job market –and it is. But don’tsit back and relax once your interview is scheduled, because what you do before your interview can either payoff enormously or end up hurting you.在就业市场,能得到一份面试时机就觉得是宏大的成功—也确实是。
Here are seven mistakes you might make before your job interview ever happens – mistakes that can bite you whenit es to your interview performance and the impression you make on your interviewer.在面试前你可能会犯以下7个错误—在面试过程中你的表现,面试官对你的印象,犯错误能直接毁了你。
1.Not researching the pany. Interviewers pay attentionto who appears to have done their research and who doesn’t. If you go into your interview not knowing basic facts aboutthe pany, it will show. So before your interview, spend some time browsing the employer’s website. Spend 20 minutes learning enough about them that you’re able to speak intelligently about the work they do and how they see themselves.1、不公司信息。

1.Investing Too Little Time1.花的时间太少The less time you invest in your job search, the longer it will take to find the right position. Devote your days to job hunting and you'll discover as many opportunities as possible.你在招聘上花的时间越少,找到合适职位的时间就越长。
2.Sending Unpolished Resumes2.寄粗糙的简历Job searching is not a time for sloppiness to rear its ugly head. Employers won't bother to look at the information on your resume if it's presented in an unrefined, unorganized manner. Updating your resume is a waste of time if you're unwilling to format it professionally.求职的时候,别让你马虎做事的缺点暴露出来。
3.Running an Unfocused Job Search3.不明确求职方向Different job searching methods work for different people, but one fact is universal; you need to find one and follow it with focus. An unorganized job search can be just as detrimental as not being organized at your job — you won't get anywhere fast.不同的人有不一样的求职攻略,但有一点放之四海皆准:你需要找准一个目标然后专心准备。

The interviewer is prepared.The person you're meeting with is probably overworked and stressed about having to hire someone, so make it easy for him or her.面试官有备而来。
Most interviewers have been trained to conduct thorough job interviews.While human resources professionals do get extensive training in job interviewing techniques, the average line manager is winging it.多数面试官都曾接受过专门训练,懂得如何进行工作面试。
When asked where you see yourself in five years, you should show tremendous ambition.The five-year question is a common one, and it's uncommonly tricky. Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough. So you want to say something that covers all bases, like, 'I'd be happy to stay in this job as long as I'm still learning things and making a valuable contribution.当被问及未来5年的职业发展目标时,要充分显示出你的雄心壮志。

面试常见的错误英语面试常见的错误英语Common mistakes in interviews and how to avoid themThe good news is that although there are many common mistakes, they’re all avoidable. Rather than just listing the things you can get wrong, we’ve also included practical advice below on what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.1. Not preparingLack of preparation for your interview is one of the biggest ways to guarantee a major downfall. For instance, you’re likely to be asked about your personal statement in a university interview, so if you can’t remember what you actually wrote in it, you’re not likely to do a very good job of answering questions about it. Similarly, in a job interview, you’re in for trouble if you can’t answer questions such as “which parts of the job most appeal to you?”How to avoid itAlthough y ou might think it’s impossible to prepare for an interview when you don’t know what questions you will be asked, mistakes through lack of preparation are easily avoided.– Re-read your personal statement (or covering letter) and have a think about what kind of questions you could be asked. Write down some notes to help clarify your possible responses.– Revise any books you mentioned on your personal statement. Do some additional reading about them, such as some literary criticism, to prepare you for possible academic discussion.– Thoroughly1 read through all the information you can get your hands on about the course and what it involves. Note down the aspects of the course that you most like the look of, and why.– Keep an eye on news stories relating to your subject in case these should come up in conversation. Have an opinion on them, asthis will show that you keep abreast2 of developments related to your subject.–Prepare for obvious questions, such as “what are you reading at the moment?” if you’re interviewing for English.– For job interviews, thoroughly research the company, including reading through its recent press releases. Also read through the job description and be prepared to answer questions on how you can meet its requirements, and what e某perience you have that shows your capability3.You can’t prepare for every question, and indeed interviewers may put questions to you because they know you will almost certainly not know the answer; they may want to test your reaction tounfamiliar4 problems. But you can definitely prepare for the basics and avoid embarrassing silences.2. Confusing the course with another oneou are e某pected to have read up on the course in detail, so making any kind of fau某 pas about what it involves is a big no-no. Talking about a subject that’s not on the course, because you’ve confused it with a course at another university, is unlikely to go down well with your interviewers. To this end, it’s also advisable to avoid asking a question along the lines of “what topics will I be studying?”; you may think that it shows you’re taking an interest, but in fact it shows that you haven’t read up on the course. The same applies to job interviews; you’re probably applying for several jobs at once, but that’s no e某cuse to confuse the particulars of the one you’re interviewing for.How to avoid itBefore you go into the interview, refresh your memory about this particular course or job by reading the details in your prospectus5, on the university website or on the employer’s website.3. Showing doubtsDisplaying any kind of doubt about whether this is the course or job for you will get you crossed off the list immediately. Don’t ask your interviewers whether you’ll be able to change to a different course if you change your mind, and don’t let them know if this was actually your second-choice course or job (even if it was). You need to convince them that this is THE one and only course for you and your enthusiasm needs to come across.How to avoid itRemain positive and enthusiastic at all times!4. Relying on your achievementsHowever impressive your list of achievements is, this isn’t what the interview is about; you can’t just fall back on them. Your interviewer will have seen your qualifications, grades and awards on your application form. The interview is there so that they can look beyond these achievements to find out more about who you are, what your motivations and opinions are and how you approach academic problems.How to avoid itTry not to hijack6 the conversation with boasting about your achievements; if you’re asked what you think about something, it’s not enough to say that you’ve won an award in a related area – you need to demonstrate your intelligence by engaging in academic discussion.5. DishonestyJust as you should never lie on your personal statement, you should never lie in an interview situation either. The interviewer is likely to spot it straightaway. For e某ample, however tempting7 it might be to claim in your English interview that you’ve read a particular te某t, because you think it would make you look good,it’s far better to be honest and say you haven’t read it. No interviewer will e某pect you to have read everything, and thingswill be far worse for you if you say you’ve read a te某t and you then get questioned on your opinions about it –when you haven’t any!How to avoid itAvoid a red face with a positive answer such as, “I haven’t read it yet, but it’s ne某t on the list – and I did enjoy this other work by the same author…”7. Arrogance8Do not assume that just because you’ve been invited for a university interview there’s a place with your name on it. For job interviews, you can be even less sure about your chances of securing the job, with the odds9 higher because there are likely to be even more candidates for one position. The interview stage is to help the university make up their minds about you, and if you come across as overly cocky, you may find that the interviewer doesn’t warm to you. How to avoid itAgain, remain professional and put your opinion across respectfully.8. Boredom10You need to maintain enthusiasm and interest throughout theinterview if you are to make a good impression. If you appear bored during the interview, what are you going to be like to teach, or as an employee? Apparent boredom can also be taken as a sign thatyou’re not particularly interested in the subject you’ve applied11 to study.How to avoid itEven if you’re not that interested in a particular topic of conversation (few people find every aspect of their course fascinating), don’t let it show. Keep focused on the conversation and don’t allow your mind to drift.9. NegativityEven if you’re not being negative about the course itself, any hint of negativity on your part may come across as a lack of interest in what you’re being interviewed for. If you’re negative, this may be what the interviewer remembers about you –and that’s not the kind of person they want on their course or in their business; negativity spreads and you could be someone who could bring down the mood of a class or team. What’s more, in a job interview, never talk negatively about your previous employer, if you have one. The interviewer will recognise that you could be talking about them in this way in the future.How to avoid itEven if you feel like saying something negative, adopt a positive and enthusiastic demeanour for the duration of the interview. If you feel yourself about to say something negative, either don’t say anything or turn it into a positive.10. Not making eye contactBody language is very important in interviews, as it says a lotabout the kind of person you are. It also speaks volumes about your ability to cope under pressure; you’re in a high-pressure environment in an interview, but you’ll be put into other high-pressure situations as part of your university course or job, so your interviewer will be assessing how well you cope with it. Not making eye contact makes you come across as shy and unconfident, and it’s a little rude, too.How to avoid itMake frequent eye contact with your interviewer, and if there’s more than one interviewer, look confidently from one to the other. If one of them asks you a question, maintain more eye contact with them while you’re answering their question.11. Dressing12 inappropriatelyTurning up to an interview dressed informally (think T-shirt, jeans, trai ners) is a huge mistake because it shows that you don’t have respect for the institution or company and haven’t bothered to make an effort for them.How to avoid itAlways dress smartly for an interview: a smart suit for boys and a smart dress, t rouser suit or smart top and skirt for girls. Don’t neglect your shoes; smart black shoes, or optional heels for girls, rather than trainers or Converse13.12. Being lateIt seems astonishing to think that anybody could even consider being late t o an interview, but it does happen. It’s not always the candidate’s fault, of course – traffic, for instance, can throw a spanner in the works. Poor organisation14 also leads to tardiness15. How to avoid itLateness can be avoided by allowing far more time than you think you’ll need to get to the interview, or even staying nearby the previous night if you’re travelling a long way. If you’re stuck in une某pectedly severe traffic, or some other emergency befalls you on your journey, phone the university or department to let them know you’re running late. They’ll be much more understanding if they know the reason and can reschedule you than if you simply don’t turn up, or turn up late without prior e某planation.We hope you’ve found these tips usef ul and that you can attend your ne某t interview feeling more confident. The main takeaway from this article is the old Boy Scouts’ motto: Be Prepared!扩展:关于工作要求的问题①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?A:Yes, in most circumstances.②I:Are you available for travel?A:Yes, I like traveling. I am young,and unmarried. It‘s no problem for me to travel frequently.③I:How about overtime1 work?A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it‘s necessary,but I don’t think we will work overtime everyday.④I:How long do you think we can depend on your working here? A:As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities,the days you can depend on my working here will become a limitless number.⑤I:Do you like regular work?A:No,I don‘t like regular work. I am interested in differentprojects with new opport unities2 and new challenge, but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.⑥I:What salary do you e某pectA:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.⑦I:Do you work well under pressureA:Working under pressure is e某citing and challenging. I don’t mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. People can, I Can.⑧I:Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?A:No,nothing in particular.⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.。

Hiring managers don't want to hear a lot of things during an interview -- confessions of a violent past, a cell phone ring, a toilet flush. Yet job seekers have mitted these interview gaffes and worse, aording to CareerBuilder.'s annual survey of the worst interview mistakes.招聘经理不希望在面试时听到太多东西——比方对过去“暴力行为”的忏悔、手机铃声、冲厕所声。
Hiring managers say don't offer personal details that can be controversial during an interview.招聘经理称不要在面试中透露具有争议性的个人细节。
Odd behavior isn't the only way to ruin your chances of landing a job.古怪的行为并不是唯一会导致你得不到工作的原因。
When hiring managers were asked to name the most mon and damaging interview mistakes a candidate can make, 51 percent listed dressing inappropriately. 51%的招聘经理认为穿着不当是面试者最常见最具破坏力的错误。
职场英语 避开职场里的十大错误

1.Putting all my eggs in the Plan A basket without having a Plan B.寄所有希望于一个方案,而没有备用方案。
2.Holding backfrom sharing my insights, wisdom, and knowledge for fear I’ll give too much away for free.不愿与他人分享自己的见地、智慧和知识,害怕自己是在徒劳地付出而得不到回报。
3.Letting my salary define me.用薪水的多少来衡量自己。
paring myself to others instead of figuring outexactly what I want to offer, and why.只想着与别人较劲,却从未考虑过自己到底该做什么,为什么做。
5.Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different oute.重复做同一件事,还希冀着能产生不同的结果。
6.Spending more time plainingabout my situation than changing it.宁可花大把时间去抱怨自己的现状,也不愿去做出改变。
7.Letting my aomplishmentsblindme.被成功蒙蔽了双眼。
8.Thinking that this just “happened”to me–not realizing I co-created it.总想着“为什么这种事总发生在我身上”,却没有意识到,自己其实也是一个“帮凶”。

1 Arrive latefor the interview. 不要迟到。
2 Indicate you are late because the directions you were given were not good.即使迟到也不要把不认识路当成借口。
3 Look disheveled and inappropriately dressed. 衣着要整洁得体。
4 Slouch in your seat. 坐姿要端正。
5 Don'tmaintain good eye contact with the interviewer.要与面试官保持良好的眼神交流。
6 Do your company research at the interview by asking, “What do you guys do here?”不要问面试的公司是哪个行业的。
7 Don't make aconnection between your skills and the needs of the employer.一定要把自己掌握的技能同所要应聘的岗位相挂钩。
8 Brag about how great you are, but neglect to cite evidence of your accomplishments. 不要炫耀自己的战绩而不给出实例。
9 Respond in an unfocused, disorganized, and rambling manner.说话回答问题要讲求条理。

外企“菜鸟”最容易犯的错误作为职场新人,在外企雄心勃勃的你,如果不了解西方的习俗,就会犯下职场错误!今天就来看看职场菜鸟们最容易犯下的错误,帮助你规避一些常见的职场陷阱!Being Afraid to Speak Up 害怕发言Whether it’s asking for a raise, time off, or just voicing an opinion, it’s important to stand up for yourself in the office. The more confidence you exude(散发;流露出), the more others will have in you, and as long as you do it in a respectful and professional way, your colleagues will be more impressed than put-off by your assertiveness.不管是想加薪、请假,或仅仅只是说出自己的建议,在办公室敢于为自己发言都非常重要。
Dressing Inappropriately 穿着不当One thing that can either help or hurt you is how you present yourself. If you dress too provocatively(挑逗地), young or casual, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers. Just because you have it, doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it. If you want to be taken seriously, dress seriously.如何表现自己要么对你自身有所帮助,要么会对你造成伤害。

1.Has a poor personal appearance.穿着形象不佳。
2. Is unable to express self clearly; has diction and grammar.没能清楚的表达自己,措辞语法上的错误。
cks knowledge or experience.缺乏学问和阅历4.Is not prepared for interview.对面试毫无预备5.Has no real interest in job.不对工作感兴趣cks planning for career; has no purpose or goals.对自己的事业没有支配;没有目标和理想。
cks enthusiasm、passive缺乏激情热情cks confidence and poise; is nervous and ill at ease.缺乏自信,紧急和担忧9.Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer.太过看中于钱,只对最正确酬劳感兴趣10.Has poor scholastic record;学历差11.Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon.不愿从基层干起;要求太多。
12.Make excuses.找借口cks tact圆滑;机敏.cks maturity.不成熟cks courtesy; is ill mannered.没有礼貌,16.Condemns past employers.责怪以前的雇主/老板。

Time is money — whether you"ve got a job or not. While it may be tempting to chase down every possibility when you"re searching for work, don"t. Many can lead you down a blind alley — where you may lose the contents of your wallet.时间就是金钱,不管你找到工作与否。
A focused search using tried and true methods, especially networking, will lead to your next job, not tactics that smack of desperation.在找工作的时候,不是靠那些无用的战术理论,而是有重点(特别是在人际网络方面)地使用正确的、可靠的方法才能找到下一份工作。
Avoid these five job-hunting "don"ts" that will yield the poorest of results, according to leading workplace advisor Liz Ryan.根据职场顾问的领尖人物Liz Ryan的建议,要警惕以下5个求职者不能做的事情,来避免最差的求职结果。
1. Spray and pray.广撒网,然后祈祷Don"t blindly send your resume unsolicited, electronically or otherwise, to any company without first making verbal contact. Says Ryan, founder of , "Tossing out un-customized cover letters and undifferentiated resumes in huge volumes and crossing your fingers is a job-search non-starter. That doesn"t work, and it hasn"t worked in 10 years, or more." Establish a connection before sending a customized cover letter and, adds Ryan, "You can even customize your resume if a job opening calls for it."不要在未和公司有任何联系之前,就盲目主动地发送你的简历过去。
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职场英语:职场菜鸟面试中最容易犯的错误时间:2015-11-09 14:49:56本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系xuexila888@ 燕妮我要投稿我们通过对大量面试资料的分析,发现一些典型的问题在各种面试中反复出现,恰恰是这些看似平常的问题使许多应聘者失去了得到理想工作的机会。
1. Didn t research the company. Didn t know the CEO s name, the size of the company, their business, the market cap, the ticker symbol (for public companies),etc。
2. Didn t sell themselves, or forgot to communicate: This is what I can do for you, because this is what I have done in school, and for others, etc。
3. Were nervous, had poor body language, or didn t look the interviewer in the eye. They obviously didn t practice interviewing or selling themselves. They say things like, What would you like to know about me?
4. Didn t have a real understanding of the position (i.e. not doing their homework about the job) or even asking about the position s responsibilities。
5. Were not enthusiastic or did not demonstrate a level of commitment to work, the position, or the industry。
6. Didn t remember what is on their resume. For example, being asked a question about a part-time or summer job and not remembering much about it。
7. Were not thoughtful or inquisitive questions to ask at
the end of the interview。
8. Were not able to differentiate themselves from other candidates (i.e. what makes them a better candidate than others)。
9. Were not able to identify their weaknesses and show how they plan to strengthen them。
10. Were unable to relate what they have studied or what they have done to a business setting。