


二、研究内容1. 产乙醇酿酒酵母的诱变选育选取一株高效的产乙醇酿酒酵母株,利用物理、化学和基因工程等不同手段进行诱变,通过筛选和鉴定,筛选出产酒精能力更强、抗逆性更好的诱变菌株。
2. 发酵工艺优化改进传统的酒精发酵过程和条件,考虑酵母的生理特性和适应性,寻找最适合诱变菌株的发酵条件和方法,提高发酵效率和产酒精量,同时优化酒精的品质和稳定性。
三、研究方法1. 诱变选育利用化学、物理或基因工程等不同方式对产乙醇酿酒酵母进行诱变,然后使用高通量筛选技术和生物学实验等手段鉴定产酒精能力更强、耐受性更好的诱变菌株。
2. 发酵工艺优化通过研究酿酒酵母的生理特性和代谢途径,改进传统的酒精发酵工艺和条件,包括温度、pH值、营养物质、发酵时间等多个方面,寻找最适合诱变菌株的发酵条件和方法,提高发酵效率和产酒精量,同时优化酒精的品质和稳定性。

关键词:蒸馏酒;甲醇;机理;控制技术中图分类号:TS262.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-1161(2021)03-0048-02甲醇是一种无色具有刺激性气味的有毒液体,能破坏视觉神经细胞和脑神经细胞,可导致永久性失明,当摄入量达到340 mg/kg时就会出现中毒反应甚至死亡。
然而甲醇是果酒酿造过程中的副产物,因此我国水果酒中甲醇含量具有严格的国家标准,NY/T 1508—2017《绿色食品果酒》中规定甲醇含量≤0.4 g/L,GB 2757—2012《食品安全国家标准蒸馏酒及其配制酒》中规定甲醇含量应<2.00 g/L(以酒精度换算到100% vol计)。
1 甲醇产生机理1.1 酿造原料水果蒸馏酒中的甲醇主要是酿酒原料中的果胶在果胶酶作用下分解产生的,因此酿酒材料与酒中甲醇含量具有一定相关性。


果实大、味道甜等原因广受消费者喜爱,红枣加工生 器有限公司;DZKW 电热恒温水浴锅,北京永光明医
产链也在日益完善,但单一的种植产出让农民受益有 疗仪器有限公司;LAL2T 酒精计,广州速为电子科技
限,开发以红枣为原料的酒精饮品是枣农增收,资源 有限公司;HPX-9052MBE 恒温培养箱,上海博迅实
Modern Food Science and Technology
降低和田红枣白兰地中 甲醇含量的发酵前处理工艺优化
2021, Vol.37, No.7
(新疆农业大学食品科学与药学学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000)
Key words: jujube; brandy; methanol; pretreatment 引文格式: 李桂林,彭昕,李泽涵,等.降低和田红枣白兰地中甲醇含量的发酵前处理工艺优化[J].现代食品科技,2021,37(7):74-82 LI Gui-lin, PENG Xin, LI Ze-han, et al. Optimization of pretreatment process before fermentation to reduce the methanol content in hetian dried red jujube brandy [J]. Modern Food Science and Technology, 2021, 37(7): 74-82
红枣,鼠李科枣属木枣树的果实,又称中华大枣、 干枣、美枣等[1]。红枣原产于我国,具有悠久的栽培 历史,在古代文献中,红枣被列为“五果之一”。红枣

1. 原料准备:首先需要准备酿造甜酒所需要的原料,主要包括水、糖和酵母。
2. 酿造发酵:原料准备好后,将水加热至一定温度,并逐步将糖溶解在水中,形成糖液。
3. 发酵调控:在发酵过程中,需要对温度、湿度和氧气供应等条件进行严格的控制。
4. 澄清过滤:当发酵过程结束后,甜酒中会有一些悬浮物和杂质。
5. 醇化调配:澄清过滤后的甜酒可能还不够甜或香,需要通过醇化和调配来达到理想的口感和香气。
6. 包装装瓶:最后一步是将甜酒进行包装装瓶。

1.柠檬汁和甘蔗汁混合发酵酿酒酵母的筛选 [J], 郄志民;陈安均;蒲彪;刘书亮
2.5株低产乙醇的非酿酒酵母筛选及其酿造特性 [J], 张博钦;方梓庄;成池芳;张如意;段长青;燕国梁
3.桑葚酒用非酿酒酵母的筛选及特性研究 [J], 边名鸿;许强;周阳子;王灵香;李蓉;程鑫凯
4.一株耐酸性酿酒酵母的筛选鉴定及特性 [J], 向丽萍;范斌强;杨志龙;伍强;余有贵
5.优良耐酸酿酒酵母的筛选及发酵特性研究 [J], 耿海波
酒类资料-甘蔗汁酿酒工艺的研究 精品

(1)、按制造方法分类可分为酿造酒、蒸馏酒、配制酒三大类。酿造酒也称发酵酒,属低度酒,酿造酒按发酵类型可分为单式发酵(sing1e fermentation)和复式发酵(plexfermentation)两种。单式发酵是以糖质为原料,由酵母菌直接发酵,以制造酒精饮料。复式发酵乃以淀粉质为原料,先经淀粉糖化过程变成糖质后,再进行酒精发酵。如黄酒、果酒等;蒸馏酒是以含糖或淀粉的原料,经糖化、发酵、蒸馏制得,大多为高度酒,如白酒、烧酒等;配制酒又名再制酒,是用酿造酒或蒸馏酒为酒基,再配加一些药材而制成,如药酒、滋补酒等。广西工ຫໍສະໝຸດ 院论文甘蔗汁酿酒工艺的研究

以致死率和正突变率为主要指标,以突变株的酒精发酵性能为参考,结合单因素实验和正交实验,确定出紫外诱变法的较佳诱变条件为:辐照功率20 W,紫外灯辐照时间10 min,辐照距离9 cm。
以出发菌株 F1为对照,对7株酵母突变株进一步进行全面的生理性能测试,结果表明,菌株F4的CO2失重量最高、残糖含量低、乙醇和酯类物质的产生量高,是一株优良的正向突变株。
对该菌株进行形态观察,其细胞个体饱满呈卵圆型,群体菌落颜色呈乳白色;用于紫甘薯汁发酵,起酵速度快、发酵液酒精度可达11.08%(V /V),香气浓郁,具有良好的工业生产潜力。
%Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced by UV mutagenesis to breeding the strains of high fermenta-tion rate and alcohol production are investigated.Regarded fatality rate and percentage of plus mutants as main criterion,ethanol fermentation performance of mutant as reference,the proper condition of UV muta-genesis experimented by single factor and orthogonal experiment are as follows:UV radiation time for 10 min by ultraviolet lamp of 20w,distance from the lamp to sample at 9cm.And with the original strain F1 as control,physiological comprehensive performance tests of the seven mutant stains are conducted.The results are shown that an excellent positive mutated S.cerevisiae F4 is obtained,which has a high loss of carbon dioxide weight,low amount of residual sugar,superior production of ethanol and esters.The cell of this mutated strain F4 is full,its shape isoval,and its color is ivory -white or cream.It could be applied in the wine of purple sweet potato,of which the fermentation rate and alcohol production are high,the al-cohol degree of fermentation broth can reach at 11.08%,the aroma is strong.So the potential industrial production of this mutated strain is well.【期刊名称】《粮油食品科技》【年(卷),期】2016(000)001【总页数】5页(P86-90)【关键词】紫外诱变;酵母菌;育种;紫甘薯【作者】方佩佩;王世清;李静;谭海刚;刘晓莉;付均鹏【作者单位】青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100;青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100;青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100;青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100;青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100;青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS201.3酵母菌,一般泛指能发酵糖类的各种单细胞真菌[1]。

三株甘蔗糖蜜酒精发酵高产酵母菌株的筛选陆琦;张穗生;吴仁智;陈东;黄日波【摘要】从甘蔗糖厂的废弃物中筛选到3株甘蔗糖蜜酒精发酵高产菌株MF1001、MF1002和MF1003,经rDNA ITS序列同源比对鉴定为酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)的不同菌株.3个菌株均可以完全利用葡萄糖和蔗糖,部分利用棉子糖和半乳糖,均不能利用乳糖和木糖.MF1001发酵甘蔗糖蜜的残糖含量明显低于目前使用的生产菌株,略低于标准测定菌株CICC31149和CICC31279,MF1002和MF1003的残糖含量略低于目前使用的生产菌株.与生产菌株相比,3个菌株在甘蔗糖蜜的生长速率略低,但是维持高菌数的时间较长.按目前甘蔗糖蜜酒精生产的发酵工艺,3个菌株30℃发酵72h的醪液酒精含量分别为14.26%(V/V)、14.48%(V/V)和13.50%(V/V),比目前生产使用的菌株高19.5%~28.6%;37℃发酵40h的醪液酒精含量分别为12.03%(V/V)、12.06%(V/V)和12.14%(V/V),比目前生产使用的菌株高10.0%~11.7%.这3个菌株具有提高甘蔗糖蜜发酵醪液酒精含量的潜在工业价值.【期刊名称】《广西科学》【年(卷),期】2010(017)004【总页数】6页(P368-372,376)【关键词】酵母菌株;筛选;酒精;糖蜜【作者】陆琦;张穗生;吴仁智;陈东;黄日波【作者单位】广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室,国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心,广西生物炼制重点实验室,广西南宁,530007;广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室,国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心,广西生物炼制重点实验室,广西南宁,530007;广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室,国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心,广西生物炼制重点实验室,广西南宁,530007;广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁,530003;广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室,国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心,广西生物炼制重点实验室,广西南宁,530007;广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁,530003;广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室,国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心,广西生物炼制重点实验室,广西南宁,530007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q591;TQ926糖蜜是蔗糖生产的副产物,在我国广西、云南和广东等主要蔗糖产区已经成为酒精发酵生产的主要原料。


一、甘蔗汁酿酒的制作工艺1. 原料选取:使用新鲜、成熟的甘蔗,去除坏掉或受损的部分,切成小段备用。
2. 压榨甘蔗汁:将甘蔗小段放入压榨机中,压榨出甘蔗汁。
3. 调味加料:将甘蔗汁倒入容器中,加入黄酒曲、陈年老酒等调味料,搅拌均匀。
4. 发酵处理:将调制好的甘蔗汁倒入发酵罐中,加入酵母等发酵剂,放置在温度控制在25-30℃的环境中,发酵约一周左右。
5. 良性发酵:发酵过程结束后,将酒液倒入桶中,保持温度在15-20℃,进行良性发酵,使酒质更加醇厚。
6. 陈放贮存:将发酵好的甘蔗酒倒入酒瓶中,放置在通风和阴凉的地方,进行陈放贮存。
二、甘蔗汁酿酒的研究成果1. 发酵剂配比的研究发酵剂是影响甘蔗汁酿酒质量的重要因素。
2. 发酵条件优化的研究发酵条件是影响甘蔗汁酿酒质量的另一个关键因素。
3. 酿造工艺改进的研究传统的甘蔗汁酿酒工艺存在一些缺点,如发酵周期长,甘蔗酒口感不稳定等等。

不同干酵母对甘蔗汁酿酒特性的影响郑凤锦;陈赶林;蒙艳红;林波;孙健【期刊名称】《食品工业科技》【年(卷),期】2018(039)024【摘要】为研究不同酵母对甘蔗果酒的发酵影响,以新鲜的甘蔗压榨汁为原料,常温下选用葡萄酒高活性干酵母、耐高温高活性干酵母和发利干酵母三种商业活性干酵母进行液态发酵酿制甘蔗果酒.研究探讨了三种酵母菌的生长曲线、凝聚性、发酵度、发酵力、酸化力和产酒精能力等酿酒发酵特性.结果表明,三种酵母菌作用甘蔗汁的发酵过程中,酵母菌生长曲线趋势基本一致,三种酵母菌的凝聚值F< 20%,均为非凝聚性酵母.三种酵母菌的发酵力基本相当的,最终产酒精的能力差距不大,其中葡萄酒高活性干酵母最终产酒精为12.2% vol,耐高温高活性干酵母和发利干酵母均为12.0% vol.从三种商用酵母菌对甘蔗汁酿酒的各发酵特性来看,葡萄酒高活性干酵母略优于耐高温高活性干酵母和发利干酵母.研究结果为甘蔗汁发酵酿制风味甘蔗果酒提供了技术参考.【总页数】5页(P24-28)【作者】郑凤锦;陈赶林;蒙艳红;林波;孙健【作者单位】广西农业科学院农产品加工研究所,广西南宁530007;广西农业科学院,中国农业科学院甘蔗研究中心,广西南宁530007;广西农业科学院农产品加工研究所,广西南宁530007;广西农业科学院农产品加工研究所,广西南宁530007;广西农业科学院农产品加工研究所,广西南宁530007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS261【相关文献】1.氮源对酿酒酵母GJ2008不同糖浓度甘蔗汁酒精分批发酵的影响 [J], 柯善恢;伍时华;张健;赵东玲;黄翠姬2.不同葡萄酒活性干酵母酿酒特性的比较 [J], 赵森林;刘树文;杨楠;张辉;都振江;张成碧3.不同酿酒酵母共发酵对干红葡萄酒理化特性和香气组分的影响 [J], 朱娟娟; 马海军; 李敏; 刘雅琴; 倪志婧; 王薇; 陈凤英; 李亚罡4.采收期不同留果量对酿酒特性和果树生长发育的影响 [J], 陈泽浩;刘美玉;张琪;崔广鑫;安贵阳5.不同酿酒酵母对草莓酒发酵特性影响的研究 [J], 张阳阳;汪雅馨;王荣荣;朱静;赵子旭因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

甘蔗果酒酿造酵母筛选及其发酵特性研究李秀萍;郑平;吴幼茹;邹毅;李楠【期刊名称】《中国酿造》【年(卷),期】2014(033)006【摘要】菌种的性能是决定果酒品质的关键因素之一.利用甘蔗汁为培养基,对4种酵母菌株分别进行摇瓶发酵,通过酒精和残糖测定,筛选到一株适合甘蔗蔗汁发酵生产甘蔗果酒的酵母菌株32481.发酵特性实验表明,根据生长曲线确定酵母种子液接种龄为19h;菌株32481最高耐受乙醇含量为18%vol、耐受糖浓度为36°Bx,最佳发酵初始糖度为26 °Bx;最适发酵条件为温度28℃、pH4.5.在此发酵条件下所得甘蔗果酒的酒精度为13.4 %vol,糖利用率为60.38%,出酒率为40.66%,发酵效率为79.58%.【总页数】4页(P63-66)【作者】李秀萍;郑平;吴幼茹;邹毅;李楠【作者单位】广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁530004;广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁530004;广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁530004;广西大学糖业工程技术研究中心,广西南宁530004;广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁530004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS261.1【相关文献】1.杨梅果酒酿造酵母的筛选、鉴定及耐受性研究 [J], 杜晶;余培斌;苏琪;丁占生;范柳萍2.酿造蓝莓果酒的酵母菌筛选和发酵特性研究 [J], 方亮;吴文龙;李维林3.传统酿造糯米酒中酵母菌的筛选及发酵特性研究 [J], 姜加良4.高酸度水果果酒酿造产酯酵母的鉴定及发酵特性研究 [J], 李棒; 邓梦菲; 陈延儒; 万茵; 刘成梅; 付桂明5.一株南果梨果酒酿造酵母筛选研究 [J], 韩艳秋;叶春苗;李莉峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Research ArticleReceived:9July2014Revised:3September2014Accepted article published:10September2014Published online in Wiley Online Library: ()DOI10.1002/jsfa.6908Mutation breeding of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lower methanol content and the effectsof pectinase,cellulase and glycine in sugar cane spiritsMing-Hua Liang,a,b Ying-Jie Liang,a Xiao-Na Wu,a Shi-Shui Zhou a*and Jian-Guo Jiang b*AbstractBACKGROUND:To decrease the methanol content of the sugar cane sprits,mutagenesis of ultraviolet(UV)coupled with diethyl sulfate(DES)was used to generate a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lower methanol content.Meanwhile,the effects of the additions of pectinase,cellulase and glycine on the production of methanol in sugar cane spirits were evaluated. RESULTS:After mutagenesis of UV coupled with DES,a mutant S.cerevisiae DU9with low production of methanol (97.3±1.7mg/L)was selected,with a12.3%decrease of that of S.cerevisiae D4only with DES treatment,and with a27.8% reduction of that of the strain without any treatment.Pectinase and cellulase significantly increased the methanol levels of the sugar cane spirits.The results showed that there was linear relationship between glycine(concentration within0∼0.9g/L)and methanol in sugar cane sprits and the linear equation was y=104.7×−4.79with the conversion rate of glycine conversion to methanol as24.56%.CONCLUSION:Mutagenesis of UV coupled with DES is an efficient way to generate a mutant of S.cerevisiae with lower methanol content.Also,it is necessary to control the additions of pectinase,cellulase and glycine in the fermentation medium,and other unknown ways to generate methanol metabolic pathway in yeasts may need further study.©2014Society of Chemical IndustryKeywords:Saccharomyces cerevisiae;diethyl sulfate(DES);ultraviolet(UV);methanol;glycine;sugar cane spirits; INTRODUCTIONSugar cane spirits are defined as beverages with an alcohol contentof38–54%(v/v)at20∘C.Sugar cane spirit production involves theextraction of sugar cane juice,fermentation and distillation.Alongwith sugars such as sucrose,glucose and fructose,sugar canejuice also consists of minerals such as potassium and magnesium,amino acids(proline,aspartic acid,asparagine,serine,histidineand glycine are the most representative amino acids),1vitaminB 3,organic acids and small amounts of cellulose,hemicelluloseand pectin,2and may have immense health benefits for people suffering from a variety of conditions.Although sugar cane juice has high sugar content,it is good for diabetic patients because of to its low glycemic index.Methanol has been reported to be associated with harmful health effects such as headache,fatigue,nausea,visual impair-ment or complete blindness,3and its presence in alcoholic beverages is strictly controlled.Here we used butyl acetate as internal standard with the method of headspace gas chromatog-raphy(HS-GC)to determine the identity and concentration of methanol in sugar cane spirits.As the sugar cane spirits sample matrices are complex,the GC method cannot be applied directly. These sample matrix problems can be largely eliminated by the proposed HS sampling technique,coupled with analysis by GC.In addition,sample clean-up and pre-concentration are not necessary,and tedious and error-producing steps can be elimi-nated.Thus methanol in sugar cane spirits can be analyzed easily and quickly by HS-GC.4In sugar cane spirits,methanol is formed mainly from sugar cane bagasse particles,a type offiber that contains pectin and cellulose,which remains in the juice after filtration.5Moreover,the use of commercial macerating enzymes like pectinase and cellulase in winemaking is a common and well-known practice.These preparations degrade the structural ∗Correspondence to:Shi-Shui Zhou,School of Biological Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou510006, China.E-mail:hgzhouss@;or Jian-Guo Jiang,College of Food Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China.E-mail:jgjiang@a School of Biological Science and Engineering,South China University of Tech-nology,Guangzhou510006,Chinab College of Food Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou510640,ChinaJ Sci Food Agric(2014)©2014Society of Chemical Industry Ming-Hua Liang et al. polysaccharides of the cell walls,facilitating the release of pheno-lic compounds.Enzymatic treatment can also cause a significantincrease in the methanol concentration of wine.Several investiga-tors have reported the influence of pectinase enzyme treatmenton the methanol concentrations of wines.3,6,7As for glycine,thiscan be from sugar cane juice or yeast extract,which is one elementof the medium for Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Glycinefirst generatesmethylamine by glycine decarboxylase,then reacts with nitrousacid to produce methanol.The reactions are as follows:H 2N—CH2—COOH→CH3NH2+CO2;CH3NH2+HNO2→CH3OH+N2+H2OThe relationship between glycine content in the fermentation medium and the production of methanol in sugar cane spirits was first researched in this study.Mutation breeding is a common method to obtain high muta-tion efficiency.8–10Chemical mutagenesis is a useful tool to study the physiological processes in microorganisms.Diethyl sulfate (DES)is a powerful alkylating agent.Breaking of the DNA double helix,as result of the hydrolysis of alkylated phosphate groups, may cause chromosome breaks and lethality.11Additionally,ultra-violet(UV)light has strong genotoxic effects to produce DNA damage and induce mutations.In this study,a mutant of Saccha-romyces cerevisiae,which was obtained by DES and UV mutation, was used for fermentation of sugar cane spirits to decrease the methanol content.A sugar cane spirit was obtained by the dis-tillation of fermented sugar cane juice with wort as a source of supplementary substrate.Meanwhile,the effects of adding pecti-nase,cellulase and glycine on the production of methanol were evaluated.MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterialsSaccharomyces cerevisiae was kept in the labs of South China University of Technology.Methanol and ethanol are high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)grade.Butyl acetate is analytical grade.Dansyl chloride(DNS-Cl)and glycine were from Sigma(St Louis,MO,USA).The medium for S.cerevisiae cultivation was yeast extract peptone dextrose(YPD):2%glucose,1%yeast extract,2%peptone.Apparatus and operations of HS-GCHS-GC measurements were carried out with an automatic headspace sampler(DANI HS86.50,Italy)and a GC system(Agilent GC7890A,USA)equipped with aflame ionization detector(H2 30mL min−1;air350mL min−1),and a DB-FFAP capillary column (30m×0.53mm×1.00μm),operating with nitrogen carrier gas (flow rate=1.0mL min−1).Oven temperature was controlled with a temperature elevation program during analysis,which was initially set at35∘C for4min,elevated to180∘C at a rate of 20∘C min−1and maintained for5min.The temperatures at the detector and vaporizer were set at250∘C and150∘C,respectively, and50:1split ratio in split mode was used.HS operating condi-tions were as follows:25min of strong shaking for the sample equilibration at80∘C;sample loop temperature=85∘C;transfer line temperature=90∘C;vial pressurization time=12s;sample loopfill time=30s;and transfer time=6s.Analysis of methanol content in sugar cane spirits by HS-GC The methanol concentration of each wine sample was calculated by internal standard method with respect to the internal standard from response factor,so that HS-GC is qualitative(by the use of retention time)and quantitative(by the use of signal strength). The procedure to obtain a calibration curve was as follows:20% (v/v)ethanol solution was added to10mL,containing internal standard butyl acetate(300mg L−1)and different methanol con-centrations(0,100,200,400and800mg L−1),respectively.The response from the methanol peak was compared to the internal standard peak.Here RF is defined as the ratio of the peak area of the methanol to the peak area of internal standard.The results with RF on the y-axis and methanol concentration on the y-axis were then plotted,and these data werefitted to obtain a calibra-tion curve.The sample preparation and measurement procedures were as follows:10mL sugar cane spirit sample with300mg L−1 butyl acetate were added to20mL HS vials,which were then closed.The sample underwent an equilibration period to achieve vapor–liquid phase equilibrium.100μL of the HS vapor was put into the HS sampler for measurement.Mutation procedure of S.cerevisiae by DES and UVTo obtain strains with lower methanol content,the cell suspension of S.cerevisiae was treated with DES and UV irradiation.The treat-ment condition that produced a lethality of about80%was set as the mutation concentration.12For DES treatment,the suspension was treated with DES in six concentrations(0.05%,0.1%,0.2%, 0.3%,0.4%and0.5%)in phosphate buffer(pH7.2)for60min,and 25%sodium thiosulfate was used to terminate the procedure. Treated cells were suitably diluted by sterile water,and then the suspension was spread on to YPD agar plates and incubated at 28∘C for48h.For UV irradiation,the suspension was placed in sterile Petri dishes,stirred with a magnetic stirrer,and irradiated with UV light(250–280nm)15W at a distance of30cm for100, 120,140,160,240and480s.After irradiation,the plates were immediately kept away from light.The suspension was diluted appropriately and spread on to YPD agar plates,and incubated at 28∘C in darkness for48h.Lethality was computed as follows:Lethality(%)=(Number of strains before mutation−Number of strains after mutation)∕(Number of strains before mutation)×100Determination of glycine content in yeast extractA reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC)method with pre-column derivatization was developed for the determination of glycine in the yeast extract.13Dansyl chlo-ride(DNS-Cl)is a chromophoric reagent employed for the labeling of glycine.Glycine labeled with DNS-Cl is highly stable and shows maximum absorption at254nm with a detection time of8.9min. Glycine standard working solutions(1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0,7.5and 9.0mg L−1)were used to obtain the working curve of glycine.An Agilent1100liquid chromatograph with a dual-solvent delivery system,auto sampler,column thermostat and multi-wavelength UV detector was used for the measurement.A reverse-phase C18column(Waters Sun Fire;Dp,5μm)was used for separation and the elution was performed with50mmol L−1 sodium acetate solution(pH7.2)and acetonitrile(75:25,v/v).The/jsfa©2014Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric(2014)Mutation breeding of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lower methanol content flow rate was1.0mL min−1,the column temperature was30∘C and the detection wavelength was at254nm.Effect of pectinase on the production of methanol Pectinase(0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8and1.6mL;70U mL−1)was added to a250mLflask with mixed fermentation medium with sugar cane juice and wort(9:1,v/v),respectively,and incubated at50∘C for1h.After placing in an ice bath to terminate the reaction, the medium was pitched with S.cerevisiae(OD=1.5–1.8)and fermented at23∘C.Effect of cellulase on the production of methanolCellulase(0.2,0.4,0.8,1.6and3.2mL;30U mL−1)was added to a 250mLflask with mixed fermentation medium1with sugar cane juice and wort(9:1,v/v)and medium2withfiltered sugar cane juice and wort(9:1,v/v)(sugar cane juice wasfiltered three tofive times),respectively,and then incubated at65∘C for1h.After plac-ing in an ice bath to terminate the reaction,the medium was inoc-ulated with S.cerevisiae(OD=1.5–1.8)and fermented at23∘C. Relationship between glycine and methanol produced by S. cerevisiaeThe glycine content of the yeast extract was determined by RP-HPLC.Fermentation medium without yeast extract and fermen-tation medium with12.5g L−1of yeast extract were prepared.Then 0,0.3,0.6and0.9g L−1glycine were added to the fermentation media above,respectively.The medium was then inoculated with S.cerevisiae(4×107cfu mL−1)and fermented at23∘C for7days. Analytical procedures for sugar cane spiritsTotal soluble solids of sugar cane spirit samples were determined with the help of an ERMA hand refractometer having a range of 0–32Brix at20∘C.The alcoholic content in sugar cane spirits was estimated by portable alcohol meter.Statistical analysisValues were expressed as mean±SD of three parallel measure-ments.The significance of differences between groups was assessed by one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA).P<0.05indi-cated the presence of a statistically significant difference and P<0.01was considered highly significant.RESULTSDetermination of methanol content in sugar cane spiritsby HS-GCWith HS-GC,butyl acetate as internal standard and20%(v/v) ethanol solution as the solvent,we established an equation: Y=0.0003X+0.0042,R2=0.9993,in which Y represents RF and X represents the content of methanol.Here we give the HS-GC chromatogram of one sample of sugar cane spirits(Fig.1).For ethanol,the retention time was about4.7min;for methanol,the retention time was about3.8min;for internal standard butyl acetate,the retention time was about7.1min.Validation for the determination of methanol contentby HSGCThe repeatability of the HS-GC method was demonstrated by using the standard sample(methanol concentration=200mg L−1).A relative standard deviation(RSD)of measured methanol content is less than5.0%forfive times testing,indicating that the tech-nique of HS-GC to detect the methanol content has excellent repeatability and high precision and accuracy.Screening for S.cerevisiae with low methanol content by DES and UVEffects of mutagen dosage on lethality of S.cerevisiae are shown in Fig.2.Figure2(A)shows that the lethality increased with increas-ing DES concentration.The treatment condition that produced a lethality of about80%was set as the mutation concentration.12Figure1.HS gas chromatogram of one sample of sugar cane spirits.A,ethanol;B,methanol;C,butyl acetate.J Sci Food Agric(2014)©2014Society of Chemical Industry /jsfa Ming-Hua Liang et al.A B 0204060801000. e t h a l i t y (%)Concentration of DES (%)020*********80160240320400480560L e t h a l i t y (%)Irradiation time (s)Figure 2.Lethality curve during mutagenesis.(A)Lethality curve of S.cere-visiae under DES mutagenesis by treatment of different DES concentra-tions.0.4%DES (lethality 84.81%)was set as the mutation conditions for S.cerevisiae .Results are mean ±SD.(B)Lethality curve of S.cerevisiae under UV mutagenesis by treatment of different irradiation times.A UV irradia-tion time of 240s (lethality 85.92%)was set as the mutation conditions for S.cerevisiae .Results are mean ±SD.Thus 0.4%DES concentration was set as mutation conditions for S.cerevisiae .Figure 2(B)shows that the lethality increased with increasing UV irradiation time.The lethality reached 85.92%and 86.85%with a UV irradiation time of 240s and 480s,respectively.Therefore,a UV irradiation time of 240s was set as mutation con-ditions for S.cerevisiae .In conclusion,0.4%DES (lethality 84.81%)and a UV irradiation time of 240s (lethality 85.92%)were set as the mutation conditions for S.cerevisiae .After treatment by 0.4%DES for 60min,10mutants (D1–D10)were collected to use for fermentation of sugar cane spirits.The methanol contents of sugar cane spirits were detected and are shown in Fig.3(A).Methanol content from fermentation of mutant D4was the lowest (111.0±2.4mg L −1),which was a decrease of 17.7%compared with the strain without any treatment (134.8±2.8mg L −1).Mutant D4was then treated by UV for 240s,and 10mutants (DU1–DU10)were used to ferment sugar cane spirits.The variation of methanol content in the sugar cane spirits is shown in Fig.3(B).It was found that DU9could produce the low-est methanol (97.3±1.7mg L −1),with a 12.3%decrease of that of the strain D4only with DES treatment,and with a 27.8%reduction of that of the strain without any treatment.Effect of adding pectinase on the production of methanol The effect of pectinase addition on methanol level is shown in Fig.4(A);methanol content varied between 240and 300mg L −1.A B ****************50100150200250ControlD1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D10Strains for testM e t h a n o l c o n t e n t (m g L –1)***********4080120160200D4DU1DU2DU3DU4DU5DU6DU7DU8DU9DU10M e t h a n o l c o n t e n t (m g L –1)Strains for testFigure 3.Screening for S.cerevisiae mutant with low methanol content by DES and UV.(A)Methanol content of sugar cane spirits by S.cere-visiae mutants with DES mutation.D4could produce the lowest methanol (111.0±2.4mg L −1).Results are mean ±SD.*P <0.05;**P <0.01,statisti-cally significant in comparison with control.(B)Methanol content of sugar cane spirits by S.cerevisiae mutants with DES and UV mutation.DU9could produce the lowest methanol (97.3±1.7mg L −1).Results are mean ±SD.*P <0.05;**P <0.01,statistically significant in comparison with the control (D4).Without pectinase treatment,the methanol content was 186.4mg L −1.It was shown that pectinase significantly increased the methanol levels of sugar cane spirits and methanol content increased with the dose of pectinase.When 0.8mL pectinase (70U mL −1)–corresponding to 56U pectinase –was added,pectic substances in sugar cane juice had been adequately broken down,and the content of methanol almost reached the maximum,with no subsequent significant change.Effect of cellulase on the production of methanolThe effect of cellulose addition on methanol level is shown in Fig.4(B);methanol content varied from 250to 410mg L −1.Without cellulase treatment,the methanol content was 206.3mg L −1.From these data it is seen that the use of cellulase significantly increased the methanol content of sugar cane spirits.When 0.8mL cellulase (30U mL)–corresponding to 24U cellulase –was added,cellu-lose in sugar cane juice had been adequately broken down,and the content of methanol almost reached the maximum,with no subsequent significant change.As cellulose does not dissolve in water at room temperature,filtered sugar cane juice is lacking in cellulose.Thus,from Table 1,it can be concluded that methanol content produced from cellulose reached 11.2mg L −1.Determination of glycine content in yeast extractWith RP-HPLC,we established an equation:y =1368.1x +22.269,R 2=0.9993,in which y represents the peak area of glycine and/jsfa ©2014Society of Chemical IndustryJ Sci Food Agric (2014)Mutation breeding of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lower methanol content AB220240260280300020406080100120Dose of pectinase (U)M e t h a n o l c o n t e n t (m g L –1)260290320350380410020406080100Dose of cellulase (U)M e t h a n o l c o n t e n t (m g L –1)Figure 4.Effects of adding pectinase and cellulose in sugar cane spirits.(A)Effect of the addition of pectinase on the production of methanol.When 56U pectinase was added,the content of methanol was almost maximal with no subsequent significant change.Results are mean ±SD.(B)Effect of the addition of cellulase on the production of methanol.When 24U cellulase was added,the content of methanol was almost maximal with no subsequent significant change.Results are mean ±SD.Table 1.Methanol content produced by cellulose in sugar cane spiritsParameter Medium 1Sugar cane juice and wort Medium 2Filtered sugar cane juice and wort Methanol content produced from cellulose (mg L −1)Alcohol content (%V/V,20∘C)28.433.5–Methanol content (mg L −1)227.1215.911.2x represents glycine concentration.After calculation,the glycine content in 1g L −1yeast extract solution reached 6.85mg L −1.From the reactions above,glycine in 1g L −1yeast extract solution could produce 2.92mg L −1methanol in theory.Figure 5(for Fig.5B,only the factor of glycine concentra-tion was considered)shows that methanol content in sugar cane spirits increased with the increase of glycine content,and there was linear relationship between glycine (concentration within 0–0.9g L −1)and methanol in fermentation liquor and the linear equation was y =104.7x −4.79.According to the cal-culation method of the theoretical methanol content,there was a linear relationship between glycine (concentration within 0–0.9g L −1)and theoretical methanol content and the linear equation was y =426.28x −0.001.Thus the rate of glycine con-version to methanol was 104.7/426.28=24.56%.From Fig.5(A),while 18Brix sugar was used as fermentation medium,onlyABy = 63.733x + 24.22R 2 = 0.9811y = 104.9x + 52.57R 2 = 0.976902040608010012014016018000. Brix sugar18 Brix sugar+12.5 g L –1 yeast extractGlycine concentration (g L –1)M e t h a n o l c o n c e n t r a t i o n (m g L –1)y = 63.733x -3.18R 2 = 0.9811y = 104.7x -4.79R 2 = 0.9751y = 426.28x -0.001R 2 = 1-5005010015020025030035040000. Brix sugar18 Brix sugar+12.5g L –1 yeast extract Glycine to produce methanol in theoryGlycine concentration (g L –1)M e t h a n o l c o n c e n t r a t i o n (m g L –1)Figure 5.The influence of different glycine concentrations and fermenta-tion conditions on methanol yield.(A)The factors of glycine concentration,fermentation conditions,fermentation process and yeast metabolic path-way were considered.(B)Only the factor of glycine concentration was con-sidered.Other factors influencing the methanol yield were deducted.faint bubbles were generated in the fermentation process,which meant that it was difficult to ferment normally for yeast with only sugar as fermentation medium,and 27.4mg L −1methanol was produced without adding glycine.While 18Brix sugar and 12.5g L −1yeast extract was adopted as fermentation medium,S.cerevisiae was able to ferment normally and more methanol content (57.3mg L −1)was produced without adding extra glycine.DISCUSSIONThe main polysaccharides responsible for turbidity,viscosity and filter stoppages in sugar cane juice are pectins,glucans (the major component of cellulose)and,to a lesser extent,hemicellu-lose (mainly xylans).14In winemaking,commercial pectinase and cellulase preparations are used to improve juice yields by degrad-ing structural polysaccharides that interfere with juice extraction,the release of color and flavor compounds,with the clarification and filtration of wine,and reducing viscosity and turbidity.15–17However,the enzymatic treatment employed in the juice can cause a significant increase in the methanol concentrations of wines.Several investigators reported the influence of pectinase enzyme treatment on the methanol concentrations of wines.3,7,18In this study,it was also found that pectinase and celluloseJ Sci Food Agric (2014)©2014Society of Chemical Industry /jsfa Ming-Hua Liang et al.significantly increased the methanol levels of sugar cane spir-its(Fig.4).It has been reported that the high methanol content is ascribed to the use of pectinase,which is commonly used in mango wine production and is responsible for the splitting of pectic substances to galacturonic acid and methanol.19However, the higher methanol concentration in the present wines could be reduced significantly by further optimizing the treatment condi-tions of pectinase and cellulase.On the other hand,it was pointed out that many other fac-tors,such as oenological practices and the yeast strain used,can influence methanol production.15Yeast species are used in many industrial fermentation processes,including alcoholic beverage production.The quality of wine produced greatly depends on the yeast strain.20It was reported that methanol concentration var-ied between9.51%with S.cerevisiae var.ellipsoideus and14.93% with S.carlsbergensis.21In this study,a mutant of S.cerevisiae with lower methanol content was obtained by DES and UV mutation. The concentration of mutagen and the time of mutation are cru-cial to mutation efficiency.If the concentration is higher and the time is longer,the harm would be greater and the chance of screening would be lost.However,if the concentration is lower and the time is shorter,variability would be less and the chance of screening would be reduced.A concentration of mutagen with about80%lethality was suitable for selecting positive mutation strains.12In this study,for DES treatment,0.4%DES(lethality 84.81%)for60min was adopted for mutation breeding of low methanol-producing S.cerevisiae(Fig.2A).For UV irradiation,an irradiation time of240s(lethality85.92%)15W at a distance of 30cm was set as the mutation condition for S.cerevisiae(Fig.2B). It was reported that mutagenesis of UV coupled with DES was car-ried out because the combined mutation was more efficient.8,22,23 It was reported that Klebsiella oxytoca mutants were isolated from the wild type strain ME-303after mutagenesis with UV coupled with diethyl sulfate,and it was found that ME-UD-3produced 7.8%more2,3-butanediol than ME-303.8Here,a mutant S.cere-visiae DU9with low production of methanol(97.3mg L−1)was selected by mutation of DES and UV radiation(Fig.3B),with a 12.3%decrease of that of S.cerevisiae D4only with DES treat-ment,and with a27.8%reduction of that of the strain without any treatment.Amino acids are essential growth factors for proper implemen-tation and growth of yeasts during the course of alcoholic fer-mentation.Some biogenic amines are formed in variable amounts in wines by decarboxylation of their precursor amino acids due to the action of yeasts during alcoholic fermentation.24Esters, higher alcohols and volatile fatty acids are important contributors to the fermentation bouquet of wine.These compounds princi-pally arise as primary metabolites of yeast sugar and amino acid metabolism.Amino acids are precursors of volatile compounds (ethanol,ethyl acetate,acetic acid,higher alcohols and some of their acetates,methionol,isobutyric acid,ethyl butyrate,and hex-anoic and octanoic acids)and,consequently,wine composition is affected by the content of amino acids in the must.Further-more,the addition of amino acids can improve fermentation, as the amino acids can be incorporated directly into yeast pro-tein synthesis.25Methionol is correlated with methionine,histi-dine and glutamine.Acetic acid is correlated with proline,and the other aroma compounds(isoamyl alcohol,hexanoic and octanoic acids,ethyl butyrate,isobutyl acetate and isoamyl acetate)are mainly correlated with serine,threonine and glutamic acid.26It has been described that Monod-like equations are more adequate to describe the relationship between the amino acid content and the production of volatile compounds in simple microbiological systems.27In this study,the relationship between glycine content in the fermentation medium and the production of methanol wasfirst researched.Glycinefirst generates methylamine by glycine decar-boxylase,then reacts with nitrous acid to produce methanol.It was found that better growth,better reducing sugar consump-tion and higher fermentative efficiency occurred in the medium supplemented with12.5g L−1yeast extract compared with that without yeast extract.The inference is that it was difficult for S.cerevisiae to grow in the medium without yeast extract(or glycine),which meant that S.cerevisiae required yeast extract(or glycine)for normal growth.It was reported that the addition of a mixture of20amino acids greatly improved the fermentation effi-ciency of this yeast,increasing the consumption of reducing sugars and production of ethanol.28It was also shown that better growth, reducing sugar consumption and ethanol tolerance for Kloeckera africana cultures supplemented with yeast extract compared with those supplemented with ammonium sulfate.29When glycine was not added to the medium,methanol produced in the medium supplemented with12.5g L−1yeast extract was29.9mg L−1more than that produced in the medium without yeast extract(Fig.5A). With the same species and process conditions,methanol content in the two different media showed a difference of29.9mg L−1 after fermentation.This indicated that the content of methanol generation was directly related to the propagation and fermen-tation of yeasts,but the methanol production metabolic pathway was unclear.Methanol content in sugar cane spirits was increased with increased addition of glycine content,and there was a linear relationship between glycine(concentration within0–0.9g L−1) and methanol in the fermentation liquor,and the linear equation was y=104.7x−4.79with the conversion rate of glycine con-version to methanol as24.56%(Fig.5B).Thus it is necessary to control the addition of glycine in the fermentation medium and new ways to generate the methanol metabolic pathway in yeasts may need further study.It is important to note that methanol is an undesirable product in juice processing and winemaking and is a common problem in industrial beverage production. 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