Marketing-Chapter 2




Chapter 2 网络营销战略一.Situatian(analysis)情形分析第一步 objective 目标:现实(可行性)、量化、持续、一致第二步 strategy 策略:1)市场产品开发战略2)目标营销战略3)定位和差异化战略4)多渠道分销战略5)多渠道交流战略6)内部结构第三步 tactics 战术Marketing Management 2.E—CRM 3.Socil Media 第四步 action 行动第五步 control 控制二.营销方式传统营销方式:Bricks and mortar (砖块加水泥)现代营销方式:Bricks and Click三.SWOT 分析Strength Weakness Opportunity ThreatChapter3 客户界面屏对屏需要界面一.界面考虑要素:1.场景:(1)美学——面向视觉效果(2)功能(3)美学+功能2.分类和频道:分类在纵坐标频道在横坐标3.颜色:a信息:A.以信息传递为主颜色简洁B.以娱乐为主,大胆夸张C.以销售为主,色调轻b文化:中国(红)阿拉伯(绿)c年龄:儿童鲜艳d性别:男(单一)女(多样)e阶层:粉色:温柔可爱浪漫甜蜜红色:激情力量温暖橙色:温暖积极活泼晚霞西方人眼中:低劣物美价廉蓝色:温馨平静遥远简单商务绿色:自然健康乐观安全鲜艳紫色:高雅黑色:邪恶严肃恐怖庄重白色:朴实纯洁4.内容:a提供物质组合:由企业提供产品服务信息b吸引力组合:1.认知吸引力(功能方面)2.情感吸引力(例七格格)c多媒体组合(音频/视频)视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉5.社区(社化媒体)6.定制:个性化定制、企业化定制7.沟通:公司与客户的双向对话单向式:规模邮件、FAQ 常见问题汇总交互式(双向)沟通:即时沟通、非即时沟通8.链接:不能连到竞争对手上9.商务:注册;购物车;安全;信用卡核准;配置技术;订单跟踪;交付选择(质量、速度);会员订单10.X图形(页面左上角)Chapter4 网络消费者行为营销环境:宏观营销环境:技术、自然环境、人口微观营销环境:竞争者、经销商、商家、大众第一节网民属性一.网民人口统计属性网民规模:1. 总体网民规模 2.性别结构 3.年龄结构 4. 学历结构 5.职业结构6.收入结构7.城乡结构二、网民技术统计属性1.家庭规模2.手机网民规模3.上网设备4.上网地点三、网民行为属性1.上网时长2.网络消费者属性第二节网络消费者属性一.网络消费者人口普及属性1. 用户规模2. 性别3. 年龄4. 属性二.网络消费者行为属性1. 产品属性2. 购物时间3. 网购频次4. 网络支付三.网络消费者的地理属性:地理差异第三节网络消费者决策的过程一.网络消费者类型direcied information-seeker信息体验undirecied information-seeker非直接信息体验directed buyers直接购买者bargen hunter价格猎手entertainment seekers娱乐体验二.网络消费者决策过程1.无意识的2.有意识的(社会建议)3.供应商的选择4.评估和选择 5 购买刺激实现 6.购后行为评估Chapter5 客户体验管理第一节用户体验设计体验经济:服务经济高级阶段基本特征:1.非生产性2.短周期性3.互动性4.烙印性5.经济价值的高附加性客户体验定义:指目标客户与公司交互过程中遇到的所有激励因素的感知与诠释客户体验管理:是战略性的管理客户对产品或公司全面体验的过程客户体验七要素:1.客观要素2.感知3.遭遇要素4.刺激反应要素(包括多重变量反映)5.感官要素6.认识和情感要素7.相对要素第二节客户体验的层次、阶段a.功能b.熟识:1.定制能力2.沟通3.一致性4.可信赖性5.从消费到休闲活动c.福音传播:1)把好消息扩散分享2)社区的积极分子3)体验的卫士七个致命的过失:没有搜索; Out of stock;没有联络信息;没有礼品选项没有运费信息;没有选项按钮;没有打印第三节客户体验优化、管理方法1)确定传递给目标客户的品牌承诺2)设置评分配置权重,触点配置3)分析与评估客户满意度4)流程分析与评估5)持续的监馈Chapter 6 网络品牌品牌解析:D差异性 R相关性 P认知价值隐性因素:文化属性艺术用户显性因素:型性名称符号色彩音乐故事网络品牌概念广义:通过互联网建立的品牌,对既有的通过互联网宣传的线下品牌;狭义品牌基于互联网建立及发展的品牌;例:七格格、凡客、亚马逊网络品牌构建中的地位1)网络混合型成分a. 宣传产品和服务b. 宣传网站,网站进一步宣传产品与服务2)个人信息的传递3)不断扩大的市场或技术空间4)强化品牌的信息5)加强互动网络品牌的特点1)基于网络2)灵活的价格策略(草根性)3)灵活的产品策略4)轻公司的运作网络品牌决策1)使用现有网络品牌2)在线移植离线品牌(线下品牌)3)创造网络新品牌:个性化简短富有含义易于拼写记忆4)协作品牌Chapter 7 网络营销渠道一.解中介化与再中介化二.网络营销服务商综合性的网络信息平台(阿里)网络信息平台——专业性的(中国化工网)门户网络营销平台(新浪)企业上网综合服务平台(万网——网站建设)专业性的网络营销产品——谷歌关键字、百度竞价位纯粹的网络营销服务商(亿码)三. 网络营销渠道网络营销渠道:商品或劳务由生产者向消费者转移的过程中经历的路径或通道网络营销:基于互联网的拼图,商品或服务向消费者转移的路径网络营销渠道的优势:1)可以继承制造商、中间商、经销商连接一起(集成性)2)交互性:体现在生产者与消费者的沟通上3)快捷服务4)渠道的经济性对比线上线下优势:线下优势:1.地理位置 2.规模优势,产品齐全3.经济优势4.专业优势:理解流通领域的进、销、存网络营销渠道功能:1)物流功能:顾客直接驱动、全面服务、可跟踪性2)支付功能3)融资功能:阿里金融4)信息功能网络营销渠道的分销策略:1)密集型分销(家居日常)2)排他性或奢侈性分销(高档品)3)选择性分销(家电)网络营销渠道冲突类型:1)网络营销渠道与传统营销渠道的冲突2)网络营销渠道的纵向冲突(分销商、生产者等)3)网络营销渠道的横向冲突网络营销渠道成员分类:1)网络营销渠道之辅助商(传统辅助商转型为新兴的网络营销辅助商)2)信息中介:中国的:商业性中介(派代网,艾瑞网);非商业中介(中国互联网信息中心、中国电子商务信息中心)国外的:商业性中介();非商业性的(pew)3)间接网络营销A.网络交易平台:B-B:阿里巴巴、环球B-C:淘宝、京东、卓越、当当淘宝商城:佣金、保证金、技术服务年费京东:保证金、产品销售、技术服务年费(自荐物流)卓越:零投入、佣金、保证金(自荐物流)当当:佣金、保证金、平台使用费B.网络批发商:1.独立 2. 依托于B2B网络批发商特点:交易量大,交易次数少C. 网络零售商4)网络营销直接渠道(戴尔、联想)Chapter 8 网络促销组合第一节网络广告1)网络广告形式的发展:1997年3月,中国第一则商业性的网络广告出现在Chinabyte网2)网络广告的优势1.覆盖范围广;2.信息容量大;3.交互性(互动性);4.实时可控性;5.针对性;6.便于跟踪,统计,评估;3)网络广告形式全屏性;横幅广告;按钮式广告;文字链广告;邮件广告;插入式广告、弹出式广告;游戏广告;对联式广告;悬浮式广告;富媒体广告;拖曳式广告;第二节销售促销:在线折价,打折;网页赠品、样品;网络抽奖、游戏竞赛;优惠劵第三节网络公关概念:网络公共关系,即企业通过网络平台开展公共关系活动,通过网络作为平台支持,开展关于品牌传播的信息发布、信息监控、舆论疏导、评估分析等工作,强化品牌的市场公关执行力量。



Chapter 1&2:1.Market: anywhere that people with the desire and ability can buy a specific product.2.Market Segments (细分市场): 1) smaller groups of markets with potential customers thathave a great deal in common; 2) specialized set of goods or services may be provided3.T arget Market (目标市场): One or more specific groups of potential customers towardwhich an organization directs its marketing program.4.Marketing(市场营销定义): the process of building lasting relationships through planning,executing and controlling the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create mutual exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational needs and objectives5.What four factors are needed for marketing to occur?1)Two or more parties with unsatisfied needs2) a desire and ability on their part be satisfied3) a way for the parties to communicate4)something to exchange.6.Marketing Mix (4Ps)(营销组合): the marketing mix is product, price, promotion, and place.7.Marketing’s T wo T asks:1)discovering consumer needs;2)satisfying consumer needs8. Marketing & Sales (市场营销与销售):1) Marketing is the process to persuade potential customers to buy a particular product orservice;2) Sales is the end result of the marketing process and occur when goods or services aregiven over to a customer in exchange for money or another valuable consideration.3) Marketing describes the whole commercial process that creates the interest that thepotential customer demonstrates prior to a sale. Sales transactions are the goal of marketing and serve as the basis for the relationship between the marketer and the consumer.4) An Example: "... if the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying 'CircusComing to the Fairground Saturday', that's advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that's promotion. What you’ve done is marketing. If the town's citizens watch the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales.9. Marketing Functions (市场营销功能):1) Contact: seeking out of prospective consumers2) Merchandising: the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the righttime in the right quantity at the right price3) Pricing: the determining factor when a purchase is made and is a key to profit.4) Promotion: support marketing efforts (paid advertising, personal selling, public relations,and supplemental efforts.5) Distribution (distribution channels): the process of putting the consumer and the producttogether.6) Human Resources (HR)10. Hierarchy of Effects (效果层级理论):1) Marketing term for the sequence of five steps by which consumers receive and use information in reaching decisions about what actions they will take.2) from the initial exposure to a product or advertisement to the purchase decision: (1) awareness (产品知名度), (2) affinity (产品关联), (3) preference (产品偏好), (4) confidence (产品信心), and (5) purchase (产品购买)Hierarchy of Effects43ConfidencePreferenceAffinity (Linking)Awareness PurchaseDOFEELTHINK11. Market: anywhere that people with the desire and ability can buy a specific productMarketplace: a location where goods and services are exchanged12. International Marketing (国际市场营销):1) International Marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mixdecisions across national boundaries. (Narrow Sense)2) International Marketing involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilitiesoverseas and coordinating marketing strategies across markets. (Broad Sense)13. Characteristics of the International Marketing:1) Bigger market and Stronger Competition2) Huge Complexity of organizations3) Different Standards among Countries4) Higher Risk and More Difficulties14. Different Levels of Marketing (不同层次的市场营销):1) Domestic Marketing (国内营销): targeting exclusively on the home country market2) Export Marketing (出口营销): the first stage of addressing market opportunities outside the home country3) International Marketing (global marketing)(国际营销): the stage when a marketer enters certain countries according to a company’s resources and the nature of opportunit ies and threat 国际市场营销学8The International Marketing Task7 3. Economy Environmental uncontrollables country market AEnvironmental uncontrollables country market B Environmental uncontrollables country market C1. Competition1. Competition2. Technology Price Product Promotion Place or Distribution6. Geography and Infrastructure Foreign Environment(Uncontrollables)7. Structure ofDistribution 3. Economy 5. Political-LegalDomestic environment(Uncontrollables)(Controllables) 2 .Technology 4. Culture5. Political-Legal 4. CultureTarget Market15. International Marketing Process (国际市场营销过程): 10Appraising the international marketing environment (marketassessment)Deciding whether to go abroad (market orientation)Deciding which market to enter (market orientation)Deciding how to enter the market (strategy development)Deciding on the marketing mix (implementation)Deciding on the marketing control and management(control)16. How to enter overseas markets in the first place?1) Indirect export : exporters use an intermediary, such as an export agent, to deal withbuyers in the overseas markets.2) Direct export : companies handle their own exports, for example by setting up overseassales offices.3) Licensing : companies sell the rights to use a manufacturing process, trademark or patentfor a fee or royalty.4) Joint venture : two companies, for example an overseas firm and a local one, may worktogether to develop a particular market.5) Direct investment : the company buys a local firm, or sets up its own manufacturingsubsidiaries. 17. Regulation: principle or rule employed in controlling or managing the exports. 18. Financing: a firm fills the need for cash from external or borrowed money19. hard currency (硬通货):1) Stable , convertible currency (such as the Euro , US dollar , or Y en) or that enjoys the confidence of investors and traders alike2) Hard currencies serve as means of payment settlements because they do not suffer from sharp exchange rate fluctuations.20. soft currency (软通货): Currency belonging to a small, weak, or wildly fluctuating economyand which, therefore, is not in favor with foreign exchange dealers Chapters 2,3 & 4:1. Segmentation, T argeting, and Positioning (STP): Building the Right Relationships withthe Right CustomersMarket Segmentation (市场细分): dividing a market into distinct groups of buyerswith different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products ormarketing mixesSegmenting Consumer Markets (市场细分标准):Geographical segmentation (地理细分): World / Country Region , State / Province,City / Country, Neighborhood, Climate, GeographyDemographic segmentation (人口细分): Most popular segmentation Age / Gender,Family size, Family life cycle, Income / Occupation, Education ,Religion / Race,NationalityPsychographic segmentation (心理细分): Lifestyle, Social classBehavioral segmentation (行为细分): User status, Usage rates, Loyalty status● Market T argeting(目标市场选择): the process of evaluating each market segment’sattractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.Segmentation & T argeting Strategies :Mass marketing (Undifferentiated marketing) (无差异性营销): offering the sameproduct to the entire consumer population (entire market) 企业只推出一种产品,只用一套营销办法招徕所有顾客。

chapter 2 营销调研过程

chapter 2 营销调研过程

研究费用 100%
40 5万 0 万 0 0.310% 024% 0
2.2 课题研究方向的确定
c) 正规分析
正规分析是把下面三个因素联系在一起进行的 分析:
① 某个市场营销方案的各种可能结果; ② 与每个结果相关联的盈亏额——客观结果; ③ 每种结果发生的概率——主观判断。
该信息需求描述是下阶段资料收集(设计问卷 或调研提纲等)的基础。
☺ 以案例2-4为示例,请Group 2介绍小组项目 讨论的结果。
2.3 研究设计
第二阶段:确定课题 的研究价值
第四阶段:收集资料并 撰写研究报告
1. 研究种类 2. 选择执行单位 3. 样本计划 4. 预计资料分析类型 5. 预计成本及进行时间安排 6. 起草研究建议书
1. 营销调研的过程模型 2. 营销调研方向的确定 3. 依据营销调研过程模型,进行调研的设计
2.3 研究设计
费用安排 时间安排
本次 项目调研,合同金额为 万元,调研地点 为 ,计划派出人员 人,调研实施约 天。
一、访问员工资 • 消费者调研 元/例* 例= 元 小计: 元
二、礼品费 • 消费者调研: 元/例* 例= 元 • 经销商调研: 元/例* 例= 元 • 零售商调研: 元/例* 例= 元 • 媒体调研: 元/例* 例= 元

Marketing Unit 2

Marketing Unit 2

• 营销投资受益率(return on marketing investment)是营销投 资产生的净收益除以其成本的值。它衡量营销活动投资产 生的利润
• 营销绩效参数,如品牌认知度、销售量/销售额,市场份 额
• 以顾客为中心的指标,如顾客获得、顾客保有、顾客终身 价值
• 为一山寨手机生产厂商进行市场细分
• 目标市场选择(market targeting)是在评价各细分市场吸引 力的基础上,决定有选择地进入一个或多个细分市场的过 程 • 企业的目标市场应该是它能提供最大顾客价值,长时间保 持盈利的细分市场
• 为山寨手机生产厂商选择目标市场
• 营销控制(marketing control)是测量和评价营销战略和计划 的成效并采取正确的行动以确保目标实现的过程 • 营销控制包括以下几步: 1. 管理层设定具体并评估实际绩效与期望绩 效之间存在任何差距的原因 3. 管理层采取适当的行动弥合目标和表现之间的差异
• 企业决定进入哪些细分市场后,必须决定如何差异化每个 目标市场的市场供给物,以及占据细分市场上的何种位置 • 产品的市场定位指一件产品在顾客心目中于竞争对手相比 所占据的位置 • 定位就是“为什么消费者将为你的品牌花更多的钱” • 产品定位的基础是企业能提供竞争有事的顾客价值差异 • 有效的定位从差异化(differentiation)开始,使市场供给物产 生实际差异,以创造优越的顾客价值
• “公司不能保证你的工作可靠,只有顾客可以”


(ex. for suncreen cream and lotion )
Many ways for market segmentation
•Demographic •Geographic •Technical •Behavioural
(for convenience stores: Main, top-up, impulse, distress, grab-and-go, habitual shoppers)
(Finne and Sivonen, 2009)
Important characteristics of segments
• measurable • economically viable • accessible • actionable
Refer to Figure 2.1
After segmentation, select target segments and define differential advantages
Markets segmentation and supply chain strategy
•Product and service segmentation •Demographic segmentation •Geography •Channel
Case study 2.2 (P.49)
Demand profiling
Source: Fisher, 1997
Do you agree? Any problems?
So, how to develop segmented supply chain strategy?
• Marketing -- abstract • Logistics -- day-to-day realities


=A is composed of a,b,c,d =A is comprised of a,b,c,d (However, a,b,c,d compose or comprise A. f.e. E2n0g20la/1n2d/1,0 Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain) 9
Buyer responses Pro duct choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase amount
Source: Russell S. Winer, Marketing Management, 清华大学出版社, 2002
Words and Expressions 2
dealer n. 经销商 turn or change A into B e. 把A转变成B
nature of sth. n. 某事物的特征或本质
influence=affect vt. 影响…
satisfy or meet a need e. 满足需求
2.3.2 The Buyer Decision Process for New Products (购买者对新产品的决策过程模型)
Stages in the Adoption Process(采纳过程模型)
Consumers go through five stages in the process of adopting a new product:
Adoption: The consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new product.

chapter2 marketing

chapter2 marketing



二、教学单元名称Chapter 2 Marketing三、课程导入通过对市场营销概念不断进化为例,带领学习如何从生产概念过度到销售概念,最后形成现代市场营销概念。


五、讲授内容Origin of MarketingChinese managers' “experience in the past three decades is a compact replica of what happened in the developed countries during the first half 20th century. Before the economic reform which started in the late 1970s, the word “marketing” was unheard of in China. At that time, like most other countries under a highly centralized government, China had suffered from a chronic shortage (长期短缺)of products, particularly consumer products.Functions of marketing1. Market researchcollecting and analyzing data to identify a market or a market segment for particular goods or services and to answer questions such as the number and the location of potential customers, their purchasing power and buying habits, and proper ways to promote sales.2. AcquiringDeveloping or procuring the right goods or services based on estimates of customer needs as identified in the marketing research.3. SellingFinding prospective customers, promoting goods and services through advertising, personal selling, publicity and providing after-sales service.4. TransportationArranging appropriate vehicles such as truck, train or airplane to move the goods from the supplier to the customer.5. StorageStoring enough goods to ensure that the customers get the goods whenever they want them. Storage also makes bulk buying at discount price possible.6. Finance and creditGetting credit from suppliers and or extending credit to customers to promote sales.7. Risk takingTaking appropriate measures to avoid or reduce losses in case of fire, theft, bad debt, etc. The most common and effective approach to risk taking is insurance.8. Standardization and gradingEstablishing uniform specifications or categories to reduce confusion about product quality and quantity and facilitate acquiring and selling.The Marketing MixA product is a kind of commodity or service which satisfies customers’ needs.Product BasicsProduct QualityAfter-sale ServiceProduct DifferentiationPrice is the amount of money for which commodities are sold.How similar are their products?What price are they charging?The more similar their products are, the closer their prices are. i.e. the differentiated products can change high price.The product life cycle concept helps marketing managers to plan alternative marketing strategies to address the challenges that their products are likely to face. It also is useful for monitoring sales results over time and comparing then to those ofproducts having a similar life cycle.Distribution describes how the title of ownership passes from the manufacturer to the consumer.To communicate with individuals, groups or organizations; informing and persuading audiences to accept and buy the organization's products.Advertising:It is a paid form of communication, including product advertising and institutional advertising.Personal Selling:Use of sales representatives. Sales personnel include stockbrokers, manufacturing sales representatives, real estate brokers etc.Sales PromotionIt refers to short term incentives sales, effect is often to destroy loyalty to other brands and encourage brand switching.CouponsDiscountsDemonstrationsFree samplesMoney refunds / rebatesPublicityA set of communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relations between the organization and public:customersemployeesstockholdersgovernment officialssociety in generalUnderstanding buyer behaviorWhat makes buyers choose one brand of soft drink over another? Why do some shoppers looking for video recorders consult consumer reports and poll all their friends,while others simply go to an electronics store and pick one out? Marketing managers study consumer behavior and consult with experts to answer such questions. Understanding buyer behavior helps firms bring about satisfying exchanges.Need recognitionSearchAction of alternativesMake decisionAfter-purchase evaluationMarketing EnvironmentMarketing managers must scan the environment and identify factor that can influence marketing success. One such factor involves technological advances, such as the Internet which enables businesses to reach millions of consumers around the world and carry on a dialogue with them about the goods and services they want. Another factor involves social-cultural trends (e.g. the fast changing demographics) that can affect sales. Still another factor is related with economic fluctuations.Market segmentationThe division of a market into different homogeneous groups of consumers is called market segmentation. Segmentation allows the firm to better satisfy the needs of its potential customers.In this increasingly diversified world, no firm would be so naive (or so ambitious) as to assume that it can satisfy all the needs and wants of all people. Marketing managers have long realized that, for their efforts to be effective and successful, they must “zero in on” one or several, but rarely all, segments of the market. Such segments are called target market.Requirements of market segmentsIn addition to having different needs, for segments to be practical they should be evaluated against the following criteria:Identifiable: The differentiating attributes of the segments must be measurable so that they can be identified.Accessible: The segments must be reachable through communication and distribution channels.。

学术英语(管理) Unit 2 课文翻译

学术英语(管理) Unit 2 课文翻译

《业务营销化》1 问街上一般的人什么是营销时,他们会告诉你那大概就是“卖东西的”。



2 专家是怎么定义营销的呢?根据美国市场营销协会,市场营销是一种组织职能,是为组织自身及利益相关者(stakeholders n. 利益相关者;股东)而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。

3 根据世界市场营销协会对营销的定义,“核心的经营理念是指导通过交换来识别和满足个人和组织需要的过程,从而为各方创造出众的价值。


5 如果我们只是看这三个定义的共性,我们可以看出,营销本质上(in essence)是:a)发现和给顾客他们所想要的和需要的东西,b)通过做这些来获利。

4Ps或5Ps营销策略6 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)教授在20世纪50年代写了一本书并且定义了4Ps营销策略,包括产品、渠道、价格和促销。


7 为了更好地理解营销,你应该有你自己对术语的定义。




8 作为一名营销经理,我控制一个产品的形象、味道和触感。





marketing 题库

marketing 题库
Term 20 Customer Equity
Definition 19
The portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its product categories. Definition 20
The total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s customers.
their needs? Term 33
Term 15
Customer Percieved Value
Definition 15
The customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing
D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. E) Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit
Term 25 According to the opening scenario, the Tide marketing team is MOST concerned about which of the
these products. Definition 8
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.

实用商务听说 Unit 2 Marketing

实用商务听说   Unit 2 Marketing

Marketing involves finding out what your customers want and supplying it to them at a profit. Marketing is how you define your product, promote your product, distribute your products, and maintain a relationship with your customers. To be an effective marketer, one has to know about marketing mix as well as marketing strategy.
Part I. Warm-Up
Task 1: Directions: Work with your partner and discuss the following questions:
1.Generally, the marketing environment includes demographic environment, economic environment, natural environment, technological environment, political & legal environment and social & cultural environment. Do you know what elements demographic environment include?
purchasing power_. 3. Each age group usually has their own _preferences for different products and

市场营销 (双语教材)Chapter Two Marketing Philosophy

市场营销 (双语教材)Chapter Two Marketing Philosophy
Chapter 2 Marketing Philosophy
2.1 Production Concept

2.1.1 Background of Production Concept
The production concept stemmed from the late 19th century to 1920s. In this stage, the capitalist production was still at a relatively low level because of the shortage of materials after experiencing the World War II, and their products could not fully meet the market demand. In the seller’s market conditions, the market demand can only passively submit to the production. What the consumers care about is whether they can buy goods, the price is cheap or not and the main features of products without paying attention to some small differences of products. Therefore enterprises will be able to profit from a large number of production and sales by delivering a single line of products in the market.

商务英语口语Unit 2 Marketing[精]

商务英语口语Unit 2 Marketing[精]
soul. 浓缩的都是精品
Unit Two
Part 1 Teaching Aims
To say sentences about marketing To form conversations concerning
marketing To form monologues about marketing To make an oral presentation about
[‘kælsiəm] n. 钙 21. selenium [sə‘liːniəm] n. [化] 硒 22. pollution-free [pə‘luːʃnfr'iː] a. 无污染的 23. Aseptic package phr. n. 无菌包装
24. sterilization [sterəlaɪ‘zeɪʃn] n. 消毒;灭 菌
Tip card 2
4. [BEC2题型] Collaborative Task and Discussion
You work in a Food corporation. You want to change your moon cake packing. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the possible packing plan. Here are some hints to help you.
2. [BEC2题型]
Make a mini-presentation before the class
following the hints below.
How to promote the sale of new lip sticks to customers?



Energy Costs
Technological environment
Fast pace of technological change High R&D budget Concentration on minor improvements Increased regulation
Direct (Micro-)Environments:
internal structure suppliers competitors marketing intermediaries customers and general publics
The Microenvironment
Internal Environment
Top Management
Customer Markets
International Markets
Consumer Markets
Government Markets
Concerns for
Changes in Consumer Spending Patterns
Natural environment
Shortages of raw materials Increased cost of energy Increased pollution Government intervention in natural
Growing Ethnic Diversity

学术英语(管理类) Unit 2 marketing

学术英语(管理类) Unit 2 marketing

Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Beyond text

4 Cs vs. 4 Ps With the birth of the Customer age in the 1990s Robert F. Lauterborn proposed the 4 Cs to replace 4 Ps.
• 市场营销是识别、预估和满足消费者需求,并为企业带来利
润的管理流程。 • 总之,市场营销是:a) 发现并满足消费者的愿望和需求; b) 并在这个过程中盈利。
Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking

5 Ps of marketing
Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Beyond text

More Ps
More Ps in marketing
• The last two paragraphs mention "profit“ • 10 Ps (4 Ps + probing, partitioning, prioritizing, positioning, political power, public relations) • 7 Ps (4 Ps + participant, physical evidence, process management) • 4 Ps+3 Rs (retention, related sales, referrals)

大学课件_商务英语精读_UNIT 2 MARKETING 市场营销

大学课件_商务英语精读_UNIT 2 MARKETING 市场营销

Unit 2 The Marketing Concept华南师范大学增城学院商务英语系Marketing:activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand for a product by means such as ad., sales promotion, pricing, carrying out market research, and developing and testing new products. 市场拓展,市场营销通过广告,促销,定价,市场调查,开发和试验新产品等各种方法为产品招徕顾客,以增加利润。

Marketing Concept:营销概念Structure:Part 1(P1-4) marketing and marketing concept: the latter is the philosophy (guideline) of the formerP1: marketing: the definition, the purpose, and the environmentP2: marketing conceptP3: 1)the process of marketing (activities)2) the goal of the marketing conceptP4: topic sentence: the first sentencePart2 (p5-7) the development of marketingP5 the production eraP6 sales eraP7 marketing department eraPart 1P1:the definition, the purpose, and the environment of marketing 1.Undertake: make oneself responsible for sth. 承担Undertaking: work, etc that one has undertaken; task or enterprise任务,事业,企业e.g.: commercial, financial, etc. undertaking商业,金融等企业Small businesses are a risky undertaking.小型企业要担很大的风险Getting married is a serious undertaking.结婚是件大事2.Be designed for sb./sth.; be designed as sth.; be designed to do sth. : be made or planned for a particular purpose or use为某目的或用途而制造或计划3. facilitate: make sth. easy or less difficultexpedite: hasten or speed upe.g.: expedite the building work4. dynamic: adj. a dynamic person 精力充沛的人n. the inner dynamic 内在力量P2: some explanation of marketing concept1. tenet, guideline2.Coordinated:协调的Concerted,harmonious,unisonousP3: the process and the goal1.keep pace with sb./sth.: move forward, develop or increase at the same rate(as sb./sth.) (与某人、物)并驾齐驱,齐头并进e.g.: It’s important for a firm to keep pace with changes in the market. 对一个公司来说,能跟上市场的发展是很重要的。

Chapter Two (part I) Marketing Analysis-推荐下载

Chapter Two (part I)   Marketing Analysis-推荐下载

Chapter Two Marketing Analysis (Part I)This Chapter contains1.The marketing environment2. Market segmentation3. Buyer behaviour4. Marketing researchI. The Marketing EnvironmentExternal EnvironmentInternal environmentExternal Environment( Macroenvironment)1.Political environmentGovernment—domestic government bodies, supranationalgovernment bodies(e.g. the EU) and foreigngovernmentSpecial interest and pressure groups--- such as Friends of theEarth, Green Peace, Trades unionsPolitical partiesPolitical stability2. Economic Environment1) Stages in the business cycleprosperity, recession, depression, recovery2) Income (Different income decides different ways of spending)3) Inflation & deflation4) Unemployment5) Resource availability6) The international economic environment3. Social and cultural environment1) Population changesBaby boomers, Generation X, single child…2) Demographic trends(including age profiles, gender balance)3) Switch to urban living4) Lifestyle changesdifferent lifestyles of Baby boomers, Generation X, homosexuality, post 80s…5) Cultural considerationspeople’s view of themselves, others, society, nature…Population Growth and Shifts4. Natural environmentFactors influencing natural environment◆Shortage of raw materials◆Increased energy costs◆Increased pollution levels◆Increased government intervention5. Technological Environmenta. the pace of changeb. the opportunities for innovationc. varying R&D budgetsPfizer spends nearly $3 billion in R & D annually.Federal government spends $99 billion annually.d. increased regulationnegative side of technology (e. g. golden rice, a kind of genetically engineered rice , clone )6. Legal Environmenta. Legislation regulating businessLaws covering issues like competition, fair trade practices, environment protection, product safety… (to protect companies from each other, to protect consumers)b. Growth of special-interest groupsInternal Environment (microenvironment):The companyTop management, finance, R & D, purchasing, operations, and accountingSuppliersMarketing intermediariesphysical distribution firms, marketing services agenciesCustomerscustomers from five types of markets (individual, business, government, reseller, international)Competitors (see following slides)Publics or stakeholders (see following slides)Competitors in different competitionDirect competition --- competitors offer similar product or service.e.g. Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Dunkin Donuts and StarbarksClose competition --- competitors satisfy the same need.e.g. Coca-Cola and Pepsi. or any drinkSubstitutes --- competitors offer different products that might bebought instead. e.g. chocolate bar and ice cream, oil and shale gasIndirect competition --- people have limited amounts of money to spend and so all products compete for that spending ability.Another factor a firm needs to consider ---- Stakeholders“any group or individual who can affect or is affected by theachievement of an organization’s activities”--- FreemanIncludes:customers , consumersemployees , pensionerssuppliers , distributorsgovernment(local and central), local community, pressure groups(tradesunions, consumer groups)shareholders, bankers, other investors(e.g. venture capitalists)professional bodiesCause-related marketing efforts exemplify many firms’ social responsibility.For every pair of shoes bought fromTOMS, the firm donates a pair to achild in need. Doing good is part of thecorporate mission.SWOT AnalysisThe overall evaluation of a company’sStrengthsInternalWeaknessesOpportunitiesExternalThreatsA. External environment analysis(Opportunities and Threat analysis)An o pportunity is something that is going on in the external environment that is likely to good for the company.Opportunity can be classified according to their attractiveness & success probability.A threat is something that is going on in the external environment that is likely to cause problems.It can be classified according to seriousness and probability of occurrence.B. Internal environment analysis(Strengths & Weaknesses analysis)A strength is something that the company has, orsomething that it does, that is better than its competitors.(A company’s strengths reflect its core competencies.)A weakness is something that the company has, or does,that is worse than the competitors.Checklist for analysis of Internal Factors:Marketing competency:market share, product quality, service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty…Financial competency:cost of fund, cash flow, financial stabilityManufacturing competency:facilities, scale, capacity, able workforce, technical skills, ability to produce on timeOrganizational competency:leadership, dedication of the employee, flexibilityII. Market segmentation1.What is market segmentation?The process of dividing a total market into subgroups(segments) such that each segment consists of buyers and users who share similar characteristics but are different from those in the other segments.DiscussWhat would happen if a company sold only a single product? How well would it compete in the marketplace? What would be the impact on - profit / sales / market share?2. Why does an organisation need to segment a market?No single product can satisfy the needs of all customers.Consumers all have different needs and wantsCompanies must consider - Individual Features & Benefits sought, and the individual characteristics of consumers3. How does an organization segment the market?Geographic Segmentation地理细分region, city or metro size, density (urban,suburban, rural), climateDemographic Segmentation人口统计细分age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income,occupation, education, religion, race,generation, nationality,social classFord (undifferentiated marketing 无差异营销)GM (differentiated marketing 差异营销)←Psychographic segmentation心理因素细分lifestyle, personality←Behavioral Segmentation行为因素细分occasions时机, benefits利益user status 使用状态usage rate使用率loyal status 忠诚度buyer-readiness stage认识度hard-core loyals unawaresplit loyals, awareshifting loyals informedswitchers interesteddesireattitude态度4. How does an organization choose the target market?Target marketing ---Making decisions about which part ofthe market an organization wishes to focus onThe characteristics of an attractive segment :has sufficient current and potential sales and profitshas the potential for sufficient future growthis not over-competitivedoes not have excessive barriers or costs to entry or exithas some unsatisfied needs that the company can serve particularly well 5. How does an organization gain the target market?Market positioning is the act of designing the company’s offeringand image to occupy a distinctive place in the target market’s mind.(定位是指公司设计出自己的产品和形象,从而在目标顾客心中确定与众不同的地位。

Marketing Chapter 2

Marketing Chapter 2

• Mission Statement Example:
• “Our mission is to find jobs for those people that want them.”
• This might the be the Mission Statement for a temporary employment agency
• What is Strategic Planning?
• Strategic Planning is:
• The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
• Before we start, do you have any questions?
• Shall we begin?
What is a “Mission Statement”?
• A Mission Statement is:
• A statement that tells what the company’s purpose is.
• What is Partner Relationship Management?
• Partner Relationship Management is:
• Working closely with partners in other company departments as well as outside companies to jointly bring greater value to customers


▪ Defining the marketing research problem ▪ Tasks in defining the marketing
research problem ▪ The research brief ▪ Marketing research suppliers and services ▪ Importa▪ Importance of ethics in marketing research
▪ Stakeholders in marketing research
▪ International marketing research
▪ Summary
Malhotra, Hall, Shaw, Oppenheim: Marketing Research 3e © 2006 Pearson Education Australia
▪ From management decision problem to marketing research problem
▪ Defining the marketing research problem ▪ Tasks in defining the marketing research
▪ There is a distinction between the management decision problem and the marketing research problem
▪ Collaboration between the DM and the researcher required to formulate the marketing research problem
Malhotra, Hall, Shaw, Oppenheim: Marketing Research 3e © 2006 Pearson Education Australia
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Chapter 2
Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
1. What is marketing? Please explain the goal of marketing and how companies achieve it. Marketing refers to the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. The goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction.
1 - 12
Defining a Market-Oriented Mission
A mission should:
serve as a guide for what the organization wants to accomplish;
be market oriented rather than product oriented; be neither too narrow nor too broad (realistic and specific);
4. Name and describe the five marketing management orientations.
Marketing management orientations includes the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing concept and the social marketing concept.
A company’s plans:
annual plans, long-range plans, and strategic plans
1 - 10
1. Companywide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing’s Role
Four steps planning: Setting goals of a firm’s strategic
Those who follow the selling concept hold that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. Using the marketing concept means that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering desired satisfactions better than competitors do. The social marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumer’s and the society’s well-being.
5. Explain the difference between share of customer and customer equity. How does an understanding of share of customer helps marketers attain higher customer equity? Share of customer refers to the portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its product categories. While customer equity means the total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s current and potential customers.
1. Companywide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing’s Role
Strategic planning:
the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities
1 - 11
Defining a Market-Oriented MissionA Βιβλιοθήκη ission statement:
a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment
The production concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable. The product concept holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance, features.
Defining the company mission
Designing the business portfolio Planning marketing functional strategies and other
Marketing planning occur at the business-unit, product, and market
An understanding of share of customer helps marketers make efforts to increase the portion of the customer’s purchasing in their firm by offering greater variety, cross-selling or upselling, which will not only creates more value and satisfaction for the customer, but keeps the customer more loyal to the firm. The more loyal the firm’s profitable customer, the higher the firm’s customer equity.
Be able to define the marketing management functions.
Case Study
The Success of NASCAR!
Secret: a customer-driven marketing organization that knows how to create customer value that translates into deep and lasting customer relationships
2. Describe the marketing process.
There are five steps in the marketing process. Step 1: Understanding the marketplace and customer needs; Step 2: Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy; Step 3: Constructing an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value; Step 4: Building profitable relationships and creating customer delight; Step 5: Capturing value from customers to create profits and customer equity.
fit with the market environment and be based on the company’s distinctive competencies;
be motivating.
1 - 13
Setting Company Objectives and Goals
Mission statements guide the development of objectives and goals. Objectives are developed at each level in the organization hierarchy. Strategies are developed to accomplish these objectives.