四六级经典晨读美文四——充实生活的五大秘诀Five Secrets of Living Life to the FullestI believe|that men and women|through the ages|who have led successful lives|have captured these five secrets of living life to the fullest.Have a self|you respect. This means|having a deep sense of responsibility|for your thoughts and actions. It means keeping your word, and being faithful to yourself, family and work. It means believing in|what you do|and working hard. It means setting your own internal standards, and not comparing yourself to others. It’s not a question|of being better than someone else, but respect and integrity|demand that you be better|than you thought you could be.Commit yourself to others. Believe in others, and take time|to nurture their dreams. A wise man said|“If you want one year’s prosperity, grow grain. But if you want ten-year’s prosperity, grow men and women.”You can build into the lives of your family,friends and colleagues|by providing nutrients|of gratitude and encouragement, and by investing your time and energy|in their aspirations.Turn disappointments into strengths. Individuals who live with abandon|have discovered|that personal trials|make them more sensitive and loving, while building endurance and character. They have learned|that achievements worth remembering|are stained with the blood of diligence|and etched with scars of disappointment. The pages of history|are filled with the heroic stories|of undaunted men and women|who triumphed over disabilities and adversities|to demonstrate victorious spirits.Enjoy life’s process, not just life’s rewards. We live in a goal-oriented society|that wants problems resolved now. We want three-minute oatmeal, one-hour dry cleaning, and instant success. But to live with abandon, we must live one day at a time, savoring the little victories|realizing that life is an endless journey|in self discovery and personal fulfillment. It means taking time to hug your kids, kiss your spouse, and let the other fellow ahead of you|on the freeway.Become involved in something bigger than yourself. I do not believe|you will live happily|if you set out to live life for yourself alone. Choose a cause bigger than you are|and work at it in a spirit of excellence. It will become a part of you|as you see your goals through|to the end. Measure success|not by what you’ve done,but what you could do.充实生活的五大秘诀我相信,古往今来生活上成功的男男女女都抓住了充实生活的五大秘诀:尊敬你自己。
4级晨读英语美文八篇4级晨读英语美文1Be sure to make reservatons f the restaurant you chose s a fancy or popular one. t’s very embarrassng to show up wthout reservatons and havng to wat for a table, leavng very bad mpresson on your date. Also, be sure to check to see f they have a dress code and tell your date n advance what to wear. When your food arrves, proper dnnng etquette requres you to eat at a moderate pace so that you have tme to talk.A good measure of how fast you should eat s to count 10 seconds between each mouthful and t’s a bad dnng etquette f you gobble down your food and you spend the rest of the tme watchng your date eat. Don’t slurp your soup, smack your lps, or chew wth your mouth open. Nothng s more unsghtly than watchng someone talk and chew ther food at the same tme. Your napkn should be placed on your lap at all tmes.Don’t tuck t nto your belt or use t as a bb. f you have to get up, place t neatly on your seat. When eatng, your fork straght n your mouth. Don’t place your fork n the sde of your mouth as t ncreases the chances of food sldng away, whch could be very embarrassng. f you get food stuck n your mouth don’t pck t out wth your fngers or fork at the table. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom and get t out wth a toothpck. When dnnng, keep your eyes on your date at all tmes and try to smle between mouthfuls. Occasonally,you should make an effort to show some nterest and ask questons lke,“How do you lke the beef?” f she needs anythng, you arethe one who s supposed to flag down the water by a gentle wave of the hand untl someone notces you.4级晨读英语美文2n ths crss thnk may be pardoned f do not address the House at any length today, and hope that any of my frends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the poltcal reconstructon wll make all allowances for any lack of ceremony wth whch t has been necessary to act. say to the House as sad to Mnsters who have joned ths government, have nothng to offer but blood, tol, sweat and tears. We have before us an ordeal of the most grevous knd. We have before us many, many months of struggle and sufferng. You ask, what s our polcy?say t s to wage war by land, sea and ar. War wth all our mght and wth all the strength God has gven us, and to wage war aganst a monstrous tyranny never surpassed n the dark and unpleasant catalogue of human crme. That s our polcy. You ask, what s our am? can answer n one word. t s vctory. Vctory at all costs—vctory n spte of all terrors—vctory, however long and hard the road may be, for wthout vctory there s no survval. Let that be realzed.No survval for the Brtsh Empre, no survval for all that the Brtsh Empre has stood for, no survval for the urge, the mpulse of the ages, that manknd shall move forward toward hs goal. take up my task n lght heart and hope. feel sure that our cause wll not be suffered to fal among men. feel enttled at ths juncture, at ths tme, to clam the ad of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together wth our unted strength.4级晨读英语美文3Human thought s not a frework, ever shootng off fresh forms and shapes as t burns; t s a tree, growng very slowly—you can watch t long and see no movement —very slently, unnotced. t was planted n the world many thousand years ago, a tny, sckly plant. And men guarded t and tended t, and gave up lfe and fame to ad ts growth. n the hot days of ther youth, they came to the gate of the garden and knocked, beggng to be let n, and to be counted among the gardeners. And ther young companons outsde called to them to come back, and play the man wth bow and spear, and wn sweet smles from rosy lps, and take ther part amd the feast, and dance, not stoop wth wrnkled brows, at weaklngs work.And the passers by mocked them and called shame, and others cred out to stone them. And stll they stayed there laborng, that the tree mght grow a lttle, and they ded and were forgotten. And the tree grew far and strong. The storms of gnorance passed over t, and harmed t not. The ferce fres of superstton soared around t; but men leaped nto the flames and beat them back, pershng, and the tree grew. Wth the sweat of ther brow men have nourshed ts green leaves.Ther tears have mostened the earth about t. Wth ther blood they have watered ts roots. The seasons have come and passed, and the tree has grown and flourshed. And ts branches have spread far and hgh, and ever fresh shoots are burstng forth, and ever new leaves unfoldng to the lght. But they are all part of the one tree—the tree that was planted on the frst brthday of the human race. The stem that bears them sprngs from the gnarledold trunk that was green and soft when whte-hared Tme was a lttle chld; the sap that feeds them s drawn up through the roots.4级晨读英语美文4You may unswervngly love or be loved by a person. But love wll change ts composton wth the passage of tme. t wll not reman the same. n the course of your growth and as a result of your ncreased experence, love wll become somethng dfferent to you.n the begnnng you beleved a fervent love for a person could last ndefntely. By and by, however," fervent" gave way to " prosac" . Precsely because of ths change t became possble for love to last. Then what was meant by an everlastng love would eventually end up n a sort of nterdependence.We used to nsst on the dfference between love and lkng. The former seemed much more beautful than the latter. one day, however, t turns out theres really no need to make such dfference. Lkng s actually a sort of love. By the same token, the everlastng nterdependence s actually an everlastng love.wsh could beleve there was somebody who would love me forever. Thats, as we all know, too romantc to be true. nstead, t wll more often than not be a case of lastng relatonshp.4级晨读英语美文5f somebody tells you, " ll love you for ever," wll you beleve t?dont thnk theres any reason not to. we are ready to beleve such commtment at the moment, whatever change may happen afterwards. As for the belef n an everlastng love, thats another thng.Then you may be asked whether there s such a thng as an everlastng love. d answer beleve n t. But an everlastng love s not mmutable.4级晨读英语美文6"On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three n the afternoon, the greatest lvng thnker ceased to thnk. He had been left alone for scarcely two mnutes, and when we came back we found hm n hs armchar, peacefully gone to sleep-but forever."An mmeasurable loss has been sustaned both by the mltant proletarat of Europe and Amerca, and by hstorcal scence, n the death of ths man. The gap that has been left by the departure of ths mghty sprt wll soon enough make tself felt."Just as Darwn dscovered the law of development of organc nature, so Marx dscovered the law of development of human hstory: the smple fact, htherto concealed by an overgrowth of deology, that manknd must frst of all eat, drnk, have shelter and clothng, before t can pursue poltcs, scence, art, relgon, etc.; that therefore the producton of the mmedate materal means of subsstence and consequently the degree of economc development attaned by a gven people or durng a gven epoch form the foundaton upon whch the state nsttutons, the legal conceptons, art, and even the deas on relgon, of the people concerned have been evolved, and n the lght ofwhch they must, therefore, be explaned, nstead of vce versa, as had htherto been the case."But that s not all. Marx also dscovered the specal law of moton governng the present-day captalst mode of producton and the bourgeos socety that ths mode of producton has created. The dscovery of surplus value suddenly threw lght on the problem, n tryng to solve whch all prevous nvestgatons, of both bourgeos economsts and socalst crtcs, had been gropng n the dark."Two such dscoveres would be enough for one lfetme. Happy the man to whom t s granted to make even one such dscovery. But n every sngle feld whch Marx nvestgated -- and he nvestgated very many felds, none of them superfcally -- n every feld, even n that of mathematcs, he made ndependent dscoveres.4级晨读英语美文7At age 89, Mary Fasano graduated wth a bachelor s degree from the Extenson School last week and entered the hstory books as the oldest person to earn an undergraduate degree at Harvard. Followng s the speech she delvered -- "The Power of Knowledge" -- at the Extenson School dploma awardng ceremony:remember one nght a few years ago when my daughter was frantc wth worry. After my Harvard Extenson School classes, usually arrved at the bus staton near my home by 11 p.m., but on that nght was nowhere to be found. My daughter was nervous. t wasn t safe for a sngle woman to walk alone onthe streets at nght, especally one as defenseless as am: can slay a mugger wth my sharp wt, but m just too short to do any real physcal damage.That nght my daughter checked the bus staton, drove around the streets, and contacted some frends. But she couldn t fnd me -- untl she called my astronomy professor who told her that was on top of the Scence Center usng the telescope to gaze at the stars. Unaware of the tme, had gotten lost n the heavens and was only thnkng about the new thngs had learned that nght n class.Ths story llustrates a habt have developed over the years: lose track of the tme when t comes to learnng. How else do you explan a woman who began hgh school at age 71 and who s graduatng wth a bachelor s degree at 89? may have started late, but wll contnue to learn as long as am able because there s no greater feelng, n my opnon, than travelng to a faraway country as have and beng able to dentfy by sght the pantng of a famous artst, the statue of an obscure sculptor, the cathedral of an ancent archtect. have found that the world s a fnal exam that you can never be prepared enough for. So wll contnue to take classes and tell my story.Lately t seems that everyone s askng me, "Mary, what advce do you have for other students?" So whle have you all here, m gong to ease my burden of answerng you each ndvdually:f the sayng s true that wsdom comes wth age, you may safely assume that am one of the wsest people n ths hall and possbly at ths unversty today. So lsten to me when tell you ths: Knowledge s power.My studes were nterrupted when was n the 7th grade, back sometme around World War . loved school but was forced to leave t to care for my famly.was consgned to work n a Rhode sland cotton mll, where labored for many years. eventually marred and rased 5 chldren, 20 grandchldren, and 18 great-grandchldren. But all the whle felt nferor to those around me. knew was as smart as a college graduate. knew was capable of dong a job well -- had proved t by runnng a successful famly busness for decades that stll exsts. But wanted more. wanted to feel confdent when spoke and wanted people to respect my opnons.Does t surprse you to dscover how much you have n common wth an 89-year-old woman? know that many of you graduates today, whether you were born n 1907 or 1967, have faced smlar barrers to completng your studes and have sometmes felt nferor around those you work or socalze wth just because you ddn t have a degree.But am here today -- lke you are -- to prove that t can be done; that the power ganed by understandng and apprecatng the world around us can be obtaned by anyone regardless of socal status, personal challenges, or age. That belef s what has motvated me for the last 75 years to get ths degree. t s also the msson of the Harvard Extenson School. Wthout the support receved from ths school, mght not have graduated untl was 100 -- a phrase that many of you have probably used n jest.There are many students here who do not have the opportunty that do to speak ther mnds and have everybody lsten, whether they want to or not. But be assured, fellow graduates, that we are more smlar than you mght thnk. f you have treated educaton as your man goal, and not as a means to an end, then you, too, have probably been clamed as a mssng person once n your academc career, whether you were lost n the stars or the stacks of Wdener Lbrary.And you, too, know that the journey was worth t, and that the power of knowledge makes me the most formdable 89-year-old woman at the bus stop.4级晨读英语美文8f somebody tells you, " ll love you for ever," wll you beleve t?dont thnk theres any reason not to. we are ready to beleve such commtment at the moment, whatever change may happen afterwards. As for the belef n an everlastng love, thats another thng.Then you may be asked whether there s such a thng as an everlastng love. d answer beleve n t. But an everlastng love s not mmutable.You may unswervngly love or be loved by a person. But love wll change ts composton wth the passage of tme. t wll not reman the same. n the course of your growth and as a result of your ncreased experence, love wll become somethng dfferent to you.n the begnnng you beleved a fervent love for a person could last ndefntely. By and by, however," fervent" gave way to " prosac" . Precsely because of ths change t became possble for love to last. Then what was meant by an everlastng love would eventually end up n a sort of nterdependence.We used to nsst on the dfference between love and lkng. The former seemed much more beautful than the latter. one day, however, t turns out theres really no need to make such dfference. Lkng s actually a sort of love. By the same token, the everlastng nterdependence s actually an everlastng love.wsh could beleve there was somebody who would love me forever. Thats, as we all know, too romantc to be true. nstead, t wll more often than not be a case of lastng relatonshp.。
--泰戈尔目录PART ONE 著名人物UNIT 1 Get a Life,Gordon!Minister Says PM Needs More Fun英国:布朗首相是个工作狂吗UNIT 2 Miller’s Not Like the Rest《越狱》新偶像米勒,走和别人不一样的路UNIT 3 She Is a Legend女中传奇UNIT 4 Gettysburg Address葛底斯堡演说UNIT 5 The Second Inaugural Address by Bill Clinton克林顿第二次就职演说UNIT 6 ABlindWoman’sVision海伦·凯勒——奋斗的人UNIT 7 “Mom.in.chief’’Role and More for Michelle Obama准第一夫人:照顾好女儿是首要任务UNIT 8 The Mask Forever——Jim Carrey永远的《面具》——金·凯利UNIT 9 Ronaldo:King ofthe Wodd罗纳尔多:世界球王UNIT 10 McCain:What We’re Fighting for麦凯恩:我们为何而战UNIT 11 Winston Churchill:His Other Life温斯顿·丘吉尔:生活侧记UNIT 1 2 Remarks of Senator Barack Obama:Iowa Caucus Night奥巴马1月3日在衣阿华的演讲辞UNIT 13 Remembering Diana追忆戴安娜UNIT 14 Marilyn Monroe:Candle in the Wind玛丽莲·梦露:风中之烛UNIT 15 Hewitt休伊特UNIT 16 The GenUeman Thief:Arsene Lupin怪盗亚森·罗苹UNIT 17 Engrid Bergman英格利·褒曼UNIT 18 Hillary’S Comparison希拉里的比较UNIT 19 The Making of Isaac Newton牛顿+苹果=万有引力UNIT 20 The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham奋斗与坚持:报业女巨人的一生UNIT 21 The Britain’S GotTalent Singer~usan Boyle英国新晋超女苏珊大妈PART TWO 工作生活UNIT 1 Kids Think Glasses Make Others Look Smart Honest小孩认为戴眼镜显得更有学问,更诚实UNIT 2 Excuse借口UNIT 3 NextTime ThatY ou ThinkY ou’re Having a Bad Day当觉得自己倒霉时看看这个UNIT 4 Can Happiness Be Bought钱可以买到幸福吗UNIT 5 Januaw 31 the Y ear’s Biggest Night for First Dates1月31日最适合初次约会UNIT 6 ThankY ou:TheTwoLittleWOndsThatAreBetterThanaPayRise 赞扬比加薪更重要UNIT 7 MusicThat’sAlwaysonTop永远的流行音乐UNIT 8 Life ls Miracule生命即是奇迹UNIT 9 Tuesdays with Morrie相约星期二UNIT 10 Women Approaching 30 Prefer Marriage to Carreers30岁的女性婚姻重于事业UNIT 11 Cowboys’Tales of Love and Loss纯粹美国式的乡村音乐UNIT 12 Like Father,Like Daughter就业新趋势:女承父业UNIT 13 Mother Is Role Model in Son’s Choice of Wife男人择偶常以母亲为标准UNIT 14 Short PeopleAre Most Prone to Jealousy个子越矮嫉妒心越强UNIT 15 Blue-eyed Men Prefer Blue·eyed Women蓝眼睛男士为何青睐蓝眼睛女士UNIT 16 Persistence Pays苦尽甘来UNIT 17 Air and Opport UNITy机会如空气,请善待机会UNIT 18 TheseThingsIWishforY ou幸福快乐就好UNIT 19 Online Love Is Often Blind。
英语四级晨读励志美文英语四级晨读励志美文:人人都有梦想Everyone has a dream,some of us leave our dream experiencing a richness and fullness life,while others hide their dreams in the deep recesses of their mind,lain their dreams to rest,resigning themselves to a life without perfime to the deepest desires.人人都有梦想。
Why some of leave our dreams realizing perfoming while others dream a existance of mediocrity,insecutity,fear and scare,turning many a dream into a horrible nightmare.为什么有的人能够把梦想变成现实,还有的人却只能生存在单调、平庸、没有安全感、恐惧与绝望的世界之中,并把梦想逐渐变成可怕的噩梦呢?Is it a superior intelligence?I dont think so.Is it a gift of birth?Some may think so,but I dont.Is it just a pure lock? No way.因为优秀的智商?我不这样认为。
是纯粹的幸运?更不可能!What is it then allow some of us to exprience the joy of feelment to the dream brought to life of actual and leaving dream?It is the decision to do it,it is the decision to enpower your dream.是什么让有的人能有幸体验梦想成真的成功与喜悦?是赋予梦想力量的决心!是实现梦想的决心!Everyone has a dream,Martin Luther king had a dream.Mattin Luther king enpowered his dream,and he changde its socity.人人都有梦想!马丁路德金有一个梦想:他赋予梦想力量,改变了社会。
In many ways, today’s business environment has changed qualitatively since the late 1980s. The end of the Cold War radically altered the very nature of the world’s politics and economics. In just a few short years, globalization has started a varietyof trends with profound consequences: the opening of markets, true global competition, widespread deregulation of industry, and an abundance of accessible capital. We have experienced both the benefits and risks of a truly global economy, with both Wall Street and Main Street feeling the pains of economic disorder half a world away.自从20世纪80年代后期以来,当今的商业环境在很多方面都已经发生了质的变化。
At the same time, we have fully entered the Information Age, Starting breakthroughs in information technology have irreversibly altered the ability to conduct business unconstrai ned by the traditional limitations of time or space. Today, it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without intranets, e-mail, and portable computers. With stunning speed, the Internet is profoundly changing the way we work, shop, do business, and communicate.同时,我们完全进入了信息时代。
英语四级早读材料In the hushed stillness of predawn, as the world slumbered in anticipation of a new day, I found myself drawn to the comforting glow of my desk lamp. With a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I embarked on my daily ritual of immersing myself in the written word.The pages of my English textbook beckoned me like a siren's song, promising an escape from the mundane into a realm of linguistic adventure. As I flipped through the pages, my eyes alighted upon a passage that seemed to speak directly to my soul. It was a poignant reflection on the transformative power of reading and the profound impact it can have on our lives.The author, an acclaimed scholar, painted a vivid tapestry of words that resonated deep within me. He described reading as a solitary act that nevertheless connects us to the collective wisdom of humanity. Through the pages of books, we encounter the thoughts, dreams, and experiences of countless individuals who have come before us, expanding our horizons and enriching our understanding of the world.He spoke of the ability of words to transport us to distant lands, introduce us to unforgettable characters, and ignite our imaginations. He argued that reading is not merely a passive activity but an active engagement with the world, one that challenges our assumptions, broadens our perspectives, and ultimately shapes who we are.As I delved deeper into the passage, I felt a surge of recognition. The author's words mirrored my own experiences with reading. From a tender age, I had been captivated by the magic of books. They had been my constant companions, offering solace in times of loneliness, inspiration in moments of doubt, and a sense of wonder that never failed to ignite my curiosity.Through the pages of countless novels, I had traveled to faraway realms, witnessed historical events unfold, and met characters who became like cherished friends. I had laughed, cried, and pondered the complexities of human nature. Reading had not only entertained me but had also taught me invaluable lessons about empathy, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.The author concluded his essay with a powerful reminder of the importance of making time for reading in our increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven world. He urged us to set aside a portion of each day to lose ourselves in the written word, to savor the beauty of language, and to allow our minds to wander freely.His words resonated with me deeply. In an era where distractions abound, it is more important than ever to prioritize the nourishment of our minds and souls. Reading provides us with a sanctuary from the noise and chaos of the outside world, allowing us to connect with our thoughts, emotions, and the collective human experience.As I finished my coffee and closed my textbook, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the transformative power of reading. It is a gift that I will cherish for the rest of my life, a gift that has the ability to shape my thoughts, broaden my horizons, and ignite my soul.And so, I resolve to continue my daily ritual of early morning reading, to embrace the solitude and the wisdom that it brings. For in the pages of books, I find not only entertainment but also a profound connection to the humanexperience and a glimpse of the infinite possibilities that life holds.。
30 篇超高质量英语晨读短文
![30 篇超高质量英语晨读短文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9ee23c54c381e53a580216fc700abb68a982adac.png)
30 篇超高质量英语晨读短文《30篇超高质量英语晨读短文》1. “The Importance of Reading”Reading is a fundamental skill that has a major impact on a person's success in life. It is important to cultivate a love for reading from a young age, as it helps to develop critical thinking, creativity, and vocabulary.2. “The Benefits of Waking Up Early”Waking up early has numerous benefits, including increased productivity, better mental health, and improved physical fitness. It is important to establish a morning routine that allows for a peaceful and energizing start to the day.3. “The Power of Positive Thinking”Positive thinking has the ability to transform a person's mindset and outlook on life. By focusing on the good and optimistic aspects of any situation, individuals can improve their mental health and overall well-being.4. “The Art of Time Management”Time management is a crucial skill for success in any aspect of life. By prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and eliminating distractions, individuals can improve their productivity and reduce stress.5. “The Value of Gratitude”Practicing gratitude has the power to improve mental health and happiness. By acknowledging and appreciating the good things in life, individuals can cultivate a positive mindset and improve their overall well-being.6. “The Beauty of Nature”Spending time in nature has been proven to have numerous benefits for mental and physical health. It is important to take time to connect with the natural world and appreciate its beauty.7. “The Art of Communication”Effective communication is a critical skill for success in both personal and professional relationships. By improving listening skills, empathy, and clarity in communication, individuals can improve their relationships and overall success.8. “The Power of Self-Reflection”Self-reflection is an important practice for personal growth and development. By taking the time to analyze one's thoughts, actions, and decisions, individuals can gain insight into their strengths and areas for improvement.9. “The Benefits of Exercise”Regular physical activity has numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. It is important to incorporate exercise into daily life in order to improve physical fitness and mental health.10. “The Art of Setting Goals”Goal setting is a crucial skill for success in any aspect of life. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, individuals can improve their motivation and success in reaching their aspirations.11. “The Importance of Sleep”Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It is important to establish a bedtime routine and prioritize rest in order to maintain physical and mental health.12. “The Power of Resilience”Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and challenges. By developing resilience, individuals can improve their ability to navigate through difficult situations and maintain a positive mindset.13. “The Value of Learning from Failure”Failure is an inevitable part of life, and learning from it is crucial for personal growth and success. By embracing failure as a learning opportunity, individuals can improve their resilience and problem-solving skills.14. “The Importance of Mental Health”Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it is important to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed. By taking care of one's mental health, individuals can improve their overall well-being and happiness.15. “The Power of Kindness”Acts of kindness have the ability to improve both the giver and the receiver's mental and emotional well-being. It is important to practice kindness and compassion in everyday life in order to create a positive and supportive community.16. “The Benefits of Mindfulness”Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of one's thoughts and feelings. By incorporating mindfulness into daily life, individuals can reduce stress, improve focus, and cultivate a greater sense of calm and well-being.17. “The Art of Forgiveness”Forgiveness has the power to heal relationships and promote emotional well-being. It is important to practice forgiveness in order to release negative emotions and move forward with a renewed sense of peace.18. “The Importance of Healthy Eating”Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for overall health and well-being. It is important to prioritize healthy eating habits in order to maintain physical health and mental clarity.19. “The Power of Positivity”Maintaining a positive mindset has the ability to improve mental health and resilience. By focusing onthe good and maintaining an optimistic outlook, individuals can improve their overall well-being and success.20. “The Value of Authenticity”Being true to oneself and authentic in one's actions and relationships is crucial for personal happiness and success. It is important to embrace one's unique qualities and be true to oneself in order to cultivate meaningful and fulfilling relationships.21. “The Benefits of Continuous Learning”Continuous learning has the ability to improve personal and professional growth. It is important to prioritize lifelong learning in order to stay relevant and continue to develop new skills and knowledge.22. “The Art of Organization”Being organized is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. By establishing effective organizational systems and prioritizing tasks, individuals can improve their productivity and reduce stress.23. “The Importance of Graciousness”Practicing graciousness and gratitude has the ability to improve relationships and overall well-being. It is important to show appreciation and kindness towards others in order to cultivate a positive and supportive community.24. “The Power of Optimism”Maintaining an optimistic outlook has the ability to improve mental health and resilience. By focusing on the good and maintaining a positive mindset, individuals can improve their overall well-being and success.25. “The Value of Empathy”Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is important to practice empathy in order to cultivate meaningful and supportive relationships.26. “The Benefits of Reflective Journaling”Reflective journaling is a powerful practice for personal growth and self-discovery. By taking the time to write about one's thoughts and experiences, individuals can gain insight into their emotions and personal growth.27. “The Art of Setting Boundaries”Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. It is important to establish clear boundaries in order to protect one's mental and emotional health.28. “The Importance of Self-Care”Prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. It is important to take time to rest, relax, and engage in activities that promote personal happiness and fulfillment.29. “The Power of Vulnerability”Being vulnerable and open in relationships has the ability to strengthen connections and promoteemotional well-being. It is important to embrace vulnerability in order to cultivate meaningful and authentic relationships.30. “The Value of Community”Being part of a supportive and caring community has numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being. It is important to prioritize building and maintaining meaningful connections with others in order to cultivate a sense of belonging and support.。
Build a Healthy HeartSunday was World Heart Day.The World Heart Federation and its member groups in morethan one hundred countries organized the celebrations.The World Health Organization and other United Nations agencies provided support for the event.World Heart Day was first observed six years ago.Organizers proposed the event as a way tohelp reduce the spread of heart disease.The World Heart Federation says heart diseasekills seventeen million people each year.The group urges people to be active and have a good,healthy diet.It also warns against activities known toincrease a person's risk of heart attack or stroke.Some of the warnings are directed at children.The World Heart Federation says about twenty-two million boysand girls under the age of five are obese-severely overweight.Children are normally energetic and active.However, two thirds of all children are not active enough.Such children greatly increase their risk of becoming obese.They also increase their risk of developing heart disease or other disorders. One message of World Heart Day is to eat right.Children should eat a healthy and balanced diet.Also, limit sugary drinks,sweets and eating between meals.The World Heart Federation urges parents to keep their children active.It says physical exercise helps todecrease the risk of obesity and keeps a child healthy.Obese children often become obese adults.If you believe your child is too heavy,talk with a health care provider.The World Heart Federation also is concerned aboutthe effects of tobacco on young people.It says the younger someone begins to smoke,the greater the chance of a health problem tied to smoking.Half of the young people who continue to smoke are likely to die laterin life from a smoking-related disease.The group says almost half of all children live with a smoker.It says children who live with a smoker can breathe an amount of tobacco equal to more than two thousand cigarettes.And that is by the time they are five years old.The World Heart Federation also says parents should warn childrennot to be influenced by tobacco companies.And it says parents who smoke should try to stop.。
英语四级晨读主题美文英语四级晨读主题美文六篇Feeling of YouthNo young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countless treasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. We make the coming age our own-The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.Death. old age. are words without a meaning. that pass by us like the idea air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward- Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!And see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance; so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations. nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them. we have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag; and it seems that we can go on so forever. We look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress; and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. It is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedness of our feelings in youth, that (so to speak)identifies us with nature, and (ourexperience being slight and our passions strong)deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. Our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. As infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects press around us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.我的职业.注定着要让我看多人世间生生死死的离别....这于"死亡"这个一直都很沉重.也不敢启齿."我们每个人,年轻的时候都不相信自己会死"。
英语4级 课外读物
![英语4级 课外读物](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eaf49ac08662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb692.png)
1. 《新概念英语》-这是一套非常经典的英语教材,适合各个层次的学习者。
2. 《剑桥英语》-这是一套针对英语水平提高的教材,包含了大量的阅读材料,适合四级考试的学生。
3. 《牛津书虫》-这是一套分级读物,包含了各种类型的文章,适合不同水平的学习者。
4. 《英语沙龙》-这是一本杂志,包含了大量的阅读材料,包括新闻、故事和专栏文章,可以帮助学生提高阅读技能和了解时事。
5. 《疯狂英语》-这是一套针对英语学习者的教材,包含了大量的阅读和听力材料,可以帮助学生提高阅读和听力技能。
6. 《英语世界》-这是一本综合性的英语学习杂志,包含了大量的阅读材料,包括文章、故事和诗歌,可以帮助学生提高阅读技能和扩展词汇量。
7. 《英语学习》-这是一本针对英语学习者的杂志,包含了大量的阅读和听力材料,可以帮助学生提高阅读和听力技能。
8. 《英语阅读》-这是一本专门针对英语阅读的教材,包含了大量的阅读材料,可以帮助学生提高阅读技能和扩展词汇量。
《大学英语四六级晨读经典365》读后感English:The book "365 Classic Morning Readings for College English CET-4/6" is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration. Each passage offers thought-provoking insights into various aspects of life, encouraging readers to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives. The selection of readings covers a wide range of topics, from personal growth and success to social issues and global challenges, making it a comprehensive source of knowledge and motivation. What's more, the language used in the passages is clear and elegant, which not only helps improve language proficiency but also makes the reading experience enjoyable. Overall, this book is not only a valuable resource for English language learners but also a source of motivation and enlightenment for anyone seeking personal and intellectual growth.中文翻译:《大学英语四六级晨读经典365》是一本充满智慧和启发的宝库。
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Sample articlesBooksOrison Swett MardenPerhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty, the wretched out of his misery, to make the burden-bearer forget his burden, the sick his suffering, the sorrow his grief, the oppressed his degradation,as books. They are friends to the lonely, companions to the deserted, joy to the joyless, hope to the hopeless, good cheer to the disheartened, a helper to the helpless. They bring light into darkness, and sunshine into shadow.The greatest advantage of books does not always come from what we remember of them, but from their suggestiveness. A good book often serves as a match to light the dormant power within us. There is explosive material enough in most of us if we can only reach it. A good book or a good friend often serves to wake up our latent possibilities.We get many pleasing reflections of ourselves from friends, many mirrored deformities from our enemies, and a characteristic here and there from the world; but in a calm and unbiased way we find the most of ourselves , our strength, our weakness, our breadth, our limitations, our opinions, our tastes, our harmonies and discords, our poetic and prosaic qualities, in books.We form many of our opinions from our favorite books. The author whom we prefer is our most potent teacher; we look at the world through his eyes. If we habitually read books that are elevating in tone, pure in style, sound in reasoning, and keen in insight, our minds develop the same characteristics .If, on the contrary, we read weak or vicious books, our minds contract the faults and vices of the books. We cannot escape the influence of what we read any more than we can escape the influence of the air that we breathe.Good books elevate the character, purify the taste,take the attractiveness out of low pleasures, and lift us upon a higher plane of thinking and living. I t is not easy to be mean directly after reading a noble and inspiring book. The conversation of a man who reads for improvement or pleasure will be flavored by his reading; but it will not be about his reading.Whatever you read, read with enthusiasm, with energy, read with the whole mind.Learn to absorb the mental and the moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life. He is the best reader who consumes the most knowledge and converts it into character.A great friendAs I am now a senior high school student, I have a great many friends, but there is one whom I prize over all the rest. I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school. He has been my constant companion ever since.Tough he is serious in appearance , he never fails to be interesting. Often he is clever, sometimes even merry and gay. He is the most knowledgeable friend a person could have. He knows virtually every language of the world, all the events of history, and the words of all the great poets and philosophers. A kindly benefactor, he is admired and enjoyed by everyone who makes his acquaintance.To me, he has been a great teacher as well as a friend. He first taught me the secrets of my own language and then those of others. With these keys he showed us how to unlock all the arts and sciences of man.My friend is endlessly patient. Dull though I may be, I can return to him again and again, and he is always ready to teach me. When I am bored, he entertain s me. When I am dispirited , he lifts me up.when I am lonely, he keeps me company. He is a friend not only to me but to millions around the world. Shall I tell you his name? His name is “Reading”.Youth------Samuel UllmanYouth is not just a stage of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.Youth means the predominance o f courage over timidity,of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than in a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair------these bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being’s heart the love of wonder, the sweet amazement of the stars and the starlike things, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what-nex t and the joy of the game of living.You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt, as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair. When your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you have grown old, even at 20; but as long as you still catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.You are what you doMayling SoongIf the past has taught us anything, it is that every cause brings effect------ every action has a consequence. This thought, in my opinion, is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in the world and the next.We Chinese have a saying, “If a man plants melons, he will reap melons; if he sows beans, he will reap beans.”And this is true of every man’s life:good begets good, and evil leads to evil.True enough, the sun shines on the saint and sinner alike,and too often it seems that the wicked wax and prosper. But we can say with certitude that , with the individual as with the nation, the flourishing of the wicked is an illusion, for, unceasingly, life keeps books on us all.In the end, we are all the sum total of our actions. Character cannot be counterfeited , nor can it be put on and cast off as if it were a garment to meet the whim of the moment. Like the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree, character requires time and nurture for growth and development.Thus also, day by day, we write our own destiny, for we become what we do. This, I believe, is the supreme logic and law of life.Do what you loveLife is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passion? If not, why? You may answer the question with “ In the real world people have responsibilities. They have to make sacrifices. You are not supposed to be happy with your job but you do it because you have to .”With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be happy with your job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week performing our jobs. There is a lot of time wasting on something we don’t enjoy. Why not spend that time doing something you truly are passionate about for 50 hours a week instead of something that lacks meaning?I think there is one main reason people don’t follow their passion: fear. Fear of how others will react, fear of failure, and fear that they cannot do it themselves. I think the first part is for people to realize that they can conquer their fear. You will fail at times and others will think you are crazy at times, but if you believe that you will succeed then you ultimately will.It is not that easy. I am in the middle of going through it right now. But there are other people out there who have made it. They have failed, been ridiculed, and come out on the other end successfully. They are living proof that you can do what you love.The goodness of lifeThough there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life’s goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is neveroutweighed.For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, quiet acts of love, kindness and compassion. For every person who seeks to hurt, there are many , many more who devote their lives to helping and to healing.There is goodness to life that cannot be denied. In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through.There is no limit to the goodness of life. It grows more abundant with each new encounter. The more you experience and appreciate the goodness of life, the more there is to be lived.Though the goodness of life seems at times to suffer setbacks, it always endures. For in the darkest moment it becomes vividly clear that life is a priceless treasure. And so the goodness of life is made even stronger by the very things that would oppose it.Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts. Then, share your good fortune with another. For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent each time it is given away.FriendshipNo young man starting life could have better capital than plenty of friends. They will strengthen his credit,support him in every great effort, and make him what, unaided, he could never be. Friends of the right sort will help him more-----to be happy and successful -----than much money or great learning.Friendship is no one-sided affair. There can be no friendship without reciprocity. One cannot receive all and give nothing, or give all and receive nothing, and expect to experience the joy and fullness of true companionship.Those who would make friends must cultivate the qualities which are admired and which attract. If you are mean, stingy and selfish, nobody will admire you. You must cultivate generosity and large-heartedness; you must be magnanimous and tolerant; you must have positive qualities, for negative, shrinking, apologizing, roundabout man is despised. You must believe in yourself. If you do not, others will not believe in you. You must look upward and be hopeful, cheery, and optimistic. No one will be attracted to a gloomy pessimist.。