How to Apply SAP notes
SAP生产工单更改记录详细教程CO02======================================================== ===需求:SAP在更改生产工单时并没有提供详细的更改记录,查看SAP的Notes,如果强行开启FLG_DOC (控制往更改记录CDHDR,CDPOS里写数据)标记,在批量处理组件过多的生产工单时会导致程序运行出错,SAP建议不开启。
2.查看、Debug SAP源代码,了解数据流向,主要了解在变更工单组件和表头未保存前这些数据存放在哪里?最后查到这两数据放在调用出口函数参数表:component_table,header_table。
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& 包括ZXCO1U01 **&---------------------------------------------------------------------*TABLES:caufv,resb.DATA: BEGIN OF old_resb OCCURS 0,aufnr LIKE resb-aufnr,posnr LIKE resb-posnr,matnr LIKE resb-matnr,rsnum LIKE resb-rsnum,rspos LIKE resb-rspos,xloek LIKE resb-xloek,bdmng LIKE resb-bdmng,objnr LIKE resb-objnr,END OF old_resb.DATA: BEGIN OF new_resb OCCURS 0.INCLUDE STRUCTURE old_resb.DATA: END OF new_resb.DATA: BEGIN OF obj_resb OCCURS 0.INCLUDE STRUCTURE old_resb.DATA: END OF obj_resb.DATA: i_zpco02 LIKE zpco02 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: i_temp LIKE zpco02 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: iporg LIKE msxxlist-hostadr,ipdec(16) TYPE c,host(18) TYPE c.DATA: char1(20) TYPE c,char2(20) TYPE c.DATA: inst_flg TYPE c VALUE 'N',chan_had TYPE c VALUE 'N'.* teco_flg TYPE c VALUE 'N',* read_flg TYPE c .*BREAK-POINT.CHECK sy-tcode EQ 'CO02'.** Get user IP,hostnameCALL FUNCTION 'TH_USER_INFO' " Get user IP,hostname EXPORTINGclient = sy-mandtuser = sy-unameIMPORTINGhostaddr = iporgterminal = hostEXCEPTIONSOTHERS = 1.**"Conv.IP addr to format ''CALL FUNCTION 'GWY_IPADR2STRING' "Conv.IP addr EXPORTINGipadr = iporgIMPORTINGstring = ipdec.***Common var.MOVE: sy-mandt TO i_temp-mandt,sy-uname TO i_temp-aenam,sy-datum TO i_temp-laeda,sy-uzeit TO i_temp-times,sy-tcode TO i_temp-tcode,ipdec TO i_temp-hostip,host TO i_temp-host,header_table-aufnr TO i_temp-aufnr.***Check M/O header**check if status eq 'TECO'.*LOOP AT status_table WHERE objnr EQ header_table-objnr * AND stat EQ 'I0045'.** MOVE: 'Y' TO teco_flg.*ENDLOOP.*CHECK teco_flg NE 'Y'.*CHECK read_flg NE 'Y'.SELECT SINGLE gamng gltrp INTO (caufv-gamng, caufv-gltrp) FROM caufv WHERE aufnr EQ header_table-aufnr.**qtyIF header_table-gamng NE caufv-gamng.MOVE: caufv-gamng TO char1, header_table-gamng TO char2. MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '更改工单总数' TO i_zpco02-filed,'U' TO i_zpco02-chnid,char1 TO i_zpco02-value_old,char2 TO i_zpco02-value_new.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.chan_had = 'Y'.ENDIF.**dateIF header_table-gltrp NE caufv-gltrp.MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '更改完成时间' TO i_zpco02-filed,'U' TO i_zpco02-chnid,caufv-gltrp TO i_zpco02-value_old,header_table-gltrp TO i_zpco02-value_new.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.ENDIF.IF inst_flg = 'Y'.INSERT zpco02 FROM TABLE i_zpco02 ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS. inst_flg = 'N'.ENDIF.*DELETE component_table WHERE vbkz EQ 'I'.LOOP AT component_table WHERE vbkz EQ 'U'OR vbkz EQ 'I'OR vbkz EQ 'D'.CASE component_table-vbkz.WHEN '*'.MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '**组件' TO i_zpco02-filed,'I' TO i_zpco02-chnid,'' TO i_zpco02-value_old, "old_resb-matnrcomponent_table-matnr TO i_zpco02-value_new,'**组件' TO i_zpco02-matnr,component_table-alpos TO i_zpco02-alpos,sy-tabix TO i_zpco02-loopid.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.WHEN '*'.MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '**组件' TO i_zpco02-filed,'D' TO i_zpco02-chnid,resb-xloek TO i_zpco02-value_old,component_table-xloek TO i_zpco02-value_new,component_table-matnr TO i_zpco02-matnr,* read_flg TO i_zpco02-readf,component_table-alpos TO i_zpco02-alpos,sy-tabix TO i_zpco02-loopid.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.WHEN '*'.SELECT SINGLE matnr bdmng INTO (resb-matnr, resb-bdmng) FROM resb WHERE aufnr EQ component_table-aufnrAND posnr EQ component_table-posnrAND matnr EQ component_table-matnrAND rsnum EQ component_table-rsnumAND rspos EQ component_table-rspos.IF component_table-matnr NE resb-matnr.MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '更改组件' TO i_zpco02-filed,'*' TO i_zpco02-chnid,resb-matnr TO i_zpco02-value_old,component_table-matnr TO i_zpco02-value_new,'更改的工单组件' TO i_zpco02-matnr,* read_flg TO i_zpco02-readf,component_table-alpos TO i_zpco02-alpos,sy-tabix TO i_zpco02-loopid.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.ELSEIF component_table-bdmng NE resb-bdmng.CHECK chan_had NE 'Y'.MOVE: component_table-bdmng TO char1, resb-bdmng TO char2. MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_temp TO i_zpco02.MOVE: '需求数量' TO i_zpco02-filed,'U' TO i_zpco02-chnid,char1 TO i_zpco02-value_new,component_table-matnr TO i_zpco02-matnr,* read_flg TO i_zpco02-readf,component_table-alpos TO i_zpco02-alpos,sy-tabix TO i_zpco02-loopid.APPEND i_zpco02.inst_flg = 'Y'.ENDIF.ENDCASE.ENDLOOP.IF inst_flg = 'Y'.INSERT zpco02 FROM TABLE i_zpco02 ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS.IF sy-subrc EQ 0.inst_flg = 'N'.chan_had = 'N'.* MESSAGE ID 'ZX' TYPE 'W'* NUMBER '000' WITH 'SAP系统已记录您的更改!'.ENDIF.ENDIF.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.更改记录:集团400订单400000063物料5017000533A字段名删除标记更改者SAP003上一次修改2005.09.12事务代码CO02修改标识符D字符20 (HOSTIP) Name SAP-8字符20 (VALUE OLD)字符20 (VALUE NEW) X时间14:53:27其他的关于生产订单的增强在IMG->SFC->系统修正那都可以找得到,如PPCO0007 保存生产订单时,PPCO0008 在增加和改变组件时的增强(这里就写数据到ZPCO02一但用户没保存.....所以只有放在PPCO0001里了),大家多研究研究。
常用T-Code1.PR:●ME51N 创建PR●ME52N 查看PR●ME53N 修改/删除PR●ZMM056 打印PR●ZMM247 关闭PR●ZMM111 查询PR完成情况2.FO/PO/SO:●ME21N 创建FO●ME22N 查看FO/PO/SO●ME23N 修改/删除/打印FO/PO/SO●ML81N 服务确认FO/SO3.合同:●ME33K 查看长期协议●ZMM019 打印长期协议4.预留单:●MB21 创建预留单●MB22 查看/修改预留单●MB25出库列表查询创建PR(SAP/MAXIMO)→工程师核实→Finance审核WBS、科目(Irene)→Jet审批→创建FO→采办审核FO(张瑜)→对FO进行服务确认●SAP→PR(钻完井、新平台)、FO/PO/SO、物资预留单●Maximo→PR(维保、修井、新平台建库)、WOSAP操作简易手册一、合同项下:创建PR:1.ME51N2.填写“抬头文本”,格式:日期(年月)+井名+内容+供应商名称3.必填项:●A(T,项目P,寄售库存K;物料类中的直达料出单可不填)●I(D,服务类出单必填,物料类出单时不填)●物料号(库存物资必填,直达料和服务出单不填)●短文本(内容描述)●申请数量●单位(服务AU,物料EA)●物料组(注意需与系统中合同信息一致)●工厂(1220)●PGR/采购组(686物料;687服务)、●申请者●固定的供应商(供应商号)●采购组织(1035)●框架协议(SAP NO.)●项目(该条目所引用的合同条款)●货币(币种)4.回车5.服务选择界面输入“短文本”、数量、计量单位(通常:EA物料,AU服务)。
SAP Query 报表授权设置
SAP Query Authorization总述:通过用户角色的授权对象来设置操作的权限,同时结合SQ03的用户组设置来设置用户可以查看的用户组(含InfoSets信息集)1. 通过用户角色来控制在赋SQ01/SQ02/SQ03 的Role 中设置授权对象:02:Start and change queries in UserGroup 在指定的用户组下运行和修改QUERY 报表如果只选这个值,必须在SQ03把用户分配到相应的用户组。
23:Start queries in UserGroup and maintain infoset (IS) and UserGroup 运行QUERY报表和维护信息集以及用户组赋此值后,用户可以查看所有的用户组的QUERY报表,以及维护、修改信息集和用户组,即SQ01/SQ02/SQ03都有权限操作。
2.通用过用户组指定哪些用户加入该用户组,以及用户组分配哪些信息集SQ03:3.演示:3.1 PFCG:Role赋值02用户组:用户103626931 赋于2个用户组:TKE_CN_PU and TKE_CN_PS TKE_CN_PU:带修改TKE_CN_PS:不带修改用户授权:SU01SQ02/SQ03没有权限,尽管ROLE中有赋TOCDE: PFCG:SQ01 权限被控制在只能查看被分配的用户组,并根据用户组中可否修改的设置来实现操作。
其次,维护FI的Number Range(FBN1)和CO 中的Number Range(KANK)。
特别是CO Number range中的COIN业务一定要分配Number range新建工厂后新建订单Shipping Point找不到有一个shippingpointdetermine,一点要维护路径:后勤执行--装运--基本装运功能--装运点和收货点确认--分配装运点原来是物料类型的问题新建工厂并分配后,migo初始化库存,系统提示出错No stock posting possible for this material后来发现是物料类型定义里面数量更新没有打上勾物流通用--主数据--基础设置--物料类型--定义物料类型属性再次经过验证不是这里的问题,而是shippingpointdetermine没有定义的缘故Business Area Account Assignment4.1.7上的Business Area Account Assignment可把我害惨了,我配置完Sales Area后,由于没有Assignment到BusinessArea,所以系统老是提醒我没有Define这鬼东西,后来自己研究之后才发现4.6C和4.7.1之间的细微差别,4.6C在这里是自动Assign的,但4.7.1是需要自己Assign的。
路径:sap customizing implementation guide-->enterprise structure-->assignment-->sales and distribution-->business area account assignment-->define rules by sales areaSAP学习手册IV请教各位,我已经在测试系统里,归档了销售订单以及其发票,会计凭证和交货单,但是我想看看归档的效果,请问R3系统有可以查看到归档数据的功能吗?另外,交货单还对应一张物料凭证,我就是直接归档交货单了,不知道是不是应该先归档物料凭证再归档交货单?因为归档发票的时候,需要先归档发票对应的会计凭证,再归档发票。
SAP基礎 - 快速指南SAP基礎 - 概述SAP Basis是指SAP系統的管理,包括安裝和配置,負載平衡和在Java堆疊和SAP ABAP上運行的SAP應用程式的性能等活動。
SAP Basis管理員的主要職責包括 -•系統安裝和配置•伺服器上的負載平衡•不同元件的性能管理•管理介面和與伺服器集成•管理伺服器和不同的服務在SAP Basis的説明下,不同的SAP模組(如財務會計,生產計畫,銷售和分銷,SAP EWM和其他模組)可以相互集成和溝通。
SAP Basis支援在不同作業系統(如Windows,Unix,AS / 400等)和不同資料庫(如SQL Server,Oracle,後端資料庫的IBM DB2)上安裝和配置SAP應用程式。
SAP基本顧問的角色分為以下幾類:解決方案專家解決方案專家負責 -•升級SAP版本的系統架構•SAP資料備份存檔•作業系統和資料庫的遷移•安裝AP / Add On介面分析介面分析師負責 -•配置和設置不同模組之間的介面系統管理員系統管理員負責 -•監控SAP系統和模組的性能•維護SAP系統運行狀況並執行運行狀況檢查SAP資料庫管理員SAP資料庫管理員負責 -•備份和恢復SAP系統的資料庫•管理資料庫物件傳輸和批次處理作業管理員運輸和批次處理作業管理員負責 -•管理批次處理作業調度和複製•在系統環境中管理SAP Control Control訪問DDIC經理DDIC經理負責 -•管理對資料字典的更改SAP架構師SAP架構師負責 -•在SAP系統中設計工作和資料流程•管理SAP大小SAP ABAP專家SAP ABAP專家負責 -•ABAP程式的疑難排解和調優•根據SAP對程式應用更正•ABAP程式的編碼和定制根據要求事務代碼有各種事務代碼(T代碼),SAP基礎管理員用於執行分配的任務。
SAP 通用操作手册目录1.登录SAP R/31.1建立LOGON快捷登录界面1.2登录系统1.3检查系统的合法性和当前使用的系统参数2.设置用户登录参数3.设置显示的参数3.1在菜单上能够显示事务码3.2在业务操作过程中显示清单码3.3设置系统字体3.4设置系统使用的字符集3.5设置用户常用的事务码集3.6设置快速拷贝和粘贴3.7 R/3窗口的管理3.7.1新开窗口143.7.2退出当前的事务操作执行新的事务3.7.3 退出系统4.使用R/3的办公室与R/3用户联系4.1从R/3菜单执行:Office--SWBP—Workplace, 4.2使用R/3信箱4.2.1新建邮件4.2.2编辑邮件(举例)5.管理自己的打印任务(事务码SP01)6.其它R/3应用功能6.1设置R/3变式6.2使用R/3变式6.3 R/3中多选择条件使用6.3 针对字段的选择条件(F4)1.登录SAP R/31.1建立登录快捷登录界面在进入R/3的登录界面,需要对R/3登录信息进行设置,以便登录不同的系统,例如培训系统.测试系统或者正式使用的系统。
修改密码在上面的界面中,固定CLIENT,丛系统管理员处获得,测试系统使用Client号(登录系统号),USER和Password丛系统管理员处获得,如果需要修改密码, 点击修改密码按钮,但是必须首先输入你已经获得密码才能修改。
如果点击NEW PASSWORD,会出现下面的屏幕:将新密码重复输入两遍,回车,系统会出现修改密码的成功的提示,新密码必须不能与前6次使用的密码相同。
SAP作业指导书目录第一部分:流程图1.原材料/包装材料由新科安达NDC转到XXX黄埔厂2.成品转仓,由HP厂 CN11到新科安达 CN50CN11到新科安达 CN80CN12到新科安达 CN503.补仓,由GZNDC CN50 到RDC CN 5X4.正常定单的操作流程--COL后勤和新科安达5.马上退货--COL后勤和新科安达6.重包装在NDC(RDC)--COL地区后勤和新科安达7.货物报废--COL后勤和新科安达其次部分:基本操作事务代码一.发货模块1.发货拣配2.D/N单打印3.发货过帐4.材料领用表发货5.工厂到工厂发货(原料、成品、大白带转仓)6.发货修改二.收货模块1.成品D/N单收货2.PO收货(PO号码为:450000****)3.转仓收货(XXX黄埔工厂转仓至广州RDC的收货)三.状态转移模块A.状态移动B.包装移动四.退货模块五.报废模块六.查询模块1.过帐订单以及未做POD查询2.库存报表3.单据流程查询4.车型查询5.地址查询6.包装查询7.移动类型查询8.反冲9.产品资料查询10.显示物料凭证11.回单12.查看客户资料13.查询单一物料库存第一部分:流程图1.原材料/包装材料由新科安达NDC转到XXX黄埔厂COL车间2.成品转仓,由HP厂CN11到新科安达CN50CN11到新科安达CN80CN12到新科安达CN50ST-ANDA项目组3:补仓,由GZNDC CN50 到RDC CN 5X其他RDC4:正常定单的操作流程——COL后勤和新科安达ST-ANDA项目组5.马上退货——COL后勤和新科安达项目组目组 ST-ANDAST-ANDA 项目组6.重包装在NDC (RDC )——COL 地区后勤和新科安达ST-ANDA项目组7.货物报废——COL后勤和新科安达项项目组将带有物料凭证号码的报废报表及照片送给XXXCPST-ANDA项目组其次部分:基本操作事务代码一.发货模块1.发货拣配事务代码:VL06P(图例1.1)输入装运点:CN5X(CN50)删除拣配日期:输入装运编号:172984点击执行;点击选择全部;(定单号码前面的方框内显示“√”)选择(后继功能)——(组)——(创建)——(组类型“K”改为“C”),点击执行。
3. SAP菜单栏的 收藏夹项目里添加Transation .
- 15 -
9. 收藏夹 (Favorites) – Transaction 添加 2
4. 不知道要添加的 Transtion code 时,利用SAP标准的Menu Tree插入 Transtion . 在Menu Tree选择要添加的 Transtion后, 1)点击鼠标右键选择 ‘Add to Favorites’项目, 2) 选择Transtion然后拖动鼠标插入到文件夹,然后松开鼠标完成。
4. 使用公用ID的时候,不能任意改变 Password。
3. Logon - Password 变更
3. 一定要记住 Password。如果 Password 3次错误输入便不能登入,由于使 用者的密码系统管理者也不知道,所以挂失时以及使用者被Lock的情况应该 联系 Help Desk,恢复初始画面。
6. SAP 画面构成
좌측상단 2
화면 名称
Menu Bar 6
우측상단 1 Standard Tool Bar 3
Application Tool Bar 7
Menu Message Status Bar 4
System Status Bar 5
1. 右上端 2. 左上端
系统进行时会有像右上端一样的水纹在动,不动时表示没 有进行。SAP旁边是 最小模式 , 最大模式, Logoff 技能的按钮.
6. SAP 画面构成(继续)
좌측상단 2
화면 名称
Menu Bar 6
우측상단 1 Standard Tool Bar 3
目录一、适用范围 (4)二、用途 (4)三、所需参照的Manual (4)四、Sales Structure (4)五、Credit Memo Processing Flow (4)六、Credit Memo Request与Sales Order的区别与联系 (5)七、订单类型及No Range (5)八、常用图标注释 (6)九、系统操作 (7)Process1: Create Credit Memo Request (7)1、事务代码:V A01 (7)2、“初始屏幕” (8)3、依照参考SO创建Credit Memo Request (8)4、“概览”- 销售 (10)5、项目数据 (10)5.1 项目数据—Tab Page:条件 (11)5.2 项目数据—Tab Page:销售A (12)5.3项目数据—Tab Page:销售B (13)5.4项目数据—Tab Page:装运 (13)5.5项目数据—Tab Page:出具发票凭证 (13)5.6项目数据—Tab Page:科目分配 (14)5.7项目数据—Tab Page:合作伙伴 (14)5.8项目数据—Tab Page:文本 (15)5.9项目数据—Tab Page:订单数据 (15)5.10项目数据—Tab Page:附加数据A (16)6、回到“概览”界面 (16)7、保存 (16)Process2: Release Credit Memo Request (17)1、事务代码:V A02 (17)2、“初始屏幕” (17)2、Release (18)3、查看条件 (19)4、回到概览界面 (19)5、保存 (19)Process3: Create Credit Memo (20)1、事务代码:VF01 (20)2、“创建出具发票凭证” (20)3、“出具发票项目总览” (21)Process4: Release Credit Memo (24)1、事务代码:VF02 (24)2、Release (24)Process5: Document Flow (25)1、事务代码:VF02或V A03 (25)2、凭证流图标 (25)一、适用范围Credit Memo Processing.二、用途此文档旨在描述如何在SAP ERP维护Credit Memo Request。
【SAP支持宝典】SAP系统安装手册及核心Note介绍上一节中,我们已详细讲解了如何找到和下载SAP Software Provisioning Manager系统安装工具(简称SWPM),相信大家都已经准备解压并实施安装了吧。
首先,在上文链接中(/en/tools/software-logistics-tools.html ),你可以找到SWPM的安装手册以及核心Note。
点击Installation Guides后,在新窗口中,便可以使用过滤功能根据OS、DB等信息,快速找到相关的安装手册。
01要用什么用户启动SWPM?我们来到【Required User Authorization for Running the Installer】章节,这里详细介绍了用来启动SWPM的用户所需要的权限。
另外,在Windows平台上的安装,还要先确定是Domain还是Local的安装,具体请参考【Domain or Local Installation】章节,查看细节。
02如何启动SWPM?在【Running the Installer】章节里,你可以跟着详细的步骤说明一步一步的跟着操作,启动网页版的SWPM界面。
如果需要指定虚拟主机名,请参考【Using Virtual Host Names】章节。
关于启动的前提准备,请参考【Prerequisites for Running the Installer】章节。
Documentation SD-General users guide Sales and Distribution –As of: 4/28/2022 general users guide SD.docDocumentationContent:1简介 (3)1.1销售和分销的组织架构 (3)1.2登入SAP系统 (4)1.3退出SAP系统 (6)1.4系统操作 (7)1.5事务处理代码(Transaction Code) (7)1.6添加收藏夹(Favorites) (8)1.7快捷键的功能 (9)1.8帮助-F1/F4 (9)1.9设置参数 (10)2销售和分销(SD-Sales and Distribution) (11)2.1主数据 (11)2.1.1物料主数据(Material Master) (11)2.1.2客户主数据(Customer Master Data) (14)2.1.3创建发货方ship-to party (17)2.1.4发货方Ship-to party 加到客户的partner中 (19)2.2销售报价和订单 (21)2.2.1售价(pricing)和条件(Condition)的使用方法和作用 (21)2.2.2报价 (22)2.2.3订单 (26)创建新订单和报价转订单(标准) (26)空运订单 (31)直接订单 Direct Order和外币订单 (31)非标订单 (33)正单 Debit Note/负单 Credit Note (40)2.2.4预付款 (40)2.2.5发货 (41)1 简介SAP-S - System A - Application P - Production1.1 销售和分销的组织架构Documen t● CompanycodeCompany code ● Sales AreaSales Area → Salesorganization Sales organization → Distributio nchannel channel → Divisio nDivision ● Plan t● Storage location● shipping pointShipping point 8006WGQ (Shanghai )8002Beijing Plants8001Shanghai Sonjiang8003 Shenzhen SAP - WMLean- WM (MM)Storage Locations8005Cheng Du8004Shenyang8007Wuha0001 Central Whs. 0001 Central Whs. 0001 Central Whs. 0001 Central Whs. 0001 Central Whs. 0001 Central Whs. 8901 IBM Shenzhe 8001 Main S.P. Shipping PointsMOD1 Mod Center MOD1 Mod Center MOD1 Mod Center MOD1 Mod Center 8902 Dell Suzhou 8903 Dell Beijing 8901 IBM Shenzhen 8902 Dell Suzhou RETN ReturnsRETN ReturnsRETN ReturnsRETN ReturnsRETN ReturnsRETN Returns8904 Dell XiamenMOD1 Mod Center 8903 Dell Beijing 8904 Dell Xiamen8002 Main S.P. 8022 MOD Center 8003 Main S.P.8004 Main S.P.8025 Main S.P.8006 Main S.P.8007 Main S.P.8023 MOD Center 8024 MOD Center 8025 MOD Center 8027 MOD Center xxxx Return sxxxx Returnsxxxx Returnsxxxx Returnsxxxx Returnsxxxx Returnsxxxx Returns1.2 登入SAP系统在浏览器地址栏(IE)输入以下地址:http://citrix2.loh-services.de或 IP 地址:用户名User Name:工号密码Password:start双击图标登入SAP3_UPR ASIA 运行系统3_UQS ASIA 测试系统输入信息:Client 客户:700 –User 用户:Password 密码:初始密码startLanguage 语言:EN (英文)或CN(中文)可修改密码原则:密码最少6个字符,不可多过8个字符。
sap导入的流程Implementing SAP into a company's workflow can be a game-changer in terms of improving efficiency, streamlining processes, and enhancing overall productivity. SAP, which stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing, is a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps businesses manage their operations in a more organized and cohesive manner. From financial management to supply chain logistics, SAP offers a wide range of modules that cater to various aspects of a company's needs.将SAP集成到公司的工作流程中,可以改变游戏规则,提高效率,简化流程,增强整体生产率。
However, the process of implementing SAP can be complex and challenging, requiring careful planning, resources, and expertise to ensure a successful integration. Companies must first assess their current systems and processes to identify areas that can be improvedor automated through SAP. This often involves conducting a thorough analysis of the company's operations, identifying pain points, and setting clear objectives for the implementation.然而,SAP的实施过程可能会复杂且具有挑战性,需要进行仔细的规划、资源和专业知识,以确保成功整合。
SAPsupport 完全手册
SAP大中国区用户支持完全手册Oct. 2002SAP 大中国区支持中心目录序言1.申请License Key2.申请Developer/Access key3.Messages4.Notes5.安装指南6.程序补丁7. 用户管理8.订CD/产品资料9.维护系统信息/联系信息10.TeamSAP 服务及OSS远程连接11.附录序言SAP 支持服务中心为您有效地使用 SAP系统提供必要的信息和全面的帮助。
我们从您实施SAP 项目的第一刻开始提供支持,服务覆盖整个SAP 产品的生命周期。
SAP支持服务中心的宗旨是: 为客户百分之百的成功提供百分之百的承诺。
1.申请License Key1.1通过 SAPNet WebEnd/licensekey1.2通过SAPNet FrontEndSAPNet ➾ Registration ➾ System ➾ Request License Key1.3 通过传真填写Request License Key Form传真至 0049-6-2277-447792.申请Developer/Access keySSCR (SAP软件修改注册): 客户对SAP标准软件进行修改需要注册Developer/Access key,通过此程序有效地保障了客户系统的可靠性及可用性2.1注册 Developera)通过SAPNet WebEnd/sscrb)通过SAPNet FrontEndSAPNet ➾ Registration ➾ Registration SSCR ➾ Register Developer2.2 注册 Objectsa) 通过SAPNet WebEnd/sscrb) 通过SAPNet FrontEndSAPNet Inbox➾ Registration ➾ Registration SSCR ➾ Register Objects3.Messages在使用SAP软件的过程中如遇到任何问题,您可以通过SAPNet WebEnd:/message或SAPNet R3FrontEnd(OSS)创建问题, SAP全球技术支持顾问将竭诚为您提供解决方案。
设置步骤如下:用Tcode rz10打开参数配置窗口,选择你当前的实例参数文件,再选扩展编辑,按修改按钮进入扩展参数编辑窗口中。
SAP Entitlement Management 支持指南说明书
CONFIDENTIALDocument Version: 1.0 – 2023-05-27Support Guide for SAP Entitlement Management © 2023 S A P S E o r a n S A P a ffi l i a t e c o m p a n y . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .THE BEST RUNContent1 Introduction (3)2 Channel to Report an Incident (4)3 Incident Creation (5)3.1 Incident T emplate (5)3.2 Incident Priority and Business Impact (6)3.3 Incident Lifecycle Overview (7)3.4 24x7 Global Support (8)4 Cloud System Notification Subscriptions (10)5 Escalation Path (11)2CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementContent1 IntroductionCustomers using SAP Entitlement Management who experience any type of issue with the system have the ability to report an incident to the SAP Support T eam. The topics in this guide will walk you through when and how to create an incident and will give you details on how incidents are handled and what you can expect.•Channel to Report an Incident [page 4]•Incident Creation [page 5]•Cloud System Notification Subscriptions [page 10]•Escalation Path [page 11]Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementIntroduction CONFIDENTIAL32 Channel to Report an IncidentSAP provides channels for customers when they need support or have queries. Report an incident to SAP at .Please make sure you us component LOD-EMS for the incident.If you have any issues with your S-User, create an incident under the SAP One Support Launchpad.4CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementChannel to Report an Incident3 Incident CreationThe following topics wil answer your questions regarding incident creation.Incident T emplate [page 5]T o report an incident, please provide sufficient information to help SAP Support to understand yourissue quickly.Incident Priority and Business Impact [page 6]There are several incident priorities and each has a different business impact.Incident Lifecycle Overview [page 7]During the incident lifecycle, Customer Action is not a mandatory status for all incidents.24x7 Global Support [page 8]SAP provides 24x7 support based on several Support Hubs working at different locations around the world.3.1 Incident T emplateT o report an incident, please provide sufficient information to help SAP Support to understand your issue quickly.For your reference, here is one example of information to provide:•How to reproduce the•Current behavior: xxx...•Expected behavior: xxx...•UTC Timestamp (optional)Parent topic: Incident Creation [page 5]Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementIncident Creation CONFIDENTIAL5Related InformationIncident Priority and Business Impact [page 6]Incident Lifecycle Overview [page 7]24x7 Global Support [page 8]3.2 Incident Priority and Business ImpactThere are several incident priorities and each has a different business impact.1 - Very HighAn incident with this priority indicates:•Problem with very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes•Urgent work cannot be performed•This is generally caused by one of more of the following circumstances:• A productive system is completely down•The imminent system go-live or upgrade of a production system cannot be completed•The customer‘s core business processes are seriously affected• A workaround is not possible for each of the circumstances•The issue requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses2 - HighAn incident with this priority indicates:•Normal business processes are seriously affected•Necessary tasks cannot be performed•Issue is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the SAP system that are required immediately •The issue is to be processed as quickly as possible as a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow6CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementIncident Creation3 - MediumAn incident with this priority indicates:•Normal business processes are affected•The problem is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the SAP system4 - LowAn incident with this priority indicates:•The problem has little or no effect on normal business processes•The problem is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the SAP system that are rarely used or not required dailyParent topic: Incident Creation [page 5]Related InformationIncident T emplate [page 5]Incident Lifecycle Overview [page 7]24x7 Global Support [page 8]3.3 Incident Lifecycle OverviewDuring the incident lifecycle, Customer Action is not a mandatory status for all incidents.Y ou will only find the incident status is Customer Action when the SAP Support team needs you to provide more information.This is a quick look at the incident lifecycle:Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementIncident Creation CONFIDENTIAL7Parent topic: Incident Creation [page 5]Related InformationIncident T emplate [page 5]Incident Priority and Business Impact [page 6]24x7 Global Support [page 8]3.4 24x7 Global SupportSAP provides 24x7 support based on several Support Hubs working at different locations around the world.The Support Hubs for SAP Entitlement Management are shown below:Parent topic: Incident Creation [page 5]Related InformationIncident T emplate [page 5]Incident Priority and Business Impact [page 6]8CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement Management Incident CreationIncident Lifecycle Overview [page 7]Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementIncident Creation CONFIDENTIAL94 Cloud System Notification SubscriptionsSAP Cloud customers can subscribe to various SAP Cloud Service notifications.•Cloud System Notification Subscriptions (CSNS) is an application that allows SAP Cloud customers to configure, customize, and subscribe to various SAP Cloud Service notifications.•Within CSNS, you can set your preferences for which types of notifications you would like to receive in cases of both planned and unplanned downtimes, as well as customer communication notifications. Y ou can manage the existing subscriptions, add new ones, and set notification recipients.•Y ou can access the CSNS application via the Cloud System Notification Subscriptions. Y ou can access the User Guide and watch videos via the Support Page.•The Cloud Availability Center (CAC)offers you a personalized dashboard with focus on relevant information about your Cloud product availability and maintenance.•In CAC, you can view your SAP Cloud products with status and availability, an events calendar, notifications history, and the latest news.•Y ou can access the CAC via the Cloud Availability Center. Y ou can access the User Guide and watch videos via the Support Page.SAP One Support Launchpad.1271482 - How does an administrator create or delete S-user IDs1511008 - How to add or change authorizations for a S-User ID1282854 - Information on adding/editing/deleting authorizations for an S-user ID10CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement Management Cloud System Notification Subscriptions5 Escalation PathThere are just two simple steps to take an escalation path.T o take escalation path, complete the following steps:1.Call the Customer Interaction Center: Hotline.2.Provide the CIC with the following information:•Incident number and priority•Date the incident was reported•Business impact of the incidentCIC will create a Critical Incident Request, which is dealt with by the Critical Incident Management (CIM) team. The CIM team drives the escalation and assess the next steps.For more information, please see SAP Note 90835.Support Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementEscalation Path CONFIDENTIAL11Important Disclaimers and Legal InformationHyperlinksSome links are classified by an icon and/or a mouseover text. These links provide additional information.About the icons:•Links with the icon : Y ou are entering a Web site that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) to this:•The content of the linked-to site is not SAP documentation. Y ou may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information.•SAP does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor does SAP warrant the availability and correctness. SAP shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of such content unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct.•Links with the icon : Y ou are leaving the documentation for that particular SAP product or service and are entering an SAP-hosted Web site. By using such links, you agree that (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) you may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information.Videos Hosted on External PlatformsSome videos may point to third-party video hosting platforms. SAP cannot guarantee the future availability of videos stored on these platforms. Furthermore, any advertisements or other content hosted on these platforms (for example, suggested videos or by navigating to other videos hosted on the same site), are not within the control or responsibility of SAP.Beta and Other Experimental FeaturesExperimental features are not part of the officially delivered scope that SAP guarantees for future releases. This means that experimental features may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. Experimental features are not for productive use. Y ou may not demonstrate, test, examine, evaluate or otherwise use the experimental features in a live operating environment or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.The purpose of experimental features is to get feedback early on, allowing customers and partners to influence the future product accordingly. By providing your feedback (e.g. in the SAP Community), you accept that intellectual property rights of the contributions or derivative works shall remain the exclusive property of SAP.Example CodeAny software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the example code. SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the use of example code unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct.Bias-Free LanguageSAP supports a culture of diversity and inclusion. Whenever possible, we use unbiased language in our documentation to refer to people of all cultures, ethnicities, genders, and abilities.12CONFIDENTIAL Support Guide for SAP Entitlement Management Important Disclaimers and Legal InformationSupport Guide for SAP Entitlement ManagementImportant Disclaimers and Legal Information CONFIDENTIAL13/contactsap© 2023 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary.These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.Please see https:///about/legal/trademark.html for additional trademark information and notices.THE BEST RUN。
SAP notes
SAP notes作者:xiongping提交日期:2007-1-20 12:28:00 | 分类: | 访问量:1083SAP R/3 接口技术剖析2006-09-20作为目前ERP市场上最为领先的应用系统之一,一直以来,SAP R/3在提供API应用编程接口和接口工具方面也同样领先于其它ERP厂商。
ALE/IDocs是SAP 公司为SAP R/3 R4.6C版本所提供的接口机制,目前应用最为广泛。
在 R4.0以后的版本中,又添加了技术上先进的BAPI。
1、ALE/IDocs是什么?ALE 是Application Link and Enabling的缩写,是SAP专门为SAP与SAP之间所设计的整合中间件。
IDocs是中介文本 (Intermediate DOCument) 的缩写,是SAP提供的系统整合专用的数据/消息格式。
ALE在SAP 3.0版本开始就作为SAP整个应用体系的一部分,为分布式数据交换提供了可靠安全的通讯机制。
ALE的设计,原本作为两个SAP流程之间的一种消息传递服务(Messaging Service) ,使SAP与SAP的业务流程之间企业数据能够有效的交换,为两个独立的SAP之间提供了的系统整合服务。
通讯层是SAP整合机制的基础,它利用远程功能呼叫RFC(Remote Function Call) 调用SAP系统的功能模块。
数据/消息分配层,主要提供三个关键服务:• 按数据分配模型决定数据接收者。
• 消息的过滤和转换。
• 数据/消息的压缩,以提高传递效率。
SAP系统操作手册项目系统(PS)目录1. 年初投资预算号 (2)2. 预算录入激活 (4)3. 建立项目 (8)4. 项目结构调整 (10)5. 负责人调整 (17)6. 项目排程 (18)7. 财务创建在建工程号 (24)8. 状态调整 (26)9.采购 (31)9.1固定资产采购 (31)9.1.1建立PR申请 (33)9.1.2 PR审批 (35)9.1.3建立PO (37)9.1.4 PO审批 (41)9.1.5 对工程采购订单收货 (42)9.1.6预制发票 (43)9.2服务采购 (44)9.2.1建立相应WBS元素 (44)9.2.2建立PR (45)9.2.3 PR审批 (47)建立采购订单 (47)9.2.4 PO审批 (48)9.2.5创建服务条目单 (48)9.2.6服务条目单确认 (50)9.2.7预制发票 (51)10.网络作业的确认 (52)11. 结算 (54)11.1 费用入账 (54)11.2维护结算规则 (57)11.3 月末结转 (57)11.4查看项目实际成本行项目 (59)12. 项目状态 (60)12.1技术性完成 (60)12.2项目关闭 (62)13. 信息系统 (64)13.1结构概览 (64)13.2作业概览 (66)1.年初投资预算号T-code: KO01通过内部订单控制预算,首先需创建一订单号,输入Tcode:KO01进入如下界面:输入公司代码3100,然后选择“控制数据”,进入如下界面:在“统计订单”处打勾即可,然后保存退出,系统提示“订单号:A010002688被创建”注意:统计订单是不能参与订单结算的!如果要参与,则其订单必须是非统计型的!因此在创建时,必须仔细!2.预算录入激活T-code: KO22/KO30针对该订单录入年度预算(内部订单只适合按照年度输入的预算),输入Tcode:KO22,进入如下界面:输入订单号:A010002688,在2008年度期间输入预算数:100万,如下:保存退出,系统提示如下界面:当预算输入后,还需要去激活预算才能使用,输入Tcode:KO30,进入如下界面:输入订单类型:Z001,订单号:A010002688,点击“运行”,如下:自此该预算才能使用!3.建立项目T-code: CJ20N点击复制项目输入项目定义、描述、开始和完成时间、项目参数文件和标准项目定义点击确认,忽略信息。
Table of Content1, SAP中的用户类型2, SAP登录方式全收集3, SAP的一些与用户会话相关的GUI端事务码(转)4, 为IDES471激活中文5, 使用sapdba命令来管理数据库6, 如何修改SAP登录后的背景图片7, 如何修改SAP登录界面的文字事务码SE618, 如何在后台配置中找到某个具体配置的事务码9, 如何查找用户的角色、事务码、参数文件、用户组等权限信息10, 给SAP系统安装联机帮助(事务码SR13)相信很多朋友都下载安装过verycd 上发布的那个SAP IDES 4.71 了,但是估计会有人跟我一样,无法激活中文。
双击Chinese 行,打开中文语言的详细信息屏幕,这里我们可以看到第四行Degree of Translation 的值为0,这表明中文在SAP 的翻译级别里是完全不受支持的非标准语言;第六行Supplementation Language 的值为空,我们要修改的最关键点就是这里,要指定一个支持语言,这样可以确保SAP 系统在遇到没有翻译的文本时能够使用支持语言来显示。
点击该屏幕下方中间的修改按钮,这时,Supplementation Language 就变成可选择的下拉列表,并且修改按钮变成了保存按钮,我们选择English 做为支持语言,再按保存按钮,这样Chinese 的基本配置才算完整了。
然后,使用菜单“Language-Supplement Language”,打开支持语言激活屏幕,会出现语言不匹配的提示,忽略它,按Yes 按钮继续。
然后输入一个Description 描述,比如English for Chinese,然后点右面的Execute 按钮。