Li-2015-Robust Speed Control

feedback abaptive robust precision motion controlof linear motorsLI Xu,Bin Yao*school of Mechanical Engineering Purversity,12588Mechanical Engineering Build ing,West Lafayette,A Received2February 2000;revised12October in final form19January2001An output feedback abaptive robust controller is constructed for precision motion control of linear motor drive systems.The control lao theoretically achieves a guaranteed high tracking accuracy for high-accelerayion/high-speed movements,as verified through experiments also.AbstractThis paper studies high performance robust motion control of linear motors that have a negligible electrlcal dynamics.A discon-tinuous projection based abapeive robust controller(ARC)is constructde Since only ontput signalis available for measurement,an observer is first designed to provide cxponentially conergent estimates of the unmessurable states.This observer has an extended filter structure so that on-line parameter abaptaion can be utilized to rebuec the effect of the possible large nominal disturbances.Estimation errors that come from initial state estimates and uncompensated disturbances are effectivelt dealt with via certaen robustfeedback at each step of the ARCbacdstepping design.Ghe resulting controller achieves a guaranteed output trackinh transientperformance and a prescribed final tracking accuracy.In the presence of parametrec umcertainties only,asymptotic output tracking is also achieved.The scheme is implemented on a precision epoxy core linear motor.Experimental results are pressnted to illustrate the effectiveness and the achieable control performance of the proposed.(c)2001Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionModern mechanical systems,such as machine tools.semicond uctorepuipment,and automatic inspection machines,often require high-speed,high-accuracy linesr motions.These linear motions are usuallyrealized using rotary motors with mechanical transmission mechanisms such as reducton gears and lead screw.Such mechanical reansmissinos not only significantly reduce linear motion speed and dynamic response,but also introduce backlash,large frictional and indrial loads,and structural flexibility.Back lash and control aystem can achieve,As an alternatine,d irect drive linear motors.which elimiante the use of mechanical transmissions,positioning systems.Direct drive linear motor sysyems gain high-speed,hihg-accuracy potential by eliminating mechanical transmissons.However,they also lose the advantage of usingmechanical transmission-gear reduction reduces the effect of model uncertaintes such as parameter variations(e.g.uncertain payloads)and external disturbance (e.h.cutting forces in machining).Furthermore,certain types of linear motors(e.h.iron core linear motors)are subjected to significant force repple(Braembussche,Swevers,Van Brussel.&Vanherck,1996).These uncertain nonlinearties are directly transmittde to the load and have sinificant effects on the motion of the load.Thus,in order for a linear motor system to be able to function and to delive its high performance potential,a controllerwhich can achivev the required high accuracy in spite of various parametric uncetainties and uncertain nonlinear effects,has to be employed.Agreat deal of effort has been devotde to solving the diffculties in controllingt linear motor systems(Braembussche et al,1996;Alter&Tsao,1996,1994;Komada,Ishida,Ohnishi,&Horl,1991;Ehami&Tsuchiya ,1995;Otten,Vries,Amerongen,Randers,&Randers,&Gaal,1997;Yao&Xu1999).Alter and Tsao(1996)Presented a comperhensine design approach for the control of linear-motord riven machine tool aces.H∞optimal feedback control was used to provide high dynamic stifness to external disturbances(e.g,cutting forces in machining).Feedforwlrd was also introduced in Alter and Tsao(1994)to improve tracking performance.Practically,H∞design may be conservative for high-speed/high-accuracy tracking control and there is no systematic way to translate practicalabout plant uncertainty and modeling inaccuracy into quantitative terms that allow the application of H∞techniques.In Komada et al.(1991),a disturbance compensation method based ondisturbance observer(DOB)(Ohnishi,Shibata,&Murakami,1996)was proposed to made a linear motor system robust to model uncertainties,It was shown bwth theoretically and experimentally by Yao,Al-Majed,and Tomizuka(1997)that DOB design may not handle discontinuous disturbances such as Coulomb friction well and cannot deal with large extent of parametric uncertainties.To reduce the nonlinear effect of force ripple,in Braembussche et al.(1996),feedforward compensation terms,which were based on an off-line experimentally identified force riple model,were added to a positin terms,which were based on an off-line experimentally idntified force ripple model,were added to a position controller.Shnce not all magnets in a linesr motor and not all linear motors of the same type are identical,feedforward compensation based on the off-line edentified model may be too sensitive and costly to be useful.InOtten et al.(1997),a neural-netword-based learning feedforward controller was proposed to reduce positionalinaccuracy due to reproducible rippel forces or any other reproducible and slowly varying disturbances over different runs of the same desirde trajectory(or repetitive tasds).However,overall closed-loop stability was not huaranteed.In fact,it was observed in Otten al.(1997)that instability may occur at hihg-speed movements.Furthermore,the learning process may tade too long to be useful due to the use of a small adaptation rate for stability.In Yao and Xu(1999),under the assumption that the full state of the system is measured,the idea of abaptive robust control(ARC)(Yao&Tomizuda,1996,1997b)was generalixde to provide a theoretic frameword for the high performance motion control of and iron core linear motor.The controller tood into account the effect of model uncertainties coming from the inertia load,friction,force ripple and electrical parameters,etc.In particular,basde on the structuer of the motor mawdel,on-line parameter abaptation was utilizde to reduce the effect of parametric uncertainties while the uncompensated uncertain nonlinearities were handled effectively via certain robust control laws for high preformance.As a result,time,-consuming and costly rigorus offine identification of friction and ripplewas avoded without sacrificing tracding performance.In Xu and Yao(2000a,b),the proposed ARCalgorithm(Yao&Xu,1999)was applide on an epoxy core linear motor.To reduce the effect of measuerment noese,a desired compensationARCligorithm in which theregressor was calculatde by reference trajectory information was also presented and implemtnted.The ARCschemes in Xu and Yao(2000a,b)used velocity feedback.However,most linesr motors systems do not equip velocity sensors due to their special syructuer.In peratice,the velocity signal is useally obtained by the bacdkward difference of the positio n signal,which is very noisy and limits the overall rerformance.It is thus of practical significance to see if one can construct ARC controllers based on the postion measurement only,which is the tocus fo the paper.An output feedbacd ARC scheme is constructed for a linear motor subjected to both parametric uncertainties and bounded disturbances.Since only the ortput sihnal is available for measurement,a Kerisselmeier observer(Kerisselmeier,1997)is first designed to provide exponentially convergent estimates of the unmeasurable syates.This observerhas an extended filter structuer so that on-line parameter abaptation can be utilized to reduce the erffect of the possible large nominal disturbance,which is very important from the vieo point of application(Yao et al,1997).The destabilizing effect of the estimation errors is effectively dealt with using robust feedback at cach step of the design procedure.The resultintg controller chieres a guaranteed transient performance and a prescribed final tracking accuracy.In the pressene of parametric uncertainties only,asmptotic output is also achieved.Finally, the proposed scheme,as well as a PID controller,is implemented on an epoxy core linear parative experimental ersults are presented to justify the validity of the ARC algorithm.The paper is organized as follows.Problem formulation and dynamic models are presentad in Section2.The proposed ARCcontroller is shown in Section 3.Experimental tetup and comparative experimental results are persented in Section4.and conclusions are drawn in Section5.formulation and dynamic modelsThe linear motor considered here is a current-controlled three-phase epoxy core motor driving a linear positioning stage supported by recerculating bearings.To fulfill the high performance repuirements,the model is obtained to include most nonlinear effects like friction and force ripple.In the derivation fo the model,the current dynamics is neglected in comparison to the mechanical dynamics due to the much faster electric response.The mathematical model of the system can be descrebed by the following equations:Mq=u-F(·,q),F(q,q)=Ff+Fr-Fd(1)where q(t),represent the position,velocity and accleeration of the inertia loab,respectinelt,M is the normalized mass of the inertia load plus the coil assembly u is the input voltage to the motor,F is the mormalized lmped effect of uncertain nonlieartites such as friction Ff ripple force Fr and external disturbance Fd(e.g,cutting force in cachining).While there have been many friction models proposed(Armstrong-Helouvry,Dupont,&Canudas de Wit,1994),a simple and often adequqte approach is to regard the friction force as a ststic nonlinear function fo the velocity,i.e,Ff(q),which is ginen byFf(q)=Bq+Ffn(q)(2)where Be is the iquivalent viscous coeffictent of the system,Ffn is the monlinear firction term that can be modeled as(Armstrongt-Helouvry et al,1994)Ffn(q)=-[fc+(fs-fc)e-(q/qs)ζ]sgn(q)(3)where fs is the level of stiction,fc is the livel of Coulomb friction,and qs andζare empirical parameters used to describe the Stribeck effect.Thus,considering(2).one can rewrite(1)asMq=u-Bq-Ff(n)(q)+△(4)where△=Fd-Frrepresents the lumped disturbanec.Let qr(t)be the reference motion trajectory,which is assumbd to be known,bounded with bounded derivatives up to the second order.The tontrol objectinve is to synthesiz e a control input u such thatoutput q(t)tracks qr(t)as coselt as possible in spite of variuos model uncertainties 3.Adaptive robust control fo linear motor systems3.1Friction compensationA simple but effectime method for overcoming problemsd ue to friction is to introduce a cancellation term for the friction force.Since the nonlinearity Ffn depends on te velocity q which is not measurable,the friction compensation scheme directlt to achieve our objective In order to bypass the difficulty,in the following,the "estimated friction force"Ffn(qd)will be used to approximate Ffn(q)where qd is the desired trajectory to be tracked by q The approximation error Ffn=Ffn(qd)-Ffn(q)will be treated as disturbance.In other words,the control input u(t)becomes(5)where u*is the output of an abaptine robust controller yet to be designed.Substituting(5)into(4),one obtainsMq=u*(t)+Bq+d(6)where d=△+FfnIn general,the system is subject to parametric uncertainties due to the variations of M,B,and the mominal value of the lumped disturbance d,dn Define the unknown parameter setθ=[θ1,θ2,θ3]asθ1=1/M,θ2=B/M,θ3=dn/M.A state space realization of the plant(6),which is linearly parameteriz ed in terms ofθ,is thus given byX1=X2-θ2X1X2=θlu*+θ3+dY=X1(7)where x1is one state of the second order system that represents the position q,x2is the othe state that is not measurable,y is the output,and d=(d-dn)/M.For simplicity,in the following,the following notations are used:for the ith component of the vecror·,·min for the minimum value of·,and·max for the maximum valus of·.The operation≤for two vectors is performed in terms of the correspond ing eld ments of the vectors.The following practical assumption is made:extent of the parametric uncertainties and uncertain nonlinearitise is known,i.e.(8)3.2State estimationSince only the output y is available for measurement,a nonlinesr observer is first built to provide an exponentially converhent estimate of the unmeasurable state x2.The design model(7)can be rewritten asx=AOx+(k-e1θ2)y+e2θ3+e2θ1u*+e2dy=x1(9)where x[x1,x2]t,e1and e2denote the standard bassis vectors in R2and(10)Then,ty suitably coosing k,the observer matrix Ao will be stable.Thus,there exists a symmetric positive definite(s.p.d)matrix Psuch that(11)Following the design procedure of Kestic,Kanelladopoulos,and Kokotovec(1995),one can define the following filters:ζ2=AOζ2+KYζ1=AOζ1-ely(12)v=AOv-e2u*Ψ=AOΨ+e2Notice that the last equation of(12)is intsoduced so that parameter abaptation can be used to reduce the parametric uncertainties coming fromθ3.The state estimates can thus be represented byx=ζ2-θ2ζ1+θlv+θ3Ψ(13)Lesεx=x-x1be the estimation error.from(9),(12)and(13),it can be verified that the observer error dynamics is given by(14)The solution of Eq(14)can be written asεx=ε+εu,whereεis the z ero input respones satisfyingε=Aoεandthe z ero state response.Noting Assumption1and the fact that matrix Ao isstable,one has(16)whereδ(t)is known.In the following controller derign,εandεu will be treated as disturbances and accounted for using different robust control functions at each step of the design to achieve a guaranteed final tracking accuracy.Remark1.Theζand v variables in(12)can be obtained from the algebraic expressions(Krstic et al.1995)ζ2=-AOηζ1=-AOη(17)v=λwhereηandλare the states fo the following two-dimensional filiersη=AOη+e2yr=aor+e2u*(18)3.3Paramerer projectionLesθdenote the estimate ofθandθthe estimateon error(i,eθ2=θ1-θ).In view of(8),the following adaptation law with discontinuous projection modification can be usedθ=Projθ(rt)(19)where r>0is a diagoal matrixτis an adaptation function to be synthesized later.The projection maqq ing Projθ(·)=[Projθ(·1),...,Projθp(·p)T is defined in Yao and Tomizuda(1996)and Sastry and Bodson(1989)as0ifθ1i=θimax and·i>0Projθt(·i)=0ifθ1i=θimax and·i<0(20)·i otherwiseIt can be shown(Yao and Tomizuka,1996)that for any adaptation functionτ,the projection mapping defined in(20)guaranteesP1θ∈Ωθ={θ:θmin≤θ≤θmax}P2θ{r Projθ(rt)-T}≤0(21)。

2Three-Phase Non-Reversing and Reversing, Full Voltage StartersContentsDescription PageContactors—Non-Reversing and Reversing. . . . . .V5-T2-4Starters—Three-Phase Non-Reversing andReversing, Full VoltageProduct Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-11Kits and Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Renewal Parts Publication Numbers. . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Technical Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Wiring Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-14Starters—Single-Phase Non-Reversing,Full Voltage, Bi-Metallic Overload . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-15Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-21Renewal Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-30Technical Data and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-34Relays—Thermal Overload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-38C440/XT Electronic Overload Relay. . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-48Starters—Three-Phase Non-Reversing and Reversing, Full VoltageProduct DescriptionNon-ReversingThree-phase, full voltagemagnetic starters are mostcommonly used to switch ACmotor loads. Starters consistof a magnetically actuatedswitch (contactor) and anoverload relay assembledtogether.ReversingThree-phase, full voltagemagnetic starters are usedprimarily for reversing ofthree-phase squirrel cagemotors. They consist of twocontactors and a singleoverload relay assembledtogether. The contactors aremechanically and electricallyinterlocked to prevent lineshorts and energization ofboth contactorssimultaneously.Features, Benefits andFunctions●Bimetallic ambientcompensated overloadrelays—available in threebasic sizes coveringapplications up to 900 hp—reducing number ofdifferent contactor/overloadrelay combinations thathave to be stockedThese overload relaysfeature:●Selectable manualor automatic resetoperation●Interchangeable heaterpacks adjustable ±24%to match motor FLA andcalibrated for 1.0 and1.15 service factors.Heater packs for smalleroverload relay will mountin larger overload relay—useful in deratingapplications such asjogging●Load lugs built intorelay base●Single-phase protection,Class 20 or Class 10trip time●Overload trip indication●Electrically isolatedNO-NC contacts (pullRESET button to test)●The C440 is a self-powered, robustelectronic overloaddesigned for integrateduse with FreedomNEMA contactors●Tiered feature set toprovide coveragespecific to yourapplication●Broad 5: 1 FLA rangefor maximum flexibility●Coverage from0.05–1500A to meetall your needs●Long life twin break,silver cadmium oxidecontacts—provideexcellent conductivityand superior resistanceto welding and arc erosion.Generously sized for lowresistance and cooloperation●Designed to 3,000,000electrical operations atmaximum hp ratings upthrough 25 hp at 600V●Steel mounting platestandard on all opentype starters●Wired for separate orcommon controlNon-Reversing●Holding circuit contact(s)supplied as standard:●Sizes 00–3 have a NOauxiliary contact blockmounted on right-handside (on Size 00, contactoccupies 4th power poleposition—no increasein width)●Sizes 4–5 have aNO contact blockmounted on left side●Sizes 6–7 have a2NO/2NC contactblock on top left●Size 8 has a NO/NCcontact block on topleft back and a NO ontop right backReversing●Each contactor (Size 00–8)supplied with one NO-NCside mounted contactblock as standard. NCcontacts are wired aselectrical interlocks2Freedom SeriesProduct SelectionWhen Ordering Supply ●Catalog number ●Heater pack number (see selection table, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42) or full load currentT ype AN16/AN56 NEMA—Manual or Automatic Reset Overload Relay—Non-Reversing and Reversing 1Magnet Coils—AC or DC Starter coils listed in this section also have a 50 Hz rating as shown in the adjacent table. Selectrequired starter by catalog number and replace themagnet coil alpha designation in the catalog number (_) with the proper code suffix from the table.For Sizes 00–2 and 5–8, the magnet coil alpha designation will be the next to last digit of the listed catalog number.EXAMPLE: For a 380V, 50 Hz coil, change AN16BN0_C to AN16BN0L C. For all other sizes, the magnet coil alpha designation will be the last digit of the listed catalog number.For DC Magnet Coils , see Accessories, Pages V5-T2-28 and V5-T2-29.AC SuffixNotes1Starter catalog numbers do not include heater packs. Select one carton of three heater packs. Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.2Maximum horsepower rating of starters for 380V 50 Hz applications:3Underscore (_) indicates coil suffix required, see AC Suffix table.4The service-limit current ratings represent the maximum rms current, in amperes, which the controller shall be permitted to carry for protracted periods in normal service. At service-limit current ratings, temperature rises shall be permitted to exceed those obtained by testing the controller at its continuous current rating. The current rating of overload relays or trip current of other motor protective devices used shall not exceed the service-limit current rating of the controller.5Common control. For separate 120V control, insert letter D in 7th position of listed catalog number. Example: AN56VN D 0CB.6NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only.7NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only. Sizes 1–8 are 24/60 only.NEMA Size Continuous Ampere Rating Service-Limit Current Rating (Amperes) 4Maximum UL Horsepower 2Three-PoleNon-Reversing 3Three-Pole Reversing 3Vertical Reversing 3Single-Phase Three-Phase 115V 230V 208V 240V 480V 600V Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 009111/311-1/21-1/222AN16AN0_C AN56AN0_C —01821123355AN16BN0_CAN56BN0_C AN56BNV0_12732237-1/27-1/21010AN16DN0_B AN56DN0_B AN56DNV0_2455237-1/210152525AN16GN0_B AN56GN0_B AN56GNV0_390104——25305050AN16KN0_AN56KN0_AN56KNV0_4135156——4050100100AN16NN0_AN56NN0_AN56NNV0_5270311——75100200200AN16SN0_B AN56SN0_B —6540621——150200400400AN16TN0_C AN56TN0_C —7810932——200300600600AN16UN0_B AN56UN0_B —8 512151400——400450900900AN16VN0_BAN56VN0_B—Size 0Non-Reversing StarterSize 1Reversing StarterCoil Volts and Hertz Code Suffix Coil Volts and Hertz Code Suffix 120/60 or 110/50A 380–415/50L 240/60 or 220/50B 550/50N 480/60 or 440/50C 24/60, 24/50 7T 600/60 or 550/50D 24/50U 208/60E 32/50V 277/60H 48/60W 208–240/60 6J 48/50Y 240/50K48/50YNEMA Size 00012345678Horsepower1-1/25102550751503006009002Two-Speed Selective ControlWhen Ordering Supply●Catalog number plusmagnet coil code suffix.Example: Size 0—AN700BN022B●Heater pack number or fullload current for each speedFor two-speed other thanselective control:●Catalog number plusmagnet coil code suffix andoption required. Example:AN700BN022B exceptcompelling●Heater pack number or fullload current for each speedNote: Two-speed startersare designed for starting andcontrolling both separate(two-winding) and reconnectable(one-winding) motors. Separatewinding, WYE-WYE motorshave a separate winding foreach speed. Reconnectable,consequent pole motors use thesame winding for both speeds. Allstandard starters are wiredfor selective control.Separate Winding 1Reconnectable Winding 1Magnetic Coils—AC or DCNotes1 If branch circuit protective device is 45A or greater, C320FBR1 fuse kit(s) may be required for circuit protection per NEC 530-072.2 NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only. Sizes 1–5 are 24/60 only.Maximum Horsepower—60/50 HertzNEMASizeOpen TypeCatalog Number Constant or Variable Torque Constant Horsepower115V200V230V460V/575V115V200V230V460/575V1-1/233512230AN700BN022_37-1/27-1/2102557-1/21AN700DN022_—101525—7-1/210202AN700GN022_—253050—2025403AN700KN022_—4050100—3040754AN700NN022_—75100200—60751505AN700SN022_Prices of starters do not include heater packs. Select two packs (two overload relays, one for each speed). Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.Maximum Horsepower—60/50 HertzNEMASizeOpen TypeConstant or Variable Torque Constant HorsepowerConstant orVariable TorqueConstantHorsepower 115V200V230V460V/575V115V200V230V460/575V Catalog Number Catalog Number1-1/233512230AN700BN0218_AN700BN0219_37-1/27-1/2102557-1/21AN700DN0218_AN700DN0219_—101525—7-1/210202AN700GN0218_AN700GN0219_—253050—2025403AN700KN0218_AN700KN0219_—4050100—3040754AN700NN0218_AN700NN0219_Prices of starters do not include heater packs. Select two packs (two overload relays, one for each speed). Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix120/60 or 110/50A277/60H24/60, 24/50 2T240/60 or 220/50B208–240/60J24/50U480/60 or 440/50C240/50K32/50V600/60 or 550/50D380–415/50L48/60W208/60E550/50N48/50YTwo-WindingAN700DN022One-WindingAN700BN0218One-WindingAN700DN02182Freedom SeriesKits and Accessories●Auxiliary contacts, contactor mounted—Pages V5-T2-25 to V5-T2-27●Transient suppressor, for magnet coil—Page V5-T2-24●Timers—solid-state and pneumatic, mount on contactor—Page V5-T2-22Renewal PartsPublication Numbers●See Page V5-T2-30Technical Data and SpecificationsWire (75°C) Sizes—AWG or kcmil—NEMA Sizes 00–2—Open and EnclosedWire (75°C) Sizes—AWG or kcmil—NEMA Sizes 3–8—Open and EnclosedPlugging and Jogging Service Horsepower Ratings 3Notes1Minimum per NEC. Maximum wire size: Sizes 00 and 0 to 8 AWG and Sizes 1–2 to 2 AWG.2Two compartment box lug.3Maximum horsepower where operation is interrupted more than 5 times per minute, or more than 10 times in a 10 minute period. NEMA Standard ICS2-1993 table 2-4-3.NEMA SizeWire Size 1 Cu OnlyPower T erminals—Line 0012–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solid 08–16 AWG stranded, 10–14 AWG solid 18–14 AWG stranded or solid23–14 AWG (upper) and/or 6–14 AWG (lower) stranded or solid 2Power T erminals—Load—Cu Only (stranded or solid)00–014–6 AWG stranded or solid 1–214–2 AWG stranded or solidControl T erminals—Cu Only 12–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solidNEMA SizeWire Size 2Power T erminals—Line and Load 31/0–14 AWG Cu/Al4Open—3/0–8 AWG Cu; Enclosed—250 kcmil—6 AWG Cu/Al 5750 kcmil—2 AWG; or (2) 250 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 6(2) 750 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 7(3) 750 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 8(4) 750 kcmil—1/0 AWG Cu/AlControl T erminals—Cu Only 12–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solidNEMA Size 200V 230V 460V 575V 00—1/21/21/201-1/21-1/2221335527-1/21015153152030304253060605607515015061251503003002Wiring DiagramsThree-Phase and Single-Phase Applications。

专 业 推 荐↓精 品 文 档无刷直流电机调速系统鲁棒性设计魏海峰,李萍萍,包晓明,韩 彬(江苏大学电气信息工程学院,镇江 212013)摘 要:为提高无刷直流电机调速系统的鲁棒性,利用扰动观测器对外部负载转矩扰动进行估计并加以补偿,利用模糊自适应控制器实现P I D参数的在线自整定,以适应因系统内部参数变化引起的扰动。
关键词:无刷直流电机;鲁棒性;扰动观测器;模糊自适应控制;仿真;实验Robust ness D esi gn of Brushless DC M otor Speed Con trol Syste mW E I Hai2feng,L I Ping2p ing,BAO Xiao2m ing,HAN B in(School of Electrical and I nfor mati on Engineering,J iangsu University,Zhenjiang212013,China)Abstract:T o i m p r ove the r obustness of the brushless DC mot or contr ol syste m,a disturbance observer was p r oposed t o esti m ate and t o compensate the l oad disturbance.The para meters of P I D was modified aut omatically on line thr ough a fuzzy adap tive contr oller t o adap t the disturbance caused by the mot or pa2 ra meter uncertainty.Si m ulati on and experi m ental results verified that the p r oposed contr ol sche me showed r obust t o the l oad disturbance and mot or para meter uncertainty which i m p r oved the p recisi on of the s peed contr ol syste m.Key W ords:B rushless DC mot or;Robustness;D isturbance observer;Fuzzy adap tive contr ol;Si m u2 lati on;Ex peri m ent0 引 言由于转动惯量和相电阻的变化、电枢反应等因素,无刷直流电机是一种多变量强耦合的非线性系统,难以用精确的数学模型表达[122]。
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 三带游戏路由器说明书

ROG Rapture GT-AX11000ROG Rapture Wireless-AX11000 Tri-band gaming router–World‘s first 10 Gigabit Wi-Fi router with quad-core processor and 2.5GBase-T Ethernet gaming port•Next-Gen Wi-Fi Standard –802.11ax Wi-Fistandard for better efficiency, throughput andrange.•Ultrafast Wi-Fi Speed –11000Mbps Wi-Fispeed to handle even the busiest networkwith ease.•Triple-level Game Acceleration –Accelerategame traffic every step of the way -fromdevice to game server.•Battle-ready-hardware –1.8GHz quad-coreCPU and 2.5GBase -T port for ultimateperformance.•Front-line Network Security –Neutralizeinternet threats before they hit your network.Next-Gen Ultra Fast Wi-Fi Standard,802.11AX–Speeds up to over10Gbps•Ultrafast Wi-Fi SpeedFeaturing 160MHz bandwidth and 1024-QAM for dramaticallyfaster wireless connections. With a total networking speed of about11000Mbps —1148Mbps on the 2.4GHz band and 4804Mbps onthe 5GHz-1 and 5GHz-2 band.•Better RangeWider coverage over large distances* of up to 80%1 due to thesmaller sub channels.•OFDMAOne channel can transmit data of several devices* at the same time,thus improving efficiency and reducing latency.•TWTTarget Wait Time allows transmissions to be scheduled, allowingdevices* to sleep for longer periods, delivering up to 7x betterbattery life.*To benefit from 802.11ax features, the Wi-Fi client needs to be 802.11ax capable•GT-AX11000 ROG Rapture Gaming Router•8 external detachable antennas •RJ-45 cable •Power adapter •Warranty card •Quick start guideWhat's Inside the Box•Wireless Type: 802.11 ax/ac/n/g/a/b •Wireless Speed: Up to 11000 Mbps •Wireless Frequency: Tri-band (2.4 & Dual 5 GHz)•I/O Port: 1 x 2.5G LAN Port, 1x 1G WAN Port, 4 x 1G LAN ports •USB : 2 x USB 3.0Specifications© 2016 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. All rights reserved.Specifications, content and product availability are all subject to change without notice and may differ from country to country. Actual performance may vary depending on applications, usage, environment and other factors. Full specifications are available at ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 supports Triple-level Game Accelerator to boost game traffic every step of the way, all the way from your devices to game server sides. Level 1, GameFirst V optimizes ROG devices. Gaming packets on these devices is given top priority, so your gaming packets are always at the head of the internet queue! Level 2, by turning on the GameBoost, all gaming packets are prioritized. With a physical Boost Key button built-in, users could select 1 of the features at their preference and for their convenience: DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) Bands on, GameBoost, or Aura Sync and LED on/off. Level 3, Gamers Private Network (by wtfast ®ensures that you connect via the shortest route between your network and the game server, for lowest ping and latency.Triple-level Game AcceleratorASUS Router App is built from the ground-up to be both intuitive and robust, allowing you to setup your router, manage network traffic, diagnose connection issues and even update firmware, all without needing to boot up a PC.Control Your Network Anywhere.ASUS Router App GameFirst V ConnectivityGT-AX11000 with GameBoost wtfast ®Connectivity IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, IEEE 802.11ax,IPv4, IPv6AX11000ultimate AX Performance: 1148+4804+4804Mbps Very large homes 802.11a : 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 Mbps802.11b : 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps802.11g : 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 Mbps802.11n (1024 QAM) : up to 1000 Mbps802.11ac (1024 QAM) : up to 4333 Mbps802.11ax (2.4GHz) : up to 1148 Mbps802.11ax (5GHz) : up to 4804 MbpsExternal antenna x 8MIMO technology2.4 GHz 4x 45 GHz-1 4 x 45 GHz-2 4 x 4256 MB Flash1GB RAMWPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WPA-Enterprise ,WPA2-Enterprise , WPS supportFirewall :SPI intrusion detection, DoS protection Access control :Parental control, Network service filter, URL filter, Port filter UPnP, IGMP v1/v2/v3, DNS Proxy, DHCP, SNMP, NTP Client, DDNS, PortTrigger, Virtual Server, DMZ, System Event LogInternet connection type : Automatic IP, Static IP, PPPoE(MPPE supported),PPTP, L2TPBoost Key,WPS, Reset, Power, Wi-Fi on/off RJ45for 2.5GBase-T LAN x 1,RJ45 for 10/100/1000 BaseT for WAN x 1,RJ45 for 10/100/1000/Gigabits BaseT for LAN x 4USB 3.0 x 2© 2016 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. All rights reserved.Specifications, content and product availability are all subject to change without notice and may differ from country to country. Actual performance may vary depending on applications, usage, environment and other factors. Full specifications are available at Network StandardProduct SegmentCoverageData Rate AntennaTransmit/Receive Memory Encryption Firewall & AccessControl Management WAN Connection Type ButtonPortsConnectivityFeaturesLED Indicator Power Supply Dimensions WeightColorPackage Contents Operation mode ROG Gaming CenterLink AggregationSmart ConnectTraffic AnalyzerGame BoostAiProtection ProGamer Private Network®Game RadarWi-Fi RadarParental ControlGuest Network : 2.4 GHz x 3, 5 GHz-1 x 3, 5 GHz-2 x 3VPN server : IPSec Pass-Through, PPTP Pass-Through, L2TP Pass-Through,PPTP Server, OpenVPN ServerVPN client : PPTP client, L2TP client, OpenVPN clientMac OS BackupEnhanced media server (AiPlayer app compatible)-Image : Jpeg-Audio : mp3, wma, wav, pcm, mp4, lpcm, ogg-Video : asf, avi, divx, mpeg, mpg, ts, vob, wmv, mkv, movAiCloud personal cloud service3G/4G data sharingPrinter Server-Multifunctional printer support (Windows only)-LPR protocol supportDownload Master-Support bt, nzb, http, ed2k-Support encryption, DHT, PEX and magnet link-Upload and download bandwidth control-Download schedulingAiDisk file server-Samba and FTP server with account managementDual WANIPTV supportRoaming AssistPower x 1 / WAN x 1 / LAN x 4 / 2.5G Port x1/Wireless x 2 / USB x 1AC Input : 110V~240V(50~60Hz) / DC Output : 19 V with max. 3.42 A current 245 x 245 x 65 ~ mm (WxDxH)1880 gBlackGT-AX11000 ROG Rapture Gaming RouterRJ-45 CablePower AdapterQuick Start GuideWarranty CardWireless router mode, Access point mode, Media Bridge mode。
德鲁克 PACE 模块化压力控制器说明书

GEMeasurement & ControlPACE Modular Pressure ControllerA new generation of high precision Druck pressure controller, designed for test bench, bench top and rack mount calibration, and automated test applications.Modularity increases user fl exibility, reduces downtime and lowers overall cost of ownershipFeatures• Selection of Chassis and interchangeable control modules• Single, dual or auto range control module confi gurations• High speed pressure control• Up to 210 bar (3000 psi/21 MPa) gauge and absolute• P recision to 0.001% FS over calibrated temperature range• Accuracy 0.0016% Rdg (+0.0033% FS)• Long-term stability to 0.0025% FS per annum• Barometric reference option• U tilises GE’s new unique range of piezo-resistiveand TERPS pressure sensor technology• 28 selectable pressure units and 4 user defi ned units• S witch Test, Leak Test, Test Program, Burst Test, Analogueoutput and Volt Free Contact options• Aeronautical option• Negative gauge calibration included as standard• High resolution colour touch screen operation• Intuitive icon task driven menu structure• Compatible with software packages• RS232, IEEE connectivity, Ethernet and USB as standardPACE5000 Chassis • Single channel pressure controller chassis • Easy to use colour touch screen display • C an be used with any interchangeable PACE CM control module as a bench top or rack mounted pressure controller • I ntuitive task driven menu with basic, preset & divide as standard • S witch test, leak test, burst test, test program,analogue output and voltage free contacts available as optional tasks • M ulti Language - any additional language to suit speci fi c requirements can easily be translated & downloaded • RS232, IEEE connectivity, Ethernet and USB as standard• I nterchangeable robust control module that is easily installed into a PACE chassis • C alibration data stored in the control module (only the CM needs to be sent away for re-calibration)• High speed pressure control • Wide choice of pressure ranges• C hoice of standard, high, premium precision or reference accuracy pressure measurement • B arometric reference available to enable pseudo gauge/absolute indication & control • Aeronautical versionPACE6000 ChassisAdditional features:• Dual channel pressure controller chassis • W ith two PACE CM control modules fi tted the PACE6000 can be used in single, auto-ranging or simultaneous dual pressure control mode*• A eronautical option enabling full control in aeronautical units • No module pressure range ratio limit* for auto-ranging, both control modules have to be a range below 70 bar/1000 psi or both control modules have to be a range above 70 bar/1000 psiPACE Modular Pressure ControllerThe new PACE pneumatic modular pressure controller brings together the latest control and measurement technology from GE to offer an elegant, fast, fl exible and economical solution to pressure control for automated production, test and calibration.PACE employs full digital control to provide high control stability and high slew rate, while its digitally characterized pressure sensor offers the quality, stability, higher bandwidth and precision associated with this latest generation of piezo-resistive and TERPS devices.PACE CM – High Speed Pressure Control ModuleSwitch TestSwitch Test automates the testing of pressure switch devices. Following the test, the pressure at which contacts open and close and the switch hysteresis is displayed. Switch Test Task can also be set to repeat several times to exercise a switch or capture switch toggle max, min and average values.Leak TestLeak Test applies a test pressure(s) to an external system connected to the instrument to determine the magnitude of pressure variations due to leaks. This application sets the test pressure and a dwell time to eliminate potential adiabatic effects at the test pressure and the leak test time period. On completion, the display shows the Start Pressure, End Pressure, Pressure Change and Leak Rate.Test ProgramThe Test Program option provides a facility for creating, storing and executing numerous test procedures within the instrument itself. This is particularly useful for longer, more repetitive and laborious procedures requiring manual inputs for rapid prototyping, manufacturing and life cycle testing. Test Programs can also be transferred to a PC using a mass storage device for further editing, and copied back from the mass storage device to the instrument.Burst TestBurst Test is an application for the PACE Series designed primarily for the testing of pressure rupture discs.The burst test option applies a controlled increase of pressure and accurately measures the exact point at which the device rupture or burst occurs.Volt Free Contacts (VFC)Volt Free Contacts enable control of peripheral devices such as vacuum pumps, ovens, etc. Each VFC option has three independent volt-free NO/NC relay contacts.A number of conditions can be set within a PACE instrument to trigger a relay toggling its contacts. Analogue OutputThe analogue output can be programmed via the setup menu screen to output a signal proportional to the instrument range selected. This allows the instrument to interface with PC or PLC I/O cards, remote displays, chart recorders or other data logging equipment. Users can select outputs of 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, -5 to5 V and 0/4 to 20 mA. Precision with respect to host instrument measured pressure 0.05% FS over the host instrument operating temperature range, variable update rate to 80 readings per second. The option is programmable between minimum and FS pressure forproportional output against pressure. Aeronautical Option (PACE6000 only, to beused with PACE CM2-A control modules) Simultaneous control of calibrated airspeed and altitude (when used with two PACE CM2-A control modules) with a “go to ground” function.Indication and control available in pure aeronautical units:Altitude - feet or metersAir Speed - knots or km/hour, mphMach - mach numberRate of climb – feet or meters/minute, secondPACE5000/6000 OptionsSpecifications1. PACE ChassisPACE5000 Single Channel Chassis - I5000 Chassis PACE6000 Dual Channel Chassis - I6000 Chassis2. PACE Chassis - OptionsThe range of optional features includes:• S witch Test – Automatic & accurate calibration of pressure switches• L eak Test – Automatically measures leak rates in the desired units/minute or units/second• Test Program – Write & save numerous testprograms• Burst Test – For testing the pressure rupture point • A nalogue Output – for integration into older ATE applications• V olt Free Contacts – For automatically triggering ancillary devices• A eronautical (PACE6000 only) - Allows for the test and calibration of aeronautical instruments3. PACE Chassis - Mains LeadChoose one from this list:MAINS LEAD IEC-UK PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-JAPAN PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-EU PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-USA PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-SOUTH AFRICA/INDIA PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-CHINA PLUGMAINS LEAD IEC-Australia/New Zealand PLUGArea of UsePlease state area of use for instrument set up:EuropeNorth AmericaJapanAsiaRest of World4. PACE Control Module - Precision PACE CM0 = StandardPACE CM1 = HighPACE CM2 = PremiumPACE CM3 = Reference5. PACE Control Module - Pressure Range6. PACE Control Module - Barometric OptionProvides absolute pressure option in addition to gauge pressure. In absolute mode adds barometric pressureto gauge pressure range. Pressure control in absolute range is not available for any CM0-B/CM1-B/CM2-B with a gauge range of 700 mbar (10 psi, 70 kPa) or below.• PACE CM0-B = Standard• PACE CM1-B = High• PACE CM2–B = PremiumProvides gauge pressure option in addition to absolute pressure. In gauge mode, subtracts barametric pressure from absolute pressure range.Not available for pressure ranges less than 2 bar(30 psi, 200 kPa) absolute.• PACE CM3-B = Reference7. PACE Control Module – PACE6000 Aeronautical OptionPACE CM2-A = -3000 to + 55,000 ft (Altitude)PACE CM2-A = to 650 knots (Airspeed with true mach)Ordering Information Please state the following (where applicable)8. Physical Accessories920-561E © 2016 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice. GE is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affi liated with GE.。
Robust Control and Estimation

Robust Control and Estimation Robust control and estimation are essential concepts in the field of engineering, particularly in the design and implementation of control systems for various applications. These concepts play a crucial role in ensuring the stability, performance, and reliability of control systems in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. In this response, I will delve into the significance of robust control and estimation, their applications, challenges, and future prospects.First and foremost, robust control and estimation techniques are designed to address the inherent uncertainties and variations that exist in real-world systems. These uncertainties can arise from various sources such as parameter variations, external disturbances, sensor noise, and modeling errors. Robust controltechniques aim to ensure that the system remains stable and performssatisfactorily despite these uncertainties. This is achieved by designing control laws that are able to accommodate a wide range of system variations, thusproviding a robust performance across different operating conditions. In addition to robust control, robust estimation techniques are also crucial in the design of control systems. Estimation techniques such as Kalman filtering and robust observers play a key role in providing accurate and reliable estimates of the system states and parameters, which are essential for feedback control. These techniques are particularly important in applications such as aerospace, automotive, and robotics, where precise state estimation is critical for theoverall system performance. Moreover, the applications of robust control and estimation are diverse and widespread. In the aerospace industry, for example, robust control techniques are used to design flight control systems that canhandle uncertainties in aircraft dynamics and environmental disturbances. Similarly, in the field of robotics, robust estimation techniques are employed to accurately estimate the position and orientation of robotic manipulators, enabling precise and reliable control of their movements. Furthermore, in industrial automation, robust control techniques are utilized to ensure the stability and performance of various processes, such as chemical reactors and power plants, in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. Despite their significance,robust control and estimation techniques also present several challenges. One ofthe major challenges is the trade-off between performance and robustness. Designing control laws that are robust to uncertainties often involves sacrificing some level of performance, such as speed of response or control effort. Finding the right balance between performance and robustness is a complex and non-trivial task, requiring careful consideration of the specific requirements and constraints of the application. Another challenge is the computational complexity associated with robust control and estimation techniques. Many of these techniques involve solving optimization problems or performing real-time state estimation, which can be computationally intensive, especially for high-dimensional systems. This necessitates the development of efficient algorithms and hardware implementations to enable real-time deployment of robust control and estimation techniques in practical applications. Looking ahead, the future prospects of robust control and estimation are promising, driven by advancements in technology and research. The emergence of machine learning and data-driven approaches has the potential to enhance the robustness and performance of control systems by leveraging large volumes of data to adaptively learn and account for uncertainties. Additionally, the integration of advanced sensing and actuation technologies, such asdistributed sensors and actuators, can further improve the robustness andreliability of control systems by providing more comprehensive information about the system and its environment. In conclusion, robust control and estimation are indispensable concepts in the field of engineering, with wide-ranging applications and significant challenges. The continued research and development in this area hold the promise of enabling more robust, reliable, and high-performance control systems across various domains. By addressing the uncertainties and disturbances inherent in real-world systems, robust control and estimation techniques play a critical role in advancing the state-of-the-art in engineering and technology.。

基于终端滑模控制器的高精度伺服系统设计Design of high precision servo system based on terminal sliding mode controller王朝阳,潘松峰WANG Zhao-yang, PAN Song-feng(青岛大学 自动化学院,青岛 266000)摘 要:随着工业机器人与精密机床的发展,传统的三环控制策略无法满足伺服系统对动态响应速度、位置跟踪精度及超调量越来越高的要求。
关键词:永磁同步电机;位置伺服系统;终端滑模控制;前馈控制中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0134(2021)01-0113-05收稿日期:2019-10-20作者简介:王朝阳(1996 -),男,山东德州人,硕士研究生,研究方向为电机控制。
0 引言在工业机器人以及精密机床中的伺服系统要求较高的位置跟踪精度,同时位置伺服系统经常会出现阶跃的位置信号或者发生较大的位置误差,出现这种瞬时脉冲信号时无法避免出现较大的超调量,而位置环存在超调量的一部分原因是速度环抑制速度波动以及抗负载变化的能力弱。
文献[1~3]将滑模控制应用于伺服系统位置和速度环,通过对伺服系统滑模面及控制律的合理设计,较好地实现了位置精确定位;文献[4]将终端滑模控制方法应用于PMSM 的调速系统中,但用于位置伺服系统中时,系统位置跟踪精度较差需要改进位置环,同时添加位置前馈控制时,接收前馈补偿信号的速度环在采用滑模控制时也需要进行改进;文献[5]针对伺服系统的高精度位置控制问题,提出了基于自适应模糊补偿器的终端滑模控制方法;文献[6]将终端滑模控制应用到伺服系统的电流环、速度环和位置环中,系统具有较高的跟踪精度和较小的超调量;文献[7,8]将前馈控制应用于PMSM 位置伺服系统,将位置前馈补偿信号作用在速度环,在速度环使用PI 控制,系统跟踪误差小,但抑制速度波动以及抗负载变化的能力弱,超调量较大。
Robust Control

Robust ControlRobust control is a crucial aspect of engineering and technology that focuses on designing systems that can perform effectively in the presence of uncertainties and variations. It is essential for ensuring stability and performance in a wide range of applications, from aerospace and automotive systems to industrial processes and robotics. Robust control techniques aim to account for uncertainties in the system model, disturbances, and variations in operating conditions, to ensure that the system can still meet its performance requirements. One of thekey challenges in robust control is dealing with uncertainties in the system model. In many real-world applications, it is difficult to obtain an accurate model ofthe system dynamics, and there may be uncertainties in parameters or disturbances that affect the system's behavior. Robust control techniques address thischallenge by designing controllers that can guarantee stability and performance even in the presence of these uncertainties. This is typically done by formulating the control problem as an optimization problem, where the goal is to find a controller that minimizes the impact of uncertainties on the system's performance. Another important aspect of robust control is ensuring stability of the system. Stability is a fundamental requirement for any control system, as an unstable system can lead to catastrophic failures and safety hazards. Robust control techniques often involve analyzing the system's stability properties and designing controllers that can ensure stability under a wide range of operating conditions. This may involve using robust stability analysis tools, such as the small gain theorem or the circle criterion, to assess the system's stability margins and ensure that the controller can stabilize the system in the presence of uncertainties. In addition to stability, robust control also aims to achieve good performance in terms of tracking accuracy, disturbance rejection, and robustnessto variations in operating conditions. Performance requirements can vary depending on the specific application, but common objectives include minimizing tracking errors, reducing the impact of disturbances, and ensuring that the system can maintain its performance even in the presence of variations in parameters or operating conditions. Robust control techniques often involve designingcontrollers that can achieve these performance objectives while also ensuringstability and robustness. Robust control techniques have been widely used in a variety of applications, ranging from aerospace and automotive systems toindustrial processes and robotics. In aerospace applications, for example, robust control is essential for ensuring the stability and performance of aircraft and spacecraft in the presence of uncertainties in aerodynamic forces, engine dynamics, and environmental conditions. In automotive systems, robust control is used to design controllers for vehicle stability control, adaptive cruise control, andanti-lock braking systems, to ensure safe and reliable operation under varyingroad conditions. Overall, robust control plays a critical role in ensuring the stability, performance, and safety of complex engineering systems. By accountingfor uncertainties and variations in system dynamics, robust control techniques enable engineers to design controllers that can effectively regulate the system's behavior and meet its performance requirements. As technology continues to advance and systems become more complex, robust control will remain a key area of research and development, helping to drive innovation and progress in a wide range of industries.。

累积误差 accumulated error交-直-交变频器 AC-DC-AC frequency converter驱动器,执行机构 actuator放大环节 amplifying element模数转换 analog-digital conversion信号器 annunciator自动-手动操作器 automatic manual station计算机辅助工程 CAE (computer aided engineering)计算机辅助制造 CAM (computer aided manufacturing)电容式位移传感器 capacitive displacement transducer 集中性 centrality相容性,兼容性 compatibility补偿网络 compensating network补偿,矫正 compensation组合控制 composite control组态 configuration一致性 consistency约束条件 constraint condition连续工作制 continuous duty控制精度 control accuracy控制柜 control cabinet控制屏,控制盘 control panel控制[式}自整角机 control synchro控制系统综合 control system synthesis控制时程 control time horizon可控指数 controllability index可控规范型 controllable canonical form控制仪表 controlling instrument临界阻尼 critical damping临界稳定性 critical stability控制论 cybernetics微分控制器 D controller阻尼振荡 damped oscillation阻尼器 damper阻尼比 damping ratio数据采集 data acquisition数据加密 data encryption数据预处理 data preprocessing数据处理器 data processor直流发电机-电动机组传动 DC generator-motor set drive 分散性 decentrality分散随机控制 decentralized stochastic control决策空间 decision space微分反馈 derivative feedback偏差 deviation差压液位计 differential pressure level meter差压变送器 differential pressure transmitter差动变压器式位移传感器 differential transformer displacement transducer 微分环节 differentiation element数字滤波器 digital filer数字信号处理 digital signal processing数字化 digitization数字化仪 digitizer离散事件动态系统 discrete event dynamic system离散系统仿真语言 discrete system simulation language位移振幅传感器 displacement vibration amplitude transducer扰动 distrubance扰动补偿 disturbance compensation多样性 diversity可分性 divisibility负载比 duty ratio电涡流厚度计 eddy current thickness meter有效性 effectiveness电动执行机构 electric actuator电导液位计 electric conductance levelmeter电动传动控制设备 electric drive control gear电-液转换器 electric hydraulic converter电-气转换器 electric pneumatic converter电液伺服阀 electrohydraulic servo vale电磁流量传感器 electromagnetic flow transducer电子配料秤 electronic batching scale电子皮带秤 electronic belt conveyor scale电子料斗秤 electronic hopper scale误差 error估计量 estimate估计理论 estimation theory外扰 external disturbance故障诊断 failure diagnosis反馈补偿 feedback compensation工厂信息协议 FIP (factory information protocol)流量传感器 flow sensor/transducer流量变送器 flow transmitter变频器 frequency converter闸阀 gate valve积分控制器 I controller智能决策支持系统 IDSS (intelligent decision support system)图像识别 image recognition工业自动化 industrial automation信息采集 information acquisition红外线气体分析器 infrared gas analyzer互联 interconnection称重传感器 load cell手动操作器 manual station主站 master station冶金自动化 metallurgical automation多回路控制 multiloop control负反馈 negative feedback非线性环节 nonlinear element比例控制器 P control光电式转速传感器 photoelectric tachometric transducer压电式力传感器 piezoelectric force transducer可编程序逻辑控制器 PLC (programmable logic controller)反接制动 plug braking气动执行机构 pneumatic actuator点位控制 point-to-point control电位器式位移传感器 posentiometric displacement transducer 正反馈 positive feedback电力系统自动化 power system automation电接点压力表 pressure gauge with electric contact压力变送器 pressure transmitter程序设定操作器 program set station比例控制 proportional control比例微分控制器 proportional plus derivative controller脉冲持续时间 pulse duration脉冲调频控制系统 pulse frequency modulation control system 脉冲调宽控制系统 pulse width modulation control system脉宽调制逆变器 PWM准线性特性 quasilinear characteristics射频敏感器 radio frequency sensor斜坡函数 ramp function随机扰动 random disturbance随机过程 random process可实现性,能实现性 realizability整流器 rectifier冗余信息 redundant information回馈制动,再生制动 regenerative braking调节 regulation继电器特性 relay characteristic热电阻 resistance thermometer sensor转速传感器 revolution speed transducer鲁棒控制 robust control鲁棒性 robustness浮子流量计,转子流量计 rotameter角行程阀 rotary motion valve旋转变压器 rotating transformer采样控制系统 sampled-data control system采样控制系统 sampling control system自校正控制 self-tuning control敏感元件 sensing element灵敏度分析 sensitivity analysis伺服控制,随动控制 servo control伺服马达 servomotor信号检测和估计 signal detection and estimation相似性 similarity电磁阀 solenoid valve步进控制 step-by-step control转速表 tachometer温度传感器 temperature transducer热电偶 thermocouple温度计 thermometer分时控制 time-sharing control拓扑结构 topological structure变送器 transmitter不间断工作制,长期工作制 uninterrupted duty速度传感器 velocity transducer电压源型逆变器 voltage source inverter计算机辅助设计工作站 work station for computer aided design z-transform z变换企业文化纲领共同使命:赤心熔炼铅锌锗公司愿景:国际一流国内领先企业精神:驰骋天下宏图高远核心价值:心系驰宏绩效制胜经营之道市场理念:市场为先,理性繁荣资源理念:科学统筹,精益运作环保理念:善待自然,和谐发展安全理念:安全第一,预防为主管理方略学习意识:立身之本,发展之源沟通意识:分工合作,换位思考精细意识:持续改进,精耕细作健康意识:身心健康,事业长青职业观念人才观:人才成就企业企业造就人才领导观:服务组织,培育下属员工观:敬业爱岗,成就上级岗位观:人岗匹配,有为有位执行观:高效专注,拒绝借口。


自适应控制Adaptive control1.关于控制2.关于自适应控制3.模型参考自适应控制4.自校正控制5.自适应替代方案6.预测控制参考文献主要章节内容说明:第一部分:第一章自适应律的设计§1.参数最优化方法§2.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论的方法§3.超稳定性理论在自适应控制中的应用第二章误差模型§1.Narendra误差模型§2.增广矩阵§3.线性误差模型第三章MRAC的设计和实现第四章小结第二部分:第一章模型辨识及控制器设计§1.系统模型:CARMA模型§2.参数估计:LS法§3.控制器的设计方法:利用传递函数模型§4.自校正第二章最小方差自校正控制§1.最小方差自校正调节器§2.广义最小方差自校正控制第三章极点配置自校正控制§1.间接自校正§2.直接自校正1.About control engineering education1)control curriculum basic concept(1)dynamic system●The processes and plants that are controlled have responses that evolvein time with memory of past responses●The most common mathematical tool used to describe dynamic system isthe ordinary differential equation (ODE).●First approximate the equation as linear and time-invariant. Thenextensions can be made from this foundation that are nonlinear 、time-varying、sampled-data、distributed parameter and so on.●Method of building model (or equation )a)Idea of writing equations of motion based on the physics andchemistry of the situation.b)That of system identification based on experimental data.●Part of understanding the dynamical system requires understanding theperformance limitations and expectation of the system.2.stabilityWith stability, the system can at least be used●Classical control design method, are based on a stability test.Root locus 根轨迹Bode‟s frequency response 波特图Nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特判据●Optimal control, especially linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control (线性二次型高斯问题) was always haunted by the fact that method did notinclude a guarantee of margin of stability.The theory and techniques of robust (鲁棒)design have been developedas alternative to LQG●In the realm of nonlinear control, including adaptive control, it iscommon practice to base the design on Lyapunov function in order to beable to guarantee stability of final result.3.feedbackMany open-loop devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLC) are in use, their design and use are not part of control engineering.●The introduction of feedback brings costs as well as benefits. Among thecosts are need for both actuators and sensors, especially sensors.●Actuator defines the control authority and set the limits of speed indynamic response.●Sensor via their inevitable noise, limit the ultimate(最终) accuracy ofcontrol within these limits, feedback affords the benefit of improveddynamic response and stability margins, improved disturbancerejection(拒绝) ,and improved robustness to parameter variability.●The trade off between costs and benefits of feedback is at the center ofcontrol design.4.Dynamic compensation●In beginning there was PID compensation, today remaining a widely usedelement of control, especially in the process control.●Other compensation approaches : lead-and-log networks (超前-滞后)observer-based compensators include : pole placement, LQG designs.●Of increasing interest are designs capable of including trade-off amongstability, dynamic response and parameter robustness.Include: Q parameterization, adaptive schemes.Such as self-tuning regulators, neural-network-based-controllers.二、historical perspectives (透视)●Most of early control manifestations appear as simple on-off (bang-bang)controllers with empirical (实验;经验性的) setting much dependent uponexperience.●The following advances such as Routhis and Hurwitz stability analysis(1877).Lyapunov‟s state model and nonlinear stability criteria(判据) (1890) .Sperry‟s early work on gyroscope and autopilots (1910), and Sikorsky‟swork on ship steering (1923)Take differential equation, Heaviside operators and Laplace transform astheir tools.●电机工程(electrical engineering)The largely changed in the late 1920s and 1930s with Black‟s developmentof the feedback electronic amplifier, Bush‟s differential analyzer, Nyquist‟sstability criterion and Bode‟s frequency response methods.The electrical engineering problems faced usually had vary complex albeitmostly linear model and had arbitrary (独立的;随机的) and wide-ringingdynamics.●过程控制(process control in chemical engineering)Most of the progress controlled were complex and highly nonlinear, butusually had relatively docile (易于处理的) dynamics.One major outcome of this type of work was Ziegler-Nichols‟PIDthres-term controller. This control approach is still in use today, worldwidewith relatively minor modifications and upgrades (including sampled dataPID controllers with feed forward control, anti-integrator-windupcontrollers :抗积分饱和,and fuzzy logic implementations).●机械工程(mechanical engineering)The application of controls in mechanical engineering dealt mostly in thebeginning with mechanism controls, such as servomechanisms, governorsand robots.Some typical control application areas now include manufacturing processcontrols, vehicle dynamic and safety control, biomedical devices and geneticprocess research.Some early methodological outcomes were the olden burger-Kahenbugerdescribing function method of equivalent linearization, and minimum-time,bang-bang control.●航空工程(aeronautical engineering )The problems were generally a hybrid (混合) of well-modeled mechanicsplus marginally understood fluid dynamics. The models were often weaklynonlinear, and the dynamics were sometimes unstable.Major contributions to framework of controls as discipline were Evan‟s rootlocus (1948) and gain-scheduling.●Additional major contributions to growth of the discipline of control over thelast 30-40 years have tended to be independent of traditional disciplines.Examples include:Pontryagin‟s maximum principle (1956) 庞特里金Bellman‟s dynamic programming (1957)贝尔曼Kalman‟s optimal estimation (1960)And the recent advances in robust control.三、Abstract thoughts on curriculum●The possibilities for topic to teach are sufficiently great. If one tries topresent proofs of all theoretical results. One is in danger of giving thestudents many mathematical details with little physical intuition orappreciation for the purposes for which the system is designed.●Control is based on two distinct streams of thought. One stream is physicaland discipline-based. Because one must always be controlling some thing.The other stream is mathematics-based, because the basis concepts ofstability and feedback are fundamentally abstract concepts best expressedmathematically. This duality(两重性) has raised, over the years, regularcomplaints about the …gap‟ between theory and practice.●The control curriculum typically begins with one or two courses designed topresent an overview of control based on linear, constant, ODE models,s-plane and Nyquist‟s stability ideas, SISO feedback and PID, lead-lay andpole-placement compensation.These introductory courses can then be followed by courses in linear systemtheory, digital of control, optimal control, advanced theory of feedback, andsystem identification.四、Main control courses●Introduction to controlLumped system theoryNonlinear controlOptimal controlAdaptive controlRobot controlDigital controlModeling and simulationAdvanced theoryStochastic processesLarge scale multivariable systemManufacturing systemFuzzy logic Neural Networks外文期刊:《Automatic》IFAC 国际自动控制联合会Computer and control abstractsIEEE translations on Automatic controlAutomation●Specialized \ experimental courses✓Intelligent controlApplication of Artificial IntelligenceSimulation and optimization of lager scale systems robust control ✓System identification✓Microcomputer-based control systemDiscrete-event systemsParallel and Distributed computationNumerical optimization methodsNumerical system theory●Top key works from 1963-1995 in IIACAdaptive control 305Optimal control 277Identification 255Parameter estimation 244Stability 217Linear system 184Non-linear systems 168Robust control 158Discrete-time systems 143Multivariable systems 140Robustness 140Multivariable systems control systems 110Optimization 110Computer control 104Large-scale systems 103Kalman filter 102Modeling 107为什么自适应 《Astrom 》chapter 1✓ 反馈可以消除扰动。

Mark W. Spong and Masayuki FujitaIntroductionThe interplay between robotics and control theory has a rich history extending back over half a century. We begin this section of the report by briefly reviewing the history of this interplay, focusing on fundamentals—how control theory has enabled solutions to fundamental problems in robotics and how problems in robotics have motivated the development of new control theory. We focus primarily on the early years, as the importance of new results often takes considerable time to be fully appreciated and to have an impact on practical applications. Progress in robotics has been especially rapid in the last decade or two, and the future continues to look bright.Robotics was dominated early on by the machine tool industry. As such, the early philosophy in the design of robots was to design mechanisms to be as stiff as possible with each axis (joint) controlled independently as a single-input/single-output (SISO) linear system. Point-to-point control enabled simple tasks such as materials transfer and spot welding. Continuous-path tracking enabled more complex tasks such as arc welding and spray painting. Sensing of the external environment was limited or nonexistent.Consideration of more advanced tasks such as assembly required regulation of contact forces and moments. Higher speed operation and higher payload-to-weight ratios required an increased understanding of the complex, interconnected nonlinear dynamics of robots. This requirement motivated the development of new theoretical results in nonlinear, robust, and adaptive control, which in turn enabled more sophisticated applications.Today, robot control systems are highly advanced with integrated force and vision systems. Mobile robots, underwater and flying robots, robot networks, surgical robots, and others are playing increasing roles in society. Robots are also ubiquitous as educational tools in K-12 and college freshman experience courses.The Early YearsThe first industrial robot in the United States was the Unimate, which was installed in a General Motors plant in 1961 and used to move die castings from an assembly line and to weld these parts on auto bodies (Fig. 1). Full-scale production began in 1966. Another company with early robot products was Cincinnati Milacron, with companies in Japan and Europe also entering the market in the 1970s. Prior to the 1980s, robotics continued to be focused on manipulator arms and simple factory automation tasks: materials handling, welding, and painting.From a control technology standpoint, the primary barriers to progress were the high cost of computation, a lack of good sensors, and a lack of fundamental understanding of robot dynamics. Given these barriers, it is not surprising that two factors were the primary drivers in the advancement of robot control in these early days. First, with the realization of the close connection between robot performance and automatic control, a community developed that focused on increasing fundamental understanding of dynamics, architecture, and system-level design. In retrospect, we can see that thiswork had some significant limitations:control schemes were mostly based onapproximate linear models and did notexploit knowledge of the naturaldynamics of the robot, vision and forcecontrol were not well integrated intothe overall motion control architecture,and mechanical design and controlsystem design were separate.The second factor was exogenous toboth the controls and roboticscommunities, namely, Moore’s Law.The increasing speed and decreasingcost of computation have been keyenablers for the development andimplementation of advanced, sensor-based control. for robots, and creative new ideas —Control of ManipulatorsBeginning in the mid-1980s, robot manipulatorsbecame a “standard” control application, and the synergies were widely recognized and exploited in research. The earlier research on computed torque and inverse dynamics control [1], for example,helped motivate the differential geometric method of feedback linearization that has been applied to numerous practical problems within and outside of robotics [2]. For fully actuated rigid manipulators, the feedback linearization method was put on a firmtheoretical foundation and shown to be equivalent to the inverse dynamics method [3]. The firstnontrivial application of the feedback linearizationimmediately raised. Standard Hnature of the uncertainty. A solution for the special case of second-order systems, using the small-gain theorem, was worked out in [5], and the general case was presented in [6], which subsequently led to a new area of control now known as L1-optimal control—a prime example of a robotics control contribution leading to new control theory. Several other methods of robust control, such as sliding modes and Lyapunov methods, have also been applied to the robust control problem for robot manipulators.The mid-1980s were also a time of development in adaptive control, and again the connection with robotics was pursued. The fundamental breakthrough in the adaptive control of rigid manipulators was made by Slotine and Li [7]. The key to the solution of the adaptive control problem was the recognition of two important properties of Lagrangian dynamical systems: linearity in the inertia parameters and the skew-symmetry property of the robot inertia matrix [8].Subsequently, the skew symmetry property was recognized as being related to the fundamental property of passivity. The term passivity-based control was introduced in the context of adaptive control of manipulators [9]. Passivity-based control has now become an important design method for a wide range of control engineering applications. Array independent of the time delay.A state-of-the-art teleoperated robot is theDa Vinci surgical system from IntuitiveSurgical, which integrates advances inmicromanipulators, miniature cameras, and amaster-slave control system to enable asurgeon to operate on a patient via a consolewith a 3-D video feed and foot and handcontrols. However, neither force feedbacknor remote operations are supported as yet;the surgeon’s console is typically by thepatient’s side.Mobile Robotsby Brockett’ssystems do not exist [12]. Brockett’smethods , including hybrid switching control and time-varying approaches to stabilization of nonholonomic systems.Mobile robots are now regularly used in many applications. One prominent application is aiding disaster recovery efforts in mines and after earthquakes. Military uses, such as for roadside bomb detection, form another broad category. Recently, products have been developed for consumer applications, such as the Roomba® and other robots from iRobot. Finally, wheeled mobile robots are exploring Mars and are poised to return to the moon.Market Sizes and InvestmentThe robotics industry was slow getting started. Unimation did not show its first profit until 1975, almost a decade after it began full-scale production of its pioneering Unimate robot. Today, the Robotic Industries Association estimates that more than one million robots are in use worldwide; Japan has the largest deployment, with the United States having the second largest.According to one recent market research report from Publications, the global market for robotics was worth $17.3 billion in 2008 and is projected to increase to $21.4 billion in 2014, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.0%. The largest segment of the market is industrial applications, worth $11.5 billion. Industrial robots, with their heavy reliance on the automotive industry, were especially hard hit with the recent global recession—2009 shipments were down 50% from year-ago levels, according to the Robotic Industry Association. Projected growth is lower for this segment than for professional service (market size of $3.3 billion in 2008) and military ($917 million) applications. Domestic services, security, and space applications constitute smaller segments, although the huge success of the Roomba floor-cleaning robot has demonstrated the enormous potential of consumer robotics.Research ChallengesUnderactuationUnderactuated robots have fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom and are a natural progression from flexible-joint and flexible-link robots. Underactuation leads naturally to a consideration of partial or output feedback linearization as opposed to full-state feedback linearization. Consideration of normal forms and zero dynamics is important in this context [13]. Energy/passivity methods are fundamental for the control of underactuated systems.Visual Servo Control and Force ControlThe idea of using imaging or video sensors for robot control is not new; it predates the availability of low-cost, high-quality digital cameras and advances in computational platforms enabling real-time processing of digital video signals. These latter developments have significantly increased interest in the topic.Visual servo control has traditionally used two methodologies, namely, position-based control and image-based control [14]. Position-based control uses vision to estimate the absolute position of the robot and uses the computed position error in the control algorithm. Image-based control, on the other hand, is based on computing the error directly in the image plane of the camera and avoids calculation of the robot position; thus, it is less sensitive to kinematic and calibration errors. Recently, bothposition-based and image-based methods have been incorporated into hybrid switching control strategies in order to take advantage of the strengths and avoid the weaknesses of both approaches. Similar to vision-based control, force control in robotics has also traditionally been divided into two fundamental strategies, in this case, called hybrid position/force control and impedance control, respectively. Hybrid position/force control is based on the observation that one cannot simultaneously control both the position of a robot and the force it imparts to the environment. Thus, the task at hand can be decomposed into “directions” along which either position or force (but not both) is controlled. Conversely, impedance control does not attempt to control or track positions and forces. Rather the “mechanical impedance,” which is the suitably defined Laplace transform of the velocity/force ratio, is the quantity to be controlled.LocomotionThe development of legged robots is motivated by the fact that wheeled robots are not useful in rough terrain or in built structures. The number of legs involved is a free parameter in this research, with robots with as few as one (hopping robots) and as many as eight having been developed by multiple research groups. Bipedal robots are a particularly popular category, both for the anatomical similarity with their creators and because of the research challenges posed by their dynamic instability. An understanding of the dynamics and control of bipedal locomotion is also useful for the development ofprosthetic and orthotic devices to aid humans with disabilities or missing limbs.Readers who have seen videos of Honda’s Asimov robots (Fig. 2) (readers who have not can check YouTube) or other humanoid robots may think that bipedal robots are “for real” now. The accomplishments of this research are indeed impressive. These robots can walk up and down ramps and stairs, counteract pushes and pulls, change gait, roll carts, play table tennis, and perform other functions. But the transition from research laboratory to commercial practice has not been made as yet. In particular, challenges remain for control engineers in the locomotion aspects specifically.Control of bipedal locomotion requires consideration of three difficult issues: hybrid nonlinear dynamics, unilateral constraints, and underactuation. The hybrid nature of the control problem results from impacts of the foot with the ground, which introduce discrete transitions between phases of continuous dynamic motion. Unilateral constraints arise from the fact that the foot can push but not pull on the ground and so the foot/ground reaction forces cannot change sign. Underactuation results again from the(Credit: Gnsin) Figure 2. Honda’s Asimov humanoid robot at Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan.foot/ground interaction; there is no actuation torque between the foot and the ground. All these difficult issues require advanced methods of control to address them adequately. Energy/passivity methods, geometric nonlinear control, partial feedback linearization, zero dynamics, and hybrid control theory are all fundamental tools for designing rigorous control algorithms for walking [15], [16].Multi-Agent Systems and Networked ControlNetworked control systems and multi-agent systems are important recent application areas for robotics (Fig. 3). Synchronization, coordination, cooperative manipulation, flocking, and swarming combine graph theoretic methods with nonlinear control.The eme rging “hot topic” of cyber-physical systems is also closely related to networked control. Cyber-physical systems will get their functionality through massive networking. Sensors, actuators, processors, databases, and control software will work together without the need to be collocated.Figure 3. Coordinated robots competing in the international RoboCup soccercompetition in 2003. The Cornell team, led by controls researcherRaffaello D’Andrea, won the competition in 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003.ConclusionsRobotics today is a much richer field than even a decade or two ago, with far-ranging applications. Developments in miniaturization, in new sensors, and in increasing processing power have all openedMeasurement and Control, vol. 109, pp. 310-319, Dec. 1987.[5] M.W. Spong and M. 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Brockett. “Asymptotic stability and feedback stabilization,” in Differential Geometric Control Theory, R.W. Brockett, R.S. Millman, and H. J. Sussmann, eds. Boston-Basel-Stuttgart: Birkhauser, 1983, pp. 181-191.[13] A. Isidori and C.I. Byrnes. “Output regulation of nonlinear systems,”IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 131-140, 1990.[14] S. A. Hutchinson, G.D. Hager, and P.I. Corke. “A tutorial on visual servo c ontrol,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 651-670, 1996.[15] E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and D.E. Koditschek. “Hybrid zero dynamics of planar biped w alkers,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 42-56, 2003.[16] M.W. Spong and F. Bullo. “Controlled symmetries and passive w alking,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 50, no. 7, pp 1025-1031, 2005.Related ContentThe Impact of Control Technology report also includes more than 40 flyers describing specific “success stories” and “grand challenges” in control engineering and science, covering a variety of application domains. The ones below are closely related to the topic of this section.Success Stories∙Dynamic Positioning System for Marine Vessels –S.S. Ge, C.Y. Sang, and B.V.E. How∙Mobile-Robot-Enabled Smart Warehouses –R. D´AndreaGrand Challenges∙Control Challenges in High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy –S.O.R. Moheimani∙Control for Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms –S.S. Ge, C.Y. Sang, and B.V.E. HowThese flyers—and all other report content—are available at /main/IoCT-report.。
TORO 8 电子速度控制说明书

Congratulations and thank you for purchasing TORO 8 High performance sensorless 1/8 Scale Brushless Motor Electronic Speed Control. The TORO 8,1/8 scale brushless ESC represents a latest technologies, providing all the features and robust design qualities.INTRODUCTION1/8 SCALE BRUSHLESS ESCFor best results clean the bottom of the speed control and chassis. Peel off the cover on one side of the doubled-sided tape, and stick to the bottom of the speed control. DO NOT peel off the other side yet.Use a small piece of double-sided tape on the ON/OFF switch.Determine how you would prefer to connect the motor and battery pack to the speed control. For the motor, using Hi-Power connector pairs. Connectors are preferable for most applications as it allows you to easily change motors.2)SolderingTIPS & TRICKS: Place the speed control upright and use servo tape to secure it to the bench. Doing so provides a stable work area and allows easy access to the solder posts.Attaching Wires to the Speed Control:Red wires are usually used to connect the speed control to the positive battery terminal and the positive motor terminal. Black wire is typically used for the battery negative terminal. Inspect the housing on the speed control next to each post or refer to the diagrams to determine which color wire to attach to each post.Strip back the insulation of the wire by about 2.4mm to 3.2mm (3/32" to 1/8") and"pre-tin" the wire by heating the end and applying solder until it is thoroughly covered. CAUTION: Be very careful not to splash yourself with hot solder.Place the tip of the iron in the notch on top of the post and apply a small amount ofsolder to the post. When the solder has flowed, remove the soldering iron, wipe the tip clean and apply a small amount of fresh solder to it. Pre-Heat both the wire and the post.1)Plan Speed Control PlacementChoose a location for the speed control that is protected from debris. To prevent radio interference place the speed control as far away from the radio receiver as possible and keep the power wires as short as possible.BEFORE YOU BEGINrecommend removing your pinion gear for your own safety and the safety of those around you before performing calibration and programming functions with this system. Please keep your hands, hair, cloth, clear from the gear train and wheels of an armed high performance system.IMPORTANT: Take precautions if removing factory battery connectors. Connecting the battery backwards will cause damage, and will void warranty. When solderingconnectors to a battery pack, cut only one wire of the battery pack at a time to ensure that the exposed wires cannot short together.HINT: If you are using connectors for both the battery and the motor, make sure that they are not the same or that you have a male and a female attached to the speedcontrol wires. That way, you cannot accidentally connect the battery to the motor wires or vice versa.Make sure that the connector ends will be mated together correctly, male to female, and that the wire colors matchred to red and black to black.WATER & ELECTRONICS DON'T MIX !Never allow water, moisture, or other foreign materials to get inside ESC, motor, or on the PC Boards. Water damage will void the warranty!1/8 SCALE OR SMALLERThe TORO 8 is intended for 1/8 scale vehicles.INSULATE WIRESAlways insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to prevent short circuits, which can damage ESC.TRANSMITTER ON FIRSTTurn on the transmitter first THEN turn on the speed control.2 - 6 LI-PO CELLS ONLYNever use fewer than 2 or more than 6 LIPO cells in the vehicle's main battery pack. The TORO 8 handles up to 6S LIPO input (25.2 Volts MAX).DISCONNECT BATTERIES WHEN NOT IN USEAlways disconnect the battery pack from the speed control when not in use to avoid short circuits and possible fire hazard.NO REVERSE VOLTAGE !Reverse battery polarity can damage ESC & void warranty. Disconnect battery immediately if a reverse connection occurs.Same techniques described in the preceding section may be used to solder the wires to the battery or to battery connectors.Hold the wire so the tinned end is in contact with the notch of the post. Now touch the iron tip to the wire and the post. Wait about 4 seconds for the solder to flow, and then remove the iron while still holding the wire. You may let go of the wire after a second or two when the solder sets.Prolonged/excessive heating of solder post (motor or ESC) will damage PCB.Note: Make sure no wire strands have strayed to an adjacent solder post, this will result in short-circuiting & severe ESC damage, which will void the warranty.Brushed Motor WiringUse this mode if you U wish to use reverse. se only the blue and orange motor wires from the ESC. In most applications, the blue wire from the ESC will connect to positive + side hood on your motor, and the orange wire to the negative - side hood of the motor. The yellow motor wire is not used. After calibration, (explained below) you may need to swap the two motor wires to get the wheels to spin in the right direction.Connect all three of the ESC motor wires to the negative (-) side of the motor. You can either use a Y harness from the ESC battery input positive wire to connect to both the battery and the positive side of the motor, or use a single wire from the positive ESC input to the positive battery pole and then continue to the positive (+) side of ""How to Calibrate ESC Individual transmitter's signals for full throttle, full brake and neutral vary. You must calibrate your ESC so that it will operate more effectively with you transmitter.IMPORTANT NOTE: Calibration is necessary for the first use of the ESC, or whenever1)Programming Card(Optional Part)Programming Card allows you to modify the most commonly used settings in your TORO 8 controller all at the touch of a single button. No computer needed. Simply connect the Programming Card to the throttle lead of the controller and power the programming card as described below. Click the button to scroll through and change the indicated settings. All the settings will show on the programming card at once. Can't get any easier!Brushless Motor WiringConnect the blue, yellow and orange motor wires to the motor.There is no polarity on the three ESC-to-motor wires, so do not worry about how you connect them initially. You may find it necessary to swap two wires if the motor runs in reverse.Reversing Brushed Motor ModeTo Batt -To Batt +To Receiver Channel 2To Motor -To Motor +To Batt -To Batt +To Batt -To Batt +To Motor +(Shared)All 3 Wiresto Motor -ESC switch OFF.Turn on the Transmitter.Hold full throttle on your transmitter and turn the ESC's switch ON. Keep holding full throttle on the transmitter. The ESC will flashes LED and ring the initialization tones.Wait 2 secondsGreen LED blinks rapidly and the motor will rings 1 second indicating full throttle measured.From this point on, when you connect batteries and turn on the switch, the ESC will give the initialization tone and flash, and the arming tone will ring second or two later. If the ESC is programmed for the Auto-Lipo setting, it will beep the number of cells in you Lipo pack between the initialization tones and the arming tones. After the arming tone plays, the ESC will ACTIVE and will respond to the throttle application.Switch On/OffHigh Power Brushed Motor Modethe motor Red LED blinks whiles beeping, indicating it's time to push full brake. Move throttle trigger to full brake and wait few seconds, the ESC will blink red LED and rings 1 second indicating full brake measure.Yellow LED blinks whiles beeping, indicating it's time for neutral. Relax trigger to neutral (center). The ESC will now ring 1 second and flash the yellow LED rapidly to accept the neutral position. ESC will blink LED and ring twice indicating that it is armed.ESC PROGRAMMING2)Manual ProgrammingManual Programming TORO 8 is as simple as answering a few questions. The TORO 8 asks questing by beeping a setting number, followed by the possible setting values. There are nine settings that can be programmed in the TORO 8.You must answer yes or no to the setting values as they are presented by TORO 8. When you enter programming mode the ESC will emit a sequence of beeps and LED flashes that tell you which programming step you are in. There are two parts to the beep sequence. The first set of beeps indicates the 'Setting Number (Question), e.g. Brake/Reverse Type, and the second set of beeps indicates a Setting Value, e.g. Reverse Lockout. Answering "No" to a Setting value will cause the ESC to ask for the next value in that section. After a "Yes" answer is accepted, the ESC knows you aren't interested in any other option in that section, so it skips to the first option in the next section.""""Note: If you answer "no" to all Setting Values for a particular Setting Number, the ESC will keep whatever value had been previously programmed. Only by answering "Yes" to a Setting Value will the ESC store/change that value.At this point the TORO 8 will be flashing/beeping the following sequence:Beep-Pause-Beep... and then repeatsThis indicates that you are at Question 1 and it is asking to accept/reject value 1.Programmable FeaturesHow to Enter Programming ModeWhen answering a question, you will need to move the trigger to yes (full throttle)position or the no (full brake) position and keep it there for about 3 seconds. When the ESC has accepted your answer it will confirm your reply by flashing the LED and emitting a beeping tone. Release the trigger allowing it to go to Neutral to confirm that you are ready for ESC to ask you next question. You are not required to continue through all nine programming options. For example, if you wish only to change the Brake/Reverse Type (Option 1) then after programming that setting you can disconnect power from the ESC and you're ready to run. Disconnecting the controller in the middle of programming simply retains the values for the remaining programming options that were previously set up.The TORO 8 comes with a 30mm x 30mm x 7mm 5V Brushless fan. Should the fan need replacement,simply unplug the fans power wires from the TORO 8, remove the 4 screws that secure the fan to the shroud and slide the fan out of the shroud housing.Rev/Brk/Brk or Fwd/Fwd Brushless KV ≤2400 Brushless 2400 KV > Continuous /Burst Current Switching BEC Dimensions (LxWxH)Weight (Without wires)2010 SkyRC Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Manufactured bySKYRC TECHNOLOGY CO., "n """Solution : Try moving the throttle trim one way, then the other (usually towards thethrottle side is best). If your transmitter has a 50/50 and 70/30 setting for the throttle, set it for 50/50 and retry calibration. Also, if you have changed the dead band to a narrower band you may want to try going back to the ormal setting.Problem : My vehicle acts like it has turbo lag (poor acceleration/punch for the first few feet or yards)Problem : My TORO ESC may or may not arm, but it will not calibrate to my transmitter Status LED1 with 3 color (Red, Green & Orange)Thermal Overload Protection YesThe TORO 8 Brushless ESC is guaranteed to be free from defects in materials orworkmanship for a period of ONE YEAR from the original date of purchase (verified by dated, itemized sales receipt). Warranty does not cover incorrect installation,components worn by use, damage to case or exposed circuit boards, damage due to timing, damage from using more than 6 Li-Po cells input voltage, cross-connection of battery/motor power wires, overheating solder tabs, reverse voltage application,improper use or installation of external BEC, damage resulting from thermal overload or short-circuiting motor, damage from incorrect installation of FET servo or receiver battery pack, tampering with internal electronics, allowing water, moisture, or any other foreign material to enter ESC or get onto the PC board, incorrect installation/wiring of input plug plastic, allowing exposed wiring or solder tabs to short-circuit, or any damage caused by a crash, flooding or natural disaster. Because SKYRC has no control over the connection & use of the speed control or other related electronics, no liability may be assumed nor will be accepted for any damage resulting from the use of this product.Every SKYRC speed control & motor is thoroughly tested & cycled before leaving our facility and is, therefore, considered operational. By the act of connecting/operating speed control , user accepts all resulting liability . In no case shall our liability exceed the product's original cost. We reserve the right to modify warranty provisions without notice. This product is not intended for use by children under 14 years of age without the strict supervision of an adult. Use of this product in an uncontrolled manner may result in physical damage or injurise take extra care when operating any remote control vehicle.48.8x57.8x35.8mm (1.29x2.28x1.41in)88g (3.1oz)PRODUCT WARRANTYSolution : Most calibration issues can be solved by changing settings on the transmitter. Make sure you have both your throttle and brake endpoints (called EPA or ATV on your radio) on the throttle channel out to between 100 to 120%. Make sure if you have a Futaba or Futaba made transmitter to have the throttle channel set to the reversed position.Problem : My ESC calibrates for the full throttle and full brake positions but won't calibrate to the neutral throttle position. (Orange LED keeps flashing)Solution : Make sure you're using high quality batteries and a battery connector capable of high amp flow (40-100 amps). This behavior is very typical of a battery pack that is having difficulty providing the power your vehicle/system requires for top performance. Use copper bars to connect cells rather than welded tabs. Copper bars have a much lower resistance.Problem : My battery pack is plugged into the ESC and nothing is workingSolution : Make sure the ESC's receiver plug is plugged into channel 2 on the receiver, and that it's plugged in with the correct orientation. Double check your solder connections on the battery plug, and make sure the battery is showing good voltage.SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.Up to 6S(25.2Volt), for 1/8 monster trucks and truggies Up to 4S(16.8Volt), ideal for 1/8 buggiesControls, TORO 8Motor Limits,TORO 80.0002 Ohms per phase at 25℃(77℉)Trans.Temp 150Amp / 950Amp 5.7V 3AmpBrushless KV <2300On Resistance, Brushless X150X80Up to 4S(16.8Volt), ideal for 1/8 buggiesX150X8080Amp / 500Amp Input Power (Cells)X150X800.0004 Ohms per phase at 25℃(77℉)Trans.Temp。
Tadano GTC-2000 200 吨最大吊卸机型号说明书

1-877-MAX-LIFTGTC-20001-877-MAX-LIFTMarch 2022. Unless otherwise specified, all information in this brochure refers to a standard crane equipment, and it is intended as general information only. No liability is assumed. Errors reserved. Product specifications and prices are subject to changes without notice. The p hotographs and/or drawings in this brochure are for illustrative purposes only. For correct and safe crane operation, the original operating manual and lifting capacity charts are essential. Failure to follow the corresponding Operator’s Manual when using our equipment or f ailure to otherwise act responsibly may result in property damage, serious injury or death. The sole warranty applicable with respect to oure quipment is the standard warranty as per general terms and conditions of sales and service (ask your local Tadano dealer for details), and Tadano makes no other warranty, express or implied. All rights reserved. Any use of the trademarks, logos, brand names and model names used herein is prohibited.© Tadano Ltd. 20222 | GTC-2000Contents7 Specifications (8)9 Transportation...............................................................................................................................10-12 Transport variants .. (13)15 Speeds and gradeability (16)Main boom (17)Slewing (17)Hoist (17)Hook Blocks (17)HA: Main boom .............................................................................................................................18-53 HAV: Folding swing-away jib ..............................................................................................................54-121 HAV-HY: Hydraulic swing-away jib .......................................................................................................122-188 Notes to Lifting Capacity . (189)191 Basic machine ..............................................................................................................................192-193 Optional Equipment (non-exhaustive) . (194)GTC-2000| 34 | GTC-2000 CounterweightT rackR adiusM ain boomF olding swing-away jibH ydraulic swing-away jibR oll/list angleW ind speed in ft /s (feet per second)T rack shoeH ook blockH oist 1H oist 2T ravel speedG radeabilityS lewingB oom telescoping B oom elevationW orking speedsM ax. line pull R ope diameter R ope length H ook block (capacity-sheaves-rope diameter) N umber of lines P ossible load of hook block N umber of sheaves in boom head D istance head sheave axle – hook ground W eight of hook blockGTC-2000 | 5T rack leftT rack rightE xtension beamB ase craneC entral ballastT ruck pay loadC ounterweight base plateC ounterweight plateA ssembly weightT ransport variantHighlights196.9 ft pinned boom; 16.4 ft to 75.5 ft jib (tiltable from 0° to 36°)Lifting capacities up to 4° roll/list angle, all …Pick & Carry“, jib capacities up to 1° roll/list angle Double hook operation with rooster sheave or jibPowerful hoists with 1.02 in. rope (30,640 lb pull / 456 ft/min. speed)Powerful, robust and versatile undercarriage with smart and comprehensive access concept Fully self rigging operationRemote control for all rigging and operating functionsBest in class traction force (326,000 lbf)6 | GTC-2000Specifications8 | GTC-2000Transportation* 107,990 lb with Hyd Jib / 107,660 lb with Mech Jib10 | GTC-2000GTC-2000| 1140,800 lb*12 | GTC-2000* Hydraulic version1,010 lb1,900 lb 1,040 lb 1,650 lb / 1,980 lb*5,070 lb16,540 lb16,540 lb1 x 11,025 lb4 x 22,050 lb** 2-bar shoeGTC-2000| 13Notes14 | GTC-200016 | GTC-2000GTC-2000 | 17* Heavy lift sheave required** Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block requiredHook BlocksSlewing1,6 rpm18 | GTC-2000+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required*** Max. crane capacity – with additional special equipment**** over front/rear1)C apacities with horizontal boomGTC-2000| 19+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft20 | GTC-2000+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required 1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required 1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required 1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required 1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb**Heavy lift sheave and 7 sheaves hook block required 1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb1)C apacities with horizontal boom+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft+ 33,100 lb+ 33,100 lb126.0 ft。

Figure 3 Operation Example of Instantaneous Bi-Directional Operations
Features and Control Technologies of the DSC Series Motor and Speed Controller Package
An “AC motor and speed controller package” is a unit product composed of a robust, single-phase induction motor, and a low noise, long life speed controller. The DSC Series is a new AC Speed Control product. In order to improve ease of use, this product is equipped with an operation panel for monitoring various functions, as well as for digital settings. The new DSC control technology also accomplishes two functions that conventional products cannot; instant reversal of single phase induction motors, and vertical drive by deceleration control (electromagnetic brake type only).
Robotics and Control

Robotics and ControlRobotics and control are two interconnected fields that have a significant impact on various industries and everyday life. The integration of robotics and control systems has revolutionized the way tasks are performed, from manufacturing and healthcare to entertainment and household chores. However, with the increasing complexity and autonomy of robots, there are also concerns and challenges that need to be addressed. One of the key benefits of robotics and control systems is the ability to automate repetitive and dangerous tasks, thereby improvingefficiency and safety. In manufacturing, robots are used to assemble products with precision and speed, leading to higher productivity and lower error rates. In the healthcare industry, robotic surgery systems enable minimally invasive procedures, reducing patient trauma and recovery time. Moreover, in the household, robotic vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers alleviate the burden of mundane chores, allowing individuals to focus on more meaningful activities. The integration of control systems in robotics plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of robot operations. Control systems regulate the movement, speed, and force exerted by robots, enabling them to perform tasks with precision and consistency. For instance, in industrial automation, control systems are used to coordinate the motion of multiple robotic arms to execute complex tasks such as welding, painting, and assembly. In addition, control systems also contribute to the safety of robots by implementing emergency stop mechanisms and collision avoidance algorithms. Despite the numerous advantages of robotics and control systems, there are several challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize their potential. One of the major concerns is the ethical and societal implications of widespread automation. As robots continue to replace human labor in various industries, there is agrowing apprehension about job displacement and economic inequality. Moreover, the use of autonomous robots in warfare and surveillance raises ethical questions regarding the accountability and decision-making processes of these systems. Another challenge in the field of robotics and control is the need for robust and adaptive algorithms to handle complex and dynamic environments. While traditional control systems excel in predictable and structured settings, they may struggle to cope with uncertainties and variations in real-world scenarios. As a result, thereis a growing demand for advanced control algorithms that can adapt to changing conditions and learn from experience, such as reinforcement learning and neural network-based control. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in robotics and control introduces new opportunities and challenges. AI-powered robots have the potential to exhibit cognitive abilities, such as perception, reasoning, and decision-making, enabling them to perform tasks that were previously deemed unfeasible for machines. However, the deployment of AI in robotics also raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and bias, particularly in high-stakes applications such as autonomous vehicles and medical diagnosis. In conclusion, robotics and control systems have revolutionized various industries and aspects of daily life, offering numerous benefits such as improved efficiency, safety, and convenience. However, the widespread adoption of robotics and control also poses ethical, technical, and societal challenges that need to be carefully addressed. By considering multiple perspectives and embracing interdisciplinary collaboration, we can harness the full potential of robotics and control while mitigating the associated risks. As we continue to advance in these fields, it is crucial to prioritize ethical considerations, invest in research and development, and engage in open dialogue to ensure that robotics and control systems serve the best interests of humanity.。

ENTRANCE/EXIT SYSTEM• Simpler system composition• Easier deployment that saves training and labour costs• Cost-effective solution for car park • The Control Terminalintegrates workstation,PMS software, multipleinterfaces and switch• The ANPR Cameraintegrates camera,light, ANPR algorithmand license capturealgorithm• Detailed entry and exitrecords and reportmanagement• Rigorous chargemanagement• Effective andconfigurableauthorisationmanagementCOMMON CHALLENGES FOR ENTRANCE/EXIT WHAT HIKVISION PROVIDESProfessional • ANPR-based VehicleManagement Solution• Automated andefficient vehiclepassing flow• Non-stop solution1ExitRadar(Anti-Fall)Radar(Trigger) INTERNETBarrier ANPR DS-TPE104BarrierDS-TPE1043Trigger Radar & Anti-Fall Radar• Easier installation and maintenance – No pavement removal required for a sensing coil • Extra safety – Both vehicles and pedestrians benefit from protection• Robust design – Unaffected by environmental influences including light, dust, rain and snow• Trigger Radar detects approaching vehicle and triggers ANPR and barrier• Safety sensor ensures the barrier remains open when passageway is not clear.PARKING AREA SOLUTION APPLICATIONS• ANPR Cameras: with a Deep Learning algorithm, the camera detects moving cars with the assistance of video & radar.Cameras can also recognise VIP vehicles and automatically verify entry. The data (plate data/plate cut out, overview image and video will be stored in the server for search later. The barrier will be automatically opened via alarm out if the plate number is already registered in whitelist. The panel will indicate the plate number, helping driver to acknowledge.• Trigger Radar: this detects an approaching vehicle and triggers the ANPR and barrier equipment. No pavement removal is required for a sensing coil.• LED display panel integration: By integrating an LED display panel at the entrance, all available parking resources and information to guide the visitor can be seen, reducing the effort to find a space.Entrance/Exit- High efficiency4MANAGEMENT CENTREKEY TECHNOLOGY• Barrier controlThe vehicle can be allowed to enter the car park automatically via a white list , and this leads to quick entry and exit with ANPR systems.• Count of parking spaces available• Multiple parking fee rulesDesigned for temporary vehicles, such as payment by total parking length, pay-per-parking, payment by day and night, etc.• Data analysisIncluding vehicle traffic flow report, average parking time report etc.• Data record & smart searchSupports license number plate & vehicle picture storage, and storage of clips showing the vehicle passing through. Supports search and view of the passing vehicle information.• Visitor managementSupports Black/white list management, alarm notification (up to 5000 plate numbers). Supports special parking alarm, including overstay and list expiration check.Efficiency with high securityEfficiency with high securityVS<Front-end matchBack-end match5Anti-GlareHigh night image quality in spite of high beam lightsANPR-Based solution - Exception handlingOpen Protocol for integratedProvide abundant data through different protocol of various product combinationsNo lights Low beam lightsHigh beam lightsTPE104CameraCGICGIHikvisionModification of false licenseThird-party system integrationThird-party charging systemFuzzy MatchingFor vehicles without matching entry record (unlicensed or falsely recognised), the operator at the exit can manually modify the false license and match the entry & exit records using a fuzzy matching function. If the entry record still cannot be found, the vehicle can pay, according to the cicumstances.6Manual Charge Management -Flexible and configurable payment rules Parking Operation – Various logs & reportsCharge by parking time periods Top-up and Renewal Payment Report Traffic Flow Graph Payment GraphPassing Vehicle Payment ReportCharge by parking time Charge by parking sessions•For temporary parking at tollbooth:• For parking pass:Customers can pay for a annual pass, 6 monthly pass, 3 monthly pass, monthly pass or other custom periods.• Personalised payment rule:More payment rules can be personalised as the customers need.• The system also supports discount management, card cost management, etc.Various system records and reports can be provided, like passing record, passing vehicle payment record, duty shift record, operation record, discount record for real-time status trace or the operation analysis. The terminal supports storage of morethan 800,000 passing records.7SOLUTION VALUEParking operation – Fine and Configurable Authorisation ManagementSupports different role authorities - one for high-efficiency management and internal fraud prevention and another, typicalauthorisation setting, for administrators and tollbooth operators, as below:AdministratorTollbooth OperatorEfficient• ANPR-based Vehicle Management Solution • Non-stop solutionLightweight• Simpler system composition• Easier deployment that saves training and labour costs• Cost-effective solution for car parkFlexibleAll-in-one• The Control Terminal integrates workstation, Professional• Detailed entry and exit records and report management• Rigorous charge management • Fine and configurable authorisation managementfrom barrier falling8PRODUCT INTRODUCTIONDS-TCG227ANPR UnitDS-TPE104(2T)Control TerminalTMG40X-XX Barrier GateDS-TMG033Anti-fallDS-TVL224-4-5Y E&E Outdoor LED DisplayDS-TME401/402-TL-SEntrance / ExitControllerDS-TMG033Capture Trigger• 2 MP, CMOS, 1920 x 1080, built-in LPR algorithm• Integrated camera, housing, lens, power adaptor, supplement Lights• Motorised lens• Software one-key focus, easy debugging• Built in whitelist, LPR identification support, barrier / gate control , audio output.• 4 Channels of lane access• 4 x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports, 2 x 1000 Mbps Ethernet ports, dual NICs• 2 x RS485 ports, 3 x RS232 ports• 4 x Relay ports support barrier / gate control • 1 x audio output • 2TB HDD included.• Barrier type: high speed • Lift-up speed: 1.6-2s• Arm form: 3m,straight-arm • Colour: red• Arm moving direction: rightward • Input power supply: 220V 50Hz • Anti-failing.• 2.4GHZ MMIC• maximum trigger distance : 6m• Beam width : Vertical 12°, Horizontal 34° • Adjustable Detection Range• Avoid fall accidents of both vehicles and pedestrians.• Four lines of text, LED outdoor Display • Integrates with speaker • LED Brightness: 1,200 cd • Colours: Red, yellow, green • Pixel Resolution: 64 x 64• Dot Pitch: P4.75• Dimensions: 364 x 484 x 60mm• Entrance, HDD not included• Supports chat, no card output, support LED audio remind,• Supports charging and accepting car when system offline.• 2.4GHZ MMIC• maximum trigger distance : 6m• Beam width : Vertical 34°, Horizontal 12° • Adjustable Detection Range• Distinguish the vehicle from pedestrian and only capture vehicle.9SUCCESS STORIESThe Parking Guidance Solution, Zabrze, PolandHIKVISON’s access control system provides the efficiency of access using video recognition to provide non-stop entrance &exit, replace manual entrance control with ANPR technique, automatic control enhances the efficiency.10Accurate LPR under a side entranceAccurate LPR in dark conditionsURBAN INTELLIGENCE TRAFFIC SYSTEM Hikvision HeadquartersNo.555 Qianmo Road310052 HangzhouChinaT +86 571 88075998*******************Hikvision EuropeDirk Storklaan 32132 PX HoofddorpThe NetherlandsT +31 23 5542770*********************Hikvision France6 rue Paul Cézanne,93360 Neuilly-PlaisanceFranceT +33 (0)1 85330450*********************Hikvision ItalyVia Abruzzo 12Z.I. San Giacomo31029 Vittorio VenetoTV ItalyT +39 0438 6902*********************Hikvision PolandThe Park, Office Building AKrakowiaków 5002-255 Warsaw, PolandT +48 22 4600150*********************Hikvision SpainCalle de Almazara 928760 Tres CantosMadrid, SpainT +34 91 7371655*********************Hikvision CzechBETA Building, Vyskocilova1481/4, Prague 4Czech RepublicT +42 29 6182640*********************Hikvision GermanyFlughafenstr. 2163263 Neu-IsenburgZeppelinheim, GermanyT +49 69 401507290************************HIKVISION Europe12/2018。

电子产品世界基于天脉1型嵌入式操作系统光纤航姿软件开发Development of AHRS software based on ACoreOS 1.X operating system张 斌 (陕西宝成航空仪表有限责任公司,陕西 宝鸡 721006)摘 要:本文介绍了基于国产天脉1型操作系统的光纤航姿软件开发。
关键词:光纤航姿软件;天脉1;ACoreOS1.X0 引言斯诺登的棱镜门和中兴事件曝光后,如何在国防装备中采用国产系统以提高装备自主性、安全性,防范可能存在的漏洞和后门,已经成为国防装备战线迫切需要解决的问题。
天脉1 型嵌入式操作系统(简称:天脉1,英文名:ACoreOS1.X)是航空工业西安航空计算所研发的针对航空、航天应用需求而设计的具有完全自主知识版权的嵌入式国产操作系统[1];是在航空、航天等对系统实时性、安全性、可靠性有极高需求的领域中使用的嵌入式操作系统。
1 天脉1操作系统简介天脉1采用标准C 语言与汇编语言混合开发,按照GJB和DO-178B进行研发和测试,是一款面向多任务应用的强实时嵌入式系统平台,能够协助编程者管理嵌入式系统硬件资源,显著降低应用软件开发和维护难度。
天脉1主要有如下功能:● 采用微内核设计,组件可配置、裁剪;● 支持PPC、x86、ARM等主流处理器,支持龙芯、飞腾等国产处理器;● 采用层次化微结构,微内核和硬件相隔离开来,方便硬件平台的升级;● 存储管理支持MMU存储保护,关键数据区用户可进行防篡改保护;● 采用实时多任务调度,支持优先级抢占和时间片轮转,任务切换以及中断响应可达到微秒级;● 提供消息队列、环形缓冲等多种任务间通信机制,提供信号量、事件等任务同步机制;● 支持对高速数据/指令缓存(CACHE)的管理;● 支持周期任务;● 提供与VxWorks兼容的API接口。

This thesis investigates flight control problems of a heavier than air vehicle with fixed fixed-wing, which is required that this vehicle could fly in the high altitude in subsonic speed and the active control technology can be realized. The techniques of relaxed static stability and active flutter suppression are involved and safe flight tactics are discussed additionally for these.
As long endurance is required, the flying-wing vehicles are generally of large aspect ratio, or of huge aspect ratio; What’s more, as the high altitude is required, the flying-wing vehicles adopt flexible intelligent materials to decrease the weight and increase lift-drag ratio, so these vehicles are in nature of light weight, and are more flexible. With the increase of flexibility and the huge lifting surface, the flutter phenomenons are prominent which may even destroy the the structure of flyingwing vehicles. So the active flutter suppression is important for safe flight. Similarly, an aeroelastic control system of a 3DOF two-dimensional airfoil is proposed in this thesis. We apply the output suboptimal control method and linear matrix inequality technique to design the robust flutter suppression control law which can increase the flutter critical speed and realize the technique of active flutter suppression.

FSIFunctional SafetyIntegratedPage 8THE TECHNOLOGY AND PEOPLE AT LEINE & LINDE2016/2017DevelopmentWHEN DESIGNCREATES BENEFITSPage 10News LINEAR 4000 SERIES MINDS THE GAPPage 3Technology ADS ONLINEFOR INDUSTRY 4.0Page 5ABB chooses FSI 800 seriesPage 6SAFE SPEEDautomation, control and machine safety. It is together that we build success.Strängnäs, October 2016CEO, Leine & Linde GATEWAY NEWSTHE GATEWAY CONCEPT enables the use of smalland very robust EnDat encoders, suitable in applica-tions where very high ambient temperatures are aLeine & Linde’s gatewayproducts are among the mostcompact and robust onthe market.Product Manager Linda Carnbo showsthe use of encoders in various zones onan oil platform.Linear absolute encoders are oneof this year’s new products.MAGNETIC ENCODER WITH ROBUST ENCAPSULATIONFor the toughest environments in heavy duty industries, such as pulp and paper, oil and gas, as well as steel, Leine & Linde is now presenting the latest addition to the Magnetic 2000 series: MRI 2850.THE MRI 2850 ENCODER has been designed to provide velocity feedback with high preci-sion for extended periods without production stops. Without ball bearings or other contact surfaces, it will be immune to mechanical wear. Its mechanical service life is virtually unlimited. MRI 2850 is built on the well-pro-ven technology from the Leine & Linde 2000 series, where a ring with a magnetic band is mounted directly on the rotating shaft. The speed is detected by a fixed scanning head. What is new with MRI 2850 is that robustaluminium encapsulation protects both the magnetic band and the scanning head. This means that the risk of damage duringtransport, installation and use is entirely eliminated.Good choice for NEMA standard C-Face motorsThese encoders fit motors with the NEMA standard 8.5” C-Face, shaft diameters 25 mm to 100 mm (or 1”-4”). The distance from the scanning head to the ring is fixed, and consequently no additional tools are needed for distance adjustment. The product on the whole is designed for easy installation, with multiple connection capabilities and electri-cal interfaces that match users’ needs.Dual outputsMRI 2850 is available with single or dual outputs for incremental signals. The two outputs are independent of one another and can be supplied with various resolutions, 1 – 16 383 ppr, as well as with electronic interfaces, such as HTL, RS422 and High Current HTL for transfer over long distances.An entirely new bearingless encoder for high-horsepower electric motors is available for flange mounting per the NEMA standard.4 | News Technology | 5Leine & Linde’s series of absolute encoders with EtherCAT® interface support thefastest cycle times on the market. Thanks to the optimised electronics, the encoders are able to provide position values in 31.25 microseconds.THE MAIN ARGUMENT for choosing Leine & Linde’s encoders is durability . The robust design, combined with their reliability and ability to handle extremely long periods of operation despite tem-perature fluctuations, moisture, shocks and vibration, make the encoders the first choice in process industries with deman-ding production conditions.Faster automation systemsFast feedback and precision are also important factors in present day automation systems and those of the future. When using an EtherCATinterface and a Leine & Linde absolute encoder from the Industrial 600 or Premium 900 series, the cycle time can be as short as 31.25 microseconds. Leine & Linde has optimi-sed the electronics so that the encoder is able to read the value, process it in accordance with the chosen configu-ration and then supply it faster than any other encoder on the market today . This provides support to the fastest automation systems on the market, through reliablefeedback on rotary movements in everything from process industries to steelworks and wind turbines.Leine & Linde’s encoders are available with a wide range of different output signals and fieldbus interfaces, such as EtherNet/IP™, DRIVE-CLiQ™, PROFINET®, PROFIBUS®, CANopen® and DeviceNet™ – all so that the feedback and control needs of industrial automation can be met.THE SHORTEST CYCLE TIME ON THE MARKETADS ONLINE-THE STEP INTO INDUSTRY 4.0Predict the maintenance needs of the encoder and get more control, more data. ADS Online pro-vides the step into Industry 4.0.PREDICTIVE maintenance is noted among the key themes of Industry 4.0. The maintenance processes evolve from being pre-ventive to being predictive. Finding the potential source of failure, before problems occur, is crucial. Encoders are perfectly suited for this.Leine & Linde’s advanced diagnostic system ADS was developed to permit the early detection of fault functions internally in ro-tary incremental encoders. The diagnostics turned out to be very useful for deducting the cause of deviation and finding the source of error, which in many cases is an installation imbalance in the motor, or bearings starting to wear out.Several sensors in oneADS Online constantly reads off the levels for several environme-ntal parameters in the encoder’s surroundings, including vibra-tion, shaft speed, frequency , temperature, and supply voltage. The system conducts automatic interpretation and analysis of detected internal deviations. Detailed logs for operational and environmental parameters are provided, and can be analysed by the included software or in the system of the users’ choice. The encoder provides recommendations for when to check the instal-lation and how to correct deficiencies.ADS Online can also be purchased as ADS Upgrade Unit, a sepa-rate module that can be installed on any Leine & Linde 800-series encoder in operation. This way ADS Online can provide the step into industry 4.0 for any existing drive system.T oday’s rotary incremental encoders supply both diagnostics and operat-ing environment data.In reality|7 6|In realityImagine that you work with process automation in pulp and paper production. You design controland drive systems for producing and moving paper at a speed of nearly 2000 metres per minute– which is 120 kilometres per hour. The final product is rolled up on 12-metre wide reels that areautomatically cut and changed. Each reel weighs 85 tons. The slightest unevenness in how themotor runs can tear the paper apart and stop the process.IF YOU WORK AT ABB’S unit Process Industries in Västerås, Sweden, you understand what precision and reliability mean for productivity. The entire facility is a flow, where innumerable tasks are conducted in parallel and people workin shifts. When your client is in the pulp and paper industry, production processes are expected to be in operation around the clock, often without operational stops more than every third month.“Safe speed is a requirement for most industries today,” says Project Manager Finn Agensjö from ABB. He works with among other things, engineering and implementing effective control and drive systems based on each facility’s needs. His specialty areas include applications in the iron and steel industry, mining, as well as pulp and paper production.Finn Agensjö tells of processes thatare complex and environments that are tough on machines and equipment, whereweight, speed and force can create haz-ards for people.“Machine operators need access to per-form certain maintenance and productiontasks while machines are in operation,”he explains. “This is why the EU has amachinery directive, which applies to allsafety-critical functions in active systems.Major damage and high costs can be in-curred if something goes wrong.”“Safe speed is arequirement for mostindustries today.”Finn Agensjö, ABBFunctionally safe encoder FSI 800In systems for safe control and speedmonitoring, Leine & Linde’s FSI 800 encod-ers have an important task: reliable andexact feedback of rotation speed in realtime. The encoder is safety certified anddesigned with either a solid or hollowshaft mount that cannot slip. It inter-operates with ABB’s ACS880 frequencyconverter that optimises motor functionand energy consumption by direct torquecontrol (DTC). It also communicates wellwith ABB’s embedded safety functionality.Self-control and signal strengthThe FSI 800 series encoders not onlyprovide feedback on speed in the machine,but also monitor the quality of their ownsignal reading. If a deviation should be de-tected, the signals enter a fail-safe modeso that checks and maintenance can beperformed. This integrated, functionallysafe solution eliminates the need of aABB’S MACHINE SAFETY INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY redundant signal from another encoder.Leine & Linde’s encoders provide highcurrent HTL signals, which also enablegood signal connections in environmentswith considerable noise interference, andsending signals over long cables.Efficiency-improvement processThe safety system is activated when a per-son enters a hazardous area. All productiontasks are therefore analysed, which mayresult in that certain steps can be simpli-fied or eliminated. When a person needsto work close to a hazardous machine inoperation, the safe speed function is acti-vated. This is accomplished with automaticcontrollers, such as safety gates or sensorsthat detect movement, so that work cancontinue without interruption.“Each assignment begins with an analysis,which often constitutes the starting pointfor the process of improving efficiency,”explains Drives Systems Manager EricCarlsten at Process Industries at ABB. “Cor-rectly defined machine safety increasesproductivity.”Safe process controlAt the end of the production line it iscommon that the paper is manually fedbetween rollers when changing reels.By a machine operator switching in acontrol unit, operation is automaticallyslowed to a safe speed, and the machine’smovements can then be regulated at themachine by the operator.“Changing the speed of rotating massis one of the machine’s most dangerousmanoeuvres,” Eric Carlsten explains. “It’stherefore important that regulation in safemode is based on functionally safe signalsfrom the encoder.”ABB meets the customer’s skills require-ments within the safety area, and thus notonly complies with the current Machinery“It’s an advantage to have products thatwork well together”, says Eric Carlsten, andFinn Agensjö agrees. “It means the customerknows that there is a proven safety conceptfor motors and drive systems that can beinstalled directly.”Photo: Per SandbergDirective, but adapts, integrates and se-cures effective production processes.As a supplier of reliable and safe speedfeedback devices, Leine & Linde is proud ofits involvement in this work.Photo: ABBries is installed. In the event of power out-age, the machine enters the state defined by the customer as failsafe, as a result of the failsafe relay output setting., quality and high precision are as usual, signatures of Leine & Linde products. The role of the encoder inautomated processes is expanding, as it is from now on highly involved in simple and safe solutions for safety systems.The FSI 900 series has many different application areas.Safe speed in a crane application can be achieved by FSI being mounted on a motor shaft or directly on the winch drum. As the pictures above show, it can be connected with or without PLC.movement. By connecting its failsafe relay outputs to for example motor power off and/or brake activation, a failsafe state will be realised at the event of a critical limit being reached. Overspeed, acceleration, end limits, and standstill, are safe functions maintained by the FSI made aware of movement properties – such as position,acceleration and speed – for various purposes. Allsafety functions are still controlled integratedin FSI. The application is thus monito-red in a certified functional safetymanner and the Machinery Directive is complied with, even without the PLC needingto be certified.Power offPower offFSI 900FSI 900Functional Safety Integrated . FSI is a trade name for Leine & Linde’s certified, functional safety encoder solutions. They comply with the cur-rent Machinery Directive for safety in applications in which an operator must have access to machines when they are Programmable Logic Cont and designates the computer device that is used to make control program- is one of the market’s interfa-ces for industrial fieldbus communica-tions, based on the Ethernet standard.10 |I verkligheten 10 | Development Around the world | 11PART OF A BIG FAMILYSentronics Automation and Marketing inS ingapore is one of Leine & Linde’s distributors in Southeast Asia.“We’re strongly dedicated to providing excep-tional and efficient service to all of our custom-ers,” says Sentronics CEO, David Teo.Sentronics was founded in 1989 to provide customers withsolutions to their industrial automation needs. The company is continuously expanding to meet the ever-increasing needs of Southeast Asian industrial expansion projects. Since 2008, there has also been a sales office in western Malaysia, Apextronic Sdn Bhd. David Teo attributes a large portion of sales successes to theLeine & Linde Group’s family feel.“Our trained and experienced staff receive very good backup support from the head office and the worldwide sales organisa-tion,” he says. “We pride ourselves in exceeding our customers’ expectations.”Some of Sentronics office staff members and CEO David Teo (at the right) send their regards to the readers of Impulse Magazine.RESPONSIVE WEBSITE IN ELEVEN LANGUAGESVisits from mobile devices are increasing. Leine & Linde’s website features responsive design and easily adapts to different web browsers and mobile formats. It is available in eleven languages: Swedish, English, Finnish, Danish, German, Italian, Spanish, Portu-guese (Brazil), Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The website is a part of Leine & Linde’s strategy for maintaining a high level of service and availability for its customers in different parts of the world. Everything is designed for quick access:• Trace orders directly from the start page, and receive informa-tion each step of the way from product to delivery .• Search for products via different technical criteria in theproduct guide, and obtain detailed information, including data sheets, 3D drawings and installation instructions.• Use the shortcut to downloadable files under the Support tab to download everything from software and manuals to brochu-res and press photos.DUAL OUTPUTS SAVE SPACEMotors and drive system can receive direct speed feedback via pulse signals, while other control systems can receive absolute position data via fieldbus interfaces – from one and the same robust encoder. Several of Leine & Linde’s encoders can be ordered with dual outputs for both absolute and incremental signals. This dual output solutionsaves space, since only one encoder is needed to provide feedback on rotating movement to several systems or processes. It also means that the mechanical installation takes less space, since fewer connections and adapter components are needed. Appreciated by designers, system integrators, as well as operations and maintenance personnel.WHEN DESIGN CREATES BENEFITS“Appropriate design gives the user cost benefits in the form of saved time,” says Therese Kjellgren at Leine & Linde. Together with software engineer Mattias Jadelius, she describes the design objec-tives: “The product should be easy to install, understand, use, and be smoothly integrated with other systems.”ENCODERS are being developed today as increasingly more intelligent and commu-nicative products. They include embedded software and are also often delivered with customer-optimised software, where custo-mers can make settings or read off values in their own computers or systems that are connected to the product.Only relevant choices“The user experience is not just in the phy-sical product, but also in the software,” The-rese Kjellgren emphasises, conducting work with design and user friendliness for the customer software being created by Leine & Linde. An example of this type of software is the FSI Monitor, where customers can make settings so that velocity , acceleration and end-limit positions are regulated in a certified functional safety manner directly through the encoder in the FSI series.“The customer’s safety coordinator speci-fies which functions need to be safe in theparticular application where the encoder will be used, directly in the software,” says Therese Kjellgren. “The customer will then be guided through setting of the limit va-lues. Thanks to the design of the software, only the alternatives that are relevant to the customer will be shown. This reduces the risk of making mistakes. It also makes the interface more pleasant to look at and easy to understand.”“We approach every step of our work with a question: ‘How can we make this simp-ler?’,” says Mattias Jadelius, who works as software engineer at Leine & Linde. “This saves time for the user. When we work with embedded software in the products, we also consider what we can do to simplify communications and integration in the customer’s systems or production.”Early customer testingAn example of this is Overspeed, Leine & Linde’s integrated speed monitor, whichcan now be programmed by the custo-mer thanks to an embedded virtual series protocol that is accessible via a USB port. Previously , customers ordered an overspeed encoder which acted within a pre-program-med speed range. Now, the customer’s own settings can be made for four relays within the range 0–6000 rpm. This results in signi-ficantly greater flexibility than other similar products on the market.Ease of use is especially important since Leine & Linde’s products are used in bran-ches with exceptionally high investments in machinery , where operating time must always be maximised.“Early customer testing is important for us in making effective design choices,” says Mattias Jadelius and emphasises that design and functionality are two sides of the same coin.“The earlier we can participate in the pro-cess, the more we can benefit the customer,” says Therese Kjellgren.Therese Kjellgren demonstrates the FSI Monitor software at an in-house exhibit where all employees at Leine & Linde had the opportunity to learn about the product and contribute to the development.Incoming inspection。
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Robust Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives Using First-Order Auto-DisturbanceRejection ControllersJie Li,Hai-Peng Ren,Member,IEEE,and Yan-Ru ZhongAbstract—A novel robust control scheme employing three first-order auto-disturbance rejection controllers(ADRCs)is pre-sented for the speed control of induction motor pared with the existing high-order ADRC-based speed control struc-tures,the proposed method does not need to estimate the rotor flux.As a result,the implementation of the proposed scheme on a digital signal processor(DSP)is easier,and the runtime of the proposed ADRC control algorithm is shorter.The simulation results show that the proposed control scheme can cope with the internal disturbance and external disturbance,such as the motor’s parameter variations,the load disturbances,etc.A TMS320F2812 DSP-based prototype using the proposed control scheme was developed.The comparative experimental results show that the robustness of the proposed ADRC system is obviously better than the conventional proportional–integral system when various disturbances occur,and the scheme is feasible and effective.Index Terms—Auto-disturbance rejection controller(ADRC), induction motor,robust control,vector control.I.I NTRODUCTIONI NDUCTION motors can be controlled similarly as dc mo-tors using thefield-oriented control(FOC)(also called vector control)approach,and the performances of the con-trolled induction motors with FOC are comparable to those of the dc motors.With the development of the power elec-tronics elements and the high-performance microprocessor, induction motor drives employing FOC and conventional proportional–integral(PI)regulators have been commercial-ized.However,the performances of the PI regulator-based FOC suffers from the induction motor parameters’mismatch orManuscript received June22,2013;revised December1,2013and February27,2014;accepted May7,2014.Date of publication June10,2014; date of current version January16,2015.Paper2013-IACC-539.R2,pre-sented at the2012IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas,NV,USA,October7–11,and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Automation and Control Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant50907054,in part by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program under Grant20126118110008,in part by the Innovation Research Team of Shaanxi Province under Grant2013KCT-04,in part by the Natural Science Research Project of Educational Affairs Committee of Shaanxi Province under Grant2013JK0995,in part by the Scientific Research of Inter-national Cooperation Project of Shaanxi Province under Grant2013KW05-02, and in part by the Scientific Fund of Key Discipline of Shaanxi Province under Grant105-5X1301.The authors are with the School of Automation and Information Engineer-ing,Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an710048,China(e-mail:lijie@ ;renhaipeng@;zhongyr@).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TIA.2014.2330062variation with time[1].In addition,when the load disturbances are present,the PI controller scheme has a long recovery period. Generally speaking,the requirements of the motor speed control system are the accuracy,the rapidity,the robustness, and so on.To satisfy these performance requirements of the industry drive system,electrical engineers use two ways:one way is using the online parameter identification to estimate the corresponding parameters in the FOC;and the other way is us-ing the robust controller to replace the conventional PI regulator to get better performance.During the past few decades,many online parameter identification methods have been proposed for FOC[2].However,the parameters of the system are inherently dependent on each other.As a result,more parameters are needed to be identified,which increases the complexity of the algorithm and the difficulty of real-time applications.In order to directly aim at the original goal,i.e.,to improve the control per-formances of the drive systems,researchers attempted various kinds of robust controllers to cope with the parameter uncer-tainty,and at the same time,not to degrade the accuracy and the rapidity of the speed control.For example,an adaptive robust control strategy was proposed in[3]to increase robustness to parameter variations and load disturbance for sensorlessfield-oriented controlled induction motor drives.A back-stepping controller based on the exact model of the induction motors was proposed in[4].Meanwhile,the extended state observer(ESO) was employed to improve the robustness to the uncertainty of the system.The neural network-based robust control schemes were proposed to obtain a robust speed control of induction motor drives in[5]and[6].The ADRC was proposed by Han in1998[7]–[9].The ADRC is a nonlinear controller for an uncertain system,it estimates and compensates the external disturbances and pa-rameter variations,and as a consequence,the accurate model of the plant is not required.It means that the design of ADRC is inherently independent of the controlled system model and its parameters.Bogdan M.Wilamowski,former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRIAL E LECTRONICS, pointed out that“ADRC turns modern control theory on its head.The implication of this change of direction proved to be enormous both in theory and practice”[9].As one of the simple robust control methods to deal with the uncertainty,ADRC attracts much attention in many technical fields[10]–[25],particularly in thefield of the motor control [14]–[25].A second-order ADRCs was proposed for the speed control of the brushless dc motor[14],[15].ADRC was used for0093-9994©2014IEEE.Personal use is permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See /publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more torque control of permanent-magnet synchronous servo motor[16].Aside from speed control,ADRC was also applied to speed estimation to improve the robustness of the estimation algorithms[17].Many ADRC-based research works have been done to im-prove the robustness of the induction motor speed control[18]–[25].The ADRC-based speed control scheme for the induction motor drives has the advantage of good robustness to parameter uncertainty and external disturbance.Thefirst scheme of speed control of the induction motor based on ADRC was proposed in[18]and applied in[19]–[21].In this scheme,twofirst-order ADRCs were used to control the rotor speed and the quadrature component of the stator current,respectively,and one second-order ADRC was used to regulate the rotorflux.A four-ADRC configuration was proposed for the speed control of the induction motor fed by a matrix converter[22].Two second-order ADRCs were used to regulate the rotor speed and the quadrature component of the stator current,respectively,and one third-order ADRC was used to regulate the rotorflux in [23]to achieve robust speed control of induction motor.Two second-order ADRCs were employed for the speed and rotor flux control of the induction motor[24].Two conventional PI regulators were used for the torque current and magnetizing current control;meanwhile,two second-order ADRCs were used for speed control[25].Most of the aforementioned works on induction motor con-trol are limited to simulation results.All these existing schemes using ADRCs require the estimation of the rotorflux;therefore, the real-time computing cost is increased when the algorithms are implemented on digital signal processors(DSPs).Further-more,the existing works usually use the second-order(or third-order)ADRCs,including the third-order(or fourth-order) dynamical equations for ESO.Consequently,the complexity of the entire control algorithm is dramatically increased.In this paper,a novel control scheme based on three first-order ADRCs is presented.The rotorflux estimation is removed to reduce the runtime of the proposed ADRC control algorithm.Because the order of ADRC is low and theflux estimation is removed,the DSP code implementation of the proposed method is easier,and the code running time is shorter as well.Simulation results show that the proposed simplified ADRC robust speed control scheme provides strong ability to resist the uncertainties,such as external load disturbances and motor parameter variations.Experimental results also show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.This paper is organized as follows:the robust control scheme using threefirst-order ADRCs is given for induction motor speed control in Section II.The robust performances of the proposed scheme are tested by simulation in Section III.Exper-imental results on experimental bench are given in Section IV to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Conclusion remarks are given in Section V.II.T HREE F IRST-O RDER ADRCS C LOSED-L OOP S PEEDC ONTROL OF I NDUCTION M OTORSFor the FOC scheme of induction motors,three control loops, including the quadrature axis(q-axis)current loop,the direct axis(d-axis)current loop,and the speed loop,are considered. Fig.1(a)shows an example of the induction motor speed control system using high-order ADRCs,which consists of two second-order ADRCs for the speed control and q-axis current control,respectively,and one third-order ADRC for the d-axis current control.Meanwhile,theflux estimator is needed to get the information aboutflux and rotor angle.Fig.1(b)gives the proposed scheme using threefirst-order ADRCs for the speed control of induction motors,where threefirst-order ADRCs are used for the three control loops of the system.It is shown from Fig.1that the proposed control scheme is simpler in the sense of using lower order ADRCs,which means the lower order of dynamical equation to be solved and that the removal of the flux estimator further reduces the complexity of the control algorithm.The proposed speed control scheme employs three different first-order ADRCs for rotor electrical angular speedωr regu-lation,direct component of stator current i d1regulation,and quadrature component of stator current i q1regulation.It means that the proposed control scheme use open loop control for the rotorflux.The motivation of using open loopflux control is to reduce the complexity of the control algorithm when it is implemented on DSP.As shown in Fig.2,eachfirst-order ADRC is composed of three parts:1)nonlinear differentiator(ND);2)ESO;and 3)nonlinear state error feedback control law(NLSEF).The ESO in the ADRC can be treated as a kind of dynamic feedback linearization mechanism.Its structure and performance are not only determined by the model of the system under control,but only by the range of its variation rate.Therefore,the ESO is robust to the system model uncertainty.The role of ND is to define a desirable transition response for the step input.The ND can smoothen the sudden change of the input signal in order to decrease the overshoot of the output response during the transient state.These factors make ADRC get a good balance between the fast transient response and the small overshoot.On the contrary,for the conventional PID controller,it is hard for tuning parameters to achieve this point.The NLSEF gives the control law u0to drive the state trajectory to track the desired reference.Now,we explain how to design the threefirst-order ADRCs as follows.A.ADRC for Speed RegulationThe mathematical model of the speed control loop is˙ωr=k1ψd2i q1+w1(t)(1) wherek1=P2L m/JL2and w1(t)=−P T L/JΨd2is the d-axis rotorflux linkage,i q1is the q-axis stator current,P is the number of pole pairs of the motor,J is the rotor inertia,L m is the mutual inductance,L2is the rotor inductance, and T L is the load torque.The load torque T L and the coupling term between the speed loop andflux loop can be treated as the“disturbances”when weparison of the scheme using higher order ADRC and our proposed scheme.(a)Example of control systems using high-order ADRCs.(b)Proposed scheme based on three first-orderADRCs.Fig.2.Block diagram of first-order the ADRC for the speed loop.These disturbances can be compensated by the ESO given as ⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩e (k )=z 1(k )−y (k )z 1(k +1)=z 1(k )+h (z 2(k )−β1fal (e (k ),α1,δ1)+bu (k ))z 2(k +1)=z 2(k )−hβ2fal (e (k ),α1,δ1)(2)where function fal (e (k ),α,δ)is a nonlinear function given asfal (e (k ),α,δ)=|e (k )|αsgn (e (k )),|e (k )|>δe (k )/δ1−α,|e (k )|≤δand y (k )is the output signal of the system (plant)to be controlled.For the speed loop,y (k )is the speed ωr (as shown in Fig.1),z 1(k )is the estimation of the system state,z 2(k )is the estimation of the disturbances.ESO has four adjustableparameters:α1,δ1,β1,and β2.The range of α1is from 0to 1;the smaller the α1is,the better the ability of the ESO against the uncertainty of the induction motor model and the disturbances is.δ1is the width of linear area of the nonlinear function.The system dynamic performances are affected tremendously by the β1and β2.β1mainly has effect on the estimation of the system state,and β2mainly affects the estimation of the disturbances.The larger the β1and the β2are,the faster the estimation converges,on the other hand,if the β1and the β2are too large,the estimation might not converge.The ND is given asx 1(k +1)=x 1(k )+hx 2(k )x 2(k +1)=x 2(k )+hfst (x 1(k )−v (k ),x 2(k ),r,h 0)(3)where the nonlinear function can be represented byfst (p 1(k ),p 2(k ),r,h 0)=−ra (k )/d,|a (k )|≤dr sgn (a (k )),|a (k )|>dy td (k )=p 1(k )+h 0p 2(k ),a 0(k )= d 2+8r |y td (k )| 12a (k )=p 2(k )+(a 0(k )−d )/2,|y td (k )|>d 0p 2(k )+y td (k )/h 0,|y td (k )|≤d 0d =rh 0,d 0=dh 0v(k)is the reference signal of the ADRC,for the speed loop, v(k)is the speed referenceω∗r(as shown in Fig.1),x1(k)is the tracking signal of v(k),x2(k)is the derivative of x1(k), also approximately the derivative of v(k),h is the step size. ND is used to arrange transition procedure when tracking the reference signal.There are two adjustable parameters in the ND,i.e.,r and h0.r is the convergence rate coefficient. The larger the r is,the faster the procedure that x1(k)converges toω∗r is.h0is afiltering factor used for the noisefiltering. According to the output of the ND and the ESO,the NLSEF gives the control to the corresponding loop⎧⎨⎩e1(k)=x1(k)−z1(k)u0(k)=β3fal(e1(k),α2,δ3)u(k)=u0(k)−z2(k)/b(4)where u(k)is the control output of the ADRC,for the speed loop,u(k)is the q-axis stator current reference i∗q1(as shown in Fig.1).α2andδ3possess the similar meanings as that of α1andδ1in(2).β3governs the speed of the system response, however,ifβ3is too large,a big overshoot would appear.B.ADRC for q-Axis Current LoopThe mathematical model of the q-axis stator current is˙iq1=−k2i q1+w2(t)+u q1/Lσ(5)wherek2=R1L22+R2L2m/LσL22w2(t)=−L mψd2ωr/LσL2−i d1ω1Lσ=L1−L2m/L2and u q1is the q-axis stator voltage.R1and R2are the stator resistance and rotor resistance,respectively.L1is the stator inductance,Lσis leakage inductance.ωr is rotor angular speed.ω1is synchronous angular speed.It can be seen from(5)that the“disturbance”w2(t)contains the coupling terms,i.e.,the product of the rotorfluxΨd2 and the rotor angular speedωr,and the product of the d-axis stator current i d1and synchronous angular speedω1.If a PID controller was used,the performances of the system will be degraded because of this nonlinear coupling terms.However, the ADRC can estimate the disturbance and cope with the effect of this coupling term to get better performance.The ADRC used in the q-axis current loop is similar to that of the speed-loop ADRC,except the input and output shown in Fig.1(b). C.ADRC for d-Axis Current LoopThe mathematical model of the d-axis stator current control loop is˙id1=−k2i d1+w3(t)+u d1/Lσ(6) wherew3(t)=k3ψd2+i q1ω1k3=R2L m/LσL22i d1is the d-axis stator current,and u d1is d-axis stator voltage. Here,w3(t)is treated as disturbance,which contains the coupling term,i.e.,the product of the synchronous angular speedω1and the q-axis stator current i q1.The rotor resistance is also considered in the disturbance,and it is subjected to the variations of operation conditions of induction motors. ADRC can automatically estimate all these disturbances and compensate them to achieve better performance.The ADRC for d-axis current loop is designed using the similar way as that in the speed loop,which is omitted for simplicity.III.S IMULATION R ESULTSTo show the performance of the proposed control scheme, an MATLAB/Simulink model[26]has been established for a 1.1-kW induction machine driven by a voltage source inverter (VSI)using the proposed scheme.Eachfirst-order ADRC is written by an S-function with C code.The parameters of the squirrel-cage induction motor are listed as follows:P N=1.1kWU N=380VI N=2.67Af N=50HzR1=5.27ΩR2=5.07ΩR Fe=1370ΩL1=479mHL2=479mHL m=421mHσ=0.228T N=7.45N·mP=2n N=1410r/min.We have investigated the robustness of the proposed scheme under the following three cases a)load disturbance;b)the motor parameter variations;and c)the model uncertainty.The proposed method is compared with the vector control based on the traditional PI regulators.In the simulation,both the adjustable parameters of the ADRC and those of the PI system have been manually tuned to their desirable values.It can be also done by the method proposed in[15].A.Load Disturbance PerformanceFig.3shows the comparative simulation results when the load torque disturbance occurs,Fig.3(a)shows the speed response when the load torque steps up from no load to the rated load(1pu)at1.5s,and Fig.3(b)shows the speed response when the load torque steps down from the rated load to no load at3s.In Fig.3,the speed reference is1300r/min, The motor parameters are constant during the simulations.As shown in Fig.3,in the steady-state performance aspect,the ADRC system can always settle down to the speed referenceparative simulation result when load torque disturbances occur with speed reference is1300r/min.(a)Load torque steps up from no load to the rated load at1.5s.(b)Load torque steps down from the rated load to no load at3s.value without steady-state error,whereas the steady-state error of the PI system increases when the load is heavier,even up to1.3%under rated load.This shows that the ADRC system has better robustness compared with the PI System from the viewpoint of load disturbances.In the dynamic performance aspect,the ADRC system always has larger overshoot than the PI system in the simulation results,the reason is that their linearization mechanisms are essentially different:the PI regulator depends on thefield oriented to realize the decoupling of the torque control and theflux control,when the rotorflux direction coincides with the d-axis,under this circumstance,the induction motor can be treated as a“linear”system.However,in ADRC control scheme,the ESO,a core component of ADRC, estimate the internal and the external disturbances as the“total disturbance”in real time,then compensate it.As a result,the system is dynamically linearized.In a simulation model, the PI system uses the exact parameters,which means that the parameters used in the vector control scheme match very well with the motor;thus,the dynamic performance could be perfect if the parameters of the PI regulators are optimized.On the contrary,the dynamic performance of the ADRC depends on the dynamic performance of its ESO,when the load suddenly increases or decreases,the disturbances in(1),(5),and(6)of the three ADRCs will also suddenly change,the ESOs will undergo a transient state to estimate the disturbance and to track reference.Therefore,even if the ADRC parameters are good,the simulation results will inevitably overshoot when load torque steps up or down heavily in high speed range.In practice,the experimental results in Section IV show that when load torque steps up or down,the PI system alsoparative simulation result when rotor resistance steps up and down.shoot because of inexact parameters used in the PI controller, i.e.,the parameter mismatch.B.Parameter Variation PerformanceTo evaluate the rapidity and the accuracy of control algo-rithms,the step response of reference variation or the step response of disturbance is usually observed,because the step signal contains the most abundant frequency components.For induction motor drive systems,if wound-rotor induction motors were selected,the rotor resistance may suddenly increase or decrease.Although,the rapid parameter variation is not the gen-eral case,the step variation of the rotor resistance is still chosen here to do the comparative simulation,in order to evaluate the proposed ADRC scheme under the worst operation condition.A simulation motor model[26]with a varying rotor re-sistance is used to simulate the performance of the proposed scheme.Fig.4shows the comparative simulation results when the motor parameter varies.The solid line,i.e.,the smoother one, is the speed response of the proposed ADRC scheme,and the dash line,i.e.,the oscillating one,is the speed response of the conventional PI controller.The operation condition is the same for both controllers,i.e.,the speed reference is1pu,and the load torque is1pu.The motor parameters are given as the foregoing parameter list.The rotor resistance steps up from1to 1.5pu at4s and down to1pu again at6s.In fact,it is almost impossible in the practical situation that the rotor resistances suddenly increase or decrease for the squirrel-cage induction motor.However,for the purpose of evaluating the robustness, step changes of the rotor resistance is chosen in simulation.As shown in Fig.4,when the rotor resistance suddenly changes, the proposed scheme is more robust than the conventional PI control.The ADRC system is able to quickly complete the adjustment process and stabilize at the reference speed again, whereas the PI control demonstrates a speed oscillation when the motor parameter parative simulations under the conditions that other motor parameters change have been done.The conclusion is that the ADRC is more robust than the PI control when the motor parameters change.C.Model Uncertainty PerformanceThe motor model considering the iron loss[26]is used to simulate the model uncertainty[19].Both PI controller and theparative simulation result when modeling error exists. proposed ADRC(s)are designed according to the ideal motor model(i.e.,without considering the impact of the nonideal factors such as magnetic saturation and iron loss).In fact,an actual motor cannot behave as we expect;thus,the electrical engineers have to use more robust control methods to get the desirable performance under the undesirable condition.Fig.5shows the comparative simulation results when the iron loss exists in the model,whereas the controller design procedure did not take into account.The solid line is the response of the proposed scheme,and the dashed line is the PI system.The operation condition is same for both schemes,i.e., the speed reference steps up from0.4to0.8pu at5s,and the load torque is full load throughout the simulation.The motor parameters,including the iron loss equivalent resistance,are set as the parameters listed aforementioned.If theflux control and the torque control of the induction motor are completely decoupled,the q-axis component rotorflux should be zero at the steady state.As shown in Fig.5,both the ADRC and the PI control do not make the q-axis component rotorflux to be zero, but the steady-state error of the q-axis rotorflux of the ADRC is obviously less than that of the PI control.It means that the decoupling degree of the proposed scheme is better than that of PI control.IV.E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTSThe experimental bench(see Fig.6)is built based on the core of TMS320F2812DSP,the actual motor has the same nominal parameters as that used in the simulations.The ADRC algorithm was written in mixed C language and assembly language in order to improve the execution speed,the execution time of each ADRC is about50μs.The sampling periods of the current loops and the speed loop are250μs,so that the code for ADRC can be executed in real time.Compared with the conventional PI regulators,the ADRCs have more parameters to be tuned.However,once these param-eters are set appropriately,it is effective all over the speed range and load condition.For the conventional PI systems,it always need several proportion coefficient and integral coefficient sets to obtain the desired speed control performance in different speed ranges for the same induction motor.From this point of view,the ADRC also has its superiority.On the other hand,some parameters in the ADRCs have their empirical values,e.g.,α1,α2,h0etc.;thus,the tuning procedure of the ADRC parameters is easier than our imagination.Using Fig.6.Photograph of the experimentalbench.parative experimental results when load torque disturbance occurs (speed reference is1300r/min,load torque steps down from rated load to no load,(a)ADRC system and(b)PI system).the trial and error method,the ADRCs parameters are set as follows.1)Speed ADRC controllerTD:r=60,h0=0.01ESO:α1=0.5,δ1=0.2,β1=20,β2=400,b0=11 NLSEF:β3=10,δ2=0.2,α2=0.75.2)q-axis current loop ADRC controllerTD:r=400,h0=0.01ESO:α1=0.5,δ1=10,β1=10,β2=600,b0=300 NLSEF:β3=10,δ2=10,α2=0.75.Fig.8.Controlled experimental result when load torque disturbance occurs (speed reference is1000r/min,and load torque steps up from no load to0.8-pu load,(a)the proposed scheme and(b)conventional PI control).3)d-axis current loop ADRC controllerTD:r=200,h0=0.01ESO:α1=0.5,δ1=0.1,β1=30,β2=600,b0=940 NLSEF:β3=1,δ2=0.1,α2=0.75.Fig.7shows the comparative experimental results of the proposed scheme and the conventional PI control.The speed reference is1300r/min,load torque steps down from the rated load to no load at the marked places in thefigures.In Figs.7–10, CH1is the measured rotor speed curve and CH2is the measured stator current curve.It is shown from Fig.7that because the speed is relatively high,and the load torque perturbation is relatively strong,as mentioned in Section III,the ADRC system will inevitable overshoot when load torque steps up or down heavily in high speed range.On the other hand,different from the simulation results,the PI control overshoots obviously even more than the proposed scheme.The reason is that in the simulation model,the parameters of the plant and the controller are matched well,but in practice,it is impossible.Under this practical case,the proposed method has better performance.In the middle speed range and the low speed range,the ADRC system shows very attractive performances,it is much better than the PI system.When load torque disturbances occur, the PI system still needs relatively longer settling time,and the speed variation is obvious during the transient state,on the contrary,the speed of the ADRC system almost does not vary when load is stepped up ordown.Fig.9.Controlled experimental result when load torque disturbance occurs (speed reference is700r/min,and load torque steps up from no load to0.6-pu load,(a)the proposed scheme and(b)conventional PI control).Fig.8gives the comparative experimental results under the condition that the speed reference is1000r/min,and load torque steps up from no load to0.8-pu load.The speed of the ADRC system seems to befluctuated to a very small extent, but,the PI system spends more than3s to settle down and has about80r/min transient speed decreasing.The similar situation can be observed in the Figs.9and10.Fig.9shows the comparative experimental results under the condition that the speed reference is700r/min,and load torque steps up from no load to0.6pu load.Fig.10shows the comparative exper-imental results under the condition that the speed reference is700r/min,and load torque steps down from rated load to no load.It can be seen that,when the speed reference is in the middle speed range or in the low speed range,the ADRC system has a very short settling downtime and far smaller speedfluctuation amplitude than those of the conventional PI control.Therefore,the conclusion can be drawn that the performance of the control system has been improved via the state observation,the real-time“disturbance”estimation and compensation,the ADRC controller indeed plays a role of “anti-disturbance.”As mentioned in Section III,practically,it is unlikely that the rotor resistance can suddenly increase or decrease for squirrel-cage induction motors.In order to experimentally evaluate the robustness against the parameter variation,there are two choices:i)replace the squirrel-cage induction motor used in the experiments with a wound-rotor induction motor,then,the rotor resistance can be changed by connecting a three-phase。