

u-blox F9 HPS 1.30产品介绍说明书

u-blox F9 HPS 1.30产品介绍说明书

u-blox F9 HPS 1.30u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver Protocol version 33.30Interface descriptionAbstractThis document describes the interface (version 33.30) of the u-bloxF9 firmware HPS 1.30 platform.UBX-22010984 - R01C1-PublicDocument informationTitle u-blox F9 HPS 1.30Subtitle u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver Document type Interface descriptionDocument number UBX-22010984Revision and date R0116-Sep-2022 Disclosure restriction C1-Publicu-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, or modification of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. Disclosure to third parties is permitted for clearly public documents only.The information contained herein is provided "as is" and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit .Copyright © 2022, u-blox AG.Contents1 General information (14)1.1 Document overview (14)1.2 Firmware and protocol versions (14)1.3 Receiver configuration (16)1.4 Message naming (17)1.5 GNSS, satellite, and signal identifiers (17)1.5.1 Overview (17)1.5.2 GNSS identifiers (18)1.5.3 Satellite identifiers (18)1.5.4 Signal identifiers (19)1.6 Message types (20)2 NMEA protocol (21)2.1 NMEA frame structure (21)2.2 NMEA protocol configuration (21)2.3 NMEA-proprietary messages (22)2.4 NMEA multi-GNSS operation (23)2.5 NMEA data fields (23)2.5.1 NMEA Talker ID (23)2.5.2 NMEA extra fields (23)2.5.3 NMEA latitude and longitude format (24)2.5.4 NMEA GNSS, satellite, and signal numbering (24)2.5.5 NMEA position fix flags (24)2.5.6 NMEA output of invalid or unknown data (25)2.6 NMEA messages overview (26)2.7 Standard messages (26)2.7.1 DTM (26) Datum reference (27)2.7.2 GAQ (27) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GA) (27)2.7.3 GBQ (28) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GB) (28)2.7.4 GBS (28) GNSS satellite fault detection (28)2.7.5 GGA (29) Global positioning system fix data (29)2.7.6 GLL (30) Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status (30)2.7.7 GLQ (30) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GL) (30)2.7.8 GNQ (31) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GN) (31)2.7.9 GNS (31) GNSS fix data (31)2.7.10 GPQ (32) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GP) (32)2.7.11 GQQ (32) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GQ) (33)2.7.12 GRS (33) GNSS range residuals (33)2.7.13 GSA (34) GNSS DOP and active satellites (34)2.7.14 GST (34) GNSS pseudorange error statistics (34)2.7.15 GSV (35) GNSS satellites in view (35)2.7.16 RLM (36) Return link message (RLM) (36)2.7.17 RMC (36) Recommended minimum data (36)2.7.18 THS (37) True heading and status (37)2.7.19 TXT (38) Text transmission (38)2.7.20 VTG (38) Course over ground and ground speed (38)2.7.21 ZDA (39) Time and date (39)2.8 Secondary output messages (40)2.8.1 GGA (40) Global positioning system fix data (40)2.8.2 GLL (41) Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status (41)2.8.3 GNS (41) GNSS fix data (42)2.8.4 GSA (43) GNSS DOP and active satellites (43)2.8.5 RMC (44) Recommended minimum data (44)2.8.6 VTG (45) Course over ground and ground speed (45)2.8.7 ZDA (45) Time and date (45)2.9 PUBX messages (46)2.9.1 CONFIG (PUBX,41) (46) Set protocols and baud rate (46)2.9.2 POSITION (PUBX,00) (47) Poll a PUBX,00 message (47) Lat/Long position data (47)2.9.3 RATE (PUBX,40) (48) Set NMEA message output rate (48)2.9.4 SVSTATUS (PUBX,03) (49) Poll a PUBX,03 message (49)2.9.5 TIME (PUBX,04) (49) Poll a PUBX,04 message (50)3 UBX protocol (51)3.1 UBX protocol key features (51)3.2 UBX frame structure (51)3.3 UBX payload definition rules (52)3.3.1 UBX structure packing (52)3.3.2 UBX reserved elements (52)3.3.3 UBX undefined values (52)3.3.4 UBX conditional values (52)3.3.5 UBX data types (52)3.3.6 UBX fields scale and unit (53)3.3.7 UBX repeated fields (53)3.3.8 UBX payload decoding (54)3.4 UBX checksum (54)3.5 UBX message flow (54)3.5.1 UBX acknowledgement (54)3.5.2 UBX polling mechanism (54)3.6 GNSS, satellite, and signal numbering (55)3.7 UBX message example (55)3.8 UBX messages overview (56)3.9 UBX-ACK (0x05) (59)3.9.1 UBX-ACK-ACK (0x05 0x01) (59) Message acknowledged (60)3.9.2 UBX-ACK-NAK (0x05 0x00) (60) Message not acknowledged (60)3.10 UBX-CFG (0x06) (60)3.10.1 UBX-CFG-CFG (0x06 0x09) (60) Clear, save and load configurations (60)3.10.2 UBX-CFG-RST (0x06 0x04) (61) Reset receiver / Clear backup data structures (61)3.10.3 UBX-CFG-SPT (0x06 0x64) (62) Configure and start a sensor production test (62)3.10.4 UBX-CFG-VALDEL (0x06 0x8c) (63) Delete configuration item values (63) Delete configuration item values (with transaction) (63)3.10.5 UBX-CFG-VALGET (0x06 0x8b) (64) Get configuration items (65) Configuration items (65)3.10.6 UBX-CFG-VALSET (0x06 0x8a) (66) Set configuration item values (66) Set configuration item values (with transaction) (67)3.11 UBX-ESF (0x10) (68)3.11.1 UBX-ESF-ALG (0x10 0x14) (68) IMU alignment information (68)3.11.2 UBX-ESF-INS (0x10 0x15) (69) Vehicle dynamics information (69)3.11.3 UBX-ESF-MEAS (0x10 0x02) (70) External sensor fusion measurements (70)3.11.4 UBX-ESF-RAW (0x10 0x03) (70) Raw sensor measurements (70)3.11.5 UBX-ESF-STATUS (0x10 0x10) (71) External sensor fusion status (71)3.12 UBX-INF (0x04) (72)3.12.1 UBX-INF-DEBUG (0x04 0x04) (72) ASCII output with debug contents (72)3.12.2 UBX-INF-ERROR (0x04 0x00) (73) ASCII output with error contents (73)3.12.3 UBX-INF-NOTICE (0x04 0x02) (73) ASCII output with informational contents (73)3.12.4 UBX-INF-TEST (0x04 0x03) (73) ASCII output with test contents (73)3.12.5 UBX-INF-WARNING (0x04 0x01) (74) ASCII output with warning contents (74)3.13 UBX-MGA (0x13) (74)3.13.1 UBX-MGA-ACK (0x13 0x60) (74) Multiple GNSS acknowledge message (74)3.13.2 UBX-MGA-BDS (0x13 0x03) (75) BeiDou ephemeris assistance (75) BeiDou almanac assistance (76) BeiDou health assistance (77) BeiDou UTC assistance (77) BeiDou ionosphere assistance (78)3.13.3 UBX-MGA-DBD (0x13 0x80) (78) Poll the navigation database (78) Navigation database dump entry (79)3.13.4 UBX-MGA-GAL (0x13 0x02) (79) Galileo ephemeris assistance (79) Galileo almanac assistance (80) Galileo GPS time offset assistance (81) Galileo UTC assistance (82)3.13.5 UBX-MGA-GLO (0x13 0x06) (82) GLONASS ephemeris assistance (82) GLONASS almanac assistance (83) GLONASS auxiliary time offset assistance (84)3.13.6 UBX-MGA-GPS (0x13 0x00) (84) GPS ephemeris assistance (84) GPS almanac assistance (86) GPS health assistance (86) GPS UTC assistance (87) GPS ionosphere assistance (87)3.13.7 UBX-MGA-INI (0x13 0x40) (88) Initial position assistance (88) Initial position assistance (88) Initial time assistance (89) Initial time assistance (90) Initial clock drift assistance (91) Initial frequency assistance (91)3.13.8 UBX-MGA-QZSS (0x13 0x05) (91) QZSS ephemeris assistance (92) QZSS almanac assistance (93) QZSS health assistance (93)3.13.9 UBX-MGA-SF (0x13 0x10) (94) Sensor fusion initialization data (94) Sensor fusion initialization data (94)3.14 UBX-MON (0x0a) (95)3.14.1 UBX-MON-COMMS (0x0a 0x36) (95) Communication port information (95)3.14.2 UBX-MON-GNSS (0x0a 0x28) (96) Information message major GNSS selection (96)3.14.3 UBX-MON-HW (0x0a 0x09) (96) Hardware status (97)3.14.4 UBX-MON-HW2 (0x0a 0x0b) (97) Extended hardware status (98)3.14.5 UBX-MON-HW3 (0x0a 0x37) (98) I/O pin status (98)3.14.6 UBX-MON-IO (0x0a 0x02) (99) I/O system status (99)3.14.7 UBX-MON-MSGPP (0x0a 0x06) (100) Message parse and process status (100)3.14.8 UBX-MON-PATCH (0x0a 0x27) (100) Installed patches (100)3.14.9 UBX-MON-RF (0x0a 0x38) (101) RF information (101)3.14.10 UBX-MON-RXBUF (0x0a 0x07) (102) Receiver buffer status (102)3.14.11 UBX-MON-RXR (0x0a 0x21) (102) Receiver status information (102)3.14.12 UBX-MON-SPAN (0x0a 0x31) (102) Signal characteristics (103)3.14.13 UBX-MON-SPT (0x0a 0x2f) (103) Sensor production test (103)3.14.14 UBX-MON-SYS (0x0a 0x39) (105) Current system performance information (105)3.14.15 UBX-MON-TXBUF (0x0a 0x08) (106) Transmitter buffer status (106)3.14.16 UBX-MON-VER (0x0a 0x04) (107) Receiver and software version (107)3.15 UBX-NAV (0x01) (107)3.15.1 UBX-NAV-ATT (0x01 0x05) (108) Attitude solution (108)3.15.2 UBX-NAV-CLOCK (0x01 0x22) (108) Clock solution (108)3.15.3 UBX-NAV-COV (0x01 0x36) (109) Covariance matrices (109)3.15.4 UBX-NAV-DOP (0x01 0x04) (109) Dilution of precision (109)3.15.5 UBX-NAV-EELL (0x01 0x3d) (110) Position error ellipse parameters (110)3.15.6 UBX-NAV-EOE (0x01 0x61) (110) End of epoch (110)3.15.7 UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE (0x01 0x39) (111) Geofencing status (111)3.15.8 UBX-NAV-HPPOSECEF (0x01 0x13) (111) High precision position solution in ECEF (111)3.15.9 UBX-NAV-HPPOSLLH (0x01 0x14) (112) High precision geodetic position solution (112)3.15.10 UBX-NAV-ORB (0x01 0x34) (113) GNSS orbit database info (113)3.15.11 UBX-NAV-PL (0x01 0x62) (114) Protection level information (114)3.15.12 UBX-NAV-POSECEF (0x01 0x01) (116) Position solution in ECEF (116)3.15.13 UBX-NAV-POSLLH (0x01 0x02) (116) Geodetic position solution (117)3.15.14 UBX-NAV-PVAT (0x01 0x17) (117) Navigation position velocity attitude time solution (117)3.15.15 UBX-NAV-PVT (0x01 0x07) (119) Navigation position velocity time solution (119)3.15.16 UBX-NAV-RELPOSNED (0x01 0x3c) (121) Relative positioning information in NED frame (122)3.15.17 UBX-NAV-SAT (0x01 0x35) (123) Satellite information (123)3.15.18 UBX-NAV-SBAS (0x01 0x32) (125) SBAS status data (125)3.15.19 UBX-NAV-SIG (0x01 0x43) (126) Signal information (126)3.15.20 UBX-NAV-SLAS (0x01 0x42) (127) QZSS L1S SLAS status data (127)3.15.21 UBX-NAV-STATUS (0x01 0x03) (128) Receiver navigation status (128)3.15.22 UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS (0x01 0x24) (130) BeiDou time solution (130)3.15.23 UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL (0x01 0x25) (130) Galileo time solution (130)3.15.24 UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO (0x01 0x23) (131) GLONASS time solution (131)3.15.25 UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS (0x01 0x20) (132) GPS time solution (132)3.15.26 UBX-NAV-TIMELS (0x01 0x26) (132) Leap second event information (132)3.15.27 UBX-NAV-TIMEQZSS (0x01 0x27) (133) QZSS time solution (134)3.15.28 UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC (0x01 0x21) (134) UTC time solution (134)3.15.29 UBX-NAV-VELECEF (0x01 0x11) (135) Velocity solution in ECEF (135)3.15.30 UBX-NAV-VELNED (0x01 0x12) (135) Velocity solution in NED frame (136)3.16 UBX-NAV2 (0x29) (136)3.16.1 UBX-NAV2-CLOCK (0x29 0x22) (136) Clock solution (136)3.16.2 UBX-NAV2-COV (0x29 0x36) (137) Covariance matrices (137)3.16.3 UBX-NAV2-DOP (0x29 0x04) (137) Dilution of precision (137)3.16.4 UBX-NAV2-EELL (0x29 0x3d) (138) Position error ellipse parameters (138)3.16.5 UBX-NAV2-EOE (0x29 0x61) (138) End of epoch (138)3.16.6 UBX-NAV2-POSECEF (0x29 0x01) (139) Position solution in ECEF (139)3.16.7 UBX-NAV2-POSLLH (0x29 0x02) (139) Geodetic position solution (139)3.16.8 UBX-NAV2-PVAT (0x29 0x17) (140) Navigation position velocity attitude time solution (140)3.16.9 UBX-NAV2-PVT (0x29 0x07) (142) Navigation position velocity time solution (142)3.16.10 UBX-NAV2-SAT (0x29 0x35) (144) Satellite information (144)3.16.11 UBX-NAV2-SBAS (0x29 0x32) (146) SBAS status data (146)3.16.12 UBX-NAV2-SIG (0x29 0x43) (147) Signal information (147)3.16.13 UBX-NAV2-SLAS (0x29 0x42) (148) QZSS L1S SLAS status data (148)3.16.14 UBX-NAV2-STATUS (0x29 0x03) (149) Receiver navigation status (149)3.16.15 UBX-NAV2-TIMEBDS (0x29 0x24) (151) BeiDou time solution (151)3.16.16 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGAL (0x29 0x25) (151) Galileo time solution (151)3.16.17 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGLO (0x29 0x23) (152) GLONASS time solution (152)3.16.18 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGPS (0x29 0x20) (153) GPS time solution (153)3.16.19 UBX-NAV2-TIMELS (0x29 0x26) (153) Leap second event information (153)3.16.20 UBX-NAV2-TIMEQZSS (0x29 0x27) (154) QZSS time solution (155)3.16.21 UBX-NAV2-TIMEUTC (0x29 0x21) (155) UTC time solution (155)3.16.22 UBX-NAV2-VELECEF (0x29 0x11) (156) Velocity solution in ECEF (156)3.16.23 UBX-NAV2-VELNED (0x29 0x12) (156) Velocity solution in NED frame (157)3.17 UBX-RXM (0x02) (157)3.17.1 UBX-RXM-COR (0x02 0x34) (157) Differential correction input status (157)3.17.2 UBX-RXM-MEASX (0x02 0x14) (158) Satellite measurements for RRLP (158)3.17.3 UBX-RXM-PMP (0x02 0x72) (160) PMP (LBAND) message (160)3.17.4 UBX-RXM-PMREQ (0x02 0x41) (160) Power management request (160) Power management request (161)3.17.5 UBX-RXM-QZSSL6 (0x02 0x73) (161) QZSS L6 message (161)3.17.6 UBX-RXM-RAWX (0x02 0x15) (162) Multi-GNSS raw measurements (162)3.17.7 UBX-RXM-RLM (0x02 0x59) (164) Galileo SAR short-RLM report (164) Galileo SAR long-RLM report (164)3.17.8 UBX-RXM-RTCM (0x02 0x32) (165) RTCM input status (165)3.17.9 UBX-RXM-SPARTN (0x02 0x33) (165) SPARTN input status (165)3.17.10 UBX-RXM-SPARTNKEY (0x02 0x36) (166) Poll installed keys (166) Transfer dynamic SPARTN keys (166)3.18 UBX-SEC (0x27) (167)3.18.1 UBX-SEC-SIG (0x27 0x09) (167) Signal security information (167)3.18.2 UBX-SEC-SIGLOG (0x27 0x10) (168) Signal security log (168)3.18.3 UBX-SEC-UNIQID (0x27 0x03) (168) Unique chip ID (169)3.19 UBX-TIM (0x0d) (169)3.19.1 UBX-TIM-TM2 (0x0d 0x03) (169) Time mark data (169)3.19.2 UBX-TIM-TP (0x0d 0x01) (170) Time pulse time data (170)3.19.3 UBX-TIM-VRFY (0x0d 0x06) (171) Sourced time verification (171)3.20 UBX-UPD (0x09) (171)3.20.1 UBX-UPD-SOS (0x09 0x14) (171) Poll backup restore status (172) Create backup in flash (172) Clear backup in flash (172) Backup creation acknowledge (172) System restored from backup (173)4 RTCM protocol (174)4.1 RTCM introduction (174)4.2 RTCM 3.x configuration (174)4.3 RTCM messages overview (174)4.4 RTCM 3.3 messages (175)4.4.1 Message type 1001 (175) L1-only GPS RTK observables (175)4.4.2 Message type 1002 (176) Extended L1-only GPS RTK observables (176)4.4.3 Message type 1003 (176) L1/L2 GPS RTK observables (176)4.4.4 Message type 1004 (177) Extended L1/L2 GPS RTK observables (177)4.4.5 Message type 1005 (177) Stationary RTK reference station ARP (177)4.4.6 Message type 1006 (178) Stationary RTK reference station ARP with antenna height (178)4.4.7 Message type 1007 (178) Antenna descriptor (179)4.4.8 Message type 1009 (179) L1-only GLONASS RTK observables (179)4.4.9 Message type 1010 (180) Extended L1-Only GLONASS RTK observables (180)4.4.10 Message type 1011 (180) L1&L2 GLONASS RTK observables (180)4.4.11 Message type 1012 (181) Extended L1&L2 GLONASS RTK observables (181)4.4.12 Message type 1033 (181) Receiver and antenna descriptors (181)4.4.13 Message type 1074 (182) GPS MSM4 (182)4.4.14 Message type 1075 (182) GPS MSM5 (182)4.4.15 Message type 1077 (183) GPS MSM7 (183)4.4.16 Message type 1084 (184) GLONASS MSM4 (184)4.4.17 Message type 1085 (184) GLONASS MSM5 (184)4.4.18 Message type 1087 (185) GLONASS MSM7 (185)4.4.19 Message type 1094 (185) Galileo MSM4 (185)4.4.20 Message type 1095 (186) Galileo MSM5 (186)4.4.21 Message type 1097 (186) Galileo MSM7 (187)4.4.22 Message type 1124 (187) BeiDou MSM4 (187)4.4.23 Message type 1125 (188) BeiDou MSM5 (188)4.4.24 Message type 1127 (188) BeiDou MSM7 (188)4.4.25 Message type 1230 (189) GLONASS L1 and L2 code-phase biases (189)5 SPARTN protocol (190)5.1 SPARTN introduction (190)5.2 SPARTN configuration (190)5.3 SPARTN messages overview (190)5.4 SPARTN messages (191)5.4.1 Message type 0, sub-type 0 (191) GPS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (191)5.4.2 Message type 0, sub-type 1 (191) GLONASS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (192)5.4.3 Message type 0, sub-type 2 (192) Galileo orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (192)5.4.4 Message type 0, sub-type 3 (193) BeiDou orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (193)5.4.5 Message type 0, sub-type 4 (194) QZSS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (194)5.4.6 Message type 1, sub-type 0 (195) GPS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (195)5.4.7 Message type 1, sub-type 1 (195) GLONASS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (195)5.4.8 Message type 1, sub-type 2 (196) Galileo high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (196)5.4.9 Message type 1, sub-type 3 (197) BeiDou high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (197)5.4.10 Message type 1, sub-type 4 (198) QZSS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (198)5.4.11 Message type 2, sub-type 0 (199) Geographic area definition (GAD) (199)5.4.12 Message type 3, sub-type 0 (199) Basic-precision atmosphere correction (BPAC) (199)6 Configuration interface (201)6.1 Configuration database (201)6.2 Configuration items (201)6.3 Configuration layers (202)6.4 Configuration interface access (203)6.4.1 UBX protocol interface (203)6.5 Configuration data (203)6.6 Configuration transactions (204)6.7 Configuration reset behavior (205)6.8 Configuration overview (205)6.9 Configuration reference (206)6.9.1 CFG-BDS: BeiDou system configuration (206)6.9.2 CFG-GEOFENCE: Geofencing configuration (206)6.9.3 CFG-HW: Hardware configuration (207)6.9.4 CFG-I2C: Configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.5 CFG-I2CINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.6 CFG-I2COUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.7 CFG-INFMSG: Information message configuration (209)6.9.8 CFG-MOT: Motion detector configuration (210)6.9.9 CFG-MSGOUT: Message output configuration (211)6.9.10 CFG-NAV2: Secondary output configuration (231)6.9.11 CFG-NAVHPG: High precision navigation configuration (231)6.9.12 CFG-NAVSPG: Standard precision navigation configuration (232)6.9.13 CFG-NMEA: NMEA protocol configuration (236)6.9.14 CFG-QZSS: QZSS system configuration (238)6.9.15 CFG-RATE: Navigation and measurement rate configuration (238)6.9.16 CFG-RINV: Remote inventory (239)6.9.17 CFG-RTCM: RTCM protocol configuration (239)6.9.18 CFG-SBAS: SBAS configuration (240)6.9.19 CFG-SEC: Security configuration (241)6.9.20 CFG-SFCORE: Sensor fusion (SF) core configuration (242)6.9.21 CFG-SFIMU: Sensor fusion (SF) inertial measurement unit (IMU) configuration (242)6.9.22 CFG-SFODO: Sensor fusion (SF) odometer configuration (243)6.9.23 CFG-SIGNAL: Satellite systems (GNSS) signal configuration (244)6.9.24 CFG-SPARTN: SPARTN configuration (245)6.9.25 CFG-SPI: Configuration of the SPI interface (245)6.9.26 CFG-SPIINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the SPI interface (246)6.9.27 CFG-SPIOUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the SPI interface (246)6.9.28 CFG-TP: Time pulse configuration (246)6.9.29 CFG-TXREADY: TX ready configuration (248)6.9.30 CFG-UART1: Configuration of the UART1 interface (248)6.9.31 CFG-UART1INPROT: Input protocol configuration of the UART1 interface (249)6.9.32 CFG-UART1OUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the UART1 interface (249)6.9.33 CFG-UART2: Configuration of the UART2 interface (250)6.9.34 CFG-UART2INPROT: Input protocol configuration of the UART2 interface (250)6.9.35 CFG-UART2OUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the UART2 interface (251)6.9.36 CFG-USB: Configuration of the USB interface (251)6.9.37 CFG-USBINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the USB interface (251)6.9.38 CFG-USBOUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the USB interface (252)6.10 Legacy UBX message fields reference (252)Configuration defaults (258)Related documents (281)Revision history (282)1 General information1.1 Document overviewThis document describes the interface of the u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver. The interface consists of the following parts:•NMEA protocol•UBX protocol•RTCM protocol•SPARTN protocol•Configuration interfaceSome of the features described here may not be available in the receiver, and some mayrequire specific configurations to be enabled. See the applicable data sheet for availability of the features and the integration manual for instructions for enabling them.Previous versions of u-blox receiver documentation combined general receiver description and interface specification. In the current documentation the receiver description isincluded in the integration manual.See also Related documents.1.2 Firmware and protocol versionsu-blox generation 9 receivers execute firmware from internal ROM or from internal code-RAM. If the firmware image is stored in a flash it is loaded into the code-RAM before execution. It is also possible to store the firmware image in the host system. The firmware is then loaded into the code-RAM from the host processor. (Loading the firmware from the host processor is not supported in all products.) If there is no external firmware image, then the firmware is executed from the ROM.The location and the version of the boot loader and the currently running firmware can be found in the boot screen and in the UBX-MON-VER message. If the firmware has been loaded from a connected flash or from the host processor, it is indicated by text "EXT". When the receiver is started, the boot screen is output automatically in UBX-INF-NOTICE or NMEA-Standard-TXT messages if configured using CFG-INFMSG. The UBX-MON-VER message can be polled using the UBX polling mechanism.The following u-center screenshots show an example of a u-blox receiver running firmware loaded from flash:The following information is available (✓) from the boot screen (B) and the UBX-MON-VER message (M):B M Example Information✓u-blox AG - Start of the boot screen.✓HW UBX 9 00190000Hardware version of the u-blox receiver.✓00190000✓✓EXT CORE 1.00 (61b2dd)Base (CORE) firmware version and revision number, loaded from externalmemory (EXT).EXT LAP 1.00 (12a3bc)Product firmware version and revision number, loaded from external memory(EXT). Available only in some firmware versions. See below for a list of productacronyms.✓✓ROM BASE 0x118B2060Revision number of the underlying boot loader firmware in ROM.✓✓FWVER=HPG 1.12Product firmware version number, where:•SPG = Standard precision GNSS product•HPG = High precision GNSS product•ADR = Automotive dead reckoning product•TIM = Time sync product•LAP = Lane accurate positioning product•HPS = High precision sensor fusion product•DBS = Dual band standard precision•MDR = Multi-mode dead reckoning product•PMP = L-Band Inmarsat point-to-multipoint receiver•QZS = QZSS L6 centimeter level augmentation service (CLAS) messagereceiver•DBD = Dual band dead reckoning product•LDR = ROM bootloader, no GNSS functionality✓✓PROTVER=34.00Supported protocol version.✓✓MOD=ZED-F9P Module name (if available).✓✓GPS;GLO;GAL;BDS List of supported major GNSS (see GNSS identifiers).✓✓SBAS;QZSS List of supported augmentation systems (see GNSS identifiers).B M Example Information✓ANTSUPERV=AC SD PDoS SR Configuration of the antenna supervisor (if available), where:•AC = Active antenna control enabled•SD = Short circuit detection enabled•OD = Open circuit detection enabled•PDoS = Short circuit power down logic enabled•SR = Automatic recovery from short state enabled✓PF=FFF79Product configuration.✓BD=E01C GNSS band configuration.The "FWVER" product firmware version indicates which firmware is currently running. This is referred to as "firmware version" in this and other documents.The revision numbers should only be used to identify a known firmware version. They arenot necessarily numeric nor are they guaranteed to increase with newer firmware versions.Similarly, firmware version numbers can have additional non-numeric informationappended, such as in "5.00B03".Not every entry is output by all u-blox receivers. The availability of some of the information depends on the product, the firmware location and the firmware version.The product firmware version and the base firmware version relate to the protocol version:Product firmware version Base firmware version Protocol versionHPS 1.00EXT CORE 1.00 (500086)33.00HPS 1.20EXT CORE 1.00 (a669b8)33.20HPS 1.21EXT CORE 1.00 (e2b374)33.21HPS 1.30EXT CORE 1.00 (a59682)33.301.3 Receiver configurationu-blox positioning receivers are fully configurable with UBX protocol messages. The configuration used by the receiver during normal operation is called the "current configuration". The current configuration can be changed during normal operation by sending UBX-CFG-VALSET messages over any I/O port. The receiver will change its current configuration immediately after receiving a configuration message. The receiver will always use the current configuration only.The current configuration is loaded from permanent configuration hard-coded in the receiver firmware (the defaults) and from non-volatile memory (user configuration) on startup of the receiver. Changes made to the current configuration at run-time will be lost when there is a power cycle, a hardware reset or a (complete) controlled software reset (see Configuration reset behavior).See Configuration interface for a detailed description of the receiver configuration system, the explanation of the configuration concept and its principles and interfaces.The configuration interface has changed from earlier u-blox positioning receivers. Thereis some backwards compatibility provided in UBX-CFG configuration messages. Users are strongly advised to only use the Configuration interface. See also Legacy UBX messagefields reference.See the integration manual for a basic receiver configuration most commonly used.。



中国航信离港系统讲义中国民航信息网络股份有限公司客户服务部目录一. 离港系统简介 (5)1.1系统介绍(软件) (5)1.2.终端与主机的连接(硬件) (5)1.3.系统使用基础知识 (5)二. 基本系统指令 (5)2.1.进入系统 (5)2.2.工作区操作DA/SI/AI/SO/AO/AN (5)2.3.工作号定义 (6)2.4.页控制PG/PF/PN/PB/PL (6)2.5.打印指令PT/PC (6)2.6.查询指令CD/CNTD/CO/TIME/ACRT/HELP (6)三.工作流程 (6)四. 建立航班 (7)4.1.基础指令EX/CND/SEI/SEM/CG (7)4.2.建T-CARD BF:T (7)4.3.查看过渡区航班SFL (8)4.4.生效过渡区中的航班BP:R/ACT (8)4.5.查看生效航班AFL (8)4.6.删除航班T-CARD BF:T (9)4.7.航班建立流程 (9)4.8.查看及修改航班信息 (9)4.8.1查看航班信息FI (9)4.8.2修改航班信息FU(单项修改) (10)4.8.3修改航班信息FDC (多项修改) (10)4.8.4显示及修改编目航班信息CSD/CSM (10)五. 准备航班 (12)5.1.初始化航班IF (12)5.2查看名单报MB/MD (12)5.3设置缺省航班FT (12)5.4航班状态显示SY (12)5.5删除航班初始化DFL (13)5.6航班座位控制 (13)5.6.1.航班座位图显示SE (13)5.6.2 .锁定座位BS (14)5.6.3.改变座位性质SU (15)5.6.4.保留座位RS (15)5.6.5.锁过站座位BT (15)5.6.6.分配座位AL (15)5.6.7.预留座位JCS# PA# (15)5.6.8.释放保留座位RA (16)六. 控制航班: (17)6.1.建立航班控制终端EF ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


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高良姜素减轻异丙肾上腺素诱导心脏纤维化的作用机制尚茹茹1,童曼琳2,刘晓红1摘要目的:探讨高良姜素(Galangin)对异丙肾上腺素(ISO)诱导心脏纤维化的作用机制㊂方法:将30只C57BL/6小鼠随机分为正常组㊁ISO组㊁高良姜素低剂量组[25mg/(kg㊃d)]㊁高良姜素中剂量组[50mg/(kg㊃d)]㊁高良姜素高剂量组[100mg/(kg㊃d)]㊂处理结束后行心脏超声评估心功能[左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室短轴缩短率(LVFS)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)];测量小鼠体质量(BW)㊁心脏重量(HW)㊁胫骨长度(TL),计算心脏重量与体质量比值(HW/BW)㊁心脏重量与胫骨长度比值(HW/TL),评估心肌肥厚情况㊂天狼星红染色评价心脏纤维化程度;实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(qPCR)检测炎症标志物白细胞介素-6(IL-6)㊁白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)㊁肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和纤维化标志物胶原蛋白Ⅰ(CollagenⅠ)㊁胶原蛋白Ⅲ(CollagenⅢ)㊁转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)mRNA水平;试剂盒检测心脏组织氧化应激指标超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)㊁过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量㊂结果:与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠HW/BW㊁HW/TL㊁LVEDD及LVESD升高,LVEF和LVFS降低,IL-6㊁IL-1β㊁TNF-α㊁CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ和TGF-β1mRNA表达水平升高,心脏SOD和CAT活性降低,MDA含量升高,心肌细胞横截面积增大,心脏纤维化面积增加(P<0.05)㊂与ISO组比较,高良姜素高剂量组心脏纤维化面积减小,CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ㊁IL-6mRNA表达水平降低,SOD活性升高,MDA含量降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂高良姜素中剂量组TGF-β1低于ISO组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂结论:高良姜素可减轻ISO诱导的心脏纤维化,其机制可能与抑制炎症㊁氧化应激有关㊂关键词心脏纤维化;高良姜素;异丙肾上腺素;炎症;氧化应激;小鼠;实验研究d o i:10.12102/j.i s s n.1672-1349.2023.24.009Mechanism of Galangin on Isoprenaline-induced Cardiac FibrosisSHANG Ruru,TONG Manlin,LIU XiaohongShanxi Provincial People's Hospital,Taiyuan030012,Shanxi,ChinaCorresponding Author LIU Xiaohong,E-mail:****************Abstract Objective:To investigate the mechanism of Galangin on isoprenaline(ISO)-induced cardiac fibrosis.Methods:Thirty C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into the normal group,ISO group,low-dose galangin group[25mg/(kg㊃d)],medium-dose galangin group [50mg/(kg㊃d)],and high-dose galangin group[100mg/(kg㊃d)].After treatment,cardiac ultrasound was performed to detect cardiac function[left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left ventricular short-axis shortening(LVFS),left ventricular end-systolic internal diameter(LVESD),and left ventricular end-diastolic internal diameter(LVEDD)].The body mass(BW),heart weight(HW),and tibia length (TL)of the mice were measured,and the heart weight-weight to body mass ratio(HW/BW)was detected,and the heart weight to tibia length ratio(HW/TL)were collected to assess cardiac hypertrophy.The degree of cardiac fibrosis was detected by sirius scarlet staining.The inflammatory markers interleukin-6(IL-6),interleukin-1β(IL-1β),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),and fibrotic markers collagen Ⅰ(CollagenⅠ),collagenⅢ(CollagenⅢ),transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)mRNA levels were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR).The kit was used to detect the oxidative stress indicators superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT)activity,and malondialdehyde(MDA)content in heart tissue.Results:Compared with the normal group,HW/BW,HW/TL, LVEDD,and LVESD in the ISO group were higher,LVEF and LVFS were less,levels of IL-6,IL-1β,TNF-α,CollagenⅠ,CollagenⅢ,and TGF-β1mRNA were higher,SOD and CAT activities were less,and MDA content was higher.The cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area and cardiac fibrosis area were higher(P<0.05).Compared with the ISO group,the area of cardiac fibrosis was less in the high-dose galangin group,the expression levels of CollagenⅠ,CollagenⅢ,and the mRNA of IL-6were less,the activity of SOD was higher,and the content of MDA was less(P<0.05).TGF-β1in the medium-dose galangin group was less than that in the ISO group(P<0.05). Conclusion:Galangin could alleviate isoproterenol-induced cardiac fibrosis,and its mechanism might be related to inhibiting inflammation and oxidative stress.Keywords cardiac fibrosis;Galangin;isoproterenol;inflammation;oxidative stress;mice;experimental study心力衰竭是心血管疾病的终末阶段,发病率及死基金项目山西省卫生健康委科研课题项目(No.2021112)作者单位 1.山西省人民医院(太原030012);2.山西医科大学第五临床医学院通讯作者刘晓红,E-mail:****************引用信息尚茹茹,童曼琳,刘晓红.高良姜素减轻异丙肾上腺素诱导心脏纤维化的作用机制[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2023,21(24): 4524-4529.亡率均较高,心力衰竭发生机制复杂,尚未明确㊂目前认为神经内分泌系统激活导致的心室重塑是引起心力衰竭的关键因素,心脏纤维化是心室重塑的主要病理特征,炎症在心脏纤维化过程中发挥着重要作用[1]㊂心力衰竭发展过程中产生大量的促炎因子,这些促炎因子导致心肌细胞肥大和心脏纤维化㊂因此,抑制心脏炎症㊁纤维化有助于改善心力衰竭预后㊂高良姜素(Galangin,3,5,7-三羟基黄酮)是一种天然来源的黄酮醇类化合物,主要分布于姜科植物高良姜的干燥根茎中㊂多项研究显示,高良姜素具有抗炎㊁抗氧化㊁抗凋亡㊁抗肿瘤及抗纤维化等作用[2-3]㊂有研究显示,高良姜素可减少活性氧生成,抑制丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号通路,减轻哮喘小鼠气道炎症反应及气道重塑[4]㊂本研究探讨高良姜素通过抗炎㊁抗氧化㊁抗纤维化等抑制心脏纤维化发挥抗心力衰竭的作用机制㊂1材料与方法1.1实验材料1.1.1动物模型及分组C57BL/6小鼠购自北京斯贝福生物技术有限公司[生产许可证:SCK(京)2019-0010],6~8周龄,雄性,体质量23.5~25.5g㊂饲养于无特定病原体(SFP)级环境中,自由摄取食物,昼夜12h㊂异丙肾上腺素(ISO)组(6只)小鼠在实验第1日皮下注射ISO[5mg/(kg㊃d)],共治疗14d,之后每日灌胃对应体积的0.5%羟甲基纤维素溶液,持续4周㊂高良姜素各剂量组(每组6只)在实验第1天皮下注射ISO[5mg/(kg㊃d)]同时给予不同浓度的高良姜素(重悬于0.5%羟甲基纤维素溶液,每次灌胃前混匀)灌胃,ISO使用14d,之后持续灌胃高良姜素至4周㊂正常组(6只)从实验开始每日灌胃对应体积的0.5%羟甲基纤维素溶液,持续4周㊂详见图1㊂图1小鼠的处理方法(CMC为羧甲基纤维素;Gla为高良姜素)1.1.2实验试剂与仪器高良姜素(上海融禾医药科技发展有限公司); ISO(sigma,美国);异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记的麦胚芽凝集素(WGA)染色试剂盒(Sigma,美国);天狼星红染色试剂盒(北京索莱宝);超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)试剂盒(南京建成);丙二醛(MDA)试剂盒(南京建成);过氧化氢酶(CAT)试剂盒(南京建成);心脏超声测量系统(美国GE公司Vivid7pro超声系统);荧光显微镜(Nikon);实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(qPCR)仪(Bio-Rad)㊂1.2方法1.2.1小鼠心脏超声心动图检查实验4周,行心脏彩超检测小鼠左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室短轴缩短率(LVFS)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD),上述数据测量3次,取平均值,记录分析㊂1.2.2小鼠体质量㊁心脏重量及胫骨长度检测完成心脏超声的小鼠,测量体质量(body weight, BW),每只小鼠称量3次,取平均值并记录㊂给予1%戊巴比妥钠溶液(20mg/kg)腹腔注射,前胸部开口,暴露心脏,心尖部穿刺,用肝素盐水灌注5min,取材㊂测量心脏重量(heart weight,HW)㊁胫骨长度(tibial length,TL)㊂计算心脏重量与体质量比值(HW/BW)㊁心脏重量与胫骨长度比值(HW/TL)㊂1.2.3组织取材㊁石蜡切片制备㊁常规染色组织取材后,经10%甲醛固定,乙醇脱水㊁石蜡包埋,垂直于心脏长轴连续切成5μm的石蜡组织切片,进行WGA染色㊂采用Nikon显微镜收集图像,并使用Image J软件进行定量分析㊂1.2.4qPCR检测提取小鼠心脏组织总RNA后,将2μg的RNA按照说明书反转录为cDNA㊂应用SYBR(Servicebio公司),按照说明书检测相关基因,引物序列如下:胶原蛋白(Collagen)Ⅰ,正向引物5'AAGAAGCACGTCTG-GTTTGGAG3',反向引物5'GGTCCATGTAGGC-TACGCTGTT3';CollagenⅢ,正向引物5'TTTCTTCT-CACCCTTCTTCATCC3',反向引物5'CATATTTGA-CATGGTTCTGGCTTC3';转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1),正向引物5'TAATGGTGGACCGCAACAAC3',反向引物5'CCACATGTTGCTCCACACTTGAT3';白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β),正向引物5'TCAAATCTCGCAGCAG-CACATC3',反向引物5'CGTCACACACCAGCAGGT-TATC3';IL-6,正向引物5'CCCCAATTTCCAAT-GCTCTCC3';反向引物5'CGCACTAGGTTTGC-CGAGTA3';肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α),正向引物5' CCCTCACACTCACAAACCACC3',反向引物5'CTTT-GAGA TCCA TGCCGTTG3';磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH),正向引物5'CCTCGTCCCGTAGACAAAATG3',反向引物5'TGAGGTCAATGAAGGGGTCGT3'㊂1.2.5心脏组织氧化应激水平检测取适量心脏组织,按照试剂盒说明书步骤分别进行SOD和CA T活性检测,同时检测心脏组织MDA含量㊂1.3统计学处理采用SPSS26.0统计软件对数据进行分析,符合正态分布的定量资料以均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂统计图表制作使用GraphPad Prism9.5软件完成㊂2结果2.1各组小鼠心脏组织形态学比较与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠HW/BW㊁HW/TL升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂详见图2㊂图2各组小鼠心脏组织形态学比较(A为HW/BW;B为HW/TL㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05)2.2各组小鼠心肌细胞横截面积及心脏纤维化面积比较WGA染色结果显示:与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠心肌细胞横截面积增大(P<0.05)㊂天狼星红染色结果显示,与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠心脏纤维化程度加重(P<0.05);与ISO组比较,高良姜素高剂量组心脏纤维化程度减轻(P<0.05)㊂详见图3㊁图4㊂图3各组小鼠心肌细胞横截面积及心脏纤维化染色图(ˑ400) (A为WGA染色代表图;B为天狼星红染色代表图)图4各组小鼠心肌细胞横截面积及心脏纤维化面积比较柱状图(A为心肌细胞横截面积;B为心脏纤维化面积㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05;与ISO组比较,#P<0.05)2.3各组小鼠心功能指标比较与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠LVEF和LVFS下降,LVEDD㊁LVESD升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂详见图5㊂图5各组小鼠心功能指标比较的柱状图(A为LVEF;B为LVFS;C为LVEDD;D为LVESD㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05)2.4各组小鼠心脏CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ㊁TGF-β1 mRNA表达水平比较与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠心脏纤维化标志物CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ㊁TGF-β1mRNA表达水平升高(P<0.05)㊂与ISO组比较,高良姜素高剂量组心脏纤维化标志物CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢmRNA水平降低,高良姜素中剂量组心脏纤维化标志物TGF-β1 mRNA表达水平降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂详见图6㊂图6各组小鼠心脏CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ㊁TGF-β1mRNA表达水平比较的柱状图(A为CollagenⅠmRNA;B为CollagenⅢmRNA表达水平;C为TGF-β1mRNA表达水平㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05;与ISO组比较,#P<0.05)2.5各组小鼠心脏组织IL-6㊁IL-1β㊁TNF-αmRNA表达水平比较与正常组比较,ISO组心脏炎症标志物IL-6㊁IL-1β㊁TNF-αmRNA表达水平升高(P<0.05)㊂与ISO组比较,高良姜素高剂量组心脏炎症标志物IL-6mRNA降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂详见图7㊂图7各组小鼠心脏组织IL-6㊁IL-1β㊁TNF-αmRNA表达水平比较的柱状图(A为IL-6mRNA表达水平;B为IL-1βmRNA表达水平;C为TNF-αmRNA表达水平㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05;与ISO组比较,#P<0.05)2.6各组小鼠心脏组织氧化应激指标SOD㊁MDA㊁CAT水平比较与正常组比较,ISO组小鼠心脏组织SOD㊁CAT 活性降低,心脏组织MDA含量升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂与ISO组比较,高良姜素高剂量组SOD活性升高,MDA含量下降,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)㊂详见图8㊂图8各组小鼠心脏组织氧化应激指标SOD㊁MDA㊁CAT水平比较的柱状图(A为心脏组织SOD活性;B为心脏组织CAT的活性;C为心脏组织MDA含量㊂与正常组比较,*P<0.05;与ISO组比较,#P<0.05)3讨论心室重塑是心力衰竭发生发展中的重要病理过程,心肌细胞在持续压力超负荷㊁缺血㊁缺氧㊁炎症等应激条件下发生结构和功能改变,包括左心室形态改变㊁心肌细胞肥大和间质纤维化㊁心肌细胞凋亡[5]㊂心肌损伤的早期阶段,大量的炎症细胞浸润到心肌损伤区域并发挥作用㊂促炎信号通路是由多种促炎细胞因子(如TNF-α㊁IL-17㊁IL-1β㊁IL-6)介导的,可诱导心肌细胞肥大和凋亡,进一步加重炎症和纤维化,最终导致心室重塑[6]㊂氧化应激损伤在心脏纤维化过程中发挥着关键作用㊂病理情况下,活性氧过量积累导致脂质过氧化反应发生,促使细胞损伤和死亡,引起细胞功能障碍[7]㊂活性氧分子经抗氧化酶如CAT和SOD降解为无毒分子㊂抗氧化防御机制(SOD㊁CAT)或内源性抗氧化剂(维生素E㊁抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽)浓度降低可增加活性氧水平㊂有研究显示,心力衰竭病人血浆和心包积液中脂质过氧化物水平升高,与病人严重程度呈正相关[7]㊂活性氧引发心脏成纤维细胞增殖,激活核因子-κB (nuclear factor kappa B,NF-κB),以此增加基质金属蛋白酶表达,导致细胞外基质聚集,促进心肌纤维化[8]㊂相关研究表明,竹叶提取物通过缓解氧化应激损伤,减轻糖尿病诱导的心脏纤维化[9]㊂有研究显示,顺铂诱导的小鼠肾损伤过程中,高良姜素通过抗炎㊁抗氧化应激及抗凋亡作用发挥肾脏保护作用[10];在链脲霉素诱导的糖尿病大鼠中,高良姜素通过改善肝脏的抗氧化应激水平,维持高血糖大鼠肝脏的线粒体功能[11];高良姜素通过抑制炎性因子表达,减轻尿酸诱导的肾脏炎症反应[12]㊂本研究结果显示,在ISO诱导的心脏损伤及纤维化模型中,高良姜素干预后降低了HW/BW㊁HW/TL,减轻了心肌间质纤维化程度,缩小了心肌细胞的横截面积,改善了心功能;高良姜素干预后下调了心脏炎症标志物(IL-6㊁IL-1β㊁TNF-α)和心脏纤维化标志物(CollagenⅠ㊁CollagenⅢ㊁TGF-β1)mRNA表达水平,同时升高了心脏组织中抗氧化酶SOD㊁CAT活性,降低了心脏组织中脂质氧化物MDA的含量㊂综上所述,高良姜素通过减轻心脏炎症反应㊁心脏氧化应激反应,抑制心脏成纤维细胞向肌成纤维细胞转化,从而减轻ISO诱导的心脏损伤及纤维化㊂但具体分子机制尚未明确,在今后的研究中将深入探讨㊂参考文献:[1]SHIRAZI L F,BISSETT J,ROMEO F,et al.Role of inflammation inheart failure[J].Current Atherosclerosis Reports,2017,19(6):27. 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ST 32 航空信号处理器安装指南说明书

ST 32 航空信号处理器安装指南说明书

ST 32Aircraft Signal ConditionerInstallation ManualSANDIA aerospace3700 Osuna Rd NE, Ste 711Albuquerque, NM 87109www.sandia.aero305952-00-IMThis document and the information contained herein is the proprietary data of SANDIA aerospace . No part of this document may be transmitted, reproduced, or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of SANDIA aerospace. Due to SANDIA aerospace’s continued product and quality improvement pro-grams, information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.Copyright 2013 SANDIA aerospace . All rights reserved. Printed in i s ive R e t a D n o i t p i r c s e D l a v o r p p A A 01201102563N R D n o s i r r a H h a e L B 713011020973N C E n o s i r r a H h a e L C 604011024973N C E n o s i r r a H h a e L 1C 512111021683N C E n o s i r r a H h a e L D227031021993N C E no s i r r a H h a e L Record of RevisionsiSANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aeroTable Of ContentsiiRecord of Revision..........................................................................................................................i Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................ii List of Illustrations .........................................................................................................................ii Section 1 General Description.. (1)1.1Introduction...................................................................................................................11.2Product Description.........................................................................................................11.2.1Product V ariations ...........................................................................................................11.3Technical Characteristics..................................................................................................11.3.1Physical Characteristics..........................................................................................11.3.2Operational Characteristics.....................................................................................11.3.3 Approved Equipment (1)1.3.31 Tach Input Requirements................................................................................... Tachometers..................................................................................... Torque Input Requirements................................................................................. Torque Converters ............................................................................. 32 Output ....................................................................................................21.3.4Certification ............................................................................................................5Section 2Installation Considerations. (6)2.1Introduction ..................................................................................................................62.2Mounting Considerations .............................................................................................62.3Cooling.........................................................................................................................62.4Electrical Considerations..............................................................................................6Section 3 Installation Procedures (7)3.1General .........................................................................................................................73.2Equipment Required.....................................................................................................73.2.1Equipment Supplied................................................................................................73.2.2Equipment Required but not Supplied....................................................................73.3.3Optional Equipment 3.3Mounting ......................................................................................................................73.4Electrical.......................................................................................................................93.5Operating Instructions..................................................................................................93.6Calibration....................................................................................................................93.7Continued Airworthiness. (9)Figure 1-1DO 160F Environmental Test Chart ...........................................................................3Figure 3-1ST 32 Dimensional Drawing.......................................................................................7Figure 3-2Optional Tray Dimensional Drawing..........................................................................8Figure 3-3Interconnect Diagram (9)List Of IllustrationsST 32Aircraft Signal ConditionerSECTION 1GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aero1.1I NTRODUCTIONThis sheet describes the installation of the ST 32 Aircraft Signal Conditioner. It is intended for use by FAA certified repair stations and original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) to install the ST 32 and includes both mechanical and electrical installation information. The installer should insure that the ST 32 is operating accord-ing to its intended function.1.2P RODUCT D ESCRIPTIONThe ST 32 is dual function signal conditioner. It converts four channels of the sinusoidal output of Tach Genera-tors and one channel of analog strain gauge pressure to a digital signal that can be used by aircraft display and/or control systems.1.2.1P RODUCT V ARIATIONSThe -00 is original VariationThe -01 in a minor change to the input Power Pins. Both Oinbs 1 and 20 have sseperate revese portection diodes to allow the ST 32 to be powered form independent power buses.1.3T ECHNICAL C HARACTERISTICS 1.3.1P HYSICAL C HARACTERISTICS Width 4.80”Height 1.00”Depth 4.80”Weight0.62 lb1.3.2O PERATIONAL C HARACTERISTICS Operating V oltage 18-32.2Vdc Current Less Than 1A (Heater On)Less Than 100mA (Heater Off)Operating Temp -55o C to +70o C Max Operating Altitude 55,000 Feet1.3.3Approved Equipment1.3.3.1 Tach Input RequirementsThe ST 32 requires the following input from the on-board Tach Generator.Signal:Sinusoidal 3 Phase or MonopoleSignal Frequency Range, Sinusoidal 3 Phase:1-30,000Hz Signal Frequency Range Monopole: 50-30,000Hz Signal Amplitude Range: 0.4Vpp-150Vpp Tachometers include:Globe 22A703AAE 32005-007Electro-Mech EM-8001MS28054-1 Two Pole, Three Phase Tach Generators MIL-G-26611 Two Pole, Three Phase Tach Generators11.3.3.3Tach Input RequirementsThe ST 32 requires the following input from the on-board strain gauge pressure transducer: Exitation V oltage: 9.0 Vdc-10.5VdcSignal V oltage:Common Mode: 2Vdc to Aircraft V oltage -2VdcDifferential Mode: 0mVdc - 100mVdc1.3.3.4Approved strain gauge pressure transducers are:Kulite APT-20-1000 or Equivalent1.3.3.5The ST 32 digital output signal is:Totem Pole outputs to Aircraft PowerRise time: 5 usecFall time: 5 usecLow voltage: < 1.9 VdcHigh V oltage: Aircraft PowerV oltage to Frequency ConversionsSignal Conversion:Input Output Accuracy0 mVdc20KHz0.1% Full Scale100mVdc100KHz0.1% Full ScaleExcitation Conversion:Input Output Accuracy9.0 Vdc20KHz0.1% Full Scale10.5Vdc100KHz0.2% Full Scale2NOMENCLATURE: TACH- AND PRESSURE ADAPTER TYPE/MODEL/PART NO:ST 32/305952-[XX]Tray/306057-[XX]MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATION AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION: 305952-[XX]MANUFACTURER:SANDIA AEROSPACE ADDRESS:3700 OSUNA RD. NE, SUITE 711ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109REVISION & CHANGE NUMBER OF DO-160: REV FDATE OF TEST: 201101 - 201103. Additional testing Dec 2012 and March 2013Figure 1-1DO-160F Enviromental Test Chart3SN O I T ID NOCN OITC E S DE T C U D N O C S T S E TF O N O I T P I R C S E D e d u t i t l A d n a e r u t a r e p m e T 0.4]2F 2A [y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T e r u t a r e p m e T w o L o 55-/d n u o rG o t r o h S C 55-o gn i t a r e p O C e r u t a r e p m e T h g i H 07+/d n u o r G C o t r o h S C 07+o g n i t a r e p O C g n i l o o C f o s s o L 5.5.4e l b a c i l p p A t o N ed u t i t l A n o i s se r p m o c e D e r u s s e r p r e v O'000,55'000,55'000,51-n o i t a t i r a V e r u t a r p m e T 0.5511S y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T o n i m /C yt i d i m u H 0.6B y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y e t f a S h s a r C d n a k c o h S l a n o i t a r e p O y e t f a S h s a r C d e n i a t s u S r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T n o i t a r b i i V 0.8y a r T h t i w M d n a B s e v r u c ,S y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y a r T t u o h t i w G e v r u c U y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T n o i s o l p x E 0.9H y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i n e d n i t n e m p i u q E s s e m f o o r p r e t a W 0.01Wy r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d n i t n e m p i u q E y t i l i b i t p e s u S s d i u l F 0.11d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d n i t n e m p i u q E t s u D d n a d n a S 0.21d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o e g t a C s a d e i f i t n e d i t n e m p i u q E s u g n u F 0.31d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d i t n e m p i u q E y a r p S t l a S 0.41d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d i t n e m p i u q E t c e f f E c i t e n g a M 0.51n o i t c e l f e d 3.0n a h t s s e L ,Z y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T t u p n I r e w o P 0.611e t o N ,A y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T ek i p S e g a t l o V 0.71A y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y t i l i b i t p e c s u S y c n e u q e r F o i d u A 0.81Z y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y t i l i b i t p e c s u S l a n g i S d e c u d n I 0.91]C Z [y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y t i l i b i t p e c s u S y c n e u q e r F o i d a R 0.02]R R [y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T sn o i s s i m m E y c n e u q e r F o i d a R 0.12My r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T y t i l i b i t p e c s u S t n e i s n a r T d e c u d n I g n i n t h g i L 0.222e t o N ,]33J Z A [y r o g e t a C o t d e t s e T s t c ef f E t c e r i Dg n i n th gi L 0.32d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d n i t n e m p i u q E gn i c I 0.42d e m r o f r e p t s e t o n ,X y r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d n i t n e m p i u q E e g r a h c s i D c i t a t s o r t c e l E 0.52Ay r o g e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d i t n e m p i u q E yt i l i b a m m a l F ,e r i F 0.62de m r of r e p t s e t o n ,X y r og e t a C s a d e i f i t n e d n i t n e m p i u q E SANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aeroNote 1: Tested to Category Z with the exception that for momentary power interruption the system meets Category A requirements of 200mS interruptions.Note 2: Initial pin injection performed without series inpedance. Input series was impedance added to the following pins and waveforms during the pin injection tests. Allother pins meet pin injection without and resistance placed in series with the generator.e c n a d e pWAm I m r o f e v aO(d e d dhp u o r Gn i P t i u c r i C)s mh c a T57353,23,92,62s t u p t uOh c a T K14O53,23,92,62s t u p t uV573C FO12,3s t u p t uV K14C FO12,3s t u p t uOe t e r c s i D57322t u p t ue t e r c s i D K14O22t u p t u4SANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aeroST 32Aircraft Signal Conditioner1.3.4C ERTIFICATIONTSO C49b (Incomplete System)TSO C47a (Incomplete System)DO 160F“The conditions and test required for TSO approval of this article are mini-mum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring toinstall the article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to demonstrate that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO stan-dards. The article may be installed only if installation of the article is ap-proved by the Administrator”5SECTION 2INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS2.1I NTRODUCTIONThe ST 32 has been designed to covert four channels of sinusoidal and monopole outputs of approved Tach Generators and one channel of strain gauge pressure to a digital output that can be used by onboard navigation systems. .2.2M OUNTINGThe ST 32 can be mounted in any axis either inside or outside the pressure vessel. To ensure protection against lightning strikes, the case should be grounded to airframe ground. This can be most easily accomplished by mounting the case on a grounded surface. An option mounting tray, Sandia part number 305057-00 is available as an option. Bonding of the case to airframe ground shall be less than 2.5 mohms2.3C OOLINGThe ST 32 does not require external Cooling2.4E LECTRICALThe ST 32 operates on 18-32.2 Vdc. Power to the ST 32 should be protected by a 1.5 Amp breaker or circuitprotection can be shared with the interfaced display unit using the appropriate breaker size (refer to the installa-tion manual of the system being interfaced). The ST 32 can be wired to use from one to four channels depending upon system interface requirements. All twisted pairs are #22 AWG. Power and ground are single wires andshould be #22 AWG or larger.6SECTION 3INSTALLATION PROCEDURES3.1G ENERALThe ST 32 is supplied with a mounting connector and twenty-five crimp contacts. The ST 32 can be hard mounted using four (4) number 6 or 8 screws or with an optional mounting tray. If the optional mounting tray options selected it is mounted using four (4) number 6 or 8 screws.3.2E QUIPMENT R EQUIRED 3.2.1SuppliedST 32P/N 305952-00(Garmin Model GSC 46, P/N 013-00337-00)or P/N 305952-01(Garming Model GSC46, P/N 013-00337-10)Elecrtrical Installation Kit P/N 306031-01Connector DSUB, 37 POS, w/crimp pins P/N 306033Connector Clamp P/N 3060533.2.2R EQUIRED B UT N OT S UPPLIEDFour (4) Number 6-32, 8-32 or equivalent mounting screws3.2.3OptionalMounting Tray, Sandia Aerospace Part Number 306057-00, Garmin P/N 011-02599-013.3M OUNTING The ST 32 mounts with four (4) number 6-32 or 8-32 or equivalent machine screws.Figure 3-1ST 32 Dimensional Drawing7DCBA 3230'0.0050.010.1.X±TOLERANCESAFTER FINISH INCHES AND APPLYDIMENSIONS ARE IN SPECIFIEDUNLESS OTHERWISE±ANG ENGINEERCHECKER DRAFTER BDWCAGE CODE .XXX±.XX±SIZEDO NOT SCALE DRAWINGREVDESCRIPTIONREVISIO1ENGINEERING RELEASEUse Design File: 901046-DNOUTLINE DR ADAPTERSCALE: NONEu 4.5SANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aeroFigure 3-2Optional Mounting Tray Dimensions83.5O PERATING I NSTRUCTIONS AND L IMITATIONSRefer to the display unit(s) being interfaced for operation and limitations.3.6C ALIBRATIONNo field calibration is required.3.7C ONTINUED A IRWORTHINESSMaintenance of the ST 32 is on condition only. No scheduled maintenance is required.Figure 3-3Interconnect Diagram93.4E LECTRICALThe ST 32 operates on 18-32.2Vdc. Power to ST 32 should be protected by a 1.5 amp breaker or circuit protec-tion can be shared with the display unit being interfaced (see installation manual of unit being interfaced). All twisted pairs are #22 AWG .. Power and ground are single wires and should be #22 AWG or larger. Figure 2shows the interconnect of the ST 32 to the Garmin system.SANDIA aerospaceAlbuquerque, New Mexico www.sandia.aero3112342BDWG. NO.CAGE CODE SIZE 305952-XX-TSHEET 3SCALE: NONE。



1.5g/L),90%;胎牛血清,10%。 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。
450Βιβλιοθήκη 1.5g/L),90%;胎牛血清,10%。 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。

气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。

细胞名称 目录号 中文名称 价格 培养条件
人肾细胞腺癌 细胞
杂交瘤细胞抗 AChE
杂交瘤细胞抗 AChE
气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。 RPMI-1640(GIBCO,货号31800022, 添加NaHCO3 1.5g/L, glucose 2.5g/L, Sodium Pyruvate 0.11g/L),90%; 1200 优质胎牛血清,10%。
气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。 RPMI-1640(GIBCO,货号31800022, 添加NaHCO3 1.5g/L, glucose 2.5g/L, Sodium Pyruvate 0.11g/L),90%; 1000 优质胎牛血清,10%。
glucose 2.5g/L, Sodium Pyruvate 0.11g/L),90%;
450 胎牛血清,10%。
气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。 RPMI-1640(GIBCO,货号31800022, 添加NaHCO3 1.5g/L, glucose 2.5g/L, Sodium Pyruvate 0.11g/L),90%; 450 胎牛血清,10%。



全螺纹凸头螺钉 BACS12FA3K**
整流罩常用螺钉和 垫片 客舱地板螺钉
驾驶舱电子架上常 BACR11Y2 或者 BACR11Y2K 用快卸螺钉对应的 拖板
液压管卡子(带胶皮) 导线束卡子(带胶皮) 插把
1)MS21919WCE* 如 MS21919WCE 6
AMM 章节
1. 温度公式 C=5/9(F-32) 2. 7/800 机组氧气瓶更换:12-15-21-600-803-002 3. 3/400 机组氧气瓶更换:12-15-21-603-007 4. 7/800 液压油箱加油:12-12-29-611-001 Fill the Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir with a Hand Pump 5. 3/400 液压油箱加油:12-12-00-613-001 6. 更换 7/800 前轮:32-45-21 第一磅 80-100 lbf.ft,第二磅 30-60 lbf.ft 7. 更换 7/800 主轮:32-45-11 第一磅 500-600 lbf.ft,第二磅 150 lbf.ft , 8. 更换 7/800 刹车毂:32-41-41 9. 更换 3/400 前轮:32-45-21 第一磅 80-100 lbf.ft,第二磅 30 lbf.ft
常用 1/4 螺帽和垫 片
常用 5/16 螺帽和垫 片 全螺纹埋头螺钉 全螺纹六角头螺钉
BACN10YR3CD(使用 1/4 工具) NAS679A3W(使用 3/8 工具) NAS1149D0316J / H(铝薄) NAS1149D0332J / H(中) NAS1149D0363J / H(厚) NAS1149E0332R / P BACN10YR4CD(使用 5/16 工具) NAS1149D0416J/H( 铝 薄 ) 、 NAS1149D0432J/H (中) NAS1149D0463J/H (厚) BACS12ER3K**



Congratulations on purchasing your Bosch Smart Home Radiator Thermostat. It will help you to make your home even more energy-efficient and smart because you will be able to set the required room temperature when you are away from home using the Bosch Smart Home App. You will also be able to set the required heating level for individual rooms automatically using a time program. In conjunction with a Bosch Smart Home Door/Window Contact you will be able to have the room temperature lowered automatically when windows or doors are opened. This prevents unnecessary energy consumption.We hope you enjoy your new product, The Bosch Smart Home TeamDear customer,1.0 Product description (08)1.1I ntended use (09)2.0 In the box (10)3.0 Warning notices (12)3.1 Explanation of symbols (12)3.2 Safety instructions .....................134.0 The radiator thermostat . (14)4.1 Product overview (14)5.0 Set-Up (18)5.1 Installation (20)5.2 Inserting the batteries (22)5.3 Configuring the device (23)6.0 Fixing (26)6.1 Fixing instructions (26)6.2 Removing the old thermostat (28)6.3 Installation without adapter (30)6.4 Installation with adapterfor Danfoss RAV (32)6.5 I nstallation with adapterfor Danfoss RA (34)6.6 I nstallation with adapterfor Danfoss RAVL (36)6.7 Loose thermostat (38)6.8 Calibration (40)7.0 Product details (42)7.1 Technical data (42)7.2 Declaration of conformity (44)7.3 Faults in radio operation (45)7.4 Open-source software (46)7.5E nvironmental protectionand disposal (49)8.0 Further information (50)TABLE OF CONTENTSThe radiator thermostat enables you to easily set the desired temperature of a room to within half a degree by controlling it with an app.Thanks to the thermostat’s built-in sensors, you can therefore quickly set every room to a temperature you feel comfortable at and keep it there. A time-controlled temperature program can also be set for each room.The radiator thermostat detects falling temperatures, for example when windows are open, and adjusts the heating temperature to save energy.A frost protection program is started automatically at temperatures below 4 °C. In addition to this, the radiator thermostat regularly opens the valve to protect against calcification.1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe product is intended only for installation on radiators (including convectors and baseboard heaters) in indoor areas. In order to function properly, the product must be used together with the Bosch Smart Home Controller.▶Follow the safety instructions andthe directions in this manual and the Bosch Smart Home App to ensure that the product is set up correctly▶Please note the details in the Technical Data section (see p. 42)▶Avoid installing in areas prone to high amounts of dust or direct sunshine1.1 Intended useDo not modify the product in any way. Any other use is consideredunintended use. We will not assume liability for any resulting damage.2.0 IN THE BOXTo operate the radiator thermostat you will require the app, a controller and an internet connection.QR code labelRadiator thermostat2 AA batteriesAdapter, suitable for all standardradiatorsStabilizingring Valve pin extension Screw withnut3.0 WARNING NOTICES 3.1 Explanation of symbols3.2 Safety instructionsInfo.Indicates important information.Warning.This alerts you to danger.Proper handling of batteries▶Take the batteries out of the device if it is not used for a prolonged period of time.▶The enclosed batteries are not suitable for re-charging.Material damage due to a faulty heating system!Mounting the product on faulty heating systems can lead to materialdamage being caused to the product itself (e.g. due to leakage of heating water).▶Have damage to the valves or heating system repaired by a specialist.4.0 THE RADIATOR THERMOSTAT 4.1 Product overview5.0 SET-UPBefore you startPlease ensure that you have a Bosch Smart Home Controller and the Bosch Smart Home App, and that you have set both of them up suc-cessfully. You can also watch easy to follow installation videos on our website: /installation20215.1 InstallationStart the Bosch Smart Home App and select “Add device”.The app will prompt you to scan the QR code on the product. To do so, the battery lid has to be removed. You will find the QR code on the inside of the battery compartment and as a label in the box.From this point, the app guides you through the installation process. You will find a brief description in the following pages of this i nstruction manual.2223Insert the batteries into the battery compartment. Pay attention to the correct polarity when doing so. Then close the battery compartment again.Inserting the batteries activates the r adiator thermostat. It will automat-ically try to connect to your Bosch Smart Home Controller.5.2 Inserting the batteries 5.3 Configuring the device Now, the app guides you through the i nstallation p rocess. You will find a brief description in the following pages of this instruction manual.25The radiator thermostat’s LED indi-cates the status of the configuration attempt using the following flash codes:The app will also inform you if the configuration was successful, and the target temperature will be shown on the display of the radiator thermostat.If the device is not able to establish a connection to the controller within 3 minutes, the configuration mode is ended. To start the configuration mode again, please press the mode button “o” on the radiator thermostat.26276.0 FIXING 6.1 Fixing instructionsNow, the app guides you through the i nstallation process. You will find a brief description in the following pages of this instruction manual.You will require one of the enclosed adapters for some models of radiator. You will find a detailed list, specifying which adapter is used on which radiator type, in the free adapter overview at: /products6.2 Removing the old thermostatRemove the old thermostat from the required radiator. To do so, set the thermostat to the highest setting and detach it from the radiator. You may possibly need a pipewrench or a screwdriver to do this.Don’t worry about the heating waterNo water can leak out when replacing the thermostat. Please neverthe-less be careful, especially with regard to the handling of tools.28296.3 Installation without adapterSuitable for the following radiator valves: Pegler, Drayton, Danfoss, M yson, Siemens, Honeywell plus many more.Put the radiator thermostat on the radiator valve and screw the thermostat tight by hand.Please do not use a pipe wrench In order to avoid damaging your radiator thermostat, please tightenit only by hand.3031Put the valve pin extension on the valve. Then attach the matching adapter firmly to the radiator valve and tighten it using the enclosed screw and nut. Now put the radiator thermostat on the radiator valve and screw the ther-mostat tight by hand.Please do not use a pipe wrenchIn order to avoid damaging your radiator thermostat, please tightenit only by hand.3233Attach the matching adapter firmly to the radiator valve and tighten it using the enclosed screw and nut. Now put the radiator thermostat on the radiator valve and screw the thermostat tight by hand.Please do not use a pipe wrenchIn order to avoid damaging your radiator thermostat, please tightenit only by hand.3435Attach the matching adapter firmly to the radiator valve. Now put the radiator thermostat on the radiator valve and screw the thermostat tight by hand.Please do not use a pipe wrench In order to avoid damaging your radiator thermostat, please tightenit only by hand.3637396.7 Loose thermostat6.8 CalibrationThe radiator thermostat has to bec alibrated once it has been mounted. Please confirm the process in the app. Now you will hear the servo motorhumming, which means that theradiator thermostat is calibrating.Now, the app guides you through the installationprocess. You will find a brief description inthe following pages of this instruction manual.40417.0 PRODUCT DETAILS7.1 Technical dataModel Thermostat AA Batteries2× LR6/AABattery life≥2 years≥Max. current consumption120 mAReceiver category SRD category 2Radio frequency868.3 MHz / 869.525 MHz Max. transmission power10 mWRadio range in free-field conditions≤ 100 m Duty cycle At 868.3 MHz < 1 % per hAt 869.525 MHz < 10 % per h Valve connection M30 × 1.5 mmProtection class IP20Method of operation Type 1Degree of pollution2Ambient temperature0 °C to 50 °CHumidity 5 % to 80 %Dimensions (W × H × D)48 mm × 57 mm × 103 mm Weight (without batteries)140 g42437.2 Declaration of conformityRobert Bosch Smart Home GmbH hereby declares that the Bosch Smart Home Radiator Thermostat radio communication unit complieswith Directive 1999/5/EC and is designed for use in all countriesof the European Union.The declaration of conformityand declaration of performancecan be downloaded from7.3 Faults in radio operationFaults in radio operation (e.g. due toelectric motors or defective electricaldevices) cannot be ruled out. Theradio range inside buildings maydiffer greatly from the radio range infree-field conditions. Apart from thetransmission power and the receivercharacteristics, environmental influ-ences such as humidity and structuralcharacteristics may also influenceradio operation.44457.4 Open-Source-SoftwareThis Bosch Smart Home product uses open-source software. You will find the license information for the compo-nents used on the opposite side.core_cm3.hCopyright (C) 2009-2013 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:▶Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.▶Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.▶Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.4647THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIB-UTORS …AS IS“ AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR C ONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUB-STITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING N EGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.7.5 Environmental protection and disposalElectrical and electronic equipmentthat is no longer usable and defectiveor used batteries must be separatedfrom other waste and recycled in anenvironmentally friendly manner(European Directive on waste electricaland electronic equipment).To dispose of electrical and electronicequipment or batteries, use yourcountry-specific return and collectionsystems.4849You can find more detailed information on operating and maintaining the radia-tor thermostat in the online FAQs at /faq You will also find all contact details on the rear side of this document.8.0 FURTHER INFORMATIONSale and transferBefore you transfer or sell your device, delete your personalinformation. To do this, reset the device to its factory settings(see online FAQs).505152Smoke Detector PlugImportant information for your Bosch Smart Home!Robert Bosch Smart Home GmbH declares that this Bosch Smart Home wireless radio equipment is in compliance with the Directive 1999/5/EC (until 12th of June 2017) and Directive 2014/53/EU (from 13th of June 2017). The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:/uk/en/EU-declarations-of-conformityWichtige Zusatzinformationen zu Ihrer Bedienungsanleitung!Hiermit erklärt die Robert Bosch Smart Home GmbH, dass dieser Bosch Smart HomeFunkanlagentyp der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG (bis 12. Juni 2017) und der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU (ab 13. Juni 2017) entspricht. Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung ist unter der folgenden Internetadresse verfügbar:/de/de/CE-Konformitaetserklaerungen Informations complémentaires importantes pour vos notices d’utilisation!Par la présente Robert Bosch Smart Home GmbH, déclare que cet équipement radioélectrique Bosch Smart Home est conforme à la directive 1999/5/CE (jusqu’au 12 juin 2017) et à la Directive 2014/53/UE (à partir du 13 juin 2017). Le texte complet de la déclaration UE de conformité est disponible à l'adresse internet suivante :/fr/fr/UE-declarations-de-conformiteEN DE FR。



Concorde 标准飞行操作手册编译: CXN0006祁火箭/Rocket Q西南之鹰追随者A Proud member of China South West Airlines.声明:本标准飞行操作手册基于Flight Sim Labs(以下简称FSLabs)的ConcordeX Updated SP2插件,手册中有关面板截图,检查单,计算表格来源于FSlabs的自带文档。


在这里再次强调,任何人和组织不得用于出售出租等商业用途,严禁用于飞行模拟平台以外的用途,不得在未经撰写人及西南之鹰同意的情况下进行转载,违者自行承担引起的一切后果及相应的法律责任!西南之鹰主QQ群(限制加入)1766360西南之鹰协和天空QQ群 140796176Table of Contents/目录Disclaim (3)简介 (3)飞行计划简介 (4)燃油以及配载 (5)性能计算器 (7)FSX设置参考/FSX Setting (9)Preliminary Cockpit Checklist/驾驶舱准备检查单 (10)Powering the Craft/给飞机接通电源 (11)INS校准 (13)TCAS测试 (17)Before start checklist/启动前检查单 (18)工作进行中 (19)Pushback (Engine Start) Checklist/推出(发动机启动)检查单 (29)MANUAL ENGINE START SEQUENCE/发动机启动程序 (30)REQUEST PUSHBACK/准备推出 (33)AFTER START CHECKLIST/启动后检查单 (37)TAXI CHECKLIST/滑行检查单 (47)TAXI GUIDELINES/滑行指南 (48)BUSY LITTLE FLIGHT ENGINEER/工程师准备工作 (52)BEFORE TAKE-OFF, TAKE-OFF & CLIMB/起飞前,起飞,初始爬升 (56)BEFORE TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST/起飞前检查单 (57)LINE-UP RUNWAY 27L (58)TAKE-OFF (59)AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST/起飞后检查单 (65)AT M 0.7 CLIMB CHECKLIST/0.7马赫检查单 (68)SUBSONIC, TRANSONIC, SUPERSONIC! (70)SUBSONIC CRUISE TO TRANSONIC CLIMB/从亚音速巡航进入超音速爬升 (71)THE ACCELERATION/加速 (72)Transonic Checklist/跨音速检查单 (73)At M = 1.0 (73)At M = 1.1 (74)At M = 1.3 (74)At M = 1.7 (74)When Fuel Transfer Is Complete/当燃油传输完成 (75)At FL500 (76)Cruise Climb/巡航爬升 (77)INS Route Reader: Load Segment/巡航中INS航路读取 (78)Deceleration and Descent Checklist/减速下降检查单 (80)PLANNING THE DESCENT/下降计划 (81)D&D CALCULATION/减速下降点计算 (83)FUEL&CG – DESCENT/下降中的燃油重心管理 (84)DECELERATION & DESCENT CHECKLIST/减速及下降检查单 (85)AT DECELERATION POINT/在减速点时 (86)At M = 1.5 (88)At M = 1.3 (88)At M = 1.00 (88)IN-FLIGHT IDLE REVERSE(慢车俯冲下高) (90)SUBSONIC DESCENT/亚音速下降 (90)APPROACH & LANDING/进近与着陆 (91)THE APPROACH/进近 (92)APPROACH CHECKLIST/进近检查单 (94)Landing/着陆 (96)ILS APPROACH/ILS进近 (96)Landing Checklist/着陆检查单 (98)AFTER LANDING CHECKLIST/着陆后检查单 (101)Parking Checklist/停机检查单 (104)RETURN JOURNEY/回程 (108)THE NEW YORK 31L Departure (108)LONDON DECELERATION & ARRIVAL/伦敦航段的减速下降 (111)EGLL-Ockham Charts (112)QUICK SHEETS (114)TAKE-OFF/起飞 (114)正常起飞程序 (115)噪音限制起飞程序 (116)CLIMB/爬升 (117)Descent (118)减速及下降距离计算表 (119)APPROACH & LANDING (121)Landing Profile/着陆示意 (122)VISUAL REFERENCE TERMINOLOGY (123)DisclaimThis document is for academic and study purpose only.Not for use in real aviation.Not for Sell, including any virtual currencySome Screenshots, checklist items, calucation tables are from the original ConcordeX tutorial.pdf简介该手册以英航经典的希思罗至肯尼迪往返航线为基础。

Belimo F7300VIC 300型号三氧氮鍋模組说明书

Belimo F7300VIC 300型号三氧氮鍋模組说明书

F7300VIC ArrayPressure Enhanced Rubber SeatType overviewType DNF7300VIC300 Technical dataFunctional data Valve size [mm]12" [300]Fluid chilled or hot water, up to 60% glycolFluid Temp Range (water)-22...250°F [-30...120°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class Grooved AWWA, 300 psiClose-off pressure ∆ps200 psiFlow characteristic modified linearServicing maintenance-freeFlow Pattern3-way Mixing/DivertingLeakage rate0%Controllable flow range90° rotationCv9000Maximum Velocity20 FPSMaterials Valve body Ductile cast iron ASTM A536Body finish black alkyd enamelStem416 stainless steelStem seal fiberglass with TFE liningSeat EPDMPipe connection grooved ANSI/AWWA (c606)Disc electroless nickel coated ductile ironSuitable actuators Non-Spring SY7F7300VIC Product featuresFlow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DN WeightF7300VIC300330.7 lb [150 kg]SY7A B C D E F27.7" [703]25.2" [640]36.5" [927]29.4" [746]19.3" [490]10.0" [254]SY7-120MFTMFT/programmable, Non fail-safe, 120 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 120 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 96...132 VTransformer sizing240 VACurrent consumption2 AAuxiliary switch2x SPDT, 1 mA...5 A (3 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC250 V, 1 x 3° / 1 x 87°Switching capacity auxiliary switch 1 mA...5 A (3 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC 250 VElectrical Connection Terminal blocksOverload Protection thermally protected 135°C cut-outInternal Humidty Control resistive heating elementFunctional data Torque motor1000 NmOperating range Y 2...10 VInput impedance100 kΩPosition feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override hand wheelAngle of rotation90°Running Time (Motor)59 sDuty cycle value75%Noise level, motor45 dB(A)Position indication top mounted domed indicatorSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency Listing ISO, CE, cCSAusQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 100% RHAmbient temperature-22...149°F [-30...65°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight75 lb [34 kg]SY7-120MFTMaterialsHousing material die cast aluminiumGear train high alloy steel gear sets, self lockingTechnical dataApplicationProduct featuresSY Series actuators are fractional horsepower devices, and utilize full-wave power supplies. Observe wire sizing and transformer sizing requirements. Proportional models CANNOT be connected to Belimo direct coupled (AF, AM, GM…etc) actuator power supplies or any type of half-wave device. You MUST use a separate, dedicated transformer or power supply to power the SY actuator. Please do not connect other automation equipment to the dedicated SY supply source. You MUST use four wires (plus a ground) to control a proportional control SY actuator (See SY Wiring Section).AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionTypeLocal electric disconnect for SY4...12 series actuator, AC 120 V, MFT HOA-120VMFT Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USBattery backup system for SY7...12 series actuator, AC 120 V, on/offEXT-NSV-B05-120ToolsDescriptionTypeConnecting cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESDo not change sensitivity or dip switch setting with power applied.Power supply Common/Neutral and Control Signal "-"wiring to a common is prohibited.Terminals 4 and 6 need to be wired separately.Isolation relays must be used in parallel connection of multiple actuators using a commoncontrol signal inputs. The relays should be DPDT.Isolation relays are required in parallel applications. The reason parallel applications needisolation relays is that the motor uses two sets of windings, one for each direction. When one is energized to turn the actuator in a specific direction a voltage is generated in the other due to the magnetic field created from the first. It’s called back EMF. This is not an issue with one actuator because the voltage generated in the second winding isn’t connected to anything so there is no flow. On parallel applications without isolation, this EMF voltage energizes the winding it is connected to on the other actuators in the system, the actuators are tying to turn in both directions at once. The EMF voltage is always less than the supply voltage due to the resistance of the windings, so while the actuator still turns in the commanded direction, thedrag from the other reduces the torque output and causes overheating.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.SY7-120MFTFailure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsElectrical installation。

Parker Hannifin 工业水管产品说明书

Parker Hannifin 工业水管产品说明书

4Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Hose Products Applications• Chemical Transport• Storage Tank Transfer WARNING! Elevated temperatures can change chemical resistance rat-ings. Most chemical resistance guides are based on testing performed at ambient 70°F (21°C) and higher temperatures are likely to change these ratings. Many chemicals will become more aggressive as temperatures increase, reducing the ability of materials to withstand them. It is the users responsibility to determine if the hose is compatible with the application. Compatibility information can be requested from Parker for chemicals at elevated temperatures, it will be necessary for users to perform compati-bility testing if no data exists for the chemical at the temperature desired. Also, coupling attachment becomes even more critical at elevated tempera-tures. Only permanent crimp, internal expanded or swage style fittings should be installed for applications with temperatures above 125°F . The working pressure of banded assemblies below 125°F should be reduced to maintain a 4:1 design factor based on the assembly burst capability.WARNING! Combination nipple and bands reduce the working pressureof the assembly to less than the hose’s maximum working pressure. Refer to NAHAD Assembly Guidelines for working pressure.LENGTHS: 100 ft., lengths up to 200 ft. on quotation.COUPLINGS: For permanent crimp specifications, refer to CrimpSource. Other available coupling options: Series 7670. For assembly guidelines and additional coupling options, refer to NAHAD Industrial Hose Assembly patible with 98% of chemicals and solvents >>!BLUE THUNDER ™ UHMW Hose Series 7373T This corrugated hose provides flexibility and durability in chemical full suction and discharge applications. The clear Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) poly-ethylene tube will handle 98% of the most common chemicals without leaching and contaminating the product being conveyed. Refer to the chemical guide in the Safety and T echnical Data section of this catalog, or contact Parker to determine compatibility with chemicals and applications.4:1 Design factor !7373T。



SPECIALIZEDAVIONICS TEST EQUIPMENT CATALOG SUPPLEMENTAVIONICS SPECIALIST, INC.www.av io ni cs -s pe ci a l i s t .c o mAvionics Specialist, Inc.Specialized Avionics Test EquipmentProduct Catalog SupplemantPh: 901-362-970001-01-02Allied Signal Bendix Equivalent Test SystemsAvionics Specialist, Inc.Ph: 901-362-970001-01-02Specialized Avionics Test EquipmentProduct Catalog SupplementDAC International 6702 McNeil DriveAustin, TX 78729-7799Contact: Russ Smith Ph. 512-331-5323Fax. 512-331-4516email:******************Dallas Avionics, Inc.2525 Santa Anna Ave.Dallas, TX 75228-1671 Contact: Scott Davis Ph. 214-320-9770Fax. 214-320-1057email:*********************EDMO Distributors, Inc.5505 E. Rutter Ave.Spokane, WA 99212Contact: Pat Olson Ph. 509-535-8280Fax. 509-535-8266email:*************The Memphis Group 3900 Willow Lake Blvd.Memphis, TN 38118-7040 Contact: Kris Triplett Ph. 901-362-8600Fax. 901-365-1482email:************************Glendale International 533 Rayleigh Road Thundersley, Essex SS7 3TN England Contact: Ian Parkins Ph. +44(0)1268-741770Fax. +44(0)1268-741780email:************************.uk Richardson Electronics, Ltd.40 W 267 Keslinger Road LaFox, IL 60147Contact: Seal Teal Ph. 630-208-2588Fax. 630-208-2550email:*************ASI Test Equipment Distributors:Allied Signal Bendix Equivalent Test SystemsALLIED-SIGNAL BENDIX EQUIVALENT TEST SYSTEMS 01/01/02 ASI MN BENDIX MN BENDIX PN DESCRIPTION LIST PRICEASI-1207A TS-1207A4000595-0701RADAR TEST SET660.00 ASI-152-1RDT-1F1038139-0501RADAR TEST PANEL16,700.00 ASI-152-2RDT-1FB2041351-0102RADAR TEST PANEL18,030.00 ASI-153-1ATT-1F2038270-0501RADAR ANTENNA TEST PANEL11,670.00 ASI-153-2ATT-1FB2038270-0502RADAR ANTENNA TEST PANEL11,670.00 ASI-153-3ATT-1FB2038270-0503RADAR ANTENNA TEST PANEL26,550.00 ASI-153-4ANT-1FBM8056275-0501SECTOR SCAN TEST ADAPTER14,900.00 ASI-154-1RCT-1F2038326-0501RADAR SYSTEM TEST PANEL21,160.00 ASI-154-2RCT-1FB2041349-0102RADAR SYSTEM TEST PANEL22,290.00 ASI-169RST-1A2064746-0501PORTABLE STABILIZATION TEST SET5,310.00 ASI-169-2RST-4A2041797-0401PORTABLE RADAR TEST SET4,995.00 ASI-170RFT-1A2038142-0501PORTABLE RADAR TEST SET4,460.00 ASI-171RDT-1A2037736-0501RADAR SYSTEM TEST PANEL10,050.00 ASI-172RDT-1B2037737-0501RADAR TEST PANEL4,460.00 ASI-173PPT-1A2037738-0501RADAR INDICATOR TEST PANEL11,160.00 ASI-174PPT-1B2038141-0501RADAR INDICATOR TEST PANEL11,160.00 ASI-175AMT-51A2037028-5103PORTABLE ALTIMETER TEST SET5,580.00 ASI-175-2AMT-52A2041595-5201PORTABLE ALTIMETER TEST SET6,995.00 ASI-177-1RNT-26A2064139-0501VHF NAVIGATION TEST PANEL12,500.00 ASI-177-2RNT-260A3604031-0501VOR/ILS TEST PANEL12,500.00 ASI-197PPT-1CG2041323-0101RADAR TEST PATTERN GENERATOR2,440.00 ASI-1982039597-0501RADAR TEST PATTERN GEN ADAPTER1,890.00 ASI-199ALT-51A2037120-0501RADAR ALTIMETER TEST PANEL27,350.00 ASI-202DFT-73AA2064943-0501ADF SYSTEM TEST PANEL9,360.00 ASI-244-1PPT-1FB2041350-0101RADAR INDICATOR TEST PANEL24,950.00 ASI-244-2PPT-1FB2041350-0102RADAR INDICATOR TEST PANEL29,950.00 ASI-244-32039817-0501CON-1FB TEST ADAPTER POR ASI-244-48050799-0501CON-1TB(M) TEST ADAPTER POR ASI-252-1COT-1FB2041348-0102RADAR CONTROL TEST PANEL8,880.00 ASI-252-2COT-4A2041593-0401RADAR CONTROL TEST PANEL12,500.00 ASI-360RADAR SYSTEM TEST PANEL7,260.00 ASI-413-1RIT-32A2070809-3201ILS RECEIVER TEST PANEL17,950.00 ASI-413-2RIG-32A2070776-3201ILS AUDIO GENERATOR7,950.00 ASI-420-1RNT-34A2041341-3401RNA-34A ADAPTER PANEL POR ASI-420-2ADT-34AF3614307-3401RNA-34AF ADAPTER PANEL POR ASI-422CPT-83A2041065-8301GPW SYSTEM TEST PANEL18,900.00 ASI-423-1IUT-1SB3614367-0101AIU TEST PANEL18,995.00 ASI-423-2IUT-1MB3614662-0101CONTROL TEST PANEL POR ASI-424-1RVT-33A2070811-3301VOR RECEIVER TEST PANEL29,950.00 ASI-424-2RVG-33A2070810-3301VOR AUDIO GENERATOR11,950.00 ASI-425RTT-41A2037676-0501TRANSCEIVER TEST PANEL POR ASI-741RMT-4A8055325-0401DOPPLER SIGNAL GENERATOR10,630.00 ASI-742RCT-4A2041589-0401RADAR SYSTEM TEST PANEL31,910.00 ASI-743AIT-4A8074503-0401TCAS ADAPTER TEST PANEL18,080.00 ASI-760PPT-4A2041591-0401RADAR INDICATOR TEST PANEL29,950.00 ASI-770AST-4A2041886-0401RADAR ANTENNA SIMULATOR TEST PANEL19,950.00 ASI-771ATT-4A2041592-0401RADAR ANTENNA TEST PANEL14,950.00。

FoxESSCloud 用户手册说明书

FoxESSCloud 用户手册说明书

FoxESSCloud User ManualFOXESS CO.,LTD.Copyright©FOXESS CO.,LTD.2022.All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of FOXESS CO.,LTD.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Fox trademarks are trademarks of FOXESS CO.,LTD.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products,services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Fox and the customer.All or part of the products,services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope.Unless otherwise specified in the contract,all statements,information, and recommendations in this document are provided“AS IS”without warranties,guarantees or representations of any kind,either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice.Every effort has been made in this preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents,but all statements,information,and recommendations in this documents do not constitute a warranty of any kind,express or implied.FOXESS CO.,LTD.Address:No,Jinhai Third Road,New Airport Industry Area,Longwan District,Wenzhou,Zhejiang, ChinaWebsite:Contents1About This Document (2)2Regular Operation (2)2.1Home Page (2)2.2Sign Up (5)2.3Sign In (10)2.4Forgot Password (11)2.5New Site(Agent or Installer) (12)2.5.1Creating a Power Station(End User) (13)2.6Log Out (14)3Function Description (15)3.1Overview (15)3.2My Sites (16)3.2.1My Sites (16)3.2.2Consult a Map (16)3.2.3+New Tag (17)3.3Device (20)3.3.1Inverter (20)3.3.2Inverter Details (20)3.3.3Datalogger (20)3.4Firmware Management(Only Agent) (21)3.4.1Firmware Version (21)3.4.2Inverter Remote Upgrade (21)3.4.3Dataloggor Remote Upgrade (25)3.4.4Battery Remote Upgrade (25)3.6Data Report(Only Agent) (26)3.7Error List (26)3.8Personal Center (27)3.8.1User Type(Agent) (28)3.8.2User Type(Installer) (29)3.8.3User Type(End User) (30)3.8.4Summary (30)3.9Account cancellation (31)1About This DocumentThis manual introduces the function and operation process of FoxESSCloud,so as to facilitate users to operate and manage FoxESSCloud.NOTEUse Google Chrome for best results.2Regular Operation2.1Home PageOperation stepsStep1Open your browser,enter the URL:"https://"in theaddress bar and press enter)to login to the homepage of FoxESSCloud Platform.Figure2-1Step2The default English language is used in the FoxESSCloud platform,and all the graphics of FoxESSCloud platform are shown in English in this article.You can change the language by clicking the""in the upper right corner.Figure2-2-1Figure2-2-2Step3FoxESSCloud Platform has developed a mobile client for users to view in real time.Click the“"in the upper right corner of the phone to scan the QR code and select the appropriate installation method.Figure2-32.2Sign UpOperation stepsStep1Click"Sign Up"on the home page to enter the registration page.Figure2-4-1Figure2-4-2Step2Registration Page-Select User Role(Agent,Installer,End User)Agent:Agent member usersInstaller:Installer individual usersEnd User:End User individual usersNOTEStep 3Registration Page -User InformationAfter selecting the target role,you can enter the user information interface,enter the information and click "Terms of Service"to read the agreement,then click "Next"to proceed to the next step.NOTEIt is recommended to enter your email address to facilitate receiving the verification code for resetting your password.Web functionterminal Installer agentCreate a power station √√√Remove the power station√√√Edit the power station ×√√Remote Settings ×√√Remote upgrade ××√Data report××√Step4Registration Page-Role Information●The first step is to select AgentClick if the company and organization(hereafter referred to uniformly as organization)is using the FoxESSCloud platform for the first time,and enter the organization information in this page.Figure2-6-1If the organization is already registered,click"Join"on the page and enter the invitation code generated by other member accounts of the organization(how to generate the invitation code for agents)to join and share the data information of the organization.After registration is completed,you will be redirected to the home page.●The first step is to select installerEnter your Agency ID(provided by the agent and viewed by the agent in the Personal Center)in order for the agent to check and process the information under your account.If you forget to fill out the form,you can enter it in the Personal Center after registration is completed.After registration is completed, you will be redirected to the home page.Figure2-7●The first step is to select End UserSN input box to fill in the collector SN,it is recommended to fill in the after-sales organization identification code(provided by the agent or installer,check at the personal center)so that the after-sales personnel query processing information under your account.Figure2-8----End2.3Sign InOperation stepsStep1Enter your registered username and password on the homepage ofFoxESSCloud Platform and click the"Login"button to log in.Figure2-9----End2.4Forgot PasswordUsers can retrieve their password in case of forgetting it by using the "Forgot Password"option.Operation stepsStep1Click on Forgot PasswordStep2Enter your username and new passwordStep3Click to get the verification code to send the verification code,the verification code will be sent to the mailbox filled in when registeringStep4Click"Reset Password"to reset your passwordFigure2-10-1Figure2-10-2----End2.5New Site(Agent or Installer)After clicking Power Station Management in the left menu bar,click Create Power Station to enter CreateOperation stepsStep1Click on Power Station Management in the left menu barStep2Click to create a power stationStep3Go to the Create a Power Station pageFigure2-11----End●Power station settings:Set up information about the power station●Device binding:Enter the collector SN,click“"to add multiple collector SN●Additional attributes(optional):can be ignored●Grouping information(optional):can be ignored2.5.1Creating a Power Station(End User)Operation stepsStep1Click"Associate SN"in the Data Overview screen to enter the Associate Power Station screen.Figure2-12Step2Enter the collector SN in the SN input box and click"Create".●If"No valid validated SN"is prompted,it means that the SN of the collector isentered incorrectly,please re-enter it.If you confirm the correct input and stillhave the problem,please contact the agent to deal with it.●Prompt"SN is not associated with a power station,do you want to create apower station?"If the installer or reseller has not yet helped you create thepower station,you can click"OK"to create it yourself.Or contact your installeror reseller to create the power station for you,after which the third scenariobelow appears as per the above two steps.Figure2-13NOTEThe third scenario:Enter the"Operation successful"prompt and jump to the dataoverview page to find the newly associated power station in the power stationname drop-down box.2.6Log OutOperation stepsStep1Click on“"in the upper right corner of the entire interfaceStep2Check the box to log out and prompt"Sure you want to log out?"Step3Click OK to log out of your current account.Figure2-14-1Figure2-14-23Function Description3.1OverviewOperation stepsStep1Click"Overview"in the left menu bar to view the information of each powerstation under the current user.Figure3-1----End3.2My Sites3.2.1My SitesView information about all power stations under the current user.●AgentIncludes power plants created by agents,power plants created by installersassociated with the organization,power plants created by end-users associatedwith the organization and power plants created by installers associated with theorganization by end-users.●InstallerContains power plants created by the installer and the power plants created bythe end user associated with that installer.●End UserPower stations created by end-users and power stations associated with end-users.3.2.2Consult a MapClick on the map to see the location distribution of the powerstation map.NOTEPrerequisites:Create/edit power stations so that they are created/edited usingmap positioning3.2.3+New TagAdd Tag to make it easy to find quickly. Operation stepsStep1Select one or more targetsStep2Click“”Figure3-2-1Step3Enter the Tag Name and click"OK".Figure3-2-2Step4The"Demo1"Tag is generated in the interface,click on the Tag to display the previously selected targetFigure3-2-3Step5If you want to add a target to an existing Tag,you can repeat steps1and2 and enter the existing Tag Name in step3.Step6If you no longer use a Tag,you can click the"x"after the corresponding Tag to delete the TagFigure3-2-43.2.4More OptionsOperation can operate on the selected power station,click“"to view the power station details,click“"to edit the power station information,click""to delete the selected power station.NOTEAt present,the FoxESSCloud platform is not open to end-users to edit powerstations.Figure3-33.3Device3.3.1InverterQuery all devices under the current user,you can quickly find the target devices by filtering conditions of status,inverter SN,power station,collector SN,country/region,inverter model and grid connection time.NOTE+New Tag reference3.2.3Operation stepsStep1Click""to go to the inverter details to view the details of the selected device.Step2Click“"to go to the remote setup page to set up the device.NOTENot configurable for end users and not configurable for devices offline.3.3.2Inverter DetailsIn this interface,you can view basic information such as model and version of a single device,as well as real-time information such as current power and today's power generation.●Inverter historical data power change curve●Inverter historical power generation statistics can be queried by three time units:day,month and year.●A varie of real-time data can be checked.3.3.3DataloggerQuery all modules under the current user,you can filter by status, collector type,collector SN,view collector signal strength and other informationNOTE+New Tag reference3.2.33.4Firmware Management(Only Agent)3.4.1Firmware VersionAgents can view the latest version of firmware released by the manufacturer for various device types in order to select the right version to upgrade their devices.3.4.2Inverter Remote UpgradeProvides inverter remote upgrade operation,which can upgrade single unit or batch upgrade.(Figure3-4-1shows the single inverter upgrade,and Figure3-4-2 shows the batch inverter upgrade.)Figure3-4-1Single upgrade of the inverterFigure3-4-2Batch upgrade of the inverter●Upgrade operationa.Select the target deviceFigure3-5-1Select the target equipmentb.Click"Batch Upgrade".Figure3-5-2Click Batch upgradec.Enter the upgrade information and click"Upgrade". Figure3-5-3Enter the upgrade content●Check the upgrade statusa.Click"View upgrade status".Figure3-6-1View the upgrade statusb.Click""in the current page to view the upgrade task progress. Figure3-6-2Upgrade task progress3.4.3Dataloggor Remote UpgradeProvides remote operation of the collector.NOTEPlease refer to3.4.2for upgrade operation and status check. Figure3-7Collector remote upgrade3.4.4Battery Remote UpgradeProvides battery remote upgrade operation.NOTEPlease refer to3.4.2for upgrade operation and status check. Figure3-8Remote battery upgrade3.5Cluster Management(Only Agent)Remote SchedulingNOTEFor use in South Australia.Other countries/regions can be ignored.3.6Data Report(Only Agent)●Query the inverter history data information,the maximum available range is15days.●If the search range includes incoming and outgoing daylight saving dates,thesearch range should not exceed14days.●After searching the inverter history data,you can export the data by clicking the"Download"button on the right.3.7Error List●Query the inverter history data information,the maximum available range is15days.●If the search range includes incoming and outgoing daylight saving dates,thesearch range should not exceed14days.●After searching the inverter history data,you can export the data by clicking the"Download"button on the right.3.8Personal CenterOperation stepsStep1Open Personal CenterStep2Click""in the upper right corner of the entire interface,select"PersonalCenter"to enter the personal center pageFigure3-9----End●Click"User Information"to check the client-id and username information,or clickModify to change the password.●Click"Account Management",and there are three cases depending on your role.3.8.1User Type(Agent)●Reseller Codea.The reseller identification code required for installer registration.b.Aftermarket organization identification code required for end-user registration.●Invitation Codea.Click Generate Invitation Code on the right to generate an invitation code for newmembers to use when joining the organization,i.e.the join operation inRegistered Agent.b.The invitation code is valid for5minutes and expires once.Figure3-10-1Figure3-10-2Installer codes are available for end users to fill in after-sales organization identification codes when registering.If you want to bind the agent,you can enter the agent code in the input box after the associated agent and click"OK".NOTEInstallers are not allowed to fill in the installer code.Figure3-11If you do not fill in the after-sales organization identification code during registration and need to fill in additional information,you can enter the installer/agent code here and click"OK".NOTEEnd users can and only can bind one code.Figure3-123.8.4Summary●The"Agent ID"of the installer's registration and the"After-sales OrganizationIdentification Code"of the personal center can only be filled in with the"AgentCode",which can be filled in multiple times.●You can fill in either the agent code or the installer code in the"After-salesorganization identification code"and"Agent/Installer Code"in the personal centerof the end-user registration,but only one can be filled in.3.9Account cancellationStep1Click the icon in the upper right corner of the entire interface,select"Personal Center"to enter the personal Center page.Step2Click"Account Management"to enter the"Account Management page".Figure3-13Account managementStep3Click"Account Cancellation",pop up the"Account Cancellation"window,correctly enter"Password,Confirm password"in the pop-up window,and click OK.Figure3-14-1Cancel the accountFigure3-14-2Enter the passwordStep4Pops up,"Logout is OK?"Tip box,click"Save",prompt logout is successful,the page jump to the login page.Figure3-15-1Confirm the cancellation?Figure3-15-2Successful logoff。

FOX PODIUM RC3 Shock Absorber Rebuild Manual

FOX PODIUM RC3 Shock Absorber Rebuild Manual

Shock Absorber Rebuild ManualModelModelPODIUM RC3PODIUM RC3F O X R R A C I NG S SH O X130 Hangar Way, Watsonville, CA 95076 PHONE 800.369.7469FAX 831.768.7026Email: psservicemw@DisclaimerDisclaimerFOX Racing Shox is not responsible for any damages to you or others arising from riding, transporting, or other use of your FOX-equipped vehicle. In the event that your shock breaks or malfunctions, FOX Racing Shox shall have no liability or obligation beyond the repair or replacement of your shock, pursuant to the terms outlined in the Service and Warranty provisions of this manual.Consumer SafetyConsumer SafetyRIDING A MOTOR VEHICLE IS DANGEROUS AND CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. RIDE RESPONISBLITY AT ALL TIMES.•Maintain your vehicle and your suspension.•Always wear a helmet, protective clothing and eye protection.•Ride within your limits.•Tread lightly.Removal & InstallationRemoval & InstallationThe method for removing and installing your FOX Racing Shox is different for every vehicle. Refer to your vehicle’s service manual for complete instructions.Recommended Service IntervalsRecommended Service IntervalsYour FOX Racing Shox will perform the best if serviced at regular intervals:Every Ride Wash and dry your vehicle and suspension.Every Ride Visually inspect shock.Every 40 hours Change shock oil and seals.ACTUAL SHOCK AND PARTS DEPICTED MAY VARY FROM MODEL YEAR TO MODEL YEAR !Tools & Materials Required for RebuildTools & Materials Required for Rebuild1.Fox 5wt. R3 Fluid – 1 Qt.Fox P/N 803-11-0062.Piston Band Installation Tool Fox P/N 803-00-1873.Fox IFP Depth Setting Tool Fox P/N 803-00-2944.Fox Seal Installation Bullet (5/8”)Fox P/N 398-00-094-A5.DSC Socket Fox P/N 398-00-2946.RC3 Rebuild Kit Fox P/N 803-00-1847.Misc Allen Wrench Set8.Mallet9.Pin Spanner Tool10.Screwdrivers11.Torque wrench12.9/16 Wrench13.6mm Allen Hex SocketREBUILD INSTRUCTIONSREBUILD INSTRUCTIONSImportant notes:Important notes:•SAFETIES FIRST - Always wear safety glasses and read directions completely BEFORE disassembling the shock.•Cleanliness is critical; make sure your work area is clean and un-cluttered prior to starting work.Contamination of the shock will lead to premature wear and poor function of your shocks.IMPORTANT: When replacing a seal during a service, make sure that the new seal is the same •IMPORTANT:size, shape, and material as the one you are replacing. In some cases, there may be two seals in the rebuild kit that look similar.1.Record the relative Preload indicator number as well as the Rebound, Compression adjustmentsettings and Bottom out a 4mm Allen wrench, loosen pinch bolt on preload ring and back the pre-load adjuster off untilthe spring is loose on the body.3.Remove the wire-retaining ring under the shaft eyelet end spring collar and remove spring collarparts.4.Clean the entire shock assembly with soapy water or mild solvent.5.Back the Rebound adjustment screw all the way out (full soft). Back the Low-Speed Compressionadjustment knob all the way out (full soft). Back the B.O.C adjustment all the way out (full soft).6.Clamp the shock body eyelet securely in a vice, with the shaft side up. Be sure to use SOFT JAWS toprevent damage to the shock. (Alternately, a clean towel can be used in the vice jaws to protect the shock).ing a 3/32” Hex Key, loosen the bearing cap set screw (do not take it all the way out). Use a 3/16"pin spanner tool to unscrew the bearing cap, slide the bearing cap up to the bottom-out bumper.8.Remove the Schrader valve cap with the 3/16 pin spanner from the end of the reservoir to exposeNitrogen Schrader valve.9.Depress the air valve core to release pressure. Be careful as high pressure Nitrogen will escape asyou purge the valve.10.Depress the blue reservoir end cap to expose the wire-retaining ring. Remove wire ring. Useextreme caution not to scratch the bore of the reservoir tube.11.Remove the reservoir end cap using the extraction tool. Clean the end cap and replace the o-ring.12.Remove the IFP bleed screw and remove the IFP using the extraction tool. Replace IFP o-ring andband. Dispose the oil from the your fingertips, depress the shaft bearing into the shock body to expose the wire-retainingring. Remove retaining ring. Use extreme caution not to scratch the bore of the body tube.14.Remove the shaft assembly from the body tube, and place on a clean, lint free paper towel.(Wrap a towel/rag around the body and shaft assembly to avoid oil spill.)ing the FOX DSC socket tool # 398-00-267, remove DSC adjuster from body end cap assembly,inspect the DSC for any wear or damage, replace the o-rings. (Do not remove by using the 17mm High Speed adjuster hex, this will damage the DSC.)16.Lightly grease the o-rings on the DSC, reinstall and torque the DSC to 35 FT-LBS. ( Do not tightenusing the 17mm High speed adjuster hex, this will damage the DSC.)17.Set body assembly aside on a clean, lint free paper towel.18.Clamp the shaft eyelet securely in soft jaw vice with the piston end a 4mm hex key socket, remove bottom-out piston from end of shaft. Ensure that the Reboundlock nut is a 17mm socket remove the shaft lock nut.21.Slide only the tip of Phillips Head Screwdriver into hole at end of shaft. Hold the piston assemblyunder the top-out plate and lift upwards. Slide the piston assembly onto the shaft of theScrewdriver.22.S lide the bearing assembly and cap off the shaft. Use extreme caution not to scratch inside of thebearing assembly when passing it over the threads at end of shaft.23.R emove bottom out bumper and spacers (if any), Inspect and replace if needed. (Note order andnumber of the spacers.)24.Remove all the seals and o-rings from the bearing assembly and cap. Use extreme caution whenremoving seals from bearing assembly. Do not scratch the sealing surfaces for the seals and o-rings.Doing so will compromise the performance of your shock. Replace parts in order shown in the illustration below.25.C lamp shaft eyelet securely in soft jaw vice.26.S lide spacers (if any) and bottom out bumper onto the shaft.27.I nstall the Bullet tool on the shaft and lubricate the shock shaft with assembly lube. Slide the bearingcap and bearing assembly onto shaft.28.S eparate the Compression and Rebound valve stacks. Secure the order by using a zip tie and setaside. Cut the piston band at a 45 degree angle to prevent any damage to the piston, remove both band and o-ring from the piston.29.I nstall the new o-ring and piston band using the FOX Piston Band Installation tool, # 803-00-187.Ensure that the band has seated correctly on the piston before proceeding.30.Install the Compression valve stack, piston and Rebound stack onto the shaft. (Ensure correct orderof the valve stacks.)31.Install the piston nut using a 17mm socket and torque to 18 FT-LBS. Install the bottom-out piston using a 6mm hex key socket, torque to 25 FT-LBS. Set the shaft assembly aside.32. C lamp the body in the vise. Check that the Low Speed Compression adjuster is set to fully openposition. Fill the reservoir with Fox R2 Suspension Fluid, # 803-11-006. Allow oil to level out between the body and the reservoir, this may take a few minutes. (During this process, close and reopen the Compression adjuster a few times .)33. Fully close the Compression adjuster. Fill oil into the reservoir to 1/2" from the rim of the reservoir.*18 FT-LBS**25 FT-LBS*34.Cover the bleed hole in the IFP using your finger, slowly submerge the IFP into the reservoir allowingsome oil to overflow. Remove the finger covering the bleed hole and submerge the IFP into the oil until the o-ring seats. This procedure prevents any air from being trapped under the IFP. Install the IFP bleed screw using a new o-ring.35.F ully open the Low Speed Compression adjuster. Using the IFP Installation tool, push the IFP to thebottom of the reservoir this will force the air trapped in the Compression adjuster out of the body.Add oil into the body until half full. Pull the IFP up approximately 2" and push down again. Repeat this process until no air bubbles are visible in the shock body. (Use a Rag/Towel over the top of the tool to avoid oil spill.)36.Pull the IFP to about 1" from the bottom and fully close your Low Speed Compression adjuster. Addoil into the body to approximately 3/4" from the rim.37.I nstall the piston assembly into the body. Ensure that the piston band does not extrude out of thepiston gland while doing this.38.W rap a rag around the shaft and the body to prevent oil spill. Strike the shaft assembly firmly, thisallows the valve shims to open and to let any air bleed out from the piston assembly. Tap until the rebound bleed port is just submerged into the oil. (Do not go any deeper.) Allow a few minutes until all air bubbles have dissolved.39.Install the bearing assembly allowing oil to overflow from the bleed hole in the bearing. Oil shouldrise to the top of the body around the o-ring.40.Set the Low Speed Compression adjuster to fully open position. Press the bearing assembly into thebody just past the retaining ring groove. Do not push the bearing any further than shown in the image below.41.Install the retaining ring. Push the IFP down using the IFP tool and at the same time pulling up on theshaft. This ensures full extension on the shaft for next step.42.Set the Low Speed Compression adjuster to fully closed position. Remove the IFP bleed screw andset the IFP depth using the table below. Please note that the IFP depth is application specific.43.Measure your IFP depth as specified in the image below and set the correct depth. Use a ruler andthe IFP tool.44.Install the IFP bleed screw.45.Dispose the excess oil in the reservoir, a light film of residual oil left in the reservoir is ok.46.Lightly grease the o-ring and Install the reservoir end cap and retaining ring.47.Charge the reservoir to 150 PSI of nitrogen. Install the Schrader cap.48.Clean any residual oil from the top of the bearing and lightly grease the threads of the bearing. Installthe bearing cap. Tighten the set screw.49.Reinstall spring and hardware. Set all the adjusters to your personal preference or factory setting (12clicks out from fully closed position).Congratulations…You’ve completed the servicing of your FOX Podium RC3.Carefully reinstall the shock on your motorcycle. Always refer to your motor cycles owner’s for proper torque specs for your shock mounting bolts…DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN!Be sure to RIDE SLOWLY in the beginning to ensure the shock and your vehicle’s suspension is performing correctly.Thanks again for choosing FOX Racing Shox.Contact In Contact Information formation formationFOX Racing Shox130 Hangar WayWatsonville, CA 95076Phone: 800.369.7469 North America: 800.369.7469 Fax: 831.768.7026 E-mail: psservicemw @ridefox .com Website: Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM, Pacific TimeService / Warranty Service / Warranty1.Contact FOX Racing Shox at 800.FOX-SHOX (800-369-7469) to obtain a Return Authorization Number(RAN) and shipping instructions.2.Satisfactory proof of purchase receipt is required for warranty consideration.3.Mark the Return Authorization Number (RAN) and the Return Address on the outside of the box. Sendthe shock to FOX Racing Shox with the shipping pre-paid by sender.4.Include a description of the problem, vehicle information (manufacture, year & model), type of FOXproduct, spring rate, type of riding, and a return address with daytime phone number.Warranty Policy:Warranty Policy:FOX Racing Shox products are covered by a 1-Year Limited Warranty against defects in materials and/or workmanship. Any modifications to the product will void all warranty. This Warranty will be extended to the original retail consumer of an OEM Customer's FOX Racing Shox equipped vehicle and is valid for one year from the original date of purchase from an OEM Customer's authorized dealer. Warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of the FOX Racing Shox product. FOX Racing Shox reserves the right of final decision with regards to all warranty related issues.Warranty is void when damage to the shock has occurred from the following:•Abuse.•Seal damage due to power washing.•Damage to the exterior finish caused by debris, rocks, or crashes.•Any attempts to disassemble shock absorber.•Modifications.•Non-factory oil use or improper service•Shipping damage or loss (purchase of full insurance is recommended).M ethods of Payment ethods of PaymentVISA, MasterCard and/or Cashier’s CheckMethods of Shipping Methods of ShippingFOX Racing Shox uses UPS Ground Service within the USA. Customer may request UPS Air Service at an extra cost. All non-warranty shipping charges are the customer’s responsibility.。

FOX 32 Float SC Factory Tuning Guide

FOX 32 Float SC Factory Tuning Guide

sag settingTo achieve the best performance from your FOX suspension, adjust the air pressure to attain your proper sag setting. Sag is the amount your suspension compresses under your weight and riding gear. Sag range should be set to 15–20% of total fork travel.Make sure to set sag with the compression lever in the OPEN mode, see page 5.Watch the sag setup video at /sagsetupDo not exceed maximum air pressure:36 FLOAT and Rhythm maximum air pressure is 120 psi.rebound ADJUSTmentThe rebound adjustment is dependent on the air pressure setting. For example, higher air pressures require slower rebound settings. Use your air pressure to find your rebound setting.Turn your rebound knob to the closed position, clockwise until it stops. Then turn it counter-clockwise to the number of clicks shown in the table below.LEAST AMOUNT OF REBOUND DAMPING, FORK REBOUNDS FASTEST MOST AMOUNT OF REBOUND DAMPING, FORK REBOUNDS SLOWESTCLOSED (CLOCKWISE)OPEN(COUNTER-CLOCKWISE)987654321Rebound controls the rate of speed at which the fork extends after compressing.Rider Weight (lbs)Rider Weight (kgs)36 FIT436 GRIP 36 GRIP2LSR HSR 120-13054-59141398130-14059-64131287140-15064-68121176150-16068-73111076160-17073-779965170-18077-828865180-19082-867754190-20086-916643200-21091-955543210-22095-1004432220-230100-1043321230-240104-1092221240-250109-1131110HIGH SPEEDLOW SPEEDcompression ADJUSTmentsThe 3-position lever is useful to make on-the-fly adjustments to control fork performance under significant changes in terrain, and is intended to be adjusted throughout the ride.Use the OPEN mode during rough descending, the MEDIUM mode for undulating terrain, and the FIRM mode for smooth climbing.Begin with the 3-position lever in the OPEN mode. OPEN MEDIUM FIRM*Factory Series and Performance Elite Series forks onlyOPEN MODE ADJUST *OPEN mode adjust is useful to control fork performance under rider weight shifts, G-outs, and slow inputs.OPEN mode adjust provides 22 additional fine tuning adjustments for the OPEN mode. Setting 18 will have a more plush feel and setting 1 will have a firmer feel.Set the OPEN mode adjust to 18 clicks out (counter-clockwise until it stops).CLOSED (CLOCKWISE)OPEN(COUNTER-CLOCKWISE)OF COMPRESSION DAMPING; FORK COMPRESSION LIGHTEST MOST AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION DAMPING; FORK COMPRESSION FIRMESTThe 3-Position Micro Adjust lever is useful to make on-the-fly adjustments to control fork performance. Use the positions between the OPEN, MEDIUM, and FIRM modes to fine-tune your compression damping.The 2-Position Sweep Adjust (36 Rhythm forks only) lever is useful to make on-the-fly adjustments to control fork performance. Use the positions between OPEN and FIRM modes to fine-tune your compression damping.OPEN MEDIUM FIRMFACTORY SERIES GRIP2compression ADJUSTERSUse this diagram as a starting point for your compression adjusters.Turn your compression adjusters to the closed position (full clockwise) until they stop. Then back them out (counter-clockwise) to the number of clicks shown below.High-speed compression adjustment is useful to control fork performance during bigger hits, landings, and square-edged bumps.Low-speed compression adjustmentis useful to control fork performance during rider weight shifts, G-outs,and other slow inputs.CLOSED(FULL CLOCKWISE)CLOSED(FULL CLOCKWISE)OPEN 8 CLICKSOPEN16 CLICKSLEAST AMOUNT OF COMPRESSION DAMPING; FORKCOMPRESSIONLIGHTESTMOST AMOUNTOF COMPRESSIONDAMPING; FORKCOMPRESSIONFIRMEST OFFENMITTELHighspeed-Druckstufe Lowspeed-Druckstufeicks (gegen osition (bis und an Die Einstellung der Lowspeed-Druckstufeermöglicht, das Federverhalten der Gabel bei Verlagerungen des Fahrergewichts, beim Springenund bei langsamer Krafteinwirkung zu steuern.OFFENMITTELHighspeed-DruckstufeLowspeed-DruckstufeDER 40 GRIPed-Druckstufe als timmung auf 4 Klicks (gegen geschlossenen Position (bis sinn) einzustellen.CKSTUFEeed-Druckstufeten der Gabel beien nach Sprüngen und an zu steuern.Die Einstellung der Lowspeed-Druckstufeermöglicht, das Federverhalten der Gabel bei Verlagerungen des Fahrergewichts, beim Springen und bei langsamer Krafteinwirkung zu steuern.15 MM QUICK RELEASE INSTALLATION1. Loosen the pinch bolt, then install the front wheel into the fork dropouts. Slide the axle through the drive side dropout and hub.2. Open the axle lever and pinch bolt.3. Turn the axle clockwise 5-6 complete turns into the axle nut.4. Close the lever. The lever must have enough tension to leave an imprint on your hand.5. The closed lever position must be between 1-20 mm in front of the fork leg.6. If the lever does not have enough tension, or has too much tension when closed at the recommended position (1-20 mm in front of the fork), see the next section for adjustment instructions.7. Compress the fork a couple of times to ensure that the lower leg has settled into its low-friction point.8. Tighten the pinch bolt on the drive side dropout to 5.1 Nm (45 in-lb) torque. IMPORTANT: You will only need to tighten the pinch bolt during your first wheel installation. After tightening the pinch bolt, you may remove the QR axle and replace it without loosening or retightening the pinch bolt. If you are changing wheels or hubs, it is likely that the pinch bolt will need to be adjusted by following these installation instructions starting at step 1.ADJUST THE QUICK RELEASE1. Note which direction the axle lever needs to turn to achieve proper orientation.2. Open the axle lever in the fork.3. While holding the QR lever open and stationary so it cannot rotate, use a 4 mm hex wrench in the center of the end of the axle to adjust the lever position. With the 4 mm adjuster set properly, you should start to feel tension in the axle when the QR lever is 90 degrees before full closure in the vertical position.4. Repeat the axle installation instructions to verify proper installation and adjustment. WARNING: Use hand pressure only. Never use any tool to tighten the 15QR levers onto the lower legs. Over-tightening the levers can damage the axle or fork dropouts, leading to a sudden failure with one or more of these components, resulting in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.WARNING: Failure to secure the axle properly can cause the wheel to become detached from the bicycle, resulting in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.1-20mmQR Lever Open QR Lever ClosedPinch BoltKABOLTX INSTALLATIONIMPORTANT: The KaboltX is only compatible with the 2021 36 and 38 forks.1. Loosen the pinch bolt, then install the front wheel into the fork dropouts. Slide the KaboltX axle through the drive side dropout and hub.2. Use a 6 mm hex wrench to torque the KaboltX axle clockwise to the torque specification that is etched on the head of the Kabolt.3. Compress the fork a couple of times to ensure that the lower leg has settled into its low-friction point.4. Tighten the pinch bolt on the drive side dropout to5.1 Nm (45 in-lb) torque.AIR RELEASE BUTTON/LOWER LEG BLEEDERSThe Air Release Button at the rear of each fork leg allows for built up air pressure to be released for optimal performance. With the fork in the upright position, hold each button for 5-10 seconds. IMPORTANT: You may notice some bath oil may come out of the bleeders duringactuation, this is normal.Pinch BoltMounting Disc BrakesThe 36 fork uses 180 mm post mounts that allow you to bolt your caliper directly to the fork and utilize a 180 mm rotor.If your current 180 mm brake setup came with bolts and a caliper spacer, you may need to source shorter bolts as you will not need a caliper spacer when using a 180 mm rotor.If using a 203-230 mm rotor, you will need to source the appropriate caliper spacer and bolts. Contact the brake manufacturer for further information.WARNING: Follow your brake manufacturer’s installation instructions for proper installation and adjustment of the brake system. Failure to properly install and adjust your brakes can lead to a loss of control of the bicycle which can result in SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH.2x M6 x 1,0-6H(full thread 12mm)Disc brake caliper mount bolts must have 10-12mm of thread engagement.Torque bolts to manufacturer’s specification. Bolt torque must not exceed 90 in-lb.Installing the front wheel- Rhythm QR Wheel installation is identical for both the 15x100 mm and 15x110 mm axles.1. Install the front wheel into the fork dropouts. Slide the axle through the non-driveside dropout and hub.2. Open the axle lever.3. Turn the axle clockwise 5-6 complete turns into the axle nut.4. Close the lever. The lever must have enough tension to leave an imprint on your hand.5. The closed lever position must be between 1-20 mm in front of the fork leg.6. If the lever does not have enough tension, or has too much tension when closedat the recommended position (1-20 mm in front of the fork). See the next page for adjustment instructions.WARNING: Use hand pressure only. Never use any tool to tighten the 15QR levers onto the lower legs. Over-tightening the levers can damage the axle or fork dropouts, leading to a sudden failure with one or more of these components, resulting in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.WARNING: Failure to secure the axle properly can cause the wheel to become detached from the bicycle, resulting in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.1-20 mm RHYTHM KABOLT INSTALLATIONWheel installation is identical for both the 15x100 mm and 15x110 mm Kabolt axles.1. Install the front wheel into the forkdropouts. Slide the K abolt axle throughthe non-drive side dropout and hub.2. Use a 6 mm hex wrench to torque theKabolt axle clockwise to the torquespecification etched on the head ofthe Kabolt.Adjusting the lever position -Rhythm1. Note the axle number, which is the number at the indicator arrow.2. Use a 2.5 mm hex wrench to loosen the axle nut keeper screw approximately 4 turns,but do not completely remove the screw.3. Move the 15QR to the open position and unthread the axle approximately 4 turns.4. Push the 15QR axle in from the open lever side. This will push the axle nut keeper outand allow you to rotate it out of the way.5. Continue to push on the 15QR axle and turn the axle nut clockwise to increase the levertension, or counter-clockwise to decrease the lever tension.6. Return the axle nut keeper into place and torque the bolt to 0.90 Nm (8 in-lb).7. Repeat the axle installation instructions to verify proper installation and adjustment.Axle nut keeper screwAxle nut keeperAxle nutIndicator arrowAxle numberAdditional tuning optionsclip-on Volume SpacersChanging volume spacers in the 36 FLOAT fork is an easy internal adjustment that allows you to change the amount of mid stroke and bottom out resistance. If you have set your sag correctly and are using full travel (bottoming out) tooeasily, then you could install one or more spacers to increase bottom out resistance.If you have set your sag correctly and are not using full travel, then you could remove the spacer to decrease bottom out resistance.Installation procedure and tuning options are available online at:/ownersmanualsSEE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND VIDEOS: 36 FLOAT /36setupFORK TRAVELF O R K A I R S P R I NG F O R C Etypical air spring curvesNOTESNOTES。



细胞与分子免疫学杂志(Chin J Cell Mollmmunol)2021,37( 1)39•论著•文章编号:1007-8738(2021 )01>0039~08磷脂酰肌醇3激酶p(PI3Kp)和PI3K8在K IT突变介导的细胞转化中起不同作用张少婷,朱光荣,石君,杨继辉,蒋宗英,张良颖,窦凯凯,孙建民*(宁夏医科大学基础医学院病原生物学与医学免疫学系,宁夏银川750004)[摘要]目的探究磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(P I3K)的不同亚型在三型酪氨酸激酶受体KIT突变介导的信号传递及细胞增殖中的作 用。

方法在B aF3细胞中稳定表达野生型KIT及胃肠间质瘤中常见的KIT突变V560D、W557K558del,分别用PI3K a、P I3KP、P I3K5亚型特异性抑制剂或者广谱P I3K抑制剂处理细胞,免疫沉淀法和W estern blot法检测KIT及其下游信号活化情况。

胃肠 间质瘤G IST-T1细胞采用相同药物及浓度处理,免疫共沉淀和W estern blot法检测KIT及其下游信号的活化情况,噻唑蓝 (M T T)法检测细胞增殖,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡。

结果与对照组相比,在表达野生型KIT及其突变体的B aF3细胞中,P I3K8亚型特异性抑制剂对KIT及其下游信号分子蛋白激酶B(AKT)和胞外信号调节激酶(ERK)活化的抑制作用最强,其次为 P I3K a和P I3KP亚型特异性抑制剂。

在G IST-T1细胞中,P I3KP亚型特异性抑制剂对KJT及其下游信号活化的抑制作用最强,其次为P I3K&和P I3K a亚型特异性抑制剂。

结论在B aF3细胞中,P I3KS亚型在KIT活化及其下游信号传递中起主要作用,而在G IST-T1细胞中,P I3Kp亚型在KIT活化及其下游信号传递中起主要作用,这些结果表明不同P I3K亚型在KIT突变介导 的细胞转化中起不同作用,且在不同的细胞中其作用也有不同。









MACX MCR-EX-SL-RPSSI-IMACX MCR-SL-CAC-5-IMACX MCR-SL-CAC-5-I-UPMCR-1CLP-I-I-00MCR-2CLP-I-I-00MCR-4CLP-I-I-00MCR-C-I-I-00-DCMCR-C-I-I-04-DCMCR-C-I-I-40-DCMCR-C-I-U-0-DCMCR-C-I-U-4-DCMCR-CLP-UI-I-4MCR-CPS-I-I-44-EMCR-CPSS-I-I-44-EMCR-C-UI/UI-DCIMCR-C-U-I-0-DCMCR-C-U-I-10B-0B-DCIMCR-C-U-I-4-DCMCR-C-UI-UI-DCI-NCMCR-C-U-U-DCMCR-FL-C-UI-2UI-DCIMCR-FL-C-UI-2UI-DCI-NCMCR-FL-C-UI-UI-DCI-24/230MCR-F-UI-DCMCR-PS- 24DC/24DC/200MCR-PS- 24DC/2X24DCMCR-PS- 24DC-10DC MCR-PT 100-IMCR-PT100/I/DCMCR-PT100-UMCR-R-I-4-V-DCMCR-S-1/5-UI-DCIMCR-S-10/50-UI-DCI MCR-S10-50-UI-DCI-NC MCR-S-1-5-UI-SW-DCI-NC MCR-SL-1CLP-I-I-00-4KV MCR-SL-D-U-IMCR-SL-PT100-I-DC-24 MCR-SL-PT100-SPMCR-SL-S-1-5-I-DCI-230 MCR-SL-S-1-5-I-DCI-24 MCR-SL-S-16-SP-24 MCR-SWS-IMCR-SWS-UMCR-TE-JK-I-EMCR-T-UI-EMCR-T-UI-E-NCMCR-T-UI-NCMCR-VAC-UI-O-DCMCR-VDC-UI-B-DCMCV 1,5/ 2-G-3,5MCV 1,5/ 5-G-3,5MCV 1,5/ 8-G-3,5MCV 1,5/12-G-3,5 MCV 1,5/14-G-3,5MCV 1,5/16-G-3,5MCV 1.5/2-G-3.81MCV 1.5/6-GF-3.81 MCV 1.5/8-GF-3.81 MCVR 1.5/11-ST-3.81 MDSTB 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QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/24DC/5 2938811 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/12DC/10 2938604 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/10 2938248 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/48DC/10 2938617 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/24DC/10 2938219 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/48DC/10 2938620 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/20 2938976 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/48DC/20 2938727 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/24DC/ 20 2938222 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/48DC/20 2938633 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/24DC/30 2938879 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/40 2938646 QUINT-PS-3X400-500AC/24DC/40 2866378 QUINT-PS-24DC/24DC/102938196 QUINT-PS-ADAPTERS7/12938206 QUINT-PS-ADAPTERS7/22866857 QUINT-ADAPTER/42938235 UWA 182/52超薄设计的初级开关电源2938714 MINI-PS-100-240AC/ 5DC/3 2938743 MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1 2938756 MINI-PS-100-240AC/10-15DC/2 2866297 MINI-PS-100-240AC/10-15DC/8 2938840 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1 2866446 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.3 2938730 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/2 2938837 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/4 2866336 MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/C2LPS 2866271 MINI-PS-48-60DC/24DC/1 2866284 MINI-PS-12-24DC/24DC/1 2866983 MINI-SYS-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5 阶梯设计的初级开关电源2938918 STEP-PS-100-240AC/ 5DC/4 2938921 STEP-PS-100-240AC/12DC/3 2938934 STEP-PS-100-240AC/15DC/2.4 2938947 STEP-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5 2938950 STEP-PS-100-240AC/48DC/0.75菲尼克斯电压隔离转换模块2766821 MCR-PS- 24DC/24DC/2002781877 MCR-PS- 24DC/2X24DC2940676 EG 45-PS-230AC/ 5DC/250 2940618 EG 45-PS-230AC/24DC/250防爆型初级开关电源和冗余模块2938853 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/5/EX 2938866 QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/10/EX 2938963 QUINT-DIODE/40菲尼克斯不间断初级开关电源2866213 QUINT-BUFFER/24DC/202866226 QUINT-DC-UPS/24DC/102866239 QUINT-DC-UPS/24DC/202866242 QUINT-DC-UPS/24DC/402866349 QUINT-BAT/24DC/3.4AH2866352 QUINT-BAT/24DC/7.2AH2866365 QUINT-BAT/24DC/12AH菲尼克斯初级开关电源单元2866268 TRIO-PS/1AC/24DC/2.52866310 TRIO-PS/1AC/24DC/52866323 TRIO-PS/1AC/24DC/102866459 TRIO-PS/3AC/24DC/102866381 TRIO-PS/1AC/24DC/202866394 TRIO-PS/3AC/24DC/202866404 TRIO-PS/3AC/24DC/40菲尼克斯电压调整模块2954963 EMG 45-NZG/G 5/SI2943903 EMG 30-NZG/G 5/SI2954976 EMG 45-NZG/G12/SI2943916 EMG 30-NZG/G12/SI2954992 EMG 45-NZG/G15/SI2943929 EMG 30-NZG/G15/SI2954989 EMG 45-NZG/G24/SI2943932 EMG 30-NZG/G24/SI2941060 EMG 75-NZG/G 5/22941057 EMG 75-NZG/G12/22941044 EMG 75-NZG/G15/22942454 EMG 75-NZG/G24/22736686 ASI QUINT 100-240/2.4 EFD2736699 ASI QUINT 100-240/4.8 EFD2943738 EMG 45-SD-D/LA/SI2940825 EMG 45-SD-D/LA/SI YE2941523 EMG 90-2SD-D/LA菲尼克斯防雷器、菲尼克斯浪涌保护器:菲尼克斯电源第一级防雷器2858467 AEC组合防雷器 POWERSET BC/3+1-100/FM1 2816881 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35/3 通流量35KA(三相)2 2817482 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35/3+1 通流量35KA(三相)3 2838940 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35-260 通流量35KA(单相)4 2816904 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 50 N/PE 通流量50KA(N-E)5 2838160 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 100-260 通流量100KA(单相)6 2809717 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 25-400 通流量25KA7 2748603 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 60-400 通流量60KA8 2816386 电源第一级防雷器 FLT-PLUS 通流量50KA9 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 25-400/3+1 通流量50KA10 2856317 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35/3+1 CTRL-0.9/I 通流量35KA(三相带指示灯)11 2856304 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35/3 CTRL-0.9/I 通流量35KA(三相带指示灯)12 2817411 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35 CTRL-0.9 通流量35KA(单相)13 2817424 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 35 CTRL-0.9/I 通流量35KA(单相,带指示灯)14 2817453 电源第一级防雷器 FLT 50 N/PE CTRL-1.5 通流量50KA(N-E)15 2818643 电源第一级防雷器 FLT-PLUS CTRL-0.9 通流量50KA,残压0.9KV16 2818960 电源第一级防雷器 FLT-PLUS CTRL-0.9/I 通流量50KA,残压0.9KV 电源第二级防雷器特价供应菲尼克斯电源,菲尼克斯安全栅,菲尼克斯端子,菲尼克斯继电器,大量库存.17 5772061 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 320/1+1 通流量40KA单相8/20us、耐压320V18 5772074 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 320/1+1-FM 同上、带遥信19 5772029 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230/1+1 通流量40KA单相8/20us、耐压275V20 5772032 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230/1+1-FM 同上、带遥信21 5772045 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230 IT/1+1 通流量40KA单相8/20us、耐压385V22 5772058 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230 IT/1+1-FM 同上、带遥信23 2838209 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230/3+1 通流量40KA三相8/20us24 2858548 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230 IT/3+1 通流量40KA三相8/20us25 2838199 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230/3+1 FM 通流量40KA(带遥信)三相8/20us26 2858551 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 230 IT/3+1-FM 通流量40KA(带遥信)三相8/20us27 2858564 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 320/3+1 通流量40KA三相8/20us28 2858577 电源第二级防雷器 VAL-MS 320/3+1-FM 通流量40KA三相8/20us29 直流48V防雷器 VAL-MS 60 通流量40KA(不带遥信)30 2817987 电源第二级防雷器 F-MS 12 通流量40KA(N-E)31 2817974 电源第二级防雷器 F-MS 12/FM 通流量40KA(N-E,带遥信)电源第三级防雷器32 2858357 电源第三级防雷器 PT 2-PE/S-230AC 通流量10KA、单相33 2839389 电源第三级防雷器 CBT-4MS 通流量5KA、4孔34 2762100 电源第三级防雷器 MT-4PE-230AC 通流量6.5KA、三相34 电源第三级防雷器 CBT-SCHUKO 通流量6.5KA、三相退耦器35 2749660 退耦器 LT35 额定电流35A36 2818546 退耦器 LT63 额定电流63A信号防雷器37 2839541 馈线防雷器 CF-UB-280DC-SB-SET 带接头38 2818148 馈线防雷器 CN-UB-280DC-SB N接头39 2809490 2M线防雷器 CN-UFB-5DC/E-LAN40 2782300 2M线防雷器 C-UFB-5DC/E2782313 C-UFB-24DC/E41 2838555 ISDN防雷器 CTM ISDN 插拔式42 2748276 ISDN防雷器 D-TR1/ISDN-A/RJ45-BB RJ4543 2838539 ADSL/电话线 CTM 1x2-110AC44 2838513 DDN CTM 1x2-24DC45 2838610 CTM接地架 CTM 10-MAG46 2765547 CTM接地架 CT 1-10-ES47 2818795 电话线防雷器 D-FM-A/RJ45-BB RJ45接口48 2838937 模拟电话信号 MT-2FM-RJ12 2路接口(RJ12接口)49 2858043 DDN/桢中继 PT3-HF-12DC-ST 插头,工作电压12V50 2856113 DDN/桢中继 PT 1x2-BE PT1*2底座51 2818973 以太网防雷器 D-LAN-A/RJ45-BS RJ45接口52 2838050 广域网防雷器 D-DS1-A/RJ45-BB53 2749644 无线收发设备防雷器 C-RF54 2818067 有线电视防雷器 CF-TV-30DC-BB F接口55 2749631 有线电视防雷器 C-TV DIN接口56 2762278 RS485 MT-RS485/S57 2782601 RS485 D-UFB-485/BS-B58 2796118 V.11/RS-422 D-UFB-V11/SB-B59 2762773 V.24/RS-232C D-UFB-V24/S-DSUB 9/SB-B60 2763701 视频信号防雷器 C-UB/E61 2782245 视频信号防雷器 C-UB62 2838050 T1/E1 D-DS1-A/RJ45-BB RJ45接口63 2838228 4-20mA模拟信号防雷器 PT 2x2-24DC-ST 通流量10KA(插头),2路保护UK1.5NUK1.5N BUUK2.5B UK2.5B BUUK3NUK3N BUUK 5NUK 5N BUUK 6NUK 6N BUUK 10NUK 10N BUUK 16NUK 16N BUUIK 35UIK 35 BUUK 35UKH 50UKH 50 BUUKH 95UKH 95 BUUKH 150UKH 150 BUUKH 240USLKG 1.5NUSLKG 2.5USLKG 3USLKG 5USLKG 6NUSLKG 10NUSLKG 16NUISLKG 35USLKG35USLKG50USLKG95UK 5-MTK-P/PUK 5-HESIUK 5-HSILED 24UK 5-HESILA 250 UK 10-DREHSI(5×20) URTK/SMBK 5/E-ZMBK 3/E-ZMBKKB 2.5UK 3-TWINUK 10-TWINUK 5-TWINUDK3UDK3-PEUDK4UDK4 BUUDK4-MTK-P/PUKK3UKK3 BUUKK5UKK5 BUDIK 1.5DIKD 1.5DOK 1.5URTKK 6-CAK4AK16AK35AKG 4 BUAKG 4 GNYEAKG 4 BKAKG 16 BUAKG 16 GNYEAKG 16 BKAKG 35 BUAKG 35 BKAZK 35D-URTKD-UK 2.5D-UK 4/10D-UK 16TS-RTKATS-RTKTS-KK3TS-KATP-UKATP-UK 5-MTKTP-UK35D-MBKKB 2.5DP-MBKKB2.5D-MBK/ED-UK 5-TWIND-UKK 3/5DP-UKK3/5DG-UKK3/5D-UDK4ATP-UKK3/5MPS-IH WHMPS-IH RDMPS-IH BUMPS-IH YEMPS-IH GNMPS-IH VTMPS-IH GYMPS-IH BKMPS-MTSAGK 10-UKH50AGK 10-UKH95AKG 10-UKH 150/240 UKH 50 EPUKH 150/240 EPFB10-6FB10-8FB10-10FB10-12FB2-15FB3-15FBRN 10-4NFBRI 2-5NFBRI 3-5NFBRI 4-5NFBRI 5-5NFBRI 10-5NFBRNI 2-5NFBRNI 3-5NFBRNI 10-5NFBI 2-6FBI 3-6FBI 5-6FBI 10-6FBI 2-8FBI 3-8FBI 5-8FBI 10-8FBI 2-10FBI 3-10 FBI 5-10 FBI 10-10FBI 10-12FB2-RTK/SFB3-RTK/SFB5-RTK/SFB10-RTK/SFBI 2-15FBI 3-15FBI 5-15FBI 2-20ISSBI 10-6ISSBI 10-10 ISSBI 10-8EB 10-5EB 3-5EB 2-5EBL 10-5EBL 2-5EBL 3-5EB 10-6EB 3-6EB 2-6EB 10-8EB 3-8EB 2-8EBS 10-8 EBS 3-8 EBS 2-8EB 10-10EB 3-10EB 2-10EB 10-12EB10-15EB 80-DIK BUEB 80-DIK RDSB 2-RTK/SSB 4-RTK/SUSB 2-RTK/SASB 2-RTK/SIS-K 4IS-K 10USBR 2-7KSS 6KSS 3-6 KSS 4-8 KSS 8RPSPS-IH WHPS-IH BUPS-IH YEPS-IH GNPS-IH VTPS-IH GYPS-IH BKPS-MTPSBJ 3/13/4 PSB 6/5/6 PSB 4/7/6PSB 3/10/4WS 3-6WS 3-8WS 4-6WS 4-8WS 4-15WS 5-6WS 5-8WS 5-15WS 3/4-UKH 50/25WS 4/5-UKH 50/25KLM-A+ES/KLM-GBUBE/D+ES/KMK3ST 1.5ST 1.5 BUST 2.5 ST 2.5 BUST4ST4 BUST6ST6 BUST10ST10 BUST16ST16 BUST35ST35 BUSTS2.5STS 2.5 BUSTS4 STS4 BUST1.5-PEST2.5-PEST4-PEST6-PEST 10-PEST 16-PEST 35-PESTS2.5-PESTS4-PEMZB1.5MZB1.5-NS35 MZDB1.5MZDB1.5-NS35MZB1.5-FMZB1.5-MMZDB1.5-FMZDB1.5-MMZB1.5-RZMZDB1.5-RZMZB1.5-PEMZB1.5-NS35-PEZRTK4ST1.5-TWINST2.5-TWINST4-TWIN ST6-TWINSTS2.5-TWINSTS4-TWINST1.5-QUATTROST2.5-QUATTROST4-QUATTROSTS4-QUATTROSTS2.5-QUATTROSTTB1.5STTB2.5STTB4ST1.5-TWIN-P E ST1.5-QUATTRO-PEST2.5-TWIN-PEST2.5-QUATTRO-PEST4-TWIN-PEST4-QUATTRO-PESTS4-TWIN-PESTS4-QUATTRO-PESTS2.5-TWIN-PESTS2.5-QUATTRO-PESTTB2.5-PEST2.5-MTST2.5-TGST4-HESI(5×20)ST2.5/1P ST2.5-QUATTRO/2P STTB2.5/2PSP2.5/1-LSP2.5/1-MSP2.5/1-RSPB2.5/1-LSPB2.5/1-MSPB2.5/1-RSPDB2.5/1-LSPDB2.5/1-MSPDB2.5/1-RFBS2-4FBS3-4FBS4-4FBS5-4FBS10-4FBS20-4 FBS2-5FBS3-5FBS4-5FBS5-5FBS10-5FBS20-5FBS2-6FBS3-6FBS4-6FBS5-6FBS10-6FBS20- FBS2-8FBS3-8FBS4-8FBS5-8FBS10-8FBS2-10FBS2-12FBS2-16D-MZB1.5D-MZB1.5-FD-MZB1.5-NS35D-ST2.5D-ST4D-ST6D-ST10D-ST16D-STS2.5D-STS4D-ST2.5-TWIND-ST4-TWIND-ST2.5-QUATTROD-ST4-QUATTROD-STTB2.5D-STTB4D-ZRTK4DS-ST2.5DS-ST4ATP-ST4ATP-ST4 QUATTROZB空白标识条ZB:数字标识条普通(1-100)ZB:数字标识条特殊打印ZBFM4/WH:UNBEDRUCKT ZBFM5/WH:UNBEDRUCKT 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MKDSN1.5/3-5.08 MKDS1.5/2-5.08 MKDS1.5/3-5.08 MKDS3/2-5.08MKDS3/3-5.08 MKDSP1.5/2-5.08 MKDSP1.5/3-5.08 SMKDSP1.5/2-5.08 SMKDSP1.5/3-5.08 MKKDSN1.5/2-5.08 MKKDSN1.5/3-5.08 MKKDS1.5/2-5.08 MKKDS1.5/3-5.08 MKKDS3/2-5.08 MKKDS3/3-5.08 GMKDS1.5/2-7.62 GMKDS1.5/3-7.62GMKDS3/2-7.62GMKDS3/3-7.62FRONT2.5-H/SA5D-FRONT2.5-V-O.Z.D-FRONT2.5-H-O.Z.FRONT2.5-V/SA5FFKDS/V-2.54FFKDS/H-2.54FFKDSA1/V-5.08FFKDSA1/H-5.08FFKDS/V-3.81FFKDS/H-3.81FFKDSA1/V-6.35FFKDSA1/H-6.35FFKDS/V1-5.08FFKDS/H1-5.08 FFKDSA1/1V-7.62 FFKDSA1/H1-7.62FFKDSA/H1-7.62FFKDSA/V1-7.62ZFKDS1-3.81ZFKDSA1-6.35ZFKDS1.5-5.08ZFKDSA1.5-7.62ZFKKDS1.5-5.08ZFKKDSA1.5-6.08ZFKDS1.5C-5.0ZFKDSA1.5C-6.0ZFKKDS1.5C-5.0ZFKKDSA1.5C-5.0LZFKKDSA1.5C-6.0RZFKDS2.5-5.08ZFKDS2.5-5.08LZFKDSA2.5-6.08RZFKKDS2.5-5.08ZFKKDSA2.5-6.08RZFKKDS2.5-5.08LZFKDS4-7.5ZFKDS4-10ZFKDSA4-9MC1.5/2-ST-3.81 MC1.5/3-ST-3.81 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1.外源性精胺对缺氧诱导乳鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响及其机制 [J], 袁迪;王跃虹;袁辉;邵毅英;范玉琪;邵小婷;扈敬;魏璨;徐长庆
2.[10]-姜酚对缺氧/复氧诱导的乳鼠心肌细胞损伤的r保护作用及机制研究 [J], 初
3.人参皂苷Rbl对缺氧乳鼠心肌细胞缺氧诱导因子-1α的影响 [J], 赵颖军;孔宏亮;吴昊;周书春
4.益气逐瘀方对缺氧诱导乳鼠心肌细胞凋亡及miR-24/Bim通路的影响 [J], 褚福永; 刘巍; 尚菊菊; 刘红旭
5.Taxol对缺氧培养乳鼠心肌细胞Cx43蛋白表达及分布的影响 [J], 王德国;王新;王安才;朱红军;孙贤林

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This modern styled, unique tractor is available as a standard 10 tonne base model with options for Cabin and Airconditioning.

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Or Inline 6 Cylinder, Detroit Diesel VM 93 kW @ 3000 RPM, 490 Nm @ 1300 RPM
Allison 2500 Series Automatic transmission with Electronic Control With Torque Converter 5 forward & 1 reverse gear
Hydraulically Controlled
58.8 kN on dry level concrete 28-30 km/h A321 & B737-900 Aircraft IATA AHM 968, In conjunction with AHM910, AHM 913, AHM 915 & AHM 916 SAE 871816, ISO 9001, AS 9001.
1550mm, 2100mm with Cabin
From 10 to 12 Tonnes
Inline 4 Cylinder, Deutz Diesel TCD2012L4 103 kW @ 2400 RPM, 520 Nm @ 1600 RPM
Dana Rear Axle with Wet Disc Brakes, 2WD
Front Wheel Steer (2WS) 12 V Hydraulic controlled steering and braking.