

毕设外文翻译 (英文原文+翻译)

毕设外文翻译 (英文原文+翻译)

英文翻译:PARTⅠ各种光纤接入技术Optical Fiber Technology With Various Access1 光网络主流1.1 光纤技术光纤生产技术已经成熟,现在大批量生产,广泛应用于今天的零色散波长λ0=1.3μm的单模光纤,而零色散波长λ0=1.55μm的单模光纤已开发并已进入实用阶段,这是非常小的1.55μm的波长衰减,约0.22dB/km,它更适合长距离大容量传输,是首选的长途骨干传输介质。



1.2 光纤放大器1550nm波长掺铒(ER)的光纤放大器(EDFA),掺铒数字,模拟和相干光通信中继器可以以不同的速率传输光纤放大器,也可以发送特定波长的光信号。



1.3 宽带接入不同的环境中企业和住宅客户提供了多种宽带接入解决方案。


目前,接入系统的主流技术,ADSL 技术可以双绞铜线传输经济每秒几兆比特的信息,即支持传统的语音服务,而且还支持面向数据的因特网接入位,理事会结束的ADSL多路复用访问的数据流量,路由的分组网络,语音流量将传送到PSTN,ISDN或其它分组网络。







1. 数字用户线路(DSL):DSL利用电话线传输数据信号,分为ADSL(非对称数字用户线路)和VDSL(Very high bit-rate DSL)。


2. 电缆网络:电缆网络利用有线电视网络传输数据信号,广泛应用于家庭和企业用户。


3. 光纤到户(FTTH):光纤到户是将光纤网络直接连接到用户家庭或企业的终端设备上。


4. 卫星网络:卫星网络通过卫星传输数据信号,适用于地理条件复杂或无法铺设光纤的区域。


5. 无线局域网(WLAN):无线局域网是通过无线信号传输数据的网络,适用于办公室、家庭和公共场所。


6. 移动网络:移动网络是通过移动通信基站进行数据传输的网络,适用于移动设备和移动用户。


8. 光纤到线(FTTC):光纤到线是将光纤网络延伸至距离用户较近的地方,然后通过铜线将信号传输到用户终端。




教材(IP专业)WLAN接入技术目录第1章宽带无线接入技术概述 (4)1.1宽带无线接入技术简介 (4)1.2宽带无线接入的关键技术 (5)1.2.1 调制技术 (5)1.2.2 天线技术 (6)1.2.3 动态带宽分配技术 (6)1.3典型宽带接入技术介绍 (7)1.3.1 MMDS (7)1.3.2 SDHIP (7)1.3.3 LMDS (8)1.3.4 WiMAX技术 (8)1.3.5 Clearwire明线技术 (9)1.3.6 McWiLL技术 (10)1.3.7 WLAN技术 (11)1.3.8 蓝牙技术 (12)第2章WLAN技术原理 (13)2.1WLAN基本概念 (13)2.1.1 IEEE 802.11协议简述 (13)2.1.2 802.11b的物理层 (13)2.1.3 WLAN数据链路层 (14)2.1.4 802.11g-最新WLAN主流标准 (15)2.1.5 802.11a (18)2.1.6 802.11n (18)2.2WLAN互联结构 (18)2.3WLAN的操作 (21)2.4WLAN安全性 (22)2.4.1 WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy有线等效加密) (22)2.4.2 RADIUS认证 (23)2.4.3 地址过滤 (23)第3章WLAN组网方式与典型应用 (25)3.1IP网络结构 (25)3.2数据网络的分层结构-组网模型 (25)3.3宽带接入组网结构 (26)3.4WLAN典型组网应用 (26)3.4.1 无线接入点(AP)组网方式 (26)3.4.2 接入控制器基本应用方式 (27)3.4.3 家庭和办公室WLAN接入 (28)3.4.4 大中型办公室WLAN解决方案 (28)3.4.5 无线局域网在Hotspot的应用 (29)3.4.6 可运营WLAN整体解决方案 (29)参考资料 (30)第1章宽带无线接入技术概述1.1 宽带无线接入技术简介宽带无线接入(BroadbandWirelessAccess,简BWA)技术目前还没有通用的定义,一般是指把高效率的无线技术应用于宽带接入网络中,以无线方式向用户提供宽带接入的技术。



列举六种接入技术一、ADSL接入技术ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)是一种对称数字用户线路技术,其特点是在普通电话线路上实现宽带数据传输。

ADSL 接入技术允许用户在使用互联网的同时仍能保持电话线路的正常通话功能。






















宽带接入的类型宽带接入的类型多种多样,常见的有以下几种:1. ADSLADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)是一种使用普通电话线作为传输介质的宽带接入技术。



2. 光纤宽带光纤宽带是使用光纤作为传输介质的宽带接入技术。



3. 无线宽带无线宽带是通过无线信号来实现互联网接入的技术。



宽带接入的优势宽带接入相比于传统的拨号接入方式具有以下优势:1. 传输速度快宽带接入使用高速网络传输技术,可以提供更快的传输速度。


2. 带宽大宽带接入具有较大的带宽,能够同时支持多个用户进行互联网访问。


3. 稳定可靠宽带接入采用了成熟的传输技术和设备,具有较高的稳定性和可靠性。


4. 全天候在线宽带接入提供全天候在线的互联网连接,用户可以随时随地访问互联网。




中文1866字附 录一、英文原文Optical fiber access network technologyDuring the early 1980s, analog cellular telephone systems were experiencing rapid growth in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system, which was incompatible.The entire telecommunication network according to network function is divided into three sections: switching, transmission,and access. Access to telecommunications business transparent to users, transmit specific, access to local switch and the user that the connection between the parts, usually include subscriber line transmission system, reuse equipment, crossing connection device or user/network terminal equipment. And actually pick for business entity is business nodes.1. Access network development process1.1 Access Network (AN: Access by business) refers to a node interface (SNI) and related users Network interface (UNI) between a series of transmit entity (such as line facilities and transmission facilities) for transmission consisting of telecommunication business provide the required transmit load capacity, implementation system configurations percentile management interface via and management. Access can be seen as with business and application irrelevant transmission network, mainly finish crossing connection, reuse and transmission function, it is transparent to users of signaling.Based on modern of telecommunication network access network is integrated service access, simple local voice access will be increasingly cannot meet the requirements, the voice, data and image comprehensive access is becoming access network development trend. After years of development, access network define though does not change, but its connotation and forms has changed significantly. Superior traditional access network integrated optical fiber access network will be users access the future developing trend.Optical fiber access from SNI to UNI refers to all or part of the access network by using optical fiber as medium. ITU - T about access network recommendations indicate that fiber, user access system is composed of three parts: optical line terminal(OLT), optical distribution network (ODN) and optical network unit (ONU). 1.2According to the requirement of system access framework and the important characteristics, access network can be summarized as the following:1.2.1 Access to access business provides bearing capacity, achieve business transparent transfer.1.2.2. The access is transparent to users signaling, except for some users signaling format conversion outside, signaling and business processing function is still in business node.1.2.3 The introduction of should not be restricted access all kinds of existing access types and business, access network should through the limited standardization interface and businessnode connected.1.2.4Access network have independent from the business node in the network management system, this system through the standardized interfaces connected TMN, access network operation for implementation TMN, maintenance and management.2 .fiber structure2.1general linear structure. Refer to the public bus, fiber as each user terminals through direct connect with bus coupler network structure. Its characteristic is sharing backbone fiber, save lines to remove node investment, the demand is higher, dynamic range, interfere with each other effect is small. Defect is loss of accumulation, the backbone fiber user acceptance dependence is strong.2.2 ring structure. Refers to all share a fiber optic link node, fiber optic link its end to end the closed loop network structure. Characteristic is self-healing, namely can be realized without intervention, the network can be in a relatively short period of time to recover from failure have preached business, high reliability. Defect is hanged by the number of users of monocylic limited, polycyclic interchange is relatively complex, not suitable for CATV, etc FenPeiXing business.2.3star structure. This structure is actually point-to-point way, each user terminals in the central node through with control and switch functions of the astral couplers exchange information. Characteristics of simple structure, maintenance is convenient and easy to upgrade and expansion between, each user relatively independent, good secrecy, business adaptability. Defect is higher, networking required fiber cost of poor flexibility, high reliability requirements of central node.2.4 tree structure. Similar to the branches, a hierarchical structure, shape in transfer boxes and FenXianHe place adopts multiple optical distributor, will signal filtering down top end innings allocation, have strong control coordination. Characteristic is suitable for broadcasting business. Defect is power loss is bigger, two-way communication difficulty bigger.3.The status of optical access network in the modern communicationOptical fiber in realizing national information modernization access plays a more and more important role, is an indispensable part of modern communications network. Modern communications network basic realized based on fiber backbone transmission and exchange, and access section is still restricted modern telecommunications further development and improvement of the "bottleneck", therefore, to construction of national information infrastructure (NII), access network is the key. Access network technology development, will result in great changes of telecommunications and information network, namely, voice, data, video, etc. Various kinds of information transmission, comprehensive business together for implementing the resources sharing, and gradually optimized communication network, greatly improving network benefits.Two optical fiber optical transmission technology access with the combination of the access technology3.1 Light transmission technology development and evolutionSince 1979, the human use of optical fiber as communication mode, optical transmission technology experience since from analog to digital, from PDH to sdh-based WDM, from passive and active to a series of MSTP from SDH to the development and evolution process, transmission capacity and reliability, the transmission distance such indicators have reached a very high level.The current mainstream of optical transmission technology is still SDH, STM - 1/4/16/64/256 series synchronous transfer module has been achieved, including STM - 256 framerate as high as 40Gbps. Based on SDH, fusion broadband data business multi-task transmitting platform (the MSTP) has also become the best choice for today's construction intracity networks, moreover elastic grouping ring (RPR) technology is also gradually become the direction of the development of a light transmission. The future will be optical transmission network to optical transmission network (otns) in the direction of development, many exchange, network otns choose road and other intelligent function will be implemented on light layer. Otns the intelligent network development degree can realize ASON intelligent optical network.3.2 Light transmission technology and access technology constitute fiber access networkThe needs of the user, the diversification and broadband access technology from initial made of pure narrowband access to broadband access, size, and with integrated access to transmission platform requirement light more and more is also high.Optical transmission technology and access technology together constitute fiber access network system. Optical fiber access network in different stages of development of need to resort to the corresponding optical transmission means to achieve the operational load and transfer. With the light network will be dispersed access devices (OLT ONU) together with organic whole, form a unified fiber access network system.二、英文翻译光纤接入网技术整个电信网按网络功能分为三个部分:整个电信网按网络功能分为三个部分:传输网、传输网、传输网、交换网和接入网。



宽带接入技术1. 简介宽带接入技术是指通过一系列网络设备和协议,将高速的互联网接入服务提供给用户的一种技术。



2. ADSLADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)是一种采用普通电话线进行宽带接入的技术。




3. 光纤接入光纤接入是一种将光纤作为传输介质的宽带接入技术。


光纤接入可以分为FTTH(Fiber To The Home)和FTTB (Fiber To The Building)两种方式。




4. 电力线通信电力线通信(Power Line Communication)是一种利用电力线路提供宽带接入的技术。




5. 无线接入无线接入是一种利用无线技术提供宽带接入的方式。



2.3 ADSL线路编码和调制技术
人们在设计ADSL调制解调系统时分别采 用了正交调幅QAM技术,无载波调幅调相 CAP技术以及离散多音频调制DMT技术
比较: * QAM 与CAP没有本质区别,CAP比QAM灵活 并且实现费用低,但是这两种技术一般 仅能提供1.5Mbit/S的传输速率 * DMT适用于比较高速率的比特率传输
频谱安排: 通过关闭低端子信道可将0—4kHz留给普通电话信号使用,上行信号 占30—138kHz,下行信号占138—1104kHz.
数据速率=子承载通道的数目×子承载通道速率×调制速率 (Data Rate=No. of Carriers×No. of bit/Carrier×Modulation Rate) 已知DMT的调制速率为4000 symbols/s,ADSL的每个子承载通道速 率为15bits/symbol,ADSL下行子承载通道最大为248,而上行子承 载通道最大24 : ADSL最大下行速率=248×15×4000=14.088Mbps ADSL最大上行速率=24×15×4000=1.44Mbps
2.2.2 ADSL的频带划分
上行信道 下行信道
频分复用 FDM
语音信道: 0~4kHz 上行信道 :30kHz 26~138kHz 4kHz 138kHz 下行信道: 138~1104kHz
2.2 ADSL宽带接入技术指标
2.2.1 ADSL承载信道 2.2.2 ADSL的频带划分
2.2.3 ADSL系统应用传送能力



宽带技术解读ADSL与VDSL 宽带技术的不断发展与进步,为人们的网络使用提供了更加便捷和高效的方式。

其中,ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不对称数字用户线路)和VDSL(Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line,超高比特率数字用户线路)是两种常见的宽带接入技术。





它采用了一种称为OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,正交频分复用)的调制技术,将数据划分成多个小频段进行传输。













中文3856字附录3:英文资料Basic Concepts of WCDMA Radio Access Network1. BackgroundThere has been a tremendous growth in wireless communication technology over the past decade. The significant increase in subscribers and traffic, new bandwidth consuming applications such as gaming, music down loading and video streaming will place new demands on capacity. The answer to the capacity demand is the provision of new spectrum and the development of a new technology - Wideband CDMA or hereinafter referred to as WCDMA. WCDMA was developed in order to create a global standard for real time multimedia services that ensured international roaming. With the support of ITU (International Telecommunication Union) a specific spectrum was allocated - 20Hz for 3G telecom systems. The work was later taken over by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project), which is now the WCDMA specification body with delegates from all over the world.2. WCDMA a development from GSM and CDMANaturally there are a lot of differences between WCDMA and GSM systems, hut there are many similarities as well.The GSM Base Station Subsystem (BSS) and the WCDMA Radio Access Network (RAN) are both connected to the GSM core network for providing a radio connection to the handset. Hence, the technologies can share the same core network. Furthermore, both GSM BSS and WCDMA RAN systems are based on the principles of a cellular radio system. The GSM Base Station Controller (ESC) corresponds to the WCDMA Radio Network Controller (RNC). The GSM Radio Base Station (RBS) corresponds to the WCDMA RES, and the A -interface of GSM was the basis of the development of the Iu-interface of WCDMA, which mainly differs in the inclusion of the new services offered by WCDMA. The significant differences, apart from the lack of interface between the GSM BSCs and GSM Abis-interface to provide multi-vendoroperability, are more of a systemic matter. The GSM system uses TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) technology with a lot of radio functionality based on managing the timeslots. The WCDMA system on the other hand uses CDMA, which means that both the hardware and the control functions are different. Examples of WCDMA-specific functions are fast power control and soft handover.Code Division Multiple Access and WCDMACode Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a multiple access technology where the users are separated by unique codes, which means that all users can use the same frequency and transmit at the same time. With the fast development in signal processing,' it has become feasible to use the technology for wireless communication, also referred to as WCDMA and CDMA2000.In CDMA One and CDMA2000, a 1.25MHz wide radio signal is multiplied by a spreading signal (which is a pseudo-noise code sequence) with a higher rate than the data rate of the message. The resultant signal appears as seemingly random, but if the intended recipient has the right code, this process is reversed and the original signal is extracted. Using unique codes means that the same frequency is repeated in all cells. which is commonly referred to as a frequency re-use of 1.WCDMA is a step further in the CDMA technology. It uses a 5MHz wide radio signal and a chip rate of 3.84Mcps, which is about three times higher than the chip rate of CDMA2000. The main benefits of a wideband carrier with a higher chip rate are:●Support for higher bit rates●Higher spectrum efficiency thanks to improved trunking efficiency (i.e. a better statistical averaging)●Higher QoSFurther, experience from second-generation systems like GSM and CDMA One has enabled improvements to be incorporated in WCDMA. Focus has also been put on ensuring that as much as possible of WCDMA operators' investments in GSM equipment can be reused. Examples are the re-use and evolution of the core network, the focus on co-siting and the support of GSM handover. In order to use GSMhandover, the' subscribers need dual mode handsets.3. Radio Network FunctionalityFor optimal operation of a complete wireless system i.e. from handset to radio access network (RAN) several functions are needed to control the radio network and the many handsets using it. All functions described in this section, except' for Handover to GSM,' are essential and therefore necessary for a WCDMA system.3.1 Power controlThe power control regulates the transmit power of the terminal and base station, which results in less interference and allows more users on the same carrier. Transmit power regulation thus provides more capacity in the network. With a frequency re-use of 1, it is very important to have efficient power control in order to keep the interference at a minimum. For each subscriber service the aim is that the base station shall receive the same power level from all handsets in the cell regardless of distance from the base station. If the power level from one handset is higher than needed, the quality will be excessive, taking a disproportionate share of the resources and generating unnecessary interference with the other subscribers in the network.. On the other hand, if power levels are too low this will result in poor quality. In order to keep the received power at a suitable level, WCDMA has a fast power control that updates power levels 1500 times every second. By doing that the rapid change in the radio channel is handled. To ensure good performance, power control is implemented in both the up-link and the down-link, which means that both the output powers of the hanpset and the base station are frequently updated.Power control also gives rise to a phenomenon called "cell breathing". This is the trade-off between coverage and capacity, which means that the size of the cell varies depending on the traffic load. When the number of subscribers in the cell is low (low load), good quality can be achieved even at a long distance from the base station. On the other hand, when the number of users in the cell is high, the large number of subscribers generates a high interference level and subscribers have to get closer to the base station to achieve good quality.3.2 Soft and softer handoverWith soft and softer handover functionality the handset can communicate simultaneously with two or more cells in two or more base stations. This flexibility in keeping the connection open to more than one base station results in fewer lost calls, which is very important to the operator.To achieve good system performance with a frequency re-use of 1 and power control, soft and softer handover is required. Soft and softer handover enables the handset to maintain the continuity and quality of the connection while moving from. one cell to another.During soft handover, the handset will momentarily adjust its power to the base station that requires the smallest amount of transmit power and the preferred cell may change very rapidly. The difference between soft and softer handover is that during soft handover, the handset is connected to multiple cells at different base stations, while during softer handover, the handset is connected to multiple cells at the same base station. A drawback with soft handover is that it requires additional hardware resources on the network side, as the handset has multiple connections. In a well-designed radio network, 30%-40% of the users will be in soft or softer handover. As an example of soft or softer handover.3.3 Handover to GSM (inter-system handover)When WCDMA was standardized a key aspect was to ensure that existing investments could be re-used as much as possible. One example is handover between the new (WCDMA) network and the existing (GSM) network, which can be triggered by coverage, capacity or service requirements. Handover from WCDMA to GSM, for coverage reasons, is initially expected to be very important since operators are expected to deploy WCDMA gradually within their existing GSM network . When a subscriber moves out of the WCDMA coverage area, a handover to GSM has to be conducted in order to keep the connection.Handover between GSM and WCDMA can also have a positive effect on capacity through the possibility of load sharing. If for example the numbers of subscribers in the GSM network is close to the capacity limit in one area, handover ofsome subscribers to the WCDMA network can be performed.Another function that is related to inter-system handover is the compressed mode. When performing handover to GSM, measurements have to be made in order to identify the GSM cell to which the handover will be made. The compressed mode is used to create the measurement periods for the handset to make the required measurements.3.4 Inter-frequency handover (intra-system handover)The need for inter-frequency handover occurs in high capacity areas where multiple 5MHz WCDMA carriers are deployed. Inter-frequency handover, which is handover between WCDMA carriers on different frequencies, has many similarities with GSM handover, for example the compressed mode functionality.3.5 Channel type switchingIn WCDMA there are different types of channels that can be used to carry data in order to maximize the total traffic throughput. The two most basic ones are common channels and dedicated channels. Channel type switching functionality is used to move subscribers between the common and the dedicated channel, depending on how much information the subscriber needs to transmit. The dedicated channel is used when there is much information to transmit, such as a voice conversation or downloading a web page. It utilizes the radio resources efficiently as it supports both power control and soft handover.3.6 Admission controlAs there is a very clear trade-off between coverage and capacity in WCDMA systems, the admission control functionality is used to avoid system overload and to provide the planned coverage. When a new subscriber seeks access to the network, admission control estimates the network load and based on the new expected load, the subscriber is either admitted or blocked out. By this the operator can maximize the network usage within a set of network quality levels, i.e. levels depending on what kind of service/information the subscriber wants to use.3.7 Congestion controlEven though an efficient admission control is used, overload may still occur,which is mainly caused by subscribers moving from one area to another area. If overload occurs, four 'different actions can be taken. First, congestion control is activated and reduces the bit rate of non real-time applications, to resolve the overload. Second, if the reduced bit rate activity is not sufficient, the congestion control triggers the inter- or intra-frequency handover, which moves some subscribers to less loaded frequencies. Third, handover of some subscribers to GSM and fourth action is to discontinue connections, and thus protect the quality of the remaining connections. 3.8 SynchronizationOne of the basic requirements when WCDMA was standardized was to avoid dependence on external systems for accurate synchronization of base stations. This has been achieved by a mechanism, where the handset, when needed, measures the synchronization offset between the cells and reports this to the network. In addition, there is also an option to use an external source, such as GPS, for synchronizing the nodes, i.e. to always provide the best solution both asynchronous and synchronous nodes are supported.4. Basic architecture concepts/ System overview4.1 Radio Access Network (RAN) ArchitectureThe main purpose of the WCDMA Radio Access Network is to provide a connection between the handset and the core network and to isolate all the radio issues from the core network. The advantage is one core network supporting multiple access technologies.The WCDMA Radio Access Network consists of two types of nodes:Radio Base Station (Node B)The Radio Base Station handles the radio transmission and reception to/from the handset over the radio interface (Iu). It is controlled from the Radio Network Controller via the Iub interface. One Radio Base Station can handle one or more cells.Radio Network Controller (RNC)The Radio Network Controller is the node that controls all WCDMA Radio Access Network functions. It connects the WCDMA Radio Access Network to thecore network via the Iu interface. There are two distinct roles for the RNC, to serve and to control. The Serving RNC has overall control of the handset that is connected to WCDMA Radio Access Network. It controls the connection on the Iu interface for the handset and it terminates several protocols in the contact between the handset and the WCDMA Radio Access Network.The Controlling RNC has the overall control of a particular set of cells, and their associated base stations. When a handset must use resources in a cell not controlled by its Serving RNC, the Serving RNC must ask the Controlling RNC for those resources. This request is made via the Iur interface, which connects the RNCs with each other. In this case, the Controlling RNC is also said to be a Drift RNC for this particular handset. This kind of operation is primarily needed to be able to provide soft handover throughout the network.Radio Access Bearers (RAB)The main service offered by WCDMA RAN is the Radio Access Bearer (RAB).A RAB is needed to establish a call connection between the handset and the base station. Its characteristics ate determined by certain Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, such as bit rate and delay, and are different depending on what kind of service/information to be transported.The RAB carries the subscriber data between the handset and the core network. It is composed of one or more Radio Access Bearers between the handset and the Serving RNC, and one Iu bearer between the Serving RNC and the core network. 3GPP has defined four different quality classes of Radio Access Bearers:●Conversational (used for e.g. voice telephony) - low delay, strict ordering●Streaming (used for e.g. watching a video) - moderate delay, strict ordering●Interactive (used for e.g. web surfing) - moderate delay●Background (used for e.g. me transfer) - no delay4.2 Transport in WCDMA Radio Access NetworkThe WCDMA Radio Access Network nodes communicate with each other over a transport network. The 3GPP specification provides a very clear, split between radio related (WCDMA)functionality and the transport technology, meaning that there is noparticular bias to any technology. The transport network is initially based on ATM, but IP will soon be included as an option.附录4:英文资料译文宽带CDMA无线接入网的基本概念一、背景过去十年,无线通信技术有了巨大发展,用户量的显著增加,使得诸如游戏、音乐下载和视频流量有了新的容量需求。





一、什么是ADSL技术ADSL是英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop(非对称数字用户环路)的英文缩写,ADSL技术是运行在原有普通电话线上的一种新的高速宽带技术,它利用现有的一对电话铜线,为用户提供上、下行非对称的传输速率(带宽)。










2、ADSL与ISDN的比较二者的相同点是都能够进行语音、数据、图象的综合通信,但ADSL 的速率是ISDN的60倍左右。

ISDN提供的是2B+D的数据通道,其速率最高可达到144Kbps,接入网络是窄带的ISDN交换网络,而ADSL 的下行速率可达8Mbps, 它的语音部分走的是传统的PSTN网,而数据部分则接入宽带ATM平台。






1. 宽带接入技术宽带接入技术是通过物理线缆将网络信号传输到用户设备的一种网络接入方式。


1.1 数字用户线(DSL)数字用户线(DSL)是一种利用普通电话线传输网络信号的宽带接入技术。



1.2 光纤到户(FTTH)光纤到户(Fiber to the Home,FTTH)是一种利用光纤传输网络信号的宽带接入技术。



1.3 有线电视接入(CATV)有线电视接入(Cable Television,CATV)是一种利用有线电视网络传输网络信号的宽带接入技术。



2. 拨号接入技术拨号接入技术是通过电话线或移动电话网络进行数据通信的一种网络接入方式。



2.1 模拟电话拨号(POTS)模拟电话拨号(Plain Old Telephone Service,POTS)是最早的网络接入技术之一,通过普通电话线进行数据通信。





1. ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)是一种利用普通电话线同时传输语音和数字信号的技术。



3. 光纤到户(FTTH,Fiber to the Home)是一种通过光纤将互联网接入用户家中的技术。


目前,FTTH 已成为最为理想的宽带接入方式,但由于部署成本高,普及率相对较低。

4. 以太网是一种广泛使用的局域网技术,也是现在家庭和企业网络中常用的接入方式。


5. 3G/4G是移动通信技术,通过无线通信网络将移动设备连接到互联网。



6. 卫星网络是通过卫星与地面站进行通信,将信号广播至用户所在的区域,实现互联网接入。


7. 电力线通信是利用电力线作为传输介质将互联网信号传输到用户家中的技术。



8. Wi-Fi是一种无线局域网技术,可以通过无线路由器将互联网信号传输到用户设备。





一、宽带接入方式:目前大家可考虑的宽带接入方式主要包括五种-—电信ADSL、FTTX+LAN(小区宽带)、CABLE MODEM(有线通)、电力上网、EOC上网。


接入方法1 :电信ADSLADSL是英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop(非对称数字用户环路)的英文缩写,ADSL技术是运行在原有普通电话线上的一种新的高速宽带技术,它利用现有的一对电话铜线,为用户提供上、下行非对称的传输速率(带宽)。


ADSL可直接利用现有的电话线路,通过ADSL MODEM后进行数字信息传输。


ADSL是一种异步传输模式(A TM)。





某些ADSL调制解调器使用USB接口与电脑相连,需要在电脑上安装指定的软件以添加虚拟网卡来进行通信.ADSL是一种通过现有普通电话线为家庭、办公室提供宽带数据传输服务的技术.ADSL 即非对称数字信号传送,它能够在现有的铜双绞线,即普通电话线上提供高达8Mbit/s的高速下行速率,{由于ADSL对距离和线路情况十分敏感,随着距离的增加和线路的恶化,速率会受到影响}远高于ISDN速率;而上行速率有1Mbit/s,传输距离达3km-—-—5km。





【正文】AAL(ATM Adaptation Layer):异步转移模式适配层AC(Alternating Current):交流Access Network:接入网ACI(Adjacent Channel Interference):邻频干扰Additional Channel:增补频道Adjacent Channel Transmission:邻频道传输ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line):不对称数字用户线路AGC(Aotomatic Gain Control):自动增益控制AIC(Auxilliary Information Channel):辅助信息信道ALC(Aotomatic Level Control):自动电平控制AM(Amplitude Modulation):幅度调制(调幅)AML(Amplitude Modulated Microwave Link):调幅微波链路Amplifier:放大器Application Layer:应用层ARP(Address Resolution Protocol):地址识别协议ASC(Aotomatic Slope Control):自动斜率控制ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode):异步传输模式(协议)BAL(Bit ALlocation):比特分配Bandwidth:带宽BB(Basis Band):基带BBER(Background Block Error Rate):背景块误码率BC(Broadcast Channel):广播信道BCN(Broadcast Communication Network):广播通信网BDC(Block Down Converter):下变频器BER(Bit Error Rate):误码率B-ISDN(Broadband-Integrated Services Digital Network):宽带综合业务数字网络Bit Stream:比特流(码流)BPF(Band Pass Filter):带通滤波器BPS(Bits Per Second):比特/秒,也写作b/sBRI(Basic Rate Interface):基本速率接口Broard Band Communication:宽带通信BRR:(Bit Rate Reduction):比特率压缩C/CSO(Carrier to Composite Second Order beat ratio):载波复合二次差拍比C/CTB(Carrier to Composite Triple Beat ratio):载波复合三次差拍比C/I(Carrier to Inter-modulation ratio):载波互调比C/N(Carrier to Noise ratio):载噪比CA(Conditional Access):有条件存取(有条件接收)Cable Router:线缆路由器CAC(Conditional Access Control):条件接收控制CAID(Conditional Access IDentifier):有条件存取(接收)标志CATV(Cable TeleVision):有线电视CATV(Community Antenna TeleVision):共用天线电视CCIR(International Radio Consultative Committee):国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT(Consultative Committee of International Telephone and Telegraph):国际电报电话咨询委员会CCU(Communication Control Unit):通信监测单元CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access):码分多址Channel:频道Channel:信道Chirp:附加调频CIF(Commom Interleaved Frame):公共交织帧CII(China Information Infrastrcture):中国信息基础设施(计划)Circuit Switching:电路交换CLI(CATV Leakage and Ingress):有线电视泄漏与窜入CM(Cable Modem):电缆调制解调器又名线缆调制解调器CM(Cross Modulation):交扰调制CMCI(Cable Modem to CPE Interface):电缆调制解调器至用户屋内设备接口CMTRI(Cable Modem Telephone Return Interface):电缆调制解调器中回传电话接口CMTS(Cable Modem Termination System):电缆调制解调器(Cable Modem)端接系统Coaxial Cable:同轴电缆COFDM(Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing):编码正交频分复用Communication:通信Community Reception:集体接收CPE(Customer Premises Equipment):用户屋内设备CS(Communication Satellite):通信卫星CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection):公共载波复用通路/冲突检测(用于以太网),也叫带碰撞检测的载波侦听多址、载波侦听多重接入/碰撞检测CSO(Composite Second Order Beat):复合二次差拍CTB(Composite Triple Beat):复合三次差拍CW(Control Word):控制字Data:数据DAVIC(Digital Audio Video Council):数字音视频理事会DB(Data Broadcasting):数据广播dB(deciBel):分贝DBS(Direct Broadcast Satellite):直播卫星DC(Direct Current):直流DCF(Dispersion Compensation Fiber):色散补偿光纤,也叫色散位移光纤DC-SMF(Dispersion Compensation Single Mode Fiber):色散补偿单模光纤DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform):离散余弦变换DFB(Distributed FeedBack):分布反馈(激光器)DFB-LD(Distributed FeedBack-LD):分布反馈型-激光二极管DFT(Eiscrete Fourier Transformation):离散傅里叶变换DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):动态主机配置协议DIB(Digital Integrated Broadcasting):数字综合广播Digital:数字的Distribution Point:分配点DLL(Data Link Layer):数据链路层DLS(Dynamic Label Segment):动态标记段DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)数字多媒体广播DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification):有线电视网络上的数据接口规格Downstream:下行DQDB(Distributed Queue Double Bus):分布队列双总线DRC(Dynamic Range Control):动态范围控制DSCTy(Data Service Component Type):数据业务成分类型DSF(Dispersion Shift Fiber):色散位移光纤DSL(Digital Subscriber Line):数字用户线路DSM(Digital Storage Media):数字的存储或传输器件DSP(Digital Signal Processor):数字信号处理器DTV(Digital TV):数字电视DVB(Digital Video Broadcasting):数字视频广播DVB-C(Digital Video Broadcasting-Cable):用于电缆的数字视频广播DWDM(Denseness Wavelength Division Multiplexing):密集波分复用DXC(Digital Cross Connection):数字交叉连接(设备)EBU(European Broadcasting Union):欧洲广播联盟Echo Rating:回波值ECM(Entitlement Checking Message):授权校验信息EDFA(Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier):掺饵光纤放大器EDTV(Enhanced definition Television):增强清晰度电视EIA(Electronic Industries Association):电子工业协会EIRP(Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power):等效全向辐射功率Eld(Ensemble Identifier):信号群(组)标志EMM(Entitlement Management Message)授权管理信息EPG(Electronic Program Guides):电子节目指南Equalization:均衡ERP(Equivalent Radiated Power):等效辐射功率ESR(Error block Second Ratio):误块秒率Ethernet:以太(网)ETI(Ensemble Transport Interface):信号群(组)传输接口ETI(NA){Ensemble Transport Interface(Network-Adapted)}:网络适应的信号群(组)传输接口ETI(NI){Ensemble Transport Interface(Network-Independent ETI)}:网络独立的信号群(组)传输接口ETN(Ensemble-Transport-Network):信号群(组)传输网络ETS(European Telecommunications Standard):欧洲通信标准ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institute):欧洲通信标准学会FCC(Federal Communications Commission):联邦通信委员会FDDI(Fiber Distributing Data Interface):光纤分布式数据接口FDM(Frequency Division Multiplexing):频分复用FDMA(Frequency Division Multiple Access):频分多址FEC(Forword Error Correction):前向纠错Feed:馈送Feedback Error Correction:反馈纠错FF(Feed Forword):前馈(放大器)FFT(Fast Fourier Transformation):快速傅里叶变换FI(Frequency Information):频率信息FIB(Fast Information Block):快速信息块FIC(Fast Information Channel):快速信息信道FIDC(Fast Information Data Channel):快速信息数据通道FIDCId(Fast Information Data Channel Identifier):快速信息数据通道标志FIG(Fast Information Group):快速信息组FM(Frequency Modulation):频率调制(调频)FML(Frequency modulated Microwave Link):调频微波链路FP-LD(Fabry-Perot Laser Diode):法布里-珀罗激光二极管Frequency:频率FTTB(Fiber To The Building):光纤到大楼FTTC(Fiber To The Curb):光纤到路边FTTH(Fiber To The Home):光纤到户FTTSA(Fiber To The Service Area):光纤到服务区GFC(General Flow Control):一般流量控制GI(Grated Index):渐变折射率(光纤)GOD(Game On Demand):游艺点播HDSL(High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line):高速数字用户线HDT(Host Digital Terminal):主机数字终端HDTV(High Definition Television):高清晰度电视HE(Head End):前端HFC(Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial):光纤同轴混合有线电视网络HomePNA(Home Phoneline Network Alliance):用户线接入多路复用器Hub Head End:中心前端(分前端)IC(Interactive Channel):交互信道ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol):因特网控制信息协议IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers):电气电子工程师学会IM(Inter-Modulation):互调Information Highway:信息高速公路Integrated Coding and Multiplexing:综合编码与复用Interference:干扰Internet:国际互联网IOD(Information On Demand):信息点播IP(Internet Protocol):网际协议IPPV(Impulse Pay-Per-View):脉冲式按次付费IRD(Integrated Receiver Decoder):综合解码接收机ISDB(Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting):综合业务数字广播ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network):综合业务数字网ISI(Inter-symbol Interference):符号间干扰ISO(International Standards Organization):国际标准化组织ISRC(International Standard Recording Code):国际标准记录码IT(Information Technology):信息技术ITU(International Telecommunications Union):国际电信联盟(国际电联)ITU-R(International Telecommunications Union-Radio communications Sector):国际电联无线电部门Knob:旋钮Lacal Head End:本地前端Lacal Network:本地网LAN(Lacal Area Network):局域网LD(Laser Diode):激光二极管Level:电平Light Modulation Deapth:光调制度。



宽带接入服务器(BRAS)简介英文缩写: BRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server)中文译名: 宽带远程接入服务器分类: 电信设备编辑本段解释宽带接入服务器(Broadband Remote Access Server,简称BRAS)是面向宽带网络应用的新型接入网关,它位于骨干网的边缘层,可以完成用户带宽的IP/ATM网的数据接入(目前接入手段主要基于xDSL/Cable Modem/高速以太网技术(LAN)/无线宽带数据接入(WLAN)等),实现商业楼宇及小区住户的宽带上网、基于IPSec(IP Security Protocol)的IP VPN 服务、构建企业内部Intranet、支持ISP向用户批发业务等应用。

编辑本段功能宽带接入服务器(BRAS)主要完成两方面功能,一是网络承载功能:负责终结用户的PPPoE(Point-to-Point Potocol Over Ethernet,是一种以太网上传送PPP会话的方式)连接、汇聚用户的流量功能;二是控制实现功能:与认证系统、计费系统和客户管理系统及服务策略控制系统相配合实现用户接入的认证、计费和管理功能;一种面向宽带网络应用的新型接入网关。



目前国内高校局域网中也有采用bras服务的高校,例如南京市东南大学,东南大学提供两种bras接入服务,@a帐号每月免费流量20G,@b 帐号每月免费流量2G。




• CMTS是基于HFC网络的一种双向网改造技术,主要用于解决数据网络中 “最后一公里”接入问题;
• CMTS系统的工作原理是将数据进行调制后在Cable(电缆)的一个频率范 围内传输,接收时进行解调;
• CMTS属于共享介质系统,其它空闲频段则用于有线电视信号的传输;
二、Cable Modem的标准演进
• 上行数据一般通过5 MHz-65 MHz之间的一段频谱进行传送,信道宽度一般 为:6.4MHz,3.2MHz,1.6MHz,为了有效抑制上行噪音积累,一般选用QPSK 调制(QPSK比64QAM更适合噪音环境,但速率较低)。
• 上行频宽:6.4MHz或3.2MHz • 下行频宽:8MHz
• 两大技术标准体系
• 北美技术标准体系 • DOCSIS(北美标准,Cable Labs制定并颁布) • Euro-DOCSIS(兼容欧洲标准,Cable Labs制定并颁布)
• 欧洲技术标准体系 • DVB/DAVIC Euro Modem标准(DVB 2.0,即ETS300800,欧洲有线电视实
• CMTS主要功能是完成数据与射频信号之间的转换。
• 在下行方向,CMTS先将来自路由器的数据包封装成MPEG2-TS帧 的形式,再进行64-QAM/256-QAM调制,并与有线电视的视频信 号混合,经HFC网络传送给各用户终端CM。
• 在上行方向,CMTS将接收到的经QPSK/16-QAM调制的数据进行 解调,转换成以太网帧的形式传送给路由器。
• Cisco CMTS产品线
• uBR7225VXR • uBR7246VXR • uBR 10012
• Cable Modem的技术实现一般是从87 MHz-860MHz电视频道(欧洲标准,美 洲标准为50MHz-860MHz)中分离出一条6MHz或8MHz的信道用于下行传送 数据。通常下行数据采用64QAM(正交调幅)调制方式或256QAM调制方 式。














2.1 CMTS适合稀疏模式网络覆盖区域CMTS利用现有的有线电视网络,通过对信号进行QPSK/QAM调制,在HFC低频端进行双向传输。

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附录1 外文文献译文宽带接入技术宽带接入技术是在电信和视频网络行业的催生影响下产生出来的,其应用主要体现在物理层。

















ADSL提供非对称传输,典型的下传速率可达到9Mb/s (从中心局到设备),上传速率为16Kb/s到640Kb/s (从设备到中心局)。













据估计,到1987年底仅美国的光纤敷设总长将达320万公里,其中90% 以上是在1982-1987年间敷设并开通的,而长度干线占主导地位,数量约为光纤总长的95% 。


































最初,人们是想用ATM 来处理高比特率的数字信号,事实却证明它是一种通用技术,可以用来传输和交换任何类型并具有各种比特率的数字化信息。

无论传输的信息是什么,ATM都以称作“ 信元”的短的分组采传送信息。







1988年,ITU批准了I .121建议,该建议选择ATM 作为用于各种类型信息宽带网络的目标传送模式,其中包括如话音的低比特率的信息。


现在ATM论坛的成员已超过600个,它对A TM 的标准化和规范化有着重要影响。


ATM网络可以近似在看作是由三个覆盖功能层组成:业务和应用层、ATM 网络层和传输层。


















ATM 对所有比特率的信号都可提供交换功能,这一点特别适合于高比特率和可变化比特率信号。






附录2 外文文献原文BROADBAND ACCESS TECHNOLOGIES Broadband access technologies have been spawned by the efforts of the telecommunications and video networking industries to move toward convergence at the physical layer. By contrast, the efforts of the data networking industry toward convergence have generally focused on the networking and transport layers (e.g., IP telephony). The reason for this difference in approach is that, once content has been digitized, it is treated as data. In other words,from a networking perspective, the network merely transports data in digital format. It makes no difference whether the bits actually represent voice,data,or video steams at the application level. Consequently, the data networking industry did not have to do anything different to adapt a data stream for transport across a network. On the other hand, the telecommunications and video networking industries had to figure out way to transport their content as packetized data cost-effectively by working with existing access infrastructure. This was an important catalyst in the development of the following classes of broadband access technologies.Copper-loop access technologies, also known as digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies. DSL technologies are collectively referred to as XDSL.XDSL was developed by the telecommunications industry to make use of the several million miles of existing copper loop infrastructure around the world.Cable access technologies over fiber/coaxial cable. Cable access was developed by the cable TV portion of the video networking industry to take advantage of the cable infrastructure that feeds video channels to several million (mostly residential) subscribers around the world.Satellite access technologies over wireless medium. Satellite access was developed by the wireless portion of the video networking industry to make use of the satellite infrastructure that feeds video channels to cable TV head end offices and to several hundred(mostly residential) subscribers around the world.ADSLADSL was first developed in the 1980s as the telecommunications industry's answer to the cable industry' request to support video on demand. In the mid 1990s, however, it was quickly recognized as a viable technology to enable access tohigh-speed services such as the Internet. ADSL delivers asymmetric transmission rates typically up to 9 Mbps downstream (from the CO to the premises) and 16 Kbps to 640 Kbps upstream (from the premises to the CO). Like all copper transmission systems, the higher the bit rate, the shorter the range.HFC TechnologyHFC technology is based on existing cable television (cable TV or CATV) technology. Originally, cable TV systems were based on coaxial cable facilities from an MSO to a customer premises and used a tree topology. Most of these systems have been upgraded to HFC, by which the signal is brought to a fiber node via a pair of optical fibers and then distributed via coaxial cable to customers. At the head end, signals from various sources, such traditional satellite services, analog and digital services using WAN, and Internet service provider (ISP) services using private backbone network, are multiplexed and converted up from an electrical (radio frequency) signal to an optical signal. Communication is one way on the optical fiber; each of a pair of optical fibers from the head end to the fiber node carries one-way traffic in opposite directions. The optical signal is converted down to RF at the fiber node and travel over the coaxial cable in duplex mode. The signal going from the head to the customer premises is called a downstream signal or a forward path signal. The signal going from the customer premises to the head end is called an upstream signal or a reverse path signal.Introduce to Optical Fiber CommunicationOne of the most important technological developments during the 1980s has been the emergence of optical fiber communication as a major international industry. One indication of the extent of this development is the total length of installed fiber, which was estimated to be 3.2 million kilometers in the U.S. alone by the end of 1987. Over 90% of this fiber was placed in service during the time period of 1982~1987. Long-haul trunk installations have been dominated, accounting for about 95% of the fiber in the U.S.Although telecommunication is the rationale for most of the current interest in fiber optics, this was not the case during the early days of the technology. The researchers who produced the first clad glass optical fibers in the early 1950s were not thinking of using them for communications; they wanted to make imaging bundles for endoscopy. Fiber optics was already a well-established commercial technology when the famous paper by Kao and Hockham, suggesting the use of low-loss optical fibersfor communication, appeared in 1966.The first low-loss (20dB/km) silica fiber was described in a publication which appeared in October of 1970. The date of this publication is sometimes cited as the beginning of the era of fiber communication. Although this development did receive considerable attention in the research community at the time, it was from inevitable that a major industry would evolve. The 20dB/km loss figure was still too high for long-hall telecommunication systems. The fibers were fragile, and a way to protect them would have to be found. There were no suitable light sources. Researchers did not know whether field termination and splicing of optical cables would ever be practical. Finally, there were serous doubts as to whether these components could ever be produced economically enough for the technology to play a major role in the marketplace.Although the technological barriers appeared formidable, the economic potential was very significant. As a consequence, research and development activity expanded rapidly, and a number of important issues were resolved during the early 1970s.During the middle and late 1970s, the rate of progress toward marketable products accelerated as the emphasis shifted from research to engineering. Fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit of 2dB/km at a wavelength of 0.8um, 0.3dB/km at 1.3um, and 0.15dB/km at 1.55um, were produced in the laboratory .Microbend loss problems were overcome through the use of improved fiber coatings and cabling techniques . Rugged cables and multiform connectors were produced for field installation. Rom temperature threshold currents for commercial gallium aluminum arsenide lasers operating in the 0.8 to 0.85um spectral region were reduced to the 20 to 30 mA range, and projected lifetimes in the 100,000 to 1,000,000 hour range were claimed for both lasers and LEDs. Light sources and improved photodetectors which operated near 1.3um, were developed to take advantage of the low fiber loss and dispersion in this “longer wavelength region”. Several major field trials were undertaken during this period, including AT&T,s Atlanta experiment and Chicago installation, and Japan,s subscriber access project.Improvements in component performance, cost, and reliability by 1980 led to major commitments on the part of telephone companies. Fiber soon became the preferred transmission medium for long-haul trunks. Some early installations used 1.8um light sources and graded-index multimode fiber, but by 1983, designers of intercity links were thinking in terms of 1.3um, single-mode systems. Thesingle-mode fiber, used in conjunction with a 1.3um laser, provides a bandwidth advantage which translates into increased repeater spacings for high data rate systems.Data rates for installed fiber optic systems have recently moved into gigabit per second range. Such systems use the spectrally pure distributed-feedback lasers to minimize fiber dispersion effects. Fibers designed for low dispersion at 1.55um wavelength, which corresponds to minimum fiber lass, are now commonly used in long distance transmission. The use of wavelength multiplexing to further increase the fiber information capacity is becoming more widespread.The potential of fiber optics in other areas is only beginning to be realized. Fiber optic networks for computer systems offices are becoming more prominent. In the telephone system, the use of fiber optics for interconnecting central offices within a metropolitan area and for lower levels in the switching hierarchy is still increasing rapidly. Fiber links to the home have been used in demonstration projects. Many observers believe that national telephone systems will eventually be upgraded to handle video bandwidths by using fiber optics. These wideband subscriber loop systems would provide access to services such as picturephone, video entertainment. Widespread installation of these broadband services will become economically feasible.ATMATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is both a multiplexing and switching technique. It was initially intended to handle high bit rates, but it has in fact proved to be a universal technique for transporting and switching any type of digitized information at a wide variety of bit rates.ATM transfers information in short packets called “cells” with a fixed length of 48 bytes plus five header bytes, irrespective of the underlying type of transmission. Cell routing is based on the principle of logical channels with dual identification: the cell header contains the identifier of the basic connection to which the cell belongs-called a virtual circuit (VC) and the identifier of the group of VCs to which the connection belongs-called a virtual path (VP) .ATM is related to both circuit and packet modes. Because of the simplicity of the protocol used, the transfer of cells to the network nodes can be handled entirely by hardware, which leads to very short transit time and high usage of transmission paths, even at bit rates of several hundred megabits a second. On the other hand, ATM retains all the flexibility of the packet mode, enabling only required information to beconveyed, offering a simple, unique multiplexing method irrespective of the bit rates of the different information flows, and allowing these bit rates to be varied.ATM dated from the beginning of the 1980s: at the time , people were trying to find the most suitable technique for switching high bit rate channel at more than 1000 Mbit/s . In 1988, the ITU approved recommendation 1.121 which ratified the choice of ATM as the target transfer mode for broadband networks for all types of information, including low bit rate information such as voice. In 1991 several operators and manufactures founded the ATM Forum to expedite standardization. The ATM Forum now has more than 600 members and has a significant influence on ATM standards and specifications. The first ATM products appeared on the market in 1992: they were for local area networks and were designed to solve the problems of sharing the same bearer circuit between computer terminals as they continue to increase in numbers and power.An ATM network can be considered, in a first approximation, as being three overlaid functional levels: a service and applications level, an ATM network level and a transmission level. The applications provide an end-to-end service. They use the logical connections of ATM network level which in turn multiplexes and logically routes the information flow as ATM cells go through the transmission links shared by logical connections called virtual connections.The transmission level provides these physical links and handles the actual physical transport of the cells.An ATM network can transport and switch voice, data and video which, seen from the access, use traditional digital interfaces with the same quality of service. This means that a physical connection between any two terminals can be replaced with an equivalent logical connection which is multiplexed with others in a common transmission link. The resource is shared dynamically between all the connections.Compared with the synchronous time division multiplexing techniques which rigidly link service to resource, the asynchronous technique has the advantage of occupying the transmission link only in proportion to the exact requirement.The ATM technique completely separates the applications and services transported over a network from the transmission resources used. The ability to construct virtual networks means that the physical network can be shared by many users dynamically and in real time , thereby achieving cost-effective use of infrastructure, for high bit rate services too. Investments at all levels are also future-proofed, because of thedifferent applications can be reallocated in time over the same network infrastructure as requirements arise. ATM offers a unique way of coordinating different networks carrying different services into a single physical network .The advantages described above have explained the enthusiasm for ATM.As digitization and image encoding progress, interactive video services, and more generally multimedia services, are starting to emerge. Their impact on the network will be considerable. Today, ATM is the only transfer technique to offer the high bit rates and flexibility required by these services.ATM, much more than any other telecommunications technique, is able to meet the current and the future requirements of both operators and users. Compared with other techniques that may compete in certain applications, ATM is special mainly due to its universal nature, both in terms of bit rate and type of information transferred. ATM offers a switching function for all bit rates and this is particularly suitable for high and variable bit rates.ATM’s specific features will make it the preeminent nature vehicle for multime dia services, and especially for varying bit rate video, and will make it one of the essential components of future information superhighways offering new services such as video on demand. In the short term, ATM is also proving of great interests to the operators, because of the flexibility and virtuality that it can introduce into networks, by separating the concept of connection from that of physical resources. This simplifies network management functions and makes optimum use of resources, particularly through statistical multiplexing and the creation of virtual private networks.Of course, there is still a long way to go before the ATM techniques is in general use , but a revolution is underway which will deeply affect the worlds of telecommunications, data processing and video. The impact of this upheaval will without any doubt be greater than the advent of digital techniques in analogue networks.。
