专题04 家乡文化(链接高考+同文异题)(解析版)-2024-2025初升高衔接(新高一暑假学习)

Unit 4 链接高考重点高频学案-2022-2023学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册

2022-2023学年牛津译林版高中英语必修一unit4 重点高频词组整理+练习1.lose weight体重减轻2.pass out昏厥3.start with以…开始链接高考:(2021年天津卷)Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope.乔丹说,无论结局如何,一切都以希望开始。
4.out of danger脱离危险5.make a full recovery 完全恢复6.struggle with 与…斗争;在内心与(自己、自己的良心等)进行斗争7.have trouble doing=have difficulty doing 做...有困难8. a reminder of ......的提醒9.turn to 向…求助;转向链接高考:(2020年江苏卷)I am, in part, an ant biologist, so my thoughts turned to what we know about insect life and I knew that much in the world of insects remains unknown. 在某种程度上,我是一个蚂蚁生物学家,所以我的想法转向了我们对昆虫生命的了解,我知道昆虫世界里的很多东西仍然是未知的。
10.be concerned about 担忧11.warn against告诫,当心,提防12.point out 指出链接高考:(2020 年浙江七月卷) It is not my intention to point out the central theme of each of the plays .我并不想指出每一部戏剧的中心主题。
13.take in 吸收;领会14.What's more 另外,而且链接高考:(2020年北京卷)What's more, reconstructions might be the only way to know what treasures looked like before time wore them down. 更重要的是,重建可能是在时间流逝之前知道宝藏是什么样子的唯一方法。
人教A版(2019)高中数学选择性必修第一册 《抛物线》链接高考(含答案)

《抛物线》链接高考一、选择题1.(2020全国卷III)设O 为坐标原点,直线2x =与抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>交于D 、E 两点,若OD OE ⊥,则C 的焦点坐标为( ) A.1,04⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ B.1,02⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ C.(1,0) D.(2,0)2.(2020全国卷I)已知A 为抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>上一点,点A 到C 的焦点的距离为12,到y 轴的距离为9,则p =( ) A.2 B.3 C.6 D.9 二、填空题3.(2020海南卷)斜率为的直线过抛物线2:4C y x =的焦点,且与C 交于A 、B 两点,则||AB =____________. 三、解答题4.(2019浙江卷)如图,已知点(1,0)F 为抛物线22y px =(0)p >的焦点,过点F 的直线交抛物线于A 、B 两点,点C 在抛物线上,使得ABC ∆的重心G 在x 轴上,直线AC 交x 轴于点Q ,且Q 在点F 右侧.记AFG ∆、CQG ∆的面积为1S 、2S .(1)求p 的值及抛物线的标准方程; (2)求12S S 的最小值及此时点G 的坐标. 5.(2019北京卷)已知抛物线2:2C x py =-经过点(2,-1). (1)求抛物线C 的方程及其准线方程;(2)设O 为原点,过抛物线C 的焦点作斜率不为0的直线l 交抛物线C 于两点,M N ,直线1y =-分别交直线,OM ON 于点A 和点B .求证:以AB 为直径的圆经过y 轴上的两个定点.参考答案1.答案:B解析:因为直线2x =与抛物线22(0)y px p =>交于,D E 两点,且OD OE ⊥,根据抛物线的对称性可以确定4DOx EOx π∠=∠=,所以(2,2)D ,代入抛物线方程44p =,求得1p =,所以其焦点坐标为1,02⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. 2.答案:C解析:利用抛物线的定义建立方程即可得到答案.设抛物线的焦点为F ,由抛物线的定义知||A AF x =+122p =,即1292p=+,解得6p =. 3.答案:163解析:∵抛物线的方程为24,y x =∴抛物线的焦点F 坐标为(1,0),又∵直线AB 过焦点F ∴直线AB 的方程为1)y x =-. 代入抛物线方程消去y 并化简得231030x x -+=,解法一:解得121,33x x ==,所以12||AB x =-=11633-=. 解法二:10036640∆=-=>, 设()()1122,,,A x y B x y ,则12103x x +=, 过A 、B 分别作准线1x =-的垂线,设垂足分别为C ,D ,如图所示.12||||||||||11AB AF BF AC BD x x =+=+=+++=121623x x ++=. 4.答案:见解析 解析:(1)由题意得12p=,即2p =.所以,抛物线的标准方程为24y x =. (2)设()()(),,,,,A A B B C C A x y B x y C x y ,重心(G G x ,)G y .令2,0A y t t =≠,则2A x t =.由于直线AB 过F ,故直线AB 方程为2112t x y t -=+,代入24y x =,得2y -()22140t y t--=,故24B ty =-,即2B y t=-,所以B212,t t ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭.又由于()(11,33G A B C G A x x x x y y =++=)B C y y ++及重心G 在x 轴上,故220C t y t -+=,得C 242211222,2,,03t t t t G t t t ⎛⎫⎛⎫-+⎛⎫⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭.所以,直线AC 的方程为()222y t t x t -=-,得()21,0Q t -.由于Q 在焦点F 的右侧,故22t >.从而42214222222211|2|||3212222||1223ACt t t FG y t S S t t QG y t t t t-+-⋅⋅==-+⋅--⋅-4224422211t t t t t --==---.令22m t =-,则0m >, 12212223434S m S m m m m =-=--++++1=.当m =时,12S S 取得最小值1+2,此时(2,0)G . 5.答案:见解析解析:(1)将点(2,1)-代入抛物线方程:222p =-⨯(1-)可得:2p =,故抛物线方程为:24x y =-,其准线方程为:1y =.(2)很明显直线l 的斜率存在,焦点坐标为(0,1)-,设直线方程为1y kx =-,与抛物线方程24x y=-联立可得:2440x kx +-=.故:12124,4x x k x x +=-=-.设221212,,,44x x M x N x ⎛⎫⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,则1,4OM ON x k k =-=24x-,直线OM 的方程为14x y x =-,与1y =-联立可得:14,1A x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,同理可得24,1B x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,得知以AB 为直径的圆的圆心坐标为1222,1x x ⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭,圆的半径为1222x x -,且()12121212222222,2x x k x x x x x x ++==-=⨯=,则圆的方程为:()222(2)(1)41x k y k -++=+,令0x =,整理可得:2230y y +-=,解得:123,1y y =-=,即以AB 为直径的圆经过y 轴上的两个定点(0,3),(0,1)-.。


两类动力学模型:“板块模型”和“传送带模型”模型1 板块模型[模型解读]1.模型特点涉及两个物体,并且物体间存在相对滑动.2.两种位移关系滑块由滑板的一端运动到另一端的过程中,若滑块和滑板同向运动,位移大小之差等于板长;反向运动时,位移大小之和等于板长.设板长为L,滑块位移大小为x1,滑板位移大小为x2同向运动时:L=x1-x2反向运动时:L=x1+x23.解题步骤[典例赏析][典例1] (2017·全国卷Ⅲ)如图,两个滑块A和B的质量分别为m A=1 kg和m B=5 kg,放在静止于水平地面上的木板的两端,两者与木板间的动摩擦因数均为μ1=0.5;木板的质量为m=4 kg,与地面间的动摩擦因数为μ2=0.1.某时刻A、B两滑块开始相向滑动,初速度大小均为v0=3 m/s.A、B相遇时,A与木板恰好相对静止.设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,取重力加速度大小g=10 m/s2.求:(1)B 与木板相对静止时,木板的速度;(2)A 、B 开始运动时,两者之间的距离.[审题指导] 如何建立物理情景,构建解题路径①首先分别计算出B 与板、A 与板、板与地面间的滑动摩擦力大小,判断出A 、B 及木板的运动情况.②把握好几个运动节点.③由各自加速度大小可以判断出B 与木板首先达到共速,此后B 与木板共同运动. ④A 与木板存在相对运动,且A 运动过程中加速度始终不变.⑤木板先加速后减速,存在两个过程.[解析] (1)滑块A 和B 在木板上滑动时,木板也在地面上滑动.设A 、B 与木板间的摩擦力的大小分别为f 1、f 2,木板与地面间的摩擦力的大小为f 3,A 、B 、木板相对于地面的加速度大小分别是a A 、a B 和a 1.在物块B 与木板达到共同速度前有:f 1=μ1m Ag ①f 2=μ1m Bg ②f 3=μ2(m A +m B +m )g ③由牛顿第二定律得f 1=m A a A ④f 2=m B a B ⑤f 2-f 1-f 3=ma 1⑥设在t 1时刻,B 与木板达到共同速度,设大小为v 1.由运动学公式有v 1=v 0-a B t 1⑦v 1=a 1t 1⑧联立①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧式,代入数据解得:v 1=1 m/s(2)在t 1时间间隔内,B 相对于地面移动的距离为s B =v 0t 1-12a B t 21⑨设在B 与木板达到共同速度v 1后,木板的加速度大小为a 2,对于B 与木板组成的体系,由牛顿第二定律有: f 1+f 3=(m B +m )a 2⑩由①②④⑤式知,a A =a B ;再由⑦⑧可知,B 与木板达到共同速度时,A 的速度大小也为v 1,但运动方向与木板相反.由题意知,A 和B 相遇时,A 与木板的速度相同,设其大小为v 2.设A 的速度大小从v 1变到v 2所用时间为t 2,根据运动学公式,对木板有v 2=v 1-a 2t 2⑪对A 有v 2=-v 1+a A t 2⑫在t 2时间间隔内,B (以及木板)相对地面移动的距离为s 1=v 1t 2-12a 2t 22⑬在(t 1+t 2)时间间隔内,A 相对地面移动的距离为 s A =v 0(t 1+t 2)-12a A (t 1+t 2)2⑭A 和B 相遇时,A 与木板的速度也恰好相同,因此A 和B 开始运动时,两者之间的距离为 s 0=s A +s 1+s B ⑮联立以上各式,代入数据得s 0=1.9 m(也可以用下图的速度-时间图象做)[答案] (1)1 m/s (2)1.9 m滑块滑板类模型的思维模板[题组巩固]1.(2019·吉林调研)(多选)如图所示,在光滑的水平面上放置质量为m 0的木板,在木板的左端有一质量为m 的木块,在木块上施加一水平向右的恒力F ,木块与木板由静止开始运动,经过时间t 分离.下列说法正确的是( )A .若仅增大木板的质量m 0,则时间t 增大B .若仅增大木块的质量m ,则时间t 增大C .若仅增大恒力F ,则时间t 增大D .若仅增大木块与木板间的动摩擦因数μ,则时间t 增大解析:BD [根据牛顿第二定律得,木块的加速度a 1=F -μmg m =F m -μg ,木板的加速度a 2=μmg m 0,木块与木板分离,则有l =12a 1t 2-12a 2t 2得t =2l a 1-a 2.若仅增大木板的质量m 0,木块的加速度不变,木板的加速度减小,则时间t 减小,故A 错误;若仅增大木块的质量m ,则木块的加速度减小,木板的加速度增大,则t 变大,故B 正确;若仅增大恒力F ,则木块的加速度变大,木板的加速度不变,则t 变小,故C 错误;若仅增大木块与木板间的动摩擦因数,则木块的加速度减小,木板的加速度增大,则t 变大,故D 正确.]2.(2019·黑龙江大庆一模)如图,木板静止于水平地面上,在其最右端放一可视为质点的木块.已知木块的质量m =1 kg ,木板的质量m 0=4 kg ,长l =2.5 m ,上表面光滑,下表面与地面之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.2.现用水平恒力F =20 N 拉木板,g 取10 m/s 2,求:(1)木板的加速度;(2)要使木块能滑离木板,水平恒力F 作用的最短时间.解析:(1)木板受到的摩擦力为F f =μ(m 0+m )g =10 N 木板的加速度为a =F -F f m 0=2.5 m/s 2.(2)设拉力F 作用t 时间后撤去,木板的加速度为 a ′=-F f m 0木板先做匀加速运动,后做匀减速运动,且有a =-a ′=2.5 m/s 2则有2×12at 2=l 联立并代入数据解得t =1 s ,即F 作用的最短时间是1 s.答案:(1)2.5 m/s2(2)1 s3.(2019·河南中原名校联考)如图所示,质量M=1 kg的木板静置于倾角θ=37°、足够长的固定光滑斜面底端.质量m=1 kg的小物块(可视为质点)以初速度v0=4 m/s从木板的下端冲上木板,同时在木板上端施加一个沿斜面向上的F=3.2 N的恒力.若小物块恰好不从木板的上端滑下,求木板的长度l为多少?已知小物块与木板之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.8,重力加速度g取10 m/s2,sin 37°=0.6,cos 37°=0.8.解析:由题意,小物块向上做匀减速运动,木板向上做匀加速运动,当小物块运动到木板的上端时,恰好和木板共速.设小物块的加速度为a,由牛顿第二定律得,mg sin θ+μmg cos θ=ma,设木板的加速度为a′,由牛顿第二定律得,F+μmg cos θ-Mg sin θ=Ma′,设二者共速时的速度为v,经历的时间为t,由运动学公式得v=v0-at,v=a′t;小物块的位移为s,木板的位移为s′,由运动学公式得,s=v0t-12at2,s′=12a′t2;小物块恰好不从木板上端滑下,有s-s′=l,联立解得l=0.5 m.答案:0.5 m模型2 传送带模型[模型解读]对于传送带问题,分析清楚物体在传送带上的运动情况是解题关键,分析思路是:弄清物体与传送带的相对运动——确定所受摩擦力的方向——确定物体的运动情况,具体分析见下表:1.水平传送带问题[典例2] 如图所示为某工厂的货物传送装置,倾斜运输带AB(与水平面成α=37°)与一斜面BC(与水平面成θ=30°)平滑连接,B点到C点的距离为L=0.6 m,运输带运行速度恒为v0=5 m/s,A点到B点的距离为x=4.5 m,现将一质量为m=0.4 kg的小物体轻轻放于A点,物体恰好能到达最高点C点,已知物体与斜面间的动摩擦因数μ1=36,(g 取10 m/s2,sin 37°=0.6,cos 37°=0.8,空气阻力不计)求:(1)小物体运动到B点时的速度v的大小;(2)小物体与运输带间的动摩擦因数μ;(3)小物体从A点运动到C点所经历的时间t.[审题指导][解析] (1)设小物体在斜面上的加速度为a 1,运动到B 点的速度为v ,由牛顿第二定律得mg sin θ+ μ1mg cos θ=ma 1由运动学公式知v 2=2a 1L ,联立解得v =3 m/s.(2)因为v <v 0,所以小物体在运输带上一直做匀加速运动,设加速度为a 2,则由牛顿第二定律知 μmg cos α-mg sin α=ma 2又因为v 2=2a 2x ,联立解得μ=78. (3)小物体从A 点运动到B 点经历的时间t 1=v a 2,从B 点运动到C 点经历的时间t 2=v 1a 1联立并代入数据得小物体从A 点运动到C 点所经历的时间t =t 1+t 2=3.4 s.[答案] (1)3 m/s (2)78(3)3.4 s 解传送带问题的思维模板[题组巩固]1.(2019·山东临沂高三上学期期中)(多选)如图所示,绷紧的水平传送带始终以恒定速率v 1运行.初速度大小为v 2(v 1<v 2)的小物块从与传送带等高的光滑水平地面上滑上传送带,从小物块滑上传送带开始计时,物块在传送带上运动的v -t 图象可能是( )解析:AC [物块滑上传送带,由于速度大于传送带速度,物块做匀减速直线运动,可能会滑到另一端一直做匀减速直线运动,到达另一端时恰好与传送带速度相等,故C 正确.物块滑上传送带后,物块可能先做匀减速直线运动,当速度达到传送带速度后一起做匀速直线运动,速度的方向保持不变,故B 、D 错误,A 正确.]2.如图所示为粮袋的传送装置,已知A 、B 两端间的距离为L ,传送带与水平方向的夹角为θ,工作时运行速度为v ,粮袋与传送带间的动摩擦因数为μ,正常工作时工人在A 端将粮袋放到运行中的传送带上.设最大静摩擦力与滑动摩擦力大小相等,重力加速度大小为g .关于粮袋从A 到B 的运动,以下说法正确的是( )A .粮袋到达B 端的速度与v 比较,可能大,可能小,也可能相等B .粮袋开始运动的加速度为g (sin θ-μcos θ),若L 足够大,则以后将以速度v 做匀速运动C .若μ≥tan θ,则粮袋从A 端到B 端一定是一直做加速运动D .不论μ大小如何,粮袋从A 到B 端一直做匀加速运动,且加速度a ≥g sin θ 解析:A [若传送带较短,粮袋在传送带上可能一直做匀加速运动,到达B 端时的速度小于v ;μ≥tan θ,则粮袋先做匀加速运动,当速度与传送带的速度相同后,做匀速运动,到达B 端时速度与v 相同;若μ<tan θ,则粮袋先做加速度为g (sin θ+μcos θ)的匀加速运动,当速度与传送带相同后做加速度为g (sin θ-μcos θ)的匀加速运动,到达B 端时的速度大于v ,选项A 正确;粮袋开始时速度小于传送带的速度,相对传送带的运动方向是沿传送带向上,所以受到沿传送带向下的滑动摩擦力,大小为μmg cos θ,根据牛顿第二定律得加速度a =mg sin θ+μmg cos θm=g (sin θ+μcos θ),选项B 错误;若μ≥tan θ,粮袋从A 到B 可能一直是做匀加速运动,也可能先匀加速运动,当速度与传送带的速度相同后,做匀速运动,选项C 、D 均错误.]3.(2019·湖北宜昌高三一模)如图为仓库中常用的皮带传输装置示意图,它由两台皮带传送机组成,一台水平传送,A 、B 两端相距3 m ,另一台倾斜,传送带与地面的倾角θ=37°,C 、D 两端相距4.45 m ,B 、C 相距很近,水平部分AB 以5 m s 的速率顺时针转动.将质量为10 kg 的一袋大米放在A 端,到达B 端后,速度大小不变地传到倾斜的CD 部分,米袋与传送带间的动摩擦因数均为0.5.试求:(1)若CD 部分传送带不运转,求米袋沿传送带所能上升的最大距离.(2)若要将米袋送到D 端,求CD 部分顺时针运转的速度应满足的条件及米袋从C 端到D 端所用时间的取值范围.解析:(1)米袋在AB 上加速时的加速度a 0=μmg m=μg =5 m/s 2 米袋的速度达到v 0=5 m/s 时,滑行距离:s 0=v 202a 0=2.5 m <AB =3 m 因此米袋在到达B 点之前就有了与传送带相同的速度.设米袋在CD 上运动的加速度大小为a ,由牛顿第二定律得:mg sin θ+μmg cos θ=ma ,代入数据得:a =10 m/s 2所以能上升的最大距离:s =v 202a=1.25 m. (2)设CD 部分运转速度为v 1时米袋恰能达到D 点,则米袋速度减为v 1之前的加速度为: a 1=-g (sin θ+μcos θ)=-10 m/s 2米袋速度小于v 1至减为0前的加速度为a 2=-g (sin θ-μcos θ)=-2 m/s 2由v 21-v 202a 1+0-v 212a 2=4.45 m. 解得:v 1=4 m/s.即要把米袋送到D 点,CD 部分的速度v CD ≥v 1=4 m/s米袋恰能运动到D 点所用时间最长为:t max =v 1-v 0a 1+0-v 1a 2=2.1 s 若CD 部分传送带的速度较大,使米袋沿CD 上滑时所受摩擦力一直沿皮带向上,则所用时间最短,此种情况米袋加速度一直为a 2,由s CD =v 0t min +12a 2t 2min 得:t min =1.16 s所以,所求的时间t 的范围为1.16 s≤t ≤2.1 s答案:(1)1.25 m (2)v CD≥4 m/s 1.16 s≤t≤2.1 s。

在昆虫分类系统中花生蛴螬属于A.直翅目B.同翅目C.鳞翅目D.鞘翅目15.(2008年高考题)昆虫的食性是昆虫对食物条件的一定要求,根据食物来源不同分类,小地老虎的食性是A.植食性B.肉食性C.腐食性D.杂食性16.(2008年高考题)完全变态昆虫的幼虫有不同的类型,棉铃虫幼虫属于A.原足型B.多足型C.寡足型D.无足型17.(2008年高考题)在越冬前进行两性生殖,而在其他季节进行孤雌生殖的昆虫是A家蚕B蜜蜂C蚂蚁D蚜虫18.(2008年高考题)昆虫的胸足有六节,昆虫在喷有触杀剂的植物上爬行时,药剂容易进入的部位是A基节、转节B.腿节、腔节C.跗节D.前跗节19.(2008年高考题)咀嚼式口器是昆虫口器的基本类型,具有咀嚼式口器的昆虫是A.金针虫B.蚜虫C.绿盲蝽D.粉虱20.(2009年高考题)下列昆虫羽化后不危害植物的是A.玉米螟B.绿盲蝽C.蝗虫D.叶蝉21.(2009年高考题)昆虫口器有多种类型,斜纹夜蛾成虫的口器属于A.刺吸式口器B.虹吸式口器C.舐吸式口器D.锉吸式口器22.(2009年高考题)鳞翅目幼虫属于A.原足型B.多足型C.寡足型D.无足型23.(2009年高考题)幼虫口器向后着生,头部纵轴与体躯纵轴成锐角的昆虫是A.蚜虫B.步行虫C.蝗虫D.大豆食心虫24.(2009年高考题)小麦吸浆虫在小麦穗部产卵,其卵的形状为A.长椭圆形B.袋形C.柄形D.弹形25.(2009年高考题)病虫防治中,诱杀成虫的最佳时间为A.产卵前期B.产卵中期C.产卵盛期D.产卵末期26.(2009年高考题)黏虫的学名为Mythimnasepa-rataWalker,则其种名是A. Mythimnaseparata WalkerB.MythimnaC. SeparataD.Walker27.(2009年高考题)利用趋光性诱杀蚜虫、效果最好的色板是A.黄色板B.黑色板C.蓝色板D.白色板28.(2009年高考题)用糖醋液诱杀黏虫是利用了黏虫的A.趋光性B.趋化性C.趋温性D.趋湿性29.(2010年高考题)麦蚜和棉蝽象的口器类型都属于A.刺吸式口器B.虹吸武口器C.舐吸式口器D.锉吸式口器30.(2010年高考题)下列农业害虫中,具有多型现象的是A.棉铃虫B.玉米螟C.小地老虎D.稻褐飞虱31.(2010年高考题)完全变态的昆虫幼虫根据足的数目可以分为四种类型,其中蛴螬属于A.原足型B.多足型C.寡足型D.无足型32.(2010年高考题)蝉的若虫变为成虫的过程称为A.孵化B.化蛹C.蜕皮D.羽化33.(2010年高考题)下列农业害虫中,适合用人工振落捕杀法防治的是A.金龟甲B.绿盲蝽C.蝗虫D.叶蝉34.(2010年高考题)下列害虫中,只危害一种植物的是A.蝗虫B.绿豆象C.金龟甲D.菜粉蝶35.(2010年高考题)适合应用有效积温法预测发生代数的昆虫是A.一年一代昆虫B.一年多代昆虫C.具有滞育现象的昆虫D.具有迁飞性的昆虫36.(2010年高考题)农业害虫活动的重要场所之一是土壤,以下害虫受土壤因素影响最大的是A.蝼蛄B.棉铃虫C.豆天蛾D.黏虫37.(2010年高考题)潜叶蝇的蛹体外有一桶形外壳,这类蛹属于A.离蛹B.被蛹C.围蛹D.伪蛹38.(2011年高考题)金针虫是一种地下害虫,其成虫是A.象甲B.金龟甲C.叩头甲D.步行甲39.(2011年高考题)糖醋液诱杀蛾类害虫是利用了昆虫的A.趋化性B.群集性C.趋光性D.假死性40.(2011年高考题)蛾类和蝶类的区别之一是蝶类的触角为A.球杆状B.丝状C.羽毛状D.锤状41.(2012年高考题)BT抗虫棉之所以表现抗虫是因为在抗虫基因的控制下合成毒蛋白,导致棉铃虫取食后死亡。
《我与地坛(节选) 》链接高考练习

高中数学课件-第1讲 导数的概念及运算-链接高考1 破解两条曲线的公切线问题

链接高考1破解两条曲线的公切线问题[问题解读]在近几年高考导数试题的命制过程中,求曲线的公切线问题成为高考的热点题型之一.学生在做题过程中,解决单一曲线的切线问题相对比较熟练,求解方法也较容易理解.但是对于两条曲线的公切线问题的求解,显然就比单一曲线的切线问题要复杂得多,灵活得多,难度也大得多.下面通过典型例题分析一下常见的三类公切线问题.类型1两曲线相切时切点处的公切线方程如果两条曲线1与2有且仅有一个公共点,且在处有且仅有一条公切线,则称1与2相切于点(如图).典例1已知曲线1:==ln ,曲线2:==1−1,求证:1与2相切,并求其公切线的方程.【解】由&=ln ,&=1−1,得ln −+1=0.令=En −+1>0,则′=ln .当∈0,1时,′<0,∈1,+∞时,′>0,所以在0,1上单调递减,在1,+∞上单调递增,故min=1=0.即函数=En −+1有且仅有一个零点1,即方程ln −+1=0仅有唯一根=1,故方程组&=ln ,&=1−1仅有一组解&=1,&=0.又′=1,′1=1,′=12,′1=1,所以′1=y1,所以1与2相切于点1,0,所以其公切线方程为=−1,即−−1=0(如图).类型2两曲线相交时的公切线方程若两条曲线1与2至少有一个公共点,且在点处的切线不相同,则称1与2相交于点.典例2已知曲线1:==ln+1,曲线2:==−142−1.(1)求证:1与2相交;【解】证明:由&=ln+1,&=−142−1,得l n+1+142+1=0.令=ln+1+142+1>−1,则′=1r1+2=2+r22r1>0.所以在−1,+∞上单调递增,所以存在0(例如0=e−2−1)使0<0,又0=1>0,所以有唯一零点=∈−1,0,即方程组&=ln+1,&=−142−1有唯一解又′=1r1>0,′=−2>0.若′=y,则1r1=−2,所以2++2=0.因为方程2++2=0无实根,所以′≠y.所以1与2相交.(2)求 1 与 2的公切线方程.【解】 方法一:设 1 与 2 的公切线 :=B + 分别与 1 , 2 相切于点 1,ln 1+1 , 2,−1422−1 ,则 &=11+1=−22,&l n 1+1 =B 1+,&−1422−1=B 2+, 消去 , , 2,得 l n 1+1 −11+1 2+11+1=0 ,令 =1+1>0 ,则 l n −12+1=0 .设 =ln −12+1 ,则 ′ =2−r23>0 ,又 1 =0 ,即=ln −12+1 只有一个零点1,即方程l n −12+1=0 有唯一的根 =1 ,所以 1+1=1 ,解得1=0 , 2=−2 , =1 , =0 .所以切点分别为 0,0 , −2,−2 ,公切线 的方程为 −=0.(如图)故 在 0,+∞上单调递增,方法二:设1与2的公切线:=B+,代入=−142−1得2+4B+4+1=0,所以=42−4×1×4+1=0,即2−−1=0.①设与曲线=ln+1相切于点1,ln1+1,由=ln+1得,′=1r1,则=11+1,②l n1+1=B1+.③由①,②,③得l n1+1−11+12+11+1=0.(下同方法一)方法三:设公切线与曲线=ln+1和曲线分别相切于点1,ln1+1,2,−1422−1 .由=ln+1与=−142−1得,′=1r1,′=−12.由是曲线=在=1处的切线得,:−ln1+1=11+1−1,①由是曲线=在=2处的切线得,:− −1422−1 =−122−2,②由此得&11+1=−122,&l n1+1−11+1=1422−1.消去2,得l n1+1+11+1−11+12=0.(下同方法一).类型3两曲线相离时的公切线问题已知两曲线1:=,2:=,若方程组&=,&=无解,则1与2相离.典例3已知曲线1:==,曲线2:==log.(1)若1与2相离,求的取值范围;【解】假设方程组&=,&=log有解,即=log有解.因为函数=与函数=log互为反函数,所以=log的解满足=,即l n =ln .令=ln ,则′=1−ln 2,当∈0,e时,′>0,当∈e,+∞时,′<0,所以在0,e上单调递增,在e,+∞上单调递减,所以max=e=1e.又1=0,∈0,1时,<0,∈1,+∞时,>0,故函数=ln 的大致图象如图,所以当l n ≤1e,即≤e1e时,=log有解,故当>e1e时,1与2相离.(2)若 =e ,曲线 1 与 2 的公切线 与 1 , 2 分别相切于点 =1 和 =2 处,求 1−2−12 的值.【解】 当 =e 时,由(1)知, 1 与 2 相离(如图).设公切线 :=B + 与 1 , 2 分别相切于点1,e 1 , 2,ln 2, 由 =e ,得 ′ =e,由 =ln ,得 ′ =1,由题意得 &=e 1=12,①&e 1=B 1+,②&l n 2=B 2+,③将①代入②,③并消去得,1−2+2ln 2=1,由①得,l n 2=−1,所以1−2−12=1.[归纳总结]一般地,求1:=与2:=的公切线的方程有以下三种思路:思路1:设切点分别为1,1,2,2,公切线的方程为=B+,则&=′1=′2,&1=B1+,&2=B2+,研究方程组解的情况.思路2:设切点分别为1,1,2,2,′1=y2=1−21−21≠2.研究方程组解的情况,解的情况对应着公切线的情况.但要注意,求解方程时,一般可转化为研究函数的零点问题.2024版高考总复习思路3:设切点分别为1,1,2,2,公切线:−1= y1−1,−2=y2⋅−2,则&′1=′2,&1−1′1=2−2′2,研究方程组解的情况.。


2023年9月上半月㊀试题研究㊀㊀㊀㊀多解思维,链接高考,变式拓展以2022年高考数学新高考Ⅱ卷第8题为例◉江苏省兴化中学㊀季㊀峰㊀㊀摘要:抽象函数的基本性质(奇偶性㊁单调性㊁周期性等)问题,一直是新高考数学试卷中的一道 亮丽 风景线.结合一道高考真题实例,多思维剖析,巧高考链接,多视角拓展,多角度总结,以特殊代替一般,优化过程,提升效益.关键词:函数;定义域;奇偶性;周期性;赋值1真题呈现高考真题㊀(2022年高考数学新高考Ⅱ卷 8)若函数f(x)的定义域为R,且f(x+y)+f(x-y)=f(x)f(y),f(1)=1,则 22k=1f(k)=(㊀㊀).A.-3㊀㊀㊀B.-2㊀㊀㊀C.0㊀㊀㊀D.1此题以抽象函数的递推关系式为背景,结合第一个函数值的给出,求解连续正整数所对应的自变量的函数值之和.此类问题要求学生在抽象函数的背景下,理解函数的基本性质(奇偶性㊁周期性等),从中找出相关规律,借助函数值的分析与求解来处理,对数学抽象㊁直观想象㊁逻辑推理等素养有较高的要求[1].2真题破解方法1:定义法.解析:令x=1,y=0,则有f(1)+f(1)=f(1) f(0),结合f(1)=1,可得f(0)=2.令x=0,可得f(y)+f(-y)=f(0)f(y)=2f(y),即f(y)=f(-y),所以函数f(x)为偶函数.令y=1,得f(x+1)+f(x-1)=f(x)f(1)=f(x),则有f(x+2)+f(x)=f(x+1).以上两式对应相加,可得f(x+2)+f(x-1)=0,即f(x+2)=-f(x-1),从而得f(x-1)=-f(x-4),所以f(x+2)=f(x-4),即f(x+6)=f(x),可知函数f(x)的周期为6.因为f(2)=f(1)-f(0)=-1,f(3)=f(2)-f(1)=-2,f(4)=f(-2)=f(2)=-1,f(5)=f(-1)=f(1)=1,f(6)=f(0)=2,所以22k=1f(k)=4[f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+f(5)+f(6)]-f(5)-f(6)=4ˑ0-1-2=-3.故选择答案:A.解后反思:根据抽象函数所满足的关系式,借助赋值法处理,结合奇偶性与周期性的定义判断抽象函数的基本性质,并结合递推关系式确定一个周期内的对应函数值,进而综合函数的基本性质来分析与求解.定义法是解决抽象函数问题中最常用的技巧方法,抓住函数的基本性质加以逻辑推理,结合相关定义判断性质类型,为进一步的求值与应用提供条件.方法2:归纳法.解析:令x=1,y=0,则有f(1)+f(1)=f(1) f(0),结合f(1)=1,可得f(0)=2.令y=1,得f(x+1)+f(x-1)=f(x)f(1)=f(x),即f(x+1)=f(x)-f(x-1).所以f(2)=f(1)-f(0)=-1,f(3)=f(2)-f(1)=-2,f(4)=f(3)-f(2)=-1,f(5)=f(4)-f(3)=1,f(6)=f(5)-f(4)=2,f(7)=f(6)-f(5)=1.归纳可知,f(x)的周期为6.所以 22k=1f(k)=4[f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+f(5)+f(6)]-f(5)-f(6)=4ˑ0-1-2=-3.故选择答案:A.解后反思:根据抽象函数满足的关系式,借助赋值法处理,构建相应的函数递推关系式,利用前若干项函数值的求解,通过归纳来确定函数的周期,进而利用函数的周期来分析与求解.归纳法往往可以简化定义法中的逻辑推理过程,借助函数值的周期性质来分析与应用.方法3:特殊函数模型法.解析:由于f(x+y)+f(x-y)=f(x)f(y),根据三角函数和差化积公式c o s(α+β)+c o s(α-β)=2c o sαc o sβ,构建特殊函数模型f(x)=2c o sπ3x,则函数f(x)满足题目条件.于是,可知函数f(x)的周期为6,且f(1)=1, f(2)=-1,f(3)=-2,f(4)=-1,f(5)=1,f(6)=2.所以 22k=1f(k)=4[f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+f(5)+f(6)]-f(5)-f(6)=4ˑ0-1-2=-3.故选择答案:A.17Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.试题研究2023年9月上半月㊀㊀㊀解后反思:根据抽象函数所满足的关系式加以深入挖掘,观察函数特征,结合余弦函数和差化积公式并利用条件中给出的特殊函数值,并由此构建特殊函数模型,利用特殊函数求值来分析与解决.特殊函数模型法是解决抽象函数问题中比较常用的一种特殊方法,以特殊代替一般,解决起来更直接㊁更有效[2].3链接高考历年高考试卷中几乎每年都有此类抽象函数基本性质的综合应用问题,形式各样,变化多端.2022年高考数学全国卷中,也有抽象函数的 影子 ,从另一个层面来阐述抽象函数的综合与应用问题.例题㊀(2022年高考数学全国乙卷理科 12)已知函数f (x ),g (x )的定义域均为R ,且f (x )+g (2-x )=5,g (x )-f (x -4)=7.若y =g (x )的图象关于直线x =2对称,g (2)=4,则 22k =1f (k )=(㊀㊀).A.-21B .-22C .-23D.-24解析:若y =g (x )的图象关于直线x =2对称,则g (2-x )=g (2+x ).由f (x )+g (2-x )=5,得f (-x )+g (2+x )=5,故f (-x )=f (x ),则函数f (x )为偶函数.由g (2)=4,f (0)+g (2)=5,得f (0)=1.由g (x )-f (x -4)=7,得g (2-x )=f (-x -2)+7,代入f (x )+g (2-x )=5,得f (x )+f (-x -2)=-2,所以f (x )的图象关于点(-1,-1)中心对称,则有f (1)=f (-1)=-1.由f (x )+f (-x -2)=-2,f (-x )=f (x ),得f (x )+f (x +2)=-2,所以f (x +2)+f (x +4)=-2,故f (x +4)=f (x ),则知函数f (x )的周期为4.由f (0)+f (2)=-2,得f (2)=-3.又f (3)=f (-1)=f (1)=-1,所以 22k =1f (k )=6f (1)+6f (2)+5f (3)+5f (4)=11ˑ(-1)+5ˑ1+6ˑ(-3)=-24.故选择答案:D .4变式拓展综合抽象函数的递推关系式以及赋值法处理,在原高考真题的基础上,可以进一步进行变式与拓展.变式1㊀若函数f (x )的定义域为R ,且f (x +y )+f (x -y )=f (x )f (y ),f (1)=1,则f (2023)=(㊀㊀).A.-3B .-2C .0D.1解析:同高考真题中的解析部分,可得函数f (x )的周期为6,则f (2023)=f (337ˑ6+1)=f (1)=1.故选择答案:D .变式2㊀若函数f (x )的定义域为R ,且f (x +y )+f (x -y )=2f (x )f (y ),f (1)=12,则 2023k =1f (k )=(㊀㊀).A.-1B .-12C .12D.1解析:令x =1,y =0,得f (1)+f (1)=2f (1)f (0),结合f (1)=12,可得f (0)=1.令y =1,得f (x +1)+f (x -1)=2f (x )f (1)=f (x ),即f (x +1)=f (x )-f (x -1).所以f (2)=f (1)-f (0)=-12,f (3)=f (2)-f (1)=-1,f (4)=f (3)-f (2)=-12,f (5)=f (4)-f (3)=12,f (6)=f (5)-f (4)=1,f (7)=f (6)-f (5)=12.归纳可知,函数f (x )的周期为6.所以 2023k =1f (k )=337[f (1)+f (2)+f (3)+f (4)+f (5)+f (6)]+f (1)=337ˑ0+12=12.故选择答案:C .5教学启示5.1技巧策略㊁规律总结对于抽象函数递推关系式的综合应用,具体破解时,常用的技巧方法如下:或回归定义,利用奇偶性㊁周期性等函数基本性质的定义来分析;或归纳推理,根据前若干项函数值的求解,通过不完全归纳相应的函数基本性质来处理;或构建特殊函数模型使之吻合题设条件,利用特殊函数来分析与应用;或数形结合,利用直观模型特征来契合题设条件,直观想象来分析;等.不同思维视角,结合逻辑推理㊁直观想象㊁数学建模与数学运算等,为进一步求解相应的问题提供条件[3].5.2熟知性质㊁函数模型熟练记忆一些特殊函数所对应的奇偶性㊁单调性以及周期性等基本性质的相关结论,在具体求解过程中,可以利用这些基本性质来构建相应的特殊函数模型.合理构建满足对应的题设条件的特殊函数模型,直接结合特殊函数模型来分析与处理,以特殊代替一般,优化过程,提升效益,更加直接有效地处理问题.参考文献:[1]鲁和平.好风凭借力 例谈高考数学抽象函数大小比较的解题策略[J ].高中数理化,2022(23):36G38.[2]樊双.核心素养视角下的高考试题分析 以2021年新高考Ⅰ卷 三角函数 为例[J ].数学之友,2022(24):95G97.[3]胡潇,李昌成.研究2022年全国高考抽象函数问题[J ].数理化解题研究,2022(31):61G63.Z27Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。

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若点 A(a,b)在圆 C 外,则 a2+b2>r2,所以 d= a2r+2 b2<r, 则直线 l 与圆 C 相交,故 C 错误; 若点 A(a,b)在直线 l 上,则 a2+b2-r2=0,即 a2+b2=r2, 所以 d= a2r+2 b2=r,直线 l 与圆 C 相切,故 D 正确.
∵115 5-4∈(0,1),115 5+4∈(8,9),
∴选项 A 正确,选项 B 错误.
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过点 B 作圆的两条切线,切点分别为 P1,P2,如图,当点 P 在切点 P1
的位置时,∠PBA 最小,当点 P 在切点 P2 的位置时,∠PBA 最大,易
知|P1B|=|P2B|,圆心(5,5)到点 B 的距离为 34,圆的半径为 4,所以|P1B|
=|P2B|= 34-16= 18=3 2,故选项 C,D 均正确.
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7.(2020·天津卷)已知直线 x- 3y+8=0 和圆 x2+y2=r2(r>0)相交于 A, B 两点.若|AB|=6,则 r 的值为____5____. 解析:因为圆心(0,0)到直线 x- 3y+8=0 的距离 d= 18+3=4, 由|AB|=2 r2-d2可得 6=2 r2-42,解得 r=5.
∵圆与两坐标轴均相切,∴a=b,且半径 r=a,
∴a2-6a+5=0,解得 a=1 或 a=5.
当 a=1 时,圆心坐标为(1,1),此时圆心到直线 2x-y-3=0 的距离 d

高考英语书面表达参考资料 (链接高考)

书面表达(链接高考)U1 M1Good afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Cooperate with others”In this busy, modern world, if we want to work our work effectively and efficiently, we must all learn to cooperate with others. If we lose our partner, then we will fail. Cooperation can save us a lot of time and energy. Additionally, we can learn much from our partners by cooperating with them.When we cooperate with someone we like, we will feel very happy. And we can share our pleasure and sadness with him. But it can be difficult to be cooperative with someone we dislike. In such a situation, we may focus on our work, instead of our partners. Perhaps in working together with him for a long time, we’ll learn that he is a man to get along well with. Even if this doesn’t happen, it’s still worth a try.How can we become a good partner? In my opinion, we should try to listen to other’s opinions. If he makes mistakes, we also try to point them out in a polite way. Last but not least, never force our ideas on others.Thank you for your listening!U2 M1Good morning, everyone!Gratitude education is the first lesson of the life education and safety education launched by the Ministry of Education. We receive it because we want to build up a harmonious society, in which everyone lives in peace and in harmony with each other. We thank our parents for their love, efforts and expectations in bringing us to the world and helping us grow up healthily. We thank our teachers for giving us knowledge and teaching us how to be men. We thank our friends for giving us help and making our world more beautiful. We are also thankful to our competitors because it is they who make us strong and full of courage to achieve great success. We need to know how to express our gratitude. As students, we should spare no efforts to study as hard as possible and learn all the principles to be useful persons needed by society. We should always have a heart of love and bright future is waiting for us.Thank you for listening!U3 M1Dear Jane,Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. All you have gained isthe result of your hard work. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English. We’ll always remember the wonderful time we spent together.It’s a pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come by 6:00 p.m. ? we’ll have dinner together. By the way, you may take Bus No. 332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!Yours faithfully,Li HuaU1 M2Being a Popular StudentWe all hope to be popular with our classmates andteachers. To enjoy popularity, we are supposed to regard the class as our big family and try our best to take an active part in all our class activities. We should be responsible for the work and keep teamwork spirit in mind.To be a popular student, we must show our respect, concern and sympathy for others. As a result, we should never hesitate to lend a hand to those in need.To be a popular student, we ought to be strict with ourselves in everything we do at school and make an effort to achieve all-round developments, being good not only at our lessons but also at sports, music, painting, social services and so on. In time of success we remain modest, while in time of difficulty we keep strong-minded.All in all, being a popular student among the classmates and teachers comes naturally to those who keep improving their personal qualities.U2 M2High school is regarded as the best time of my life. Besides classes and homework, there’s something more that I especially treasure. In order to leave school with no regrets, I’ll make the best of my limited time to go over the lessons I’ve learned. At the same time, I’d like to show my gratitude to all the teachers who have given me so much help in the past three years. In addition, it’s necessary for me to have a talk with whoever might have misunderstood me, for I do care about the friendship between us. For the purpose of improving myself, I’ll ask my classmates for some advice which may be of great value to me. Last but not least, doing another good deed for my class is also my plan. With these things done, I will have no regrets in my high school life. U3 M2High school is regarded as the best time in a person’s life. As a senior three student,it won’t take long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it’s high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I’ve made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gain”Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.U1 M3Shopping on the InternetShopping on the Internet is becoming very popular. People can shop for a variety of products on it. For example, they can buy various physical products like books, CDs, clothes, etc. they can also buy information products such as online news, magazines and stories. At the same time, they can download computer software from the Internet. What’s more, services such as booking airline ticket or hotel rooms are available on the Internet.Internet shopping has many advantages, of which the most important one is convenience. We can shop whenever we like, as the online shops are op 24 hours a day. It is often cheaper to buy goods on the Internet. However, we can’t actually see the products we want or check their quality, so there are chances that people may be taken in.As we all know, every coin has two sides. There is no exception to shopping online. Going for shopping on the Internet? It is but a choice for you to make in this Information Age.U2 M3We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.U3 M3Hello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students study very hard but they are still poor in their studies. They often worry about their exams. Others think they have so much homework to do that they have no time to play.I’m always under pressure, too. I’m good at every subject, but it’s hard for me to get on well with my classmates. I hardly communicate with my parents, too. I really feel tired sometimes.But how to solve the problem? I think a conversation with parents or teachers is helpful and taking exercise can make us relaxed when we’re under pressure.That’s all. Thank you!U1 M4With the develpoment of modern society, pollution caused by human activities is becoming a more and more serious problem.Smoke from factories and gases from vihivles are the main reasons for air pollution. Rivers are polluted when people throw waste into them, or when factories pour waste water into them. Modern lifestyle and modern ways of production also cause noise pollution. As a result, many species are dying out. Moreand more people are suffering from health problems.Enough attention should be paid to this problem and measures should be taken. Firstly, we should make laws to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers and sending smoke into the air without being dealt with. Secondly, weshould raise people’s awareness of the serious problem and call on more people to protect the environment. Only by working together can we protect the environment!U2 M4Yes, some injuries have indeed taken place in the campus recently. I still remember i once had my arm broken while playing basketball. Since then, my parents have forbidden me to take part in any PE class. Some schools have even withdrawn from sports activities out of class. They require kids just to stay in the classroom. Those who violate the “rules” would be scolded.As far as i’m concerned, sports should not be cancelled for the students’ sake. We can take some measures to avoid such injuries. Sprots can build up our bodies, and enable us to grow up in good health. Though sports require a big investment of time, money and energy, the physicial and emotional benefits coming from playing sports are worth it.U3 M4Different students assume different attitudes towards voluntary work according to the survey. We are glad to see that 70% of the students approve of doing voluntary work. In their opinion, making a contribution to society and lending a helping hand to others is a worthwhile job. At hte same time, it brings a lot of personal benefits. They can gain valuable experience and skills for future career. What’s more, voluntary work opens up vast quantities of opportunities for them to buil confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leaderships.However 25% of the students disapprove of doing voluntary work.. they consider that working without payment is a waste of time. 5% of the students choose to be neutral. In other words, they don’t care about it at all.In my opimion, we’d better take the chance to participate in voluntary work, no matter how small it is.U1 M5 On July 1st, China opened the intercity high-speed train between Shanghai and Nanjing. It takes about seventy-five minutes from Nanjing to Shanghai on the high-speed train. Passengers enjoy safe and comfortable service during the whole journey.Compared with other forms of transportation, the high-speed train has many advantages. It provides higher speed of travel for its users. In addition, it helps share the burden of other transport systems, lust but least, the high-speed train service contributes to helping boost economy,tourism and the exchange between the prosperous cities along the line.However, not everyone thinks highly of the high-speed train. Firstly, the ticket price will be 50 percent higher than the fare for the “D” trains along the same routine, which is too expensive for ordinary wage-earners. Secondly, most of them are designed to make stops at every station, so covering the whole distance wil ltake nearly two hours.In my opinion, high-speed train can be described as a fast, safe, comfortable and environmentally-friendly means of transportstion. It will be more beneficial to the development of our cities.U2 M5Recently, we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun. Most students believe that there are many ways to do so. First of all, we can have more interactive activities in class, such as discussions, interviews, story-telling and role-play. In this way, we can have more fun learning English. Secondly, we can take part in more out –of –class activities like English speech contests and English evenings. Through these activities we can improve our English skills in an easy and relaxing way. Thirdly, we need to find more opportunities to communicate inbecause using English is the best way to learn.These idesa sound reasonable and practical. From my experience, there are many other interesting and relaxing ways. For example, we can listen to English songs and watch English movies. We can also watch English programs on TV or join English clubs or make English pen-friends on the Internet.All in all, what we need is more free time and more space.U3 M5How to Reduce Students’ StressAs educational requirements get more pressing in all levels of education, many students experience significant maounts of stress. So it’s extremely urgent to find a way to ease their stress. Firstly, students should develop the habit of optimistism and positive thinking. It has been prvoed that those who can more easily shrug off failure are healthier,less stressed, and more successful. Secondly, work more. Exercise not only offers all the obvious benefits of bigger muscles and a healthier heart, but also calms our nerves. Thirdly, get enough sleep. It is important that students have enough sleep each night so that they are ready to deal with study the next day. In my opinion, when stress does occue, it’s important to recognize and deal with it. There are some methods we can try. Many physical activities can reduce anxiety, but there is no single relaxation technique that is best. The right relaxation technique is the one that fits our way of life.U1 M6Nowadsys it’s common for parents to bring much delicious food to their children at school.Parents, teachers and students have different opinions. Many parents don’t think school food caters to their children’s taste. They think it is their responsibilities to satisfy their children’s needs.As for teachers, they understand what parents do for their children, yet the situation will bring about some problems, such as food safty.We students should be grateful to our parents for their selfless love. Of course, with parents parparing delicious food and helping do all the washing, we can eat properly and have more time to study. However, if we are always under the protection of our parents, we can’t develop our own ability to live indepently.So I think we students should not only learn the book knowledge, but also learn to live indepently, which will make a difference to our work and life in the future.U2 M6As is vividly portrayed in the drawing above, a student is trying his best to reachthe full score of important subject including English, math, physics, and Chinese while neglecting the more important aspects such as psychological quality and moral standards. This drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon, which has aroused our social concern and is in fact thought-provoking.To begin with, acdemic achievements are not all that a student needs. In order to survive in our society, students must be first of all trained to possess fine psychological quality. Otherwise, we can not braavely fave ups and downs in our life, work and study. What’s more, high moral standards are also a must for every student. Withut high moral standards, students will lose the orentation of learning. Most often, even though a students possesses profound acdemis knowladge, he can not find himself a right palce in our society and make contributions to his motherland sue to his low moral standards. Counter-measures must be taken immediately so as to rectify the trend of overemphasizing main acdemic subjects and neglecting psychological quality and moral stndards. First of all, we must take a right attitude toward students’development. What’s more, our government must interven in students’ education to ensure a right and healthy environment of development.U3 M6The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet.The present situation is worrying. First, natural resourcess are becoming less than before. Second, as many people are not aware of the importance of the environmental pretection, the problems with it remain extremely serious to some degree. The gap between the rich and the poor has the tendency to become wider and wider.To our joy, many countries have taken action. On one hand, they have made relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money to the environmental protection. On the other hand, popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out.As for myself, i should take the resiponsibility to dedicate myself to sustainable development. Our future nad the lives of our children and our grandchildren won’t be in the danger if we all realize the problem and do something we can in our daily life. U4 M6On December 12th,2011, our school held a flag-raising ceremony in the playground with the theme “For you safety, for your life!”Tang Shaofeng, one of the students made a speech. He said that safety concerns every one of us and hidden threat against safety was everywhere. We may easily get injured in sports, traffic accidents, or get sick from food poisioning. He called on usto pay more attention to safety and try to learn more about first aid. He also mentioned that we should take good care of ourselves for the sake of our family’s happiness.Later, our headmaster gave us some specific requirements on campus. Since a safe environment on campus is strongly prohibited. No ballgames are allowed in the academic areas. Keep to the right when going upstairs or downstairs. Make sure that the windows are closed and doors are locked when the last one leaves the classroom. What’s more, always obey the traffic rules on your way home or to schoo.。

《条件概率与全概率公式》链接高考一、选择题1.某地区空气质量监测资料表明,一天的空气质量为优良的概率是0.75,连续两天为优良的概率是0.6.已知某天的空气质量为优良,则随后一天的空气质量为优良的概率是( )A.0.8B.0.75C.0.6D.0.452.已知在所有男子中有5%患有色盲症,在所有女子中有0.25%患有色盲症.随机抽一人发现患色盲症,其为男子的概率为(设男子和女子的人数相等)( )A.10 11B.20 21C.11 21D.1 123.对以往数据分析结果表明,当机器调整良好时,产品的合格率为98%,而当机器发生某种故障时,其合格率为55%.每天早上机器开动时,机器调整良好的概率为95%.若已知某日早上生产的第一件产品是合格品,则机器调整良好的概率约为( )A.0.85B.0.97C.0.87D.0.764.两台机床加工同样的零件,第一台的废品率为0.04,第二台的废品率为0.07,加工出来的零件混放,并设第一台加工的零件是第二台加工零件的2倍.现任取一零件,是合格品的概率为( )A.0.95B.0.75C.0.05D.0.355.(多选题)某一地区患有癌症的人占0.005,患者对一种试验反应是阳性的概率为0.95,正常人对这种试验反应是阳性的概率为0.04.现抽查了一个人,试验反应是阳性,下列说法正确的是( )A.此人是癌症患者的概率约为0.1066B.此人是癌症患者的概率为0.3C.此人不是癌症患者的概率约为0.8934D.此人不是癌症患者的概率为0.7二、填空题6.(2020·北京高三模拟)伟大出自平凡,英雄来自人民.在疫情防控一线,北京某大学学生会自发从学生会6名男生和8名女生骨干成员中选出2人作为队长率领他们加入武汉社区服务队,用A 表示事件“抽到的2名队长性别相同”,B表示事件“抽到的2名队长都是男生”,则(|)P B A ________.7.有甲、乙两个袋子,甲袋中有2个白球,1个红球,乙袋中有2个红球,1个白球,这6个球手感上不可区别.今从甲袋中任取一球放入乙袋,搅匀后再从乙袋中任取一球,此球是红球的概率为_______.若已知取到1个红球,则从甲袋放入乙袋的是白球的概率为_______.三、解答题8.设甲盒有3个白球,2个红球,乙盒有4个白球,1个红球,现从甲盒任取2球放入乙盒,再从乙盒任取2球,求从乙盒取出2个红球的概率.答案解析一、选择题1.答案:A解析:设某天空气质量为优良为事件A ,随后一天空气质量为优良为事件B ,由已知得()0.75,()P A P AB ==0.6,所求事件的概率为()0.6(|)0.8()0.75P AB P B A P A ===. 2.答案:B 解析:本题考查贝叶斯公式,较为简单的贝叶斯公式的应用,可以类比条件概率.设=A “男子”,=B “女子”,C =“色盲”.(|)0.05,(|)0.0025,()0.5,()0.5,====P C A P C B P A P B ()(|)0.050.520(|).()(|)()(|)⨯===+⨯+⨯P A P C A P A C P A P C A P B P C B3.答案:B解析:设A 为事件“产品合格”,B 为事件“机器调整良好".则有(|)0.98,(|)0.55,()P A B P A B P B ===0.95,()0.05P B =. 由贝叶斯公式得所求概率为(|)()0.980.95(|)0.97.(|)()(|)()0.980.950.550.05⨯==≈+⨯+⨯P A B P B P B A P A B P B P A B P B即当生产出第一件产品是合格品时,此时机器调整良好的概率为0.97.4.答案:A解析:设B =取到的零件为合格品,i A =零件为第i 台机床的产品,1,2i =.此时,全部的零件构成样本空间Ω,12,A A 构成Ω的一个划分.由全概率公式得()P B =()()()()112221||0.9633P A P B A P A P B A +=⨯+⨯0.930.95=. 5.答案:AC解析:设=C “抽查的人患有癌症”,=A “试验结果是阳性”,则C 表示“抽查的人不患癌症”.已知()0.005,()0.995P C P C ==,(|)0.95,(|)0.04P A C P A C ==.由贝叶斯公式,可得()(|)(|)()(|)()(|)P C P A C P C A P C P A C P C P A C =+,代入数据计算得(|)0.1066P C A ≈. 二、填空题6.答案:1543解析:求条件概率常用的方法有:(1)(|)P B A =()();(2)(|)()()P AB n AB P B A P A n A =. 由已知得222686221414C C C 4315(),()C 91C 91P A P AB +====, 则15()1591(|)43()4391P AB P B A P A ===. 7.答案:712 47解析:设1A =从甲袋放入乙袋的是白球;2A =从甲袋放入乙袋的是红球;B =从乙袋中任取一球是红球.()()()()112212()||23P B P B A P A P B A P A =+=⨯+3174312⨯=, ()()()()1111|4|7()712P A B P B A P A P A B P B ===. 三、解答题8.答案:见解析解析:设1A =从甲盒取出2个红球;2A =从甲盒取出2个白球;3A =从甲盒取出1个白球1个红球;B =从乙盒取出2个红球.易知123,,A A A 两两互斥,且12A A ⋃⋃3A =Ω,所以()123123B A A A B A B A B A B =⋃⋃=⋃⋃,()()()()123123()P B P A B A B A B P A B P A B P A B =⋃⋃=++ ()()()()()()112233|||P A P B A P A P B A P A P B A =++221122333222222222575757C C C C C C 03=++=C C C C C C 70⨯⨯⨯.。
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必修5 Unit 4课本要点链接高考
1. Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. (P26)
【考例】Never in my wildest dreams ______ these people are living in such poor conditions. (2006年安徽卷)
A. I could imagine
B. could I imagine
C. I couldn’t imagine
D. couldn’t I imagine
2. What do I need to take with me? (P26)
【考例】As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area ______. (2007年陕西卷)
A. need repairing
B. needs to repair
C. needs repairing
D. need to repair
two-thirds of the buildings是主语,谓语动词应用复数,先排除B和C项;主语是repair所表示动作的承受者,在need之后应接V-ing形
3. When we saw them together we guessed from the footballer’s body language that he was not telling the truth. (P26)
【考例】—You know who came yesterday?
—Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.
—______ He came and watch the game. (2006年湖北卷)
A. You guessed it!
B. How did you know that?
C. Well done!
D. That was good news!
”You guessed it! 表示“你猜对了!”How did you know that? 表示“你怎么知道此事?”Well done!表示“干得不错!”That was good news!表示“那是好消息啊!”所以答案为A。
4. The news desk editor took the story and began to work on all the stories and photos until all the pages were set. (P30)
【考点】work on表示“继续工作、从事于、对……起作用”,是由“动词+ 介词”构成的短语动词,后面接名词或代词。
【考例】I won’t tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ______ on it for more than an hour. (2006年湖北卷)A. has been working B. will have worked
C. will have been working
D. had worked
【简析】本题考查work on的时态。