









试问选择B组合和C组合的投资者会怎样具体地选择资产配置方案和证券投资品种?参考解答:表1-9 资产类别配置与证券品种选择组合示意A组合是积极的资产类别配置与积极的证券品种选择,这一类组合的投资者通常根据对不同资产类别的预期收益率的判断而选择不同时机改变固定收益类和股权类资产的配置比重,并且根据对不同证券品种的预期收益率的判断而开展积极的证券交易。








第一章1. 答:交易机制指市场的交易规则和保证规则实施的技术以及规则和技术对定价机制的影响。


2. 答:报价驱动机制与指令驱动机制的区别在于:①价格形成方式不同。













3. 答:一般来说,做市商市场的流动性要高于竞价市场,即投资者在竞价市场所面临的执行风险要大于做市商市场。



































































《投资学》习题及答案题1- 4考察的是“均值-方差分析”1.(1) 股票K 和L 的预期收益分别是多少? (2) 股票K 和L 的标准差分别是多少? (3) 股票K 和L 的协方差是多少? (4) 股票K 和L 的相关系数是多少?(5) 如果投资人在股票K 和L 上的投资分别是35%和65%,那么其投资组合的预期收益是多少?(6) 如果投资人在股票K 和L 上的投资分别是35%和65%,那么其投资组合的标准差是多少?源自博迪习题集P31 (1)r̅=∑r i p i n i=1E (r K )=0.1×10% +0.2×11% +0.4×12% +0.2×13% +0.1×14% =12% E (r L )=0.1×9% +0.2×8% +0.4×7% +0.2×6% +0.1×9% =7.4%(2)σi =[ ∑p i (r i −r̅)2n i=1 ]12⁄ σK =[0.1×(10%-12%)2 +0.2×(11%-12%)2 +0.4×(12%-12%)2 +0.2×(13%-12%)2 +0.1×(14%-12%)2 ]1/2 =1.0954%σL =[0.1×(9%-7.4%)2 +0.2×(8%-7.4%)2 +0.4×(7%-7.4%)2 +0.2×(6%-7.4%)2 +0.1×(9%-7.4%)2 ]1/2 =1.0198%(3)cov ij =∑p n (r i,n −r̅i )(rj,n −r̅j )m n=1 cov (r K ,r L )=0.1×(10%-12%)×(9%-7.4%)+0.2×(11%-12%)×(8%-7.4%)+0.4×(12%-12%)×(7%-7.4%)+0.2×(13%-12%)×(6%-7.4%)+0.1×(14%-12%)×(9%-7.4%)=-0.00004(4)ρij =σij σi σj ⁄ρK,L = -0.00004 / (0.010954×0.010198) = -0.3581 (5)E(R p )=R ̅p =∑w i n i r̅i E(R p )=0.35×12% +0.65×7.4% =9.01%(6)σp =[w A 2σA 2+w B 2σB 2+2w A w B σA,B ]1/2σp = [0.352×0.0109542 +0.652×0.0101982 +2×0.35×0.65×(-0.00004)]1/2 =0.6359% 由于负的协方差或相关系数,组合标准差比组合中任意一个证券的标准差都小。



、基本概念1、 资本资产定价模型的前提假设是什么?2、 什么是资本配置线?其斜率是多少?3、 存在无风险资产的情况下, n 种资产的组合的可行集是怎样的?(画图说明) ;什么是有效边界?风险厌恶的投资者如何选择最有效的资产组合?(画图说明) 4、 什么是分离定理? 5、什么是市场组合?6、 什么是资本市场线?写出资本市场线的方程。

7、 什么是证券市场线?写出资本资产定价公式。

8 P 的含义二、单选1、根据 CAPM ,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关( AA •市场风险B •非系统风险C .个别风险D •再投资风险 2、在资本资产定价模型中,风险的测度是通过(A •个别风险B •贝塔系数3、市场组合的贝塔系数为( BA 、0B 、1C 、-14、无风险收益率和市场期望收益率分别是 0.06 和 0.12。

根据 CAPM 模型,贝塔值为 1.2 的证券 X 的期望收益率为( D )。

A . 0.06B . 0.144C . 0.12 美元D . 0.132 5、对于市场投资组合,下列哪种说法不正确( D ) A .它包括所有证券 B •它在有效边界上C 市场投资组合中所有证券所占比重与它们的市值成正比D •它是资本市场线和无差异曲线的切点6、关于资本市场线,哪种说法不正确( C ) A .资本市场线通过无风险利率和市场资产组合两个点 B •资本市场线是可达到的最好的市场配置线 C .资本市场线也叫证券市场线 D •资本市场线斜率总为正7、证券市场线是( D )。

A 、充分分散化的资产组合,描述期望收益与贝塔的关系作业 1资产组合理论& CAPM)。

B )进行的。

C .收益的标准差D .收益的方差)。

D 、0.5B 、 也叫资本市场线C 、 与所有风险资产有效边界相切的线D 、 描述了单个证券(或任意组合)的期望收益与贝塔关系的线根据 CAPM 模型,进取型证券的贝塔系数( D ) B 、等于0 C 、等于1 D 、大于19、 A 、 美国“ 911” 系统性风险 事件发生后引起的全球股市下跌的风险属于( B 、非系统性风险C 、信用风险 A ) D 、流动性风险10 、下列说法正确的是( C ) A 、 分散化投资使系统风险减少 B 、 分散化投资使因素风险减少 C 、 分散化投资使非系统风险减少 D 、 .分散化投资既降低风险又提高收益 11、现代投资组合理论的创始者是( A ) A.哈里.马科威茨 B.威廉.夏普 C.斯蒂芬.罗斯 D.尤金.珐玛 12、反映投资者收益与风险偏好有曲线是( D ) A.证券市场线方程 B.证券特征线方程 C.资本市场线方程 D.无差异曲线 13 、不知足且厌恶风险的投资者的偏好无差异曲线具有的特征是( A. 无差异曲线向左上方倾斜B. 收益增加的速度快于风险增加的速度C. 无差异曲线之间可能相交D.无差异曲线位置与该曲线上的组合给投资者带来的满意程度无关 B ) 14、反映证券组合期望收益水平和单个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( A.单因素模型 B.特征线模型C.资本市场线模型 D.套利定价模型 A )三、多项选择题1、关于资本市场线,下列说法正确的是( ABD )。









从量的规定性来看,货币的时间价值是没有风险和没有通货膨胀下的社会平均资金利润率. 在计量货币时间价值时,风险报酬和通货膨胀因素不应该包括在内。














如果合约到期时汇率分别为0.0074美元/日元和0.0090美元/日元,那么该交易商的盈亏如何?汇率=0.0074美元/日元时,盈利=1亿美元*(0.008-0.0074)= 6万美元汇率=0.0090美元/日元时,盈利=1亿美元*(0.008-0.0090)= -10万美元2、当前黄金价格为500美元/盎司,1年远期价格为700美元/盎司。


理论远期价格0.1*1500*500*1.105552.5F e ===美元/盎司,由于市场的远期价格大于理论远期价格,存在套利机会。




每年计一次复利的年利率=(1+0.14/4)4-1=14.75%连续复利年利率=4ln(1+0.14/4)=13.76%4、假设连续复利的零息票利率如下: 期限(年) 年利率(%)112.0 213.0 3 13.7 414.2 5 14.5请计算第2、3、4、5年的连续复利远期利率。

由()()()ss F L S L L r T t r T T r T t e e e ---= 得()()L L S S F L sr T t r T t r T T ---=- 因此,第二年的远期利率213.0%*212.0%*114.0%21F r -==- 第三年的远期利率313.7%*313.0%*215.1%32F r -==-第四年的远期利率414.2%*413.7%*315.7%43F r -==- 第五年的远期利率514.5%*514.2%*415.7%54F r -==- 5、假设连续复利的零息票利率分别为: 期限(月) 年利率(%)3 8.0 68.2 98.4 12 8.5 158.6 18 8.7请计算第2、3、4、5、6季度的连续复利远期利率。

武大 双学位 金融经济学考试 (2)

武大 双学位 金融经济学考试 (2)










对所有风险厌恶投资者,x优于y意味着,在任何既定的财富水平下,y的累积概率分布的覆盖面积均大于x 的覆盖区间。























































选项: c、投资政策一个经常被引用来解释完全融资养老基金投资于普通股票的原因的错误说法是〔〕。

选项: c、股票提供了防范通货膨胀的手段风险容忍水平对而言非常高的是〔〕。



从财务角度如何定义投资?〔〕选项: b、投资就是现金流的规划。

以下哪项是投资者要面对的问题?〔〕选项: e、以上均是投资管理的基石不包括以下哪项?〔〕选项: c、投资者的天分常见的财务、金融和经济数据库有哪些?〔〕选项: d、以上均是投资管理的过程的主要参与者有〔〕。

选项: d、以上均是以下哪项不是机构投资者?〔〕选项: e、个人投资管理的第一步是〔〕。


选项: c、选择投资组合策略投资管理的第五步是〔〕。

选项: e、投资绩效投资和投机的区别是〔〕。

选项: c、没有明显的界限第二章假设要成立一个专项奖学金,每年奖励10000元,年利率为5%,则现在需要〔〕运作资金。

选项: c、20万元一年以前,你在自己的储蓄账户中存入1000美元,收益率为7%,如果年通胀率为3%,你的近似实际收益率为〔〕?选项:a、4%某人拟在3年后获得10000元,假设年利率6%,他现在应该投入〔〕元。


你的持有期收益率是多少?〔〕选项: b、50%某人拟在3年后获得10000元,假设年利率6%,他现在每年应该投入〔〕元?〔PV〔6%,3〕〕选项:a、3741一种资产组合具有的预期收益率和的标准差,无风险利率是6%,投资者的效用函数为:U=E(r)-(A/2)σ2。

A的值是多少时使得风险资产与无风险资产对于投资者来讲没有区别?〔〕选项: d、8以下哪个表达是正确的?〔〕选项: e、上述各项均不准确股票的HPR(持有期回报率)等于〔〕。
















产业经济学考试试卷及答案(武大孙智君)武汉大学双学位考试试卷产业经济学—By Amo一、名词解释(4*10)1.产业:产业作为产业经济学研究的对象,是指具有某类特性的企业的集合。






























Chapter 10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and ReturnMultiple Choice Questions1. ___________ a relationship between expected return and risk.A. APT stipulatesB. CAPM stipulatesC. Both CAPM and APT stipulateD. Neither CAPM nor APT stipulateE. No pricing model has found2. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. Stock A has an expected return of 17.6%, a beta of 1.45 on factor 1 and a beta of .86 on factor 2. The risk premium on the factor 1 portfolio is3.2%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. What is the risk-premium on factor 2 if no arbitrage opportunities exit?A. 9.26%B. 3%C. 4%D. 7.75%E. 9.75%3. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. factor sensitivitiesC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor betasE. both factor sensitivities and factor betas4. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. firm-specific riskC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor betasE. unique risk5. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. firm-specific riskC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor loadingsE. unique risk6. Which pricing model provides no guidance concerning the determination of the risk premium on factor portfolios?A. The CAPMB. The multifactor APTC. Both the CAPM and the multifactor APTD. Neither the CAPM nor the multifactor APTE. No pricing model currently exists that provides guidance concerning the determination of the risk premium on any portfolio7. An arbitrage opportunity exists if an investor can construct a __________ investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.A. small positiveB. small negativeC. zeroD. large positiveE. large negative8. The APT was developed in 1976 by ____________.A. LintnerB. Modigliani and MillerC. RossD. SharpeE. Fama9. A _________ portfolio is a well-diversified portfolio constructed to havea beta of 1 on one of the factors and a beta of 0 on any other factor.A. factorB. marketC. indexD. factor and marketE. factor, market, and index10. The exploitation of security mispricing in such a way that risk-free economic profits may be earned is called ___________.A. arbitrageB. capital asset pricingC. factoringD. fundamental analysisE. technical analysis11. In developing the APT, Ross assumed that uncertainty in asset returns wasa result ofA. a common macroeconomic factor.B. firm-specific factors.C. pricing error.D. neither common macroeconomic factors nor firm-specific factors.E. both common macroeconomic factors and firm-specific factors.12. The ____________ provides an unequivocal statement on the expected return-beta relationship for all assets, whereas the _____________ implies that this relationship holds for all but perhaps a small number of securities.A. APT; CAPMB. APT; OPMC. CAPM; APTD. CAPM; OPME. APT and OPM; CAPM13. Consider a single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of 16%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 12%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _______.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. A; the riskless asset14. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of 13%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio _________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.15. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 6%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.1. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 3.6%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 10.1%E. 8.6%16. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 18%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 16%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 0.80B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 1.56E. 0.9317. Consider the single-factor APT. Stocks A and B have expected returns of 15% and 18%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. Stock B has a beta of 1.0. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, stock A has a beta of __________.A. 0.67B. 1.00C. 1.30D. 1.69E. 0.7518. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. Stock A has an expected return of 16.4%, a beta of 1.4 on factor 1 and a beta of .8 on factor 2. The risk premium on the factor 1 portfolio is 3%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. What is the risk-premium on factor 2 if no arbitrage opportunities exit?A. 2%B. 3%C. 4%D. 7.75%E. 6.89%19. Consider the multifactor model APT with two factors. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.75 on factor 1 and a beta of 1.25 on factor 2. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 1% and 7%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. The expected return on portfolio A is __________ if no arbitrage opportunities exist.A. 13.5%B. 15.0%C. 16.5%D. 23.0%E. 18.7%20. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 5% and 6%, respectively. Stock A has a beta of 1.2 on factor 1, and a beta of 0.7 on factor 2. The expected return on stock A is 17%. If no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return is ___________.A. 6.0%B. 6.5%C. 6.8%D. 7.4%E. 7.7%21. Consider a one-factor economy. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 on the factor and portfolio B has a beta of 2.0 on the factor. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 11% and 17%, respectively. Assume that the risk-free rate is 6% and that arbitrage opportunities exist. Suppose you invested $100,000 in the risk-free asset, $100,000 in portfolio B, and sold short $200,000 of portfolio A. Your expected profit from this strategy would be ______________.A. −$1,000B. $0C. $1,000D. $2,000E. $1,60022. Consider the one-factor APT. Assume that two portfolios, A and B, are well diversified. The betas of portfolios A and B are 1.0 and 1.5, respectively. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 19% and 24%, respectively. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return must be____________.A. 4.0%B. 9.0%C. 14.0%D. 16.5%E. 8.2%23. Consider the multifactor APT. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 5% and 3%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. Stock A has an expected return of 19% and a beta on factor 1 of 0.8. Stock A has a beta on factor 2 of ________.A. 1.33B. 1.50C. 1.67D. 2.00E. 1.7324. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolios A and B have expected returns of 14% and 18%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.7. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, portfolio B must have a beta of __________.A. 0.45B. 1.00C. 1.10D. 1.22E. 1.33There are three stocks, A, B, and C. You can either invest in these stocks or short sell them. There are three possible states of nature for economic growth in the upcoming year; economic growth may be strong, moderate, or weak. The returns for the upcoming year on stocks A, B, and C for each of these states of nature are given below:25. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and B, your portfolio return would be ___________ if economic growth were moderate.A. 3.0%B. 14.5%C. 15.5%D. 16.0%E. 17.0%26. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and C, your portfolio return would be ____________ if economic growth was strong.A. 17.0%B. 22.5%C. 30.0%D. 30.5%E. 25.6%27. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks B and C, your portfolio return would be _____________ if economic growth was weak.A. −2.5%B. 0.5%C. 3.0%D. 11.0%E. 9.0%28. If you wanted to take advantage of a risk-free arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in _________ and a long position in an equally weighted portfolio of _______.A. A; B and CB. B; A and CC. C; A and BD. A and B; CE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.Consider the multifactor APT. There are two independent economic factors, Fand1. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. The following information is available F2about two well-diversified portfolios:29. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor Fportfolio should be __________.1A. 3%B. 4%C. 5%D. 6%E. 2%30. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor Fportfolio should be ___________.2A. 3%B. 4%C. 5%D. 6%E. 2%31. A zero-investment portfolio with a positive expected return arises when _________.A. an investor has downside risk onlyB. the law of prices is not violatedC. the opportunity set is not tangent to the capital allocation lineD. a risk-free arbitrage opportunity existsE. a risk-free arbitrage opportunity does not exist32. An investor will take as large a position as possible when an equilibrium price relationship is violated. This is an example of _________.A. a dominance argumentB. the mean-variance efficiency frontierC. a risk-free arbitrageD. the capital asset pricing modelE. the SML33. The APT differs from the CAPM because the APT _________.A. places more emphasis on market riskB. minimizes the importance of diversificationC. recognizes multiple unsystematic risk factorsD. recognizes multiple systematic risk factorsE. places more emphasis on systematic risk34. The feature of the APT that offers the greatest potential advantage over the CAPM is the ______________.A. use of several factors instead of a single market index to explain the risk-return relationshipB. identification of anticipated changes in production, inflation, and term structure as key factors in explaining the risk-return relationshipC. superior measurement of the risk-free rate of return over historical time periodsD. variability of coefficients of sensitivity to the APT factors for a given asset over timeE. superior measurement of the risk-free rate of return over historical time periods and variability of coefficients of sensitivity to the APT factors for a given asset over time35. In terms of the risk/return relationship in the APTA. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium.B. only systematic risk is related to expected returns.C. only nonsystematic risk is related to expected returns.D. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium and only systematic risk is related to expected returns.E. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium and only nonsystematic risk is related to expected returns.36. The following factors might affect stock returns:A. the business cycle.B. interest rate fluctuations.C. inflation rates.D. the business cycle, interest rate fluctuations, and inflation rates.E. the relationship between past FRED spreads.37. Advantage(s) of the APT is(are)A. that the model provides specific guidance concerning the determination of the risk premiums on the factor portfolios.B. that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio.C. that risk need not be considered.D. that the model provides specific guidance concerning the determination of the risk premiums on the factor portfolios and that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio.E. that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio and that risk need not be considered.38. Portfolio A has expected return of 10% and standard deviation of 19%. Portfolio B has expected return of 12% and standard deviation of 17%. Rational investors willA. borrow at the risk free rate and buy A.B. sell A short and buy B.C. sell B short and buy A.D. borrow at the risk free rate and buy B.E. lend at the risk free rate and buy B.39. An important difference between CAPM and APT isA. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition.B. CAPM assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium; APT assumes a few large changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium.C. implications for prices derived from CAPM arguments are stronger than prices derived from APT arguments.D. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition, CAPM assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium; APT assumes a few large changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium, implications for prices derived from CAPM arguments are stronger than prices derived from APT arguments.E. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition and assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium.40. A professional who searches for mispriced securities in specific areas such as merger-target stocks, rather than one who seeks strict (risk-free) arbitrage opportunities is engaged inA. pure arbitrage.B. risk arbitrage.C. option arbitrage.D. equilibrium arbitrage.E. covered interest arbitrage.41. In the context of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, as a well-diversified portfolio becomes larger its nonsystematic risk approachesA. one.B. infinity.C. zero.D. negative one.E. None of these is correct.42. A well-diversified portfolio is defined asA. one that is diversified over a large enough number of securities that the nonsystematic variance is essentially zero.B. one that contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.C. a portfolio whose factor beta equals 1.0.D. a portfolio that is equally weighted.E. a portfolio that is equally weighted and contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.43. The APT requires a benchmark portfolioA. that is equal to the true market portfolio.B. that contains all securities in proportion to their market values.C. that need not be well-diversified.D. that is well-diversified and lies on the SML.E. that is unobservable.44. Imposing the no-arbitrage condition on a single-factor security market implies which of the following statements?I) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small number of well-diversified portfolios.II) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all well-diversified portfolios.III) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small number of individual securities.IV) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all individual securities.A. I and III are correct.B. I and IV are correct.C. II and III are correct.D. II and IV are correct.E. Only I is correct.45. Consider a well-diversified portfolio, A, in a two-factor economy. The risk-free rate is 6%, the risk premium on the first factor portfolio is 4% and the risk premium on the second factor portfolio is 3%. If portfolio A has a beta of 1.2 on the first factor and .8 on the second factor, what is its expected return?A. 7.0%B. 8.0%C. 9.2%D. 13.0%E. 13.2%46. The term "arbitrage" refers toA. buying low and selling high.B. short selling high and buying low.C. earning risk-free economic profits.D. negotiating for favorable brokerage fees.E. hedging your portfolio through the use of options.47. To take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, an investor wouldI) construct a zero investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.II) construct a zero beta investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit. III) make simultaneous trades in two markets without any net investment. IV) short sell the asset in the low-priced market and buy it in the high-priced market.A. I and IVB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. I, III, and IVE. II, III, and IV48. The factor F in the APT model representsA. firm-specific risk.B. the sensitivity of the firm to that factor.C. a factor that affects all security returns.D. the deviation from its expected value of a factor that affects all security returns.E. a random amount of return attributable to firm events.49. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(e) equal to 25% andi50 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 14.59%50. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(e) equal to 20% andi20 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 4.47%D. 3.54%E. 14.59%51. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an) equal to 20% and equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(ei40 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 3.16%52. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an) equal to 18% and equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of (ei250 securities?A. 1.14%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 3.16%53. Which of the following is true about the security market line (SML) derived from the APT?A. The SML has a downward slope.B. The SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation.C. The SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio.D. The benchmark portfolio for the SML may be any well-diversified portfolio.E. The SML is not relevant for the APT.54. Which of the following is false about the security market line (SML) derived from the APT?A. The SML has a downward slope.B. The SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation.C. The SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio.D. The benchmark portfolio for the SML may be any well-diversified portfolio.E. The SML has a downward slope, the SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation, and the SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio are all false.55. If arbitrage opportunities are to be ruled out, each well-diversified portfolio's expected excess return must beA. inversely proportional to the risk-free rate.B. inversely proportional to its standard deviation.C. proportional to its weight in the market portfolio.D. proportional to its standard deviation.E. proportional to its beta coefficient.56. Suppose you are working with two factor portfolios, Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2. The portfolios have expected returns of 15% and 6%, respectively. Based on this information, what would be the expected return on well-diversified portfolio A, if A has a beta of 0.80 on the first factor and 0.50 on the second factor? The risk-free rate is 3%.A. 15.2%B. 14.1%C. 13.3%D. 10.7%E. 8.4%57. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the APT?I) The Security Market Line does not apply to the APT.II) More than one factor can be important in determining returns.III) Almost all individual securities satisfy the APT relationship.IV) It doesn't rely on the market portfolio that contains all assets.A. II, III, and IVB. II and IVC. II and IIID. I, II, and IVE. I, II, III, and IV58. In a factor model, the return on a stock in a particular period will be related toA. factor risk.B. non-factor risk.C. standard deviation of returns.D. both factor risk and non-factor risk.E. There is no relationship between factor risk, risk premiums, and returns.59. Which of the following factors did Chen, Roll and Ross not include in their multifactor model?A. Change in industrial productionB. Change in expected inflationC. Change in unanticipated inflationD. Excess return of long-term government bonds over T-billsE. Neither the change in industrial production, change in expected inflation, change in unanticipated inflation, nor excess return of long-term government bonds over T-bills were included in their model.60. Which of the following factors did Chen, Roll and Ross include in their multifactor model?A. Change in industrial wasteB. Change in expected inflationC. Change in unanticipated inflationD. Change in expected inflation and Change in unanticipated inflationE. All of these factors were included in their model61. Which of the following factors were used by Fama and French in their multi-factor model?A. Return on the market index.B. Excess return of small stocks over large stocks.C. Excess return of high book-to-market stocks over low book-to-market stocks.D. All of these factors were included in their model.E. None of these factors were included in their model.62. Consider the single-factor APT. Stocks A and B have expected returns of 12% and 14%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. Stock B has a beta of 1.2. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, stock A has a beta of __________.A. 0.67B. 0.93C. 1.30D. 1.69E. 1.2763. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 19%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 12%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 1.58B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 0.76E. 1.4264. Black argues that past risk premiums on firm-characteristic variables, such as those described by Fama and French, are problematic because ________.A. they may result from data snoopingB. they are sources of systematic riskC. they can be explained by security characteristic linesD. they are more appropriate for a single-factor modelE. they are macroeconomic factors65. Multifactor models seek to improve the performance of the single-index model byA. modeling the systematic component of firm returns in greater detail.B. incorporating firm-specific components into the pricing model.C. allowing for multiple economic factors to have differential effects.D. modeling the systematic component of firm returns in greater detail, incorporating firm-specific components into the pricing model, and allowing for multiple economic factors to have differential effects.E. none of these statements are true.66. Multifactor models such as the one constructed by Chen, Roll, and Ross, can better describe assets' returns byA. expanding beyond one factor to represent sources of systematic risk.B. using variables that are easier to forecast ex ante.C. calculating beta coefficients by an alternative method.D. using only stocks with relatively stable returns.E. ignoring firm-specific risk.67. Consider the multifactor model APT with three factors. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.8 on factor 1, a beta of 1.1 on factor 2, and a beta of 1.25 on factor 3. The risk premiums on the factor 1, factor 2, and factor 3 are 3%, 5% and 2%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 3%. The expected return on portfolio A is __________ if no arbitrage opportunities exist.A. 13.5%B. 13.4%C. 16.5%D. 23.0%E. 11.6%68. Consider the multifactor APT. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 6% and 4%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 4%. Stock A has an expected return of 16% and a beta on factor 1 of 1.3. Stock A has a beta on factor 2 of ________.A. 1.33B. 1.05C. 1.67D. 2.00E. .9569. Consider a well-diversified portfolio, A, in a two-factor economy. The risk-free rate is 5%, the risk premium on the first factor portfolio is 4% and the risk premium on the second factor portfolio is 6%. If portfolio A has a beta of 0.6 on the first factor and 1.8 on the second factor, what is its expected return?A. 7.0%B. 8.0%C. 18.2%D. 13.0%E. 13.2%70. Consider a single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 2.0 and an expected return of 22%. Portfolio B has a beta of 1.5 and an expected return of 17%. The risk-free rate of return is 4%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _______.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. A; the riskless asset71. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.5 and an expected return of 12%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 13%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio _________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.72. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 9%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.25. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately__________.A. 3.6%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 14.1%E. 9.7%73. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 11%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.45. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately__________.A. 23.1%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 14.1%E. 11.4%74. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 22%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 14%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 0.80B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 1.57E. 67Short Answer Questions75. Discuss the advantages of arbitrage pricing theory (APT) over the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) relative to diversified portfolios.76. Discuss the advantages of the multifactor APT over the single factor APT and the CAPM. What is one shortcoming of the multifactor APT and how does this shortcoming compare to CAPM implications?77. Discuss arbitrage opportunities in the context of violations of the law of one price.78. Discuss the similarities and the differences between the CAPM and the APT with regard to the following factors: capital market equilibrium, assumptions about risk aversion, risk-return dominance, and the number of investors required to restore equilibrium.79. Security A has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of 12%. Security B hasa beta of 0.75 and an expected return of 11%. The risk-free rate is 6%. Explain the arbitrage opportunity that exists; explain how an investor can take advantage of it. Give specific details about how to form the portfolio, what to buy and what to sell.80. Name three variables that Chen, Roll, and Ross used to measure the impact of macroeconomic factors on security returns. Briefly explain the reasoning behind their model.。



Chapter 10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and ReturnMultiple Choice Questions1. ___________ a relationship between expected return and risk.A. APT stipulatesB. CAPM stipulatesC. Both CAPM and APT stipulateD. Neither CAPM nor APT stipulateE. No pricing model has found2. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. Stock A has an expected return of 17.6%, a beta of 1.45 on factor 1 and a beta of .86 on factor 2. The risk premium on the factor 1 portfolio is3.2%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. What is the risk-premium on factor 2 if no arbitrage opportunities exit?A. 9.26%B. 3%C. 4%D. 7.75%E. 9.75%3. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. factor sensitivitiesC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor betasE. both factor sensitivities and factor betas4. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. firm-specific riskC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor betasE. unique risk5. In a multi-factor APT model, the coefficients on the macro factors are often called ______.A. systemic riskB. firm-specific riskC. idiosyncratic riskD. factor loadingsE. unique risk6. Which pricing model provides no guidance concerning the determination of the risk premium on factor portfolios?A. The CAPMB. The multifactor APTC. Both the CAPM and the multifactor APTD. Neither the CAPM nor the multifactor APTE. No pricing model currently exists that provides guidance concerning the determination of the risk premium on any portfolio7. An arbitrage opportunity exists if an investor can construct a __________ investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.A. small positiveB. small negativeC. zeroD. large positiveE. large negative8. The APT was developed in 1976 by ____________.A. LintnerB. Modigliani and MillerC. RossD. SharpeE. Fama9. A _________ portfolio is a well-diversified portfolio constructed to havea beta of 1 on one of the factors and a beta of 0 on any other factor.A. factorB. marketC. indexD. factor and marketE. factor, market, and index10. The exploitation of security mispricing in such a way that risk-free economic profits may be earned is called ___________.A. arbitrageB. capital asset pricingC. factoringD. fundamental analysisE. technical analysis11. In developing the APT, Ross assumed that uncertainty in asset returns wasa result ofA. a common macroeconomic factor.B. firm-specific factors.C. pricing error.D. neither common macroeconomic factors nor firm-specific factors.E. both common macroeconomic factors and firm-specific factors.12. The ____________ provides an unequivocal statement on the expected return-beta relationship for all assets, whereas the _____________ implies that this relationship holds for all but perhaps a small number of securities.A. APT; CAPMB. APT; OPMC. CAPM; APTD. CAPM; OPME. APT and OPM; CAPM13. Consider a single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of 16%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 12%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _______.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. A; the riskless asset14. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of 13%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio _________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.15. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 6%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.1. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 3.6%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 10.1%E. 8.6%16. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 18%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 16%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 0.80B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 1.56E. 0.9317. Consider the single-factor APT. Stocks A and B have expected returns of 15% and 18%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. Stock B has a beta of 1.0. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, stock A has a beta of __________.A. 0.67B. 1.00C. 1.30D. 1.69E. 0.7518. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. Stock A has an expected return of 16.4%, a beta of 1.4 on factor 1 and a beta of .8 on factor 2. The risk premium on the factor 1 portfolio is 3%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. What is the risk-premium on factor 2 if no arbitrage opportunities exit?A. 2%B. 3%C. 4%D. 7.75%E. 6.89%19. Consider the multifactor model APT with two factors. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.75 on factor 1 and a beta of 1.25 on factor 2. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 1% and 7%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. The expected return on portfolio A is __________ if no arbitrage opportunities exist.A. 13.5%B. 15.0%C. 16.5%D. 23.0%E. 18.7%20. Consider the multifactor APT with two factors. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 5% and 6%, respectively. Stock A has a beta of 1.2 on factor 1, and a beta of 0.7 on factor 2. The expected return on stock A is 17%. If no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return is ___________.A. 6.0%B. 6.5%C. 6.8%D. 7.4%E. 7.7%21. Consider a one-factor economy. Portfolio A has a beta of 1.0 on the factor and portfolio B has a beta of 2.0 on the factor. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 11% and 17%, respectively. Assume that the risk-free rate is 6% and that arbitrage opportunities exist. Suppose you invested $100,000 in the risk-free asset, $100,000 in portfolio B, and sold short $200,000 of portfolio A. Your expected profit from this strategy would be ______________.A. −$1,000B. $0C. $1,000D. $2,000E. $1,60022. Consider the one-factor APT. Assume that two portfolios, A and B, are well diversified. The betas of portfolios A and B are 1.0 and 1.5, respectively. The expected returns on portfolios A and B are 19% and 24%, respectively. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk-free rate of return must be____________.A. 4.0%B. 9.0%C. 14.0%D. 16.5%E. 8.2%23. Consider the multifactor APT. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 5% and 3%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. Stock A has an expected return of 19% and a beta on factor 1 of 0.8. Stock A has a beta on factor 2 of ________.A. 1.33B. 1.50C. 1.67D. 2.00E. 1.7324. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolios A and B have expected returns of 14% and 18%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 7%. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.7. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, portfolio B must have a beta of __________.A. 0.45B. 1.00C. 1.10D. 1.22E. 1.33There are three stocks, A, B, and C. You can either invest in these stocks or short sell them. There are three possible states of nature for economic growth in the upcoming year; economic growth may be strong, moderate, or weak. The returns for the upcoming year on stocks A, B, and C for each of these states of nature are given below:25. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and B, your portfolio return would be ___________ if economic growth were moderate.A. 3.0%B. 14.5%C. 15.5%D. 16.0%E. 17.0%26. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks A and C, your portfolio return would be ____________ if economic growth was strong.A. 17.0%B. 22.5%C. 30.0%D. 30.5%E. 25.6%27. If you invested in an equally weighted portfolio of stocks B and C, your portfolio return would be _____________ if economic growth was weak.A. −2.5%B. 0.5%C. 3.0%D. 11.0%E. 9.0%28. If you wanted to take advantage of a risk-free arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in _________ and a long position in an equally weighted portfolio of _______.A. A; B and CB. B; A and CC. C; A and BD. A and B; CE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.Consider the multifactor APT. There are two independent economic factors, Fand1. The risk-free rate of return is 6%. The following information is available F2about two well-diversified portfolios:29. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor Fportfolio should be __________.1A. 3%B. 4%C. 5%D. 6%E. 2%30. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities exist, the risk premium on the factor Fportfolio should be ___________.2A. 3%B. 4%C. 5%D. 6%E. 2%31. A zero-investment portfolio with a positive expected return arises when _________.A. an investor has downside risk onlyB. the law of prices is not violatedC. the opportunity set is not tangent to the capital allocation lineD. a risk-free arbitrage opportunity existsE. a risk-free arbitrage opportunity does not exist32. An investor will take as large a position as possible when an equilibrium price relationship is violated. This is an example of _________.A. a dominance argumentB. the mean-variance efficiency frontierC. a risk-free arbitrageD. the capital asset pricing modelE. the SML33. The APT differs from the CAPM because the APT _________.A. places more emphasis on market riskB. minimizes the importance of diversificationC. recognizes multiple unsystematic risk factorsD. recognizes multiple systematic risk factorsE. places more emphasis on systematic risk34. The feature of the APT that offers the greatest potential advantage over the CAPM is the ______________.A. use of several factors instead of a single market index to explain the risk-return relationshipB. identification of anticipated changes in production, inflation, and term structure as key factors in explaining the risk-return relationshipC. superior measurement of the risk-free rate of return over historical time periodsD. variability of coefficients of sensitivity to the APT factors for a given asset over timeE. superior measurement of the risk-free rate of return over historical time periods and variability of coefficients of sensitivity to the APT factors for a given asset over time35. In terms of the risk/return relationship in the APTA. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium.B. only systematic risk is related to expected returns.C. only nonsystematic risk is related to expected returns.D. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium and only systematic risk is related to expected returns.E. only factor risk commands a risk premium in market equilibrium and only nonsystematic risk is related to expected returns.36. The following factors might affect stock returns:A. the business cycle.B. interest rate fluctuations.C. inflation rates.D. the business cycle, interest rate fluctuations, and inflation rates.E. the relationship between past FRED spreads.37. Advantage(s) of the APT is(are)A. that the model provides specific guidance concerning the determination of the risk premiums on the factor portfolios.B. that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio.C. that risk need not be considered.D. that the model provides specific guidance concerning the determination of the risk premiums on the factor portfolios and that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio.E. that the model does not require a specific benchmark market portfolio and that risk need not be considered.38. Portfolio A has expected return of 10% and standard deviation of 19%. Portfolio B has expected return of 12% and standard deviation of 17%. Rational investors willA. borrow at the risk free rate and buy A.B. sell A short and buy B.C. sell B short and buy A.D. borrow at the risk free rate and buy B.E. lend at the risk free rate and buy B.39. An important difference between CAPM and APT isA. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition.B. CAPM assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium; APT assumes a few large changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium.C. implications for prices derived from CAPM arguments are stronger than prices derived from APT arguments.D. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition, CAPM assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium; APT assumes a few large changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium, implications for prices derived from CAPM arguments are stronger than prices derived from APT arguments.E. CAPM depends on risk-return dominance; APT depends on a no arbitrage condition and assumes many small changes are required to bring the market back to equilibrium.40. A professional who searches for mispriced securities in specific areas such as merger-target stocks, rather than one who seeks strict (risk-free) arbitrage opportunities is engaged inA. pure arbitrage.B. risk arbitrage.C. option arbitrage.D. equilibrium arbitrage.E. covered interest arbitrage.41. In the context of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, as a well-diversified portfolio becomes larger its nonsystematic risk approachesA. one.B. infinity.C. zero.D. negative one.E. None of these is correct.42. A well-diversified portfolio is defined asA. one that is diversified over a large enough number of securities that the nonsystematic variance is essentially zero.B. one that contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.C. a portfolio whose factor beta equals 1.0.D. a portfolio that is equally weighted.E. a portfolio that is equally weighted and contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.43. The APT requires a benchmark portfolioA. that is equal to the true market portfolio.B. that contains all securities in proportion to their market values.C. that need not be well-diversified.D. that is well-diversified and lies on the SML.E. that is unobservable.44. Imposing the no-arbitrage condition on a single-factor security market implies which of the following statements?I) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small number of well-diversified portfolios.II) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all well-diversified portfolios.III) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all but a small number of individual securities.IV) the expected return-beta relationship is maintained for all individual securities.A. I and III are correct.B. I and IV are correct.C. II and III are correct.D. II and IV are correct.E. Only I is correct.45. Consider a well-diversified portfolio, A, in a two-factor economy. The risk-free rate is 6%, the risk premium on the first factor portfolio is 4% and the risk premium on the second factor portfolio is 3%. If portfolio A has a beta of 1.2 on the first factor and .8 on the second factor, what is its expected return?A. 7.0%B. 8.0%C. 9.2%D. 13.0%E. 13.2%46. The term "arbitrage" refers toA. buying low and selling high.B. short selling high and buying low.C. earning risk-free economic profits.D. negotiating for favorable brokerage fees.E. hedging your portfolio through the use of options.47. To take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, an investor wouldI) construct a zero investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit.II) construct a zero beta investment portfolio that will yield a sure profit. III) make simultaneous trades in two markets without any net investment. IV) short sell the asset in the low-priced market and buy it in the high-priced market.A. I and IVB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. I, III, and IVE. II, III, and IV48. The factor F in the APT model representsA. firm-specific risk.B. the sensitivity of the firm to that factor.C. a factor that affects all security returns.D. the deviation from its expected value of a factor that affects all security returns.E. a random amount of return attributable to firm events.49. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(e) equal to 25% andi50 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 14.59%50. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(e) equal to 20% andi20 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 4.47%D. 3.54%E. 14.59%51. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an) equal to 20% and equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of σ(ei40 securities?A. 12.5%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 3.16%52. In the APT model, what is the nonsystematic standard deviation of an) equal to 18% and equally-weighted portfolio that has an average value of (ei250 securities?A. 1.14%B. 625%C. 0.5%D. 3.54%E. 3.16%53. Which of the following is true about the security market line (SML) derived from the APT?A. The SML has a downward slope.B. The SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation.C. The SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio.D. The benchmark portfolio for the SML may be any well-diversified portfolio.E. The SML is not relevant for the APT.54. Which of the following is false about the security market line (SML) derived from the APT?A. The SML has a downward slope.B. The SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation.C. The SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio.D. The benchmark portfolio for the SML may be any well-diversified portfolio.E. The SML has a downward slope, the SML for the APT shows expected return in relation to portfolio standard deviation, and the SML for the APT has an intercept equal to the expected return on the market portfolio are all false.55. If arbitrage opportunities are to be ruled out, each well-diversified portfolio's expected excess return must beA. inversely proportional to the risk-free rate.B. inversely proportional to its standard deviation.C. proportional to its weight in the market portfolio.D. proportional to its standard deviation.E. proportional to its beta coefficient.56. Suppose you are working with two factor portfolios, Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2. The portfolios have expected returns of 15% and 6%, respectively. Based on this information, what would be the expected return on well-diversified portfolio A, if A has a beta of 0.80 on the first factor and 0.50 on the second factor? The risk-free rate is 3%.A. 15.2%B. 14.1%C. 13.3%D. 10.7%E. 8.4%57. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the APT?I) The Security Market Line does not apply to the APT.II) More than one factor can be important in determining returns.III) Almost all individual securities satisfy the APT relationship.IV) It doesn't rely on the market portfolio that contains all assets.A. II, III, and IVB. II and IVC. II and IIID. I, II, and IVE. I, II, III, and IV58. In a factor model, the return on a stock in a particular period will be related toA. factor risk.B. non-factor risk.C. standard deviation of returns.D. both factor risk and non-factor risk.E. There is no relationship between factor risk, risk premiums, and returns.59. Which of the following factors did Chen, Roll and Ross not include in their multifactor model?A. Change in industrial productionB. Change in expected inflationC. Change in unanticipated inflationD. Excess return of long-term government bonds over T-billsE. Neither the change in industrial production, change in expected inflation, change in unanticipated inflation, nor excess return of long-term government bonds over T-bills were included in their model.60. Which of the following factors did Chen, Roll and Ross include in their multifactor model?A. Change in industrial wasteB. Change in expected inflationC. Change in unanticipated inflationD. Change in expected inflation and Change in unanticipated inflationE. All of these factors were included in their model61. Which of the following factors were used by Fama and French in their multi-factor model?A. Return on the market index.B. Excess return of small stocks over large stocks.C. Excess return of high book-to-market stocks over low book-to-market stocks.D. All of these factors were included in their model.E. None of these factors were included in their model.62. Consider the single-factor APT. Stocks A and B have expected returns of 12% and 14%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. Stock B has a beta of 1.2. If arbitrage opportunities are ruled out, stock A has a beta of __________.A. 0.67B. 0.93C. 1.30D. 1.69E. 1.2763. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 19%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 12%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 1.58B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 0.76E. 1.4264. Black argues that past risk premiums on firm-characteristic variables, such as those described by Fama and French, are problematic because ________.A. they may result from data snoopingB. they are sources of systematic riskC. they can be explained by security characteristic linesD. they are more appropriate for a single-factor modelE. they are macroeconomic factors65. Multifactor models seek to improve the performance of the single-index model byA. modeling the systematic component of firm returns in greater detail.B. incorporating firm-specific components into the pricing model.C. allowing for multiple economic factors to have differential effects.D. modeling the systematic component of firm returns in greater detail, incorporating firm-specific components into the pricing model, and allowing for multiple economic factors to have differential effects.E. none of these statements are true.66. Multifactor models such as the one constructed by Chen, Roll, and Ross, can better describe assets' returns byA. expanding beyond one factor to represent sources of systematic risk.B. using variables that are easier to forecast ex ante.C. calculating beta coefficients by an alternative method.D. using only stocks with relatively stable returns.E. ignoring firm-specific risk.67. Consider the multifactor model APT with three factors. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.8 on factor 1, a beta of 1.1 on factor 2, and a beta of 1.25 on factor 3. The risk premiums on the factor 1, factor 2, and factor 3 are 3%, 5% and 2%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 3%. The expected return on portfolio A is __________ if no arbitrage opportunities exist.A. 13.5%B. 13.4%C. 16.5%D. 23.0%E. 11.6%68. Consider the multifactor APT. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 6% and 4%, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 4%. Stock A has an expected return of 16% and a beta on factor 1 of 1.3. Stock A has a beta on factor 2 of ________.A. 1.33B. 1.05C. 1.67D. 2.00E. .9569. Consider a well-diversified portfolio, A, in a two-factor economy. The risk-free rate is 5%, the risk premium on the first factor portfolio is 4% and the risk premium on the second factor portfolio is 6%. If portfolio A has a beta of 0.6 on the first factor and 1.8 on the second factor, what is its expected return?A. 7.0%B. 8.0%C. 18.2%D. 13.0%E. 13.2%70. Consider a single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 2.0 and an expected return of 22%. Portfolio B has a beta of 1.5 and an expected return of 17%. The risk-free rate of return is 4%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _______.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. A; the riskless asset71. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio A has a beta of 0.5 and an expected return of 12%. Portfolio B has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 13%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio _________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. A; AB. A; BC. B; AD. B; BE. No arbitrage opportunity exists.72. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 9%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.25. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately__________.A. 3.6%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 14.1%E. 9.7%73. Consider the one-factor APT. The variance of returns on the factor portfolio is 11%. The beta of a well-diversified portfolio on the factor is 1.45. The variance of returns on the well-diversified portfolio is approximately__________.A. 23.1%B. 6.0%C. 7.3%D. 14.1%E. 11.4%74. Consider the one-factor APT. The standard deviation of returns on a well-diversified portfolio is 22%. The standard deviation on the factor portfolio is 14%. The beta of the well-diversified portfolio is approximately __________.A. 0.80B. 1.13C. 1.25D. 1.57E. 67Short Answer Questions75. Discuss the advantages of arbitrage pricing theory (APT) over the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) relative to diversified portfolios.76. Discuss the advantages of the multifactor APT over the single factor APT and the CAPM. What is one shortcoming of the multifactor APT and how does this shortcoming compare to CAPM implications?77. Discuss arbitrage opportunities in the context of violations of the law of one price.78. Discuss the similarities and the differences between the CAPM and the APT with regard to the following factors: capital market equilibrium, assumptions about risk aversion, risk-return dominance, and the number of investors required to restore equilibrium.79. Security A has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of 12%. Security B hasa beta of 0.75 and an expected return of 11%. The risk-free rate is 6%. Explain the arbitrage opportunity that exists; explain how an investor can take advantage of it. Give specific details about how to form the portfolio, what to buy and what to sell.80. Name three variables that Chen, Roll, and Ross used to measure the impact of macroeconomic factors on security returns. Briefly explain the reasoning behind their model.。



Chapter 1 The Investment Environment 1.What is a real asset?Real assets are used to produce goods and services. Real assets consist of land, labor, and buildings. These generate income to the economy and determine both the material wealth and productive capacity of the economy. Additionally, real assets appear on only one side of the balance sheet.2.What is a financial asset?Financial assets are claims on real assets and income from them. Financial assets consist of stocks and bonds. These contribute indirectly to the productive capacity of the economy. Additionally, financial assets appear on both sides of the balance sheet.3.What is consumption timing and why is it important? Consumption timing allows flexibility between earnings and spending. Therefore, when we are younger and we can consume more than we earn by borrowing money to by homes and automobiles. As we age, we can invest to so that we can retire someday and live off of our prior earnings. Financial assets4.What is allocation of risk and why is it important?Allocation of risk is creating assets with various degrees of risk. This enables firms to raise capital and also gives investors a choice of assets with various risk levels from which to choose5.What is separation of ownership and why is it important?The separation of ownership and management is important. Unlike a sole proprietorship where the owners are the managers, owners of corporations are stockholders. Stockholders elect the broad of directors that hires the management team. The objective that all owners can agree to is for management to maximize the value of the firm (share price).6.What are the three sectors of the economy and what is theirprimary need?A. Firms are typically net borrowers as they seek to expand the firm and require resources to take on valuable projects.B. Households are typically net savers as they seek to use consumption timing to plan for longer-term financial requirements such as educating their children and investing for retirement. As such, they are interested in risk and after tax returns of investments.C. Governments are typically net borrowers but their needs depend on the current relationship between tax receipts and expenditures7.List and explain four important functions that financialintermediates perform.Financial intermediaries connect borrowers and lenders. Financial intermediaries are able to sell their own securities and invest in the liabilities of other firms. As such they can:A. pool resources to spread management costs over an larger base which reduces costs to an individual investor.B. diversify investments by being able to invest in more securities.C. develop expertise through the increased volume of business that they do.D. achieve economies of scale by being spread research costs over the pool.]8.What is securitization and why is it important?Securitization allows borrowers to enter capital markets directly. Loans are arranged into pass-through securities (such as mortgage pool) and investors can invest in securities backed by those pools9.List and briefly explain five ways an investor can globallydiversityA primary market transaction is where securities are initially issued. Thus, the issuing firm receives the money and delivers the securities. The secondary market is where existing securities are traded. Thus, the firm that originally issued the securities receives no proceeds from the transaction. The individual selling the securities receives the money and delivers the securities while the individual buying the securities delivers the money 10.The four types of markets where trading takes place are listedbelow.A. Direct search markets. In direct search markets buyers and sellers must find each other. These markets are characterized by sporadic trading and low-priced non-standard goods such as refrigerator or sofas.B. Brokered markets. In markets that have active trading, brokers find it profitable to offer search services to buyers and seller. One example of this is real estate.C. Dealer market. In dealer markets, the dealers specialize by buying and selling for their own account. Dealers profit from the difference between their buying price and selling price (bid-ask spread). The OTC market is a dealer market.D. Auction market. In an auction market, such as the NYSE, all tradersconverge in one place to buy or sell an asset. Auction markets require heavy trading to make them efficient.11.The five ways for investors to globally diversify portfolio arelisted and discussed below.A.Investors can purchase American Depository Receipts (ADR=s) whichare a certificate that is denominated in dollars and represents a claim ona bundle of stock.B.Investors can purchase directly purchase foreign securities offered forsale in dollars.C.Investors can purchase international mutual funds that invest ininternational securities.D.Investors can purchase derivatives on foreign securities.E.Investors can purchase World Equity Benchmark Shares (WEBS) whichuse the same structure as an ADR but allow an investor to tradeportfolios of foreign stocks in a selected country.Chapter 2 Financial Instruments1.The price quotations of Treasury bonds in the Wall Street Journalshow an ask price of 101:12 and a bid price of 101:07.A. As a buyer of the bond what is the dollar price you expect to pay?B. As a seller of the bond what is the dollar price you expect to receive?A. You would pay the ask price of the dealer, 10112/32 or 101.375% of$10,000, or $10,137.50.B. You would receive the bid price of the dealer, 1017/32 or 101.21875% of$10,000, or $10,121.875.2.An investor is considering the purchase of either a municipal or acorporate bond that pay before tax rates of return of 6.92% and9.67%, respectively. If the investor is in the 25% marginal taxbracket, his or her after tax rates of return on the municipal and corporate bonds would be_________ and _________,respectively.Corporate bonds are taxable, therefore the after tax return would ber c=0.0967(1-0.25) =0.0725 or 7.25%. Since municipal bonds are free of federal tax the after tax return is equal to the before tax rate of return r m=0.0692(1-0) =6.92%.3. A 6.25% 25-year municipal bond is currently priced to yield8.7%. For a taxpayer in the 25% marginal tax bracket, this bondwould offer an equivalent taxable yield of __________.The equivalent taxable yield is the yield divided by the quantity one minus the tax rate or r m/ (1-t). Therefore, 0.087/0.75=11.6%.4.If three stocks comprise an index and the returns on the threestocks during a given period were 17%, -13%, and 6%, whatwould be the geometric return of the index?To compute a geometric average, add one to each of the returns and multiply each of the terms to find the geometric sum. To find the geometric average, the geometric sum is raised to 1/n and then one is subtracted. Therefore, the geometric mean is [(1.17) (0.87) (1.06)]1/3-1=2.566%.5.In order for you to be indifferent between the after tax returns ona corporate bond paying 8.15% and a tax-exempt municipalbond paying 6.32%, what would you tax bracket need to be? For you to be indifferent, the after tax returns would need to be equal. Since only the corporate bond is taxed, r c(1-t)= r m. Therefore,0.0632=0.0815(1-t), (1-t) =0.77546, and t=0.2245 or 22.45%.6. A $1,000 face value bond pays annual coupon payments of $65and is currently priced at $967. The current yield of the bond is __________.The current yield is annual interest divided by the current price ($65/$967) = 6.72%.pare the after tax return to a corporation that buys a share ofpreferred stock at the beginning of the year for $65, receives a dividend of $4.50 during the year, and sells the stock at the end of the year for $65. The corporation is in the 30% tax bracket.Answer the questions below based on the information given in the following table.Stock Price Number of shares outstandingStock A $35 2,000Stock B $82 4,500Stock C $21 1,600The total before tax income is the $4.50 dividend. Since the firm can exclude 70% of the dividend from tax, the firm must pay tax on 30% of the dividend, or ($4.50×0.30) =$1.35. Since the firm is in the 30% tax bracket the taxliability is $1.35×0.30=0.405. Therefore, the firm nets (after tax)$4.50-0.41=4.09. Since the firm experienced no capital gain (or loss), the after tax return is $4.09/$65 = 0.06292 or 6.29%.8.The price-weighted index constructed with the three stocks is__________.A price weighted index is constructed by adding the prices of the securities and dividing by the number of securities in the index ($35 + $82 + $21)/3 = $46.9.The value-weighted index constructed with the three stocksusing a divisor of 1,000 is __________.A value-weighted index is computed by first computing the market value of each stock (price time the number of shares outstanding). Once each market value is computed, add the market values together and divide by the divisor. In this case it is [($35×2,000) + ($82×4,500) +($21×1,600)]/1,000 = 472.60.10.Assume that the return on stocks A, B, and C (above) during theyear were 18%, -6%, and 30%, respectively.A.The return of the price-weighted index would be__________.B.The return of the value-weighted index would be__________.C.The arithmetic return of the equally weighted index wouldbe__________.A. To compute the return of the price-weighted index you need to find the new prices of the stocks and then compute the average as follows:Stock A = [$35×(1.18)] = $41.30Stock A = [$82×(0.94)] = $77.08Stock A = [$21×(1.30)] = $27.30Average = (41.30 + 77.08 +27.30)/3 = $48.56.The change in the index value (return) is (48.56 - 46)/46 = 5.565%.B. To compute the return of the value-weighted index you need to use the new prices to find the new value of the index. The return will be the change in the value of the index. In this case the new value is [($41.30×2,000) + ($77.08×4,500) + ($27.30×1,600)]/1,000 = 473.14. The old value is [($35×2,000) + ($82×4,500) + ($21×1,600)]/1,000 = 472.60. Therefore, the return is (473.14 – 472.60)/472.60 = 0.11%.C. The return of an equally weighted index is the sum of the return of eachsecurity in the index divided by the number of securities or [18% + (-6%) + 30%]/3 = 14%.Chapter 3 Security Markets1.Assume you purchased 400 shares of IBM common stock onmargin at $85 per share from your broker. If the initial margin is 60%, how much did you borrow from the broker?If you bought 400 shares@ $85/share, the cost is 400*$85=$34,000. Of this you invested $34,000*0.6=20,400 and borrowed$34,000*(1-0.6)=$13,600.2.You sold short 350 shares of common stock at $42 per share. Theinitial margin is 60%. Your initial investment was___________.If you sold short 350 share@ $42/share the proceeds are350*$42=$14,700. With a margin of 60% you must invest$14,700*0.6=$8,820.3.You purchased 1,000 shares of Cisco common stock on margin at$18 per share. Assume the initial margin is 50% and themaintenance margin is 30%. Below what stock price level would you get a margin call? Assume the stock pays no dividend; ignore interest on margin.If you purchased 1,000 shares@ $18/share the cost is$18*1,000=$18,000. Of this you must invest 50% and can borrow 50%.Therefore, the loan amount is $18,000*0.5=$9,000. Margin=[1,000P-$9,000]/1,000P.Therefore, 0.30 = (1,00P-$9,000)/1,000P; 300P=1,000P-$9,000;-700P=-$9,000; P=$12.864.You purchased 600 shares of common stock on margin at $27 pershare. Assume the initial margin is 50% and the stock pays nodividend. What would the maintenance margin be if a margin call is made at a stock price of $22? Ignore interest on margin.If you purchased 600 shares@ $27/share the cost is $27*600=$16,200.Therefore, you invest 50% and borrowed the other 50% of the amount.The loan amount is 16,200*0.5=%8,100.Margin = [600*$22-$8,100]/ 600*$22; Margin = 0.386 or 38.6%.5.You purchased 200 shares of common stock on margin at $35 pershare. Assume the initial margin is 50% and the stock pays no dividend. What would your rate of return be if you sell the stock at price of $45.50 per share? Ignore interest on margin.The initial investment is 200*$35*0.50=$3,500. The change in value of the stock is ($45.50-$35)*200 = $2,100. Therefore, the return =$2,000/$3,500 = 60%.6.Assume you sell short 100 shares of common stock at $30 pershare, with initial margin at 50% and the stock pays no dividend.What would your rate of return if you repurchase the stock at $37/share? The stock paid no dividends during the period, and you did not remove any money from the account before making the offsetting transaction.The profit on the stock is = ($30-$37)*100 = -$700. The initialinvestment is $100*0.30*0.5=1,500. Therefore, the return is-$700/$1,500 = -46.67%.7.You sold short 200 shares of common stock at $30 per share. Theinitial margin at 50%. At what stock price would you receive a margin call if the maintenance margin is 35%.The amount in your account is 200*$50*1.5 = $15,000 and you owe 200 shares of stock. Therefore your net equity is $15,000-200P.Margin = net equity/amount you owe or 0.35 = ($15,000 -200P)/200P.Rearranging, $70 = $15,000 – 200P; 270P=$15,000; P = $55.55.8.Assume you sold short 100 shares of common stock at $25 pershare. The initial margin at 50%. What would be themaintenance margin if a margin call is made at a stock price of $30?The amount your account is $25*100*1.5 = $3,750 and you owe 100 shares of stock. Therefore your net equity is $3,750-100P.Margin = net equity/amount you owe or 0.35 = ($3,750-100*$30)/100*$30=25%..Rearranging, $70 = $15,000 – 200P; 270P=$15,000; P = $55.55.9.You want to purchase AMAT stock at $42 from your broker usingas little of your own money as possible. If initial margin is 50% and you have $2,700 to invest, how many shares can you buy?The margin is 50% or = 0.5 = ($42Q - $2,700)/$42Q. Therefore, $21Q = $42Q - $2,700.Rearranging, -$21Q = -$2,700; Q = 128.54. Since you can only buy whole shares, you can buy 128 shares. Alternatively, you can buy[$2,700*2]/$42 = 128. 57 shares.10.You buy 150 shares of Citicorp for $25 per share and depositinitial margin of 50%. The next day Citicorp's price drop to $20 per share. What is your actual margin?The actual margin (AT) is AM = [150*$20-0.5*150*25]/[150*$20] =0.375 or 37.5%.Chapter 4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies1. A mutual fund had NAV per share of $14.25 on January 1, 2003.On December 31 of the same year the fund's NAV was $14.87.Income distributions were $0.59 and the fund had capital gain distributions of $1.36. Without considering taxes andtransactions costs, what rate of return did an investor receive on the fund last year?The return is calculated by finding the change in value of the investment divided by the price. The change in value is the capital gain (whether realized or not) plus the sum of all distributions. Therefore,Return= ($14.87 -14.25 + 0.59 + 1.36)/ $14.25 = 18.04%.2. A mutual fund had NAV per share of $16.25 on January 1, 2003.On December 31 of the same year the fund's rate of return was14.2%. Income distributions were $1.02 and the fund had capitalgain distributions of $0.63. Without considering taxes andtransactions costs, what ending NAV would you calculate?The return is equals the capital gain plus the all distributions divided by the investment. Therefore, 0.142 = (P - $16.25 + 1.02 + 0.63)/$16.25;P = $16.9075.3. A mutual fund had year-end assets of $316,000,000 andliabilities of $42,000,000. If the fund's NVA was $28.64, how many shares must have been held in the fund?The number of shares equals the assets minus the liabilities divided by the NAV. Therefore, ($316,000,000 - $42,000,000)/$28.64 =9,567,039.106 shares.4. A mutual fund had year-end assets of $750,000,000 andliabilities of $8,000,000. There were 40,750,000 shares in the fund at year end. What was the mutual fund's Net Asset Value?NAV equals assets minus liabilities divided by the number of shares.Therefore, ($750,000,000 – 8,000,000)/40,750,000 = $18.21.5. A mutual fund had average daily assets of $1.8 billion on 2003.The fund sold $625 million worth of stock and purchased $900 million worth of stock during the year. The fund's turnover ratio is ___________.Turnover is the value of securities sold divided by the average assets of the fund. Therefore, 625,000,000/1,800,000,000 = 34.7%.6.You purchased shares of a mutual fund at a price of $18 per shareat the beginning of the year and paid a front-end load of 5.75%.If the securities in which the fund invested increased in value by 12% during the year, and the fund's expense ratio was 0.75%, your return of you sold the fund at the end of the year would be _______.Since the fund has a front-end load, only (1-load) (or 0.9425) times NAV(18) is actually invested and growing. The money invested will grow at12% minus the 0.75% fees (or 11.25%). Therefore, [($18)(0.9425)(1.12-0.075) - $18]/$18 = 4.85% return.7.Apex fund has a NAV of 16.12 and a front load of 5.62%. What isthe offer price?The offer price equals NAV divided by one minus load. Therefore, $16.12 / (1 – 0.0562) = $17.08.8.Exponential growth fund has an offer price of 14.77 and a load of6%. What is the NAV?The offer price times on minus load equals NAV. Therefore, NAV equals $14.77 (0.94) = $13.889. A fund owns only three stocks with prices and quantities shownbelow. The fund has 50,000 shares outstanding. If the fund has $47,000 in liabilities, its NAV is________.Stock Price Number of shares outstandingStock A $35 2,000Stock B $82 4,500Stock C $21 1,600The value of assets is [($35?2,000) + ($82?4,500) + ($21?1.600)] = $472,600. Since NAV is asset minus liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding, NAV = ($472,600 - $47,000)/50,000 = $8.5110.You have decided to invest $10,000 in the Pinnacle fund. Overthe long haul, the Pinnacle fund is expected to earn a return of10.25% on the portfolio (gross of fees). However, Pinnacle fundoffers several classes of funds. Therefore, you can choose to paya front load of 5% and escape 12-b1 fees or you can avoid theload fee by paying 12-b1 fees of 0.75%. If you investmenthorizon is 16 years, which should you choose?Since both strategies have a claim on the same portfolio of securities, you need to compute you expected terminal wealth under each strategy.The terminal wealth in the no-load fund would be the initial investment ($10,000) times one plus the net rate of return (return minus 12-b1 fee) or 1.095 raised to the N number of years (16). Therefore, 10,00(1.095)16 = $42,719.48.The terminal wealth in the front-end load fund would be the initialinvestment in the portfolio ($10,000) (1-load) times on plus the rate of return or 1.1025 raised to the N number of years (16). Therefore,9,500(1.1025)16= $45,266.94.In this case, you would be better off with the load-end fund.———大猫。

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