计算机英语小演讲 原创

关于计算机的英语演讲稿篇一:关于计算机的英语演讲稿篇一:计算机英文演讲稿in a word, we must grasp the positive effects and make full use of them. that is all. thank you!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊some influences on our study and life:all transactions ,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and all information, from train schedules to discount—price goods, will be obtained by clicking on the modem.4. we can get access to interesting knowledge and the latest data we need .can keep up with the time6. make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines at times. today , i would like to talk about one of the most popular instant messaging software---weixin. obviously , weixin posseses a large market among teenagers like us. but with the number of users increasing largely and the social circle extending constantly, security problem seems very important.so ,here are some practical tips that may help.1, use the reporting mechanism. if you are harried by fraud information or something boring, then you can take advantage of the reporting function to report the malicious user. weixin will help you solve the user id.careful with sensitive messages. when chating with your friends, if your topic is related to sensitive terms such as “online bank”, weixin will remind you , please check the identity of the other one by using the voice or video function.i hope the simple tips above will help you to enjoy the fun of weixin more safely.篇二:关于计算机的英语演讲稿in a word, we must grasp the positive effects and make full use of them. that is all. thank you!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊 some influences on our study and life: all transactions ,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically andall information, from train schedules to discount —price goods, will be obtained byclicking on the modem.4. we can get access to interesting knowledge andthe latest data we need .can keep up with the time6. make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines at the background color background color is so important that i must mention it separately white non whitewarm colorcold colorpicturemulti-color systemdetermine the dominant color, then select two to three colors as assistant color,to make color blocks. single-color systembased on dominant color, make differences amongdifferent color blocks throughchanging the saturation and brightness levels of the dominantcolor matching reference website: flat ui colors colorscheme designer: it is for more high-end color matching usecolor blockshape: structure should be as simple as possible dos: simple and regular shape polygon had better not exceed six sides, otherwise, people’ attention willmoveto the side of the polygonpattern: three removeremove the highlight effectremove the shadow effectremove the gradient effect sizethe size of the color block depend on its content, we must leave proper blankspace, if not, like this one, it seems to say i cant breathe, it is hard to thinkanymore.this is not appropriate iconicon extraction is an artuse of icon is not optional: it helps audience understand what you present, let them know the direction of the speech content. it will give audience a good impressionif we make good use of it.icon is as important as the title if we add an icon, sometimes icon is moreconcerned by people because of our visual habit. for example, we will know this one means upload something under the cloudenvironment or related matters even if someone cannot understand english. extract the icon from thetitle or a certain term from the article is correct in most cases. like these:however, we can do better sometimes. like this one, if we want to express the numbers of farmers in a certain area, the second icon is more suitable than the firstone. do it by yourself, yes, you read that rightplease use the following functions skillfully in powerpoint arrange: bring to front, send to back, bring forward, send you find an icon that is very suitable except its color, there is a method, turn it to white,adjust the icon’s brightness level to 100%use color and corrections function in the powerpoint to change the color andpattern of theclear writingtwo kinds of font in the whole pptsmall strokes font should be set big enough that it can be seen clearly underthe condition of using aprojector. main body, small character: use slender font in order to watch softly and easierto accepted by audience title, big character: use bold font, make it more powerfulthe most widely used: black and white, it is ok, but pay attention to the color consistency with the whole color set of the page. for other colors, if you want to emphasize something, it is a good choice to usecontrast color, however, pay attention to dont dazzle audience’s eyes. beharmonious.whole pagelarge arearectangle: square or rectangle篇四:关于机器人的英语演讲稿 robotics is the science and technology and application of robots. stories ofartificial helpers and attempts to create them has a long history and is the basisof much science fiction. robots are generally used to help with jobs that are too dirty or boring for mosthuman beings.the first prgrammable humanoid robot was about 1206 ad. we can make a robot tolook like almost anything we want. the most fantasized about are ones that have ahumanoid appearance. think of a repetative task and generally there is probably oneon th market that can do what you want. manipulators are the way an object is manipulated. this generally is done bygrippers, or and researchers are constantly trying to hone the robot into somethingbetter.2people who go all lou dobbs about robots. people say things like: all robots lookalike. robots should speak english. robots are taking all the jobs. robots dont payenough taxes. robots reproduce like bunnies. i dont want my child playing with a robot,or goodness gracious, marrying a robot. an acquaintance of mine, who discriminates against robots, but never actuallymet one, received a roomba for christmas i pushed its power button, she said. it wasso cute when it sounded the charge, and scurried across the floor gobbling up dustbunnies. i love roomba, she said. but i still dont like robots. it is typical to thinkthat your robot is somehow different from other robots. those other robots can notbe may take another generation, one where our children are raised amongst robots,for them to gain acceptance. like the washing machine and the automobile, robots arepart of our future.it is true that robots can be hard to tell apart.i remember sarah connor interminator ii. she damn near wet her pants when a series 800-model 101 showed up,a few years after shed sent its twin to the scrap heap. given a little time, however,she got acquainted with the big, muscle-bound machine. she fantasized about keepinghim on as dad and husband. after all, he got along well with the boy, was a good provider,and would stop at nothing to protect her family.although robots are loyal and dependable, they do screw up once in a while. imthinking of hal in XX, a space odyssey. he definitely made a mistake of judgment.i still think he deserved a second chance for every hal, there are dozens of r2-d2sand 3cpos. and that cute little wall-e. occasionally, there is a bad egg, like ed-209 in robocop. or the battle droidsin star wars. but are they worse than rottweilers and pit bulls surely, some of themcan be rehabilitated, and make good an economic point of view, you cant beat robots. they work day and night.they rarely call in sick. they add to the nations gdp, and dont require pensions orhealth care. they are terrific with numbers and rarely have math anxiety. robodocperforms delicate surgeries 24/7 and he never gets the , you ask, what if they go into politics will they impose their culture, theirlanguage, and their way of life on us forget aboutit. no one can resist big macs,vacations to disneyland, and shopping at walmart. this is america.. face it, robots are here to stay. they are willing to do anything. they make greatmaids and gardeners, sweepers and scrubbers, mowers and choppers. there are robotsthat care for the elderly, wash their dirty bottoms and soon perhaps, play yahtzeewith them. there are robots that imitate pets yet dont require walks nor litter boxes.even robots thatll go the fridge, grab a cold beer, and bring it to you. if its eagerto watch the super bowl, and play wii tennis, you got yourself a great far as intermarriage with a robot, didnt they try that in the stepford wivesmaybe it was just too soon. 3most of us are still of of the mindset that robotics is something that is ratherfuturistic. we still may have pictures in our head of humanoid robots, flailing theirarms and either attacking the earth from other planets or perhaps protecting us insome way or another. the fact of the matter is, humanoid robots are still very muchfuturistic but much of the future of robots is already in existence today. robotsare used in a number of different settings that you might find rather interesting.here is a little bit about the future of robotics and the fact that much of it isalready in existence with what we are doing now. one of the ways in which robots are most often used is in an industrial setting.the automotiveindustry, for example, makes use of robots on their assembly lines to do a number of different tasks. unfortunately, this has put many individuals out of a job becausethe robot was able to do what they used to do on the assembly line more efficiently.not only that, once the robot is put into place they are able to take care of theserepetitive tasks, 24 hours a day, 365 days a of the ways in which robotics is used on a regular basis is in spot welding.although this used to require a human touch, much of the welding that is now doneby robots is so accurate and precise that a human could not possibly take care ofit in that way. many times, this welding needs to be done in an assembly lineenvironment so the same simple task is done over and over again. it will be difficultfor anybody to improve on what is already existing in these robotics unless they makethem less apt to have difficulties from breaking down. robots are also able to help us to get out of dangerous situations in many cases.a good example of this is spring painting. humans used to have to take care of spraypainting in the automotive industry and other industrial settings. this put them atrisk because they were constantly being exposed to dangerous chemicals, even if theywore protective clothing. a robot is not only able to be in these rooms without havingto worry about health concerns, they are able todo the painting more evenly andaccurately than their humandeveloping a humanoid robot has long since captured the human imagination andwill be the continued focus in the future of robotics. scientists say there are twoobstacles to creating a robot with human or super-human intelligence: vision andprocessing sensory information. it is almostmotor vehicle production is one area where robotics automation is already beingused. yet imagine a world where we can read, have a glass of wine, talk freely onour cell phones or take a nap while our personal automobile drives itself from ourworkplace to our doorstep. or perhaps well abandon the wheeled prototypes altogetherand kick back in our personal flying car like numerous science fiction films predict.so how far are we from such a future 机器人是机器人的科学技术和应用。
【英语】英语演讲稿 Computers(电脑)

【英语】英语演讲稿 Computers(电脑)尊敬的老师和亲爱的同学们:大家好!我今天要演讲的主题是“电脑”。

竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于计算机的英语演讲稿篇一:关于计算机的英语演讲稿篇一:计算机英文演讲稿inaword,wemust graspthepositiveeffectsandmakefulluseofthem.thatisa ll.thankyou!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊someinfluencesonourstudyandlife:alltransactions,frombankingtoshopping,willbeperform edelectronicallyandallinformation,fromtrainschedule stodiscount—pricegoods,willbeobtainedbyclickingonthemodem.4.wecangetaccesstointerestingknowledgeandthelatestd ataweneed.5.wecankeepupwiththetime6.makefriendwithallovertheworldandchatwiththemonlin esattimes.today,iwouldliketotalkaboutoneofthemostpo pularinstantmessagingsoftware---weixin.obviously,we ixinpossesesalargemarketamongteenagerslikeus.butwit hthenumberofusersincreasinglargelyandthesocialcircl eextendingconstantly,securityproblemseemsveryimport ant.so,herearesomepracticaltipsthatmayhelp.1,usethereportingmechanism.ifyouareharriedbyfraudin formationorsomethingboring,thenyoucantakeadvantageo fthereportingfunctiontoreportthemalicioususer.weixi nwillhelpyousolvetheuserid.4.becarefulwithsensitivemessages.whenchatingwithyou rfriends,ifyourtopicisrelatedtosensitivetermssuchas “onlinebank”,weixinwillremindyou,pleasechecktheid entityoftheotheronebyusingthevoiceorvideofunction.ihopethesimpletipsabovewillhelpyoutoenjoythefunofweixinmoresafely.篇二:关于计算机的英语演讲稿inaword,wemustgraspthepositiveeffectsandmakefulluse ofthem.thatisall.thankyou!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊someinfluencesonourstudyandlife:alltransactions,frombankingtoshopping,willbeperform edelectronicallyandallinformation,fromtrainschedulestodiscount—pricegoods,willbeobtainedbyclickingonthemodem.4.wecangetaccesstointerestingknowledgeandthelatestd ataweneed.5.wecankeepupwiththetime6.makefriendwithallovertheworldandchatwiththemonlin esattimes.determinethebackgroundcolorbackgroundcolo rissoimportantthatimustmentionitseparatelywhite nonwhitewarmcolorcoldcolorpicturemulti-colorsystemdeterminethedominantcolor,thenselecttwotothreecolor sasassistantcolor,tomakecolorblocks.single-colorsystembasedondominant color,makedifferencesamongdifferentcolorblocksthrou ghchangingthesaturationandbrightnesslevelsofthedomina ntcolor.referencecolormatchingreferencewebsite:flatuicolorscolorsche medesigner:itisformorehigh-endcolormatchingusecolor blockshape:structureshouldbeassimpleaspossibledos:simple andregularshapepolygonhadbetternotexceedsixsides,ot herwise,people’attentionwillmovetothesideofthepolygonpattern:threeremove removethehighlighteffectremovetheshadoweffectremovethegradienteffectsizethesizeofthecolorblockdependonitscontent,wemustleav eproperblankspace,ifnot,likethisone,itseemstosayicantbreathe,it ishardtothinkanymore.thisisnotappropriateiconiconextractionisanartuseoficonisnotoptional:ithelps audienceunderstandwhatyoupresent,letthemknowthedirectionofthespeechcontent.itwillgiveau dienceagoodimpressionifwemakegooduseofit.iconisasimportantasthetitleifweaddanicon,sometimesi conismoreconcernedbypeoplebecauseofourvisualhabit.forexample ,wewillknowthisonemeansuploadsomethingunderthecloud。

计算机个人陈述范文英语English:As a computer science major, I have always been fascinated by the way technology can solve complex problems and improve daily life. From a young age, I was drawn to programming and developed a passion for creating innovative solutions through coding. Throughout my academic career, I have engaged in various coding projects and gained valuable skills in algorithms, data structures, and software development. I am particularly interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and I believe that these fields have the potential to revolutionize industries and create significant positive impact on society. In addition to my technical skills, I have also honed my ability to think critically and analytically, allowing me to approach problems in a systematic and efficient manner. I am confident that my strong foundation in computer science, combined with my dedication and creativity, make me a strong candidate for further studies or a career in the technology industry.中文翻译:作为一名计算机科学专业的学生,我一直对技术如何解决复杂问题并改善日常生活深感着迷。

计算机个人陈述范文英语**My Journey in Computing: Exploration, Challenges, and Growth**From the moment I first encountered a computer, its potential and power have fascinated me. The ability to process information quickly, to store vast amounts of data, and to connect people across the globe has always been intriguing. As I delved deeper into the world of computing, I realized that it was not just about technology; it was about solving problems, innovating, and creating new possibilities.My early experiences with computers were limited to playing games and using basic software applications. However, as I grew older, I became more interested in understanding how these applications worked and what lay beneath the surface. This curiosity led me to pursue a career in computing, where I could explore the intricacies of hardware, software, and networks.Studying computer science has been an exciting and challenging journey. The constantly evolving field ofcomputing requires a passion for learning and a desire to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. I have found that the best way to learn is by doing, so I have always been hands-on with my studies, experimenting with different programming languages, developing software applications, and building computer systems.One of the most rewarding aspects of my computer science studies has been the opportunity to work on real-world projects that have made a positive impact. Whether it was developing a website for a local charity or creating a software application to improve efficiency in a business, these projects have given me a sense of purpose and accomplishment. They have also helped me understand the importance of considering the ethical and social implications of technology.Challenges are inevitable in the field of computing, but they have also been a great source of growth for me. Debugging complex software systems, dealing with network issues, and ensuring data security have all taught me resilience and problem-solving skills. These skills have not only been beneficial in my academic career but also inmy personal life, helping me navigate through difficult situations and find solutions.As I look ahead to my future in computing, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. The increasing interconnectedness of the world and the rise of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain present exciting challenges and opportunities for computer scientists. I am eager to continue learning, innovating, and contributing to thefield of computing, knowing that my work will have a positive impact on society.My journey in computing has been filled with exploration, challenges, and growth. It has been a rewarding experience that has not only equipped me with the technical skills necessary for success but has alsoinstilled in me a passion for learning and a desire to make a positive difference. I am excited about what the future holds, and I am ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.**我的计算机之旅:探索、挑战与成长**自我第一次接触计算机的那一刻起,它的潜力和能力就深深吸引了我。

计算机是最伟大的发明英文作文English:Computers are undeniably one of the most remarkable inventions of humanity. From revolutionizing communication to powering intricate scientific research, computers have permeated nearly every aspect of modern life. They have democratized access to information, connecting people across continents in an instant, transcending geographical boundaries. The efficiency they offer in processing vast amounts of data has transformed industries, enabling breakthroughs in medicine, engineering, and finance. Moreover, computers have facilitated automation, streamlining workflows, and enhancing productivity. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, computers are not merely tools but capable partners in problem-solving and decision-making. They have opened up new frontiers in creativity, enabling artists and designers to explore boundless possibilities. Furthermore, computers have revolutionized education, offering interactive learning experiences and personalized instruction. In essence, the impact of computers on society is profound and multifaceted, reshaping the way we live, work, and interact.中文翻译:计算机无疑是人类最值得称道的发明之一。

计算机英语演讲主题3分钟The Fascinating Impact of Artificial IntelligenceGood morning everyone,Today I am here to discuss the fascinating impact of Artificial Intelligence. AI has been around for a few decades, but in the last few years, this technology has truly reshaped the way we live our lives and interact with technology.First, let's talk about how AI is changing the way we work. AI has revolutionized the way processes are being automated, allowing businesses to reduce costs and improve efficiency. AI can analyze large amounts of data quickly, and use the information to generate insights that will help businesses make better decisions. AI-powered technologiessuch as Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Chatbots have all become increasingly popular tools used by businesses worldwide.Second, let's look at the impact of AI on our daily lives. AI-powered technologies, such as virtual assistants and smart home devices, have become commonplace in many homes. We canuse voice commands to control our lights, thermostats, and other smart home devices, and voice-enabled virtualassistants can answer questions, play music, and provide information. AI is also making its way into healthcare, withAI-based applications being used to detect diseases, develop cures, and provide personalized patient care.Finally, I will discuss the potential of AI. As AI technology becomes more advanced, the possibilities are endless. AI could be used to create autonomous vehicles, toautomate factory lines, to detect and prevent cyber threats, and even to create art. The potential benefits of AI are limitless, and many of them are just starting to be discovered.In conclusion, AI has made an enormous impact on ourlives and our world in the last few years. AI has drastically changed the way we work, interact, and live. As AI technology continues to evolve and advance, the possibilities for the future are truly endless.Thank you for your time.。
我喜欢计算机编程 英语自我介绍

我喜欢计算机编程英语自我介绍全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone, my name is Lily and I want to tell you why I love computer programming.I started learning about computer programming when I was in primary school and I fell in love with it immediately. It is so cool to be able to create your own games, apps, and websites using code. It's like being a magician who can make things come to life on a screen.One of the things I love most about programming is that there is always something new to learn. Technology is always changing and evolving, so there are always new languages, tools, and techniques to explore. It's like going on an adventure every time I sit down at my computer.I also love how creative you can be with programming. It's not just about solving problems or writing code, it's also about coming up with new ideas and turning them into reality. I love thinking of new projects to work on and seeing them come to life on my screen.I hope to continue learning and growing as a programmer in the future. Maybe one day I'll even be able to create my own apps that people all over the world can use. But for now, I'm just happy to be able to express myself and have fun with coding. Thank you for listening to my introduction.篇2Hello everyone, my name is Lily and I am a little girl who loves computer programming. Today, I want to share with you why I like programming and how it has become my favorite hobby.I have always been fascinated by computers and technology since I was very young. I remember the first time I saw my dad working on his computer, I was amazed by how he could make the computer do so many different things with just a few clicks. That's when I knew I wanted to learn how to program too.I started learning programming languages like Scratch and Python when I was in elementary school. At first, it was a bit challenging to understand the concepts and syntax, but I didn't give up. I kept practicing and trying new things, and soon enough, I was able to create my own simple games and animations.What I love most about programming is that it allows me to be creative and solve problems in a fun and interactive way. I enjoy coming up with new ideas for projects and seeing them come to life on the screen. It's like magic!In addition, programming has helped me improve my logical thinking and problem-solving skills. I have learned how to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and find solutions step by step. It's like solving a puzzle, and I find it very satisfying when everything finally clicks together.In conclusion, I am really grateful for the opportunity to learn computer programming. It has not only opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me but also helped me grow as a person. I hope to continue learning and improving my programming skills in the future. Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. Have a great day!篇3Hi everyone! My name is Tim and I am in love with computer programming!I started learning how to code when I was just a little kid. My dad is a software engineer, so he taught me the basics of coding on our old computer. I remember how excited I was when I wrotemy first program that made a little graphic move across the screen. It was like magic!Now that I am older, I spend a lot of time practicing my coding skills. I love creating my own games and apps. It is so much fun to see my ideas come to life on the screen. I also enjoy solving problems and puzzles with code. It is like a big game that challenges my brain and helps me learn new things every day.I believe that coding is a superpower. With just a few lines of code, I can make amazing things happen. I dream of becoming a professional programmer one day and creating cool software that will help people all over the world.In conclusion, I am passionate about computer programming and I hope to inspire others to give it a try. Who knows, maybe one day you will be the next coding superhero too! Thank you for listening to my self-introduction.篇4Hello everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm in grade 4. Today I want to tell you all about my love for computer programming.I first started learning about computer programming when I was in grade 2. My teacher showed us a cool game she madeusing a computer program and I was amazed! I wanted to learn how to do that too. So, I started learning the basics of coding and soon I was able to create my own simple games and animations.I love computer programming because it allows me to be creative and solve problems. I can create all kinds of cool things like games, websites, and even robots! It's so much fun to see my ideas come to life on the screen.One of my favorite programming languages is Scratch. It's a great tool for beginners like me because it uses blocks to create code, making it easy to understand and use. I also enjoy learning Python, which is a more advanced language. I like the challenge of figuring out how to write code to make things work the way I want.In the future, I hope to become a professional computer programmer and maybe even work for a big tech company. I want to continue learning new programming languages and tools so I can create even more amazing things.Thanks for listening to my presentation. I hope you all have a great day!篇5Hello everyone! My name is Timmy and I am in love with computer programming. Today, I am going to tell you a little bit about myself and why I enjoy coding so much.I first became interested in computer programming when I was in third grade. My dad is a software engineer, and he would sometimes show me cool projects that he was working on. I was fascinated by how he could create amazing things using just a computer and some code.I started learning how to code by watching YouTube tutorials and reading books on programming. At first, it was really hard and I didn't understand a lot of the concepts. But I didn't give up! I kept practicing and eventually things started to make sense.Now, I can create my own games, websites, and even apps! I love coming up with new ideas and seeing them come to life on the computer screen. It's like magic! I also enjoy solving problems and debugging my code when something goes wrong. It's like being a detective trying to solve a mystery.In the future, I hope to become a professional software developer and work on exciting projects that will make a difference in the world. I believe that coding is a superpower thatcan be used to create amazing things and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me and why I love computer programming so much. If you're ever curious about coding, I would be happy to help you get started! Remember, with coding, anything is possible!篇6Hello everyone! My name is Lily and I am a primary school student. Today I want to talk about my love for computer programming.I really enjoy coding because it is like solving puzzles and creating something new. I started learning programming when I was in Grade 3 and I fell in love with it immediately. My favorite language is Python because it is easy to learn and very versatile.I have created many fun projects like a simple game, a website, and a chatbot. It is so exciting to see my code come to life and work the way I want it to.I also like to participate in coding competitions and challenges. It is a great way to test my skills and learn new things.I have won a few prizes in local competitions and I am very proud of my achievements.In the future, I want to become a professional programmer and work on cool projects like developing apps or games. I believe that coding is a valuable skill that can open up many opportunities for me.Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. I hope you found it interesting. I look forward to sharing more about my coding journey with you. Thank you!篇7Hi everyone! My name is Tim and I'm in love with computer programming. Today I want to tell you a little bit about myself and why I enjoy coding so much.I first started learning about coding when I was in the third grade. My teacher introduced us to a fun game where we had to write simple commands to move a character around the screen. I was hooked from the start! I loved the challenge of figuring out how to make the character do exactly what I wanted it to do.As I got older, I started learning more and more about different programming languages like Scratch and Python. I evenstarted working on my own projects, like a simple game where you have to dodge obstacles or a website where you can track your daily habits.What I love most about coding is that there are endless possibilities. You can create games, websites, apps, and so much more just by using your imagination and a little bit of code. It's like solving a puzzle or putting together a piece of artwork –except it's all done with numbers and symbols!I hope to continue learning and growing as a programmer in the future. Maybe one day I'll even be able to create something that will help make the world a better place. But for now, I'm just happy to be able to do something that I truly enjoy. Thank you for listening to my story!篇8Hi everyone, my name is Tim and I'm in grade four. Today I want to tell you why I love computer programming.I first got interested in programming when I saw my older brother creating his own video game. It was so cool to see him typing in commands and watching the game come to life on the screen. I knew right then that I wanted to learn how to do that too!I started learning how to code with Scratch, a program that makes it easy for kids like me to create animations and games. I loved being able to use my creativity to make something fun and interactive. From there, I moved on to more advanced languages like Python and Java. It was challenging at first, but with practice and patience, I got the hang of it.One of the things I love most about programming is that there are always new things to learn. Every time I figure out a new concept or solve a difficult problem, it feels like a huge accomplishment. I also enjoy the feeling of being able to create something from scratch and share it with others.In the future, I hope to become a professional programmer and maybe even work for a big tech company. But no matter what, I know that I will always have a passion for coding. It's like solving a puzzle that never ends!Thanks for listening to my introduction. I hope you can see why I love computer programming so much. Who knows, maybe you'll catch the coding bug too!篇9Hello everyone, my name is Lily and I am in grade four. Today I want to talk to you about something I really love, which is computer programming.I first became interested in computer programming when I saw my dad working on his laptop at home. I was fascinated by all the different things he could do with just a few clicks of the mouse. So, I decided to ask him to teach me some basic coding skills.I started with simple coding exercises like creating loops and conditional statements. It was challenging at first, but with practice and determination, I soon got the hang of it. I also learned how to create my own games and animations using programming languages like Scratch and Python.One of the things I love most about computer programming is that it allows me to be creative and think outside the box. I can use my imagination to come up with new ideas and turn them into real projects. It's like solving a puzzle, but with endless possibilities!In the future, I hope to become a software engineer and work on developing new programs and applications. I believe that computer programming is a valuable skill that can open up many opportunities for me in the future.Thank you for listening to my introduction. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about my passion for computer programming. Let's all keep coding and creating amazing things together!篇10Hello everyone! My name is Tim and I am in love with computer programming! Today I want to tell you all about my passion for coding.I first got interested in programming when I was in primary school. I was always curious about how computers work and wanted to create my own games and apps. So, I started learning about different programming languages like Scratch and Python. It was a bit challenging at first, but I didn't give up and kept practicing every day.As I got better at coding, I realized how much fun it is to solve problems and create something new. I enjoy the thrill of writing code and seeing my ideas come to life on the screen. Whether I'm designing a simple game or a complex website, programming allows me to express my creativity and logic in a unique way.One of the things I love most about programming is that it's always evolving. There are always new technologies and tools to learn, which keeps me excited and motivated to improve my skills. I also love the feeling of accomplishment when I complete a challenging project or overcome a difficult bug.In the future, I hope to pursue a career in computer science and become a software developer. I want to continue learning and growing in this field, so that I can create innovative solutions and contribute to the tech industry.In conclusion, programming is not just a hobby for me, it's a passion. I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me to learn, grow, and express myself. I can't wait to see where my coding journey takes me next! Thank you for listening to my self-introduction.。

关于电脑英语发言稿英文回答:Computer, an electronic device, has become an indispensable part of our lives. Its versatile functions and accessible user interface have revolutionized the way we communicate, acquire knowledge, perform tasks, and entertain ourselves.In the realm of communication, computers serve as a ubiquitous hub. They facilitate seamless email exchanges, convenient instant messaging, and interactive video conferencing. With social media platforms, individuals connect with friends and family across vast distances, share updates, and engage in online communities.As a repository of knowledge, computers offer unparalleled access to information. The internet, a global network, grants users instant retrieval of articles, databases, research papers, and educational materials.Online learning platforms provide flexible and affordable access to courses, enabling individuals to enhance their knowledge base and acquire new skills at their own pace.Computers have also transformed the way we perform tasks. Productivity software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation tools, empower users to create professional documents, manage data, and deliver compelling presentations with ease. Task management apps and calendar systems assist in organizing schedules, setting reminders, and collaborating with others.Entertainment has also undergone a digital revolution. Computers have become multimedia powerhouses, capable of playing movies, hosting video games, and streaming music. Gaming consoles, designed specifically for entertainment, offer immersive virtual experiences and online multiplayer modes.However, the pervasive use of computers also raises concerns. Excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, sleep disturbances, and sedentary lifestyles. Social mediaplatforms can foster unhealthy habits, such as excessive comparison and cyberbullying. It is crucial to maintain a balanced approach to computer use, ensuring both itsbenefits and potential risks are considered.中文回答:计算机,一种电子设备,已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

一个简短的自我介绍关于计算机的英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite topic - computers!Computers are amazing machines that can do so many incredible things. They are like super-smart robots that can solve problems, play games, and even talk to you. The best part is, they never get tired or bored, and they can work on tasks all day and night without stopping.At its core, a computer is made up of different parts that work together. The main part is called the CPU, which stands for Central Processing Unit. This is like the computer's brain that does all the thinking and calculations. Then there's the memory, which stores information and instructions, kind of like our brains store memories and facts we learn.Computers also have input devices that allow us to give them information and commands. The keyboard is one example – we use it to type words and numbers. The mouse is anotherinput device that lets us point and click on things on the screen. Some computers even have microphones so we can talk to them and give voice commands!The information and commands we give to the computer get processed by the CPU, and the results get shown to us on the output device, which is usually the monitor or screen. Computers can also have other output devices like speakers to play sounds and music, or printers to print out documents and photos.But do you know what makes computers truly amazing? It's the programs or software they run! These are like instruction manuals that tell the computer what to do. There are all kinds of programs for different tasks – some for writing documents, others for drawing pictures, making videos, browsing the internet, and so much more.One of my favorite programs is for playing games. Computer games can transport you to magical worlds filled with adventures, puzzles, and exciting challenges. The graphics and sounds are so realistic, it's like you're really there! Some games even let you play with friends over the internet, no matter where in the world they are.Computers are also incredibly useful for learning. There are educational programs that can teach you about any subject youcan imagine – math, science, history, languages, you name it! The great thing is, you can learn at your own pace and in a fun, interactive way with videos, quizzes, and activities.Another wonderful use of computers is for creating things. You can use programs to write stories, compose music, design buildings or invent new machines. The possibilities are endless when you have a powerful computer and the right software tools.Speaking of creating things, did you know that computers are also used to make movies these days? All those awesome special effects with spaceships, monsters, and superhero action? That's all done with computer animation and visual effects! Computers let filmmakers bring their wildest imaginations to life on the big screen.But computers don't just do fun stuff – they also help make our lives easier and more convenient. Have you ever ordered something online or streamed a movie? That's all thanks to computers and the internet! Computers also control lots of machines and systems that we use every day, like cars, planes, traffic lights, and even some home appliances.As you can probably tell, I'm totally fascinated by computers and technology. Learning to use computers is an incrediblyvaluable skill that will help us in so many ways, both now and in the future. Who knows what amazing new things computers will be able to do in the years ahead?I can't wait to grow up and maybe become a computer programmer, game designer, or even work on developing artificial intelligence! The possibilities are endless when you combine creativity with the power of computers. I hope you've enjoyed learning a bit about these awesome machines, and that you'll explore the world of computers more yourselves. Trust me, it's an adventure you don't want to miss!篇2My Name is Tommy and I Love Computers!Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I absolutely love computers and technology! I've been really interested in computers for as long as I can remember. When I was just a little kid, I was always fascinated watching my dad work on his laptop. I would sit beside him for hours just staring at the screen, watching him type and click around. I didn't understand much of what he was doing at the time, but I knew it was something really cool.When I started going to school, I was over the moon when I found out we had computer class once a week. I looked forward to it more than anything! In those early computer classes, we learned really basic stuff like how to turn the computer on and off, how to use a mouse to point and click, and we even got to play some simple games and learning programs. I was a total natural from day one! The teachers were always commenting on how quickly I picked things up.As I got a little older, we started learning more advanced things in computer class like how to type properly, basic coding, making presentations, and even a little bit about the internet and online safety. I just soaked it all up like a sponge! My parents saw how obsessed I was with computers and technology, so for my 8th birthday they got me my very first laptop. I use it constantly for school work, games, teaching myself code online, and just general browsing around the internet to learn new things.I've taught myself so much about computers just from using my laptop and spending time online over the last few years. These days I'm pretty much the resident tech expert among my friends and family members! Whenever anyone has a question about their computer, phone, or tablet, they come to me for help. I've helped lots of my friends' parents figure out how to do basicthings like connect to WiFi, update software, and troubleshoot minor issues. I really love being able to lend a hand and share my computer knowledge.In my opinion, computers and technology are just about the coolest things ever invented! They've revolutionized the world in so many ways – from how we communicate, to how we learn, play games, listen to music, watch movies and TV, heck even how we buy things and get our food delivered! My mind is constantly blown by all the awesome things computers and the internet have enabled us to do. And we're still just scratching the surface of what will be possible with future technological advancements. Who knows what amazing computer innovations are right around the corner!I really think having a solid understanding of computers and technology is going to be hugely important for my generation as we grow up in an increasingly digital world. That's why I'm working hard to keep expanding my computer skills and knowledge. Coding and programming are really fascinating to me, so I'd love to be able to create my own apps and software one day. Or maybe I'll get into areas like cybersecurity, cloud computing, or artificial intelligence. There are just so manyawesome high-tech career paths I could pursue thanks to my passion for computers!In the meantime, I'm perfectly content being a computer nerd and tech genius among my friends and family. They are always coming to me to help them install new programs, explain how to use certain apps and websites, or ask my advice on what new tech gadgets or games to buy. Sometimes I even tutor some of the older folks on basic computer literacy skills. I really enjoy being the go-to computer guy and helping people out however I can.Speaking of helping people with computers, I actually have a fun little side business going where I offer affordable tech support services in my neighborhood. My parents helped me print out some simple flyers that I distributed around letting people know I was available to help with things like:Fixing slow or frozen computersRemoving viruses and malwareSetting up new devices like laptops and tabletsTroubleshooting internet and WiFi connectivity issuesUpgrading hardware like adding RAM or new hard drivesSolving printing problemsTeaching people how to use common computer programsI've been pretty successful so far! I've had quite a few customers hire me, mostly neighbors and family friends of ours. I try to keep my rates really low since a lot of my clients are older folks on fixed incomes. But it's been an awesome way for me to make a little pocket money while gaining hands-on experience solving real tech problems. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to grow it into a proper business when I'm older!Computers and technology are pretty much my entire world right now. When I'm not using my laptop or tinkering with hardware, you can usually find me watching videos about coding, computer repairs, new tech products, or just general computer science topics. I've even started my own YouTube channel where I post tech reviews, tutorials, and just general videos about all things computers and tech. I only have a few hundred subscribers so far, but I'm determined to keep growing my channel into something big one day!I also love reading books and articles about the history of computers and major innovators and pioneers in the tech world. Learning about people like Alan Turing, Grace Hopper, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates and how their brilliant ideas, code, andinventions have shaped our modern digital era is so fascinating to me. I'm constantly in awe of the human ingenuity behind these incredible technological advancements that have transformed our lives.My friends and family think I'm a little too obsessed with computers sometimes. They're always teasing me about having my face buried in some type of screen or gadget 24/7. And sure, I'll admit I probably spend a little too much time zoned out in the digital world. But hey, at least it's a productive obsession that will set me up for an awesome future career, right?In all seriousness though, I am trying to achieve a bit more balance. As much as I love computers and tech, I know it's important to unplug sometimes and get outside, exercise, spend quality time with family and friends, that kind of thing. I'm working on setting some better boundaries around my computer and internet usage. It's all about finding a healthy middle ground.But at the end of the day, computers and technology will always be my one true passion and love in life. It's just the path I know I was destined for, ever since I was a little kid gawking at my dad's laptop screen in awe and wonderment. The digital world is my happy place. I can't wait to see where this obsessionleads me as an adult – whether it's into programming, web development, computer engineering, or any of the other million awesome careers involving computers. Whatever I end up doing, I just know it has to involve being surrounded by technology all day every day. Maybe I'll be the one creating the next big world-changing innovation someday!For now, I'll just keep devouring any computer knowledge and skills I can get my hands on. Because I have a feeling these tech abilities are going to be invaluable for my generation as we grow up to live and work in an ever more digitized, automated world. I'm determined to remain at the forefront of all the amazing computer breakthroughs yet to come. With my lifelong passion for technology, I'm confident the future is going to be an incredibly exciting place!篇3My Fascinating World of ComputersHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm 10 years old. I'm going to tell you all about my favorite topic - computers! Ever since I was a little kid, I've been completely fascinated by these amazing machines. They can do so many incredible things, and I just can't get enough of learning about them.Let me start by explaining what a computer is. A computer is an electronic device that can store, process, and retrieve information. It's like a really smart machine that can do all kinds of tasks quickly and accurately. Computers come in different shapes and sizes, from tiny smartphones to massive supercomputers that take up entire rooms!The most common type of computer that you'll see is the desktop computer. This is the kind that sits on a desk and has a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Desktop computers are great for things like writing documents, browsing the internet, playing games, and watching videos.Another popular type of computer is the laptop. Laptops are portable computers that you can take with you wherever you go. They're perfect for doing homework, watching movies, or even just surfing the web while lounging on the couch.But computers aren't just for fun and games. They're also incredibly useful tools that help us in so many ways. For example, scientists use powerful computers to study things like the weather, the planets, and even the human body. Doctors use computers to store and analyze patient information, which helps them provide better care.Computers are also essential in businesses and offices. Accountants use them to manage finances, marketers use them to create advertising campaigns, and writers use them to create books, articles, and other types of content.So, how do computers actually work? Well, it's a bit complicated, but I'll try to explain it in a simple way. Computers are made up of various components, like the processor, memory, and storage. The processor is like the brain of the computer. It performs calculations and executes instructions.The memory is where the computer stores data and instructions that it needs to access quickly. And the storage, like a hard drive or a solid-state drive, is where the computer keeps all of its files and programs when they're not being used.Computers also need software to function. Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. There are different types of software, like operating systems (like Windows or macOS), which manage the basic functions of the computer, and applications (like word processors or games), which are designed for specific tasks.One of the coolest things about computers is that they can be programmed. Programming is like teaching the computer a new language. Programmers write code, which is a set ofinstructions that tell the computer what to do. By writing code, you can create all sorts of amazing things, like websites, mobile apps, video games, and even robots!Speaking of the internet, it's one of the most incredible things that computers have brought us. The internet is a vast network that connects computers all around the world. With the internet, we can communicate with people on the other side of the planet, access a wealth of information, and even watch movies or listen to music from anywhere.篇4Hi there! My name is Claude and I'm an AI assistant created by a company called Anthropic. I'm here to talk to you about something that has become a huge part of our lives - computers!Computers are these amazing machines that can do all sorts of incredible things. They can help you learn, play games, watch movies, and even talk to people on the other side of the world! Pretty cool, right?Now, you might be wondering, "What exactly is a computer?" Well, a computer is an electronic device that can store, process, and retrieve information. It's kind of like a really smart calculator that can do way more than just math problems.Computers come in all shapes and sizes. You might have a desktop computer at home, which is the big box with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Or maybe you have a laptop, which is a portable computer that you can take with you wherever you go. Some computers are even small enough to fit in your pocket, like smartphones and tablets!But how do computers work? It's actually kind ofmind-blowing! Computers are made up of tiny electronic components called circuits. These circuits are like little paths that allow electricity to flow through them. By controlling the flow of electricity, computers can perform all kinds of calculations and tasks.One of the most important parts of a computer is the processor, also known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit). This is like the brain of the computer, where all the calculations and instructions are carried out. The processor works really fast, processing billions of instructions every second!Computers also need memory to store information and programs. This memory is called RAM (Random Access Memory). It's like a temporary workspace where the computer keeps the information it's currently working on. When you turn off the computer, the information in RAM is lost, so it's important tosave your work to a more permanent storage device like a hard drive or a solid-state drive (SSD).Speaking of storage, that's another crucial part of a computer. Hard drives and SSDs are like the computer'slong-term memory, where you can store files, documents, pictures, movies, and all sorts of other data. The difference between the two is that SSDs are faster and more durable, but also more expensive.Now, you might be wondering, "How do I tell the computer what to do?" That's where software comes in! Software is a set of instructions that tell the computer how to perform specific tasks. There are all kinds of software programs out there, from word processors for writing documents to photo editors for editing pictures, and even video games!One of the most important types of software is the operating system, like Windows, macOS, or Linux. This is the software that manages all the basic functions of the computer and allows other programs to run.But how do you actually use all these programs? That's where input and output devices come in. Input devices, like keyboards and mice, allow you to send information to thecomputer. Output devices, like monitors and printers, allow the computer to send information back to you.Computers have become so important in our lives because they can help us do all sorts of amazing things. We use them for work, school, entertainment, and communication. Can you imagine what life would be like without computers?But overall, computers are incredible machines that have transformed the way we live and work. Who knows what they'll be able to do in the future? Maybe one day, we'll have computers that can think and learn just like humans!Well, that's a basic introduction to computers. I hope you found it interesting and learned something new. Remember, computers are tools that can be used for all sorts of amazing things, but it's up to us humans to use them responsibly and creatively. Happy computing!篇5My Love for ComputersHi there! My name is Alex and I'm 10 years old. I absolutely love computers and everything to do with technology. Ever sinceI was really little, I've been fascinated by computers, phones, tablets, and all the amazing things they can do.I got my first computer when I was 6 years old. It was an old hand-me-down from my parents, but to me it was the most incredible thing ever! I remember spending hours just clicking around, exploring all the different programs篇6Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I'm here to tell you all about one of my favorite things in the whole world –computers! Ever since I was a little kid, I've been fascinated by these amazing machines that can do so many incredible things.First of all, what exactly is a computer? Well, it's basically a really smart machine that can process information, follow instructions, and do all sorts of calculations and tasks. Computers come in many different shapes and sizes, from tiny smartphones to massive supercomputers that take up entire rooms!The thing that makes computers so incredible is that they can understand a special language called code or programming. Code is like a secret language that tells the computer exactly what to do, step by step. There are lots of different codinglanguages, but they all use combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols to give the computer instructions.Now, you might be wondering, how do computers actually work? Well, it's kind of like how our brains work, but instead of using neurons, computers use tiny electronic components called transistors. These transistors can be either on or off, representing the 1s and 0s that make up binary code – the language that computers understand.Inside every computer, there's a central processing unit (CPU) that acts like the brain, carrying out all the instructions and calculations. The CPU gets information from the computer's memory (RAM and storage), which is kind of like our short-term and long-term memory. The CPU then processes this information and sends the results to output devices like the screen or speakers.One of the coolest things about computers is that they can do so many different tasks! With the right software (computer programs), computers can help us write documents, create amazing artwork, play games, watch movies, listen to music, and even control robots or spacecraft! They're also incredibly useful for things like researching, learning, and staying connected with people all over the world through the internet.Speaking of the internet, that's like a massive network of computers all connected together, sharing information and resources. It's thanks to the internet that we can do things like send emails, browse websites, watch online videos, and even take virtual field trips to amazing places without leaving our homes!As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan of computers and technology. I find it all so fascinating and I can't wait to learn more about coding, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and all the other amazing fields related to computers. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even become a computer scientist or engineer and help create the next big technological breakthrough!Well, that's my introduction to the wonderful world of computers! I hope you found it interesting and that it maybe even inspired you to learn more about these incredible machines. Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite hobby or even a future career path! Just remember to keep exploring, keep learning, and never stop being curious about all the amazing things that technology has to offer.。

电脑的好处英语演讲稿初中The Benefits of Computers。
Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, and their benefits cannot be overstated. From education to entertainment, from communication to work efficiency, computers have revolutionized the way we live and work. In this speech, I will discuss the various benefits of computers and how they have positively impacted our lives.First and foremost, computers have greatly improved our ability to access and share information. With the internet, we can now easily search for and find information on any topic within seconds. This has revolutionized the way we learn and conduct research. Students no longer have to spend hours in the library flipping through books; instead, they can simply search for the information they need online. This has not only made learning more efficient, but it has also broadened our access to knowledge from all around the world.In addition to education, computers have also greatly improved communication. With email, instant messaging, and social media, we can now easily stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are in the world. This has made the world a smaller place and has allowed us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, computers have also revolutionized the way we work. With the use of word processing software, spreadsheets, and presentation programs, we can now complete tasks in a fraction of the time it would have taken us in the past. This has greatly improved work efficiency and productivity.Moreover, computers have also opened up new avenues for entertainment. With the rise of online streaming services, gaming, and social media platforms, we now have a plethora of entertainment options at our fingertips. We can watch movies, play games, and connect with others, all from the comfort of our own homes. This has greatly enriched our leisure time and has provided us with endless entertainment possibilities.Furthermore, computers have also played a crucial role in various industries, such as healthcare, engineering, and finance. They have allowed for advanced simulations, data analysis, and research, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in these fields. For example, in healthcare, computers have enabled the development of advanced medical imaging techniques and the analysis of large datasets, leading to improved diagnosis and treatment of diseases.In conclusion, the benefits of computers are undeniable. They have revolutionized the way we learn, communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. They have made our lives more efficient, connected, and enriched. As we continue to advance in technology, it is important to recognize and appreciate the positive impact that computers have had on our lives. Thank you.。

计算机的作文英语With the rapid development of technology, computers have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From work to entertainment, we rely on computers to help us accomplish various tasks. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computers and their impact on society.Firstly, computers have greatly improved our productivity and efficiency in the workplace. With the help of computers, we can easily create and edit documents, analyze data, and communicate with colleagues. This has not only saved us time but also improved the accuracy of our work. Moreover, computers have made it possible for us to work remotely, which has greatly increased our flexibility and work-life balance.Secondly, computers have revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. With the help of the internet, we can easily connect with people from all over the worldand exchange information in real-time. Social media platforms have also made it possible for us to stay intouch with friends and family, share our experiences, and even build communities around shared interests.However, there are also some disadvantages to the widespread use of computers. One of the biggest concerns is the impact of computers on our health. Sitting in front ofa computer for long periods of time can lead to eye strain, back pain, and other physical ailments. Moreover, the overuse of computers has been linked to a sedentary lifestyle, which can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.Another concern is the impact of computers on ourprivacy and security. With the increasing amount ofpersonal information stored on computers and the internet, there is a risk of this information being stolen or misused. Cybersecurity threats such as hacking, phishing, andidentity theft are becoming more common, and it isimportant for individuals and organizations to take stepsto protect themselves.In conclusion, computers have had a significant impact on our lives, both positive and negative. While they have greatly improved our productivity and communication, they have also raised concerns about our health, privacy, and security. It is important for us to be aware of theseissues and take steps to mitigate their impact on our lives.。

关于讲述电脑的英文作文英文:Computers have become an essential part of our daily lives. From work to entertainment, we rely heavily on them. As for me, I can't imagine my life without a computer. It has become my go-to device for everything.One of the things I love about computers is their versatility. They can be used for just about anything. Whether I need to write a paper, watch a movie, or play a game, my computer has me covered. It's like having a personal assistant that can do it all.Another thing I appreciate about computers is their speed and efficiency. They can process information at lightning-fast speeds, which saves me a lot of time. For example, when I'm working on a project, I can quickly search for information online and find what I need in a matter of seconds. This allows me to be more productive andget things done faster.Of course, there are also some downsides to computers. One of the biggest issues is the potential for distraction. It's easy to get caught up in social media or other online activities and lose track of time. That's why it's important to set boundaries and use your computer in a responsible way.Overall, I believe that computers are a valuable tool that can greatly enhance our lives. They allow us to connect with others, learn new things, and accomplish tasks more efficiently. As long as we use them in a responsible way, they will continue to be an important part of our lives.中文:电脑已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。

关于计算机的英语演讲稿(推荐)第一篇:关于计算机的英语演讲稿(推荐)篇一:计算机英文演讲稿in a word, we must grasp the positive effects and make full use of them.that is all.thank you!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊some influences on our study and life:all transactions ,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and all information, from train schedules to discount—price goods, will be obtained by clicking on the modem.4.we can get access to interesting knowledge and the latest data we need.5.we can keep up with the time 6.make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines at times.today , i would like to talk about one of the most popular instant messaging software---weixin.obviously , weixin posseses a large market among teenagers like us.but with the number of users increasing largely and the social circle extending constantly, security problem seems very important.so ,here are some practical tips that may help.1, use the reporting mechanism.if you are harried by fraud information or something boring, then you can take advantage of the reporting function to report the malicious user.weixin will help you solve the user id.4.be careful with sensitive messages.when chating with your friends, if your topic is related to sensitive terms such as “online bank”, weixin will remind you , please check the identity of the other one by using the voice or video function.i hope the simple tips above will help you to enjoy the fun of weixin more safely.第二篇:关于计算机的英语演讲稿[小编推荐]in a word, we must grasp the positive effects and make full use of them.that is all.thank you!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊some influences on our study and life:all transactions ,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and all information, from train schedules to discount—price goods, will be obtained by clicking on the modem.4.we can get access to interesting knowledge and the latest data we need.5.we can keep up with the time 6.make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines at times.determine the background color background color is so important that i must mention it separately white non white warm color cold color picture multi-color system determine the dominant color, then select two to three colors as assistant color, to make color blocks.single-color system based on dominant color, make differences amongdifferent color blocks through changing the saturation and brightness levels of the dominant color.reference color matching reference website: flat ui colors colorscheme designer: it is for more high-end color matching use color block shape: structure should be as simple as possible dos: simple and regular shape polygon had better not exceed six sides, otherwise, people’ attention will move to the side of the polygon pattern: three remove remove the highlight effect remove the shadow effect remove the gradient effect size the size of the color block depend on its content, we must leave proper blank space, if not, like this one, it seems to say i cant breathe, it is hard to think anymore.this is not appropriate icon icon extraction is an art use of icon is not optional: it helps audience understand what you present, let them know the direction of the speech content.it will give audience a good impression if we make good use of it.icon is as important as the title if we add an icon, sometimes icon is more concerned by people because of our visual habit.for example, we will know this one means upload something under the cloudenvironment or related matters even if someone cannot understand english.extract the icon from the title or a certain term from the article is correct in most cases.like these: however, we can do better sometimes.like this one, if we want to express the numbers of farmers in a certain area, the second icon is more suitable than the first one.do it by yourself, yes, you read that right please use the following functions skillfully in powerpoint arrange: bring to front, send to back, bring forward, send forward.if you find an icon that is very suitable except its color, there is a method, turn it to white, adjust the icon’s brightness level to 100% use color and corrections function in the powerpoint to change the color and pattern of the icon.font clear writing two kinds of font in the whole ppt small strokes font should be set big enough that it can be seen clearly under the condition of using a projector.main body, small character: use slender font in order to watch softly and easier to accepted by audience title, big character: use bold font, make it more powerful the most widely used: black and white, it is ok, but pay attention to the color consistency with the whole color set of the page.for other colors, if you want to emphasize something, it is a good choice to use contrast color, however, pay attention to dont dazzle audience’s eyes.be harmonious.whole page large area rectangle: square or rectangle篇四:关于机器人的英语演讲稿robotics is the science and technology and application of robots.stories of artificial helpers and attempts to create them has a long history and is the basis of much science fiction.robots are generally used to help with jobs that are too dirty or boring for most human beings.the first prgrammable humanoid robot was about 1206 ad.we can make a robot to look like almost anything we want.the most fantasized about are ones that havea humanoid appearance.think of a repetative task and generally there is probably one on th market that can do what you want.manipulators are the way an object is manipulated.this generally is done by grippers, or effectors.scientists and researchers are constantly trying to hone the robot into something better.2 people who go all lou dobbs about robots.people say things like: all robots look alike.robots should speak english.robots are taking all the jobs.robots dont pay enough taxes.robots reproduce like bunnies.i dont want my child playing with a robot, or goodness gracious, marrying a robot.an acquaintance of mine, who discriminates against robots, but never actually met one, received a roomba for christmas i pushed its power button, she said.it was so cute when it sounded the charge, and scurried across the floor gobbling up dust bunnies.i love roomba, she said.but i still dont like robots.it is typical to think that your robot is somehow different from other robots.those other robots can not be trusted.it may take another generation, one where our children are raised amongst robots, for them to gain acceptance.like the washing machine and the automobile, robots are part of our future.it is true that robots can be hard to tell apart.i remember sarah connor in terminator ii.she damn near wet her pants when a series 800-model 101 showed up, a few years after shed sent its twin to the scrap heap.given a little time, however, she got acquainted with the big, muscle-bound machine.she fantasized about keeping him on as dad and husband.after all, he got along well with the boy, was a good provider, and would stop at nothing to protect her family.although robots are loyal and dependable, they do screw up once in a while.im thinking of hal in 2001, a space odyssey.he definitely made a mistake of judgment.i still think he deserved asecond chance? for every hal, there are dozens of r2-d2s and 3cpos.and that cute little wall-e.occasionally, there is a bad egg, like ed-209 in robocop.or the battle droids in star wars.but are they worse than rottweilers and pit bulls? surely, some of them can be rehabilitated, and make good pets.from an economic point of view, you cant beat robots.they work day and night.they rarely call in sick.they add to the nations gdp, and dont require pensions or health care.they are terrific with numbers and rarely have math anxiety.robodoc performs delicate surgeries 24/7 and he never gets the shakes.but, you ask, what if they go into politics? will they impose their culture, their language, and their way of life on us? forget about it.no one can resist big macs, vacations to disneyland, and shopping at walmart.this is america..face it, robots are here to stay.they are willing to do anything.they make great maids and gardeners, sweepers and scrubbers, mowers and choppers.there are robots that care for the elderly, wash their dirty bottoms and soon perhaps, play yahtzee with them.there are robots that imitate pets yet dont require walks nor litter boxes.even robots thatll go the fridge, grab a cold beer, and bring it to you.if its eager to watch the super bowl, and play wii tennis, you got yourself a great roommate.as far as intermarriage with a robot, didnt they try that in the stepford wives? maybe it was just too soon.3 most of us are still of of the mindset that robotics is something that is rather futuristic.we still may have pictures in our head of humanoid robots, flailing their arms and either attacking the earth from other planets or perhaps protecting us in some way or another.the fact of the matter is, humanoid robots are still very much futuristic but much of the future of robots is already in existence today.robots are used in a number of different settings that you might find rather interesting.here is alittle bit about the future of robotics and the fact that much of it is already in existence with what we are doing now.one of the ways in which robots are most often used is in an industrial setting.the automotive industry, for example, makes use of robots on their assembly lines to do a number of different tasks.unfortunately, this has put many individuals out of a job because the robot was able to do what they used to do on the assembly line more efficiently.not only that, once the robot is put into place they are able to take care of these repetitive tasks, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.one of the ways in which robotics is used on a regular basis is in spot welding.although this used to require a human touch, much of the welding that is now done by robots is so accurate and precise that a human could not possibly take care of it in that way.many times, this welding needs to be done in an assembly line environment so the same simple task is done over and over again.it will be difficult for anybody to improve on what is already existing in these robotics unless they make them less apt to have difficulties from breaking down.robots are also able to help us to get out of dangerous situations in many cases.a good example of this is spring painting.humans used to have to take care of spray painting in the automotive industry and other industrial settings.this put them at risk because they were constantly being exposed to dangerous chemicals, even if they wore protective clothing.a robot is not only able to be in these rooms without having to worry about health concerns, they are able to do the painting more evenly and accurately than their human counterparts.4 developing a humanoid robot has long since captured the human imagination and will be the continued focus in the future of robotics.scientists say there are two obstacles to creating arobot with human or super-human intelligence: vision and processing sensory information.it is almost motor vehicle production is one area where robotics automation is already being used.yet imagine a world where we can read, have a glass of wine, talk freely on our cell phones or take a nap while our personal automobile drives itself from our workplace to our doorstep.or perhaps well abandon the wheeled prototypes altogether and kick back in our personal flying car like numerous science fiction films predict.so how far are we from such a future? 机器人是机器人的科学技术和应用。

以计算机为题的英语演讲稿(通用5篇)以计算机为题的英语篇1Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it for me as a present when my first year in middle school.He said I can study English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search study materials on the internet.I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we can talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my homework.My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me.以计算机为题的英语演讲稿篇2Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient.Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.以计算机为题的英语演讲稿篇3Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time.The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we cant live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society.On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages.According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers. 以计算机为题的英语演讲稿篇4Since computers were invented many years ago, they have been inextricably linked with our daily life, which bring us much convenience and enjoyable entertainments.We can benefit a lot from this cutting-edge technology.In the workplace, computers are often used as a cost-effective tool for communication with colleges and customers and this function of computers is definitely irreplaceable by other kinds of online media.Additionally, they are indeed necessities in the workplace, which are compatible with other office equipments, and they altogether beautify working environment surrounded by loads of files and documents.When it comes to family life, they can provide easy access to a tremendous amount of entertainments, such as blockbuster hits, cyber games and video chats.But still, they can also be utilized as the bridge of communication between family members, especially the ones living far away from us.However, there is a dark side to this picture.The online fraud and invasion of private information are the results of frequently-updated computer technologies, which adversely influence our daily life.But on a large scale, their advantages outweigh the disadvantages.In conclusion, the most appropriate approach to this intractable problem is that we shoud use computers moderately and they should be used in a more sensible way.以计算机为题的英语演讲稿篇5It is known to us all that the computer is the most important invention in the 20th century. It has been developed a lot since it appeared. Also, our daily life has greatly changed because of it.A computer can think and remember things like man, but it is millions of times faster than human begins. As a result, computers have been used in the fields of agriculture(农业), industry(工业), education(教育) and so on. For example, we can learn our lessons at home by using a computer instead of going to school.Computers have entered our daily life. So it is important for us to learn how to use a computer. And we must start right now.。

下面是店铺带来的有关计算机的英语文章,欢迎阅读!有关计算机的英语文章篇一第三次计算机革命浪潮悄然来袭We have entered a new age of embedded, intuitive computing in which our homes, cars, stores, farms, and factories have the ability to think, sense, understand, and respond to our needs. It's not science fiction, but the dawn of a new era.我们正在迈入可穿戴、直觉式计算的新时代。
Most people might not realize it yet, but we are already feeling the impact of what's known as the third wave of computing. In small but significant ways it is helping us live safer, healthier, and more secure lives. If you drive a 2014 Mercedes Benz, for example, an "intelligent" system endeavors to keep you from hitting a pedestrian. A farmer in Nigeria relies on weather sensors that communicate with his mobile device. Forgot your medication? A new pill bottle from AdhereTech reminds you via text or automated phone messages that it's time to take a pill.大多数人可能还没有意识到,我们已经感受到第三次计算机革命的影响。

小学优秀英语演讲稿:ComputersDear teachers and schoolmates, my name is Carl, today I am going to talk about Computers.Computers are machines with which people are very familiar. Why do many people like to use computers?There are many reasons. First,computers can help you know more and more knowledge. Secondly,computers are friends of human beings , really wisdom ones. Whenever you need help you can turn to these friends.Thirdly, with the development of the World Wide Web, computers can help you keep in touch with your relatives and friends. When my father went to the USA for business, we missed each other very badly. My helpful friend, computer, made it possible for my father and I to talk face to face.However, as its known to all, a coin has two sides. Computers also have some shortages. Some students are addicted to computer games and spend too much time playing it. Therefore, they are not able to keep path with the academic progress. Besides, sitting all day long in front of the monitor is bad for our health.Lets make friends with computersThank you for your listening.。

关于计算机的英语作文第一篇:关于计算机的英语作文As the economy develop,that every desk in the office has a computer has not been a fresh thing.Nowdays,more and more officers use the computers.It seems that the computers play an important part of it.Firstly,people use computer programmes such as word,excel to type the documents and store the datas.Secondly,it helps us a lot to communicate with others.With the help of the net you can get many useful imformations,you can make friends with different people who are known or unkown,you can ask the help or question the answer.Because of it,we can get in touch with people in a matter of second even they are thousands distances away from us!What's more,we can have a meeting togeter by using the computer.But what I have to mention is that we can't rely the computers too much.It sometimes also do harm to us.For example,many workers may be addicted to the computers during their work,which as result that they are not work hard enough.In addition,the computers also have radiation that is not good to our health In my opinion,i am supposed that everyone should use computer proper, Only doing so can we benefit from the computers.第二篇:计算机英语选择题.(1 A large main memory can be used for storing a,b,c.a.datab.operating systemc.applicationsd.interface(2 Early computer solved c,d problems.a.control b.business applications c.engineering d.mathematical(3 The system manager used by a fast processor can a,b,c.a.reset a system b.monitor p rocessor’s core temperature c.monito r processor’s supply voltages d.connect a network(4 We can say a bus is simply a,c,d.a.a groupof wiresb.a wirec.a 8-bit busd.a 16-bit bus(5 A computer system user generally more cares for b,c,d.a.physical size of the computer b.storage size c.speed of computation d.efficiency of the computer(6 According to the physical size of computers we can classify the computers into a,b,c,d.a.microcomputer b.minicomputer c.mainframe d.supercomputer(7 The basic hardware components of any computer include a,b,c,d.a.CPU b.main memory c.input devicesd.output devices(8 The following devices are belong to the mass storages a,b,d.a.DVD b.CD-ROM c.mouse d.disk(1 Cache is a,c,d.a.fast b.slow c.relatively small d.high cost(2 Information stored in semiconductor RAM is b,c.a.permanent b.nonpermanent c.volatile d.non volatile(3 We use paged virtual memory to a,b,c,d.a.extend the size of memory b.increase bandwidth of the disk c.reduce latency of the disk d.store large program and data set(4We read data on the disk by a,d.(5 The three desiderata of memory system are b,c.a.independent b.exclusive c.closely approximated today d.Less approximated tomorrow(6 The processor performance would be high as we reference instructions and data from b,d.a.hard disk b.cache c.floppy disk d.memory(7 Page frame is used in a.a.real memoryb.virtual memoryc.diskd.cache(8 In order to increase our computer’s performance we need to a,b,c , a.have a L2 cache b.buy a L2 cache c.have a much larger main memory d.buy a L1 cache(1 RISC is b,c,d.a.abbreviation of complex instruction set computer b.abbreviation of reduced instruction set computer c.guided to be built from studying the execution behavior of high-level language programs ed for many computer manufacturers nowadays(2 To enhance performance of acomputer system we should a,b,d.a.improve the pattern of referencing operandb.optimize the simple movement of datae IF and LOOP instructions as many as possibled.optimize the basic sequence control mechanism(5 Register storage has b,d.a.a large capacity b.a small capacity c.the slower speed d.the faster speed(6 Instruction format in RISC has a,c,d.a.one kind b.many kinds c.a few kinds d.one or a few kinds(7 CISC machine instructions compared with RISC machine are a,d.a.more complicated b.more simple c.more faster to be executedd.more slower to be executed(8 Functions of the compiler used in RISC are b,c,d.a.to compile a high level language program b.to optimize register usage c.to maximize register usage d.to allocate registers to those variables that will be used the most in a given time period(9 One machine cycle in RISC has c.a.two machine instructions b.three machine instructions c.one machine instruction d.four machine instructions(10 The register file is a,c,d.a.physically small b.physically largec.one the same chip as the CPUd.addressed by much shorter addresses Operating systems and middleware b,c,d a.have less in common b.both can support other software c.have much in common d.both can support application programs 2.An operating system provides the services in its API by a,c,d ing the features of the hardware b.offering database accessibilitying disk drive’s abilityd.offering fixed-length blocks of data 4.Middleware lies in b,c,d a.the top of the layering vertical stack b.the middle of the layering vertical stack c.the top of an operating system d.the middle of interactions between different application programs5.The following products of software are belong tomiddleware a,b,c a.IBM’s Web Sphe re MQ b.Java 2 Platform c.J2EE d.Oracle 6.A mechanism for translating Internet hostnames into IP addresses is a,c,d a.typically outside of operating system kernel b.typically inside of operating system kernel c.equipped into the general-purpose operating system d.as a middleware by author’s definition 7.With middleware we can b,c,d a.run programs on a centralized computer system only b.keep computations largely isolated from undesirable interactions c.run programs on different computer systemd.allow computations to communicate with one another8.Middleware has mechanisms to support controlled interaction through a,b,c,d munication b.naming c.persistent storage d.coordination 1.Before you turn the power on with a new computer, you should make sure a,b,c,d.a.the computer is already out of the box b.appropriate cables are correctly connected c.the computer system has been set up d.appropriate software have been installed 2.An asleep state is a,c,d.a.a low power standby mode b.indicated by the indicator light putting out ed for saving energyed to lessen wear-and tear on the computer 4.During the boot procedure we can see a,b,c on the screen.a.amount of memory b.the number of attached devices c.the operating system being used d.beeps and whirling noises 5.A user interface we said here is a,b,d.a.an interaction between an operating system and a user b.an interaction between an application program and a user c.an interface between a computer and its peripheral device d.a text-based user interface or GUI 6.Today Microsoft’s ope rating system Windows has a variety of versions, they are a,b,c,d.a.Windows 2007 b.Windows 2003 c.Windows XP d.Windows vista 7.The Windows desktop contains commonelements, such as.a.desktop icons b.taskbar c.Start button d.task button 9.With the window of the GUI we can use.a.menus b.dialog boxes c.icons d.documents 10.Main menu category in some Microsoft programs.a.is a menu bar at the top of many windowsb.can display a pull-down menusc.can’t display a drop-down menusd.can display personalized menus 1.Upgrading a computer system means.a.buying new hardware b.buying new software c.extending the life of your current system d.keeping your computer in present situation 2.To formulate an upgrade strategy, you should consider.a.the PC adheres to a well-supported standard b.you anticipate all your future needs c.there is room for additional expansion cards d.there is room for memory 3.Some common hardware upgrades nclude.a.adding more RAM b.installing ADSLc.adding an image scannerd.installing a color printer 4.The ways to seriously upgrade an Intel 80486-based PC include.a.installing the most modern software b.replacing the motherboard c.replacing other items inside the system unit d.just purchasing a new PC 5.Relationship between version and release in a software is.a.version has major number b.release has minor number c.version typically increase its number in increments of 1d.release typically increase its number in increments of 0.1 or 0.01patible mode of the software products can be categorized into.a.upwardb.downwardc.crossd.above all 1.A Wide Area Network can..a.cover a wide geographical area b.link two or more LANs c.link two LANs only d.be created by individual users 2.According to the flow of information on a transmission facility we can categorize WAN into network.a.circuit switched b.packetswitched c.local area d.Lease d.line 3.In packet switched networks data send in..a.byteb.piecesc.framed.packet 4.The most important items contained in a packet should be.a.data to be transmitted b.header of the packet c.tail of the packet d.date 5.The popular approaches we used in the packet switched network are.a.circuit switching b.datagram c.virtual circuit d.real circuit 6.In the datagram mode when datagrams arrive at their destination, the datagrams.a.may be out of order b.must be in orderc.should be reorderedd.may lose 7.In the virtual circuit mode all packets sent by a user at a time belong to.a.a message b.a session c.different messages d.different sessions 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchange c.very short response time d.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchangec.very short response timed.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 9.A typical frame relay network has.a.seven components b.five components c.six components d.five major physical components and one “virtual” components 10.Router has the following name.a.ARPANET b.IMP(Interface Message Processor c.gateway d.IS(Intermediate System 11.In Fig.4-6 a router creates a logical path between networks, these networks include.a.FDDI b.Token Busc.Token Ringd.Ethernet 12.Encapsulation is used here for data delivering on.a.the circuit switching b.the physical path c.the analog circuit d.the logical path 1.Connecting to the Internet usually includes the following decisions type of.a.deviceb.connectionerd.Internet service provider 2.Which device can be used to access the Internet ?.a.PC b.DVD c.notebook computer d.Internet appliance 3.Following device belongs to the one of dial-up connection.a.HFC b.modem c.dedicate line deviced d.ADSL ing a PC we can retrieve much contents from the Web, they are.a.Web pages b.multimedia contents c.video clips d.music files 5.Mobile Web is used for usually.a.notebook computers b.mobile phonesc.handheld computersd.pagers 6.When we use a dial-up connection to access the Internet, we need.a.a TV cable b.a regular telephone line c.a modem d.a temporary IP address 7.ADSL works at a rate of.a.asymmetric transmission b.symmetric transmission c.asymmetric transmission with 9Mb/s downstream d.asymmetric transmission with 16K-64Kb/s upstream 8.We can find the following facilities in an HFC system.a.optical fiber b.coaxial cable c.cable modem d.head end 9.With the dedicated connection to connect the Internet we e dial-up connection b.keep a continual connection e a static IP address d.keep a temporary connection 10.If some one wants to use mobile wireless connection, he or her should have.a.mobile device b.a fixed radio connection c.Web-enable cell phone d.a mobile transceiver(1 The true goal of ERP is.a.to integrate all departments b.to integrate all functions c.to work across a company d.d.to work on a single computer system(2 T o do ERP right the ways should change.a.people do their jobs b.you do business with ERP c.you do business without ERP d.people do their jobs with ERP(3 ERP can serve the needs of people in.a.finance b.human resources c.warehouse d.all above(4 Real transformational ERP efforts usually run.a.five years b.three years c.two years d.one year(5 A business process shouldinclude.a.order fulfillment b.shipping goods c.billing for the order d.understanding the customer’s credit rating(6 Companies that measure their products by flow rather than individual units are companies.a.utility b.oil c.chemical d.mechanical parts(7 With ERP, the customer service representatives.a.are just typists b.are no longer just typists c.should be business people d.should not be business people(8 With the manufacturing companies can save time, increase productivity and reduce headcount.a.standardizing manufacturing processes ing a single, integrated computer system ing ERP d.in-basket mode 1.Internet telephony system are systems.a.synchronous distributed b.asynchronous distributed c.so called as IP telephony d.synchronous centralized 2.The operating platforms that are currentlysupported by the various Internet telephony system include.a.QoS b.UNIX c.Windows d.Mac 3.With an Internet telephone system developed by using Java applet users should.a.have a standard web browser with Java support b.install the telephony system every time they want to talk c.worry about the underlying workings of a telephony system d.have a network connection 4.The following components are the basic ones of an Internet telephony system.a.host computer b.modem c.local area networkd.router 5.The communication process that the caller’s telephony system handled includes.a.acquiring the real-time voice data b.digitizing the analogue signals pressing the digitized data d.decrypting the digitized data 6.The communication process that the recipient’s telephony system handled includes.a.encrypting the digitized data b.receiving incoming data c.decompressing incoming data d.playing back onthe audio output device 7.The major problems encountered in the current Internet telephone are.a.the working model of the best-effort Internet b.transmitting delay c.transmitting delay jitters d.packet loss8.We can find the following voice recovery methods.a.silence substitution b.waveform substitution c.sample interpolation d.embedded speech coding 9.When we make a distance telephony call such as from Beijing to Guangzhou with Internet telephony system, we should pay communication fees that include.a.transcontinental telephone calls b.local telephone callsc.ISP’s feesd.nominal standard Internet connectivity charges 10.The current Internet telephony systems.a.are launched as stand-alone applications b.must be downloaded prior to operation c.must purchase a new version of thesoftware of the system for upgrading d.must be installed prior to operation 1.The Web took a bold step forward, it.a.was spurred by little-known technologies b.was spurred by well-known technologies c.shattered the traditional usage model of the Web d.kept the traditional usage model of the Web 2.In order to develop a new web application model we should use some technologies, such as.a.traditional web browsers b.JavaScript remoting c.web remote procedure calls d.dynamic updating ing Ajax we can.a.perform the web interaction b.transmit only a small amount of informationto and from the server c.give the user the most responsive experience possible d.substitute the traditional web application model 4.In the traditional web application model the browser.a.has an Ajax engine b.is responsible for initiating requests to the Web server c.is responsible for processingrequests from the Web server d.sends a HTML request to the Web server 5.Ajax engine is.a.a JavaScript object b.a JavaScript function c.responsible for linking to another resourced.responsible for executing the request from the Web server6.The traditional Web server would serve up.a.JavaScriptb.CSSc.HTMLd.images 7.After receiving a server response the Ajax engine.a.goes into action b.provides a link to another Web page c.often parses the data d.makes several changes to the user interface 8.To make an Ajax solution we must use the following technologies:.a.CSS b.HTML/XHTML c.DOM d.JavaScript 9.With Ajax engine we can.a.transfer less information than the traditional Web application model b.update user interface more faster c.work more quickly d.transfer more information than the traditional web application model 10.The data that the Ajax engine can use should be.a.plain text b.understood by the Ajax engine c.XML d.any other data format第三篇:计算机英语经典短文计算机英语经典短文:CMS2009-5-22 10:17【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】CMS is used to digitally sign or encrypt arbitrary messages.CMS describes an encapsulation syntax for data protection.It supports digital signatures and Encryption.The syntax allows multiple encapsulation, so one encapsulation envelope can be nested inside another.Likewise, one party can digitally sign some previously encapsulated data.It also allows arbitrary attributes, such as signing time, to be authenticated along with the message content, and provides for other attributes such as counter-signatures to be associated with a signature.CMS被用于数据签名或者任意消息加密中。
【英语】英语演讲稿 Computers(电脑)

【英语】英语演讲稿 Computers(电脑)尊敬的评委、老师和同学们,大家下午好!我今天要跟大家分享的主题是“电脑”。
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Today , I would like to talk about one of the most popular instant messaging software---weixin. Obviously , Weixin posseses a large market among teenagers like us. But with the number of users increasing largely and the social circle extending constantly, security problem seems very important.
So ,here are some practical tips that may help.
1, use the reporting mechanism. If you are harried by fraud information or something boring, then you can take advantage of the reporting function to report the malicious user. Weixin will help you solve the user id.
2,configure your privacy. You might be very satisfied with its LBS function, however, your location can be caught easily by others. In this case, you can remove your location information by configuring “ remove location information and exit”. What’s more, if you don’t want to be interrupted by strangers,you can simply close the function of “find me by qq number”and “search me by phone number”.
3.utilizing the security assistant for contact list. you can backup and recovery your contact list quickly with the security assistant for contact list. besides ,since the function is bound to your qq number, you needn’t worry that your contact list will be stolen
by others in case you lost your phone.
4.be careful with sensitive messages. When chating with your friends, if your topic is related to sensitive terms such as “online bank”, weixin will remind you , please check the identity of the other one by using the voice or video function.
I hope the simple tips above will help you to enjoy the fun of weixin more safely.。