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搪瓷杯 an enamelled cup
搪瓷带盖大杯 enamel mug with cover
连环画 serial pictures
黑白照片 Black-and-white photo;Black-and-white picture 粮票 grain coupons
布拉吉 one-piece dress
中山装 Chinese tunic suit
海魂衫 a sailor's striped shirt
解放鞋 liberation shoes
喇叭裤 the flared trousers; the bell-bottoms
蝙蝠衫 a batwing-sleeved blouse
雪花膏 vanishing cream; face cream
工装裤 overalls; dungarees; jeans
铁皮玩具 Tin Toy
弹弓 a slingshot; a catapult
魔方 magic cube
水枪 water pistols
胶片机 film camera
红白机 Family Computer
电子宠物 cyberpet; cyber pet; electric pet; e-pet
掌上游戏机 Handheld game console
传呼机 BB call
毛主席语录 Quotations from Chairman Mao
小红书/红宝书 Little Red Book
邓小平文选 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping
革命委员会 revolutionary committee
红袖章 red armbands
红卫兵 the Red Guards
红小兵 the Little Red Guards
又红又专 red and expert
最高指示 supreme instructions
知青 Educated youths
上山下乡 go and work in the countryside or mountain areas。