牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】


牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 公开课课件PPT

牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 公开课课件PPT

Remember to give facts to make your passage convincing and impressive.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】 牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
Hannah and Sarah best friends
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
a quiz
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
You have got to believe, you are my destiny. We're meant to be your friends. that's what a friend should be.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】
feel betrayed by
She didn't think she can ever truely forgive her.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【公开课课件】

牛津版英语必修五Unit1 Reading 课件

牛津版英语必修五Unit1 Reading 课件
Unit 1 Reading
Sayings about friendship
Friends are thieves of time. The best mirror is an old friend. If you can buy a person’s friendship, it’s not worth having. True friends have hearts that beat as one.
Let’s take Sarah’s letter for example:
How Sarah felt:
She scored the lowest mark in her class.
She found a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D”.
She thought Sarah didn’t keep her word.
Practice of Reading Strategy:
Secrets and lies
Careful reading: Questions:
1. Why do you think Sarah and Hannah could be good friends before ? 2. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more? 3. What might have caused their friendship to break?

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit1 Reading课件

牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit1 Reading课件

2. What did Matthew think about losing the match? He thought it wasn’t his fault. 3. How did Andrew think of football? Football is very important to
cruel adj. 伤人的;残忍的
remark argue
• to give a spoken statement of an opinion or
vi. 评论,谈论 vi. 争吵,争论
• to speak angrily with sb. expressing your disagreement • difficult to use, do or deal with; embarrassed
Words: betray, pretend, admit, pace, focus, avoid Expressions: keep pace with keep one’s word as a result of before long can’t help doing in public
vi. 从事间谍活动;收集情报
childhood superb
n. 童年,幼年
• of excellent quality; very great
adj. 极佳的,卓越的
• the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest
Reading strategy How Andrew felt Why he felt so?
His best friend He had a problem. Matthew has stopped talking to him.

牛津必修5 Unit 1课件

牛津必修5 Unit 1课件
Fast reading for general information:
Read the two letters as quickly as possible and answer the questions of part A on page 2.
1. Are the writhers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? They're feeling sad. 2. What did sarah get for the surprise Maths test? She got a D. 3. Is Matthew usually a quiet boy? No, he is usually cheerful and outgoing.
(4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match? (5) What did Matthew think about losing the match? (6) What kind of boy is Matthew?
Check the answers: (1) What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? She thought it was quite easy. (2) What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls' toilets? She told Hannah how badly she had done in the Maths test. (3) weren't going to be friends any more? Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test

高中英语 模块五 Unit1 Reading课件 牛津必修5

高中英语 模块五 Unit1 Reading课件 牛津必修5

She scored the lowest mark in her class.
She found a piece of paper on her desk that said ‘Stupid Sarah got a D’!
She felt ashamed.
She was so upset and feltቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱlike crying.
determined apologize proud mean betrayed friendship secrets guilty mark match
Dear Sarah, You have every right to feel ________ by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you
Dear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! Don’t forget that some things are important to people, even when they don’t shout about them. The _____ was probably very important to Matthew and he felt ______ about losing, and bad about

牛津布版 必修五 Uint1 ReadingPPT

牛津布版 必修五 Uint1 ReadingPPT
牛津布版 必修五 Uint1 Reading (共12张PPT)
牛津布版 必修五 Uint1 Reading (共12张PPT)
1.Read the passage carefully after class. 2.Master the important phrases learnt in this class.
2.Discuss in groups to check your answers. Then show your answers on the blackboard.
Check the answers
1.B 2.B 3.B
3.Many hands make light work.
4.People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.
What lessons can you learn from the proverbs above?
Cooperation or teamwork can make difficult things easier.
_c_a_r_r_y__o__u_t_____________ _d_e__s_e_r_v_e__c_o__n_s_i_d_e_r_a__ti_o_n _b_e__s_u__it_e_d__t_o___________ _t_a_k_e__t_u__rn__s____________ _m__a_k__e__a__g_r_e_a__t_d__if_f_e_r_e_nce

牛津版必修5 Unit1 Reading 课件

牛津版必修5 Unit1 Reading 课件

Words preview deliberately swear forgive tease friendship dilemma adv. 故意地 vt. 发誓 vt. 原谅,宽恕 vt. 嘲笑,取笑,奚落 n. 友谊 n. 进退两难的处境,尴尬的 处境,困境,窘境
Words preview
brilliant adj. 优秀的,杰出的;灿烂的; 聪明的 focus vi. & vt. 集中注意力;聚焦 n. 焦点,关注点 absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的 afterwards adv. 然后,后来 yell vi. & n. 吼叫,大叫 mean adj. 刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的
Words preview guilty cruel stand awkward outgoing apologize adj. 内疚的;有罪的 adj. 刻毒的,伤人的;残酷的, 残忍的 vt. 容忍,忍让;经受,遭受 adj. 别扭的,不自然的;笨拙的 adj. 开朗的;友好的 vi. 道歉
Words preview bitter athletic right unlikely blame adj. 怀恨的;苦的;痛苦的 adj. 适合做运动员的;健壮 的,强健的,充满活力的 n. 权利 adj. 不太可能的 vt. 责备,谴责
Words preview
doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt. & vi. 怀疑,疑问 n. 行为,举止 vt. 使尴尬,使困窘, 使不好 意思,使局促不安 adj. 有天赋的,有才的 n. 力量,力气;实力
behaviour embarrass
gifted strength
Words preview teammate unfair stubborn ruin delay identity n. 队友 adj. 不公平的 adj. 顽固的,固执的,倔强的 vt. 破坏,使毁灭 vi., vt. & n. 耽搁,拖延,推迟 n. 身份

牛津版必修五unit1 Frindship Reading (共31张PPT)

牛津版必修五unit1 Frindship Reading (共31张PPT)
lie is that Hannah didn’t tell the secret to anyone.
1. Since childhood. 2. Because Matthew played badly. 3. It was not his fault. 4. He felt awkward. 5. To make another friend.
People involved
Description of the problem
__________ __________
Group-work---Role play
Group A---Find out the problem of Sarah Group B---Find out the problem of Andrew Work in small groups of 4. One acts as Annie and the rest are assistants. (Remember: Annie can ask any questions to find out the problem.)
Report Time
• Advice to Sarah:

calm down

trust Hannah

find out the truth

be forgiving

• Advice to Andrew:

apologize to Matthew

write a letter to him
Use the questions to help you



Further reading
1. Sarah and Andrew had something in common in that __________.
A. they both felt betrayed by their best friends
B. they both had a horrible quarrel with their best friends
She was unprepared for the surprise math quiz.
3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends anymore? Because she thought that Hannah had told her classmates about her grade after promising not to do so.
How Andrew felt
Why he felt so
They lost the game because of Matthew’sc_a_r_e_l_e_s_s_n_e_s_s_.
He made some really cruel ___r_e_m__a_r_k_s__ to Matthew.
threatened (威胁)to break away from
Hannah as a result of her (5) _b_e_t_r_a_y_a__l _. Andrew, a (6) __g_i_ft_e_d_____ soccer player, had a terrible (7) _a_r_g_u__m_e__n_t with his friend Matthew after they were (8) _b__e_a_te__n_____ in

牛津必修五unit 1 reading 1(共17张PPT)

牛津必修五unit 1 reading 1(共17张PPT)

She found a piece of paper on her desk that said,’Stupid Sarah dot a D!’
She thought Hannah couldn’t
Find out Andrew’s problem and how he feels about it
Fast reading
What is the secret and what is the lie ? Secret: _S_a_r_a_h_g_o_t_a_D__i_n_a__su_r_p_r_is_e_M__a_th_s__te_s_t __. Lie: __H_a_n_n_a_h_d_e_n_i_ed__h_a_v_in_g__le_t_o_u_t_th_e__se_c_r_e_t _.
Thank you
• Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? They are feeling sad.
• What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test? She got a D.
• In Andrew's opinion,why did his team lose the match? Because Matthew was playing badly.
(8)__ad_m__it___ that it was a mistake. You are simply going to have to (9)__f_o_rg_iv_e__ him. You (10)__sw__ea_r___ that your friendship is as important as football, so don’t let a small disagreement destroy friendship. Talk to your friend and I’m sure that, before long, you will be back playing football together.



They lost the game because of Matthew’sc_a_r_e_le_s_s_n_e_ss___.
He made some really cruel ___r_e_m__a_rk__s __ to Matthew.
Her best friend Matthew has stopped talking to him.
Reading Secrets and lies
The reasons leading to
a broken friendship
﹡ having little in common ﹡ lacking trust ﹡ there being conflict of interest ﹡ being jealous of each other
Read the first letter.
• What did Sarah think about the surprise Math quiz? She thought it was quite easy.
(8)__ad_m__it___ that it was a mistake. You are simply going to have to (9)__f_o_rg_iv_e__ him. You (10)__sw__ea_r___ that your friendship is as important as football, so don’t let a small disagreement destroy friendship. Talk to your friend and I’m sure that, before long, you will be back playing football together.

牛津版必修五unit1 Frindship Reading (共31张PPT)

牛津版必修五unit1 Frindship Reading (共31张PPT)
People involved
No: 108
___S_a_ra_h____ __H__an_n_a_h___
of the problem
________S_ec_r_e_ts_a_n_d__li_e_s _
Profile No: 3
___L_i _L_e_i ___
People involved __________
of the problem
They quarreled and stopped talking to each other.
Unit 1 Getting along with others
Reading: Secrets and lies
A friendship in trouble
Annie’s Clinic
How does Annie handle problems? She has some assistants fill in some profiles
David is a near-sighted tall boy.
old. 词数100词左右
be selfless He had a horrible argument with them.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Hug our friends
People involved

牛津译林版 必修五 unit1reading(共22张PPT)

牛津译林版 必修五 unit1reading(共22张PPT)

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Lucky number
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Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.
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• practise and reinforce their reading comprehension skill and improve their other skills by fully participating in all the activities.
• gain some insight into friendships and the problems that can exist between friends.
2. If your friend doesn’t want to talk, you can write a letter or an e-mail to him or her.
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You have got to believe, you are my destiny. We're meant to be your friends. that's what a friend should be.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
With friends, I can have a place to stay when I feel sorry.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
With friends, we can chase tomorrow's sunrise together.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
Sorrow is gonna say goodbye. Open up, and you'll see the happy sunshine.
Keep chasing tomorrow's sunrise, and the spirit will never die.
Seeing you shed a tear makes my world disappear. You'll never be alone in darkness. We are with you, holding hands together.
Sarah thought... be worried about
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
She felt so ashamed!
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
You have got to believe, you are my destiny. We're meant to be your friends. that's what a friend should be.
Good friends
Though life is so difficult that you can't go away, you have my place to stay.

牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
pretend to admit how... beg...to do ...
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
Stupid Sarah got a D
be shocked to do so... that... feel like doing
Sorrow is gonna say goodbye. Open up, and you'll see the happy sunshine.
Keep chasing tomorrow's sunrise, and the spirit will never die.
Seeing you shed a tear makes my world disappear. You'll never be alone in darkness. We are with you, holding hands together.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
With friends, I will never be alone by myself.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】

牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
Friendship plays an important part in our lives.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
Hi, I am Miss Liu from No.18 Middle school. I am kind and friendly.
What kind of person can be your friends?
Appreciate a short poem.
Good friends
Though life is so difficult that you can't go away, you have my place to stay.
With friends, I can have a place to stay when I feel sorry.
With friends, I will never be alone by myself.
With friends, we can chase tomorrow's sunrise together.
Hannah and Sarah best friends
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
a quiz
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
Share a story about friendship.
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】
牛津版必修五 unit1 friendship reading 课件【优秀课件】