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LABORATORY PRIMATENEWSLETTERVol. 48, No. 3Ju ly 2009JUDITH E. SCHRIER, EDITORJAMES S. HARPER, GORDON J. HANKINSON AND LARRY HULSEBOS, ASSOCIATE EDITORS MORRIS L. POVAR AND JASON MACHAN, CONSULTING EDITORSELVA MATHIESEN, ASSISTANT EDITORALLAN M. SCHRIER, FOUNDING EDITOR, 1962-1987Published Quarterly by the Schrier Research LaboratoryPsychology Department, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandISSN 0023-6861POLICY STATEMENTThe Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1) provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to specific research problems, and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be welcome.The Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing research with nonhuman primates. Back issues may be purchased for $10.00 each. We are no longer printing paper issues, except those we will send to subscribers who have paid in advance. We will not accept future subscriptions, unless subscribers are willing to pay $100/year. (Please make checks payable to the Brown University Psychology Department.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive a notice when a new issue is put on the Website by sending the message subscribe LPN-WARN your-own-name to listserv@.(Send the message subscribe LPN-PDF to receive PDF files by e-mail; or the message subscribe LPN-L to receive the nongraphic contents of each issue.) Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at </primate>. Persons who have absolutely no access to the Web, or to the electronic mailing, may ask to have paper copies sent to them.The publication lag is typically no longer than the three months between issues and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints will not be supplied under any circumstances, but authors may reproduce their own articles in any quantity.PREPARATION OF ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. – Articles, notes, and announcements may be submitted by mail, e-mail, or computer disk, but a printed copy of manuscripts of any length or complexity should also be sent by regular mail.. Articles in the References section should be referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith & Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled out completely in the References section. Latin names of primates should be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the Latin names used will be those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd Ed. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder (Eds.). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. For an introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates, by N. Rowe, Pogonias Press, 1996.All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02912 [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]e-mail address: primate@Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at/primateACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Newsletter is supported by Brown University.Cover photograph of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta),taken at the San Diego Zoo by Paul Wilde, 1997Copyright © 2009 by Brown UniversityThe Effects of Exposure to an Expanded Environmental Enrichment Program onSelect Individual Behaviors in BaboonsAmy K. Goodwin, Susan A. James, Kelly E. Lane, Michael C. McDermott, Rebecca L. Rodgerson, and Nancy A. Ator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of BehavioralBiologyIn our laboratory, we had often discussed our desire to create an area in which our singly housed, adult male ba-boons could be released to exercise. The opportunity to do so arose when an environmental enrichment grant from the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University provided funding for such a project. Thus, the goals of the present study were to cre-ate an area large enough for baboons to safely engage in species-specific behavior (i.e., free movement, explora-tory behavior, foraging) and to learn whether exposure to this environment would be correlated with changes in target behaviors considered indicators of psychological well-being.MethodsSubjects: Six adult male baboons (Papio anubis; Primate Imports, New York, NY, or Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX) served as sub-jects in the present study. The six baboons (BB, DC, SY, CY, DE and SC) had been in the laboratory for at least three years and had been subjects in behavioral pharma-cology studies. During the present study, the behavioral pharmacology studies in which they participated included acute exposure to psychoactive compounds. Subjects were individually housed in stainless steel primate cages equipped with a bench running along one cage wall. The home cages, which provided 10 square feet of floor space (46.5 cubic feet total space), also served as the experi-mental chambers, so the behavioral pharmacology ex-periments took place in the home cage. Such experiments typically involve the use of one or more levers, stimulus lights, tones, and food pellet delivery. The baboons had visual and auditory access to other baboons.The baboons had continuous access to tap water from a spout at the front of their cages and received a daily ration of Lab Diet (®PMI Nutrition International) or Pri-mate diet (®Harlan Teklad) biscuits, one or two pieces of Amy K. Goodwin, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Behav-ioral Biology Research Center, 5510 Nathan Shock Dr., Suite 3000, Baltimore, MD 21224 [410-550-2781; fax: 410-550-2780; e-mail: Goodwin@].The establishment of the enrichment room was made possi-ble through an Animal Welfare Enhancement Award made by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The authors would also like to thank Dan Rodgerson for the technical expertise he lent to the project, and Robert J. Adams, DVM, for helpful comments during the protocol review process and manuscript preparation.fresh fruits or vegetables daily, and children’s chewable multivitamins. Daily feeding occurred in late morning (never prior to time spent in the enrichment room). The enrichment program already established in the colony, which included human interaction, access to three or more toys (forage boxes, puzzle feeders, mirrors, Kong® toys, wood logs), and music continued without change during the present study.The overhead lights in the housing room were on for 13 h/day (6:00-19:00 h) and off for the remaining 11 h/day. Natural light also illuminated the room.Routine physical examinations (under ketamine hy-drochloride anesthesia) occurred every two weeks or ap-proximately once per month, depending on the study in which each subject was serving.All protocols were approved by the Johns Hopkins University Animal Care and Use Committee. Animal care and use and facility maintenance followed the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) and the U. S. Animal Welfare Regulations. Johns Hopkins University is accredited by the Association for Assess-ment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care Inter-national.Room Construction: It was vital that the time and effort required to create the enrichment room space be manage-able and that the expense stay below the $6000 received for the project from the Animal Welfare Enhancement Award. Ultimately, by using resources already available to us, we were able to manage the time and effort required without affecting the normal daily functioning in the labo-ratory.The space designated for the enrichment room had been constructed as an animal housing room (i.e., wall and floor surfaces met Guide standards; air was vented externally), and all environmental aspects (e.g., tempera-ture and humidity) were controllable by laboratory per-sonnel. The space was not needed for housing animals when the project began. The room has 145.8 square feet of floor space (663.5 cubic feet of total space), a fully functional sink, and a steel railing on three walls.A door had to be constructed such that baboons would be able to be safely transferred in and out of the room using the shuttle system described below. In order to accomplish this without permanently altering the room, a door measuring 83.25” by 47.25” was made of aluminumsheets in a frame of 3” x 1.25” 6061 architectural alumi-num, and installed in the existing door frame in front of the existing door (see Figure 1). A sub-frame containing a portion of the front wall of an old baboon cage was mounted in the center of the new aluminum door and welded to the larger door frame such that the shuttle cage could be connected to the embedded guillotine-style door. Once the shuttle is attached, the guillotine-style doors on the shuttle cage and the new “cage front” door are opened and the baboon is able to pass from the shuttle into the room. The cage front door is shut behind the baboon. When a baboon is not in the room, the aluminum door functions as any door would, allowing personnel into theroom so that it may be cleaned between baboons.Figure 1: The door constructed to safely transfer baboons in and out of the enrichment room.A painted wooden structure was also manufactured to block baboon access to the sink and its pipes (see Figure 2).The structure is hinged at the front, allowing easy ac-cess to the sink by personnel; fasteners prevent the baboon from opening the lid to the sink. Electrical outlets were covered with metal plates that were screwed in over them. Experimental Design and Procedures: The psychologi-cal well-being of nonhuman primates must be based on individual needs, thus a single-subject design was used in which each subject served as his own experimental control (Sidman, 1960). A subject’s target behavior was meas-ured before the intervention (i.e., exposure to enrichment room) and then measurements in the home cage continued as baboons were periodically exposed to the enrichment room. Prior to any enrichment room exposure, the fre-quency of the target behavior in the home cage was re-corded using a time-sampling procedure (Martin & Pear, 1992) in which 2-minute observations were conducted every hour for 8 hours (i.e., every hour from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at least three days a week, over at least three weeks (i.e., a minimum of 72 two-minute observations). After subjects began spending time in the enrichment room, the home cage observations occurred once per week on a day when the baboon was not scheduled to be in the enrich-ment room (e.g., eight 2-minute observations on Fridays). Figure 2: A baboon in the enrichment room. The wooden structure on the left is the painted and hinged structure used to block baboon access to a sink located in the enrichment room. Shown in the picture are various types of plastic zoo balls, plas-tic tires, tree branches, mirrors, plastic chains, and cardboard for shredding. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds, etc.) are placed throughoutthe room to encourage foraging behavior.The frequency of behaviors was recorded by the ob-server marking a behavioral checklist that included the following behaviors: pacing, rocking, bouncing, circling, self-biting, self-grooming, sleeping, huddled posture, masturbating, aggressive behaviors, playing with toy, lip-smacking, grunting, eating, and drinking. Similar behav-iors have been defined previously in our lab as a part of assessments to examine acute and chronic drug effects (Ator et al., 2000; Goodwin et al., 2005; Goodwin et al., 2006).Three baboons (BB, DC, and SY) were identified as exhibiting behaviors in their home cages for which a de-crease in the frequency may indicate improvement in psy-chological well-being. For baboon BB, the behaviors were pacing and circling in his home cage. For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture, operationally defined assitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli (e.g., our saying his name or offering food treats), was identified as such a behavior. In addition, baboon SY was identified as engaging in excessive grooming. For all three baboons, manipulating items/toys provided in the home cage was identified as a behavior for which increases in frequency may signal improve-ments in psychological well-being and was also recorded.Periodic cage washes (e.g., every two weeks) require baboons to be transferred out of their home cages and into a temporary cage via a “shuttle”. After the shuttle is at-tached to the front of a baboon’s home cage, the guillo-tine style doors on the cage front and shuttle front are lifted and the baboon is able to enter the shuttle. The doors are then shut, and the baboon is transferred to a temporary cage while his home cage is washed. The same procedures are used to transfer the baboons back to their home cages. Although most baboons readily par-ticipate in this procedure, some baboons consistently re-quire coaxing to enter the shuttle. Typically, veterinary technicians attempt to coax baboons into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, and when this fails, the back wall of the home cage is cranked forward so baboons have no choice but to enter the shuttle. In these extreme situations, ba-boons may experience some level of stress associated with the cage wall being cranked forward.Three baboons (CY, DE, and SC) from the colony were identified as consistently required coaxing and/or cranking of the back wall in their home cage in order to transfer them in the shuttle for routine cage washes. De-creasing the time taken for these baboons to enter the shuttle was presumed to lower the stress levels experi-enced by these baboons when they require such transfer.Exposure to the enrichment room began after pre-intervention data had been collected. Between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. (i.e., prior to daily feedings), individual baboons were transported from their home cages to the enrichment room in the shuttle 2-3 times per week. Two dependent variables were used to measure the effectiveness of expo-sure to the enrichment room:1.Target Behaviors: For baboons BB, DC, and SY, the frequency of the behavior(s) identified for each baboon as described above (i.e., circling/pacing, huddled posture, excessive grooming, and handling toys) were systemati-cally recorded by a trained observer before any subject entered the room (i.e., in the weeks prior to entering the enrichment room the first time) using checklists described above.2.Shuttle Behavior: For baboons CY, DE and SC, the latency to enter the shuttle for transportation was re-corded in multiple instances before any exposure to the enrichment room; recording continued after exposure to the enrichment began. The maximum latency to enter the shuttle voluntarily was defined as five minutes, after which time the back wall was cranked forward to leave the baboon with no choice but to enter the shuttle.Each baboon spent 30 minutes in the enrichment room where he had access to numerous objects and toys manu-factured or otherwise suggested for nonhuman primates, including tires, various types of plastic balls, trees, mir-rors, wood pieces, knotted ropes, plastic chains, etc. (see Figure 2; Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ; Desert Plastics, Al-buquerque, NM; Otto Environmental, Milwaukee, WI; Primate Products Inc., Woodside, CA; and Steiner Enter-prises, Lafayette, IN). The same objects were kept in the room, but were cleaned and arranged differently between baboon visits. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds) were placed throughout the room for each baboon to encourage forag-ing behavior. The objects manipulated and duration spent in the enrichment room were recorded for each baboon.After 30 minutes, the shuttle was pushed up against the guillotine door to the room and the doors on the shut-tle and the cage door were raised for transportation to the home cage. Baboons typically returned readily to the shuttle. If a baboon did not do so, a technician placed a piece of fruit in the shuttle to coax the baboon into it. As noted above, daily feeding (i.e., primate biscuits and fresh produce) was restricted to post-enrichment room partici-pation, to increase the likelihood that baboons resisting entering the shuttle might be coaxed with the fruit.Data Analysis: Data are presented for individual ba-boons. As subjects were also participants in on-going behavioral pharmacology studies, only data collected on days when no drugs were administered were included in this data analysis. As described above, a time-sampling procedure was used to assess the frequency of a specific behavior in the home cage for any given day Martin & Pear,1992).Thus, the total number of episodes across the eight 2-min.observations (one each hour for eight con-secutive hours)that occurred in one 24-hr period was av-eraged across days for the periods before and after en-richment room exposure. In addition, the 2-min. observa-tions were combined within each day by adding the fre-quency of occurrences of any given behavior and then dividing the total frequency by the number of total min-utes spent observing in order to express a rate. In this way, the rate for each day served as an independent ob-servation for comparing frequencies before and during exposure to the enrichment room using Student’s t-test (one-tailed).For the individual latencies to enter the transport shuttle, logarithmic transformation of individual latencies were analyzed using Student’s t-test (one-tailed). Changes in the mean frequency of a specific behavior, or the mean latency to enter the shuttle, were deemed statis-tically significant at the 0.05 level or better for individual baboons after exposure to the enrichment room.The data are also presented in graph form as (1) the mean (±SD) frequency of each measure for each baboon prior to any exposure in the enrichment room (PRE) and (2) the frequency of that measure following each expo-sure to the room. In this way, patterns of change over time as a result of repeated exposure to the enrichment room may be detected.ResultsFor baboon BB, repetitive pacing/circling in the home cage was identified as the target behavior prior to the start of this study. Using the time-sampling procedure de-scribed above, the mean (±SD) frequency of pac-ing/circling episodes in the home cage prior to any visits to the enrichment room was 2.19 (±1.39) (see Figure 3). After exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) number of pacing/circling episodes significantly de-creased to 0.643 (±0.63) (t=3.948; p=0.0002).Figure 3: The mean frequency of pacing/circling episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB. Data here, and in Figures 4, 5, and 6, are the mean (±SD) frequency ob-tained using a time-sampling procedure before exposure to the enrichment room (PRE), and the frequency observed following exposure to the enrichment room.For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture was identified as a target behavior for which a decrease fol-lowing exposure to the enrichment room may indicate an improvement in psychological well-being (see Figure 4). As noted previously, the “huddled” posture is defined as sitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli. For baboon DC, the mean (±SD) frequency of the “huddled” posture prior to exposure to the enrich-ment room was 5.25 (±1.29). The mean frequency after exposure decreased to 4.21 (±1.31), a statistically signifi-cant decrease (t=2.02; p=0.03; see Figure 4). For baboon SY, the frequency of “huddled” posture observed in the home cage also decreased after exposure to the enrich-ment room. Prior to the first exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) frequency of a “huddled” posture for SY was 1.88 (±1.37). This was significantly de-creased to 0.71 (±0.83) (t=2.92; p=0.003).Figure 4: The mean frequency of “huddled” posture per two-minute interval in the home cages of baboons DC and SY.Excessive grooming was also identified as a target behavior for baboon SY for which a decrease in the fre-quency may signal an improvement in his psychological well-being (see Figure 5). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes prior to exposure to the enrichment room was 3.77 (±1.45). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes after exposure decreased to 2.36 (±0.74), a statistically significant decrease (t=3.34;p=0.0008).Figure 5: The mean frequency of grooming episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon SY.Figure 6: The mean frequency of episodes of “playing with toys” per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB.Behaviors for which an increase in frequency might signal improved psychological well-being were also char-acterized. For baboon BB, there was a significant in-crease in the frequency of “playing with toys” in his home cage after exposure to the enrichment room (t=4.48; p<0.0001). As shown in Figure 6, the frequency since exposure to the enrichment room generally increased. Prior to enrichment room exposure, the mean (±SD) fre-quency of baboon BB “playing with toys” in the home cage was 2.27 (±1.91). After the first exposure, the mean (±SD) frequency was 4.9 (±1.54).Figure 7: The mean (±SD) latency (min.) to enter the shuttle from the home cages of baboons DE and CY before (PRE) ex-posure to the enrichment room and after exposure. The maxi-mum latency was five min., after which the back wall of the home cage was cranked forward.Some of SY’s and DC’s behaviors in the home cage that may signal improvement in psychological well-being when increased (i.e., playing with toys, lip smacking, and grunting) were not significantly changed (data not shown) after exposure to the enrichment room.The latency to enter the shuttle for transportation from the home cage to the enrichment room was studied in three baboons (DE, CY, SC) known to require coaxing, and often cranking the back wall of the home cage, to get them into the shuttle. As shown in Figure 7, baboon DE required a mean (±SD) latency of 3.45 (±1.82) minutes to enter the shuttle prior to any exposure in the enrichment room. After the first exposure, the mean latency to enter the shuttle significantly decreased (t=7.4; p<0.0001). For baboon CY, the mean (±SD) latency to enter the shuttle prior to exposure was 0.53 ± 0.57 minutes, a significant decrease after exposure (t=2.1; p=0.023).Despite coaxing with fruit, one baboon (SC) failed to return to the shuttle after entering the enrichment room. Fortunately, the baboon was one who readily pressed his thigh up against the bars for ketamine injections in the home cage and also did so in the enrichment room. While ketamine is routinely used in lab settings for its sedative effects, it is a drug with potential for abuse, and studies have illustrated that nonhuman primates will self-administer ketamine (Lukas et al., 1984; Moreton et al., 1977). Thus, since intramuscular ketamine clearly served as a reinforcer for this baboon, the veterinary technician was able to sedate the animal with ketamine in order to remove him from the room. When this also needed to be done at the end of his second visit to the room, this ba-boon was dropped from the study.DiscussionThe objective of the present study was to improve the quality of life for baboons in our lab through exposure to an expanded environmental enrichment program. We could not simply assume, however, that exposure to the enrichment room would result in an improvement in the psychological well-being of our subjects. Thus, we iden-tified three baboons with maladaptive behaviors in their home cages and compared the frequency of these behav-iors prior to enrichment room exposure to the frequency of the same behaviors after exposure, and found signifi-cant decreases in their frequency.In addition, we found that two baboons would more readily enter the transport shuttle after exposure to the enrichment room. That is, the stress resulting from crank-ing the back wall forward and “forcing” baboons out of the cage and into the shuttle for transport no longer oc-curs for these baboons, since they now readily enter the shuttle. This is important because baboons must be trans-ported out of their home cages for regular cage washes.Thus, our data support the idea that exposure to the enrichment room improved the psychological well-being of the baboons. In addition, while only one of the ba-boons showed an increase in the use of toys in his home cage, it is possible the baboons experienced significant increases in their psychological well-being that were un-detected by our outcome measures. Moreover, by docu-menting the smaller objects manipulated (e.g., Kong® toys, balls made of different materials, plastic chains, mirrors) while the baboons were in the enrichment room, we also were able to identify individual toy preferences for individual baboons. This has resulted in more effec-tive enrichment being provided in the home cages.Another goal was simply to increase the amount of activity in which the baboons were able to engage. Tech-nicians consistently noted in the records that baboons spend a majority of time in the enrichment room moving around and “exploring.”A discussion of promoting the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates in laboratories would not be complete without mentioning possible causes of abnormal cage behaviors. While it is not possible to know why one baboon engages in maladaptive behaviors when others do not, one theory with an abundance of evidence asserts that removing an infant from his mother’s care too soon can result in the formation of abnormal cage behaviors later in life (Altmann, 2001; Bellanca & Crockett, 2002). Neither information about the age at which a baboon was removed from his mother’s care, nor descriptions of early life experiences, are routinely provided with nonhuman primates upon arrival at research facilities. For example, while the actual age of baboon BB is not known, he was a wild-caught baboon who weighed a mere 8.2 kg and was lacking his canine teeth upon arrival, leaving no doubt he arrived as a juvenile. Moreover, when he arrived at quar-antine (and for a period of time after arriving in our facil-ity), BB was housed with a second male baboon that was bigger and dominated BB. Thus, the cage behaviors ex-hibited by BB later in life may have been shaped as a consequence of being taken from his mother too soon and/or being caged with a dominant older male early in life. While many factors certainly influence the formation of maladaptive behaviors, housing and rearing conditions, early life experience, and colony procedures clearly play a role. Indeed, a retrospective analysis in a colony of rhesus macaques concluded that factors influencing the development of stereotypic and self-injurious behaviors in rhesus macaques included intrinsic factors (i.e., males exhibit more maladaptive behaviors than did females), rearing conditions, housing conditions, colony manage-ment practices, and research protocols (Lutz et al., 2003). Regardless of the cause of abnormal cage behaviors, it is important to examine how environmental enrichment may be useful for decreasing these behaviors.Since we ended our data collection, the enrichment room has been available for all baboons in our colony, and we have encountered baboons that do not readily return to the shuttle for transportation back to their home cages. Specifically, we have had three instances, other than the one reported above, when baboons would not readily exit the enrichment room. In these instances, the technicians tried to coax the baboon into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, but found it required considerable time before the baboons would exit. That is, after a period of 1-4 hours baboons eventually returned to the shuttle, and those baboons are not currently visiting the enrichment room. Other methods for encouraging return to the shut-tle, however, are being tried. For example, we have found that turning off the room light was successful with one baboon. Based on our experience during and after the present study, 30-45 minutes seems to be the ideal amount of time in the room after which the majority of baboons will readily exit the room without incident.It is our hope that other laboratories will use an en-richment room for caged nonhuman primates and will find it a valuable tool for increasing their psychological well-being. Facilities that house very large numbers of nonhuman primates may find it difficult to expend the time, space, and money to offer such enrichment to all animals. While it would be wonderful to give all the animals in a lab access to an enrichment room, it would not be as expensive to at least provide it to those animals who need it most. Indeed, our data support the notion that the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates exhibiting maladaptive behaviors can improve by expo-sure to an enrichment room.It should be noted, however, that some unique vari-ables may have contributed to our success. The veteri-nary technicians in the Division of Behavioral Biology are responsible for the daily care of the same animals, and the baboons serve as subjects in behavioral experiments for a number of years (i.e., studies are not terminal). Thus, the baboons are extremely familiar with their vet-erinary technicians. In addition, the baboons have a his-tory of shuttling for cage washes and so the act of moving from their home cages to the enrichment room was famil-iar to them. Nonetheless, exposing baboons with target behaviors indicative of poor psychological well-being to the enrichment room resulted in an apparent improvement in psychological well-being. The ease of replication of the enrichment room in other nonhuman primate colonies is contingent on the availability of space, time, and some financial support.In conclusion, participation in the expanded enrich-ment program enhanced the standard enrichment provided in the home cages, and also appeared to improve the psy-chological well-being of individual baboons with identi-fied maladaptive behaviors in our research program. We。



Centro de Investigaci´o n y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN Departamento de Ingenier´ıa El´e ctrica2nd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ICEEE)XI Conference on Electrical Engineering(CIE2005)Mexico City,MexicoSeptember7-9,2005Final Program&Abstract BookThis book was elaborated using L A T E X2e. CINVESTAV,August2005ContentsMessage from the conference chair4 Message from the Head of the EED5 2nd ICEEE-CIE Organizing Committee7 Topic Chairs8 Reviewers9 Final Program11 Courses19 Round table sessions21 General Information21 Keynote Speakers22 Plenary Conferences Abstracts23 Abstract Book27 Autor Index63Message from the conference chairWe begin our joint Conference,namely ICEEE-CIE2005,with the desire to meet col-leagues and friends from Mexico and abroad.We mean students,professors and pro-fessionals that design,develop and propose technological and engineering solutions for electrical and electronics systems,whether as research work or immediate application. Certainly,this Conference is an opportunity to do so.It is worth pointing out that it is the second time this technical forum is presented as an international event and whose diffusion has been excellent due to the means of the prestigious institution:the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE.In this respect,we are also grateful to Cinvestav by its support providing facilities andfinances.Looking at the ICEEE-CIE2005program,we can mention that the technical topics cover a wide spectrum of areas,namely in computer science,bioelectronics,communica-tion systems,solid-state electronics,VLSI design,electronic materials and mechatronics. They reflect modern engineering techniques and methods,which belong to those proposed by experienced experts that work in academia,laboratories and industry,in collaboration with students and specialized technicians.In summary,we are going to witness relevant results that might help ours,fulfilling the early objectives of this Conference.We realize that the quality of the selected papers for oral presentation is high due in part to the participation of foreign reviewers,who kindly accepted the silent task of eval-uating the original manuscripts in collaboration with national ones.We recognize that the participation of keynote speakers is a cornerstone on which this Conference builds its success.In particular,five full professors,each one invited by the Sections of the host Electrical Engineering Department,enhance this issue.Some words for visitors from abroad follow.Mexico is a modern Spanish-speaker coun-try,where the friendship is a distinctive gesture that foreigners always appreciate,there-fore,this event is a vehicle to try.Our city,which is taken into account as the largest in the world,is also warm even though its thoughtful people and Cinvestav is not the exception to the rule.In the context of both the initial preparation and thefinal process of setting details of the Conference,we want to thank to Mrs.Carmen Quintero,Judith Esparza,Anabel D´ıaz,Miguel-Angel Velasco,Emilio Espinosa,Gabriel Vega Mart´ınez and student Victor Ponce for offering their timely and valuable skills.Finally,on behalf of the ICEEE-CIE2005organizing committee I welcome to everyone attending this fruitful three-day academic meeting.Likewise,enjoy your stay in our city! Sincerely,Felipe G´o mez-Casta˜n edaICEEE-CIE2005Conference Chair.Message from the Head of the EEDDear Coleagues:On behalf of the Electrical Engineering Department(EED)at the Center of Research and Advanced Studies(Cinvestav),it is my privilege to welcome you to the Second In-ternational Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ICEEE)and the XI Conference on Electrical Engineering(CIE).This occasion is quite special since we are celebrating eleven years of the CIE which has been organized as an annual event by the EED.Furthermore,we are initiating today a new adventure:The ICEEE organized for the this time in the EED’s Mexico city main campus.As you know,this time our venue is M´e xico,City where we expect an intensive interaction among scholars and electrical engineering practitioners from all over the world,especially,from the Americas.One of the main objectives of the ICEEE is to provide a forum to spread and promote the disciplines cultivated by the EED,namely:Bioelectronics,Communications,Com-puter Science,Mechatronics and Solid State Electronics.Likewise,this event represents an opportunity to make known scientific and technological contributions achieved by other Mexican institutes.Throughout its forty two years of existence and as its most important reason to be, the EED faculty has strived to promote science and technology in Mexico.Such task has not been only limited to pure academic developments but also has decisively con-tributed to improvements and developments in a variety of national industry products and applications.That is why the ICEEE and CIE-2005conferences have always had the presence of industry representatives whose participation we welcome.In this sense,the ICEEE comes to crown and consecrate the entire academic and research efforts of the EED faculty during all these years.Given the rich diversity of Electrical Engineering disciplines cultivated by the EED,an international and national committee in different specialties was assembled together to perform a rigorous review process of the submitted papers.In this way,we are in the position to guarantee both,the quality of the conference and the benefit that all delegates can obtain from attending our ICEEE/CIEEE-2005conference.Attendees willfind that there is a lot to learn from the scientific and technological exchange to be provided by this forum.Assistance willfind an opportunity to increase their awareness of nowadays most relevant electrical engineering problems.For all the aforementioned,this even constitutes a high priority means to promote the technological advanced of our countries.Another milestone achieved recently by Cinvestav was our graduate student number 5324.Out of this number,the EED alone has contributed with824graduated students,be-ing the highest number ever obtained by any Electrical Engineering post-graduate school in Mexico.Finally,on behalf of all the faculty member of the EED,I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to make these conferences possible.Particularly,we are grateful to our director,Rosalinda Contreras,to IEEE and to our sponsors for all the support given to us towards the organization of this event.We hope that you will enjoy the Conferences and that you willfind some free time to relax and get to know the Mexico city.Ernesto SuasteHead of the EED2nd ICEEE-CIE Organizing Committee Dr.Felipe G´o mez-Casta˜n eda(Conference Chairman)Dr.Carlos Alvarado-Serrano(Proceedings Editor)Dr.Rafael Castro-Linares(Tutorials)Dr.Luis Gerardo de la Fraga(Technical Program)Dr.Felipe Alejandro Cruz-P´e rez(Advertising)Dr.Ernesto Suaste-G´o mez(Industrial Relations and Exhibit)Dra.Xiaoou Li Zhang(Logistics)Technical SupportJudith Esparza(System and On-Line Submission)Ma.del Carmen Quintero(Administrative Assistant)Ricardo G´o mez(Exhibiting Assistant)Conference Management System CINVESTAV(On-Line Paper Submission and Reviewing System)Topic Chairs Bioengineering and Medical Electronics Electrical PowerElectronic CircuitsCarlos Alvarado SerranoCINVESTAV-IPN. Communication SystemsMauricio Lara-Barr´o nCINVESTAV-IPN.Computer ScienceXiaoou Li ZhangCINVESTAV-IPN.Solid-State Electronics and VLSI Semiconductor MaterialsMar´ıa de la Luz Olvera-AmadorCINVESTAV-IPN.Automatic Control and Mechatronics Rafael Castro-LinaresCINVESTAV-IPN.ReviewersAbraham Claudio S´a nchez.........................................CENIDET,M´e xico Aldo Orozco...............................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Alfonso Guti´e rrez Aldana...........................................CIC-IPN,M´e xico Andr´e s Iv´a n Oliva Arias...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Ante Salcedo Gonz´a lez.................................................ITAM,M´e xico Antonio F Mondragon Torres..............................Texas Instruments,U.S.A. Arturo Escobosa...........................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Arturo Hern´a ndez Aguirre............................................CIMAT,M´e xico Arturo Morales-Acevedo...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Arturo Veloz Guerrero...................................................Intel,M´e xico Arturo Vera Hern´a ndez....................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Carlos A.Coello Coello....................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Carlos Alberto Cruz Villar.................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Carlos Alvarado Serrano...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Carlos Arist´o teles De La Cruz Blas...........Universidad P´u blica de Navarra,Espa˜n a Christopher Druzgalski...............................................CSULB,U.S.A. Claude Moog........................................................IRCCyN,France David H.Covarrubias Rosales.......................................CICESE,M´e xico Demetrio Villanueva Ayala.................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Deni L.Torres Rom´a n.....................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Dominique boratoire LSR Logiciels Systemes Resea,France Edgar Ch´a vez.............Universidad Michoacana de San Nicol´a s de Hidalgo,M´e xico Eduardo Moreno.............................................ICIMAF,CITMA,Cuba Ernesto Suaste.............................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Felipe Alejandro Cruz P´e rez...............................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Felipe G´o mez Casta˜n eda...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Fernando Ram´ırez Mireles.............................................ITAM,M´e xico Francisco Javier Garc´ıa Ugalde................Facultad de Ingenier´ıa,UNAM,M´e xico Francisco J.Garc´ıa S´a nchez....................Universidad Sim´o n Bol´ıvar,Venezuela Francisco J.Ruiz-S´a nchez..................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Francisco Rodr´ıguez-Henr´ıquez.............................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Gabriel Romero Paredes Rubio............................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Giselle M.Galv´a n-Tejada..................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Guang-Bin Huang.......................Nanyang Technological University,Singapore Guillermo Morales-Luna...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Henri Huijberts................................University of London,United Kingdom Horacio Soto Ortiz..................................................CICESE,M´e xico Ieroham Baruch...........................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Isaac Rudomin.................................................ITESM-CEM,M´e xico Javier E.Gonz´a lez Villarruel.........................................ITESM,M´e xico Jes´u s Carrillo L´o pez...........................................BUAP,Puebla,M´e xico Joaquin Alvarez.....................................................CICESE,M´e xico Jorge Carlos Mex Perera.........................ITESM,Campus Monterrey,M´e xicoJos´e Alfredo´Alvarez-Ch´a vez.............University of Southampton,United Kingdom Jos´e Luis Medina Monroy...........................................CICESE,M´e xico Jos´e Luis Ramos Quirarte........................Universidad de Guadalajara,M´e xico Jos´e Miguel Rocha P...............Freescale Semiconductor,Motorola Puebla,M´e xico Jose Rosario Gallardo Lopez.........................................CICESE,M´e xico Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela.......................................CIC-IPN,M´e xico Juan Manuel Hern´a ndez Cid..........................................ITESO,M´e xico Luis Gerardo de la Fraga...................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Manuel Duarte-Mermoud.................................Universidad de Chile,Chile Maria De La Luz Olvera Amador..........................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Mariano Aceves Mijares......................................INAOE,Puebla,M´e xico Mario Alfredo Reyes Barranca.............................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Mauricio Lara.............................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Mauricio Ortega L´o pez....................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico M´a ximo L´o pez-L´o pez......................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico MengChu Zhou...........................................................NJIT,USA Miguel´Angel Le´o n Ch´a vez....................................BUAP,Puebla,M´e xico Miguel Garc´ıa-Rocha......................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Mohamed Moustafa Abd-El Aziz Moustafa.......The Cabinet-Information&DecisionSupport.Egypt Oscar Castillo...............................Instituto Tecnol´o gico de Tijuana,M´e xico Oscar D´ıaz...................................University of the Basque Country,Spain Pablo Rogelio Hern´a ndez Rodr´ıguez........................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Rafael Castro-Linares......................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Ram´o n Mart´ın Rodr´ıguez Dagnino...............ITESM,Campus Monterrey,M´e xico Ram´o n Parra Michel............................ITESM Campus Guadalajara,M´e xico Ram´o n Pe˜n a Sierra........................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Ricardo G´o mez Villanueva.................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Roberto Mu˜n oz Guerrero..................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Rodolfo Quintero Romo....................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Rogelio Alc´a ntara Silva.......................Facultad de Ingenier´ıa,UNAM,M´e xico Valeri Kontorovich Mazover................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Vicente Parra Vega........................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Xiaoou Li..................................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xico Yasuhiro Matsumoto.......................................CINVESTAV-IPN,M´e xicoFinal ProgramWednesday7,September2005Auditory Room1Room2 8:309:30Registration9:309:50Opening Ceremony10:0011:00PLE1EP11SSE1111:0011:30Break Break Break11:3012:30CS1EP12SSE1212:3013:30CS1MEC11BIO1113:3015:00Lunch Lunch Lunch15:0016:00CS2MEC12BIO1216:0017:00CS2COM1BIO217:0018:00-COM1BIO218:00-Welcome cocktailThrusday8,September2005Auditory Room1Room2 9:0010:00COM2SSE2BIO3 10:0011:00PLE2SSE2BIO3 11:0011:30Break Break Break 11:3012:30PLE3COM3EP2 12:3013:30Round-T1COM3EP2 13:3015:00Lunch Lunch Lunch 15:0017:00CS31MEC21EP3 17:0017:30Break Break–17:3018:10CS32MEC22–Friday9,September2005Auditory Room1Room2 9:0010:00–EC1SEM1 10:0011:00PLE4EC1SEM1 11:0011:30Break Break Break 11:3012:30PLE5EC2SEM2 12:3014:00Round-T2EC2SEM2 14:00-Closing CeremonySymbol list:PLE PlenaryBIO Bioengineering and Medical ElectronicsCOM Communication SystemsCS Computer ScienceSSE Solid-State Electronics and VLSIMEC Mechatronics and Automatic ControlEC Electronic CircuitsSEM Semiconductor MaterialsEP Electrical PowerRound-T Round Table1CS1Computer ScienceWednesday11:30-13:30AuditoryChair:Dr.Luis Gerardo de la Fraga..................1.111:30-11:50.An Algorithm for Reduct of Boolean Functions Basedon Primes (27)1.211:50-12:10.A Virtual Machine for the Ambient Calculus (27)1.312:10-12:30.Algorithms for Robust Graph Coloring on Paths (27)1.412:30-12:50.Animation of Deformable Objects Built with SimplexMeshes (27)1.512:50-13:10.Mathematical Tools for Speeding Up the Determina-tion of Configurations of the n-Dimensional Orthogonal Pseudo-Polytopes (28)1.613:10-13:30.Non-Linear Filters for colour imaging implemented byDSP (28)2CS2Computer ScienceWednesday15:00-17:00AuditoryChair:Dra.Xiaoou Li...........................2.115:00-15:20.Environmental Sounds Recognition System Using theSpeech Recognition System Techniques (28)2.215:20-15:40.Analysis of Audio Watermarking Schemes (29)2.315:40-16:00.Wavelet Domain Statistical Order Filter using the Tri-State Median Filter Algorithm (29)2.416:00-16:20.Analysis of a DFT-Based Watermarking Algorithm..292.516:20-16:40.Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks for Recog-nition of Target and Clutter Images (30)2.616:40-17:00.SIMD Architecture for Image Segmentation using So-bel Operators Implemented in FPGA Technology (30)3CS31Computer ScienceThursday15:00-17:00AuditoryChair:Dr.Arturo D´ıaz P´e rez.......................3.115:00-15:20.Mobile RFID Reader with Database Wireless Synchro-nization (30)3.215:20-15:40.Experimental Analysis of Wireless Propagation Modelswith Mobile Computing Applications (31)3.315:40-16:00.Performance Analysis of the Confidentiality SecurityService in the IEEE802.11using WEP,AES-CCM,and ECC (31)3.416:00-16:20.A Tool for Analysis of Internet Metrics (31)3.516:20-16:40.A Library Framework for the POSIX Application-Defined Scheduling Proposal (31)3.616:40-17:00.Dynamic invocation of Web services by using aspect-oriented programming (32)4CS32Computer ScienceThursday17:30-18:10AuditoryChair:Dr.Arturo D´ıaz P´e rez.......................4.117:30-17:50.LIDA/REC Visual Language for Databases interfacePostgreSQL (32)4.217:50-18:10.Aspect-Oriented Web Services Orchestration (33)5COM1Communication SystemsWednesday16:00-18:00Room1Chair:Dr.Aldo Gustavo Orozco Lugo.................5.116:00-16:20.Adaptive Echo Canceller Using a Modified LMS Algo-rithm (33)5.216:20-16:40.The Universality of the Prolate Spheroidal Wave Func-tions for Channel Orthogonalization and its Modeling (33)5.316:40-17:00.On the generalized and modified Suzuki model(GMSM):approximations and level crossing statistics (34)5.417:00-17:20.On MIMO Space-Time Coded Systems:Unleashingthe Spatial Domain (34)5.517:20-17:40.On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulatorfor IEEE802.11a (34)5.617:40-18:00.DSP Digital Modulation Software Implementation andRF Impairments Analysis (35)6COM2Communication SystemsThursday9:00-10:00AuditoryChair:Dr.Javier Gonz´a lez........................6.19:00-9:20.State of the Art in Ultra-Wideband Antennas (35)6.29:20-9:40.Design and Simulation of a1to14GHz BroadbandElectromagnetic Compatibility DRGH Antenna (35)6.39:40-10:00.RF System Concepts Applied to Digital Wireless Re-ceivers Design Based on wireless standards (36)7COM3Communication SystemsThursday11:30-13:30Room1Chair:Dra.Giselle Galv´a n Tejada...................7.111:30-11:50.Design of a Backup Wireless Network for the Depart-ment of Electrical Engineering of CINVESTAV-IPN (36)7.211:50-12:10.Cell Planning Based on the WiMax Standard for HomeAccess:A Practical Case (36)7.312:10-12:30.Performance Analysis of an All-Optical WavelengthConverter Using a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Simulator (37)7.412:30-12:50.Quasi Mobile IP-based Architecture for Seamless In-terworking between WLAN and GPRS Networks (37)7.512:50-13:10.Design and Verification Based on Assertions:SomeStatistics (37)7.613:10-13:30.Traffic Analysis for IP Telephony (38)8BIO11Bioengineering and Medical ElectronicsWednesday12:30-13:30Room2Chair:Dr.Pablo Rogelio Hern´a ndez Rodr´ıguez...........8.112:30-12:50.A Microprocessor-Based System for Pulse-Echo Over-lap Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocity (38)8.212:50-13:10.Rotation Effects of an Axicon Ultrasonic Transducerwhen Measuring a Blood Flow Rate (38)8.313:10-13:30.Experimental Estimation of Acoustic Attenuation andDispersion (38)9BIO12Bioengineering and Medical ElectronicsWednesday15:00-16:00Room2Chair:Dr.Pablo Rogelio Hern´a ndez Rodr´ıguez...........9.115:00-15:20.New X-wave Solutions of Isotropic/Homogenous ScalarWave Equation (39)9.215:20-15:40.Feasibility study of using ultrasonic transducer borderwaves for centering hydrophones in ultrasonicfield characterization399.315:40-16:00.ELF magneticfields generator,variable in intensityand frequency for biological applications (39)10BIO2Bioengineering and Medical ElectronicsWednesday16:00-18:00Room2Chair:Dr.Roberto Mu˜n oz Guerrero..................10.116:00-16:20.Automatic Detection of ECG Ventricular ActivityWaves using Continuous Spline Wavelet Transform (40)10.216:20-16:40.Crayfish Brain States Characterization with WaveletTransform (40)10.316:40-17:00.Measurement of Skin-Electrode Impedance for a12-lead Electrocardiogram (41)10.417:00-17:20.Cancer Model Identification Via Sliding Mode andDifferential Neural Networks (41)10.517:20-17:40.Experimental Seat for the Study of the Effects of Ran-dom Pneumatic Stimulation for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers.41 11BIO3Bioengineering and Medical ElectronicsThursday9:00-11:00Room2Chair:Dr.Arturo Vera Hern´a ndez...................11.19:00-9:20.Foveal model of artificial retina with phototransistors inDarlington configuration in the high-resolution region (42)11.29:20-9:40.Distributed Retinal Stimulation Model Based on Adap-tive System (42)11.39:40-10:00.Chromatic Pupillary Response in Diabetic Patients (42)11.410:00-10:20.Neuro Tracking Control for Glucose-Insulin InteractionModel (43)11.510:20-10:40.PVDF Strength Sensor for Biomechanical Analysis inMice (43)11.610:40-11:00.Conception and Realization of a3D Dynamic Sensoras a Tool in Human Walking Study (43)12MEC11Mechatronics and Automatic ControlWednesday12:30-13:30Room1Chair:Dr.Gerardo Silva Navarro....................12.112:30-12:50.New Results on the Energy-Based Control of SeriesResonant Inverters (44)12.212:50-13:10.Modeling and Controller Design of a Magnetic Levita-tion System (44)12.313:10-13:30.Global observability and detectability analysis for aclass of nonlinear models of biological processes with bad inputs..44 13MEC12Mechatronics and Automatic ControlWednesday15:00-16:00Room1Chair:Dr.Gerardo Silva Navarro....................13.115:00-15:20.On New Passivity Property:Review and Extension toMechanical Rotational Systems (44)13.215:20-15:40.Fault Detection Using Dynamic Principal ComponentAnalysis by Average Estimation (45)14MEC21Mechatronics and Automatic ControlThursday15:20-17:00Room1Chair:ardo Aranda Bricaire..................14.115:20-15:40.Stability of a diamond-type quasipolynomial family..4514.215:40-16:00.Lyapunov Matrices for Time Delay Systems (45)14.316:00-16:20.Lyapunov Matrices for Neutral Type Time Delay Sys-tems (45)14.416:20-16:40.Solving the Coupled Riccati Equation for the N-PlayersLQ Differential Game (46)14.516:40-17:00.Improving Stability and Performance in a GeneralizedMinimum Variance Controller using Dynamic Pole Assignment (46)15MEC22Mechatronics and Automatic ControlThursday17:30-18:50Room1Chair:Dr.Vicente Parra Vega......................15.117:30-17:50.Stable Task Space Neurocontroller for Robot Manipu-lators without Jacobian Matrix (46)15.217:50-18:10.New Position Controllers for Robot Manipulators (46)15.318:10-18:30.A design strategy of discrete event controllers for au-tomated manufacturing systems (47)15.418:30-18:plexity and Path Planning for a car-like robot..47 16SSE11Solid-State Electronics and VLSIWednesday10:00-11:00Room2Chair:Dr.Alfredo Reyes Barranca...................16.110:00-10:20.Morphological effects and their relation with the elec-trical resistivity measured during the initial stages of growth ofAu/glas (47)16.210:20-10:40.Charging/discharging effects in nc-Si/SiO2superlat-tice prepared by LPCVD (48)16.310:40-11:00.Effect of Nitrogen in the Photoluminescence of SiliconRich Oxidefilms prepared by LPCVD (48)17SSE12Solid-State Electronics and VLSIWednesday11:30-12:30Room2Chair:Dr.Alfredo Reyes Barranca...................17.111:30-11:50.SnO2,SnO2/Ag and Ag/SnO2Thin Films used asPropane Sensors (48)17.211:50-12:10.Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Spin-Dipole Waves in theMillimeter Wave Range (48)18SSE2Solid-State Electronics and VLSIThursday9:00-11:00Room1Chair:Dr.Jos´e A.Moreno Cadenas..................18.19:00-9:20.Polyimide Passivation Approaches on Double-Mesa Thyris-tors (49)18.29:20-9:40.A Low-Power Bootstrapped CMOS Full Adder (49)18.39:40-10:00.An Improved EKV Model for Partially Depleted SOIDevices (49)18.410:00-10:20.Macromodel for CMOS Photogate-Type Active PixelSensors (50)18.510:20-10:40.Linear theory of the thermoelectric cooling based onthe Peltier effect (50)18.610:40-11:00.Fuzzy Equalizer in VLSI (50)18.711:00-11:20.1-D BJT Parameter Extraction for Cuasi-3D Simula-tion of Four-Layer Devices (50)19EP11Electrical PowerWednesday10:00-11:00Room1Chair:Ing.Jos´e A.Urbano Castel´a n..................19.110:00-10:20.Modeling of the Circuit Parameters of an Induction De-vice for Heating of a Non-Magnetic Conducting Cylinder by Meansof a Travel (51)19.210:20-10:ing Edsa on Radial Primary Feeder Capacitor Sizeand Location Simulation (51)19.310:40-11:00.A Complex Fault-Tolerant Power System Simulation.51 20EP12Electrical PowerWednesday11:30-12:30Room1Chair:Ing.Jos´e A.Urbano Castel´a n..................20.111:30-11:50.Internal Winding Faults in Three-Phase Five-LimbTransformer (52)20.211:50-12:10.Analysis of the generator-transformer interaction inthe abc reference (52)21EP2Electrical PowerThursday11:30-13:30Room2Chair:Dr.Francisco Ru´ız S´a nchez...................21.111:30-11:50.Dinamics of Solar-Powerwd Fractional Horse PowerMotor (52)21.211:50-12:10.Sliding Mode Observer-Based Control for a Series Ac-tive Filter (53)21.312:10-12:30.Fuzzy Logic Enhanced Speed Control System of a VSI-Fed Three Phase Induction motor (53)21.412:30-12:50.Intelligent Control of the Regenerative Braking in anInduction Motor Drive (53)21.512:50-13:10.Analysis of Propulsion Systems in Electric Vehicles..54 22EP3Electrical PowerThursday15:20-17:00Room2Chair:To be defined............................22.115:20-15:40.Electrical Network Simulation for Increasing Quality.5422.215:40-16:00.A trust-region algorithm based on global SQP for re-active power optimization (54)22.316:00-16:20.Stability Analysis of Power Market with Bounded Ra-tionality Cournot Game (54)22.416:20-16:40.A RBFN Hierarchical Clustering Based Network Parti-tioning Method for Zonal Pricing (55)23EC1Electronic CircuitsFriday9:40-11:00Room1Chair:Dr.Hildeberto Jard´o n Aguilar.................23.19:40-10:00.MMIC Differential Amplifier Implementation Based onRF&MW Analytical Tools (55)23.210:00-10:20.900MHz band class E PA using high voltage n-channeltransistors in standard CMOS technology (56)23.310:20-10:40.Efficient Design Approach for a SiGe HBT OscillatorIncorporating Reflection Sapphire Loaded Cavity Resonator (56)。



IOP P UBLISHING N ANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology19(2008)475605(7pp)doi:10.1088/0957-4484/19/47/475605Preparation,microstructure and hydrogen sorption properties of nanoporous carbon aerogels under ambient dryingH Y Tian1,2,C E Buckley1,2,S Mul`e1,M Paskevicius1and B B Dhal11Department of Imaging and Applied Physics,Curtin University of Technology,GPO Box U1987,Perth6845,W A,Australia2CSIRO National Hydrogen Materials Alliance,CSIRO Energy Centre,10Murray DwyerCircuit,Steel River Estate,Mayfield West,NSW2304,AustraliaReceived21April2008,infinal form9September2008Published30October2008Online at /Nano/19/475605AbstractOrganic aerogels are prepared by the sol–gel method from polymerization of resorcinol withfurfural.These aerogels are further carbonized in nitrogen in order to obtain their correspondingcarbon aerogels(CA);a sample which was carbonized at900◦C was also activated in a carbondioxide atmosphere at900◦C.The chemical reaction mechanism and optimum synthesisconditions are investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy andthermoanalyses(thermogravimetric/differential thermal analyses)with a focus on the sol–gelprocess.The carbon aerogels were investigated with respect to their microstructures,usingsmall angle x-ray scattering(SAXS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and nitrogenadsorption measurements at77K.SAXS studies showed that micropores with a radius ofgyration of<0.35±0.07to0.55±0.05nm were present,and TEM measurements andnitrogen adsorption showed that larger mesopores were also present.Hydrogen storageproperties of the CA were also investigated.An activated sample with aBrunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area of1539±20m2g−1displayed a reasonably highhydrogen uptake at77K with a maximum hydrogen sorption of3.6wt%at2.5MPa.Theseresults suggest that CA are promising candidate hydrogen storage materials.1.IntroductionCarbon aerogels(CA)derived from resorcinol and formalde-hyde organic aerogels werefirstly developed at the end of the1980s[1].They are of great significance in terms of scientific and practical applications because of their unique properties,such as controllable mass densities,continuous porosities,and high surface areas[2,3].Recently,CA have drawn much attention as effective physisorbents and other energy storage units because of their abundant mesopores and electrochemical properties,which also make CA promising materials as electrodes for supercapacitors,catalysts carriers for fuel cells,etc[4,5].More recently,the excess wt%of H2in CA was reported to have reached5.3wt%[3].The reported value is close to the2010US Department of Energy (DOE)gravimetric hydrogen storage density target of6wt% H2.These results encouraged us to investigate carbon aerogels as a hydrogen storage medium.However,most CA reported are monolithic materials,which are generally synthesized with the carbon dioxide supercritical drying method developed by Pekala[1].Some modifications have been made to obtain the CA derived by inverse suspension/emulsion polymerization at ambient pressure drying[6].Other precursors were employed to synthesize CA under conventional ambient pressure drying conditions[7].In this particular reaction,resorcinol serves as a trifunctional monomer capable of electrophilic aromatic substitution in the activated2,4and6ring positions. Furfural forms covalent bridges between the resorcinol rings leading to high cross-linking densities.This paper is focused on optimum preparations conditions,microstructure, and hydrogen sorption capacity of CA.The synthesis process was investigated by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy in combination with thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses(TGA/DTA)in order to provide a more detailed picture of sample changes due to a variety of preparation temperatures.The microstructural variationsTable1.Overview of carbon aerogel samples.The bulk density was determined at room temperature by measuring the mass of the sample and its noncompressed volume including pores and voids.Sample Holding time(h)Ambient gas Bulk density(g cm−3)Mass loss(%)Burn-off(%)CA2503N20.3023.2—CA5003N20.3141.9—CA7503N20.4154.7—CA9003N20.4557.6—CA900-A1CO20.40—75within the organic aerogel network at some typical temperature points for pyrolysed samples were investigated by SAXS, TEM,and low temperature nitrogen adsorption so that sample structure could be related to hydrogen sorption capacity.2.Experimental procedure2.1.Synthesis and activation of carbon aerogelsIn the present work,CA were synthesized from resorcinol(R) (99.0%),furfural(F)(99.0%),and Hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA)(99.0%)which were obtained from Sigma Aldrich Pty.Ltd,Australia.The precursors were mixed in ethanol as a solvent(molar ratio of E/R=190)followed by magnetic stirring for3h within a sealed container.The resultant solutions were put in an oven at75–80◦C for3–7days after beingfirst stabilized for at least24h at room temperature.The organic wet gels were then transferred into a chamber and were subcritically dried for10h.The aerogel samples were carbonized at different temperatures from250 to900◦C at a heating rate of3◦C min−1for3h under a nitrogen atmosphere(N2flow rate=1.5l min−1).The CA samples will be referred to in the text by CA T,where T indicates the carbonization temperature in◦C,i.e.CA250, etc.The CA900sample was also activated by an additional heating process at900◦C for1h under a CO2atmosphere (CO2flow rate=1.5l min−1),which is referred to CA900-A in the text.The synthesis process performed includes curing,heating,carbonizing,and activating by adopting a method proposed by Wu et al[7].A different pyrolysis schedule at a low heating rate(1.5◦C min−1)was employed for thorough decompositions and chemical reactions between300 and500◦C except for CA250.The proportions of individual raw materials were one mole of resorcinol to two moles of furfural,i.e.R/F=0.5.Initially the molar ratio of R/HMTA was chosen between20and40in order to determine the appropriate HMTA reaction conditions to obtain suitable gel networks.The molar ratio of R/HMTA was determined to be optimum at30after comparison with microstructures of resultant carbon aerogel samples.An overview of samples is given in table1.2.2.Analytic methodsThe pyrolysis process was verified with an as-prepared carbon aerogel sample by TGA/DTA performed on a SDT V3.0F (2960)instrument underflowing nitrogen.FTIR spectra were also collected on a FTIR spectrometer(Bruker IFS66).Each of the IR spectra was the average of32scans at a speed of2s per scan in the range of400–4000cm−1.The resolution of the spectrometer was set to4cm−1.Infrared absorption spectra of the dried aerogels were obtained within KBr matrices. Prior to the FTIR analysis10mg of crushed,dried gel was added to≈300mg KBr.The resulting sample was mixed vigorously,and then a75mg sample was pelletized into a 1cm diameter disc under a pressure of8tons.Samples were prepared at different temperatures from250to900◦C in order to determine the optimum pyrolysis temperature necessary to obtain carbonaceous materials with a nitrogen atmosphere. SAXS was employed to determine the aerogel micropore size via the Guinier equation.CA powder samples were mounted between thin polymerfilms for the SAXS measurements.The SAXS patterns were obtained from a Bruker NanoSTAR SAXS instrument in the Department of Imaging and Applied Physics (DIAP)at Curtin University of Technology.Data was recorded at a sample to detector distance of65.0cm,using a wavelength,λ=0.15418nm(Cu Kα)with a2D multiwire detector. The raw data was radially averaged,background subtracted and put on an absolute scale by calibrating against a known standard via the method of Spalla et al[8].The conversion of the SAXS data onto an absolute scale was performed assuming that the samples were pure carbon with a true density of1.9g cm−3.TEM was performed with a JOEL-2000FX microscope operating at200kV.Samples were deposited from an ethanol suspension onto copper grids.Some powders were scraped from the bulk carbon aerogel samples and dispersed with ethanol onto a copper grid for microscopic examination. Hydrogen sorption experiments were performed in a Sieverts manometric apparatus.For ambient temperatures,the Hemmes equation of state[9]was used following the method of McLennan and Gray[10]to account for the compressibility of hydrogen.For77K,the NIST Standard Reference Database Number69was used[11].The manometric apparatus used can achieve hydrogen sorption measurements at a maximum temperature of800K and maximum pressure of15MPa.The nitrogen adsorption isotherm was measured gravimetrically with a TriStar3000at77K using a computer-aided apparatus. The samples were evacuated to1mPa at110◦C for2h prior to the adsorption measurements.It took3h to attain each adsorption or desorption equilibrium upon measuring the hysteresis.The specific surface area obtained via N2adsorption was determined by the standard Brunauer,Emmett and Teller (BET)analysis,the Brunauer–Joyner–Halenda(BJH)method was used to determine mesopore information and the Dubinin–Radushkevich(DR)method was used to determine micropore information.Figure1.TGA/DTA of CA as-prepared at75◦C.3.Results and discussionThe pyrolysis process was verified with an as-prepared carbon aerogel sample(27.63mg)by TGA and DTA.Typically TGA shows a mass loss during the pyrolysis process.The mass loss is calculated by the following formula: m=δm/m×100%,whereδm is the mass of residual organic solvent and volatile products from chemical reactions and decompositions which are lost during heating,and m is the total mass before pyrolysis.Roughly,two different regions can be distinguished, thefirst region exists up to169.2◦C with16.31%mass loss which is thought to be associated with evaporation of residual organic precursor and the physically absorbed water in wet gels.Accordingly,an obvious endothermic peak at83.3◦C is shown in the DTA curve offigure1.The second region is between169.2and986.9◦C and36.52% mass loss is presented;correspondingly,there are two broad peaks at around418.5and753.1◦C,as shown in the DTA curve offigure1.These peaks are expected to be associated with the decomposition and carbonization reaction of the aerogels.A differentiated curve has been used(as shown in the top line offigure1)in order to determine how many real features exist including both endothermic and exothermic peaks.The upward pointing features and downward pointing features show the endothermic peaks and exothermic peaks, respectively.Obviously,the endothermic and exothermic reactions happen during the carbonization process.Further work is required to understand the complexity of the chemical reactions.Different reaction rates can be found from the slopes of the DTA curve.This suggests that there is a disparity in the reaction speed at different temperature ranges.Only a small mass loss was found above750◦C which can be associated with reactions that involve the breaking of C–O bonds at lower temperature and breaking of C–H bonds at higher temperature[12].The FTIR spectrum of the resultant organic aerogels(dried and heated at different stages)shows evidence of the principal reactions(seefigure2).The broad absorption bands around 3452cm−1for the dried sample,3401cm−1for CA250,and 3525cm−1for CA500are characteristic of O–H stretching vibrations,which are assigned to residual organic solventand Figure2.FTIR of carbon aerogels dried and heated at different temperatures for3h underflowing N2(1.5l min−1).(a)As-prepared at75◦C;(b)CA250;(c)CA500;(d)CA750,and(e)CA900. Figure3.FTIR of carbon aerogels dried and heated at different temperatures displaying the range of400–2000cm−1.(a)As-prepared at75◦C;(b)CA250;(c)CA500.absorbed water from the environment.At higher temperature, only C–C absorption bands at1576and1101cm−1for CA750, and1567and1091cm−1for CA900are present,which result from C–C vibrations of aromatic rings.However,most peaks in thefingerprint region disappear for samples which are heated to higher temperatures(>500◦C).The disappearance of these peaks has been attributed to burn-off of residual organic solvent and volatile products from chemical reactions and decompositions which is also evidenced by TGA/DTA results. In general,the functional group region of an FTIR spectrum (4000–1400cm−1)is where most of the functional groups show absorption bands;thefingerprint region can clearly characterize the bond vibrations with stretching and bending modes,as shown infigure3.IR absorption bands at1664, 1606,1503,and1469cm−1are associated with aromatic and furan ring stretching vibrations,as shown infigure3(a)which are assigned by:O=C,aromatic ring,O–CH2,and C–CH2–C. These peaks begin to overlap with temperatures above500◦C, as shown infigure3(c).The peak intensities become very weakFigure4.SAXS scattering curves obtained for carbon aerogel samples which have undergone carbonization at different temperatures.(a)As-prepared sample;(b)CA250;(c)CA500; (d)CA750;(e)CA900.for both CA750at1576cm−1and CA900at1567cm−1.The CH2-bond is a cross-linking bridge formed in the condensation of hydroxymethyl derivatives and it is deduced that the CH2-bridges between the aromatic rings remain until250◦C whilst the IR peaks are still well separated.The results are similar to that of carbon aerogels derived from cresol-formaldehyde[13] and these aromatic rings structures will give rise to the skeleton formation of carbon aerogels.It is suggested that these bonds are broken at high temperatures above500◦C by carbonization and graphitization under a N2protective atmosphere.The C–O–C stretching frequency has shifted from its normal position of1222and1092cm−1to lower wave numbers(i.e.,1147and1076cm−1for the as-prepared sample, as shown infigure3(a))as compared to RF aerogels catalysed by NaOH[14].Similarly,these bands were found at1146 and1108cm−1in CA250,and only one band at1182cm−1 in CA500.The CH2–O–CH2bridge is a cross-linking bond formed between aromatic rings due to polycondensation[13]. There is no change in the peak positions for the samples at low temperatures,i.e.as-prepared sample and CA250,which means that there are no chemical decomposition reactions at these low temperatures.Narrower peaks were found for CA250,suggesting a stronger vibration band,however,the peaks almost disappear for CA500,showing a broad peak near 1182cm−1,as shown infigure3(c).The1302cm−1peak was assigned to C–O stretching vibration of the hydroxyl group in aromatic rings,as shown infigure3(a).This1302cm−1peak shifted to1294cm−1for CA250and it becomes weaker at about1340cm−1when the sample is further heated to500◦C.Infigure3(a),the bands at1012and960cm−1and the bands at737cm−1and its accompanying peaks at803and 839cm−1were assigned to aromatic and furan–CH–out-of-plane bending vibrations.These peaks become weaker when heated at higher temperatures,the second set of absorbance bands almost disappear for CA500,however the C=C bonds remain in the samples above500◦C,i.e.1104cm−1for CA750 and1092cm−1for CA900,respectively.This means that the–CH–bond will be broken after carbonizationat Figure5.TEM photograph of typical activated carbon aerogel sample(scale bar in thefigure is20nm)showing micropores and mesopores.temperatures above500◦C.Therefore the FTIR spectraindicates that the hydroxyl groups of mixed furfural breakaway from the aromatic ring between250and500◦C and thegraphitization temperature begins above500◦C.SAXS patterns were collected for samples which had beenheated to a variety of temperatures as shown infigure4.Theintensity I(q)was measured over the q range0.11nm−1< q<3.27nm−1,where q=4πsinθ/λis the scatteringvector,2θis the scattering angle andλis the wavelength of incident radiation.The SAXS pattern for the as-prepared sample(a)infigure4may be scaled excessively due to the fact that the absolute scale data correction assumes a pure carbon sample.DTA/TGA results show that below169.2◦C there is still excessive residual organic solvent present in the carbon aerogel which may skew the SAXS absolute scaling in this case because the exact sample composition is not known.The SAXS patterns for the high temperature heat treated samples contain a Guinier region at high-q(given by the plateau/hump in the data)which is expressed by:I(q)∝exp(−R2G q2/3).(1) Equation(1)is valid for q R G<1.2,yielding the radius of gyration R G of the pores within the aerogel structure determined from the slope of a plot of ln I(q)versus q2. The micropores in CA have been previously described as slit shaped[15]however previous SAXS analysis on CA used a spherical model to explain the microporosity[16].The difference in pore size given either a spherical or slit/cylindrical pore shape model is related to the assumed aspect ratio of the cylindrical ing a model for pore shape requires information about the average micropore shape within the entire CA structure.TEM results given infigure5certainly depict micropores,but the morphology of the microporesTable 2.The radius of gyration R G of the pores within carbon aerogels at different carbonization temperatures calculated from SAXS.CA250CA500CA750CA900R G (nm)0.35±0.070.35±0.050.45±0.050.55±0.05are not clear.If we consider the simplest assumption of nearly spherical pores,their diameter d can be calculated from the radius of gyration determined from SAXS by d =2√5/3R G .However the R G determined from the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR)equation (see equation (2))for the CA-900sample returns a d of >2nm if the spherical pore shape is assumed,therefore a slit/cylindrical pore shape with an appropriate aspect ratio resulting in pore diameters d <2nm is the most likely pore morphology.The flat linear region and hump present at high q in figure 4is identified as a Guinier region.SAXS plots of CA250,CA500,CA750and CA900in figures 4(b)–(e)contain a Guinier region (q R G <1.2)and the values of R G are listed in table 2.Due to the Guinier region extending past the data range for both the CA250and CA500SAXS patterns an upper limit on the radius of gyration for these patterns has been indicated.Uncertainties provided in table 2reflect an uncertainty in the physical parameters which is larger than any mathematical fitting uncertainty.Typical carbon aerogel pore diameters presented in the literature range from micropore,mesopore,to macrop-ore [7,16,17].The pore sizes calculated by SAXS presented in table 2agree with the literature values,which confirm the existence of micropores in CA.The correlation between increasing carbonization temperature and increasing pore size can be related to the physical carbonization process where an increase in porosity is due to mass loss which results from heating.This is evident by an increase in pore diameters at increasing heating temperatures.The TEM micrograph shown in figure 5displays an interconnected bead structure which is analogous to that of the typical aerogels prepared by Pekala [1].These beads are generally several nanometres in size,and many micropores can be found with a pore size of 1–2nm (determined via a pixel counting method using DigitalMicrograph software (Gatan,USA))which agree with the SAXS average pore size rger mesopores were also present in the TEM micrograph shown in figure 5which is consistent with the N 2adsorption measurements,which show pore size distributions from 2to 50nm,as shown in the inset of figure 6.The BET surface area was measured on aerogel powders which were first outgassed at 110◦C,by means of N 2adsorption/desorption at 77K.The BET surface area of CA900was calculated as 1005±18m 2g −1,which is nearly double that of carbon aerogels prepared by ambient pressure drying with BET (550–660m 2g −1)[7]and is very close to other CA obtained under supercritical conditions [13,18].Moreover,the BET surface area of CA900-A was 1539±20m 2g −1.A mesopore size distribution is shown in figure 6for both CA900and CA900-A which was calculated via the BJH method.The mesopore volume (per gram of sample)was calculated viatheFigure 6.Nitrogen adsorption isotherms at 77K for CA900and CA900-A.The inset is a mesopore size distribution (via BJH).The surface areas of CA900and CA900-A were calculated as 1005±18m 2g −1and 1539±20m 2g −1respectively.BJH method for CA900as 0.66±0.03cm 3g −1and CA900-A as 0.99±0.05cm 3g −1.Average mesopore diameters were also calculated from the mesopore size distributions in figure 6using a volume-weighted average for CA-900as 27±3nm and for CA-900-A as 35±4nm.Micropore information was calculated using the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR)equation [19]:ln V ads =ln V mic −RT E2 ln p 0p2,(2)where V ads the volume of the quantity of absorbed gas at relative pressure of p 0/p ,V mic is the micropore volume,T is the measuring temperature,R =8.3145J mol −1K −1is the molar gas constant,and E is the interaction energy.The micropore radius of gyration (R Gmic )can be related to E via [20]:E R Gmicβ=14.8±0.6(kJ nm mol −1),(3)where βdenotes the affinity coefficient (β=0.33for N 2).The surface area per molecule used to determine the BET surface area from the monolayer capacity is 0.1620nm 2(TriStar 3000V6.04A manual).The micropore radius of gyration and micropore volume can be obtained by the slope and intercept of a ln V ads ∼(ln p 0/p )2plot.The micropore volume (per gram of sample)as calculated by the DR equation is 0.54±0.02cm 3g −1for CA900and 0.71±0.03cm 3g −1for CA900-A.The increase in both micropore volume (via DR)and mesopore volume (via BJH)suggests that the activation procedure gives rise to a larger surface area,which results from the high burn-off (∼75%)procedure,as shown in table 1.The surface and porous structure properties of CA900and CA900-A as determined from nitrogen adsorption can be found in table 3.A micropore radius of gyration of 0.81±0.06nm for CA900was determined via the DR equation from nitrogen adsorption data.The micropore radius of gyrationTable3.The porous structure properties determined by nitrogen adsorption.BET surface area(S BET);average micropore radius of gyration (R Gmic)and the total micropore volume(V mic)as calculated by DR equations(1)and(2);average mesopore diameter(D meso)and the total mesopore volume(V meso)as calculated by the BJH method.Sample S BET(cm2g−1)R Gmic(nm)V mic(cm3g−1)D meso(nm)V meso(cm3g−1)CA9001005±180.81±0.060.54±0.0227±30.66±0.03CA900-A1539±201.00±0.060.71±0.0335±40.99±0.05was calculated as0.55±0.05nm for CA900from SAXS measurements.The R g values are similar but are not the same within experimental uncertainty which could be dueto closed microporosity.SAXS is able to measure closedporosity whereas nitrogen adsorption cannot,therefore the R g difference may be due to smaller closed micropores withinthe CA structure which results in a smaller average R g as calculated by SAXS.The total pore volume as calculated by the BJH(mesopores)and DR(micropores)models is1.20±0.05and 1.70±0.08cm3g−1for CA900and CA900-A respectively. From the Gurvitsch rule(i.e.cumulative volume of nitrogenadsorbed to p/p0=0.975corresponding to the absorbed volume plateau—seefigure6)the total volume(per gramof sample)of nitrogen adsorbed is1.05±0.05cm3g−1for CA900.Since the nitrogen adsorption data does not contain a plateau for the CA900-A sample the total volume could not be determined from the Gurvitsch rule.The discrepancy between the total pore volume calculated from BJH and the DR model as compared to the Gurvitsch rule for the CA900 sample is most likely due to errors in the modelling(i.e.fitting errors as well as assumptions in the DR model,BJH model and Gurvitsch rule).Hydrogen capacity measurements were made using a manometric apparatus at77K and at room temperature up to a maximum pressure of6.5MPa.The hydrogen sorption at room temperature on both activated and non-activated samples is less than0.5wt%(for pressures below6MPa),although the activated samples do show a reasonable room temperature hydrogen uptake due to their high surface area,as shown infigure7(c).The results are consistent with the hydrogen sorption of a range of nano-structured carbon materials,which show less than1wt%H2absorption at room temperature for pressures below10MPa[21].The hydrogen sorption at room temperature is much lower than at77K because physisorption is a function of van der Waals forces which are not as dominant at higher temperatures.The hydrogen adsorption isotherm of the carbon aerogels at room temperature shows a linear Henry-type behaviour.Furthermore,the hydrogen storage capacity and the shape of the isotherm are independent of the number of adsorption cycles which clearly indicates that hydrogen is stored reversibly in carbon aerogels.The hydrogen sorption results at77K for the activated and non-activated carbon aerogel samples are presented in curves(a)and(b)infigure7. Both samples display a reasonably high uptake at77K with a maximum hydrogen sorption of3.6wt%at2.5MPa for the activated sample which has a larger uptake due to its increased surface area.The measured excess wt%of hydrogen is lower than that of activated carbon aerogel with a surface area of3200m2g−1[3]and much higher than that ofactivated Figure7.Hydrogen sorption curves of(a)CA900-A and(b)CA900 measured at77K;(c)CA900-A measured at room temperature. carbons,which presented H2storage capacity ranging from about0.5to2.2wt%with surface areas of7–2029m2g−1[22]. The rule of thumb relationship between the hydrogen storage capacity(wt%)and the surface area of porous materials is 1wt%of hydrogen per500m2g−1of surface area[3].The ratio of the hydrogen storage capacity to surface area of the activated CA presented in this paper is similar to the above rule of thumb.4.ConclusionsCarbon aerogels derived from resorcinol and furfural were prepared by a sol–gel technique via ambient pressure drying, followed by carbonization and activation under nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases,respectively.SAXS measurements determined that the carbon aerogels contained a large number of micropores with radius of gyration of<0.35±0.07∼0.55±0.05nm.TEM showed that some larger mesopores were also present which is further evidenced by nitrogen adsorption results.Based on the understanding of the sol–gel process by DTA/TGA and FTIR,an additional pyrolysis process between300and500◦C with a very low heating rate was used to complete the synthesis reactions.The results suggested that the hydroxyl groups of mixed furfural break away from the aromatic ring between250and500◦C.The hydrogen sorption was also determined at77K and at room temperature.A maximum hydrogen sorption was obtained of 3.6wt%at2.5MPa at77K for an activated carbon aerogel sample which had a measured BET surface area of1539±20m2g−1.Such carbon aerogel materials show promise as media for gas storage,especially hydrogen due to the material’s high porosity,high surface area and light specific weight.The challenge remains to produce carbon aerogels that can reversibly store hydrogen at similar or greater wt%at room temperature.AcknowledgmentsThis research was supported by the CSIRO Energy Trans-formed Flagship National Hydrogen Material Alliance (NHMA),Australia,and a Curtin University of Technology Internal Research Grant.BBD acknowledges the support of a Curtin Research Fellowship.MP would like to thank the Australian government for the granting of an Australian Post Graduate Award with Stipend(APAWS),and the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering(AINSE)for the granting of a postgraduate research award(PGRA).CEB acknowledges thefinancial support of the Australian Research Council through REIF grant R001079622001,which enabled the SAXS studies to be undertaken.References[1]Pekala R W1989J.Mater.Sci.243221[2]Kong F M,Lemay J D,Hulsy S S,Alviso C T andPekala R W1993J.Mater.Res.83100[3]Kabbour H,Baumann T F,Satcher J H Jr,Saulnier A andAhn C C2006Chem.Mater.186085[4]Armandi M,Boneli B,Bottero I,Are´a n C O andGarronem E2007Micropor.Mesopor.Mater.103150 [5]Miller J M,Dunn B,Tran T D and Pekala R W1997J.Electrochem.Soc.144L309[6]Liu N,Zhang S T,Fu R W,Dresselhaus M S andDresslhaus G2007J.Appl.Polym.Sci.1042849[7]Wu D C,Fu R W,Zhang S T,Dresselhaus M S andDresslhaus G2004Carbon422033[8]Spalla O,Lyonnard S and Testard F2003J.Appl.Crystallogr.36338[9]Hemmes H,Driessen A and Griessen R1986J.Phys.C:SolidState Phys.193571[10]McLennan K G and Gray E2004Meas.Sci.Technol.15211[11]Lemmon E W,McLinden M O and Friend D G2005Thermophysical properties offluid systems NIST ChemistryWebBook.NIST Standard Reference Database Number69ed P J Linstrom and W G Mallard(Gaithersburg,MD:National Institute of Standards and Technology)p20899[12]Lin C and Ritter J A1997Carbon351271[13]Li W C,Lu A H and Guo S C2001Carbon391989[14]Wu D C,Fu R W and Yu Z Q2005J.Appl.Polym.Sci.961429[15]Gavalda S,Kaneko K,Thomson K T and Gubbins K E2001Colloids Surf.A187/188531[16]Reichenauer G,Emmerling A,Fricke J and Pekala R W1998J.Non-Cryst.Solids225210[17]Cohaut N,Thery A,Guet J M,Rouzaud J N and Kocon L2007Carbon451185[18]Hanzawa Y,Kaneko K,Pekala R W and Dresselhaus M S1996Langmuir126167[19]Dubinin M M1989Carbon27457[20]Reichenauer G,Emmerling A,Fricke J and Pekala R W1998J.Non-Cryst.Solids225210[21]Chen X,Dettlaff-Weglikowska U,Haluska M,Hirscher M,Becher M and Roth S2002AIP Conf.Proc.633597 [22]Nijkamp M G,Raaymakers J E M J,van Dillen A J andJong K P de2001Appl.Phys.A72619。





















一套标准菜谱 搞定采购、出品和成本

一套标准菜谱 搞定采购、出品和成本

一套标准菜谱 搞定采购、出品和成本2006-5-18 17:05:00 来源: ln一套标准菜谱 搞定采购、出品和成本主持人丁珊:尽管标准菜谱在厨界已经存在了很多年,但真正能把它用到实处的厨师少之又少,更别说是用它来控制菜肴出品了,所以在很多厨师的眼里,标准菜谱是个非常理想化的东西,和实际的厨房生产格格不入。



菜品制作标准菜谱(表一)编制人:赖建全 编制日期:2004年8月7日名称:白玉萝卜丸类别:清蒸 成本:5.28元/例重量:760克/例 售价:18元/例盛器:10寸双耳鲍鱼盘 毛利率:约71%质量标准:色泽洁白,入口爽滑,细腻鲜香。

制:自制酱料标准菜谱(表二)编制人:赖建全 编制时间:2004年8月1日名称:成品豉油 总成本:24.01元份量:5000克 每份用量:100克盛器:不锈钢桶 每份成本:约0.50元色泽:金黄质量标准:入口咸鲜、微有回甜,甜中带咸,色泽金制:前面的表格只是我们酒店厨房中应用的数百个标准菜谱的冰山一角,之所以把它们介绍给大家,是因为它们在我管理过程中发挥了不少作用,而且在实际的厨房生产中运作得相当成功。


以下是标准菜谱的制定程序: 首先,在菜肴的试制过程中我要确定这道菜品能够受到客人的推崇,如果做到了这一点,那就画好表格,然后再准备好一台秤,把正常制作这道菜的原调料用量称好并登记在表格中,而后再把原调料的单价、用量金额、产地、包装、规格、品牌全部记录在表格里,并一同标注所用容器、售价、特点、烹调类别。


黄金搭档 1.西红柿。和西红柿同食,具有益气生津的功效。适用于身体疲乏、心烦口渴、食欲不振等病症。
2.木耳。与木耳同食,可以起到补肾壮骨、填精健脑、脾胃通络、强壮身体、防病抗病的作用。 聚头冤家
林彪的这一生 他曾是历史的功臣,更是 3086627. 中国蘑菇云 中国核工业发展五十年的惊 1822138. 还阳 一个没有完全净身的太监在宫中寻
1782309. 吕皇后秘史 深度解读中国史上最狠最毒 16492510. 剑桥倚天屠龙史 一部用正经学术包装恶 9693501 纪检干部
军事 历史 读书 教育 健康 亲子 游戏 城市 论坛 博报 微博 视频·纪实·直播凤凰卫视即时 书库 全本 书讯 书评 书摘 书话 图片 专题 专栏 图书榜
读书论坛 读书博客 开卷八分钟 凤凰书屋 周刊 杂志 提点意见 凤凰网读书 > 连载 > 正文蔬菜类相生相克(11) 新编饮食宜忌与实用搭配一本全(全本)
食用榨菜不可过量,因为榨菜含盐量高,过多食用可使人罹患高血压,加重心脏负担,引发心力衰竭,出现全身浮肿及腹水等症状。下一页 上一页 手机凤凰网读书频道
二战老兵谈德军不能速胜苏联原因 [全本]一个雇佣兵与三个女人荒岛铁血生存录:人性禁岛
·前言 第2部分 食物与食物之间的相生相克
·杂粮类相生相克(1) ·杂粮类相生相克(2) ·杂粮类相生相克(3) ·杂粮类相生相克(4) ·杂粮类相生相克(5) ·杂粮类相生相克(6)



•1. 青年学生 •2. 老年人 •3. 孕妇 •4. 运动员 •5. 减肥人群
对236名高校大学生的饮食习惯和膳食构成进行问卷抽样调查,结果显示: 大学生的饮食健康令人担忧。仅两成学生坚持一日三餐。从饮食规律来看, 能够保证三餐规律的仅有33.9%,只有24.2%的学生从不错过三餐中的任 何一顿正餐。其中男生的规律性比女生更差,超过半数的男生不能按时吃 早餐。男生比较喜欢运动和玩电脑,一旦沉溺很容易耽误吃饭时间。此外, 大学生饮食随意性大,六成大学生从不注意食物的营养搭配,其中超过一 半的人吃饭主要考虑简便原则,50.4%的人饮食规律受情绪好坏影响。
星期三早餐:挂面卧鸡蛋1碗、瘦肉炒芥蓝、拌海带丝、火龙果1个。中餐: 玉米面发糕1块、海米炒冬瓜、香肠炒圆白菜、鸭梨1个。晚餐:米饭2小碗、 青芹拌香干、糖醋鲤鱼、葡萄1串。
星期四早餐:大麦粥1碗、馒头1个、拌竹笋。中餐:红豆米饭1碗、香菇烧豆腐、 软熘鸡片。晚餐:油盐烧饼1个、排骨烩海带、银耳鱼丸汤、鸭梨1个。

[电子书][食谱]冰冰好料理 5

[电子书][食谱]冰冰好料理 5

菜名:紅燒豬腳麵線材料:主材料:前豬腳1支、麵線、蒜頭、沙拉油、青江菜、太白粉、紅蔥酥、香菜調味料:醬油、可樂、米酒、胡椒粉、冰糖、高湯、鹽、香油作法:1. 蒜頭去頭尾煸炒至金黃色撈起備用。

2. 將豬腳塊放到鍋中炒至表皮封住。

3. 在鍋中放入醬油稍微滾煮一下後,加入可樂、冰糖、胡椒粉再滾一下。


4. 最後放入米酒大滾後,蓋上鍋蓋用小火滷1個小時。


5. 起鍋前5分鐘,將步驟1的蒜頭放入步驟4的鍋中。

6. 麵線煮熟泡冰水,再用筷子捲成小捲放入盤中蒸5分鐘備用。

7. 利用煮麵線的開水加少許沙拉油川燙青江菜,擺盤備用。

8. 將高湯燒開,放入步驟5滷豬腳的湯汁,調味後加進紅蔥酥,淋在步驟6的麵線上。

9. 已滷好的豬腳收乾水分,勾芡亮油後放到麵線中間。

10. 最後放上少許香菜即完成此道料理。

菜名:藥膳元蹄材料:主材料:豬後腳1支、蔥少許、薑少許、黃耆、枸杞、當歸、鮮人參、青江菜、太白粉、椒鹽粉調味料:米酒、紹興酒、鹽作法:1. 將豬腳入油鍋炸至表皮膨起,迅速入滾水川燙撈起備用。


2. 鍋中放入步驟1的豬腳、蔥、薑、黃耆、枸杞、當歸、鮮人參,加水以及調味料一起滷3-4小時。



3. 川燙青江菜擺盤備用。

4. 將一半的豬腳倒入盤中,一半的豬腳放涼備用。

5. 豬腳的滷汁勾薄芡淋在盤中的豬腳上。

6. 另一半的豬腳沾上太白粉,用180度的油溫炸至酥脆。

7. 起鍋灑上椒鹽粉即完成此道料理。

菜名:果香乾燒蝦仁材料:主材料:草蝦仁200g、蘋果1顆、醋蒜末適量、薑末適量、紅甜椒適量、黃甜椒適量、紫洋蔥1顆、九層塔末適量、蒜苗絲少許、韓國辣椒絲少許醃料:鹽、糖、白胡椒粉調味料:豆瓣醬2匙、蕃茄醬3匙、酒釀2匙、紹興酒100cc、鹽少許、糖適量、鳳梨水適量、大蒜醋1匙作法:1. 先將蝦仁外表水分擦乾,加入醃料醃約3-5分鐘。





























二十四:素炒木耳 1.木耳泡发后洗干净切成小条,黄瓜切丝,葱丝,蒜末备用; 2.然后就是炒了,锅里加点油,扔点蒜末,煸香后倒入木耳,翻炒翻炒后加盐,鸡精调味,最后倒入黄瓜丝,葱丝翻炒几下就可以出锅了,要是加上我最爱的剁椒,味道才更好。





美食餐饮菜谱汇编手册第一章:开胃小菜 (2)1.1 凉拌黄瓜 (2)1.2 拍黄瓜 (3)1.3 糖醋蒜 (3)1.4 柠檬鸡 (3)第二章:主食类 (3)2.1 炒面 (3)2.1.1 炒面的原料及制作方法 (4)2.1.2 炒面的特点 (4)2.2 炒饭 (4)2.2.1 炒饭的原料及制作方法 (4)2.2.2 炒饭的特点 (5)2.3 馒头 (5)2.3.1 馒头的原料及制作方法 (5)2.3.2 馒头的特点 (5)2.4 粥 (5)2.4.1 粥的原料及制作方法 (5)2.4.2 粥的特点 (6)第三章:肉类菜品 (6)3.1 红烧肉 (6)3.2 宫保鸡丁 (6)3.3 鱼香肉丝 (6)3.4 香辣蟹 (7)第四章:海鲜菜品 (7)4.1 清蒸鱼 (7)4.2 红烧带鱼 (7)4.3 椒盐虾 (8)4.4 蒜蓉粉丝蒸扇贝 (8)第五章:蔬菜菜品 (8)5.1 地三鲜 (8)5.2 西红柿炒鸡蛋 (8)5.3 手撕包菜 (9)5.4 蒜蓉空心菜 (9)第六章:汤类 (9)6.1 番茄蛋汤 (9)6.2 鸡蓉玉米羹 (10)6.3 酸菜鱼汤 (10)6.4 鲍汁翅肚汤 (11)第七章:甜品 (11)7.1 红豆沙 (11)7.2 杨枝甘露 (12)7.3 糖醋排骨 (12)7.4 芝士蛋糕 (13)第八章:烧烤类 (13)8.1 烤羊肉串 (13)8.2 烤鱼 (13)8.3 烤茄子 (13)8.4 烤玉米 (14)第九章:火锅菜品 (14)9.1 肥牛 (14)9.2 鸭血 (14)9.3 鱼丸 (14)9.4 菌菇 (15)第十章:家常菜 (15)10.1 酸菜鱼 (15)10.2 麻婆豆腐 (15)10.3 土豆丝 (16)10.4 蒜泥白肉 (16)第十一章:糕点类 (16)11.1 豆沙包 (16)11.2 肉包 (16)11.3 花卷 (17)11.4 油条 (17)第十二章:饮品 (17)12.1 果汁 (17)12.1.1 橙汁 (17)12.1.2 苹果汁 (18)12.1.3 草莓汁 (18)12.2 咖啡 (18)12.2.1 拿铁 (18)12.2.2 美式咖啡 (18)12.3 茶饮 (18)12.3.1 绿茶 (18)12.3.2 红茶 (18)12.4 酸梅汤 (18)12.4.1 制作方法 (19)12.4.2 健康益处 (19)第一章:开胃小菜1.1 凉拌黄瓜在我国传统的餐桌文化中,开胃小菜是不可缺少的一部分。



第一章一:茄汁蘑菇材料:茄-番茄:茄汁-番茄酱做法: 1、锅中热少量油,加入两大勺番茄酱,小火翻炒,加入白醋,糖,适量水,一点点酱油,勾入薄芡汁,不断翻炒2、倒入炸好的蘑菇,翻炒均匀,至汤汁浓稠时加入鸡精,香油,出锅这种做法,再加点辣豆瓣酱,就成了鱼香味了二:凉拌嫩豆腐盒装嫩豆腐一块倒扣入深盘内~准备酱料:2大匙生抽、1小匙糖、1小匙辣油、1小匙香油、(花椒粉可省)、一小匙醋少许搅拌均匀。



三:豆角小炖肉原料:猪后肘肉,土豆,豆角做法: 1、首先给肉上浆,将肘肉洗净,切二厘米见方的块,放入盆中,加入适量盐,鸡精,胡椒粉,酱油,五分之一左右的水,用手抓匀,腌制30分钟后,加入一个全蛋液,抓匀后,继续腌15分钟左右,加入适量淀粉,抓匀,然后加一点油,抓匀后,封好保鲜膜,放冰箱里冷藏2、土豆切滚刀块,豆角洗净去蒂,掰成小段3、锅中入稍多油,烧热后,依次加入土豆,豆角过油后捞出4、锅中留底油,下处理好的肉,滑散,断生后捞出5、另起锅,加入一点油,爆香葱姜蒜,八角,加入肉,料酒,翻炒一会后,加入足量的水,大火烧开转小火炖15分钟左右,加入土豆和豆角,继续炖至熟6、调入盐,醋,酱油,鸡精,香油,香菜,出锅四:酸豆角炒肉末原料酸豆角250克,猪肉(肥瘦各半200克),蒜泥10克,干椒末2克,熟猪油、精盐、味精、酱油各适量。












































适用于:中式中高档餐厅、西餐厅、SPA 馆、美容院、高级商务会所等。












天天饮食20092009.01.04.《天天饮食》_ 腊八醋鱼2009.01.05.《天天饮食》_ 蜜汁果墩2009.01.06.《天天饮食》_ 金牌扣肉2009.01.07.《天天饮食》_ 红烩培根2009.01.08.《天天饮食》_ 好运吉祥串2009.01.09.《天天饮食》_ 风生水起2009.01.10.《天天饮食》_ 煎酿三宝2009.01.11.《天天饮食》_ 节日酱肉2009.01.12.《天天饮食》_ 糖炒栗子2009.01.13.《天天饮食》_ 茶香牛肉2009.01.14.《天天饮食》_ 金玉满堂2009.01.15.《天天饮食》_ 赛鲍鱼2009.01.16.《天天饮食》_ 健康萝卜糕2009.01.17.《天天饮食》_ 喜庆春如意2009.01.18.《天天饮食》_ 自制糖瓜2009.01.19.《天天饮食》_ 吉庆牛肉丸2009.01.20.《天天饮食》_ 开花馒头2009.01.21.《天天饮食》_ 雪花鲜贝2009.01.22.《天天饮食》_ 赛熊掌2009.01.23.《天天饮食》_ 基础切功2009.01.24.《天天饮食》_ 基础调汁2009.02.01.《天天饮食》_ 鸿运当头2009.02.02.《天天饮食》_ 糯米圆子2009.02.03.《天天饮食》_ 喜庆剁椒鱼头2009.02.04.《天天饮食》_ 团圆合家欢2009.02.05.《天天饮食》_ 蟹粉豆苗虾2009.02.06.《天天饮食》_ 橙汁菊花鱼2009.02.07.《天天饮食》_ 牛气冲天2009.02.08.《天天饮食》_ 炒菜饭2009.02.09.《天天饮食》_ 祈福汤圆2009.02.10.《天天饮食》_ 养生羊蝎子2009.02.11.《天天饮食》_ 满园春色2009.02.12.《天天饮食》_ 赛烤鸭2009.02.13.《天天饮食》_ 鱼汤豆苗浸鱼片2009.02.14.《天天饮食》_ 酸菜羊肉包子2009.02.15.《天天饮食》_ 蛋羹馄饨2009.02.16.《天天饮食》_ 红不辣鱼2009.02.17.《天天饮食》_ 京味春饼鸡卷2009.02.18.《天天饮食》_ 雏凤报春2009.02.19.《天天饮食》_ 赛鱼翅2009.02.20.《天天饮食》_ 芙蓉鲜豆瓣2009.02.21.《天天饮食》_ 南瓜饼2009.02.22.《天天饮食》_ 热闹火锅盆2009.02.23.《天天饮食》_ 五香茄子面2009.02.24.《天天饮食》_ 脆酥牛肉卷2009.02.25.《天天饮食》_ 芥菜猪肝汤2009.02.26.《天天饮食》_ 赛燕窝2009.02.27.《天天饮食》_ 花生木瓜瘦肉汤2009.02.28.《天天饮食》_ 五角嫩牛饼2009.03.01.《天天饮食》_ 灶台鱼2009.03.02.《天天饮食》_ 干锅虾娃娃菜2009.03.03.《天天饮食》_ 春韭双色豆腐2009.03.04.《天天饮食》_ 韭菜炒鲜鱿2009.03.05.《天天饮食》_ 官府香卤肉2009.03.06.《天天饮食》_ 秘汁烧带鱼2009.03.07.《天天饮食》_ 奇香发面饼2009.03.08.《天天饮食》_ 特色油炒面2009.03.09.《天天饮食》_ 素鹅烧冬瓜2009.03.10.《天天饮食》_ 竹荪三色蔬菜2009.03.11.《天天饮食》_ 五福合蒸2009.03.12.《天天饮食》_ 虾子海参2009.03.13.《天天饮食》_ 山药焖猪蹄2009.03.14.《天天饮食》_ 褡裢火烧2009.03.15.《天天饮食》_ 自制素鸡2009.03.16.《天天饮食》_ 干炒牛肉河粉2009.03.17.《天天饮食》_ 过桥面2009.03.18.《天天饮食》_ 海带煲猪手2009.03.19.《天天饮食》_ 总督豆腐2009.03.20.《天天饮食》_ 春色开屏鱼2009.03.21.《天天饮食》_ 金牌咖喱牛肉2009.03.22.《天天饮食》_ 果仁发糕2009.03.23.《天天饮食》_ 酱瓜炒疙瘩2009.03.24.《天天饮食》_ 盖烧小蘑菇2009.03.25.《天天饮食》_ 血糯小枣粥2009.03.26.《天天饮食》_ 蒜香牛柳2009.03.27.《天天饮食》_ 妙香荷包蛋2009.03.28.《天天饮食》_ 葱香野菜千层肉饼2009.03.29.《天天饮食》_ 煎蒸银鳕鱼2009.03.30.《天天饮食》_ 豆腐狮子头2009.03.31.《天天饮食》_ 瓜姜鱼柳2009.04.01.《天天饮食》_ 三文鱼南瓜粥2009.04.03.《天天饮食》_ 双香白果羹2009.04.04.《天天饮食》_ 黄桥烧饼2009.04.05.《天天饮食》_ 春游自带饭团2009.04.06.《天天饮食》_ 开胃鱼头汤2009.04.07.《天天饮食》_ 荠菜豆腐羹2009.04.08.《天天饮食》_ 菠菜麻鸭粥2009.04.09.《天天饮食》_ 薄皮大馅饽饽2009.04.10.《天天饮食》_ 春笋宫保虾2009.04.11.《天天饮食》_ 鸡蛋灌饼2009.04.12.《天天饮食》_ 双味包子2009.04.13.《天天饮食》_ 泡素什锦2009.04.14.《天天饮食》_ 飘香豆腐脑2009.04.15.《天天饮食》_ 百合银耳粥2009.04.16.《天天饮食》_ 春季鲜脆小炒2009.04.17.《天天饮食》_ 爽口杏仁露2009.04.19.《天天饮食》_ 自家咸肉2009.04.20.《天天饮食》_ 卤水素鸡2009.04.21.《天天饮食》_ 开心饭团2009.04.22.《天天饮食》_ 紫米猪肝粥2009.04.23.《天天饮食》_ 剁椒手抓骨2009.04.24.《天天饮食》_ 麒麟鱼2009.04.25.《天天饮食》_ 油焖素酿面筋2009.04.26.《天天饮食》_ 酥松玉米饼2009.04.27.《天天饮食》_ 焦熘腰花2009.04.28.《天天饮食》_ 菜心炒鸡杂2009.04.29.《天天饮食》_ 椿香滑蛋牛肉2009.04.30.《天天饮食》_ 玫瑰包2009.05.04.《天天饮食》_ 拆鱼丝瓜豆腐2009.05.05.《天天饮食》_ 香菠凉瓜炒鸡片2009.05.06.《天天饮食》_ 酱瓜爆鸭胗2009.05.07.《天天饮食》_ 春笋狮子头2009.05.08.《天天饮食》_ 奶香玉米羹2009.05.09.《天天饮食》_ 脆皮鱼2009.05.10.《天天饮食》_ 山药燕麦包2009.05.11.《天天饮食》_ 水煮西葫芦2009.05.13.《天天饮食》_ 五色豆面蒸鱼方2009.05.14.《天天饮食》_ 剁椒碧绿肥牛2009.05.16.《天天饮食》_ 大枣蜂蜜核桃酪2009.05.17.《天天饮食》_ 豆浆滑鸡粥2009.05.18.《天天饮食》_ 锅塌三瓜2009.05.19.《天天饮食》_ 芥辣兰度炒贝尖2009.05.20.《天天饮食》_ 上汤菌菇木耳菜2009.05.21.《天天饮食》_ 凉粉银鳕鱼2009.05.22.《天天饮食》_ 夏日省火凉菜2009.05.23.《天天饮食》_ 蟹黄包2009.05.24.《天天饮食》_ 虾酱炒窝头2009.05.25.《天天饮食》_ 珍菌蒸苦瓜2009.05.26.《天天饮食》_ 糯米扣肉2009.05.27.《天天饮食》_ 春虾烩桂林豆腐2009.05.28.《天天饮食》_ 翡翠象形粽子2009.05.29.《天天饮食》_ 肉丝鲜奶烩饼丝2009.05.30.《天天饮食》_ 清凉豆沙冻2009.05.31.《天天饮食》_ 小米热狗卷2009.06.01.《天天饮食》_ 脆皮花生米2009.06.02.《天天饮食》_ 鸭粉蒸冬瓜2009.06.03.《天天饮食》_ 韭菜炒花蛤2009.06.04.《天天饮食》_ 苋菜鸡粥2009.06.05.《天天饮食》_ 奶香烩饭2009.06.06.《天天饮食》_ 茶香鸡2009.06.07.《天天饮食》_ 豆浆碗糕2009.06.08.《天天饮食》_ 杏仁煮干丝2009.06.09.《天天饮食》_ 五彩豆腐2009.06.10.《天天饮食》_ 鸭蓉春笋汤2009.06.11.《天天饮食》_ 蜜豆百合蟹肉2009.06.12.《天天饮食》_ 菜梗五花肉2009.06.13.《天天饮食》_ 玫瑰榛蘑炖鱼头2009.06.14.《天天饮食》_ 五谷菜团2009.06.15.《天天饮食》_ 芥末杏仁虾球2009.06.16.《天天饮食》_ 黄鱼蒸豆腐2009.06.17.《天天饮食》_ 荷香芒果鸡2009.06.18.《天天饮食》_ 干烧双笋2009.06.19.《天天饮食》_ 奶香雨花汤圆2009.06.20.《天天饮食》_ 素海参2009.06.21.《天天饮食》_ 泡菜豆香饼2009.06.22.《天天饮食》_ 杏仁塔糕2009.06.23.《天天饮食》_ 爽口海鲜拌凉菜2009.06.24.《天天饮食》_ 肉酱丝瓜2009.06.25.《天天饮食》_ 雪耳鲜芦荟2009.06.26.《天天饮食》_ 蒸扣茄卷2009.06.27.《天天饮食》_ 自制创新炸酱2009.06.28.《天天饮食》_ 豆香菜葫芦2009.06.29.《天天饮食》_ 奇香脆杏仁2009.06.30.《天天饮食》_ 白咖喱水果鲈鱼2009.07.01.《天天饮食》_ 脆爽炒鸭丝2009.07.02.《天天饮食》_ 翡翠白菜卷2009.07.03.《天天饮食》_ 奶香土豆蔬菜饼2009.07.04.《天天饮食》_ 草莓三吃2009.07.05.《天天饮食》_ 营养黑糯米包2009.07.06.《天天饮食》_ 肉香茶树菇2009.07.07.《天天饮食》_ 盐水鸭肝2009.07.08.《天天饮食》_ 水晶慈菇烩海米2009.07.09.《天天饮食》_ 响油鳝糊2009.07.10.《天天饮食》_ 香辣鱼鳞片2009.07.11.《天天饮食》_ 巧吃虾2009.07.12.《天天饮食》_ 荷塘叶色2009.07.13.《天天饮食》_ 炒手抓豆腐2009.07.14.《天天饮食》_ 翡翠虾球2009.07.15.《天天饮食》_ 醋溜滑鱼片2009.07.16.《天天饮食》_ 家乡百叶卷肉2009.07.17.《天天饮食》_ 红椒青瓜烩面筋2009.07.18.《天天饮食》_ 洋芋擦擦2009.07.19.《天天饮食》_ 滑香五谷饭2009.07.20.《天天饮食》_ 醋焖鸡翅2009.07.21.《天天饮食》_ 薄香奇妙虾2009.07.22.《天天饮食》_ 夏日清炒鸡丁2009.07.23.《天天饮食》_ 番茄珍珠汤2009.07.24.《天天饮食》_ 仔姜鸭丁2009.07.25.《天天饮食》_ 西瓜锅贴2009.07.26.《天天饮食》_ 凉拌小拉面2009.07.27.《天天饮食》_ 番茄烧鸭块2009.07.28.《天天饮食》_ 白玉藏珍2009.07.29.《天天饮食》_ 养生淡菜烩蚕豆2009.07.30.《天天饮食》_ 锅塌鱼盒2009.07.31.《天天饮食》_ 快捷小炒肉2009.08.01.《天天饮食》_ 家乡春饼2009.08.02.《天天饮食》_ 豆渣蛋饼2009.08.03.《天天饮食》_ 翡翠凤尾虾2009.08.04.《天天饮食》_ 姜撞奶2009.08.05.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题燕麦)葱香燕麦饼_ 麦香煎饼2009.08.06.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题减压)减压珍珠汤_ 三色鱼丸汤2009.08.07.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题中学生早餐)超能量三明治_ 鱼头健脑汤2009.08.08.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题牛肉)牛肉灌汤包_ 牛肉营养卷2009.08.09.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题补铁)金盅盛宝_ 菠菜猪肝养生粥2009.08.10.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题馒头)快乐馒头_ 三国馒头2009.08.11.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题母亲)爱心大酱汤_ 红梅花开2009.08.12.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题柠檬)中式柠檬比萨_ 酸辣蛇皮黄瓜2009.08.13.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题美容)银耳红枣莲子粥_ 营养五色发糕2009.08.14.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题玉米面)憨憨玉米饼_ 金玉满堂2009.08.15.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题馄饨)太平燕_ 四海干捞馄饨2009.08.16.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题上班族)路路通_ 杭式卷饼2009.08.17.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题补锌)爱锌水果卷_ 牡蛎煎2009.08.18.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题黄瓜)什锦黄瓜_ 翡翠奶酪卷2009.08.19.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题米饭)翡翠焖饭_ 金包银蛋炒饭2009.08.20.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题爱人)西柚芒果鲜虾沙拉_ 如果爱2009.08.21.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题减肥)雪菜鸡丝面_ 茄汁拨双鱼2009.08.23.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题鸡蛋)鸡蛋沙拉_ 鸡蛋南瓜煎饼2009.08.24.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题面条)五彩营养面_ 汉味虾面2009.08.25.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题懒人)胶东媳妇饼_ 海鲜疙瘩汤2009.08.26.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题鱼)鱼片豆腐粳米粥_ 鲅鱼馅饺子2009.08.27.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题饼)柴鱼蔬菜蛋饼_ 百合杏仁茉香饼2009.08.28.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题重体力劳动者)三鲜炒河粉_ 五谷杂粮饭团2009.08.30.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题补钙)如意回卤干_ 虾仁蒸蛋2009.08.31.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题西红柿)日出_ 番茄牛肉面2009.09.01.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题小菜)凉拌燕麦凉皮_ 琥珀丸子2009.09.02.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题孩子)黄金三明治_ 蔬菜蛋饼2009.09.03.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题鸡肉)养生鸡肉粥_ 鸡肉丸子菜泡饭2009.09.04.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题老人)五仁长寿粥_ 熬豆腐面2009.09.06.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题饺子)七彩饺子2009.09.07.《天天饮食》_ (早餐主题饺子)米饺子2009.09.08.《天天饮食》_ 脱骨带鱼2009.09.09.《天天饮食》_ 玫瑰香牛尾2009.09.10.《天天饮食》_ 五彩珍珠玉米丸子2009.09.11.《天天饮食》_ 素炒蟹粉2009.09.13.《天天饮食》_ 凉拌莜面2009.09.14.《天天饮食》_ 彭城鱼丸2009.09.15.《天天饮食》_ 苹果炒牛肉2009.09.16.《天天饮食》_ 杏仁奶油蘑菇鸡2009.09.17.《天天饮食》_ 小笼千张蒸豆尖2009.09.18.《天天饮食》_ 鲜奶山药凉糕2009.09.20.《天天饮食》_ 锅贴燕麦卷2009.09.22.《天天饮食》_ 糖醋素排骨2009.09.24.《天天饮食》_ 汉味双椒鱼头2009.09.25.《天天饮食》_ 秋豆焖贝尖2009.09.27.《天天饮食》_ 油泼荞麦面鱼鱼2009.09.28.《天天饮食》_ 虎皮肘子2009.09.29.《天天饮食》_ 松子富贵鱼2009.09.30.《天天饮食》_ 飘香水晶虾2009.10.02.《天天饮食》_ 东坡肉2009.10.03.《天天饮食》_ 西柠煎软鸡2009.10.04.《天天饮食》_ 凤尾腰花2009.10.05.《天天饮食》_ 蟹黄狮子头2009.10.06.《天天饮食》_ 美味时尚葡萄鱼2009.10.07.《天天饮食》_ 鱼香虾球2009.10.08.《天天饮食》_ 绿带蟹包2009.10.09.《天天饮食》_ 香葱烧海参2009.10.12.《天天饮食》_ 上汤烩滑肉2009.10.13.《天天饮食》_ 咖喱皇炒蟹2009.10.14.《天天饮食》_ 东坡肉2009.10.15.《天天饮食》_ 奶香双味薯蓉2009.10.19.《天天饮食》_ 魔芋烧鸭2009.10.20.《天天饮食》_ 蟹黄狮子头2009.10.21.《天天饮食》_ 农家风味炖卷子2009.10.22.《天天饮食》_ 葡萄鱼2009.10.23.《天天饮食》_ 京味嘎嘎2009.10.26.《天天饮食》_ 绿带蟹包2009.10.27.《天天饮食》_ 凤尾腰花2009.10.28.《天天饮食》_ 烧酿丰收荷包鱼2009.10.29.《天天饮食》_ 西柠煎软鸡2009.10.30.《天天饮食》_ 鱼香虾球2009.11.02.《天天饮食》_ 锅包肉2009.11.03.《天天饮食》_ 腐乳小龙虾2009.11.04.《天天饮食》_ 茴香棋子饼2009.11.05.《天天饮食》_ 脆瓜爆蛏肉2009.11.06.《天天饮食》_ 巧制山药泥2009.11.09.《天天饮食》_ 湘式腊牛肉2009.11.10.《天天饮食》_ 鱿鱼炒黑米皮2009.11.11.《天天饮食》_ 茄丝柳叶面2009.11.12.《天天饮食》_ 胡椒牛肉卷2009.11.13.《天天饮食》_ 烩豆面素丸子2009.11.16.《天天饮食》_ 避风塘炒蟹2009.11.17.《天天饮食》_ 生煎双味鸡2009.11.18.《天天饮食》_ 乳汁烧冬瓜2009.11.19.《天天饮食》_ 水煮鱼滑2009.11.20.《天天饮食》_ 脆香锅饼卷2009.11.23.《天天饮食》_ 家常烤肉2009.11.24.《天天饮食》_ 剁椒玉米鸡2009.11.25.《天天饮食》_ 羊肉菜心烩豆腐2009.11.26.《天天饮食》_ 肉臊烧焖子2009.11.27.《天天饮食》_ 麻酱糖火烧2009.11.30.《天天饮食》_ 九九气锅鸡2009.12.01.《天天饮食》_ 官烧鱼香肉丝2009.12.02.《天天饮食》_ 酸菜蒸肥羊2009.12.03.《天天饮食》_ 奇香秘制带鱼2009.12.04.《天天饮食》_ 奶香粘豆包2009.12.07.《天天饮食》_ 牡丹燕菜2009.12.08.《天天饮食》_ 什锦醋泡馍2009.12.09.《天天饮食》_ 三鲜荷包面筋2009.12.10.《天天饮食》_ 蒸卤鸡翅2009.12.11.《天天饮食》_ 双色枣泥拉糕2009.12.14.《天天饮食》_ 潮式蚝仔烙2009.12.15.《天天饮食》_ 蟹黄汤包2009.12.16.《天天饮食》_ 秘制羊排2009.12.18.《天天饮食》_ 粗粮银丝卷2009.12.21.《天天饮食》_ 三杯鸡2009.12.22.《天天饮食》_ 冬至鲜汤饺2009.12.23.《天天饮食》_ 红椒烩牛腱子2009.12.24.《天天饮食》_ 锅塌什菜2009.12.25.《天天饮食》_ 奶黄包2009.12.28.《天天饮食》_ 莜面栲栳栳2009.12.29.《天天饮食》_ 黄金香辣蟹2009.12.30.《天天饮食》_ 山东干炸丸子2009.12.31.《天天饮食》_ 八宝酱鱼。

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