Lecture 6_2_习题课


lecture 6 (2)

lecture 6 (2)

♦ Mediation theories
① external Fire! internal response the house on fire,every thing is out of order some people are saving the fire some are escaping the sense of danger
stimulus → ↓ Skinner’s operant conditioning ↓ reinforcement
rewards punishment ↓ parents’ mother tongue
(因变量,反映变量) ↓ certain sounds by accident
In summary: From this theory, we can do like this : If we operate the reinforcemnts scientifically,we can get effective responses(output) If we observe the responses(output)and consider them, we can know something inside a child’s mind(blackbox). model: response-stimulus
learning English?
♦ F.de Saussure’s Semantic Triangle
object concept
the shape(s) the color(s) the design(s) the function(s) the history the cultures etc. native language(NL) second language(SL) foreign language(FL) competence/performance

lecture 6

lecture 6

7. Please serve me ___D____ soup. A. more some B. the less C. more the D. some more
8. ____B____ alloy may be used to replace copper.
A. Such a
B. Some such
7〕 Determiners with plural and noncount nouns only a lot of, lots of, enough, more, most, such, other
1. Why is there ___A____ traffic on the streets in February than in may? A. less B. fewer C. few D. little
5. He was on leave ___D____ days. A. the few last B. few another C. few other D. the last few
6. ___B____ friends usually speak highly of him. A. His some B. His many C. Many his D. Some his
6.2 Collocation between Nouns and Determiners
1) Determiners with all three classes of nouns the, some, any, no, other, whose, my, your, John‘s,
my, friend’s
8. I’d like ____C____ paper. A. a few B. several C. a bit of D. these



The plot should be wellstructured, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should also have a central conflict that propels the story forward.
Plot development requires skillful handling of events and their impact on the characters. Use techniques like flashbacks, foreshadowing, and parallel storylines to enhance the narrative's complexity and intrigue.
Well-developed characters and settings are essential for creating empathy and engagement with the reader. They add depth and realism to the narrative.
Good narrative writing skills are essential for effective communication in various contexts, including personal essays, fiction writing, and professional reports.
The course will consist of lectures, workshops, and assignments to provide students with a well-rounded learning experience.

Lecture 6

Lecture 6

Copyright © 2001 by The
Purchasing Power Parity
• Absolute Purchasing Power Parity • Relative Purchasing Power Parity
Copyright © 2001 by The
Purchasing Power Parity
• The theory of purchasing power parity(PPP) is based on the The law of one price. • The law of one price states that one basket of goods should cost the same regardless of the currency in which it is sold.
Copyright © 2001 by The
Purchasing Power Parity
The US dollar appreciates against sterling by about 12%. A basket of goods costing USD 15,450 in the USA has a sterling cost of 15,450/1.32= £11,500and thus PPP maintained.
Value of £ $1.60 $1.55 S: Supply of £ equilibrium exchange rate D: Demand for £ Quantity of £ Copyright © 2001 by The

学术英语Unit 6 课后练习答案 ppt课件

学术英语Unit 6 课后练习答案 ppt课件

2. … this family was in the know and could afford expensive Western brands. (Line 3, Para.10)
This family is familiar with the high-grade and expensive Western brands and could pay for it.
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Language building-up
3. in the know 知内情的
I have got to find someone in the know, so I can get my business off the ground (=to succeed initially).
学术英语Unit 6 课后练习答案
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Language Support
1. Others are focused on… prepare for the week. (Line 4, Para.3)
学术英语 管理
Consumer Behavior
学术英语Unit 6 课后练习答案
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
• Text A
Consumer Behavior Influencers

选修6 Unit2_虚拟语气 市级公开课

选修6 Unit2_虚拟语气 市级公开课

But you’re just a boy You don’t understand (and you don’t understand) How it feels to love a girl
Someday you’ll _w__i_s_h_you _w__e_r_e__ a better
man You don’t listen to her You don’t care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted Cause you taken her for granted And everything that you had got destroyed But you’re just a boy…
• 3. What will he wish someday? _H__e_w_i_l_l _w_i_sh__h_e_w__e_r_e_a__b_e_tt_e_r_m__a_n_._______
Activity 2 Pair work: translation
如果我有一千万,我就能买一栋房子。 我有一千万吗?没有。所以我仍然没有房 子。如果我有翅膀,我就能飞。我有翅膀 吗?没有。所以我也没办法飞。如果把整 个太平洋的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情 的火。整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗?不 行。所以我并不爱你。
选修6 Unit 2 Learning about language
Step 1 Warming up games
• diamond • cottage • sparrow • branch • poem • forever • pattern
• translation • tease • convey • exchange • run out of • take it easy • in particular



give 词组on P62
give away A) 送掉;赠送;分发(奖品) B) (有 意、无意地)泄露(情报、秘密等) C)出卖,背弃, 告发(某人) D)丧失;错过;浪费 give back A)归还,付还 B)使(某人)恢复;使(某 人)复得 ; C)使折射,反射(光、声等) D)后退,后撤 give in to A)屈服于,向…让步;向…投降向… B) 呈上;向…交上(试卷等) be given over to 专门为……提供服务;沉湎于 give up A)放弃,抛弃;辞去(工作、学业等) B)交 出;让出;自首 C)对…不再抱有希望;不再指望… 到来
但是有时候制造商或者销售商不肯依法办事。 Sometimes, however, the manufacturer or seller will not comply with the law. 他们常常会逃避责任。 They are prone to evade liability for the matter. 销售商有可能将责任推给制造商。 The seller may pass the buck to the manufacturer, or vice versa.
Confusable words on P62-P64
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. effects affected influence effects effect influence affected influenced
Cloze A on P64
Unit 2 Book 6
Economic Life
Ex. 3 on P55
paras Para 9 Examples Jennie has saved herself the cost of repairing the broken camera at the expense of the discount firm Having signed up for membership in a book club, you will receive some books and be obligated to purchase a given number of books per year but you fail to do that Consumers make multiple reservations, which contributes to airline overbooking

Lecture 6

Lecture 6
z z0
Now consider the case when the function f has a finite number of isolated singular points inside C. Theorem 1. Let C be a positively oriented simple closed contour. If f is analytic inside and on C except for a finite number of singular points zk
(3) Residues If z0 is an isolated singular point of a function f(z), then
for 0<|z-z0|<R, f(z) is represented by a Laurent series
f ( z ) an ( z z 0 ) n
Ck, which are centered at zk and so small that no two of them intersect. O The Cauchy-Goursat theorem then gives

f ( z )dz
k 1
f ( z )dz 0.
Note that zk is the only isolated singular point of f inside Ck, so

f ( z )dz 2 i Res f ( z )
z zk
(k 1, 2,, n).
n k 1 z zk
Thus, we have proved the theorem:

Lecture 6

Lecture 6

3. The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的 危险;奸细
特洛伊木马的故事是在古希腊传说中,希腊 联军围困特洛伊久攻不下,于是假装撤退, 留下一具巨大的中空木马,特洛伊守军不知 是计,把木马运进城中作为战利品。夜深人 静之际,木马腹中躲藏的希腊士兵打开城门, 特洛伊沦陷。 后人常用“特洛伊木马”这一典故,用来比 喻在敌方营垒里埋下伏兵里应外合的活动。 特洛伊木马也是著名电脑木马程序的名字。
2. 压缩成分 压缩而成的新词基本保持原有习语的意义, 但往往引起词性转换。 Don’t be foolish enough to indulge in namecalling. 不要太傻,总是张口就骂人。 例中name-calling源自于习语call sb. Names (骂人),在此句中作名词用。
1. 扩充成分 在原有习语中加上修饰性成分,以限其内容, 赋其新意。如: Her husband often dined out and kept rather disreputable company. 她丈夫经常外出就餐,与不三不四的人鬼混 在一起。 上例中,keep rather disreputable company 是由习语keep company(结交)扩充而来。表 达了憎恨与厌恶之情。
Lecture 6
英文习语 Lexical bundles
Definition of lexical bundle
习语一词的含义甚广,一般指那些常用在一 起,具有特定形式的词组,其蕴含的意义往 往不能从词组中单个词的意思推测而得。 通常包括成语、俗语、格言、歇后语、谚语、 俚语、行话等。
Features of LB
2、习俗差异 英汉习俗差异是多方面的,最典型的莫 过于在对狗这种动物的态度上。汉语中与狗 有关的习语大都含有贬意:“狐朋狗党”、 “狗急跳墙”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗腿子” 等,狗的贬义形象却深深地留在汉语言文化 中。在英语习语中,常以狗的形象来比喻人 的行为。如You are a lucky dog(你是一个 幸运儿),Every dog has his day(凡人皆 有得意日),Old dog will mot learn mew tricks(老人学不了新东西)等等。形容人 “病得厉害”用sick as a dog,“累极了” 是dog-tired。

Lecture 6(2)

Lecture 6(2)

April 21, 2011 Lecture 7Nonverbal CommunicationCommunication is not simply a matter of speaking, writing and hearing. Meanings are conveyed not only by words or verbal language but also by nonverbal communication systems. These nonverbal communication devices accompany verbal communication to help to convey information, especially emotional information.It has been suggested that a considerable amount of information and most of the emotional information are conveyed by nonverbal communication systems.Definition of nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication can be defined in different ways. The basic definition should be like these:Nonverbal communication is the communication without the use of sounds and words.I. The Forms of nonverbal communicationTime[ Chronemics (时间学)]:The way of using time and its meaning Space [ Proxemics (空间学)]:The way of the use of space and its meaningKinesics/body language:Facial expressions, body movement, gestures,…Physical appearance:Study people‟s skin color, clothing…Oculesics(目光学):Study the information conveyed by eye contact, blinks, eye movements andpupil dilationParalanguage/V ocalics(副语言)-study the sound component ofnonlanguage.II. Kinesics / body languageLanguage studies traditionally have emphasized verbal and written language, but recently have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types of communication people express more nonverbally thanverbally.e.g.If you ask an obviously depressed person, “what‟s wrong?”, and he answers, “Nothing, I‟m fine,”you probably won‟t believe him.When an angry person says, “Let‟s forget this subject, I don‟t want to talk about it any more!”you know that he hasn‟t stopped communicating. His silence and withdrawal continue to convey emotional meaning.One study done in the United States showed that in the communication of attitudes, 93 percent of the message was transmitted by the tone of voice and by facial expressions,whereas only 7 percent of the speaker’s attitude was transmitted by words.Apparently, we express ouremotions and attitudes more nonverbally than verbally.Nonverbal communication expresses meaning or feeling without words. Universal emotions, such as happiness, fear, and sadness, are expressed in a similar nonverbal way throughout the world.There are, however, nonverbal differences across cultures that may be a source of confusion for foreigners.e.g.feelings of friendship exist everywhere but their expression varies. It may be acceptable in some countries for men to embrace each other and for women to hold hands; in other countries these displays of affection may be shocking.What is acceptable in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another.One culture may determine that snapping fingers to call a waiter is appropriate; another may consider this gesture rude. We are often not aware of how gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, and the use of space affect communication. In order to correctly interpret another culture‟s style of communication, it is necessary to study the “silent language” of that culture.III. GesturesGestures refer to specific body movements that carry meanings. Hands can form shapes that convey many meanings: “stop,”“come here,”and “It‟s OK”and so on. Many ideas can be expressed nonverbally using only hands. The gestures for these phrases may differ among cultures. As children we imitate and learn these nonverbal movements and often use them to accompany or replacewords. When traveling to another country, foreign visitors soon learn that not all gestures are universal.e.g.The “OK”gesture in the American culture is a symbol for money in Japan. The same gesture is obscene or dirty in some Latin American countries. ( This is why the editors of a Latin American newspaper enjoyed publishing a picture of former president Nixon giving the OK symbol with both hands!)Introduction of some common gestures : (show some picures)…IV. Facial ExpressionsFacial expressions carry meanings determined by contexts and relationships.For instance, the smile, which istypically an expression of pleasure, has many functions. A woman‟s smile at a policeman who is about to give her a ticket does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young man. A smile may show affection, convey politeness, or disguise true feelings. Pain is conveyed by a grimace(痛苦状), which also signifies disgust or disapproval.Surprise, shock, or disbelief can be shown by raising the eyebrows. A wink given to a friend may mean “you and I have a secret”or “I‟m just kidding.”Between a man and a woman, a wink can be flirtatious(挑逗,调情). Our faces easily reveal emotions and attitudes.The degree of facial expressiveness also varies among individuals and cultures. The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly asmembers of another does not mean they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural restrain on the amount of nonverbal expressiveness permitted.Because of individual differences, it is difficult to make generalizations about a cultural style of communication. Americans express themselves facially in varying degrees. People from certain ethnic backgrounds in the United States may use their hands, bodies, and faces more than other Americans.There are no fixed rules, although it is considered negative or suspicious to have a “deadpan” expression or a “poker face.”Some people can be “read like a book”; others are difficult to read.Eye ContactEye contact is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact may create communication barriers. It is important in relationships because it serves to show intimacy, attention, and influence. As with facial expressions, there are no specific rules governing eye behavior except that it is considered rude to stare, especially at strangers.It is, however, common for two strangers to walk toward each other, make eye contact, smile and perhaps even say “Hi.” The strangers may immediately look away and forget that they even had any contact. This type of glance does not mean much; it is simply a way of acknowledging another person‟s presence.In a conversation too little eye contact may be seen negatively because it conveys lack of interest, inattention, or even mistrust. The relationship between mistrustand lack of eye contact is stated directly in the expression, “Never trust a person who can‟t look you in the eyes.”V. SpaceUnconsciously, we all carry with us what have been called “body bubbles.”These bubbles are like invisible walls which define our personal space.The amount of space changes depending on the interpersonal relationship.e.g.we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members than to strangers. Personality also determines the size of this space. Introverts(性格内向者)often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than extroverts(性格外向者).Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese employer and employee usuallystand farther apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs tend to stand closer together than Americans when talking.For Americans, distance in social conversation is about an arm‟s length to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be associated with greater intimacy or aggressive behavior.The common practice of saying “Excuse me,”or …Pardon me” for the slightest accidental touching of another person reveals an American attitude about personal space. Thus when a person‟s “space”is intruded upon by someone, he or she may feel threatened and react defensively. In cultures where close physical contact is acceptable and desirable, Americans may be perceived as cold and distant.Culture does not always determine the messages that our body movements convey. Contexts, personalities, and relationships also influence them.Therefore, no two people in any one society have the same nonverbal behavior.However, like verbal language, nonverbal communication cannot be completely separated from culture.Whether we emphasize differences or similarities, the “silent language” is much louder than it first appears.Questions:1.What is nonverbal communication?2.What is “body bubbles”?3.What does “poker face” mean?。

Lecture 6 Phonology (2)

Lecture 6 Phonology (2)

Phoneme and allophone again
• There is no one-to-one relation between phonemes and allophones. • One phoneme may be realized by many allophones. Different phonemes may be realized by one phone. • In English, all vowels may be changed into a schwa (the sound / /) when they are unstressed. --- analyze and analysis --- phone and phonetic
Example of syllable structure
Sequence of phonemes
• The longest onset in English may be composed of three consonants. The initial is /s/, the second is a voiceless stop( /p/, /t/, /k/) and the last is a liquid or glide, as shown below (only /spw/, /stl/, // are not found in words):
Phonemic representation and the phonetic representation
• Betty cried as she left the smoky plane. • / / • [ D m ķ Ĝ ]
Syllable structure

LSTBSL - Lecture 6-2

LSTBSL - Lecture 6-2

Undue influence
• A representation = statement of fact • A misrepresentation = false statement of fact is made by one party (representor) to the other party (representee) before the contract is concluded. • The statement leads (induces) the party to enter into the contract.
The following remedies for misrepresentation exist: •Rescission: This allows the innocent party to terminate the contract. Rescission is an equitable remedy. •Damages: These are available for fraudulent misrepresentation in the tort of deceit and for negligent misrepresentation in the tort of negligence. It should be noted that damages are not available at common law for innocent misrepresentation. The measure of damages in the case of fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation is designed to restore the innocent party to their original position.

高中英语外研版选修6练习课件:Module 2 Section 1

高中英语外研版选修6练习课件:Module 2 Section 1

4. I could not___f_ix___ my attention __o_n__ the lecture or book, although I wished to do so.
5. Everyone ___p_l_a_y_s_a_n__im__p_o_rt_a_n_t_p_a_rt_i_n___protecting the environment.
7. I thought I'd bought some eggs and it seems I haven't -I may have been ______d_re_a_m_i_n_g____ (做梦).
8. The little boy likes __b_i_t_in_g___ (咬) his fingernails. 9. The old man felt such a _lo_n_g_i_n_g_ (渴望) for his homeland that tears filled his eyes. 10. __B_e_h_a_v_e___(表现) yourself; don't make a fool of yourself.
10. The table _w__a_s_l_ad_e_n__w_i_th____food last night.
Ⅲ.翻译句子 1. 规矩点!不要表现的像个疯子。(behave) _____________________________________________ 答案:Behave yourself! Don't behave like one mad. 2. 他毫不犹豫的地接受了邀请。(hesitate) _____________________________________________ 答案:He accepted the invitation without hesitation.



After another few months, the man could not stand it any more and went to the owner again. “I really can’t stand this kind of life any more,” he said. “If you do not offer me a job, I would prefer to go to hell rather than live here.”
9. 我永远不会忘记我第一次听到这首曲子的情景。 I’ll never forget hearing this piece of music _f_o_r _t_h_e__ __fi_r_st__ _t_im__e_.
10. 听到我们队赢了的消息时,我们都很兴奋。 We all felt _e_x_c_i_te_d_ _t_o_ _h_e_a_r the news that our team won.
提示:点击 进入习题
1 object
6 turned him into 11 B
2 tail
7 was able to 12 D
3 hid
8 come out
13 C
4 magic
9 for the first time 14 A
5 stick
10 excited to hear 15 E
and sleeping. D. If so, there is nowhere else better than here for you. E. Heaven? We are actually in hell!


3. 原子轨道的杂化是指同一原子中___________相近的、不同 ___________的原子轨道间的杂化。
4. 某元素外层有2个n=4, l=0的电子,有7个n=3, l=2的电子, 该元素原子的外层电子构型为_____________,属第 _________周期,_________族元素;其+2价离子的外层电 子排布式为______。
16. 同一多电子原子中,若几个电子处在同一能级组,则它们 的能量也相同。
17. 原子轨道图是ψ的图形,故所有原子轨道都有正、负部分。
答案:(型必定是正四 面体。
19. BF3和NF3都属于AB3型分子,中心原子都是以sp2杂化轨道 成键的。
20. 主量子数n=3时,有3s、3p、3d三条轨道。
1. 晶格能的大小,常用来表示 (1)共价键的强弱 (2)金属键的强弱 (3)离子键的强弱 (4)氢键的强弱
2. 在下列各种晶体中,含有简单独立分子的晶体是 (1)原子晶体 (2)离子晶体 (3)分子晶体 (4)金属晶体
13. 每一个原子中的原子轨道需要有3个量子数才能具体确定, 而每一个电子的运动状态则需要用4个量子数才能具体确定。
14. 分子中的π键电子,不决定分子的几何构型,只能影响键 角的大小。
15. 当2个原子形成共价键时,可以是σ加π键,也可以都是σ键。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1. 色散力不仅存在于非极性分子之间,也存在于极性分子之间。
2. 同一元素在不同化合物中,氧化数越高,其得电能力就愈 强。氧化数越低,失去电子趋势越强。
3. 同一主量子数的原子轨道并不一定属于同一能级组。
4. 离子键、金属键主要存在于晶体中;而共价键既可存在 于晶体中,也可存在于简单的气态小分子中。
20. 主量子数n=3时,有3s、3p、3d三条轨道。
1. 晶格能的大小,常用来表示 (1)共价键的强弱 (2)金属键的强弱 (3)离子键的强弱 (4)氢键的强弱 答案:(3) 2. 在下列各种晶体中,含有简单独立分子的晶体是 (1)原子晶体 (2)离子晶体 (3)分子晶体 (4)金属晶体 答案:(3)
16. 同一多电子原子中,若几个电子处在同一能级组,则它们 的能量也相同。
18. 凡是用sp3杂化轨道成键的分子,其空间构型必定是正四 面体。
19. BF3和NF3都属于AB3型分子,中心原子都是以sp2杂化轨道 成键的。
1. 冰融化要克服H2O分子间_______、_______、______ 和______等作用力。 答案:取向力 诱导力 色散力 氢键
2. 就分子或键的极性而言,在CO2分子中,C-O键是 __________键,CO2是_______性分子
3. 原子轨道的杂化是指同一原子中___________相近的、不同 ___________的原子轨道间的杂化。 答案:能量,类型 4. 某元素外层有2个n=4, l=0的电子,有7个n=3, l=2的电子, 该元素原子的外层电子构型为_____________,属第 _________周期,_________族元素;其+2价离子的外层电 子排布式为______。 答案:3d74s2, 四,Ⅷ,3s23p63d7
9. 在微观粒子中,只有电子具有波粒二象性。
10. s电子绕核运动的轨道为一圆圈,而p电子走的是8字形轨 道。
11. 分子中键的极性越强,分子的电偶极矩就越大。
12. 因为氢原子只有一个电子,所以它只有一条原子轨道。
3.下列分子中,键角最大的是 (1)BF3 (2)H2O (3)BeH2 (4)CCl4
答案:(3) 4. OF2分子中氧原子的杂化类型为 (1)sp (2)sp2 (3)sp3不等性杂化 (4)p轨道成键 答案:(3)
5. 对于角量子数l=2的一个电子,其磁量子数m (1)可以是(0,1,2)三个数值中的任一个 (2)只有一个数值 (3)可以是(-2, -1, 0, +1, +2)五个数值中的任一个 (4)有五个数值 答案:(3) 6. 下列分子中,中心原子采取sp3杂化成键的是 (1)NCl3 (2)BCl3 (3)BeCl2 (4)CCl4 答案:(1), (4)
13. 每一个原子中的原子轨道需要有3个量子数才能具体确定, 而每一个电子的运动状态则需要用4个量子数才能具体确定。
14. 分子中的π键电子,不决定分子的几何构型,只能影响键 角的大小。
15. 当2个原子形成共价键时,可以是σ加π键,也可以都是σ键。
5. Y2(,)与2(r,,)都代表电子云,它们的图形都一样。
6. 已知OF2是极性分子,可判定其分子构型为“V”形结构。
7. Y(,)与(r,,)都代表电子云,但它们的图形不一样。
8. CC键的键能为348kJmol-1,所以C=C双键的键能为 2348kJmol-1。