亚里士多德认为修辞演讲就是对听众的一种说服,让听众形成某种判断,认同、赞成并采纳自己所持的观点或采取某种行动,因而修辞学的目标就是研究如何能够达到最大的劝说效果。亚里士多德在《修辞学》第一卷第2章和第二卷18至26章中就如何取得说服的成功作了较为全面系统的阐述。他认为演说取得成功有两种手段,一类是不属于技术范围的或“非人工的”手段(inarti ficial proofs) ,如证据、证人、法律条文等这些已经存在无须演说者提供只需要恰当地加以利用即可的条件,另一类是属于技术范围的或“人工的”手段( artificial proofs) ,即需要演讲者凭借修辞方法达成的说服论证。亚里士
多德提出了属于技术范围的三种基本说服方式——人品诉求(et hos)、情感诉求(pathos)和理性诉求(logos)。
人品诉求是指修辞者的道德品质、人格威信,亚里士多德称人品诉求是“最有效的说服手段”,所以演讲者必须具备聪慧、美德、善意等能够使听众觉得可信的品质,因为“人格对于说服几乎可以说是起支配作用的因素”(Kenn edy 1991: 38) 。“当演说者的话令人相信的时候,他是凭他的性格来说服人,因为我们在任何事情上一般都更相信好人”(亚里士多德 1991:29)。一位成功的演说家在演讲中“除了设法使受众成员进入最有利于说服工作获得成功的感情状态以及向他们‘摆事实,讲道理’之外,还必须展示出一种能赢得他们尊重和信赖,对他们具有感召力的人格,并利用这一人格所具有的威信来影响他们的决定”(刘亚猛 2004:165) 。人品诉求不仅仅是演讲者与听众建立可信性的桥梁,同时也是对雅典人所认为的可信人群品质的研究。
O, my love‘s like a red, red rose, That‘s newly sprung in June: O, my love‘s like the melody That‘s sweetly played in tune. -Robert Burns
w 1. Origin: Latin, meaning like w 2. Comparative words: like, as w 3. Functions: describing shape, scenery; expressing emotions; explaining; vivid description, making easy to understand; creating interest.
A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit. ( A Dictionary of Literary Terms)
Type One: like
w Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. w Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out.
英语修辞学 亚里士多德的三种说服方式
成功有两种手段,一类是不属于技术范围的或“非人工的”手段(inartificial proofs) ,如证据、证人、法律条文等这些已经存在无须演说者提供只需要恰当地加以利用即可的条件,另一类是属于技术范围的或“人工的”手段( artific ial proofs) ,即需要演讲者凭借修辞方法达成的说服论证。亚里士多德提出了
人品诉求是指修辞者的道德品质、人格威信,亚里士多德称人品诉求是“最有效的说服手段”,所以演讲者必须具备聪慧、美德、善意等能够使听众觉得可信的品质,因为“人格对于说服几乎可以说是起支配作用的因素”(Kennedy 19 91: 38) 。“当演说者的话令人相信的时候,他是凭他的性格来说服人,因为我们在任何事情上一般都更相信好人”(亚里士多德 1991:29)。一位成功的演说家在演讲中“除了设法使受众成员进入最有利于说服工作获得成功的感情状态以及向他们‘摆事实,讲道理’之外,还必须展示出一种能赢得他们尊重和信赖,对他们具有感召力的人格,并利用这一人格所具有的威信来影响他们的决定”(刘亚猛 2004:165) 。人品诉求不仅仅是演讲者与听众建立可信性的桥梁,同时也是对雅典人所认为的可信人群品质的研究。
英语语言学之常见修辞English Rhetoric
英语修辞(English Rhetoric)
Figures of speech are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively.
1.Simile明喻: An explicit comparison, e.g. The pen is to a writer what the gun is to
a soldier.
2.Metaphor暗喻: An implicit comparison, e.g. Some books are to be tasted, others
to be swallowed and some few to be chewed.
3.Personification拟人: The attribution of animate qualities to inanimate objects, e.g.
the wind whistled through the trees.
4.Onomatopoeia拟声: the imitation of sounds, e.g. tinkle, clank, bang
Moder n English Rhetor ic
Unit 1 Middle Eastern Bazaar
1。Onomatopoeia: is the formation of words in imitation o the sounds associated with the thing concerned.
e.g. 1) tinkling bells (Para. 1)
2) the squeaking and rumbling (Para。9)
2。Metaphor: is the use of a word or phrase which describes one thing by stating another comparable thing without using “as” or “like”.
e.g. 1) the heat and glare of a big open square (Para. 1)
2) …in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar (Para。7)
3。alliteration:is the use of several words in close proximity beginning with the same letter or letters。
e。g. 1) …thread their way among the throngs of people (Para。1)
2)…make a point of protesting
U n i t1M i d d l e E a s t e r n B a z a a r 1. Onomatopoeia拟声法: is the formation of words in imitation or the sounds associated with the thing concerned.
e.g. 1 Little monkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread
their way among the throngs of people Para. 1
2 the squeaking and rumbling Para. 9
2. Metaphor隐喻: is the use of a word or phrase which describes one
e.g. 1 the heat and glare of a big open square Para. 1
2…until you rounded a corner and see a fairlyland of dancing flashes….
3…in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar Para. 7
3. alliteration头韵: is the use of several words in close proximity beginning with the same letter or letters.
英语修辞学 Onomatopoei apotrophe pun
click 喀嚓 (剪刀, 门, 按钮), clack 铿锵 (刀叉, 碗碟, 机器), clink 叮叮 (金属, 玻璃), clank 叮当 (铁链, 刀枪), clang 发出铿锵声 (叮当声), rumble 轰隆声 (雷, 风, 炮, 车), toot 嘟嘟 (火车, 汽车, 轮船), ticktack 嘀嗒 (钟表)
Apostrophe is often mingled with other figures of speech like Personification and Metaphor, especially when the object that is addressed is not a human being.
Different kinds
Human beings
2 3
Different animals
1、human beings
murmur (咕哝), whisper (耳语声), giggle (咯咯笑声), hum (哼), hush (嘘), chuckle (抿着嘴轻声地笑), hi (喂), chatter (唠叨), whoop (喘气声), babble (胡言乱语, 含糊不清地说)
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1. Classical rhetoric (5th B.C – 5th A.D.)
In the ancient times, rhetoric evolved as an important art, one that provided the orator with the forms, means, and strategies for persuading an audience of the correctness of the orator's arguments. Rhetoric originates from the ancient Greece. It provides two necessary conditions for the classical rhetoric.
This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of English rhetoric, such as the definition of rhetoric, three aesthetic criterion of rhetoric, five cannons of rhetoric. It will provide students with tools to deal with the rhetorical practice at lexical level, syntactic level, textual level. Topics will include western rhetorical theories, visual rhetoric, rhetoric in advertisements. By the discussion on these topics, students will be equipped with the theoretical and practical basis for English rhetoric in English learning with their
Identify each item as one of the following:
verbal irony
situational irony
dramatic irony
The guest opens his mouth to complishment the chef, but before he can speak ,he burps long and loudly.
We know something a character does not know
Quick Check
After tripping over his own feet ,the teen exclaims, “That was graceful!”
The movie audience knows that a hostile alien is just past the door .“Don't go in there !”one viewer yells at the screen.
Three kings of Trony
❖ —Verbal Irony(口头式反语) ❖ —Situational Irony(情景式反语) ❖ —Dramatic Irony(戏剧式反语)
Verbal Irony
In verbal irony a speaker says one thing but means the opposite.
1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country./ This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.
2) Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage./ The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.
Tell what figures of speech each sentence contains.
1. You might as well expect a leopard to cha nge its spots as expect him to give up smoki ng.(simile)
2.1 stayed on Hong Kong isla nd and found myself in a differe nt world, where surprising quiet and the green smell of lush foliage is just steps away from the bus in ess district.(Ja ne Wooldridge: Hong Kon g)(s yn aesthesia)
3. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. (kate Chop in: The Dream of an Hour) (syn aesthesia)
4. How all my own territory would be altered, as if a Ian dslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. (simile)
(I had never realized until Mike' leaving) How much my own life would be affected, as if it had been destroyed by a Iandslide, which took away everything I used to enjoy, leaving behind only the pain from missing Mike.我的世界里,就像发生了天崩地裂,除了迈克的离去,其余所有的记忆都被冲走了。
英语修辞学(English Rhetoric)是一门研究如何运用语言技巧来有效地表达思想、情感和观点的学科。它涉及到语言的各个方面,包括词汇、语法、句子结构、篇章结构等。英语修辞学不仅关注语言的表达形式,还关注语言的内容和效果,旨在通过恰当的语言手段来影响听众或读者的态度和行为。
1.比喻(Metaphor): 通过将一个事物比喻为另一个事物来表达某种意象或概念。比喻可以分为明喻和暗喻两种形式。明喻是直接将一个事物比喻为另一个事物,而暗喻则是暗示一个事物具有另一个事物的特征或性质。
2.拟人(Personification): 将非人类的事物赋予人类的特征或情感,使其形象更加生动。例如,“春天是一位温柔的姑娘,给大地披上五彩斑斓的衣裳。”
1、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] * A.exciting
B.more exciting
C.most exciting
D.the most exciting (正确答案)
2、You cannot see the doctor _____ you have made an appointment with him. [单选题] *
A. except
C. however
3、The classmates can' t()Alice from her twin sister. [单选题] *
A. speak
B. tell(正确答案)
C. talk
D. say
4、Mr. Brown ______ the football match next week.()[单选题] *
A. is seeing
B. sees
C. saw
D. is going to see(正确答案)
5、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *
A. quite
B. more
C. much(正确答案)
D. most
6、—Could you please make the bed?—______.()[单选题] *
A. Yes, I was
B. No, I don’t
C. Sure, I’ll do it(正确答案)
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time for the fourth R—Rhetoric—to reenter the classroom.
• 3. Campaign promises have proved to be empty rhetoric.
• 4. Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the 言论 government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S.
• 5. the rhetoric of film 电影的修辞艺术
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2.4 Definitions of rhetoric
The word “rhetoric” has been defined differently. a. The study and practice of effective communication. b. The study of the effects of texts on audiences. c. The art of persuasion. d. An insincere eloquence intended to win points and
• the foundation of rhetoric
• more than ordinary speech but a special kind of public speaking (a special purpose, a special way, a special time)
• to impress, convince, or move the audience to action
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Ⅰ About the Course
➢ 1. Optional course of English Major ➢ 2. Learners: Seniors of English Major ➢ 3. Main content:
General idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and application
English Rhetoric
Chapter One Introduction to English Rhetoric
Contents of This Chapter Ⅰ. About the Course Ⅱ.Definition of Rhetoric Ⅲ.Classification of Rhetoric Ⅳ. Purpose of learning rhetoric Ⅴ. Arrangement and Requirements
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➢ Positive connotations:
• Historically, “rhetoric” had positive connotations, suggesting a commendable skill with words. Today rhetoric, as it was in history, is something that people have to resort to.
manipulate [ mə'nipjuleit ] others.
现代英语修辞学研究的是人类使用符号互相交流的能 力,这种能力是人类所持有的,人类使用符号来构建自 己的世界,来认识自我,来和其他人一起互动,使生活 更有意义。
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• 通过对语言材料的选择、调整、修饰,使语言美化, 更好地交流思想,表情达意。所谓“调整”,主要 指依据题旨(subject) 情境 (occasion / context)的需要,对词语、句式、段落篇章作恰当 地选择和安排;所谓“修饰”,主要指恰当地选择 一些修辞手段、修辞方法,增强语言表达的艺术效 能。调整的目的,就是要求语言准确、鲜明,没有 丝毫的模糊,也没有丝毫的歧义,使人家清楚、明 白。 -- 杨鸿儒《当代中国修辞学》
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➢ 4. Assessment: Exam
Total grades = 20% of Regular Grades + 80%of the Final Exam
* Regular Grades consists of 10% of class attendance and 10% of
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Definitions in the past
➢ "Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.“ (Plato) ➢ "Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given
They then developed a set of principles for successful communication. These principles make up the art of rhetoric.
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2.3 Connotation of rhetoric
Over the years the word “rhetoric” has taken on a wide range of meaning.
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The study of rhetoric goes back to ancient Greece, when speakers began to practice the art of persuasion in courts of law. The ancients realized that presentation is as important, or perhaps more important, as facts.
➢5. Text Book
➢6. Reference Books
黄 任:《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,1999. 张秀国:《英语修辞学》,清华大学出版社、北京交通大
学出版社,2005 李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社,2000
case the available means of persuasion.“ (Aristotle, Rhetoric)
➢ "Rhetoric is the art of speaking well.“ (Quintilian) ➢ …eloquence to persuade their fellows of the truth of what they had
• As a tool, rhetoric is inherently neither good or bad. A deceitful person will use it to deceive and an ethical person will use it to make truth and justice prevail.
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Plato and Aristotle
2.1 Origin of Western Rhetoricห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
It is said that the “art of rhetoric” originated in Syracuse锡拉库扎 (意大利西西里岛东部一港市), a Greek colony on the island of Sicily, in about 465 B.C.. When the dictators on the island were overthrown and democracy was established, people went to court to claim the ownership of the land which had been taken from them during the dictator’s reign. However, the Greek system required that citizens represent themselves in court instead of hiring attorneys to speak on their behalf as we can today. Therefore, the rhetoric came into being to “make the best possible case and to represent it persuasively to the jury” (Hu Shuzhong, 2011:433). Probate court 遗嘱检验法庭
discovered by reason (Cicero) ➢ "Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle;
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Discuss:Identify the different meanings of “rhetoric” in the following phrases/sentences:
• 1. Cold war diplomacy and rhetoric 辞令
• 2. As the clamor for basic skills continue to grow, it may be
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2.2 rhetoric and oratory
Oratory: Oratory had been practiced long before the ancient rhetoricians developed a theory and a vocabulary for rhetoric.
Communicative rhetoric the choice of words, the choice of sentences, paragraph and essay construction
Aesthetic rhetoric: figures of speech (phonetic, syntactic, semantic, logic)
➢ Negative connotations: • skillful, but often deceptive, eloquence • a fraudulent practice • to deal exclusively with language, rather than with ideas
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Ⅱ Definition of Rhetoric ➢ Whoever does not study rhetoric will become a victim
of it. ---Ancient Greek wall inscription
➢ Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ---Francis Bacon
• Rhetoric is generally understood as a tool or a method. Its content is more concerned with the Hows of what people are talking about than the Whats of what people are talking about.