
浅 谈 交 替 传 译 中 的笔 记
许 晖
( 洛 阳理工学 院外语系 , 河南 洛 阳 4 7 1 0 2 3 )
[ 摘 要] 由于人脑短 时记 忆的有 限性 , 在 交替传译 பைடு நூலகம், 口译 员必须正确使 用笔记 才能确保 口译 的成功 。本 文探 讨
了口译笔记在交替传译 中的必要性 、 口译笔记的原则、 内容和 注意事项等 , 以期能给 予1 2 译训练一些参考并给广 大 口译 爱好者和 学习者提供 一定的帮助 。 ( 关键词 ] 交替传译 ; 口译 ; 笔记 ; 译员 [ 中图分类号 ]1 - I 3 1 5 . 9 [ 文献标识码 ]A
“ 原 则上讲 , 源语发布时 间超过 1分 钟译员 就必须 求助 于 笔记 , 因为只有 ±一 分 钟之 内译 员 的 ‘ 工 作记 忆 ’ 才起 作 用 ”
信 息的文字化形式 , 而是理解 、 分析 、 感觉、 消化 、 记忆 和表 达需 要 的必要 载体。译 员的任务不是全部记录讲话形式 , 言语 发布 的速 度也不容 许他记 录全部 内容” ( 刘和平 , 2 0 1 1 : 6 4 ) 。 因此 , 口译 笔记 的内容是框架是关键词 , 是 能够提示逻辑关系 的缩 略 语, 也包 含 国家 称谓 等难 以记 录的符号等 , 但绝对 不是所 听到 内容 的简单重 复和记录。 三、 口译笔记的 内容 口译笔记 既不 是听 写也不 同于普通 的笔记 , 因此 , 在交替 传译 的过程 中 , 口译 笔 记 的内容 也应 当是 与其他 笔 记 有区别 的 。要记录的 内容 是听并 理解后 消化过 的能 提示 全句 或全段 内容 的中心词 , 而不 是未 经加工过 的原始材料 , 更不 是词汇 的
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 l 一 5 9 1 8 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 2 -0 7 4


交替传译的技巧1. 认真预习材料,做好词汇准备在进行交替传译之前,译员需要认真预习材料,熟悉相关领域的词汇和专业术语。
2. 保持专注,不要分心在交替传译过程中,译员需要时刻保持专注,不要分心。
3. 注意语速和语调的控制交替传译需要译员反复地切换语言和思维,因此语速和语调的控制非常重要。
4. 强化表达能力和口头表达能力交替传译不仅是对语言水平的考验,也是对表达能力和口头表达能力的挑战。
交替传译的应用范围1. 国际会议随着全球经济的发展和国际交流的增加,国际会议已经成为了各个行业和领域之间交流合作的重要渠道。
2. 商务洽谈在商务洽谈中,交替传译能够避免双方由于语言障碍而导致的沟通不畅。
3. 司法庭审在司法庭审中,交替传译的应用可以使不同国家甚至不同地区的律师、法官、证人等参与者都能听懂并掌握庭审中的相关信息,提高庭审的效率和公正性。
4. 媒体采访在媒体采访中,交替传译的应用可以使来自不同国家或地区的受访者用本国语言回答采访问题,以及使记者理解并记录下来其回答的内容,从而为全球观众提供多样化的信息来源。


说 各的 语 言 , 也不 能 够 理 解 对 方 。 了在 时 帮 助 译 员 集 中精 力 , 使 用 时 为 其 做 提 谁 为 在
d: ; a 天 dy
b: 是 ; u 但 bt
C: 纪 ;e t r 世 cnuy
能够 完 成 源 语 的 记 的 专 业 翻 译 人 才 _ 要 集 中 在 会 议 口译 、 丰 商 译 员 在 紧 张 的 氛 围 下 ,
务 口 译 、 同 口译 等 口 译 人 才 方 面 。 陪
些 学 外 语 的人 往 往 把现 场 口译 作 为
并 实 图形 符 号 、 向 符号 , 可 以 是 一个 或 者 几 部 分 , 不是 说 以 上 符 号 就包 括 全 部 了。 趋 也
往 令 人 羡 慕 不 已 。 而 , 种 被 视 为 “ 饭 其 作 用 都是 相通 的 , 就 是 简 便地 、 目 了 然 这 金 那 一 ( ) 用 符号 1惯
: :
行 理 解 和 解码 , 后 进 行 信 息 储 存 ( 记 辅 然 脑 以 笔 记 ) 再 在 头 脑 中转 换 信 息 , 行 信 息 , 进 解 码 , 后 创 造 性 地 用 目标 语 “ 述 ” 受 最 复 给
1: 少 , 值 ; e ln , e r a e … . 减 贬 d ci e d c e s , 一 : , , ;o, 去 到 走 t go, . …
它 流 与 融 合 , 球 一体 化 的趋 势 日益 加 强 , 全 整 容 , 只 需 要 记 录 重 点 语 意 信 息 点 和 语 言
S科 学 , : 社会 ;c n e s c t …. s i c ,o i y, e e


(二)优化笔记方法1. 精简笔记:在保证信息准确性的前提下,尽量精简笔记,突出关键词和结构,减轻记忆负荷。
2. 符号化:使用符号代替文字,提高笔记速度。
3. 结构化:按照信息的重要性和逻辑关系进行分类和排序,便于记忆和回顾。
(三)提高协调能力和反应速度1. 训练口语表达和笔记的协调:通过大量实践训练,提高译员在紧张环境下的协调能力和反应速度。
2. 快速反应:培养对信息的快速捕捉和处理能力,以便在第一时间作出准确翻译。
(二)研究结果通过对数据的分析,我们发现:1. 强化语言基本功能够有效减少因语言障碍造成的理解偏差;2. 优化笔记方法和提高协调能力和反应速度能够显著提高交替传译的效率和准确性;3. 结合关联理论,译员能够在理解和翻译过程中更好地把握原语的隐含意义。

ANHUIWENXUE 安徽文学安徽文学2018年8期总第421期交替传译中的口译笔记王梦婷上海理工大学外语学院摘要:随着中国与世界接轨的程度日益加深,越来越多的国际性会议在中国召开,因此,口译的重要性愈来愈凸显出来。
关键词院交替传译口译笔记短时记忆笔记符号语言新探一、交替传译的含义及特点“交替传译(consecutive interpreting,CI )是口译的一种,简称“连传”或“交传”,它是在发言人讲完部分内容或全部内容后,由译员进行翻译。

Notes in consecutive interpretation are important in relieving the memory pressure and acting as clues for recalling information to help improve the quality. However, evidences have shown that note- taking, if not constructed properly, is one of the biggest problems that affect the interpreter’s understanding of the source language, thus resulting in damaging the interpretation quality. This thesis aims to promote a positive understanding towards note-taking in the process of consecutive interpretation by providing the possible and feasible methods of effective note-taking. To realize this aim, it incorporates the Daniel Gile’s Effort Model theory to analyze why note-taking is the triggering factor in consecutive interpretation. And it illustrates the nature of note-taking from two aspects: (1) the basic premise of note-taking, including comprehension, attention and memory; (2) the principles of note-taking. This paper relates interpreting theories to interpreting teaching methods, trying to put forward suggestions for teaching in order to deal with practical interpreting problems and facilitate the quality of interpretation.Key words: note-taking; Daniel Gile’s Effort Model; teaching suggestions笔记是口译员必须掌握的技巧之一。

望能够对 学习者有所裨益 。 【 关键词 】 口译笔记 ; 交替传译 ; 笔记技巧
( 4 ) 使用 回指线。 回指线一 头连着 已经记 录的 内容 , 另一头指向该 笔记是交替传译 的关键 . 可 以补充大脑短 时记忆 的不 足 , 减少记 忆负担 , 使译员有更多 的精力对原文进行梳理和分析 , 保证 口译质 量。 内容再次 出现 时所在的位置 . 可节省重复书写 的时间 . 保持笔 记的连 些E l 译技 巧是 前人提出 、 并且经 过验证 的, 因此值得 向初学者 和想 续性。适用于 内容在 同一页上 , 否则要重新记 录。 要改善笔记 、 提高 1 2 1 译质量的人推荐。 这些技巧 可以灵 活掌握 , 学 习者 ( 5 ) 使用结尾线 用斜线或者其他特定 的线条 . 明确结束 . 区分译 可在此基础上开发出适 合 自己的笔记 系统。 过和未译过的 内容 . 避免混淆 3 - 2 使用符号 1 工 具 与文字相 比, 符 号书写简单 、 快速, 且不受特定语 言形式 的干 扰。 不能含糊不清 , 否则记 录后需要判断 。 对于某一 专 笔和纸是译员的必备工具 有桌 子时 . A 4纸可 以减少 翻页所需要 符号意义应当明确 . 有时在某 次演讲者 的时间 无桌子 时. 手掌可握 的本子是必然 . 上下翻页可 以保证 内容 的 业内经常出现的内容可以创 造特定 的符号来表示 。 也 可现创某一符 号来代替 . 而不是 衔接 . 且要 比左右翻页的翻看起来方便。最好是空 白的 , 能不受约束 、 的发言 中遇到经 常出现的主题词 . 自由记录 : 带横格的会影响信息的拆 分和回读。 要划几条竖线 , 将版 面 每次都将其完整记录下来

但是, 如果对笔记的认识不当,记笔记的方式不正确,那么将会影响口译员对原语的记忆并成为准确传译的干扰因素之一。
本文以Daniel Gile的“认知负荷模式”为指导,通过分析交传笔记的所存在的问题来探讨有效记笔记的方法,进而提出教学建议,希望能够帮助学生解决记笔记问题,进一步提高口译质量。
会议口译中的交替传译要求口译员能够听取长达几分钟至十几分钟连续不断的讲话,光凭短时记忆,译员是无法记住所有的信息点教学方法,因此需要笔记辅助,但是, 如果对笔记的认识不当,记笔记的方式不正确,那么将会影响口译员对原语的记忆并成为准确传译的干扰因素之一。
鉴于这一问题的重要性,本文主要在吉尔的认知负荷模式指导下,通过分析交替传译笔记所存在的问题来探讨有效记笔记的方法,进而提出有一定意义的教学建议, 希望能够帮助学生解决记笔记问题,进一步提高口译质量。
一、吉尔的认知负荷模式丹尼尔吉尔于1995年提出了交替传译“认知负荷模型” (Effort Models)。

二、关联理论下的交替传译笔记困难1. 语言障碍与文化差异在交替传译过程中,由于语言障碍和文化差异,笔记的记录往往需要兼顾语义与语境,这对译员的笔记能力提出了较高要求。
2. 笔记速度与记忆能力交替传译要求译员在短时间内快速记录信息,同时还要保持对源语信息的记忆。
3. 情境变化与注意力分配在交替传译过程中,情境的变化常常使译员面临注意力分配的挑战。
三、应对策略实证研究针对上述困难,本文提出以下应对策略:1. 提高语言与文化素养为了提高交替传译的准确性,译员应加强语言学习,提高语言能力。
2. 优化笔记方法与技巧针对笔记速度和记忆能力的限制,译员可以尝试采用优化笔记方法与技巧。

三、增补策略的实施方法1. 增补词语在汉英交替传译中,有时候原文中的某些词汇在英语中无法找到完全对应的表达,这时候就需要通过增补词语来补充原文的意思。
2. 增补逻辑关系由于汉语和英语在句子结构和逻辑关系上存在差异,因此在翻译过程中,有时需要增补一些逻辑关系词来使译文更加清晰、连贯。
3. 增补背景信息在汉英交替传译中,有时候原文中的某些信息在英语读者眼中可能并不清晰或理解起来有一定难度,这时可以通过增补背景信息来帮助读者更好地理解原文的意思。
可以翻译为“China, a country with a long history and a splendid culture, is…”在这个例子中,通过增补“a country with a long history and a splendid culture”这一部分信息,使译文更加完整地表达了原文的意思。

以下是交替传译技巧的要点:1. 准备工作:在进行交替传译之前,细致的准备工作是必不可少的。
2. 注意力集中:交替传译需要高度的注意力集中和集中注意力的能力。
3. 感知和分析:好的交替传译人员不仅仅是转换语言的机器,还应该能够感知到在演讲中最重要的思想和信息,并进行分析和解释。
4. 语言流畅度:交替传译要求翻译人员具备目标语言和原语言的高度熟练程度。
5. 记忆与笔记:在交替传译过程中,记忆和笔记是非常有用的工具。
6. 是忠实传译还是意译:交替传译时,有时需要将讲话者的原意准确传达出去,有时则需要进行适当的意译。

三、交替传译笔记的困难1. 笔记速度与理解速度的矛盾:在交替传译中,笔记速度往往跟不上讲话速度,导致信息遗漏或误解。
2. 笔记与口语表达的冲突:笔记过于详细可能影响口语表达速度,而过于简略则可能导致信息不完整。
3. 文化背景差异带来的困扰:不同语言和文化背景下的信息表达方式存在差异,笔记时需考虑文化因素。
4. 笔记技巧的不足:缺乏有效的笔记方法和技巧,导致笔记混乱、难以理解。
四、应对策略的实证研究1. 提高笔记速度与理解速度的协调性:通过大量实践训练,提高译员的笔记速度和理解速度,使其达到协调一致。
2. 优化笔记与口语表达的平衡:根据实际需要,合理安排笔记内容,既要保证信息的完整性,又要避免影响口语表达速度。
3. 强化文化背景知识的学习:深入了解不同国家和地区的文化背景、语言习惯和表达方式,以便在笔记时进行适当的调整。
4. 培养有效的笔记技巧:采用符号、缩写、关键词等方式进行笔记,减少笔记时间,提高笔记清晰度。
5. 心理调适与压力管理:交替传译过程中可能会面临时间紧迫、信息量大等压力,因此需要培养良好的心理调适能力和压力管理能力。
6. 实时反馈与反思:在实践过程中,通过收集反馈和反思总结经验教训,不断优化传译方法和笔记策略。

的名词和主要的动词都 是很关 键 的。口译 笔记 的主要 内容 是概
念、 命题 、 称 、 名 数字 、 组织机 构和逻 辑关 系( 如大小 、 先后 、 正反 、
理解后的表达起到很好 的提示作用 ( ,00 潘 ,9 4 。 梅 2 0 ; 19 )
些规则可循 。首先 , 译笔记要精 练; 2 1 其次 , 口译记 录要 快速 清晰 。为提 高记 录速度 , 了缩略词 外, 员还 需熟练 掌握并使 用 除 译
者读起来方便 。另外, 口译过 程 中, 在 不可过于依赖笔记 , 以脑记为主 , 要 笔记 为辅 。
关 键 词 : 时记 忆 ; 练 ; 短 精 快速 ; 号 符 中 图分 类 号 : 35 H 1 文献标识码 : A 文 章编 号 :643 4 2 0 )902 -2 17 -4 X(09 0 -100
20 09年 9月 第2 6卷第 9期
湖北第二师范学 院学报
Jun lo b iU ies yo d c t n o ra fHu e nv ri fE u ai t o
Sp2 0 e .0 9 Vo. 6 N . 12 o 9
交 替传 译 中 的 口译 笔记
袁 後
为 什 么要 做 笔 记
录 , 目的不在于 日后 整理材 料 , 其 而在 于帮助 口译人员 暂时记 住 记忆 。实际上 , 口译人员 的记 录速度 一般都 赶不 上谈话 的速度 ,
记忆是人脑的 自然属性 , 是一个 心智正 常者的天赋 能力。人 脑的记忆 由短时记忆 和长 时记忆 两部 分组成 。短 时记忆 是一 种
口译笔记 虽然 因人而 异 , 但是 也有 一些规 则可 循。首先 , 口
关键词记忆与口译笔记关系笔记特点原则笔记作用On Alternate Interpretation NotesWEI Yasha(School of Foreign Languages, Neijiang Normal University, Neijiang, Sichuan 641100)Abstract Undoubtedly, interpreting is a painstaking mental labor requiring interpreters, in a short period of time, to express speakers' source language speech in target language accurately. During the process, interpreters need to take memory, storing and retrieving information into consideration. It is well known that under high pressure,individual's short-term memory alone can not finish interpreting work due to its limitation therefore, to some large degree,interpreters have to rely on note-taking to compensate the deficiency of short term memory. Success or not, interpreting to some large degree, depends upon the quality of note-taking,. This paper intends to discuss the characteristics,principles of note-taking as well as its role in interpreting, with the relation between memory and interpreting as a starting point.Key words relations between memory and interpreting note-taking; principle and characteristics of note-taking; the role of note-taking1 记忆与口译笔记的关系交替传译(Consecutive interpreting)又叫连续传译,指发言人在用源语讲完一段话之后,译员用清晰、准确的目标语将源语信息完整表达出来。

二、关联理论下的交替传译笔记困难1. 语言转换与信息处理困难在交替传译中,译员需在短时间内完成语言转换和信息处理的任务。
2. 笔记记录与记忆负担交替传译中,笔记是帮助记忆的重要工具。
3. 语境理解与笔记关联性交替传译中,语境的理解对于信息的准确传递至关重要。
三、应对策略实证研究1. 提升语言转换与信息处理能力(1) 加强语言学习:提高语言水平,增强对源语言和目标语言的掌握程度。
(2) 训练信息处理能力:通过模拟交替传译场景,训练译员的信息处理能力,提高信息筛选和整合的速度。
(3) 强化跨文化交际能力:了解不同文化背景下的交际习惯和表达方式,增强对文化差异的敏感性。
2. 优化笔记记录方法(1) 简化笔记符号:使用简化的符号和缩写,提高笔记记录速度。
(2) 关键信息优先:优先记录关键信息,如主语、谓语和核心内容,减少记忆负担。
(3) 合理分配注意力:在保证理解的前提下,合理分配注意力在听辨、理解和记录上,以提高整体效率。
3. 加强语境理解与笔记关联性(1) 增强语境意识:在记录笔记时,注意与语境和上下文的关联性,使笔记更加易于回忆和理解。

1. 练习口语技巧
2. 注意专业术语
3. 注意语调和语速
4. 坚持短语传译
5. 注意情感的表达

一、词汇处理1. 语境统一在使用中英文交替表述时,应注意上下文的语境统一。
2. 控制词汇量在学术论文中,专业语言的应用也是不可避免的。
3. 术语表处理术语表的建立对于理解文章非常重要。
二、语法处理1. 句子结构句子结构与功能的转换可能会引起语法错误。
例如,如果使用"the development of education system" 这样的结构,可以表达出“教育体系的发展”,但使用"system's development of education"这样的结构,反而可能引起理解上的困难。
2. 时态和语态在学术论文中,通常使用的时态为现在完成时、过去时和将来时。
3. 连接词的使用连接词的错误使用可能会使表述显得不连贯。
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Notes in consecutive interpretation are important in relieving the memory pressure and acting as clues for recalling information to help improve the quality. However, evidences have shown that note- taking, if not constructed properly, is one of the biggest problems that affect the interpreter’s understanding of the source language, thus resulting in damaging the interpretation quality. This thesis aims to promote a positive understanding towards note-taking in the process of consecutive interpretation by providing the possible and feasible methods of effective note-taking. To realize this aim, it incorporates the Daniel Gile’s Effort Model theory to analyze why note-taking is the triggering factor in consecutive interpretation. And it illustrates the nature of note-taking from two aspects: (1) the basic premise of note-taking, including comprehension, attention and memory; (2) the principles of note-taking. This paper relates interpreting theories to interpreting teaching methods, trying to put forward suggestions for teaching in order to deal with practical interpreting problems and facilitate the quality of interpretation.Key words: note-taking; Daniel Gile’s Effort Model; teaching suggestions笔记是口译员必须掌握的技巧之一。
为了实现这一目的,本文通过结合Daniel Gile的认知负荷模式,从两大方面着手,探讨笔记的性质:(1)记录笔记的基本前提,包括理解、注意和记忆;(2)笔记的原则。
基于这一分析,本文将口译理论跟口译教学法联系起来,进而提出有一定意义的教学建议, 希望能够帮助口译学生解决实际的口译问题,进一步提高笔记技能与口译质量。
关键词:交替传译笔记;认知负荷模式;教学建议1. IntroductionWith China’s implementation of reform and opening up policy, the market for translation and interpretation has significantly boomed up. In the “global village”, it is obviou s that translation and interpretation serve as an important role in facilitating the mutual communication between people from other side of the world. Fortunately, we are glad to see consecutive interpretation has been widely used in business talks, negotiations, press releases, seminars and so on. One thing we can not neglect is note-taking when we speak of consecutive interpretation. As a communicative act, interpretation demands the interpreter, who also acts as a communicator, to deliver the accurate information to the speaker and the audience. In this particular situation, effective note-taking can play an important role in helping the interpreter better perform his or her job. By taking notes, the interpreter can write down some important information to remind him or her of the source language. In consecutive interpretation, with the help of notes, interpreters can easily reproduce the speech. Unfortunately, not every interpreter’s notes can turn out to be helpful. Ineffective note-taking is still very common. Interpreters still have difficulty in taking effective notes because of a variety of reasons. Therefore, this thesis is to focus on note-taking problems in the process of interpretation. We hope this thesis can throw light upon a systematic note-taking training and offer some advice in interpretation teaching.This thesis is organized as follows. It is divided into two sections. The first section is for the introduction of consecutive interpretation. By presenting the differences between the consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation, it aims to give the readers a general idea about the consecutive interpretation and further give rise to the functions of note-taking in consecutive interpretation. The second section is about note-taking in consecutive interpretation. It is divided into three chapters. The nature of note-taking will be in Chapter three. Based on this very nature, a theory is introduced, Daniel Gile’s Effort Model, which is in Chapter 3. And the possible factors that affect efficient note-taking in the process of interpretation will be in the next following chapter. The last chapter will include some suggestions for effective note-taking, along with Conclusion. They are supposed to have an influence on people who are engaged in interpreting career.2. Consecutive Interpretation2.1Consecutive interpretation as a Communicative ActIn translation situation, the source and the target texts are conducted in a separate translation situation, which is free from the text’s co mmunicative situations. However, in interpretation, the source and the target communication take place under the same situation. Therefore, consecutive interpretation is also a communicative act, as Roderick (2002:41) said in his book Conference Interpretation Explained“Interpretation is a profession that is all about communication”. As a communicative act, the interpreter is required to have a better understanding of the source language and also the target language, in order to reproduce the effective communicationbetween the speaker and the listener. Besides, it is also the interpreter’s responsibility to express well in the course of interpretation. Therefore, when it comes to expressiveness, effective note-taking plays an indispensable role in helping the interpreters express themselves better.2.2 The difference between consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretationConsecutive interpretation, one earliest way of operation used in conference interpretation, is now mainly used on occasions such as business talks, negotiations, press releases, seminars and so on. Sitting in conference room, while the interpreter is listening to the source language speech, he or she is also taking notes. When the speaker comes to the end of his or her speech, or the speaker stops and waits for interpretation, the interpreter expresses what the speaker has just said with clear, natural target language, accurately and completely, just as it is himself or herself who is giving a speech. Consecutive interpretation in conferences requires an interpreter to listen to as long as five to ten minutes’ continuous speech, and use his or her good speaking skills to interpret the whole contents of the speaker completely and accurately. In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter has the advantage of knowing the line of argument before he interprets. Besides, the interpreter can take notes during the process of the interpretation. However, the time which the interpreter enjoys in consecutive interpretation is lacking in simultaneous interpretation. Simultaneous interpreter is the most frequently used way of operation in many conferences today. A team of interpreters, working in the simultaneous interpretation booth, which is equipped with special noise transmission (often known as a "box"), and this very "box" is located at the venue, through a glass window can directly see the spokesman or spokeswoman, projection screen, as well as the entire conference on-site. The interpreter is required to interpret what the speaker has just said in an accurate way while he or she is listening to the speaker through the headset.2.3 The function of note-taking in consecutive interpretationIn consecutive interpretation, the interpreter has to wait before he or she can deliver. So, there are a lot of too detailed information and contexts to be got, which will add pressure to the interpreter’s memory. With note-taking, we can record the arrangement of ideas, thus note-taking is important for the gaining of structure.Firstly, notes can im prove the interpreter’s conce ntration. (鲍刚, 2005: 50) When in the long period of interpretation, the interpreter is likely to feel bored, or to be distracted from other potential factors. By taking notes, the interpreter can concentrate on the source language and the target language and facilitate the analysis of the speech.Secondly, notes help the interpreter relieve the pressure of memory. Although the interpreter has received plenty of professional training in note-taking, as common people, he or she can hardly remember the whole speech in details because the short-term memory can only last for a limited amount of time. By recording the specific details and data such as numbers, places, time, etc, note-taking can safe the interpreter from the trouble of remembering the whole thing in mind.Thirdly, notes can provide the interpreter with cues to help recall the information in the speech. With the help of notes, the interpreter will find it easier and clearer to visualize the main ideas and the structure of the whole speech. The skill of note-taking is very helpful to interpreters, the structure of a speech is reflected in notes, and the notes in turn will be used as a beacon to recall the speech.As important as it is, note-taking is not supposed to consume a lot of energy in consecutive interpretation. According to Gile’s Effort Model theory (which will be illustrated in the next section), an interpreter should not pay too much attention to note-taking, for it will consume a lot of attention that should be allocated to listening, analyzing ,understanding, memorizing and rendering, which will inevitably affect the quality of interpretation.In brief, note-taking is of great importance for interpreters to better perform their tasks, but the interpreters are not expected to totally depend on note-taking.3. The Nature of Note-taking in Consecutive Interpretation3.1 The basic premise of note-taking3.1.1 ComprehensionIn consecutive interpretation, comprehension plays a critical part in determining the following discourse. Some interpreters tend to focus on some superficial words, though they can succeed in taking down some detailed information, such as figures, places, or time and so on. They can not fully understand what the speaker really wants to express and the purpose of the speaker. Interpretation aims not the language itself, but the context it wants to convey to the audience. When under some nervous situations, we are likely to fail to grasp the meaning of what the speaker says because of nervousness and just catch some data. It is understandable that we may not know every technical term in every field. Therefore, it is inevitable that we may be caught in situations where we can not come up with the right and suitable terms to interpret. However, if we can understand what the speaker wants to express, we can explain it in our own words. Without technical terms, the audience can still understand what we mean, thus not damaging the quality of interpreting by using some cumbersome and wrong technical terms. In this sense, we can see how the interpreter’s comprehension of the original source plays an important role in interpreting. (刘敏华, 1993: 145)3.1.2 AttentionAttention is the focus of awareness, which refers to the sense focus on objective things. William James (1842-1910), an American philosopher and psychologist, gave the definition of “attention”, “Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession of the mind in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought”. Focalization, concentration, and consciousness are of its essence. (James, 2004: 403-404). From this perspective, we can know that interpretation draws the attention of the interpreter in the course of consecutive interpretation. If the interpreter can not pay attention andconcentrate on what the speaker is saying, then he or she is not likely to remember the contexts, not to mention to perform his or her task well. Nevertheless, the more attention the interpreter pays to what the speaker says, the easier he or she is to remember what the speaker has said just now.3.1.3 Short-term memoryShort time memorizing is based on the first two basic premises of note-taking. Once the interpreter pays attention to the speaker and grasp what he or she means, the stage of memorizing followed. As the author has illustrated in the previous chapters, the short time memorizing can be very important in interpreting. Good memory will guarantee the interpreter a more fluent and accurate expression in interpreting. However, according to Ebbinghous, the longer time lasts, the quicker the memories will fade. (刘宓友, 2003: 170-171) Therefore, it is inevitable that some omissions, change of the original language and other discrepancies may arise in consecutive interpretation. Besides, the performance of the on-the-spot interpretation clearly subject to the interpreter’s state of mind. The greater psychological stress is, the worse memory effect it will incur, thus damaging the quality of interpretation. Therefore, it is recommended that the interpreter should cultivate an optimistic and confident state of mind in his or her career as a consecutive interpreter.3.2 The principles of note-taking in consecutive interpretationThanks to the booming of the studies on note-taking in recent decades, many basic principles of the note-taking in consecutive interpretation have been put forward.First, note-taking in consecutive interpretation should always give priority to comprehension. (吴钟明, 2005: 105) As the author has illustrated in the previous chapter, the comprehension of the original language is the prerequisite for the interpreting. It is usually common that at the beginning of interpretation, the interpreter is busy writing down some detailed information, but later the interpreter will find himself or herself at a loss as how to reorganize the structure and where to start his or her interpretation, thus getting the interpreter more nervous and have a negative influence on the following task. In order to convey what the speaker expresses, the interpreter is required to understand the source language, then next he or she will be able to take notes effectively.Secondly, interpreters need to take down the key words instead of every word. The interpreter should write down the words he or she is going to say rather than every word the interpreter hears according to the structure of the original language. By writing down the key words, the interpreter is able to express what the speaker has said in the correct form of target language in general. Besides, figures, places and numbers and other detailed information are also needed to be written down as key word since they are important parts of the speaker’s speeches.Last but not least, the interpreters should use words, symbols and the abbreviations in the notes properly. In note-taking, these symbols, abbreviations can save the interpreter’s time, so the interpreter can use some common symbols to help him or her better take notes. However, toomany symbols and abbreviations in the notes may sometimes give rise to confusion. On the other hand, the interpreter can gradually develop his or her own note-taking system through years of practice.4. Literature Review on Note-taking in Consecutive InterpretationAs it is put forward in Daniel Gile’s Effort Model, short-term memory is instrumental to consecutive interpretation, which is one of the very natures of note-taking. Therefore, in terms of the short-term memory in note-taking in consecutive interpretation, here, the author quotes the Daniel Gile’s Effort Model as the theoretical foundation to further illustrate the very nature of note-taking in consecutive interpretation.4.1 Daniel Gile’s Effort ModelIn his book (Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training), Daniel Gile put forward his Effort Model. And according to his model, consecutive interpretation is performed in two phases.4.1.1 Phase onePhase one: CL=L﹢M﹢N﹢CL=Listening and analysisM=Short-term memory operationsN=Note takingC=CoordinationAccording to Gile, the interpreter has not only to listen and analyze the original source language, but also has to compare it with the stored patterns in his or her short-term memory. The production of the fist phase is in close links with the production of the notes. While taking notes, the interpreter has to decide which to note down and which do not.4.1.2 Phase twoCI=Rem﹢Read﹢PRem =RememberingRead =Note-readingP=ProductionThis phase is more concerned with the long-term memory rather than short-term memory as phase one does. The clearer the notes are written down, the less remembering capacity will become. Daniel Gile places more importance on the attention. Just as follows: (刘和平, 2005: 40)(1)TR<TA(2)LR<LA(3)NR<NA(4)MR<MA(5)CR<CAIf the interpreter’s attention which is placed on the speech is larger than total requirements, problems will occur and therefore deteriorate the quality of interpreting. Just as Gile explains in his own way, the Effort Model is a model of operational constraints, not architectural models, insofar as they do not postulate a particular mental structure and information-processing flow, as is the case of the other models mentioned above. (Nord, 2001: 154)5. Factors Affecting Efficient Note-taking in Consecutive InterpretationThere have been different views as for note-taking. A group of scholars have pointed out that if note-taking is not conducted well, it will cause some problems during interpretation. Daniel Gile once did an experiment and found that students who have not been properly instructed in its principal and techniques tend to miss more names when interpreting after taking notes than when they do not take notes. (Gile, 1996: 47) Then what factors can affect note-taking in consecutive interpretation?5.1 Difficulties in memorizing the source informationIn Chinese structures, the subject is often omitted after it is mentioned once. Besides, there are all kinds of parallel or parallel elements in sentences, with more fast-pace and more modified ingredients, thus the information is not clear enough for the interpreter to grasp the gist of the speaker’s speeches, causing interpreters have great difficulty in listening comprehension, not to mention memory difficulties. (张维为, 1999: 308 )5.2 Incapability of recalling the source informationOne of the features of taking invalid notes is that the interpreter is unable to recognize the language of symbols he or she has recorded. Although the interpreters have written down a lot of notes, they turn out to be in vain, since the interpreters can hardly identify their own notes. It follows that such vainly notes can bring us nothing but pause, hesitation and so on, ending up with unsatisfactory interpretation. Another feature of invalid note-taking is that the interpreters are unable to recognize the acronyms they use in the notes. Therefore, with the ambiguous notes, the interpreters often find themselves faced with an embarrassing situation. Again, this has led to the phenomenon of interpretation pause. The third feature of invalid notes is that the notes, which are written down by the interpreters themselves, are not in accordance with the original source language.5.3 Wrong format of notesIn the course of taking notes, the interpreters may know what the notes mean at that very moment, however, with the advent of more information sources into mind, the previous memory of the notes may be destroyed by new information, even finally, the interpreters can not recallwhat the notes does mean.As for this phenomenon, the reason is that the symbols they have written down are of arbitrary and unified ones, lacking of consistent and recognizable symbols, or simply because a word does not always represent a fixed thing. Due to a lack of training of the format of note-taking, the interpreters can not have a mature, consistent system of note-taking. Therefore, they often spend time looking for notes, with detrimental consequences to affect the efficiency of interpretation.5.4 Overdependence on notesInstead of understanding and analyzing the source language, some interpreters are always blindly busy with listening and recording notes. The result is that they can not understand the source language information. Since the interpreters are so dependent on the notes that they pay great attention to writing down notes, rather than stress on their comprehension of the original language.However, it makes no sense to take lots of notes without having a good understanding of the original information.6. Suggestions for Effective Teaching Methods for Note-takingIn the previous chapters, we have illustrated features of note-taking, including its basic premises and principles in note-taking. Besides, we know the factors that may affect the efficient note-taking in the course of yielding good quality of interpretation. If notes are taken properly, it could help alleviate the memory load and have a positive influence on the final reproduction. Then in this chapter, we would come up with some suggestions for effective methods for note-taking.6.1 A “short-term memory” training methodBased on the nature of note-taking, we know a better comprehension of the speaker is the premise for effective note-taking. Besides, consecutive interpretation depends greatly on the interpreter’s short-term memory. Therefore, we advocate a “short-term memory” training method in interpretation. In this training course, we can let the interpreters interpret one sentence after one sentence in a regulated period. And then ask them to repeat what the speaker says in their own words to check whether they understand the meaning or not. This course can help train the interpreters’ short-term memory and make sure that the interpreters can understand the original information.6.2 A “balanced distribution” training methodA ccording to Gile’s Effort Model, we know that although note-taking can help the interpreters a lot in reproducing good interpretation, it may still give rise to problems if attention is not properly distributed in the process of taking notes. Based on this, we promote a“balanced-distribution” course. Due to the limited processing capacity, the interpreters should not spend too much time on note-taking, which will otherwise lead to the increase of the memory load, so the interpreters should strive a balance between listening, taking notes and analyzing. In this course, interpreters are asked to interpret in a regulated period, with decreasing seconds to stimulate the interpreters to think more actively and deliberately.6.3 A “key words” training methodWe know key words can be very helpful in reminding interpreters of the original language. Notes should be simple and concise to facilitate the recording. Then a “key words training” course is in favor. The interpreters should write down some key words which can stimulate their memory of the original information in simple words or symbols, such as Chinese letters, abbreviation of English words that can be regarded as a good method to make the notes simple in appearance but informative in content. But the interpreters should bear in mind that they should set up a system of note-taking symbols of their own through years of practice.7. ConclusionConsecutive interpreting facilitates cross-cultural communication between people from all over the world, and makes the world becoming smaller and smaller, just as we call it “the global village”. With close relationship with the rest of the world, consecutive interpretation is becoming more and more mature, and lots of studies have been held in this relevant field, especially in the aspect of note-taking. In the beginning of this dissertation, we introduce what are consecutive interpretation, and the role note-taking plays in consecutive interpretation. Then the features of note-taking are discussed in the following. In terms of the short term memorizing, Daniel Gile’s Effort Model is quoted as the theoretical foundation. Besides, it tells us that though note-taking plays an important role in determining the quality of the interpretation, interpreters should properly distribute attention to listening, understanding and writing in the course of taking notes, otherwise it may give rise to problems. Based on these studies, the author further illustrates some factors that may affect efficient note-taking in consecutive interpretation. On one hand, the dissertation illustrates the importance of note-taking, while on the other hand, it also presents what we should not neglect in note-taking, that is, we should not pay too much attention to note-taking and besides, we should not depend too much on note-taking. Otherwise, improper note-taking would also deteriorate the quality of interpreting output. Based on an objective analysis of note-taking in consecutive interpretation, the author relates interpreting theories to interpreting teaching methods, trying to put forward suggestions for pedagogical teaching in order to deal with practical interpreting problems and facilitating the quality of interpretation. Due to the inadequate materials and a lack of personal experience, the author hopes more research and innovations can be conducted in the field. The students must bear in mind that there is no shortcut for the improvement of interpreting performance and only through years of hard training can they grasp the mastery of the note-taking skills.。