Geoffrey Chaucer
乔叟是第一个突出地运用独白来塑造人物的作家,这种手法的绝妙之处在于不是由人物直接说出自己是什么 样的人,而是让他在独自中往往不知不觉地把自己的本质、性格戏剧性地暴露出来。比如,卖赎罪券教士的卑劣 主要不在于他说出了自己是如何贪婪与无耻,而更在于他对此津津乐道。他不是在悔罪,而是在宣扬。
乔叟不仅创造了戏剧性独白,而且为英国文学引进了许多其它文学体裁。《坎特伯雷故事》堪称文学体裁的 宝库。虽然乔叟的故事集里只有21个完整的故事和另外一些未完成的片段,它们却包括了当时欧洲的大多数文学 体裁,如骑士故事、市井故事、悲剧故事、喜剧故事、传奇、圣徒传、历史传说、宗教奇迹故事、动物寓言、宗 教寓意故事、布道词等等。乔叟把悲剧故事体裁引入英国文学尤其具有特殊意义。
德国诗人海涅更由夏洛克的可悲下场,联想到 自己犹太民族的苦难。他在《莎士比亚笔下的 女角》(1838)中指出:莎士比亚的天才超越 于宗教偏见之上,他的戏剧本来既不向我们表 演犹太人,也不表演基督徒,而是表演压迫者 和被压迫者以疯狂的欢呼,当他们能够向他们 横霸的折磨者利上加利地偿还加给他们的侮辱 的时候。
培根(Francis Bacon,1561-1626),哲学家,现代实验 科学的始祖。英国论说文的创始人,对文学的贡献是 《论说文集》,共58篇,都是十分隽永的随笔。
《论读书》:“读书足以怡情,足以付彩,足以 长才。……读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人 准确。……读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人 周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之 学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格。”
是恩格斯1859年5月18日在给斐· 拉萨尔的信中提出 的。“福”是莎士比亚在其历史剧《亨利四世》和 喜剧《温莎的风流娘儿们》中塑造的形象。他是一 个破落的骑士,在封建制度没落时期由贵族社会跌 落平民社会,上与太子关系亲密,下与强盗、小偷、 流氓、妓女为伍,通过他的活动,莎士比亚展示了 上至宫廷,下至酒店、妓院等广阔的社会背景,再 现了“五光十色的平民社会”,为塑造人物和展开 戏剧冲突提供了广阔、生动、丰富的社会背景。这 是莎士比亚现实主义艺术的重要成就。
外部原因: ①最重要的是奥瑟罗的对手伊阿古是个非常的对手,他 的阴险狡诈、虚伪凶狠非一般人可比。 伊阿古是文艺复兴时期一个极端利己主义者的典 型,他唯一的追求就是“发展自己的势力”,要“捞 足了油水”,一切“只是为了自己的利益”。 ②种族歧视的社会观念对奥瑟罗的悲剧有重大影响; 奥瑟罗最初对苔丝狄蒙娜的怀疑,就是以此为根据的。 “很难说,因为我是黑人,出言吐语不像公子哥那样 文雅动听….所以她把我抛了。”
乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)是14世纪英国最著名的作家之一,他对英国文学的贡献可以从以下几个方面来分析:
1. 《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales):这是乔叟最著名的作品,被认为是英国文学史上最重要的诗歌作品之一。
2. 诗歌技巧:乔叟在诗歌创作方面采用了一些新颖的手法,为后来的英国诗人提供了启发。
3. 文学表达:乔叟的作品为后来的英国文学提供了文学表达的模板和范例。
4. 社会意识:乔叟在他的作品中揭示了当时社会的弊端和不公正,如封建专制、道德堕落等。
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,约1343~1400)英国诗人。 杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,约1343~1400)英国诗人。 他的个人生活是 相当丰富的:1357年做宫廷侍童,1359年 相当丰富的:1357年做宫廷侍童,1359年 参加对法作战时被俘,翌年由国王赎回,1361年 1367年在内 参加对法作战时被俘,翌年由国王赎回,1361年-1367年在内 1366 殿法学协会受训,1366年与王后寝宫的女官结婚,此后多次代 殿法学协会受训,1366年与王后寝宫的女官结婚,此后多次代 表爱德华三世出使欧洲大陆,到过比利时、法国、意大利等国, 有机会遇见薄伽丘与彼特拉克,这对他的文学创作产生了很大的 影响。 1374年,乔叟任伦敦毛皮关税管理员,1382年兼任酒类及其 1374年,乔叟任伦敦毛皮关税管理员,1382年兼任酒类及其 它商品的关税管理员。1385年,乔叟任肯特郡治安法官,第二 它商品的关税管理员。1385年,乔叟任肯特郡治安法官,第二 年被选为该郡骑士代表出席议会下院。 1389年理查德亲政后,乔叟又先后担任过王室建筑工程主事 1389年理查德亲政后,乔叟又先后担任过王室建筑工程主事 和萨默塞特王室森林副主管。乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺了 官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油诗《致空囊》 官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油诗《致空囊》给刚登基的 亨利四世,申诉自己的贫穷。 1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦敦威斯敏特斯教堂的“ 1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦敦威斯敏特斯教堂的“诗人之 角”(Poet's Corner),他也是第一位葬于此的诗人。 Corner),他也是第一位葬于此的诗人。
• The Prologue of the Wife of Bath’s Tale The wife of Bath speaking “Experience--and no matter what they say In books--is good enough authority For me to speak of trouble in marriage. For ever since I was twelve years of age, Thanks be to God, I’ve had no less than five Husbands at church door--if one may believe I could be wed so often legally!” (P.220)
7.The Wife of Bath (巴斯城的妇女) 巴斯城的妇女)
• The wife of Bath shows Chaucer’s keen observation and his unsurpassed (无比的) talent for characterization. • She is the owner of a cloth factory, lighthearted, merry, somewhat vulgar (粗俗的), and exceedingly (非常) talkative. • It is a vivid sketch (概述) of a woman of the middle class, and a colorful picture of the domestic life of that class in Chaucer’s day.
杰费雷·乔叟--Geoffrey Chaucer
在这时节,有一天,我正停憩在伦敦南岸萨得克 的泰巴客店,虔心诚意,准备去坎特伯雷朝圣, 到了晚上,客店中来了二十九位形形色色的朝 圣客,凑巧结成了旅伴,他们都不约而同,要 赴坎特伯雷的盛会;当时客店的屋舍马厩却很 宽敞,我们舒舒服服地安顿下来。简单说来, 到了夕阳西沉的时分,我已同每人相识交谈, 约定了一齐早起出发。可是,在我开讲这故事 之前,我想暂抽一部分时间,先谈一下每人的 个别情况,由我的角度看去,他们是何种人物, 属于哪一个社会阶层,穿着怎样。现在我将先 讲一个武士。
Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)
Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟
英国最早具有人文主义思想的代表诗人,也 是现实主义文学的奠基人。早年受法国文 学的影响,代表作品是《悼公爵夫人》 (The Book of the Duchess)和用伦敦方言翻 译了法国中世纪长篇叙事诗《玫瑰传奇》 等。中期的代表诗作有《声誉之堂》(The House of Fame)和《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西 德》(Troilus and Criseyde),肯定爱情和 个人幸福,反对封建专制和压迫,反映了 作者现实主义的创作态度和人文主义观点。
乔叟在最后十五年里创作了《坎特伯雷故事》 (The Canterbury Tales),这部作品是英国 文学史上现实主义文学作品的第一部杰作, 充满了浓郁的生活气息和时代特点,也反 映了当时社会处于封建社会向资本主义社 会过渡时期,带有强烈的人文主义色彩, 无论在英国文学还是在语言上都起了重大 的作用。他也是英国文学史上首位用伦敦 方言写作的作家,加强了伦敦方言在英国 文学史上的地位。英国十七世纪作家约 翰·德莱顿称他为“英国诗歌之父”。
姓名:周亚楠 学号:2012142164
offrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340~1400),
the most prominent literary figure in Middle English period is “ the father of English poetry ” .
The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer's literary works are roughly divided into three periods, according to his three periods of life.
2014-8-30 3
Geoffrey Chaucer
He once served as a page to Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster and in 1367 he entered the service of King Edward III , who made Chaucer involved in diplomatic errands for nearly ten years.
Troilus and Criseide.
Geoffrey Chaucer
The third period covers the last
fifteen years of the poet's life: from 1386 to 1400, when Chaucer stopped being the mere interpreter of other poets and produced his own works of full maturity. The Canterbury Tales, one of the monumental works in English literature, was composed during this period.
Geoffrey Chaucer
• 一、它展现了广阔的社会画面。香客来自社会各 个阶层:骑士、僧侣、学者、律师、商人、手工 业者、自耕农、磨坊主等。 • 二、它综合采用了中世纪的各种文学体裁,有骑 士传奇、圣徒传、布道文、寓言等。 • 三、总序和开场白中对人物的描写和故事本身饶 有趣味,充满幽默感。 • 四、语言带上了讲述人自身的特征,每人所讲的 故事都体现出讲述人的身份、趣味、爱好、职业 和生活经验。
5.《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》--乔叟对中世纪宫廷爱情文学 传统的继承与超越 Troilus and Criseyde:Chaucer and Courtly Love Tradition [四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)] 肖明翰 6.乔叟语言艺术中的讽刺幽默 Ironical Humor in Chaucer‘s Language Art [哈尔滨学院学报 Journal of Harbin University] 王欣 7. 乔叟的梦幻诗和欧洲中世纪梦幻文学传统 Chaucer's Dream Poetry and the Medieval Tradition of Dream Vision [外国文学研究 Foreign Literature Studies] 刘进 , Liu Jin 8.论乔叟人文主义思想的形成 The Evolving of Chaucer's Humanism [徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)] 王莹章
英国文学史及选读课件 3 Geoffrey Chaucer
采用现实主义和浪漫主义 相结合的叙述风格,语言 生动幽默,富有诗意。
塑造了各种鲜明的人物形象,如 骑士、修女、商人、农民等,反
探讨了爱情、婚姻、道德、宗教、 社会等主题,表达了对人性的深刻 洞察和对社会现实的批判。
《坎特伯雷故事集》被誉为英国文 学的经典之作,对后来的英国文学 产生了深远影响。
Geoffrey Chaucer其他 代表作品选读
Troilus and Criseyde《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》
以古希腊特洛伊战争为背景,讲 述了特罗勒斯与克丽西德的爱情
Geoffrey Chaucer被誉为“英国诗歌之父”,他的作品代表了英国文学的最高成 就之一。他的诗歌不仅在英国文学史上占有重要地位,而且对世界文学的发展产 生了深远的影响。
Geoffrey Chaucer的作品在世界文学史上得到了广泛的认可和赞誉。他的作品被 翻译成多种语言,在世界各地广为流传。他被认为是一位具有世界影响力的伟大 作家,他的作品对于理解人类文化、历史和情感具有重要意义。
不同文化语境下Geoffrey Chaucer作品接受度分析
不同文化语境对Geoffrey Chaucer作品接受…
由于不同文化语境下读者的价值观念、审美趣味、文化传 统等方面存在差异,因此对Geoffrey Chaucer作品的接受 度也会有所不同。
Chaucer took his narrative inspiration for his works from several sources but still remained an entirely individual poet. His first narrative poem, The Book of the Duchess, was probably written shortly after the death of Blanche, Duchess of Lancaster, first wife of John Gaunt, in September 1369. His next important work, The House of Fame, was written between 1374 and 1385. Soon afterward Chaucer translated The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, and wrote the poem The Parliament of Birds.
《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)
《公爵夫人之书》(Book of the Duchess)、 《声誉之宫》(The House of Fame)、 《百鸟会议》(The Parliament of Fowles)、 《贤妇传说》(The Legend of Good Women) 《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Criseyde).
Geoffrey Chaucer, (1340 years -1400), the famous medieval English writer, was born in a home wine. Edward III in 1359 with the French Expeditionary Force, was captured by the French army, near to gold redemption. Chaucer as a king-de-camp, as ambassador to many European countries, two visits to Italy and found a Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarca's works of literature for his role greatly. Chaucer in October 25, 1400 death in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey the "poet of the angle." Chaucer's the cause of death is unknown, may have been murder.
Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟英文简介
While he achieved fame during his lifetime as an author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, composing a scientific treatise on the astrolabe for his ten-year-old son Lewis, Chaucer also maintained an active career in the civil service as a bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat. Among his many works, which include The Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde, he is best known today for The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chucer (/ˈtʃɔːsər/; c. 1343 – 25 October 1400), known as the Father of English literature, is widely considered the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages and was the first poet to be buried in Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey. Chaucer was a crucial figure in developing the legitimacy of the vernacular, Middle English, at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French and Latin
A brief introduction of Geoffrey Chaucer
A brief introduction of Geoffrey ChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer(1342year - 1400), a famous English writer , was born in London , a rich family of a wine merchant . Little was known about his childhood and his education experience . but after he became the royal court attendant , his colorful life began.In 1359 to 1360, Chaucer joined the war along with the English army , whose destination was France. Unfortunately , he was captured by the army and resaved next year by the former English king ,Edward the third . we can conclude that he was closely connected with the royal . In the following five years ,there was no detail information recorded about his life . it was said that he was trained in the Association of legal science. After he married with a female officer of the Queen chambers , he paid visits to Europe countries, such as France ,Italy and so on . those diplomatic and commercial missions offered him opportunities to meet with Giovanni Boccaccio and Francesco Petrarca ,who influenced him very much . Between 1385 and 1389 , he was promoted as different officers several times. But later ,the main political situation changed ,he lost his shelter and fell intopoverty . He was the buried in the Poet's Corner after he died in 1400 . he was also the first poet buried there .Though his life is neither too short nor long , he left some very excellent works which also can be our spiritual food . his writing career can divide into three periods apparently ,the first was the French influence period . ( 1360 ~ 1372 ):he translated and imitated French poets’ works . at this time ,he wrote " his Duchess " ( The Book of the Duchess ( 1369) )and he translated French Medieval epic poem " Rose legend " into the London dialect. the second time was the Italy influence period. ( 1372 ~ 1386 ):Chaucer contacted bourgeois humanism idea His works become more reality ,such as “he Parliament of Fowles”, “The legend of Good Women”and “Troilus and Criseyde”. the third was the Mature period. His most widely known work , “the”,was created in his last five years .the last “creation”come to the top both in the content and the skill The heroic couplets He firstly pioneered are used on a large scale by later English poets . And he was known as " the father of English poetry ".The Canterbury tales are a collection of stories . Chaucer used the tales and descriptions of the characters to paint an ironic and critical portrait of English society at thetime and particularly of the church.There is a sentence once Chaucer said , ”For chattels lost may yet recovered be , but time lost ruins us for aye ”.we should encourage each other with it .。
杰弗里乔叟的英文简介杰弗里乔叟简介Geoffrey Chaucer (about 1343 ~ 1400) British poet. His personal life is quite rich: 1357 years to do the court paternity, 1359 years to participate in the war when the law was captured, the following year by the king of redemption, 1361 - 1367 in the Temple Law Association training, 1366 and the queen of the palace The womens marriage, after many times on behalf of Edward III to the European continent, to Belgium, France, Italy and other countries, have the opportunity to meet Boccaccio and Petrak, which his literary creation had a great impact. In 1374, Chaucer was the London fur management officer, and in 1382 served as the tariff manager for alcohol and other commodities. In 1385, Chaucer was the magistrate of Kent, the second year was elected to the county knight to attend the lower house of parliament. In 1389 years after the KMT government, Chaucer has served as the royal construction works and Somerset royal forest deputy director. Chaucer was deprived of official and annuities during the asylum of the asylum, and the economy was strained. He had written the oil poem to the empty capsule to just ascend to Henry IV, complain about their own poverty. In 1400, Joao died and was buried at Poets Corner in Londons Westminster Church. He was also the first poet to be buried here.Chaucers poetic creation is divided into three periods: (1) the French influence period (1360 ~ 1372): the main translation andfollow the works of the French poet, created the Duchess (The Book of the Duchess (1369) Dialect translation of the French medieval long narrative poem rose legend and so on. ② the Italian influence period (1372 ~ 1386): the poet came into contact with the progressivethinking of bourgeois humanism. The creation of this period, such as the Birds Conference, Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385)), The Story of a Good Woman , reflects the authors creation for the reality of life Attitude and humanism. ③ mature period (1386 ~ 1400): Chaucer in the last 15 years in the Canterbury story set creation. Both in content and skills to achieve the pinnacle of his creation. His first heroic rhyme is widely used by British poets later, known as the father of British poetry.The early creation of Chaucer was influenced by Italian and French literature. He introduced the literature of knights in the French literature, the lyrics and animal fables, and so on. Its early works Trolls and Clay West (1385), character character to createvivid and delicate, language witty humor.From 1377 onwards, Chaucer repeatedly made the European continent, in contact with Dante, Pietrak and Boccaccio and others works. These writers anti-feudal anti-religious spirit and humanism, so that Chaucers creative thinking has undergone profound changes, began to turn to realism. The narrative poem Trolls and the West, which is rewritten according to a long poem of Boccaccio, rejects the traditions of fantasy and fables, instead of the description of the characters and life details in the real world. A realist work.Chaucer carried out the creation of The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400) in the last fifteen years of his life. This is his most outstanding work.Chaucers vision, profound observation, rich writing style, truly reflect the lives of different social classes, created a realist tradition of British literature, Shakespeare and Dickens have an impact.Canterbury story set is the British writer Chaucers novel. The work describes a group of pilgrims gathered in a small London hotel, ready to pilgrimage to Canterbury. Shopkeepers suggested thatpilgrims on the way to the two stories, to see who speak the best. The story set includes 23 stories, one of the most wonderful stories are: the knights story of love tragedy, the story of the knights knights knight, the soldier who sells the crucifi某ion, the talismans story, the businessmans story The story of the family disputes, the story of the farmers touching love and generosity. The works e某tensively reflect the British social life of the embryonic period of capitalism, e某posing the corruption of the church, the greed and hypocrisy of the priest, condemning the asceticism of human nature, affirming the secular love life.The artistic achievements of the Canterbury Tales are very high, far e某ceeding the previous British literary works, the first e某ample of the realism in British literary history. The work combines humor and satire, and the comedy is strong, and most of the stories are written in double rhyme poems, which have had an impact on later English literature. People figure clear, lively language. Chaucers creation of the vibrant London dialect also laid the foundations for the English literary language. His first heroic rhyme was widely used by British poets in the future, and Chaucer was hailed as the father of English poetry.杰弗里乔叟作品Geoffrey Chaucer (1340 - 1400), a famous British medieval writer, was born in a wine family. 1359 years with the troops of Edward III leap in France, captured by the French army, and soon to redemption. Chaucer became kings attendants, made many European countries, twicevisited Italy, found Dante, Boccaccio and Petraks works, his literary creation played a great role. The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The House of Fowles, The House of Fae, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde. Chaucer died in London on October 25, 1400, and was buried in the corner of the poet in Westminster Abbey. Chaucers death is unknown, may be murdered, the British medieval research e某pert Terry Jones had a book Who murdered Chaucer Chaucer first took the London dialect writing, and the creation of heroic bimodal, the British national language and literature development great influence, it is known as the father of British poetry.。
(The Legend of Good Women)
(Troilus and Criseyde)
The period of Franch (1360~1372)
Translate and imitate (效仿)
The பைடு நூலகம்ook of the Duchess <<悼公爵夫人>>
The period of Italy (1372~1386)
Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》 The birds of the meeting 《百鸟会议》
The bourgeois humanism 资产阶级人文主义
The period of mature (1386~1400)
• •
“The father of English Poetry”
well-known saying (名言)
We soon believe what we desire. —Chaucer
我们欲望中的东西,我 们很快就信以为真。 —— 乔叟
And gladly would learn , and gladly teach . —Chaucer 勤于学习的人才能乐意 施教。
杰弗雷· 乔叟,英国诗人。十几岁起进入宫 廷当差。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征 法国,被法军俘虏,不久赎回。乔叟与宫 廷往来密切,当过廷臣、关税督察、肯特 郡的治安法官、郡下议院议员。他曾因外 交事务出使许多国家和地区,到过比利时、 法国、意大利等国,有机会遇见薄伽丘与 彼特拉克,这对他的文学创作产生了很大 的影响。乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺 了官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油 诗《致空囊》给刚登基的亨利四世,申诉 自己的贫穷。1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦
吴伟仁《英国⽂学史及选读》(重排版)笔记和考研真题详解-杰弗⾥第3章杰弗⾥?乔叟3.1复习笔记Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)(杰弗⾥·乔叟)1.Life(⽣平)Geoffrey Chaucer,born in or about1343in London,is the“father of English poetry”and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.He was the son of a prosperous merchant,and later became a courtier and comptroller.Chaucer’s learning was wide in scope.He obtained a good knowledge of Latin,French and Italian.He had broad and intimate acquaintance with persons high and low in all walks of life,and knew well the whole life of his time,which left great impressions upon his works and particularly upon his variegated depiction of the English society of his time.He died in1400and was buried in Westminster Abbey,thus founding the“Poets’Corner”.杰弗⾥·乔叟于1343年(或1343年左右)出⽣于伦敦,他被誉为“英国诗歌之⽗”,也是英国最伟⼤的叙事诗⼈之⼀。
The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer greatly contributed to the founding of the English literary language, the basis of which was formed by the London dialect, so profusely used by the poet.
trans.(Boethius 波伊提乌,Roman)
Complaint to His Empty Purse (1399)《致空囊》 The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》 (Masterpiece)
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Page 12
The most vigorous有力的;精力充沛的 character is the larger-than-life Wife of Bath
The crudest粗野的,缺乏教养的 character is the Miller磨 坊主;碾磨工
Page 13
The Prologue开场 is a splendid masterpiece of realistic portrayal, the first of its kind in the history of English literature. From the Prologue, we can see that Chaucer is a talented portrait painter. Each of the pilgrims or narrators is presented vividly in the Prologue. The pilgrims are people from various parts of England. They are the representatives of various walks of life and social groups, with various interests, tastes and predilections.
Also among the works of this period are the unfinished Legend of Good Women, a poem telling of nine classical heroines, which introduced the heroic couplet (two rhyming lines of iambic pentameter) into English verse; the prose fragment The Treatise on the Astrolabe, written for his son Lewis; and Troilus and Criseyde, based on Boccaccio's Filostrato, one of the great love poems in the English language (see Troilus and Cressida). In Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer perfected the seven-line stanza later called rhyme royal.
(Geoffrey Chaucer, 1343 - 1400),诗人,生于富商之家,与王室关系密切.
曾数度出使法国和意大利等欧洲大陆国家,还担任过海关官员和法官等公职。乔叟的文学创作深受法国文学、特别是文艺复兴时期的意大利文学的影响,其主要作品有《公爵夫人之书》(The Book of the Dutchess)、《声誉之堂》(The House of Fame)、《百鸟议会》(The Parliament of Fowls)以及他的代表作 《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)等。
Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!(1)Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!英语⽐较特别,单词重⾳固定不变,句⼦重⾳变化灵活。
早期英语诗歌主要靠头韵(alliteration, or head rhyme)来突显诗⾏的⾳乐性。
乔叟以重⾳作为节奏单位核⼼加强了英语诗歌的节奏感(accentual rhythm), 他⼤量使⽤的五步抑扬格(iambic pentameter)成为之后⼏百年英语诗歌的主要格律,称英国诗歌之⽗已没有异议。
下⽂是乔叟所作Canterbury Tales 对修⼥院长嬷嬷的描写,疯狂不疯狂⼀读便知。
There also was a Nun, a Prioress,Her way of smiling very simple and coy. (coy可不是shy。
⼀个是真羞,⼀个是装羞,羞给你看的羞,修⼥=羞⼥)Her greatest oath was only 'By St Loy!'And she was known as Madam Eglantyne (⼈称“玫瑰⼥⼠”,名字就让⼈往歪处想)And well she sang a service, with a fineIntoning through her nose, as was most seemly (⿐⾳之重,1066年之后法语是强势语⾔)And she spoke daintily in French, extremely,After the school of Stratford-atte-Bowe;French in the Paris style she did not know. (等于我们的英语是在国内弄的,没留过洋)At meat her manners were well taught withal; (这⾥的描写,可没有遵循“写作⼿册”的原则:由表及⾥,先静后动。
杰弗里·乔叟 英语介绍
❖ The tales are told as part of a storytelling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together on a journey from Southwark to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. In a long list of works, including "Troilus and Criseyde", "House of Fame", "Parliament of Fowls", the Canterbury Tales is Chaucer's magnum opus, and a towering achievement of Western culture. By casting a bumbling, credulous version of himself as tour guide, Chaucer created literature's first unreliable narrator. Structurally, the poem bears the influence of The Decameron, which Chaucer is said to have come across during his first diplomatic mission to Italy in 1372. However, Chaucer peoples his tales with 'sondry folk' rather than Boccaccio's fleeing nobles.
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Geoffrey Chaucer
I. His life
II. Literary career: 3 stages
III. His works:
a.Troilus and Criseyde
b.The Canterbury Tales
IV. His Contributions:
♦I. His Life
♦Born in a wine merchant’s family
♦Trip to the continent on diplomatic
missions,two of which took him to Italy
♦Buried in Westminster Abbey, the poets’
♦Political background:relation with John of
♦II. Literary Career:
♦French period:The Book of the Duchess
♦Italian period: works adapted from the Italian: Troilus and Criseyde
♦English period: The Canterbury Tales
He reached maturity and was free from dominant foreign influence.
♦III. His works:
♦The Book of the Dutchess
♦The House of Fame
♦The Parliament of Fowls
♦The Canterbury Tales
♦Troilus and Criseyde
Troilus and Criseyde
♦It is based on a poem by Boccaccio, his longest poem, written in the rhymed royal(君王体)(a seven-line stanza in iambic pentameter rhyming ababbcc.)
The Canterbury Tales
♦Questions :
1. the organization of the book
( the relationship between the general prologue and each tale)
2.The main features of Chaucer’s narration
3.The image of Wife of Bath
♦Basic information
form: most of the tales are written in heroic couplet
setting: Tabard Inn
characters: types of literature: courtly romance, folk tale.,beast fable, story of travel and adventure, saint’s life, allegorical tale, sermon, alchemical account.
Language: Middle English, vivid, exact, word- pictures
Length: planned to be 120 stories. The General prologue,20 complete tales, 4 fragments, separate prologues to each tale with links, comments,quarrels ,etc. in between.
Arrangement: linked through the host’s comments and prologue.two ways: the personality of the host affords a clear string of connection from the 1st to the last tale. There is an intimate connection between the tales and prologue.
Typical characters: almost all medieval figures from different sides of life except noble and serfs.
Character of the wife of Bath
the owner of a cloth factory, light-hearted, merry,
somewhat vulgar and talkative. a lengthy account of her feelings about marriage.
♦The Canterbury Tales’ significance
reflection of his times--- a panoramic view of his contemporary life; reflection of his humanist idea---- he exposed the evils of the church, the corruption of the upper class, praise man’s intellect and love; he affirms men and women’s right to pursue their happiness and oppose the dogma of asceticism preached by church.
♦IV. Chaucer’s contributions:
a.Forerunner of humanism
b.The first realistic writer
c.Father of English poetry
d.Master of the English language
1407 董玲玲陈虹言高洪利。