



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。





1-10chaptersⅢ.(20分)习语英译汉:教材中汉语部分idioms: 习语的特点Ⅳ.(10分) 论述题:第三章为主Ⅴ. 树形图(依据上下义关系作图)(20分):第二、六章二、教材内容简介陆国强编著:《现代英语词汇学》(新版),上海外语教育出版社,2003年7月第一章词的概述;第二章词的结构和词的构成方式;第三章词的理据;第四章词的语义特征;第五章词义的变化;第六章词的语义分类;第七章词的联想与搭配;第八章英语习语;第九章美国英语;第十章词的使用和理解;第十一章词汇衔接;第十二章词汇衔接和语篇连贯。

教学内容是: 词形结构构词法, 词法特点及分类, 词义转换, 英文习语, 美式英语, 词汇及文学风格, 英语词汇学, 词汇学研究方法及其新的发展方向等方面的理论与研究动态。





本课程的教学目的, 在于指导学生用现代语义学和语法学的有关理论分析研究现代英语词汇现象, 揭示现代英语词汇规律。

要求学生通过英汉词汇的对比研究, 探讨英语词汇教学规律, 指导英语语言实践, 不断提高对现代英语词汇的理解, 应用和研究能力。

主要参考书汪榕培,《英语词汇学研究》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年4月第一版王文斌,《英语词汇语义学》,浙江教育出版社,2001年6月第一版汪榕培、卢晓娟编著:《英语词汇学教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1997年10月第1版.汪榕培主编:《英语词汇学高级教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2002年11月张韵斐:《英语词汇学》北京师范大学出版社.汪榕培《英语词汇学教程读本》上海外语教育出版社.1. Carter, R. (1987), V ocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. London: Allen & Unwin.2. Carter, R. & M. McCarthy, (1988), V ocabluary and Language Teaching. Harlow; Longman.教学手段:采用多媒体教学本课程要求学生能够比较全面、比较系统地了解现代英语词汇学这一领域的一些最主要、最有影响的语言学理论,能够运用词汇学理论去分析和解决词汇学习中的一些问题。



screw one‟s courage(鼓起勇气、壮起胆子)-Shakespeare Macbeth to the manner born(与生俱来的)--Hamlet pond of flesh(合情但悖于情理的要求)--Merchant of Venice man Friday(忠仆、得力助手)--Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Brevity is the soul of wit. (Shakespeare) Live not to eat, but eat to live. (Franklin) Knowledge is power. (Bacon)
cry wolf(狼来了!比喻发假警报)
Idioms from historical events

meet one‟s Waterloo(一败涂地,出自 1815 年

burn one‟s boats (bridges)(破釜沉舟,讲的是
古罗马恺撒等名将出征时,常烧毁船只,士兵无路可 退,只有勇往直前,战胜敌人)
Idioms from Mythology

Pandora‟s box(潘多拉的盒子,引申为灾祸之源) Sphinx‟s riddle(难解之谜,狮身人面怪兽提出 “什么动
the heel of Achilles (亦作 the Achilles‟ heel,阿基里

Thirdly, the constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article. For instance, out of the question means „impossible‟. If the article the is deleted, the idiomaticity will be lost and it will signify „no question‟ instead. In question (being considered) on the other hand does not allow the addition of the as *in the question, because the latter is no longer an idiom.



现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料chapter10Chapter10 English Idioms10.1 Introductory Remarks10.2 Sources of English Idioms10.3 Classification of Idioms10.4 Syntactic, structural and stylistic analysis of idioms10.1 Introductory RemarksIdiom: is a combination of two or more words which are usually structurally fixed and semantically opaque, and function as a single unit of meaning.Englishidiom: is a group of words with a special meaning different from the meanings of its constituent words.eg.a feather in sb.’s cap –an honour ,success ,of which one can be prouddraw a blank–to fail to discover or find out about sth. after searching hard and asking many questions .*Idioms are usually semantically opaque, i.e. metaphorical rather than literal.An idiom functions as a unit of meaning.Features: a. semantic opaqueness; b. structural invariability.English idioms form an essential part of the general vocabulary.Idioms reflect the environment, life, history and culture of the native speakers, and are closely associated with their innermost spirit and feeling.10.2 Sources of English IdiomsMany idiomatic expressions come from:1)Everyday life of the English people;eg. to keep one’s shirt on要有耐心; 别紧张; 指不要紧张t ogive sb. the cold shoulder冷落某人2)Agricultural life;eg. to go to seed花谢结子; 走下坡路; 花谢结籽to lead sb. up the garden path迷惑某人,使某人产生错觉,花言巧语3)Nautical and military life;eg. be in the same boat with同舟共济to be in deep waters陷入困境4)Business life;eg. to come under the hammer将要落锤to talk shop三句不离本行5)Student life;eg. to speak by the book引经据典to turn over a new leaf重新开始(改过自新,过新生活)6)Food and cooking;eg. to keep the pot boiling仅足糊口;苟延残喘to be in the soup陷入困境7)Sports and cad-playing;eg. to keep the ball rolling不使中断to reach first base取得初步成就8)The Bible;eg. a thorn in the flesh肉中刺,眼中钉,烦恼的根源to turn the other cheek忍气吞声t he apple of one’s eyes掌上明珠9)Shakespeare’s plays;eg. to flutter the dovecotes扰乱鸽棚to give the Devil his due 勿掩恶人善,平心而论10)fables, myths or legends.eg. sour grapes(指某人因得不到某物而称该事物不好)酸葡萄the lion’s share(最大份额或最大的一份)狮子的份额10.3 Classification of IdiomsThere are several criteria of classification of idioms. Weclassify them by structural criterion.A.Phrase idioms短语成语According to the central word , they may subdivided into:1. Verb phrase idiom*a) All common English verbs, most of which are of native Anglo-Saxon origin, can combine with adverbs and prepositions to form phrasal verbs.b) Most of the verb phrase idioms are often nearly synonymous with loan words of Roman origin.c) Verb phrase idioms can form noun compounds.d) Phrasal verbs usually more lively and expressive than single verbs.eg. fall flat大失所望; 残败bite the hand that feeds one以怨报德2. Noun phrase idiomThe commonest functions of noun phrase idioms:a) As the direct object of a clause;b) As the complement of a clause;c) As the object of a preposition.eg. a baker’s dozen 十三个Jack of all trades 万事通; 万金油3. Adjective phrase idiomThe commonest function of adjective phrase idioms is as complement of a clause. eg. high and mighty盛气凌人;趾高气扬wide of the mark毫不沾边4. Prepositional phrase idiomFunctions of prepositional phrase idioms are:a) As an adjunct modifying a verb; 附属修饰语b) As a complement;补语c) As a complement or adjunct;d) As a disjunct; 分离判断语,附加语e) As a connecting phrase.B. Clause idioms无主语从句成语Most of these idioms are terse, colloquial, vivid and changed with life.1. Verb + complement pattern2. Verb + direct object pattern3. Verb + direct object + complement pattern4. Verb + indirect object + direct object pattern5. Verb + direct object + adjunct patternC. Sentence idioms句子成语1. Proverbs;2. Typical conversational expressionseg. Upon my word! 我敢担保!Well begun is half done.半途而废Kill the goose that laid the golden egg.毁掉财路; 杀鸡取卵10.4 Syntactic, structural and stylistic analysis of idiomsA. syntactic function句法的功能1. The syntactic function of most phrase idioms usually corresponds with the central word or components.2. The syntactic function of some phrase idioms can vary.3. Prepositional phrase idioms have very diverse functions.4. noun + noun phrases have diverse functions.eg. He has a gift of the gab.(the ability to talk readily and easily )B. transformational restrictions 结构转换的限制性Transformation is a matter of structural change, and the change may be of various kinds.1. Some verb phrases may change word order.2. Some cannot change their word order.3. Some verb phrases may be passivized, but some can not.4. Most of the clause idioms cannot be put into the passive voice, while some of them can be used either way.5. The direct object usually does not undergo passive transformation; only the indirect object can be passivized.6. Some clause idioms may be made passive with a meaning quite different from what it had in the active form.C. Collocative restrictions 搭配限制1. Words collocate with idioms as the subjects, objects, predicates etc. of different types of phrase and clause idioms.2. Some idioms have a wide range of collocates while some have a limited choice.3. For some idioms, one has to consider which collocates will serve as adjuncts.D. Structural variability结构变化Idioms are structurally fixed, and as a rule one are not supposed to change any element in an idiomatic expression. But it is not unusual for writers to give a new twist to an old saying by making slight changes for rhetorical effect.Some ways of alteration in idioms:1. The replacement of one element by another without affecting the meaning of the whole.2. Insertion of one or more words into an idiomatic expression without changing its basic meaning.3. Deletion of one or more words, especially articles.E. Stylistic features文体特征1. Most idioms are stylistically neutral;2. But some of them belong to informal spoken English;3. Some idiom phrases are slangy.。


同义词和近义词衔接disease – illness, beam - rafter 上义词和下义词衔接elm – tree, boy – child, skip - play 反义性衔接like – hate, wet – dry, 互补性衔接boy – girl, stand up – sit down 相反性衔接order – obey, give - take 序列性衔接north – south, Tuesday – Thursday 部分—整体性衔接car – brake, box – lid 部分和部分衔接mouth – chin,
Chapter 11: Lexical Cohesion
3. 上坐标词:Great music has always required patronage. Bach had the Lutheran church. Haydn had Prince Esterhazy. Even Tchaikovsky had Madame von Meck. Today’s great musicians have the Toyota Corporation, which since 1990 has sponsored Toyota Classics, an innovative and ambitious program designed to bring the masterpiece of classical music to audiences across Asia. The idea behind it is simple: to present the finest of today’s performers in concert---with all proceeds going to charity---as Toyota’s way of saying thank you to its loyal customer base of more than thirty years. In the seven years since the program’s inception(初衷), nearly 70000 people have attended 54 concerts, with a total of nearly $2 million going to local charities.



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



词汇学考试大纲一、判断(10)二、选择(20)三、搭配(10)pound 复合构词法sit-in 代理,参加dropout 退学学生phone-in 听众热线电话直播节目breakdown 失败walk-on 跑龙套员walkout 徒步旅行take-off 起飞astray 烟灰缸 a tray for ash moonwalk a walk on the moonB.Deriverd word 派生法be(= off,from)adj. belittle 贬低de (=to remove) n. debug 除错brotherhood 兄弟情义friendship 友谊happilyC.Converted word 词类转化法He interned in the Capital Hospital.He served as an intern in the Capital Hospital.实习生D.Initialisms 首字母连写法VIP = for a very important personE.Acronyms 首字母拼音法TEFLRadar radio detecting and rangingF.Clipped word 略写ad. (=advertisement)amp(=ampere)plane(=airplane)G.Blend 拼缀词talk + marathon = talkathon 冗长的演说medical+care=medicare 医疗保险H.Back-formationhouse-sit = house sitter 看管房屋的人housekeep 自立门户,主持家务I.Words from proper nameschina 瓷器japan 漆器champagne 香槟J.Onomatopoeic word 拟声词K.Reduplication 重叠词go-go 戈戈舞的ping-pong四、名词解释(4,20分)1、context in its narrowest senseContext in its narrow sense consists of the lexical items that come immediately before andafter any word in an act of communication.For instance,the verb make is often used in the sense of constructing something by putting materials together,as in,She made coffee for all of us.I got a letter today.2、homophones/homographsWords identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called homophones.pair,pear son,sunWord identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning are called homographslead v.n. tear n.v.3、semantic field (P143)Semantic field theory is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as a system of interrelated lexical networks.The words of a semantic field are joined together by a common concept,and they are likely to have a number of collocation in common.Hence we can see that meaning resides not only in a word itself,but spreads over neighbouring word as well.Only the neighbouring words can identify the semantic field,in which we have related words which enable us to determine the meaning of the word used.One can hardly tell the meaning of I like lemon until he knows the semantic field in which lemon operates.4、allomorphs/morpheme (P21)A morpheme may take various shapes or forms.For example,the inflectionalmorpheme-(e)s of books,pigs,horses has the same meaning ‘more than one’,yet it has three different phonological forms: /-s,-z,-iz/.The three forms are variants of the same morpheme-s .They are called allomorphs.The morpheme is the smallest meaningful lingusitic unit of language,not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms.One morpheme nationTwo morphemes nation+alThree morpheme nation+al+ize5、connotative meaning (P98)Connotative meaning refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one’s mind.For instance,the denotative meaning of the word mother is female parent ,but it generally connotes love,care,and tenderness.6.verbal context in its broad sense (P154)In additon to lexical,and grammatical context ,the verbal context,in its broadest sense,may cover an entire passage,or even an entire book,and in some cases even the entire social or culture setting ,as stated at the beginning of the chapter.7、semantic motivationSemantic motivation refers to motivation based on semantic factor.It is a kind of mental association.When we speak of a stony heart we are comparing the heart with a stone五、简单题(2,20分)1、What is motivation?How are English words motivated?Motivation refers to the connection between word-symbol and its sense.Motivation can arise in three major ways:1.phonetic motivation,like miaow of the cat,the baa-baa of amotivation,like good-looking,headache, motivation ,When we speak of a stony heart we are comparing the heart with a stone.2、There are several main types of word meaning list and explain. (P95)A.Grammatical meaningGrammatical meaning consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.1.word classMorden will be marked as an adjective,mordernize as a verb and mordernization as a noun.2.inflectional paradigmto walk,walks walked,to write,writes,wrote,writtenB.Lexical meaning1.denotative meaningThe denotative meaning of a word is its definitin given in a dictionary.It is that aspect of lexical meaning which makes communication possible.2.connotative meaningThe denotative meaning of the word mother is female parent but it generally connotes love,care,and tenderness.3.social or stylistic meaningFormal,informal,neural4.affective meaningAffective meaning is concerned with the expression of feeling and attitudes of the speaker or writer.3、How do we classify words by level of usage?(p11)mon wordsCommon words are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life.For example,the repeated telephone calls only annoyed me but made my sister angry.All the words in the sentences are common words,and so this sentence could be used in both speech and writing,and on formal or informal occasions.2.literary wordsLiterary words are chiefly used in writing,especially in books written in a more elevated style,in official documents,or in formal speeches.3.colloquial wordsIn contrast with literary words,colloquial words or expressions are used mainly in spoken English,as in conversation among friends and colleagues.Tom felt so dog-tired he hit the sack early.(colloquial)4.slang wordsA slang usage is not generally used in informal conversation.5.technical wordsTechnical words refers to those words used in various specail fields.4、Make a tree diagram to arrage the following words in order of hyponymy.foodmeat vegetable fruitbeef pork mutton cabbage(卷心菜)spinach(菠菜)celery(芹菜) apple orange peach 5、Cite ONE example to illustrate what grammatical meaning is .1.word-class2.inflectional paradigm六、问答题(20分)1.The word “accident” once meant “an occurrence, an event”but it now means “an unplannedor chance event with unfortuante consequences”Analyze which type of change in meaning this belong to,why?Then list and explain the types of word-meaning changes.1.判断类型2.neutral word …been degarded into …3.four types 先罗列类型,然后分别解释并举例(每一种形式举一个词即可)举例形式参考The word “accident” once meant “an occurrence, an event”but it now means “an unplanned or chance event with unfortuante consequences”A.restriction of meaning (specialization)Restrition of meaning means that a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower,specialized sense which is applicable to only one of the objects it had previously denoted.The word “wife” once meant “woman”but it now means “married woman,in relation to her husband”B.extension of meaning(generalization)Extension of meaning,the opposite of restriction,means the widening of a word’s sense until it covers much more than what it originally conveyed.The word “picture” once meant “a paining” but it nows means “painting,drawing ,sketch ofa work of art;photographs and movies are also included”C.degeneration 衰退of meaning(pejoration 贬低)The two main forms of degenration are:1.The falling of word meaning into disrepute名誉坏,for one reason or another.Words oncerespectable or neutral [ˈnju:trəl] may shift to a less respectable ,or even derogatory [diˈr ɔgətəri] meaning.The word “silly” once meant “blessed and happy”now means “foolish”2.The second form of degeneration “may take the form of the gradual逐渐的extension to somany senses that any particular meaning which a word may have had is completely lost”. Lovely attractively or admirable beautiful now means it is used in collocation with almost any object ,such as a lovely girl/day/weather/dinner/car or chair.D.elevation高度of meaning (amelioration改善)Fond foolish now means tender and affectionate。



Word :a minimum free form of a language. With a unity of s ound and meaning(both lexical meaning and grammatical meaning),performing syntactic meaningCriteria of words: by origin(native—old English )( and loan language—borrowed English),by level of usage(common words, literary ,colloquial, slang and technical words);by notions(function and content words)Morpheme: smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller form. A morpheme is also two-facet language unit which possesses sound and meaning.Classification of morphemes: free morpheme-utter alone with meaning(a free morpheme is a word in traditional sense); bound morpheme—must appear with one other morpheme, free or bound)Root: the basic unchangeable part of the word, convey the main lexical meaning of the word. Either free or bound.(free roots and bound roots)Affixes: ----inflectional affixes(have only particular grammatical meaning)and derivational affixes.(added morpheme to create new words.)---prefixes and suffixesWord-formationThree major processes : compounding(joining tow or more bases to form a new unit of compound words)Derivation(forming a new word by addition of a word element)Conversion(a word of certain word-class is shifted into another word-class without any affixes)Eight minor processes :Acronymy (Initialisms –using the first letter from proper name ,phrase, technical words)Ainitialism is pronounced letter by letter) and acronyms—from the initial letters of the name of an organization or scientific term)==are pronounced as words.Clipping(deletion of one or more syllables from a word—usually a noun, which is also available in its full form)Classification—back clipping, front clipping ,front and back clipping and phrase clipping.)Blending---formed by combining the meanings and sound of tow words.one of which is not full form or both of which are not full form. )不完整拼缀Back-formation(coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.)Words from proper names(including names of scientists, names of politicians and statesman, names of places, trademark, literature)Reduplication(a compound word is created by the repetition(1)of one word like go-go(2)almost identical words with a change in the vowel’s such as ping-pong.(3)of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants ,as in teenyweeny.Neoclassical(new words are formed from elements derived from Latin and Greek)The majority of neoclassical formations are scientific and technical.MiscellaneousWord meaning and sense relations1,conventionality—no way to explain why this or that sound-symbol and its sense.2,motivation—phonetic ,morphological, sematic3,main types of word meaning(interrelated andinterdependent)---class and inflectionalparadigm)andmeaning; connotative meaning—emotional association; social or stylistic meaning and affective meaning)Binary opposites.二相对立Polysemy—a term used in sematic analysis to refer to lexical item which has a range of meanings.)T wo approaches—diachronic and synchronic.---primary meaning and derived meaning, central meaning and secondary meaning(in some cases, the primary meaning and the central meaning coincide.)Two processes leading to polysemy---radiation(each of the secondary meanings may become a center of further radiation),concatenation(linking together, like the links of a chain.Homonymy(---pronounced alike, spell alike, or both.)---types of homonyms(perfect homonyms—word identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning)(Homophones---identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.)(Homographs—identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning.)Polysemic and homonymous words are stylistically useful to achieve humour or irony, or to heighten dramatic effect. Synonymy(—identical in meaning but different in sound and spelling.)--- Complete synonyms(absolute),Relative synonyms.Antonymy (--opppsiteness of meaning)---contrary, complementary and conversives ….Antonyms classified on the basis of morphological structure: root antonyms and derivational antonyms.Marked and unmarked words---subsume.(Marked members can not be used to include unmarked member.) Hyponymy—(relationship which obtains specific and general lexical items)Superordinate term(an upper term),Subordinate terms(a lower term)===hierarchical system Sematic field---is not simply a listing of independent items, organized into areas or field.Charateristic of the same sematic field.1),word frequency in the same semantic varies 2)these words are semantically interdepent.3) words in the same semantic field are likely to have a number of collocation on common. Changes in word meaning---1,causes:historical,social,foreign influence, linguistic and psychological .2, Four tendencies in sematic change---restriction, extension, degeneration, elevation (of meaning)具体化,普遍化,语义转贬,语义改良。



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



2) denationalized denationalized = de + nation + al + ize + d Root: nation Stem: denationalize Base: national → nation nationalize → national denationalize → nationalize denationalized → denationalize

Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy _____ house work as carrying water and firewood. A. time-consumed B. timely-consumed C. time-consuming D. timely-consuming

Compounding / composition: a wordformation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit. e.g. flowerpot= flower + pot machine-independent = machine + independent back

Root/ 词根: is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology Stem/ 词干: the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. Base/ 词基: any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.



Chapter 12 English Dictionaries and How to Use Them⏹12.1 Introductory Remarks⏹12.2 Types of Dictionaries⏹12.3 The Choice of a Dictionary⏹12.4 How to Use a Dictionary12.1 Introductory RemarksA.Lexicology and dictionaries1.Lexicology is closely related to dictionaries .2.The principles of modern dictionary –making and the contents of each entryare based on the findings of lexicology, while the materials provided indictionaries are widely used by lexicologists in their research .B.Trends of English dictionaries –prescriptive and descriptive dictionaries12.2 Types of DictionariesA.Linguistic and Encyclopedic Dictionaries♦Linguistic dictionaries1.Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in thelanguage.2.They usually cover such areas as spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammaticalfunction, usage and etymology, etc.3.These dictionaries can be monolingual and bilingual.♦Encyclopedic dictionaries1.Encyclopedic dictionaries can be further divided into encyclopedia andencyclopedic dictionaries.2.An encyclopedia is not concerned with language but provides encyclopedicinformation concerning each headword.3.The reader cannot find pronunciation or meanings or usages of words.4.Encyclopedic dictionaries have the characteristics of both linguistic dictionariesand encyclopedia.eg. The Encyclopedia Britannica (20 volumes)《大英百科全书》(20卷)The Encyclopedia Americana (30 volumes)《美国百科全书》(30卷)Chamber‘s Encyclo­pedic English Dictionary (1994; 200,000 words)《钱伯斯百科词典》B.General and special dictionaries♦General dictionaries1. A generic dictionary is one which attempts to cover the whole lexicon of thelanguage.2.General dictionaries mainly provide linguistic information of words3.Dictionaries compiled for general use—to look for spelling, meaning,pronunciation, usage, etc.1♦Special dictionaries1. A special dictionary deals with one sector of the lexicon.2.Special dictionaries usually provide the meanings and contents3.Such special dictionaries meet the multifarious needs of people who learn or usethe Englishlanguage, such as dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms, idioms, slang, dialect ,pronunciation ,usage ,collections ,etymology , proverbs ,quotation , acronyms and abbreviations ,neologisms ,foreign words ,etc.C.Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries♦Monolingual dictionaries1.Monolingual dictionaries are few in number and are usually limited to scientificand technical words .2.Monolingual dictionaries are generally compiled by native speakers of eitherlanguage .♦Bilingual dictionaries1.Bilingual dictionaries involve two languages.2.Words and expressions are defined in another language.D.Synchronic and diachronic dictionaries 共时和历时字典E.Unabridged ,medium –sized ,and pocket dictionarieseg. 1) Unabridged Dictionaries(大型词典150000 words+)2) Desk Dictionaries (50000 + words)Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,《朗文当代英语词典》Collins COBUILD English Dictionary, 《柯林斯COBUILD英语词典》3) Pocket Dictionaries (50000- words)Oxford Pocket English Chinese 《牛津袖珍英汉双解词典》Collins New English Dictionary《柯林斯最新英语词典》4) Electronic Dictionaries (E-dictionary)This kind of dictionary, monolingual or bilingual, takes the form of a calculator but works like a computer (《文曲星》《快译通》) .F.Ideological dictionaries意识形态的字典G.Monolingual dictionaries for non-native learners12.3 The Choice of a DictionaryA.SuitabilityB.ContentsC.AuthorityD.Up-to-date-ness212.4 How to Use a DictionaryA.Read the introduction and guide to the use of the dictionaryB.Make full use of the entry contentsC.Choose the right meaningD.Know the inadequacies of the dictionary3。



1.词的语用意义Pragmatic meaning=lexical meaning+grammatical meaning词汇意义lexical meaning=conceptual meaning=cognitive meaning语法意义grammatical meaninglexical meaning=primary meaning+extended meaning2.语境的分类;语境的4种作用分类:语境=linguistic context+non-linguistic context作用:3.词义发展的具体方式(扩大、缩小、升格、降格、转移)The enlarging/widening/extension/expansion of meaning或the generalization of meaningThe narrowing/restriction of meaning 或the specialization of meaningThe elevation/ascent/amelioration of meaningDegradation/degeneration/deterioration/catachresis 或pejoration of meaning 4.词义转移的概念及3种主要类型:隐喻、借代(转喻)、提喻概念:The semantic shift means the word transfers from the literal meaning to the figurative meaning.类型:metaphor metonymy synecdoche5.词义演变的3种形式:放射、连锁、综合Radiation concatenation proliferation6.英语词汇发展史的3个时期(三个时期的具体特点、标志性事件)The old EnglishThe middle EnglishThe modern English7.英语词汇的3种来源:本族语词、借词、新词Native words. loan/borrow words. Neologism8、新词的概念及4种产生方式(途径)新词(neologism&vogue words )A neologism is a recently coined word,phrase or usage.It can also be an existing word or phrase which has been assigned a new meaning.产生:1.构词法造词Word formation 2.借词borrowing 3.杜撰新词new coinage 4.语义转换semantic shift9、全世界使用英语国家的分类:ENL,ESL,EFLENL:English as a native languageESL:English as a second languageEFL:English as a foreign language10、美国英语词汇各发展阶段的特点(标志性事件)1.17世纪初到北美独立战争结束词美国在语言上的独立汇学家韦伯斯特美国独立战争后到内战占主导地位的仍然是英国英语美国内战后美国成为世界“盟主”对英语的影响不断扩大11、英语搭配的3种类别:固定型组合(成语/习语),自由型组合,习惯型搭配(能举例说明)固定型组合(fixed combination):see eye to eye(with)自由组合(free combination): see a film习惯型搭配(natural collocation): a cigar smoker12、搭配的4种理据语法(grammatical motivation)语用(pragmatic motivation)语义(semantic motivation)认知(cognitive motivation)13、英语成语的4个特点习用性:idiomaticity定型性:syntactic frozenness整体性:semantic nuity不透明性:semantic opacity14、英语成语的分类按句法分类:1.nominal idioms2.adjectival idioms3.verbal idioms 4.advertial idioms 5.sentence idioms最常见的按形式分类:1.比喻成语(figurative idioms)--隐喻成语(metaphorical idioms)明喻成语(similized idioms)2.谚语(proverbs)3.俚语(slang)。






















第一章Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1. 词的定义Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2.声音与意义的关系There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional.. “woman” means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound.3.读音与拼写不一致的原因The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling¥c). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language4. 词汇的含义Vocabulary ——Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given displine and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.词汇的分类的原则Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by originthe English vocabulary consist of words of all kinds. they can be classified by different criteria and for different purpose . words may fall into the word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency, into content words and functional words by notion , and into native words and borrowed words by origin.基本词汇的特点1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.!1.all national character (most important)– natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animals action,size,domain,state numerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj.2. stability– they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – past electricity,machine,car,plane —— now3.productivity– they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes.. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer4.polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.¥. take to move or carry from one place to another to remove5.collocability– quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and others基本词汇在英语中的地位和重要性The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language .though words of the basic word stock constitute a small percentage of the English vocabulary ,yet it is the most important part of it .. heart – a change of heart, a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——(例子)1. terminology –technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicinephotoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus |2. jargon– specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid3. slang—— substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener,dip,persuader cant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words– only by speakers of the dialect,beauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism– newly created words with new meaning . microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mailold meaning acquired new meaning . mouse,monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation between notions,words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.)b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words – are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words,50,000-60,000What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. in use (in academic fields and science French,Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words,borrowing)– words taken over from foreign language. 80%…本族语词在英语中的地位和重要性Native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language .therefore , what is true of the basic word stock is also true of native words.According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.– words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.. port from portus(L)shift,change,shirt,pork cup from cuppa(L)– retained their original pronunciation and spelling. décor(F)blitzkreeg(G)emir,intermez,rowtow,bazaar,rajar,status quoloans–formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.}1). Word translated according to the meaning. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noir long time no see,surplus value,master piece2). Words translated according to the sound. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchup tea4. Semantic loans– their meaning are borrowed from another language. stupid old dump new sassy dream old joy and peace pioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering work new a member of the young pioneer fresh old impertinent,sassy,cheeky第二章The Development of the English1、Indo-European language family (Europe,the Near East,India)$It can be grouped into an Eastern set :Balto –Slavic 、Indo-Iranian、Armenian and Albanian; a Western set: Celtic、Italic 、Hellenic、GermanicIn the Eastern set , Armenian and Albanian are each the only modern language respectively,the Balto –Slavic comprises such modern language such as Prussian、Lithuanian、Polish、Czech、Bulgarian、Slovenian、Russian. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian, Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language Sanskrit.In the Western set, Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic. In the Celtic,we find Scottish, Irish,Welsh, Breton. the five Romance language ,namely, Portuguese,Spanish, French, Italian, Roumanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called Latin. The Germanic family consist of the four Northern European language :Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. Then there is German, Dutch, Flemish and English.2、History (时间,历史事件,特征)1)Old English (450-1150)totally 50,000-60,000 wordsThe 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts,the language was Celtic.The second language was the Latin of the Roman Legions. The Germanic tribes called angles,Saxons and Jutes and their language,Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer to Anglo-Saxon as old English. At the end of 6th century,the introduction of Christianity has a great impact on the English vocabulary. The common practice was to create new words by combining two native words. In the 9th century,many Scandinavian words came into English. At least 900 words of Scandinavian are in modern English,our daily life and speech.特点:highly inflected languageBut the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English.}By the end of the 13th century,English gradually come back into public areas.Between 1250 and 150 about 9000 words of French origin pouered into English. 75% of them are till in use today.As many as 2500 words of Dutch origin come into English.特点:fewer inflections leveled ending3)Modern English (1500-up to now)early modern English (1500-1700)late modern English(1700-up to now)The Renaissance(the early period),Latin and Greek were recognized as the languages of the Western world’s great literary heritage.From the 1500’s through the 1700’s ,many writers experimented with words. Over 10000 new words entered the English language .many of these were taken from Latin and Greek .The Industrial Revolution was in the mid-17 century. With the growth of colonization,British tentacles began a stretching out of to every corner of the globe,thus enabling English to absorb words from all major languages of the world.·After World War II,many new words have been created to express new ideas,inventions and scientific achievements.More words are created by means of word-formation.thousands and thousands of new words have been entered to express new ideas inventions,and scientific achievements.more words are created by means of word-formation.in modern English,word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions English has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language.science and technology terms make up about 45% of new words. words associated with life-style constitute of 24% and social and economic terms amount to over 10% .mention should be made of an opposite process of development . old words falling out if use.特点:ending are almost lost..3. Three main sources new words当代英语词汇发展的现状New words sweep in at a rate much faster than at any other historical period of time .词汇发展的主要原因1).The rapid development of modern science and technology2).Social: economic and political changes3).The influence of other cultures and languages4. Three modes of vocabulary development(英语发展的三个主要方式:创造新词、旧词新意、借用外来语词)1. Creation – the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots,affixes and other elements. (This is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.)2. Semantic change - an old form which take on a new meaning to meet the new need.¥3. Borrowing –to take in words from other languages.(played a vital role in the development of vocabulary , particularly in earlier times)4. (Reviving archaic or obsolete)French 30%,Latin 8%,Japanese Italian 7%,Spanish 6%,German Greek 5%,Russian Yiddish 4%第三章Word Formation*1. Morpheme(词素) —— A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. (The smallest functional unit in the composition of words.)*——A morpheme must be realized by discrete units. These actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning are morphs.words– morphemes are realized by single morphs.(词素变体)——Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position. Such alternative morphs are allomorphemes. . the morpheme of plurality (-s)has a number if allomorphemes in different sound context,. in cats/s/,in bags/z/,in matches/iz/.]5. Free morphemes or Free root —— The morphemes have complete meaning and van be used as free grammatical units in sentences,. cat,walk. They are identical with root words. morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be free.6.Bound Morphemes——The morphemes cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words,. recollection (re+collect+ion)collect –free morpheme re-and –ion are bound morphemes. (include bound root and affix)Bound morphemes are found in derived words.root —— A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root,it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example:it conveys the meaning of “say or speak” as a Latin root,but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before)we obtain the verb predict meaning “tell beforehand”。



英语词汇学复习资料IntroductionEnglihaaglobal1)Morphology(构词学)2)Semantic(语义学)3)Stylitic(语体学)4)Etymology(词源学)3.研究le某icology的两大方法1)Diachronicapproach:历时语言学2)Synchronicapproach:共时语言学Chapter1Le某icologyandbaicconceptofwordandvocabulary1.Word——Awordiaminimalfreeformofalanguagethathaagivenoundandmeaningandyn tacticfunction.2.Thereinologicalrelationhipbetweenoundandmeaningatheymbolic connectionbetweenthemiarbitrary(任意的)andconventional(约定的,俗称的).3.ound&formTheoundhouldbeimilarto/conitentwiththeform,butthereareomeill ogical不合逻辑的andirregularity不规则的1)influencedbyRoman2)Pronunciationchanged3)earlycribe(抄写员)4)borrowing4.Vocabulary——Notonlycanitrefertothetotalnumberofthewordinalanguage,butitcanta ndforalltheworduedinaparticularhitoricalperiod.5.ClaificationofW ordbaicfull/content实义词native/Anglo-Sa某onwordfrequencynotionoriginnonbaic/vocabularyfunctional/empty功能词borrowed/loanCollocability(可搭配性)neutralintyle(中立性)(2)Twofeatureofnativewordfrequentinue1)wordtakenoverfromforeignlanguageareknowaborrowedwordorloan wordorborrowinginimpleterm.2)ItietimatedthatEnglihborrowingconti tute80percentofthemodernEnglihvocabulary3)TheEnglihlanguagehavat debt.Inanydictionaryome80%oftheentrieareborrowed.Chapter2ThedevelopmentoftheEnglihvocabulary1.OldEnglih属于Indo-Europeanlanguagefamily(印欧语系)——Germanic(日耳曼语系),与德语最相似.2.Hitory1)OldEnglih(450-1150)a.Thefirtpeopleknowntoinhabit(居住)EnglandwereCelt,thelanguagewaCeltic(凯尔特语).b.TheecondlanguagewatheLatin(拉丁语)oftheRomanLegion(罗马军队).Romaninvaion→Anglo-Sa某on 三个事件TheintroductionofChri tianity→拉丁文的涌入Vikinginvaion(北欧海盗)andScandinavian斯堪的纳维亚语传入word文档可自由复制编辑2)MiddleEnglih(1150-1500)在英语发展过程在哪个阶段出现三语鼎立的现象?French,Latin,EnglihinMiddleEnglihperiodeael,port,freight,出现于英语发展的哪个阶段,属于哪一种外来词的引入?MiddleEnglih,Dutch(带来了2500个词汇)3)ModernEnglih (1500-uptonow)TheRenaiance(文艺复兴):LatinandGreekwererecognizedathelanguageoftheWeternworld’gr eatliteraryheritage(文化遗产).TheIndutrialRevolution(工业革命):17世纪中期Withthegrowthofcolonization(殖民化),Britihtentacle(魔爪)beganatretchingoutoftoeverycorneroftheglobe,thuenablingEnglihtoaborb(吸收)wordfromallmajorlanguageoftheworld.十六世纪,有一种新工业Printing出现对词汇的发展产生重要的影响,这导致oundandform出现concord(一致)和tandardization第二次世界大战以后,大量外来词进入英语中,如:Maojacket,blackbelt,kongfu标准化Inflectionallanguage屈折语Analyticallanguage分析语TherapiddevelopmentofmoderncienceandtechnologySocial,economi candpoliticalchangeTheinfluenceofothercultureandlanguageThreemodeofvocabularyde velopmentChapter3ThetructureofEnglihwordword.)Free→cantandaloneaaword/independentofothermorphemeTypeprefi某ation前缀Le某ical→derivational→affi某ationBound→addedtoothermorphemeuffi某ation后缀Grammatical→inflectional2.Morph——Amorphememutberealizedbydicrete(离散的)unit.Theeactualpokenminimalcarrierofmeaningaremorph.Monomorpheni cword——morphemearerealizedbyinglemorph.Allomorph(词素变体)——Somemorphemearerealizedbymorethanonemorphaccordingtotheirpoition .3.Root——Arootithebaicformofaword,whichcannotbefurtheranalyzedwithouttota lloofidentity.(Whatremainofawordaftertheremovalofallaffi某e.)Stem——aformtowhichaffi某eofanykindcanbeadded.Bae——refertoaformtowhichaffi某eofanykindcanbeadded.Itcanbearootortem.atemmayconitofainglerooto rtworootandarootpluaaffi某.atemcanbearootoraformbiggerthanaroot.请加以区别下面两个词的特征:nation,dict加以理论的分析(1)Bothnationanddictbelongtoroot,nationifreeroot,whichcanfun ctionaloneinaentence,Chapter4Word-formationinEnglih1.Therearefourmaintypeofword-formationinEnglih.word文档可自由复制编辑(1)★Affi某ation(prefi某ationanduffi某ation)构词能力最强Affi某ationigenerallydefinedatheformationofwordbyaddingwordformingorde rivationalaffi某etotem.fullconverion——Itcantakeanindefinitarticle(不定冠词)or-(e)toindicateingularorpluralnumber.e.g.black→ablackdrinkable→d rinkablepartialconverion——mutbeuedtogetherwithdefinitearticle.e.g.rich→therich2.Othertype ofword-formation(1)Clipping/hortening——hortenalongerwordbycuttingapartoftheoriginanduingwhatremainintea d.quake(earthquake)dorm(dormitory)pop(popularmuic)flu (influenza)(2)Acronymy首字母缩略法——joiningtheinitialletterofnameofocialandpoliticalorganizationorpe cialphraeandtechnicaltermeg:VOA-VoiceofAmericaTV-televiion绝大多数blending都是nouneg:mog(烟雾)frommoke+fogtele某(电传机)fromteleprinter+e某changeMedicare(医疗保险)frommedical+carelunarnaut(登月宇航员)fromlunar+atronaut(4)Back-formation逆构词法——iaproceofword-formationbywhichawordicreatedbythedeletion删除ofauppoedaffi某.donate(donation)loaf(loafer)babyit(babyitter)laze(lazy)Chapter5Wordmeaning1.Analytical(referential)分析的Reference–therelationhipbetweenlanguageandtheworld.Operational(conte某tual)运用到具体场景中Concept–whichbeyondlanguageithereultofhumancognitionreflectingthe objectiveworldinthehumanmind★Sene1)enedenotetherelationhipinidethelanguage.Theeneofane某preioniitplaceinaytemofemanticrelationhipwithothere某preioninthelanguage.’2)Sincetheeneofane某preioninotathing,itioftendifficulttoaywhatortofidentityiti.Itial oanabtraction.3)Everywordthathameaninghaene(noteverywordhareference)2.Motivation(理据)——accountfortheconnectionbetweenthelinguitic(语言学的)ymbolanditmeaning.non-motivatedOnomatopoeic(拟声的)——thewordwhoeounduggettheirmeaning.Semantic(语义学的)——refertothementalaociationuggetedbytheconceptual概念上的meaningofaword.eg:atthefootofmountain,themouthofriverword文档可自由复制编辑Etymological(词源学的)——Thehitoryoftheworde某plainthemeaningoftheword.3.TypeofmeaningGrammatical语法–refertothatpartofthemeaningofthewordwhichindicategrammaticalconc eptorrelationhipConceptual概念——themeaninggiveninthedictionaryandformthecore核心ofword-meaning.Le某ical词汇Connotative内涵意义eg:Mother—afemaleparent—loveAociative联想Stylitic语体1)formal2)neutral3)informalAffective/Emotive——appreciativeandpejorativeCollocative固定搭配Chapter6SenerelationSynchronicapproachRadiation辐射像车轮式一样进行发展的语义e.g.face,neck(3)TwoproceofdevelopmentConcatenation–meaning―linkingtogether‖串联 2.Homonymy(1)定义:Homonymaregenerallydefinedaworddifferentinmeaningbuteitheridenti cal(完全相同的)bothinoundandpellingoridenticalonlyinoundorpelling.PerfectHomonym同音同形异义词e.g.bear忍受;熊ball球;舞会(2)TypeHomograph同形异义e.g.minute分钟;微小的(1)定义:Synonymareworddifferentinoundandpellingbutmotnearlyalikeore某actlytheameinmeaning.Aboluteregioned地域(BritihEnglih&AmericanEnglih)(2)TypetyliticdegreeRelative(Near)hadeofmeaningemotiverangecollocative搭配Borrowing(themotimportantource)(1)定义:Antonymyiconcernedwithemantic语义学的oppoition.Relative(dependoneachother)eg:parent—child,ell—buy,predeceor前辈—ucceor继承者word文档可自由复制编辑(3)Characteritic1)Antonymareclaifiedonthebaiofemanticoppoition.2)Awordwhichhamorethanonemeaningcanhavemorethanoneantonym.3)Antonymdifferinemanticincluion.4)Contrarytermaregradableantonym,differingindegreeofintenity,oeach haitowncorrepondingoppoition.(4)Ue。



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料Chapter 1 A General Survey Of English Vocabulary词的定义1.0 The Definition of the term “word” 1.1 The Development of English V ocabulary英语词汇的发展史1.2 Classification of English Words词的分类1.0The Definition of the term “word”Word: a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form; with a unity of sound and meaning (both lexical and grammatical meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.? a minimum free form?sound?lexical and grammatical meaning?syntactic functionBound form粘着形式:Never used as sentences.Free form 自由形式:Consists entirely of two or more lesser free forms.,is a word.It’s not a phrase1.1 The Development of English Vocabulary?Native: Celtic?1st period(449-1100): Old English or Anglo-Saxon Period (OE or AS)Celtic → Anglo-Saxon (the settlement from 450 AD.) / Old Norse / Latin?2nd period (1100-1500): Middle English Period (ME)French (the Norman Conquest in 1066)Latin?3rd period (1500-present): Modern English PeriodEarly stages of Modern English (1500-1700)Latin (Renaissance)Greek (Renaissance)Contemporary English (1700-present):Three Romance Languages : French, Spanish, ItalianOther European languages: Portuguese, German, Dutch …Non-European languages (exploration, colonization, trade) The rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary and its causes.?Marked progress of science and technology.?Socio-economic,political and cultural changes.?The influence of other cultures and languages.1.2 Classification of English WordsThree main criteria:By origin: 1. native words 本族词2. loan words 外来词By level of usage: 1. common words 普通词2. literary words 书面词3. colloquial words 口头词4. slang words 俚语5. technical words 术语By notion: 1. function words 功能词2. content words 实义词By origin:1. native words 本族词2. loan words 外来词Native words: words of Anglo-Saxon origin or of old EnglishFeatures of native words:?Most are monosyllabic?forming the great majority of the basic word stockLoan / borrowed words: those borrowed from other languagesBasic word stock:?auxiliary, modal verbs, numerals, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, the most frequently used words (essential to life)?National character?Stability?Word-forming ability?Ability to form collocationsBy level of usage:1. Common words 普通词2. Literary words 书面词3. Colloquial words 口头词4. Slang words 俚语5. Technical words 术语*There are no clear-cut boundaries between the various classes of words.Common words普通词:?connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life?The core of the common words is the basic word stock.?Stylistically neutralLiterary words书面词:?chiefly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated style, in official documents, or in formal speeches.?Most are of French, Latin or Greek origin.?Among the literary word, two categories are noteworthy:?archaic words (c.f. obsolete words)?poetical wordsSlang俚语:?Language, words or phrases of a vigorous, colorful, facetious, or taboo nature, invented for specific occasions, or uses or derived from the unconventionaluse of the standard vocabulary?Not generally used in informal conversation unless the speakers are on intimate terms?Embracing those daring and new expression that have not been accepted as standard EnglishThe chief reason for use of slang: secure freshness and noveltyTechnical words术语:?used in various fields: science, profession or trade, art, sport?increasing precision in nomenclature?one specific meaning?Latin or Greek in originBy notion:1. function words 功能词2. content words 实义词Function words:?determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries?not having much lexical meaning?serving grammatically:Behaving like grammatical signals or functional markers,Expressing the kinds of connection between content wordsConstructing acceptable English sentences?small in number and stable:In relatively closed listsBelonging to a relatively small and permanent set of words)?high frequency。



英语词汇学总结复习资料-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1大家请注意:笔记中大多数是以名词解释的形式出现的,这些是绝对的基础,应该一字不漏的背下来。



第一章 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1. 词的定义Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2.声音与意义的关系There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. “woman” means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound /rait/ can mean right, rite and write, though denoting different things, yet have the same sound.3.读音与拼写不一致的原因 The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spellingc). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language4. 词汇的含义Vocabulary —— Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given displine and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.词汇的分类的原则Classification of Words—by use frequency, by notion,by originthe English vocabulary consist of words of all kinds. they can be classified by different criteria and for different purpose . words may fall into the wordstock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency, into content words andfunctional words by notion , and into native words and borrowed words byorigin.基本词汇的特点1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.1.all national character (most important)– natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animals action, size, domain, state numerals, pronouns, prep. ,conj.2. stability– they donate the commonest thing necessary to life, they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative, some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.e.g. arrow, bow, chariot, knight – past electricity, machine, car,plane —— now3.productivity– they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words, they can form new words with other roots and affixes.e.g. foot – football, footage, footpath, footer4.polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.e.g. take to move or carry from one place to another to remove5.collocability– quite a number of set expressions, idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and others基本词汇在英语中的地位和重要性The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language .though words of the basic word stock constitute a small percentage of the English vocabulary ,yet it is the most important part of it .e.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——(例子)1. terminology – technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicinephotoscanning, hepatitis, indigestion, penicillin, algebra,trigonometry, calculus2. jargon– specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line, ballpark figures, bargaining chips, hold him back, hold him in, paranoid3. slang—— substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread, grass and pot, beaver, smoky, bear, catch, holler,Roger, X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener, dip, persuader cant, jargon , argot are associated with,or most available to, specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words– only by speakers of the dialectbeauty, chook, cocky, station, auld, build, coo, hame, lough, bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems, legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism– newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology, AIDS, internet, E-mailold meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse, monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word, form word)– do not have notions of their own, express the relation between notions, words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words – are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words, 50,000-60,000What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. 2.frequent in use (in academic fields and science French, Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words, borrowing)– words taken over from foreign language. 80%本族语词在英语中的地位和重要性Native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language .therefore , what is true of the basic word stock is also true of native words.According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing, we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.1.Denizen s– words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.e.g. port from portus(L) shift, change, shirt, pork cup from cuppa (L)2.Aliens– retained their original pronunciation and spellinge.g. décor(F) blitzkreeg(G) emir, intermez, rowtow, bazaar, rajar,status quo3.translation loans– formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.1). Word translated according to the meaninge.g. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noir long time no see, surplus value, master piece2). Words translated according to the sounde.g. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchup tea4. Semantic loans– their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dump new sassy dream old joy and peace pioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering work new a member of the young pioneerfresh old impertinent, sassy, cheeky第二章 The Development of the English1、Indo-European language family (Europe, the Near East, India)It can be grouped into an Eastern set :Balto –Slavic 、Indo-Iranian、Armenian and Albanian; a Western set: Celtic、Italic 、 Hellenic、 GermanicIn the Eastern set , Armenian and Albanian are each the only modern language respectively,the Balto –Slavic comprises such modern language such as Prussian、Lithuanian、Polish、Czech、Bulgarian、Slovenian、Russian. In the Indo-Iranian we havePersian, Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language Sanskrit.In the Western set, Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic. In the Celtic,we find Scottish, Irish,Welsh, Breton. the five Romance language ,namely, Portuguese,Spanish, French, Italian, Roumanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called Latin. The Germanic family consist of the four NorthernEuropean language :Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. Then there is German, Dutch, Flemish and English.2、History (时间,历史事件,特征)1) Old English (450-1150) totally 50,000-60,000 wordsThe 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts, the language was Celtic. The second language was the Latin of the Roman Legions. The Germanic tribes called angles, Saxons and Jutes and their language, Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer to Anglo-Saxon as old English. At the endof 6th century, the introduction of Christianity has a great impact on the English vocabulary. The common practice was to create new words by combining two native words. In the 9th century, many Scandinavian words came into English. At least 900 words of Scandinavian are in modern English, our daily life and speech.特点: highly inflected language///complex endings or vowel changes (full ending)2) Middle English (1150-1500) English, Latin, FrenchUntil 1066, although there were borrowings from Latin, the influence onEnglish was mainly Germanic. But the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English.By the end of the 13th century, English gradually come back into public areas.Between 1250 and 150 about 9000 words of French origin pouered into English. 75% of them are till in use today.As many as 2500 words of Dutch origin come into English.特点: fewer inflections leveled ending3) Modern English (1500-up to now) early modern English (1500-1700)late modern English(1700-up to now)The Renaissance(the early period), Latin and Greek were recognized as thel anguages of the Western world’s great literary heritage.From the 1500’s through the 1700’s ,many writers experimented with words. Over10000 new words entered the English language .many of these were taken from Latin and Greek .The Industrial Revolution was in the mid-17 century. With the growth of colonization, British tentacles began a stretching out of to every corner of theglobe, thus enabling English to absorb words from all major languages of the world.After World War II, many new words have been created to express new ideas, inventions and scientific achievements.More words are created by means of word-formation.thousands and thousands of new words have been entered to express new ideas inventions, and scientific achievements.more words are created by means of word-formation.in modern English, word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptionsEnglish has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language.science and technology terms make up about 45% of new words. words associated with life-style constitute of 24% and social and economic terms amount to over 10% .mention should be made of an opposite process of development i.e. old words falling out if use.特点: ending are almost lost.3. Three main sources new words当代英语词汇发展的现状New words sweep in at a rate much faster than at any other historical period of time .词汇发展的主要原因1).The rapid development of modern science and technology2).Social: economic and political changes3).The influence of other cultures and languages4. Three modes of vocabulary development(英语发展的三个主要方式:创造新词、旧词新意、借用外来语词)1. Creation – the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots, affixes and other elements. (This is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.)2. Semantic change - an old form which take on a new meaning to meet the new need.3. Borrowing – to take in words from other languages.(played a vital role in the development of vocabulary , particularly in earlier times)4. (Reviving archaic or obsolete)French 30%, Latin 8%, Japanese Italian 7%, Spanish 6%, German Greek 5%, Russian Yiddish 4%第三章 Word Formation*1. Morpheme(词素) —— A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. (The smallest functional unit in the composition of words.)*2.Morph—— A morpheme must be realized by discrete units. These actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning are morphs.3.Monomorphenic words– morphemes are realized by single morphs.4.Allomorph(词素变体)——Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position. Such alternative morphs are allomorphemes.E.g. the morpheme of plurality (-s) has a number if allomorphemes in different sound context, e.g. in cats/s/, in bags/z/, in matches/iz/.5. Free morphemes or Free root —— The morphemes have complete meaning and van be used as free grammatical units in sentences, e.g. cat, walk. They areidentical with root words. morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be free.6. Bound Morphemes—— The morphemes cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words, e.g. recollection(re+collect+ion) collect – free morpheme re-and –ion are bound morphemes. (include bound root and affix) Bound morphemes are found in derived words.7.Bound root —— A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root, it is a bound form andhas to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example: it conveys the meaning of “say or speak” as a Latin root, but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before)we obtain the verb predict meaning “tell beforehand”。

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Chapter 12 English Dictionaries and How to Use Them
⏹12.1 Introductory Remarks
⏹12.2 Types of Dictionaries
⏹12.3 The Choice of a Dictionary
⏹12.4 How to Use a Dictionary
12.1 Introductory Remarks
A.Lexicology and dictionaries
1.Lexicology is closely related to dictionaries .
2.The principles of modern dictionary –making and the contents of each entry
are based on the findings of lexicology, while the materials provided in
dictionaries are widely used by lexicologists in their research .
B.Trends of English dictionaries –prescriptive and descriptive dictionaries
12.2 Types of Dictionaries
A.Linguistic and Encyclopedic Dictionaries
♦Linguistic dictionaries
1.Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the
2.They usually cover such areas as spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical
function, usage and etymology, etc.
3.These dictionaries can be monolingual and bilingual.
♦Encyclopedic dictionaries
1.Encyclopedic dictionaries can be further divided into encyclopedia and
encyclopedic dictionaries.
2.An encyclopedia is not concerned with language but provides encyclopedic
information concerning each headword.
3.The reader cannot find pronunciation or meanings or usages of words.
4.Encyclopedic dictionaries have the characteristics of both linguistic dictionaries
and encyclopedia.
eg. The Encyclopedia Britannica (20 volumes)《大英百科全书》(20卷)The Encyclopedia Americana (30 volumes)《美国百科全书》(30卷)
Chamber‘s Encyclo­pedic English Dictionary (1994; 200,000 words)《钱伯斯百科词典》
B.General and special dictionaries
♦General dictionaries
1. A generic dictionary is one which attempts to cover the whole lexicon of the
2.General dictionaries mainly provide linguistic information of words
3.Dictionaries compiled for general use—to look for spelling, meaning,
pronunciation, usage, etc.
♦Special dictionaries
1. A special dictionary deals with one sector of the lexicon.
2.Special dictionaries usually provide the meanings and contents
3.Such special dictionaries meet the multifarious needs of people who learn or use
the Englishlanguage, such as dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms, idioms, slang, dialect ,pronunciation ,usage ,collections ,etymology , proverbs ,quotation , acronyms and abbreviations ,neologisms ,foreign words ,etc.
C.Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries
♦Monolingual dictionaries
1.Monolingual dictionaries are few in number and are usually limited to scientific
and technical words .
2.Monolingual dictionaries are generally compiled by native speakers of either
language .
♦Bilingual dictionaries
1.Bilingual dictionaries involve two languages.
2.Words and expressions are defined in another language.
D.Synchronic and diachronic dictionaries 共时和历时字典
E.Unabridged ,medium –sized ,and pocket dictionaries
eg. 1) Unabridged Dictionaries(大型词典150000 words+)
2) Desk Dictionaries (50000 + words)
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,《朗文当代英语词典》
Collins COBUILD English Dictionary, 《柯林斯COBUILD英语词典》
3) Pocket Dictionaries (50000- words)
Oxford Pocket English Chinese 《牛津袖珍英汉双解词典》
Collins New English Dictionary《柯林斯最新英语词典》
4) Electronic Dictionaries (E-dictionary)
This kind of dictionary, monolingual or bilingual, takes the form of a calculator but works like a computer (《文曲星》《快译通》) .
F.Ideological dictionaries意识形态的字典
G.Monolingual dictionaries for non-native learners
12.3 The Choice of a Dictionary
12.4 How to Use a Dictionary
A.Read the introduction and guide to the use of the dictionary
B.Make full use of the entry contents
C.Choose the right meaning
D.Know the inadequacies of the dictionary
